werewolfgenesis · 4 days
Sometimes I log into my Genshin account and I see a character I have and I'm just "OH MY GOD!! WANDERER!!! IT'S WANDERER" as if i haven't had him on my account for over a year
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444names · 2 years
russian cities and forenames + german towns and forenames
Abaradya Aburg Agark Agen Agock Ahneberl Ainsten Alden Alersk Alts Amatadt Ande Anderth Andov Arannomoz Asherehr Aurg Avdia Aven Avka Avkar Avleuden Avtoglav Babrs Bacheld Bachov Batonadt Beapin Bedt Beld Beresth Berg Berommich Bertensk Bieden Bisenit Biss Blanye Bluksansk Bochsk Bock Boislan Boldernsk Borbachin Borgbernd Boropalb Borypoch Bovo Bradets Breburg Bren Brenichr Breuß Brüch Buruhl Busatoly Bühladt Bürstada Bürstim Caltmar Chan Chels Chki Criatkir Derbach Derg Dierg Dommeder Dorichbur Drebach Droblau Düstädt Ebensk Eboth Eidar Eimoetch Elbelen Elen Elettmadt Elyusek Elzhubrev Emen Emryinsk Ents Ergen Erhausen Esch Eseebki Esmarovo Estetsk Etlov Etterin Faffen Font Fradel Frading Fredt Frein Freingerg Freunnerg Frevski Frozh Furg Gach Gafokurin Gambras Garic Geheißen Gelen Gelin Genbaeln Gend Gens Gensk Geppetzen Gerg Gersk Gerski Gillaven Gina Gisel Godamben Golsk Gotkow Gradiedau Grau Grian Gräsch Gubchov Gucheim Gurg Gusenka Günch Güssen Güttle Hach Haransk Harim Havvala Haylvy Hebaldenz Heggerd Heida Heim Heimsk Helov Hemoorg Hemsk Hensk Herg Herl Holf Horsk Hovsk Ibus-pen Igerg Igsfürt Ilten Inov Islin Itziesk Jach Jarzingen Jersk Jerty Jesever Joal Joheis Julin Kaigar Kamerga Kardsk Karionden Kark Kassk Katikow Kats Kedinsk Kensta Kerneun Khusee Kimov Kirchur Klau Korfurg Kosladt Kovo Koyatinsk Kullrilek Kungeor Kupin Kurgdorf Köbern Köna Könitzen Könnadt Kühle Kühloheim Lael Lakubovo Lamarov Lamsky Lantany Lanz Leitsysk Leradien Licald Linerg Linfen Lishen Ljupiyan Lotheidel Ludzel Luki Lus-perf Lyaropat Lübberg Lütth Lütz Mangen Mannern Marden Maretch Marg Marien Mast Menstadsk Merg Merl Merode Messtedt Miky Mild Mingslad Mino Minstolya Miraffen Mitstady Mitterg Mold Mozogola Murg Myzy Möne Mühl Müllm Mülmezh Münch Müncheim Müne Nabdavtom Nallim Nasnovo Naulinsk Naurg Nebkinig Neliysk Nenha Nerd Neude Neunsch Neutel Neuterov Nevo Neysk Nigorswen Nits Nosim Novskov Nyak Nürtim Oberg Oberl Obernsk Obona Oboth Obura Ockev Oetlid Olsk Omir Onstätte Oraisburg Orswain Oslabau Oslov Ostaltad Ostin Ovolfren Pald Palvilen Pand Pannstadt Parabovsk Pasa Pavo Penzburg Perda Peya Pfreutha Pingen Pitz Plingensk Poldkal Polz Preaatad Pretsk Prode Proy Puch Pyovsk Püttgavla Ralau Rangerya Ransk Rasno Rathorfen Reim Retsoley Retstal Reubirsim Revo Rhalman Rhar Rheimlya Rhofeld Riya Roch Roppe Rostrode Roze Ruhangen Rupir Ryuze Rüchord Saagherf Saanovo Sabaerbel Sabin Sano Sanzemmen Sarierben Sarn Sayel Scheim Schelder Schingen Schshen Schwen Selsta Senigor Senka Sensk Serg Sherg Shkart Sing Slaverder Slen Sloyerd Snovozhn Soka Sokonthen Soln Sols Sosta Sovsk Sovskorf Sozhna Speterg Spinsk Stal Stayshau Stedyurg Sten Stovolady Strusel Sulben Suld Sunsbenja Sviesay Svinau Tadthais Talben Tarnury Tefin Tetten Then Thile Tulumer Twalsk Tyndesen Tyovo Tübberhed Tüberg Ufenberal Userg Uval Venst Vern Vielterg Vinnikhow Vinsk Vinstuynd Vyss Vytky Völlaksim Waladena Waldesen Waldorim Walta Wande Weila Weim Weinogdan Werg Wern Wettelekh Wetz Wiende Wieth Wing Wingen Witrod Wold Wolfgen Wolorg Wolovetsk Wunderok Wönchitz Yeld Yevshin Zach Zacholym Zadt Zavysk Zheid Zinstadt Zmildo Zovikhorf Zvelstädt Zwilyovo Zwin Übaystadt
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letterskept · 4 years
@wolfgene​ hit the ❤️
he is something else entirely. hope has a million and one ways she could try to describe him but nothing ever seems good enough. she’s sweet on him, very much so.she’s just not very good at verbalising her feelings for him. so, rather than tell him, she’ll show him.❝come here, you idiot.❞ the tribrid laughs, pulling jules into a kiss.
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ladyperil · 4 years
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“5′9      vs.     “5′1.5.      @wolfgene​​.          height  meme        /      acc.
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braidedmagic-blog · 4 years
wolfgene replied to your post: mj: *punches jules* hope: STOP HITTING MY...
hope said that if jules says the word, she’ll kill mj i said no but...
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darkseen-archive · 4 years
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         lips   part   quietly,     mocha  hues  glistening  with  tears  as  josie  takes  a  step  closer  to  him.  she  cannot  picture  a  life  without  jules  by  her  side.  he  is  the  brother  she  never  had  and  not  having  him  around?  it  would  be  heartbreaking.       ❝  then  stay.  ❞     josie  mumbles,  voice  breaking  as  she  glances  up  at  him.
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                    @wolfgene​​​​​   ft.   jules   ortega.
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protegeons · 4 years
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❝   DO  YOU  EVER  FEEL  LIKE  YOU  HAVE  THE  BEST  INTENTIONS,     but  you  just  keep  making  one  mistake  after  the  other?   ❞     the  huntress  sighs,  shaking  her  head  with  a  frown.
@wolfgene​​   /   sc.
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werewolfgenesis · 6 days
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benjamin wadsworth + ♗ ♡ !!
Send me a  (FACE CLAIM) + ♗ ♡  and I’ll use my icon style to make an icon of your muse  (Your RP Icon style)
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The normal default coloring that I use for Hope and really all my white fcs was not applied to this and all I did was add hue/saturation to the caps I found.   I am hoping that I got the right actor because I stuck to google since I don’t watch any of the shows he is in so I don’t know his face as well as I could have.   Please excuse the ugly formatting of this ask.        My border Icon template was done by me that I use.      (    LINK HERE     ).   It’s heavily inspired by others but if you drag the image you will notice that the inside is not transparent and it was an idea that I wanted to do after seeing how tumblr’s dash gave me this whole      “  I swear that is a white border in there.    but there wasn’t so I decided to make one that did just what I originally thought people were doing.
These are really fun to do.    I love sending in this meme and or getting it.  
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letterskept · 4 years
jules is the little spoon pass it on @wolfgene​
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riotkissed-archive · 4 years
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-ˏˋ      nostrils flare with impatience.     he’s not   nearly   as angry as anyone makes him out to be ,   not unless it has to do with mg or someone straight out    disrespects   him.     now is one of those times.      ❛❛    okay ,   wile e coyote.     that way i see it ,    you have two options    ––     one ,   you go back to your little pack and stay out of our way.     or   two ,   we settle this with a wickery match.   ❜❜
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hiddensteel · 4 years
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@wolfgene​  said             “ you know i always have your back . ”
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        wolves were not solitary creatures, and yet sansa had spent many months alone after her family had been slaughtered. thankfully that was all behind her now. the NEW could not outshine the old in her heart, but they could exist in perfect harmony. she knew that wherever her family were watching from they were happy she’d found someone she could DEPEND upon. julian’s words brought a smile to her lips, warm and bright, but soon a teasing glint joined it. she couldn’t help but nudge him gently with her should.          ❝  and yet the majority of the time i’m the one dragging you out of trouble. ❞ 
hurt / comfort sentence starters  |  accepting !
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painticblack · 4 years
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@wolfgene​ said: it’s just me and you.
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    The warlock looked at that other and sighed. “Oh now don’t get all sentimental on me.” Judas said with a small smirk. “So what now?”
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braidedmagic-blog · 4 years
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@wolfgene​ :  maddie (((((((: punch him
❝playin’ with there, wolfie. bad idea.❞ aaaaaand, she throws the punch. right in the jaw. W H A C K!
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darkseen-archive · 4 years
                     “ PLEASE DON’T MAKE ME GO. ”
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       LIGHT   EYES   FOCUS   ON   HIM,    wondering  what  type  of  trauma  he  might  have  been  through  to  be  that  scared  of  being  told  to  leave.  except  the  school  is  not  like  that  /  caroline  is  not  like  that.  she  is  aware  people  make  mistakes  /  having  made  her  fair  share  herself.  punishing  a  student  for  learning  who  and  what  they  are?  it  is  not  how  she  does  things.  it  would  never  be,  as  long  as  she  was  in  charge.  lips  are  pressed  together,  sitting  down  on  her  table  across  from  him.       ❝  i’m  not  doing  that,  julian.  that--  we  don’t  make  people  leave.  ❞    a  beat,  sigh  breaking  out  of  her.        ❝  i’m  a  firm  believer  in  second  chances  and  i  think  you  deserve  one,  don’t  you?  ❞
                      @wolfgene​     :     julian    ortega.
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weewooshow · 4 years
this is SUCH! a shot in the dark but... if anyone has the zouis fic “new money, suit and tie” by wolfgenes downloaded i would do ANYTHING to get a copy and read it again... thanks!
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