#wonder woman (1942) 216
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My girl just jumped off the side of a building screaming the whole way down
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northoftheroad · 4 years
Recommeded reading for Dick Grayson / Robin and Nightwing
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This is an updated repeat of a couple of lists with reading recommendations with Dick as Robin and Nightwing (Pre-Flashpoint) that I've made earlier. But since I wrote them as answers to asks, the posts don't have a headline, and I find that they can be easy to miss (for me, when I want to look something up...) So I thought I might as well make a new, single post of them.
The stories are in what I imagine would be an in-universe chronology. They are from all periods, ignoring that the Golden age stories and Silver/Bronze/modern age stories have at times been considered two different universes. Most of them are stories that, at the time of their publishing, were canon and in continuity. None is explicitly Elseworld, so you can certainly imagine that they have happened ;-)
To be honest, not all of these comics are examples of great storytelling. Older superhero comics, for instance, are definitely something else compared to modern comics, for better and for worse. I've picked some because they are "the first time" or significant in some way (e.g. the first time Dick was almost killed, when Bruce has to fight to keep custody, an infamous fight between Dick and Bruce, the most well-known different origin stories, panels that are often quoted); others because they have a cute or fun moment. I have also included some books that I don't like myself but are well-known.
Storytelling has changed a lot since Dick was Robin. Back in the Golden and Silver age, with very few exceptions, comics were stand-alone short stories. In later decades, it's usually arcs that span at least a couple of issues and some stories have consequences for years.
Dick has been an active team member since the 1960s, and he has arguably been at his best in some team titles, but I still don't have a lot of team books here. I find it difficult to, off the top of my head, recall any "special Dick issues".
Obviously, these are very personal preferences, and the list is based on what I've read and remembered best.
Robin the Boy Wonder. Detective Comics # 38 (The original origin story. There has been maaany more since then – I've made a list just with origin stories....) (1940).
Batman: Year Three. Batman # 436-439. (An origin story where Dick spent some time at a nice orphanage before he came to Bruce.) (1989)
Robin Annual vol 2 # 4. (Another origin story, where the Gotham authorities remove Dick him from the circus, and he is put in the Gotham City's Youth Center. Not my preferred but it's well known.) (1995)
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The Gauntlet. The Batman Chronicles #1. (The test before Batman let Dick start out as Robin.) (1997)
Grimm. Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #149-153. (A story set when Dick is new as Robin and still uncertain about his place. For a while, he wants to leave Batman and stay in a children's underground paradise.) (2002)
Robin: Year One. (Traumatic events during Dick's first year as Robin. He was nearly beat to death by Two-Face. When Bruce said he was not permitted to continue as Robin, Dick ran away because he didn't think there was a place for him at the Manor any more.) (2001)
The case of the honest crook. Batman #5. (1941)
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The Batman plays a lone hand. Batman #13. (The first time Bruce ended the Batman and Robin partnership and left Dick to take care of himself.) (1942)
Robin studies his lessons. Batman #18. (1943)
Bruce Wayne loses the guardianship of Dick Grayson. Batman #20. (1944)
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Clay. Batman Black and White #6. (2014)
Don't know where, don't know when. Batman Black and White #1. (2013)
Dick Grayson, author. Batman #35. (1946)
The Clocks of Doom. Star Spangled Comics #70.
The man Batman refused to help! Star Spangled Comics #88.
A birthday for Batman. Star Spangled Comics #91.
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Robin, the Boy Failure. DC #145. (Dick gets amnesia, and Bruce tries to get him to remember that he’s Robin, without telling him outright.) (1949).
The killer-dog of Gotham city. Star Spangled Comics #100. (1950)
The trial of Bruce Wayne. Batman #57. (1950)
Race of the century. DC #157. (1950)
Dick Grayson, detective. Star Spangled Comics #111. (1950)
The strange costumes of Batman. DC #165. (Dick’s first time as Batman.) (1950)
The robberies in the Batcave. DC #177. (1951)
Partner for Batman. Batman #65. (1951)
Batman II and Robin, junior. Batman #66. (1951)
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The plainclothes Robin. Star Spangled Comics #112. (Batman forbids Dick from going out at as Robin; he finds creative ways to use it in other ways.) (1951)
Operation Escape. Star Spangled Comics #124. (1952)
The new team of Superman and Robin. World's Finest Comics #75. (With Batman out of commission, Robin teams up with Superman. Batman is a bit apprehensive about Dick’s joy.) (1955)
Batman, jr. DC #231. (1956)
The grown-up Boy Wonder. Batman #107. (1957)
The last days of Batman. Batman #125. (1959)
Robin's new boss. Batman #137. (Dick wants to leave Bruce and get into a new partnership. Bruce is very distraught indeed.) (1961)
Robin Dies at Dawn. Batman #156. (Batman gets PTSD after participating in an experiment and he has to hang up the cowl becuase he is endangering Robin. Doctor Simon Hurt, who became a main villain when Grant Morrison wrote Batman, is the nameless doctor in charge of the experiment.) (1963)
The Olsen-Robin team versus the Superman-Batman team. World's Finest Comics #141. (1964)
The thousand-and-one dooms of Mr Twister. The Brave and the Bold #54. (The first team-up of Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad – the first step towards the formation of the Teen Titans.) (1964)
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Teen Titans: Year One. (A retelling of the origin of the Teen Titans. The original version was told in Teen Titans vol 1 #53 from 1978, the last issue of the Silver/Bronze age comic book.) (2008)
Midnight raid of the Robin gang. DC #342. (1965)
The Round-Robin death threats. DC #366-367. (1967)
Batgirl breaks up the dynamic duo. DC #369. (1967)
The Nemesis from Batman's boyhood. DC #370. (1967)
Batman! Drop dead… twice. DC #378-379. (1968)
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Geometry. Superman #700. (Dick goes out as Robin on his own, against Bruce's order. Superman has to fish him up out the harbour...) (2010)
Menace of the Motorcycle Marauders. Batman #202. (1968)
Operation blindfold. Batman #204-205. (1968)
Angel… or devil. Batman #216. (1969)
Prisoners of the Immortal world. World’s Finest Comics #200. (Dick had moved to Hudson University by now. Together with Superman and a pair of brothers, he's transported to a different world.) (1971)
Daughter of the Demon. Batman #232. (First appearance of Ra's al Ghul, who kidnaps Robin from Hudson as a test to see if Batman is worthy of Talia.) (1971)
Vengeance for a cop. Batman #234-236. (1971)
Night of the Reaper. Batman #237. (1971)
Earth - the monster maker. Justice League of America #91-92. (A story with characters from both Earth-One and Earth-Two, including the adult Robin from Earth-Two who is a member of the Justice Society of America.) (1971)
How many times can a Robin die? Batman #246. (A criminal sets out to revenge himself on Batman by setting up murders of lifelike Robin dummies; since he has kidnapped the real Robin, Batman can't know if the killings are the real thing.) (1972)
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The return of the Flying Grayson. Batman #250. (1973)
Color me deadly. Batman #316. (1979)
The Iron solution. DC #487. (1980)
The Man in Black wears Green. DC #493. (1980)
The Lazarus Affair (plus). Batman #331-335. (Another story with Talia and Ra's al Ghul, but also about generation gaps and slum buildings. Robin is angrily opposed to Bruce being with Talia because he doesn't trust her; he seeks out Catwoman to help.) (1981)
Yesterday's heroes. Batman #339. (1981)
To kill a legend. Detective Comics #500. (The Phantom Stranger transports Batman and Robin to a parallel Earth where they have the chance to stop that world's Joe Chill from murdering the Waynes.) (1981)
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Who is Donna Troy? New Teen Titans #38. (Dick helps Donna Troy, Wonder girl, to find out where she came from. A great detective story.) (1984)
The Judas contract (when Dick becomes Nightwing). The New Teen Titans # 39-40, Tales of the Teen Titans #41-44, Annual #3. (1984)
Nightwing Year One. Nightwing vol 2 # 101-106. (I honestly don't care much for this story, but it's good to know that it's one of several retellings of how Dick became Nightwing.) (2005)
A Little Nudge, in the Robin 80th Anniversary Special. (An alternate take on Dick leaving Robin to become Nightwing, where Bruce and Dick don’t split on hostile terms – Dick is just a bit annoyed. It is very unclear in what timeline, if any, this is supposed to fit, but I like it a lot better than the Post-Crisis/Pre-Flashpoint versions.) (2020)
Trivial Pursuits. New Teen Titans vol 2 # 32. (A nice breather, when the Titans try just to relax together. It goes as well as can be expected.) (1987)
Wrath Child. (A story from when Dick was fairly new as Nightwing.) Batman Confidential # 13-16. (2008)
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Batman # 416. (First post-Crisis meeting with Jason Todd) (1988)
The Cheshire Contract. Action Comics Weekly # 613-618 (Dick helps Roy find his daughter.) (1988)
The New Titans # 55. (Dick learns about Jason's death when the Titans return to Earth after a long period in space. He goes to Bruce to talk and what follows is the infamous scene when Bruce hits Dick, says he should never have had a partner and tells Dick to leave and leave the keys with Alfred.) (1989)
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Batman: Year Three. Batman # 436–439. (Flashbacks with a retelling of Dick's origin, during Bruce's third year as Batman. In the "now", Dick tries to reach out to Bruce and Dick's parents' murderer is about to be set free.) (1989)
A Lonely Place of Dying. Batman # 440-442, New Titans # 60-61. (1990)
The New Titans # 65. (Tim turns up at Dick's place to learn what it is to be Batman's partner.) (1990)
Total Chaos. (In issues of Deathstroke the Terminator, New Titans and Team Titans.) (Mirage, a woman from an alternate future and who has illusion casting powers, takes the form of Starfire and sleeps with Dick, who is shamed by his team members for being unfaithful to Kory, even though this is rape. So, an important fact to know but not something I would recommend to read.) (1992)
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Knightfall Prodigal (Dick's first longer stint as Batman. And he takes care of Tim and the Manor on his own!) In Batman #512-514 and three other titles. (1994-1995)
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Nightwing Alfred's Return (Kind of fun, when Dick seeks out Alfred, who left Bruce's service because Bruce wasn't taking care of himself, in London.) (1995)
Nightwing vol 1 # 1-4. (I don't love this, but it is a milestone in that it's the first Nightwing solo series, Dick momentarily decides to leave the hero business, and gets his by now classic fingerstripe suit.) (1995)
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Like Riding a Bike. (Donna checks up on Dick.) The Batman Chronicles # 7. (1996)
(Nightwing vol 2 began in 1996.)
Nightwing vol 2 # 6. (Tim and Dick talk and fight crooks.) (1997)
Nightwing vol 2 # 12-16. (Batman pays a visit and Dick makes his custom made car.) (1997)
The Flash plus Nightwing. (Dick and Wally on vacation.) (1997)
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Then & Now. Teen Titans vol 2 #12-15. (The original four Titan boys find themselves fighting their past selves.) (1997)
Nightwing vol 2 # 25. (Tim and Dick talk and ride on train roofs. Dick has decided to become a cop.) (1998)
Detective Comics # 725 (A heart-to-heart between Bruce and Dick.) (1998)
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The Technis Imperative. JLA/Titans #1-3. (1998-1999)
The Titans (1999) # 2. (The start of a new Titans team, Dick tells Superman to give them some room.) (1999)
Nightwing vol 2 # 32–34. (Dick at the Police Academy.) (1999)
Nightwing vol 2 # 35–39. (On a mission from Batman: To take control of Blackgate Prison. Afterwards, he recuperates at Barbara's when her place is attacked.) (1999-2000)
The Titans (1999) #15–16. (The original five Titans try to work out some difficulties.) 2000.
Transference. Batman: Gotham Knights #8-11. (2000)
Nightwing vol 2 # 45-46. (The Hunt for Oracle.) (2000)
Action Comics # 771. (Nightwing and Superman hang out and work together – what's not to like!) 2000
Gods of Gotham. Wonder Woman # 164-167. (2001)
Nightwing vol 2 # 52. (Yet another example of sexual assault when Catwoman kisses Nightwing, in an effort to make Batman jealous.) (2001)
Nightwing vol 2 # 54-58. (Blockbuster, Nightwing's main adversary in Blüdhaven, hires an old enemy of Dick's to deal with the vigilante: Shrike. A character from Robin Year One.) (2001)
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Matatoa. Batman: Gotham Knights # 16-17. (Bruce adopts Dick.) (2001)
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Who Is Troia? The Titans (1999) # 23-25. (A visit from the Titan's children from the Kingdom Come universe.). (2001)
Retribution. Batman: Gotham Knights # 20-21. (2001)
Nightwing vol 2 # 64. (Nightwing as Santa's elf.) (2001)
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Bruce Wayne: Murderer and Bruce Wayne: Fugitive (in several titles). (Dick refuses to believe that Bruce can be a murderer and it causes friction with for instance Tim. Also, a big fight between Dick and Bruce when the latter says he is going to abandon his Bruce identity.) (2002)
Nightwing vol 2 # 75. (Flashback's to Dick's early years with Bruce. Plus the first appearance of Tarantula (Catalina Flores; a controversial figure in Dick's history, she straddled the line between vigilante and villain.)) (2002)
Hush. Batman # 608–619. (# 615 for Dick, but it might be confusing only to read one issue.) (2002-2003)
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The Obsidian Age. JLA vol 1 # 68-75. (The Justice League members disappear, Dick leads a new team for a few issues. In # 73, Bruce is quoted: "The only time I ever feel pride is when I look at Nightwing. Sometimes I think he's the only thing I ever did right."). (2002-2003)
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Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day # 1-3 (Donna is killed. Dick is devastated and declares that the Titans are finished.) (2003)
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Nightwing vol 2 # 80-83. (Deathstroke is in Blüdhaven to kill someone close to Dick. Bruce asks when he will quit the force, Dick wants to stay as a cop, but when he saves Amy Rohrbach, she recognizes that Dick is Nightwing and fires him.) (2003)
Nightwing vol 2 # 86. (Dick, forced to rest after being injured, solves crimes on America's Most Wanted and drives Barbara up the wall.) (2003)
The Outsiders vol 3 # 1 (Roy talks Dick, who dissolved the Titans after Donna's death, into leading a new team, promising they will not be a family.) (2003)
Nightwing vol 2 # 87-100. (Definitely one of the darkest periods points in Dick's life pre-Flashpoint. Tarantula breaks up him and Barbara. Blockbuster destroys his circus, his home and kills people just for talking to Dick. Tarantula kills Blockbuster and Nightwing is too exhausted to prevent it, and afterwards, he has a panic attack and she rapes him (# 93). Not necessarily something I would recommend to read, but fans discuss it a lot.) (2003-2004)
The Outsiders vol 3 # 11 (Roy is angsting about going back to the hero business after narrowly surviving being shot to death, sparring and heart-to-heart with Dick follows.) (2004)
Under the Hood. Batman # 635-641, 645-650, Annual # 25. (2004-2006)
Supergirl (2005) # 3 (Supergirl has a huuuge crush on Nightwing... ) (2005)
Silent partner. The Outsiders vol 3 # 21-23. (Dick goes ballistic when he realizes Batman has been funding the Outsiders, Roy admits Batman has been feeding him information. Only it wasn't Batman – it was Deathstroke in disguise.) (2005)
DC Special: The Return of Donna Troy  # 1-4. (2005)
Nightwing vol 2 # 107–117. (Dick leaves Nightwing, starts working for the mob and trains Deathstroke's daughter. I think the author has some kind of resolution to the crisis Dick had gone through the last years in mind, but Infinite Crisis got in the way. Blüdhaven is destroyed in a nuclear explosion.) (2005-2006)
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Infinite Crisis. (DC had planned to let Dick die, he is central to the story even if he's not very visible.) (2005-2006)
Targets. Nightwing vol 2 # 125-128. (Dick hunts for a day job in New York and gets buried alive, which leads to some retrospection on his behalf. There's also fights with a guy with a weaponized armour.) (2007)
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The Brave and the Bold # 15. Nightwing and Hawkman. (Deadman, inside Hawkman, says that Dick Grayson is the one guy that every crimefighter trusts.) (2007)
Outsiders: Five of a Kind – Nightwing/Boomerang. (It ends with Batman telling Dick: "Go back to the good fight, Dick. Leave the bad fight to us.") (2007)
Freefall. Nightwing vol 2 # 140–146. (Dick starts freefalling as a new hobby; Bruce is not pleased. And he gets a new daytime job, as a museum curator. Oh, and there's Talia al Ghul, too.) (2008)
Robin # 175. (Some fun panels with flashbacks with Dick and Tim.) (2008)
Superman/Batman # 55. (Batman has got Superman’s powers while Superman loses his. When Batman starts to get out of control, Nightwing tries to stop him.)  (2009)
The Great Leap. Nightwing vol 2 # 147–151. (Two-Face wants Nightwing to save a life.) (2008-2009)
Titans (2008) # 10. (Dick leaves the Titans because he needs to go back to Gotham and "take care of my other family." (2009)
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Nightwing vol 2 # 152-153. (That time when Ra's al Ghul called Dick detective. And Dick packed up and left New York to move back to Gotham.) (2009)
Batman # 682. (Just for the line about how Dick made colour come into their monochrome lives ;-) ) (2009)
Detective Comics # 85, Batman # 684 (Dick mourning Bruce) (2009)
The Secret Six # 9. (Some of the members of the Secret Six feel they should be the new Batman.) (2009)
Battle for the Cowl # 1-3. (2009)
If you don't mind reading comics that are not in the main comic universe, there are also a lot of fun reading in comic books that are tie-ins to Batman The Animated Series, and in Batman '66 which builds on the tv show from 1966. There is also Dark Victory from 1999–2000 – and tiny Dick is adorable in Batman/Scarecrow: Year One from 2005. Dick has about two panels in Darwyn Cooke’s DC: The New Frontier from 2004, but I think it’s kind of worth reading just for those. 
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geeksthetics · 7 years
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Because I’m such a Diana hoe, here is a full master list of all of Diana of Themyscira’s/Diana of Paradise Island’s/Diana Prince’s appearances. It’s a hell of a long list so it’s all under the cut. I tried ordering it all in chronological order as best as I could, with the first issue of a series she appears in followed by the others in that series she appears in. I’ll be updating it regularly as issues and series are released. Also, maybe check out my Donna Troy master list?
All-Star Comics (1940)
#8 [first appearance], 11-22, 24-57, 69, 70, 74
Sensation Comics (1942)
Wonder Woman (1942)
#1-329, 600-614
Comic Cavalcade (1942)
Big All-American Comic Book (1944)
Brave and the Bold (1955)
#28-30, 60, 63, 78, 87, 105, 116, 131, 140, 158, 197
Justice League of America (1960)
#1-31, 33-41, 43-45, 48, 50, 52-61, 63, 65-71, 74-76, 82, 83, 85, 93, 97, 100-102, 112-116, 123, 124, 128, 129, 132-140, 143-146, 149-153, 155, 157-162, 164-170, 172-180, 182, 183-185 187-190, 192, 193, 195-197, 200, 202-206, 209, 210, 212, 217-224, 231, 232, 237-242, 244, 259, 261 Annual #1
Secret Origins Special Giant Issue (1961)
Mystery in Space (1951) #75
The Flash (1959)
#129, 137, 175, 178, 213, 215, 276, 277, 300, 323, 327, 328, 329
Atom (1963) #8
Green Lantern (1960)
#29, 78, 108, 175, 181, 192
Aquaman (1962)
#18, 30
Showcase (1956) #59
80-Page Giant (1964) #8
Detective Comics (1937) #347
Teen Titans (1966)
#1, 22, 53, Annual #1
Doom Patrol (1964) #104
Metal Men (1963)
#21, 56
Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane (1958)
#74, 93, 136, 137
Superman (1939)
#199, 241, 242, 326, 661, 664, 668, 681, 683, 708, Annual #11
Action Comics (1938)
#336, 452, 480, 481, 483, 489, 514, 535, 56, 565, 583
DC Special (1968)
#3, 16, 19, 27
Adventure Comics (1938)
#397, 416, 451, 459-464, 466 485
World’s Finest (1941)
#199, 204, 244-255, 281, 286-288, 300, 302
DC 100-Page Super Spectacular (1971)
#DC-6, 17
Superboy (1949) #185
Secret Origins (1973) #3
Amazing World of DC Comics (1974)
#2, 15
Four-Star Spectacular (1976)
Super-Team Family (1976)
#4, 14
Freedom Fighters (1976)
#4, 5
DC Super-Stars (1976) #10
DC Special Series (1977)
#6, 9, 10, 19
Secret Society of Super-Villains (1977)
#11, 13, 15
DC Comics Presents (1978)
#9, 22, 26, 30, 32, 41, 76, Annual #2
Best of DC (1979)
#3, 21, 31, 32, 58, 61, 66, 69, 70
DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest (1980)
#3, 5, 11, 13, 15
New Teen Titans (1980)
#1, 3-5, 14, 38
All-Star Squadron (1981)
#1-4, 14, 16, 17, 19-21, 25, 27-32, 36, 37, 50, 57, 59, 60, Annual #1-3
Phantom Zone (1982)
#2, 4
Firestorm (1982)
#4, 69
Batman and the Outsiders (1983)
#1, 26
Green Lantern/Green Arrow (1983) #2
Infinity Inc (1984)
#1, 3-5, 7-12, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, Annual #1
Swamp Thing (1982)
#24, 75
Supergirl (1982) #20
Tales of the Teen Titans (1984)
#45, 49, 50, 65, 72
America vs the Justice Society (1985)
Blue Devil (1984) #10
New Teen Titans (1984)
#6, 13
Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985)
#4-7, 9-12
Red Tornado (1985)
#1, 3
Ambush Bug (1985) #3
Teen Titans Index (1985) #3
DC Challenge (1985) #1
The Last Days of the Justice Society Special (1986)
Outsiders (1985) #6
Aquaman (1986) #4
The Legend of Wonder Woman (1986)
Wonder Woman (1987)
#0, 1-226, 1000000, Annual #1-8
Adventures of the Outsiders (1983) #44
Legends (1986) #6
Secret Origins (1986) #14
Superman (1986)
#5, 7, 65, 66, 76, 83, 118, 156, 165k, 173, 202, 208-211, 226
Karate Kid (1986) #14
Adventures of Superman (1987)
#435, 440, 488, 489, 522, 565-567, 583, 605, 628, 636-638, 642, 643, 646, 647, 649, Annual #4, Annual #6
Aquaman Special (1988)
Teen Titans Spotlight (1988) #18
Green Lantern Corps (1986) #220
Millennium (1988)
#1, 3-8
Christmas with the Super-Heroes (1988) #2
Justice League International (1987)
#22, 24
New Titans (1984)
#51, 52, Annual #5
Invasion! (1989) #2
Blasters Special (1989)
Justice League Europe (1989)
#1, 41, 43, 49, 50
Flash (1987)
#29, 55, 95, 129, 136-138, 140, 142, 149, 158, 159, 208, 209, 216, 219, 233, 235, 236, 246, 247
Doom Patrol (1987) #29
Justice League America (1989)
#0, 40, 70, 71, 78-91, 93-101, 104, 105, 113, Annual #6-8
Mister Miracle (1989) #17
Armageddon 2001 (1991) #1
Doctor Fate (1988) #32
War of the Gods (1991)
Hawkworld (1990) #16
Armageddon: The Alien Agenda (1991) #1
Demon (1990)
#17, 31, 32
DC Silver Age Classics (1992) Brave and the Bold #28
Wonder Woman Special (1992)
Armageddon: Inferno (1992)
Batman: Gotham Nights (1992) #2
Superman: Man of Steel (1991)
#10, 20, 35, 89, 105, 109, 117, 127
Eclipso: The Darkness Within (1992) #2
Green Lantern Corps Quarterly (1992) #4
Newstime: The Life and Death of the Man of Steel (1993)
Justice League Quarterly (1990) #11
Guy Gardner (1992)
#11, 15, 16
Showcase ’93 (1993) #11
Bloodbath (1993)
#1, 2
Hawkman (1993)
#4-6, 16, 22, 23, 33
Justice League Task Force (1993)
#7, 8, 13-15, 30, 37
Eclipso (1992)
#15, 16, 18
Guy Gardner: Warrior (1992)
#17, 18, 20, 21, 32-34, 39, 44
Justice League International (1993)
Team Titans (1994) #21
Green Arrow (1988)
#88, 133
Green Lantern (1990)
#55, 69, 73, 74, 81, 87, 101, 103, 123, 125, 134-136, 149, 168, 170, 1000000
Spectre (1991)
#22, 47
Zero Hour (1994)
#0, 1-4
Darkstars (1992) #0
Superboy (1994)
Annual #1, 60-62, 65, 91
Force (1995) #7
Gunfire (1994) #13
Aquaman (1994)
#16, 50, 65-69, Annual #1
Underworld Unleashed (1995)
Power of Shazam (1995)
#10, 15, 45
Superman: Man of Steel Gallery (1995)
DC Versus Marvel (1996)
#1, 4
Amazon (1996)
Bullets and Bracelets (1996)
Mister Miracle (1996)
#1-3, 5, 6
X-Patrol (1996)
Kingdom Come (1996)
Artemis: Requiem (1996)
#1, 2
Impulse (1995)
#14, 47, 67, 78, 86
Justice League: A Midsummer's Nightmare (1996)
Final Night (1996)
#1, 2, 4
Legion of Super-Heroes (1989)
#86, 119
Superman/Wonder Woman: Who Gods Destroy (1997)
#3, 4
All Access (1996) #3
JLA (1997)
#1-9, 13, 14, 23-27, 32, 33, 36-70, 72, 74-109, 11-114, 118, Annual #2-4
Wonder Woman Plus Jesse Quick (1997)
Batman Plus Arsenal (1997) #1
Essential Vertigo: Swamp Thing (1996) #4
Aztek: The Ultimate Man (1996) #10
Resurrection Man (1997)
#2, 21, 26, 27
JLA/WildC.A.T.s (1997)
JLA Secret Files and Origins (1997)
#1, 3
Teen Titans (1996) #12
Superman: Distant Fires (1998)
Martian Manhunter (1998)
#0, 2, 4, 6-9, 13, 16, 24, Annual #2
Superman Secret Files and Origins (1998) #1
Wonder Woman Secret Files and Origins (1998)
Legends of the DC Universe (1998)
#4, 5, 30-32
JLA: Tomorrow Woman (1998)
Superman Villains Secret Files and Origins (1998)
Wonder Woman: Donna Troy (1998)
Green Lantern Secret Files and Origins (1998) #1
JLA: World Without Grown-Ups (1998)
#1, 2
JLA 80-Page Giant (1998)
#1, 2
Justice League: The Nail (1998)
Wonder Woman: The Once and Future Story (1998)
Elseworld’s Finest: Supergirl & Batgirl (1998)
DC One Million (1998)
#1, 4
Hardcore Station (1998)
#5, 6
JLA in Crisis Secret Files and Origins (1998)
Superman: The Doomsday Wars (1998)
JLA/Titans (1998)
Secret Origins 80-Page Giant (1998)
JLA: Foreign Bodies (1999)
JLA: Superpower (1999)
Justice League of America Super Spectacular (1999)
DCU Holiday Bash (1997) #3
Young Justice Secret Files and Origins (1999)
Superman & Batman: Generations (1999) #2
The Kingdom (1999)
#1, 2
The Kingdom: Planet Krypton (1999) #1
Legends of the DC Universe: Crisis on Infinite Earths (1999)
Young Justice (1998)
#5, 6, 16, 19-21, 24, 35, 54, 1000000
Impulse: Bart Saves the Universe (1999)
Superman: Man of Tomorrow (1998) #13
Hourman (1999)
#1, 5-7, 20, 24
Anarky (1999) #1
Fanboy (1999)
#3, 6
Young Justice 80-Page Giant (1999)
Green Lantern: Fear Itself (1999)
Superman: King of the World (1999)
Superman 80-Page Giant (1999)
Living Assault Weapons (1999)
#1, 3, 5
JLA: Primeval (1999)
Day of Judgment (1999)
Son of Superman (1999)
JLA: Seven Caskets (2000)
Body Doubles (1999) #4
DC 2000 (2000)
#1, 2
JLA: Earth-2 (2000)
Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant (2000) #2
JLA Showcase 80-Page Giant (2000)
Superman: Y2K (2000)
Guide to the DC Universe Secret Files and Origins (2000)
JLA: Created Equal (2000)
#1, 2
Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. (1999) #8
Justice Society of America 100-Page Super Spectacular (2000)
Sins of Youth (2000)
#1, 2, Kid Flash and Impulse, Wonder Girls, JLA Jr.
Young Justice: Sins of Youth Secret Files and Origins (2000)
Silver Age 80-Page Giant (2000)
Emperor Joker (2000)
Green Lantern: Circle of Fire (2000)
#1, 2
Green Lantern/Power Girl (2000)
JLA: Heaven's Ladder (2000)
JLA: Act of God (2000)
JLA: A League of One (2000)
JLA/Witchblade (2000)
Starman (1994) #73
Superman and Batman: World’s Funnest (2001)
Nightwing (1996)
#52, Annual #2
Justice Leagues: JL? (2001)
Justice Leagues: Justice League of Amazons (2001)
Justice Leagues: JLA (2001)
Titans (1999)
#25, 50
Superboy’s Legion (2001)
#1, 2
JLA: Black Baptism (2001)
Spectre (2001)
#3, 23, 24
Orion (2000) #13
Green Arrow (2001)
#4, 17, 47, 75
Bizarro (2001)
JLA: Gods and Monsters (2001)
Superman & Batman: Generations II (2001)
#1, 2
Superman: Our Worlds at War Secret Files and Origins (2001) #1
JLA: Our Worlds at War (2001) #1
Wonder Woman: Our Worlds at War (2001)
Our Worlds at War (2001)
Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth (2001)
JLA: Gatekeeper (2001)
JLA Incarnations (2001)
#6, 7
Green Lantern Legacy: The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan (2002)
JLA/Haven: Arrival (2002) #1
The Dark Knight Strikes Again (2001)
Power Company (2002) Josiah Power
Power Company (2002) Sapphire
Power Company (2002) Witchfire
JSA (1999)
#33-37, 54, 82
JLA: Destiny (2002)
Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia (2002)
Harley Quinn (2000) #23
Legion (2002)
#11, 12
JLA/JSA Secret Files and Origins (2003)
JLA/The Spectre: Soul War (2003)
#1, 2
JLA: Secret Origins (2003)
Aquaman (2003)
#1, 9, 12, 35
JLA/JSA: Virtue and Vice (2003)
Wonder Woman 80-Page Giant (2003)
Supergirl (1996) #79
JLA: Scary Monsters (2003)
Superman: Red Son (2003)
Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity (2003)
Batman: Gotham Knights (2000) #42
JLA: Age of Wonder (2003) #2
JLA: Welcome to the Working Week (2003)
Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day (2003) #3
Avengers/JLA (2003)
Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files and Origins (2003)
#1, 2
JLA-Z (2003) #3
JLA: Liberty and Justice (2004)
Teen Titans (2003)
#5, 6, 29, 30, 41, 50-52, Annual #1
Formerly Known as the Justice League (2003) #6
Plastic Man (2004)
#3, 8, 20
Justice League: Another Nail (2004)
#1, 2
Superman/Batman (2003)
#9-15, 18, 31, 41, 50-52, 55, 56, 63, 66, 76, 78, 80
Birds of Prey (1999)
#68, 100
Identity Crisis (2004)
#1, 4, 6, 7
Majestic (2004) #1
DC Comics Presents: Green Lantern (2004)
DC Comics Presents: Justice League of America (2004)
JLA Secret Files and Origins (2004)
Green Lantern: Rebirth (2004)
Justice League Elite (2004)
#4, 12
JLA Classified (2005)
#2, 3, 10-21, 23, 26-41, 47, 49-52
Legion of Super-Heroes (2005) #1
Manhunter (2004)
#6, 25-30
Supergirl (2004)
#5, 28, 33, 34
Countdown (2007)
#0, 1, 5, 14-16, 18, 32, 34, 36, 41-43, 45, 47, 48, 51
OMAC Project (2005)
Blood of the Demon (2003)
DC Special: Return of Donna Troy (2005)
#2, 4
Justice (2005)
Green Lantern Corps: Recharge (2005) #1
Human Race (2005) #7
Infinite Crisis (2005)
#1-3, 5-7
JSA Classified (2005) #4
Solo (2005) #5
Superman Secret Files and Origins 2005 (2006)
JLA Classified: Cold Steel (2006)
#1, 2
Infinite Crisis Secret Files and Origins (2006)
Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis (2006)
#40, 51
Amazing Adventures of the JLA (2006)
52 (2006)      
#3, 5, 8-12, 24, 25, 33, 34, 41, 47-49, 51, 52
Wonder Woman (2006)
#1-44, Annual #1
All-New Atom (2006)
#1, 17, 18
Catwoman (2002) #58
Justice League of America (2006)
#0, 1-8, 12-31, 36, 37, 40, 41, 43, 49, 59
Green Lantern (2005)
#15-17, 24, 25, 40, 43, 49-53, 65
Martian Manhunter (2006)
#3, 8
Teen Titans Go (2004)
#36, 45
Justice Society of America (2007)
#1, 6, 17, 38, 39, 50
Outsiders (2003)
#43, 45
OMAC (2006) #7
Shadowpact (2006)
#10, 16
Amazons Attack (2007)
Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2006)
All Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder (2005) #5
Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special (2007)
Black Canary (2007)
#1, 2
Aftermath: The Four Horsemen (2007)
Booster Gold (2007)
#1, 7, 14, 22, 23, 26, 32, 33
Brave and the Bold (2007)
#6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 33
Outsiders: Five of a Kind (2007) Wonder Woman/Grace
Black Canary Wedding Planner (2007)
JLA/Hitman (2007)
#1, 2
Justice League of America Wedding Special (2007)
Wonder Girl (2007)
Black Adam: The Dark Age (2007)
#3, 4, 6
Green Arrow and Black Canary (2007)
#1, 4, 5, 30, 32
Tales of the Sinestro Corps (2007) Cyborg Superman
Tales of the Sinestro Corps (2007) Superman-Prime
Energy & Safety  Adventures with the JLA (2008)
Energy and Safety with the Justice League (2008)
Salvation Run (2008) #1
Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer (2008) Red Son
Teen Titans Lost Annual (2008)
Teen Titans: Year One (2008)
#1, 3
Tiny Titans (2008)
#1, 7, 8, 14
Checkmate (2006)
#24, 25
DC Super Friends (2008)
DC/Wildstorm: Dreamwar (2008)
Final Crisis (2008)
Green Lantern Corps (2006)
#24, 54
Rann-Thanagar: Holy War (2008) #1
Titans (2008)
#2, 9, 10, 38
Trials of Shazam (2006) #12
Trinity (2008)
Final Crisis: Requiem (2008)
Tangent: Superman’s Reign (2008) #5
DC Universe: Last Will and Testament (2008)
Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds (2008) #1
DC Universe: Decisions (2008)
#1, 3, 4
Superman and Batman vs Vampires and Werewolves (2008) #1
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe: Beginnings (2008)
Kingdom Come Special (2009) The Kingdom
DC Universe Holiday Special (2009)
Final Crisis: Secret Files (2009)
Justice Society of America (2007) #22
Faces of Evil: Prometheus (2009)
Blackest Night (2009)
#0, 4, 5, 7, 8
Wednesday Comics (2009)
Batman (1940)
#687, 702
Flash: Rebirth (2009)
Batman: Streets of Gotham (2009)
#2, 16
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps (2009)
#1, 3, 4, 6
Justice League: Cry for Justice (2009)
#1, 3, 7
Secret Six (2008)
Justice League of America 80-Page Giant (2009)
DC Halloween Special (2009)
R.E.B.E.L.S. (2009) Annual #2
Adventure Comics (2009)
#4, 7
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman (2010)
Blackest Night: JSA (2010) #3
Milestone Forever (2010) #2
Zatanna (2010) #1
Justice League: Generation Lost (2010)
#1, 2, 10, 15, 20, 22-24
Nemesis: The Imopostors (2010)
#2, 3
Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal (2010) #2
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne (2010)
#3, 5, 6
Power Girl (2009) #13
Brightest Day: Atom (2010)
DC Universe Legacies (2010)
#3, 4, 6, 8-10
Red Robin (2009) #14
DCU Halloween Special (2010)
JSA 80-Page Giant 2010 (2010)
Justice League of America/The 99 (2010)
Untold Tales of Blackest Night (2010)
General Mills Presents: Justice League (2011)
New Teen Titans: Games (2011)
Batman Confidential (2007)
#50, 52-54
Flash (2010) #6
Brightest Day (2010)
#15, 23
Time Masters: Vanishing Point (2010) #6
Young Justice (2011)
#0, 2, 6, 11, 21-25
JLA 80-Page Giant (2011)
Booster Gold (2007) #45
Flashpoint (2011)
#2, 4, 5
Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint (2011)
Flashpoint: Abin Sur – The Green Lantern (2011)
#1, 3
Flashpoint: Deadman and the Flying Graysons (2011)
#1, 2
Flashpoint: Lois Lane and the Resistance (2011)
#1, 3
Flashpoint: Wonder Woman and the Furies (2011)
DC Retroactive: Justice League of America – The 70’s (2011)
DC Retroactive: Wonder Woman – The 70’s (2011)
DC Retroactive: Wonder Woman – The 80’s (2011)
Flashpoint: The Outsider (2011) #2
Flashpoint: Emperor Aquaman (2011)
#2, 3
Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost (2011)
#2, 3
Flashpoint (2011) #5
Flashpoint: Frankenstein and the Creatures of the Unknown (2011) #3
DC Comics Presents: Teen Titans (2011)
DC Retroactive: Wonder Woman (2011)
Justice League (2011)
#1, 3-20, 22-23, 30-52
Justice League Dark (2011)
#1, 22, 23
Justice League International (2011)
#1, 22, 24 Annual #1
Wonder Woman (2011)
#0, 1-52, Annual #1
Craftsman Bolt-On System Saves the Justice League (2012)
Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #4
Voodoo (2011) #4
Superman (2011)
#7, 14-17, 19, 20, 26, 31, 32, 40, 43, 49, 52, Annual #3
Action Comics (2011)
#9, 10, 12, 14, 30-32, 34, 39, 48-52
Captain Atom (2011) #10
Batwoman (2011)
Resurrection Man (2011) #12
DC Universe Presents (2011) #0
Stormwatch (2011) #0
Ame-Comi Girls: Featurings (2012)
#1, 2, 5
Green Lantern (2011)
#13, 14, 20
Aquaman (2011)
#15, 16, 30, 46-48, Annual #2
Sword of Sorcery (2012) #3
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013)
Animal Man (2011)
#16, 17
Superboy (2011)
#16, 17, 19, Annual #1
Justice League of America (2013)
#1, 2, 6-10, 13, 14
Supergirl (2011)
#17, 23, 34
Young Romance: A New 52 Valentine’s Day Special (2013)
Ame-Comi Girls (2012)
#1-3, 6, 8
Flash (2011)
Annual #2, #50
Adventures of Superman (2013)
#4, 7, 17
Trinity of Sin: Pandora (2013) #3
DC Universe vs The Masters of the Universe (2013)
Superman/Wonder Woman (2013)
#1-29, Annual #1, Annual #2
Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. (2013)
#1, 3, 4, 6
Batman Black and White (2013) #3
Constantine (2013) #8
Forever Evil (2013)
#3, 7
Batman/Superman (2013)
#6, 11, 17, 18, 32, Annual #1
Justice League 3000 (2014)
#1-7, 10-15
Harley Quinn (2014)
#3, 16, 20, 30
Injustice: Year Two (2014) #2
Superman Unchained (2013)
#6, 7, 9
Batman and Robin (2011)
#29-31, 33, 34, 40
The New 52: Futures End (2014)
#0, 2, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44
Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell (2014)
The Movement (2013) #12
Superman: Doomed (2014)
#1, 2
Grayson (2014)
#1, 2
Robin Rises: Omega (2014)
The Multiversity (2014)
#1, 2
Secret Origins (2014)
#5, 6, 8, 10
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman (2014)
Booster Gold: Futures End (2014)
Superman: Doomed (2014) #2
Superman/Wonder Woman: Futures End (2014)
Wonder Woman: Futures End (2014)
Tiny Titans: Return to the Treehouse (2014) #5
Batman (2011)
#35, 36
Green Lantern: New Guardians (2011) #36
Green Lantern Corps (2011) #37
The Multiversity Guidebook (2014)
Injustice: Year Three (2014)
#7, 8, Annual #1
Convergence (2015)
#1, 2, 6, 7
Convergence: The Atom (2015)
Convergence: The Flash (2015) #1
Convergence: Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters (2015) #1
Convergence: Speed Force (2015)
#1, 2
Convergence: Suicide Squad (2015) #1
Convergence: Green Lantern Corps (2015) #1
Convergence: Action Comics (2015)
#1, 2
Convergence: Crime Syndicate (2015)
#1, 2
Divergence (2015)
Convergence: Wonder Woman (2015)
#1, 2
Convergence: Justice League International (2015)
#1, 2
Convergence: Justice Society of America (2015) #2
Convergence: Superman (2015) #2
Convergence: Supergirl: Matrix (2015) #2
DC Comics Presents: Son of Superman (2015)
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Four (2015)
#1-12, Annual #1
Justice League of America (2015)
#1-3, 5-10
Justice League 3001 (2015)
#1-4, 6-12
Deathstroke (2014)
#7-10, Annual #1
All Star Section Eight (2015)
#1, 4
Martian Manhunter (2015)
Young Gotham Sampler (2015)
Cyborg (2015)
#1, 3, 6, 7, 9-11
DC Comics Bombshells (2015)
#1-4, 6, 8-13, 16, 22-26, 29, 30, 33
Detective Comics (2011)
#45, 46
Superman: Lois and Clark (2015) #1
Dark Knight III: The Master Race (2016)
#1, 2, 4, 6
Secret Six (2015) #8
Sinestro (2014)
Harley’s Little Black Book (2016)
#1, 6
DC Comics Presents: Robin War 100-Page Spectacular (2016)
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five (2016)
#1-6, 10, 12-17, 19, 20, Annual #1
The Legend of Wonder Woman (2016)
Teen Titans (2014)
Telos (2015) #5
Catwoman (2011) #50
Harley Quinn and Her Gang of Harleys (2016) #1
Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad April Fools’ Special (2016)
Justice League: Darkseid War Special (2016)
DC Comics Essentials: JLA (2016)
Wonder Woman: Earth One (2016)
DC Universe: Rebirth (2016)
Legends of Tomorrow (2016) #3
Aquaman: Rebirth (2016)
Black Canary (2015) #12
The Flash: Rebirth (2016)
Green Lanterns: Rebirth (2016)
Superman: Rebirth (2016)
Superman (2016)
#1, 6, 7, 19, 30, Annual #1
Wonder Woman: Rebirth (2016)
Wonder Woman (2016)
Justice League: Rebirth (2016)
Justice League (2016)
Action Comics (1938)
#598, 600, 670, 675, 690, 753, 754, 761, 770, 781, 782, 792, 902, 904, 817, 818, 829, 833, 834, 836, 842, 850, 872, 873, 888, 889, 960-962, 967, 974, 978, Annual #3, Annual #11
Harley Quinn & the Suicide Squad Special Edition (2016)
The Hellblazer: Rebirth (2016)
Green Lanterns (2016)
#5, 9, 15
Batman (2016)
#5, 22
New Super-Man (2016)
#2, 3, 5, 16, 17
Cyborg: Rebirth (2016)
Trinity (2016)
Wonder Woman: The True Amazon (2016)
Wonder Woman 75th Anniversary Special (2016)
Cyborg (2016)
#3, 4
Detective Comics (1932) #942
General Mills Presents Justice League (2017) #3
Aquaman (2016)
New Talent Showcase (2017)
Nightwing (2016) #9
DC Rebirth Holiday Special (2017)
Injustice: Ground Zero (2016)
#1-3, 5-8, 10-12
Justice League vs Suicide Squad (2017)
Shade the Changing Girl (2016) #3
Justice League of America: Killer Frost Rebirth (2017)
Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin’ Heroz (2016) #6
Suicide Squad (2016)
#10, 23
Batwoman: Rebirth (2017)
Justice League/Power Rangers (2017)
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #8
Titans (2016) Annual #1
Harley Quinn (2016) #18
Super Powers (2017) #4
Super Sons (2017)
#3, 4
The Flash (2016)
#21, 23-25, 33
Green Arrow (2016)
#25, 27, 31
The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom (2017) #6
Wonder Woman: Steve Trevor Special (2017)
Wonder Woman/Tasmanian Devil Special (2017)
Injustice 2 (2017)
#6, 13, Annual #1
Dark Days: The Casting (2017)
Blue Beetle (2016)
#12, 13
Dark Knights: Metal (2017)
Nightwing: The New Order (2017)
#1, 2
Bombshells United (2017)
Batman: The Murder Machine (2017)
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey (2016)
#15, 16
Batman: The Merciless (2017) #1
DC House of Horror (2017)
Gotham City Garage (2017)
#1, 2, 4, 11-present
The Hellblazer (2016) #15
Batman: Lost (2018)
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps (2016) #32
New Talent Showcase 2017 (2018)
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Queen shit
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That’s right, you put that on the company’s card girl 💅
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The real struggle of being on the Justice League
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