#worst shit last night going to bed at 3 and jumping out of bed at 5 .
ghostedrider · 2 years
by god i literally never used to dream lucidly but now my brain is like ik u want multiple nightmares a week <3 here u go
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thebearer · 3 months
making the bed |carmen berzatto x reader| part one
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prompt: carmen's stressed. food critics, a newborn baby, balancing work life and married life and now dad life; he's bound to break, everyone knows it. but no one ever thought he'd lash out on you.
or, part one of the devastation fic. based off this ask from the other day. two more parts to come.
contains: mega angst. mega angst, with no resolution in this part. hurt, no comfort (in this chapter, will be later in part 3). mean!carmen, very mean. mom!reader x dad!carmen with newborn teddy. fighting, language, carmen says mean stuff he doesn't mean. past mentions of trauma, family trauma, mikey mentioned. very angsty and a little heavy, please read at your own discretion. word count- 3.5k+.
"Are you ok?"
Carmen now understood why that phrase used to send Donna into such a blind rage, lips pursing and jaw clenching more and more every time he heard it. First at work, then with you, it felt never ending.
It was beginning to feel like critic season with how many were coming in, snooty and demanding to be impressed. It couldn't have come at a worst time, right in the middle of busy season with the start of the holidays. Days at The Bear were filled with frantic panic, running around, making sure everything was perfect, accounted for, and Carmen always had the sinking feeling it wasn't- that he'd forgotten something, messed something up. 
It wasn't rare for him to work himself up like this, a normal that you always warned him about, but he'd always had a solitude. As long as he'd known you, he'd had a place to go, to unwind, to let himself rest and reset with you. And he still did, it was just shared now with a newborn.
Dorothea Michelle. Teddy, for short. The light of his life, yours too. Nearly two months old with a set of lungs that sounded much louder, much more developed than that. Nights were long, sleepless, spent trying to lull Teddy back to sleep, awake even if he wasn't up with her. Carmen couldn't allow himself the selfishness to relax, to rewind, to "take it easy" like everyone told him to. At work, he was the boss; at home, he was a dad.
"Fuck, fuck," Carmen's sleepy stare was broken by a lick of bubbling heat, the lamb's roux popping with the high heat, splashing all over Carmen's chef whites.
"Jeff, c'mon," Tina clicked, shaking her head, moving the pan to lower heat. "What're you doin'?"
Carmen grit his teeth, snatching a rag off the stainless steel counter tops, scrubbing the burgundy stain, huffing when it only spread the stain.
"What happened?" Sydney turned, looking from the burnt sauce to Carmen's stained chef shirt. "Oh,"
"Do we have a spare coat?" Carmen huffed, throwing the rag down with a firm smack against the counter.
"I don't think so, Carm." Sydney shook her head. "You took the last ones home with you two days ago. The wine-"
"-I know, Chef, I know." Carmen snapped, running a hand through his hair. "Fuck, I-I can't fuckin' serve the critics lookin' like this. With shit all over me- fuck."
"Hey, easy, easy," Richie turned the corner, his hands held up. "What's goin' on?"
"Jeff got sauce over him. He doesn't have any clean clothes." Tina muttered, irritated that she had to fix his mess, more irritated that he wasn't taking care of himself. You have a baby, Jeff, you need to rest and take some time, she'd told him. Carmen only waved her off.
"Okay, okay, hey, that's no problem." Richie's voice raised, lifting over Carmen's. "You go home and change, get your spare, check on my beautiful goddaughter, and then come back with your A game. Yes?"
Carmen didn't even humor him with a snarky remark, yanking his coat off and stomping towards the office to grab his things. Richie and Tina looked at each other, shaking their head gently.
"Kids runnin' thin, T." Richie muttered with a sigh. "He's gonna break. It's gonna be bad."
"Yeah, he is. Gonna wear himself out before then." Tina shook her head. "Jeff needs a vacation." They both jumped at the slamming of the backdoor, Carmen's angry exit shaking the foundation.
"Needs to be fuckin' medicated. Fuckin' lunatic." Richie scoffed, rolling his eyes at Carmen's dramatics.
The drive home was filled with silence, Carmen's iron grip on the wheel, tearing through the traffic towards the house- his house, his home. 
Home, but it didn't provide the same comfort that it usually did. Carmen's shoulders still stayed tense, buzzing with rage, not dissipating when he thought of you, or of Teddy, knowing you'd both be there, excited to see him. 
You jumped at the sound of the car door slamming, peeking out the window to see Carmen's parked next to yours, furiously stomping up the front steps. You frowned, grabbing the baby monitor, walking towards the front door.
Carmen nearly hit you with how fiercely he flung the door open. "Woah," You reached for the door, stopping it before he could flick it shut. "Carm, don't slam it. Teddy's asleep. I just got her down." You frowned at him, shutting it slowly.
Carmen looked at you but didn't speak, looking through you with a rage that had your spine tingling before he finally broke his gaze, stomping towards the laundry room. "Carm? What’re you doing home? Don’t you have dinner soon?" You hesitated slightly, lingering in the doorway with an uncertainty you hadn’t felt with Carmen before. 
Carmen didn’t answer, his jaw still ground tight while he rummaged through the clean clothes, carelessly unfolding and shifting the folded clothes.
"Carmen," You said more firmly, caching his gaze. He didn't speak still, just stared at you- through you. "Are you ok?" You lifted a brow, features softening in worry.
Carmen paused, eyes closing, shoulders tensing in agitation. Are you ok? His ears rang, a familiar rage that he hadn't felt in years bubbling up deep in his chest. Frustrated and blinding and rampant, heat rushing through his veins, pulling himself further and further from reality into someplace different- someplace darker in his mind. 
"What's wrong?" You pressed, he could barely hear it, ears ringing at your question. "Did something happen? Did the critic come-"
"-Where's my chef whites?" Carmen barked, cutting you off, his chest tightening more and more with every heavy heave of his chest. You flinched at his tone.
"Uh, I-I haven't seen the whites. I washed your white tee-"
“-You what? Y-You what?” Carmen spat, eye widening with a wild, raged glint in his eye. Your stomach flipped and fell with fear, stepping back instinctively. 
“I-I washed your tee, Carm, that’s all that you left in the laundry basket-” 
"-Are you fucking kidding me?" Carmen boomed, his head spinning, body buzzing with rage. Your breath hitched, frozen in fear at the anger in his tone, the roar of his voice bouncing off the walls, echoing through your ears in a painful drum. 
Carmen moved, snatching the dirty clothes basket, dumping it into the ground with a shake until the dirty chef coat fell on top. He gripped the basket, flinging it across the room with a hard throw. The final push to his bad mood that sent him right over the edge, crashing into a pit of blinding fury, aggravation, breaking him from the inside out.
"Fuck!" Carmen roared, his voice shaking the walls, your breath leaving your lungs in a trembling exhale of fear. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! This is- This is- Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” 
You tensed in shock, gripping the baby monitor in fear, maybe surprise, as it started to buzz to life with Teddy's startled whimpers. Her small cries pulled you out of your frozen state, something deeper than fear replacing the ache in your stomach. 
"Carmen-" You gaped, voice wobbling with uncertainty, taking slow shuffled steps towards the stairs. “Carmen, calm-calm down. Ok? Calm down.” 
“Calm down? You want me to fuckin’ calm down?” Carmen sneered, an angry red flush blossoming in splotchy deep hues up his neck, towards his cheeks. “You don’t do shit, nothin’ that I fuckin’ ask for! Just sit around all fuckin’ day an-and I’m supposed to calm down?” 
“Carmen,” Your voice wobbled, throat tight with tears, hurt and fear strangling your words. “I-You didn’t ask me to wash them. I-I didn’t know. They weren’t in the hamper-” 
“-I shouldn’t have to ask you to wash them!” Carmen roared, eyes so wide you thought they might pop right out of his head, neck vein protruding on exemplifying his rage. “You know what I’m going through! You know how much fuckin’ stress I’m under! I go to that-that shit hole, an-and work my fuckin’ ass off so you don’t have to! Then I come home, and I-I can’t even get a second of peace!” 
“Stop,” You hiss, finally regaining your composure, his words fully sinking into you  now, feeling the full effect of them. “I-I just had a baby. I’m still on maternity leave taking care of a baby- our baby, and I’m tired too. But I’m not yelling at you-” 
“-Oh, right. Right.” Carmen laughs sarcastically, humorless as he runs his hand down his face. It felt mocking, left you feeling small and too vulnerable for your liking. “Because in between your napping an-and feeding, you couldn’t stick a fucking jacket in the wash, right? You’re so busy.”  
“What is wrong with you?” You snap, hoping he can’t hear the tears in your voice, the way your voice shakes with emotion. 
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me?” Carmen scoffs, throwing his hands out. “I get no fuckin' sleep, go work my fuckin' ass off, a-and then I come home so I can go back and work my ass off some more, and-and you can’t do one simple fuckin’ thing? You can’t help me out? And then you wanna know what’s wrong with me? When you sit on your ass all fuckin’ day-” 
Teddy’s piercing wail pulls you out of your shocked trance, nose and throat burning with hurt filled tears you refuse to shed. Instead, you turn, climbing the stairs on shaky legs, the sound of Teddy’s cries growing louder and louder. Anchovy watches you from the top of the stairs, sensing the tension, your upset, sliding against your leg as if to comfort you. 
Carmen scoffs, hands buzzing and trembling with rage, the ringing in his ears growing louder and louder with each of your footsteps on the stairs and down the hall. He can barely hear Teddy’s sobs, hands threading through his hair, pulling at his scalp. He sees you walk towards the bedroom, quickly, hugging Teddy to your chest. 
“Oh, don’t go fuckin’ do it now!” Carmen roared, your ignoring him only infuriating him further. “It won’t be ready in time now. I’ll just look like a fuckin’ idiot for the critic tonight! Not that you care! Why would you, huh? I-I mean just our livelihood, just our fuckin’ income!” 
You swallowed back your tears, head tilting towards the ceiling, hands shaking with every shove of your things into the overnight bag. Just enough to get you through the night, the next day. A few essentials, Teddy’s spare onesies, a charger, your wallet- you stopped mid-shove of your items into the weekender bag, the sun’s rays catching in your wedding ring. Your heart fell, more and more, you weren’t sure how that was even possible. 
Carmen’s furious voice was still booming from downstairs, ringing and shaking in his furious fit. Richie and Sugar both warned you about Carmen’s tantrums, brought them up to embarrass him, tease him about it until he was red faced and hissing hushed threats at them. You never, never in your wildest dreams thought you’d be on the receiving end of one. 
You jumped, another slam of something Carmen had thrown, maybe hit in a fit of rage, causing Teddy to wail louder, Anchovy skittering nervously away. Tears leaked out of your eyes, twisting the ring off your finger, setting it on Carmen’s bedside table. Pulling the carrier out of the closet, Anchovy got in much easier than usual, which you were thankful for. 
Carmen was gripping the marble of the countertop when he heard you again, walking from the bottom of the stairs, quick steps towards the door to the garage, Teddy’s voice nearly hoarse from her crying. You kept your head high, tunnel-visioned towards your car, ignoring his heavy breathing and frantic pacing. 
“Wha-What are you doin’?” Carmen’s voice was softer now, still with a jagged edge that was cutting and harsh. The car door opened, the baby carrier hooked into the car seat. 
“Hey, wha- what are you- where’re you goin’? What’re you doin’?” Carmen’s heart dropped in a damning rush of hour, stumbling on heavy legs towards the garage. You ignored him, shushing Teddy gently, running a calming hand over her wet cheek, trying to coax her paci into her mouth. 
“Baby, no-no, no. Hey, no, I-I- What-” Carmen’s chest felt tight, mind numbing and racing, stuttering nervously. You reached for your bag, his hand reaching to grab the strap. “Whe-Where’re you-”
“-Don’t touch me.” You hissed, teeth bared, eyes shining with tears. Carmen flinched, pulling his hand back like he’d touched a hot stove. “Don’t you dare fucking touch me.” You sneered, pinning him with a watery glare that had his stomach turning in sickening fear. 
“Baby, hey, w-wait-C’mon, d-don’t-You don’t, you don’t need to do this, ok? I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Carmen choked out the words, frantic and unsure, his hands shaking when they ghosted over you back just for a moment. Wanting to touch you, to hold you, to grab you and keep you from leaving, but too scared to. Instead, he grabbed the car door you flung open, holding it when you tried to yank it closed. 
“Let go.” You hissed, sniffling back wet, snotty tears of fury and hurt. 
“Please, don’t-do-don’t do this. Please, baby, I-I’m sorry.” Carmen begged, blue eyes deepening with the burning red hues of tears, bloodshot and lashes wet. “Don’t-Don’t do this-” 
“-I didn’t do this.” You sneered, leaving Carmen flinching at your words. “Don’t you dare try to say this was me. After how you just talked to me? The shit you said to me in there? You think I’m going to stay?” Your voice cracked with emotion, lips pressing together to keep a cry in. 
“No, no, no, no, no, baby, please. Please, ju-just come inside. Come inside, please? Please, don’t-” 
“You don’t get to talk to me like that. To say that kinda stuff to me. That hurt, Carmen. That was mean.” You glared at him, tears leaking out of the corner of his eyes. “I don’t care if you’re stressed. I don’t care what’s going on- nothing, and I mean nothing, warrants you talking to me like that. Just because you fucked up, because you forgot to ask me to do it, because you’re stressed out- I don’t care what it is. You don’t talk to me like that, say those things when I’ve been home all day taking care of my ch- our child.” You nod back towards the sniffling baby, whimpering and crying half heartedly, her little eyelids drooping with sleep that was interrupted. 
Carmen felt sick, his knees tightening in fear, he was sure they might give out, that he might fall to the ground right there. Looking at the tiny baby, lip jutted and shaking in the mirror hooked on the back of the seat, then back at you, eyes red-rimmed and glaring at him with a hurt filled anger. 
“Don’t-” Carmen’s chest shook, a white-knuckled grip on the door. 
Your own hand curled around the door’s inner handle, yanking it away from him. “Move,” You hissed, pulling again. 
Carmen wasn’t sure why he let it go, why he let you shut it, locking the door in case he tried to open it again. Why he let you pull out of the driveway, why he didn’t stop you, why he didn’t run after you, only taking soft shuffles down the drive like a zombie as you drove away. Standing in the drive, Carmen swallowed down the spit that pooled in his mouth, stomach churning, sure he was going to be sick. 
He managed to trudge back to the garage, mind racing and far away, the ringing in his ears dulling but still deafening. It felt like he was in a dream- a nightmare, a hallucinating trance that felt like a sick, sick dream- Carmen was hoping it was. That he’d wake up and find you next to him asleep. That he could hug you, pull you into him, nose buried in your neck, still warm from your slumber. 
As the sun began to sink low into the sky, minutes turning into hours that Carmen sat motionless in the garage, staring in a trancelike state, he realized that this wasn’t a dream or a nightmare. No this was his reality, a horrific reality that he’d made into his own. Carmen sat, eyes trained on the concrete of the garage, voice racing and blending in his mind- his words, yours, Teddy’s cries, Natalie and Richie’s, flashbacks of his mother screaming fits. 
He didn’t move, frozen in chilling, eerie fear. What ifs and terrifying possible scenarios, consequences to his own actions that left him feeling sick, hands trembling. A spiraling of fears that only drug him deeper and deeper with every haunting replay of his outburst. Even the flashing of headlights turning into the driveway, filling the garage with light, didn’t pull him from his trance. 
“The fuck is he- Cousin!” Richie roared, laying on the horn. Carmen didn’t move, didn’t acknowledge that he heard it, only stared. Richie frowned, turning the car off, throwing the door open. 
“Cousin? Carm? What-What are you doin’? Dinner service started an hour ago. Syd is freakin’ the fuck out.” Richie threw his hands up, walking towards the man who still didn’t move. Richie’s heart skipped, flashbacks of Mikey flooding into his vision, parallels of the two brothers blurring before him. 
“Yo, Carm, you-you good?” Richie stepped into the garage, his spine tingling with icy fear. It was quiet, an eerie, unsettling quiet. “Cousin, hey, what-what’s wrong?” 
Carmen's chest rose and fell, tighter and tighter. He was suffocating, head spinning and mind racing so fast he felt light headed. He could barely hear Richie’s voice over the noise in his head, Richie’s hand shaking his shoulder finally breaking his trance enough to meet his eyes, rounded in fear filled question. 
“Carmen, what’s wrong? Is it- Don’t fuckin’ tell me it’s the baby. What the fuck is goin’ on-” 
“-She left.” Carmen’s voice shook, raspy and scared. His tongue still felt too thick, head still spinning. He wasn’t even sure he said it, Richie’s widening eyes the only thing confirming that he had said it. 
“What? Who-Who left? Who?” Richie looked around, like the clues might be there, sure that Carmen wasn’t talking about you. No, he wouldn’t- he couldn’t. Not you. 
Carmen’s breath hitched, a strangling of a sob caught in his throat, running his hand over his face. Richie didn’t miss the way it trembled, shaking even as it rested over his eyes. Your car was gone, the house too quiet, no baby Teddy crying, nothing but silence was left. 
Richie’s heartbeat crawled into a rapid, scared pace. “Why? Wh-Why would she-” Richie looked at Carmen, eyes wide but still, reading his expression. “No. No, Cousin, no. What-What did you do? Carmen,” Richie grabbed both his shoulders, shaking him lightly until he met his gaze. “What did you do?” 
Carmen’s face began to crack, behind his eyes, Richie could see flashbacks of something- something he didn’t know what, but whatever it was, it was painful. That was evident by the fear that glossed over Carmen’s eyes, realization and horror. Carmen’s shoulders shook, frame rocking with a sob he tried to swallow, but couldn’t. Deep cries, guttural sobs breaking out of his frame, heels of his hands pressed to his eyes, fingers curled and clenched around his greasy curls in agony. 
The damning realization flooded over him, that you’d left. 
You’d left, you’d taken Teddy, taken Anchovy- you’d left because he’d driven you away. His angry outburst, petulant, mean, hurtful- he’d been so cruel to you. You. His wife, the love of his life, mother of his child, the one person who loved him endlessly without stipulations or boundaries, the one person who truly understood him. 
And he’d driven you away. 
He wished he could blame his mom, his dad, his family for fucking him up so severely, maybe Mikey, even, for leaving him the shit show that was the restaurant, making his anxieties worse and fuse shorter. But sitting in the empty garage, Richie standing above him in silent shock, his sobs and angry sniffles echoing off the cement floor, Carmen knew he had no one to blame but himself. 
He’d fucked up. Really fucked up. Fucked up in a way that made all the other times look obsolete. 
Carmen had fucked up, and for once, he didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t avoid it, ignore it, deflect it like other times. Half hearted apologies and promises of change wouldn’t work, you weren’t here for him to even try to give them to you, and he didn’t know where you went. 
Carmen wasn’t sure where you went, how to fix this, why he’d done what he did, and a million other things that raced through his mind. What he did know, sitting in the too quiet garage, chest stuttering with heaving cries, was that he’d do anything. 
Anything, to get you back home. To make it right. To fix this and make it up to you. 
He wasn’t sure how, but he’d give up everything. Anything. His restaurant, his dreams, his hopes, his life, at this point, to make it up to you. 
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Knight in Shining Motorcycle
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~3.1k
Warnings: almost rape, touching without consent, kissing without consent, calling one a bitch and 'easy' for not giving in, heartbroken-ness, fluff at the end, bucky being protective
Summary: Your roommate, Bucky, is one of the worst players you've ever seen. He has a new girl every week and doesn't stay too long to get feelings. When a cute barista asks you on a date, he's not too keen on who it is. You think this is the opportunity you need to get over Bucky but the date doesn't go as planned, and your knight in shining motorcycle comes to your rescue.
Squares Filled: leather jacket (2020) for @star-spangled-bingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You didn’t get a lot of sleep last night after a particularly rough night. Your roommate had a special friend over making all kinds of noises you’d rather not hear come from his room. It’s not that you were upset that he was getting some and you weren't, it’s that you wish it was you in that room instead of her.
But it’s not like you’re gonna tell him that.
You get out of bed with a yawn and leave your bedroom in search of food. You just bought your favorite cereal that you can’t wait to dig into. You turn the corner and stop when you see a woman you don’t know in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. Upon closer examination, you see it’s your favorite cereal.
“Oh, I didn’t see you there,” the woman says and smiles at you.
“Is that my cereal?”
“Bucky said I could use this one.”
“Of course,” you roll your eyes.
You turn and storm over to Bucky’s room which is down the hall from yours. You don’t bother knocking so you enter his room expecting to see him lounging around but he’s standing in the middle of the room with only a towel on his waist. Water drips from his toned chest down to the top of the towel, and you find yourself watching the water droplets disappear behind the towel. He clearly sees you checking him out which boosts his ego. He always knew you had a thing for him ever since his sister introduced you two. You look at his face to see him smirking and you give him a deadly glare.
“Are you gonna stay for the show, or…?”
He undoes his towel but doesn’t remove it from his waist so he’s still covered. You jump at the thought of seeing how big his cock is.
“Tell your whores to keep their paws off my shit. She better be gone before I get home.”
You turn and slam his door, missing the way he smirks at your attitude. You quickly get dressed and head out before Bucky can leave his room. You meet up with your best friend who happens to be the sister of Bucky. She waves you over once she sees you but frowns at the sour look on your face.
“Is it Bucky again?”
“He was non-stop fucking this bitch all night, and she was eating my cereal this morning. I didn’t get a good night’s sleep and I didn’t get to eat breakfast.”
“I told you not to be roommates with him.”
When you moved into town to get away from your overbearing family, the only person who would rent to you on such short notice was Bucky. You weren't a stranger, you’re practically part of his family, and he figured he could make some decent money off your part of the rent since he can pay for it fully without your help. Mia warned you not to room with her brother since he’s known to fuck a new girl every week, sometimes twice a week, but you needed a place to stay.
“He’s not all bad all the time, but there are times like this morning when I want to wring his sculpted neck,” you groan.
“Still not over your crush on him?”
Mia is used to all her friends having crushes on her brother. He’s charming, cocky, arrogant, can be super romantic, very protective, and smoking fucking hot. You’re the only one who stuck around long enough to catch Bucky’s attention.
“He’s not worth crushing on.” She looks at you and raises her eyebrows. “Okay, no, and it’s never going to happen. I’m just waiting for this phase to pass however long it may take.”
You two head inside the coffee shop and get in line. Since you couldn’t eat breakfast at home, you’re going to get a sandwich and a coffee with a double espresso. You get to the front of the line and smile at the male barista, Jackson.
“Hi, how are you doing?” he asks.
“Better now that I’m gonna get some energy in me.”
“What can I get for you?” You give him your order. “What’s your name?”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” You blush at the compliment and look at Mia who smiles. “Is it safe to assume you’re single?”
“I am.”
“Can I take you out tonight? Say, seven?”
You’re quite sure what to say to this. Your mind thinks back to Bucky and how you’ll suffer waiting for him, and Mia shoves you forward as if to say, “This is your way of getting over Bucky”.
“Cool.” He scribbles his number on the cup and winks at you. “Call me.”
Mia gives him her order and the two of you wait on the other side of the shop for your coffees to come out.
“Girl, I can’t believe that just happened. He’s cute!”
“I know. Is it bad that I'm actually kind of excited?”
“Hell no! What are you gonna wear?”
“That new dress I bought last week.” You grab both your coffees when they’re ready and hand Mia hers. “I’m gonna see if I can get some work done before the date.”
“You work too much.”
“You can’t talk. You don’t work at all.”
You and Mia say your goodbyes and you head back to your apartment. Thankfully, Bucky’s whore is gone so you’ll be able to get some work done. Bucky locked himself in his room but you’re not thinking about him right now. There is a mini workstation across the room from you where you can go to work. Bucky was using it as a video game/music room but gave it to you when he heard you needed it.
You put your headphones on and get to work. You’re an IT support girl for Apple that specializes in fixing computers for people by logging into their network and diagnosing the problem. The next six hours are spent on the computer, talking to people, logging in lots of hours, and watching movies on your other screen.
You have two hours before the date starts so you decide to clock out for the day. You’re not sure what kind of date you’re going to go on so you’ll grab something to eat here. The kitchen is empty when you enter it, and you grab the ingredients for a BLT. Bucky made a bunch of bacon since it was expiring soon, so you’re finding new ways to eat it before it goes bad.
You slather some mayonnaise onto the bread and layer the ingredients on there. When you put the lettuce on, you squirt some mustard on top. The first bite always tastes like Heaven, and you smile as you chew.
Your smile is lost when you feel someone right behind you. Bucky places his left hand on the counter next to you and the other reaches up to grab a glass from the cabinet above you. He presses his body against yours so that you feel the outline of his muscles.
“Excuse me,” he whispers into your ear.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting a glass. I’m thirsty.” He backs up slightly which allows you to turn around but the hand on the counter doesn’t move. “Are you done with work?”
“Good. Let’s do something. The bowling alley doesn’t close until midnight.”
“I can’t. I have a date.”
Bucky’s entire demeanor changes. He takes three steps back from you and anger is evident on his face.
“What?” With who?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
You grab your sandwich and a paper plate and walk back to your room. Bucky shakes his head and quickly follows after you, not being done with this conversation.
“Yeah, I would.”
“Can you get out? I’m changing,” you say and set your sandwich down on your dresser.
“If I see something I haven’t seen before, I’ll throw a dollar at it and I’m all out of singles.”
“Get out.”
You push him out of the room and close and lock the door. Bucky can’t believe what he’s hearing right now so he takes his phone out to text his sister. If anyone knows who you’re going on a date with, it’s her.
Before getting dressed, you decide to take a shower. Bucky likes to keep his room clean but the bathroom is a different story. He has products everywhere, his short hair litters the sink and his clothes are strewn about haphazardly. You thought you were bad. You ran out of shampoo and conditioner a while ago so you’ve been sneaking some of Bucky’s without him noticing, and this time is no different. He’s not gonna miss a few drops from each bottle since he has so little hair.
After the shower, you walk into your room and grab the dress you bought last week. It’s strapless with the sleeves only covering your arms from the elbows down and it goes down to your knees. You pair this with chunky wedges that make you taller by a few inches, and you pin your hair back in soft curls.
As soon as you slide in the last bobby pin, Bucky comes into your room through the bathroom since your door is still locked.
“I could have been naked.”
“What the fuck are you doing going on a date with Jackson Elliot?”
Mia must have told him who you were going out with.
“He’s a nice man who asked me out. What the big deal?”
“He’s a playboy.”
“Like you aren’t?” you scoff and swipe some lip gloss on your lips.
“Doll, you wish you were going on a date with me.”
“Yeah, well, you didn’t ask me. He did.” You unlock your door and head into the living room with Bucky trailing behind you. A motorcycle can be heard from the street below and seconds later, a message pops up on your phone. “He’s here.” You two look out the window and see Jackson on his motorcycle which makes Bucky laugh. “What?”
“There’s no way in hell you’re getting on that.”
“You have a motorcycle.”
“Yeah, I know how to ride one.”
“I have a date to get to. Excuse me. Don’t wait up for me.”
Bucky watches you leave the apartment. You two are on the second floor so it doesn’t take long for you to get down to Jackson. Jackson gives you a winning smile as you climb onto the back of his motorcycle. You look up at Bucky who is watching from the window, and you slide your arms around Jackson’s waist just to piss him off. He glares down at you as Jackson takes off down the street.
He didn’t even give you a helmet to put on.
Jackson takes you to the beach that is quickly losing people as the sun goes down. The water gets colder, the wind gets cooler, and the beach becomes less crowded at this time of night. You didn’t know he was taking you here otherwise you’d have worn something warmer.
“Wow, it’s kind of cold out here,” you shiver.
“You’ll be alright,” Jackson says without offering his jacket to you. He takes you down to the tables where people can sit and have lunch or stop to rest underneath the umbrellas. The employees of the restaurant had tied the umbrellas down so they wouldn't blow away in the night. “So, have you lived here long?”
“For a year, yeah,” you nod.
“Then how come I’ve never seen you at the coffee shop? I think I would have remembered someone like you.”
“Well, my best friend and I actually went to this other coffee shop that’s in the middle of our apartments. We went there for quite a while but they closed, so we--” You’re suddenly cut off by his lips on yours. You’re completely taken aback by this and pull away from him. “What are you doing?”
“Kissing you.”
He leans in and kisses you again but you put your hands on his chest to push him away.
“Wait, a second--”
“Come on, you know you like it.”
Instead of attacking your lips, he forces his mouth on your neck. His right hand grips your thigh and starts moving dangerously close to a place where you don’t want him.
“No, stop,” you gasp and try to push his hand away.
“Come on, baby. There’s no one around for miles.”
“I said stop!”
You push him away and slap him right across the cheek as hard as you can. An angry look passes over his face as if you told him you wanted this and suddenly said no.
“You’re such a fucking bitch,” he scoffs and gets up.
“I thought you wanted to date me, not do this. I wouldn't have come otherwise.”
“The only reason I asked you out was because I heard you were easy. I’m out of here. Find your own way home.”
If there were people around, they would for sure hear your heart break. Jackson leaves you stranded at the beach with no way of getting home. You contemplate calling Bucky but you don’t want to hear an, “I told you so” from him. Plus, he’d probably get off on seeing you so sad. Jackson’s motorcycle roars to life as he drives away, and you miss the second motorcycle that speeds by the beach after him.
Thirty minutes pass by that feels like hours, and you’ve moved from the tables to the sand where you’re sitting and watching the ocean crash upon the shore. No one is on the streets walking by or on the beach but you hear footsteps come closer to you. At this point, you don’t care who it is. The person sits down next to you and you see familiar boots come into view.
“Look at me,” Bucky says gently. You can’t. He slides two fingers under your chin and pulls it toward him so you’re forced to look at him. There are new and dried tears on your cheek that break his heart to see. He uses his other hand to wipe the tears away. “He’s not worth crying over.”
“I thought he liked me,” you sniffle. Bucky removes his hands from you and that’s when you see it. Bucky’s knuckles are raw and busted with dried blood crusting over the wounds. You grab his hand and run your thumb gently over the wounds. “What happened?”
“Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.”
He lets his hand linger in yours for a few seconds before he pulls away completely.
“I bought this dress last week. I never thought I’d get to wear it,” you sigh sadly.
Bucky opens his mouth to tell you just how gorgeous you look in it when he sees you shiver. Upon closer examination, he sees goosebumps litter your arm. He immediately takes off his leather jacket for you to wear.
“Here, put this on.”
“No, I’m okay--”
“Doll, take the jacket.”
He wraps the jacket around your shoulders. You’re immediately enveloped with warmth and his smell. It makes you smile which doesn't go unnoticed by Bucky.
“Thank you.”
“Come on, let’s go home.”
Bucky gets up and holds his hand out for you to take which you do, and he helps you to his feet. He takes you to his motorcycle and grabs the only helmet for you to wear.
“No, you should wear it.”
“Doll, take the damn helmet.”
You do and shove it on your head. Even this smells like him which is making you dizzy. He gets onto the bike first then you do, but you’re not pressed against him like he knows you should be. You’re sitting up instead of leaning into him, and he fires his baby to life. He jerks the bike forward and you go flying into him from behind. You wrap your arms around his waist to steady yourself and he smirks without looking back at you.
He drives off carefully but you’re holding onto him for dear life. Just as he thinks he can get used to holding onto him, he arrives at your apartment building. No words are exchanged as you two make your way inside the apartment. You stop right outside your door and Bucky leans on the wall next to it.
“Thank you for taking me home.”
“We live together. I was just driving myself home,” he jokes.
“Still. Thank you,” you smile. You grab your doorknob to enter your room when you pause. “Oh, here is your jacket.”
“Keep it. I have another one.”
“Okay,” you blush. “Goodnight.”
“Night, Doll.”
You and Bucky retreat into your own rooms for the night. You get ready for bed and crawl under the covers. You try and get some sleep but you can’t get the feel of Jackson’s hands off your body and the feel of his lips off your lips. No matter what you do, the disgust you feel is blocking you from getting sleep.
The thought of Jackson is replaced with the thought of Bucky and how gently he treated you. There is a softer side to Bucky that no one else sees but you that you’re grateful for. Maybe… no, he probably won’t let you. Maybe? You get out of bed and walk through the bathroom to his door and knock on it lightly.
“Come in,” you hear him say.
You push the door open and see him lying on his bed without a shirt on. It makes sense he doesn’t have one on since he’s going to sleep but the sight makes your cheeks heat up slightly.
“Can I sleep here tonight?”
Bucky doesn’t respond with words. Instead, he scoots over to give you room to sleep. You quickly crawl into bed and lay flat on your back. The both of you don’t say a word to each other for fear of ruining the moment. What would you even say to him? Thank you? Sleep tight? Don’t let the bed bugs bite? Bucky can hear the gears in your head turn so he turns toward you and wraps his arm around your waist. He pulls you into him so your back is pressed against his chest.
It’s scary how well you fit against him.
Bucky can feel you smile against his arm as you allow sleep to come easily to you. He presses his head in your hair and takes a whiff of your scent. He smells his shampoo in your hair and the thought of you using his shit makes him smile.
You make him happy and he hates it took him a year to figure it out.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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mintkookiess · 1 year
I like you, okay?!
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A/N: Fluff fluff just fluff after the whole fiasco with "It's Always Been Her." (I need to recover from it)
Anyways, enjoy!
POV: Miles comes into your room at 3 am unexpectedly :3
Tags: Miles Morales x reader, slight cussing, LOTS OF FLUFF, sassy annoyed reader, confessions
Word count: 1k
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At around 3 am, your phone started dinging, making you groggily grab your phone from the bedside table.
The sudden light from the screen made you wince. "Why the fuck is Miles texting me, it’s too late for this.” You groaned as you clicked on the unread message from him.
Hey Y/n, can I come over real quick?
You clicked your tongue in frustration, placing a hand over your eyes, and rubbed softly in a poor attempt to wake yourself up before looking back down to type the shortest possible reply that you could muster at the time.
After hitting the send button, you huffed, chucking your phone across the bed.
As your eyes start to close once more, a soft stealthy tapping at the window makes you open your eyes again, making you grumble from great annoyance at how your best friend always found the worst times to sneak into your bedroom.
Spiderman or not, this was plain fucking torture.
"Are you ready?~" You hear a muffled voice as the window opened wider. "Oh God, please no." You groaned, throwing a pillow over your face. This was your last attempt to just drown him out, but apparently, nothing is going your way tonight. 
You hear the soft padding of feet, accompanied by the familiar thwip sound of his web-shooters, swinging himself into your bedroom with a soft thud and faintly landing on his feet.
"What do you want Miles?" You said with your voice muffled by the pillow. "I know this might be a horrible time to ask, but do you think I could stay for a while?" He asked with a sheepish smile. Miles stood by your bed, awaiting your response.
You nonchalantly wave your hand off at him, eager to just get this over with. "Do whatever you want man." 
Miles' eyes glistened in delight. "You're so kind tonight, what's changed?" His stupid ass question just made you want to throw him out the window.
You didn't respond, too exhausted to even think of a sassy remark. It was literally 3 in the morning, you did not have time for his antics. 
However, he merely chuckled at your lack of a reaction as his lips curved into his usual smile. "Sorry, I'm a bit of a night owl. What with patrol and all that, but I couldn't go without seeing you. Your eyes have been haunting my dreams..." He trailed off.
"Ah yes, it's me being your sleep paralysis demon telling you to stop bothering me at such an ungodly hour." You replied sarcastically, finally removing the pillow from your face as it started to give you a hard time breathing. 
You turned to lay on your side and looked up at him, clearly unimpressed. It was just too late for this shit. 
Miles sees this, and suddenly gets defensive, sitting on the edge of your bed across from you. "Maybe if you weren't always so busy with classes—"
He suddenly stopped talking as he realizes what he said. Miles' face slowly turned red and he was internally hoping to all the gods existing that you wouldn't spot it from the darkness of your room. 
Ah, maybe I should just jump out of the window. He thought as he took a deep breath in, his fingers tapping against his thigh anxiously. "I like you, okay?!" He quickly said, nervously looking up at you. 
"You... WHAT?!" You suddenly yelled, causing you to sit up in shock, mouth agape and eyes widened. What the hell is this guy on about now?! And at 3 FUCKING AM?
"Okay okay, I know. Totally stupid to just jump the gun here but it's so hard to sleep. Sometimes I lose focus when I'm being Spiderman. I spend an awful lot of time thinking about you. Y-You're funny, kind, smart, all the things I like in a person." Miles rambled on, not even daring to stare directly into your eyes for fear of seeing your reaction to his sudden confession.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, sighing. "Is this why you deliberately tried to be my lab partner when I was new at school?" To which Miles' nervous expression became that of a guilty one.
"Maybe..." He admits, his voice sounding even less confident than before.
"Don't you like that Gwen girl from our class? I would've assumed because you two are literally so close." The guy in front of you only shrinks further into himself, feeling his heart sink and his face fall. "Gwen's like a sister to me. She isn't you." He said with a slight emphasis that really sounded more like a whine. 
Miles' words are slow but honest. His eyes trail up to the wall behind you to try to keep a brave face, which was slowly crumbling by the minute.
You snuck a glance at him before exhaling loudly. You flip your fingers back and forth, signaling him to come closer. "I guess you can cuddle with me." You mumbled, ignoring the way your cheeks are heating up. 
Not even wanting to see his reaction, you place your blanket back over your entire body, laying back down on your bed, facing the wall and away from him.
He seemed surprised, and his face instantly lit up. Miles let out a happy gasp as he grabs your blanket gently, climbing underneath it as he cautiously wraps an arm around your waist and snuggles up against your back. He even mustered the courage to bury his nose in your hair. 
Miles' heart was beating erratically, rendering him absolutely speechless as he held on to you as if his life depended on it. Well, it was a dream come true for the poor boy. He'd been practicing how he'd confess to you for the last three months. 
"You do know that you're going to have to work hard to get my 'yes' right?" You mumbled, trying to use every ounce of energy left in your body to numb the way his arm around your waist made you feel. "I'm fine with that," Miles quickly replied, his words soft and comforting. 
"As long as I can be with you, in any capacity, I am content." He chuckled. Shortly after the two of you slowly drifted off to sleep, still in each other's arms. Or more like, you were still in his arms.
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See more of my Miles content here babes!
(if yall wanna be on my taglist feel free to let me know!)
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stellasvault · 1 year
Hello!!!! Can I req hobie x innocent fem reader where hobie is spending the night at her place and and the reader randomly gets up in the middle of the night at like 3am and just literally leaves and goes to the store 😭 and hobie doesn't even know so he has a whole heart attack looking for her and when he eventually finds her he's like all mad and angry since she pulled a "stunt" and maybe he even makes her cry...but eventually makes her feel better....(sorry I just love torturing myself with sad things). Well if you do write this could it be like...hm i don't know how to explain this but things were "normal" then to angst and then to fluff or comfort idrk. I really look forward to reading stuff from you!! Very excited :) have a nice night.
stop this is actually so cute 😭 also i get the whole “torturing myself with sad things” so dw! hope u enjoy <3
❣️ don’t ever do that shit again!
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parings: hobie brown x innocent!fem!reader
warnings: angst to comfort, sfw, hobie is a little mean in the middle lmao
you heard hobie hum in his sleep, a deep, soothing tone.
hobie couldn’t spend time without you. it was just as simple as that. so, what better way to keep you all to himself than stay the night at your place?
hobie was sprawled out on the queen-sized bed, his lips parted. his chest lifted with every relaxed breath, a steady rhythm.
you were simply observing him before you left to pick up some things from the 24/7 store. i mean, who doesn’t get midnight cravings? you were just going out for a few minutes, nothing to worry about.
you got out of your temporarily shared bed to put on a sweatshirt over your tank top, you knew to expect the rush of cold air when you went outside. leaving your bedroom, you reached for your apartment keys, knowing the store was just around the corner.
you laughed to yourself when you remembered what happened last time you went to the corner store. hobie had stole borrowed some blueberry jam, thinking it was your favorite spread, but returned it the second you found out your favorite spread was nutella. you bit your lip to keep from waking up your boyfriend, remembering the shock and regret on his face when you had said the news.
the door clicked as you locked it as down the stairs you went, on your way to the store to get some late-night snacks.
you had no idea the panic that would set in soon after.
hobie tossed and turned on his stomach in his half-awaken form, expecting a body to stop him from rolling off the bed.
his body instead fully rolled over, as he found himself now on his back, dumbfounded.
he immediately shot up, his ears ringing. what happened? did someone kidnap you and he was to busy sleeping to notice?
all the worst possibilities and situations ran through his head, each one getting even worse and more gruesome. he finally threw the bed covers of his body, only wearing a dark blue crop top and his boxers. he jumped off his side of the bed, frantic.
he briefly put on a random pair of sweatpants he found on the floor, not sure if it was yours or his. but at moment it didn’t matter, all that mattered in his mind was you.
“bloody fuckin’ hell..” he muttered to himself in fear, thinking about where on earth you could’ve disappeared to. he finally decided on running around town, every single corner of it. he didn’t even think of calling you on your cell. after all, you probably didn’t even have access to it since you randomly disappeared during the dead of night, right?
he was 100% false.
while hobie was running around the neighborhood looking like a lunatic, you were humming a tune to yourself as you browsed through different chips on the store shelf. so maybe you had spend a while looking at snacks, so what? there were a lot of options!
a sudden ding! sound rang in your ears, signaling another customer had entered the shop. this didn’t concern you in the slightest, as you resumed humming, oblivious to the fact that hobie was next to the snacks and chips aisle, making his way towards you.
“oh fuck, there you are!” his voice louder with each word, walking quickly towards you.
“hobie, what are you-“ you were cut off with an angry outburst.
“what were you even thinking? he whispered through his teeth, his hand gripping your forearm.
“oh, i was just hungry!” you explained happily, showing off your snacks.
he sighed as his grip on your forearm tightened, pulling you toward the front of the store to pay.
“go on.” hobie nodded almost silently. you paid for the food quietly, saying a ‘thank you’ to the employee before hobie pulled you away outside and letting you having.
“i can’t believe you?! are you fucking serious? do you know how dangerous it is at night? i was worried SICK.” he shouted angrily, moving his hands around frantically. “you really don’t realize how careless you can be, do you?”
you went silent, shocked at his sudden outburst. “i’m sorry..” was all you could let out. you could feel the tears stinging your eyes. a lump formed in your throat as you tried to hold back the sob that was beckoning forward. you knew if you didn’t walk away soon you would burst into tears, deciding to briskly walk past hobie in the direction towards your apartment.
hobie stiffened as you walked away. “hey! where d’ya think you’re going?” he shouted to you, but you stayed silent. if you even let one sound out, you were going to let all hell break loose.
hobie sighed before he swiftly walked back to you. “look, love. i was just upset, i swear i didn’t mean none of tha’” he explained with an almost silent voice.
you shook your head. “i get it. i shouldn’t have went out without telling you.” you looked over at him to see his face illuminated by the moonlight. you noticed you had arrived at the apartment.
“no.” hobie simply said, putting both hands on either one of your shoulders. you turned your head up to look at him, his expression filled with sincerity. “you know i didn’t mean a single word i said, right?” he asked, his voice in a higher pitch than usual. he couldn’t lose you. he wouldn’t lose you.
you stayed silent, unable to answer. you simply had nothing good to say. you had thought he meant every word, but his apology had made you doubt your thoughts.
“you’re amazing, love. don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise, yeah?” he tilted your chin up to look at him, his voice dripping with guilt. “load of shit, what i said. you’re perfect.” he smiled at the last word before planting a long kiss on your forehead, his lip ring cooling your skin.
you chuckled lightly before giving him a small smile, looking up at him.
“i think you’re pretty perfect too, hobie,” you giggled, “now let’s head to bed, i’m finished.”
this isn’t my best work i’m so sorry 😭 but i had a lot of fun writing the angst, i’ve never really wrote it at all :)
thanks for reading!! ⭐️
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s-4pphics · 1 year
dial. 5 (e.w.)
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wc;cw: 3.9k, fratadjacent!ellie, all ocs r black coded<3, angst, weed, nun crazy… yet😝😝😝😝
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You’re finally a fucking senior! Joy to the queer world! 
After barely surviving your last term due to heartbreak and an intense depressive episode, the future ahead of you brightened the second you stepped into your aunt's home. Your summer was the highlight of your year… maybe even your life. What had you done in your past life to be blessed with such an amazing auntie? 
She took you any and everywhere you wanted to go. You never imagined Iceland would be the home country you wished to be born in. The mountains, the bright green grass, the fucking waterfalls you only dreamt of diving into. You became a mermaid the second you and Niah jumped into the Reykjadalur River. 
Every fiber of your being rejuvenated after your much needed break, and you were ready to get through your last year without chips on your shoulder. Fuck everyone from your past!
Moving in was always the worst part of the year. As much as you loved decorating, you never fully threw yourself into it until your third week on campus. Your fairy lights would have to sit in their box until you got your schedule in order. 
You and Niah trekked back and forth from your dorm to your auntie’s truck, hauling in box after box until your arms burned. Your back was already killing you. 
“Fucking son of a bitch— “
You interrupted Niah’s exhausted exclamations, “Swear ja— “
“Bitch, fuck you! I'm grown!” She dropped the last box near your work desk before slumping onto your chair. 
“Alright, my loves!” Your aunt entered your shared room with bags of new bedding. “This is the last of it. Need help making your bed?” 
You blankly stared at your aunt, and she smiled slyly, “Don’t look at me like that! You’re my baby!” 
You shook your head, snagging the neatly wrapped blankets from her hands, tossing them to the floor and engulfing her in the tightest hug you could muster. 
“I love you,” you mumbled into her shoulder. 
“I love you, baby. You’re almost done, you got this,” she kissed your cheek a dozen times before pulling back to plant more on your forehead. And nose. 
“Want me t’walk you out?” 
“I got it. Unpack and get comfy. I’ll see you in a couple months, okay?” She bopped your nose and you nodded, embracing her one last time before seeing her out. Niah gave her a goodbye hug and watched her dodge exhausted bodies down the hallway. 
Niah helped you set up your mattress topper and stuffed your pillow cases before your phone vibrated in your pocket. 
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“Dina’s having din-din downstairs in a feeew,” you sing-songed, “Come with us?” You gave Niah the best puppy dog eyes you could muster, her lips pursing as she glared at you. 
“Girl… Y’all always wanna do shit when I’m fucking tired— “
She sighed heavily before conceding, “If that bitch show up, I swear to god— “
“Dina wouldn’t let that happen,” you defended. 
“Oh, she wouldn’t? Really?” Niah scowled. 
“Stop,” you huffed in agitation, “Nothing that happened was her fault. She did what she could at the time.” 
Niah and Dina never explained to you why their relationship rifted, but you could only assume that it was due to you and Ellie falling out. They haven’t spoken since the beginning of summer, according to Niah, and it upset you greatly. You all used to fall asleep on the phone together every night during your scheduled breaks, and now you were hesitant to have them in the same room. 
You were never against Dina and Ellie being friends, even after she blew up on you; They grew up right next to each other, for fucks sake! They’ve always had a strong bond, and not even Dina’s loyalty to you would ruin that. Niah would just have to understand. 
Your best friend rolled her eyes, but dropped the tensity in her shoulders. 
“I’m not eating.” 
You pouted. 
“I don’t care about that,” she pointed at your stuck-out lip, “Get my purse.” 
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The booth you shared with your friends in the dining hall was tense. 
You awkwardly forked your pasta while Niah and Dina stared at each other. You didn’t notice any hatred in their gaze, but the fire was there without a doubt. 
This was the worst dinner ever. 
“Sooo…” you twirled your noodles, “How was your summer, Dee!” 
Your bright smile dropped at her empty response, but you tried again. 
“Cool! Did anything exciting happen? I saw you and Jess traveled a bit!”
“We did.” 
Your eyes flickered between your two friends, their eyes distant. 
“Guys, c’mon! This is so stupid!” You nearly threw your fork on your plate. “Why are y’all even mad at each othe— “
“I’m not fucking mad— “
“Ask her that— “
Both friends brushed you off in their fit of rambles, and you exploded. 
Neighboring students began to stare at all three of you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
“I don’t fucking care about Ellie anymore! I’m over it! It’s a new fucking year and I wanna move on, but I can’t if y’all keep bringing it up every time you see each other!” Niah tried to interrupt, but you cut her off with a stern finger. 
“I know why you’re mad and I appreciate you for caring, but Dina didn’t do anything wrong! You’re taking your anger out on the wrong person!” You took some breaths through your nose to calm yourself.
“I don't wanna see y’all fighting over this bullshit anymore. I mean it! Or we’re…” you looked between them with a harsh glare. “We’re gonna have a problem.” 
Moments of thick silence passed before you heard a gentle snicker. Followed by a snort. 
Boisterous laughter escaped both your friends while you stared in confusion. 
“What’s so funny?” 
Niah clapped her hands in hysteria. 
“Who the fuck are you tryna intimidate— “
“She pulls one little prank and suddenly her balls dropped. How cute! —“
Your head jerked in Dina’s direction, “Wait—” 
“Oh! You thought I didn’t know about that shit? Seriously?” Dina wiped away tears, “You’re nasty, by the way.” 
Heat washed over your entire body at her smirk and arched brow, “My baby’s a fucking freak! Who woulda thought.” 
Niah muttered whores around her straw with a shake of her head. 
“… You still got the vid, or.” 
More laughter erupted from your table, and your arms folded across your chest. Dina’s hand met Niah’s from across the table in a high five. 
“She does still have it, not gon’ lie— “
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The second Ellie saw you, Niah, and Dina laughing through the windows of the canteen, she hit the fastest fucking U-turn of the century. Her appetite dissipated in an instant and she booked it towards the parking lot and into her car. 
She hated the physical reaction that took over her body whenever she saw you, the only thought on her mind being run, run, run. 
After her last… encounter with you and fucking Abby, she made a request to move to the complete opposite side of campus. She packed all her belongings and was out of her and Jesse’s shared place in the nick of time, surrounded by faces she wasn’t used to. The thought of switching schools raced through her mind days after it happened, but when she realized that you hadn’t had plans to broadcast your porno across the campus’ Snapchat, she was at ease.
At least for a little bit. 
Telling Dina and Jesse was, by far, one of the worst parts of this whole experience. 
She hadn’t mustered up the courage to do it until two months later when Abby brushed past her with a mere nod of acknowledgment at a house party. Her hazy mind thought that coming clean would erase some of the guilt she felt, but it was all for naught. 
All she got was a theoretical pie thrown at her face when both her best friends' exploded into the biggest laughing fit, she’d ever seen from them. They knew she deserved all the smoke she got from you and Abby after everything she did, and despite her attempts at being prideful, she knew she did too. 
You never came along when Ellie was around for the remainder of the term, and she didn’t know whether to be thankful or full of fucking shame. It became a bit of both overtime. 
She’d only seen you once after the sextape fiasco. It was during move-out week: your face was droopy and tired—probably due to finals— as you and your family hauled box after box into a truck. 
Ellie hadn’t had a reaction to anyone like that since her first fucking girlfriend. The sweaty hands, the swirls in her tummy, the jitters of her fingers. It all came back to her and she wanted to vomit. 
Looking as cuddly as you did that day shouldn’t be allowed. Ellie knew she didn’t deserve a hug from you, but she allowed her imagination to take over anyway, her subconscious completely engulfed by your scent and forgiveness. 
Ellie’s head rested on her steering wheel, her head banging against it and accidentally sounding the horn. 
Ellie’s never been in a relationship with someone who wasn’t selfish. She allowed people to take and take and take so much from her in the past, gladly accepting their overstepping and lack of boundaries if it meant she received their affection. It went on for so long until it abruptly halted and left her destroyed and alone. Her heart iced over after her last relationship went up in flames, and she vowed to keep it that way. If there’s no love, there’s no heartbreak. 
She thought she could do that to someone else. Prey on someone as sweet and comforting as you. 
But it didn’t work. You fucking cracked her. You’re a witch, and your pussy is godsent. 
Ellie brought out that side of you and she regretted it (despite the jerks in her clit every time she reminisced about your glittery tears), and she owed you the most respectable apology she’s ever given.
Ellie reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled up her phone, messages filled with students asking if she’s around to sell. She ignored them all and searched for your contact that she selfishly never deleted. 
Her thumb hovered over the unblock button. 
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Ellie’s heart is racing and she thinks she might pass out. 
She got used to hearing the small ding from the bell of the Starbucks entrance that she hardly ever looks up at who’s waltzing in. 
When she heard you and your best friend’s laughter, she almost dropped to the floor to hide behind the service counter. She was not fucking prepared to see you. Nausea and butterflies stirred in her gut at the sound of your giggles. 
H-Have a good day, she cringed when her voice cracked, scribbling the customer's names on their cup before passing it down to the mixing station. 
The minutes that passed felt like years, endless seconds of anticipation of seeing you face to face for the first time in months. Her eyes scattered to the end of the lines where the two of you stood every two seconds, observing how you inched up the line. 
Until the two of you stood in front of her, Niah’s intense glare searing through her skin and shaking her bones. She shakily asked for both your orders, but you took over, answering for you and your roommate with your classic smile. You’re too sweet for your own good; She couldn’t imagine being this cordial in public with someone who did what she did. Said what she said. 
You looked fucking adorable: hair twisted, dangly earrings, glossy lips. Her hands wouldn’t stop as she scribbled your name on your cup and cake pop baggie. 
Niah was fucking grilling her, and rightfully so. Ellie’s shocked she didn’t reach over and strangle her with her bare hands. Her presence was a threat on its own, Jesus Christ. 
You swiped your student ID and yanked a stiff Niah by the arm over to the pick-up line, the wind sitting in Ellie’s lungs finally releasing. 
She peered over at the two of you as she collected the rest of the orders from caffeine-withdrawal students, anxiety pitting in her gut when she watched you snag your cup and bag, reading the messy scribbles she left at the bottom.  
hi. can we talk when you’re ready?
You had enough courtesy to hide the baggie from an already pissed Niah, and she was grateful. It gave her an inkling of hope before you frowned, your eyes surprised, then confused. Then angry. 
Ellie almost cried at the scoff that left your mouth when you shot her a pissed glare, before you snatched your dessert from its encasing, crumpled the paper and threw it into the trash by the exit. She watched the two of you leave with a heavy heart, embarrassment overtaking her when you refused to look back. 
Ellie couldn’t shake the feeling that you experienced this same disappointment whenever she shut you down previously, and it made her feel even worse. 
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Ellie started seeing you everywhere you went after that: in the quad, on the way to class, even in the fucking library (a place she never went!), but you never seemed to notice her. She hadn’t been in the study center since she was a fucking sophomore, and she instantly remembered why when she caught a glimpse of you in your own world, headphones on as you scribbled down your notes. 
Remorse flooded her gut when she remembered the time, she dismissed your proposal of listening to a playlist you made for her a couple days after you fucked a couple times. She didn’t even know what artists you liked. 
Even after all this time, she refused to forget all the times she upset you, intentionally or not. 
The twisted part of her brain was already prepared to march over and speak with you, but she had enough sense to overpower her selfish desires. 
She managed to get past you without hassle, rushing onto the elevator to find her usual spot in the second-floor corner. It was her safe place whenever she came in here; She’ll never forget when she and Dina tripped balls atop the beanbags pressed up against the window. 
Going to the library was pointless; The thought of you and your sprinkled cupcakes dominated her mind for the rest of her study session. 
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It was the best part of the entire year. 
The month of October has its own presence: it’s grand and dark, gloomy, fun. Evil. You would never wear bright orange on a normal day, but during October, you might as well be a pumpkin! 
All your friends were already in the Halloween spirit, baking and decorating some of the strongest edibles you’ve ever smelt in your damn life. You were shocked that none of Jesse’s neighbors called to complain about the loud scent. 
“You wanna hit?” 
You peered up at Abby’s invitation puff from her blunt with a polite smile and a shake of your head, “You know I have to drive that one home,” You pointed out an already wobbling Niah in the kitchen. 
Abby chuckled around her next puff, “They’re gonna go fucking crazy with those.” 
“I’m scared,” You huffed, “Niah literally turns into a fucking potato when she’s high. I can never get her to move anywhere.” 
Abby giggled at your eye roll while she ashed. 
Running into Abby after what happened last year was much different than you expected. 
After you two went your separate ways at the party, you assumed she would never want to see you again, blow off any invitations you had to hang out, go back to fucking Ellie like nothing happened, but she did nothing of the sort. 
She always waved you over when she saw you sitting by yourself, greeted you with the brightest smiles and warmest hugs, texted you first. She was everything you could’ve wanted from someone. From a partner. 
So why didn’t you feel that spark whenever she looked at you with those pretty, blue eyes? 
You could always be honest with Abby, so bringing up your predicament was easy. She took it with a grain of salt and told you not to worry because she’s still a whore. It’s college! Her energy always calmed you. 
Niah’s weight plopping down next to you broke your trance. She slumped onto your shoulder with a weak giggle of it’s October 3rd. 
You stared down at her blankly, “It’s the tenth, bonehead— “
“Shhh, shh, i-it’s October 3rd,” she sloppily pressed her index finger to your mouth. 
Abby’s laughter rang from next to you like bells in winter. 
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Ellie was… sad. And felt like a fucking loser. 
She’d been lazily lying on her couch with her dab in hand, scrolling through Instagram and watching 5-minute crafts when she received a notification from Dina. 
She felt a subtle crack in her chest when she saw her best friend caption the post the ‘best time of the year 👻’. She was dawned in her usual witch's hat while Jesse had a pumpkin carving imprinted on his shirt, both decorating what she assumed to be laced sugar cookies. 
Her heart shattered when she scrolled through the slides and saw pictures of a slumped Niah, Abby with her tongue out and middle finger up, and you, eyes gentle and smile doll-like with two peace signs by your face. You looked so cozy under the yellow glow of the decorative lamp. So comfortable in the place she used to call home. 
… She’s never not received an invite to decorate edibles. Why was a lump growing in her throat? Her high was fucked. 
Another notification from Jesse’s Snap highlighted across the top of her screen. Her thumb tapped it without hesitation, and some tears fell from her eyes to her cheeks. 
It was a clip of you, Dina, and Jesse squeezing out icing from a tube onto a loudly snoring Niah’s face, snickering softly when the traces of sugar didn’t go where you wanted. 
Stick it up her nose!
Ellie’s body tensed when she recognized Abby’s low whisper in the background. That was definitely the final nail in her coffin. 
The Snap ended with Niah’s eyes peeling open like a zombie and your heavenly laughter. 
Ellie dropped her phone and sat up, resting her head atop the back of the couch, palms digging into her teary eyes. She tried to convince herself that she was angry, pissed the fuck off, ready to fight everybody, even her closest friends. But she wasn’t at all. 
She was lonely and sad, and no one was there to comfort her. 
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Class dragged on the entire week leading up to Halloweekend. 
Your shoulders were heavy and slumped from exhaustion. What kind of professor assigns projects the week before Halloween? They’re pretending as if they’ve never been students before; They know you’re all getting faded soon! 
You and Niah were grinding in the library the entire week, perfecting your papers and presentations for the following week. You didn’t want anything to ruin this weekend. Distractions, be gone! 
You’ve dedicated a couple hours each day to prepping your costumes for Friday and Saturday. The excitement to adorn your fairy getup was nearly bursting through your eyes. You decorated your wings with sequins and glitter, made your own flower crown, and designed your own spirit guide by snipping and re-stuffing a Squishmallow. 
You were a little too antsy to start the weekend; Niah almost called Dina to help tape you down to a chair. 
You bolted down the crosswalk after your scheduled library visit, a bright grin on your face at the thought of showcasing your designs for your costume. Dina and Jesse are your best critics. 
You turned the corner and hit a hard chest, almost falling to the floor before a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist. 
“Lookin’ for rings?” 
Your smile widened at the all too familiar voice, “What does that mean?” 
Abby separated from you with a gentle smile, pointing at your sky-blue sweatshirt, “Blue sweater… running… Sonic— “
“Oh fuck!” You paused before a lightbulb appeared atop your head. “Oh fuck! Sonic would’ve been such a cute costume— “
“Still stressing Niah out?” Her brow arched. 
“Of course! Dina and Jes are about t’get the same treatment!” You rushed past Abby, throwing her a wild wave, “I'll see you on Friday bitch!”
Her airy laugh aired behind you before you eased past departing students and into the apartment lobby. 
It’s almost impressive how much your mood can deplete due to one person. 
You instantly recognized Ellie’s back muscles over her muscle-tee, her tattoo sleeve completely exposed as she murmured to the receptionist. The bun at the back of her head was coming loose with each nod of approval she gave. 
Anger and embarrassment and sadness battled for power in your gut as you glared through her skin and down to her bones. And she must’ve felt it.
She spun at the sound of the door shutting, and her eyes immediately glossed over when they locked with yours. She looked like a deer caught in headlights before she whispered hey.
You ignored and looked behind her and greeted the familiar receptionist, “Hey, is Jesse home?” 
“Yeah, babe! You just missed him— “
“W-Wait— “
“Cool, thanks,” You didn’t hesitate to book it for the second entrance, Ellie’s urgent calls of your name ringing behind you. You heard her following you down the hall like a horse. 
She called your name out louder, “Fuck, wait, wait— “
You frantically pressed the up button on the elevator but it was for naught. 
You felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, “Hey— “
“Ellie, don’t fuckin’ touch me, I’m serious,” you spat. 
Her touch dropped, her hands raising in the air, “Okay, okay, I’m sorr— “
“You’re sorry? Really?” You scoffed. “Fuck off, bro.” 
… Where the fuck was this elevator?! You were this close to holding the button down until the doors opened. 
Ellie sighed, “No, I’ve… I've been meaning to talk to you. Can I— “
“I don’t give a fuck about anything you’re saying, genuinely,” You harshly turned to glare into her eyes. Her gorgeous, green eyes that, for the first time, seemed so soft for you. Desperate, and not lustful. 
She didn’t seem to care about your protests, “I know I fucked up and I was… awful— “
The dings sounding from the elevator sounded like alarms. 
“Ellie, please, I’m begging you, just leave me the fuck alone,” Rageful tears flooded in your eyes. “Get the fuck away from me! Just g-go away!” 
Ellie’s small glimmer of hope died in her orbs, her body flinching at your tone as she peered to the floor with red cheeks. 
The doors peeled open after what seemed like a lifetime and you threw yourself between them, slamming the fourth-floor button like your life depended on it. You refused to look at Ellie as the doors shut, your heart pounding in your chest as you heaved, your hands resting on your knees. 
You vowed that absolutely nothing could ruin your weekend, but why was Ellie’s flushed cheeks and sniffly nose almost enough to make you fold? 
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okkkaaaaayyyyy im switching shit up fr so excited to write the next part stay with me yall lemme cook lemme coooook
taggie waggies love yall down :3 @dyk3ang3l @iced-metal @sawaagyapong @kittnii @mariefilms @villainousbear @pick-me-up-im-scared @dragonasflowercrown @elsmissingfingers @bugaboodarling @freakumfilm @robinismywifee @ohitsjordynn @womenofarcane @inf3ct3dd @nil-eena @kaispaws @letsreadsomesins-shallwe @yuckyfucky @machetegirl109 @ximtiredx @mattm1964 @liabadoobee @tfuuka @aouiaa @lastofvenus @iove-bbb
teaser, one, two, three, four
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bisexualfemalemess · 3 months
Episode 7: I’m only 20 seconds in and i already can not handle the drama 😭😭😭 He followed her because he was worried because the last time she left she was having a panic attack and fainted and now he finds out she’s his worst enemy :(( somebody take that pen away from shonda, there is no need for this much angst :(((
I’m actually gonna scream like i fully can’t handle this, it’s the equivalent to hearing your parents fighting when you’re little and covering your ears :(
As angsty as this scene is i have to commend Luke Netwon’s acting because that tear rolling down his face, colin’s just a sensitive baby boy and it shows. Also kudos to Nicola coughlan’s acting because i can just feel how distraught penelope is over the whole situation.
Not baby boy saying he will never forgive her and then just sulking in bed :( I‘m not sure i‘ll survive this episode.
The fake whistledown is so ooc i‘m glad Penelope shut that shit down fast.
PENELOISE!!!!! It is so important to me that Eloise said she feels stuck between the two of them because that still shows she still genuinely loved penelope and doesn’t just hold some lingering affection from how close they used to be. We’re so back.
Damn colin! What happened to hello? How are you? He’s just over her demanding answers from eloise, lmaoooo. Eloise, babe, i love you but were you not the one suggesting that pen just keeps her husband in the dark and drops the lw persona? Don’t back track now. Not them having a bitch-off about who was hurt the most by penelope like guys maybe you should focus your energy on trying to understand her instead of going at each other’s throats. But also Eloise defending pen to colin, they’re truly so back. SHE SAID SHE WANTS TO FORGIVE HER SHE LOVES HER SO BAD MY BESTIES ARE ACTUALLY COMING BACK 😭😭😭😭😭 i actually feel so bad for el, colin and penelope. Like they’re all valid with their feelings and i need them to officially make-up so bad.
That entrapment comment? Like i get that he’s lashing out because he’s upset after finding out that his best friend and love of his life is also his worst enemy but let’s not forget that he was the one chasing the carriage, begging on his knees for a chance, finger-banged her into near-orgasm, and made the first move in the mirror scene because the poor girl was a virgin who didn’t know shit about sex. ARGUMENT NULL AND VOID BABY BOY.
Poor pen :(((((( She loves him y’all. WHAT DO YOU MEAN “let us get through this wedding then we will decide what this marriage will be.”??? Like i hope he comes to terms with whistledown because it’s such an essential part of penelope, they can’t just sweep it under the rug. I love how the mom’s are so concerned about them but they don’t stop to think about maybe, i don’t know, asking them what’s going on? Like they won’t get an answer but at least they would’ve tried. Right now they’re either too wrapped up in the planning or lady danbury’s brother to even try and figure out what’s going on, like, of course you’re not gonna know the reason then. Colin stress-drinking being canon is like the worst thing that could ever happen to me. It’s literally the night before their wedding and shit’s not resolved yet, i’m gonna scream into a pillow.
Aww i hate that penelope’s so understanding about colin’s anger but like i also love that about her because she will admit her mistakes and admit that she’s wrong and that’s so hard to find in a character sometimes. I also love her friendship with Genevieve like she’s the only one that truly understands her.
Lmaoo not penelope stepping onto that platform thingy or step or whatever it was to be taller like baby you’re still just three apples tall. DAMN, Penelope really said, “i am not standing for this slander anymore” and threw his words back at him. Does this fight count as talking things out? Personally i would say yes but 🤷‍♀️
“you should’ve told me to my face.” Like??? Did she not…try? Did she not utter the words marina’s in love with another and you just brushed her off??? Like sir don’t throw that at her when you damn well know she tried to do everything she could’ve before resorting to her gossip column.
The acting is so insanely good oh my god like i get both of them here but i’m a little bit biased and slightly more on pen’s side, whistledown is a good thing, it protects the bridgertons and helps them.(sometimes without them even realizing it.)
I love how penelope just has to drop the l-word and colin pushes her up against a wall, making out with her in the middle of a street. Like are We sure LW is gonna be a problem, colin? At least he made sure she got into the carriage this time.
Not Violet calling in the big guns with Kanthony like they’re so sickeningly in love with each other what marital advice can they give colin??? Kate’s so pretty and her bump is so cute. “You think our marriage is perfect?” “Is it not?” Anthony’s not helping at all lmaooo. Poor woman is truly working overtime trying to get everyone out of their slump while pregnant first el, then gregory, now colin. Just let her rest??? And anthony’s little comments lmaoo he was not having any of it.
Kanthony reminiscing about their wedding??? And you expect me to say they’re not sickening??? SHUT UP NOT YELLOW BEING PLAYED FOR POLINS WEDDING IM ACTUALLY GONNA JUMP OF A BRIDGE THIS IS SO PERFECT. Can we take a moment to appreciate penelope’s wedding gown??? She looks so fucking ethereal oh my god. Like one thing about bridgerton, the women always look ethereal.
I know we haven’t resolved the LW issue yet but colin looks so genuinely in love and happy during the wedding scene. It’s sad to know that will probably not last :( Eloise And prudence both crying of happiness, so true. Aww penelope’s sister being nice to her, she’s so not used to it.
Not Benedict fucking off from his own brother’s wedding for what??? The threesome or what??
Awww Anthony wants a birth in india 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 he’s such a looser for her. I love kanthony so much 🥺🥺🥺
Portia is actually so??? i don’t know, nurturing??? Like she truly shows she cares for pen.
Also POLIN DANCING TO YOU BELONG WITH ME I REPEAT POLIN DANCING TO YOU BELONG WITH ME. They’re the cutest oh my god. The way the entire room just disappeared and colin was this 🤏 close to throwing all sense out the window and folding, like he would’ve full on made out with her if the queen hadn’t entered. LMAOO NOT PENELOPE LEAVING WHEN THE QUEEN SAID BRIDGERTONS ONLY AND COLIN LITERALLY HAD TO PULL HER BACK???
I’m 100% certain penelope would’ve full on confessed she was whistledown if Francesca hadn’t stepped up with her kilmartin thing. She’s so cute. The queen clocked their tea and anthony seriously was like no you’re wrong.
THAT FUCK ASS WIG I HATE THAT FUCK ASS WIG FOR THE RESHOOTS, I THOUGHT I’D NEVER HAVE TO SEE IT AGAIN 🙄🙄🙄 On another note i love that pen is delivering with her speech here, like yes queen pop off my little feminist. The queen just had to ruin the wedding, did she?
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daegall · 1 year
pairing: bf!hyuck x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship!AU, domestic!AU
warnings: none, but tell me if there are anything!!
word count: 714 words
a/n: hi let's pretend i didnt' dip for more than 2 months ahahaha anw bro i have 2 cats now and this was legit me the first week with them (minus the haechan part, unfortunately.) anw, i hope you enjoy and forgive me for not posting/replying to everything because i have a shit ton on my plate rn ty <3
networks/taglist: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @kflixnet @nct-writers @k-radio + @soobin-chois @markhyuckselca @jaehunnyy @justalildumpling <3
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It's midnight. You want to sleep, and cry at the same time. You glare at the source of your misery, Jeno's kitten that you promised to take care of while he was on a trip with Jaemin.
At first you were ecstatic to hear that he wanted you to help him out, and didn't understand why he had warned you about the small angel.
The cat was a devil.
This is the fourth sock he's ripped up and placed on your head, all in one night. You can't even start counting how many times he's woken you up at night by jumping on you or sitting on your face or scratching on your door.
All you want right now, is to sleep. And your boyfriend. God, you miss Donghyuck.
Speaking of the devil, your front door swings open, and it's none other than Donghyuck himself, freshly woken up just like you, hair all messy and shirt extremely crumpled from something you can only assume as sweet blissful sleep. Something that seems so out of touch with you.
"Hi," He mumbles as you look up at him from your seat on the floor.
"Hey," You respond.
"Where is he?"
And as if on cue, the tiny kitten runs from under your bed, running straight for Donghyuck's feet, where he paws at his socks. With a sigh, you reach out for the kitten, pulling him off.
Donghyuck observes your expression, the frustration and anger as you stare at the kitten. He makes his way to you, squatting next to you.
His fingers brush slightly by your cheek, brushing off the cat fur stuck to it, before he leans in to kiss your cheek tenderly. "It's okay, go rest. I'll take care of him until the morning."
Your eyes light up just moments after, the smile curling at the edges of your lips causing Donghyuck to grin as well.
You lean into his touch, feeling relief wash over you like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. "Really?"
Your boyfriend smiles, tilting his head when you do. "Of course,"
What you find funny, just minutes after you've handed Donghyuck the duty, is that you can't seem to find the sleepiness you had before. Donghyuck has the kitten in his care, playing with him and making sure he doesn't ruin any more socks, but you can't stop yourself from walking out your room to sit next to the both of them.
"What are you doing?" Donghyuck asks. "Aren't you tired?"
You are. You're extremely tired. But you find your wants right where you are, taking care of a silly cat with Donghyuck.
"Wanted to be with you," Is your response, before you carefully take the kitten in your arms.
Finally, a smile is on your lips as you play with the kitten.
And somehow, you've changed since the last time Donghyuck saw you with the very cat. You no longer have frustration and hatred in your expressions, you're admiring the kitten so dearly, chuckling when he tumbles down your legs.
Suddenly, Donghyuck can't take his eyes off you, he's sleepy as well, but it seems like he could stare at you for hours and not get sleepy, because that's just how much he loves you.
He loves that you still care for the kitten after it had annoyed you for hours, he loves when you tell him about the funny stories you have with the cat from the afternoon, he loves that you can't help but forgive and love the kitten after everything.
And despite you being so very sleep deprived, and it being very visible in your expressions, you are the most beautiful to him right now. In your pajamas, with the worst lighting from whatever light source is coming from your room, but the beauty of you caring is so ethereal.
And when you get up to chase the kitten around your room with laughs, you seem like an angel.
Donghyuck's cheeks hurt, he's been smiling so much, and he doesn't even care if they're sore, you always make him smile.
That night, he lies with you in his arms, and with the kitten curled up right next to you. He's exhausted, he should be sleeping, but god, does he love this sight of you.
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pekodayz · 11 months
osoaini evil stupid dumb drabble. it was 3:30 in the morning. it’s not formatted so whatever was typed on da phone was typed with a night high .be warned ☆(≧∇≦)b
Christmas in Japan😨 god aini nor oso wouldn’t know how to function normally around all of these lovey dovey couples! They’re all so …romantic…..holding hands and getting close n stuffs. 😥 Aini finds oso grosso nastys but ummm hey…ur kinda the only person I’ve gotten so close with. But she isn’t gonna outright admit it. Oso is trying not to seem super obvious with his staring at other ppl bc he’s nervous as hell rn. They’re both in public, prob the one of the only sets of ppl who’s not holding hands or some shit. Like what the hell should I do????? This is the worst! I should’ve stayed h-no….he did want to go out with aini..to this place for a reason so ummm hahah. It’s cold. He peeks at aini, she’s still staring at the crowds of ppl too…is she cold? Maybe. She catches him staring at her and they both look away, she pulls her scarf up to cover her cheeks (erm hey r they red😅) They start walking again in silence, they literally haven’t even said a word abt how this is so stupid and ggggay. Just awkward intense silence as they walk ermmm side to side ish (aini purposefully starts to walk behind oso bc she’s getting embarrassed😔) he notices and looks at her and tries to smile at her (it doesn’t look natural at all god damn) and asks her why is she behind him. Aini just scoffs and says she had smth in her shoe, her voice is muffled bc of the scarf over her mouth. She picks up the pace and walks next to him, hands in her pockets. He glances at her, she glances at him..they both just look nervous and scared. Until oso speaks (voice cracking and all)
He tries to crack a dumb joke abt Christmas season and how it’s so dumb to be around these ppl. Like they’re probably not gonna last a minute in bed smth smth. Aini laughs a little and says some quip back at him and she would usually jab his arm but this time she didn’t get near him (ew). I’m going to assume oso noticed that bc he was bracing for her to hit him. Damn. Know he really knows this is a tense situation they’ve put themselves in bc she’s not even being herself.!. They kept walking, trying to keep their distance bc yknow. But they brushed hands and they both jolted and yelped aw wtf . Bystanders looked at them like they were crazy whomp whomp. A couple mins later after that embarrassing moment aini pokes oso’s arm without warning so he jumps a lil and looks at her. She looks terrifyingly embarrassed but she mentions how she usually clings onto him when she’s tired. but this time she kinda wants to ermm maybe do it when she’s self aware……..this place just happens to be romantic dont get it twisted u dog, blushing and stuff. I mean yeah obv she feels smth for him and he feels smth for her too. He sucks at making the first move in these kinds of situations (not like he’s ever been in this position b4 lol !!!!) He teases her but his voice cracked the whole time like ough wtfffff and that kinda lightened the mood bc aini started laughing at him. He shakily wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her closer to him. He’s tweaking but that’s okay! this isn’t ooc for aini but this behavior is rare, she’s ig extremely shy abt this like wtfffff WTF EWWW ARE WE DOING THIS mentally. Then she takes her hand out of her pocket and mumbles smth while shoving it into his pocket. Oso asked whyd she do that, aini says bc ur arm is around me, how r we gonna ..hold hands. 😒then he says Shut up. What😨that’s my line. They kinda fumble for a minute but now they’re holding hands, aini cursed herself for not bringing gloves bc her hand truly was sweaty like maybe I should kill. It’s okay bc he’s sweaty too. Back and forth abt their hands while walking, completely oblivious of where they’re going. Then they end up at some kinda secluded spot, there’s not as many ppl here. They stop bickering and look around like damn where r we.
Then they glance over at some couples again and grimace but ermmmm heyyyyy they’re kissing. UGH . Oso looks away but idk idk idk hey this is kinda a special day????????? Maybe aini wouldn’t mind this time????? She wouldn’t kill me right????? She looks okay to be here …..So he starts pulling her closer and to his surprise, she doesn’t back away bc honestly she started to feel some sort a way abt this. Idk she yearned a little, even tho that’s osomatsu, she maybe whatever..wouldn’t mind a moment like this with him (even if it’s super rare) They’re both blushing and shit like GODDDdd thank goodness there aren’t a lot of ppl around bc this would look jank💔Ok they quickly give each other a kiss. Then they’re silent with the deadest look in their eyes like wow uh well that just happened😂😂😂😂😂😂 ok srs mode. Aini tries to look at him and say smth but she’s Uber nervous neow. Like hey ummm ur not as bad as u were before .. Then he’s like well I’ve been the only one you’ve kissed b4 .hey dont fucking RUIN THE MOMENT. but she quietly asks for another bc it really did make her feel better with that inner turmoil of being idk held for.
Like lol merry christmas..so they do it again. Then like 4 more times . Ew, this will not happen again until another special day. They look embarrassed as hell but oso mentions kfc since that country loves fried chicken on Christmas :3! But Aini just pulls him into a hug and thanks him like oughhh ur disgusting but I really do like u and ur stupid company and ur stupid laugh and ur stupid voice and ur stupid warm sickening smile I want u DEAD. And he’s kinda speechless 🧐 but he hugs her back really tight chuckling and shit GrRRRRR STILDID ahem . They do end up going to kfc together and aini took him back to her place so they can stare at the tv like a couple of babies while eating and being normal (acting like they didn’t just do that whole thang, but deep down that was very enjoyable for the both of them…..yay)
ok the end hope u enjoyed my tearful bloody word dump. cocomelon and dinner💕🩷💗💞💝💖💖🎀🐟🐟🐟🐟
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jams-sims · 7 months
I must have the worst fucking luck when it comes to Rimworld. Let me paint you this picture-
I start up rimworld, I put it on the easyist difficulty because I'm new to playing the game, and the last time I tried it, it was a mess. So my people land, I build a little base, we are doing okay-
Instantly I get a Mad Hare alert, I'm like okay let me get my gear and get ready. This is the start of the fucking end. I send one of my girlies out Lumpie, lumpie got a gun. Instantly idk why she's not shooting, and why I'm having a hard time killing the hare. I'm on console so everything is different and although cleaner than it PC brother. Shit doesn't make much sense. An also when you pick chill whatever the fuck her name is I guess no totural (fuck me I guess).
So after actually killing the hare! Lumpie is walking around hurt, lucky enough we have medkits and we lucked out and have a doctor. Sad part is I don't figure this out until she passes the fuck out and I frantically figure out how to a sign a bed as a sick bed. Luke picks her body up and put her in bed and takes care of her.
Crisis averted! Lumpie heals, and we keep making slow progress on the base.
I'm still trying to figure shit out, we get a trader! I get medkit and metal components things are looking up. Right about now I realize I need to get electricity going in the base.
Another attack happens, I'm like okay cool we handle this before we got this.
Sky- gets fucking DEMINTA! Wanders the forest.
(theirs Lumpie (she her), Luke (he him) and Sky (she her) 3 of these hoes)
I'm like okay- what the fuck? How? Thinking on it right now, she's probably older than I thought. Nevertheless she wanders the fucking forest, gets jumped and is kidnapped. Lumpie rushing out the ducking door last second watching as Sky is dragged out of bounds.
I once again struggled to get anyone drafted to fight. It's so fucking awkward to do, again they won't shoot.
I pause the game, I'm like no way in hell am I losing one of my settlement to one fucking dude. 3 reloads later, it's the dead of night, I get people drafted Lumpie won't shoot, she gets fucking down AGAIN. Luke the fucking doctor shankes the raider. Picks lumpie up again and puts her in medical area.
At the same time I realize the guy is alive and I'm like oh my god, I can capture him! I will finally have 4 people-
As they struggle to build the fucking doors to his wood be prison, the raider dies at the foot of our door as I get the starvation alert and Sky wanders again because of her fucking dementia. An the game is paused and I'm staring at Luke who just want to sleep and heal.
Like- I'm gonna have a mental fucking break are you kidding me!!!!!
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drades-lair · 2 years
Pregnant Stolas PT1
Fandom: helluvaboss
Pairing: Blitzo/Stolas/Striker
Rating: T for swearing mostly
Panic, panic was the only thing that described how Stolas was feeling currently. Three days ago, Stolas participated in the usual full moon activities with Blitz and Striker which was amazing like always unfortunately he’d forgotten about something very important. Nineteen years ago when he and Stella were trying to have Octavia, Stolas had consulted the grimoire where he found a spell that would allow him to potentially conceive the only problem was it wasn’t a single go spell...essentially after casting the spell Stolas would become fertile immediately then once again every 10 years for 2 weeks and of course this full moon had landed on the first day of those 2 weeks. Stolas had completely forgotten about the spell till today when he awoke feeling off, upon remembering the spells cycle Stolas started using his magic immediately to check to see if he was pregnant…he was. Luckily Striker and Blitz were off on a job currently leaving Stolas a bit of time to try to figure out how to tell them…especially Striker who on more then one occasion had expressed how he didn’t want to be a father. Stolas sat on the edge of his four-poster bed in the master bedroom of the palace with his head in his hands, heart racing at the thought he could potentially lose one of his mates or perhaps both if Blitz decided he didn’t want to have a child with him. Worst of all though was even if he told them there was no guarantee the egg, he lays is fertile making things even more complicated.
 The imps returned 3 days later from their relatively simple job instantly becoming aware of Stolas’ odd behavior. Stolas could get busy with his princely duties however since they got back Stolas seemed to be busier then usual to the point it was more like he was avoiding them. Stolas would wait till they’d gone to bed before joining them, he wore more clothing specifically baggier clothing, he often ate in his office with the door shut and got so he locked the bathroom door when bathing. Blitz was concerned from the jump about Stolas’ behavior however Striker had been a little more reasonable with his concern simply assuming Stolas was stressed about work or something to that effect until that is a 2-week period passed with the behavior getting worse instead of better at which point even Striker was growing a little worried. The imps decided that perhaps a night together might put Stolas back into proper sorts thus one night they stayed up unbeknownst to Stolas surprising him when the prince entered the bedroom to find both imp’s waiting for him.
“Oh! I didn’t know you two were still awake,” Stolas nervously stated.
“We thought tonight would be a good night to have a little fun,” Blitz seductively explained with a little eyebrow wiggle.
“Oh…um…I see…” Stolas stammered nervously as he tried to figure out how to get out of this.
“Yeah, gonna treat Ya right,” Striker seductively drawled coming around behind Stolas.
“That’s…very kind…truly but…” Stolas stammered again desperately trying to find some excuse to get out of this.
“Just relax babe,” Blitz cooed, grabbing the hem of Stolas’ baggy gray T-shirt to slide his hands under it. Stolas immediately became alarmed at this action however his response was too slow, Blitz managed to slide the shirt up before Stolas could stop him promptly revealing the prominent bump Stolas had developed over the last couple weeks.
“Blitz, Stop!” Stolas declared only to stare in horror as Blitz looked on in shock.
“What the?” Striker questioned also staring at what Blitz could see.
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you!” Stolas was in a full-blown panic attack, hands pulling down his shirt as he curled in on himself trying desperately to not make any eye contact with either imp, breath coming in short heaving gasps.
“Hey, whoa! Easy Stolas, look at me. Take a couple deep breaths,” Blitz encouraged, cupping his hands around Stolas’ face to make the prince focus on him. Tears pricked the corners of Stolas’ eyes as his gasps turned in to partial sobbing hiccups.
“Easy Stolas, easy…try ta breath through it,” Striker encouraged next, rubbing a gentle hand along Stolas’ back as the prince sunk to the floor.
“I should…told you…” Stolas sobbed as he pulled his knees to his chest.
“Told us what?” Blitz wondered.
“I’m…pregnant…” Stolas hiccupped.
“What!?” Both imps simultaneously exclaimed in surprise.
“That can happen?” Blitz wondered arching an eyebrow.
“Mm-hm…it was a spell…19 years ago…I forgot about it and now…you’re both going to leave me,” Stolas uncontrollably sobbed burying his face in his arms, wrapping them around his knees.
“Whoa! Where’d Ya get that idea?” Striker asked a little taken back by Stolas’ out burst.
“Oh please…you’ve already told me you don’t want a child and…I’m sure…neither of you appreciate me…keeping this from you…trust was everything…between us…” Stolas rambled through tears.
“Stolas…that’s not true…we’re not going anywhere,” Blitz tried to reassure his distressed mate.
“Yeah, we’re still here aren’t we,” Striker added.
Blitz gently rubbed his hand up Stolas’ forearm while Striker continued rubbing the prince’s back, leaning in to nuzzle at Stolas’ temple. After a few moments Stolas lifted his head slightly prompting the imp’s to gingerly pull him to his feet, guiding him to the bed where they settled on either side of the Goetia. Stolas still pulled his knees to his chest while refusing to look at his mates, simply staring straight ahead with tears still rolling down his cheeks.
“So how did this happen? And have you been pregnant this whole time?” Blitz asked gently.
“Yes, when me and Stella were trying for Via, we were having trouble conceiving so I consulted my grimoire to see if there was something that would help…I located a spell that would allow me to conceive in Stella’s place. We were desperate so I cast the spell…it would make me instantly able to conceive…but…it was going to be a permanent spell. Once every 10 years I’d be able to potentially conceive again for 2 weeks.” Stolas began to explain.
“When did it happen?” Striker asked.
“On the full moon…I completely forgot it was coming up…I’m so sorry! I’ve not had anyone for so long…normally it’s not really a problem,” Stolas exclaimed starting to sob again.
“It’s okay…you don’t need to apologize,” Blitz assured Stolas rubbing his shoulder for comfort.
“Blitz is right, don’t stress yer self,” Striker agreed.
“Look, explain how this all works,” Blitz encouraged.
“Well, in about 2 more weeks I’ll be laying,” Stolas sniffled.
“Wait! You’re going to give birth in 2 weeks?” Blitz wondered once again taken off guard.
“Yes, in the Goetia family we’re only pregnant for 5 to 6 weeks then we lay either one or two eggs,” Stolas explained.
“So, in two more weeks we’re going to have a baby?” Blitz asked seeking confirmation.
“Um…not…necessarily…just because I lay doesn’t mean the egg or eggs will be fertile. We can have duds,” Stolas continued.
“Oh…there’s no way to tell before hand?” Blitz wondered curiously.
“No, we’ll find out once I lay…but…there’s already something strange…I’ve gained so much weight…more then what should be normal for even two eggs,” Stolas explained in a concerned tone, shifting slightly to pull his shirt up.
“Have Ya seen anyone about it?” Striker asked returning Stolas’ concerned look.
“No, I was afraid you two would find out if I tried to see a doctor,” Stolas sheepishly admitted.
“We’ll need ta fix that…Ya need to take care of yer self,” Striker insisted.
“I have a doctor I can call…she’s the royal physician…I just haven’t,” Stolas explained.
“Good, you’ll call her first thing tomorrow and get you looked at,” Blitz insisted.
Stolas gave a nod of agreement as the two imps settled by him, eventually all three of them falling asleep. The next day Stolas called the royal physician to have her come check on him as agreed however the out come of the exam was not what any of them were expecting, Stolas was fine luckily yet he was currently carrying 3 eggs instead of 1 or 2. In the history of the Goetia family there had never been 3 eggs laid at one time let alone all three being fertile now of course at this stage the physician couldn’t tell if they were fertile or not but the fact Stolas was carrying three was enough of a surprise. The physician agreed to keep a close eye on Stolas till he laid which she’d also help with in about 2 weeks time.
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hamatosami · 1 year
Away too long-💙
Notes: I was feeling a little angsty today haha
Please read responsibly 🫶🏼
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Shakily you paced back and forth through your apartment. Hands shaking and sweating. If he were to come by he would have done it by now.
It’s only been a few months since you started dating the blue banded turtle and it’s been nothing short of an adventure.
What once started as something light and friendly, turned into a deep obsession. Things were still very new and fresh. The last thing you wanted was to screw anything up this early, likewise, you kept a lot of your pent up emotion to yourself.
While facing the basic difficulties of keeping his existence a secret from your friends and family, you also had to survive with the idea that when he leaves on a mission, he might never come back.
And it was nights like tonight that had you going fucking crazy.
“Should I call him again.” You whispered to yourself looking at your call history. You’ve called him 15 times in the last 2 days. Maybe it was a little obsessive, but what else could you do?
Loneliness engulfed your soul. You had no one to talk to, no one to call if anything went wrong. He kept resources from you purposely to keep you from running to help him and putting yourself further in danger.
It wasn’t a call you liked, but you understood why he did it. Because if you knew where he was, recklessly, you would have been there by now.
But to you it was all worth it.
You decided a hot shower would take the edge of. It’s been three days since Leo left on a mission and he hadn’t returned back or answered any of your calls.
Against your will, he didn’t tell you his location or what exactly the mission was. All for the sake of your protection. The less you knew the better.
As you got out of the hot steamy shower you felt your eyes swell up again. You were crying off and on worried sick. You fought every instinct to cry again but you couldn’t help it.
Thinking the absolute worst creeped into your mind again and tears poured out once more. You savored every last memory you had of him, putting yourself back into panic mode.
Slowly putting on your robe, you fought the urge to call him again, but you didn’t succeed.
Voicemail again…
Your eyes shut tight in frustration.
“Leo… it’s Y/N. Please… I need to know that you’re okay.” In defeat you pressed the red icon on your phone ending the voicemail. You couldn’t help your shakes and tremors thinking the absolute worst.
You almost jumped out of your skin when you heard your floor creek…
You lived alone…
As your heart thumped hard against your chest you felt your entire body freeze.
Leo armed you with quite a few weapons hoping you’d never have to use them, but with you being affiliated with the turtles, he never wanted to risk it with you.
You swiftly and as quietly as you could grabbed the mini katana hidden under your bed and creeped around to the living room where you heard the noise. Hair still dripping wet.
Your throat became dry as you slowly creeped along the hallway.
You heard another footstep.
You for sure knew now that there was someone in your home.
And you were 100% sure as to who it was.
You listened carefully to hear how many foot clan members were in your home trying to remember the very little fighting skills Leo taught you.
As the figure got closer you hid behind the wall ready to attack whoever it was in the very hopes of making it out alive.
You waited for your moment. You only had one chance.
You waited until they got close enough, you could swing at them and then hopefully make a run for the door.
The steps got closer and closer
And your breathing got heavier and heavier.
Now was your chance.
You closed your eyes and counted to 3 in your head.
As you swung your wrist was caught firmly
Oh shit oh shit oh shit.
You opened your eyes expecting to see a killer, but instead was shocked to see worrisome eyes.
Eyes bluer than blue. The only eyes you knew.
It was Leo.
“Y/N it’s me.” He lowered your hand. You gulped hard first grasping the idea that he wasn’t dead. The. Slowly you became angry.
“Leo?” You shuddered not knowing how to respond.
“I’m back…” he tried to sound cheerful for you, but you didn’t buy into it.
“You couldn’t at least give me a damn call?!” You couldn’t help but yell. You were so… fucking… furious with hun.
His mouth dropped.
“I- I’m sorry I got caught up.” Eyes looking guilty as ever.
“Damn it Leo! I thought you were dead!” You couldn’t help the tears now streaming down your face.
His hand found your face. Wiping your tears as you broke down.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered simply.
Your eyes trailed to his arms that were covered in blood.
“Don’t worry.” He reassured. “It’s not my blood. I’m fine.” His voice was so low and soothing. “I came here first thing to let you know i was okay.”
As you got a closer look at him, you felt guilty for yelling. He was beaten up bad.
“I’m sorry Leo I just get… so fucking worried.” You cried more.
He pulled you in for a kiss.
A deep… long kiss, attempting to kiss all your worries away.
“I’m not going anywhere I promise.”
Thank you so much for reading!! If you enjoyed like and comment for more content! (Master list coming soon)
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A/N: Finally posting another chapter after months, sorry for the wait y’all
Chapter Summary: You wake up to a call that seems to be straight out of one of your worst nightmares, which forces to to visit an ex afterwards. But after a spiral down the slope of near insanity, you’re able to cheer up by going to the mall with your sister and her girlfriend.
TW: Semi-sexual Content, Drug Dealing, Toxic Ex
Master List
Red Ink
Chapter Three: Final Warning
Your eyes open as you hear your phone ring, seeing the time you realize you haven’t even been asleep for an hour. You answer the phone, not bothering to sit up to talk because you figured it’s just going to be a quick call and you’ll be able to go back to bed after. You manage to groggily speak, “hello?”
“Hello this is Off-” the man on the other end of the line doesn’t even get a chance to introduce himself.
You instantly can tell by the first word you heard from the voice on the other end of the line that you were getting a call from an officer from the police station that’s back home. You can tell it’s Penwood because you have dealt with him plenty of times in your youth and you both know each other all too well. You go into a panicked frenzy, jumping out of bed and your voice being an unreasonably high pitch when you say, “I’ll be there in two hours, Penwood!”
You hang up and turn on the lamp next to your bed, not giving a shit if it wakes your dorm mate. You grab your keys, put on your flip flops and sprint out the door, your light still on as you leave. You accidentally slam the door behind you but that’s the least of your concerns, right now you need to bail out whichever one of your siblings is currently sitting in a cell at the police station.
You drive like a maniac. Speed limits? Red lights? Stop signs? What are those?! You sure as Hell forgot on your way there.
You’re lucky that you were driving this reckless at 1 AM on a Wednesday morning because there was nearly nobody on the roads, including cops. Along with the roads were already plowed after the snow storm that lasted from Friday night to Monday afternoon.
So you easily got to the station, arriving at 3 AM in only an old t-shirt, boxers, and flip flops while it’s only 35°F (2°C) outside. You make eye contact with Officer Penwood who is standing there, waiting for you from behind the desk.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Officer Penwood asks with a chuckle, “it has been awhile.”
It has, it’s been years, nearly fourteen years since the last time you’ve had a run in with the law but this wasn’t a time to reminisce about the past. Right now you’re worried about your sibling. You walk up to the desk and Penwood lays out an evidence bag that has a hoodie in it that you instantly recognize, it’s your little brother Andrew’s hoodie. You curse under your breath, of course it’s him getting into trouble. You sigh and look back up at Penwood, “bring him out.”
Since you and Penwood have history he has no issue with going to get Andrew from one of the holding cells in the back of the police station. After a few minutes Penwood comes out of the door that you have been in and out of plenty of times. Andrew is following behind him with a scowl on his face and cuffs still tight around his wrist.
“Found him walking down the street, I was trying to stop to ask him why he was out past curfew, instead of answering he tried to book it.” Penwood pulled a tiny baggie of weed out of his back pocket, “he made it around the corner before we caught him so we can’t prove it’s his.”
You are angry, no, livid right now, and if looks could kill Andrew would be dead with the daggers you’re staring at him. When he makes eye contact with you he tries to speak but before he even has a chance to plead his lie of innocence you cut him off, “not. a. word.”
Andrew closes his mouth again and Penwood goes on to finish what he has to say, “I’m letting him off with a warning this time but next time he won’t be as lucky.”
“There won’t be a next time,” you state and watch as Penwood unlocks Andrew’s cuffs. You so badly want to leave Andrew there but he trusted you to get him out of this, so you will. This is the first and last time you will ever do it.
“If you say so,” Penwood says sarcastically, though he really hopes that you’re right. He doesn’t want to see Andrew end up like Steven, he knows you wouldn’t be able to handle that. Penwood was so proud when he heard through the grapevine that you cleaned your life up and that you made sure your family was well cared for. He never wanted to see any of your siblings' faces in here and the possibility that he’d have to go through with what he did with you with Andrew breaks his heart.
“Go get in the car,” you tell Andrew and he follows orders. He didn’t want to be in this place any longer than he already had to be, and as soon as Andrew is out the door you look at Penwood. You are forever grateful to him because there have been so many times that you could have been locked up and Penwood never let it happen, he has given you a million second chances. But you will not let him do it for any of your siblings, “never thought that picking someone up feels worse than being the one to get picked up… I was hoping I’d never have to find out either.”
“Hopefully this will be the last time you’ll have to deal with either,” Penwood looks at your sad eyes. You were born into a messed up situation and were going down the wrong path for awhile, but you finally got it together. He wants you to know that you’re doing good, so he pats your shoulder and says with a smile something he never thought he would, “I’m proud of you kid.”
You give him a smile back, you didn’t realize how much you need to hear that from someone who’s seen you at your toughest times and lowest points. “Thank you sir.”
Penwood gives you a nod and looks over to the desk, seeing Andrew’s hoodie still laying on it. He grabs it then hands it to you and says, “alright, you two need to get going.”
You nod back, taking the hoodie and head out the door but before you leave you tell him in a playful tone, “hope to never see you again.”
“Likewise,” Penwood chuckles and heads back behind the desk.
When you step out the door the cold air hurts as soon as it hits you, like a million needles stabbing your skin all at once. But that isn’t enough to cool the fiery rage that consumes your entire being when you see Andrew. Though when you get into the car you're silent, not speaking a word as you start up the car and begin driving with the evidence bag with his hoodie in your lap. You’re taking the long way home.
This is the one time that Andrew actually wants you to say something- anything- to him, you’ve always been the type to speak on an issue. So the quiet feels so ominous that it’s frightening. The only noise is the sound of the tires against the pavement and your old car’s engine humming as you take your good ol’ time with the drive.
You like to take drives to clear your mind, so you were hoping that taking the longer route would give you time to get all your thoughts together before speaking to him. You try your very best to keep a level head and when you get to a stop light you think you’re calm enough to speak. You keep a normal tone of voice when you ask, “who is your supplier?”
Andrew is surprised that was the type of question you were asking, and he was also a bit angered by it. It doesn’t make sense to him why that is what you’re worried about, and why it’s not him that you’re worried about. He gains a bit of an attitude, “nob-”
And like that, you snap, yelling so loud that you’re surprised that the windows didn’t shatter, “WHO IS YOUR BLOODY SUPPLIER?!”
This is the angriest you have ever been. Peter saying that you were like your parents is nothing in comparison to this. What Andrew did was the straw that finally broke the camel’s back and now over twenty years of pent up rage is being let loose. The only reason Andrew is giving you an answer is because he hates loud noises and doesn’t want to hear anymore yelling. Though he was going to be vague and lie to pretend he didn’t know much, he mumbles, “some bloke that my friends told me about named Erico.”
“Maxwell?” You ask in a low tone, you recognized the name as soon as you heard it so you didn’t need Andrew to confirm it. Though you get your answer because even though you’re staring at the road waiting for the light to turn green, you see his body language.
Andrew uncomfortably shifts in his seat and looks out the passenger side window. He’s nervous because you just somehow know who he’s talking about without him having him to tell you.
The car goes back to being dead silent because there is no more need for discussion. Andrew doesn’t know that you know that name all too well and you’ll have to pay Erico a visit when you get the chance. But for now you just continue to drive and since you got the answer you wanted you change the route you’re going to get home, now taking the quickest way from where you’re currently at. Not speaking a word until you finally pull up to the driveway.
“Andrew,” you keep your voice low but your tone is stern and threatening, “I ever find out- and trust me when I say I will find out- that you do any of this shit again I will personally get you locked up.”
You know you’re being irrationally angry and hypocritical because you were doing worse when you were younger than his age but you can’t help it. You’re angry that after all you did to keep them out of these types of situations it hasn’t worked.
Andrew takes your words with a grain of salt, if anything your threat just makes him want to do it more. He already had so much resentment towards you and since you screamed at him, he wants to piss you off however he can now. Besides you ratting him out, your beloved little brother? He’ll believe that when fat pigs fly.
You hand Andrew his hoodie and with a sad sigh you say, “I just want what’s best for you bud.”
Andrew says nothing, he just grabs his hoodie and steps out of the car, closing the door behind him without even saying good night. Andrew doesn’t care for what you have to say. How would you know what’s best for him when you basically abandoned him after Samuel was born? What makes you think you know him?
You’ve learned not to get hurt whenever Andrew is cold towards you, it’s been going on for awhile and you have no idea why. But you’ve just come to accept it and love him regardless of how he treats you. After watching Andrew get into the house you drive away, not bothering to look at the time because you already know you’re going to be late for class. You consider just taking the day off and decide that’s best, besides you need to take care of Erico.
It’s 4:52 AM when you pull up to the trap house that you haven’t been to since you were twenty, which was supposed to be the last time you’d ever visit it. But apparently Erico didn’t heed the warning you gave him the last time you were here.
You throw on a pair of sweatpants over your boxers before stepping out of your car and slamming the door behind you, locking it after. Then you march your way up the three front porch steps and fling open the door that you already know is unlocked. There are plenty of people in the hallway leading to the living room, some of the faces you recognize while others are new. Either way you push passed them, not giving a fuck who they are.
When you get into the living room you see Erico talking to someone with his back to you, which gives you the perfect opportunity for a surprise attack. As soon as you're close enough to him you pull on his shoulder and when he turns he doesn’t even get a chance to realize it’s you because you use everything in you to punch him in the face. Your everything is enough to break his nose and send him stumbling backwards, dazing him for a moment.
When Erico stops seeing spots in his vision he looks at you, smirking while blood rushes out of his nostrils. It’s been awhile since he’s seen you last and he knows exactly why you’re here but is going to play coy. He chuckles and asks you, “now, what was that for?”
“You know exactly what it was for,” you growl, your knuckles turning white from how hard you're balling up your fist while fighting to urge to beat the ever living shit out of him. “I already told you to stay away from my family but apparently you still listen as well as you did when we were together.”
Yup, that’s right, Erico Maxwell is your ex boyfriend and another one of your biggest regrets. You might have stopped dealing when your brother died, but that didn’t keep you from giving years of your life to someone who does. And you two would have still been together if he hadn’t tried to keep you from working as a stripper.
You thought you saw the last of Erico after the breakup but then he sold drugs to Peter, who was only thirteen at the time. You found out right away because when you got home after work you found a baked Peter on the living room couch. You knew it was Erico due to the simple fact that- at the time- his dumbass used tiny blue bags when dealing.
So after that you gave Erico his first- and you thought it was the final- warning, you were angry with him but as civil as you could be at the time. He told you he wouldn’t deal to your family and he followed through with his word.
Until now.
“Well I must have forgotten then, since I’m such a terrible listener,” Erico said sarcastically. He thought he could be sneaky and sell to your family now that you’ve moved to a college that’s three and a half hours away.
“Well let your broken nose forever be a reminder to stay away from my family, this is the last time I’m telling you.” Next time you are willing to shut down his whole operation without a second thought, the only reason why you haven’t yet is because you know the struggle. You know there are some kids here that are just like you when you were younger. They’re working and selling drugs because it's the only way they can support their families.
Erico shakes his head and chuckles, you’re oblivious to what’s happening within your own family. He might have sold the weed but your brother isn’t exactly innocent in all this, “what makes you so sure he didn’t come to me?”
“I know Andrew, he’d never do anything like that,” you refuse to believe that you baby brother would risk his entire future just to get high. Besides, you know Erico is always willing to lie if that means he can save his own ass.
“Apparently you don’t know him enough,” Erico taunts you. He knows your family means everything to you and that your life goal is to keep them away from drugs, “because your precious little angel of a brother has been asking around for awhile. Before you even left for college.”
“What makes you think I’m going to believe a single word out of your filthy mouth?” You’re in denial, everything he is saying is coming straight from your nightmares.
“Because I’ve kept my promise for this long, no?” Erico chuckles, you’re trying to be blind to the truth because you built a bubble around your family and he is having fun popping it. “I told him I wasn’t going to sell to him because he’d get caught and get me in trouble with you. I still held off when he told me you were moving three hours away but he just begged and pleaded, and I finally gave in.”
“Shut up!” You shout at him, getting angrier with every word that leaves his mouth, “you’re lying!”
“Oh, but I’m not,” Erico says in a ‘matter of fact’ way because he is only speaking the truth. Everything he is telling you is nothing but facts, “I should have known better though, I thought I could trust the little twat not to rat me out. I guess I was wrong.”
“He didn’t rat you out,” you state, luckily you have one of the best poker faces there are. Nobody has ever been able to catch you in a lie if they didn’t have hard proof and even then you could talk your way out of situations most of the time. “I might be out of the game but I still have plenty of connections and I easily found out what street he was on, which wasn’t far from here.”
Erico wouldn’t doubt that you still have eyes and ears everywhere but that doesn’t stop him from looking you up and down. He’s searching within your face and analyzing your body language to see if you’re lying, deciding to take you seriously because there is no indication of any falsehoods. Since Erico has known you for so long he believes he knows what your tells are.
But that’s the exact reason you’re able to lie to people so easily, you’ve made them believe that you have signs that show you’re lying. Like with Erico, you’ve tricked him into thinking that when you’re lying your nose twitches. You’ve made other people think that you scratch the back of your neck when you lie, other people think that you bite your nails, and so on. It’s not that hard to pick up on things people do show when they are lying, then using those same tactics to pretend you’re lying.
“Very well,” Erico says and nods at a big guy that’s leaning up against a wall behind you, “let the word out for none of our people to sell to her siblings ever again even if they come looking.”
You look at the guy and he nods back, “got it boss.”
Erico looks back at you and smirks, “now if you find him with anything else you know it’s not my people.”
“Still won’t keep me from punching you in the face if I find any of my siblings with drugs-” you growl, now you don’t trust him as far as you can throw him, “-you already broke your promise once.”
“I’m sorry to tell you this babe but I’m no longer the only one dealing around here,” Erico says and pulls out a little book out of his back pocket then gives it to you.
You already know what the book is for, Erico always has one that he scribbles down dates, code names, sales, and profits on before he gets it written down in his files. When you open it you see that it’s brand new and only one side of the paper is filled out with names from Monday to today. Usually he fills in half the book- pages front and back- within a day, so this proves what he is saying to be true. You mumble under your breath, “fuck.”
Erico nods his head, “but if you still don’t believe me about selling you can come check the files from each week from now on. You know I’m serious about my money and don’t lie in my books.”
You close Erico's book and hold it out to him to take back, “that won’t be necessary, Andrew won’t be doing anything like this again.”
Erico takes it, shaking his head and chuckling. When you go to leave he says, “good luck, Riot.”
You flip him off as you leave, he knows damn well that you no longer go by that name because that was your street name that Steven gave you. When you cut everything having to do with drugs out of your life you stopped going by that name and Erico knew that, that’s the only reason why he called you by it. He just loves to piss you off.
When you leave to go back to school you get stuck behind traffic, so by the time you’re back to school it’s nearly 11 AM. You give up on going to your classes because it’s not like you’ll be able to pay attention anyway. There is a lot you can push through, but this isn’t one of them. You are completely out of your mind now, your nerves are shot and mental health down the drain.
You even call off work that night because you wanted a full night's rest for once, you can’t even remember the last time you had one of those. At least your dreams aren’t terrible, in fact they are the complete opposite. You dream of all the good memories you made with Andrew growing up. Like pushing him on the swing, and when you held him in your arms as you two went down the slide.
But when you wake up the next day you’re haunted by the sound of baby Andrew’s laugh in your ears, leaving your heart aching. You want all of that back, you want to make more treasured memories that you can look back on and smile. You want him to love you as much as he did before, not have all this hatred and resentment towards you. You having no clue why he hates you so much makes it even worse because you don’t know how to make it better.
After a few minutes of struggling, you manage to pull yourself out of bed and get ready for the day. At least that’s what you thought but when you get in the shower you just stand in there until the hot water runs out. Which is a surprisingly long time, you spend a little over three hours there without realizing it. Then you step out of the shower, spending another few hours just staring at the wall. You think about what you’re going to do about Andrew and how this is going to affect the rest of your siblings.
Your phone starts ringing, you see that it’s Peter and when you answer you don’t even get a chance to get a word in. He asks you in a panic, “what’s happening?! What’s going on?!”
“Huh?” You ask, confused of why your brother sounds frantic and why he’s asking you what’s going on. You know Andrew wouldn’t say anything and if he did then Peter wouldn’t need to ask you what’s going on.
“You texted me yesterday saying to call you when I got a chance but when I tried calling you didn’t pick up!” Peter thought something happened to you, “is something wrong?!”
You don’t even remember texting Peter, that’s how scattered your thoughts are. But you know why you needed to talk to him, you speak in a hushed tone and say “I need you to shoot me a text if any new faces start hanging around the neighborhood. But don’t say anything to anyone, including the kids.”
Peter is silent for a moment, he can only theorize what is going on because he knows you’ll never give him specifics. But that doesn’t keep him from asking anyway, he angrily asks you, “what did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything,” you say in a reassuring voice, knowing Peter won’t believe you because he knows just the tiniest little sliver of what happened in your past. So you expected him to automatically assume you are the reason he now has to be in fear for your family’s safety and you prefer it that way.
Peter growls, he hates when you’re so vague especially when it comes to things like this, “bullshit, you wouldn’t say something like this unless you knew something was going on.”
Just because you prefer being the one in trouble doesn’t mean you like it but you prefer his anger at you than it being towards Andrew. You sigh, “I’m telling the truth but you can put the blame on me if that’s what makes you feel better. I just need you to promise me to act normal and not say anything.”
There is another long pause, Peter hates that you won’t give him any information but he knows it’s in everyone’s best interest for him to trust you. He once again needs to just blindly follow you into the dark and he accepts that. He sighs in defeat, “I promise to keep my mouth shut but if anything happens I’m never going to forgive you.”
“I wouldn’t want you to because I’d never be able to forgive myself,” you admit. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if something bad ever happens to one of your siblings and Peter knows that.
“I know-” he says and checks the time, his lunch break is going to be up soon, “-I need to get going.”
“Alright, love you and I’ll see you later,” you say because you never say ‘goodbye’ to them.
“Love you and see you later,” Peter says and hangs up.
You couldn’t keep yourself from breaking down, silently crying your eyes out as waves of sadness and anger crash over you. What could you have possibly done to make the world punish you like this? And why can’t you be the only one being punished? The world can beat you down until you’re nothing but a stain on the floor and you couldn’t care less. But could it at least leave your family out of this? That’s all you want. You want your family to be safe, you want them not to suffer, you want them to live in peace. And the world won’t let you have that. Why can’t you have that?
When you finally pull yourself together it’s almost past 7 PM and you haven’t eaten in nearly two days. You don’t want to leave your dorm but you have no food or snacks, so you have no choice. You put on a pair of jeans, a hoodie, some sneakers, throw your hair into a bun, and cover your scar. Then leave your dorm and walk to your car to leave campus.
First place you go is to the gas station because you realize your tank is almost empty, and why wouldn’t it be with all the driving you’ve done. You get out of your old and beat up car to pump your gas, the cold air feels like it’s cutting into your skin as you stand there holding the gas nozzles into your tank. You thought it couldn’t get worse but it does by starting to snow, making you let out an exhausted, “fuck.”
You planned on going to get some food but you’re going to scrap that now because with your luck the flurry will turn into a snow storm. After you get done with filling your tank and paying, you move your car and run into the gas station because you need to stock up on something to snack on.
First thing you go for is your Monster Energy but stop at the fridge that contains all the different brands of water in it. You think about how last Monday you didn’t have anything to drink with you and were dying of thirst. It seemed as if Professor Tepes read your mind because he offered you a few bottles of water that would hold you over until you could get to a vending machine. You didn’t give it any thought because you were going through caffeine withdrawal and just going about your days like a robot. This thing with Andrew snapped you out of your trance and made you feel like you’ve gained free will.
But now that you can think clearly, you decide the best thing for you is to get some waters because you felt better after drinking them. You still buy some Monsters but not as many, then you go over into the snack section, once again remembering how Professor Tepes offered you a granola bar and an orange one morning because he must have heard your stomach growling before class. After spending your childhood running off of junk food you never think to eat anything that’s even remotely healthy for you. It was easy to just go off of frozen tv dinners and fast food, but now that you have money to actually spend on healthier things it might be time to switch up your diet. Though you still have that immense fear that if something were to happen then you wouldn’t have any money.
You’ll attempt to go to the store tomorrow and buy some produce to last you a week, see how you feel after but for now you’re just going to buy what you can get from the gas station. Getting the small fresh fruit and vegetables cups, along with some of those parfait cups, and snack wraps.
When you get to the counter you look like you went grocery shopping in the gas station, but you need to make sure you have something for the weekend. After you’re done you walk out of the gas station and notice how the snow seems to be falling heavier, so you decide it’s best to just go back to campus. When you get back you decide to eat and go back to bed, which is exactly what you do.
You wake up at 8 AM and see how the flurry from last night hasn’t left any snow on the ground, so you decide that you want to go out on this beautiful but freezing cold Saturday morning. You get up, get a quick shower, do your morning routine, cover up your scar, and decide to go out.
Your plan last night was to go to the grocery store this morning but since you got some stuff from the gas station last night you decide not to. Though it does give you the idea to go to the mall, and makes you remember it’s your little sister Marie, girlfriend’s birthday is today. So you call up Marie and offer to take her and Julia to the mall, which they agree to without any hesitation.
You have to pick them up from Julia’s house and as soon as you pull into the driveway you hit the horn, chuckling when you see them run out of the house. They both get into the back seats together and you decide to make a joke about it. Looking at them through the rearview mirror and saying with a smirk, “better not do anything while you’re back there.”
“Oh shut up!” Marie says in mock annoyance, making you and Julia giggle. Once they are both buckled up you pull out of the driveway and begin the drive to the mall.
“So how’s school? Do they have you choosing your classes for next year yet?” You ask, it’s been awhile since you’ve been able to hang out with Marie and Julia. Well, it’s been awhile since you hung out with any of your siblings. You still have frequent Skye calls, but with everyone’s schedules it’s hard to get into depth about any topics, plus the youngest ones tend to take over.
“Not yet, but we're planning on continuing our advanced courses,” Marie says happily.
Marie is smart- all of your siblings are in their own ways- but Marie is especially bright. She is at the highest level that high school can provide and passes them all with ease. She is the one that’s going to make your family’s name actually worth something, and you’re so proud of her for it. You would get all sappy over this but you know they’ll just start cringing, so you give her a big smile and playfully say, “that’s not surprising.”
“Our study group has gotten bigger, so that helps,” Julia chimes in, they all meet whenever they have a big test coming. Marie and Julia are the ones who created it, which is what led them into dating.
Marie was very socially awkward at first and she still is, but Julia is extroverted. They met after Julia moved into town a few years ago and met Marie in the school library, they instantly became friends. As Julia’s friend group grew, Marie’s did as well and since all of the friends are academically gifted the study group came to be. But Julia’s and Marie’s bond was always stronger than the rest, eventually they were spending time outside of school together. They had a lot of one on one time together and Julia became Marie’s queer awakening, the rest is history.
The only reason why they keep it private is because first of all it’s nobody’s business, and the second reason is because of your homophobic parents that would kick Marie out in a heartbeat if they found out she was a lesbian.
At home your parents are mostly absent so Marie and Julia tend to be safe to show affection but there is that possibility. Plus with all the siblings running around they decide not to for the sake of not wanting to hear their comments. That’s why they tend to hang out at Julia’s place, her parents are accepting and make sure their home is a safe space for them. Plus there was only Julia’s little sister, Rachel who minds her own business. Julia also likes to make music so her room is in the soundproof basement, which is nice for Marie since it gives her a break from all the noise at home. At least that’s what she tells everyone, besides you. She spills all her dirty secrets to you because you’re her older sister who she tells everything to whenever you two have time to gossip.
But you are keeping secrets from her like you do everyone, secrets that you have been reminded of upon hearing that there are new people in their study group. You keep your composure and nonchalant attitude, “oh? Tell me about them.”
“There have been a bunch of new kids in the school and a few of them no one knows where they came from-” Marie says with a shrug, “-they keep it to themselves, like they’re trying to be mysterious or something.”
“More like suspicious,” Julia says with a semi aggressive tone, which says a lot because she is a social butterfly that likes to make friendly acquaintances with nearly everyone. So for someone to give her an off putting feeling is something to be wary about, “I don’t like them.”
Marie rolls her eyes and teasingly says, “you’re just mad that someone was asking about me.”
You tense up, squeezing the steering wheel tightly to the point that your knuckles turn white but you keep your eyes on the road and listen to them playfully squabble in hopes to get more information. When you get nothing you decide to ask a question, “did you catch this kid’s name? Or know what he looks like?”
“No,” Marie shrugs, she’s lucky to be so naïve of the reasons why someone looking for her could potentially end up very badly. “How come?”
You shake your head, “no reason in particular, just curious.”
It doesn’t take long to get to the mall and all three of you excitedly jump out of the car once it’s parked. Julia looks over at you and asks, “where to first?”
“It’s your birthday, so you decide!” You say and just follow behind them as they head to a store that is filled with alternative fashion. You don’t think much of it since you’re only at the front of the store but as you drift towards the back of the store the merchandise becomes a bit more concerning.
There are shirts that say some pretty obscure things that you wouldn’t wouldn’t expect to find at a store in the mall.
“Hey sis!” Marie says as she steps up to you and when you turn around you see her with a cheeky grin as she holds out a box out for you to take. “I found something for you!”
“Huh?” You say as you take the box and when you look down at it to read the label you nearly drop it. Marie just handed you a dildo, “Marie!”
Marie and Julia both burst out laughing as your face becomes flushed with red and you look for a place to set down the rather large box your little sister gave you. But Julia lets you hand it off to her and goes to put it back on the shelf that was only a few feet away from where you were currently standing.
“Why would you hand something like that?!” You ask Marie who is still chuckling, you’re dumbstruck by the fact that they sell such a thing.
“I figured you would like it,” Marie teases, “I mean you’re so stressed out with classes, you deserve a little release.”
“Marie!” You smack her arm, which only makes her laugh once more, “you’re such a twat!”
“Love you too sis,” Marie says with an eye roll. Her and Julia were planning on doing this as soon as you offered to take them to the mall.
“Hey babe!” Julia calls out, Marie and you walk around the corner, passing more of the merchandise that’s for the bedroom. Eventually being met with the sight of Julia playfully holding onto a stripper’s pole, “I think you’d look good on one of these.”
Marie laughs and walks over to the pole, holding onto it as well, “I don’t know. What do you think, sis?”
You stare at the both of them blankly and sternly say, “no, no sister of mine is becoming a stripper.”
This surprised them because you weren’t the type to talk that way when it came to such innocent jokes, they don’t know that the reason why you gained this attitude is because you’re a stripper. None of your family knows what you do for a living and Peter is the only one who knows about you being a dealer in the past.
Marie and Julia can tell by your tone that making a joke right now isn’t in their best interest, so they move on. All three of you circle back around the front, it’s easy to transition back to normal because of the ability to make jokes about all the lewd things the store sells.
“Julia, I think you need the one that says I heart MILFS,” you say playfully as you pull the shirt off of the racks and hold it out to her.
Marie looks at Julia and chuckles, “she’s not wrong babe!”
“Oh, whatever!” Julia rolls her eyes but takes the shirt, planning on getting it because they’re not wrong. Julia does love MILFs, she looks up at you and playfully asks, “you’re paying right?”
“It’s your birthday, so of course,” you say and look at a few other shirts, all of them being something you would never wear.
“Hey sis, you need this one,” Marie decides to mess with you again, showing you a shirt that she knows you’ll hate.
“I haven’t-“ you say the words out loud as your eyes skim across the shirt, “-lost my vir…”
When you catch on you stop reading the shirt and playfully hit her arm, “Marie! I’m going to make you wait out in the car if you keep this up!”
Marie bursts out laughing and so does Julia when she reads the shirt that says ‘I haven’t lost my virginity because I never lose.’ Julia decides to jump in on the teasing too but she keeps her voice down, “is that why you said she needs the dildo?”
Marie nods and your face burns with embarrassment, you didn’t need everyone to know that. Your voice nearly squeaks as you say, “we’re done here! It’s time to check out!”
Once Marie and Julia are done laughing so hard that they are crying they comply with the order, going over to the check out. You pay for the shirts and knick knacks they wanted then the three of you leave the store. You look at them and playfully say, “now that you two are done tantalizing me, where to next?”
They both shrug, they only care to go into the shop that they just left so the rest of the time it’s just window shopping. Eventually stopping at a bookstore to explore, which you are more enthused about than they are. You try to have them go in with you but they decide to go to the food court instead, leaving you to your own devices. Immediately you head for the *adult* fantasy section but not before passing a familiar figure that was in the history section, causing you to nearly stop in your tracks.
Alucard’s ears perk up, your footsteps he can always apart from all of the rest and he didn’t hesitate to look up at you and smile, “hello.”
“Hey-” you smile back, “-I know I shouldn’t be surprised seeing you but it’s always odd to see a teacher outside of school.”
Alucard chuckles, “it’s surprising how many students I see when I’m out but none of them tend to notice. Though I’m not complaining, I see my students enough at school.”
You know he’s only joking so you playfully put your hand on your chest and dramatically gasp, “well that hurt!”
Alucard shakes his head in fake disapproval of your theatrics and puts the book he was looking at back on the shelf then pulls off another one to look at. He playfully says, “well sometimes the truth hurts.”
“That’s an understatement,” you say and walk over to him, looking at the book he is holding. You see that it’s ‘The Last Days Of Socrates’ by Plato, “philosophy, eh?”
“I read a little bit of everything,” Alucard plainly says as he reads the back of the book. He likes to read about philosophers and think about how his morals can sometimes differ from theirs. “So do you mind me asking why you’ve been out of class?”
You were waiting for that to come up, “I had some family matters to attend to. Did I miss much?”
Alucard sets the book back on the shelf and looks at you once more, “nothing that you can’t handle catching up on. I hope everything is alright and it’s more than okay for you to miss some time in order to take care of your home life.”
“That won’t be necessary Sir, I should be back in class by Monday,” you reassure him. You aren’t completely back in the right headspace but you missed being in his class to get over it. “And I’ll have a water with me.”
“Oh?” Alucard was a bit surprised by that but happy about it because he was afraid your heart would explode with the way you overload your body with caffeine. “No more Monsters for you?”
“Oh no, I still need my Monsters but I’m going to try to drink less of them. I also plan on eating something every once in a while,” you say playfully. You know this is none of your History Professor business but it doesn’t hurt to talk to him in a friendly manner.
“Well that’s good,” Alucard says with a small nod. He’s thinking the same thing as you about how it’s a bit odd that you two are behaving in such a casual manner but that’s all it is, casual. “I expect those kind of eating habits from the ones fresh out of high school because their young bodies can still handle that type of thing.”
You dramatically gasp, “Professor Tepes, are you calling me old?!”
“Not old, just older,” Alucard chuckles, “but I can’t say much. I am getting up there at the ripe old age of forty-five.”
“Yet not a single gray hair,” you shake your head, “dealing with hundreds of teenagers a day. I can barely stand my little sister and her girlfriend who I brought with me.”
“Ah, I was wondering why you were here,” Alucard admits. Though you being here on your own makes as much sense as him being here on his own. But his goddaughter Seras told him about a bookstore in the mall, so he decided to give it a shot.
“It’s my sister’s girlfriend’s birthday and after dealing with another one of my little brothers I decided I could spend time with my sister,” you sigh. You didn’t even want to think about Andrew’s BS but here you are.
“Seems like you have a lot of people to keep up with,” Alucard says, thinking that it is only the three of your siblings and perhaps your parents you’re trying to keep in touch with.
You roll your eyes and playfully say, “that's an understatement when you have eleven siblings to worry about.”
Alucard’s eyes go wide and he pauses for a moment trying to think of something to say, all he could come up with is, “well, you’re right it *was* an understatement.”
“Heh-” you didn’t mean to reveal that much about yourself to him but at the same time; what does it matter anyway? What does he have to gain and what do you have to lose by him knowing that little bit of information about you? “Yeah, it’s a lot, especially when they range from eighteen to three, part of the reason why I’m so late getting around to college.”
“But at least you made it, no? You have great potential and it shows with everything you write.” Alucard compliments you and he truly means it. Every essay you've turned in seems like you’re majoring in the field you’re writing them for.
You can feel your cheeks burning, you’re not used to getting compliments so it’s hard to accept them without feeling awkward, “th-thank you professor.”
Alucard nods and can feel how you’re becoming uncomfortable so decides it’s best to end this interaction, “well, I should let you go, I hope you have a good time with your sister and her girlfriend, and see you in class tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow,” you nod, somewhat disappointed to stop talking to him so soon but somehow relieved at the same time. Besides you should be getting back to Marie and Julia, but first you’re going to get some books, so you head to the adult fantasy. Which luckily has rows of other genres between it.
You don’t get there because Marie and Julia stop you after you’re only two rows away from the one you were talking to Alucard in. They thought that would be far enough for him not to hear their whispers to you, but they’re louder than what they realize.
“He was handsome, you should have gotten his number,” Julia teases.
“Yeah, then you won’t need that vibrator,” Marie says with a smug grin.
Your eyes go wide in horror and immediately shoot down the thought, aggressively whispering, “that is my history teacher!”
“Well there is no need for role playing in the bedroom,” Julia smirks, her and Marie laughing at your misery.
Alucard can hear all the teasing and torment you're being put through and it’s enough to make his own cheeks go red as he becomes flustered as well. To think that two teenage girls could be so lewd… The newer generations absolutely baffle him with how openly they’ll talk about some topics.
“He looks like the type to tie you up-” Marie chuckles, “-you should test that theory, sis.”
“His hands are so big he’ll only need one to choke you-” Julia adds on, “-if you’re into that kind of thing.”
“Oh, trust me, she is, and I know it because of what types of books she reads,” Marie states. “That’s the exact reason why she came in here.”
You don’t know what’s worse; their teasing, Marie knowing that you read erotic novels, or the fact that you want to ‘test that theory’ as your sister put it. You’re lying when you say that you don’t think of your professor in such ways. Alucard is undeniably handsome and if your life was any other way you’d have asked him on a date. But your life revolves solely around your family and nothing else.
“Aren’t you two lesbians?!” You hiss, “and you’re only seventeen! You shouldn’t be talking about stuff like this! Especially to an adult!”
“I’m eighteen now, thank you very much,” Julia states.
“And I’m going to be eighteen in a few months,” Maria adds on.
“Key word; is teen, you two aren’t adults yet!” You say, but no matter how old they are, they are still little kids in your eyes.
Marie rolls her eyes, “yeah, yeah, you’re old. We get it.”
You scowl, “you’re the one who's given me gray hairs and wrinkles!”
“Not uh! That was the rest of them! I was the perfect angel!” Marie says but after a moment of silence all three of you burst out laughing. That is until one of the workers approaches and politely asks to please quiet down, which you three do.
When you check the time you see that it’s almost 1 PM and that means it’s time to get going if you want to make it back to your dorm at a decent hour. So you leave the mall, taking Marie and Julia back to Julia’s house then head back to school.
It’s a little after 10 PM when you get back to school and you’re exhausted. You grab your hoodie that you threw in the backseat and hear the sound of a plastic bag. You look at it and see that it’s tied in a knot, not that you planned on snooping in it anyway. You text Marie to let her know that she left a bag in your car but she texts back saying that it’s for you with a smiley face. You shrug, thinking nothing of it and pick the bag up, taking it back to your dorm with you because you didn’t want to stay out in the cold any longer just to see what it is.
That was a mistake.
You open your door, happy to see your roommate isn’t there- like usual- and set the bag down on your bed then head to the bathroom to do your nightly routine. Once done with that you sit on your bed and open up the bag to see a few things. There’s two shirts, one with your favorite band on it, and the other has a Monster Energy logo. A pack of bookmarks, some weirdly shaped pens- you’re thankful that they aren’t lewd- then a stuffed animal.
Then at the very bottom was a small rectangular box with no label. You open the box and raise an eyebrow when you see it’s a lipstick, but when you open the lipstick the tip of it is rubber and there is a button. Your tiredness keeps you from catching on and when you push the button the lipstick starts vibrating. Then it clicks, your eyes going wide in horror and you nearly drop it.
You immediately turn it off and text Marie in all caps, telling her that you’re going to hurt her. She responds with ‘there is a no return policy so might as well use it’ and you want to kill her. But that’s illegal so you put the lipstick back in its box and put it in your suitcase under your bed then try to sleep.
Like promised, you are back to class on Monday and are early as always but this time you came to class with water, a Monster, and a granola bar.
“Good morning professor,” you say with a smile as you sit down in the front row like usual.
“Good morning,” Alucard smiles, noticing a difference in your attitude. You’re usually visibly exhausted and he’s glad to see you’re starting the day off with a good mood, “you’re rather chipper.”
“I’ve found that eating every once in a while actually makes me feel good,” you chuckle and open your laptop to continue working on the stuff you needed to catch up on which you started on yesterday. Alucard was right, it’s nothing you couldn’t handle and after having a lot of rest you easily could work on what you missed. Though, your well restedness is going to end tonight because you have to start working again. One thing you’re grateful about when it comes to your job is that after working there for so long the owner understands that you aren’t the type to call out unless something serious has come up. But you feel like you already took advantage of that enough and even though you were told to take as much time as you needed, you decided that you were going back to work tonight. Until then, you need to focus on your school work.
Though you can sense a difference in the atmosphere, you’re not sure what it is but something just feels off. When you look up from your screen you see Alucard sitting at his desk like usual but he isn’t reading a book or looking at his computer, he's just blankly staring at nothing in front of him. You don’t want to disturb him but you can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking about.
Alucard is thinking about what your sister and her girlfriend said to you at the mall. It’s stuck with him all weekend because of how shocking it was to hear. Alucard isn’t oblivious to the fact that students of his have found him attractive but it’s still weird to hear. Not only that, what they suggested what he might be into, that truly caught him off guard because he didn’t know that he gives that kind of impression.
Alucard has had his fair share of partners, from eighteen to about twenty three he was a total man whore, always having one night stands and many friends with benefits. After that he had a few serious relationships, along with an ex wife that he hasn’t had contact with since he was thirty two. Then after that he tried dating again but couldn’t get into any serious relationships, so he gave up and has stopped looking for any kind of a relationship for the past few years. Which hasn’t been all too bad, yes there are times when he misses companionship but he gets over it.
And with all that being said, Alucard has never even once had a kinky or experimental partner. Nor has he ever put much thought into things such as bdsm, the thought has crossed his mind here and there but not enough for him to want to try.
Then hearing that you were into such a thing, he didn’t know how to feel about that and now that he thought about it he looks up at you. Only to see you looking at him.
You make eye contact with your professor and part of you wants to immediately look away but for some reason you don’t. So you hold your gaze, looking deep into his blue eyes as you ask him, “are you alright sir?”
“I am alright,” Alucard lies but it’s nowhere near convincing. He is somewhat torn between revealing that he heard the conversation in the bookstore or just keeping it to himself in order to keep the student/teacher relationship from becoming inappropriate.
“Well that’s good,” you say, not wanting to push him to reveal what is actually on his mind. So you guide the conversation to something else, “did you buy that philosophy book?”
“No, I did not. Did you buy anything?” Alucard is not sure if he wants to know the answer to that question, given that he found out you read erotic novels.
Alucard knows he shouldn’t find it that odd but he does because you don’t seem like the type to read those sorts of things, nor do you look like you’d be kinky. Maybe it’s because you’re so family oriented, or maybe it’s because of that reserved nature of yours.
You shake your head, “sadly no, I had to take the girls home so I could get back to my dorm at a decent hour.”
“That’s understandable, the mall is a good distance away from here,” Alucard says with a nod. After a pause he can’t stop himself from asking you, “what kind of novels do you read?”
“Just fantasy,” you say with a shrug. There is never a need to tell anyone that you read books that come with disclaimers and warnings about the graphic content that is held between its covers.
“No romance?” Alucard expected you not to reveal the nature of what you actually read but he doesn’t know why he’s asking questions.
You’ve been in this scenario before, where someone asks you if you read romance books. Whenever you answer ‘yes’ they connect the fact that adult romance novels tend to have adult scenes. Which leads them into asking you what type of things you prefer in the bedroom. So you’ve just realized it’s better to deny the fact you read romance novels, “nope. I don’t care much for them.”
Alucard nods and before any more questions can be exchanged between you two, other students begin to enter the class room. Not too long after the bell rings and it’s time for class to start, and that’s when Alucard reveals that some of the big tests are starting next week. Then he goes on to teach class as normal.
Now you’re going to be riddled with anxiety for the next few weeks, which is just great.
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Don't Come To Me Pt. 4
Hello darlings, it's Billy time again ❤️ i brought a lighter smut to you (spoiler). I dunno where I am going with this, but I'm happy many of you wanted be on the taglist and all.
Billy Russo x F!Reader
Warnings: Light smut, hangover, curse words
Summary: Reader wakes up in hangover agony, but Billy is there to kiss it better.
Taglist: @gwynethhberdara @icarus-isflying @intothesoul @malfoyeyes
Part 3 Part 5
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It's the worst morning you ever had. Hangover hit you right at your forehead before you could open your heavy eyes. Sharp pain runs through the front of your head, spinning down to your spine, reaching every nerve, muscle and cell you are made out of. You groan, throat dry as the fucking Sahara, you might start to see mirages when you finally ready to open those eyelids.
You want to get back to that restless sleep, even the uncomfortable trashing around in bed is better than being awake. Thank goodness it's a saturday morning. Right? You can't remember which evening you chose to get completely hammered. It had to be Friday.
You move you body, twisting your torso because the pose numbed out your side, and it's time to torture the other, but gosh you wish you just stayed just like that. The sun burns your face, screaming at you to get up, to go do something productive, to live laugh and love. Love.
The reminder in your body shakes awake your mind, the memories of last night flashing in your head.
The guy at the bar, Billy's car, him dragging your ass up right to your bed. Jesus.
This makes you jolt awake, not remembering Billy leaving last night. You remember him sitting next to you, looking annoyed and tired.
Well, at least now you remember it was a Friday night in fact.
Some moments are sharp, some blurred, and you are terrified of what you might have said to him that slipped your mind due to your intoxicated state. You remember scolding him, then him doing the same, trying to stop you talk shit, then him talking shit about your ridiculous crush on Frank. It's a mess.
You look up to your bedside table, searching for that glass of water you put there before bed, but instead you find a bottle and medicine next to it. Literally a life saver.
Your body screams for detox, whole head pounding as blood flows different when you sit up against the headboard. The painkiller flushed down with a big chug of water, your whole being thankful for the liquid. It's a small relief, but it's life saving. The water may hydrate you, but it can't take away the bitter taste of all the liquor you poured into your poor body. It's a miracle at this point, that you survived that much of a violence on yourself.
Pee. Gosh you need to pee so bad. It's like your body giving you the signals one by one, taking baby steps, standing them in a nice disciplined line, so when you fulfill one, another comes forward. Now it's you bladder who demands attention, and you think you gonna pee yourself before you can reach the bathroom.
You are looking ridiculous in the bathroom mirror and you just see a flash of your reflection.
What even happened really last night? Memories are there, but not in the right order and that makes you dizzy and confused,still half asleep.
Angry. Frank. Bar. Drunk as fuck. A strangers hand on your waist. Billy. Cold air, then warm car seat. Billy's hair falling out of it's usual style. Him getting rid of your shoes. Sitting on the edge of your bed.
Pictures and sounds, holes and jumps between them so you can't quite make out the whole night properly. You definitely said stupid things you can't remember right now.
You don't dare to look in the mirror again, focusing on the dull skin of your hand as you wash away some of the sweat from the bad sleep.
Baby steps, so what is the next one? Getting back into bed? That would be great, right? Lazy day in bed. You head towards the sheets, calling your name, gross and warm in a not so good way, but still your bed. Bacon.
You freeze in front of your door, the delicious smell making it's way up to your nostrils, stomach reacting with a big grumpy rumble.
You can hear the bacon frizzle on the stove, light clatter of plates, the opening and closing of the fridge. No fucking way.
He stayed? Or he came back? You thought he left after you fell asleep. As much as you can remember, you did say some shitty stuff, so it never occurred to you that he would stay. He runs away, storms out, leaves you hanging and comes back when he chilled out.
You are in an awe, so you simply step out of the bedroom, instantly meeting with his bare back. He must have pulled some witchy stuff on you, because you are entranced. By his muscles moving under his skin as he does a task as simple as flipping bacons over. His hair damp, droplets of water dripping on his neck, rolling down his spine. The sweatpants he left in your house ages ago now hanging gracefully on his hip. Fucking hell, he looks so domestic, vulnerable and soft.
You must have made a sound, because he turns around quickly, your eyes meeting with his cheerful face, a smile spreading on his lips, eyeing you up before focusing back on the breakfast.
"Hello there sleepyhead. You snored so loud i barely got any sleep." His voice is lightweight, teasing in a delicate way.
"What? I snore?" You mumble, rooted on the spot where he caught you.
"Yeah, like a French bulldog." He laughs out loud when he sees your dumbstruck expression. "I'm just teasing. Sit down, it's almost ready."
It's just now you see the plates laid out perfectly on the kitchen island, eggs and some veggies coloring the whiteness around, a glass full of orange juice stationed closed by. A simple but satisfying aesthetic.
You do as he says. You sit down, following his every move. He has a shy smile on his lips, he glances at you in between tasks, placing the hot bacon on yours, then his plate, making sure everything is in front of you, so you can enjoy your breakfast. Breakfast you can count on one hand how many times you had in the kitchen.
He sits opposite of you, still looking like a teenage boy doing something romantic and nice for his first girlfriend. He looks almost innocent. Almost. A t-shirt covering his broad chest would add to that innocence.
"You are staring." He states, stuffing a mouthful of eggs into his mouth. His appetite awakening your stomach again with the monster sounds you are sure Billy can hear too. The whole apartment complex could hear it.
"I thought you left." You blurt out, not capable to hide the surprise. He looks hurt for a moment, guilt flashing across his face before turning back into a sheepish smile.
"I was tired. Plus i needed to make sure you won't choke on your vomit." You can feel heat creep up on your face, cheeks blazing, giving off more heat than the Sun.
"Billy!" He laughs, he's more than entertained by your embarrassment.
"I didn't mean to overstep. I just...." He sighs, placing down his fork. "I felt like i needed to stay. I wanted to."
You feel warm, not the warmth you felt on your face, it's a welcoming feeling. Something you felt ages ago, maybe with Frank when you thought you have a chance with him. You whole being melts from the looks he gives you, his words sinking deep, slowly, to memorize every detail of his voice.
"Well, you certainly proved you are a good housewife." You mumble with a half smirk, biting a nice crunchy part of a bacon.
"You doubted my skills?" He acts shaken up, hurt, placing a hand on his chest.
You feel your smile hurting your cheeks, it's humanly impossible to have a bigger and wider smile than you have on your lips now. It's heavy, but a comfortable heavy. Something clicked in place as you watch him eat with a same cheeky look as you probably have, deep dark eyes scanning over your movements, with both admiration and a hinted lust.
What is happening?
Yesterday you felt like it's a lost cause. There is no fucking way you and him will ever have a common ground on what to do with the connection between you. That you'll always yearn for him in a way you can't have him.
But now? Feels like you just won his heart over, and you have no clue how you managed to do it. Gosh, you must have said a ton of shit with your drunken tongue.
You want to ask him about it, actually, you are dying to know every word you have said, because your memory has failed you badly, but it would ruin the moment. It's nice and calm, and it's so rare to see him like this. He might look happier than ever, and it's really affecting you, you heart is practically beating out of your chest.
So you eat in silence, enjoying every bite, every sneaky glance, and cocky grin from him. And soon enough, the hangover is just a tiny feeling in the back of your head, your trembling hand is the remaining reminder of the booze tortured body. Or it's the deepening desire for him, you are too far gone in the clouds to decide.
You need to collect yourself, you sure do look like a lost puppy looking at her new owner, and you hate it how easy is for him to bring out the lovesick school girl in you. It's maddening and overstimulating, so you stand up, maybe too quickly, worry flashing in his eyes as leave your seat so abruptly.
"You alright darling?" He asks, placing the glass of orange juice down back from his mouth. You stop next to him, reaching for the empty plate in front of him.
"Yeah. Thanks for the breakfast. It was amazing." You peck his temple, a daring thank you for the meal.
"What are you doing? Sit back down, let me clean up." He's almost off his seat, ready to put you back down and enjoy the rest of your juice, but you push him down by his shoulder. You need to look somewhere else than him, because you will go insane if you don't do something with your hands.
"No. You made breakfast, i'll do the dishes." Thank the fuck he listens for once this time. He doesn't protest.
You let out a relieved breath as the cold water hits, slowly turning to burning hot, cleaning the plate too quick for you to get your shit together. You almost get frantic when you realize you can't scrub two plates and forks to oblivion. You look over to the pan he made the food, and thank god it's there, because now you are going to wash them 2 times more than it needs to be.
You feel him before you see or hear him. He moves and the air shifts around you. You know he's close before he touches your hand, gently pulling yours away from the pan you attempted to demolish with a ridiculous amount of dish soap and lava hot water.
His fingers slides up on your hand, other part of his body following the movement, dosing his closeness inch by inch. First his right side, hot quick breaths tickling your ear, you would giggle if not for the overwhelming electricity of lust coursing through your whole being. Thigh faintly touching your ass, chest scraping your shoulder. Not staying still until he follows with his other side, stepping directly behind you. You have to grab the sink in order to keep you from moaning when you feel his chest completely pressed against you, his fingers stopping at your upper arm when the other firmly grabs your waist.
A perfectly orchestrated mission. He fucking knows what he's doing.
"Don't hide now." Low, pleading, soft. Everything about him is different. It's Billy, but goddamn it's not Billy at the same time. He knows you want to run, desperately, so you can have a breather, a way to think. He doesn't want you to think. You spiral down too fast when you think too hard. "Please."
His lips finds the perfect spot in the crook of your neck, placing an open mouthed kiss, his nose brushing your heated up skin, subtle scratching and poking with a delighted sting.
Please. He said please and you hate to admit that it's more than enough. Right here and now you would do anything to stay like this forever and ever.
You give space for his kisses, head falling back on his shoulder in a sweet, sharp breath. You can't help but let his name slip in a whisper.
"Billy." He hums, pressing himself closer, if that's even possible. His body fitting yours like a missing jigsaw piece you searched under every furnituree. Your ass held up by his thighs, his hips pushing yours to the sink, only your toes touching the ground to meet his height.
His touch turns more urgent, his hands wondering over your stomach, holding you in place so he can have the best angles of your neck and shoulders to attack with his lips, to have your earlobe caught between his teeth.
He laughs huskily at the surprised grunt you make when he sucks on the sensitive tiny body part, the tip of his nose poking your ear, hearing and feeling every ragged breath he takes.
You are basking in his attention, devouring you, swallowing you whole, he could eat you up and you want nothing but melt, become one with his want. You can feel him, hear him, but gosh you can't see him, but you need to see that deep storm eyes, you want to see his face, to be certain, to ease your mind.
And you would try if he wasn't locked on you like a handcuff, a living breathing cage with metal bars to keep you inside.
"William." You whisper concertinaing on not mixing with the moan that bubbles up from your throat. You press your body against his to signal him, but it's just flushes you with an unbearable heat, and it's doing more to Billy when you call him by his full name.
He shifts slightly, not trying to let you move, but you turn around anyways, meeting with the a dark expression, a not very Billy like blush on his ears and cheeks. He stunned for a second, now it's your turn to have your hands all over his skin, running up the tip of your fingers on his stomach to his chest. Travelling arm to arm, arriving on his neck, fingers running through the raven hair.
You can see every little reaction, and you are swimming in them. The roll of his eyes when your fingers massages his scalp, leaning into your palms, his hands digging into your hips. He is still holds you captive, but he handed over the lead to you without any question.
You look at his parted lips, and suddenly you feel insecure, scared of kissing him. Not even the unholy dry humping or wet patches from his mouth on your neck could scare you, doubt your mind, but the sheer idea of kissing him does.
Fuck it. You are in the heat of the moment, so fuck it.
You pull his mouth to yours, use your advantage and not wasting time to slide your tongue to battle with his. You can feel his voice vibrating into your mouth, his lips matching your rhythm. He tastes like orange, sweet with a sting of sourness, lips soft but teeth sharp as he catches your lower lip for a quick bite.
He's slower now, having his time to enjoy the kiss, a kiss that's still filled with tension, but not overwhelming like the last minutes have been.
You don't know how long you keep torturing each others lips, sometimes breaking it with small giggles, or just to take a deep breath to dive back in.
"Is this still breakfast?" The question ends up half in his mouth as he chases you after a longer breath break.
"Uhum. It was a package deal." You giggle, feeling his own smile against you. He's gonna kill you.
Jut when you feel the pace pick up again, the annoying ringtone clips the bubble you were in up until now. Billy groans still drunk on you, but your mind spins as you wake up from the haze. Frank. Frank is calling? You have to speak to Frank. You need to know that he's alright. Before you could think more Billy snatches his phone up from the kitchen island, one hand still attached to your hip. He turns back to you, just as close, holding the screen towards you, showing the big letters that spells 'Office'.
"That's on being a fancy CEO." You say, voice hoarse from the ungodly amount of making out.
"You love it." He teases, thumb hovering over the green sign on the screen, eyes boring into yours. "I do." You say, and like a nod of head or a green light, he picks up the phone when he made sure you aren't mad about the interruption. And with that he's gone in the world of Mr. Boss.
You wonder where you left your own phone in midst of drunken state. You touch your lips, still swollen from Billy's attacks, and you keep smudging and pressing the delicate plush skin while your eyes scans for your bag or phone. With a couple steps forward you find your bag next to the couch where you always seem to abandon it. You haven't brought it with you to the bar, but it's likely you dropped it there, a weird routine you always do after countless of times leaving your apartment without the cellphone.
Thankfully it's there, running low on power, notifications piling up on the locked screen. You are only interested in one. Unknown, number you aren't familiar with.
You can hear Billy pacing back and forth, a nervous habit when he's talking on the phone. He glances your way the same time you look up at him, he flashes a toothy grin, but his eyes slightly worried. Seems like this morning ends too quick, he sounds concerned, the person on the other end probably giving him not so good news.
You scroll and scroll, crouching next to the couch, not caring for standing up or sit down. You search for the one you want to see, and you find a text sent at 3:17. You open it, feeling the anticipation and fear creep up.
All good, sweetheart. Sorry for going MIA.
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peachycoreroo · 3 years
what about some haikyuu boys trying to explain how morning erection works to their s/o? if you could include Kuroo, Sugawara, Oikawa and Satori I'd be more than grateful 🥺
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characters: kuroo tetsurou, sugawara koushi, oikawa tooru, tendou satori
genre: smut, a miiiini plot bc i can't control myself
word count: 1.2k
warnings: fem!reader but can be read as gn!reader, also kinda oblivious!reader?, established relationships, the slightest somnophilia (reader is just grinding while oikawa is asleep, he wakes up immediatly tho), handjob, morning wood (obvs), implied sex
authors note: omg this was my first ever request, thank you sm anonnie! i'm so sorry bc i'm pretty sure i got carried away and only kuroo and tendou really fit your request, but i still hope you'll like it<3 this was actually really hard bc i was so anxious about fucking up my first request, i also didn't really know much about morning woods (well now i do heh) and i find tendou kinda hard to write for but i really wanted to make anon happy. i stayed up till 4am for this🧍‍♂️here's a link to my masterlist<3
pt.2: kageyama tobio, haiba lev, hinata shoyo
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kuroo tetsurou:
„your dick does what, why now?”
kuroo rolled his eyes. this is the third time he has to repeat himself and you still look at him as if you’ve never heard anything more complicated in your life.
sighing, the tall male leaned back against the headboard of your shared bed, trying to make himself as comfortable as he could, with you finally quenching your curiosity about his morning wood, and said morning wood pressing against his boxers and your sheets.
“one more time, y/n, there’s a number of reasons. first of all, the male body has its peak of testosterone in the morning. basically, the sudden increase of the hormone in the changing stages from being asleep to waking up, can get your guy up.” as he saw you open your mouth to ask a question, he immediately followed with: “yes, even without actually being aroused”, effectively making you shut your mouth again. the fact that he knew exactly what you wanted to ask, made him chuckle. kuroo knew you like the back of his hand.
“another one is that my body is aware of what’s going on, even when i’m asleep. if your ass grazes my dick, it’s gonna react.” grinning proudly, you sat yourself in his lap, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.
“mhh, i’m glad you can’t resist me, even in your sleep. so… you want some help with that?”
the dark-haired male decided to play along, putting his large hands on your waist, pulling you closer and leaning in, just to stop a few inches from your lips and murmur: “you know, i could also just need to pee really bad”, making you lean back and stare at him dumbfounded.
as much as he wanted to actually teach you about this topic, kuroo would never pass up an opportunity to tease you.
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sugawara koushi:
as suga jerked awake, he immediately became aware of his severe case of a morning wood. not only that, but he could also feel your ass pressed up snugly against it.
once the sleep slowly drained from the man’s eyes, he noticed that it was still dark outside and quickly checked the time to see his alarm clock reflecting the numbers 5:50 a.m. back at him. he knew he had to get up at 6 if he wanted to be an exemplary teacher and get to school earlier to prepare for class, but with the way your ass was pushing against his hard dick, his mind was too clouded by lust to care. he needed you, and he needed you now.
“baby, wake up”, in suga’s husky morning voice was the first thing you heard as you were gently stirred awake. when you cracked your eyes open, the silver-haired man was already kneeling between your legs, cock heavy and leaking against your panties.
yawning, you asked concerned: “kou’? what’s wrong? is everything okay?”
not being able to wait any longer, sugawara slowly started grinding against you through your shorts, making your breath hitch and legs spread wider.
“y-yeah, just a morning wood emergency. i can’t go and teach like that. let me use you quickly, princess”, suga almost whined, pained.
trying to hold in your whimpers to understand what led to this, your eyes jumping from the male’s handsome face to his pretty, hard dick, you wondered: “what’s gotten into you?”
at that, suga scoffed, amused at you wanting to know what led to his erection instead of getting to business right away.
“woke up to your pretty lil’ butt all snuggled up against my dick. you make me hard, even in my sleep y/n”, he rasped impatiently, but still wanting to quench your interest.
despite the fact that this was definitely not the most romantic thing you have heard from sugawara koushi, you couldn’t stop the butterflies erupting at the thought of him craving you this badly, even while asleep.
“c’mere kou’”, you softly murmured, pulling him down for a kiss, ready to help your boyfriend’s morning problem.
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oikawa tooru:
tonight, wasn’t your night. you barely got a wink of sleep, while your boyfriend slept like a stone beside you. you knew it wasn’t his fault you couldn’t sleep, but that didn’t stop you from sulking like a spoiled child.
you were tired but also incredibly horny, and as if some gods heard the prayers you didn’t even direct at them, you noticed oikawa’s morning erection standing loud and proud under your shared sheets like every morning.
not wasting a moment, you ripped the sheets off him, straddling his lap and grinding your soaked panties against his erect boxer-clad cock. it’s not the worst feeling oikawa has ever woken up to, in fact it was definitely one of the best. everything’s better than being slapped awake by iwa-chan’s shoe hitting him in the face back in high school.
as the tanned man started to fidget and his calloused hands landed on your hips to guide you along his cock, your curiosity about his daily morning wood got the best of you.
“why are you hard every morning, tooru?”, you asked innocently, while not-so-innocently continuing to tease him with your hips.
“u-uh, something about hormones a-and, oh shit, faster babe”, oikawa needily pleaded, not in the mood to be explaining the scientific reason behind his reoccurring morning problem.
unsatisfied with the answer, you stopped the grinding to frown at him and complained: “but i wanna know more, tooru.”
the brunet looked up at you, groaning but knowing you wouldn’t just let it go. “fuck, okay. how about this: you make me cum, and i answer all your questions about… morning woods, after. deal?”
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tendou satori:
you woke up before tendou, feeling his hard-on press against your naked thigh, making you want to continue the fun you had last night.
luckily, your boyfriend also woke up, though not as happy about his morning wood problem as you.
“’tori… i need you”, you seductively purred, letting your petite hand slide down to his erection, wrapping around it and giving it a few slow, lazy pumps. to your surprise, your usually vocal-in-bed boyfriend didn’t moan, but only tensed at your ministrations.
not thinking much of it, you attached your lips to the base of his throat, sucking and licking while giving his cock a hard tuck, hoping to get a pretty moan out of him.
what you didn’t expect however, was for tendou to jump up and run to your bathroom while squealing like a little schoolgirl. dumbfounded, you froze in the position you were in, leaning towards where your boyfriend was laying just a few seconds ago, with your hand in a half-fist.
after a few minutes, the red-haired man sheepishly re-entered the room, scratching the back of his blushing neck with a matching blush on his face.
“i-i uh…”, at his voice cracking, tendou cleared his throat before continuing: “i’m so sorry sweetheart, i didn’t mean to run off like that.”
finally breaking out of your stiffness, you looked at him, puzzled, before asking: “why did you run off? if you didn’t want to make-out, I would’ve understood a simple no.”
“it’s not that! it’s just… morning wood doesn’t always mean i’m horny, sweetie. sometimes it happens when you desperately need to pee.”
“oh”, you awkwardly remarked, “i didn’t know that ‘tori, i’m so sorry. i just thought…”
chuckling, tendou leaned down, kissing your forehead and reassuring you: “don’t worry angel, you never stop learning.”
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the-scythes-pen · 2 years
Forgiveness (Belphie x Reader x Mammon)
A mini sequel to Hatred, commissioned by @ninjas-are-the-shit! I borrowed a little bit of brotherly love, anime Belphie, and survivor's guilt! I hope you like it, and thank you again for your patience and the commission! <3
Warnings: angst, chapter 16, mentions of rape
The way you looked at Belphie had the demon gritting his teeth.
You’d look from afar, eyes forlorn and some emotion he couldn’t place within them before you looked away again; and he could tell how badly you wanted to talk to him. How badly you wanted to go to him.
He wasn’t… angry anymore, but…
What he had done to you was inexcusable. He didn’t deserve you. And yet you still seemed to want something from him.
Yet you made no attempt to talk to him. You’d find reasons to leave the room when he showed up. You may have helped repair his relationship with his brothers, but Mammon was still mad at him, and you still avoided him.
The way you had looked at Belphie that day was imprinted in his mind. Tears in the corners of your eyes; the colour fading from your face as you slowly succumbed to your fate. 
The way you told him to use you kept him up at night.
Belphegor, the avatar of sloth, known for sleeping all day in almost any condition- 
Could not sleep.
Well, he could, but it wouldn’t last long most of the time. Sometimes, he’d see his little sister in his dreams, scolding him for what he had done. Sometimes Mammon was there, or Lucifer, or Beel- telling him that what he did was inexcusable, that they would never forgive him, and that they were going to hand him over to Diavolo for… punishment.
But the worst of them was when you appeared. It was always the same with you. Telling him you didn’t mind, as long as he was able to feel better after using you. He could feel your pulse under his fingertips as he tightened his grip.
He’d cry and struggle, he’d beg you to run, to call for help, to fight back or something- but he knew you couldn’t. And he knew he couldn’t stop himself.
And you would die, right there on his bed. Just as you did that day. And he would take your body out to the entrance hall, just as he did then, and toss your corpse off the railing for Mammon to catch. 
The way your face was frozen in sad acceptance of your fate, your eyes wide and faded… The way Mammon’s eyes widened in shock and fear, holding you close as he collapsed to his knees, the way he looked up at Belphie with an expression of utter betrayal-
It made the avatar of sloth wake up in a cold sweat every time. The whole scene, the whole day, the reactions of each and every one of his dear brothers that he had so relished in at the time, now haunted his dreams and reminded him that he would forever be outcast when it came to you and them.
Sitting at the dinner table, Belphie could sense the power radiating off of Mammon. The protectiveness of his elder brother over you. The way Mammon would watch his movements like a hawk, always ready to jump up to protect you at a moment’s notice…. Everytime Belphie saw the way Mammon was around him, made his heart drop in his chest.
Beel tried to help his twin. Giving him his favourite foods, staying with him while he slept, even talking to Lucifer about Mammon and eventually Mammon himself about his behaviour around Belphie… but nothing changed.
And, in the end, Belphie agreed he deserved it. 
The slothful demon would sit off to the side, watching his brothers crowd around you, vying for your attention and affection. He would watch as Mammon pulled you closer to him, telling his brothers to go away and to “stop gettin’ so close to ‘em!”. He’d see the way you’d blush and smile, cuddling into Mammon’s side. Sometimes, your eyes would meet his briefly; just for a split second, before you returned your attention to the others.
And Belphie would feel as if he was trapped alone in the attic all over again.
Or, perhaps, being in the attic would be better than being free. Having to always watch you from the sidelines. Watch as Mammon would steal you away; watch how Mammon would cling to your side, would hold your hand, would cuddle you, would love you in a way that Belphegor could never have.
It hurt. Everytime he would lay eyes on you, everytime he merely thought about you- his palms would grow sweaty, his heart would beat faster, and he’d panic. 
He knew he was in love. But he also knew his older brother loved you too. 
And Mammon deserved you. Belphegor, on the other hand, did not.
“(Y/N)! We’re gonna be late, hurry up!” Asmodeus shouted to you from the doorway in the main hall, causing Belphie to pause in his tracks. He heard a distant reply of “I’m coming!” followed by the pounding of footsteps, and watched as you came running down the staircase at a breakneck pace. Or, at least, until you missed a step.
Asmo wasn’t fast enough- he wasn’t close enough to catch you- but Belphegor was. Instinctively, he stepped forward and caught your tumbling form in a strong hold; his arms wrapping around you as he backed up a step to steady himself. You slumped into his chest, your own heartbeat strong in your ears and your breathing a little ragged from the sudden adrenaline rush. 
“Belphie-!” Asmo cried, shocked that his younger brother made such an effort to help you, and immediately came forward to offer to pull you away.
But, to both of their surprise, you didn’t immediately pull away. You stayed there for a second longer then you had to, there in his embrace- but soon you did have to step away, much to Belphie’s relief and sadness- and while you looked a little stunned, your eyes wide as if you were a rabbit caught in the eyes of a wolf, you… you smiled at him, your eyes returning to their usual appearance as you slipped a quick ‘thank you’, gently removing yourself from his arms and going over to Asmo. 
Belphie watched the two of you leave, his own heart pounding in his ears.
You… had smiled at him. 
How long had it been since you had done that? Since… since you spoke to him?
Belphie was torn from his thoughts by a voice he knew all too well- a voice that sounded pretty annoyed right about now.
“What the hell was that?”
Mammon stood in the doorway to the kitchen, his hands balled in fists at his waist as he leveled a narrowed look at his brother. Suddenly, the air felt chilly.
“What? They tripped, so I caught them. That was all.” Belphie spoke nonchalantly, as if it truly wasn’t something he cared about. 
He dragged himself in his usual tired, lazy manner over to the doorway where Mammon stood; moving to walk past him to the kitchen when suddenly a hand landed on his shoulder. Belphie paused, looking back at Greed himself with a practiced, uncaring stare.
It was the usual expression Belphie carried on his face, but it was anything but what he felt right now. 
“Look…” Mammon spoke with a sigh, “they wanna talk to ya. An’ as much as I would love to trust my baby bro, I wanna be there with ‘em for it.”
Belphie said nothing. What was he even suppose to say to that?
The younger demon shrugged his elder’s hand off his shoulder, walking a step or two before turning his head back.
“....I don’t care. I don’t want to talk to them.”
Lies. He wanted nothing more than to talk to them. To be with them.
Mammon stepped forward, his hand roughly grabbing Belphegor’s shoulder to spin him around to fully face his brother. The air suddenly grew thick, and he knew this was the most serious Mammon had been in a long, long time.
“I care about ya, ok? I do. An’ I know you like ‘em too. But I just…” Another sigh fell from Mammon’s lips. “...I don’t know what they think about ya. They’ve been avoidin’ ya, but I see the look they sometimes shoot yer way. An’ they told me themselves they wanna talk to ya. But they’re scared. They dunno if they can be alone with ya. But I know just how much they wanna trust ya.”
Belphie’s mouth felt dry. His heart pounded wildly in his chest, both from the confrontation and the knowledge that Mammon was being truthful. 
He bit his lip; his eyes cast downward. It was all he could do to stop himself from bursting. From spilling all the emotion that had welled up inside him.
The anxiety. The sadness. The anger. Not at you, but at himself. The knowledge that he didn't deserve you. But Mammon did. Mammon had been there for you through everything. He protected you, he helped you feel comfortable, he made you smile and laugh and he made you happy. 
A quiet voice in the back of his head echoed "Beel should have saved Lilith instead of you."
And with that voice, everything came crashing down around him. Tears ran swiftly down his cheeks, his shoulders shaking from the weight of his burden. 
Mammon was taken aback by the sudden shift in his brother's emotion, but then it clicked. Belphie didn't just like you. He loved you. Just as Mammon loved you. 
Thoughts whirled like rolling thunder in both brother's heads, and suddenly Mammon's arms were around Belphie, pulling his younger brother into his chest.
He could feel Belphie trying to hold back the tears, sniffling but lightly pushing on Mammon's chest. It was likely he didn't find the strength in himself to commit to pushing him away.
Tears pricked the corners of bright blue eyes.
Mammon had always been a bit of a softie, especially when it came to his family.
Instead of letting Belphie go, Mammon held him tighter, placing his cheek on the top of his brother’s head and shutting his eyes.
Belphie clutched Mammon’s jacket; his nails digging into the leather desperately. 
“I.. I killed them! I raped them, Mammon! All I’ve given them is pain and sadness!” Belphie shouted into Mammon’s chest, his voice slightly muffled. But it still conveyed all the emotion that had been clawing at the demon’s heart. “You’ve… You make them happy! You’ve never hurt them! You’ve protected them and made them laugh, and.. And…” Belphie trailed off into sobs, burying his face into Mammon’s chest as his brother’s hand stroked his back in a soothing motion.
Suddenly, Belphie’s hands turned into claws, digging even deeper and tighter into Mammon’s jacket.
“It’s like Lilith all over again! She died because of me, and- and Beel should have saved her, not me-”
“Shut up.” 
Suddenly, Mammon ripped himself away from his sobbing brother, a stern look etched into his features as he held Belphie at arm’s length, his hands gripping his brother’s shoulders tightly.
“You ain’t the first demon to have done all that shit to a human, ya know. And ya probably won’t be the last. Tch, I just told ya (Y/N) is willin’ ta give ya another chance, didn’t I? They wanna talk to ya, dumbass.” A single finger flicked Belphegor’s forehead. “They told me about when you forced yerself on them, ya know….” He trailed off for a moment, his voice growing a little more quiet. “An’ while they said it hurt, an’ it was scary… they also said they didn’t think you did it entirely outta malice. So, I gotta ask…”
Belphie’s heart stuttered in his chest. He knew the question, but did he know the answer?
“...Did ya have any other reason that you wanted to do what ya did?”
The sloth demon’s eyes screwed shut. He sniffled quietly, his thoughts like a raging storm yet silent all at once. His brain didn’t want to admit it. He didn’t want to say what his heart already knew. 
He didn’t want to answer. He didn’t want to admit that he fucked you because he was so confused about his emotions towards you. Because he was confused as to why he loved you.
Mammon already knew why. He may have been the ‘idiot’ of the family, but when it came to emotions, and especially his family- he may have been the smartest of them all.
He pulled Belphie into another tight hug, holding his younger brother close. Belphie sunk into his embrace, sniffling and trying to regain himself as he felt a wave of tiredness wash over him.
Two heads perked up at the sound of a voice. One that had not been there a few minutes ago.
Two pairs of eyes turned to look into yours; yours that were wide and glossy with tears unshed. Asmodeus stood beside you, stroking your arm in a vain attempt to comfort you. 
How much of that did you hear? Belphie panicked for a moment, but his heart leapt into his throat as you suddenly ran to the two brothers, nearly jumping them as your arms wrapped around the both of them in a tight hug. 
Violet eyes remained wide open, shocked at your sudden appearance and your current closeness. Why? Why were you here? Why were you hugging him?
You pulled your head back up to look at the two demons in your embrace, the both of them staring at you with wide eyes filled with confusion. You felt a familiar wetness on your cheek as you turned to Belphie.
“Belphie, I… I thought you still didn’t like me. So… well, I..” You took a deep breath, steadying yourself and collecting your thoughts for a moment before a bittersweet smile graced your lips.
“Belphie, I forgive you.”
It was like a weight had fallen off the demon’s chest. Like the storm in his head and heart had just been blown away, the thundering emotions and torrential thoughts now distant and lighter.
Those were the words he didn’t know he needed to hear.
Mammon let go of his baby brother, stepping away from the two of you to give you some space as you threw your arms around Belphie. He was shocked for a split second, of course, but quickly wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace as well, his face burying into your hair as silent tears drifted down both of your cheeks. 
The two of you only stayed like that for a moment, before you lifted your head- just enough that you could crash your lips into Belphie’s, which he swiftly returned.
Mammon stepped back even further. He knew what this was. In a silent battle he didn’t even know he was fighting, he had lost.
“You both love them, don’t you?” Asmo spoke softly next to Mammon.
“But they’ve fallen for Belphie instead.”
His heart ached. No- it stung. It felt like a knife had been plunged into his chest. 
It hurt, seeing you kiss his brother and not him. It hurt, knowing how close the two of you had been, knowing that all of Mammon’s efforts to get you to fall for him had been in vain. 
But on the other hand, he really was happy for his brother. Belphie deserved happiness, after so many centuries of anger and sadness. And perhaps, you would be the one who could break that endless cycle of guilt and rage he felt. Perhaps, you would be able to work your magic on Belphie too. Just like you had done for Mammon and all his other brothers.
A bitter smile tugged on Mammon’s lips, as a single tear rolled down his cheek. A silent goodbye to his chance with you. 
It would be the only tear he would shed for what he had lost. Instead, he would focus on ensuring both of your happiness together, for as much as time would allow.
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