#wolfwood is allowed to be vash-obsessed tho. because it's homo.
eleplay · 1 year
Going through the experience of loving the trigun anime as a child but realizing you forgot like 60% of what happens in it. Hornfreaker?!? Is not manga only??? He Was in the anime??? And somehow, I forgot about the saxophone assassin??!?
(But on a different note I’m very interested to see if Vash as the Most Tortured Soul Ever is the same in each adaptation vs the manga? I don’t remember that being the case in the 90’s show but apparently I’ve forgotten everything about the Gun Ho Guns arc. I love comic adaptations! And I’m enjoying your comics posting!)
like most of the gung ho guns he doesn't actually do much, so i could definitely see why you might have forgotten about him. the silly glee i feel whenever i see the word HORNFREAK or drawings of him blasting on his saxophone mid-battle tho... it's unmatched.
yeah i have no idea how the adaptations play it! but i want to acknowledge that i tend to feel indifferent to actively annoyed by shonen anime special boy main characters, so i'm probably being overly aware/critical of whenever other characters look at him and explicitly go "wow... how are you still smiling despite it all. damn... what a guy"
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sorry i just think it's so corny when you say it out loud like this. also i really wish in general the girls had more going on for them besides special boy commentary. maybe they come back later and do? fingers crossed?
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