#worldbuilding with kage
actualaster · 7 months
Concept that would be funny if I could draw:
Creating in-universe memes for one of my original settings then drawing my blorbos referencing or reenacting said memes
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nardo-headcanons · 7 months
I wanted a headcanon about Konohagakure so bad!! you are very talented.
thank you so much, dear! Since so much is known about Konoha already, I hope these are what you're looking for
Konohagakure Worldbuilding Headcanon
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Generally speaking, people from Konoha are seen as polite and even outgoing, but sometimes a little obnoxious when it comes to their rampant patriotism. As the first shinobi village of its kind, there is only so much propaganda a Konoha shinobi can handle before turning a little cocky. Konoha citizens love gossip and are often looking for the newest gossip to furthen their sense of unity. They are a rather collectivist society with everyone having to do their part, and the public court of opinion is often times brutal, men especially are often expected to just 'suck it up' and 'act like a man'.
The hokage is seen as the highest authority figure in the village, unlike in some villages the general population's trust in the village leader is high. The hokage's decisions aren't really allowed to be questioned, and unlike Kiri citizens who do it behind closed doors, Konoha citizens don't even dare to do that. Konoha has a mixed economy with quite a lot of the shinobi income going directly to the village. There is some basic healthcare, but only covers the bare necessities, and better, high quality treatments have to be paid out of pocket. The laguage spoken in Konoha and the fire country (Japanese) is the most spoken language and taught in the other villages as the standard foreign language. It is also the reason why the Kage offices in the different villages have the kanji for the different elements in front of them - to make it easier to find for foreigners. As a second foreign language, people often choose the Kumo language.
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Konoha -and the fire country in general- typically have very bright, warm weather. In the south, there are agonizingly hot summers - snowy winters being a rarity. Konoha is surrounded by dense, lush mixed forest land which serves as a habitat for a wide range of plants and herbs - some of them even having medicinal uses. Although mushrooms are commonly found in the Konoha forests, most of them are poisonous and should not be eaten.
The forests are filled to the brim with many different animals, the most commonly found ones being wolves, eagles, deer, boar, pheasants and wild cats. Deer are often hunted and their meat is exported into different coutries as a delicacy. On the rarer side, tigers and bears can be found as well, but they typically stick to themselves. Ever since Konoha has been growing in population, some animals have been pushed out of their habitat and started to coexist with the citizens.
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Meat To secure dinner in Kiri, you can just go fishing. And to secure dinner in Konoha, you can just go hunting. Seriously. Meat, especially venison, is the preferred protein source of Konoha shinobi. However, if you ask a Konoha shinobi what they think of Sungakure and their habit of turning any meat they find into jerky, they would be horrified. Grilling meat is the most preferred method of preparing meat, closely followed by frying it.
Ramen Due to cultural influences from Uzushiogakure, ramen, including instant ramen, have grown in popularity over the decades. Next to rice, wheat is the preferred source of carbs here. Funnily enough, most Konoha shinobi prefer whole grain over white flour. To each their own, I guess.
Baked goods and confectionary
Konoha has quite a few café's and bakeries that offer many little desserts. But I have to warn you: "Buttercream" in Konoha often just means whipped cream - very different compared to the thick and buttery goodness Kumo shinobi are used to. The most popular baked good in Konoha is the Baumkuchen, frequently enjoyed by sweet tooths such as Itachi Uchiha, Hinata Hyuga and Ibiki Morino.
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madara-fate · 6 months
Do you think the fact thar Sakura and Kakashi aren't showing up as much as they could or should based on their roles/skills more of an issue with the author(s) failing to implement side characters correctly?
The original Naruto series had its full share of that, I know you agree, with pretty much everyone who wasn't named Naruto or Sasuke having to vie for whatever spotlight was left, and some characters get lost in the shuffle and were very underdeveloped as a result (e.g. Tenten, Kiba, Shino).
Now in Boruto we have all of the side characters from the OG series competing for the remaining spotlight against the new side characters introduced in Boruto. So I'm not surprised that some characters are not being used or showing up, though by all accounts, Boruto seems to be a bit more extreme. Even in Pt 2 of Naruto, we at least knew the kage and other rookie 12 were around and doing stuff from time to time. Though it could also be the case that since we are already familiar with Kakashi and Sakura, the author feels we don't need to see them to root for them whenever they appear again, as compared to newer characters.
It'd be nice if either series were more of an ensemble cast, there's so much rich worldbuilding and many uniue talents, and Pt 1 Naruto was close to being that, but Pt 2 certainly didn't end that way.
Do you think the fact thar Sakura and Kakashi aren't showing up as much as they could or should based on their roles/skills more of an issue with the author(s) failing to implement side characters correctly?
That very well could be the case, because as you quite rightfully stated, this is not new for the Naruto series. However, in this case I'm willing to be just a little bit more lenient because more of the focus (apart from Naruto and Sasuke of course) is purposefully being placed on the new generation, because this is about them now. As much as I like Kakashi and Sakura, they are no longer main characters. And while I understand that their positions in the village definitely warrants an increase in panel/screen time, I wouldn't want it to be done in a way which would detract from the focus given to Boruto, Kawaki, Sarada, Sumire, Mitsuki etc.
Even in Pt 2 of Naruto, we at least knew the kage and other rookie 12 were around and doing stuff from time to time. Though it could also be the case that since we are already familiar with Kakashi and Sakura, the author feels we don't need to see them to root for them whenever they appear again, as compared to newer characters.
Again, that very well could be the case, and I agree with your sentiment that it would be nice to at least see Kakashi and Sakura around. They don't necessarily have to be directly involved in the fighting or be active participants in the defeat of an enemy, but it would be nice to just see what they're up to, you know? However, this is just a personal preference, and I don't think that their absence objectively takes anything away from what is currently happening.
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lixenn · 6 months
Since I’ve come out of my introverted gremlin cave and started to actually work regularly on my writing as well as posting my stuff on here, I’ve decided to structure my blog a bit. Mostly to prevent people from getting absolutely lost in this chaotic mess.  
I will try to keep this as updated as possible but there might be a bit of a delay between me posting new content and updating this, so please keep that in mind.
General info
My Ao3 account
#just rambling Lix' daily life in a nutshell #art nook art tag #science talk science ramblings #ask answered ask tag (<- might change in the future)
Ask box
If you have questions about any of my projects or just want to randomly scream at me about any topic that comes to mind, my inbox is open. Bother me anytime!
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
The KHR discord server is now online! It's a general server for the fandom. If you want to join just drop me a DM and I'll send you the invite link.
KHR writing prompts
Prompts are open, just drop them in my inbox and I'll see what the nonsense generator can fabricate!
Prompt rules/intro
Dan and Celeste
Dan and Vlasta
The Housekeeping AU
#the housekeeping AU #khr daniele costa #khr dave #khr valerie rebner #khr vlasta gast #khr marina costa #khr cilmi #khr yves
This is me playing around in the Varia sandbox, come and join me in my weird delusions!
Witness how the Head of Varia Housekeeping (my OC) is slowly but surely driven insane by crazy Assassin bullshit, meddling assistants (aka Dave), mountains of paperwork and Mafia politics.
(Btw the concept of my Varia Housekeeping was inspired by Umei_no_Mai whose worldbuilding is absolutely Godtier. I kneel before their greatness.)
Character profiles
Chief aka Daniele
Ottavio under edit
Valerie Rebner
The Varia Housekeeping survival guide (WIP currently updating on Ao3)
When you are the overworked and underappreciated head of Varia Housekeeping who is sick and tired of cleaning up your employees’ corpses and decide to write up an instruction manual for dealing with Varia's insanity.
Detective Dave is on the case (complete on Ao3 but might add something later on)
Dave has never been able to resist a good mystery, so when one of his informants was suddenly murdered under suspicious circumstances, what else is he supposed to do other than immediately stick his nose into other people's business? ("Can you for once in your life not poke the sleeping dragon with a stick?" "But Chief! A murder mystery! Delivered right to my front door!" "..." "Hey, we are you going? Chief? Chief! I still need you to sign these forms! Come back!" )
This is my crossover with Myell's Killer Whale AU, so if you aren't familiar with her 'verse this story might be a bit confusing, I recommend checking her stuff out first a then coming back to this one. (Shamelessly advertising my Buddy's story again hehehehe)
Unnamed Sequel (in planning stage)
Unlike the Varia survival guide, this work will hopefully have plot and a coherent story line. I’m still very much in the idea finding phase, so no clue when this is going to be published.
I now have a rough outline for the story, main plot plus romance side plot (I say side plot when the romance outline is much more detailed... *silently despairs*).
Current edited chapter count: 2/?
I will keep you updated on this project via completely unhinged ramblings, so… look forward to that (and yes, that is a threat!)
Dan and Dave's first meeting
Things Chief once said
The Couch™️
Tea time
Fanfic recs
I've decided to indulge myself and finally make a list some of my favourite KHR fanfics, feel free to check it out!
Fic recs
How Uzushio was saved by drunken seal shenanigans (WIP kinda on hold)
The story of how Uzumaki Ren – explosion specialist, seal master and everyone’s favourite mad scientist – saves his village from destruction, revolutionizes the medical field, adopts a puppy, and gives his Kage an aneurism. Not necessarily in that order.
Note: I’ve updated this recently and I still have stuff for it prewritten (but nothing post-worthy just yet), but since KHR has overtaken all my brain space, I’ll probably won’t work on this for a while. I’m still super attached to my mad scientist baby Ren, so there will be more content! … Just in the very far future 😅
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womgi · 1 year
Naruto is weird in many ways. Especially in terms of worldbuilding. speaking as someone who was into fanfiction from the 2000s, there was so much that changed in the elements of Naruto that people writing fanfiction were constantly having to change their frameworks, or have to put the rather ignoble looking tag of "non canon compliant" at some point. I have sat through so many author notes talking about "the manga/anime did this, so as of volume/chapter, my story is officially an AU". And there was a lot of it. And that's not talking about the shitload of retconning that Kishimoto just loves. Story stuck? Retcon. Need to escalate? Retcon. Anything at all? Retcon.
Remember when the Kyuubi was a demon? As in a full blown mythological demon rather than what it ended up as? Fanfiction went all in on playing with mythology. The whole Inari business, the Fox summoning contracts, the constant and surprisingly persistent use of "kit" as the pronoun of choice from inmate to warden...all of that was fairly ubiquitous. And back then naruto fanfics were much more imaginative too. The worst villain was Orochimaru, that terrifying amoral mad scientist who was willing to let the world burn for his immortality. He got nerfed.
Or Naruto's father? We all thought he was some guy named Arashi, because of that one panel with the name Arashi Kazama in the Toad summoning scroll. The Fourth Hokage was called that name for a long time, enough to have tons of fanfiction about it at a time when naruto being the Fourth Hokage's son was just a fan theory.
I will always find the idea that we all "knew" Tobi was Obito long before the official announcement funny.
The early speculation about what the other villages were like were rather interesting as well. I mean, consider what we learn about other villages from a manga release timeline. We hear about kiri through Zabuza and his posse. Kirigakure became this villainous, murderous place. We see Suna through the chuunin exams and they're basically this weak village which get owned. Hell, their Kage gets taken out by a random missing nin and they don't even realize! Grass is represented by a team that basically exists to give Orochimaru fleshsuits to infiltrate the Chunin exams with. Ame, they're assholes - like, Hanzo probably hadn't even been conceptualized as a character yet, so they are at this point one-dimensional assholes who exist to get beaten up by the Konoha troupe. We learn about Kumo through Neji's tragic backstory. And we learn that Kumo is a bunch of backstabbing honorless villains. And this shaped how the fans saw the other villages.
Like take Kumo. By the end, Kumo was basically Ninja USA. Militarized, aggressive, and expansionist. Outside of that they also had a lot of Black people, which is an interesting choice for a japanese ninja universe, if a welcome one. That kumo did not exist when Neji's backstory was being belted out to all and sundry. That was a much later invention when Kishimoto got baked(or whatever he does when he gets writers block). Yet, by the end, they seem to be Kishimoto's go to for ninja awesome. Oh, the other villages have badass characters? Hey, look at Kumo! They have lasers! and the stuff of original ninja Jesus! That do cool shit! and their leader is so badass he cuts off his hand without looking at explosions! Lots of Kumo wank in the fanfiction. Or maybe it's just where my searches led.
Or take Oto, sound village. I remember a time when Sound village being a Konoha copy because of Orochimaru being a Konoha missing nin was a thing. They had the whole village with tower in the middle and everything. Sadly, canon has forever robbed us of the classic scene of Orochimaru drowning under paperwork. Why Kishimoto why?
And remember when Itachi was a terrifying villain instead of a tragic hero? I remember reading fics that made Itachi a terrifying force of nature, a sadistic mofo that made satan look like a putz. And then Kishimoto was like "nah" and everyone was suddenly "I heart Itachi! UwU!" or something.
Akatsuki as a whole has gone through a wild ride. When Itachi showed up, there was so much speculation about what they were gonna use the jinchuuriki for. Tailed beast WMDs were fun reads, if terrifying to imagine. Zetsu was a grass nin. Deidara ended up Naruto's brother in so many fics. So many fics that are now forgotten because Akatsuki got a canon backstory.
It's kind of funny how the further we went along the Naruto timeline, the more restrictive fanfiction became. We all became collectively chained by canon. Plots became more streamlined, and frankly dull. The imagination just disappeared. It felt like every second fic was basically "Naruto has a bloodline" and after some very energetic academy time and wave mission the story disappears into the abyss of dead fanfics. I'm just saying, if fanfics rose up from the grave, kancolle style, because of grudges against their authors, we'd have a shitload of underdeveloped Narutos with all sorts of weird bloodlines.
Hell, until Dreaming of Sunshine came along, Self Inserts were just about done. Imagine that for a second. That the most self indulgent type of fanfiction ever, the one everyone at least imagines writing, was an endangered species! And DoS was one of the more canon restricted fics ever, carefully plotting out canon while having long introspective monologues. It was a wild time.
The crossovers and smut are a different topic entirely. I've not forgotten those, but not really something a random Tumblr post can touch reasonably well.
We have Boruto now, love it or hate it. And personally I hate it, though I don't begrudge those who don't. My personal issues stem from how they did the original characters dirty. In a Doylist sense, I understand why, considering that if the older generation was the terrifyingly competent bunch they had become, then Boruto would by necessity end up as slice of life with chakra. But the way they completely twisted their characterisation was just sad. That scene where those rookie nine jump in like chumps and get stomped in between frames? Who wrote that shit? And why?
And worst of all, Shino has a toaster of all things for a mask!
In the OG naruto series, the older generation then was shown as impressive people of their own. There was respect there. Anyone remember the Allied Moms? The younger generation had come up to the fore because they had grown into splendid shinobi, children who had grown to surpass their parents, not because their parents had become nerfed. Why does Boruto need to make the characters we love incompetent to make the new generation look better? But I digress
Naruto now is a different beast. It's had time to settle in, mature as a series. The sequel has made things different, but the fanfiction still exists online, showing a side of the fandom that saw it evolve. In the forgotten depths of the interweb are splendid stories of the past, prose written by dedicated and talented fans who crafted amazing tales. Who remembers those days? Who remembers those fics? Do we? Do their authors?
I'll still read Naruto fanfiction. It's a good chunk of my life I've invested there. Call it sunk cost fallacy if you must. But some part of me misses a different era, when Naruto was the frontier, and everyday was a new fanfic, a new adventure.
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concernedbrownbread · 9 months
When the devil herself walked in, Hiruzen felt strangely at peace. It had been a battle well-fought, he thought, against a worthy opponent. “I believe congratulations are in order,” Hiruzen said softly, “Hokage-sama.” Her red-stained lips curved up. There had never been a grim reaper that smiled so politely. And as the shadows lengthen and the light of the dying sun cast on Uchiha Himiko, Hiruzen saw her for what she was.
Introducing my OC: Uchiha Himiko
Series: The Promise of Dawn
Okay I have no idea how to do this because this is my first OC ever, and of course it's for Naruto. Here goes nothing:
A would-be Governor is born into a world of autocracies, child soldiers and militaristic ideologies. What is a girl to do but take over? Himiko is here to burn the shinobi system to the ground, but first she needs to deal with her sexist Clan (that she loves), the discrimination against Uchiha and her existential twin brother (oh, Itachi). And of course -- Konoha itself, a place where information barely circulates and lies have been repeated to the point where they become truths.
Good thing Himiko's a pretty good liar too.
And a bit of a manipulative hypocrite.
Himiko wants to make a world where the dreams of her family and friends can come true, where children aren't forced to be weapons and her brothers can exist without having to fit a mold. She will make everyone happy -- at the cost of herself, if need be.
I mean, what else do you lose except yourself, when you become a Kage at sixteen and a Goddess as twenty? How much of you is unmade as you unmake the world itself? Who are you anyway?
This is a story of how power corrupts even those who don't chase it, how much propaganda really matters, and how peace isn't held by love alone. It's a story about how someone can navigate a fundamentally fucked up system while clinging to basic morals (spoiler: it's nearly impossible). It's the story of how violence trickles down in a society. It about losing yourself in the service of others (not in a good way).
And I guess it's about people doing their damn best in a world that wants them dead.
Featuring: your favourite Naruto characters not always being perfect, your least favourite Naruto characters sometimes having a point, Various OCs, CIVILIANS, politics (the fun kind!), politics (the traumatizing kind!) and more politics (the worldbuilding kind!), and lots of ninshu (though Himiko doesn't know it's ninshu).
No seriously, I have so many notes on Konoha's system of governance. And the Uchiha. And the Hyuuga. Oh my god the Hyuuga -- like, obviously Himiko isn't letting a slave-system slide. Also the Uzumaki. Oh and Jinchuurki politics, and border politics, and revolutions in Kiri, and poverty in Suna, and competing with Kuo, and the Daimyo being actually involved. There is so much going on!
Further featuring: Symbolisms! Themes! Motifs! Siblings! Friends! Fluffy found family feels! Angsty family feels! Author projecting so hard!
If you're interested, Chapter 1 is up!
I'll try to make a post about Himiko herself, the world and other OCs down the line, but feel free to shoot me a ask!!!
Also if you care about such things, the main pairing is Himiko x being a girlboss. Characters are all very queer (including genderqueer). There's lots of romantic relationship love in the background but focus is on the platonic <3
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glamnessaaumisc · 2 months
Sci-Fi Worldbuilding
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I made a map of the countries involved in my sci-fi scenario. I'll explain the few notable countries whose lore I've developed. Countries are in bold, and races are italicized.
United States - The United States (sans America) is the oldest and most powerful nation in the Solar Neighborhood. Its culture and government has barely changed since its beginnings in the ancient Holocene Epoch. When the Earth was lost to Zrout, the capital changed to the orbital habitat New Washington and the government underwent some restructuring. The United States now consists of 10 gargantuan states, each a star system full of orbital habitats.
Altair Kingdom - The Altair Kingdom is the oldest and most dominant Basaran nation. It is one of the few monarchies in the Solar Neighborhood, ruled by the tyrannical King Vodd. Though Vodd is extremely unpopular among his subjects, his youngest son and eldest daughter, Prince Zogg and Princess Hox, are very well-liked.
Kozmite Technocracy - Home to Zrout, the evil genius who took over the Solar System, the Kozmite Technocracy is a pariah to most other states in the Solar Neighborhood. It is a warmongering, Greyman-supremacist terrorist state which seeks interstellar hegemony. Its only close ally, the Lesser Technocracy of the Grey Kozm, is more of a vassal state than anything.
Nekoese State - The Nekoese State is home to the Nekos, a race created by a crazed American geneticist who was obsessed with anime and tokusatsu media. Nekoese culture heavily reflects its founder's interests, hence why many refer to the nation as the "Weeaboo Empire."
Anarchy - There are four systems in the Solar Neighborhood that are not claimed by any nation. The Solar System is one. It was where all known life originated. However, it has been closed off from the rest of the Neighborhood ever since Zrout took over Earth. New Georgia was the first orbital habitat built by the United States back before Earth fell, but the States lost all contact with the colony after a mere 100 years. No one knows why, as most of the information about the colony is top secret. Kage was formerly under the rule of the Arcadian Convention, but anarchists took over the stellar government and engaged in a massive rebellion. It is now known as the "Party System," because ever since the rebellion the system has been throwing one huge, never-ending party. Finally, G254-29 is a system shrouded in mystery. No one knows what's going on there, as no spacefaring vessel that has gone to that system has ever returned.
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secret-engima · 2 years
I saw your post about Gai being like Lee as a kid which confused me to no end. Because as far as I know from my previous Naruto dives, Gai used to be on the genjutsu track until the 3rd time he got punched in the face by an Uchiha. After that, he dedicated himself to being a taijutsu master. So your info about Gai being like Lee is another Kishi fuckup. Or my info is the fuckup. At this point I have no idea which was written over. I hate Kishi's inability to hold to a timeline/backstory.
50/50 odds it's a Kishi problem or a fanon mixup, but I *just* had to see the 4th war arc in all it's hideous, achingly slow glory and I promise that in *that*, Gai was not on genjutsu track. Gai was not only like Lee but he *flunked out* of Academy entrance exams and was not going to be allowed to be a ninja until he *successfully petitioned* to be allowed in as a pickup student(? whatever the term is for when a previously accepted student gets booted and a replacement is put in his place) on the grounds that he might not be able to do ninjutsu but he is able and willing to run a thousand laps around the Academy and do an equally insane number of pushups. And also will climb the academy building wall like a goblin so people will see his "LET ME INTO ACADEMY" banner.
And it worked. Because Sarutobi is seen watching Gai a few times before making contemplative noises.
So basically? The implication is that Lee only got *into* Academy in the first place because Gai, as a child, managed to convince the Hokage himself through sheer stubbornness that taijutsu only shinobi was a valid career path and an exception was essentially written into the books where there hadn't been one before.
Because the "ninja who can't do ninjutsu" is not a normal thing. There's a (mostly painful) filler arc in the 4th war going over chuunin exams in Suna, and while only some of the eps are worth watching, there's a mini arc about Team Gai meeting a Suna team with a boy who *also* has the same disability as Lee and Gai. He cannot use ninjutsu or genjutsu but he's stubborn and good at Taijutsu. The thing is, that kid was never allowed into academy. Ever. No exceptions. The only reason he's a shinobi in the filler arc is because he stubbornly kept training taijutsu on his own time and accidentally ended up getting Gaara's attention while Gaara was Kazekage. Gaara asked for taijutsu lessons and, once impressed, decided that the boy reminded him of Lee and deserved to be a shinobi, and so was made a genin on the spot. It's a fun story, and I know it's not canon, but it makes for interesting worldbuilding because it hammers home the idea that there are not only other people like Gai and Lee in the world with some kind of chakra based disability, but that most ninja villages won't give them the time of day because *they didn't have a Might Gai* to aggressively pushup his way into impressing the local Kage.
I'd also hazard a guess, in a mythical world where worldbuilding is something Kishi actually cares about, that there's now an official *alternate exam* for academy students who struggle with jutsu where they can pass if they instead make up for it with high enough marks in taijutsu, written stuff, and probably like- raw endurance/insane number of pushups and laps. Something to prove you can compensate for your chakra trouble.
And that if such an alt exam exists (points at Lee for evidence it has to) then Mizuki intentionally either hid this from Iruka or him and all the other teachers somehow got Naruto banned from using it. That or it's something the student has to *request* to take instead of the standard graduation exam, and Mizuki ensured that Naruto never knew it existed, which is why Naruto still had to fail at ninjutsu instead of just pull a Lee and use his jinchuuriki endurance to graduate the alternate way.
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kishimotomasashi · 2 years
you there. 🫵 give me an unpopular madara opinion
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion
Yessir 🫡
Personally I just wouldn't put Madara in a top 10 Naruto villains list (well, I wouldn't be mad if you did, but only if you put him at the very bottom of the list) because despite him having an incredibly memorable introduction, and has more fun, badass moments during his fight with the 5 Kage, that's just. Kind of where the fun ends. Really doesn't help that his villain motivation is what drives literally the worst arc in the series and is incredibly symptomatic of Kishimoto having just given up.
Naruto doesn't have a shortage of villains who have grievances against the system in place and are trying to destroy it but because of the aforementioned, Madara's iteration of it is so painfully stupid it's actually so frustrating. While I have no problem with him being power-obsessed and trying to change the world without some self-introspection on that, it's very possible to have him do that without whatever the fuck the infinite tsukuyomi was and for Kishimoto to actually use the tools he already had on hand with his established worldbuilding to come up with something better. But whatever, Kishimoto not knowing what to do and fucking up his story as a result is old news, whatever.
Madara is a significantly more interesting character to think about within the context of his backstory in the WSE rather than when he's Light-Yagami-On-Steroids in the war arc. He is still kind of fun though, so I understand why everyone forgives it. I mean, I do. But I don't think "being kind of fun sometimes" is enough to be a truly excellent villain.
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kings-lone · 6 months
Hello uhh… ✨~pinned~✨? I guess? Haha
She/Her only, please
Hello, I’m Shoko. You can also call me Terra if you’d like.
My main sona/mascot is also Shoko! Art of her will be linked here!
Visual artist, animator, vocalist, lyricist, and writer!
I do vocals for a doom metal band called Kage Musume.
Love designing lesbian goth girls.
Important social links:
🖤 17 years old
🖤 Lesbian, polyamorous, autosexual 🏳️‍🌈
🖤 Goth, pagan/satanist
Special interests: Japanese horror/mythology/culture, music (specifically metal), Bloody Panda, King Woman
Music genres: Doom metal, j-metal, j-horror, sludge metal, post-metal, black metal, drone, experimental, punk rock, noise, hardcore, post-hardcore, folk punk, trip-hop, freak folk, shoegaze, and almost anything gothic metal/rock/punk related
Bands: King Woman, Bloody Panda, Yoshiko Ohara, Gallhammer, Boris, Frayle, Made Out of Babies, Battle of Mice, Julie Christmas, Elizabeth Colour Wheel, Vaee Solis, SubRosa, Windhand, X-Ray Spex, Eyehategod, Thou, Jucifer, Gouge Away, Ragana, Foxtails, Blacklab, and many, many more
Movies: Ju-On, Coraline, Ringu, Houseハウス The Shining, Isle of Dogs, My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, The Cat Returns
Shows: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Adventure Time, Over the Garden Wall, Gravity Falls, Invader Zim, SpongeBob, The Owl House
Games: Little Big Planet, Little Nightmares, Omori, Death Forest, Cult of the Lamb, Minecraft, Splatoon
Visual artists: Yoshiko Ohara, Kittydog
Extra, for funsies! Comfort characters: Kayako Saeki (Ju-On/The Grudge), Sadako Yamamura (Ringu), Rosie (Hazbin Hotel), Husk (Hazbin Hotel), Six (Little Nightmares), Coraline (Coraline lol)
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actualaster · 1 year
I've got this one OC that I don't know exactly what to do with but he's basically a suicidally depressed avatar of a force of nature who lost all his loved ones in a time so long ago it's barely remembered in half-forgotten legend who has been cursed with immortality.
he's the single most powerful magical entity in the history of existence and i really have no idea what to do with him in this setting. he was originally supposed to be the MC but he's been upstaged by a catboy who I rewrote the rules of the world to allow to exist lmao
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nardo-headcanons · 10 months
Iwagakure Worldbuilding Headcanon
yes, it is time. i have been planning to do this ever since i wrote the suna ones. what inspired me to write these? my chem analytics lab practical
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People and Culture
Iwagakure is a rather densely populated village, with its country having a rather large population. The citizens of Iwa are often times brutally honest with each other and often work as one big union. The language spoken in Iwagakure sounds similar to Konoha's language, but not quite (Almost like Dutch sounds compared to German). There are many different dialects across different valleys, every one sounding slightly different from the other. This sometimes leads to interesting dialoagues, but they manage. Many foreigners think Iwa citizens don't have a sense of humor, but they do. It's just that it's rather dry compared to what most foreigners are used to.
A lot of the infrastructure in Iwagakure is made of stone and their architecture is very immaculate and they like using earth style to accentuate their homes. Despite their economy not being the strongest, Iwagakure has a homeless rate of 0% since housing is easy to construct there.
In the Iwa academy, genin are not only taught ninja skills, but basic geology and chemistry as well. Despite Iwa nin being regarded as 'stupid' by outsiders due to their funny accents, they have an extensive education system.
Fireworks in Iwagakure are a special good, and they are very proud of the fact that they invented it. No one really knows how, but the story says that one shinobi of Iwagakure's explosion corps added copper sulphate, rubidium acetate, strontiom sulphate and lithium chloride into their explosive clay, creating a prototype of the fireworks they use nowadays. Using their knowledge of the different minerals and their flame test colors, the earth country's pyrotechnicians are able to create elaborate artworks out of thin scraps.
Most clothes are dyed with either natural colorants or colorful chemicals. Most older people prefer the natural dyes from plants, such as ube, purple and orange carrots, etc. The youngsters are more adventurous.
Much like Suna shinobi, Iwa ninjas had more trust in their tsuchikage than in their own daimyo, however this recently changed due to Oonoki, the third tsuchi-kage hiring mercenaries like the Akatsuki to work behind the other big villages backs. Since the economy of Iwagakure was not the strongest, they often relied on imperialism as well as colonialism to build their economy. In the modern era, this has changed, however, since Iwa and the Earth country in general is the biggest exporter of rare minerals such as, diamonds, pottery, glassware and fireworks.
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The Earth country is a cold and rocky place, with many gushes of wind carrying rock and debris throughout the country, even beyond its borders. The winters of Iwagakure are very cold and harsh and the summers are only mild compared to the fire country, where Konoha is located. There is little to no vegetation, and the vegetation that exists is used for agriculture which has led to many native animals being driven out of their natural habitat.
The mountains of Iwagakure are populated by ewes, goats and sheep, which, much like in our world, could not care less about gravity. Another animal that can be found in such large heights is the snow leopard, a symbol of bravery and strength to Iwagakure shinobi. Wolves are also native to Iwagakure, however its citizens have an ambiguous relationship to the canines, as they frequently pillage livestock from the people. It would also be a crime to not mention yaks, the national animal of Iwagakure. Their meat, tar and fur are all highly prized and yak meat serves as a protein source to many Iwa shinobi. When looking up into the sky, eagles, kites, vultures and hawks are no rarity, feasting on any small mammal they might find. Fortunately for all arachno- and insectophobes, Iwagakure's insect and spider population is rather small, the only ones that survive living in such high altitudes either minding their own business or even being useful to its citizens, the iwagakure mountain bees, coming to mind.
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Tubers and Root vegetables
The main component of any Iwagakure dish are tubers and root vegetables. Iwa nin actually prefer them over grains as their main source of carbohydrates. The most popular ones are potatoes, purple carrots, parsnips and onions. Often times, ube and ube extract is used as a flavoring agent and colorant for food.
Another important stable of Iwa cuisine are beans, which are imported from Sunagakure. The most popular variety are kidney beans, mainly due to their color matching the iwagakure shinobi uniform. In the past there used to be many lectin and cyanide poisonings, until the government stepped in and implemented 'how to properly cook beans' into the education system.
Most meat comes from either yaks, goats, dear or sheep. Unlike their close allies, Sunagakure, Iwa nin rarely dry their meat and prefer it marinated or jarred.
Similarly to Kirigakure, not many manufactured sweets can be found here, however, crispy rice cakes (Iwagakure rock mochi) are a specialty. The most popular filling for these rice cakes is, of course, red bean paste.
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sabrina-author · 2 years
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Blood in the Water; a wip introduction
Logline: After a young mer is kicked out of his old life by his mentor, he races against time as he's hunted by foe and old friend alike to reclaim his place by his mentors side.
Genre: YA mystery fantasy Themes at a glance: Isolation, betrayal, man vs man, man vs self, and self healing. Thematic questions: Can someone with good intentions change a bad system? Is it moral to kill those hurting people? Can/should you forgive those who hurt you? Can you heal from being codependent? Status: Third draft, close to the fourth and beta reading time
Synopsis: When Cetus' mentor moves to kill their greatest rival he's forced to turn against the only one who's cared for him. After being forcibly removed from his old life, his safety is on the line as he's hunted down by the law, who he might once have called friends, and even the rival who put him here. With the threat of death, or worse, imprisonment: a race against time is established as he rushes to regain his place in the world. However, there are more threats around him than he originally thought.
Characters: (links lead to character posts) Cetus/ Kage Betzalel Canis/ Lux Asrani Saffron Lyra Delphinus Orion Amaryllis
Light Worldbuilding: In a world where humans have split into two living species, mer, more adapt for living in the water and living much like seals, and humans remaining as we live now
Our Setting: in the largest mer/human city in the world: Laika. Based on real life crater lake, Laika is a closed off lake with many mountains surrounding it and brutal winters
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Taglist: @misery-and-magic @junypr-camus @pzos-amiserableidiot @shockingtitle
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miriamundertale · 1 year
hi heres my current reading list for manga. still being updated. post is very very long so under a readmore. images are only if i have specific screencaps to help the big spam
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The apothecary diaries
Clasic miriam strategy of reading the manga of a popular anime instead of watching it. I did not realise how like. Political drama this would be. It rules a lot. More stuff like this please.
Babanbabanban Vampire
Aw yeah. This is vampire yaoi i can get behind. This is vampire yaoi i can respect on a primal level across generations. Please give me more opportunities to fujo out about a vampire so pathetic and bad at being down bad he cucks himself.
I guess it goes here now wtf. Curious where it goes but im not upset if it turns away from what i like. The last miura chapter was an ok open ending for me
Black clover
i originally started reading this due to it feeling like a good example of shounen as a genre with the good and the bad, and for a while was going to say its my "if you want to understand the genre just read it" rec but one piece has been here. just here 4 fun now
Bocchi the Rock!
Ill be blunt just watch the anime. I enjoy reading the manga but its pretty classical mid. mainlining shots of kikuri until the spinoff lands jokes on you im already blasted
Bocchi the Rock! Gaiden: Hiroi Kikuri no Fukazake Nikki
Hiroi spinoff This woman is too pathetic for her own good [redacted for public safety]
Im caught up, rough start but very fun overall and good horny art. hard to complain
Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu
Boku wa Kimitachi wo Shihai suru
This is one of my "this is blatantly porn" reads but its got some good fucked up elements that make it fun. i also pr it so woo
Boy's Abyss
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Bungou Stray Dogs
see before reading himegoto i genuinely loved it despite it kinda getting comical with the fucked up ness near the end. now its fine, but i read for my girl chako
its pretty ok so far. i think its hilarious its made people go back and read classic lit
Chainsaw Man
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God i love act two. Asa is the best possible followup to denji and seeing her and denji interract is going to make the inevitable fujimotofication of the story even more fun
Hazure Skill "Kage ga Usui" o Motsu Guild Shokuin ga, Jitsuha Densetsu no Ansatsusha
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Yeah ik long name. its an isekai lite aka the whole "this is an isekai in all but including the start of an isekai" genre thats popped up lately. its very charming and gorgeously drawn
Heavenly Delusion
in terms of post apocalyptic stuff it stands out and winds up pretty fun. the art isnt something wild but stands out with its own charm
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Henjo is hornybait with fucked up age gap, so a very boring and tread upon category, but the target audience is clearly less the horny 20 year olds hunting high school girls and more the high school girls who think they can pull. An important part of the manga ecosystem.
The Summer Hikaru Died
the art style is really evocative and i do love me some weirdly fucked up yaoi. good recent pickup
Hikikomari Kyuuketsuki no Monmon
Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o
kinda slippin on this one. it feels like a bit that they abandon quickly but i do love my vampire media. Im also kinda sad the anime adaptation didnt really pick up interest in more being adapted.
See the solution to writing good het is to make them kinda fucked up in some way. This works even better with gay ships but two people with something wrong with themselves clicking together is too great not to use. This is me being vague so you read the manga
Ishuzoku Reviewers
I read this out of this fucked up interest in how the mangaka spends the majority of this horny isekai not worldbuilding but game designing the rules of this isekai. Its such a weird focus of priorities
fun concept fun art horny is fun fuck you
Jahy-sama wa kujienai!
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Jahy is going to abolish capitalism
Please someone pick this up again please if you need an editor i will fucking do it just reach out
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
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This manga is fuckin gorgeous tbh. I think its close to its endgame and im excited to see how it goes
fuck you shut up fuck you i thought it would be funny. its pretty ok shounen. needs more homoeroticism though
Kemono jihen
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
Its a fun read and i like a lot of the character designs. It holds me pretty solidly at least
Kesa mo Yuraretemasu
Eiji masuda could make me read a manga about a wet dog undrying painted walls and id read in seconds and hype it up. Thankfully this is great above that. Romcom but entirely from an audience perspective is SUCH a fun idea.
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Dramaid is watching someone with immense talent at writing domestic slice of life work REALLY hard at learning how to draw tits
The vampire dies in no time
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I thought this was gonna be yaoi but instead its nothing but pathetic characters i absolutely love. Really good stuff
Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete
i dont need to justify reading this to you. you know its good. we all know its good. fuck you.
How is this not more popular. Great concept. Really striking art. Solid writing. I barely see anyone talk about it. Might be due to the really uninteresting anime adaptation
My hero academia
i just want to see this train crash
Natsume Yuujinchou
I love the show and the mangas no exception. Really enjoyable and yuki midorikawa's style is pleasant on the eyes
Noss and Zakuro
this is insanely cute on every level. you agree.
One piece
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Its fucking real lads
One Punch Man (webcomic)
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Welcome to gremlintown (we got an update :D)
One Punch Man (Manga)
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thank god were free from garou arc
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Oshi ni Amagami
i like my funny vampire stories and this is a fun vampire neet one
Oshi no ko
i am committed to this idc about the outcome
Ousama Ranking
IMPLYING ANYONE EVER DOES 70-155 LMAO SORRY I LIKE READING THE MANGA cant believe you made me watch the anime. tl the missing chapters please
Please Give Me Your Blood, I Will Serve You In Gratitude
Miriam "Trashy Vampire Manga Fan" Undertale
Record of Ragnarok
i needed something trashy and fun and this does it
Rent a Girlfriend
my least defensible read. its garbage. i hate it. its horrible trash and i read it purely out of some weird revival of the author attempt to understand miyajima innately and emotionally through his work
Sakamoto days
Im sorry it took me this long to hop on. I wasn't familiar with your game.
Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
This manga gives me severe dysphoria and yet i keep reading it. well not rly because its kinda gotten mega boring
Shingeki no Eroko-san ~Hen na Oneesan wa Danshikousei to Nakayoku Naritai~
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Continuing her streak of having the biggest mind ever, yoshiru konogi pops off with the manga targeted towards pathetic 30 year old women who want a high school boy to a massive degree
Shojo null
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Art is cracked and the energy is utterly hogwild. I love the "no actually please torture your oppressors" vibe so far
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im so happy im getting updates again. anime was good despite low budget. excited for s2 yes yes yes
Skip and loafer
The art style is so lovely and its a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of the romance ive been reading lately
Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
Its fun fuck you. The seasonals in 2022 had a great selection of source materials and bisque doll slams it out of the park
Sousou no Frieren
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the severe nature of how much this goes will never be beat.
Spy x Family
Its good and thats Fine. no clue whats going on with the manga it feels like i get maybe an update every 5 months
The Dungeon That Kills All Adventurers
another dowman sayman banger who could have predicted this
To Your Eternity
TYE is enjoyable though i think its kinda suffering from jojofication. i think it deserves an ending soon
Usuzumi no Hate
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i refuse to believe this is this mangakas first work. this is fucking incredible. gorgeously drawn with an incredible concept. read now
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You
the type of peak that could only exist to those willing to brave their own doubts. a work of art that will only exist for those strong enough to resist their hearts saying "cringe"
The Case Study of Vanitas
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who could have predicted gay vampires are good
Why are we once again in a world where people are not translating kino by one
Vinland Saga
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Man this grew on me fast. I picked it up not expecting a lot and got the world with it
Witch Hat Atelier
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Yorashi Ni warau
At this point it feels like im very obviously drawn to pretty stuff but honestly its a really good read. Qifrey and olruggio should kiss already
Witch watch
I was lied to about there being vampires as a core part of things. But in return i got a really cute comedy that has just enough of the right type of derrangement to worm into my brain. Good mistake.
I cannot get over the art still, fucking gorgeous, the story hasnt really gotten stuck in my craw like some other things but the art genuinely makes up for it.
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Yotsuba is one of the mangas of all time
zom 100
this is one of those "i saw the start of a genre trending and assumed one of the main firestarters would be bad" stories and im glad i was wrong. it's very charming in a kinda fun childish way
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softdaemons · 1 year
Naruto and sasuke becoming super close as genin in a communicative and bonding way compared to canon. Taking care of eachother training being leisure. It throws sasuke massively off course as itachi becomes more a lingering thought. Naruto being introduced to more uchiha customs which makes him sad about family and stuff and they sneak off to the library where it’s bare scares on uzumaki - mostly konoha propoganda which neither can understand cause kids. Naruto meeting nekoba and her apprentice.
It makes things 100x worse when orochimaru digs his claws into sasuke and itachi torturing him. When sasuke leaves naruto is more terrified than challenging towards konoha striking sasukes name from their favor and brands him as a criminal. They crack down on narutos freedom and he isn’t allowed to go with jiraiya - tsunade being put under the thumbs of the elders and Danzo throwing weight around. Etc etc lots of plot to fuel naruto leaving the village and running away to nekoba where he trains to be stealthy, seals, and jinchuuriki shenanagins. He basically becomes a book and lore nerd under her care more stuff happens narutos been missing for years and the other tailed beasts are treated worse for par ever since naruto left bc of his actions.
Id like to twist the usual to be if sasuke remains on canon path of post killing itachi and learning the truth and wanting revolution he steers taka into hunting the other beast hosts in order to recruit them to taka and help assist him in those efforts. A much more humane lens empathizing with the hosts and beasts vs using them as tools. Insert lots of naruto regret and pining
Naruto on the other hand flits around. Does not engage in any sort of social or political activity ignoring his moral compass. Living in isolation and sticking to non ninja villages or collecting uzumaki history. I think after everything he would be very self preserving for once his morals only extending to support the completely defenseless and poor.
This au is very much in shambles and is such a different take than I’m used to ontop of being rough on naruto worldbuilding the only thing I know is I want naruto to have the habit of disguising as all sorts of different identities whenever flitting about in public spaces and sasuke immediately recognizes him when they cross paths and it’s a lot of drama and chasing and tldr naruto joins the taka crew which is made up of junchuriki survivors too their enemy being the village systems and whoever follow be they kages elders other powerful political figure etc
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fzzr · 2 years
What I'm Watching, Winter 2023 Anime Season
New Stuff:
Ars no Kyojuu (Giant Beasts of Ars) - A show with a concept of "let's use waifu powers to kill raid bosses" didn't need this much worldbuilding effort. I am very interested in how this goes.
Benriya Saitou-san, Isekai ni Iku (Handyman Saitou in Another World) - Comfy no-plot isekai don't have the best performance with me, but this one is endearing enough that maybe it will break through.
Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi (The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague) - It's Wotakoi meets Interviews with Monster Girls. I like both of those things, and I'm liking this too. Very slow, and both protagonists are perfect cupcakes. Sometimes that's all you need.
Ningen Fushin no Boukensha-tachi ga Sekai wo Sukuu you desu (Ningen Fushin: Adventurers Who Don't Believe in Humanity Will Save the World) - I usually can't deal with the "what if this genre but being realistic means things suck" shows. Somehow this one didn't set off my cringe detectors yet. It might not make it through the whole season, but I'm in for now.
Otonari no Tenshi-sama ni Itsunomanika Dame Ningen ni Sareteita Ken (The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten) - Ah yes, a fusion of the "perfect girlfriend you will never have" and "perfect school idol is actually a normal and sometimes sarcastic person" microgenres. Maybe it will get exasperating, but for now let's do it.
Revenger - Who knows, maybe some dark over the top samurai violence will keep my list for the season from being oops all comedy.
Rougo ni Sonaete Isekai de 8-manmai no Kinka wo Tamemasu (Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement) - Yes we get it, the only way anyone today will save up for retirement is going to a literal fantasy world. This one is superficially far on the light and fluffy side, but it's also openly wearing a black armband of unexpressed grief and I'm wondering where they're going with that.
Rougo ni Sonaete Isekai de 8-manmai no Kinka wo Tamemasu (The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady) - Is this lesbian V for Vendetta? Is this Utena with less incest? Is this no-boys-allowed magical Dr. Stone? I don't know, but I'm here for it. A possible show of the season dark horse.
Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! (Tomo-chan Is a Girl!) - Will some teenagers figure out their feelings? How will this love directed graph resolve? Spin the wheel of twists - the main girl is a tomboy! Yeah this show is for me personally, probably. This is the frontrunner for show of the season.
Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte to Jikkyou no Endou-kun to Kaisetsu no Kobayashi-san (Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte) - The Villainess genre is definitely going to be overloaded soon (it's been popular in the non-moving pictures space for some time). However it ain't yet, and this twist on the genre is wild. Another potential show of the season candidate.
Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. 2 (BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. Season 2) - Bofuri is one of the great comfy/funny power fantasy shows. Obviously I'm back for more.
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou II (The Misfit of Demon King Academy II) - Misfit is one of the great awesome/funny power fantasy shows. Obviously I'm back for more of this too.
Boku no Hero Academia 6th Season - it's HeroAca, by now you're either watching it or you're not.
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! (The Eminence in Shadow) - Sorry Bofuri and Misfit - this one might be THE best takedown of the isekai/power fantasy genre. I'm going to have some things to say about this when it's done.
Urusei Yatsura (2022) - This modern take on one of the ancestors of every romcom shenanigans series today is a jolly good time.
Hall of Shame (things I already dropped after one episode):
Buddy Daddies - This is going to be the easy winner for people who are in it for comedy and feels, but I don't think I'll be able to deal with the kid. Sorry, I'm sure it's good, it's just not for me.
Dog Show - I'm not going to link it and you shouldn't look for it. I watched one episode to see how bad it is and it turns out to be softcore hentai with something that is definitely not my fetish.
Kaiko sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life (Chillin' in My 30s after Getting Fired from the Demon King's Army) - It's just so mid, and panty shots we don't get to see and grotesquely oversized anime tiddy can't make up for that.
Spy Kyoushitsu (Spy Classroom) - How can we take spy vs spy mind games and make them mindbogglingly boring? I don't know why you asked to do that but you did. Congrats. Skip.
Trigun Stampede - I don't need Trigun again but bad. Pass.
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