#wow I really liked bioshock
kretan06 · 10 months
Just finished Bioshock Infinite for the first time with the dlc as well. Spoilers if you haven’t played the ten year old game.
Watching Suchong’s final moments and remembering his audiolog of it made me die of laughter.
Oh mein gott! Booker is Commie Cornstalk. It makes sense when you look back at the Hall of Heroes though.
I think Elizabeth has problems. Finds out how Commie Cornstalk and Booker are both the same person as well as the person who took her from her father who is also them. And then devotes herself to killing every version of them. Can’t even let the grieving father be.
Playing as Elizabeth is different, I hated it at first but grew to actually like the feeling of being basically crap in a fight. I hardly got into gunfights with her which I’m pretty sure was the intention.
Alright. What the actual fentucky kried fricken was the plot? It starts as normal and then right after Commie Cornstalk is killed the train leaves the rails and proceeds to drift to eurobeat all over the place. Bro what?
The Lutece twins killed it in every scene they were in, god I love the dynamic where there’s a dimension hopping being that’s playful and I also really like twins who finish each other sentences and jokingly bicker with each other and the combo is really great.
||LOWENTHAL VOICED A CHARACTER|| (specifically he voiced a grunt enemy type but still. That’s basically his thing to voice a background character/enemy)
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gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
listening to arkham knight playlists b/c even though im not even PLAYING it yet (still working on arkham origins) i cannot get it out of my head
#shitpost#honestly i played arkham knight the first time in like#checks steam#2016.  but like.#god it still fucks me up like.  honestly its one of those games that really fucked me up the MOST#like other things i play like.  im affected and theyre good but im like.  im at peace wit hit?#you know?#like bioshock booker's death is so fucking good and it really affected me etc#but now i look back like.  wow perfect thematics.  good shit. baptism as a form of identity death etc etc#drowning instead of coming anew etc#and like other games i do that too.  but like.  arkham knight man.#it doesn't feel like a neat bow for like.  jason or tim or barbara. and how they linger.  idk man#jason especially just.  i just... can never get him out of my head#i was like only a little into dc when i played those games#like i was into superman but other stuff i was like.  eh w/e#but god damn ok#arkham knight just lingers in my brain forever.  ill never get over jason straight up.  just.#the thing that would close this story in my mind doesn't exist#jesus FUCK this playlist keeps putting songs i love on it this one is killing me#this playlist is 34 fucking songs long (on 8tracks so thats Long) and im like. going to die as a human#anyways.  i just.  lays down.  arkham knight jason specifically#i cant even describe the feeling really just like. arkham knight even divorced of context is such an insanely good game#the framing and how it tells its story.  is just.  immaculate to me#a fantastic finale that puts everyone where they should be.  and yet...i still just.  god.  jason
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dragonridernoobie · 3 months
Hello again my friend I've been getting really into BioShock it's a really old game that was released in like 2007 I think like a really long time ago and so there's these kind of mechanical semi-human things called a Big Daddy's basically either humans that were stripped away of all of their memories and stuff and basically is a protector to the little sisters that gather Adam which is basically stuff that gives you powers by the parasite implanted into the little girls basically it's a dystopian underwater city and I was wondering maybe some of the Autobots and possibly decepticons (you can choose either one but please have Optimus or Megatron ) and I was wondering if they could meet a reader who was basically a big daddy with the drill and everything and able to control all the plasmids and stuff (sorry if my ask is a little lengthy)
Ok 2 things. 1, I already wrote this but tumblr broke and now I have to do it all again and I wrote a long one to so FUCK YOU TUMBLR!!!! 2nd, there are no such thing as to long of a reqest. So, with this bioshock big daddy thing. I watched a video that explained them and I based off that and how I think it would act. Since I never played or seen the game before. So I hope you enjoy!!!!
TFP Autobots X Mutant Reader
Wanring: mention of experiments, death, and gore.
Optimus was stressed. He was stressed by everything. He was fighting the decpticons and MECH. He didn't know what to do but only to keep going forward. While he was in base, ratchet went up to him with a detapad.
"We have found a single in the ocean. We think it's a cybertronian artifact." "Very well, thank you, ratchet. Prepare the ground bridge." Optimus radios Bumblebee, bulkhead, and smokescreen. They arrive all ready to go
"aww ya! We are about to kick some decpticon pipe!" "Smokescreen, you are going to the bottom of the ocean. You need to be careful since one wrong thing, and you will be crushed by the force!" Ratchet was too quick to calm smokescreen down. Miko runs up to bulkhead but he quickly stops her "no, nuh uh, there's no oxygen in the ocean and we don't have oxygen tanks so you can't come." "Awwwwwwww" miko hangs her head low but nods. She goes back where jack and raph are at.
"Start the groundbridge ratchet." Ratchrt nods and pulls the lever. "Becarful, if one of you get crushed, there is no way of bringing you back." The team nods and runs through the groundbridge. Soon making it on the other side where they stand infront of empty ocean, only filled with rocks, sand, and more.
Optimus pushes his side of his helm to activate the voice channel. "Remmber, we can't speak underwater, so use these voice channels so we can speak through our helms." The teams nod and follow optimus very slowly through the water. After a while, the see lights ahead, though it was very murky. "Optimus, lights!" "I see bulkhead. It seems to be some underwater city." "Bzzzz oooooopppp?" (William Fowler never said they had underwater citys) "they don't Bumblebee, let's keep moving. That's where the single is at."
The team nods and continues to walk toward it. They soon get to the city and enter one of the many large city's. Once they were in a water free room, smokescreen spoke first. "WOW! This place is huge! I mean, look at this stuff! It's so old and rust!" "Pay attention smokescreen. We are on a mission." Bulkhead tells smokescreen with a stern voice.
The team walks further and further down the doors and hallways but soon stops in front of a huge window that looks towards the ocean. Right, but there, they see a weird creature. It had a drill but was repairing the building. "What is that?" Bulkhead says, clearly freaked out. "Ahould we say hi? I'm going to say hi!" Optimus puts hi hand on smokescreens shoulder "no, we do not know if it's friend or foe. We should continue our mission." Smokescreen sighs but nods. Everyone walked and soon entered a room where the single was.
"The artifact is in this room." "Optimus, look!" Bulkhead points to a bunch of dead humans near the edge of the room. They all seem to be killed in a brutal way. Some of them where gutted, some of them where missing limbs or heads, or are just cut in half. "Bzzzzzzz" (i don't want to be here any more....) "I agree with Bumblebee. Miko and I have seen enough horror movies to know somone is gonna die!" "Calm youreself. What humans make are not real." Optimus says and he continues to walk toward the edge of the room where the wall is.
"Bzzzzzzz" (the scanner says the artifact is on the other side) "The let's break it!" Bulkhead pulls out his wrecker ball. "No, we are surrounded by water. We do not want to cause more damage." Bulkhead sighs but puts his blasters away. When optimus was about to figure out how tingen the artifact, he hears guns being aimed. He and the autobots turn and find Silas there, with few of his men aiming at them.
"Well, well, well, dident know you autobots will he here." "Silas, why are you here." Optimus says while he aims his blaster at them. "Why do you think? I'm here to get that artifact of you'res." "You are not getting this artifact." "So be it, fire!" His squad fires at optimus and the autobots. The autobots take cover and watch as MECH shoot holes into the wall, causing water to spray in.
"Stop! You are gonna kill youreselfs!" "If it means taking you down, so be it." Silas says while he keeps shooting. Suddenly, everyone hears drilling and some MECH grunts further in the building screaming. "What the hell is going on out there?!?!" Silas yells at his men while he keeps shooting at the autobots. "There's a strange Mutant!" Before anyone could respawn, a MECH grunt get thrown through a wall and into the room.
There, in the hole in the wall, is a big daddy. He had a drill and a gun for hands, and his eyes were red. "Definitely foe, definitely Foe!!!" Smokescreen screams while looking at the Mutant in horror. The Mutant charges forward and attacks the MECH grunts who are shooting at it. Drilling and shooting them. The autobots watch in horror how this Mutant is killing them all. When the mutant looks toward the autobots way, the team asks their blaster at it, but optimus stops them. "Stop, it's only attacking people who are damaging the buildings or shooting at it." When the team hesitates, he nods his head. They lower their wepons and watch the Mutant change it's attention back on MECH, who was still shooting at it.
They watch it attack MECH going through them like nothing. Optimus singles them to get the artifact. They go up to the wall and find a lever. There, they open the wall and there is the artifact. When the team tries to flea, they are met with the mutant corning Silas who was shooting at it. They watch in horror as the Mutant drills into Silas, his screams echoing off the walls. Soon he dies. When the Mutant looks at them they freeze. It just stairs and it's eyes go back to normal. It then just walks away.
"Ratchet, groundbridge... we got the artifact..." When ratchet opens it, they go through and tell ratchet and William Fowler everything. Fowler sends a team to get the Mutant and finds out it was created by the Russians who lost control of it and killed all of its scientists. It was taken back to the USA, and worked on. They made it where it could think but not speak. The autobots welcome it and it joins the team. They find out the name of there new Ally.
Hope you loved this!!! This is what a big daddy looks like for anyone who doesn't know what it looks like.
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popfizzles · 3 months
have you ever liked/currently like bendy and the ink machine/bendy and the dark revival?
I liked Sammy Lawrence's voice. <:)
But for real though, I liked the base concept of the plot; the idea of demons being used to bring cartoons to life, and having to survival horror your way out of a never-ending animation studio.
But I think the execution of the idea was really poor. :(
I think Dark Revival did slightly better than the first game, but still missed the mark by a longshot for me to consider it a game I enjoyed. The first game was clunky, the mechanics were not clear or well-defined, and the plot lost itself (and I think that's safe to blame on the episodic release).
But at the same time, I think I'd prefer more of the Resident Evil type gameplay than the Bioshock vibe the sequel employed. It was still wrong, but in a different way.
Usually I can look past these sort of criticisms and find myself enjoying extremely bad games! But BATIM hit the horrible mark of being. Just plain mid. It wasn't good enough to be enjoyable, but it wasn't awful enough to be fun to laugh at either.
It's a shame too, because it really does feel like something I should like, right? A survival horror game based on a 1930s cartoon studio!! Wow!!!
The games are just. Not memorable, in my opinion.
And that's probably the worst thing to be.
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Can I get a Jaune's found family in Bioshock meeting his friends or actual family. Like the big and little sisters meeting his actual family or his friends.
This is in reference from the bioshock post that started with Jaune able to tell Ilia is a lesbian because she reminded him of his sister.
A Staticy tear in the fabric of Reality opens, spitting out Jaune, 8 Big Sisters, and Subject Delta onto the Vacuan Sand.
Ruby: JAUNE?!!?
Jaune: (Spits out Water) RUBES!
Jaune Runs and Hugs her
Jaune: How long has it Been! I've been away, for like, Nine months! Where did you End up after Falling?
Ruby: Me and the rest RWBY Fell into the Ever after- Where The Girl That Fell through the World took place?
Jaune: Really- Wow! Where's everyone- Y'know what! We need to See doctors, and fast! All of their Genetics and physiology are fucked up, and I should get looked over anyway! I have and insane Story to tell!
Ruby: Who are these People?
Jaune: They're- (Whistles) HEY! EVERYONE ALRIGHT? Good! Get up Please!
Jaune: The big Guy is Subject Delta, he looks like an absolute mess, That one is Eleanor!
Eleanor: Hello! You must be Ruby, Jaune has spoken a great deal about you and his Friends!
Jaune: The rest of them are Evelyn, Cassandra, Tulip, Lily, Katherine, Julie, and the last wasn't named when we met so i called her ... Juniper. Just to have my team around even if I ... wasn't.
Jaune: But I'm home now! We're all here! It's so good to see you Ruby!
Ruby: What happened to you? You're covered in scars Jaune! What happened to Crocea Mors!
Jaune: That's ... that's a long Rubes. I'd rather tell it once with everyone. For now we should see a doctor. Can you take us there?
Ruby: Yeah, I can.
So I know this isn't all you asked fore, but I couldn't just WRITE without some kind of foundation first.
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eff-plays · 2 months
Okay actually I have a different gaming-related beef. I hate when I click on a "video essay" about a game that I'd like to hear about, and instead it's either some fucking guy recapping the entire plot of the game over game footage, or it's some overedited jokefest ... also recapping the entire plot of the game over game footage.
Like. You can't just call any old video a "video essay" just because it's 30 minutes long or more.
"Did you know that BioShock is a criticism of objectivism?" Wow. Really. No way. Do you have anything to say about that or. "Did you know Andrew Ryan is a play on Ayn Rand, the creator of objectivism?" Would you believe it if I said yes, my dude. Would you fucking believe it.
You can tell the people who popularized video essays have like film degrees or English degrees or are at least interested in the subject enough to go beyond the literal surface, because they can actually tell you stuff or analyze things from a perspective you never considered.
Versus the dipshits jumping on the bandwagon and re-writing the Wikipedia page to put more memes in. And yet they still get hundreds of thousands or millions of views despite saying literally nothing. Usually people in the comments of those videos make better analyses of the subject than the video itself. It's always like some poor fucker with a 500-word comment up their sleeve struggling for their life to make a single point that's probably been made a thousand times before them, but is still more nuanced and insightful than the video above it anyway.
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purecalcium66 · 11 months
did i ever mention that i am a furry artist? no? well now i did. I was drawing only humans lately so it was so comforting to come back to my roots, i hope you will not hate me for this xd
Bioshock 1 cast as doggies part one
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i tried to make their breeds relate to their country and to uh... well i will explain my thought process under the cut
Ok, so i need to make this post as spoilerless as possible cuz my friend who i forced kindly convinced to play Bioshock reads my posts and i really dont want them to find any spoilers
Jasmine Jolene is a cocer spaniel becouse of that one Atlas quote, you know which (i am so clever and deep wow)
Andrew Ryan is an eastern european shepherd, i know that it looks exactly like the german shepherd but it's not, you will have to belive me
Frank Fontaine is an american bulldog, i dunno it just fits
Brigid Tenenbaum is a rottweiler, it's a german breed + i just had a vision of her as a rottweiler, she is pretty loyal and determined. Also now in Jasmine x Tenenbaum, Jasmine is the small one heh
Atlas is an irish terrier (Steinman does wonders!) and he turned out adorable
Jack is well, a mutt, you also know why.
thank you for your attention, i love attention. And those doggies were very fun to draw. There will be more someday.
i got myself the Bioshock book so now im gonna read the hell out of it.
Stay safe guys, i love you 💙💙💙💙
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New Stelia explanation
New Stelia is the setting of my current lancer campaign. Primarily taking place in the titular mega city, New Stelia is (sorry for the buzzword puke) a retro scifi, decopunk world. Heavily based on Bioshock and New Capenna, New Stelia is a world where mechs have wholly replaced all forms of transport (for the aesthetic). Cars are just Everests, Bartons, etc. Buses are Lafiettes. Big trucks (semis? 14-wheelers) are Hawkins. Fancy cars are the SSC Chrysalis or similar crab chassis mechs. Boats are just really big, aquatic hotdogs. Blimps are also hotdogs but strapped to big balloon. (I have a reasonable number of Lancaster esc mechs)
New Stelia (the city) is built on/in/above a plateau that shields the city from the heavy radioactive gas that covers the flush plains surrounding the city. There are districts that handle the various functions needed for the city but in all honesty I havent fleshed them out at all which is a bit problematic.
Rather than the interstellar origin of the manufactures, IPS-N, SSC, GMS, and HA have altered backstories to fit the world. Much mettling doesn't need to happen for this. Wow IPS-N is speciallied in making lancaster esc mechs instead of starships; HA did have three clone rules and orignate from a old iteration of Union, they just aren't from space. And for HORUS, of course they're here, just more occult (see below).
Another notable change to the setting from the core Lancer one is what an NHP actually is. Rather than just being the technological/digital consciousness of a eldritch entity peaking into this reality from blinkspace, only contained through a black box containment unit that shackles the entity's perception of reality and itself to be vaguely human like; NHP's are ghosts. But like the lighting ghosts from Mob of the Dead (CoD Zombies). They function identically to NHP's on the surface level of interfacing with electronic systems (because yk, lighting ghost) but are summoned from blinkspace through ritual rather than just being found in the field and shipped off to Venus. NHP's can still; be cloned but its more of cutting up the original ghost like a flatworm than copy+paste code. Oh also the Deimos event basically happened but not really; Ra was there, NHP's became more active, etc. but no moon take over and stuff.
To match the prohibition era conflict, New Stelia has a drug sweeping Union territory. A substance called Halo. While blatant theft of concept, this substance has a different origin than the angel juice from New Capenna that I can't say for spoiler reason. Halo is known to produce vivid hallucinations of what feels like other lives, from escaping a collapsing facility to dredging your way through a swamp. Despite the possible horrifying visions, Halo is highly addictive due to its euphoric prolonged effects.
On the top of my head, that's it. I mean sure there are locations outside of New Stelia in various states of livability and purpose but until I write more on them I don't feel inclined to sharing.
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humfrery · 1 year
Persona AU Video Game Ideas, part 2
Wow, my last AU video game post only got 20 whole notes! Whatever, I'm gonna keep rambling anyway. Part 1 here.
Teddie - Conker's Bad Fur Day
Mascot character, highly inappropriate, pulls random shit out of their ass. That's it. That's my justification.
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Naoto Shirogane - Bioshock
Bioshock has this art deco, biopunk, noir vibe to it that I think fits Naoto really well. Especially when you consider how her dungeon was a laboratory. Not to mention that this is a game that gives you guns and elemental powers. Naoto with a Tommy Gun just makes sense, doesn't it?
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Tohru Adachi - The Darkness II
This is sort of the same thought process as the Naoto one. Games where you shoot dudes and have superpowers. Except now, the superpowers are really twisted.
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Marie - Infamous 2
I mean, can you think of another game that lets you strike you enemies with a lightning bolt?
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Investigation Team - Devil May Cry 5
Devil May Cry is basically what happens when you take fighting game complexity (like P4 Arena Ultimax, for instance) and make it a character action thing. Just take all of the Investigation Team members' movesets from Arena and make it their moveset in here. Plus, I can also imagine a sort of assist and tag in mechanic similar to Marvel vs Capcom being really fun here. Instead of switching different weapons or styles, the player would tag in and out team members.
Also, this means that the team finally gets their own Scooby-Doo van.
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Labrys - God of War III
My rationale for this one is 1) the chain weapon that both Labrys and Kratos uses to pull themselves towards enemies and also swing their weapons around like a sharp flail 2) the Greek mythology theming.
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Sho Minazuki - Deadpool
Twin swords? Check. Goofy attitude? Check. Teleportation ability? Voices in their head? General sociopathy? Check, check, check.
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Persona 5 is next :) This is where it gets fun.
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softasawhisper · 8 months
Have you ever come across some media and thought "Wow that would make for some great edits... Too bad I don't watch it"? Something that was visually rich but maybe the genre wasn't your cup of tea etc.
What comes to mind rn are the photosets my friend reblogged when she played the Bioshock games. I couldn't tell you what it was about or anything but I really liked the steampunk/art deco vibes. Also Kingd0m Hearts. I like the D!sney characters with a slightly darker/fighter edge to them.
It isn't that it wasn't my cup of tea it was more that I've never played them. I own the games, I was going to get an old ps3(? maybe ps2 i cant recall rn) from my brother a few years ago, so I bought some used games at gamest0p. I kept those games in mind when I did that but I never got the game system and didn't really follow up about it.
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bigshotexpress · 8 months
poppy playtime chapter 3 spoilers ( i am watching a lets play, this is a live blogging)
bioshock vibes with the radio messages.
seems pretty spooky so far. though, man, the escalation is pretty quick. poppy playtime is doing its best to beat the 'horror for children' allegations it seems.
like, the line about the dead kid in the duffle bag really isn't even. that horrifying as far as horror games go, i think? but it caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting it to be that blunt about it.
ah. the huggy from the trailer IS, in fact, a hallucination. cool
oh! kissy missy! cool! i wonder if they're going to get into the horror of Her existence. There seems to be some strong implications here.
ah. we're getting to actually hear the children talk now. that's gonna help with the horror escalation. before the kids were just... an implied reality. didn't have to really face it deeper than a surface level awareness. with visuals or audio of the kids? that is gonna help make things a lot more scary.
have the devs said how many chapters this game is going to be?? i wonder how much more there is planned for this.
wanted to make a 'would you rather be stuck in the superstar daycare (fnaf) or playcare (ppt)' but like. objectively superstar daycare is better. fazbear ent is not intentionally trying to murder children like, as a whole, they just keep having rabbit-dressed people kill people in their establishment. playtime co is actively and intentionally murdering people as a whole.
unfortunately, i gotta say, ppt is starting to fall into the batim... 'this building could not possibly be this big'. it reminds me of portal in a way, and I've never questioned how big the aperture building was, but thats because its Comedic. I am having trouble suspending my disbelief on playtime co being able to make this much underground factory without the world knowing that they HAVE that large space, even if not whats down there. batim escaped this by being semi-reality, and aperture is. comedic. but ppt has yet to justify itself to my brain. small thing though, unimportant.
oh kissy and poppy time! hi!
oh, player got tortured? interesting. mommy long legs also said player worked there, though. interesting.
he trapped poppy in the case? also wow, 'god awful'. I was caught off guard by that. just didn't think she'd use that. phrase?
oh hey! huggy confirmed dead! rip huggy boy.
ollie why do you speak like dora explaining what us kids at home should do. who are you. what are you.
'why does catnap avoid the school?' because it used to be a kid. I would avoid it too.
hm. okay well dawko's title sorta spoils the name of the shadow lady from the trailer. but okay. oh wait no its brought up in the game like two minutes in. fair enough.
ohh she knows us too and also confirms player used to work there. is miss delight like. an actual person???
Ah. wanting to murder all of the children. Well, hello Mrs Afton, I guess.
oh nope she is a toy. i think? she has a cut out. probably a toy. oh. yep thats a toy. has a lights on lights off weeping angel mechanic too. neat. not that scary to me, though. partially because i cant get a good look at her dang design. partially because she's so brightly colored. sorry girl the bright blonde hair is not helping your fear factor. dawko disagrees with this opinion evidently lol.
oh oof she keeps clipping through a closed door. with her mechanic, in such a tight space, doesn't seem fair. rip dawko.
why does she have that moon laugh.sfx i know, unfair comparison, but it just sounds so much like moon's laugh but. female voice actor.
dawko brings up lack of checkpoints, and that paired with the clipping through closed gate thing makes me thing the devs thought this segment was a lot easier than it seems to actually be. partially because of that clipping bug, probably.
end of liveblogging part 1
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discet · 2 years
I hope this fanfic creates a fandom ngl!
What games do you play (any type)?
That would be wild. Feels like that sometimes when I get fanart for it and stuff ^-^
I play a lot of games, table top included but Ill focus on video games here.
I really like platformers both 3d and 2d. Celeste, Hollow Knight, A Hat in Time, Tinykin, Rogue Legacy 2, and Shovel Knight are some of my most obsessively played games in the last few years. There is something so satisfying about a game with satisfying movement
I really enjoy roguelites such as Hades, Rogue Legacy 2, Into the Breech, and Binding of Issac have all been favs. Something about honing your skills and building up to overcome a great obsticle feels great. Clearing Heat 36 in Hades was one of my proudest moments as a gamer.
I also have enjoyed every Super Giant Game that has come out Bastion, Hades, and Pyre all being bangers. I also really enjoyed Transistor mechanically, even if I have some misgivings about its story.
Story focused games are hit or miss for me, but when they hit they hit hard. Night in the Woods and Beacon Pines were both delightful stories to explore.
The Return of Obra Din is in my top 10 absolutely, even though trying to categorize it is difficult. It's really its own thing.
I'm not big into Character Action games with the huge exception of the Soulslike games by Fromsoft. Sekiro is definitely my favorite among them, but I enjoyed all the Dark Souls and Elden Ring quite a lot. Haven't played much of Bloodborne tragically do to a lack of PS4.
I really loved Fallout 3 and especially New Vegas, but soured on Fallout 4. I also liked my playthroughs of Skyrim back in the day. RPG's that allow me to really immerse myself are my jam.
I also just love most of Valve's shooter catalogue. Half Life, Portal, and Team Fortress 2 were my top tier games in high school. Portal 2 remains one of my favorite games of all time. I liked the first 2 bioshocks for similar reasons (Infinity mostly pissed me off)
Oh I used to be huge into strategy games. Total War Series, Civilization, Fire Emblem, Advanced Wars, X-Com, Humankind. They used to be my obsession. I haven't played them as much lately, but they still hold a place in my heart.
Wow! I had a lot more to say than I thought. Thanks for this Ask Anon, it was fun thinking back on a hobby I've put so much time into.
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jutsei · 1 year
Didn’t get to play much today cuz of the reveals and stuff
tbh I’m fine with that, I’m gonna try and finish Bioshock Infinite AND the DLC maybe tomorrow
After this I may need a break or something else to appreciate other video games
tbh that is one reason why I played Bioshock Infinite, bc I knew it’d be a 7.8/10 at best to me, and I already am appreciating Bioshock 2 more than I already did
Sometimes you need to play mediocre or just ok games to appreciate the really good ones.
Like I didn’t really appreciate some games until I watched Gollum playthroughs
Now I can safely say
“Wow this game was disappointing, but at least it wasn’t The Lord of Ring: Gollum”
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9w1ft · 2 years
omg did i hear you say
wow that was unnecessarily dramatic of me but i swear that game was my entire childhood! what other viddy games have you played/have been playing, 9wing? i'm currently on my third replay of dragon age: inquisition 😎
oh yeah, neopets 😎 it was the best. thanks to learning css i had an amazing store layout back in the day haha
whew since becoming a mom i haven’t had a lot of time to play games like i used to, let me tell you!!! these days pretty much all i play is Civilization V, or mario party/kart with the family 😆 and i’m currently helping my eldest kid play through all the humongous entertainment games that i loved as a kid, in particular the pajama sam’s.. and sometimes i squeeze in some roller coaster tycoon 2. oh recently i played through Myst Riven and Exile on my phone!! that was fun.
as for games i’ve played, well let’s see… i was really into we happy few when it was in Beta and i actually liked the challenge of the beta a lot more than the finished game, i liked aspects of bioshock (the art direction mostly), i liked watching let’s plays of the arkham games for some reason, i loved oxenfree and firewatch and gone home when they came out, heavy rain and indigo prophecy (ironically but kinda not ironically??), i love harvest moon (mostly the mineral town ones), FF8 9 and X-2, always loved all the katamari games, sakasete chibi robo, anything by will wright and that includes spore! i was really into spore! secret of mana and legend of mana games… a bunch of the kirby games… tekken and guilty gear… oregon trail III specifically?!, anyone play stuff by Purple Moon? does microsoft bob count as a game?? 😂 i saw a strange little man?? kingdom of loathing?? back in high school i was really into ragnarok for awhile but that’s the only mmo exposure i have… except for a week or so of the sims online lmao yeah, i’m never ever up to date on games but i’d say i’ve experienced more games than some, i guess!!
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empress-of-snark · 2 years
2, 3, 17, 23 🎮
2: games you’re currently playing
While I haven’t played in a couple of weeks, I am in the middle of another play-through of Skyrim, and I try to pick up Animal Crossing every once in a while so my villagers won’t get mad at me for not talking to them lol
3: 1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you’ve really enjoyed
I recently played Alice: Madness Returns all the way through (after previously just watching my best friend play it), and I finally started Luigi’s Mansion 3 and I’ve been enjoying that a lot!
17: A game you didn’t finish but would like to get back to or restart someday
I never got very far in Fallout 4. Despite playing on the lowest difficulty, it was still taking me way too many tries to get anywhere because the enemies were ridiculously hard.
I was told by a friend that it’s because I unknowingly chose one of the most difficult quests right off the bat (the Minutemen), but in my defense, how could the game introduce a character like Preston Garvey and NOT expect me to latch onto him as soon as I saw him??
One day I’ll give it another shot and try to resist immediately finding him and trying to romance him again.
23: A “wow” moment of awe
My first play through of Bioshock: Infinite—that first shot of Columbia literally made my jaw drop. The heavenly beauty of a city set in the clouds is just breathtaking every time. The game has its issues (mostly plot-wise), but the design choices are impeccable.
Thanks, friend! ♥️
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mable-stitchpunk · 2 years
I’m not too far into the new Bendy yet, I’m still in chapter one, but the first impressions are showing that this is really good! It gives me Bioshock vibes, the ambience is great at invoking that feeling of never being safe, and the way it gives you so many hiding spots even if you aren’t in danger to make you think you are… the jumps are actually good too! It’s already got a higher fear factor than SB and I haven’t even died yet, lol. Wow, I’m excited for what’s in store!
Small tidbit- I LOVE that you look down and see her chest and legs. I’M NOT JUST A FLOATING SENTIENCE!! XD
I absolutely ADORE Dark Revival and I'll sing it praises anytime I can. XD I died about as much as Security Breach, but I didn't feel like deaths were cheap. And for most of the deaths you just spawn immediately in a nearby area.
And I agree about seeing yourself. While it doesn't ruin a game for me, it's such a nice detail to look down and be able to see a body underneath. And it also must help with in-game cutscenes since they don't have to warp a body in just for those.
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