#wouldnt care too much but I had Thor calling Loki his brother for a reason???
spicyboelives · 5 months
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I wish I had the time to write a tower fanfic. Ahhh id let Loki run missions with Thor and have goofy antics with the og members. 😔 He needs his own friends though, bro would probably still see it as a warriors 3 situation, "living in the shadow of [Thor's] greatness".
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dawnquafam · 6 years
A while ago I read a short fic about what if Loki had won in A1.The fic included that Odin would have respected that Loki won it in battle and let him have it.While I am an strong believer that Odin is always at least under the last 3 in the worst dad contest I also believe that he would respect Loki for that.At least if he send Thor back alive.Thor wouldnt like it but maybe he would respect Odins decision and/or would see what an asshole Odin is.What are your thoughts on this?
IfLoki had won, I do believe he would’ve garnered a tiny bit of respect fromOdin. Asgard is a warrior culture, and Odin and pre-banishment Thor wereperfect examples of it, while Loki definitely was not. So that’s definitely partof why Odin was a craptastic father to Loki while he doted on Thor.
Buta larger reason for Odin’s… let’s call it neutralitytowards Loki was that he never saw Loki as his son, not in the way Thor was.Maybe there was some paternal instinct driving Odin to pick up little Loki(Thor wouldn’t have been much older, so the need to care for a crying baby boywas still fresh in Odin’s mind), and over the centuries some part of him didcome to love Loki, but first and foremost, he picked Loki up as a tool, abargaining chip for peace. And likely the only reason he was never used thatway was because Frigga did adopt him as her true son.
Andwhile it would’ve been a notable victory, the fact is that Earth isn’t terriblyhard to conquer, and it would’ve been one victory in 1,500 years. So, combinedwith the fact that Odin never truly saw Loki as a son or a warrior, it wouldn’thave been much respect. And, as evidenced by his crusades with Hela, Odin is agreedy ruler – the conquering may have stopped when Frigga came in (at least, Iheadcanon that him stopping was Frigga’s condition for marrying him), but thattrait didn’t go away. He’s not the kind of guy who gives up his territory.
Sono, I don’t think Odin would’ve let Loki keep Earth. Optimistically, he would’vetold him no and tried to incorporate Loki back into palace life. Realistically,he likely would’ve either imprisoned or banished Loki, while using whateverforce was necessary to drive out whatever occupying forces Loki had left onEarth. And if Loki tried to take his army and put up a fight, Odin would’vefought back with Asgard’s army (if, of course, Thanos didn’t recall theChitauri because fighting Asgard wasn’t in Loki’s job description).
Asfor Thor’s role in all of this, I do firmly believe Loki would’ve let him live.He had so many opportunities to kill his brother and father throughout themovies, both of whom he was pissed at, but he never did. He never even hurtOdin (or if he did, it was only to subdue him long enough to take his memories - something that arguably made him happier than if he had stayed on Asgard to grieve while ruling), and only physically hurt Thor in the heat of battle, and never was it really serious. For all of his rageand betrayal, Loki never had the heart to kill them, because he still lovesthem both (even though Odin doesn’t deserve it).
And after that, Thor’sreaction to Odin likely would’ve depended on how drastically Odin treated Loki. HadOdin simply decided to attempt to reincorporate Loki into palace life, odds areThor would’ve continued loving his father mostly the same. After all, he would’vehad his brother back, and honestly, most of his ire likely would’ve beendirected at Loki for hurting the humans. (Now, the question in this reality wouldbe if Thanos let Loki return, and if Loki would let the return go smoothlybecause he knew Asgard would provide him protection from Thanos.)
HadOdin imprisoned/banished Loki without the involvement of armies, it might’venot sat quite right with Thor, but Odin probably could’ve spun a convincingenough explanation that, at least for a while, Thor would’ve gone along with it. Depending on Loki’s treatment as time wenton, Thor might’ve seen past his love for his father, but given that he wentalong with it in Dark World, he likely would’ve gone along with it in thisreality too, at least while his rage at Loki burned strong. (Now, once itdiminished, Thor’s a smart guy, he would’ve noticed the hypocrisy eventually.And/or at some point Loki would’ve let slip about the torture, at which point Friggaand Thor would push for his release, and Thor would try to get vengeance against Thanos onLoki’s behalf.)
Now, if Odin had unleashed Asgard’s army on Loki, thatwould likely have Thor immediately realizing how crappy Odin truly is. WhetherOdin got his hands dirty in the fight or not (and odds are Loki himself would’vemagically disappeared before he could get hurt), the message would’ve beenclear: Odin doesn’t give a single crap about Loki. Whatever protectiveness Thorwould feel for the humans Loki injured/killed, and his love for his father, would’vepaled in comparison to his rage if Odin tried to outright kill his baby brother.Frigga would’ve backed Thor, and, well, things wouldn’t have gone well for Odin. (This is assuming Odin was the first to order the armies in. If Loki was first, it might’ve taken some time, but odds are that before the battle ended, Thor would’ve realized Odin had zero qualms about killing Loki.)
So,basically, I think this: Yes, Loki would’ve won a tiny bit of respect, but no,Odin wouldn’t have let Loki keep Earth, and Thor’s reaction would’ve dependedon exactly what path Odin chose in dealing with Loki afterwards.
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