poligraf · 2 months
Just that you do the right thing. The rest doesn't matter. Cold or warm. Tired or well-rested. Despised or honored. Dying… or busy with other assignments.
— Marcus Aurelius
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the-clumsywitch · 10 months
Worthiness Affirmations 
The Clumsy Witch Podcast Affirmations Episode No. 1
I am worthy of happiness
I am worthy of receiving and giving love
I am worthy of peace
I am worthy of money & prosperity
I am worthy of meaningful relationships
I am worthy of having what I desire
I am worthy of setting boundaries
I am worthy of being protected
I am worthy of being seen in a positive light
I am worthy of living a balanced life
I am worthy of receiving an abundance of goodness
I am inherently worthy as I am right now, in this moment
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kamala-laxman · 3 months
I believe that owning our worthiness is the act of acknowledging that we are sacred. Perhaps embracing vulnerability and overcoming numbing is ultimately about the care and feeding of our spirits - Brene Brown
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the-healing-mindset · 2 years
When you feel perpetually unmotivated, you start questioning your existence in an unhealthy way; everything becomes a pseudo intellectual question you have no interest in responding whatsoever. This whole process becomes your very skin and it does not merely affect you; it actually defines you. So, you see yourself as a shadowy figure unworthy of developing interest, unworthy of wondering about the world - profoundly unworthy in every sense and deeply absent in your very presence.
Ingmar Bergman  
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raffaellopalandri · 20 days
What Makes Us One of a Kind?
Daily writing promptWhich aspects do you think makes a person unique?View all responses So, what truly makes a person unique? To me, it’s the beautiful ensemble woven from the different threads of our holistic being. It is the unique way the fusion of a body, mind, and soul live together in every being, each of such vital threads shaping the unique picture that is us. Photography by Raffaello…
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“If you extract worthiness from helping people: that’s judgement.”
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You don’t need to do anything to be worthy of happiness
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alightofrose · 6 months
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drivelikeaminister · 19 days
Easter Morning
I don’t believe in the cross. My theology can’t reconcile the need for torture or pain with an encompassing love. But I do believe in the tomb. If it were up to me the symbol of Christianity wouldn’t be the cross, a symbol of hate and death. The symbol of Christianity would the be the empty tomb, a symbol of life and mystery. Easter, for me, is the hope and mystery of this morning pushing the torture and despair of Friday out the way.
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Even as a non Christian clergy, Easter morning is one of the most important holidays in my calendar. Here we are reminded that there is infinite hope, infinite love and infinite possibilities for redemption.
This is the truth of Easter. The truth that hardship is guaranteed, but that we are not defined by our worst mistakes, we are not defined by our regretful decisions. The story of the empty tomb holds in it a truth which transcends understanding, the truth that we are worthy of love. And there is nothing we can do to make ourselves unworthy of love. Our worthiness continues, despite our worst intentions.
This is the truth of Easter. The truth that redemption is always a possibility. Redemption as a way forward in places of hopelessness, redemption as a path of love when all we feel is hatred. There is always room for betterment, for forgiveness - for ourselves and for others.
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This is the truth of Easter. The truth that death is guaranteed, but that what we do with our lives matters and our lives goes on after our physical selves. Just as Jesus lives on in our gathering and sending love into the world, our lives will go on in the impact we have had on other people.
That’s powerful, it’s counter-intuitive, counter-cultural and thus very hard to remember. So we come back here year after year, remembering our guide Jesus. Recalling his physical death and the mystery of Easter morning. We are reminded that: We are all worthy of love. We always have space for redemption. We will go on after our physical deaths. Go forth into the world and live our your life of redemption, of worthiness and of importance with the truth of resurrection in your very bones.
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ascendantevolution · 25 days
Fear, Belief, and Abundance
Fear is not meant to be a natural part of our makeup. If we think about the function of fear, fear was designed as a survival mechanism. There were to be moments of fear, such as when a predator was hunting us. But then the fear was meant to be released and life returned to normal.  
Human beings have created a culture for which the economy is fear. There is no returning to feeling “normal.” Anxiety has become the norm.  
For every physical action, there is a psychological consequence, whether good or bad. A culture built on fear-based competition leads to a culture built on suspicion. The lack, the feelings of lack, of not having enough money, creates desperation and crime. A culture built on fear of how one is going to live day-to-day is a culture that is ripe for revolution.   
A culture consumed with these concerns is one wherein its constituents see themselves as separate when, in fact, we are all part of the same Source. A part of the objective right now is for us to unlearn those feelings of separation. And the first step is to step out of the fear.  
One may laugh and say,” But how do I do that? I would love to not feel fearful.” And we would congratulate them for their honesty because, in that statement, they admit that they are at least aware of their fear. There are so many who are not, those who do not think they have any fear. They need to believe that they have it all together, when deep inside, there is an anxiety of all their blessings disappearing from them overnight.  
We are speaking to both groups here. For those of who beg the question about how to stop fearing, know that fear is a figment of the mind. The mind must be adapted and disciplined to discontinue fear. For those that are not yet aware, let the vibrational resonance of the truth of these words be received in their hearts so that they may awaken. This is a choice they must make that no one can force on them.  
The sooner all awaken, the better for us as a collective, and the All. We are here in support of their abundant living. We are here in support of their karmic release. When we say “karmic release,” we refer to the experiential state that individuals find themselves in when they have broken natural laws. Now, Dear Ones, it is time to awaken. And to release. So that all may step in to fully abundant living.  
Abundant living is a right and of one’s own making. Think of it as the flipside of karma. One must believe in their abundance, but what does it take to believe in that? Feelings of worthiness? Feelings of calm, compassion, unity with the All? When we believe in our own worthiness, not as a matter of how others perceive us or the status hoops we learn to jump through in a culture such as ours – when we know our worthiness, our mind and heart follow.  
Knowing creates intention, motivation, commitment. That impacts vibration, which is communicated to the Universe. The energetic field that receives the waves of energy we send out receives those messages, and, as a cooperative, co-creative Universe, immediately goes to work on fashioning our projected reality.  
So often, when one’s belief is that they are unworthy in some way, that belief will mirror for us a life that feels lonely (especially internally); painful, terrifying, one full of scarcity (whether scarce of money, love, acceptance, being seen and heard); competition and conflict; which feeds a negative feedback loop of unworthiness, scarcity, and fear.  
It is not the Universe that decides what one receives. When the Universe receives our vibration, It thinks that what is contained within that energetic communication is what we want, so it creates more of that for the one sending the energetic message.  
Ironically, at the soul level, we could very well be “needing” the lessons those energetic messages carry which, through struggle and suffering, will eventually help us to value ourselves. So, if this be true, why bother? 
Often, this life on Earth is referred to as a game. It helps to know 1) that there is a game; 2) a little about how it works; and 3) that in the end it is to our benefit. If we know these things, we can, through our growing awareness, add intention, discipline, and right work to “the work” we are here to do, thus speeding up our processes.  
But, before we can do anything with intention, we must examine our beliefs. People cling to their beliefs out of insecurity and, again, fear because beliefs act as a system of rules for us playing our game. They give us a semblance of having control over the game. However, oftentimes, they can be based on other’s perceptions and pressures as well as illusion. 
If one’s beliefs are not serving them, it may be time to examine them closely, release what no longer serves, and recalibrate. Perhaps it is time to accept worthiness, do work internally to support that vibration, and to fashion new beliefs about who we are and what we “deserve.” 
For those who have been locked into this drama of being locked into beliefs that do not serve, leading to fear and its energetic, are you not tired? Have you not grown wary of it?  
Is hanging on to your current beliefs about yourself, your status, your life so important that you are willing to sacrifice your own abundance and happiness?  
Have you ever considered that just maybe you do not know what you do not know? Can you let that vibration into your heart and your mind, to open doors of curiosity and, in the process, invite in abundance, and feeling of freedom, beyond your wildest dreams? 
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pluckypeony · 11 months
Embracing mediocrity might sound shocking at first, especially for the perfectionist within us. But let's take a closer look. Being the best at something isn't the only measure of its worth. If an activity brings you joy or makes even the tiniest positive difference in your life, then it's worth pursuing. Don't let the fear of judgment hold you back. In fact, by choosing to be mediocre, you're already outshining those who never even try. Perfection is overrated, often draining the joy out of the very things we love. Once we release the pressure of achieving perfection, we can finally find the freedom to have fun and truly enjoy what we're doing.
Embrace mediocrity as a path to a more relaxed, fulfilling, and authentic life. After all, life is too short to be consumed by the pursuit of an unattainable ideal. Embrace the beauty of imperfection and celebrate the journey itself, for that is where the true magic happens.
🕊️ 🕊️🕊️
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kamala-laxman · 1 year
You show your worth by what you seek. Rumi
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I don’t want what doesn’t want me.
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Go on. Make that decision that scares you. Surprise yourself. You're here to live, not to abide by anyone else's rules or expectations that they have for you. Separate and do your thing.
Source: SourceMessages
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The Chosen Season 3
I watch this show because of the great production and performances, but most of all it puts me in touch with my faith and helps me understand Jesus. I love Mass, I love my hour of prayer and study every morning, those things are a must. But watching this show brings what Jesus can do, why he is my Lord, to the screen in a relatable way. 
I was watching S3 E6 earlier today and just started wailing. I broke down wailing at Mass earlier today. But that was an I’m broken and struggling cry. But seeing a scene of a woman afraid to ask for his healing was different. She feels so unworthy and like she has walked with her pain so long that it’s inconsequential. Jesus asks her if she believes she can be healed. She does, she knows he can do it. He heals her. 
I am that woman. That’s what I needed to see today feeling loathsome and stuck and forgotten. And I broke down crying knowing Jesus is the only thing that can heal me, and he can. I know what I need to do. But all the therapy, and self care, and leisure, and health never gets me anywhere unless I surrender to his will and ask for healing. I need to want to be healed and not live in the dark comfort of discontent. I will never change if I don’t let him in. I’ve seen it work for me before. I just need a reminder. 
That’s why I watch The Chosen. To see someone like me accept God’s love. 
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