#women in korea
beautifulpersonpeach · 5 months
But she’s been made the scapegoat and now people will think she made him say this and it won’t matter will it? I doubted it before but looking at everything coming out, it feels like someone has wanted MHJ out of Hybe for a long time. First they tried to use public opinion turning against her with the pedo scandal to do it, but it didn’t work because Hybe supported her. So now they are attacking her from within Hybe itself, using her caustic abrasive narssistic reputation to paint a character profile of a backstabbing greedy SM bitch who wants to pull another 50-50 even though MHJ herself has said in the wake of such glaring failures of both SM and 50-50, its stupid to think she’d attempt the same so soon. I work in investment banking and this feels like an inside hit job from everything I’ve seen. I don’t really like MHJ, I think she talks too much, but I can’t help but feel what we’re hearing from her is closer to the truth than what leaks from Hybe are saying. Somebody wants her gone.
It’s sad. If she leaves will there be any more top women at Hybe? Nicole left Hybe recently to go to Columbia after almost 7 years as A&R for BigHit, Adora left Hybe after almost 9 years to do her own solo career outside of Hybe. Sometimes i wonder why those women left after all the investment they made into the company, of its because they weren’t given more real support to advance to more independent or autonomous roles. All three women: Min Hee Jin, Adora, and Nicole were hired when Bang PD was in charge, but now that other men are calling shots at Hybe and it’s a more big chaebol corporate structure, all these women are either leaving or in the case of MHJ, attacked and left little choice but to leave.
i know this is giving conspiracy BPP, and i hate it. Maybe I’m projecting my own trauma from work into the situation. But this new VP L statement just triggered it for me. Something about this scandal smells very very wrong. I just hope the outcome for NewJeans is the best one.
Your link.
You’ve said a lot. All I’ll respond to is your first question: no it won’t matter what VP L says. It won’t matter unless the suits at HYBE want it to, and so far that looks unlikely.
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xoheisse · 30 days
This is off topic for my account, but I want to help spread this important information.
Korean women are experiencing massive sexual violence by men.
tw : rape, abuse, crime
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Secret Man's Telegram rooms were discovered in over 70% of South Korean schools where female students' faces were photoshopped into porn using AI.
A feminist in South Korea has mapped out schools where deepfake child pornography was created by male students using photos of girls on Telegram.
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South Korean journalists who wrote articles about telegram deepfake child sex crimes are also being blackmailed with deepfakes by the perpetrators.
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They also speak aggressively and disrespectfully about Ukrainian and Japanese women.
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elnotwoods · 2 years
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wkorea called me a little sapphic hoe with this photoshoot and i’m not even mad about it
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hard--headed--woman · 7 months
Something happened in my English class that I think perfectly sums up how so many people don't understand feminism.
At the beginning of each class, we have to talk about something in english for two minutes. This woman decided to talk about radical feminism in South Korea. She explained how feminists there decide not to date men, have sex with men, marry men and have kids with men anymore. It was very interesting and well explained, and I was happy to see another woman from my uni talking about feminism. From what I understood, she's not Korean but goes to Korea often and has a lot of radical feminists friends there.
Then another woman raises her hand and asks "don't you think these rules are a little bit tough?". I roll my eyes, but the other woman is confused. She frowns. "What rules? What are you talking about?". "I mean, the not dating men rule. Isn’t it a bit too tough?". "Well of course it's tough for the men but that's the goal isn’t? Feminism has to be a bit tough to men in order to work". She really didn't seem to understand what that other woman meant, and the other was apparently confused about it. "I mean for the women... for the Korean women. Aren't these rules too tough for Korean feminists? Isn’t there a way to help women without giving them such hard rules to follow?".
I was very annoyed (so was the woman who talked about this movement in the first place) because how can you miss the point so badly? How does she think feminism works? Does she believe some sort of higher power gives Korean women rules to follow and that they get thrown in jail if they date a man? How can you describe this movement as "rules"? They aren't rules. They would be rules if Korean women were forced to obey them, if they were punished for dating men. That's not the case. What's happening is that some women decide of their own free will to stop dating men (among other things). They don't follow any rules, they freely chose to do what they do. It's about women's freedom, about women deciding what they do with their life and body. But I guess people nowadays use this concept only to defend prostitution and makeup, without understanding it in reality, when it comes to women doing things that go against what the patriarchy wants them to do.
Anyway, I find it interesting that this woman's first conclusion was that these were rules rather than free choices. This is why many people see radical feminism as a cult; they can't understand the idea of women making their own choices if those choices defy patriarchy. They think we must be some kind of cult that brainwashes them and forces them to obey and follow complicated rules, because how else can a woman decide to stop fucking men? A free woman would never do that.
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skeletalroses · 10 months
My (recently married, alloro ace) friend sent me this article tonight. I highly encourage everyone to read it, especially aspecs and people who are otherwise nonpartnering or sexual minorities. The women featured in this piece are awesome and so is their community-organizing game (which is why anarchists and people interested in mutual aid should read this too).
I reiterate: aromantic+asexual liberation and women's liberation are inescapably intertwined.
I hope everything these Korean women are doing takes off and expands to other communities and continents, because I cannot WAIT to join a No-Marriage Women's club.
Me and the girls destroying marriage and the nuclear family: 🎉🍾🪓🔥🎆🔪🎊🎇🪓🥂🔪🔥🎉
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215-luv · 30 days
what a terrible world.
i don’t think i will ever become part of the kpop fandom after what one of the members of the group i stanned for a long time just did. it’s an unforgivable crime.
to all rpists and sxual predtors, burn in fucking hell.
JUSTICE FOR THESE WOMEN. no one deserves this shit.
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artfilmfan · 1 year
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Past Lives (Celine Song, 2023)
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gacha-incels · 5 months
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a protest was held following the lenient ruling of the misogynist attacker in the Jinju convenience store case (more info posted previously here). The sentence was less than requested by the prosecution and the violence was somehow not recognized as a hate crime even though the man attacked this woman specifically because he believed she was a feminist.
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distanreum · 6 months
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Arin • Oh My Girl
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woovalin · 29 days
i have since been informed that the screenshots of that conversation were fabricated. i apologize, it turns out that an english translator was used and the source was proven to be false. nonetheless, this changes nothing about the situation.
i hope we all have an understanding that this is not a kpop issue, but a women’s rights issue. as previously stated in my original post; men, no matter where they’re from, what family they come from, who their friends are, they are not immune to being misogynistic, vile human beings. the people closest to us could be hiding the worst secret imaginable. men, having mothers, sisters and daughters, does not stop them from committing heinous crimes against women. it doesn’t matter that they have a strong female presence around, they could still turn out to be anti-women and do it all wrong. it only takes another brainwashed woman hater to turn the rest into one of them.
i also would like to point out that this is not the time to start fan wars, because this is not about kpop or us fans, or who you stan or don’t stan. this isn’t a “gotcha” moment, for you to blame fans for supporting him when nobody knew. it’s not the time to promote your faves or post shit with, ‘my faves would never’. that’s what everyone says/thinks until your fave DOES. it’s insulting to the victims, making jokes out of this. and let’s not blame women for supporting bgs, bc saying things like “good thing i only stan ggs” is not making anyone look good, not you, and not your faves. the blaming women for enjoying things is crazy, bc how are we not going to assume that the people we’re supporting are decent human beings at the very least? that’s the bare minimum, for you to expect someone to be a kind, normal human being who treats people with respect, as everyone should. there will always be terrible people in this world, but we can’t blame anyone but the criminal themselves.
i would love to stop posting about this, bc it is getting to be a lot, and is very overwhelming, but i want to keep voicing the issue at hand. korean women have desperately been trying to reach out to international media and gain our attention in the states, so that we can help them spread the word about what has been going on and what they are being subjected to. it’s sickening to look at the evidence of these vile people hurting innocent women and minors of all ages, but if it means we keep this relevant for as long as possible, then i will keep posting on every social media platform to amplify their voices. please continue to share, and spread as much (credible) information for these victims as you can. they are being singled out and targeted for speaking up, and we need to be their voice from across the world.
please please take care of yourselves, take breaks if you need to. just sharing things does a lot, and supporting the people around you who at any point have been in a situation like this, does more than you know.
❗️EDIT: if you would like to learn more about the situation in general on what goes on in sk involving these chat rooms, i recommend watching stephanie soo’s videos on her ‘rotten mango’ youtube channel about this. i will warn you, topics are very heavy and can be triggering, so watch at your own discretion. and listen to her trigger warnings. here is a screenshot of what you can search to find them.
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go minsi on ig
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goryhorroor · 2 years
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asian girls in horror
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flopbftheo · 28 days
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exoluxionlove · 7 months
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240221 weareoneEXO Twitter Update
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ntaleteam · 4 months
1𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙫 𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙧 listen to this song ᖰ(ღ’ᴗ’ღ)ᖳ
Dialogue in the Moonlight- #Dmoon🌙
🎶"May I call you at this moonlight night" "Imagine your smiley face through the text that I send" "with my sign of my mind"
"one step in to your day" "ride your time to tomorrow"
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glieseart · 9 months
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Hi everyone, we made a zine about an ongoing fight for the rights of "comfort" women from Korea, China, Taiwan, and the Philippines, who were enslaved by the Japanese military. We explored their art, stories, and worldwide memorials.
HERE is the printable, HERE is the online booklet. Transcription will be available soon!
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