#wobbuffet village
angeloftheodd · 6 months
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Lunch at Lulu's House 🍔🏡
Pokémon: Johto League Champions (2001) 🏰🏆
Episode 16: Wobbu-Palooza! 🎊🩵
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artblooger19moon · 7 months
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Pokémon Books that I have read
Pokémon Junior Raichu Show Off Sarah E. Heller
Pokémon Junior Two of a Kind Sarah E. Heller
Pokémon Junior The Wobbuffet Village Sarah E. Heller
Pokémon Junior Nidoran’s New Friend Gregg Sacon
Legendary Pokémon The Essential Guide Sinnoh Edition Katherine Fang
How to draw Pokémon Featuring Sinnoh Characters Maria B. Alfano
Pokémon Essential Handbook Gabrielle Lord
Pokémon X & Pokémon Y The Official Kalos Region Guidebook
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picturebookshelf · 3 years
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Pokemon Junior: The Wobbuffet Village (2002)
Story: S E Heller -- Art: Unknown
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grimjay72 · 3 years
I give you. Lady Dimitrescu.
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fawninthewinter · 6 years
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Only cops that matter pictured. Officer Jenny and Officer Wobbs reporting for duty.
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xamaxenta · 3 years
have any pokemon au thoughts about the semi background characters in one piece? like what is bellemere up to and who are her pokemon? corazon? cavendish? perona (obvi ghost)? paulie? makino? all the different supernovas? idk, i'm just rambling now :)
Oh my god lets fucking go lets FUCKIN GO
Again under cut bc long
Bellemere, Nami and Nojiko’s mom is still an orchard owner and the Arlong Park thing still happened but Arlong was more of a character who wanted to forcefully take land to grow his gang influence, Bellemere’s orchards were some of the lands seized and Nami was forced to become a thief to buy back the land from Arlong and free her mother and sister from his clutches (and the rest of the town)
Bellemere has two Pokémon, Sunkern and Ivysaur
Nojiko has one Pokémon , vaporeon
Corazon unfortunately there’s not much else I can say for him but he died, I’m so sorry😭 I still want the whole Dressrosa arc but Pokémonified to happen and if Cora lived idk how else Law would want his overthrowing of Dofla thing, unless Corazon was imprisoned but idk how that would help - So… yeah Cora babe is unfortunate deceased, Doflamingo killed him
His pokemon was an Abra, which he passed onto Law after his passing now a Kadabra named after him “Corazon”
Cavendish and Barto are an unlikely pair that travel together, slightly older than the lucrew (17 years both) and Cavendish is Luffy’s self proclaimed rival except he’s not, that’s Coby 😂 and he always gets his ass beat by Luffy, Barto is just a Luffy fanboy and he has a scraggy named Luffy and they both fanboy for Luffy and his Scrafty
Bartos other pokemon aside from Scraggy is Toxicroak and Toxitricity
Cavendish has Shelmet, Mienshao and Ponyta
Perona is a dark and ghost enthusiast, she’s Zoro’s sister and loves tormenting him with her Sableye that… often just watches Zoro sleep and freak him out by laughing at him with it’s creepy fanged mouth, i actually forgot what Kumashi was gonna be so ill think of that later but her pokemon are Sableye and Mimikyu, she’s too young to leave the Mihawk castle for now but later is encouraged to either go on a journey or get a job 😂. Neither of which she wants to do
Makino the lovely lady from Windmill village, runs a popular home bar restaurant combo and has a full team of helpful critter pokemon to wait tables and help her around the house: Linoone, Keckleon, Bidoof
The next three are from Ace, Sabo and Luffy: shiny Butterfree from Luffy (hunted by Luffy for ages and given to Makino has a thank you for everything),
Growlithe from Ace (to protect Makino and all because she was at the time pregnant),
Goodra from Sabo who raised it from a Goomy and sent to Makino to help as a support Pokémon, Makino at this point had her baby and Goodra is a perfect nanny pokemon, Goodra has been nicknamed “Bobo” by her infant because of “uncle” Sabo (he’s not actually an uncle they just call him that to make him feel old)
Paulie’s just an honest shipwright and fisherman, he only has a Lapras as his Pokémon, one he saved from the flooded lagoons in water seven
Iceburg got a pichu and that’s it, just pichu and it’s very cute
Bonney - Ditto, Zorua and munchlax that invited itself along because she always has food haha
Hawkins - Exeggutor (grass/psychic its the closest to straw and tarot i can get), Reuniclus, Tangrowth
Drake - Tyrantrum, Aerodactyl, Craniados, Kabutops - yeah he’s a fossil maniac
Urouge - Braviary, Hawlucha, Machamp, Poliwrath
Bege - Stakataka (yes an ultrabeast he caught i wont elaborate because i have no clue how), Gigalith, Drednaw (i just think it fits)
Kid - Metagross, Aggron, Electivire
Killer - Scizor, Tyranitar, Excadrill
Apoo - Exploud, jigglypuff (listen i know) wobbuffet (dunno i think they would VIBE HARD together)
Luffy, Zoro, Law and Teach are not mentioned in the supernovas because first three I summarised last time and Teach is excluded because he’s an elite four member
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team-heavenly · 2 years
Hero: Teresa (F)
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(Art Credit)
Mud Slap
Dizzy Punch Poison Tail
Chatter Sweet Kiss
Seed Flare Switcheroo
Run Away (prevents immobilization)
Solid Rock (reduces power of supereffective moves)
Partner: Andrea (F)
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Octazooka Iron Defense
Smokescreen Mirror Coat
Mach Punch Quick Attack
Magnet Pull: Immobilizes steel types
Storm Drain: Draws in water type moves
Aura bow color: “A vivid pink!” (Fuschia)
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✨Team name: Team Heavenly✨
Cast, in order of appearance by category:
💧Team Skull Water Meanies
Buizel as Koffing
Vaporeon as Zubat
Kricketot as Skuntank
🏵The Guild
Clefable as Diglett
Tropius as Chatot
Dodrio as Croagunk
Totodile as Guildmaster Wigglytuff
Mewtwo as Loudred
Magby as Dugtrio
Dusclops as Chimecho
Pineco as Corphish
Beedrill as Bidoof
Psyduck as Sunflora
🕰From the future
Togetic as Grovyle
Gulpin as Dusknoir
Slowbro as the Sableye minions
Whiscash as Spiritomb
Magneton as Celebi
Cubone as Primal Dialga
💎Treasure Town/Nautical Cottage
Tyrogue as Duskull (Bank)
Gulpin as Electivire (Link Shop)
Finneon as the Kecleon Brothers (Market)
Blastoise as Kangaskhan (Storage)
Poliwhirl as Marowak (Dojo sensei)
Spinarak as Officer Magnezone
Shroomish as Deputies Magnemite
Kabuto as Chansey (Day Care)
Gastly as Xatu (Treasure boxes)
☕The Cafe
Rotom as Spinda (Cafe manager)
Aerodactyl as Wynaut (Recycle shop)
Crawdaunt as Wobbuffet (Recycle shop)
Rampardos as Octillery
Grotle as Pachirisu
Starmie as Mr. Mime
Natu as Heracross
Bastiodon as Zigzagoon
Miltank as Ludicolo dancer
Plusle as Bellossom dancers
Pichu as Sneasel
🎁Secret Bazaar
Wurmple as Kirlia the Bazaar Guide
Gardevoir as Lickilicky (Item cleaner)
Azelf as Shedinja (Escape artist)
Spheal as Swalot (Grab Bag merchant)
Chingling as Mime Jr. (Spa therapist)
🗺Exploration Teams
Team Seedgey (Sunkern -> Pidgey, Magmar -> Seedot)
Team Tasty (Natu -> Swellow, Wailmer -> Wurmple)
Team Ebony (Meditite -> Murkrow, Rhydon -> Shuppet)
Team Glee (Geodude -> Togepi, Nuzleaf -> Politoed, Carvanha -> Ledyba)
Team Poochy (Clamperl -> Poochyena triplets)
Team AWD (Corsola -> Weavile, Lanturn -> Drapion, Tropius -> Arbok)
Team Slacker (Venusaur -> Slowpoke, Steelix -> Slakoth)
Team Flame (Shiftry -> Bellsprout, Combee -> Camerupt, Cherrim -> Ponyta)
Team Razor Wind (Eevee -> Zangoose, Stunky -> Scyther, Croconaw -> Sandslash)
Team Frontier (Nidoran F -> Machoke, Jolteon -> Breloom, Deoxys -> Mawile)
Team Charm (Charizard -> Lopunny, Lickilicky -> Gardevoir, Rampardos -> Medicham)
🏖Supporting cast
Deoxys as First Client Spoink
Toxicroak as Vigorith
Kakuna and Meganium as the Marill and Azurill Brothers
Sandshrew as Outlaw Drowzee
Horsea and Linoone as Teddiursa and Ursaring
Shieldon as Krabby
Riolu as Torkoal the Town Elder
Ralts as Mankey (Hot Springs)
Barboach as Primeape (Hot Springs)
Salamence as Groudon (Illusion)
Bonsly as Time Gear Guardian Uxie
Elekid and Beldum as Volbeat and Illumise
Raichu as Amp Plains Clan Leader Manectric
Nincada as Amp Plains Clan Electrike
Phanpy as Time Gear Guardian Mesprit
Qwilfish as Time Gear Guardian Azelf
Grotle as Guide Lapras
Whismur as Brine Cave Gang Leader
Seel as Brine Cave Bandit Brothers
Cubone as Dialga
Onix as Shaymin (Sky Peak Village)
Clefairy as Pelipper (Delivery)
Riolu as Exeggcute (Team Frontier Back Up)
Cherrim as Drifblim (Gondola) AND Sky Peak Rescue Expert
Combusken as Sky Peak Carnivine Gang
Anorith and Floatzel as Grimer and Muk (Sky Peak Summit)
Steelix as Abductor Froslass
Seaking as Legendary Explorer Scizor
Turtwig as Baby Manaphy
Shiftry as Phione
Doduo as Ruffian Gyarados
Machop as Caretaker Walrein
Missingno. as Aegis Guardian Regice
Rhyhorn as Aegis Guardian Regirock
Monferno as Aegis Guardian Registeel
Plusle as Concealed Ruin Guardian Regigigas
Magby as Concealed Ruin Guardians Bronzong
Staryu as Concealed Ruin Guardians Hitmonlee
🏞Dungeon List
Beach Cave -> Exotic Outcropping (+Tremendous Turn (depths))
Drenched Bluff -> Everlasting Mooring
Mt. Bristle -> Everlasting Bolt-hole (+Fancy Street (peak))
Test Dungeon* -> Crucial Estate
Waterfall Cave -> Luxurious Moor (+Brilliant Fire (Hot Springs))
Craggy Coast -> Large Arena
Side Path -> Evil Ghetto
Mt. Horn -> Sad Demesne
Rocky Path -> Critical Dike
Foggy Forest -> Common Meander
Forest Path -> Exotic Falls
Steam Cave -> Wealthy County
Upper Steam Cave -> Exotic Oasis (+Entertaining Brook (peak))
Fogbound Lake -> Fogbound Lake (Yeah...)
Amp Plains -> Hysterical Hospice
Deep Amp Plains -> Fatal Shore (+Demanding Terrace (depths))
Northern Desert -> Nonsensical Castle
Quicksand Cave -> Quirky Crown
Quicksand Pit -> Colossal Path (+Gigantic Lavafields (Underground Lake))
Crystal Cave -> Questionable Causeway
Crystal Crossing -> Evil Moor (+Euphoric Scrub (Crystal Lake))
Labyrinth Cave* -> Cold Earthworks
Chasm Cave -> Demanding Brook
Dark Hill -> Empty Peninsula
Sealed Ruin -> Witty Rift
Deep Sealed Ruin -> Demanding Chapel (+Elastic Secret (Sealed Ruin Pit))
Dusk Forest -> Boring Cabin
Deep Dusk Forest -> Dark Arena
Treeshroud Forest -> Gigantic Fief
Brine Cave -> Affluent Yurt
Deep Brine Cave -> Wealthy Shore (+Crucial Ark (depths))
Hidden Land -> Precious Butte
Hidden Highland -> Crucial Snowfields (+Significant Park (Old Ruins))
Temporal Tower -> Prosperous Bog/Gigantic Cay (it's... complicated.)
Temporal Spire -> Dangerous Furnace (+Hilarious Fen (Pinnacle))
Mystifying Forest -> Dark Chasm (+Bad Jungle (clearing))
Luminous Springs -> Evil Mansion
Zero Isle North* -> Great Copse
Zero Isle East* -> Clean Earthworks
Zero Isle West* -> Brilliant Landmark
Zero Isle South* -> Sad Camp
Sky Peak -> Cloudy Well (Click here for sub-guide)
Lush Field* -> Demanding Bend
Blizzard Island -> Elastic Crossroad
Crevice Cave -> Fancy Hamlet
Lower Crevice Cave -> Deep Ghetto (+Witty Waste (Crevice Cave Pit))
Surrounded Sea -> Questionable Hut
Miracle Sea -> Witty Sinkhole
Deep Miracle Sea -> Tremendous Flats (+Critical Corridor (Miracle Seabed)
Shimmer Hill* -> Sad Tomb
Midnight Forest* -> Abandoned Sandbar
Aegis Cave -> Luxurious Manor
Ice Aegis Cave -> Gigantic Baronetcy (+Nonsensical Expanse (Regice Chamber))
Rock Aegis Cave -> Neat Creek (+Colossal Rift (Regirock Chamber))
Steel Aegis Cave -> Nonsensical Trench (+Electric Trapdoor (Registeel Chamber))
Aegis Cave Pit -> Entertaining Slide (+Essential Depths (Regigigas Chamber))
Concealed Ruins* -> Primary Ridge
*Indicates an optional, non-story related dungeon
🥋Poliwhirl Dojo Mazes
Normal/Fly Maze -> Affluent Cone
Dark/Fire Maze -> Hysterical Clearing
Rock/Water Maze -> Affluent Turn
Grass Maze -> Hilarious Court
Elec/Steel Maze -> Prosperous Outback
Ice/Ground Maze -> Wealthy Valley
Fight/Pysch Maze -> Hilarious Abyss
Poison/Bug Maze -> Colossal Wharf
Dragon Maze -> Affluent Sea
Ghost Maze -> Nautical Archipelago
Final Maze -> Massive Tomb
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jxd-the-kid · 3 years
Wobbuffet Village! | Pokémon: Johto League Champions | Official Clip
I have found my people. But im a bit concerned that this might technicly qualify as a cult.
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sacchariinity · 3 years
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     learned, or i guess remembered, something in smash bros. if you use villager’s grab, the net, over any item, it deposits the item into your inventory like you pocketed it. and that gives me rp ideas of basically dual-wielding bug nets and becoming a reflector with arms and legs, constantly pocketing and tossing out projectiles coming for camille at high speeds. done so like japanese war fans, but... with bug nets. extremely defensive, turns the enemy’s offense into camille’s offense. basically just a wobbuffet but specifically for projectiles.
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nelvana · 6 years
In which they deal with some bullies
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First: In which the human is transformed Next: In which they begin building a house Previous: In which they get back to work
    “Sure, what’s the problem?” Keahi asked, approaching the pair.
    “Hi, I’m Wynaut and this is my brother Wobbuffet…” Wynaut began, “and we live in Uproar Forest, it’s nearby Mt. Thunder. To the west, I think. North-west? Anyway, uh, we’ve been having a problem with the neighbors lately.”
    “What do you mean?” Nelvana questioned, glancing at the paper that Wobbuffet was holding.
    “You see, there are these mankeys that live there, and most of them are okay. They’re a bit temperamental, but they helped build a lot of the houses out there. But there’s this trio of them that get angrier a lot easier than the others, and they keep going around and picking fights! Everyday they’re out causing a ruckus and breaking things and hurting people! We tried asking them to stop, but that just made them angrier. And their parents don’t seem to care! They said that the trio is just bored, and that it isn’t a big deal anyway,” Wynaut explained, “we were hoping that you could try talking to them? Or just knocking some sense into them. I read that sometimes mankeys get bored if they don’t have a challenge, so maybe you can just give them one!”
    Wobbuffet nodded in agreement, and then seeming to remember the paper he was carrying, passed it over to Nelvana, who looked it over silently for a few moments, Alex and Tsuki both looking over her shoulders while Keahi focused zirself on the clients.
    “Sure! We’ll see what we can do,” Keahi chirped, “right guys?” zie checked, glancing back at zir teammates, who were still mulling over the paper.
    Nelvana looked up, “yeah! We can do that,” she agreed, passing the paper off to Alex, who put it into the team bag.
    Wynaut’s expression lit up, grinning widely, “thank you so much!” he exclaimed, “we’ll be here! Thank you again!” he continued, “oh! They usually hang out in that safe room at the end of the dungeon if they aren’t causing trouble!” he added.
    “Thanks for the tip!” Alex replied.
    Wobbuffet saluted the team, which headed off in search of Uproar Forest, taking the path that had led them to Mt. Thunder days before.
    “Alright, so it should be a few hours’ walk, and then we have to head north west…” Keahi murmured as they walked.
    “I’ve actually been there before, if you haven’t,” Alex offered.
    “You have? Really?” Keahi exclaimed, “well, I haven’t so I guess you should lead then…” zie added.
    “Yeah, I’ve been there. When I was looking for Nel,” Alex replied, “it’s a really nice spot actually, if you can get past the fact that at least one ‘mon throws a tantrum per day, but then again, that kinda happens here in Pokemon Square too,” he chuckled.
    Nelvana snickered, but the joke didn’t land with the other two team members as well. Keahi rolled zir eyes and fluffed up zir feathers, while Tsuki simply remained as quiet and as stoic as ever.
    Alex coughed, “anyway,” he continued, “it is north west of Mt. Thunder, so Wynaut was right about that. It’s a big forested area, with some pokemon living in tree houses. There’s the dungeon too, but it’s only ten floors, and usually the residents can rescue any of their friends that get affected by dungeon sickness before it’s too late,” he explained, “which is probably why you haven’t been there before, Keahi. They don’t have to send out rescue requests that often, and at the same time, their village isn’t really big enough to be put on the map. Doesn’t even have any stores, just houses. As I said, nice place though. I would’ve made it my base of operations if I wasn’t waiting on Team A.C.T. to make the teleport gem in Pokemon Square,” he added.
    Keahi’s smile returned, “oh! That does sound nice! Maybe we’ll have to visit after this mission or something at some point.”
    After a few hours of walking, the team could spot Mt. Thunder in the distance. However, they didn’t approach the mountain much more before turning off towards their left, heading to the new destination. Now, it wasn’t long before they arrived into a thick forest, large trees stretching far above all of them, blocking most sight of the sky and shrouding the undergrowth in shadows. The grass beneath their feet was thin, and even lacking in some patches, showing the light dirt.
    Regardless of them having entered the forest, it took over another half hour for them to finally begin seeing signs of pokemon living in the area. Chattering in the trees above passing within earshot sporadically, and even a few misplaced objects littered on the ground. Then, they began spotting the houses. Buildings varying in size, built into some other the trees. A few had bridges to connect one to another, or ladders to climb up to, but many were just homes in trees, far too high for most pokemon to bother them.
    “Woah… they’re really high up,” Keahi commented, straining zir neck to stare up at the tree houses.
    “Hm, yeah,” Alex agreed softly, sparing a glance upwards.
    “Should we try talking to some of them, or check out the dungeon first?” Nelvana questioned.
    “I believe searching the dungeon would be for the best, unless we see them right away out here. It will benefit us if we can catch them in the act,” Tsuki answered.
    Nelvana nodded, “that’s true. So, Alex, I’m guessing you know where the dungeon is too then?”
    “You got it!” Alex hummed, “right this way!”
    Alex lead the group further off the path, taking them deeper into the woods. They didn’t have far to go this time before the trees thinned slightly, and the grovyle paused at two trees curved across one another in an arc. Aside from these two trees, there were no signs that anything was out of the ordinary, aside from a strange feeling carried in the air.
    “This is the entrance. Pretty well hidden, huh? Most forest dungeons are pretty camouflaged,” Alex commented, gesturing to the seemingly natural arc.
    “Huh, yeah. I wouldn’t have noticed anything was off if you hadn’t pointed it out,” Keahi replied, tilting zir head to the side slightly. “I guess I’m too used to dungeons looking obvious,” zie chuckled.
    “If we walk in between these trees, we enter the dungeon, correct?” Tsuki asked, “so, if we walk around, will nothing happen?”
    “Yes, that would be right. Here, I’ll show you if you’d like,” Alex responded, and then walked beside the trees, and then behind them to prove nothing would happen. “But you’ll enter the dungeon no matter what direction you walk between these, so to avoid getting split up, I won’t be demonstrating that,” he added, walking around the trees again to join up with the others. “Anyway, we ready to head in now?”
    “Yeah! Let’s go find those mankeys!” Keahi cheered, racing into the arc and disappearing.
    The others followed the torchic inside. At a glance, it appeared that nothing much had changed, but actually looking at their surroundings told them they definitely had entered a dungeon. The ground appearing almost like tiles, trees seeming now to be blocking them in, and even less grass than before growing from the dirt. The tree arc had also disappeared behind them, replaced with taller and stronger trees, locking them out from just easily walking right back out.
    Fortunately, they didn’t feel any need to just walk right back out, and instead began to wander through the dungeon they had just entered. This dungeon was oddly empty, a few items were scattered around as normal, but they very rarely encountered a dungeon pokemon. However, Alex reminded the team about how the small village was usually able to rescue any fellow villagers before anything too bad happened, so any dungeon pokemon were likely the uncommon, and unlucky traveller, that happened to pass through and not managed to get back out.
    It was at the second last floor that they finally found something new.
    “Hey, what’s this?” Nelvana asked, crouching down to look at a small, spikey ball on the ground.
    Keahi hurried out to see what zir partner had found, “oh! That’s a chestnut! It just hasn’t been peeled yet, that’s why it’s spikey,” zie told her.
    “A chestnut?” Nelvana repeated, gingerly picking up the item.
    “Yeah! If you peel that off, it’s a really tasty nut! I didn’t know you could find them in here,” Keahi replied, “they taste really nice roasted.”
    “Should we be collecting them then? I think I’d be willing to try one of these,” Alex commented, joining the other two.
    Keahi nodded, “sure! If we collect enough, one of us could peel them, and then I could roast them! It would be a nice little treat.”
    “That does sound nice,” Tsuki agreed, “we’ve got some time, let’s see if there are any others on this floor.”
    In a sudden hurry, the quartet began searching the rest of the floor for more chestnuts laying about. Unfortunately, they were unsuccessful, and only managed to find one more.
    “Ah, looks like we only have two,” Nelvana sighed, “I guess we’ll have to come back here another time if we want at least one for each of us.”
    “Yeah… if only we hadn’t sped through the other floors, we could have started a collection,” Alex responded, stashing the two they did find into the bag for safekeeping.
    “Well, we still have these two. We could always cut them both in half, and then everyone could have a taste,” Keahi suggested.
    “That would work. I was going to let just Alex and Nelvana have the two, but it would be better for everyone to have some,” Tsuki agreed, “anyway, I saw the stairs not too far away. We should keep going before those mankeys leave, if they were here to begin with, of course.”
    “Good point, let’s get this over with,” Alex said.
    With having already searched the entire floor, making it up to the stairs was simple. They swiftly climbed up the staircase, arriving at the last floor. As this was one of the safe floors, like at Mt. Steel, it was composed of only one large room. Luckily for the team, the three mankeys they had been looking for were clustered in the center of this room, loudly muttering to one another, and every once and awhile one would hit or tug on the short, light sandy colored fur of another. None of them noticed the quartet entering, all too absorbed in whatever they were doing.
    “Excuse me?” Keahi called out, easily gaining the attention of the three fighting-types. “Hi! We’re Team Galaxy, and we were hoping we could talk to you three for a moment,” zie said.
    The trio leapt to their feet in battle-ready positions, crouched slightly with their hands in fists, fur bristling and curly tails lashing about. One that was just barely taller than the others stepped forward, barring their teeth at the team and growling slightly.
    “Team Galaxy?” Mankey repeated, “talk? Gah! Interrupting our work, wanting to talk? I bet you think you’re stronger than us! Know-it-all rescue teams like you make me mad! Taste our anger, in battle!” they yelled.
    With that battle cry, they attacked.
    Nelvana reacted instantly, chucking her club at the one in the center, the same one who had yelled, and was presumably the leader. Her weapon hit Mankey right in the center of their forehead, and then returned to the cubone’s hands, leaving the target to collapse on the ground, knocked out in one hit.
    This didn’t dissuade the other two mankeys in the slightest, as they lunged forward to attack as well. Keahi took on the one to the team’s left, opening up zir beak, visible flames flickering out for a moment as zie charged the move, before letting out a scorching jet of flames at the mankey. The flamethrower dissipated quickly, revealing that this mankey was no stronger than the one before it, and was also left in a defeated heap, fur singed from the fire.
    Tsuki stepped forward to handle the last one, with the knowledge that Alex didn’t have a strong ranged move, just bullet seed. She opened her mouth, frost lightly wafting in front of her for a moment before she let out a ray of ice at the final opponent. Like the two attacks before it, this landed perfectly on target, freezing the foe, who fell to the ground right after being hit, shattering the ice upon impact. But the damage was done, and all the mankeys were beaten. It took a moment, but then the trio disappeared from the dungeon in a beam of light.
    “Huh, that was… really easy. Easier than I expected honestly, from what we heard. I didn’t even need to put an attack in,” Alex commented, chucking to himself. “I bet even my bullet seed would have knocked out one of these guys.”
    “Perhaps,” Tsuki agreed, licking her chilled whiskers idly. “Still felt it would be better to get my ice beam in, rather than risk the rare chance that the seeds wouldn’t work,” she added.
    Alex shrugged, “fair enough. Good job, by the way. That’s an impressive move.”
    “Heh, yeah. Pretty cool,” Nelvana giggled, “now, should we, uh, go look for them again? I feel like we should still talk to them, or their parents at least,” she continued without missing a beat, leaving the pun behind.
    Keahi nodded, “yup, we should go do both probably, if we can,” zie replied, “do we need to use our badges to teleport out, or is there an easier exit right here?” zie asked, glancing at Alex.
    “Yeah, there’s an easy way out. Right over… here!” Alex responded, wandering over to the other side of the room, and hopping over a fallen log, disappearing into the shadows.
    Following the speedy grovyle, the group found themselves back where they started outside the dungeon, right by the trees crossed together in an arc. Nothing was different from when they had first arrived aside from the slight change in the sun’s angle, the three mankeys piled up a few feet away from them.
    “Huh, that’s convenient,” Alex mused, going to stand beside the fainted trio. “I guess we should take these three home, shouldn’t we?”
    “I guess so!” Nelvana replied, following the grovyle once more over to the mankeys, crouching down to hoist one of them, coincidentally the same one she had hit, carefully over her shoulder to carry them.
    Alex followed suit by picking up the second mankey, similarly to the way he carried Sableye back at Frosty Peak, and then Tsuki arrived to carry the third. Keahi waited patiently for zir teammates to be comfortably holding the fighting-types before heading off back to where they had seen the treehouses. After only a couple corrections from Alex when the torchic wandered off path, Keahi managed to lead everyone back to the forest village, and with some tracking done by Tsuki, they even managed to find the tree that at least one of the mankeys lived in. This treehouse had no rope ladder like some of the others, but it did have many branches, including some low-hanging ones.
    “Alright,” Alex began, setting down his load at the base of the tree. “No ladder, so only Nel and I can climb up. Unless one of you have some secret tree climbing skills that I haven’t heard of. We can head up and see who we can talk to of authority, and you two can watch these ruffians to make sure they don’t wake up and immediately throw a fit, sound good?”
    “I…” Keahi hesitated, and then sighed. “Yeah, that makes sense.”
    “We’ll be quick! Don’t worry!” Nelvana assured her partner, passing over the club. “Here, do you mind holding onto this for me? It’ll just be in the way right now,” she added.
    Keahi smiled softly, “sure, add one more to the list of things we have to keep an eye on,” zie joked.
    “Are you sure that you can climb up, Nel?” Tsuki questioned, glancing from her teammate to the tall tree.
    Nelvana nodded, taking a quick glance of her own at the plant, “yeah, I can handle this, it’ll be alright,” she answered, “I may be a cubone now, but that doesn’t change my climbing abilities. Used to have to climb trees all the time after all.”
    “Might be easier now with that tail, actually,” Alex commented, “guess we’ll have to see. C’mon.”
    Alex, already standing by the tree’s trunk, took a small step back before leaping up for a branch. His powerful jump easily brought him up to one, and he swiftly pulled himself up. The grovyle smiled to himself, pausing to enjoy being in such a location, before looking back down at the others, now patiently waiting to see if Nelvana would come up.
    Nelvana walked up to the tree, setting down the mankey she had been carrying along with the other before looking up at Alex, meeting his gaze before turning her attention to her next step. Locating one of the lower branches, she positioned herself underneath it, and then sprung upwards, grabbing onto the branch and immediately pulling herself up to sit atop it, not leaving any time to lose her grip.
    Seeing that Nelvana would be fine, Alex began to quickly make his way up the rest of the tree, and Nelvana followed at a slower pace. Soon both disappeared into the foliage, their movements well trained and quiet, the only sign that they made it up to the house was the sound of them knocking at the door a few minutes after the climbing began. There was some unclear chatter for a moment, and then the door closed again with a simple click.
    After showing introducing themselves, and Nelvana showing her badge to the primeape at the door, the pair had been let inside. Primeape turned out to be the parent of the leader of the trouble-making trio, and they were surprisingly understanding and complaisant with the duo. They explained what the mankeys had been doing, and how they were sent out to try dealing with things, and how that had gone. It didn’t take much after that to convince Primeape to try disciplining their children more, and that such behavior was going to harm others and themselves.
    “That was pretty easy. I guess all Primeape needed to convince them that they needed to take better care of their kids was a high ranked rescue team,” Alex mumbled to Nelvana, who nodded in agreement. “And hey, thanks for doing most of the talking. You’re still much better at diplomacy than I am,” he added.
    Meanwhile, Keahi and Tsuki patiently waited for the others to return. Tsuki had placed the mankey she was carrying along with the others, and now the pair was sitting beside one another quietly, staring up at the tree that their teammates had gone up. The small, warm colored bird balanced on the toes of zir talons, swaying back and forth in an attempt to get a better view. The long white furred quadruped remained still and quiet, for a few moments, only giving the occasional side eye to her companion, when suddenly she stiffened, hunching over slightly and digging her large claws into the earth. Keahi turned to look over at Tsuki, zir eyes widening at the sight of the absol’s discomfort.
    “What’s wrong?” Keahi asked, taking a cautionary step in front of Tsuki.
    “We… we need to get back to the base,” Tsuki hissed, lifting her head again.
    “Now? What’s happening? Should I call for Nel and Alex?” Keahi questioned rapidly.
    “…” Tsuki stared ahead blankly, before dropping her gaze to the ground. “…no, it’s too late. We shouldn’t rush them anyway,” she murmured.
    Keahi observed Tsuki silently, glancing from the tree to the absol worriedly, finally swallowing zir breath and staying quiet, zir face scrunched up with concern.
    There was the sound of rustling leaves, then Alex hopped down in front of the pair, a primeape following only to the ground, and then going to the mankeys, and finally Nelvana landed safely as well, heading over to join the rest of her team.
    “We have to get back home,” Keahi told them.
    “What happened?” Nelvana asked, looking at each of the team members.
    “Tsuki sensed something, we need to be heading back now. Did you get everything done here?” Keahi responded.
    “Yeah, hopefully those three won’t be causing as much trouble now. Let’s get going,” Alex answered.
    Team Galaxy gathered together, and Keahi and Nelvana raised their badges to the air, the quartet disappearing from the forest in a flash of light after a couple moments. All anticipating what would happen with their return.
    They appeared in front of their base as usual, being immediately greeted with the mailbox being knocked over on the path, a few feet away from their feet. Looking up at the building itself showed a poorly written message of “Team Meanies wuz here” in purple colored ooze slathered across the front door, along with another message of “you stink” in the same paint written on the wall. The window to their right was shattered completely, some of the glass sticking out of the grass it had fallen into, but nothing different could in seen inside in house from their viewpoint.
    “This is just the front of the house…” Nelvana whispered after a few moments of silent shock.
    “Our home!” Keahi shrieked, zir feathers fluffing up to go with zir delayed exclamation, and zie hurried up to the door. “I… I can’t believe this! Damn Team Meanies!” zie yelled, stomping a foot on the ground. “They took advantage of us working! This is our home… I…”
    “Should we go around to access the damage?” Alex suggested, and then stepped forward to the distraught torchic. “We can afford to fix this. We’ll fix this, and move on. And the next time we see Team Meanies, you can deliver them the power of that nice new TM you learned,” he told Keahi.
    Keahi let out a long sigh, “okay… you’re right… It still sucks though! Those guys are such jerks!” zie huffed.
    “Hey… before we check out the house more… I think we should check on these two,” Tsuki said.
    To the side of the absol, was Wynaut and Wobbuffet, both knocked out. Wobbuffet looked beat up, bruises and bite marks marking his skin, but Wynaut looked physically alright, considering everything.
    “Oh gosh! I can’t believe we almost missed them!” Keahi exclaimed, hurrying over to join Tsuki.
    Alex ran over as well, bringing out some reviver seeds from the bag for the psychic-type brothers. He bit off the tip of the first seed, and placed it on Wynaut’s forehead, waking up the smaller ‘mon before doing the same thing with the second seed and Wobbuffet.
    “Ugh… Team Galaxy! I… we…” Wynaut stood up wobblily, glancing back at Wobbuffet.
    “Hey, it’s okay. Take it slow, alright? Are you guys okay? What happened?” Nelvana, who had finally wandered over to the others, asked softly.
    Wynaut took in a gulp of air before speaking again, “we… we were waiting for you at the board, and then Wobbuffet noticed Team M-Meanies sneaking around, so we, we followed them here.” He paused to swallow again. “They were carrying around this paint, and t-talking to each other about… about v-vandal, vandalizing your base. We tried to stop them… but… but, we aren’t fighters,” he explained, “we’re sorry! We couldn’t even defend your base while you were doing a mission for us!” he wailed, tears beginning to spring to his eyes.
    “Aw no… it’s okay, you did your best, and we didn’t expect you to have to defend our base for us. Team Meanies had the advantage anyway, Gengar is a ghost-type after all,” Keahi assured them, “Wobbuffet, do you want an oran berry? You look pretty roughed up there.”
    “Yeah… I got knocked out with the first shadow punch,” Wynaut murmured, “Wobbuffet is a lot stronger than I am.”
    “You are pretty strong, aren’t you buddy? An oran berry will still be good, and don’t worry, we have plenty of those,” Keahi replied, looking at Wobbuffet.
    After a moment’s hesitation, Wobbuffet nodded, and Alex passed over the round, blue berry to him. Wobbuffet began silently eating the oran berry, staying seated on the ground beside Wynaut.
    “Do you want one too?” Keahi asked Wynaut.
    “Ah? O-Oh I… sure, I’m still a bit sore… but you don’t have to be using your supplies on us…” Wynaut answered, and Alex handed him another oran berry. “Thank you… so, how did the mission go?”
    “Pretty good, the mankeys were easy to handle, and we convinced Primeape to keep a better eye on things out there,” Alex told them.
    Wynaut smiled slightly, wiping the tears out of his eyes, “that’s good at least… thank you so much,” he hummed, “oh wait, the reward!” he suddenly blurted out, “we, uh, don’t have much to give you… Just this chestnut,” he said, his voice growing quiet again. “It tastes really good… and we even peeled it for you.”
    On cue, Wobbuffet brought out a single chestnut, and handed it to Alex. Unlike the ones that the team had found in the dungeon, this one was peeled, leaving just the brown nut without its spiky exterior. Alex paused, looking at the simple item silently for a moment, before putting it in the bag with the other two they had found.
    “Sorry it isn’t much… we… we can help you guys try and fix up your place if you’d like,” Wynaut offered.
    “You don’t have to do anything more if you don’t want to, we don’t need any extra rewards or anything… but if you want to help, we won’t turn you down,” Keahi replied.
    Nelvana turned back towards the house, and began searching around it. Slowly, the others joined her, quietly looking around for more damage. There were many more insults written on the walls, but no more broken windows. The chimney was cracked slightly, and so were some of the stones making up the walls, an attempt to ruin the integrity of the building itself, without success.
    While the others continued looking around outside, Nelvana suddenly bolted inside, beginning to search the house’s interior. Right away, some of the glass from the broken window had fallen inside as well, but that was a given. The cubone began hurriedly opening the cupboards, and checking the shelves, giving everything a quick mental search before moving onto the next. She finally paused at the bookshelf, after giving all the books a scan, she looked up at her drawings, still sitting atop the shelf. There was a moment of hesitation, but then she picked up the papers and began flipping through them, taking her time to look over her work.
    “There you are! What are you doing in here?” Keahi asked, walking up to zir partner.
    “I… I got worried that they stole something,” Nelvana answered, “the window was broken, so they could have crawled in if they wanted to.”
    “Oh! That didn’t occur to me, good thinking.” Keahi glanced around. “Things do kinda look in disorder… is anything missing?”
    Nelvana shook her head, but then paused, “well… not really. I think one of my drawings are missing, the one I drew of Gardevoir last night, actually. But that’s it.”
    “Really? Huh, that’s odd…” Keahi murmured.
    “Maybe Shinobi had a flashback and wanted to have that drawing of the one he abandoned,” Alex suggested, leaning through the shattered window.
    “Alex!” Keahi hissed, and then sighed. “Anyway… at least they didn’t take much then, we can just focus on fixing up the base, and not worry about having to restock on food.”
    “Alright, that’s good. Let’s head outside again so we can plan things with the others,” Alex replied, turning around and walking away from the building.
    Keahi nodded, looking back at Nelvana and offering the cubone a smile before heading back outside. Nelvana followed, and all six of the pokemon gathered on the path, by the mailbox again, to discuss their next move. They weren’t there long, only having the time to recap what had been damaged in this raid, when they heard the sound of footsteps coming from down the path. Everyone turned to see who was coming, and it didn’t take long to find out.
    “The mankeys!” Wynaut blurted out, “I thought you handled them!” he whimpered.
    “We did,” Keahi murmured, “maybe they’re just here to talk?”
    “If not… we beat them once, we can do it again,” Alex hissed, flexing his hands into fists.
    “Hey! Team Galaxy!” Mankey yelled, “you guys make us so mad! You got lucky and beat us, and then get our families to try and get us to ‘play nice’? Gah! That makes me so angry!”
    “So what? You came all the way over here to yell at us?” Alex snapped, “how did you even get here so fast?”
    Mankey laughed, “there are lots of orbs lying around. One of them was bound to bring us here, and here we are. Did you doubt us? Oooh that makes my blood boil!” Despite beginning in laughter, their words ended in a growl again.
    “Wait, hold on!” the second mankey blurted out, “is… is that chestnuts I smell!”
    The trio erupted into a chorus of agreement as they managed to grab the scent of the treats stored in the bag. Everyone else watched as the mankeys’ mood began to shift, and at the same time, a sly grin grew on Alex’s face.
    “Chestnuts? You mean like this?” Alex hummed, pulling out the peeled nut they received from the brothers.
    All the mankeys leaped up excitedly, “yes! Yes, that’s it!” they cheered.
    “It’s even peeled…” one whispered happily.
    “What, do you want it?” Alex asked, tossing around the chestnut casually from one hand to another.
    “Yes! Yes, please give it to us! We’ll do anything!”
    “Anything?” Nelvana whispered, glancing upwards at Alex, awaiting his answer.
    “…No,” Alex scoffed, putting the chestnut back in the bag.
    The trio shrieked, and the leader rushed at the group in rage. Nelvana swiftly halted the attack by simply sticking out her club, making the mankey run right into it, keeping them away from everyone. The other mankeys approached, but didn’t attack, seeming to have learned from before. Tsuki walked up beside Nelvana in support, but didn’t do much else.
    Nelvana snickered, “I wasn’t actually expecting you to say no, I kinda thought you were leading up to something with that, probably worked better this way though,” she said, as casually as one could while keeping an angry pokemon at bay with a bone.
    “Yeah… I actually was going to say something else, but then I realized that would be bribery, and that’s illegal here. I wouldn’t want to break a law on a rescue team. This works, I guess. The reaction was pretty funny,” Alex replied, glancing back at the leader, still struggling uselessly against the blockage. “Anyway, back to business.”
    “Shouldn’t we do something about these three?” Tsuki questioned, turning her head back to look at the others properly.
    “Eh, they’ll be fine for now, I guess,” Alex shrugged, “we’ll have to figure out something to curb their temper issues later. Right now, we should figure out what to do with the base. We’ve put it off for too long.”
    “Uh… okay?” Keahi replied hesitantly, “so, I actually just got an idea! You know how we were talking about how we needed more space anyway? I think, since this house got kinda ruined anyway, we should try rebuilding it!”
    “That’s… that’s actually a good idea, one problem though. Do any of us even know how to build a house? Or is there someone we can hire for that?” Alex replied, crossing his arms across his chest.
    “I… I actually don’t think there is anyone we could hire…” Keahi mumbled, “and I don’t have any building experience…” zie admitted.
    “Did you say building?” one of the mankeys asked, “we can build! We build houses all the time! All the mankeys in our area do! You can pay us with that chestnut…”
    Alex’s eyes widened, “oh really? You’d be willing to work for us for just one chestnut?”
    The leader lifted up their head, stepping back from the club, “yes! Yes, we would!”
    “So, let me get this straight. All three of you, will work to help us rebuild our base, just for this chestnut in payment?” Alex questioned, the sly grin returning.
    All the mankeys nodded eagerly, and Alex glanced back at the other teammates. Nelvana nodded, and so did Keahi after a moment’s hesitance. Tsuki simply shrugged, seemingly indifferent to the situation, but she carried a curious smile as to how this would go. Wynaut and Wobbuffet both looked nervous, but Wynaut gave a small nod.
    “Alright then, that’s the deal, here you go,” Alex hummed, tossing the chestnut over to the mankeys. “Now, don’t try backing out of work now, we made a deal. You agreed that that is fair payment for your help.”
    “We won’t! You can count on us!” The mankeys cheered, all joyfully looking over the single chestnut.
    “We… we can still help too!” Wynaut exclaimed, “Wobbuffet and I can help! We can… hand you supplies! And stuff! Yeah!”
    “Alright! Let’s get planning for this then!” Keahi chirped.
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bills-pokedex · 6 years
It’s starting to get kind of chilly out where I live, and it’s got me thinking about autumn-time holidays. What festivities go on in the pokemon regions around the world?
Well, I suppose the best place to start would be Johto, not only because Johto is very fond of its festivals but also ... because I’m from there, so naturally, I would know a thing or few about Johtonian holidays. 
But yes, Johto is big on holidays throughout the year, and autumn is the temporal home for quite a few. For starters, there’s of course the Autumnal Equinox Festival, which is when we honor our ancestors and give thanks to nature for the upcoming harvest. There are also minor holidays for the harvest throughout the region, depending on which town you’re visiting. The coastal towns tend to bookend the season with two separate holidays (Autumnal Equinox and the Fisherman’s Day holidays) to ask/thank Lugia for safe waters to fish and sail in before the weather gets too rough and bitter for doing either. In the more mountainous or farming-oriented communities, you tend to have more festivals, often geared towards asking/thanking Celebi or the legendary beasts for blessings. (A side note: You only honor Ho-oh; you never ask Ho-oh for blessings. And you do this during the summer solstice, not the autumn. Autumn is considered to be the beginning of Lugia’s domain more than Ho-oh, but that’s an entire side point.)
And of course, you have Goldenrod, which considers itself in a historical sense to be both a fishing and a farming community, which means it celebrates all of these (or at least it uses this as an excuse to celebrate all of these, as the Goldenrod custom is to use any excuse possible to throw a party).
Either way, these are celebrated with feasts centered around the bounty in question (fried and raw fish for the fishing communities; fruits, vegetables, and grains for the farming), and offerings are often made to local shrines for the deceased.
Then, after the harvest festivals, you have the Respect for the Aged Day, which I admit is more of a media-based holiday (in that you will often see the news or hear the radio interview the elderly during this time), but it’s also often celebrated (at least in Johto) simply by visiting the elderly members of your family. There is also a holiday meant for children (Shichi-Go-San), which is often considered a rite of passage: it’s when Johtonian children pass from young childhood into middle childhood, which might not seem like much to an outsider but essentially means you begin your preparations for a pokémon journey (or adulthood) at this age. So you’re dressed in traditional clothing (for the first time, if you’re male or a younger female) and taken to your nearest shrine to pray for luck and prosperity. As a note, Shichi-Go-San is not to be confused with Kids Day, which is a general celebration meant to honor and respect children, rather than a rite of passage from one stage of life to the next. Kids Day is celebrated in May, so it’s more of a spring/summer festival than an autumn one.
Finally, there’s also Thanksgiving, which is technically a labor holiday outside of Johto. Inside of Johto (particularly Goldenrod), it’s often celebrated much like it is in Unova, as another harvest holiday, because Johtonians are not at all ashamed to admit that they’re fascinated by Unovan culture.
This is, of course, just speaking in terms of broadly celebrated holidays. Some towns in Johto have additional holidays that they celebrate locally, such as one town dedicating an entire festival in November to wobbuffet. No particular reason; it’s just that this specific town really likes wobbuffet.
Other Japanese regions—including Kanto, Sinnoh, and Hoenn—share many of these holidays because, quite obviously, we’re all one country (which means that state holidays apply to all of us, and we all share a baseline culture), but attitudes towards them tend to vary by regional culture. In Sinnoh, there’s a particular emphasis on local harvest holidays and the autumnal equinox because it’s largely a farming region, and even then, many of its stories center around giving thanks to pokémon. This is not only a reference to Shaymin but also to the Sinnoh folk story about returning the bones of the animals and pokémon you’ve eaten to the wild to be resurrected. It’s important, in other words, to give thanks and respect even the pokémon you intend on consuming in order to ensure the balance of life is maintained—or at least, this is true for a Sinnohan. That having been said, Sinnoh does indeed have one other holiday not shared with the other regions, and that is Gratitude Day, to honor Shaymin and the Sinnohan ancestors.
Then you have Unova, Kalos, and Orre, which as western regions, tend to celebrate similar holidays due to the shared heritage of either their founders or their countries themselves. For example, all three celebrate their military veterans in a holiday that’s called Veterans Day in Unova and Orre and Armistice Day in Kalos. Both holidays are celebrated on the same day (November 11) and in similar fashions because ultimately, they share an origin (World War I specifically, but World War II and the Great War all play important parts in those regions’ histories).
On a lighter note, though, each of these regions also celebrate Halloween, although there’s far more emphasis placed on the fun of it (that is, costumes, candy, and horror) in Unova than in elsewhere. In Kalos, it’s often celebrated just after a festival dedicated to gourgeist, the Gourgeist Festival. In fact, the Gourgeist Festival is often when most of the customs associated with the Unovan Halloween are observed, particularly the costumes. Conversely, in Unova, Halloween is celebrated just before the a number of holidays meant to honor the dead, including the Wishing Bell Festival (if you live in Mistralton City) and Day of the Dead (if you’re Mexican-American). As a side note, Day of the Dead is a very fascinating holiday with its own history, and its customs tend to vary from community to community. For example, in Castelia, there’s often a parade, whereas in relatively quieter towns such as Nuvema, celebrants simply bring offerings for the dead to their local cemeteries. Sometimes, these celebrations also incorporate Halloween and other autumn festival customs as a means of “rolling it up into one,” so to speak.
Finally, there’s the second biggest autumn holiday to Unovans and Orreans, Thanksgiving. Supposedly, this is meant to be a holiday dedicated to the story of Unova’s founding, but really, it’s more of a modern-day harvest festival, in which the Unovan family gathers together over a massive feast (often involving turkey, pumpkin pie, and awkward political conversations). Or at least, that’s what it is from my understanding. This is not to be confused with the Grand Harvest Festival, which is a Unovan festival in mid-September meant to honor a time when Unovans learned to settle their differences and work together in peace to restore and protect the nature around them. On the other hand, this holiday is followed quickly by the ones where Unovans fight over resources to the detriment of their fellow Unovan, so I suppose one could say these holidays are unintentionally related.
Alola technically is part of the same country as Unova and Orre and thus shares many of its holidays, but because Alola possesses a very unique culture with a separate history, less emphasis is placed on the state holidays and more on the local ones. In Alola, this means that there’s a lot more emphasis placed on honoring the tapu. While each of the tapu have their own holidays, Tapu Bulu is especially celebrated throughout the autumn season. Each of the islands has their own separate festival for them, but on Ula’ula Island, Tapu Bulu’s home territory, the Tapu Festival is a week-long celebration in mid-November. Some of the customs include leaving offerings within the ruined buildings of Tapu Village (or Ruins of Abundance, if you’re willing to traverse the often unrelenting Haina Desert), as well as the standard battles (often at the top of Mount Lanakila) to entertain the tapu. The latter also involves a series of challenges staged through the Lanakila cave system that participants must get through to reach the top of Lanakila.
And finally, there are a few globally celebrated holidays, including Diwali (the Hindu festival of lights) and the Jewish High Holidays (primarily the Jewish new year Rosh Hashanah and the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur). This isn’t to say that the above-mentioned holidays—Day of the Dead, for example—aren’t celebrated outside of the regions mentioned above. It’s more to say that practically every region has a significant population of Hindu and/or Jewish people that these holidays are recognized on some level by practically every region.
Of course, this just scratches the surface because the world is such a vast place with so many different peoples and customs that it’s impossible for me to cover them all. However, if you’d like to mention your own region’s autumnal holidays, by all means, send an ask!
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
(9/18/18) The Pokémon marathon on Twitch is now LIVE!
The next 13 episodes that is going to be streamed (from Season 4 Johto League Champions) today will feature Gary’s Umbreon for the first time, a Wobbuffet village, the highly anticipated return of Duplica, Gym leader Morty in the house, the Kimono sisters in action, and much much more!
Tumblr media
The episode set will rerun in multiple times today just so you won’t miss the stream depending on your schedule.
Watching with Twitch chat could be the best (or worst) experience you’ll ever have! But if you want a more comfy chat experience, feel free to talk/chat about the marathon in my Pokémon Discord server PokéTōku —> Invite link here :)
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meeedeee · 2 years
Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Jessie and James Prepare for Trouble! - Pokémon Cosmic Quest
Fandoms: Super Smash Brothers, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types
No Archive Warnings Apply
Musashi | Jessie
Kojirou | James
Rocket-dan Nyarth | Team Rocket Meowth
Musashi no Sonans | Jessie's Wobbuffet
Pikachu (Pokemon)
Pokemon Trainer
Mii Fighter (Super Smash Brothers)
Mii Brawler
Mewtwo (Pokemon)
Villager (Animal Crossing)
Zelda (Legend of Zelda)
Princess Rosalina (Nintendo)
Peach-hime | Peach Toadstool
Teasers & Trailers
Fake Trailer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros DLC
Team Rocket (Pokemon)
Your favorite characters from the Pokémon anime and Pokémon Cosmic Quest are invading the world of Smash Bros. with the Team Rocket DLC Pack. Prepare for trouble with Jessie and make it double with James. Also includes a stage based on Team Rocket's famous Meowth Balloon.
This is a fake character trailer for the reveal of Jessie and James as Smash Bros characters.
(Feed generated with FetchRSS) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/38095207
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pokemon-au · 7 years
Most Johto citizens know the story behind Ecruteak city, just like how most Hoenn citizens know of the legend that Hoenn was formed when Groudon and Kyogre formed the land and sea. They probably have things like: legend has it that Regigigas was sent to sleep in Sinnoh (near Hoenn, according to Bulbapedia), but three keys leading to its awakening were hidden throughout Hoenn (the three Regis). Bulbapedia notes that Hoenn's cities and town are immersed in nature, as compared to other regions. 
The Hoenn region has tropical-like environments, and the region also introduced the idea differing weather (constant rainfall, thunderstorms, falling ash, and rays of sunlight). Hoenn is likely an equatorial region, as its temperate is more humid/warmer (beaches, frequent thunderstorms, the area with tall grass where you can find Tropius...)
They probably also have legends about Mirage Island (Wynaut and Wobbuffet) and Mirage Tower (Rayquaza). The difference is that some people have actually been to Mirage Island (I think it only appears if you surf a certain way or after a rainy day or something like that) but Mirage Tower is pretty much seen as a myth.
Bulbapedia: "The Hoenn region boasts many dramatic environments from rainforests to deserts, but its most striking feature is its abundance of water, a strong contrast to other core series regions, especially Sinnoh. Much of the region is covered in water, almost equal in size to the mainland, exemplifying the theme of the games. There are several large and populated islands off the mainland only accessible via water routes, many of which are deep enough for diving." > So water sports are probably a common regional past time. A large portion of the citizens probably have Pokemon that can Surf and/or Dive.
Bulbapedia: "Much of the interior area is forested or mountainous, so most notable cities are found on the coastline. People who live in towns and villages in the mountain areas must adapt to the harsh environment. An extreme example of this is the inhabitants of Fortree City, who live in tree houses. This is in stark contrast to other regions in the Pokémon world, as noted by Ruby in Pokémon Adventures, who preferred Johto's many modernized cities to the wilderness and countryside in Hoenn.”
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pokemonworldupdates · 8 years
$5.86 End Date: Sunday Feb-26-2017 21:25:30 PST Buy It Now for only: $5.86 Buy It Now | Add to watch list
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