#wooowee he was pissed
The Erin's don't know how parents work?
Okay but true parental reaction to Hollyleaf's Revelation ™ at The Gathering would be for Brambleclaw to close his eyes and have his mind go into a soft reboot as he processed, mainly going "I didn't just hear that. I didn't just hear that." Over and over again in the span of a few heartbeats. And then he opens them, hops to his paws, and screeches: "HOLLYLEAF GET DOWN FROM THERE BEFORE YOU HURT YOURSELF!"
and Hollyleaf will be all: "You're not my father, remember? I don't have to listen to you."
And then Squirrelflight will, like, claw the daggone Meeting Tree and drag her daughter down by the scruff and lick her her all over and nudge her because "what in the name of StarClan we're you thinking, going that high?! We barely escaped the fire with our lives and now you want to jump on trees? Are you trying to make me lose half my fur running after you?!"
and Hollyleaf will be confused because "How can you just act like you didn't lie to us?"
"Because we didn't. Leafpool said she found you three in the woods in the snow and asked us to take care of you. If you want to go live in WindClan with Crowfeather, of all cats, then feel free."
"You literally told Ashfur that we weren't your kits."
"Because it was either that or get burned alive! Are you mouse-brained or-?"
"Wait a minute, what happened with Ashfur and the fire?!"
"Not now Brambles, our kids have thistles for brains."
"Yes now! What happened with Ashfur in the fire?! How did he even come up in this talk? I thought you were with me!"
"Holly, Jay, and Lion were stuck in camp so I went back for them but the way out burned up so I found a log and was trying to push it through. Ashfur comes out of nowhere and starts yowling about how I was supposed to live him and nobody saw his pain-."
"What with StarClan?"
"And then he wouldn't move so when he mentioned the kits I said the first thing that popped into my head and prayed that it would work. Apparently someone up there decided we should live."
"And you told me none of this because..."
"I knew you would go looking for Ashfur and you didn't deserve to have his blood on your paws. Besides, someone obviously already dealt with him so can we please go home? I'm tired, Brambles. I didn't want to have to go through this and now literally everyone knows!"
"Ashfur tried to kill you all."
"Ashfur, Cloudtail's brother, my former best friend, tried to kill my mate and kits... over a crush."
"Apparently so."
"I'm going to dig up his body and tear it to pieces, that mangy piece of fox-hearted rat drippings! That soulless waste of space and life and air! That wretched foolish good for nothing miserable rat faced black-hearted clawslice of filth isn't even worth theair you breatheif he would dare attack four of his Clanmates, a mother and her kits at that, over something that happened so many moons ago that the current generation has no knowledge of it!"
"You tell em Brambleclaw!" Someone cheered.
"Ferncloud, I love you. You're one of my best friends and you nursed my kits when Squirrelflight was vulnerable because she couldn't so you will always have a place in my heart. But that brother of yours-."
"Brindleface will never be proud of him. If he gets into StarClan, it will be by the shortest fur on his pelt, and nobody will ever forgive him."
Brambleclaw looked shocked at Ferncloud's declaration, but dipped his head.
"I am honored to have you in my life. Thank you for all you've done."
"Take Squirrelflight and your kits back to camp, Brambleclaw. We'll wrap up the Gathering and fill you in when we get back."
Woah, I wrote a whole story. I'm'na keep it. Maybe AU it.
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