#wotlk hunter
warcraft-guru · 1 year
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Hunter alt holding gun in WotLK Classic.
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anx1oustig3r · 5 months
i will not make a mireska/ lina WoW au i will not make a mireska/ lina WoW au i will not make a mireska/ lina WoW au i will not make a mireska/ lina WoW au i will not-
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rivkael · 2 years
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"Siblings bright and fair, wrenched apart by men and gods / crawled their way back to each other / no matter the cost."
My ocs, Melkoras the death knight and Rivkael the demon hunter. Nonbinary siblings. The story of them being torn apart and finding each other again is really tragic.
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aggravatetheaxe · 3 months
dethklok plays WoW
Nathan - main tank. Horde of course. Probably orc. His only toon. Absolutely a blood death knight both for aesthetic and because you know he's pulling top dps in addition to holding agg on everything in the room. Guild leader, does not take his title seriously but will still kick your ass if you bail on raid night. likes pvp but prefers pve
Pickles - plays mostly trolls, has 2 or 3 toons, probably also has an ugly forsaken and an ugly goblin (although goblin is a later race so depends on the year). Cat druid, often forced to spec into healing because mythic dungeons are only 5 man. But prefers to be cat or combat rogue. Incredible dps when he's allowed to do dps. not nurturing at all as a healer, WILL let you die if you piss him off (unless you're Nathan, but Nathan never dies). loves both pvp and pve but gets super steamed during pvp
Skwisgaar - paladin paladin paladin. Belf, of course. has secret female alts as well as secret ally alts. constantly adding his girlfriends to the guild and taking shit from the bank without asking. But he doesn't get in trouble because his dps is second to none - topping the charts even over Nathan. Ret pally, could technically heal with holy but his dps is just so insane that they can't afford to have him healing. pvp is beneath him
Toki - altaholic. Lots of female toons, lots of ally toons, gets bullied for both. Really wants to main a hunter so he can have a bunch of cute animal companions (and because it would be easier dps) but the others say that's gay so his main is a frost DK. the others make him spec into unholy because his crowd control brings clusters together so that Skwis and Nathan can wipe them out. So, so fucking angry that he never gets to do any actual dps because his plagues never get the chance to stack - and despite knowing it's a DOT issue the others clown on him for being the absolute bottom of the dps chart. pvp is too hard for him, no one protects him and everyone picks on him
Murderface - orc arms warrior and tauren fury warrior, dps but mostly off tank. makes cringe jokes (abt both native americans and milking) if tauren. One secret ally toon (human no less), also a warrior, that he uses to /walk around stormwind and RP badly. constantly brags about his dps but he's actually garbage, only above toki. makes a big deal out of his rank in the guild but he actually has no bank privileges. loves self harm through pvp
Charles - undead disc priest. a few alts, equal numbers male and female but almost all undead. probably a GM. heals when pickles is on dps and there's room or in a raid setting. guild treasurer, full bank permissions, has to constantly police the boys and spends thankless hours filling the bank back up with pots, food, etc. Also in charge of recruiting, so he should just be guild lead at this point but he dutifully never complains :) plays an affliction warlock and a couple rogues (combat and assassination) on a different server, when the boys give him one free fucking moment to do his own thing
Magnus - used to be a super powerful destro warlock that matched skwisgaar in dps. was super involved in the guild, help build it into what it was, contributed lots of materials, consumables, and money to the bank. Recruited some of their best players. after a horrific falling out (he was the asshole in the situation; controlling, etc) he was kicked from the guild and replaced. has since (due to wotlk) abandoned his warlock for a death knight. now he has a forever grudge and badmouths dethklok any chance he gets, but the majority of the server knows he's the drama so he has trouble finding others to play with. because of this he's been forced to switch over to alliance side. hence he falls in with...
MMA & the revengencers: MMA is yet another DK, probably blood, guild lead of the revengencers - rival guild to dethklok, constantly butting heads with them in pvp, ganking their low level members/alts, just generally being a nuisance. MMA wants revenge for Nathan (with the help of GM charles) getting his OG account banned
Edgar - human arcane mage main ("actually, the rotation is quite simple"). has lots of female alts. treasurer of the revengencers, takes everything way way way too seriously. Definitely works for blizzard or is a GM. very tense, sometimes outright hostile, relationship with Charles despite being essentially coworkers. "umm you sir have won the internet" "updoot" guy in chat. full collection of mounts, even the rare and/or limited edition ones
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kirstielol · 9 months
my bf has the week off work so we've been doing nothing but playing video games all day every day lmao, it's been so fun
we got back into world of warcraft.. we've been playing wrath of the lich king classic, which is suuper nostalgic for me because i used to play wow in high school, and i played right around the time wotlk was out, so that's been super fun. i'm playing a blood elf hunter just like i did back in the day.
we've also been playing a ton of dark souls. we play with a bunch of randomizer mods. so, all items are randomized, all areas are randomized (every time you go through a fog door you're teleported somewhere completely random), and all enemies are random. normal enemies can be randomized to be bosses too, and we turned that up to a 40% chance of random enemies randomizing into bosses. we're playing the same "seed" so both our games have the same randomization, so we can play our own games on our own computers and talk to each other about what doors lead where and whatnot. it's so fun.
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transfemininomenon · 1 year
anyway the factual WoW expansion tier list is mists > legion > wotlk > bc > cata > warlords > literally any other game or expansion to exist > shadowlands > battle for azeroth
might be controversial putting legion about wotlk but sorry not sorry broken isles ruled demon hunter fun suramar was the most immersive questing experience the game has ever had also the raids were all bangers. artifact weapons were the best thing the game's ever had. i was banned for half a year with this expansion and i still rank it that high
dragonflight's still ongoing but id already at least rank it far far above shadowlands and bfa 😭
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unpleasant-ghoul · 30 days
So. Um. This fella here.
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This is Akaji. My shaman, yes, I decided to touch the shaman finally because I'm not in the druid mood right now.
Think he'll be a cloth shaman. Stupid, yes, but
1. I want to make my own armor and gather mats for it, too, and don't really see this guy mining metals. I'm not saying that he's a gentle and fragile flower, but I'm not sure he's a "get hands dirty and calloused without a really good reason" type... So maybe he is a gentle and fragile flower after all, by troll standards. Can't see him skinning everything he kills, either, just enough to make boots.
2. Mail armor jingles like a pocketful of change and it's PISSING ME OFF. That's the main reason.
3. It's not like I'll trouble anyone with my choice. Can't mess up someone's dungeon run if I don't plan on teaming up anyway.
As for why I'm playing a shaman at all. Well. Was always hunter or warlock, recently druid too, buuuut. Well. I think I'll keep my hunter back on the WotLK server and assume he maybe didn't even survive to this time because I've been him for a looong time. Kinda tired. Still like him, but new times, new trolls.
Warlocks... Not fond of the idea of a troll warlock. Not fond of the looks of orcs. Got trouble taking goblins seriously except as rogues. Elves are too... Elves (and what more reason can you need). And I'm not so fond of the undead anymore (because. You know. Not. My. Warchief). Like, the warlock and warrior I got back on WotLK are fine, but running around the starter location, hearing "Victory for Sylvanas" on every corner again? Ew.
And the druid. Look. I love my stupid kitty-troll (or maybe he's a smart kitty-troll. Dude's an alchemist. That takes brains). But I want mounts and even if mounts can be faster than travel form it just still strikes me as excessive. So I gotta have a character that I WILL be getting mounts for in addition to the one that'll probably stay on his own feet/hooves/fins/wings.
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honestlyfullfox · 11 months
P2Pah WoTLK able to take advantage of deep freeze
The two biggest downsides for the hunter is that it is possible to take their traps and eat them by standing on them while they attempt to catch your healer or DPS WoTLK Gold, as well as them being quite soft and easy to kill. It is important to note that hunters are unable to utilize the deterrent ability when they're not armed, so it's best to take them off the battlefield when you're planning to use it. Also, warriors can use overpower to hit directly by using this capability.
The next one is the mage they are similar to their wotlk version, but they're loaded with spell haste, as well as mirror images. Once they have popped this, three copies of themselves will spawn and start casting at whomever they are hitting, giving them extra damage.
Frost major is now able to take advantage of deep freeze. This is an amazing ability that has many many uses. It's a five second stun which also increases the frost damage on the targeted area significantly. Be aware that they may chill snap and then have the tool instantly reset, and allow them to buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold the deep freeze in certain situations.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
There are WoW Classic systems Blizzard “wouldn’t want to bring back”
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World of Warcraft Classic's fidelity to Vanilla World of Warcraft contributes to some of its appeal. Players who have been desiring a blast from the past after recent expansions will get it with Classic, which reduces the Retail MMORPG's frequently complex systems to their most basic components. But with the eagerly awaited Hardcore Realms just around the corner, I questioned the development team as to whether compromises to the game's fundamental integrity are required to get rid of bugs and clumsy, out-of-date features. Other than being, well, hardcore, there are a few changes accompanying WoW Classic’s new realms. Assistant lead game designer Tim Jones tells me that some quests have been changed to ensure you’re not being randomly flagged for PvP, and there are some adjustments to some escort quests, too. Some systems, however, are purely being updated because they don’t align with Blizzard’s future vision for WoW. While some players rejoiced at the official confirmation of RDF coming and quest tracker to WoW Classic, others likely see it as a pivot away from Blizzard’s promise to retain the core essence of Vanilla WoW. It’s a hard line to tread, so I asked Jones about whether the team will prioritize keeping Classic, well, Classic, or if it will implement new systems should the need arise. “Our game design philosophy evolves with our player base,” he tells PCGamesN. “When we launched Classic we were staunchly no changes, we wanted everything to be a 100% accurate recreation of the reference clients in the game from 2004 and 2005. Having experienced that, there are some systems that we probably wouldn’t want to bring back.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m7eB0Hxqf8 “I don’t think anyone benefitted from spell batching or the buff limit,” he continues. “That is more restrictive than it needs to be. That’s not good gameplay, and we acknowledge that. We’re all for acknowledging where no changes doesn’t make sense anymore, even on Era servers. “That’s sort of the mentality that we have – we can make the questing experience better. Is it true to reference? No, but it ultimately benefits the player experience. Warlocks and Hunters can cast their DoTs on bosses. That’s awesome – we want players to cast their spells, that’s only going to be a good change ultimately. Our philosophy is evolving, and I think we’re in favor of just a better player experience overall, while still staying true to the spirit of Classic.” I’ve played WoW Classic and, coming from Retail, I do notice a significant difference between the two – especially in terms of its systems. While I have spent hours happily running around as a very confused little troll Shaman (I am very thankful for the addition of a quest tracker), I do think that change is a necessary part of running Classic. It’s been quite a while since the game released, after all, and there are unfortunately systems that are just straight-up outdated nowadays. If the new quest tracker and RDF features have inspired you to dive back into the snowy-white wastes of Northrend, make sure you check out our WoW WotLK Death Knight guide because, given it’s WotLK, you have to try them out at least once. If up-close melee isn’t for you, though, then I’d advise glancing through out WoW WotLK Affliction Warlock guide for some DoT-focused chaos. Read the full article
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tekutiger · 1 year
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I got some things today 🥰!
There's a new outfit on MogStation called "Seigneur's Attire". I put this set on both Tobi and Mari, I simply loved it too much 💞
My friend and I were going rounds with 'is that actually someone in Final Fantasy somewhere?' because I haven't played many of the FF games tbh (I've played some).
After looking up some info on Google, the best I could come up with is that 'Seigneur' translates to 'Lord' in French. There's no person with this name in FF that I can find. So... simply "Lord's Attire"... Perhaps??? Feel free to & please correct me if I'm wrong.
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This cape ofc- like other capes, most skirts, long things, does clip into the ground and chairs 🤷🏻‍♀️. But are we really surprised? I'm not, lol.
I get massive Death Knight & Hunter nostalgia vibes wearing this from my old days playing WoW. Instantly I felt like I was in Nagrand again during BC farming leather scraps/skins.
Or I feel like I'm about to get called away from doing whatever in Dragonblight during WotLK to go run ICC with my guild LOL. It's just a crazy feeling to have again. And I know for a fact it's mostly that CAPE that's the cause of it, mixed with the fur and the boots.
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I am probably constantly taking these poses on my characters 😅. It's time for new gposes SE~ (hint hint~). I just like showing my sword cause that's what glamour is for right? And there's only like, unsheathe, battle stance, and victory pose for that. Wonder if we'll get new ones in 7.0 🤔
(Also check out Meoni's Youtube Video on this set if you're interested in more info 👍🏻)
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artisandeschain · 1 year
Guía para subir de nivel en WoW Wotlk Classic con Hunter y Paladín
El video de YouTube titulado "Llegando a nivel 80 en World of Warcraft Wotlk Classic con Hunter y Paladín" muestra a un jugador experimentado de WoW subiendo de nivel con dos clases diferentes en el popular juego de rol en línea. A lo largo del video, el jugador comparte consejos y estrategias para subir de nivel con estas dos clases, se pueden ver diferentes zonas y mazmorras que son exploradas y vencidas por los personajes, así como las habilidades y talentos que se utilizan para lograr su objetivo. El video termina con una revisión general de las habilidades y estrategias utilizadas, y una celebración del logro de llegar al nivel máximo de 80.
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citrusbunnies · 2 years
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I posted 2,868 times in 2022
That's 2,868 more posts than 2021!
48 posts created (2%)
2,820 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 480 of my posts in 2022
#world of warcraft - 70 posts
#warcraft - 42 posts
#skyrim - 38 posts
#overwatch - 23 posts
#dragonflight - 23 posts
#wrathion - 22 posts
#the elder scrolls - 20 posts
#tes - 18 posts
#goncharov - 17 posts
#sabellian - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#tbh idk how theydve done that in game format but that just goes into my opinion that while i adore this game and the replayability
My Top Posts in 2022:
all the tes games start with the player in prison because godd howard knows us well and knows what wierd shit yall mod in
3 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
why is a good part of wow fics just porn i dont want to read porn i want more fics like of a feather by mysdrym yes this is me staring directly at you and telling you to read my favorite fic please it deserves so much love
4 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
luz get therapy challenge (impossible)
oh no luz thats a mood
this is some detective shit luz
find a phone, saving kids from being lost and me from not being able to find my phone
well thats horrifying
IS HUNTER DEAD????????????
See the full post
14 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
how do yall keep finding these rad skyrim mods im on se but not anniversary edition i tried to find auri on the mods menu in there i dont see her ive got lucien and inigo but kaidan isnt to my personal taste as a follower and i keep seeing people with these super cool graphics and the coolest armor but im a modding noob and dont even know where to start looking for good mods esp ones that arent viruses dont crash my game and i like TwT
27 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
aaaaaaa @mysdrym ty ty ty for the tag!!! tag 10 ppl you want to know more abt!!
relationship status: single TwT
fave color: green!!!
3 fave foods: mac and cheese casserole, chicken cutlets, peach cobbler!
song stuck in my head: nothing rn actually but most recent was invincible yeah the one from wow to absolutely no ones suprise
last song i listened to: w.i t.c.h. by devon cole
last thing i googled: how to do the round er up quest from wotlk
time: 8:46
dream trip: hmmmm probably ireland ive heard its gorgeous
anything i want: a break TwT taking an ap class was a mistake lmao @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses @bigb-divorce-speedrun @bucket-of-amethyst @chaotic-archaeologist @dark-lady-sylvanas @esperanta-dragon @evilwizard @floweroflaurelin @jaakkola @medivhthecorrupted
29 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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brutalles · 2 years
WOW Wotlk Classic Leveling Gameplay Dwarf Hunter 1-11
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dritacircle · 2 years
Riftbound chest wow
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#Riftbound chest wow Patch#
Improved Frost Strike and Runic Command – Swapped positions on the tree. Unleashed Frenzy – Now grants the Strength buff when any Runic Power ability damages an enemy. Hello everyone! Here are this week’s development notes for the Dragonflight Pre-Expansion PTR.įrost tree has been updated to a new layout to fix dependency issues, create more depth in choice, as well as new and reworked talents.
#Riftbound chest wow Patch#
We have a big PTR patch coming and Blizzard have detailed all the new additions, mostly relating to class tuning and updates, as well as PvP and UI changes, a new toy and more. Darkmoon cards) would delete the entire stack. Players will now get nibbles when their fishing levels are too low for the area.įixed an issue where using certain items carried over from Burning Crusade Classic (e.g. Survival Hunter’s Lock and Load effect should now trigger correctly. Resolved an issue where a Druid could appear to have two copies of Leader of the Pack active.ĭeath Knight’s Ghoul from Raise Dead will now resummon when dismounting after flying. Players that are logged off inside a dungeon instance when it is reset will now log back into the nearest graveyard. Queue up via the Battlegrounds tab on the PvP menu. Players may now queue for Battlegrounds from anywhere, without having to speak to a Battlemaster. Resolved an issue that could cause the visual effect of Cartel Wiseguy’s Lightshard Retreat to sometimes not be visible. Cauldrons’ Soup Spray debuff to be damaged by Luminore’s Burning Blaze. Resolved an issue that could cause players with Mrs. Halondrus the Reclaimer – Volatile Charge Sire Denathrius – Blood Price, Crimson Chorus, Fatal Finesse, Night Hunter, and Impale Stone Legion Generals – Heart Rend, Heart Hemorrhage, Ravenous Feast, Crystalize, Crystalline Burst, Seismic Upheaval, Anima Infusion, Volatile Anima Infusion, Volatile Anima Infection, and Wicked Laceration Sludgefist – Chain Slam, Chain Link, Hateful Gaze, and Seismic Shift The Council of Blood – Dancing Fever, and Dark Recital Lady Inerva Darkvein – Warped Desires, and Shared Suffering Sun King’s Salvation – Burning Remnants, Vanquished, and Crimson FlurryĪrtificer Xy’mox – Glyph of Destruction, Stasis Trap, Withering Touch, Aura of Dread, and Dimensional Tear Huntsman Altimor – Sinseeker, Petrifying Howl, and Deathly Roar Shriekwing – Earsplitting Shriek and Exsanguinated The following encounter abilities will no longer be notably altered by Fated Infusion: Creation Spark: Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Sylvanas Windrunner, and Uther the Lightbringer Sepulcher of the First Ones: Anduin Wrynn The following NPC’s will no longer be afflicted by Fated Infusion: Protoform Barrier: More hotfixes arrive, with retail getting plenty of Fated raid and Mythic+ improvements, while WotLK Classic gets the BG queue from anywhere, some class fixes and more.
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unitedjust · 2 years
Wowmatrix npc overlay for
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#Wowmatrix npc overlay for mod
#Wowmatrix npc overlay for update
#Wowmatrix npc overlay for Patch
An aggro warning system for parties and raids. Main features: Soulstone Tracker, Spell Timer, Summon Assistant, Shard Spy, Cooldown Timer, Healthstone Spy, Shard Manager and Self & Raid messages. Whenever you have old mail in your inbox (and no new/unread), the mail icon will be grayed out. Fontain is a simple Ace3 addon to give you a highly configurable set of controls over your UI's font choices. Allows your group and raid members to put you on auto-follow and more. Contains follower basic data, descriptions, images and localizations. A module for FollowerLocationInfo version 0.9 and higher. Provides more detailed information on where to collect certain garrison mission followers. Shows the percentage of health that your current focus has. Move, hide, scale, and resize frames with independent x&y axes. Add some bars for casting of totems/traps, with timers showing the remaining life time of the objects FluidFrames by AnduinLothar. Lists anyone in your vicinity who gains and loses a Druid's Efflorescence buff. Adds a bar similar to aura and shapeshift bar to the right of the pet bar. Adds a tooltip to the world map showing flightpaths into and out of regions, and region level ranges. FlightHUD Displays a fully configurable fighter jet style Heads Up Display (HUD) while flying or riding. Quickly find specific items in your bags. FlagRSP2 is an AddOn for World of Warcraft that allows players to add additional information about their characters into the game. Allows you to set a title, first name, and last name as well as setting a character status and a roleplaying flag. Automatically inserts actual item link when you type it with square brackets flagRSP WotLK by Typhix. Fizzwidget Linkerator by Gazmik Fizzwidget. Quest names will appear preceded by their recommended level in brackets. Fizzwidget Levelator by Gazmik Fizzwidget. Reminds and helps you to easily feed your hunter pet. Fizzwidget Feed-O-Matic by Gazmik Fizzwidget. Keeps track of your reputation with the various factions. Fizzwidget FactionFriend by Gazmik Fizzwidget. Tries to predict what an item could disenchant into. Fizzwidget Disenchant Predictor by Gazmik Fizzwidget. If you equip a fishing pole, you will get double-right-click casting. Help with fishing related tasks - clothing, fish information, etc. Helps master looters collect interest on items and distribute them. Alternative to MonkeyQuest, Quest-I-On, etc. Auto-accepts and auto-turn-in quests for you. Displays how many reputation points are missing to the next reputation level.
#Wowmatrix npc overlay for mod
A spell recommendation mod for feral druids in cat form. Here are some of the WoW AddOns supported by WowMatrix, with more being added daily:įaceMauler by IndigoSpaniard.
#Wowmatrix npc overlay for update
Before opening World of Warcraft, just fire up WowMatrix and let it update your WoW AddOns quickly and safely.
#Wowmatrix npc overlay for Patch
Latest World of Warcraft AddOns for Patch 9.0.1
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colliecan · 2 years
i wanna play as a druid in BoA again. i wanna play as a rogue in legion again. i wanna play as a dps blood deathknight and a destro lock in WoD again. i wanna play as a shadow preist and demo lock on the MoP PTR. i wanna play as a druid in MoP again. i wanna play as a hunter in cataclysm again. i wanna play as a clueless hybrid paladin in WotLK again. i’ve been too scared to try to play WoW again since december 2020 bc i got back from rehab and i’d missed the launch of whatever that expansion was and i r’lapsed and it was too overwhelming to try to update all my addons 😢
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