#worse thing she's ever experienced in her 18 years
irlmagpie · 11 months
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of course, she's sound asleep until the fabric comes out, and now she's Involved and Helping!
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alloftheimagines · 20 days
joel miller | complications
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words: 2.9k warnings: 18+ | angst, near death experience, blood, reader has a traumatic birth w/complications, PTSD naturally, joel reminded of sarah's death, newbown baby (yes they can be spooky! but this one is cute and safe), (please just somebody take that poor man's pain away) (or not because then what would we write about?) (also he and ellie are a little estranged like in tlou2) prompt: I was thinking maybe Jackson! Joel era and pregnant reader and then she almost dies while giving birth to the baby! Gives room for a lot of drama and angst, and potential comfort right at the end for our favorite old man. tags: (i know it's been a while since I last posted so let me know if you want to be untagged) @sweetbabygirlsworld @m4tthewmurd0ck @domaniquessidehoe @spideysimpossiblegirl note: you can read this as pedro's joel if you so wish, but i am in my game!joel feels rn
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“I can’t do this, Joel.” Your face creased with pain as another contraction wracked through you. You’d known that labour would hurt, of course, but you hadn’t expected it to come on this quickly, and so strong. You hadn’t yet passed the eight-month mark, and you weren’t prepared. Not even a little. You hadn’t even sorted the nursery yet, or found a crib.
Joel held your hand on the floor of your living room, keeping you supported while you braced against the couch. He brushed the hair from your face, calm and unreadable as ever, but even you didn’t miss the way his fingers trembled against your skin. “You got this, baby girl. I know you can.”
“Don’t think you have much of a choice.” Your doctor, one of the few midwives in town, lifted her head. She sat at your feet, peeling off her gloves after your examination. “You’re fully dilated. This baby is coming right now.”
“There’s no time to get to the infirmary?” you questioned, voice rising in panic. The contractions had barely started an hour ago, and sure, you’d left it a little late before confessing that they were getting painful. Ellie had rushed out not fifteen minutes ago to call for your midwife’s help, and now…
Now, the baby was coming, and all you could think was that it wasn’t supposed to be like this. The pregnancy had been a shock to your system. You hadn’t even been sure that Joel would want to go through with it after everything he’d experienced before. But he’d held your hand through each ultrasound, felt your belly for the first kick, and even when you saw fear — dread, even — cross his features, you could easily reassure him that this time was different. This time, it was safe. You’d lived in Jackson for over a year now, and it was the security of the community that had made motherhood feel possible. 
The midwife shook her head. “I’m sorry. You need to start pushing on your next contraction.”
“Oh, god,” you whispered, teeth chattering as the weight of the situation hit you.
“Hey, look at me.” Joel tilted your chin gently. “It’s gonna be just fine, darlin’. You just breathe and push, okay? We’ll do the rest.” 
“Right, just breathe and push,” you muttered. “Of course, you forgot the part about shoving a small human out of my hoo-ha.” 
He smirked, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Oh, right. That little detail.”
“I kinda hate you right now.” Just as you said it, another contraction hit, and your head fell back as you moaned. 
“Push now if you feel like you should!” your midwife reminded. Then, to Ellie: “Go get some clean towels, hon. Lots of ‘em.”
In the doorway, Ellie looked grateful to be given a job and scampered off. 
You did as instructed, dipping your chin into your chest as you pushed, pushed, pushed. A scream ripped through you at the pain it brought, each moment worse than the last. 
“You’re doing so good, baby. So good. She’s gonna be here so soon,” Joel whispered, his grip around you the only thing keeping you tethered to the here and now. 
Dizziness consumed you as your contraction finally eased. “Is she okay?”
“I’m seeing the head.” The midwife beamed. “Just a few more pushes, okay?”
Somehow, you breathed, and you pushed, and you felt your way through the pain as your body broke and mended and then broke again. Joel kept his grip on your hand tight, reassuring, but you saw him bite his lip toward the end and knew that he might have been just as terrified as you. 
The final push finally came, and you sunk back as the newborn's cry rang out.
“She’s here. You did it,” Joel murmured, kissing your clammy temple. He laughed into your skin, the sound of joy and disbelief sending a shiver through you. You tried to lift your head, to see your daughter, but everything felt wrong. Heavy. It still hurt, and black spots dotted your vision. 
“Le’ me see her.” Your words were slurred, your voice far away.
The last thing you heard was Joel calling your name, his voice raw and broken — terrified. 
“What’s wrong with her?” he demanded. 
“She’s bleeding too heavily. I need to get her to the infirmary.”  The midwife shook her head, handing him the screaming newborn. His screaming newborn. It had taken months to quell the panic of becoming a father again — not that he had ever truly stopped. Sarah had lived in his heart all these years, and Ellie was his daughter, even if she hated him for what he did. 
He made the mistake of looking at you, and the sight of the blood made him sick. So much of it. There was so damn much of it. He’d seen a lot of people bleed out, but he couldn’t remember ever seeing this much. 
“Shit," he cursed.
He didn’t know when Ellie had returned, but she stood wan and she’ll shocked beside him now.
“Please, take her.” He shoved the baby into her arms before lowering back to his knees to grab your hand. “Don’t you dare do this to me, baby. Not now.” 
“Can you carry her to the infirmary?” the midwife asked desperately.
He didn’t think twice, slipping his arms under your limp body. 
“Joel! She’s gonna be alright, right?” Ellie stuttered, and he heard the panic in her voice, too, as she swayed the baby from side to side, swaddling her in blankets. You were the closest thing Ellie had to a mother. If either of them lost you…
He couldn’t even try to find an answer, as much as he wanted it to be yes.
He gritted his teeth, hauling you up on shaky legs. Thankfully, the infirmary was only a few blocks away, and nobody was there to slow him down so late at night. 
He couldn’t make sense of it. One minute, he’d been settling down for the night after a long patrol shift. The next, you were curled up in pain, claiming the baby was coming. 
“Stay with me,” he pleaded, fingers curling into your old sweater. His old sweater, if he was being particular, but you’d stolen it from him so long ago that it smelled completely of you now: soap and fresh air. Blood. 
He staggered into the infirmary with that smell still in his nostrils, dampness spreading across his hands, and he damn near passed out on the threshold. But he wouldn’t, couldn’t, leave you, even when flashes of him holding Sarah this exact way raced through his mind. Even when a broken sob stuck in his throat, because he was holding on, and you weren’t, and she wasn’t, and why did he always have to be the one to watch the life seep from them? To end the night with nothing but their blood on his hands?
He set you down on the first bed he came to, drawing the alarmed attention of the nurses, who had a moment ago been ready to dose off on their night shift. In such a small community, they weren’t often needed after dark.
Behind him, the midwife called out orders, wheeling you away into the surgery theatre. He watched you disappear into a white-walled room, a tiny thing that never would have sufficed in the old world. 
In the old world, you probably wouldn’t have given birth in a living room. In the old world, he wouldn’t be stiff with a fear he couldn’t control, frozen with memories that refused to ever leave him.
He spun around and felt unsettled to see Ellie cradling the baby, mouth agape with the same cluelessness he felt. His baby. His. He had to be a father now, but he didn’t know how when you weren’t here with him. He felt like that thing he was always losing in his dreams was finally gone for good. Ripped from him one last time.
He couldn’t look at the baby’s cherubic face. Couldn’t even look at Ellie.
He couldn’t remember why he’d been so relaxed just yesterday to think of the little life you’d both been impatiently waiting to begin. Couldn’t remember how he’d found the strength to sing a lullaby to your bump, laughing when a foot kicked his palm as though telling him to shut the hell up. 
What the fuck was he supposed to do now? She was so tiny and pink and new, wrapped in bloody blankets, and he…
“Go give her to one of the nurses,” he whispered. 
“Joel—” Ellie made to protest, but he couldn’t hear it. Wouldn't.
“Ellie,” he snapped. “Go give her to one of the damn nurses. I can’t.”
“Well, you don’t have a fucking choice, because she’s yours now.” Ellie shoved her into his hands without warning. He tensed with the new weight, bile rising in his stomach. No. No. No. Everything he held, he broke. 
But then the baby let out a gurgle, her feet kicking his palm just like the night before when she was still safe in your belly, and he couldn’t keep from looking down at her. Couldn’t keep from seeing you in all her innocent features. Eyes, nose, even the fine tuft of hair on her head. 
“I can clean her down and check she’s doing okay,” a nurse offered, and suddenly, he was reluctant to let her go. 
And then he remembered you, the blood, your motionless body after so long spent screaming, Ellie’s hatred, Tess, Sarah, and he was glad for somebody else to take care of her. The further away that kid was, the better. He was a fucking curse, and she…
He scraped a hand over his face, pacing over to the surgery room. He didn’t dare march in, no matter how badly he wanted to. 
“She’s going to be okay,” Ellie said from behind him gently. “She’s strong, and I’m sure shit like this happens all the time.” 
“I told her we’d be okay,” Joel rasped out, face crumpling finally. “I told her that it would turn out alright, that we could be… That we could make something good here.”
“And you will,” Ellie said. 
He shook his head. “I might as well have killed her my damn self.” He looked down at his bloodied hands as though they weren’t his. They shook more than they ever had before. 
“Stop it! She’s going to make it. She has to!” Ellie’s yell took him aback, piercing in such a quiet, echoey space. She jabbed a finger into Joel’s shoulder. “And you have to hold it together. I know it’s fucking hard, alright, but you don’t get to lose it now! You can’t blame yourself for everything that goes wrong in our lives, Joel! That’s not how it works!”
He swallowed down his own self-loathing, head bowed. “I can’t do it without her,” he whispered. 
The rawness in his voice must have been visceral, because Ellie paused, her eyes filling with tears. 
And then she hugged him, tight enough that he thought maybe she was trying to keep him in one piece. He let out a ragged breath and held her. And then he did what she asked. He tried to hold it together. 
You woke to whispers and gurgles and wondered for a moment if you were dreaming. Your lids were heavy, body distant, and you couldn’t quite remember where you were or who was supposed to be with you. 
Until you prised your eyes open and found IVs plugged into your veins. 
“There she is,” a voice said softly. 
You blinked, searching for the source, and found it in a bleary version of Joel. He sat in a chair beside your bed, a tiny baby in his arms. His smile was shaky, distorted, and you didn’t know why. Not until he leaned forward and brushed your hair from your face with his free arm.
“Thought you’d left me there for a second.” 
“Is she okay?” Your throat was hoarse. 
He nodded. “Right as rain. It’s you we were worried about.” 
You frowned, trying to remember. One minute, you were pushing as though your life depended on it, and then the next, you were just… gone. 
“You had a heavy bleed. Needed a transfusion,” Joel explained finally. “But they reckon you’re gonna be okay, thank god.” 
“But she’s okay?” You stared at the baby nestled against his chest, not quite sure how she was here. When had this being growing inside of you become a real, tangible thing? How much of her life had you already missed?
Joel sighed impatiently. “Yes, baby. She’s perfect. Takes after her mom in that department.”
He moved to perch beside you so that you could get a closer look. He was right, of course. She was a little smaller than most newborns, but she was perfect. Pink apple cheeks, wide eyes, tiny fingernails. Looking at her felt like everything had finally fallen into place. You tickled her chin and her lips twitched with something content. Something right.
“How’s it feel, being a daddy again?” you asked gently, looking up at him. 
“Right now, it feels like hell. You can’t go scaring me like that.” He wouldn’t look at you, frown set firmly on his daughter. “Thought I was gonna have a heart attack."
“I’m sorry.” You couldn’t imagine how scared he must have been. After everything, you’d finally thought that danger, terror, was a thing of the past. You’d done a great job of ruining that, even if it wasn’t on purpose. Joel had lost too much before to deal with all this, and you had no idea how you’d cope in his shoes. 
He chuckled. “You’re sorry.” Shook his head. “I ain’t trying to make you apologise for almost dying, darlin’. You don’t gotta worry about me.”
“We said we could do this right,” you whispered. “I promised you it’d be different.” 
“Yeah, well… feels like things’ll never be different for me.” 
You snapped your head up. “What’s that mean?” 
“Nothin’.” He sighed, kissing your temple, and yet still, he wouldn’t meet your eye. “How about you get some rest? I’ll keep the little missus company.” 
“Joel.” You cupped his jaw, pleading now. Everything felt so wrong. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Even though the proof was right in front of you, it was hard to believe your baby was happy and healthy after all the trauma you’d faced. “We’re not gonna start her life this way. Tell me what you mean.”
He placed the baby down in the crib beside your bed before pinching the bridge of his nose. “I keep having to plan a life where I’m alone again, and honestly, I don’t know how I’d do it if I had to. Not this time.”
“But you’re not alone. I’m right here.”
“But you weren’t. For a minute there, I thought…” His voice grew thick, and he shook his head. “Sarah’s gone. Ellie hates me. Why the hell did I think it’d be third time lucky? She’s not even a day old, and she almost lost her mom! And there was nothing I could do. There’s never anything I can do.”
Your heart ached for him. One day, you prayed he wouldn’t hold the responsibility of every single person he loved on his shoulders. Maybe he was right. Maybe you’d been foolish to go into this thinking it could be better. The world would never be safe, not even here in Jackson, and the pain he must live with every day sure as hell wouldn’t ease now he had another daughter to raise. 
You felt hollow at the thought that maybe he’d leave. You wouldn’t blame him, not really. You were scared, too. But you’d only found the strength to do this because you were together, and you’d survived the odds so far. If that stopped feeling true… what then?
Devastation must have been written all over your face, because he pursed his lips. “Don’t listen to me, baby. I shouldn’t be sayin’ all this. You’re barely out of the woods.” 
“I don’t think we can keep doing this if you don’t let some of that guilt and blame go, Joel,” you admitted. “I think your daughter is gonna need a man who doesn’t hate himself for every single thing that’s wrong in the world. You’re right. There was nothing you could have done to stop this from happening. It was my body, and things like this happened even before the outbreak. I can’t imagine how scared you were, love, but fuck, you can’t keep making it your fault. It isn’t. It never was, especially not with Sarah. And this baby? She isn't Sarah." 
He winced at her name, as he often still did. Collapsing back in his chair, he took your hand. Slowly, his lower lip began to wobble as he finally met your gaze. “I love you too much to lose you. And her… How the hell am I gonna do this?” 
“I can’t answer that,” you said. “We knew it wouldn’t be easy.”
He snorted. “Ain’t that the truth.” Then, he bowed his head to press a kiss to the back of your hand. “Gonna try to be better. I promise. I'll hold it together."
“You don’t need to be better, and you don't need to hold it together. You’re already a good man, and talking about all this is important - for both of us. And for her.” You squeezed his fingers tightly. “I love you so much.” You teared up as you looked at the baby dozing in her crib. “And god, I love her. Can you believe we made her?” 
He hummed. “What the hell are we gonna call her?” 
“And where the hell are we gonna put her?” you added, worrying at your lip. “We never even found a crib.”
He shrugged, teasing. “I’m sure we’ll find a corner somewhere.” He leaned forward, tracing circles along your arm. “We’ll make do. Between the four of us, we’ll find a way. I’ll cut the damn trees down and build us a place from scratch myself if I have to.”
You smiled, peace finally flooding your exhausted body. You saw Ellie standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame with her arms crossed, and knew Joel was right. Your family was complete now. It would be a little broken at times, as all things were, but you’d do everything in your power to keep it whole. 
Even if it meant reminding Joel every damn day that he had to be gentle with himself.
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andvys · 1 year
We'll burn the sky | part seven
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Warnings: 18+, angst, mentions of cheating, heartbreak, mentions of unrequited love, a short amount of uhhhh... smut at the end
Pairings: Rockstar!Eddie Munson x rockstar!fem!reader | rockstar!Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham | Steve Harrington x rockstar!fem!reader
Summary: You struggle to believe or trust Eddie and the others and while it all seems to fall apart and the pain begins to take a hold of you, one person might be able to fix it it; a little.
Word count: 7.9+
Author's note: not very satisfied with this chapter but I hope you're gonna like it! Also you can thank @mysticmunson for the amazing idea at the very end of this chapter hehe
series masterlist
Eddie stood there frozen in place, tears streaming down his cheeks. He experienced heartbreak before but not like this. 
His heart broke when his mom died. 
His heart broke when his father left him. 
His heart broke when friends betrayed him and turned against him when he was a young boy. 
His heart broke when Chrissy cheated on him. 
But his heart has never been in such pain the way it is right now. Deep down, he always knew that this would happen. Even if he had left her before you found out, you would have still found out about it at some point. What was he thinking?
To know that he was the one to ruin it all, makes the pain even worse. He was never one to be confident in himself– despite the act that he put on. He was insecure, unsure of himself and the self love was lacking too, perhaps that is why he forgave Chrissy after she had betrayed him. 
He didn’t think that he would find anyone that would be willing to be with him again, to stay with him. No one ever showed any interest in him, no one ever looked at him the way they looked at Steve Harrington, no one ever admired him, no one ever tried to flirt with him, no one ever asked him out. 
If anything, all they did was look at him in disgust and whisper behind his back. The giggles and the mean looks left an impact on him, it still hurt to think back on it– even now that he was somewhat famous and the girls were begging for his attention, he didn’t take any of them seriously, they only want him now because he is a known rockstar– not to mention that he doesn’t care about the girls that are just begging to be touched by him. There is only one girl that he wants and that is you– not Chrissy, not the other girls, just you. 
But he ruined it, he broke your heart in a way he never wanted to and he doesn’t know how to fix it or if you will ever let him. 
He wipes his tears away. His cheek still stings from Chrissy’s slap. 
He needs to leave her, he needs to break up with her. He has been dragging this on for long enough already. 
He makes his way to his hotel room, mind only focused on one thing; you. He doesn’t care about how his conversation with Chrissy will go, he just wants it to be over with but when he gets to his room, hoping to find her there, he finds it empty. She is gone and so are her things, the only thing she left behind is a note that she wrote for him. 
We’ll talk about this when you’re back in Hawkins. 
“Fuck,” he mumbles as he stares at her handwriting. 
It’s over. 
It’s over for them. 
What else is there to talk about?
Eddie refused to touch her last night, he even refused to kiss her, feeling like he was cheating on you when he touched her. It was bad enough that she snuggled into his arms at night. Her touch felt foreign now and it left him with nothing but a coldness in his heart. It wasn’t the same, she is not you. 
Two years ago, he would have kept her note, today he throws it in the trash. 
Sitting down on the bed, he leans his elbows on his knees and buries his face in his hands. 
How could everything go wrong so fast? 
‘I'll stay for the rest of the tour but the moment it's over, the moment we're back in LA, I'm out and I never want to see you again after this, Eddie.’ 
The thought of you leaving, breaks his heart even more. He can’t stand the thought of living a life without you.
You’re the first one on the bus, sitting on the leather seats in the lounge area, you stare at the tour diary with a scowl on your face, the memory of the first tour day leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
You feel ridiculous, you feel like a fool for believing Eddie and the others so blindly. 
You look up to find Jeff walking towards you, a guilt look resting on his face as your eyes lock. 
You nod at him before you turn away, pulling your knees up to your chest, you look out of the window. Eddie and Rob are still outside, talking to each other as they smoke their last cigarette before getting on the bus. 
Jeff sighs, sitting down next to you. 
“Y/n,” he says softly, “I’m so sorry.” 
You shake your head, “what exactly are you sorry for?” 
“Everything. I-I should’ve told you about her. I told him that he shouldn’t keep that from you, that he should be honest– from the start but he.. he was an idiot.” 
You scoff at his words, “yeah he is,” you nod, “why didn’t you tell me?” you ask as you finally turn back to look at your friend. 
“I was hoping that he would tell you.”
“Oh come on, Jeff,” you mumble, “you all kept it from me, none of you ever mentioned her, he didn’t, you didn’t and I think we all know why.” 
Jeff shakes his head, furrowing his brows at your words. 
“What do you mean?” 
“You were all using me– my family name for this,” you gesture to the tour bus, “this is why you all kept the truth from me. You only wanted me for one reason, for this band, so the label wouldn’t drop you and while you were at it, you all decided to make a big joke out of me too, letting Eddie play with me, with my fucking feelings.” 
“What? No!” he shakes his head as he stares at you with a shocked look in his eyes, “y/n, no! That’s not what happened, like at all!” 
“No one and I mean no one used you! Not me, not the others, not Eddie!” he exclaims, “shit, Eddie didn’t even know who you were until after you joined the band, he didn’t know who your dad was!” 
The angry look on your face falters a little. 
“He didn’t?” 
Jeff shakes his head, “no, he found out after you joined our first meeting with Sam, when you were already in the band! Sam told him– shit, Eddie was surprised when he found out! His uncle, Wayne, is obsessed with your dad’s music,” he says, “but Eddie wanted you in the band from the start, without knowing who you were. I mean, we were the skeptic ones, we didn’t want another addition to the band, we thought we were good enough but Eddie convinced us to let you join us the day before we practiced together for the first time and we are pretty fucking happy that he did because you did make the band better and now we have all of this, thanks to you! You mean a lot to all of us, you’re not just a friend, you’re family, y/n.”
Family. You’ve lost family before and despite the anger that you were feeling since yesterday, despite wanting nothing more than to disappear, you don’t want to leave this family even if that would be best for you.
“But you don’t hurt your family,” you mumble, playing with your fingers as you look away from him. 
Jeff looks at you with sadness and regret in his eyes. He had enough chances to tell you about Chrissy and yet he kept it from you just the way Eddie did. 
“I’m really sorry. I wanted to tell you but I’ve had faith in Eddie,” he mumbles regretfully, “that was dumb.” 
You snort at his words, “yes it was.” 
“I get if you wanna keep your distance from us but uh just know that we all care a lot about you. He does too, even if you don’t believe it.” 
You look back at him with an irritated look in your eyes, “how can I? He knew what would happen, he led me on all this time. If he cared about me, he wouldn’t have done this to me. He wouldn’t keep his girlfriend a secret and lead me on all these months!” 
“He is not happy with her–”
You scoff, shaking your head. You clench your jaw, the anger inside of you coming back at his words.
“Oh, so he used me to make himself feel better–”
“Yes! If he was so unhappy with her, he could have left her but he didn’t and he is still with her even after everything so don’t sit here and tell me that he cares about me because he doesn’t. He never cared about me, he never wanted me, he never had any fucking feelings for me. I was nothing but a fucking placeholder– the moment she was back, he spent the night with her, would someone who cares about me do that?” 
Jeff sighs sadly, looking down with the same guilt as before in his eyes as he shakes his head slowly, unable to look into your glassy eyes. 
“Right,” you scoff angrily, “I’m so fucking stupid, I’m such a fool,” you laugh, shaking your head. 
“You weren’t stupid and you’re not a fool, y/n. Please don’t say that.” 
Your head snaps up at the sound of Gareth’s voice, his eyes are filled with just as much guilt as in Jeff’s eyes. 
You rise to your feet and take a deep breath as you look up at the ceiling, “yes, I am,” you mumble, “I’m a fucking fool for believing that I could have something for myself for once. I-I thought that I could have this and him and I thought that we,” you pause as you gesture between the three of you, “I thought we were friends, I thought we were a family but you all lied to me, you all watched him using me and you said fucking nothing! You could have told me from the start–” 
“We are a family!” Gareth says as he steps towards you, “he wasn’t using you!” 
“He has a fucking girlfriend, Gareth!” you say angrily as tears of frustration build up in your eyes. 
“She’s a bitch!” Gareth exclaims, throwing his hands up, “no one fucking likes her– Eddie doesn’t even like her anymore, she’s the whole fucking reason why he wanted to leave Hawkins in the first place.” 
You scrunch your face up at his words, “what?” 
“Gareth,” Jeff sighs, rolling his eyes. 
“She kept hurting him and wanted things from him that he couldn’t give her, she wants a life that he doesn’t even want.” 
You blink in disbelief, crossing your arms over your chest, you shake your head. 
“Yet he is still with her!” 
“Because he is a fucking coward, he doesn’t know how to break things off with her even after she cheated on him.” 
“What?” you ask, eyes widening in shock. 
“She cheated on him with Jason– her ex boyfriend, who by the way always had it out for Eddie.” 
You tense up at his words, staring at him for a moment. 
She cheated on him and he stayed with her. 
She cheated on him and he forgave her. 
You raise your eyebrows as you piece everything together. 
Eddie never told you anything about her, he hid his relationship from you. He lied to you about his phone call with her. He made the first moves, he was the one who initiated the affection on stage, he was the one who picked out the cover photo for the album, he was the one who touched you affectionately in public and eventually, he kissed you and touched you in ways he shouldn’t have. 
He did it because he knew she would see it all. 
He did it to get back at her. 
He did it to hurt her the way she hurt him. 
He did it to get even. 
He used you and no one can convince you otherwise. 
Your silence and the hurt look on your face makes Gareth regret his words, he stares at you in concern, just the way Jeff does. 
So, maybe he didn’t use you for the music or for the band but he used you for something entirely else, something that hurts so much more. 
You hear his footsteps as he joins you all on the bus, he approaches you carefully, a soft look in his eyes as they fall on you. You raise your head, looking at him with tears in your eyes, again. God, you’re already sick of crying. 
The sadness in his eyes and the expression of heartbreak on his face isn’t making this any easier for you. To look at him hurts you even more. To look into those brown eyes and not feel your heart hurting will be impossible. Loving him came so easy to you. This love was something that you have always dreamed about, that you have always hoped for and when you finally had it, you actually felt like you were in a dream but now you have woken up to a nightmare and a future filled with nothing but pain and heartache. 
Eddie sees the pain and the tears in your eyes, a knowing look residing in those sad eyes of yours. Gareth shifts uncomfortably and Jeff avoids looking at him. 
What did they tell you? 
He tilts his head a little, the urge to walk over to you and pull you into his arms is strong. 
You shake your head, quickly wiping away a fallen tear, you put on a brave face, not wanting anyone to see how hurt you really are. 
“Just leave me alone, all of you. It’s bad enough that I’m stuck here with you until the end of the tour,” you mumble in anger, “I don’t want to hear any of your bullshit lies anymore. You got your fucking tour, your fame, your money, you got everything you wanted– you’re fucking welcome for that, assholes.”
“Great job, man,” Jeff mumbles as he watches you walk away. 
“Shit,” Gareth mutters under his breath.
“W-What happened?” Eddie asks, nervously, eyes darting. 
“She thinks you’re using her,” Jeff says before he looks back to Gareth, “and this dumbass here, told her that Chrissy cheated on you, thinking that he’s helping but I’m guessing it gives her all the more reasons to think that you’ve been using her considering you’re still with her,” Jeff mumbles, glaring at his friends. 
Eddie takes in a sharp breath at his words. 
This just keeps getting messier and the more you find out, the more he feels like he will never be able to fix things with you. It took a lot for him to even gain your trust but you gave him your all. You gave him your trust, you gave him your love, you gave him your heart, you gave him pieces of you that no one has ever even come close to getting. 
He was the first one to ever make you feel like you could let yourself fall, like you could trust him wholeheartedly.
For the first time in your life, you thought that you could be genuinely happy, you thought that he would be the one to protect you, to take care of you, to love you, to stay. 
You trusted him blindly and gave him your heart. 
And now you were left empty and broken. 
How will you ever make it through this tour when you have to be around the one that hurt you so badly? 
How will you ever make it through this Christmas with a broken heart and so much pain in your soul? 
Indianapolis was only a two hours drive away from your last destination, something you felt very grateful for. Being on this tour bus made you feel worse and worse the more time has passed since you got back on it. 
You were excited to check into your new hotel room and be all by yourself but Rob had different plans, convincing you to join him and the guys for dinner. You didn’t want to be around them longer than necessary but saying no to him made you feel guilty. He did nothing but show you kindness and has taken over Sam’s overprotective nature. 
The feeling of Eddie’s eyes on you made your skin crawl, he kept trying to get your attention, looking at you with those big puppy eyes that you so easily fell in love with and every time you looked into his eyes, you had to force yourself to look away. 
You zoned out of most of the conversations. Not wanting to be a part of any of them, not wanting to talk to Eddie or the others.
But as they switched the topic to Christmas, your ears perked up as they all spoke of the traditions in their family. 
Eddie was quiet and so were you. 
There are no Christmas traditions for you. A holiday that you used to love was just tainted now, every year you had to be reminded of the awful day you’ve found your dad lying on the bathroom floor with no life left in him. 
You just want this holiday to pass quickly, you’re gonna spend it in some motel room in Hawkins. 
You were excited to see where it all started for the guys, you were excited to meet Eddie’s uncle and his friends, he talked about them all the time and was excited to introduce you to all of them, he wanted to show you the hideout where they had performed every Tuesday. Was he also excited to introduce you to her? 
What was he thinking when he made all those plans with you when he had a girl there waiting for him? 
Did he want to introduce you to each other?
Did he plan to humiliate you in front of her and his friends? 
Did he want everyone to know what a fool he has made of you? 
The anger rises in you quickly and angry tears threaten to spill as you stare down at your lap. 
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. 
Eddie watches you in concern, your chest is rising up and down heavily, your hands are clenched, fingernails digging into your palms, you look angry and hurt. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to fly home for Christmas?” Rob asks you, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
For a moment, you just stare into blank space, blinking your tears away before you turn to look at him, ignoring all the worried looks from the others. 
You nod. 
“Don’t you want to see your friends?”
You shake your head, “no uh– they always spend Christmas with their families so I wouldn’t see them anyways,” you shrug.
And you don’t want them to find out about what happened. 
Rob nods, giving you a sad smile. 
“I’ll just have an extra long break I guess,” you chuckle, already feeling miserable about spending a week cooped up in some motel room in a small town.
Eddie looks down at his hands. 
‘Come home with me.’ 
He wishes he could say those words to you. 
“We can hang out,” Jeff says, giving you a hopeful smile. 
“Yeah and you can spend Christmas with us, my mom would love to have you over, she likes you more than me.” 
You snort at his words. 
You wanna stay mad at him but it’s difficult to do so. Having Gareth in your life feels like having a younger brother– an annoying younger brother but one that you still love and care for no matter what. 
Covering for Eddie was so wrong and not telling you the truth was wrong too but judging by the way he talked to Chrissy, you can tell that he doesn’t like her so he really didn’t care about Eddie’s relationship and what would happen to it when she found out about you. Still, it’s wrong. 
“Yeah, I wonder why,” you snort. 
“Hey!” he gasps. 
“I bet she wanted a daughter but got you instead.” 
Jeff snorts at your words while Gareth stares at you in shock. 
Eddie stares at you, watching as you try to eat some of the fries only to push the plate away from you again after a few bites. 
“Are you excited for the concert tomorrow night, Eddie?” Rob asks. He leans back in his chair, bringing his hand up to his face, he strokes his graying beard. 
Eddie tears his eyes from you, “huh?” 
Rob chuckles, repeating his question, “because of your uncle, you said he’s coming, right?” 
Suddenly his eyes widen when he remembers. After all the events from yesterday, he completely forgot that Wayne is coming to the show. 
You glance at Eddie and he immediately looks at you. 
“Yeah, I’m excited,” he mumbles, gazing into your eyes.
Rob nods, he looks around, eyes moving back and forth between you and Eddie, “you two should get some rest, you both look exhausted. You got two shows here and uh– an appointment.” 
At that, everyone turns to look at him with a mixture of a frown and confusion on their faces. 
Eddie crosses his arms over his chest, raising his brows in question. 
“W-What do you mean?” Gareth laughs nervously, scratching the back of his neck. 
“You got an interview with the press, they’re just gonna ask a few questions, won’t last longer than an hour,” he explains, trying not to freak anyone out. 
“Holy shit,” Jeff mumbles, “we’re famous enough for interviews?” 
“Of course we are, man,” Gareth scoffs, flicking his hair. 
You roll your eyes.
While they are somehow amused and excited about the news, you are nervous and anxious about it. The press can be harsh, the journalists can be disrespectful and their questions can be downright cruel. You know what kinds of questions they have asked your dad, how awful and mean they could be. 
And you can already imagine what kinds of questions they will ask you. They will go easy on the guys but they won’t go easy on you. You are the only woman, surrounded by a bunch of guys, you are a former rockstar’s daughter, a lot of pictures of you and Eddie partying already exist– this is going to be a disaster. 
“You’ve got two days to prepare for it, it’s gonna be fine.” 
You’re the first one to leave the diner, pulling the jacket tighter around you as you step out into the cold. Your hands are freezing already and your jacket is surely not made for this weather. 
The streets are white, snowflakes are falling from the sky as the wind howls through the trees. You rub your arms, looking up into the night sky, you think back to your younger self and how she always wished for the cold and the snow during Christmas time, your dad would always laugh and shake his head, telling you that you would hate the cold. 
He was right. 
You hate the cold, it only makes you feel more empty. 
“You need a warmer jacket if you wanna survive the cold here.” 
You roll your eyes.
“I’m fine.” 
“You’re freezing,” Eddie points out as he stops next to you, placing a cigarette between his lips and lighting it with his red lighter. 
You don’t respond to him. 
He turns away from you, blowing the smoke into a different direction before he turns back to you. He has been meaning to talk to you about what Gareth told you earlier today but he didn’t know how to approach you or how to start a conversation with you again after what happened at the hotel this morning. 
He stares at you, something that would’ve made you blush under different circumstances but now it just irritates you. The smell of his cigarette and his presence is enough to irritate you. 
“I’m leaving,” you announce before you walk away from him, hoping that he won’t follow but that would’ve been too easy, you will never be able to shake Eddie Munson off of you again. 
“Don’t you want to wait for the others?” 
Eddie follows you, hurrying to catch up with you. 
“Do you think I’ll let you walk back to the hotel by yourself?” 
You scoff, "why, are you scared that some other douchebag will try to convince me to join his band?” 
Eddie frowns at your words. 
“It’s dangerous.” 
“Yeah, being around you was dangerous too but I’m still here,” you exclaim with a fake smile as you roll your eyes at him. 
He speaks your name softly. 
“Just leave me alone, Eddie. I don’t want to talk to you,” you mumble, “and I don’t want to see you either.” 
It hurts. It’s his own fault but it still hurts, a lot. 
“Jesus, just shut up, Eddie. I don’t want to talk to you!” 
The hurt look that flashes in his eyes is almost enough to make you feel guilty so you quickly look back, focusing on the street in front of you instead. 
“If you wanna walk with me, at least be quiet.” 
He nods.
He stays quiet for the next five minutes. Smoking his cigarette and giving you the silence that you wanted. The only sounds that echo through the big city are the cars that are driving by you, surprisingly enough you don’t see many people around. 
You hate the way you still feel so comfortable around him, you hate the way you still long for his touch, you hate the way he makes you feel. 
“I know you won’t believe me but I never used you to get back at her if that’s what you’re thinking.” 
You tense up at his words but continue to look forward as you keep walking. 
He shakes his head even though you’re still not looking at him, “no, it was never about that.” 
“Then what was it about?” you ask, sighing in relief when you see the hotel you are staying at, you just wanna leave the conversation and him. 
“I just wanted you, there was no motive behind it, I just liked you and I wanted you and over time it just turned into something more,” he explains, hoping that this will ease some tension between you. 
You halt in your tracks and he does too. 
“You lied and you cheated just like she did. If you’re asking me, it’s a match made in heaven,” you mumble as you look down. 
“Y/n, please–”
“You are still with her, Eddie. Don’t talk to me about this– this thing that happened between us when you are still with her,” you pause, “it’s not fair.” 
“I don’t want to be with her.” 
You close your eyes and sigh. 
“I’ve felt that way for a long time now–”
“Then why didn’t you break up with her?” 
“I wanted but when I got back to my room, she was already gone–”
You look up at him, “no, why didn’t you break up with her earlier if you didn’t want to be with her anymore?” 
He blinks, sadness flashing in his eyes when he sees the tears in your eyes, “because I was a fool, I didn’t know how, she’s so far away, I didn’t want to do it on the phone, I didn’t want to be an asshole and hurt her.”
Your heart aches at his words. He looks into your eyes so deeply. How can you not get emotional when he does that?
“If you wanted to leave her so badly, if you wanted to break things off with her then why did you kiss her, why did you sleep with her again, why did you do all that with her in front of me? I-If I was in your situation and I would’ve still been with that other person for whatever reason and they came to see me after I’ve just spend months kissing and touching you, after I’ve just kissed you moments ago, I would have never touched them again, I would have never kissed them again, I would have never done what you did,” you voice cracks and tears fall from your eyes once again today, “I would’ve never done this to you, Eddie.” 
Despite what you believe, it hurts him so much to see you like that, to see you suffer as much as you do because of him. 
He wants nothing more than to wipe your tears away and pull you into his arms and never let you go. 
But he stands frozen in place, he doesn’t speak up, he doesn’t tell you that he didn’t sleep with her, that he didn’t kiss her. 
“It hurts so much, Eddie,” you whisper, “you hurt me so much and I never thought that you would do this, I thought that you would keep me safe.” 
Tears blur his vision, the weight of your words lie heavy on his heart. 
“I hate this feeling and I hate that it was you who put me here and I hate that I still want you.” 
His eyes widen at your words. Despite the tone you used and the look of anger in your eyes when you said that to him, he still feels his heart fluttering. 
You are angry and sad but he doesn’t know which emotion is stronger right now. 
“I want you too,” he whispers, taking a step towards you but still keeping some distance, scared to make you uncomfortable, “I never wanted anyone the way I want you, y/n.” 
You roll your eyes and turn away from him, wrapping your arms around yourself, you bite down on your lip as you try to blink the tears away; already feeling sick of crying.
“Stop bullshitting me.” 
Eddie feels hopeless. He knows you won’t believe him, he can tell you anything to try and make you believe his words but it won’t change anything. It’s over. You have built your walls up again, higher than they were before. You might be vulnerable now and show him the pain that he has caused but it’s different now than how it was before. 
“I’m not– I’m not bullshitting you,” he sighs. He looks at you through his bangs as he plays with the rings on his fingers, “what can I do to make you believe me?”
“Nothing,” you scoff, “I just want you to leave me alone, Eddie. I’ll stay.. for now, I won’t change anything about our performances, I’ll pretend to be your friend in front of the press and the fans, I don’t want any drama but just give me space.” 
How you went from being his friend to pretending to be his friend pains him more than anything. 
He looks down, unable to look into your angry eyes any longer, “okay,” he whispers as he keeps looking at the snowy ground. 
You sniffle, mumbling some coherent words under your breath before you leave him standing there. 
He finally looks up, watching as you walk into the hotel with your head down. 
He smokes another cigarette before he walks in after you. 
Tonight will be the first night in months that he will sleep alone, without you there, without you in his arms.
It will be a sleepless and awful night, not just for him, for you too. 
You place your hand on your stomach, feeling sick at the thought of what he did with her after being with you. You weren’t sure whether he had sex with her last night or not but his silence confirmed it. 
He slept with her, he kissed her, he held her in his arms while you cried your eyes out. The thought makes your heart hurt even more, how little he cares about you when you thought that you had meant something to him. 
You sit in front of the vanity, looking into the mirror, ignoring the tired look on your face as you touch up your makeup. 
The smell of hairspray and perfume lingers in the room. 
The sound of music and the sound crew rushing outside of the room makes the room feel less silent. 
Usually, Eddie would be here with you, peppering kisses along your neck as you’d get ready for the show but he isn’t here with you and he never will be again; not after everything that happened. 
The mixture of sadness and anger lies heavy in your heart but what overweighs it all is the pain, the kind that you have gotten to know for the very first time. Getting your heart broken by someone you fell so deeply in love with hurts more than you imagined. 
You don’t know what to do with yourself. 
On one hand, you want nothing more than to break down again, cry yourself to sleep and never leave your room again but on the other hand, you want nothing more than to get revenge, make him and the others regret for using you and hurting you like that. 
Sighing, you place the lipstick on the table and run your fingers through your hair before you get up, checking yourself and the outfit you picked out one more time. You smoothe the skirt down and fix the tights, pulling your necklace out from beneath your shirt. 
You eye the bottle of whiskey on the table behind you, contemplating on having another drink before the show but deciding against it in the end. 
Leaving the room, you suddenly feel your heart pounding in your chest. Feeling slightly overwhelmed by the stress that occurs before each concert– you never really paid attention to it, always too focused on him and your nervous state to notice anything else around you. 
Someone brushes past you, mumbling out an apology as they carry a box in their hand. You find Rob talking to the stage manager, smiling a little too widely at her words. You smile a little. In all this time you have never seen him flirting or showing interest in anyone.
She touches his arm, laughing at something he said. Rob’s eyes light up. 
You don't see the way someone is staring at you, you don't feel the pair- two pairs of eyes on you.
"Wow," Steve mumbles, cutting Eddie off mid speech, who looks at him in confusion before he turns to look at what he is staring.
Yeah, wow. That's what he feels like whenever he sees you.
"She's so pretty- no fuck, she is perfect," Steve blushes, taking in the sight of you.
Eddie doesn't like the way his friend is staring at you but he nods, "yeah, she is."
"Is she single?"
"Dude," Eddie grumbles.
"What? If she's single, I might as well shoot my shot, I got nothing to lose," Steve snorts, not noticing the disapproving look on his friend's face.
"Not happening."
"Why not?" he asks, eyes flashing with curiosity.
Eddie's composure falters a little, "because she's... because she is my-"
Steve raises his brows.
"Friend, because she is my friend," Eddie mumbles, speaking the word with such distaste. He doesn't want you to be his friend, he wants you to be more than that.
At the sound of your voice, both men turn to look at you. Eddie watches as you eye Steve with a smile on your face.
"Who's this pretty boy?" you question even though you are fully aware of who he is.
While Steve's eyes widen and his eyes light up, Eddie stares at you, feeling irritated. He can see the look of mischief in your eyes. You tilt your head, giving him a fake smile before you turn back to Steve.
His brown eyes are warm, soft, pretty– he is pretty, even prettier in person. 
He licks his lips, smirking when he notices you checking him out.
"I'm Steve."
"And I'm y/n," you smile as you hold your hand out for him. He takes it with a smile on his face, shaking it. He lets his fingers linger on your skin for a moment before he pulls his hand back again.
Eddie frowns at the eye contact.
You raise your brows in surprise, “I didn’t know you invited your friend, I thought your uncle was coming?” 
Eddie looks down, “he couldn’t make it so Steve came.” 
"Oh- well, I'm happy to finally meet you."
"Likewise, Eddie told me a lot about you."
Eddie watches the way your smile falters a little, eyes flashing with hurt, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Steve.
“Well, he talks a lot about you too,” you say, flashing Eddie a smile as well. You might be very hurt and mad but you don’t want to make his friend uncomfortable. It’s bad enough that Rob has witnessed what went down between the two of you, you don’t need anyone else to find out– for all you know, he thinks that you are nothing more than friends. 
Eddie is surprised by the way you can act as though nothing ever happened when you undoubtedly cried in the changing room before you came out here. 
“Good things, I hope?” Steve questions, smiling nervously as he looks over at his friend. 
You chuckle as you look back at him, “oh for sure, Stevie.” 
Steve raises his eyebrows at you, smirking once again. 
He is amused unlike Eddie, who looks bitter and mad at your interaction with his friend. 
“I actually named my car Stevie.” 
“Oh, is that so?” 
You nod, “mhmm, she’s a beauty.” 
“I bet,” Steve mumbles, eying you up and down, not noticing the glare that he is receiving from his friend, “just like her owner.” 
You roll your eyes playfully and giggle. 
Eddie sighs in annoyance, shaking his head as he looks away with a frown on his face, “I’ll be right back,” he mumbles before he makes his way towards Rob. 
Steve places his palm against the wall as he leans closer to you. He watches Eddie walk away but turning around to take another look at you, the sadness and the jealousy is hard to miss, it confuses him a little, Eddie has a girlfriend. 
“So do you like any of our songs or are you just here to support Eddie?” 
“Uh, of course!” Steve exclaims, “been listening to the album on repeat. You’ve made the band into something else! They also play it on the radio a lot.” 
He leans closer, looking down at you with a smile on his face, “and don’t tell Eddie but I actually only started liking the band since you joined.” 
You giggle, “oh?” 
“Wasn’t really my type of music,” he shrugs, “but your songs and you? I could listen to you all day.” 
Oh, wow. 
Eddie wasn’t lying when he told you that Steve was a flirt and it was never hard for him to pull girls left and right. Not only is he gorgeous and sweet, he also knows how to flirt with just his eyes. 
“You could, huh?” 
He nods, “yeah,” he murmurs, eyes flickering down to your lips, “you have the prettiest voice and you’re pretty– even prettier in person.” 
You can’t even help but chuckle at his words. He has only known you for a few minutes and he is already giving his all to get into your pants. 
“You’re bad, Steve.” 
“Mhmm,” he smirks, watching the way, your eyes dart between his eyes and his lips, “so are you.” 
“No, I’m not.” You bat your eyelashes at him, “if I was bad, I’d ask you to stick around after the show so I could fuck you on the tour bus like the others do with the groupies,” you shrug. 
Surprised by your bluntness, he laughs. 
“And you wouldn’t do that, would you?” 
You shake your head, giving him an innocent smile, “no, I wouldn’t. I don't do such things.” 
“Well, that's too bad. I’m still going to stick around, honey.” 
You bite your lip, trying to contain the smirk. 
"For Eddie?" you smirk.
He shakes his head as he eyes your lips.
“You wanna be a groupie, Steve?”
“And so what if I do?” he asks, stepping even closer to you. 
You smell his cologne, his aftershave and a hint of spearmint. You let your eyes roam, eyeing his hands, the muscles that he is hiding under his shirt– god, this man is hot, not like Eddie but still hot. 
“You don’t even know me.”
“We’ll get to know each other,” he shrugs. 
You giggle, “you wanna play 21 questions while you take my clothes off?” 
His eyes darken at your words, a low chuckle leaving his lips. 
“I’d be open to it.” 
“Well,” you whisper as you look up at him, “then stick around, honey,” you say as you place your hand on his chest, letting your fingers linger on his necklace.
His eyes light up at your words. 
“You ever been with a rockstar before?” you ask with a smirk on your face. 
“No but I always wanted to.” 
“Well, you might get lucky tonight," you say, smirking at the excited look in his eyes, "I mean there's a few rockstars tonight, most of the guys in the band are still single you know? There's also an opening act with a very hot drummer. You can live the groupie life tonight, Steve," you whisper in his ear before you walk off.
He suddenly grows red, blushing at your teasing but he chuckles when you turn around to wink at him.
And while Steve feels nothing but excitement. Eddie feels anger like he has never felt before, his eyes are filled with rage and his hands are clenched into fists as he watches you flirt with his friend. 
He wonders if you are doing it to spite him, to hurt him the way he hurt you or if you are doing it because you are genuinely interested in Steve. In all this time, you have been on tour, you haven’t flirted with anyone other than him– well, you kissed a fan but that was one time. You never actually took anyone on the tour bus or back to the hotel with you, like Gareth but something tells him that that will change tonight and the thought of it, makes him jealous and miserable. 
The thought of another man touching you makes him feel sick. He should be the one, not Steve, not anyone else. 
Yet, he can’t do anything about it. 
He can’t do anything about the gazes between the two of you during the concert. 
He can’t do anything about the way you keep flirting with each other afterwards. 
He can’t stop you from showing interest in somebody else, you aren’t his and yet it hurts so horribly. 
At the afterparty, he quickly finds himself regretting even attending. He watches you flirt with his friend, not even sparing him a single glance. You laugh and smile at anything he says, letting him touch your thigh and brush your hair back to whisper in your ear.
It hurts.
It hurts to see you like that with someone else.
It hurts to watch you touching someone else, knowing that it was him that you had touched not even a week back.
All sorts of emotions rush through him but especially jealousy. He feels miserable. His friends are all having fun, while he sits in a corner, sipping on his whiskey before he finally calls it a night and hides away in his hotel room, thinking about you while you are not thinking about him at all.
While Eddie feels the pain of losing you, you forget all about it.
You forget about the pain and the heartache for a moment, your mind is elsewhere as you let Steve– who is technically a stranger, touch your bare body with his hands. 
You let him kiss you, you let him mark you up, you let him taste you, you let him fuck you. 
And he does it rather disrespectfully to your surprise. Filthy words fall from his lips as he fucks you into the mattress, making you whimper and moan his name, chanting it like a prayer. 
“You’re so fucking perfect, baby,” he moans, slapping your ass roughly, earning another loud moan from you.
“So perfect,” he grunts as he feels you squeezing around him, “so fucking tight and wet for me.” 
“S-Steve….” you whimper. 
Tears run down your cheek, your lips are wet and parted, gasps and moans falling from them as you feel his big cock pounding into you. 
He pulls out, slapping your ass one more time, he chuckles darkly as you whine, he flips you over on your back, grabbing your legs to wrap them around his waist. His forehead is sweaty, eyes dark, a few strands of his hair fall in front of his eyes, “didn’t think you’d be so submissive, pretty girl,” 
Something inside of you snaps at his comment, you easily flip him over, surprising both him and yourself by your strength. He gasps as you sink down on his dick and moan into his neck. 
He grabs your waist tightly and whimpers, “oh fuck…. oh baby, I’m not gonna–” he pauses, moaning even louder than before when he feels you clenching around him, “not gonna last… long, fuck.” 
You kiss his neck, reaching for his hair to tug at it, “didn’t think you’d be so submissive, pretty boy,” you tease him. 
He grabs your neck and pulls you back so he can see your face, smirking when you another loud gasp leaves your lips as he starts to fuck into you from beneath, “i’m still the one in charge, honey.” 
You quickly lose your composure again, clinging to him as you feel him hitting every right spot.
“Oh…. n-no problem….” you whimper, “you’re so big…Steve..”.
He smashes his lips against yours, kissing you roughly as you start riding him. He savors the kiss, he savors the touch, he savors the feeling of your skin against his. He fucks you roughly but he touches you gently. 
He kisses you passionately, he kisses you as though you are his, as though he has known you for a long time, as though you didn’t just meet, as though you aren’t strangers. 
And he makes you forget, even if just for a moment, he makes you forget about all the pain Eddie has caused, he makes you forget about the damage that Eddie has done to your heart, he makes you forget about the betrayal that you feel so deep in your soul. He makes you forget about everything. 
He might have saved you from numbing your pain with something else. 
And while you don’t think about him, he thinks about you, all night.  
He lies awake and misses the feeling of you in his arms. He misses the feeling of your touch. He misses the feeling of your lips on his neck and on his lips. He misses you so badly. 
He wonders if you miss him too. 
But when he leaves his room the next morning and he sees you leaving yours, he quickly realizes that you’re not alone and that you never missed him. 
Your gasp echoes through the empty hallway as Steve smacks your ass and pulls you back into his chest to kiss your neck, you giggle and lean into his touch the way you would do with him. 
Eddie’s heart stops beating for a moment and he watches the scene unfold with a shocked and hurt expression on his face. His lips part in surprise, a frown appears on his face. 
Jealousy, anger and sadness rush through him. 
But also the feeling of betrayal. 
Was it so easy for you to move on? 
You have just been in his arms two days ago and now you were in another man’s arms, in his friend’s arms. Somehow, this hurts more than when his girlfriend betrayed him. 
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tagging some mutuals & close friends <;3
@prettyboyeddiemunson @littledemondani @wroteclassicaly @corrodedcorpses @mysticmunson @yearwalker96 @aftermidnightwriting @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint
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A First Time for Everything (18+ Short Fic)
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Pairing: Poly Pro!KirishimaBakugouMina x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: You and your girlfriend Mina have been dating for three amazing years. You couldn’t ask for a better partner–someone who is supportive, loving, and willing to explore new things with you…including in the bedroom. So, after a UA High 5-year reunion when you run into THE Katsuki Bakugou and Eijrou Kirishima, two of the top pros in the game and your old crushes, you don’t expect those past butterflies to come rushing back. And when you find out Mina, Kiri, and Bakugou feel the same, you decide to embark on the journey of experiencing your first-ever foursome and possible polyamorous romance.
Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+ (MINORS GO AWAY), Unprotected PIV Sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT), Adult!KiriBakuMina (both are in their late 20s), Alcohol Consumption, Consensual, FOURSOOOME, Poly Romance, Daddy Kink, Deepthroating/Facefucking, Cunnilingus, Spanking, Hair Pulling, Clit Stimulation, Choking, Multiple Positions, Praise Kink, Light Degradation, Couch Sex, Creampies, Facials, Aftercare 
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: BEWARE: LONG SMUT. GO TOUCH GRASS, SLUTS. Love y'all. -Jazz
AO3 Link HERE!
After some much-needed encouragement and a drink of water, Mina walks you back downstairs to meet with Kiri and Bakugou. 
It’s more like the walk of shame as you travel downstairs, becoming hyperaware of how quiet it is now. Once you’re in the living room, you find that the movie is paused. Kiri and Bakugou sit on the couch you once occupied, their eyes are trained on you as you stand in front of them. 
Mina sneaks a hand behind your back, rubbing it gently. “Speak your mind, babe,” she whispers encouragingly. “You have nothing to be ashamed about.” She then clears her throat, smiling at the couple. “What’s up?” 
Bakugou and Kiri aren’t smiling, their expressions quite serious as they make room for you. “Sit down with us,” Bakugou orders though his tone is softer than usual. Mina takes your hand and leads you over to sit with them in the same order you were in before–you and her in the middle, Kiri and Bakugou on either end of the couch. 
Kiri fixes both of you with his ruby eyes, making your stomach jump. “Now be real with us,” he gently says. “Are we making you uncomfortable?” Mina shakes her head. “Not at all,” she answers, giving him a reassuring smile. “I’m just glad to be here with you all.” 
“What about you?” Bakugou asks, ticking his intense gaze over to you. Now that everyone’s eyes are on you and you’re facing your issues headon, you find yourself unable to look at any of them. Instead, your stare at your hands. “I feel the same way, but…” You trail off, gnawing at your bottom lip. 
“Do you feel uncomfortable?” Kiri asks worriedly. “Did I go too far earlier?” 
“No, no!” you hurriedly protest. “It’s just…it’s me feeling awkward.” You sign exhaustedly, finally getting the courage to look both men in the eyes. “You guys have been amazing to me, but this is just very new to me and I’m trying to not feel so…weird.” 
Kiri puts a hand on yours, squeezing it gently. “You know, this is new for us too,” he soothes,  “but we couldn’t feel as comfortable acting like this around you if we didn’t feel like we knew you or liked you so much. You know that, right?” 
His words coax a smile out of you, glad to know the feeling is mutual. “We want you to be comfortable, babe,” he continues, “and we’re more than happy to just watch movies and cuddle if you’re not comfortable being sexual.” You can tell his words are genuine and that makes you feel even worse. 
You squeeze Kiri’s hand back, the heat of embarrassment rising in your face. “But…but you all went through so much trouble and–“ 
“Shut the fuck up,” Bakugou growls, rendering you speechless. He glares daggers at you from across the couch. “Tonight wasn’t about the fuckin’ sex. It’s about us being together finally after all that flirting and tease shit. We’d do all of this again for you, whether you like it or not, dumbass.” You flush at the sweet, considerate words, especially since they’re coming from Bakugou. 
“He’s right, y’know.” Kiri presses his thigh against yours. “We wouldn’t have agreed to this if we weren’t crazy about you as well as Mina. You’re all we could think about since we met at the reunion.” 
You blink at Kiri then stare at Bakugou. “Really?” you exhale. 
Mina giggles from beside you, nudging you with her elbow. “I told you,” she sing-songs. That she did, but you hear it come from Kiri’s own mouth and be clarified by Bakugou’s intense stare makes it feel real. Knowing that the two of them care so much about you and Mina’s safety and comfort washes all of your fears and insecurities away. All you want now is to be with them tonight. 
Kiri grins sweetly at you. “So it’s your call, sweetie. Anything you decide, we’ll be happy with.” He releases your hand, leaving it feeling empty without him. “So what you want? To watch the rest of the movie? More cheesecake?” 
“I want to kiss you.” The words fly out of your mouth before you can stop them. But now that they’re out, you can’t and won’t take them back. And you don’t want to. You’ve been studying Kiri’s lips all night now, wondering how they would taste and feel against yours. “Is that okay?” you shyly ask. 
The redhead blinks at you, not expecting that at all, and his cheeks flush a light pink that makes him even more attractive to you. A big, bright grin stretches across his mouth as you take his hands in his again. “Baby, that’s more than okay!” he replies, laughing in joy. “I’ve been imagining what your lips tasted like for weeks now.” 
Feeling bold by the pet name and knowing his mutual feelings, you slowly lean in and press your lips to his. Your eyes flutter closed, falling into the bliss of the small, innocent touch of his lips against yours. The kiss is just that at first–innocent. Just getting to know his mouth against yours, relishing the prickle of his stubble against your face and how soft his lips are. 
Then it gets a little more heated when Kiri runs his tongue against your bottom lip, asking for access. You grant it to him, opening your mouth to let him explore your mouth. You practically moaned at the sweet taste of cheesecake and wine on his tongue as it swirls with yours, the kiss quickly becoming wet and less than innocent. His hands find your hips and your lower back, stroking and teasing you there while yours grasp his forearms, finally feeling up those muscles. 
He softly moans into the kiss, pulling away to stare at you with hooded eyes. “Fuck, you taste good,” he whispers breathlessly. “Like wine.” You want to agree, but your head is too clouded by the intoxicating kiss to do so. 
His ruby eyes glance behind you and he grins. “Hey, look at those two.” He juts his chin at the couple currently making out next to you. You find yourself watching, liking how Mina cups Bakugou’s face in her hands while Bakugou’s hands ran up and down her hips and legs, his lips moving greedily against hers. “Was she needin’ some attention to, Bakugou?” Kiri chuckles. 
Bakugou pulls away from Mina, a string of saliva slightly shining between their lips. “Brat wouldn’t stop squirming her ass around in her seat,” he growls at Kiri. “Plus, you were hogging Y/N for too long.” 
“Whoops!” Kiri laughs. Guess that slipped my mind.” He pecks your cheek, nodding at the grumpy blonde who currently has his eyes set on you. “Why don’t you show Bakugou how good of a kisser you are, hm? Don’t worry; I’ll take good care of your girl.” 
The idea of switching from him to Bakugou and watching Mina at the same time arouses you more than you’d like to admit. “I know you will,” you whisper against Kiri’s lips, pecking them. 
You and Mina don’t have to move a muscle. Instead, Kiri and Bakugou switch places, and once Bakugou is next to you, he can’t keep his hands off you. “’Bout time to finally stopped playin’ and let me taste you,” he whispers before his lips are on yours. 
His kiss is slightly rougher and more demanding than Kiri’s who was gentle and curious yet wanting to give you everything you wanted. Bakugou demands your pleasure, his tongue pushing into your mouth to explore yours, barely allowing you to come up for air. 
You moan into the kiss as his hands circle around your back to cup your ass, bringing you closer to him until you’re nearly sitting on top of him. Your hands fall to his arms, your fingers running over his impressive forearms before moving to his broad chest. Feeling the hard planes of muscle under your hands dampens your panties that feel uncomfortable to you now. 
It only gets worse when Bakugou pulls away from the searing kiss by gently pulling on your bottom lip. You softly moan as he does, earning a chuckle from him as your lip lightly pops back into place. “Oh…you like that,” he hums, pleased with your reactions. His vermillion eyes darken, lust deep in his irises. “Now I wanna see you kiss each other.” 
He nods at Mina who has just ended her makeout session with Kiri who has her lip gloss all over his face. “That can be arranged,” she purrs, giving Bakugou a wink. Slowly, she turns to you and you do the same, the both of you facing each other now. “I love you,” she whispers before her lips are on yours. 
Her lips dance against yours, tongue swirling with yours and emitting soft moans of pleasure from the both of you. “I love you, too,” you coo to her between the kiss. “And I love this.” The way Mina’s lip gloss makes your kiss sticky turns you on more, as does the feeling of Bakugou and Kiri’s eyes on you. Soon, you’re gushing all in your panties. 
“Cut that shit off,” Bakugou snaps. “I wanna watch the movie right here.” You totally forgot that the movie was still on. “Say no more,” Kiri chuckles, the couch shifting as he moves to get the remote. Once the sounds of the TV are cut off, all you can hear are your and Mina’s soft moans and the sound of your lips moving together. 
“Can we finally see what’s underneath these dresses too?” Kiri cheekily asks, his fingers toying at the hem of your dress. “I don’t think my cock can take much more of this teasin’ shit.” Bakugou groans in anguish. “You ain’t kiddin’.” 
Mina pulls away and stares at you, silently wondering if it’s okay. You turn to the boys and give them a nod, burning with anticipation. Bakugou and Kiri both pull up the hem of your dresses over your waists, finally revealing what lies underneath. “Oh, my God,” Kiri groans at the same time as Bakugou hisses out, “Shit!” at the sight of your asses in two thongs that make your cheeks look plumper and appetizing to the men gawking at them.
“You like?” Mina giggles, wiggling her ass around. “Had to force this one to put these on.” Her hand grazes across your ass, giving it a squeeze. 
Bakugou is incredibly interested in your ass, moving closer to get a better look. “Tried to act like you ain’t want this and yet, lookie here,” he grunts. His hand trails down your ass between your thighs, earning a small gasp in response. “And you’re wet,” he chuckles. “You’re a fuckin’ mess, babe.” 
His index and middle fingers press against your panty line, stroking you through the dampened cloth. You clench your thighs together, trapping his hand between them. “K-Katsuki,” you whimper, biting your lower lip at the wonderful feeling of his fingers stroking you. 
Kiri is like a hawk on your other side, looming over you with all the hunger of a predator. “I wanna taste how much of a mess she is,” he purrs before looking at Mina for the go. “Do you mind?” Mina laughs in response. “Hell no!” she guffaws. “But only if you give me the same treatment later.” 
She gives Kiri a wink and he sends one right back before moving onto his knees behind you. You flush at the fact that your ass is right in his face now, but your embarrassment is quickly overcome with need when you feel his hands trail down your sides. He travels all the way to your ass where he proceeds to move your panties to the side, revealing your soaking wet pussy. 
“Fuck, baby!” he gasps, not believing his eyes. “You have the prettiest lil’ pussy I’ve ever seen…well, next to Mina’s.” Beside you, Mina giggles before Kiri decides to dive right into your cunt, starting with soft suckles on your clit before moving on to long laps of his tongue. 
A low moan leaves your lips as your head falls onto the back of the couch. “Kiri,” you moan. “Please…keep going.” Your entire body begins to relax the more Kiri eats you out, his tongue and lips doing wonders along your clit. He is so attentive and careful yet he doesn’t hold back either. He listens to your body and pays close attention to how you react to each roll of his tongue or suckle of his lips. 
Your eyes flutter closed at the feeling, only hearing Bakugou and Mina’s voices beside you: “Greedy fucker,” Bakugou cackles. “You want the same attention, brat? Ask nicely.” 
You can tell he’s talking to Mina, and probably touching her too by how breathless her voice sounds. “Please, ‘Suki,” she whimpers pitifully. “Taste me too.” When you hear her moan loudly from beside you, you turn to her, wanting to watch the erotic scene in front of you: Bakugou is right behind Mina on his knees too, his hands spreading her thighs apart as he laps at her pussy. 
Mina is a moaning, writhing mess, her back arched and tits spilling out of her dress. Her eyes are closed, black lashes fanning across her cheeks, and her plump lips are parted as each unabashed moan passes her lips. You’ve never seen her look so pretty. 
Bakugou stares up at her with hooded, crimson eyes, drinking her in. “Just like old times, right?” he growls through each stroke of his tongue. “You taste so much better though now.” 
Kiri moves away from your count to spank you, his hand colliding with your asscheek causing you to let out a choked moan. “And these asses!” he exclaims loudly, humming in delight at the way your ass jiggles from the impact of his hand. “I can’t get enough of ‘em.” 
He reaches over to give Mina the same treatment, giving her ass, taught from years of training, a hard spank. A loud moan leaves Mina’s mouth, bouncing off the mansion walls. Bakugou pulls away from her pussy to laugh at her, eyes gleaming mischeviously. “Look at her arching that back after one spank. Such a little slut, aren’t you, Mina?” 
Mina whimpers in response, instinctively pushing back into him so he can continue. But Bakugou smacks her hard on the ass. “Tell me you are, or I’ll stop,” he growls. Mina whines pitifully, gripping the back of the couch. “Please don’t!” she begs in desperation. “I-I’m a little slut!” 
You’ve never seen your girlfriend so needy like this. So submissive. So slutty. It turns you on more than words can describe. Bakugou, too, because he immediately goes back to slurping up her pussy and making her whine like a cat. 
Kiri’s hands squeezing your ass brings your attention back to him. “See how good your girlfriend is for Katsuki, Y/N?” he coos. “I bet you know how good she is, don’t you?” 
‘Yes,’ you think immediately, watching as Mina grinds her ass back into Bakugou’s mouth. ‘Yes, I do.’ 
Kiri presses a kiss to your clit, making you jump slightly. “You’re a good girl for me, too. Just look at how pretty this clit is.” He then proceeds to suck at your clit and swirl his tongue around your pussy hole, making you see stars. “Fuck, Kiri!” you shout, toes curling into the couch. 
You’re shocked by how quickly you reach your peak for your first orgasm, but combined with Kiri’s magical mouth, Mina’s moans, and the sound of Bakugou eating her pussy, of course, you’re close to nutting. Kiri moans into your cunt, his hands gripping your ass more. “I wanna make you cum,” he exhales, his hot breath making your clit twitch. “Is that okay?” 
“Uh-uh!” Bakugou suddenly growls. You turn to him, finding his lips shining with saliva and Mina’s juices. “No, the fuck you’re not! I get first dibs on everything.” Kiri glares at him, irked. “Says who?” 
Bakugou glares back at him, just as intimidating. “Says me. You’re not the one running shit around here; I am.” 
Kiri scoffs at his boyfriend, rolling his eyes. “Only because of your God complex.” Steam practically shoots out of Bakugou’s ears, but before he can bite Kiri’s head off, Mina stops them. “Hey, are you two gonna fight or make us cum?” she impatiently asks. “I’m dying over here!” 
You can’t help but giggle at them, though your pussy is aching for release as well. Kiri defeatedly leaves you, pinching Bakugou’s cheek as he does. “Fine, Mr. Bossy. Get your ass over here. But you’d better make her cum her pretty brains out.” 
A playful fire ignites behind Bakugou’s eyes as he switches places with Kiri. “And you’d better do the same to pinkie…or I’ll do ‘em both.” Their competitiveness makes you even hotter, especially when it’s directed toward making you and Mina feel good. Bakugou ducks down in front of you and spreads your thighs apart. “Wow, babe,” he coos raspily. “You’re so, so pretty. Your aftershave smells good too.” He cheekily grins up at you. “Coconuts, huh?” 
You kick at him, hating how he loves to tease you. “Shut up,” you whimper as he cackles. He then drags a finger along your pussy lips, making you quiver. “Such a pretty pussy deserves some extra attention. Don’t squirm too much, yeah?” 
Before you can respond, the man is diving into the wet depths of your pussy. And damn, is it hard not to squirm. Unlike Kiri, he isn’t as gentle or careful–he is rougher and hungrier, his tongue flicking in the right places and being completely merciless with every lash on your clit. How is it that both of these fools are so good at eating pussy? 
Bakugou has an iron grip on your hips, keeping you still despite yearning to grind into him. He makes you take all of it. “Oh, my God!” you gasp as if seeing the Heavenly Father himself. 
“Fuck, Eji!” Mina moans from beside you. “S-so…so good!” You turn to her, watching as Kiri laps at her cunt eagerly while Mina throws her ass back into his face. “Mmm-hmm,” he encourages her, his voice slightly muffled. “Grind those hips into me, baby girl. Give me everything.” 
You’re so into watching them that you don’t even realize you’re squirming in Bakugou’s iron-like grasp. “Stop squirming,” he growls in a warning. “Or I’ll have to pin those legs down.” You look back at him then, a boldness flooding through you that you didn’t have before. “Oh, yeah?” you challenge him. “You can if you want.” 
The pro looks up at you then, raising an eyebrow in surprise at your request. When your playful smile doesn’t leave your lips, his eyes darken. “Oh, you’re just begging for me to fuck you up,” he chuckles. 
Before you realize what’s happening, he’s flipping you onto your back and moving between your open thighs that he pins far away from each other. 
“Hope you stretched, mama,” he cackles before diving into your pussy again. You saw the stars before, but now you’re seeing the entire fucking galaxy with the way his tongue twirls and swirls in your pussy, his nose nudging against your clit. “Oh, s-shit!” you shout, losing your shit. “Katsuki, fuck!” 
Bakugou chuckles into your pussy, each word punctuated by the flick of his tongue. “Yeah?” he teases. “Feelin’ good now, right? Make you not wanna leave.” He keeps his hands on your thighs, pinning them back despite your body screaming to be free. Being completely at his mercy and Mina at Kiri’s brings you to your peak again and your moans become higher, louder. 
Bakugou takes notice and moves his mouth away from your pussy only to begin rubbing your clit. “You wanna cum?” he growls. “Go ahead, baby. Cum for me. Let your girl and Kiri see how good of a girl you are for me.” 
“Oooh, I think this good girl is close too,” Kiri chuckles from behind Mina. “Think we can make ‘em cum at the same time?” He gives Bakugou a mischievous look. Bakugou returns it, a smirk on his face. “We could damn well try,” he laughs before sticking his tongue inside you again, giving you a long lick from your asshole up to your pussy. “Cum all over my face, baby,” he coos to you. “I fuckin’ need it. Do it now.” 
They must be sharing the same mouth because you and Mina successfully cum in unison, a chorus of moans and whimpers leaving your lips as you gush all over Bakugou and Kiri’s faces. You feel like you’re soaring as your orgasm overtakes your body, leaving your pussy aching and your clit throbbing. Even so, Bakugou continues to lap at your cunt, cleaning you up. 
You pant heavily and whimper at the sweet torture. “’Suki, wait,” you protest weakly, grasping at his shoulders. “Please…t-too much! Can’t…can’t…” Your eyes roll into the back of your head, your tongues curling around Bakugou’s head. 
Finally, he pulls away, lips shining with your cum. “That’s what you get for wearing that damn dress…and this thing here.” He proceeds to take your soaked thong down your shaky legs, giving you a grin. “I’m keepin’ this, but if you act right, I’ll buy you a new one.” 
You’re too tired to argue or lecture him, the after-effects of your orgasm setting in. Mina lies beside you, just as spent. “Wow,” she sighs. “That was amazing!” She turns to you, eyes loving. “You were amazing.” You smile and bring her hand to your lips, pecking it softly. 
“You both were amazing,” Kiri groans, still on his knees. “You both looked so good cumming for us like that! Fuck, it made me so hard!” Your eyes trail farther down and you can clearly see that he’s begun to stroke himself underneath his briefs, his jeans unbuckled and unzipped. 
Bakugou cackles at him. “Needy slut! Can’t even stop himself from stroking himself off.” Kiri pays him no mind–his attention is all on you and Mina. Seeing his muscular arm moving up and down over his dick excites you, and you find yourself wanting to see what lies underneath for yourself. 
Slowly, you sit up and give the redhead a less-than-innocent smile. “Need some help?” you purr. Both your girlfriend and the pro couple stare at you, shocked at your question and the seductive undertone in your voice. Your personality has completely flipped a switch, going from unsure and hesitant to a full-on sex siren. Even the sudden switch surprises you, but a good orgasm will do that to you. 
Kiri stands up, his pants still unbuckled. “You sure, babe?” he asks, sounding unsure. “You don’t have to do this just because I pleased you. I could just…oh, fuck…”
His words turn into soft, surprised moans when your hand reaches out to cup him through his briefs. And damn, he’s big! You can feel how thick his shaft is through the thin Calvin Klein underwear, and you desperately want to see how your hand looks wrapped around it…or maybe your two hands in this case. With how thick and fat Kiri’s dick is, you can barely fit your hand around it now. 
Mina giggles as she watches you stroke the redhead, sitting up on her knees now. “There’s your answer, Eji,” she coos, hunger in her eyes. “Does her hand feel good?” Kiri is staring down at your hand, absolutely losing his shit at the sight. “Y-Yeah,” he stutters out, his Adam’s Apple bobbing as he swallows hard. “Really, really good.” 
His eyes close and his head leans back, exposing his thick neck that you just want to pepper in kiss. 
Bakugou stands too and tugs on your hair twice. “Damn perv,” he growls. “Didn’t even get his shirt off yet.” 
You’re now realizing that yes, you didn’t even strip Kiri out of his clothes before going straight for his cock. ‘Shit, maybe I am a slut,’ you think, shook. Mina cuddles up next to you, putting her juicy lips to your ear. “Grumpy pants isn’t naked either,” she purrs into your ear, nodding at Bakugou. “Wanna help me change that, pretty girl?” 
You gnaw at your bottom lip and nod, doing your best to soothe the throbbing of your pussy by clamping your thighs together. Without another brief minute of hesitation, the two of you coax the pros forward and begin to help them strip. Kiri lets you take the reins, watching you through hooded eyes as you strip him of his shirt. Meanwhile, Bakugou is impatient and growly, snatching his shirt off as Mina watches, laughing. 
You can’t help but admire their bodies once they’re completely bare, all of their clothes now tossed on the floor. Kiri is by far more buffer than Bakugou, but both men have their fair share of impressive muscles–nothing but abs, biceps, and muscular, thick thighs that look like they could all be carved from stone. Tanned skin inked in tattoos stretch across their muscles, glowing in the warm lamplight that adorns their brown nipples that your mouth waters to suck. 
Speaking of suck, you’re aching to suck on two other things that swing between Kiri and Bakugou’s thighs that could definitely crush watermelons. Your eyes drift down their smooth, toned stomachs and V-lines to their dicks, drinking in each intricate detail. 
Bakugou’s cock is a bit longer and curves upward, the shaft a toasted brown compared to his normal skin tone. He keeps his pubic area smooth, including his lower stomach and heavy balls that swing below his dick. The pink head of his cock dribbles with precum that your tastebuds are dying to try. 
Kiri’s cock is much thicker and veinier, some of which you want to run your tongue along. In contrast to Bakugou, Kiri has trimmed pubics and a happy trail sinewy in fine, black hair that you think is all so unbelievably sexy. His cockhead is a little bit darker than Bakugou’s in terms of color, but the way it drips in precum is all the more appetizing. 
You stare at both monsters in awe, unable to take your eyes off them. Excitement and fear mix together in your stomach. How the fuck are you going to fit either of them in your mouth? Or what about your pussy? Could they even fit? Mina giggles beside you and playfully tickles your chin. “Wipe your drool, hon. Save that for Kiri’s cock.” 
Your eyes flick from Kiri’s dick to his face, finding him smirking down at you. “Go ahead, baby girl. I’m all yours.” Your eyes flicker back down to his cock, pulsing and throbbing for you. His smirk fades, replaced with a concerned expression. “You good?” he asks softly. “Think you can take it?” 
Your eyes stare back down at his third leg presented to you like a present. You haven’t sucked a dick since you met Mina, but you can’t be that rusty with your skills. So you give Kiri a reassuring smile and a wink. “Absolutely,” you purr. “Come here, daddy.” 
The nickname causes a switch to flip behind Kiri’s eyes. He wastes no time coming closer so you can get a better grip on him. After giving your hands a generous lick (because stroking Kiri’s dick takes two hands), you begin to slowly stroke him from base to tip before taking him into your mouth. 
You start off slow, giving kitten licks along his dickhead and hollowing your cheeks as you suck around the head, stroking the rest that you can’t fit into your mouth. Kiri is feeling good, his eyes hooded and his hand in your hair. “Ah, fuck, yes!” he groans, loud and unabashed. “Just like that, baby. Ease into it, nice and slow…” You pop off of him with a wet pop! Before sticking your tongue out for him, slapping his dick on the flat part of your tongue before sucking him back into your mouth. He watches you, the lust in his eyes making you wetter. “Think you can take me deeper, mama?” he breathlessly asks. “Can I please fuck your pretty face?” 
You nod, his dick still in your mouth. The vibrations of you bobbing your head make him moan. “Just tap my thigh twice if you need to breathe, three times if you want me to stop, okay?” You nod once more, committing the meanings to memory. “Open your throat for me then,” he grunts, already sliding his dick in farther. You do as you’re told, opening your throat like you’re about to yawn. 
Oh, my God. The man is thicker than thick! Your mouth and throat stretch around him the farther he goes, making your jaw ache and your eyes burn with unshed tears. “Just like that, baby girl,” Kiri grunts through gritted teeth. “Just…a little…deeper…” You don’t know how much deeper he can go until he finally hits the back of your throat. You feel him there and gag, your throat constricting around his girth. 
“Good girl!” Kiri coos before he slowly begins to bump his hips into your face, his balls lightly hitting your chin. Your hands go to his thighs, ready to tap him if necessary. But already you’re getting used to him in your throat, even beginning to breathe through your nostrils with every thrust. 
Mina watches you in awe, her hand slipping between her pink thighs to play with her even-pinker pussy. “Wow, babe,” she sighs. “You took him so well.” Bakugou stands before her, dick lightly slapping her face. “Hey,” he growls impatiently. “Stop gawking at her and take care of the dick you got right in front of you.” 
He slaps her chin again with his dick, earning a slutty little giggle from her. “Yes, daddy,” she purrs before taking him by the base and wrapping her lips around him. Though you’re conscious of Kiri still fucking your throat, you can’t take your eyes off of Bakugou and his hand wrapped in your girlfriend’s pink curls as he fucks her pretty mouth. 
“Take me deeper, c’mon,” he growls down at her. “You wanted this, right?” A gurgling sound leaves Mina’s mouth as he sinks in deeper, groaning at the feeling. “That’s a good slut. Bet you were fiending for this dick, hm?” As he begins to rock his hips into Mina’s mouth, he glances at you, his eyes hooded and lust-blown. “I bet you were too, baby. Don’t worry; you’ll get a taste of it soon.” 
Kiri cackles breathlessly above you, still thrusting into your mouth. “Fuck if you will,” he huffs. “This cutie’s throat is just too good! I could get addicted to this shit.” Pleased that you’re making him feel so good, you begin to gag on his cock, his cockhead gliding in and out of your throat as he thrusts. 
Kiri throws his head back, showing you the column of his throat. “So…fucking…good!” he whines to the ceiling. “Keep this up, babe, and you’ll make me cum.” Your stomach jumps in anticipation for that moment, wanting to take every ounce he gives you. 
But when he suddenly slides his dick out of your throat, leaving it slightly raw and your jaw aching, you realize he has a different plan. “But not yet. I still need to try Mina.” He smirks at Bakugou, his hard cock wet with your saliva. “Wanna switch?” 
Bakugou still has his dick down Mina’s throat when he turns to Kiri, eyeing you as he weighs his options. Then he slips his cock out of Mina’s mouth. “Move out the way,” he demands as he pushes Kiri over, taking his spot. Suddenly, his thick, veiny cock, wet with your girlfriend’s saliva, is hanging in front of you. “Open up, mama,” he coos, taking his shaft into his hand and feeding you his cock. 
As his head touches your lips, your mouth opens instinctively. He slides in slow but doesn’t give you time to adjust either. You gag and choke around his cock, trying to take his girth as much as you can. “Breathe through your nose, baby girl,” he breathlessly coos. “I’ve got you. You’re doing so well.” 
The praise ignites a fire in you, and you find yourself moving your hand to trail up his thigh to his heavy balls. Bakugou notices, scowling at his thrusts in your mouth pause. “What are you–” His question is silenced when you begin to gently fondle his balls, a gasp leaving his lips. 
Kiri laughs from beside him, his cock deep down Mina’s throat. “Took the words right outta his mouth, babe. Listen to those flustered lil’ moans!” Bakugou growls, flustered. “Shut up!” he barks. “I-I’m not…oh, fuck!” You have begun to suck on his balls instead of his cock now, taking your time to curl your tongue around the heavy sacks. 
“He loves it when I do that too,” Kiri snickers off to the side. “You’ll make him cum in no time.” And you want to. God, do you want to make him explode! 
But Bakugou isn’t having it. He rips himself away from you, his dick and balls wet with your spit. His vermillion eyes are filled with lust and a heated promise that makes your stomach flip. “Now you’re really gonna get it, you little tease. Get on your back. Now.” His tone is strict and deep, not up for the BS. 
It takes your brain some time to process what he just said, the fog of gagging on dick beginning to clear. Bakugou fixes you with a stare, looking impatient and daring you to refuse his order. You have no choice but to do as he says. You begin to move out of your position on your knees, but Bakugou takes a hold of you and positions you onto your back instead, making you squeak in surprise. “You were too slow,” he says matter-of-factly. 
Kiri slides his dick out of Mina’s throat, making her gasp. “Oooh, you girls got him riled up,” he snickers teasingly. “You ready for the main event now? I promise we’ll make it last.” Mina stares up at him, looking winded with spit all over her mouth. Still, she gives him a nod. 
“Lay down right here then,” Kiri instructs her, helping her lie horizontally on the big ass couch so her legs are thrown over the arm. Bakugou does the same for you, laying you down next to Mina so you’re now lying side by side. “Now you can see your girl getting fucked,” Kiri coos, a mischievous, lustful twinkle in his eye. 
Bakugou’s hands shoot out to wrap around both your and Mina’s throats–not enough to hurt, but just enough to feel it. “Our girl,” he corrects Kiri but looks dead at the both of you. “You sluts are ours now. I hope you know that.” 
A delicious shiver runs through your body. You want to be their girl, for however long they want you. 
“So why don’t you show us, daddy?” Mina purrs, batting her lashes up at the blonde. “Make sure we don’t forget.” 
Bakugou smirks down at her, running his thumb over her plump bottom lip. “Oh, baby girl, I’m planning on it.” Kiri suddenly jumps away from the couch, moving towards the steps. “Shit, we need condoms.” 
“I’m on the pill,” you blurt, practically trembling in anticipation. You don’t want to waste any more time. You want them now. “I’m on too,” Mina adds. Both pros gape at you for a moment, not believing their luck. 
“Say no more,” Bakugou softly growls. “You’re wet enough, too. Staining up my couch…” His fingers trail across your quivering, wet pussy lips, making you whimper. “Needy slut. You’re gonna pay for that and that shit you pulled sucking my balls.” 
You smirk up at him. “You liked it,” you giggle only to be silenced when Bakugou throws your legs wide open for him. “And you’ll like this,” he promises, lining his dick up with your entrance. Kiri does the same to Mina, her pink legs thrown over his broad shoulders. “Let’s do it at the same time,” he softly growls. Bakugou nods, waiting for the count. “On three…two…one.” 
And then finally, they’re easing into you and your girlfriend. They go slow, taking their sweet time to allow you to get used to them. As soon as Bakugou’s head enters you, your jaw is dropping open and your eyes are blown from how stretched you feel already. No toy could compare to how warm and solid Bakugou feels snuggled up in your pussy. 
The ash blonde looks down at you, his brows furrowed in concern. “You okay, mama?” he asks, caressing your cheek. “Can I go a little deeper? Think you can take more of me?” 
He doesn’t move without your permission, staying still despite you feeling him tremble from holding back. You nod, bracing yourself by gripping his forearms. “I’ll let you know if I can’t,” you assure him. Taking that as a yes, he begins to enter you a bit more, giving you inch after inch of his cock. 
Through it all, you breathe in and out, relaxing your body into the couch cushion. Though it doesn’t hurt, you’re feeling beyond stretched and you’re glad for the first orgasm you got because it makes it easier. 
Swallowing, you adjust your hips and moan weakly at the friction. “O-Okay,” you softly stutter out. “That’s good for now. You can start moving.” 
Bakugou nods and begins to slowly rock his hips into you, his eyes drinking in your body’s language. Gradually, you begin to adjust to his size and the pleasure starts to build. Especially when his pelvis rubs against your clit. “That feel good, baby?” he asks you, grinning cheekily at your embarrassing facial expressions. 
“So…so good,” you breathlessly reply. “You’re stretching me so…oh, my god, Katsuki!” You can’t even focus on one coherent thought because he’s so deep, touching every single tingling, sensitive part of your insides. Sparks of pleasure from your clit course through your body every time he thrusts, his pelvis rubbing up against the sensitive little bud. 
“I’m taking that as a yes,” he snickers, his hand gripping the back of the couch as he rocks and grinds into you. His pretty face is screwed in ecstasy, brows furrowed and skin glinting in sweat you want to lick off. “You feel so good, baby girl. So tight…so fuckin’ wet…” 
“Fuck, Eji!” 
You turn to look at Mina, finding one leg bent up to her chest as Kiri pounds into her, his red locks of hair falling around his face. “That’s what you get for tryna tease me,” he huffs, smacking her outer thigh. “Little slut. You think you can do that in my house, hm?” 
He smacks her thigh again, making her whine and writhe against his merciless hips pistoning into her pussy. Kiri is so big on top of her, practically covering her as he fucks her into the couch. Combined with the sounds of her moans mixed with skin slapping against skin, this sight is better than porn to you. 
“Hey; eyes on me, sweetie.” Bakugou forces you to look at him by gripping your chin and turning your face to look up at him. “Bet you like seeing your girlfriend get fucked by my boyfriend. Think she’d like seeing you get fucked into the couch by me?” He takes both of his big hands and spreads your legs wider, causing him to sink deeper inside of you. A loud moan leaves your lips once he bottoms out, your pussy clenching around him. 
“Bet you’ve dreamed about this,” he growls to you. “Bet you wanted to get slutted out on my dick for so long. Bet you couldn’t wait for tonight. All that shy shit was just a front, wasn’t it?” He leans down toward you, his nose grazing yours. “Wasn’t it?” he repeats, his hand circling your throat. 
“Yes!” you choke out, gone from the pleasure. “Fuck, ‘Suki, yes!” You’ve never felt like this before: so gone. Your eyes are closed and your mind is completely blank from the blinding pleasure you feel, each wave much bigger than the one before and washing over you. 
Kiri chuckles from beside you, still fucking Mina into the couch. “Look at how pretty your girl looks on Katsuki’s cock, babe. Look at that face! She’s loving every minute of this.” 
You wish you could muster the strength to look dead into your girlfriend’s eyes, but you can’t. The pleasure is just too good, and it’s starting to reach a deafening crescendo. You can feel it building in your core, threatening to snap at any moment. “Gonna cum!” you practically sob, your head thrown back against the couch. 
“Me too!” Mina whimpers near your ear. “Kiri just feels too good inside me.” You can hear the squelches of Kiri’s cock pounding into her wet pussy, egging on your oncoming orgasm…or is that sound coming from you and Bakugou? You can’t tell anymore. Your mind is dizzy with ecstasy. 
“Already?” Bakugou chuckles in disbelief. “Needy cumsluts. Can’t resist cumming on some good dick.” He presses his lips to your ear, leaning down so his dick is hitting that spot that has you seeing the entire galaxy behind your eyelids. “Fuckin’ cum for me,” he demands. “Let me know how good I’m making you feel. Cum all over that dick.”  
And you listen. Moans and gasps leave your lips like a chorus as that chord snaps. You unravel, cumming all over Bakugou’s dick. “You sound so good, babe,” Mina gasps, reaching her peak too. “Oh, my God, I’m gonna cum!” When she finally does, it’s high-pitched and loud, the sound equivalent to a Mariah Carey high note. 
She cums right alongside you, both of you losing your minds as you cream all over Bakugou and Kiri’s cocks buried deep inside of you. Bakugou talks you through it, telling you how good of a girl you are as he strokes your outer thighs. When the orgasm finally fades, it leaves you breathless and tired. 
“How was that, hm?” the blonde coos. “Speechless?” 
You weakly nod, unable to speak. Bakugou cackles down at you, giving you a kiss on your chin. 
“Well, find your words quick ‘cause shitty hair still needs some too.” Your eyes pop open, staring up at him in shock. An evil smirk curls onto his lips. “What? You thought tonight was done? No, no, cutie. My dick ain’t the only one here.” 
You look over at Kiri who is still just as hard, his cock coated in Mina’s cream. “I’ll let you recover first. Katsuki’s so rough, isn’t he?” He tuts in disapproval at his boyfriend’s antics. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll only be as rough as you want me to be.” 
Mina’s content sighs are a testament to this, her entire face coated in satisfaction. “That was amazing, Eji,” she sighs. Bakugou sucks his teeth as he and Kiri switch spots. “Not as amazing as I’m gonna be,” he promises, fixing Mina with a lust-filled stare.   
Kiri eyes him up and down. “Oh, is that a challenge, baby boy?” he hums, a twinkle in his eye. “I’d like to see you try to one-up me. Maybe we can see which one cums the hardest.” Bakugou doesn’t have to verbally respond to let his boyfriend know he’s got himself a challenge. The gritty look in his eye says everything. 
Which means you and Mina are in for it. 
Kiri moves between your legs, his gaze adoring but hungry, like you’re the cutest cake he has ever seen. “Lay back, mama,” he coos, gently pressing you down onto the couch. “I wanna see you watch your girl get fucked into oblivion. Look into her eyes…look at that pretty face.” 
You turn to look at Mina, finding her already staring at you. She looks so beautiful to you now: her eyes hazy and hooded with pleasure; her pink curls a teased mess from being gripped; her lips plump and kissed raw. Warmth zips through your stomach to your cunt as you picture what is about to come. You don’t get a warning when Kiri suddenly slides inside of your sensitive, aching pussy at the same time as Bakugou does Mina. 
Both of you react with long moans, the fact that you’re both experiencing the same pleasure that much hotter to you. Kiri stares down at you, his lips parted and eyes starved, as he fills you to the brim with his cock. Your pussy quivers and trembles around him, signaling that it won’t be too long until you reach your end. 
“How’s Kiri feel?” Mina breathlessly asks, her legs pinned up to her chest by Bakugou. He is buried to the hilt inside of her, his pelvis pressed thrush to her stomach. He begins to rock his hips into her, not even giving her enough time to hear your reply as she starts whimpering and moaning like a bitch in heat. 
“A-Amazing!” you stutter through a gasp, earning a proud giggle from Kiri. “How’s he feel?” You tick your eyes up to Bakugou who is currently railing your girlfriend. “Can’t you tell by that stupid ass expression?” he cackles, earning a whine of protest from your girlfriend. “I’m fuckin’ her brains out.” 
And he is, judging from Mina’s face. Her eyes are nothing more than slits and her mouth is parted on breathless gasps and moans that slip from her pretty, plump lips. With every thrust Bakugou gives her, her gorgeous, pink tits jiggle and her painted toes curl. Your girl is gone, and you’re loving every minute of it. Seeing Bakugou and Kiri–such big, big guys–fuck the shit out of your petite girlfriend and absolutely turn her out is a fantasy you never knew you had. 
“You’re so cute,” you whimper pitifully. “I love watching him fuck you.” A smile curls onto Mina’s lips. “And I love watching him fuck you,” she giggles. “You’re such a good girl, taking them so well, stretched out on those dicks. Just look at this pretty little pussy.” 
Her eyes trail down to your pussy stretched out around Kiri’s cock that is stroking your walls so good. Kiri must agree from the way he’s gripping your hips and wailing in pleasure. The guy won’t shut the fuck up about how good you feel. “Fuck!” he whines, his noises making you wetter. “You’re making me so good, babe! You feel better than I ever dreamed you’d feel!” 
Bakugou smirks at his boyfriend, a devious look on his face. “Getting loud, hm?” he chuckles. “Guess I’ll have to quiet you down.” He takes hold of Kiri by his neck and yanks him in, smashing his lips against the redhead’s.
You and Mina watch in awe as the two pros make out above you, their tongues swirling against each other’s and muffled moans slipping from their mouths. Mina touches herself at the sight, pinching the dark pink peaks of her nipples. “Fuck, that’s so hot!” she whines. 
Bakugou pulls away from a blushing Kiri, a strand of saliva between their plump bottom lips. “Don’t think you two don’t get the same treatment, cutie,” he huffs before swooping down to plant one on Mina. 
Kiri does the same to you, planting the same passionate, rough kiss on your mouth that bruises your lips and gives your chin rugburn from his stubble rubbing against your skin. “You’re ours now,” he murmurs against your lips. We’re never, ever gonna let you go now.” 
You whimper pitifully at his words, your pussy gushing and clenching around him. You want to be theirs. Everything inside of you is screaming “yes, yes, make me yours!” 
Bakugou pulls away from Mina and holds her down, proceeding to rut his hips into her again, and again, and again. “Only we get to fuck you stupid like this,” he huffs. “Fuck you in every fuckin’ piece of furniture in this bitch until you get that you’re ours. No one will ever make you feel like this, you hear me?” 
“Y-Yes!” Mina shrieks in ecstasy, her eyes screwed tight as a third orgasm begins to reach its peak. “Fuck, ‘Suki, I’m gonna cum again! Gonna cum all over your dick!” She starts grinding her hips up into Bakugou’s, desperate to meet that end. Watching her makes you want to cum too. You can feel that knot in your core about to snap. 
Your pussy walls clench around Kiri’s dick as your orgasm begins to approach like a rollercoaster cart quickly approaching that hill on the track before the dramatic and thrilling drop. The handsome redhead swoops down to your ear, the scent of wine and mint on his tongue. “You close too, darlin’?” he coos into your ear. “C’mon, don’t tell me that voice is shot now. Let out that voice for me, mama.” 
His hips snap against yours again and again, turning your quivering pussy into absolute mush around his cock. You grip his shoulders for dear life as he fucks you into the couch, determined to make your orgasm come even quicker. Gasps and moans leave your lips, your breath catching in your throat from the sheer pleasure you’re feeling. “F-Fuck, K-Kiri!” you stutter in time with his thrusts. “So…s-so good! Gonna cum!” 
Kiri is sweet with his words, coaxing you to finally cum rather than ordering you to do so: “Cum all over this dick, baby, c’mon,” he coos. “Be good girl for me and cum all over me. I’ve got you.” 
Meanwhile, Bakugou is rougher, ordering Mina to finally come undone with his hand still around her throat: “Cum for me, you pretty little slut!” he demands loudly. “Fuckin’ give it to me!” 
Like you share the same body, you and Mina cum at the same time once again. You clench around Kiri’s cock at the same time she clenches around Bakugou’s and cream all over them. Your voices echo across the large living room, probably alerting neighbors and people miles away of your orgasms that hit you like tidal waves.
You see the galaxy behind your eyelids as you dig your nails into Kiri’s shoulders, warm waves of pleasure rolling through your body that don’t stop as Kiri continues to pound into your pussy, chasing his own release. “I-I’m close, gorgeous,” he softly warns you. “Where do you want me to–?” 
“Inside me!” you beg, looking into those pools of treasured rubies that stare right back down at you. “Please, please cum inside of me, Eji!” Mina cries over Bakugou’s loud grunts and moans of ecstasy fom beside you. “Me too!” she shouts, gripping Bakugou’s forearms as he jackhammers inside of her. “Cum deep inside of me, daddy. I wanna feel you.” 
Bakugou and Kiri share the same devious, lustful expression, still fucking you and Mina at the same merciful, breakneck space. “You’ve fuckin’ got it then,” he grunts. “And you’d better take all of it.” 
And you do. When Kiri finally reaches his climax with a loud whine of the word “fuck” that makes your clit jump, you take every single ounce of his warm, creamy cum that shoots into your pussy.
You can feel it coating your walls, filling you up to the point where you curl your toes and gasp at the feeling coursing through your body. Bakugou does the same, holding Mina’s legs up as he shoots his load deep inside of her, filling her to the brim with a whine that sounds so unlike him. 
Kiri’s hips begin to slow until he is sloppily fucking you, chasing the rest of his high. Then with a soft groan, he pulls out, but it isn’t over for you yet. His cock is still hard and he pumps it above you, staring down at you like he wants to eat you up. Bakugou does the same, standing on his knees over Mina, his dick in her face. “Not done yet,” he growls. “C’mere. Eyes on me, tongue out.” 
Kiri crooks his finger toward you, smirking. “You too, pretty girl. Let me see that face.” 
You and Mina slowly move onto your knees like obedient, good girls, though feeling tired and spent from being fucked into oblivion. As Bakugou instructed, you both lift your chins, stick your tongues out, and stare deep into the eyes of the pros as they pump the rest of their nut in your face. As soon as Kiri’s cum splashes onto the skin on your face, you instinctively close your eyes. His nut also coats your tongue and tits, marking you completely as his now. 
Bakugou does the same to Mina, coating her mouth and pretty face in his cum until she’s dripping with it. Once they are finally drained of everything they have, Bakugou and Kiri move quick with beginning the process of aftercare. First, they fetch some towels and water for you and Mina to wipe the cum off of your skin and quench your thirst. 
Then it’s oil massages. They use a specific type on you to soothe aching muscles that smells like passionfruit and mango. The scent relaxes you, making you feel like you’re drifting away to a tropical island, as you find yourself on your back with Bakugou’s fingers caressing your skin and massaging your calves and feet. Kiri does the same to Mina, taking his sweet time and paying attention to her reactions to every move he makes. “Just relax, ladies,” Kiri coos, smiling at Mina’s content expression. “Fall asleep if you want to. I know it feels good.” 
Mina hums in agreement as your eyes flutter closed, too drained from the sex and relaxed from Bakugou’s careful yet wonderful hands. You can just about drift off to sleep as he continues to massage every part of your body, his eyes trained on your face and drinking in every single soft moan, mewl, or gasp you make.
When the massage is finally over and you’re slick with oil, your muscles feel heavy and sleep is invading your space. Mina looks like sleep is kicking her ass too as she snuggles up next to you, her perfume mingled with Kiri and Bakugou’s cologne.
 The mingled scents radiating off of your girlfriend’s skin remind you of what just transpired: your very first foursome. And it’s indescribable how amazing it was.
“That was…oh, my God,” you sigh, staring up at the ceiling. Mina giggles beside you. “Agreed,” she hums happily. She picks her head up to stare down at you, her fist propped up under her chin. “Was that everything you dreamed it’d be, babe?” 
You gaze up at her and are reminded of how deeply you love her. The fact that she went out of her way to plan all of this for you makes you want to give her all the orgasms she deserves. You lean up to kiss her, taking her by surprise. “Everything and more,” you murmur against her hips. 
“We’re so happy to hear that, honey,” Kiri sighs from beside Mina, sounding happy but exhausted. “I’d ask for a round two, but shit, you both tuckered me out.” He stretches his big arms and yawns, making Bakugou snicker from beside you at the end of the couch. “Weak,” he cackles. 
Your own yawn exits your mouth, signaling your need for sleep too. Mina is practically out of it, her eyes hooded. “Looks like you both could use some shut-eye,” Kiri chuckles. “Come here, girls; I’m sure this couch is big enough for a group cuddle.” You hum in contentment as Kiri sandwiches Mina between his and your bodies, one of his tattooed arms slinging over her to reach you. He looks over at Bakugou, smirking. “Don’t act like you don’t want in on this good shit, Kats. Or would you rather I have these two cuties all to myself?” 
Those teasing words are enough to get Bakugou to bite the bait. He grumbles as he scoots in next to you, his warm, muscular body pressed to yours. You turn over to press your face into his chest which he welcomes, even kissing your forehead. A sleepy, happy smile grows on your lips at the warm, fuzzy feeling curling inside of your core. It’s happiness. 
“I love this,” you sleepily murmur. “I could get used to this…all of us bein’ like this.” You’re so out of it that you don’t even realize what you’re implying until Mina brings it up. “You mean dating?” she curiously asks. “All four of us?” 
His utter confusion makes you open your eyes and embarrassment sets in. This isn’t something you talked about with them or even brought up. Tonight was just about sex. Now you’re bringing up dating?
“Would you want that?” Bakugou asks, looking down at you. His eyes tell you not to play any games about it either. 
Silence settles upon you, making you feel even worse. Of course, you had to go and ruin such an amazing moment of bliss with your stupid fantasy. But you also know that these three don’t deserve the BS, so you sit up and conjure the willpower to be real with them. But before you can even speak, Kiri beats you to it. 
“I know I certainly would, and I can definitely vouch for the hothead too when I say that we’d want nothing more than to have you cuties all to ourselves.” 
Your eyes widen at him, shocked at his response. “R-Really?” you stutter, shocked at how easy this is. “So you wouldn’t mind if we all dated? It wouldn’t be weird or–” 
“Shut up,” Bakugou firmly interjects, pulling you back down to lay next to him. “We wouldn’t have invited your ass over here if we didn’t want that. It ain’t just a booty call for us. If it was, you two would’ve been out the door as soon as we finished.” 
“And there’d be no cuddling,” Kiri snickers, nuzzling Mina’s shoulder. “But i’s all up to you two girls. If you want us, we’re all yours, but if not–” 
“Are you kidding me?” you gasp, a joyful laugh leaving your lips. “It’s like you all stepped right out of my wettest dreams! Why wouldn’t I want you three?” Mina laughs at your words, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Well, that’s an enthusiastic yes if I didn’t know any better,” she giggles. “Don’t just lay there, boys: give your girls some love!” 
Bakugou and Kiri don’t need to be told twice. Both of them plant kisses all over your and Mina’s faces, their arms wrapping around you and squeezing you both until you’re squealing with laughter. You’re filled with so much happiness that you could burst. The rest of the night goes on with soft touches and caresses from all four of you across each other’s skin, chaste kisses shared between you. 
Finally, when sleeps comes for you, you snuggle into Bakugou’s chest as he snores, one arm thrown over his eyes while the other lies above you and Mina who is deep in sleep, her lips parted on tiny mewls that slip from her pink lips. Kiri lies on Mina’s side, his muscular back facing you. Both of your men sandwich you and Mina, protecting their girls even in slumber. 
You smile to yourself in the darkness as you drift off into your dreams of your three amazing partners, thanking your lucky stars for such a wonderful turn of events. You don’t care what happens tomorrow or what comes next. Because whatever it is, whether it be good, bad, or somewhere in between, you’ll have them. And that is all you’ve wanted. 
And so you sleep. 
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sseomtada · 6 months
being [ruben dias]
the rekindling of your relationship continues, leaving a confession of your own pending.
warnings: 18+ | wc: 5576 | 5/8
Was there a name for a honeymoon phase the second time around?
There wasn’t a technical phrase, you checked. Interestingly, among your research, you came across an article that perfectly articulated what you were experiencing with Ruben. It was the stage of your relationship where you now saw their imperfections and flaws, where you didn’t see your partner on the pedestal you initially place them on in the beginning.
He was no longer the one person who could do no wrong in your eyes or the one who held all the answers to your problems. You weren’t the co-dependent and starry eyed girl who only viewed others through a lens of what you wanted them to be either.
You were okay with that and so was he.
After making quite the…mess in your office, there wasn’t much face to face interaction between you two. Ruben was quickly whisked away by his team to another country for a Champions League match. Even though that initially felt like an inconvenience, you shifted the perspective to something more constructive.
It gave you time to sit with your thoughts and emotions. You still had no regrets about getting back together with him, but you had to truly assess the decision from every angle within. The way it transpired seemed relatively rushed at first. In retrospect, you realized it was anything but hasty.
Your previously relationship with Ruben never came to an organic end. There was no fizzling out or love lost, only an obstacle that he didn’t give himself or you a chance to push through. Had things been different and he brought his fears to you then, would you have ever broken up?
All roads you took in that vein lead you to believe that you wouldn’t have. Of course, there was no way to know for sure what the future held for that version of events. Anything could’ve happened over the course of those seven years that might’ve eventually drove a wedge between you. However, as things were, there was no end in sight.
Maybe that was why it still was effortless with him, potentially even more so now than it was then. You’d both experienced a lot of growth as one naturally does when life progresses. The people you were currently and the past you shared left no room for pretense. He came as he was, raw and unfiltered in his accountability. You didn’t feel obligated to give him anything in return - you wanted to. And that carried the most weight.
“What happened to the sofa?”
Cindy’s question brought you back to a startling reality. You tried to reign in your nervous expression, smoothing fallen hairs at the back of your neck.
“I made a big mess with some takeout.” Even you had a hard time buying that. “It was irredeemable. A new one should be here in a few hours.”
Aki came in from the kitchen, munching on the lo mein. “Shame. I really liked that big, comfy thing.”
That nibbling guilt returned to your stomach. Compounded onto the fact that you still had yet to tell her about the first conversation was now the big revelation that you’d gotten back together with Ruben. Your apprehension only grew worse with the addition of the later.
It didn’t stem from a lack of trust or a fear of judgment. She was somebody that you could confess a murder to and it would only be met with a response like, do you need help hiding the body?
You just knew that it wouldn’t be highly celebrated news. The way things ended, her being caught in the crossfire and the absolute wreck you were would be the things playing at the forefront of her mind when you told her. It was no fault of hers, literally anyone else in the same position wouldn’t be able to not think back to that time.
Perhaps stronger than any of that was the worry that your confession would hurt her. The last thing you wanted was for her to feel like you didn’t consider the pain she carried silently in regards to Ruben. It was a complicated situation that you were still trying to navigate internally.
Luckily, for the time being, you had the distraction of work. Erling’s project was on its finishing touches. You’d finalized the website and had it ready to launch, Aki aced securing a major partnership and Cindy was working with his assistant to put together a small launch party.
Did they buy the excuse about the “takeout”.
You bit down on a smile as your fingers typed quickly.
I think so. The leftovers in the fridge sold it more than I did.
“What’s got you all giggly?” Aki materialized at your door.
You jumped slightly, startled by not even hearing her approach. The messages app flicked shut and you placed your phone down before feigning business at your monitors.
“My mom sent me another one of those videos of her cat.” You replied with ease that shocked yourself.
It wasn’t entirely a lie. She did often send you videos of Jason being a weirdo. Your pseudo sibling had to be the most uncoordinated and ungraceful feline in existence. The latest snippet shared actually did come in this morning with him leaping up and completely missing a tree branch.
“That little guy is spectacularly peculiar.” Her lips pursed. Another white lie seemed to have passed.
“Tell me about it.” You chuckled. “What’s up?”
She slung dramatically across your guest chair. “Just wanted to know if you were burning the midnight oil again.”
Though certainly not her intention, her words made the ache between your thighs prominent to your senses. You squeezed them together and shut down the flashbacks running through your head as you shifted in your seat.
“I should actually try to rest since we have the party in two nights.” You exhaled lengthily.
It was well into the wee hours when you got home this morning, for obvious reasons. And for those same causes, or singular driver, you were too hopped up on adrenaline to fall straight asleep. It didn’t help that you were giggling on the phone with him like you were twelve either.
“Ugh, you’re right.” Aki groaned, shooting back on to her feet to exit. “About the party and the rest, by the way. Not even my emergency kit can rescue you from those eye bags. Luggage at this point.”
Before you could hurl a playful insult back or a pen from your desk, she made quick her escape. You shook your head and decided to actually start getting a move on your tasks for the day. Being snug under your blanket at a decent hour actually sounded like a fantastic idea.
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After a nice, long soak in your bathtub, you threw on a onesie and a sheet mask to really activate the relaxation vibe.
The next order of business was finding something good to eat. As much as you wanted to start munching on those delicious chocolate covered ice ream bars in your freezer, you refrained until you could actually get a meal in your stomach.
Rifling through your fridge and pantry was kind of depressing. You’d been so busy recently that there wasn’t time to do a good grocery haul. Most of the food you ate had been acquired on the go and you wanted to cook for a change, but that didn’t look as if it was going to happen tonight.
You wouldn’t complain about ordering in though. Opening the takeout app was just as exhilaration as going on your favorite retail sites. There were so many options and all of your favorites were right at your fingertips.
Your mouth couldn’t help but water as you scrolled through to decide what your poison was going to be tonight. Just as you were looking through the offerings at an Italian place nearby, your phone screen was taken over by a call.
“What are you up to?” The smile in Ruben’s voice was audible.
“I was mid pasta hunt before you interrupted.” You tutted.
“That’s funny, I’m making some right now.” In the background, you heard a pan meeting a stovetop.
So, he was already back home then. You didn’t watch the match earlier, but you did check in on the result. It wasn’t a shock that his team had won given that they were so dominant in the sport - a fact you came to know rather belatedly.
“I can make enough for two, if you want.” Ruben continued.
“Extra cheese. I’ll be there soon.” You grinned before hanging up.
The sheet mask stayed on until the very last minute after you threw on some sweats. It felt like you were holding your breath as you left your loft. Aki wasn’t some overbearing friend that kept tabs on your comings and goings, yet you found yourself easing the door shut to minimize any alert of your exit.
It wasn’t a lie when you told her you wanted to turn in early tonight, you reminded yourself. That was actually the plan and you were halfway there. But when the pasta gods intervened, well, who were you to shun them?
Your car left the garage with Ruben’s address set on the navigation. He messaged it to you, making you laugh silently. Seeing it brought you back to what you guessed was the first tug on the string that unravelled everything. You’d known where he lived since his name popped up on Nike’s mailing list.
A short and smooth twenty minutes - more like fifteen since you kinda hit the gas - found you pulling into his parking garage. One thing he did provide that you needed to know was the code for entry. You took the guest spot beside his jeep and made your way inside.
“So, this is what making a shit ton of money will get you.” Your brows raised as he let you in.
“Mhm,” Ruben kissed you quickly. Then slower the second time. “Wait until you see the view.”
You jokingly gasped and followed the scent of aromatics to his kitchen. While your cooking skills were described as survivable at best, he always had a talent for putting together a really tasty dish. A moan sounded from you as you leaned over the steaming pan.
“I set the wine out on the balcony. Go get comfy, I’ll bring your plate.” He nudged your hips with his.
“Yes, sir.” You bit your lip and made your way over.
When you first stepped into his place, you thought the air was running but the exterior door was cracked. A wide grin broke of once you stepped outside to see the small setup with the admittedly impressive backdrop of the city. He’d turned on the lowlights and lit a few candles. A bottle of red was waiting for you as promised, along with a blanket folded over one of the seats.
You wrapped the thick, knitted fabric around your frame before pouring yourself a decent amount of wine. As you sipped, you took a deep breath and enjoyed the atmosphere. It must be one of his favorite ways to relax away from what seemed to be a hectic life these days.
“Are you comfortable?” Ruben appeared with your food, as promised.
You nodded, extending a hand to help him out. He joined in on your state of coziness and you poured him a glass too.
“Cheers.” He held his out.
“To what?” Your voice lowered.
“Being yours and getting to call you mine again.” Ruben placed a hand over your own.
You shook your head, calling him corny. but it was impossible to hide the way his words flustered you. It was nice to know that the years apart didn’t rob him of his ability to be so romantic. Also pleasant to note was that his cooking had gotten even better.
Your eyes widened as you took a bite of the chicken. It was juicy and perfectly seasoned. As if you couldn’t believe what you’d tasted, you went in immediately for a second bite with the pasta this time. Your palate was being blessed, objectively.
“I asked one of the team’s chefs for their recipe.” Ruben chuckled at your surprise.
“It’s so good.” You shimmed on your third chew.
Over your delicious meal, you asked him a series of questions that you were curious about. The first of them being whether or not this was a date. Of course. You apologized for being underdressed. Don’t be silly, we’re matching. That was true, those grey sweats of his…
Your mind refocused onto the impromptu Q&A. One thing you were definitely intrigued about was that first night you ran into each other. What was he doing in that area? That time of night and the lowkey look he wore honestly screamed leaving a booty call. If that was what it was, you couldn’t be mad.
“Some friends from back home were staying at a hotel nearby.” He answered. “I thought I was going crazy when I saw you running and called out but-”
“Headphones.” You rolled your eyes.
“Yes. And then it became a whole thing when you dropped your keys. Nice swing, by the way.” Ruben tipped his glass to you.
The compliment was returned, “Nice reaction time.”
“Tell that to my back.” He grumbled.
You wrapped up your meal and headed back inside to tidy things up. Ruben knew better than to object because if there was one thing you hated, it was leaving a kitchen a mess before heading to bed. The least you would settle for was rinsing everything and placing them in the dishwasher, which you did as his eyes followed.
“So,” You walked over to where he sat on a bar stool. “Are you gonna give me the grand tour?”
His lips curled as he hummed. “This place looks best in the morning.”
Your body found itself between his legs after he pulled you close. Ruben grinned mischievously before tilting forward to taste you. It was instant, the way you opened up for him. His teeth flashing in between your tongues meeting showed just how much he liked that.
“Are you implying something?” You spoke into his mouth.
“Maybe,” He breathed. “Should I just come out and say it?”
You nodded slowly, hands sliding up the the soft fabric covering his muscled thighs.
“Stay with me.”
Your acceptance was barely completed before it was replaced with a yelp. Ruben stood up and lifted you into his arms. In the time it took you to get to his bedroom, you could’ve scanned around a bit to see a preview of what was to come in the morning. You were too focused on him though.
The prominent vein running along the side of his neck was begging to be kissed. So you pressed your mouth to it - lips parted and hungry. You felt him shudder under the licks and sucks you gave it and all too soon, you were detached to be placed on top of his sprawling bed.
Ruben crawled over you, lifting the back of your knee with his own to hitch your leg over his hips. You giggled into his hungry kisses and then moaned. A sneaky hand of his had made its way under your hoodie, thumb brushing over your hardened nipple as he massaged your breast.
You bit down on his bottom lip, bucking into him - already on the hunt for some kind of relief for your thrumming core. He used his lower half to pin you still. It only made your urge grow into agony, feeling the one thing you wanted most concealed by too many layers. When you tried a stealthy maneuver of your own, he was quick to catch it.
“Always so impatient.” Ruben tutted as he caught your wrist.
“Always such a tease.” You gave it right back.
He chuckled in a way that said I’m gonna make you eat your words. By God, you hoped he did sooner rather than later. You pressed your palms to the bed and pushed up. The silent request was thankfully met with him at least removing your top layer.
You caressed his head and let your back meet the sheets once more as he kissed down your body. Ruben stopped at the waistband of your sweats, giving it a pull between his teeth. A vexed moan sounded in your throat. He shushed you, curling his fingers into either side of your pants before dragging them down.
“Someone came prepared.” His comment came in response to your lack of underwear.
Your look of annoyance didn’t last long. It was swiftly replaced with one of bliss when you felt his mouth close around your pussy, tongue slicing you open for him to get a taste. He exhaled deeply through his nose and tugged you flush to his face.
“Yes, fuck-“ Your breath caught.
Ruben arched his tongue around your clit in a full circle before settling under to push it upwards. You writhed beneath him. The voice in your mind was chastising you as loudly as your body was crying out. It was never a good idea to challenge him.
He was easily the most competitive person you’d ever met, proving it yet again as he held your swollen bud up with a glint in his eye. Chipping away at your resolve. Waiting for your concession. You knew when to choose your battles.
“Please...” The shakiness in your voice really sealed the deal.
His tongue finally licked up your clit and then all over it on the way down. Your thighs locked him in while he gave it his undivided attention, thorough as ever to avoid missing a single spot. Each nerve in the bundle got its kiss, flick and suck.
There were no other sounds in the room besides your labored breaths and cries, his grunts and wet mouth growing drencher with your never ending slick. Your fingers threaded through his hair, pressing him deeper still.
It was right there. The torturously slow buildup preceding the crescendo. You just needed a bit more. Your hips rolled in circles, side to side and then up and down. When he slurped at your hole before twisting his tongue inside, they stilled. He knew he hit the target then and so he kept going.
You mouth stammered over your words as your body did the same in his hold. They were both saying the same thing nonetheless. Ruben spurred you on, a hand coming down on the side of your ass while his tongue kept lapping at your clit.
A guttural noise clawed its way out of you as you tensed and released into his lingering mouth all over again. Once you were reduced to nothing but limp muscles and jolts of aftershocks, he resurfaced.
“So good, baby.” Ruben leaned over to press his glistening lips to yours.
There was no trace left of him in the kiss. The insides of his cheeks, tops and bottoms of his gums and tongue all tasted of you. It sparked life back into your bones, a physical manifestation of what your glasses met over earlier.
In an unsuspecting move, you flipped him over until you were straddling his hips. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as you dragged your drenched core slid over his hardened length. It was him that was left squirming beneath you this time, something you’d delight in if you hadn’t already been pushed over the ledge.
Ruben was in the same headspace. His eyes mirrored your own, nearly black with yearning. The layers of his clothing joined yours in a heap at his bedside. No underwear either. Your brows raised alongside your hips, someone was prepared.
A chorus of sighs and moans filled the air as you sank down onto his cock. Your head dropped back, hands pressing into his chest. The way his heartbeat ran wild under your fingertips made your lips tug.
To test your readiness, you arched your back. More glide than burn. You started building your rhythm, thighs tensing to help you move up and down. The more confident you became in taking him, the more your body loosened.
Your ass rolled like a wave, tempo rising each time your flesh came flush to his. Oh, God, you thought you heard him say. Actually, you were sure he’d said it. The way he looked up at you, hands moving to cup your breasts confirmed it.
Along with his noises and your own came the meeting of the back of your hips on the tops of his thighs. It was the only sound that ever made you understand the term music to my ears. You slammed harder, deeper, more pointed to draw even more of those notes out of his beautifully agape mouth.
His cock was a thing of wonder, the way it filled you up. So snug between your walls that you could feel the prominent vein running along its back as you worked him base to tip and back again. So intoxicating, your mind was stuck like glue on the feeling of how much of you he was coated in.
You folded forward, unsynchronized breaths mingling with his as you gave him a kiss that matched the same energy. A spell of confusion caused your compass to malfunction and made you lose your way. How was it even possible for him to feel this good?
Ruben was right there to guide you back as he so often had been before. His knees bent and his hands settled under your hips while his own raised into you. The vein in his neck swelled thick with rushing blood just like the one fucking into your pussy did with his seed.
The earth cracked and shattered and you quaked. His arms circled your waist tight, holding you as he weathered both of your storms. Everything around you crumbled and faded out of existence. For the next euphoric moments that followed, only you and him remained.
After a prolonged period of feeling the prick of his facial hair under your fingertips and his own running up and down your spine, he guided you to his shower. The water pressure offered a nice massage, but paled in effort to the relief his hands brought as they glided over your skin.
Ruben held the covers open for you to slip under, a call that would never go unanswered. You molded to him in a way that made you shudder. Your head rested in the crook of his arm that curled around your shoulders, a leg nestled snugly between his - not too spacious and not too compressed, just right.
You blinked slowly, lashes brushing his nearby skin. “Ruben?”
“Hm?” His chest rumbled.
“Promise me that even if this doesn’t last, things won’t end like they did before.”
He stopped breathing for a second and so did you. Back then, you probably would’ve said something like promise you won’t ever leave. You never thought to because you didn’t believe he ever would’ve.
Now, you realized the flaw in that sort of ask. If he said he wouldn’t and then he did, you couldn’t accuse him of lying. No one thought in the moments where they were deeply enamored with one another that they’d part, just as no one who got married for love would only do so to divorce.
Ruben inhaled again and tilted your face upwards, “I promise.”
Your eyes searched his for any trace of disingenuousness. When they were met with a steady, unblinking, challenging gaze, you were finally filled with ease. You kissed him gently and resumed your previous position.
“Besides,” He snuggled deeper into you. “If anything, you’re gonna have to get rid of me. I’ll be here tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, and-”
You pressed a finger to his lips. “I get it. Go to sleep.”
For the first time in ages, you must’ve clocked in more than five hours of uninterrupted rest.
When your eyes peeled open, they were met with a fully lit sky instead of darkness or the murky beginnings of a sunrise. Your back bowed and then froze in position. Instead of being met with warmth, all you felt were cool sheets.
Just when you thought you might’ve lost Ruben to training or something, you heard rattling coming from the kitchen. There was also the faint scent of espresso drifting from under the door. You slid on his discarded sweatshirt from the pile that moved to his armchair and ventured out.
“There’s my beautiful chainsaw.” Ruben smiled as you appeared.
You smacked his bare back to earn a hiss, “I do not snore.”
“Only when you’re exhausted, love.” He handed you a steaming cup. “Did you sleep well?”
Your hand extended, beckoning to him. Ruben bent to meet it and melted under your fingertips that drew him near. You kissed him appreciatively, not wanting a moment to go by where you didn’t show him how grateful you were that he looked after you with care.
“I did.” You took a sip of your coffee and moaned. “Now where’s my tour?”
He shook his head with a grin and whisked you away to the entrance. In true social media giant with millions of followers style, he walked you through his apartment bit by bit. There was the coat closet, riveting and the guest rooms, very spacious. Then his bedroom which you’d already gotten very familiar with, he added.
All that was really left was the main open living space. What you were really interested in was his shelf and the mantle with all of his pictures, medals and awards. He explained the occasion and meaning behind each of them. Premier Leagues, domestic cups, bests of the season. You ran your thumb over the one you knew held the most meaning.
“Champions League…” Though you were infinitely proud of his achievement, your heart was heavy.
Ruben had spoken so much about it from the time when you were kids. He always knew that he was going to become a footballer, and a great one at that. This title was one he longed for vocally on many days.
“When I lift the trophy again,” He hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek. “You’ll be there with me.”
You nodded, wanting that dream to become a reality more than anything else. Well, besides being with him when he won the World Cup. At least that would be a first you got to experience together.
He took you back to the kitchen where he’d already started on breakfast. The toast was ready and after frying some eggs and adding slices of avocado, you both dug in. Such a simple meal that never missed the spot.
“So, Erling’s party is tomorrow night.” Ruben shot you a look.
Of course, the whole team was on the invite list you’d spied over Cindy’s shoulder. You knew what he was getting at and you also knew that it had to be today when you sat Aki down to have that conversation.
“I’ll tell her when I get back.” You promised.
“You don’t have to be nervous. She loves you, no matter what.” He reassured. “Me on the other hand…”
That was going to be the interesting part for sure. You wished you had some words to dispel his fears, but you both knew that they didn’t really exist. Her dislike for him was palatable, nearly a match for your mother’s - which was another bridge you certainly weren’t remotely ready to cross.
“One step at a time.” Was the best you could come up with.
It seemed to be good enough for Ruben, who approved with a half smile.
Wrapping up breakfast and trying to leave to actually get your day started was the hardest thing you’d done in recent memory. All you wanted to do was stay in this perfect little bubble with him - his arms caging you in, lips peppering your face, his deep voice begging five more minutes.
On days like this in the past, you would’ve easily played hooky and called in sick. Alas, that was when you were working for someone you honestly hated. Now that you had your own company, there was no room for letting your work fall behind since it all rode on you.
Ruben gave you one final searing kiss that took up the last of his allotted five minutes before you got into your car. The way you were beaming on the drive back to your place was kind of mortifying once you’d snapped out of your butterfly induced haze.
Almost immediately, it was replaced with sweaty palms and a racing heart. And not in the infatuation sense. You gave yourself a pep talk in the elevator as you headed up, remembering Ruben’s words. He was right and so were you, there was nothing to be afraid of.
Still, you found yourself tiptoeing once the lift got to your floor. You’d adopted his stalling tactic of promising that in just a bit more time, you would head over to hers. Maybe you should tidy up the place beforehand and -
You wanted to scream, but instead became that the woman was too stunned to speak meme. Aki was sitting cross legged on your sofa. She’d clearly been there for some time based off the empty plate and drained glass on the coffee table. It was now or never.
“I’ve got to tell you something.” You made your way over to join her.
“Spill! You’ve been acting weird for a while now.” She griped. “Are you having doubts about the business? Is the shitty weather making you moody? Wait…are you seeing somebody?!”
“Yes!” The answer to her rambling barrage came out louder than intended.
Aki stared at you wide eyed and then began going on another spiel, this time of excitement. You reeled her in, literally, by taking both her hands in yours. A silent version of the affirmations you gave yourself earlier ran through your head as you took a breath.
“I am seeing someone, again. Ruben.” You finally admitted. “I know that sounds fucking insane, but let me explain.”
Seeing Aki take on a serious expression was something you’d only experienced a handful of times. Not many things made her completely shed the upbeat, fun-loving layers she wore, but it wasn’t surprising that your revelation was now one of them.
She listened as you started from the day you went to City’s training grounds and the car ride that followed. It wasn’t the most cheerful conversation to rehash, both your emotions and his in that moment still tugging viscerally on your heart. Your gaze dropped for a second, returning to hers when you felt her hands give yours a reassuring squeeze.
The rest tumbled out painlessly. You told her about him coming to the office when you worked late, how you and him realized that trying things again was worth a shot. And then, of course, your absence from your loft from this morning was cleared up.
All that was left out were the parts about the sex, especially the office couch incident. She probably would appreciate not having that visual, though you were sure her powers of deduction would do the work for you.
“Wow, that’s definitely not what I was expecting.” Aki chewed on her bottom lip.
You digested her response with a nod, your head bowing. It was more than a lot to take in, so you weren’t surprised that she wasn’t throwing a parade in congratulations for you reunion with Ruben.
She untangled her hands from yours only to pull you in for a hug. “I know it wasn’t an easy decision and I wish you didn’t feel like you had to make it alone.”
“I’m sorry for not telling you sooner.” You failed to hide your sniffle.
“Don’t be, I understand.” Aki pulled back, wiping your cheeks. “I only care about two things: are you sure about this and are you happy?”
Something like the grin you wore on your drive returned, “Yeah.”
She groaned and hugged you again, pulling you down to rest on top of her. Aki wrapped her legs around you, shaking your body side to side like she used to when you would try out the moves you’d seen on WrestleMania. You reached up to give her a peck on the cheek and she screamed, pushing you off.
“I bet you still have his spit in your mouth! Ew!” She scrambled from the sofa.
You ran after her, making kissy faces. “I thought you wanted me to be getting pounded religiously!”
That was enough to chase her right out of the front door.
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Hi lovely!! Congrats on 500, maybe 40 + 49 + E for Stewy hurt/comfort with Roy!Reader? Thank you so much!!
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40. "I love you." 49. "Stay. Please." e. Heatwave
Author's Note - this is a drabble written as part of my 500 Followers Celebration!! find that post here if you're interested in sending a request!! thank you anon, you're the sweetest!!
Pairing - Stewy Hosseini x Roy!Female Reader
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - cursing
Word Count - 1072
Masterlist. 500 Follower Celebration Masterlist.
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Was it a good idea to walk across New York City in a pantsuit on the hottest day of the year? Probably not.
You'd refused to get in one of Stewy's cars, and you couldn't exactly call your siblings and ask them to pick you up. So, you'd walked.
Big mistake.
By the time you're on your block, you're miserable. Your hair is sticking to your forehead, there's sweat dripping down your back, and your pantsuit is soaked through.
You thought that the walk would give you time to think, time to decompress, time to process. It didn't. Now, you're angrier than you were when you stormed out of Stewy's office. You're practically vibrating with fury, rage rattling through your bones. You're honestly not sure if the heat you're experiencing is from the blazing sun or your blood boiling with annoyance.
At your front door, your hands are shaking, making it a struggle to fit the key in the lock. You kick the frame violently, frustrated and sad. More than anything, you're just sad.
You finally swing your door open, screaming in terror when you see a man stood in your entryway.
"Fuck!" he yells, startled by your sudden entrance.
He turns, and your shoulders tense instantly upon seeing his face.
Stewy Hosseini. The most complicated man you've ever met. The most complicated relationship you've ever had.
A relationship that ended today.
You'd known it was doomed from the start. You're the youngest Roy sibling, he's Kendall's oldest friend and a Waystar board member. It was bound to fail.
That didn't stop you from taking the risk, though.
All it had taken was the brush of his fingertips against your waist and soft, murmured words in your ear. You'd jumped with no parachute, straight into the Stewy's arms.
It was all too good to be true. Secret dinner dates, late nights at his penthouse, clandestine meetings in cars sent to you. The thrill of the illicit nature of your affair had the two of you thrumming with excitement, barely able to keep your eyes off each other in the boardroom.
All that energy, that heat, that fire. It had to explode sometime.
It did today.
You'd woken up this morning, instantly checking your phone and expecting to see your usual 'Good morning sweetheart' text from Stewy. Instead, you'd been met with tabloid photos of him with with a supermodel on his arm outside a club.
You'd gotten dressed and stormed straight over to his office, consequences be damned. Blinded by rage, you marched in without knocking, unaffected by the questioning looks you were receiving from his staff. They'd all assumed it was business related, perhaps a Waystar deal gone wrong. If only they knew.
Stewy had tried to explain himself, but it had only made things worse.
"Sweetheart, come on. You know what it's like out there. They don't know about us. It's just me keeping up appearances."
"Keeping up appearances? With a fucking six foot gorgeously blond supermodel?"
"She grabbed my arm. What was I supposed to do, throw her off? Don't you think that's a little suspicious?"
"I think a lot of things right now are pretty fucking suspicious, actually!"
He'd sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly stressed.
"Honey, please, keep your voice down. I don't need you to be the talk of the office today."
"No. You just don't need me, full stop."
"That's not true and you know it."
"I don't know anything anymore."
And with that, you'd left, breaking both your own heart and his. You always knew it'd end in tears. You felt stupid for even trying.
Now, you're face to face with the man you'd been screaming at in his office an hour prior.
"How did you get in here, Stewy?" you ask while kicking off your shoes.
"I have a key, sweetheart."
"Are you here to give it back?"
He inhales, and takes a step closer to you, looking at you intently.
"No. I'm here to tell you that I love you."
It takes you a second to process his words.
"I love you."
You can't decide whether to hit him or kiss him.
"So I break up with you, and you decide to break into my apartment and tell me you love me?" you ask incredulously.
"I didn't break in. I have a key," he replies, slight smirk on his face. "And you didn't break up with me. You stormed out and didn't give me a chance to explain myself. God, you Roys are always so blinded by your emotions."
He's not wrong. You'd seen red and ran, rather than letting him talk to you logically. You know that you only reacted that way because of how you feel about him, but still. You're so used to betrayal, and lies, and deceit. Thinking that Stewy had done the same thing as everyone else had broken your heart.
"Baby," he explains. "I'm surrounded by supermodels and actresses and musicians every night of the week. And the entire time, I'm thinking of you."
His big brown eyes are staring into your soul. You couldn't look away if you tried.
"I don't care if we have to keep this a secret forever," he continues. "That's a price I'm willing to pay. If you're still worried about people finding out, then we'll sneak around for the rest of time. If not, I'm happy to walk into the Waystar building hand in hand right now."
Tears are threatening to spill down your cheeks at his words. He's not usually so open, so vulnerable. It makes you love him even more than you already do.
"I couldn't leave things the way they were this morning. I had to say my piece. If you still hate me, fine. But I had to tell you."
He gazes at you carefully, looking for a reaction. When you don't reply, he makes his way past you, towards the door.
"Stay. Please," you almost whisper.
With that, Stewy turns on his heel and strides towards you. Cradling your face in his hands, he kisses you hard. He's grabbing at you, and your hands are grasping for purchase anywhere they can find. You're both not sure if the other person is going to disappear any minute.
"I'm here," he murmurs against your lips when he pulls away. "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. Ever."
You believe him. You believe him.
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stewy tag list -
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auschizm · 3 months
i have a very stupid problem. my mom is a psychiatrist. first time i ever experienced psychosis is when i was 5. i dont know if im allowed to go into details. i just felt very scared& unsafe. but ever since i was a kid i would listen to my mom laugh about her patients having “funny” delusions. she would tell me examples of her patients thoughts. i never found it funny. this one time she told me about a patient with a delusion very similar to mine. obviously psychiatry is all about intensity of the symptoms and not the symptoms themselves. it didn’t interfere with my life at first. so i just ignored it. years later i had my first intense psychosis episode. it was very hard for me. i would throw myself at walls in hopes of smashing my head. on one hand i knew this exact same thing has happened to many of my moms patients. on the other it felt too real. it felt so real. like my body and brain knew it was real. it made me unable to piss shit myself & shower normally for 2 months. i couldnt cope. i told my mother. she said “youre joking right? dont joke about that, they will lock you up”. i was 12 at the time. then it got better, then it got worse. im 18 now. on one hand i should Know its not true. but i cant. it feels real. it has just gotten worse. on one hand i left the church, i love science. i love learning about psychology and psychiatry. on the other i just start having these month long episodes that cant be stopped. that make my life hell. this feeling is so weird. being so aware and so sure of the delusion at the same time ):
I'm really sorry you've been struggling with this for so long without proper support, and that your mom has been laughing at and invalidating both your own and other psychotic people's experiences despite supposedly being a professional. The combination of this must have been really tough to cope with, and you're not in the wrong for struggling. And I don't think your problem is stupid at all!
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decodedlvr · 1 year
How Eddie Munson became a Physical Therapist
After undergoing PT himself post Upside Down, he decided he wanted to go to school and get his Bachelors in being a Physical Therapist
Having endured so much physical and psychological trauma he’s learned one thing: patience.
From breaking his shoulder blade to learning how to walk again, you could imagine the sadness, pain and anger he carried having to be up everyday at 8am at his local hospital, and the embarrassment of having to be changed like a baby being a grown man from his own Physical Therapist, Hellen.
She was 42, had been at it for 27 years seeing and experiencing the hardships of others pain, feeling so much compassion for those who feel they “can’t get better”
She never once got angry at a patient who took it out on her or threw things at her. How could she? She gets it, she’s seen it all.
Eddie was the worse she’s ever seen. It broke her heart from how young he was, how smart and beautiful his soul was. Seeing the tears draw in his big brown eyes everyday really gave her the push she needed to make sure he got better. She wanted to help. She needed to help him not feel so broken.
When he was an asshole to her, she’d give him a minute to collect himself, never wanting to push or step on his toes. She knew he played guitar, so she helped encourage his future of being a rockstar with lots of music and note trivia. He’d roll his eyes taking another step closer towards the top of the staircase as he explained to her the difference between a Les Paul and a Fender.
He never understood why she was so sweet to him, being the towns freak and all. He could be a real dick sometimes especially when the pain got terrible or if he just couldn’t lift his shoulder enough to do the daily stretches they worked on for the past 18 weeks. She was patient with him. He admired that about her. He appreciated it.
When he’d make progress she’d jump for joy and praise him for being so good willed and pushing through it
Even snuck him ice cream at the end of their sessions.
Eventually he did get better all thanks to her. She made him promise to update her about his career at the end of each month.
Sadly, Hellen passed away from a car accident. It broke him, knowing one of the sweetest ladies who wanted to make his life better had died.
He decided then and there he wanted to be just like her. Saving and helping other people’s lives prosper.
Age 30, there he was having his own personal room and equipment ready for his next patient of the day
She’d just finished out her 2nd year of college transitioning into her 3rd
Unfortunately she’d got into a serious car accident on her way there, majorly injuring her neck and lower back
Once Eddie heard the news of a new girl in need of a physical therapist from a car crash, he needed to step in. It reminded him of Hellen
She never smiled. No matter how many corny jokes he tried on her, she gave him nothing. That was okay, he’s been there. He understands the mentality of feeling it’ll never get better. He knows the pain of it all
Many times of her shunning her face away from the tears bubbling out, he’s quick to grab the box of tissues every time, never asking any questions; he gave her all the patience she needed
She was beautiful, young had a bright head on her. His heart broke every time he seen that sad frown on her lips. He wish he could make it go away in a snap of a finger, but that’s not how life rolls.
Having still being the occasional clumsy man he always had been, she’d spark out a giggle, a smirk or two when he’d trip over his own feet.
He would fall face first into the floor if that meant he got to hear her laugh again
She thought he was handsome. A dork. His curls always pulled into a ponytail, tattoos scattered, but some hidden. His smooth voice and soft eyes always brought her a sense of calmness; no matter how much she wanted to die from the pain, it was something about their sessions she started looking forward to.
He’d catch her if she fell, eyes on her every move. It was a little intimidating. She didn’t wanna look ugly in front of him, especially having frustration written all over her face if she couldn’t complete a session when it got too much for her
He would never think that
She’d get goosebumps from the feeling of his warm hands on her neck, massaging the sore spots
Her mind would slip to other things when he’d have on the mat her in cat and cow positions
Sometimes he’d have to look away to compose himself of the blush that crept onto his cheeks anytime she’d gasp and moan from the pressure he would apply on her hips when she needed help stretching
It was unprofessional to talk too in depth about each other’s personal lives the way they did but, anything to help her get through it right?
He’d praise her with an accidental added in “sweetheart”
She didn’t hate it. In fact she wish he would call her that more often
She knew she loved him ever since the first time he wiped her tears away with his own thumbs being out of Kleenex
He felt it too, she knows he did. You don’t look at any ole patient the way he did
She healed quickly from the hands of Eddie Munson
He’d give her all the credit because of the willpower she maintained pushing herself
Eventually she got better and Eddie was ecstatic, but also sad because it would be the last time he’d ever see her again
It was Christmas time, he was closing up when she walked in handing him a card that wished him thanks and a Happy Holidays
They exchanged side hugs, telling each other to have a Happy New Year, just for him to find she had left her number at the bottom of the card telling him to call her sometime
Maybe it wouldn’t be the last time they seen each other again.
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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬101: 𝙃𝙊𝙒 𝙏𝙊 𝙈𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝘼 𝘾𝙊𝙇𝘿 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏 𝘽𝙀𝘼𝙏▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PART I *fixed a lot of errors here.*
✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚
gojo x reader (she has trouble how to express emotions and feelings so if you erm, don't prefer any readers that has a characteristic like this. pls scroll!!! Our very elder sister is the baddest of the baddest, none other than Yuki Tsukumo!!! But, you have another older sister and you're the youngest) waarrninnggg! possibly has a smut in the second part or idk third part, goofy moments, wholesome shits, and maybe angst if you squint, all characters are aged up to 18. I'm also convinced that tumblr is just made for desktop users LMFAOO
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2006, Tokyo Jujutsu High
You weren't really interested in sorcery and had grown to do things that weren't fully related to it, unlike your older sister who is already experienced. Your parents had only forced you to enroll in her school; after all, you were born into a powerful family filled with sorcerers. You have the potential to become one, but it sounds incredibly boring and doesn't seem to suit your tastes. Korimu, your older sister, is a talented student at Jujutsu High. She has great performance, which means you don't have much time to bond. Lately, there has been a lot of awkward tension between the two of you. "Stop complaining, you'll do fine," your sister Korimu says, continuing to comb your hair regardless of your grumbling and whispering. You fold your arms and avoid eye contact with her in the reflection of the mirror. "I am not," you retort back, trying anything just to compose yourself. "Is that so? Well, by the look on your face, you seem like you're casting a spell under your breath." Your eyes roll in irritation, building up and growing heavy on your nerves. "Whatever, Mom and Dad just forced me to enroll in your school because you're a fourth-year in a school where sorcerers learn." "Perhaps, but you have every opportunity and the potential to become a sorcerer. You know, saving people and fighting curses? Isn't it at least fulfilling to achieve something for the people around you?" "To you, but it's not my destiny or right to become one." Korimu sighs at your comment, knowing how stubborn you are when discussing sorcery. "Y/n, you inherited the power that you rightfully deserve from our clan, where you were blessed as soon as you were born. It's not better or worse than mine, so please, take this opportunity. You can't just wait for someone to tell you this." You were slightly convinced by the sound of desperation in your older sister's tone. "Fine, but that doesn't mean that I'm fully convinced yet." You brush her hands off and begin to stand up from your seat. You swear that when you ever-so-slightly lay a glance on her, there is a genuine and small smile worn across her lips as soon as she hears your response. You have to admit, though, you're not mentally or physically prepared to become a sorcerer. You don't learn martial arts like your sister, your body is stiff, and you punch like a stick. In a way, you sort of wish it was your sister who inherited your power instead of you.
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"Ah, wipe that gloomy expression off your face, Y/n. It's only your first day at your sister's school! I'm sure you'll get used to it, sweetheart," you deadpan while your mother smother you with affection. However, despite your mother's reassuring words, you don't actually feel reassured at all. Your mother drops the two of you off at school before heading to work. Your parents don't spend much time bonding, except on weekends. I guess it's not so bad. "See you later, mom." Korimu waves goodbye, giving her one last smile and a kiss on the cheek before she reverses the car. "No kisses for mom?" Korimu tilts her head, but you don't respond.
"Korimu, what are you planning to do this time?" I raise an eyebrow, suspecting her movements, as she made her way outside the walls of Jujutsu High, jumping off the tall railing with ease and I couldn't see whether she jumped safely down the ground. My heart almost dropped and I immediately rushed to the railings, to check Korimu "Y/n! jump down here! I'll catch you! Promise!" Korimu called out and my heart was beating like crazy. My eyes open wide and shake my head in response. "Just do it!" I could hear her ordering again but I don't know for whatever reason, I was under the impression that she wouldn't catch me but yet again there's another good reason why she can catch me. She's an experienced sorcerer. "Korimu! You're too damn fast!" "Well, that's a sorcerer thing, you know!" Damn, we've been running for what feels like forever... I'm already exhausted... Where is this woman even taking me? We're not even inside the school building. "Where the hell are you taking me, woman?" This lady has an insane amount of stamina... In other words, Korimu looks around the area while effortlessly standing on another broken railing. "Well, I have an urgent mission to take care of for the second-years as well as my classmates." "And your brilliant idea was to bring me here?" "Yup." Her response is both annoying and tiring, and I have to suffer hearing every word come out of her mouth every time now. "Oh, I can already hear the mansion from very far away." "What- Nevermind, I'm not even going to question where you get these senses from..."
A few long seconds later,
We finally arrive and I can barely keep up with Korimu's pace... She's just like Yuki, both of them are beasts. "Oh, Y/n... Stop being dramatic and toughen up! That was the fastest lap I've ever done. I had to carry your scrawny little ass on the way here!" I can hear her laughing heartily while I was still thrown onto her shoulder, upset. As we get closer, it's quite a scene of destruction, but there is an unexpected encounter, I suppose. "Utahime, you cryin'?" the guy with sunglasses taunts, tilting his head, a devious grin plastered to that face. "NO, I'M NOT! AND BE MORE POLITE!" The girl, presumably Utahime, barking at him like how a wild dog would do to a stray cat. "If I was crying, would you console me? I'd definitely like that." for some reason, I have no idea what to react after that attractive girl intervened. "Nah, you wouldn't cry Mei. You're strong." As for Utahime... She grows more tense and aggresive while quite literally getting hovered by a bricked and concrete wall. While she was about to say something, Korimu makes an entrance and I was still obviously carried onto her shoulder. And some giant curse was about to attack Utahime but quickly got swallowed up by another curse. "Don't swallow it, I'll absorb it later." "Heya, Utahime! How are my fellow second-years doing? Wow, you guys really dropped the ball on taking care of Utahime and Mei Mei! You guys absolutely suck!" Korimu gives the second-years a thumbs up, which actually managed to compose Utahime slightly after her attention shifts to the two of us as soon she noticed her attention. "TSUKUMO! THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE HERE!" Utahime exclaims in relief while she runs her her way here, embracing Korimu tightly. I flinch slightly at her loud voice as I awkwardly shuffle to Korimu's shoulder. "Korimu, put me down, this is riduculous." "Tsukumo-senpaiii." Both the girl with the short haircut and the guy with sunglasses say in unison, and Korimu smiles back at them. "You're always late for an upperclassman, and you're also terrible at taking care of us." their attention then shift to me, analyzing me for a short moment before speaking
"Tsukumo-senpai, you didn't kidnap someone, did you? I know you have a habit of making us second-years as your child but I didn't expect you to take that level, way to go chief." "Do you guys seriously think of me that way as your senior...? After 1 year of teaching you guys with the tricks I have up on my sleeve, this is what I earn?" Korimu wipes an imaginary tear from her cheek, swaying her hair dramatically. "Pfft, well if you're referring to drugs, yeah." "Satoru, It's not nice to speak to your elders like that." "Don't spread your non-sense to my sibling, Gojo, and I'm not that damn old Geto. Anyway...This is my little sister, Y/n. She'll be your new classmate," she finally sets me back down to the ground and introduces me to anyone. "And these three are your classmates. Shoko Ieri, Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo."
"It's nice to meet you." Shoko offered a small nod and a smile as well. Though, I have no clue what to reply back than to just to repeat what she did without the smile stuff. Oh man... This is awkward, I'm technically classmates with Geto. He used to be my former partner after the we got arranged not unil it got cancelled, a year ago. "Why It's nice seeing you again, It's been quite a while since we've seen each other in face to face, is it not, Y/n? I see that you're still the same as always." there he goes, he brought up the fact we know each other but thank goodness it wasn't that we used to have an arranged marriage. Ah darn. "Indeed, I could say the same to you." I silently acknowledged, he smiled sincerely to me but I was unsure If I were the need to smile back at him as well. I recall during our time together, I showed bits and bits of emotions to him. "My, my. You have history with Tsukumo-senpai's sister, Suguru? You sneak." I cleared my throat as soon Gojo began to intervene the conversation, a soft laugh past Korimu's lips, but Utahime was still here, silently shooting daggers to her glare towards to Gojo alone. "Korimu! You better not be off slacking with these imbeciles that lack respect, I'm telling you! You're growing in your ego as their upperclassmen! Basically causing trouble and treating them like your own!" Utahime scolds, while shaking Korimu's arms but she just had a stupid grin on her face and I began to roll my eyes, folding my arms as I witness the chaos unfold. "Bwahaa... Whatever do you mean! I'm a good senior at em, teaching the young ones what I have up in my sleeves!" "THE FOUR OF YOU CASUALLY BLOWN UP THE CHEMISTRY ROOM YESTERDAY! WITH THE SECOND-YEARS!"
"And it was damn flashy when we did it! Now live a litte, Utahime! There's times in short life where you have to entertain your self!" Korimu pats her arm which seems more like a slap in my view, she turns her attention to me, she hooked her arms with mine. "Anyways you three, where's the curtain?" Korimu turns her attention to the second-years within her arms linked with mine and they went absolute pale at the question. "Hm, right. I was about to ask that too." Mei states, her arms folded as well with pretty half lidded eyes.
A very very few minutes later
"You think they'll be fine?" "Yeaahh... No, 50/50 chance. Yaga-sensei is prettyyy strict, but ya know, they'll live." Korimu smiles, and her posture always seems relaxed and comfortable inside Jujutsu High, her classmates, and my classmates whereas she treats them like her own children and causes trouble around with them. She's a lot livelier in here than at home. We waited outside the room for Yaga to finish to scold them three... Or at least one of them. "Right..." I mumbled while staring down at the ground, silently fidgeting with my hands that were placed on my sides. I wasn't sure whether the question I decided should be at the right time here now, though. I still feel Incredibly hesitant. Korimu eyes me and a chuckle escapes her lips. "What is it, you look like you're about to confess your love to me." she jokingly said so and I barfed, causing her to giggle at my reaction. "You're gonna make me vomit," "Just say it, what's stopping you? We have the time to talk about it before Yaga's scolding stops." I stayed silent for a short moment before finally speaking. "Am I really destined to be here?" As soon that question lingered the hallways of us two, there was a moment of silence until Yaga's voice intervened before Korimu was about to respond. "You may now enter." "I'll talk to you later, kay?" I wonder If what currently was revolving around her mind to answer my question was 'You don't really see any purpose as becoming one such as yourself, do you?' It was not an answer but rather another question that I imagined her hitting me back with it. I enter the room while Korimu peeks onto the doorframe, making my classmates perch up at her appearance, and a trail of happy 'Tsukumo-senpaiii!' leaves their mouths. "Heya teach," she greeted, with a smile, her hand guided behind my back. "Tsukumo, this must be your sister that you informed about transferring here, correct?" "Yup, that's her."
What the fuck, man why is there just a little amount of students here, this is kind of abnormal. Is that too extreme? Sorta. "C'mon now Y/n, introduce yourself! Don't stand there so lamely!" Korimu whispered-yell at me and I glare at her over my shoulder, she keeps nudging on me, gesturing me to do so.
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dayeongi · 3 months
Four years and a day ago, my sister picked me up so we could go to the hospital for news about my father.
I didn't know he was interned. I didn't even know he was that sick. Last thing I heard from his own mouth was that he was recovering from an ear infection and was feeling better.
I'd moved out a few months ago after he tried to beat me up in March because I didnt shower exactly at the time he asked, and after a lifetime of neglect and 18 years of other types of abuse from him and my stepmother. I had tentatively invited him for lunch the Sunday that had just passed.
Yet, I went. And I waited outside for news. At 8 pm the doctor came out to tell us he was refusing intubation but was hanging on.
At midnight, we went back home to sleep.
Next morning, we headed to the hospital at 6 to wait outside again for news. And we waited. The doctor came out. He said we needed to bring them supplies. I hated my father, but I raced down the concrete stairs of the hospital to pick up the supplies from my aunt. She held them out the window of her car, and I snatched them like a purse thief.
By 8:27 am that morning, July 11, 2020,.my father had died.
I had experienced death before. An uncle, family friend, my paternal grandparents, one after another, my own mother. I was familiar with decay, sadness, awkwardness, sunny funerals, the silence of the cemetery around you as the sky collapses on itself, and the world that keeps on moving. Turning, even if you can't stay still.
But somehow it never occurred to me that my father would die that soon, or so young, still in his mid sixties.
I had prepared for every eventuality. How to explain to him I don't want my future children to be much in touch. How I don't want his wife to know them at all. Thinking of moving far away, where he cannot hurt me.
My sister had to repeat this information twice. That he had died, I mean.
She had to confirm that I understood. She cried, and held me, and said "now its just us two, alone." I held her. What was there to accept? He had died. Whether I accepted it or not. I didn't cry much, just a few tears, so she wouldn't get too worried.
They didn't let us see his body, even from afar. The military wanted us a block away. People who lived in front of the hospital opened their homes to us so we could look through the window. They held my sister and I, even though for all they knew, we were dangerous.
It wasn't until his wake, where only us immediate family were allowed to attend, that I finally realized; something is wrong.
My father wouldn't have wanted a funeral like this. He was a devout catholic, for better or for worse (usually for worse). He didn't want to be cremated. He would have wanted a mariachi band, and have a procession with us walkimg after the hearse. He would have wanted the songs that were sung for my grandparents' funerals to be sung for him.
I cried a lot then. Almost to the point of not breathing. To the point of throwing up. To the point where words stopped making sense anymore. I didn't want to get off the car. Then, the opportunity for him to repent, the opportunity for me to have a father would be truly gone forever.
At the time, I didn't know I still relished that hope. I thought it had died, lile a fire put out in a panic, slap after slap. But it smoldered even without my knowledge.
It went out in a blaze of grief, when I held the wooden box that was his urn and I realized, I was holding everything my father had ever been, and everything he could have been, and everything he'd never be, because he'd never be ever again.
There are songs I can't sing now.
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kteezy997 · 11 months
6 Months-Part Two// t.c.
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Warnings: coming off of a sedative, cursing, abduction, very very brief mention of violence and rape (not by Timothee!)
Mature 18+ readers only please!
A/N: It’s a bit long, so grab a snack or something while you read haha
The last thing Cameron could remember was walking down an alley, and she was faced with some stranger. That was it.
Now, she woke from a deep sleep in some strange room. It sunk in that she had been abducted, and she was nearly crippled with fear. She ached with anxiety. Who had taken her? What did they want?
Eventually, she was able to get up from the bed. She steadied herself on her feet. Her vision was almost totally blurred. She blinked over and over to try and see clearly. The room was rather large, with minimal, yet still inviting decor. She found the door and pounded on it ferociously with her fists.
Not long after she first hit the bedroom door, she saw footsteps in the crack of light underneath the door. Next, she heard keys being inserted and turning in the lock. She waited for the footsteps to go back the way they came, and then she cautiously opened the door.
It dawned on her that this house was enormous. She worried that she would get lost, but then again, she had no idea where she was, or where she was going. She ended up in a room with nice furniture and a grand fireplace. The warmth from the flames met her skin, and for a second, she felt a bit of comfort.
She looked up and stopped in her tracks at the sight of a movie poster framed on the wall. It was of the film Dune.
Timothee put Cameron in a chair nearby in the den. She had fainted.
She woke a few minutes later. She sunk back into the chair, trying to get as far from him as she could. "What the fuck is this? Why am I here?"
"You are not in any danger, okay? I need you to believe that. I do not wish to harm you. Please just let me explain things to you."
"Get to it, asshole." she said, trembling with anger.
Timothee stood up, taking a few steps, choosing his words precisely in his head before stopping in front of the bright, crackling fireplace.
"This past year has been mentally tormenting for me. I had a failed work venture, and worse, I lost my grandmother, who I loved more than anything in the world. Everything was just piling on top of one another, and I felt like a fucking ghost floating through my life." He inhaled sharply before his next statement, "But then I saw you. It was love at first sight. It was something I had never experienced before."
"I found out who you were," he continued, "and I read your books. I fell in love with the way your mind works, Cameron. You brought me back to life. And I don't want that to go away, ever. I needed to find a way to make you mine."
Cameron sat silently in the chair, listening to him, but not growing sympathetic in the slightest. "I'm not an object. You cannot own me. You think that just because you're some hot shit little actor with millions that you can kidnap me and then I'm all yours? No fucking way, you bastard." She spit venom with every syllable.
Timothee took note of her fierceness but was not yet deterred. "I didn't think that. Which is why I'm giving you the chance to fall in love with me. I won't force it. I want you to come to me on your own, because you want to."
"But I have my own life! My boyfriend will be looking for me, I have family and friends, I have a job! You can't do this; I don't need love from you."
"Hm," Timothee took his phone out of his pocket and after a few seconds, he showed the screen to Cameron. There were explicit photos of her boyfriend with other women. "He doesn't deserve you." he said plainly.
Tears rolled down Cameron's face. She didn't even realize she was crying. It was devasting knowing that her boyfriend had been cheating on her. But the more intense feeling was the hatred she had for the man in front of her. "Fuck off." she said, before launching out of the chair and running.
Timothee took off right after her, catching her in his arms, he said, "Cameron, I won't hurt you. I won't do anything without your permission. Not until you want me." He held her firmly as she struggled with him. "I'll do anything to make you fall in love with me."
He put his hand on her face, making her look at him. "You have six months. If you don't love me by then, I will let you go."
“Fuck you!” she grumbled, running away from him again.
She made it further this time, as he was caught off guard. But his damn long legs made it easy for him to catch up and stop her.
“You should stop this.” he warned. “You don’t even know where you are. You don’t know your way around this house.” He put her up against the wall, holding her there and string dead into her fiery eyes. “I swear on my grandmother that you are more than safe. You will be taken care of.”
“My family will be looking for me.” she huffed.
“We got your phone, we let everyone close to you know that you’ve accepted a job offer in L.A., a six-month trial. You will get your phone and laptop back when the time is right.”
Cameron pushed him away, “Who is we?”
“I have people.” Timothée said.
“Mr. Chalamet, your meeting is in just a few minutes.”
They both looked over at the woman who entered the room without either of them knowing.
"Cam, this is my assistant. She will be here to help you if you need anything." Timothee said.
She was quick to speak back, "It's Cameron, I'm not a five-year-old, do not call me Cam."
Timothee grinned at Cameron, then looked at his assistant, "Take her back to her room. She needs some more rest."
Timothee departed, and the assistant said, "Okay, let's go, Miss Reese."
Cameron rolled her eyes, turning and walking in the direction in which she was being led. "You're a woman helping a man imprison another woman. How could you do that? Especially in this day and age?"
"Oh, I wouldn't think of it like a prison at all. Mr. Chalamet isn't a violent or malicious person. He has admired you for quite some time now." she stopped in front of a door, "He's a good person, you'll see." She then opened the door, letting Cameron in.
"This is such bullshit." she spat as she walked in.
"Get some rest. Breakfast will be served in the morning. He wishes for you to join him then.”
Cameron rolled her eyes at the idea of sitting down for a meal with Timothee.
It was mostly a sleepless night, but she managed to get a couple of hours of rest. The room was somewhat cozy and the bed was king sized and soft with a thick comforter, so it wasn't totally unpleasant.
When she opened her eyes, there he was. Timothee was sitting in a chair just a few feet from the bed, with his eyes on her. "Jesus, you creep!" she yelled at him, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "How long have you been watching me sleep?"
"Oh, not long, like five minutes.” Timothée was evidently nervous, being with her in person was surreal after admiring her from afar for so long. “Sorry, I didn't want to scare you. I just wanted you to have your clothes and stuff, so I had them brought in. Breakfast is almost ready." he stood from the chair, "You'll smell the food, so you won't have trouble finding the kitchen, the dining room is nearby there." Timothee brushed his hands on his jeans awkwardly before nodding at her and leaving the room.
Cameron looked down at the floor, seeing a few boxes and recognizing her belongings. She figured it was of no use to protest, her family had been told some lie and she had no way of contacting anyone. She was hungry anyway. She got out of bed, picked out some clothes for the day, and got out some toiletry items to freshen up with.
Timothee was right about the food, the way it used her senses, specifically her nose of course, to rope her in the direction of the kitchen. It smelled divine.
"Oh, good morning, Miss Reese. You look nice, I'm sure it was a relief to have some of your own things?" a middle-aged woman greeted her when she arrived in the kitchen. She looked like someone's sweet granny.
"Yeah, it was. Um, who are you?"
"Forgive me for not introducing myself, dear, I'm Mrs. Davis. I'm a housekeeper-slash-chef-slash whatever I'm needed to be. I just fill in wherever needed." the older woman had a little laugh and Cameron smiled kindly. "I'll show you to the dining room. Mr. Chalamet is already in there."
Cameron followed Mrs. Davis, and was met with a full, colorful breakfast spread: eggs, bacon, biscuits, waffles, orange juice, coffee; so much food that she didn't know where to put her eyes. It felt like forever since she'd had something to eat. She was so hungry that she had to stop herself from actually salivating. Then she saw him at the end of the table.
Timothee stood when he saw her walk in. He walked down to the other end of the table and pulled out the chair for her to sit. "Please have a seat." he said, his voice was soft and welcoming.
Cameron sat in the chair, not quite fazed by his gentlemanliness. She grabbed the seat, scooting the chair in for herself. She didn't want his help. She made that clear to him.
Mrs. Davis left the room and Timothee resumed his position at the opposite end of the table. "I hope you were able to get some rest. You look-"
"So, I guess you're acting as if you're me texting all of my loved ones that everything is fine. Are they asking any questions? Are they worried about me?" she asked as she took it upon herself to start spooning some food onto her plate.
Timothee cleared his throat, "Uh, yeah I've got people working on that. Some of your friends and family congratulated you on the new job and wished you safe travels."
"You have people for everything." she pointed out in annoyance and took a bite of scrambled egg.
"That comes with having some money to hire a staff in your home."
"Too bad money didn't buy your happiness, Mr. Chalamet." she said in a snarky tone. "Then I wouldn't be here."
He chuckled humorlessly at her remark, "Well, speaking of buying things, I'd like to take you out shopping, so you can complete your wardrobe for your stay here, if you like."
"You make it sound like it's my choice."
"I don't wish to control you, Cam."
"That's not my name." she snapped, cutting him off.
He ignored her comment, continuing, "But I think for your sake, you could maybe think of this as an adventure. The more that I begin to trust you, God willing, you will get your devices back. I want you to enjoy yourself here. Maybe you could even write, I hope you find some inspiration while you're here. Sorry, I'm rambling, I know. I-uh find it hard to control myself around you."
"Are you trying to justify your actions?"
"No." he said, genuinely.
"I really hate people like you, ya know? People that think the world owes them something instead of accepting that life is a little tough sometimes-"
"I know that what I've done is wrong!" Timothee screamed.
Cameron was taken aback and silenced. It was a shock to hear him yell.
"I'm sorry." he said softly, composing himself.
She could tell then how troubled he was on the inside, it was written all over his sullen face. She could practically feel the tenseness from across the room as she noticed that his hands were balled into fists.
"I will take care of you. You have free roam of the mansion. I will have guards at every exit until I know that I can trust you. The staff and I will accommodate any want or need that you have."
Cameron remained quiet, fully listening to him. She began to think that at least she wasn't chained in a dark, cold room with no food or water. She wasn't being beaten or raped. This situation definitely was not ideal, but she realized that she had been brought into a life of luxury.
"Please, Cameron, just give me a chance. I ask nothing else of you."
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss
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ih3artkitty · 2 months
girl do i have a story to tell you
so as we know q is highkey for the streets. like she be talking to multiple girls at the same time like she gets paid to do so. so anyways she was talking to this one stud named mariah (her tiktok has everything if u rlly want the mess). mind you, mariah wasn't rlly cool with her but q kept like nagging her for facetimes and stuff like that right. so obviously mariah is like trying to back off before it gets too crazy vc obviously something is wrong with q, so she blocks her. that got q upset and i think she started finding mariah on other platforms (crazy work). MIND YOU during all this mariah had a girl that q knew about and q was still trying to get with mariah.
so i think at that point mariah started using the opportunity God gave her and started basically keeping a log of everything going on. building a portfolio of evidence if u will. and yesterday at like...11AM (my time), mariah posted a screenshot/collage of a bunch of things q said to her in private and basically how she acts behind closed doors.
so after mariah posted that pic, a BUNCH of other girls (mainly poc) who talked with q started coming forward about her weird ways basically. it got to the point where mariah went on live so people could air out what they experienced with q. i wouldn't be surprised if it was recorded, but idk where you would find it. during that live, a bunch of girls came forward (a good bit of them being minors) mainly talking about how q would block them for the weirdest of things. like i remember one girl saying she commented on kk harvey and q's little thing (the person said they were cute together) or wtv on live and she got blocked for it shortly after. you know weird shit.
but then it got sooo much worse. more people were coming forward saying q was basically a creep and a freak who always made conversations sexual asf. like in the collage mariah posted, there's a pic of q asking for phone s3x like huh?? and that's bad already but mariah is over 18 so yeah. but MINORS were coming out saying q was doing that to them too. apparently q told a minor that she's gonna "talk her through it" like im sorry what???
another girl came on the live and said q was racist against asian people in particular because she had snapped her earlier this year and q said "you're pretty for an asian girl" (aka the most used microaggression poc women have to deal with).
there's other shit like fatphobia, transphobia, q saying the r word..like this really exploded.
and what's even worse is the thing that got this whole mess started in the first place was bc q was airing out her teammates business to mariah (a total stranger mind you). at this point im pretty sure it's almost confirmed that at least two people being talked about were paige and azzi
there's alot of other weird shit q has done. honorable mention goes to q saying she flirts with her stud friends. which is bad in itself, but then someone said that q and ayanna are roommates so...take with that what you will.
all i know is that q needs to get off the team because she has no place being on the team when she's acting like this behind closed doors.
̩͙꒰ঌ✞໒꒱· ゚
when I tell you my jaw was in the fucking floor. That hoe has to be the weirdest person I have ever heard about in my life. I looked up the whole situation last night and to say her ass needs to get kicked off that team is an understatement. Her telling a minor that she would “talk her through it” bitch how fucking sick are you ☠️. I also find it crazy she was talking about Asians when a LITERAL Asian girl is on her team….
I don’t see how some people are so comfortable with telling their “friends” secrets, I put quotations around friends cause I know them girl don’t like her fr, if I was any of them I would beat her ass because I bet you she won’t do that shit again
but thank you for telling me all this shit because I was already looking at her funny because of all the people coming forward and just saying she was a rude person but I know for a fact that hoe is weird. So thank you again 😭
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purgemarchlockdown · 1 year
I'd joke about this interrogation question and how I've written a whole post about her Kazui parallels and how the 0308 parallels are so very real and we have the 020708 + 06 sometimes and that isn't even going into the 0809 parallels and the 050608 family parallels, but also I'd like to take a moment to mention how isolated Amane is actually.
It seems partially self-imposed but even before this she seemed to be the most withdrawn out of all the cast members. Not only does it seem like she was alone before the prison she says herself her upbringing isn't the standard.
Amane: Aren’t we the same? Me and Warden-san. You know, I’m aware that I’m out of the ordinary. That my environment was peculiar, and that everyone [else] is normal.
Amane is so far away from everyone, both physically since in T2 she isn't really willing to talk to anyone. And uh...metaphorically I guess. I don't really know a better word for it.
Amane is so young and the stuff she's experienced is so non-standard I'm not surprised she feels excluded and isolated. Part of a cult's indoctrination process is to isolate it's victims, and the more isolated you are the harder it is to crawl out of it.
Not to mention the ways the other prisoners make her Feel Excluded. Shidou does this often by making her feel Looked Down Upon.
22/10/24 (Shidou’s Birthday)
Amane: ……Kirisaki Shidou. How long do you plan on continuing this foolish behavior? Shidou: I wonder what you might be referring to there. I’m just doing what I need to do. If anything, I’d be happy if you would lend me a hand. Amane: I warned you. I can no longer turn a blind eye to this wickedness taking place right in front of us. You’re bringing ruin unto yourself. Do you understand? Shidou: No, I don’t understand. It’s my job as an adult to teach you that throwing a temper tantrum isn’t going to make everything go your way. If it’s a test of endurance you want, I’m happy to oblige, Amane.
He doesn't Mean to hurt her but it doesn't really change the outcome does it?
Notably the people she talks recently to are the ones that ask her for advice or her opinion. Fuuta has done that multiple times and Yuno did it recently.
23/06/27 (Amane’s Birthday)
Amane: What is it…… Kashiki Yuno. Don’t sit so close to me. Go away. Yuno: Sorry for barging in when you’re getting into your worldview thing. But Mahiru-san’s finally managed to get to sleep. Humour me with some small talk while I take a break. By the way, Amane. Have you ever wished you were never born? I’ve thankfully lived a pretty fun life so far, so haven’t really. But you seem to be struggling with something. So I kinda wondered if you thought like that. Amane: ……I don’t think that. Being born into this world is the first miracle any person experiences, and is something to celebrate. Even if after birth I was put through trial after trial, the value of that will never disappear. Yuno: Hmm. Ok. ……happy birthday, then. It’s good that you were brought into the world, I guess.
It seems like Amane appreciates being listened to and being asked for her opinion, which tracks with things she said in her in the T1 VD.
Amane: I see. Then, are the things that I as a twelve-year-old think irrelevant? Are you going to cast aside the feelings that I know I have in this very moment, purely based on the fact that I have not yet lived for a very long time? Judging these things based on someone’s age will not take you very far. Do I, at age twelve, not have my own will? Does Muu-san, at age 16, have more of a free will than I do? Does Yuno-san, at age 18, have more of a free will? Does Fuuta-san, at age 20, have an entirely free will?
It makes sense to me that she appreciates this, for most of her life it seems her wants and feelings are discarded and considered unimportant.
You might notice this makes Shidou's treatment of her worse. I'm so sorry Shidou but calling her actions a "temper tantrum" was one of the worst things he could of done in this situation. At this point if you get bitten by her it's on you.
(I wonder how much of Amane's hatred of Shidou is because of her cult and how much of it is because of this behavior. Thinking about the 050608 family parallels again...)
Really, no wonder she thinks nobody is like her. The only reason why I can make all these parallels is cause I have access to her magic mind MV and the rest of the material.
Kazui does not know how much Amane lies to protect herself. Amane doesn't know that Mahiru conflates love and pain together. She doesn't even know about Fuuta and Kotoko's crimes for justice! All these people she could relate to and she can't reach out to any of them.
Their so far away from her, it seemed fine in T1 but now the distance is so much bigger now. She's guilty, most of them are innocent, and the ones who are guilty are going through their own pains. Of course nobody is like her, she doesn't know anything about anybody here.
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sanityshorror · 3 months
hi. its me again....how are you?
some questions:
how was maeve ? did she now that oran was gay?
orans other children...how they think about oran?
how was Qinn?
good day / night / whatever
<3 teddy
Hey there! Sorry I'm just getting to this now, my asks have been backed up to hell recently and I've also been dealing with a lot so I just haven't had to get to asks much! Anyway, here we go!
Maeve was very small, frail, quiet and a massive push over. She wasn't directly physically abusive to her children however she enabled Oran, whether it be from agreeing beatings were needed or simply pretending to be unaware of other abuse that went on. She was very emotionally abusive however, including her pretending Julius didn't exist for multiple years at one point.
It's really hard to say whether Maeve knew or not about Oran being gay because she would have pretended to have never heard or seen anything that would have given it away. Whether or not she knew is further irrelevant because Maeve and Oran had a loveless marriage, it was really only formality. Oran was expected to marry, Maeve was expected to marry. Oran came from a working class family on the city outskirts whereas Maeve lived in poverty out in the rural lands, so while by no means was she marrying into money, she was still moving up the the classes by marrying Oran - she found that appealing. Their marriage lacked any intimacy other than for reproductive purposes.
Oran and Maeve had six children. The first were fraternal twin boys - Aidan and Alexander. Then their daughter, Niamh, followed by another daughter, Annabella. After Annabella, there was an infant who died, then following said infant, Julius. After Julius they had another son, Rian.
Aidan and Alexander both had a very shitty relationship with Oran. He wasn't good to them and they both ran away when they were 18, and rarely would come home to visit.
Niahm was very quiet and distanced emotionally from everyone. She was easily the most stable out of the entire household and being a girl, she did not suffer the same treatment as her brothers, which left her with the ability to realize how terribly dysfunctional her family was as well as allowing her to be able to recognize abuse when she saw it. Being a child herself, she never stood up for any of her brothers and I can't blame her, as Oran would slapped her the one time she did and would have if she did again. She married at only 16 in a desperate attempt to get away from hert family.
Annabella was very close with Oran, she was the family golden child. Annabella was oblivious to the worse of the abuse her brothers suffered through - like her older sister, the worst she ever experienced from Oran was getting slapped across the face a few times. She did stand up for Julius rather often which is why she did get hit multiple times. However - and by no means is this to say getting smacked isn't abuse because it absolutely is abuse - this was very mild compared to what her brothers went through, Julius being the one to have the worst of the abuse. She was a "Daddy's girl" and went along mindlessly with everything Oran taught her and expected of her.
Julius, as we know, didn't have a good relationship with his father, not at all. He was horribly abused.
Rian was abused as well, though whereas Julius suffered through it since he was four years old, Rian was 13 when things first began to get seriously bad and everything went to hell when he was 14½. Rian used to love Oran as a child but after watching the way Julius was treated, the love started to fade for his father. It turned into numbness and eventually blind hatred as the years went by.
Aidan, Alexander and Niamh all remained in Ireland when Oran and Maeve made the choice to immigrate to the United States with their three younger children (though they were all adults/nearly by then).
Quinn O'Sullivan was Annabella's husband and Julius' "side piece" prior to Julius' death as a human. Annabella was unaware Quinn was bisexual and she was also unaware about his relationship with Julius. She found out briefly before she killed Julius, because Julius told her while laughing in her face. Julius started hooking up with Quinn as 'revenge' towards both Annabella (despite her not knowing) and Killian (he did know) after he found out Killian had slept with Annabella.
Quinn started hooking up with Julius after Julius told him about Annabella sleeping with Killian. Quinn always questioned if his third child was actually his, especially since said kid had blonde hair (Quinn had light brown hair) and was always a bit tall for his age (Quinn was tall but not that tall).
Killian and Quinn got into a big brawl a few times, due to jealousy on both sides. Quinn was mad that Killian slept with his wife (and possibly fathered a child with her), and Killian was mad that Quinn was sleeping with Julius. The fights always had to be broken up by Julius and Rian.
Quinn cared a lot about Julius and considered him to be one of his best friends, though he was aware that was a one sided friendship. Julius only saw Quinn as someone to keep him company when Killian wasn't there and to keep him amused.
I'll stop here since this has gotten long lol please feel free to ask if you want to know more!
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queenofthelanternfish · 2 months
Hi again! Can you name 20 characteristics/curiosities about Odessa?
Because she's been developing into a genuine character, she's been obtaining other kinds of traits:
1: despite being a hybrid she is extremely strong and durable
2: her hair is not "alive" it's controlled by micro follicles in her headband
3: she lives a long time. a long time.
4: she can be arrogant, but there are characters who are more so and she would mock them because they can't back it up.
5: her brain processes things differently; all the hybrid children can do this. they have photographic memory and can remember every single detail ever seen or experienced. for better or for worse. there's more but it'd take a while.
6: she has night vision. she likes to sneak up on people with it.
7: she would need a powerful iron file to get her nails down. nails can go through anything, which is helpful for her since she's always building things.
8: on that note, she builds and invents things quite often, or rather she tries to improve what already exists. her main things of invention are medicines and vaccines that she hopes to use to eradicate all form of disease. (aka she's not an antivaxxer).
9: she is banned from several planets in the future.
10: the animal that represents her all-around would be an orca.
11: she was formerly an ace/aro person, but she developed into demi.
12: her pronouns are anything but she/her is the most convenient.
13: she knows how to cook, but prefers the easy microwavable stuff. she does, indeed, prefer instant noodles and junk food.
14: she collects rare artifacts, species, etc. throughout her travels and eventually develops her own personal zoos or museums dedicated to preservation.
15: she has hundreds of thousands of cousins. while in the fanfic we tried to be conservative with the number of "uncles" that she had, we said fuck it on the original narrative and she has about a million uncles. granted not all of them have children, but many do while they try to move on from being an army.
16: with that, her paternal lineage is functionally extinct. if anyone tried to have children that was that species, it would only be through incest over years and years.
17: her best friends are still Tristan and Hydrangea, the seamista and scorfuma children respectively. they have been developing into their own people too so things won't be too recognizable anymore, at least for the parents. the kids haven't had much change.
18: in our version, she has an adopted older brother but no one has met him yet as a reader.
19: her spaceship is named Celeste as it was in the fanfic, and she uses it all the time. she does consider it to be a pet.
20: she has two romantic relationships throughout her entire lifespan. of note, she is not sex-repulsed. if someone asked her for sex, she's not opposed as long as she finds the person interesting. boring people are not her thing, but it takes a real connection to pursue a romance.
ALSO as a side note: if you have more questions about odessa's character/traits please refer to my girlfriend @anesther who is the main brain behind odessa's story! i am simply the designer of the character so if you have art ideas, i can happily answer those but anything to do with the character/plot itself, it's for @anesther
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gaias-space · 1 year
The Maid And The God
Chapter Three
(Fem!reader, Enemies to lovers, angst, spit, cursing, some violence, 18+)
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“Mom? What’s going on? Why are you-how?”
“ Shhh my love come here mommy’s got you”
She held your body while you lay in your bed. She made you feel safe. “What’s been going on sweetheart? Tell me everything” you didn’t quite understand what she meant, yet somehow knew exactly what she meant
“oh mom it’s loki. He’s awful! He always has made me feel so out of place and uncomfortable! I-I don’t know how to act. I don’t understand why he is so intimidating! Or why his parents love him! Who could love such a wretched”-
“Uh uh darling” her fingers shush your lips. “There is a lot you don’t understand my dear. I know your hurting. I know your scared but-“
You can’t control the sobs falling down your face “I am scared. I’m so damn scared mom. I don’t know how to do any of this without you. Everything was fine. Then he showed up and he’s ruined everything! I fear anything I do will start fights with him….I’m afraid I’m already on his bad side.”
You can’t stop rambling to her, crying harder then ever before. “I don’t know what I ever did to him. And now I work for him! And -and” you sniffle into your fist. “I feel so helpless. Why am I here? What am I doing? A servant got a greedy jerk! Everything’s so scary without you mom”
She holds you tighter. You missed her every day and you feel years of pain pooling out. “Hush now my little dove. Mommy’s got you”. You cried and cried into her until you could no longer. Exhaustion had hit you. Your eyes heavy and head resting on her chest. She smelt the same. Like lavender and her special perfume. You lay in her cocoon arms until you drift asleep.
The sun hits your skin and you bat your eyes. “Mom!” You call out. Gasping for air. But it was only a dream. You feel your heart sink. “Oh…” that sadness and overwhelming feeling you had comes back. Today was just a sad day. You drag yourself out of bed and step into your shower. You look in the mirror at yourself as you take each item of clothing off. You step into the shower feeling the warm water trickle down your body. You couldn’t stop thinking about the dream you had.
With each motion of washing your body your mind replayed the dream. Her smell, her arms, the way you felt so safe and finally could be vulnerable. But what did she mean? About loki? You shake the thought. You didn’t want to think about him just now. You hadn’t felt so happy and safe in so long. “If only I could sleep forever so I could be with you mom” you say to yourself. You hadn’t been this depressed in a while, and today you just didn’t care.
Your mother was gone. You were alone. You had no friends and The Odinson’s weren’t truly family to you. “Ugh fuck this” you turn the shower off and change aggressively into casual clothes. You weren’t going to wear your uniform today. But you knew one thing for sure; you weren’t taking anyone’s shit today. You were angry now, so angry. Why was life so cruel to you? You didn’t deserve this. And now you have to deal with this monster of a being. Me fucking know it all, better then everyone. Pfft! Who did he think he was? And how dare he threaten you? And intimidate you? The nerve! Had had not near experienced the pain you had been through. So why the hell were you going to sit around and be scared of him?
You acquire your cleaning supplies and began. You started off making sure the halls were clean, polished, and dusted. You took your time today. Why rush? It’s not like your day could get worse. Or were you secretly avoiding seeing loki today? Another thought you pushed aside. It had been a few hours and every part of the palace was perfect. You could see yourself in the floors reflection. You had made Frigga and Odins bed, Thors bed even though he rarely is around. He apparently does quests with a team called the avengers or something sometimes. You don’t pay much attention. Thor was lovely, but something about him never sat right. Yous used to be quite close when you were young, but as he got older and had more purposes and missions to fulfil he was almost too good? Self righteous almost?
Loki had this love/hate relationship with Thor. And you loved getting close with Thor when he visited. It pissed loki off, and he also kept you safe…another thing you never will share to anyone. But god did he bother you. You wanted them to know what it is like to be human just for one day. You close Thors door and slowly make your way to your last room. You dreaded this, you took your time even more. Step by step you ease to his doorstep. “Here goes. Nothing I Guess”. You were defeated, tired, sad, angry, passionate, furious. And holding that in was giving you enough confidence and strength to get through this next half hour. You Bang Open his door- it was locked, unlike the rest. “Loki open the fucking door”. Within seconds it swings open. And behold Loki stands in front of you. A calm expression on his face.
“Can you move. I have work to do like today”. He looked taken aback. “Well my my, aren’t we a grumpy little bird to”-
You raise your hand to shush him “not today loki” you state. Your tone cold and dominant. “I’m cleaning and I’m gone. You won’t even know I was here alright? Save your fighting for literally anyone else” you roll your eyes.
Loki doesn’t speak he just watches you in disbelief. You had never spoken to him like that. A big bubble of energy filled you. Look at you to! You stood up to him and Gods did it feel good. But you also held your breath in fear this would backfire. You needed to do this fast before loki changes his mind from being this calm person to starting another fight. Most of his room was clean from yesterday, almost like it was untouched. His bed and desk were the only things needing attending. “ Gods Y/N, you look like you haven’t slept.” There was a pause. You turn and look at Loki. Was he concerned? Why was he asking? “It’s absolutely disgusting and I don’t want to see my maid looking this way. Oh and your clothes. Why are you not in your uniform?” He scoffs. “Gods your pathetic.” You suck in a tight breath. There it was. Why did you even tempt the thought of him caring? You finishing tucking his sheets in and making his bed look perfect. “Firstly it’s absolutely none of your fucking business. Secondly there’s so much I want to respond to that, but your not worth the air loki. Your room is done, my duties are done for the day. I am leaving”.
You begin to storm out but suddenly hear the sound of a cup falling and smashing. Gritting your teeth your turn around on your heel. “Oops. Guess you missed a spot.” He smirks and watches you as You sigh. Of course he did that. You get down on your knees and pull out paper towel and some spray. “Oh and one more thing” loki says. You see his shoes first, he was right in front of you. You tilt your head up slowly but suddenly feel his hand fist your hair, forcefully pulling your head up. Loki leans in close to you his warm breath touching your face. “Remember who the fuck your talking to before you come in here with that attitude” And he did something you were not ready for. He spits across your face in disgust you try pulling away but your small head is in his large grip. “Your fucking pathetic. You are just a maid and nothing more. Now clean it up” he throws you to the floor your head almost hitting the ground.
You listen to his footsteps walk away and when you hear he’s gone you burst into tears. Today definitely got worse. Your chest ached & your eyes welled with tears. Who did you think you were? Talking to a literal god like that? You hated yourself more. You rapidly clean the mess and race back to your bedroom. You spent the rest of the evening crying. You were so hurt, in such a pain you couldn’t comprehend. You needed your mother. How could you let someone like loki treat you this way? Why did it matter if he was a god or a nobody? Why did he hate you so much?
You cried so hard you passed out asleep and when you finally woke it was still dark. What time was it? You didn’t move, you didn’t eat. You just ached. The room was silent for some time but soon you heard a little creek of your door. Startled you freeze up. “Y/N? …it’s uh..it’s Loki”.
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