#world smartphone market share
narwatharsh01 · 7 months
Exploring Size, Trends, and Outlook of the Smartphone Market
In the ever-evolving realm of technology, the smartphone market stands as a dynamic and pivotal player. As we delve into the smartphone market's size, growth, analysis, trends, and outlook, we witness an industry that continues to redefine itself in response to consumer demands and technological advancements.
Smartphone Market Size and Growth
The global smartphone market has experienced remarkable expansion over the years, driven by factors such as increased connectivity, rising disposable incomes, and a growing appetite for digital services. According to the latest statistics, the smartphone market size surpassed 1.5 billion units in 2023, reflecting a 5% year-on-year growth.
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This expansion can be attributed to the relentless innovation in smartphone technology, with manufacturers constantly pushing boundaries to offer consumers devices equipped with cutting-edge features, enhanced performance, and improved user experiences.
Smartphone Market Analysis
A deeper dive into the smartphone industry reveals a nuanced landscape shaped by intense competition and rapid technological advancements. Market analysis indicates that Asia-Pacific remains a dominant force, accounting for over 40% of the global smartphone market share. China, in particular, emerges as a key player, both as a significant consumer and producer in the smartphone industry.
Additionally, the market is witnessing a shift towards mid-range and premium smartphones, as consumers increasingly seek devices that offer a balance between advanced features and affordability. This change is reflected in the market share data, with mid-range smartphones capturing around 35% of the global market, signaling a departure from the previous dominance of budget-friendly options.
Smartphone Market Trends
The smartphone market is marked by several trends that underscore the industry's adaptability to emerging consumer needs. One of the notable trends is the integration of 5G technology into smartphones. With the global rollout of 5G networks, smartphone manufacturers are racing to release 5G-compatible devices, expecting this trend to drive market growth in the coming years.
Another significant trend is the emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly practices. Consumers are increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of technology, prompting smartphone manufacturers to adopt greener production methods and recyclable materials.
Smartphone Market Outlook
Looking ahead, the smartphone market outlook remains optimistic, fueled by ongoing technological advancements and the continued demand for smarter, more efficient devices. Industry experts project the global smartphone market to witness a CAGR of around 6% from 2024 to 2028, with an anticipated market size exceeding 1.8 billion units by the end of this period.
The outlook is particularly promising for markets in developing regions, where increasing urbanization and a growing middle class contribute to the rising demand for smartphones. However, manufacturers must remain vigilant and adaptable, considering the ever-changing consumer preferences and the potential impact of external factors, such as geopolitical events and economic uncertainties.
In conclusion, the smartphone market is a dynamic and robust industry that constantly reinvents itself to meet the evolving needs of consumers. With a global market size exceeding 1.5 billion units and a projected growth rate of 6%, the outlook is undeniably positive. As the market continues to evolve, key trends such as 5G integration and sustainability will play pivotal roles in shaping the industry's trajectory. The smartphone market stands as a testament to the relentless pursuit of innovation, ensuring that these pocket-sized devices remain indispensable in our increasingly connected world.
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techfeeddata · 2 years
The global smartphone market is in decline this year for the third time in a row
The global smartphone market is in decline this year for the third time in a row
Samsung maintained its lead with a 22% market share, boosted by major stock-reduction promotions. The global smartphone market suffered its third straight decline this year amid turbulent global economic conditions. The smartphone market fell 9% in the latest quarter at the end of September compared to the same period a year earlier. Credit: Canalys “The gloomy economic outlook has led consumers…
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collapsedsquid · 1 month
I doubt it was predicted or designed, but when the practice emerged of delegating industrial policy to local governments, China invented a structural form of antitrust. The central state declares what industries are to be favored, and then many localities toss contenders into the ring. The unsurprising result is competition. At the national level, with astonishing speed, industries with world-class competences emerge, even when — especially when — no "national champion" comes to dominate. Great industries are what a nation wants, not great firms. Firms are just the players. They perform extraordinary feats, and we cheer them, but they come and go. The industry is the league. It is what endures and delivers decade after decade. A decade ago China did not produce electric vehicles. Now it is the world leader. It is the same story with batteries, solar panels, steel. In the US, we tend to provide government support to established national champions, Boeing perhaps, or Intel. How is that working for us? Large consolidated firms become specialists in exploiting market power and political influence rather than any technical facet of production. What if we financed state governments to field local heroes and compete in the big leagues? It boggles the American imagination to think that medium-sized, US-state-level enterprises could compete in high-tech, capital-intensive industries. But isn't China's experience an existence proof? Shouldn't the share-buyback-heavy, technical-achievement-light experience of firms like Boeing and Intel chasten our conventional wisdom?
Must do socialism so we have intense competition between the Colorado smartphone and the Massachusetts smartphone
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nori-the-cat · 4 months
a bit of a long ramble but
I'e been observing and following kpop on and off for some time because theres really not much other music out rn besides whatever is mainstream and even that doesnt always interest me enough. but I just wonder why so much of kpop has been so dramatic lately? lkke in these past few years online drama seems to increase surrounding idols especially and what idols do in their personal life doesnt need to be shared online like wtf and it just seems like every small thing for kpop groups tend to become big drama or their fans make it big drama all the time. thats why i watch from afar these days cause it seems anyone can have negative thing to say abt anyone whos in the kpop entertainment. even if there is some good things abt kpop music, overall it doesnt paint it in good light cause it make their fans seem like a pack of wild vultures who watch their idols like hawkes or ppl who cant seem to mind their business or let idols roam freely in their spare time cause smartphones seem to mean ppl can shove them in the idols face esp at airports.
its just kind of tiring most of the time like if people just liked it for the songs it wouldnt be so bad instead it seems to be one extreme or the other. i dont blame idols for never saying who they date bc look at what happened to karina and the actor. social media just spoils the fun of something and makes it into something else enitrely where its now often filled with dramas or toxic behaviours idfk whatever ppl post towards idols it only for them to get more negative reactions. i wouldnt be surprised if most idols are already dating but when it seem to get leaked in the media then ppl who are their fans act like it end of the world. i think the problem isnt social media itself but more so smartphones bc ppl who are more their hard core stans, i guess is the right word, they might go to extremes and they keep showing that extreme behaviour any time something doesnt sit right with them. like one minute the idol can be worshipped and next they can be tarnished so they cant really win anymore.
when ppl say that kpop is becoming westernised i only think thats in the sense of them adding foreigners nowadays to the groups, but the groups and their fans are still very much particular towards things like in 2024 i didnt expect idols dating to still be considered a scandal? whereas in the west they date who they want or idfk adult idols going out to clubs and drinking seem to surprise some folk. even the stuff in the media dont surprise me anymore cause it no a big deal to me at least. honestly with the way their fans behave online and irl towards idols theres one thing im glad abt and that is i will never have to deal with them or knetz lol.
its shame bc theres still so much kpop could bring to music but its so formatted and rigid or set in its ways of doing things. the other thing is they arent debuting older age idols who may have more life experiences and they may be more mentally prepared to handle such fans behaviours or they might have different style vocals and so on, so with that in mind im like its so awkward and horrible to even watch the way much younger idols get treated or mistreated, i should say, by their own fans and maybe by other adults that they work with.
other than whatever is mainstream there doesnt seem to be market for my age group anymore cause in kpop theyre debuting them too young and ik they always done that but it still feels weird to me to like a group whos 4/5/6 years younger than myself. id have loved an other group like btob or a smaller version of exo but nowadays it seems groups have nearly 30 smth members in them and they usually have to be quite young :/ if ateez had been my age it would seal the deal but i dont even care too deeply for them either its just once in awhile sort of thing i will like their songs why does it always have to be more than that?
like im no going to go doolally about every group nowadays either for this reason that my generation seems to be getting left out of a lot of things to do with kpop. like i honestly really feel old these days esp when i look at an idol and theyre like a 99liner or 00liner :O and kpop probs now considers 20 year olds too old as well :( fomo sets in too when u dont particularly care deeply abt dance challenges or latest internet fads cause i rather just like a group for their songs or their talent than their looks or their group position / personality whatever its called
lastly whoever date or marry bts i honestly feel so bad for them like they going to get so much media attention and their fans wont like it either so the internet will descend into more chaos when they marry if they arent already secretly married that is. it really sometimes often feels like the beatles but with the internet involved its 100x more crazy no matter the group it always has bunch of crazies who seem to twke it way too far
sorry for my long ramble
GUUUUUURRRRL please don’t be sorry for your long ramble. I had similar thoughts as you but I have come to terms with it, especially when I’m the same age as NCT 127 Jungwoo things in K-pop music has become less enjoyable too. Hence, I don’t know much about newer groups or groups outside of my interests ㅠ ㅠ
You also pointed out how fans can idolise their idols and drop them the next minute when they’re “wrong”, for example going to the club, dating, and having a life basically. I think all of this is the company’s fault. Take SM for example, I’m not comfortable in the direction that RIIZE is going with the booheju (girlfriend stan) stuff, but it’s what it makes money? Because of this, I’ve slowly detaching myself from them and only like their songs and I have one particular member that I like, he is Lee Sohee. I also like him because of his singing skill and that’s all.
Overall, I agree with you. Tbh it’s the parasocial relationship that is an issue. Some fans seeks comfort from their idol and the idol gives them that. However, often they forget that an idol job stops when they’re behind the camera. They have a life too. So, I’m with you on this too. I have started to like a group for their song and less about what is trendy or their looks and personality. Girl groups wise I’m into Aespa, NewJeans and BabyMonster. Their songs are right up my alley. Now, the younger idols debuting is a problem in it of itself. But this has happened way before in Kpop. Take Taemin for example, or NCT Dream Jisung. I think the main reason is that the younger they are, the easier to “manipulate” them or influence them. I guess if a company debuts someone above 25 years old, they’re going to have a hard time dealing with them because their pre-frontal cortex has developed.
that’s my easiest bet! 🤡
I’m also not Korean so I can’t say for certain this is true. However, I’m Asian. I realise Asian people put so much emphasis on good character. Because of this, idols are seen as role models and they are constantly judged and put on a pedestal. It’s kinda sad really. So, take Seunghan for example, whether his rumours are true or not. His scandal has been a huge part of his idol career and to some, it could look like there is no going back. In terms of fan wars, I think people on the internet are just bored or mean. Most fan wars started by some troll or a fan who likes to compare other idols. I don’t know much about fan wards but this is what I noticed. I’m pretty sure if BTS gets married, it is during the time of their life where they are not at their “prime”. That way is easier for them to be accepted by their fans and the South Korean. Take, Ryewook from Super Junior. He got married recently and the fans seem fine. But ofc, we can’t exclude the obsessive fans. I’m sure idols realise they have obsessive fans. In general, I’m pretty sure idols knows their consequences and downsides to being an idol. We as fans also have full control of our interests. The only thing becoming Westernised in kpop is the song and not the culture. 🤡
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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Empire’s radical monopoly over life
Ivan Illich was a prominent radical intellectual in the 1970s, but aside from his radical critique of schooling, is not well-known today. For Illich, modern schooling was only one of the many ways that dependence was being entrenched—a dependence not only on capitalist production and consumption, but on a whole violent, industrialized, disciplined, and controlled way of life. His concept of radical monopoly points to something more systematic than the control over a particular market by a particular firm. Instead, radical monopoly gets at the way that Empire monopolizes life itself: how people relate to each other, how they get around, how they get their sustenance, and the whole texture of everyday life. A world built for cars forces out other ways of moving, and modern building codes and bylaws make it impossible and illegal for people to build their own dwellings, or even to live together at all if they cannot pass as a nuclear family. Modern medicine does not just create a new way of understanding the body: its scientific understanding is premised on a radical monopoly over health, and the subjugation (or commodification) of other healing traditions. To be healthy under Empire is to be a properly functioning, able-bodied, neurotypical individual capable of work, and to be sick often means becoming medicalized: isolated, confined, and dependent on strangers and experts. Law, policing, and prisons monopolize the field of justice by enforcing cycles of punishment and incarceration, forcing out the capacity of people to protect each other and resolve conflicts themselves. The rise of industrial agriculture has been accompanied by a loss of the convivial relations surrounding subsistence: the connection to the growing and processing of food, the intimacy with ecosystems and seasons it entails, and the collective rituals, celebrations, and practices that have accompanied these traditions. Empire’s infrastructure induces dependence on forms of production, specialized knowledge, expertise, and tools that detach people from their capacities to learn, grow, build, produce, and take care of each other.
Since Illich wrote, these monopolies have folded into ever more diffuse and generalized forms of control, sunk deeper into the fabric of life. Deleuze called this new form of power taking shape over the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries “control societies.”[102] Rather than telling people exactly what to do, this mode of power regularizes life, calling forth certain ways of living and feeling, and making other forms of life die. Surveillance no longer ends when one exits a particular institution: through social media, smartphones, browsing histories, and credit cards, surveillance is ubiquitous, continuous, and increasingly participatory. We are enjoined to share, consume, and express ourselves, and every choice feeds back into algorithms that predict our habits and preferences with ever increasing precision. The performance of self-expression is constantly encouraged, and as the Institute for Precarious Consciousness writes, “Our success in this performance in turn affects everything from our ability to access human warmth to our ability to access means of subsistence, not just in the form of the wage but also in the form of credit.”[103] Under this apparatus, there is little room for silence, nuance, listening, exploration, or the rich subtleties of tone and body language. Anything too intense or subversive is either incorporated or surgically removed by security, police, or emergency personnel. Class, anti-Blackness, Islamophobia, ableism and other structured forms of violence are coded into the algorithms that make everyone a potential terrorist, thief, or error. Even those who are supposed to enjoy the most—those who can afford the newest screens and the most expensive forms of consumption—are inducted into a state of nearly constant distraction, numbness, and anxiety.
Perpetual individualization obscures the crushing collective effects of Empire. When this form of control is working, interactions are hypervisible, superficial, predictable, and self-managed. To be constantly mistrusted and controlled is also to be detached from one’s own capacity to experiment, make mistakes, and learn without instruction or coercion. To internalize the responsibilities of neoliberal individualism is to sink into the mesh of control and subjection. The responsible economic subject owns her own property, pays her own debts, invests in her future, and meets her needs and desires through consumption. She is individually responsible for her health, her economic situation, her life prospects, and even her emotional states. These forms of subjection make it difficult to imagine—let alone participate in—collective alternatives. From the dependence on armed strangers to resolve conflicts, to the hum of an extraction-fuelled world, to the glow of screens that beckon attention, to the stranglehold of policy and bureaucracy, to the intergenerational violence and abuse that permeate lovers and families, Empire is constantly entrenching dependence on a world that makes joy, trust, and responsibility difficult.
It is not a question of revealing this to people, as if they are dupes. Struggling amid these forms of control means grappling with their affective hold on us and our daily lives. Anxiety, addiction, and depression are not merely secrets to reveal or illusions to dispel. Preaching about Empire’s horrors can stoke cynicism or ironic detachment rather than undoing subjection. One can still feel bound and depleted, despite one’s awareness. Empire’s subjects are “free” to be mistrustful and resentful of the system under which they live. One can hate Empire as much as one wants, as long as one continues to work, pay rent, and consume. There is no simple correspondence between intentions and actions, as if the problem is simply figuring out what to do and doing it. Undoing subjection is not about conscious opposition, or finding a way to be happy amidst misery. Challenging Empire’s radical monopoly over life means interrupting its affective and infrastructural hold, undoing some of our existing attachments and desires, and creating new ones.
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foxnangelseo · 4 months
Apple To Invest More In India
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As per undisclosed sources familiar with the matter, Apple Inc. is reportedly revamping the management of its international businesses to place a larger emphasis on India, reflecting the country's growing importance in the company's overall strategy. This move marks a significant milestone as India is set to become its own sales region at Apple for the first time, signaling the surging demand for Apple's products in the region. As a result, India is expected to gain greater prominence and visibility within the company.
The decision to focus on India could be a strategic move by Apple, given that India is one of the fastest-growing smartphone markets in the world. By prioritizing India, Apple may be seeking to gain a larger market share in the region, which could help the company offset slowing growth in other markets. The company's recent launch of an online store in India is further evidence of its commitment to expanding its presence in the country. Last quarter, despite a 5% dip in total sales, Apple achieved record revenue in India. The tech giant has set up an online store to cater to the region and plans to open its first retail stores there later this year. During the last earnings call, Apple CEO Tim Cook highlighted the company's significant emphasis on the Indian market and compared its current state to its early years in China. He mentioned how Apple is leveraging its learnings from China to scale in India. China is Apple's largest sales region after the Americas and Europe, generating around $75 billion in revenue per year. Apart from boosting Apple's sales, India is also becoming increasingly critical to the company's product development. Key suppliers are shifting to the region, and Apple is partnering with manufacturing giant Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. (also known as Foxconn) to establish new iPhone production facilities in India, according to Bloomberg News. Apple has been expanding its focus on the Indian market in recent years, and the company has been making efforts to improve its sales operations in the country. In 2020, Apple launched an online store in India, which allowed the company to sell its products directly to consumers in the country for the first time. This move was seen as a significant step for Apple, as India is one of the world's fastest-growing smartphone markets. If Apple is restructuring its international sales operations to put a more significant focus on India, it suggests that the company sees significant growth potential in the Indian market. Apple may be looking to increase its market share in India by focusing on pricing, localizing products and services, and building relationships with key partners in the country. It remains to be seen how Apple's restructuring will affect the company's operations in other regions. However, this move is undoubtedly a positive sign for India's tech industry, as it shows that major global players are taking note of the country's potential as a growth market.
Fox&Angel is an open strategy consulting ecosystem, put together by a top-line core team of industry experts, studded with illustrious success stories, learnings, and growth. Committed to curate bespoke business & strategy solutions for each of your challenges, we literally handpick consultants from across the globe and industries who fit the role best and help you on your path to success. 
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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rosiemaesworld · 2 months
1. **Convergence**:
- **Definition**: Convergence in ICT refers to the integration of multiple technologies, platforms, or services into a single, cohesive system.
- **Example**: Smartphones that combine telephone, internet browsing, email, GPS, and multimedia functions.
- **Impact**: It leads to more versatile devices and systems, simplifying user experience and increasing efficiency by reducing the need for multiple, separate devices.
2. **Social Media**:
- **Definition**: Social media consists of online platforms that facilitate the creation, sharing, and interaction with content and user-generated content in virtual communities.
- **Example**: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.
- **Impact**: Social media has revolutionized communication and information sharing, influencing personal interactions, marketing strategies, public relations, and even political campaigns.
3. **Mobile Technologies**:
- **Definition**: Mobile technologies encompass portable devices and the infrastructure that enables wireless communication and internet access.
- **Example**: Smartphones, tablets, wearable devices like smartwatches.
- **Impact**: These technologies enable users to access information, communicate, and perform various tasks from virtually anywhere, enhancing connectivity and productivity.
4. **Assistive Media**:
- **Definition**: Assistive media includes tools and technologies designed to help individuals with disabilities access and use ICT effectively.
- **Example**: Screen readers for the visually impaired, voice recognition software, alternative input devices.
- **Impact**: Assistive media ensures accessibility and inclusivity, allowing people with disabilities to participate fully in the digital world, improving their quality of life and opportunities for education and employment.
5. **Cloud Computing**:
- **Definition**: Cloud computing involves delivering computing services—such as storage, processing power, and applications—over the internet, rather than from local servers or personal devices.
- **Example**: Google Drive, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- **Impact**: Cloud computing offers scalable, flexible, and cost-effective resources, enhancing collaboration, data accessibility, and operational efficiency for both individuals and organizations.
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Embrace Tomorrow with the Vivo Y18: A Glimpse into the Future of Smartphones
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In the bustling world of smartphones, few names shine as brightly as vivo. From its humble beginnings to its current global presence, the journey of vivo is a testament to innovation, perseverance, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Join us as we embark on a journey through time, uncovering the fascinating history of vivo.
Origins of vivo
Every success story has a beginning, and for vivo, it all started with a vision. Founded in 2009, vivo emerged as a challenger in the competitive smartphone market of China. With a focus on user experience and cutting-edge technology, vivo quickly garnered attention for its sleek designs and innovative features.
The Rise to Prominence
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, vivo transcended obstacles and carved a niche for itself in the smartphone industry. Through strategic marketing campaigns and a relentless commitment to quality, vivo captured the hearts of consumers, solidifying its position as a formidable player in the market.
Innovation and Technological Advancements
At the core of vivo's success lies a culture of innovation. From pioneering in-display fingerprint technology to pushing the boundaries of camera capabilities, vivo continues to set new benchmarks for excellence. With each new release, consumers eagerly anticipate the next breakthrough from the brand.
Market Expansion and Global Reach
From its roots in China, vivo swiftly expanded its footprint across the globe. With a presence in over 30 countries, vivo has become a household name, catering to the diverse needs of consumers worldwide. Through strategic partnerships and localized marketing efforts, vivo has successfully penetrated international markets.
Impact on the Smartphone Industry
vivo's influence extends beyond just sales figures. As a trailblazer in the smartphone industry, vivo has inspired competitors and set industry trends. Whether it's introducing innovative features or redefining design aesthetics, vivo continues to shape the future of mobile technology.
Community Engagement and Brand Loyalty
Beyond products, vivo fosters a sense of community and brand loyalty among its users. Through engaging social media campaigns and interactive events, vivo connects with its audience on a personal level, building lasting relationships that transcend mere transactions.
Sustainable Practices and Corporate Responsibility
As a responsible corporate citizen, vivo is committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship. From eco-friendly packaging to energy-efficient manufacturing processes, vivo strives to minimize its ecological footprint and contribute to a greener future for generations to come.
Challenges and Overcoming Adversity
The path to success is rarely smooth, and vivo has encountered its fair share of challenges along the way. From intense competition to unforeseen market shifts, vivo has demonstrated resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity, emerging stronger and more determined than ever.
Partnerships and Collaborations
Collaboration is key to vivo's growth strategy, as evidenced by its strategic partnerships with industry leaders and influencers. By joining forces with like-minded organizations, vivo enhances its brand visibility and reaches new audiences, further solidifying its position in the market.
Future Prospects and Beyond
As we look to the future, the horizon seems limitless for vivo. With a relentless focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, vivo is poised to continue its upward trajectory, shaping the future of mobile technology and delighting consumers with groundbreaking products and experiences.
Ringtones for Vivo
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Embrace the Future with Vivo Y18
Welcome to the world of smartphones, where innovation meets convenience! In this digital age, finding the perfect smartphone can be quite overwhelming. But fear not, as we unravel the enchanting features of the Vivo Y18. This article is your gateway to discovering the magic of this exceptional device, designed to elevate your mobile experience to new heights. Let's dive in!
The Evolution of Vivo Y18
The journey of the Vivo Y18 has been nothing short of remarkable, marked by continuous innovation and adaptation to the ever-changing landscape of smartphone technology. From its inception, Vivo has strived to push boundaries and redefine the smartphone experience for users worldwide. With each iteration, the Vivo Y18 has evolved to meet the growing demands and expectations of consumers, incorporating cutting-edge features and advancements in hardware and software. From enhanced performance capabilities to sleeker designs and improved camera technologies, the Vivo Y18 has undergone a transformative evolution
Design and Display
The design and display of a smartphone are pivotal aspects that greatly influence user experience and satisfaction. In the case of the Vivo Y18, meticulous attention has been paid to crafting a device that not only looks sleek and stylish but also offers a visually stunning display. The sleek design of the Vivo Y18 is characterized by its slim profile, ergonomic curves, and premium materials, ensuring a comfortable grip and a luxurious feel in the hand. Moreover, the device boasts a vibrant and immersive display that brings content to life with vivid colors, sharp details, and wide viewing angles.
Performance Prowess
When it comes to smartphones, performance is paramount, and the Vivo Y18 delivers in spades. Powered by advanced hardware and optimized software, this device is engineered to deliver a seamless and responsive user experience. Whether you're multitasking between apps, streaming HD videos, or gaming with intense graphics, the Vivo Y18 handles it all with ease. Under the hood, a powerful processor coupled with ample RAM ensures smooth performance, allowing you to breeze through tasks without any lag or slowdown. Additionally, the device comes equipped with intelligent software optimizations that further enhance its performance.
Camera Capabilities
The camera capabilities of the Vivo Y18 are truly exceptional, empowering users to capture life's precious moments with unmatched clarity and precision. Equipped with advanced camera technology, this device ensures that every photo and video you take is nothing short of stunning. Whether you're a photography enthusiast or simply love documenting your daily adventures, the Vivo Y18's camera is up to the task. With high-resolution sensors, intelligent image processing algorithms, and a plethora of shooting modes and features, you have the tools you need to unleash your creativity and capture breathtaking shots in any setting.
Battery Life and Charging
The battery life and charging capabilities of the Vivo Y18 are nothing short of impressive, ensuring that you stay powered up and connected throughout the day. With its long-lasting battery, you can enjoy uninterrupted usage without the need to constantly reach for your charger. Whether you're browsing the web, watching videos, or chatting with friends, the Vivo Y18's battery is designed to keep up with your busy lifestyle. Additionally, when it's time to recharge, the device supports fast charging technology, allowing you to quickly top up your battery and get back to what matters most.
Software Sophistication
The Vivo Y18 shines with its software sophistication, offering users an intuitive and seamless user experience that enhances productivity and convenience. Powered by advanced software features and optimizations, this device ensures smooth performance and effortless navigation. Whether you're navigating through the user interface, multitasking between apps, or accessing your favorite features, the Vivo Y18's software is designed to anticipate your needs and deliver a fluid and responsive experience. Additionally, the device comes equipped with a range of smart features and customization options that allow you to personalize your device to suit your preferences.
Connectivity at Its Best
The Vivo Y18 offers connectivity at its best, ensuring that you stay seamlessly connected to the world around you. With support for the latest connectivity standards, including 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and more, this device keeps you connected wherever you go. Whether you're browsing the web, streaming videos, or staying in touch with friends and family, the Vivo Y18 delivers fast and reliable connectivity that meets your needs. Additionally, the device features advanced antenna technology and signal optimization algorithms, ensuring strong and stable connections even in areas with poor network coverage.
Security Features
The Vivo Y18 is equipped with robust security features to safeguard your personal data and privacy. With biometric authentication options such as fingerprint recognition and facial recognition, you can ensure that only you have access to your device. Additionally, the device offers secure encryption methods to protect your sensitive information from unauthorized access. Whether you're making online transactions, accessing confidential documents, or storing personal photos, you can have peace of mind knowing that your data is safe and secure with the Vivo Y18's advanced security features.
Immersive Multimedia Experience
Experience entertainment like never before with the Vivo Y18's immersive multimedia capabilities. Whether you're watching movies, listening to music, or gaming, this device offers a captivating audiovisual experience that transports you into the heart of the action. With its vibrant display and crisp audio output, every scene comes to life with stunning clarity and realism. Moreover, the Vivo Y18's powerful hardware ensures smooth performance and lag-free playback, allowing you to enjoy your favorite content without interruption. Whether you're unwinding after a long day or immersing yourself in the latest blockbuster, the Vivo Y18 guarantees an unforgettable multimedia experience that keeps you entertained for hours on end.
Value for Money
The Vivo Y18 offers exceptional value for money, providing users with a plethora of features and capabilities at an affordable price point. With its impressive performance, advanced camera technology, and sleek design, this device punches above its weight in terms of functionality and quality. Whether you're a budget-conscious consumer or simply looking for a reliable smartphone without breaking the bank, the Vivo Y18 delivers unbeatable value. From its long-lasting battery life to its intuitive user interface, every aspect of the device is carefully crafted to maximize value for the user.
Conclusion: Your Next Smartphone Companion
In conclusion, the Vivo Y18 emerges as a true powerhouse in the world of smartphones, combining cutting-edge technology with user-centric design. Elevate your mobile experience and embrace the future with this remarkable device by your side.
1. Is the Vivo Y18 waterproof?
No, the Vivo Y18 is not waterproof. It is advisable to keep it away from water to prevent damage.
2. Does the Vivo Y18 support fast charging?
Yes, the Vivo Y18 supports fast charging, allowing you to recharge your device quickly for uninterrupted usage.
3. Can I expand the storage on the Vivo Y18?
Yes, the Vivo Y18 comes with expandable storage options, allowing you to increase the storage capacity with a microSD card.
4. Does the Vivo Y18 have a headphone jack?
Yes, the Vivo Y18 features a headphone jack, enabling you to connect your favorite headphones or earphones without any hassle.
5. Is the Vivo Y18 compatible with 5G networks?
No, the Vivo Y18 does not support 5G networks. However, it offers reliable connectivity through 4G LTE networks for seamless browsing and streaming experiences.
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aashirvad12121 · 2 months
Case Studies of Successful Mobile Apps: What Makes Them Stand Out
Successful Mobile Apps
The development of mobile applications has become an essential component of modern life.The mobile app market is saturated with millions of apps, but only a few manage to achieve significant success. Understanding what makes these apps stand out can provide valuable insights for developers and entrepreneurs looking to create their own successful applications. In this blog, we will analyze some of the most successful mobile apps and uncover the key factors behind their success.
1. WhatsApp: Revolutionizing Communication
Overview: WhatsApp is a cross-platform messaging app that allows users to send text messages, voice messages, make voice and video calls, and share images, documents, and user locations.
Key Success Factors:
User-Centric Design: WhatsApp's interface is simple and easy to use, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Reliability: WhatsApp provides reliable and fast messaging, even in areas with poor internet connectivity.
Cross-Platform Availability: The app is available on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and web, ensuring broad accessibility.
Encryption: WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption ensures user privacy and security, which has built trust among users.
2. Instagram: Visual Storytelling
Overview: Instagram is one of the best mobile app development projects that has changed the way people share photos and interact with each other online.Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service that allows users to share their moments with followers and discover content from all over the world.
Key Success Factors:
Visual Appeal: Instagram’s focus on high-quality images and videos has made it a favorite for visual storytelling.
User Engagement: Features like Stories, Reels, and IGTV keep users engaged and encourage content creation.
Influencer Marketing: Instagram has become a hub for influencers and brands, driving significant engagement and revenue through sponsored posts.
Continuous Innovation: Regular updates and new features keep the platform fresh and exciting for users.
3. Uber: Transforming Transportation
Overview: Uber is a ride-hailing app that connects passengers with drivers of vehicles for hire and ridesharing services.
One of the main reasons for the success of the Uber mobile app is its simplicity and user-friendliness. The app is user-friendly and provides users with an easy way to arrange their transportation. Moreover, the app’s real-time tracking features provide users with peace of mind.
Key Success Factors:
Convenience: Uber offers a hassle-free way to book rides with just a few taps on a smartphone.
Real-Time Tracking: Users can track their ride in real-time, providing a sense of safety and reliability.
Cashless Payments: The app integrates cashless payment options, making transactions smooth and efficient.
Dynamic Pricing: Uber’s surge pricing model ensures availability of rides during peak times, balancing supply and demand.
4. Spotify: Personalized Music Streaming
Overview: Spotify is a music streaming app that gives users access to millions of songs, podcasts, and videos from artists all over the world.
Key Success Factors:
Personalization: Spotify’s algorithm provides personalized music recommendations based on user preferences and listening history.
Extensive Library: A vast library of music and podcasts ensures that there is something for everyone.
User-Friendly Interface: The app’s intuitive interface makes it easy for users to discover and enjoy music.
Social Features: Spotify allows users to share music and playlists, fostering a community of music lovers.
5. TikTok: Short-Form Video Entertainment
Overview: TikTok is a social media platform for creating, sharing, and discovering short-form videos, ranging from 15 seconds to three minutes.
Key Success Factors:
Virality: TikTok’s algorithm promotes content based on engagement rather than follower count, allowing anyone to go viral.
Creativity: A wide array of editing tools, filters, and effects encourages creativity and content creation.
Community Building: Challenges and trends foster a sense of community and participation among users.
Global Reach: TikTok has a broad international user base, making it a global phenomenon.
Mobile application development has become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. Analyzing these successful mobile apps reveals several common factors that contribute to their success: user-centric design, continuous innovation, reliability, personalization, and strong engagement strategies. By incorporating these elements into your own app development process, you can increase the chances of creating a successful mobile application.
If you’re ready to take the next step,XICONET can bring your idea of mobile app development into reality with years of professional experience and learning. We have developed several flawlessly engineered mobile apps for start-ups and enterprises with great feedback. Consider partnering with experienced developers who can bring your vision to life. Book a 30-min call with our experts, and we can get started right away!
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ai-seo-services · 2 months
Predicting Upcoming Trends in NLP and Content Marketing: What Businesses Need to Know
In the fast-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is emerging as a game-changer. NLP, a branch of artificial intelligence, enables machines to understand, interpret, and respond to human language in a valuable way. With its integration into content marketing, the future of NLP in content marketing looks incredibly promising. Let’s dive into the upcoming NLP trends and their potential impacts on businesses and marketers. Plus, I’ll share strategies to help you stay ahead of these advancements.
Understanding NLP and Its Importance for content marketing
What is NLP?
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the intersection of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence. It focuses on enabling machines to comprehend and process human language. Think of it as the technology behind your favourite voice assistant or the predictive text in your smartphone.
Why NLP Matters in Content Marketing
Content marketing is all about delivering the right message to the right audience. With NLP, marketers can better understand user intent, personalise content, and enhance user engagement. By leveraging NLP, businesses can craft content that resonates more profoundly with their audience.
Upcoming NLP Trends in Content Marketing
1. Enhanced Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis is no longer about simply identifying positive or negative sentiments. The future of NLP in content marketing will involve more nuanced sentiment analysis, understanding complex emotions like sarcasm, irony, and mixed feelings. This will help brands gauge customer sentiment more accurately and tailor their strategies accordingly.
2. Advanced Personalisation for content marketing
Personalisation will reach new heights with NLP. Imagine a world where content is not just personalised by demographic data but also by real-time behavioural data. NLP will enable marketers to create hyper-personalised content marketing, enhancing user experience and driving higher engagement rates.
3. Improved Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
Chatbots and virtual assistants will become even more sophisticated. They’ll understand context better, offer more relevant responses, and engage users in more natural conversations. This advancement will revolutionise customer service and engagement in content marketing.
4. Content marketing and generation
NLP-powered content generation tools will become mainstream. These tools will assist marketers in creating high-quality content marketing quickly and efficiently, from blog posts to social media updates. They’ll understand the tone, style, and context needed, ensuring consistency in brand messaging.
5. Voice Search Optimisation
As voice search continues to rise, NLP will play a crucial role in optimising content for voice queries. Marketers will need to focus on creating conversational content marketing that aligns with how people speak rather than type.
6. Multilingual Capabilities
Breaking language barriers will be easier than ever. NLP will facilitate the creation of multilingual content, allowing brands to reach a global audience effortlessly. This trend will be pivotal for businesses aiming to expand their international presence.
Potential Impacts on Businesses and Marketers
Transforming Customer Interactions
NLP will transform how businesses interact with their customers. With advanced chatbots and virtual assistants, companies can provide instant support and personalised recommendations, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Data-Driven Insights
NLP will offer deeper insights into customer behaviour and preferences. By analysing large volumes of data, businesses can make more informed decisions and refine their marketing strategies to meet customer needs better.
Boosting SEO Efforts for content marketing
NLP will significantly impact SEO strategies. Search engines are becoming smarter at understanding user intent, and NLP will help marketers optimise their content to align with these evolving algorithms. This means higher search rankings and increased organic traffic.
Enhancing Content Marketing Quality
With NLP, content quality will improve dramatically. Automated content generation tools will assist in creating well-structured, engaging, and error-free content. This will save time and resources while maintaining a high standard of content output.
Strategies to Stay Ahead in NLP Advancements
1. Invest in NLP Technology
Investing in the right NLP tools and technologies is crucial. Whether it’s for sentiment analysis, content generation, or chatbots, having the right tools will give you a competitive edge.
2. Focus on Data
Data is the backbone of NLP. Ensure you have a robust data collection and analysis strategy in place. This will help you understand your audience better and create more targeted and effective content.
3. Keep Up with Trends
The world of NLP is continuously evolving. Stay updated with the latest upcoming NLP trends and advancements by following industry blogs, attending conferences, and participating in webinars.
4. Leverage Expert Help
Consider working with experts in NLP and content marketing. Agencies like AI SEO Services offer comprehensive services that can help you navigate the complexities of NLP and maximise its benefits for your business.
5. Train Your Team
Ensure your marketing team is well-versed in NLP technologies and their applications. Provide training and resources to help them stay updated and proficient in using these tools effectively.
6. Optimise for Voice Search
With the rise of voice search, optimising your content for voice queries is essential. Focus on creating conversational content and using long-tail keywords that match natural speech patterns.
7. Prioritise User Experience in Content Marketing
At the end of the day, user experience is paramount. Use NLP to enhance the overall user experience on your website and other digital platforms. Personalised, relevant, and engaging content will keep users coming back.
8. Monitor and Adapt
Regularly monitor the performance of your NLP strategies and be ready to adapt as needed. The digital landscape is dynamic, and staying flexible will help you stay ahead of the future of NLP in content marketing.
NLP is set to revolutionise content marketing, offering unprecedented opportunities for businesses and marketers. By staying informed about upcoming trends and proactively adopting NLP technologies, you can ensure your marketing strategies remain effective and competitive. Remember, the key to success lies in understanding your audience, delivering personalised content, and continuously adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape.
Speaking of staying ahead, AI SEO Services is a leading agency that can help you leverage NLP and other cutting-edge technologies for your content marketing needs. Our services include everything from web design to copywriting, SEO, and voice search optimisation. Check out our testimonials to see how we’ve helped other businesses succeed.Incorporating the upcoming NLP trends and staying ahead in the content marketing game is easier with the right partner. For comprehensive and expert guidance, consider AI SEO Services agency services around this keyword: AI SEO Services. Our team is dedicated to helping you harness the power of AI and NLP to drive your business forward. From AI-driven SEO to content marketing, we’ve got you covered.
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mariacallous · 1 year
In today’s digital world, injustice lurks in the shadows of the Facebook post that’s delivered to certain groups of people at the exclusion of others, the hidden algorithm used to profile candidates during job interviews, and the risk-assessment algorithms used for criminal sentencing and welfare fraud detention. As algorithmic systems are integrated into every aspect of society, regulatory mechanisms struggle to keep up.
Over the past decade, researchers and journalists have found ways to unveil and scrutinize these discriminatory systems, developing their own data collection tools. As the internet has moved from browsers to mobile apps, however, this crucial transparency is quickly disappearing.
Third-party analysis of digital systems has largely been made possible by two seemingly banal tools that are commonly used to inspect what’s happening on a webpage: browser add-ons and browser developer tools.
Browser add-ons are small programs that can be installed directly onto a web browser, allowing users to augment how they interact with a given website. While add-ons are commonly used to operate tools like password managers and ad-blockers, they are also incredibly useful for enabling people to collect their own data within a tech platform’s walled garden.
Similarly, browser developer tools were made to allow web developers to test and debug their websites’ user interfaces. As the internet evolved and websites became more complex, these tools evolved too, adding features like the ability to inspect and change source code, monitor network activity, and even detect when a website is accessing your location or microphone. These are powerful mechanisms for investigating how companies track, profile, and target their users.
I have put these tools to use as a data journalist to show how a marketing company logged users’ personal data even before they clicked “submit” on a form and, more recently, how the Meta Pixel tool (formerly the Facebook Pixel tool) tracks users without their explicit knowledge in sensitive places such as hospital websites, federal student loan applications, and the websites of tax-filing tools.
In addition to exposing surveillance, browser inspection tools provide a powerful way to crowdsource data to study discrimination, the spread of misinformation, and other types of harms tech companies cause or facilitate. But in spite of these tools’ powerful capabilities, their reach is limited. In 2023, Kepios reported that 92 percent of global users accessed the internet through their smartphones, whereas only 65 percent of global users did so using a desktop or laptop computer.
Though the vast majority of internet traffic has moved to smartphones, we don’t have tools for the smartphone ecosystem that afford the same level of “inspectability” as browser add-ons and developer tools. This is because web browsers are implicitly transparent, while mobile phone operating systems are not.
If you want to view a website in your web browser, the server has to send you the source code. Mobile apps, on the other hand, are compiled, executable files that you usually download from places such as Apple’s iOS App Store or Google Play. App developers don’t need to publish the source code for people to use them.
Similarly, monitoring network traffic on web browsers is trivial. This technique is often more useful than inspecting source code to see what data a company is collecting on users. Want to know which companies a website shares your data with? You’ll want to monitor the network traffic, not inspect the source code. On smartphones, network monitoring is possible, but it usually requires the installation of root certificates that make users’ devices less secure and more vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks from bad actors. And these are just some of the differences that make collecting data securely from smartphones much harder than from browsers.
The need for independent collection is more pressing than ever. Previously, company-provided tools such as the Twitter API and Facebook’s CrowdTangle, a tool for monitoring what’s trending on Facebook, were the infrastructure that powered a large portion of research and reporting on social media. However, as these tools become less useful and accessible, new methods of independent data collection are needed to understand what these companies are doing and how people are using their platforms.
To meaningfully report on the impact digital systems have on society, we need to be able to observe what’s taking place on our devices without asking a company for permission. As someone who has spent the past decade building tools that crowdsource data to expose algorithmic harms, I believe the public should have the ability to peek under the hood of their mobile apps and smart devices, just as they can on their browsers. And it’s not just me: The Integrity Institute, a nonprofit working to protect the social internet, recently released a report that lays bare the importance of transparency as a lever to achieve public interest goals like accountability, collaboration, understanding, and trust.
To demand transparency from tech platforms, we need a platform-independent transparency framework, something that I like to call an inspectability API. Such a framework would empower even the most vulnerable populations to capture evidence of harm from their devices while minimizing the risk of their data being used in research or reporting without their consent.
An application programming interface (API) is a way for companies to make their services or data available to other developers. For example, if you’re building a mobile app and want to use the phone’s camera for a specific feature, you would use the iOS or Android Camera API. Another common example is an accessibility API, which allows developers to make their applications accessible to people with disabilities by making the user interface legible to screen readers and other accessibility tools commonly found on modern smartphones and computers. An inspectability API would allow individuals to export data from the apps they use every day and share it with researchers, journalists, and advocates in their communities. Companies could be required to implement this API to adhere to transparency best practices, much as they are required to implement accessibility features to make their apps and websites usable for people with disabilities.
In the US, residents of some states can request the data companies collect on them, thanks to state-level privacy laws. While these laws are well-intentioned, the data that companies share to comply with them is usually structured in a way that obfuscates crucial details that would expose harm. For example, Facebook has a fairly granular data export service that allows individuals to see, amongst other things, their “Off-Facebook activity.” However, as the Markup found during a series of investigations into the use of Pixel, even though Facebook told users which websites were sharing data, it did not reveal just how invasive the information being shared was. Doctor appointments, tax filing information, and student loan information were just some of the things that were being sent to Facebook. An inspectability API would make it easy for people to monitor their devices and see how the apps they use track them in real time.
Some promising work is already being done: Apple’s introduction of the App Privacy Report in iOS 15 marked the first time iPhone users could see detailed privacy information to understand each app’s data collection practices and even answer questions such as, “Is Instagram listening to my microphone?”
But we cannot rely on companies to do this at their discretion—we need a clear framework to define what sort of data should be inspectable and exportable by users, and we need regulation that penalizes companies for not implementing it. Such a framework would not only empower users to expose harms, but also ensure that their privacy is not violated. Individuals could choose what data to share, when, and with whom.
An inspectability API will empower individuals to fight for their rights by sharing the evidence of harm they have been exposed to with people who can raise public awareness and advocate for change. It would enable organizations such as Princeton’s Digital Witness Lab, which I cofounded and lead, to conduct data-driven investigations by collaborating closely with vulnerable communities, instead of relying on tech companies for access. This framework would allow researchers and others to conduct this work in a way that is safe, precise, and, most importantly, prioritizes the consent of the people being harmed.
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Unleash the Gluten-Free Baker Within: Bread Maker Magic
In today's culinary world, where dietary preferences and health consciousness shape our choices, gluten-free baking has emerged as both a trend and a necessity for many. As more individuals seek alternatives to traditional wheat-based products, the demand for gluten-free options has skyrocketed. This trend has prompted innovation in kitchen appliances, notably in the realm of bread makers. Enter the realm of Bread Maker Magic: Unleash the Gluten-Free Baker Within.
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Understanding the Gluten-Free Craze
Gluten-free diets are not just a passing fad but a dietary requirement for individuals suffering from celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Even those without these conditions often choose gluten-free options for perceived health benefits, including improved digestion and increased energy levels. This shift in dietary preferences has created a burgeoning market for gluten-free products, including bread, which historically has been challenging to replicate without gluten.
Read more:
Gluten Free Bread Machines and Mixes
Frequently Asked Questions About Bread Machines
The Rise of Bread Makers in Gluten-Free Baking
Bread makers have traditionally been hailed for their convenience in home baking, simplifying the bread-making process from start to finish. In recent years, manufacturers have responded to the demand for gluten-free options by designing bread makers specifically tailored to accommodate gluten-free recipes. These machines not only mix and knead gluten-free dough effectively but also bake it to perfection, producing loaves that rival their gluten-containing counterparts in taste and texture.
Features to Look for in Gluten-Free Bread Makers
When selecting a bread maker for gluten-free baking, several key features enhance the baking experience:
Dedicated Gluten-Free Setting: Ensures proper mixing, kneading, rising, and baking tailored to gluten-free recipes.
Customizable Programs: Allows users to adjust kneading and rising times to suit specific gluten-free flours and recipes.
Non-Stick Interior: Facilitates easy removal of gluten-free bread, which tends to be stickier than traditional dough.
Additional Accessories: Such as gluten-free recipe books or measuring tools, to further support gluten-free baking endeavors.
See more: https://www.merchantcircle.com/breadmakerforglutenfree-orlando-fl
Mastering Gluten-Free Bread Recipes
Creating gluten-free bread at home requires an understanding of alternative flours and ingredients. While rice flour and tapioca starch are common bases, experimenting with almond flour, chickpea flour, or sorghum flour can impart unique flavors and textures to gluten-free loaves. Incorporating xanthan gum or guar gum helps simulate the elasticity and structure that gluten provides, ensuring a satisfying rise and crumb in the finished bread.
Tips and Tricks for Gluten-Free Baking Success
Achieving bakery-quality gluten-free bread at home can be challenging but rewarding with the right approach:
Follow Recipes Closely: Especially ratios of wet to dry ingredients to achieve the desired consistency.
Allow for Proper Rising Time: Gluten-free dough often requires longer rising times to achieve optimal texture.
Experiment with Flours: Mix different gluten-free flours to find combinations that suit your taste preferences.
Use Fresh Ingredients: Particularly active yeast and baking powder to ensure a good rise in your bread.
The Future of Gluten-Free Bread Making
As technology advances and consumer demand grows, the future of gluten-free bread makers looks promising. Manufacturers continue to innovate, integrating more advanced features such as smartphone connectivity for recipe sharing and real-time baking updates. These advancements not only make gluten-free baking more accessible but also empower individuals to experiment with new flavors and textures in their homemade bread.
Bread Maker Magic: Unleash the Gluten-Free Baker Within embodies both the evolution of dietary preferences and the innovation in kitchen appliances. As more individuals embrace gluten-free lifestyles, the role of bread makers in facilitating this transition becomes increasingly significant. Whether you are new to gluten-free baking or a seasoned enthusiast, a dedicated gluten-free bread maker can transform your kitchen into a hub of culinary creativity and delicious experimentation. Embrace the journey of gluten-free baking with confidence, knowing that with the right tools and ingredients, you can achieve bakery-quality bread that satisfies both the palate and the dietary needs of your loved ones.
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yvetteheiser · 3 months
Yvette Heiser - Phone Photography Essentials without Formal Education
In today's digital world, the art of photography has become more accessible than ever. You no longer need a formal education or expensive camera equipment to create stunning images. With advancements in smartphone technology, your phone can be a powerful tool for capturing professional-quality photos. Here’s everything you need to know to excel in phone photography without a formal education.
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Understanding Your Phone’s Camera
Before diving into photography, it’s essential to understand the capabilities of your phone’s camera. Modern smartphones are equipped with high-resolution sensors, multiple lenses, and advanced image processing software. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the various settings and features available on your phone's camera, including HDR, portrait mode, night mode, and manual controls for ISO, shutter speed, and white balance. For more detailed insights, consider exploring resources like Yvette Heiser Texas – All You Need to Know about Phone Photography.
Mastering the Basics of Photography
Even without formal education, you can learn the fundamental principles of photography. Start with the basics:
Composition: The rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing are essential techniques that can help you create balanced and visually appealing photos.
Lighting: Excellent lighting is essential for taking outstanding photos. Natural light is your greatest ally, so it's important to learn how to use it effectively. Understand the differences between soft and hard lighting and how to leverage shadows and highlights to enhance your images.
Focus and Exposure: Ensure your subject is in sharp focus. Most smartphones allow you to tap the screen to set the focus point. Adjusting exposure can help you manage the brightness and contrast of your photos.
Leveraging Photography Apps
One of the advantages of phone photography is the plethora of apps available to enhance your images. Here are a few must-have apps:
Editing Apps: Tools like Adobe Lightroom, Snapseed, and VSCO provide robust features for tweaking exposure, contrast, saturation, and other elements. They also come with presets and filters that can add unique and creative touches to your photos.
Camera Apps: Apps like ProCamera and Camera+ offer advanced manual controls, allowing you to fine-tune settings like ISO, shutter speed, and white balance.
Special Effects: Apps such as Lens Distortions and Afterlight can add unique effects and overlays to your photos, helping them stand out.
Building a Strong Portfolio
Your portfolio is your introduction in the photography world. Create a diverse collection of your best work to showcase your skills and style. Include different subjects such as landscapes, portraits, and macro shots. Regularly refresh your portfolio with updated and enhanced photographs. Sharing your portfolio on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest can help you reach a wider audience and attract potential clients.
 Networking and Marketing
Building a successful photography career requires more than just taking great photos. Networking and marketing are essential components:
Networking: Join online photography communities, attend local meetups, and participate in photography challenges. Networking with other photographers can lead to collaborations, referrals, and learning opportunities.
Social Media Marketing: Use social media to market your photography services. Regularly post your work, engage with your audience, and share behind-the-scenes content. Consider creating a website to establish an online presence and make it easy for clients to find and contact you.
 Continuous Learning and Experimentation
Photography is an ever-evolving field, and staying updated with the latest trends and techniques is crucial. Follow industry leaders, read photography blogs, and watch tutorial videos. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new styles and subjects. Continuous learning and experimentation will help you grow as a photographer and keep your work fresh and innovative.
Excelling in phone photography without formal education is entirely achievable with dedication and practice. By understanding your phone’s camera, mastering photography basics, leveraging apps, building a strong portfolio, networking, and continuously learning, you can create stunning images and establish a successful photography career. Yvette Heiser- Is it possible to start a career in photography without formal education? Embrace the journey, and let your creativity shine through your lens!
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theculturedmarxist · 4 months
In his book In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler’s Berlin, Erik Larson cites a cable sent to the State Department in June 1933 by a U.S. diplomat posted in Germany that provided a far more candid assessment of the Nazi leadership than the one that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration was then conveying to the public. “With few exceptions, the men who are running this Government are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand,” read the cable, which was written five months after Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor. “Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere.”
I’ve thought about that passage from the cable many times over the past several weeks as I’ve been reading excerpts from a private WhatsApp group chat established last December by Erik Prince, the founder of the military contractor Blackwater and younger brother of Betsy DeVos, the secretary of education during President Donald Trump’s administration, who invited around 650 of his contacts in the United States and around the world to join. Prince, who has a long track record of financing conservative candidates and causes and extensive ties to right-wing regimes around the world, named the group—which currently has around 400 members—“Off Leash,” the same name as the new podcast that he’d launched the month before.
Among the group’s hottest topics:
• The “Biden Regime,” which a consensus of Off Leash participants who weighed in view as an ally of Islamic terrorists and other anti-American forces that needs to be crushed along with them and its partners in the deep state, such as former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, who “deserves to burn in hell,” Lara Logan shared with the group chat.
• The shortcomings of democracy that invariably resulted from extending the franchise to ordinary citizens, who are easily manipulated by Marxists and populists. “The West is at best a beautiful cemetery,” lamented Sven von Storch, whose aristocratic German family fled the country after World War II to Chile, where their son was raised before returning to the land of his ancestors, where he married the granddaughter of the Third Reich’s last de facto head of state, who was convicted at Nuremberg.
• Israel-Palestine, a problem that Michael Yudelson, Prince’s business partner at Unplugged, which markets an allegedly supersecure smartphone, said should be handled by napalming Hamas’s tunnel network. “I would burn all those bastards, and have everything above ground, everything left of Gaza, collapse into this fiery hell pit and burn!” he wrote.
• The Houthi rebels in Yemen, whom Yoav Goldhorn, who was an Israeli intelligence officer until last year and now works for a Tel Aviv–based security contractor headed by former senior national security veterans, thinks should be “dealt with” as soon as possible to ensure they don’t grow from “an inconvenience to a festering mess [that] will eventually require an entire limb to be amputated.”
• And most of all, Iran, which participants agreed, with a few exceptions, also needed to be wiped out. Saghar Erica Kasraie, a former staffer for Republican Representative Trent Franks when he served on the House Armed Services Committee and whom, according to her LinkedIn profile, she advised on Middle East issues, urged that the Islamic Republic’s clerical leaders be targeted by weaponized drones that “take them out like flys 😎.”
Not all of the group’s members are conspiracy theorists in the mold of Logan, the former CBS correspondent. I know many people who are in roughly the same political ballpark as the average Off Leash participant, including some of the chat group’s members, who are razor-sharp, even if I strongly disagree with a lot of their opinions. I don’t know Prince other than having been in the same room with him on a few occasions, but we have mutual acquaintances who say he’s not a one-dimensional evil mercenary as typically portrayed but brilliant and funny, and over drinks greatly prefers to discuss business and history rather than expound upon the latest developments in right-wing political circles.
Frank Gallagher, a former Marine who once provided security for Henry Kissinger and who worked in a high-level position at Blackwater in Iraq following the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, isn’t a fan of Prince but offered a similar assessment. “We had issues from time to time, but I can’t deny that he’s extraordinarily smart,” he recounted. “When he came to Iraq, he’d cover 10 topics, and he had command over all of them.”
All of which makes Off Leash arguably more concerning, because the group can’t be dismissed as merely a collection of harmless cranks. Many of the participants, though not all household names, are wealthy and politically wired—which makes their incessant whining in the group chat about being crushed under the bootheel of the deep state particularly grating—and they will collectively become wealthier and more influential if Trump wins the November election. That’s especially true of the Americans in the group, but the same holds for the international figures because the global right will become immensely more powerful and emboldened if the former president returns to the White House. That prospect is a source of great hope to Off Leash participants. “Trump, Orban, Milei, it’s happening,” former Blackwater executive John LaDelfa posted to the group during a trip to Argentina on December 4, two days after Prince created it. “Around the Globe, we are the sensible, the rational, the majority. Don’t give in to fear. We will defeat the Marxists.”
His hopes were shared by many other Off Leash participants, among them Horatiu Potra, a Romanian mercenary who has recently been operating in the mineral-rich, conflict-plagued Democratic Republic of Congo. “The globalists want to control the entire planet [and] the only chance to get rid of them is a spark from a great power (the USA),” Potra wrote. “Surely there will be a strong man like Erik who will initiate it, otherwise there is no chance of regaining our freedom. If this spark is started, all countries will follow suit.… We were waiting for the signal, the spark!!”
A December 2023 United Nations report alleged that Potra owns a company that has provided combat support and fighters to Congolese government troops fighting a vicious rebel insurgency. Prince unsuccessfully sought to negotiate a deal with the DRC government to fly 2,500 mercenaries from Colombia, Argentina, and Mexico into the country to fight alongside Potra’s men, the report said.
About three-quarters of the people Prince invited to the group chat are from the U.S. or live here. The largest overseas blocs are from Israel (32 members), the United Arab Emirates (20 members), and the United Kingdom (20). There are smaller contingents, sometimes a single person, from 33 other countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Collectively, Off Leash provides an informal virtual gathering place for current and former political officials, national security operatives, activists, journalists, soldiers of fortune, weapons brokers, black bag operators, grifters, convicted criminals, and other elements in the U.S. and global far right. The roster of invitees includes:
• Icons of the MAGA ecosphere such as Tucker Carlson, the most revered figure among group chat participants, with the exception of the Supreme Leader himself; Kimberly Guilfoyle, the longtime fiancée of Donald Trump Jr.; and retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, Trump’s convicted-then-pardoned first national security adviser. Flynn has participated, Carlson only minimally, and Guilfoyle not at all.
• Current and former lawmakers and aides, such as Tennessee Congressman Mark Green of the House Freedom Caucus; Vish Burra, who was director of operations for Congressman George Santos; and Stuart Seldowitz, a national security adviser to Barack Obama from 2009 to 2011 who was arrested last November after harassing an Egyptian halal street cart vendor in New York City for two weeks, during which time he called him a “terrorist” and said, “If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, it wasn’t enough.”
Prominent figures in the Off Leash crew are well known for their paleoconservative political views, but the private opinions expressed in the group chat are even more extreme and jarring than we normally see voiced publicly. Participants chirpily discussed the desirability of clamping down on democracy to deal with their enemies at home and regime change, bombings, assassinations, and covert action to take care of those abroad. The group’s overall bloodlust periodically proved to be too much for a few more judicious individual members, who in almost any other setting would be considered ultraconservatives but in the context of Off Leash sound like hippie peaceniks‎. One of the dissidents—a National Rifle Association firearms instructor who runs a weapons company—joked that he was worried about an “unsupervised” subgroup of especially enthusiastic military adventurers that formed to discuss topics too “hot” for WhatsApp, saying, “I imagine their ‘to be bombed’ list is over 49 countries and growing.”
Many other Off Leash participants have also stated that they don’t view the group chat as merely a forum to exchange ideas but want it to become a vehicle to put their theories into action. “If we band together … we can damage the other side like no one has ever seen before!” exclaimed Jeff Sloat, who worked with a U.S. Army psyops unit in Central America during the Reagan era.
I don’t want to disclose much about how I learned of the group chat and the nature of its discussions, but I will say that multiple sources in the U.S. and elsewhere shared information, including two journalists who I discovered had learned about Off Leash, which nearly gave me a heart attack for fear I’d lose my scoop. Participants did occasionally express concerns about security, but their worries were mostly centered on the possibility that their conversation was vulnerable to hackers. It apparently never occurred to any of them that their confidentiality might be compromised not by sophisticated cyberwarfare specialists but by old-fashioned leakers, which was virtually inevitable given the group’s size.
Off Leash was still active as of Wednesday, though I expect it won’t be, at least in its current form, for much longer, given that the conversation Wednesday included much discussion about their security being breached, which became evident after I reached out to participants for comment. Fortunately, I obtained details about a large slice of the chat group’s discussions over the past six months. Here’s some of what they discussed.
Solving the Middle East Crisis: Nukes, Napalm, and Other “Extreme Measures”
Off Leash was launched less than two months after Israel commenced its assault on Gaza following Hamas’s deadly October 7 attack on Israel, and that topic has been one of the group chat’s main concerns since it was established by Prince on December 2. Five days later, Omer Laviv, an executive with the Mer Group, a private security company with many former Israeli intelligence officials in its senior ranks, posted a story to the group that ran two days earlier in The Times of London and reported Prince had been seeking to sell the Israel Defense Forces equipment for a plan he’d devised to flood Hamas tunnels with seawater.
“I was involved,” remarked Moti Kahana, the Israeli American businessman who runs GDC, the firm where Off Leash member Stuart Seldowitz previously worked. Kahana pointedly added that at least one part of The Times’ story was false—for example, Prince had offered to donate the equipment, not sell it, he said.
“Why do you expect accuracy from journalists?” retorted Laviv, who during the Trump administration retained 27 U.S. lobbyists and consultants to run a $9.5 million lobbying campaign on behalf of President Joseph Kabila, the corrupt, brutal leader of the Democratic Republic of Congo, who used surveillance equipment supplied by the Mer Group to monitor his regime’s opponents. Among those Laviv involved were Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s former personal lawyer, fixer, and dirt-digger, and Robert Stryk, whose clients have included Saudi Arabia and El Salvador’s state intelligence agency under crypto-fascist President Nayib Bukele.
Yudelson, who also reportedly partnered with Prince in an attempt to buy weapons for resale from Belarus dictator Aleksandr Lukashenko (whom the two men praised for bringing “peace, stability, and prosperity to your country”), predicted the tunnel-flooding proposal would be shot down by the “Israeli left,” a force he labeled the country’s “biggest enemy,” ahead of Hamas and Iran, over concerns about the environmental impact in Gaza. “Who gives a shit about that,” Yudelson posted to the group. “If it was up to me … I would flood them with Napalm! I would burn all those bastards, and have everything above ground, everything left of Gaza, collapse into this fiery hell pit and burn!”
Even that was deemed to be insufficiently hawkish for some Off Leash participants. In a lengthy tirade on February 14, Tzvi Lev, who formerly worked in Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said it was rare to see a people as “twisted” as Palestinians, whose culture “worships death and bloodshed.” The only solution, he wrote, was to “completely uproot the radical Islamic Palestinian nationalism,” which was possible to do based on the historical precedent of Japan, which “went from being nuked twice to one of the world’s strongest economies within two decades.” Dropping nuclear weapons on what’s left of densely populated Gaza, which is roughly the size of Detroit, would be a war crime and kill huge numbers of civilians.
Yoav Goldhorn, the former Israeli intelligence officer, also cited “fucking nukes in Japan” as an appropriate remedy to the Palestinian problem. Sadly, wrote Goldhorn, whose LinkedIn profile says he has “a passion for strategic planning,” there was no one in the Israeli government with “the balls nor vision to go all those extra miles.”
Iran: Off Leash’s Public Enemy No. 1
It was hard to keep track of all the wars, invasions, covert operations, coups, and assassinations Off Leash members favored. One region ripe for a bit of good old-fashioned Western intervention was Africa, which was described as a “pot about to boil over” by Emma Priestley, who posts as “Customer” in the group chat and is the CEO of GoldStone Resources Limited in Jersey, the English Channel island that is one of the world’s most popular offshore secrecy havens. China would have to be taken down a peg as well, particularly as Biden wasn’t going to stop the country “from doing a damn thing,” and indeed he would pave the way for it to do “whatever it is they want to accomplish,” posted Randy Couture, the former UFC heavyweight champion and actor who had the role of arsonist and killer Jason Duclair in the TV series Hawaii Five-0 and starred in the 2011 movie Setup with 50 Cent and Bruce Willis.
But the No. 1 target on Off Leash’s hit list, by orders of magnitude, was Iran. “Follow the source of evil,” wrote Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke, who served as interior secretary under Trump. “Hamas. Hezbollah. Houthis. Iran is the center of gravity.”
“Zinke is right,” agreed Tennessee Congressman Mark Green of the House Freedom Caucus.
Yemen’s Houthi rebels were most immediately in the group’s crosshairs, due to their attempts to halt arms shipments to Israel. Finishing them off would be a cakewalk, but time was of the essence as the Houthis were “relatively limited in strength” at the moment but could become a major problem if swift action wasn’t taken, wrote Yoav Goldhorn, a former Israeli intelligence operative.
To Goldhorn’s way of thinking, the Houthis were best compared to “rot [that] stinks a lot more than the flesh it ate”:
As we’ve seen countless times in the Middle East, if you don’t treat rot it will grow and spread and turn from an inconvenience to a festering mess, and will eventually require an entire limb to be amputated. The Houthi threat has to be dealt with now, while they’re still relatively limited in strength. Otherwise it’ll become a problem too big to handle without extreme measures, or worse yet—remain a problem for future generations to come.
As for moving against Iran itself, the leading cheerleader in the group chat for military action is Kasraie, who worked for Representative Franks of Arizona until 2017, when he resigned amid charges of sexual harassment by two female staffers. “The IRGC is the head of the snake,” Kasraie wrote in one post, referring to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. “It’s time to cut the head of that snake.”
An Iranian American who converted to Christianity after her family moved to the U.S. following the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Kasraie has worked closely with fellow exile Amir Abbas Fakhravar, the co-founder of the Confederation of Iranian Students, which claimed to represent a worldwide pro-Western movement in support of domestic opponents of the Islamic government.
Fakhravar was hailed by the neoconservative think tanks American Enterprise Institute and Foundation for Defense of Democracies—which were leading advocates of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and are currently leading the drumbeat for regime change in Iran—as his country’s 2.0 version of Ahmed Chalabi, the CIA-backed Iraqi exile whom the Bush administration promoted as a beloved figure among citizens of his native land during the run-up to the 2003 invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. That didn’t pan out as promised when Chalabi 1.0 led a political coalition in parliamentary elections two years after his triumphant return that won less than 1 percent of the total vote.
Now Kasraie, who organizes congressionally hosted “global conferences in Washington for activists to plan the constitutional future of a free, democratic Iran,” according to an online bio, is touting Reza Pahlavi, the shah’s oldest son and crown prince of Iran, as “the only viable opposition leader” and the man the U.S. should install in power after seeing to the formality of dispatching the current government.
“I assure you, the Iranian people want nothing more than to be free from the bloodthirsty mullahs,” Kasraie wrote in the group chat on January 27, and added with equal certainty that younger Iranians were “pro-Israel and pro-America” and that millions in the country felt a deep “sense of nostalgia” for the former royal dynasty. If Reza Pahlavi received strong international support—he would merely be a “mouthpiece” to be handled by a team of “good advisors,” Kasraie stated—the internal opposition “would be much more inclined to rise up and we would see far more defectors.”
For his part, Reza Pahlavi, who hasn’t stepped foot in Iran for 45 years and lives in a lavish estate in the Washington suburbs, said in an interview last year he wasn’t sure he wanted to have an official role in a future government if the current one was overthrown, or even live in the country. This didn’t dampen the ardor of Kasraie, who in one post labeled the mullahs a “cancerous venom that need to be eradicated from … the planet,” with her preferred method to accomplish that being weaponized drones that would “take them out like flys 😎.”
That type of approach was endorsed by others in the group, including Gabriel “Kaz” Kazerooni, a former U.S. intelligence officer, Special Forces veteran, and Blackwater employee in Iraq, who described Iran’s religious leaders as “pedofile [sic] Mullahs” and a “bacteria to humanity” who he hoped would soon “die away.”
“EP [Erik Prince] has the right people in place,” Kazerooni added cryptically, saying it was only a matter of time before the “Mullah Pigs” would be removed from power.
Washington should “take out” the commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force that replaced Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a 2020 operation ordered by President Trump, Lara Logan said. Prince had urged he be targeted for killing four years earlier, when he was informally advising the Trump campaign, in a memo to White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.
Logan proposed the U.S. also assassinate other “key targets” in the Middle East, specifically mentioning “the head of Hamas,” whose name she didn’t mention, but she presumably was talking about Mohammed Deif, who leads the group’s military wing. “That will send a message,” she said.
Nathan Jacobson, a 69-year-old Canadian Israeli businessman who told The New Republic he is a longtime friend of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and fought with the IDF as a young man, had a more ambitious proposal. In order to topple the Islamic regime, he said blithely, “We need to hit” Iran’s nuclear facilities, ports, Qom, where the mullahs reside, IRGC headquarters and bases, and oil industry production facilities, which would shut down the country’s economy for months.
The calls for carnage elicited pushback from two Off Leash members. “The problem is while doing nothing could empower them, bombing might empower them more,” warned Mark Farage, who owns a firearms and ammunition manufacturer in Virginia and made the joke about the “unsupervised” subgroup’s ever-growing list of countries they wanted to be targeted for airstrikes. “I don’t think we have successfully bombed anyone into an ally since WWII.… Maybe we should consider more tools than just a hammer?”
“Huge mistake to attack Iran directly,” concurred Matt Heidt, a Special Forces veteran who deployed to Africa, South America, and Asia, including a 2007 stint in Iraq’s Anbar Province. “We would be inviting 10/7 here.”
Jacobson was infuriated by the criticism of his blueprint for war.
“We don’t want them as an ally,” he said in a comment directed at Farage. “Let them spend their time stoned on qat and screwing their sheep.”
He was even more contemptuous of Heidt’s opinions. “You remind me of the Jews in Germany in the 30’s that thought that by being quiet that the problem would go away,” he sneered. “We have no choice but to hit them hard and then kill these cells if they raise their ugly heads. Why are you taking a coward’s standpoint?”
“So you’re going to waddle your fat ass over there and put some skin in the game or are you content to put others at risk?” retorted Heidt.
“Unlike you, I’ve had skin in that game for years,” said Jacobson, who served in the IDF in the 1970s. “What have you done?”
“Retired SEAL Senior Chief with a Bronze Star with V,” shot back Heidt. Bronze Stars are awarded for heroism in a combat zone, and are not uncommon, but a Bronze Star with V, for Valor, are relatively rare.
Those in Off Leash’s overwhelmingly dominant hard-line faction were having none of the namby-pamby defeatism from Heidt and Farage.
“Bomb the hell out of them,” Kazerooni insisted. “Mess with US and you will eat your Sh_t. We the United States Of America is still the strongest Country in the world.”
More recently, the Off Leash crew has been in a chronic state of agitation over political developments that have led them to further ratchet up their calls for jihad against their worldwide enemies. In mid-April, after Tehran fired missiles into Israel in retaliation for an airstrike in Syria that killed two of its generals in a diplomatic building, Sloat, the psyops specialist, excitedly declared it was “time to disintegrate Iran.” In May, their fury turned to Biden’s brief pause in arms shipments to Israel, though none were surprised by the president’s treachery, as his “Regime is infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood” (Yudelson) and “compromised … by Iranian regime influencers” (Zinke).
The group finally got good news recently with the helicopter crash that killed Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, though nerves frayed as they awaited confirmation he was dead. If he’d tragically survived, wondered Tzvi Lev, perhaps it would be possible to dispatch a Special Forces search and rescue unit to “disappear” him before he was found.
The Future of American Democracy: “It’s Trump or Revolution!”
Even more worrying to group chat members than the state of global affairs was that democracy was under attack across the world, especially in the West and most of all in the U.S. They blamed the same barbarians at the gate science fiction writer Robert Heinlein pointed to in To Sail Beyond the Sunset, which was published in 1987, the year before his death. “Democracy often works beautifully at first,” but the day the franchise is extended “to every warm body … marks the beginning of the end of that state,” Heinlein wrote. “For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition … succumbs to an invader—the barbarians enter Rome.” The passage about bread and circuses was posted in its entirety on February 16 by former Virginia Congressman Tom Garrett, who offered it as an explanation for why democratic governance made it impossible to address the problems facing the United States.
“Definitely an issue,” agreed Scott Taylor, another former House member from Virginia, and Republicans were responsible as well. Too many GOP lawmakers campaigned as principled opponents of government spending, Taylor wrote on the list, but were “more concerned about their individual selves then actually advancing conservative policy” and chased federal money for their home districts like common Democrats in hopes of currying favor with their pleb constituents.
Former President Trump’s campaign to return to the White House posed an even graver and more imminent threat to American democracy. It wasn’t Trump, per se, or his efforts to reverse the results of the 2020 presidential election that troubled the group, needless to say. The danger was that following his landslide victory this November, which was a foregone conclusion, the deep state would “steal it again,” just as it had four years ago, Yudelson posted. “I just hope and pray that they will not JFK Trump before the elections, physically, or with some of their other methods.”
Despite such trepidations, Congressman Zinke spoke for the group when he wrote, “There is only one path forward. Elect Trump.”
“It’s Trump or Revolution!” Yudelson chimed in from the chorus.
“You mean Trump AND Revolution,” a right-leaning Canadian businessman shot back. “The Left is too violent to sit back and let Trump win again.”
John Mills, a retired Army colonel who held a cybersecurity post at the Pentagon under Trump, was overcome with emotion when his hero appeared at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February. “Tears streamed down my face,” he wrote to the Off Leash group chat from the event. “DJT and the J6ers are in the house.”
The view that Trump represented a unique hope was shared by group chat members outside of the U.S. “He is the best thing … even in Africa,” offered N.J. Ayuk, a native of Cameroon who currently lives in Johannesburg, where he founded a law firm that assists clients with interests in the oil and gas sector. “Trump all the way 💯”
“I live in darkest west Africa,” posted Emma Priestley of GoldStone Resources Limited. The overall situation was such an irredeemable mess, Trump himself might not be able to “save this shithole of a continent.”
“Completely agree,” replied Ayuk, who once worked as an intern for the late New Jersey Democratic Congressman Donald Payne but was deported in 2007 after pleading guilty to using his boss’s stationery and signature stamp to illegally obtain visas to the U.S. for citizens of his home country. The Biden administration had been “a disaster” for Africa. “They only give us lectures and talk about renewables,” said Ayuk. “These latte liberators are actually the problem.”
That was a minor offense among the long litany of crimes Off Leash participants laid at Biden’s door. “Looks like the globalists are enabling this mass illegal immigration,” Yudelson, citing an article at Zerohedge, wrote in one post. “Surely with tremendous assistance from the Biden Regime.” But Biden was merely a figurehead controlled by “elements that are actually ruling for the Deep State,” he continued. The real problem was that Democrats had been “in cahoots with the Muslim Brotherhood and infiltrated by their proxies and agents, as well as Ayatollah sympathizers” ever since President Bill Clinton’s administration.
With the Democratic Party captured by Islamic terrorists, Marxists, globalists, and other foreign and domestic evildoers, the U.S. was “being destroyed from within,” warned Kasraie, whose fears were shared by many among the Off Leash crew.
“The insurgency within our country today is going to bite us,” said Scott Freeman, the CEO of a Virginia company called International Preparedness Associates, which designs “unique special programs” that help defend U.S. national security, friendly foreign governments, and private-sector interests, according to its website.
Many Off Leash participants were even less restrained. When a chat group participant posted a story that revealed JPMorgan Chase had hired General Mark Milley—whom Trump appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff but clashed with during and after his presidency—as a senior adviser, Lara Logan went off the rails. “Milley is a piece of shit and a traitor and he deserves to burn in hell,” posted Logan, who holds a seat on the board of America’s Future, a conservative nonprofit chaired by Off Leash member and former Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month.
At a February 23 America’s Future event, Logan shared that she’d originally been skeptical of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, which spread in far-right circles during the 2016 election and proposed that Hillary Clinton and other Democratic Party officials were running a child sex trafficking ring out of the pizzeria Comet Ping Pong. However, after conducting her own independent investigation, Logan told the audience at the event, she’d discovered, “Holy guacamole! This actually is all true.”
What, then, was to be done?
The answer was clear to Freeman, a.k.a. “ScottyF” in the group chat. “Apply all tenets of warfare internally against the many enemies living among us. America is capable of being fully capable again. Do we have the will to levy the toll?”
Jesse Barnett, a retired Navy SEAL specializing in “Active Shooter Prep ... and Crisis Prevention” who ran the Indianapolis-based indoor shooting simulator Poseidon Experience, offered a harsh but necessary recipe. “We need a Nuremberg style clean up of this global cabal,” he proposed. “Only through accountability can we cleanse our spirits.” Once the cleansing was out of the way, security could be maintained by using “technology to identify sociopaths and keep them in their place.”
On the roster of Off Leash participants, there was one—a poster with the handle of “S,” whom it took me weeks to identify—who stood out as a particularly dark character. There were some in the group who expressed more unhinged views and others who more casually called for violence against their enemies; what made S distinctive was his dry, bloodless manner and businesslike espousal of a disciplined worldview that was unmistakably fascist.
“This is no longer politics, this is an open war against freedom and human nature. And wars aren’t won with more balloons and confetti as we know,” S wrote. “It’s no longer a ‘game’ either.… It is time to adapt strategies to reality and stop pretending that we live in a free democracy in the West.”
S was later revealed to be Sven von Storch, born to a German family that left for Chile after World War II, whose wife, Beatrix von Storch, is the granddaughter of Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk, Hitler’s finance minister from 1933, the year he took power, until he killed himself in Berlin in April 1945, as Russian troops closed in on the bunker where he and the dregs of his loyalists were holed up. In his last will and testament, Hitler appointed von Krosigk to serve under Joseph Goebbels, his handpicked successor as chancellor, but since his minister of propaganda committed suicide the day after Hitler, von Krosigk became the Third Reich’s head of state during its final days. “Von Krosigk never wavered in his enthusiasm and labors for the Nazi cause,” prosecutor Alexander Hardy said during his trial at Nuremberg, where he was sentenced to 10 years for financing the concentration camps and other crimes.
Beatrix von Storch is a leader and Bundestag member with Alternative for Germany, arguably the most radical of Europe’s far-right parties, which calls for a crackdown on immigration into the country to protect its “Western Christian culture,” a variant of the “great replacement” theory espoused by white supremacists in the United States. Sven von Storch doesn’t hold elected office, but he’s considered to be a prominent figure in the AfD. An admirer of Steve Bannon, von Storch has close ties to Chile’s pro-Pinochet political bloc; he and his wife met with Jair Bolsonaro, the country’s former president, at the presidential palace in Brazil, and the latter’s powerful son Eduardo gave the couple a bottle of the first family’s brand wine as a gift.
“Law and justice no longer mean anything in the West,” von Storch wrote during the same conversation. “Stupid and naive people may still believe it. And probably not even them anymore.”
It’s not clear how many in the group knew S’s real identity, but he was clearly a pedigreed German fascist who even within the rarefied far-right ecosphere of Off Leash sat at a distinctly extreme end. No one seemed troubled by his views, and indeed von Storch was warmly embraced. “This is getting interesting,” Kazerooni wrote in response to his post. “Love this Group.”
Freeman was one of a number of group chat participants who, like the former psyops specialist Sloat, wanted to look for ways to implement their policy ideas. A group with so much “experience, accomplishments and resources” should look for a few issues we “might be able to influence together,” Freeman proposed. “Not to save the world or the idiots in the USA but rather a core of us or perhaps a broader group of like minds/patriots of some sort. 🤷‍♂️”
Reading the group chat’s conversations would be comical if it wasn’t so pitiful and disturbing in equal measure. Group members clearly regard themselves as natural elites who are more intelligent, virtuous, and honorable than Heinlein’s tired, poor, unwashed plebs.
Yet none of the four current and former members of Congress who are active in the group distinguished themselves as model public servants. In 2018, Zinke resigned as Trump’s secretary of the interior after an Inspector General’s report concluded he was a serial violator of ethics laws. Green withdrew his nomination to be Trump’s army secretary after being criticized, including by GOP John McCain, for past statements he’d made that called for his fellow citizens to “take a stand on the indoctrination of Islam in public schools” and labeled transgender people “evil.” Garrett resigned his House seat in 2018 after it was alleged he and his wife used his congressional staff to run errands, chauffeur their children, and clean up after their dog, though he denied those charges and cited alcoholism as the reason he had stepped down. Four staffers who worked on Taylor’s 2018 reelection campaign were subsequently indicted for election fraud, which he said he knew nothing about, but he lost that race and did again when he ran for his old seat two years later.
Even more farcical was the manner in which group chat members portrayed themselves as rightful guardians of democracy, even as they proposed employing military force against their unarmed domestic political opponents and rounding up members of the “global cabal” for trial at a Nuremberg-style tribunal. It’s blazingly evident that many in the group can’t even define democracy, and those who can don’t like it.
Dallas real estate developer Scott Hall informed the group he was moving his family to the UAE, which is ruled by an authoritarian monarchy, because “freedom is real” there. When President Gustavo Petro, Colombia’s first leftist president, was running for office two years ago, the rural oligarch Sergio Araujo Castro publicly declared that his employees “have the right to vote freely for whoever they want,” but he’d fire any who supported Petro. After protests against the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s assault on Gaza erupted at Stanford in January, Goldhorn wondered how it was legal that students who took part weren’t summarily expelled as they received benefits from the U.S. government, but “[wished] for its destruction,” which he evidently equated with criticism of its policies.
I sent messages seeking comment to Prince and the 29 participants whose comments in the group chat are cited in this story. Prince did not respond. Of the others, only Barnett, Jacobson, and Goldhorn were willing to be interviewed.
Barnett, who once worked for Blackwater, said participants in the group chat “love the country and want good solutions” and that he was not an ideologue and favored “checks and balances, and transparency.” A “centrist who leans libertarian” and Barack Obama voter in 2008, Barnett said the 9/11 attacks seven years earlier were an “inside job 100 percent,” and that they “woke me up” and triggered the political evolution that led to his current “conspiracy observationist perspective.”
Barnett said he was a Trump fan in part because “the establishment hates” the former president, adding that the Russiagate scandal that led to his first impeachment had been cooked up by Democrats as part of a politically motivated attack to drive him from office. (An opinion I share.) When I told Barnett his remarks about the need for a new Nuremberg tribunal sounded like a call for an attack of the same type but against enemies of the group chat, he said he didn’t favor a politically driven kangaroo court but envisioned a scrupulously fair judicial process that “truly enables our country to move forward,” which could be ensured by establishing panels with impartial experts such as journalist Matt Taibbi, psychologist and commentator Jordan Peterson, and others of similarly “high integrity” to help determine who would be prosecuted.
Jacobson also said his remarks in the group chat sounded harsher than he’d intended. Despite having been friendly with Netanyahu for many years, he said the Israeli prime minister and his government were “long past their expiry date,” and he considered the military attack on Gaza to be “a complete failure.” On Iran, Jacobson said he “loved Iranian culture, cuisine, and people” and noted that he’d spent time with Reza Pahlavi last week when the latter was in Toronto, where he lives.
“I hate the mullah’s regime,” Jacobson added, but “I’m not calling to go to war” but to help the domestic opposition bring the regime down by bombing Iranian oil infrastructure and related targets. About a month ago, he’d proposed that during an informal discussion with an unnamed Israeli official, telling his interlocutor that Iran’s missile strikes against Israel were “our opportunity to hit their oil facilities so they can’t make money to finance terrorism.” About Off Leash itself, Jacobson said, “I enjoy the banter of the group, but it’s not a political conspiracy.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Goldhorn, who told me he knows Prince “very tentatively,” replied when I paraphrased his remarks about dropping nuclear weapons on Gaza and regarding the Houthis. “I didn’t see anyone proposing or discussing such actions in the group, so I can’t really comment on these claims.” When I sent him the relevant excerpts, his memory was refreshed regarding the Houthis, though he said he was “referring to the naval threat mostly,” as the group was seeking to sink merchant ships. “I was not [referring] to the Yemenese [sic] people as a whole, only the military organization.” He continued to insist he’d “never suggested to nuke Gaza, which is a laughably dumb idea,” though I had excerpts of the respective conversations about both topics, which were faithfully recounted earlier, and the quotes from Goldhorn are verbatim.
Off Leash’s participants want a “democracy” where the “plebs” vote the way they want in every election and the government only approves their preferred policies, which would give them the absolute certainty they want that their outsize wealth, privileges, and influence will be protected. That’s not the way democracy works, it’s the way dictatorships do, which no doubt feels comfortable to group chat members who have thrived doing business with corrupt, repressive regimes and leaders, which is the way many met each other and Prince, and how they came to be part of Off Leash in the first place.
To paraphrase the assessment of Nazi officials made by the U.S. diplomat from Erik Larsen’s In the Garden of Beasts, during ordinary times, people who hold such opinions would be receiving treatment somewhere. However, to continue with the analogy, many Off Leash participants currently hold powerful political roles or are intimate allies of those who do.
The key to expanding their influence, in the collective view of the group chat, and not only its American members, is a victory by Trump in the November election. “The freedom of the Western world is decided in the USA,” as von Storch put it. “As long as the USA lets the globalists do whatever they want, we patriots in the rest of the world can only try to maintain and survive our positions.”
Comparing the contemporary United States to Nazi Germany is an admittedly imprecise analogy. Nevertheless, it’s impossible not to be alarmed by the crypto-fascist, off the leash views expressed by Trump’s allies in the group chat about exterminating their foreign and domestic enemies and needing to “find the will to levy the toll.” However imprecise the comparison, as a model political capital, Berlin 1933 is far more compatible with the worldview of Off Leash participants than Washington 2024, and in the event they and like-minded associates gain power in the U.S. or elsewhere, they’ll be pushing backward in that general direction.
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