torstenmolter · 2 years
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#wodtke #cookie #kaminofen mit #ceran #kochplatte #warm und #kochen mit #holz #krisenvorsorge #blackout #stromausfall #ofen #herd #winter #kamin #wohnzimmer #schornstein #schornsteinfeger #ofenhausmainspitze #zuhause #ginsheim #gigu #rheinmain #mainz #wiesbaden https://www.ofenhaus-mainspitze.de (hier: Ginsheim-Gustavsburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CodOssssi9t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Writing Notes: The Shape of Story
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by Christina Wodtke 
Start with Conflicted Characters
The character needs a goal, a motivation and a conflict.
The goal can be alien to your audience,
but the motivation must be shared by them, and
the conflict creates struggles that increase engagement.
Paint a Picture
Details transport you into the story.
The world disappears and you have a story play in your head.
Even though there are no literal pictures.
But be careful—Too many details and the story gets bogged down.
Make the Protagonist Suffer
“Be a Sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them - in order that the reader may see what they are made of.” (Kurt Vonnegut, How to Write a Great Story)
And when it can’t get any worse, make it worse before it gets better
The two key moments that create the peak of excitement in a story is the darkness before the dawn, and the dawn. 
The climax is the moment when the protagonist is either rescued or rescues themself.
In older tales, we saw a lot of Deux ex Machina (the hand of god) rescuing the hero. A hero could be rescued by luck, a partner, another hero…but modern audiences strongly prefer stories where the protagonist helps themself.
Resolution is Boring, Keep it Short
Interest grows with every additional conflict, but once the hero figures out the solution, our fascination collapses.
Don’t natter on while the audience’s mind is drifting.
Also Consider:
You need a good inciting incident to move your protagonist to action.
A setting is more than a place, it’s a situation and a moment in time. A vivid place has details.
Modern audiences prefer “return home changed” to “return home the same.”
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Boy Meets Girl
Internal conflict is always satisfactory (e.g., she believes love interferes with his career, he believes love interferes with his beer.)
The crises usually revolves around betrayal — lying, cheating — and the climax shows it was a misunderstanding or we get atonement.
The struggle is always about them being separated.
The resolution is about binding them more tightly together than ever.
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The Quest
You seek things, and find yourself.
Return home changed and don’t pass go.
Common elements include companions, a mentor, great losses and extreme character arcs.
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The Underdog
Even though they do not have a shot in hell, the underdog wants something. They want it so bad.
Common elements include an enemy who blocks their path, and a coach who helps them forward.
In this case, they do not return home changed but rather move into a new life that fits their changed self.
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Coming of Age
Naive person has the world teaches them a hard lesson, and they become a better person for it.
Struggle revolve around life sucking and then sucking more.
The hero grows and becomes better because of it, and via new understandings becomes competent.
In some tragedies, the world breaks them.
They can return home changed, but more often they move to a new life they have earned.
More Examples. Justice & Pursuit:
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Weaving Multiple Plots:
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Weaving multiple plots together to make subplots can further increase tension.
Multiple plots woven together makes the whole story not only unique but very compelling.
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stoweboyd · 7 years
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ticktickblog · 4 years
Steering towards Your Most Important Goals in Work and Life with OKRs
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What is OKRs?
Drown in the jargon river where so many abbreviations represent different business management methods, the OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) framework stands out due to its popularity among some household names, e.g.Google and Linkedin. Moving through Andy Grove, who first introduced Management by Objectives to Intel in the 1970s to now John Doerr, whose book -- Measure What Matters -- probes greater depth of OKRs in the workplace. How to embed the company’s purpose and values into everyday goal-setting and outcomes throughout the company’s workforce, is where OKRs come into play. 
The basic process of implementing the OKRs is: The company sets a goal (normally for the coming quarter), and lists some metrics that can be used to measure whether this goal is met. With the same practice, this process further goes to different teams and then down to individuals. 
Here’s an OKRs example displayed under Kanban View at TickTick:
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From the example above, we can clearly see Q3 OKRs are displayed and sub-divided in three levels: Company’s OKRs > Marketing Team’s OKRs > Jack’s OKRs in Marketing Team.
*Key Result 1 of the company is the Objective of Marketing team, and KR1 of Marketing team is Jack’s individual Objective. It is not necessary to always have correspondent O and KR, but the full path can go similarly like this to other teams and individuals.
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OKRs vs. KPIs
To understand OKRs better, we may also have to identify where it differs from another performance evaluation method: KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
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Why do OKRs work?
Encourage company-wide focus
OKRs create the same context within a company, which connects and immerses everyone as a whole, by setting the company’s biggest objectives and identifying what matters most to achieve these objectives. A common sense will form organizationally: working towards the goals, trimming the unnecessary, and keeping anything off-track away from the runway. Motivated to only focus on what’s important, individuals are more likely to outperform. With all efforts channeled into one thing, there’s also higher possibility for the company to win the game.
Ensure top-down alignment
The traditional management method tends to be like: the top tier dictates, and the rest executes. One of the biggest issues caused by that is the disconnection between decision and execution, which may lead to employees’ lack of higher-level thinking, with only the hard-work on completing given tasks, not knowing what the meaning of their everyday work is. OKRs solve this problem because of its transparency and accountability. On the premise of knowing what the company steers towards, and what the team’s responsibility is, one can be well-aware of what their work should be built around. One is also less likely to feel themselves drifting away from others, especially when they are at the bottom level.
Enhance both-side engagement
When setting the company’s OKRs, the proven way is to involve not only leaders of the company, but also individuals, into the discussion and goal-setting. If well-implemented, OKRs also allow adjustment and continuous improvement. Both the leadership and individuals can check on the key results regularly, adjust, or even abandon the goals according to real-time circumstance changes. That way the voice of individuals has been heard and commitment from both sides has been greatly increased.
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Tips of implementing OKRs
1. When there are too many focuses, there is no focus.
Some may fall into an OKRs pitfall -- Achieve as many objectives as possible. When asked about what the company’s objectives are, the leadership themselves may even be confused, let alone other employees. Thus, setting only one objective of the top priority and then investing resources in it to do exceptional work, is perhaps better to enhance the sole concentration in everyone’s mind. Conversely, if there are too many focuses, people may find it hard to decide which they should really pay attention to.
2. Allow sufficient time to test out your OKRs.
Setting quarterly OKRs is what’s been used in most cases, even though some prefer the 2-month duration or a year. If you’re implementing OKRs for the first time, make sure the duration is not too long or too short, because you need time to test out the key results, and also need to adjust or reset the goals as OKRs progress.
3. Be careful of the goal-setting.
Make sure the objective you’ve set for the company/team/individual is ambitious and also inspiring, not to be unrealistic or too easy-to-reach. It might immediately scare people away if it seems too challenging. On the flip side, they may feel less-motivated if it seems quite attainable. A method mentioned by Christina Wodtke (author of Achieving Your Most Important Goals with Objectives and Key Results) is: Target the rate at 5 with full score 10, because that would be something challenging but still achievable, 7/10 can be considered as a success, and 10/10 is unsuitable to be KRs.
4. Communicate, communicate, and communicate.
Communication and engagement alongside the way is the key to successful implementation of OKRs. Ensure employees have been involved before the objective-setting, in the process of checking on key results and also reflecting on the results of OKRs implementation.
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Personal OKRs
Walking through all the above, you might come to the recognition that OKRs could be effective for fast-growing companies. But some of you might also wonder what it’s to do with me if I’m not the founder of a company or the leader of a team. Like so, can OKRs only be used at work for companies? The answer is NO, because it’s a general methodology for goal setting and achieving, which can be used for personal life as well. 
*Note: Personal OKR here doesn't mean individual OKRs at work.
Christina Wodtke, the author of Achieving Your Most Important Goals with Objectives and Key Results, shared how OKRs modelled her life as a professional writer: 
To say OKRs have changed my life would be an understatement. They have made my life possible. They are the backbone that holds my life together.
Here is a personal OKR example she’s given:
O: Model life as a professional author
KR1: Rough draft of Continuous Feedback to Alpha reader list (and Cathy) with actionable feedback
KR2: Working with Pictures V2 on Amazon with 4 five star reviews 
KR3: Product-Market Fit book (Creative Founder) interviews complete with essays at 2K views each or higher
Similarly, if the most important goal currently in your life is the IELTS test for example, then your OKRs might be like:
O: Get the C1 level in IELTS exam
KR1: Enrol in courses to improve weak skills, e.g. Listening
KR2: Enhance strong skills e.g. Speaking by practicing more
KR3: Increase the overall score by 1 point 
Or, if one of your recent life goals is to find a better job, then the personal OKRs could be:
O: Find a better job 
KR1: 20% of salary boost
KR2: More training opportunities and resources 
Tip: Further divide these key results into actionable tasks, with TickTick’s new task nesting feature! Then it will look like:
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To wrap up, OKRs provide a general methodology of goal setting and reaching for startups/fast-growing organizations, and it can also be well applied into personal life. It helps steer us towards the most important goals in work/life and get closer and closer to what we’d wish ourselves to be.
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meta-squash · 5 years
books on the manic street preachers in order of quality:
everything: a book about manic street preachers by simon price - best one so far. very respectful. has lots of great information as well as anecdotes and articles. simon price was a friend of theirs (if you can call a journalist a friend) and a fan, so the way the book is written really makes them feel more like regular people and less like rock stars. in general it’s also just a very funny and entertaining read. there are sections on each individual member of the band as well as chronological stuff about the band’s history. downsides: it was published in 1999 so it only has info up to this is my truth tell me yours, and if you don’t like simon price’s writing style, then you’re screwed. some of the information is a little skewed considering the rumors and made up stories about the band that were flying around in the media in the early days.
triptych: three studies of manic street preachers’ the holy bible by rhian e jones, daniel lukes, and larissa wodtke. published 2016. this isn’t really a biography of the band. it does mention the band’s career, both the early days and more recent, but mostly it focuses on the holy bible album as indicated in the title. each person looks at the album from a different angle: the first looks at the album through the political/social context of its time period and influences, the second at its literary/media influences and references, and the third examines how the album (as well as the bands subsequent discography) deals with memory and archive, in context of global and personal history. all of it is really interesting and fascinating to read through. downsides: obviously, it expects you to know the basic history of the band and to have listened to the album; it also digs into certain philosophical and literary theories that i already knew from uni classes but other people might not, so googling may be in order.
33 1/3 the holy bible by david evans - published 2019. another book that talks specifically about the holy bible. this includes a lot more information about the actual instrumental and studio production of thb, which i thought was really interesting. it also analyzes the holy bible from the lens of wales and culture in the 90s and why it is such a welsh album. lots of talk about history and how thb reflects both history and the events current to its creation, which i thought was great. it does also briefly go into emg, but not much. downside: there were some points i disagreed with, but i think that’s more about how one reads the lyrics, not anything wrong with the book itself
a version of reason by rob jovanovich - was published in 2009. has some new anecdotes and new sources regarding the early days. however, it mostly focuses on richey and richey’s disappearance, so there’s not a whole lot on the band between 1995 and 2009, aside from summary and highlights of their career. he briefly mentions journal for plague lovers, but clearly finished writing and sent the book to print before the album was released, so there’s not a lot on it unfortunately. for a lot of the book he talks about actually traveling to various places in wales and england that were important to the band for whatever reason, and tries to retrace richey’s steps from february first, which is kind of cool. downsides: huge swaths of information are clearly taken straight from simon’s book and slightly reworded. there’s a bunch of random bits talking about non-manics things that are interesting but only tangentially pertinent.
riffs & meaning by stephen lee naish - published 2018. started off as a 33 1/3 project but ended up something else and so was independently published. mostly analyzes know your enemy, which is interesting because it is an overlooked album. it has some interesting analyses of kye songs, which is cool because that’s something we don’t see very often. downsides: most of the book is signposting instead of really going in depth with an argument, which is really frustrating because it leaves you wanting something more substantial. it jumps around a lot in its points and seems a little unfocused. also there’s a surprising amount of typos.
manic street preachers: nailed to history by martin power - published in 2012. honestly if you’ve read the simon price book or as many articles on the manics as i have, it’s mostly rehashing and summarizing information. a lot of it is rushing through highlights of their career. there are a few more anecdotes and more information regarding their later career. it’s good that it includes more on the manics post-richey and their successes and stories about that. downside: it’s definitely more of a perfunctory biography, not meant for people who have already read a ton of literature on the band.
richard by ben myers - i would not put this one at the bottom of the list, but i also don’t think it belongs in the same list as the others, since it’s not a biography. published in 2010. this book is fiction, but it is heavily based on richey and the band. personally, i enjoyed it. it’s an interesting exploration of how life in a band might affect a person, and an imaginative idea of what happened to richey after he abandoned his car. honestly myers gets nicky’s “voice” more accurately than richey’s, but i feel like it would be difficult to try to write as eruditely as richey did, and might alienate an audience. i read it the first time round totally ignoring its inspirations and reading it as pure fiction, and then the second time acknowledging that it was based in true life. both ways were very interesting and i really did enjoy the book. downsides: if you are offended by the use of real people in fiction, this isn’t for you. also, [spoilers ahead] the “ending” of the novel, aka all the chapters which take place after richey leaves his car behind, gets very weird and unrealistic and kind of silly. it requires quite a bit of suspension of disbelief, which kind of made me disappointed because i was hoping for something as realistic and introspective as the rest of the novel had been, and then it wasn’t. i was frustrated enough to try and write something inspired by his style, but with the kind of ending that i wanted/expected when i picked up the book.
withdrawn traces by sarah hawys roberts and leon noakes - published 2019. horrific, conspiracy-mongering trash. they literally say that richey predicted brexit at one point, that he might have known secrets about the illuminati etc, and that he might have been kidnapped by drug lords? it gives slightly more information on richey’s childhood than we’ve had before BUT that comes with a huge pile of salt because more than one person has come forward saying they were misquoted or never even said what was attributed to them in the book/that events that were included in the book didn’t happen. it also essentially ignores the band as a whole, even kind of insults them. it makes absolutely wild claims about richey and his lyrics and just him as a person. rachel edwards’ introduction says she wants to focus on richey as an artist and a person, not as a mysterious disappearance, and then the book goes on to do the exact opposite, focusing entirely on conspiracies and his disappearance instead of his art and friendships and stuff. at some point i’ll get a whole write-up of this book done, but lets just say i only finished it because i was hate-reading it, not because it was good. downside: this entire fucking book. literally it just sucks. the only good thing is you get to see some of richey’s sassy schoolwork from primary school taking the piss out of his teachers.
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Stickier than expected: Hydrogen binds to graphene in 10 femtoseconds
Bound for only ten quadrillionths of a second
Graphene is celebrated as an extraordinary material. It consists of pure carbon, only a single atomic layer thick. Nevertheless, it is extremely stable, strong, and even conductive. For electronics, however, graphene still has crucial disadvantages. It cannot be used as a semiconductor, since it has no bandgap. By sticking hydrogen atoms to graphene such a bandgap can be formed. Now researchers from Göttingen and Pasadena (USA) have produced an "atomic scale movie" showing how hydrogen atoms chemically bind to graphene in one of the fastest reactions ever studied.
The international research team bombarded graphene with hydrogen atoms. "The hydrogen atom behaved quite differently than we expected," says Alec Wodtke, head of the Department of Dynamics at Surfaces at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Biophysical Chemistry and professor at the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the University of Göttingen. "Instead of immediately flying away, the hydrogen atoms 'stick' briefly to the carbon atoms and then bounce off the surface. They form a transient chemical bond," Wodtke reports. And something else surprised the scientists: The hydrogen atoms have a lot of energy before they hit the graphene, but not much left when they fly away. Hydrogen atoms lose most of their energy on collision, but where does it go?
Read more.
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torstenmolter · 2 years
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Wodkte Porto jetzt im #Ofenhaus #Mainspitze Kaminofen mit Air Control Thermoregelung Wodtke Air Control regelt die Verbrennungsluftführung im Kaminofen für einen optimalen Brennvorgang. Auf das Betätigen von Schiebern und Klappen wird vollständig verzichtet. Damit wird der Bedienkomfort am Kaminofen deutlich erhöht und Fehlbedienungen ausgeschlossen. Nur noch regelmäßiges Nachlegen von Brennholz ist notwendig. Die Air Control Thermoregelung basiert auf einer Steuerklappe, die über ein Kapillarsystem mit einem Temperaturfühler verbunden ist und hydraulisch bewegt wird. Dank Air Control wird die Verbrennungsluft in der zum Brennvorgang passenden Menge an der richtigen Stelle in den Brennraum geleitet. Zu Beginn, im noch kalten Zustand, benötigt das Feuer für einen schnellen Start mit sauberer Verbrennung besonders viel Primärluft, die durch den Rost von unten zur Verbrennung geführt werden muss. Mit zunehmender Erwärmung dehnt sich im Temperaturfühler das Thermoöl aus und schließt die Steuerklappe nach und nach. Der Primärluftweg wird so automatisch verschlossen. Jetzt wird die Verbrennungsluft als Sekundärluft und ‚Luftvorhang’ an der Scheibe nach unten zur Flamme geführt. Diese AWS Scheibenspülung verzögert wirkungsvoll das Verschmutzen der Sichtscheibe im Kaminofen. #kaminofen https://www.ofenhaus-mainspitze.de https://www.instagram.com/p/CpaqONssmi7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adam01love-blog · 5 years
Rynek kominków do salonu
Urządzasz dom? Myślisz nad zakupem kominka? Kominek wolnostojący czy zabudowany? Postaramy się przybliżyć kilka opcji dostępnych na rynku. Marka wodtke - pionier ekologicznych urządzeń grzewczych - niemiecka jakość wykonania, wyjątkowy design.
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Wodtke GmbH jest nie tylko marką produkująca doskonale wykonane nowoczesne kominki na drewno oraz na pellet. Wodtke to europejska instytucja, stojąca na czele wielkiego sektora grzewczego odnawialnych źródeł energii. Wodtke to takży lider systemów na pellet. To u nas w Hirschau, w małym mieście na południe od Stuttgartu po czterech latach prób tworzenia prototypów i zdobywania doświadczeń, z pomysłu na desce kreślarskiej powstał pierwszy kominek na pellet. To my opracowaliśmy większość używanych obecnie rozwiązań w piecach na pellet. Stworzyliśmy także normy prawne dla rynków europejskich, dzięki którym od 1996 roku sprasowany granulat drzewny stał się paliwem do pieców, kotłów i kominków. Nasze dążenie do celu w tworzeniu innowacyjnych i unikalnych rozwiązań, wyjątkowych wzorów, estetycznych i dopracowanych w szczegółach detali wynika tylko z jednego. Chęci dostarczenia Państwu, naszym klientom bezpiecznych, sprawdzonych i ekologicznych urządzeń, z którymi życie staje się cieplejsze… Rozwiązaniom wodtke zaufały biura projektowe szukające dla swoich Klientów minimalistycznych, nowoczesnych pieców i źródeł ciepła. Kominki wodtke znajdują uznanie nie tylko dzięki ich wyglądowi. Pasują dla Klientów szukających optymalnych rozwiązań również ze względu na najwy��szą jakość wykonania (wysokiej jakości zabezpieczenia antykorozyjne i np elementy ze szkła hartowanego) oraz nowoczesne technologie (water + lub air+, które wpływają na wygodne oraz bezpieczne użytkowanie. Piece marki wodtke spełniają oczekiwania ludzi oczekujących nietuzinkowego pieca zapewniającego funkcjonalność. Wybierając kominek wodtke nie musimy iść na kompromis jeśli chodzi o wygląd. Dizajnerskie projekty, projektowane z zachowaniem zasad rządzących ponadczasową estetyką są miłe dla oka i stanowią uzupełnienie eleganckiego wnętrza. Jakość firmy wodtke- kominki wolnostojące do salonu Co mówi wodtke o kominkach w salonie Kominek do salonu to nie tylko urządzenie grzewcze. Stanowi on także punkt centralny całej salonowej aranżacji i wokół niego w zimowe dni gromadzi się rodzina. Jest on symbolem domowego ogniska bardziej niż każdy inny element w naszym mieszkaniu. Mimo, że do dziś kominek w salonie bywa uważany jako synonim bogactwa, jest częściej spotykany już nie tylko w salonach. Wolnostojące kominki nowoczesne w salonie, są coraz popularniejszym rozwiązaniem grzewczym. Dzięki rozwojowi technologii i rosnącej popularności ekonomicznych, ekologicznych paliw takich jak drewno, urządzenia te wodtke są cenionym elementem naszego systemu ogrzewania. Piece wolnostojące na pellet, których rozpowszechnianie zawdzięczamy firmie wodtke, dokonały sporej rewolucji w postrzeganiu urządzeń grzewczych, jako rozwiązania na ogrzewanie domu. To już nie luksusowa fanaberia, a symbol nowoczesności, troski o środowisko i pragnienia powrotu do życia w zgodzie z naturą. Dokonując wyboru kominka do salonu, warto przemyśleć jakie rozwiązania przewidział producent dla danego modelu pieca. Na przykład funkcja Air+ dostępna w urządzeniach firmy wodtke pozwala na prawie natychmiastowe ogrzania pomieszczenia. Jest to możliwe dzięki temu, że piece mające technologię Air+ nie opierają się jedynie na odprowadzeniu ciepła do otoczenia w tradycyjny sposób. Powietrze jest zasysane z otoczenia, w komorze ogrzewającej wzrasta jest jego temperatura i następnie powietrze jest zwracane jako ciepłe. Dzięki tej metodzie możliwe jest szybkie podniesienie temperatury w całym salonie. Przyjemne ciepło kominka odczuwamy w krótkim czasie od rozpalenia, praktycznie w każdym miejscu mieszkania, a wszystko to opatrzone wyjątkowym dizajnem dostępnych modeli. Mamy też możliwość wyboru – pomiędzy kominkiem na drewno, a ekologicznym kominkiem na pellet Więcej na stronie: https://wodtke825142287.wordpress.com/2019/10/15/kominki-do-salonu-i-nie-tylko-nowoczesne-i-ekologiczne-rozwiazania/
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piecewodtke-blog · 5 years
Kominki wodtke - lider ekologicznych systemów grzewczych.
Wodtke GmbH to nie tylko firma produkująca niezwykle perfekcyjnie wykonane kominki wolnostojące zarówno na drewno, brykiet węgla brunatnego jak i na pellet. Wodtke to europejska instytucja, stojąca na czele wielkiego sektora grzewczego odnawialnych źródeł energii. Wodtke to niepodważalny lider techniki pellet. To u nas w Hirschau, w małym miasteczku na południe od Stuttgartu po czterech latach prób budowania prototypów i zdobywania doświadczeń, z pomysłu na desce kreślarskiej powstał pierwszy piec na pellet. Właściwie pierwszy kominek wolnostojący – TOPLINE, który dzisiaj ma już 27 lat.
To my w wodtke działając konsekwentnie opracowaliśmy większość stosowanych obecnie rozwiązań w piecach na pellet. My także stworzyliśmy normy prawne dla rynków europejskich, dzięki którym od 1996 roku sprasowany granulat drzewny stał się paliwem do pieców, kotłów i kominków. Nasz upór i dążenie do celu w tworzeniu innowacyjnych i niepowtarzalnych rozwiązań, niezwykłych wzorów, estetycznych i dopracowanych w szczegółach detali wynika tylko z jednego. Chęci dostarczenia Państwu, naszym klientom bezpiecznych, sprawdzonych i wygodnych urządzeń, z którymi życie staje się cieplejsze…. Treść zaczerpnięta ze strony firmowej https://wodtke.pl
Wodtke Kaliny Jędrusik 5/lok. U4 01-748 Warszawa +48 602 518 575 https://goo.gl/maps/MWH4pCQM3CLarVuf6
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torstenmolter · 2 years
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Der Wodtke #cooky #kaminofen mit #herd #kochen und #heizenmitholz jetzt sofort #lieferbar im #ofenhausmainspitze #🔥 #ofen #kamin #feuer #winter #warm #gemütlich #haus #prepper #blackout #food #wohnzimmer #küche #kochenmitholz https://www.ofenhaus-mainspitze.de (hier: Ofenhaus Mainspitze) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnpLw8fsEF3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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torstenmolter · 2 years
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#kaminofen mit #abbrandautomatik Wodtke #spencer Kaminofen Spencer Der Buddy für alle Fälle. Sein Name ist Programm, ein kompakter Kaminofen der für den raumluftunabhängigen Betrieb geeignet ist. Außerdem zeichnet sich Spencer durch eine besonders sanft und leise schließende Tür mit elegantem Edelstahl-Türgriff aus. #kamin #wohnzimmer #einrichtung #haus #renovieren #umbau #neubau #wohnen #winter #krise #krisenvorsorge #blackout #mainz #wiesbaden #darmstadt #frankfurt #ingelheim #rheingau #rheinhessen #rheinmain #ofenhausmainspitze #ofen #feuer #warm (hier: Ofenhaus Mainspitze) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmH5O0PsL4s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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