anjaliroongta · 7 months
How to Write a Strong Female Character
In honour of international women's day, let us look at the strong female character trope in Literature and how to actually write a strong woman.
The short answer on how to write a strong female character is to write women with agency. They can have conviction and be firm in their believes, even if they are open to change. They need not always start that way…but the goal is to be Agent Margret Carter. Hello, there! Welcome to Anjali’s Musings where today we are going to talk about strong women characters. Now, popular media would have…
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specialsaathi · 7 months
Celebrating Womanhood: The Significance of International Women's Day
International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8th every year, serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of women’s rights, gender equality, and the progress made towards empowering women worldwide. While some may question the need for a dedicated day to celebrate womanhood, it’s essential to understand the significance behind this global observance.First and foremost, International Women’s…
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buzzbitezz · 2 years
Why is female LFPR low in India ?
India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, yet it is facing a crisis in its female labour force participation rate (FLFPR). The FLFPR has been steadily declining over the past few decades, and this trend has only accelerated in recent years. These are all important questions that have been at the forefront of discussions about the female labour force participation rate (FLFPR)…
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hirooparikh · 3 years
Happy women's day :- તમારી સમક્ષ હાજર કરું છું - *ગૌરી* :- હિરેન પરીખ
Happy women’s day :- તમારી સમક્ષ હાજર કરું છું – *ગૌરી* :- હિરેન પરીખ
:-  • આ એક સત્યઘટના છે. મૂળભૂત કથાવસ્તુના હાર્દને સાચવી રાખી , નામ ,સ્થળ ,સમય,બધું જ બદલીને મેં ,એક નવો આકાર- કાલ્પનિક સ્વરુપ આપીને સરળ સ્વભાવથી આ લેખ- બ્લોગ- blog લખ્યો છે. સંપૂર્ણ સચ્ચાઈ વિશેની મારી સમજથી લખ્યું છે. પાત્રોને સહજ નીરુપવાનો અને પૂર્ણ માનપાન સાથે રજૂ કરવાનો આ એક નમ્ર પ્રયાસ છે.ક્યાંથી શરૂ કરી ક્યાં પુરી કરું એ મને થોડું આજે બેબાકળુ લાગ્યું. મેં થોડું ધીર ગંભીર થવાનો એક સાદો…
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rosidabegum · 4 years
A day dedicated to women
Do women need a special day to celebrate? I always have this question in my mind. Every day should be women’s day, men’s day, humans’ day. But to celebrate it especially, of course, go with it. Adore all ladies in your life a little more on this day or thank them for their existence, which makes a difference in your life. But where are the women today? Are they happy to say a “Happy women’s day”?…
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manasmukul · 5 years
‘The Woman That I Am’ Blog Hop Rules #TheWomanThatIAm #RRxMM
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Thank you all for being a part of The Decade Hop and making it one of the most successful blog hops ever. The hop went trending all because of the wonderful people like you.
With International Women’s Dayaround the corner, we thought it would be the perfect tribute to Womanhood if we come up with our next hop around the same theme. So, come Celebrate Womanhood with us by being a part of our…
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mistyrphillips · 3 years
Lin's Journal - Jun 22, 1021
In light of International Women's day, I wanted to put out a short story about a heartfelt scene when Lorelei was growing up.
It’s been months since the girl showed up on our shores, and she has certainly come a long way. Her rage has mostly subsided to acting out on men that ask for it, which is something I can handle. I was training her in basic self-defense today—stances, blocks, punches—and that hair of hers kept falling into her face. She’d blow it away with a pfft with every movement and it was driving me…
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picklesofthoughts · 4 years
Be the change
Women have always been designated as ‘feminist’, ‘female’, and ‘feminine’, the first is a ‘political position’, the second ‘a matter of biology’, and third ‘a set of culturally defined characteristics’. The seeds of protest could be seen germinating around 1908 but it got planted even before in 1840s when women writers were trying to secure a place within the established framework created by…
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hallomanojposts · 4 years
जागतिक महिला दिनानिमित्त आंतरराष्ट्रीय ऑनलाइन कार्यशाळेत प्राजक्ताताई धस यांचा सहभाग
जागतिक महिला दिनानिमित्त आंतरराष्ट्रीय ऑनलाइन कार्यशाळेत प्राजक्ताताई धस यांचा सहभाग
आष्टी दि ७ मार्च,प्रतिनिधी जागतिक महिला दिनाचे औचित्य साधून नॅशनल डेअरी डेव्हलपमेंट बोर्ड व डॉ.वर्जिस कुरिअन यांच्या जन्मशताब्दी महोत्सव यांच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने आज सोमवार दि.८ मार्च रोजी दुग्धव्यवसाय क्षेत्रातील महिला नेतृत्व या विषयावरती ऑनलाइन वेबिनार तसेच कार्यशाळेचे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे. या कार्यशाळेत देश व बाहेरील देशातील ठराविकच दुग्धव्यवसाय क्षेत्रात काम करत असलेल्या अनुभवी महिला…
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floydandkabir · 5 years
महिला दिवस खत्म, अब हकीकत पर आ जाईये!
कल पूरे विश्व ने अंतर्राष्ट्रूय महिला दिवस मनाया. भारत में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने इस बार महिलाओं को सम्मान देने की नायाब पहल की. उन्होंने एक दिन के लिए अपने सोशल मीडिया अकाउंट्स भारत की किसी प्रेरणादायक स्त्री को देने की घोषणा की. इस पहल का नाम रखा गया, #Sheinspireus . जिस लड़की को इस पहल के लिए चुना गया उसने बड़ी ही सरलता से मोदी के ऑफर को नकार दिया.  
कौन है लिसिप्रिया
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specialsaathi · 2 years
The women's code interview recording
The women’s code interview with 8 super amazing women- Rashmi Handa, Simmi Vasu, Triveni Goswami Vernal, Ramya, Ashuti Menon, Vandana Gautam, Dr.Hema Rattnani and Heena Sahi. Let’s get up close and personal with these women of substance.
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idyvietnam-blog · 6 years
Sharing Coffee #1: VIETNAMESE WOMEN'S DAY 20/10
Sharing Coffee #1: VIETNAMESE WOMEN’S DAY 20/10
ECP VIETNAM – Dự án dạy tiếng Anh sinh viên hoàn toàn miễn phí đầu tiên tại Đà Nẵng lần này đem đến cho bạn một chuỗi các hoạt động hoàn toàn mới. Đó chính là những buổi chia sẻ kĩ năng tiếng Anh với các chủ đề xuyên suốt như “Nghe – Nói – Đọc – Viết – Giao tiếp hằng ngày – …”. Khách mời của chương trình sẽ là các anh chị với trình độ chuyên môn cao, sẵn sàng lắng nghe, chia sẻ giúp bạn tự tin và…
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jayisketchpad-blog · 7 years
MANDALA ART(New Perspective)
Hi Folks,                                                                                                                                                           This is my new artwork on mandala art drawn with a unique idea and mindset. The nuance designs in  the sketch gives it the feel of embellishment if viewed would result in lost of stimuli. On the occasion of women’s day I dedicate this…
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smitasangle · 8 years
Be the best version of 'you, a message for all women
Be the best version of ‘you, a message for all women
Happy Women’s day to all my online friends. I was watching Merryl Streep in The Iron Lady (I seriously love that woman). There was a dialogue in it which really made me think. The dialogue said we should try to do something instead of trying to be someone, and I found that very very correct.  We women spend all our lives, trying to be some one; a mother, a wife, a career woman, a home maker, a…
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On This Eve Of Women's Day...
On This Eve Of Women’s Day…
On this eve of women’s day, I promise to love, I promise to give. I promise to accept, I promise to forgive. I promise to give my best to all, I promise to rise even after I fall. I promise to be the best version of me, I promise to help the people in need, I promise to take a stand for the right, I promise to remain there until the end of a fight. I promise to keep my self-respect in place, I…
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sangeeta07 · 8 years
'We have miles to go'
‘We have miles to go’
Activist-actress Shabana Azmi talks about women empowerment & her NGO to Sangeeta Yadav
  Veteran actress-turned- women activist Shabana Azmi
  Mijwan Fashion Show is going to happen again with Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma…
I feel overwhelmed with the support my fraternity has given Mijwan Welfare Society over the years. It is also Manish Malhotra’s tremendous goodwill and Namrata Goyal’s…
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