#wow this is so helfpul
szopenhauer · 4 years
it seems that the average survey-taker is a white american female, aged 15-19, who has a car, a cell phone, and an extensive social circle. is this true for you? I’m a white female but not from America and I’m much older, have no car nor friends, just cellphone
have you seen any silent films? I love Buster Keaton 
would you rather be an actor, director, or soundtrack producer? actress and director
have you seen nbc’s ‘hannibal’? thoughts? (if you haven’t, do you want to?) no and don’t want to, yuk
on websites where you’re permitted to change your username, do you do so often, or do you keep the same one for long periods of time? I usually change after a few months
does your computer have a name?  I didn’t call this annoying piece of shit anyhow but maybe if I had a better computer...
are you eager to see how far science + technology will advance, or do you prefer an older way of doing things? do you think we are better off with these advancements, or not? I wish we had choice, I would like the world to be balanced, a bit of this and a bit of that, some advancements are necessary, some are cool but some are awful
what is your favourite comic book or graphic novel? does your favourite novel come in comic-book form? (if not, would you like it to?) I don’t read comics but from those I ever tried my fav manga was Doubt, webcomic (those I saw several but I forgot most of the titles by now) - Lackadaisy and I am fan of Aldebaran and Betelgeza 
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Any friends who are constantly venting about their boyfriend?: it was common - me listening complains about my crush’es exes or current boyfriends/lovers/crushes
Have you ever been ice-skating?: once, in high school, didn’t like it
Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep?: yeah
Did the end of Public Enemies make you sad?: I didn’t finish the movie
Do you obsessively apply lip-gloss or lip balm?: ewww, not at all
Do you think you’d have what it takes to shoot someone if you had to protect yourself?: I believe
What’s your most noticeable flaw?: ugh...
Have you ever walked into a massive cobweb? yes and that was awful because it was full of dead bugs
When you can tell that someone’s lying, do you call them out on it?: often
How many other blogs do you follow on Tumblr?: more than 300 
Does it ever scare you how fast time can go by?: could say so
Have you ever replied “OK” when someone confessed they liked you?: possibly :x
What does your grandma call you?: sigh...
What would you do for immortality and infinite youth?: dunno, definitely wouldn’t sell my soul or kill an innocent person but I would do some stuff for immortality 
Would you rather have a pool or a hot tub?: neither
Have you ever worn a nipple tassel?: haven’t
Ever played hide and seek in the woods on horseback at night?: wow, that’s weirdly specific and now I want this somehow :o
Have you ever held a baby chick?: wild bird’s babies and I regret that because it’s not helfpul for them actually
Do you think wine tastes like rotten fruit? yep
Have you ever felt the need to hide something about yourself?: sometimes, from certain people, I should be myself most of the time tho
Do you think pearls are attractive?: umm...
Have you ever wished you had a different name? Which name would you choose? but I like male ones more or non polish
Have you ever customised an item of clothing? I designed and my mom helped me, made changes for me
Do you prefer drawing or painting?  prefer to draw but look at paintings
Are you saving up for anything right now? What? if I could/had money to save then I would save for a bike, laptop, my own apartment etc.
Do you own any figurines?  cats, dogs, elephants, clowns, horses and others
If you have any siblings, how much rivalry is between you all? it’s complicated
When did you last have itchy eyes? recently
Is it dark outside right now? it’s getting darker 
Do you prefer framed photos or just sticking photos straight onto walls? I prefer them in an album, takes less space 
What’s your favourite type of cake? used to love sękacz the most
Have you ever woken up from a dream and believed it to have been real? I was confused 
If there’s a bug in your room, can you sleep or do you need to get it out? it depends on how annoying/dangerous it is
Do you prefer travelling alone or with people? I like to travel with my dad
What was the last baby animal you saw? pic or irl?
Do you give people high fives or hugs more often? hugs
How long have you known the last person you kissed? I knew her 10 years ago for awhile then we lost contact until this spring
When angry, do you get loud or quiet? depends
What do you currently hear right now? my parents talking
Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst? dad
Last person you saw? parent
Did you have a nap today? nope
Are you easy to get along with? am not
When was the last time you were told you were cute? recently my gf called me cute and I’m like Catra about it
Have you ever forgotten to put on an oven mitt before you took something extremely hot out of the oven? not over, just hot pot
Do you own one of those airwick things that automatically sprays every few minutes? hell no
How many light bulbs are on in the room you are currently in? 3, one doesn’t work 
Have you ever had your phone taken away at school before? almost, teacher heard it calling but before they found out who’s phone that was it stopped ringing and I was safe
Do you look better with or without glasses? I’m always ugly 
What is your favorite type of bird? chicken, owl, flamingo, crow, barn swallow...
Did you go fishing a lot when you were younger? Do you now? I hate fishing, never been nor will go
Do you like more flowery scents or more clean scents? no scents, thank you Do you own a manual or electric toothbrush? manual, electric are horrible Preferred brand of toothpaste? m current is Meridol  Piece of make-up you cannot live without? I can live without it
Do you prefer heels or flats? flats are more comfy but I know how to walk in heels, just don’t like to
Do you eat meat? yep Do you still watch cartoons regularly? I recently started watching She-ra with my gf but before that I didn’t watch any animated shows for a long time (just fragments/episodes maybe) Do you leave the TV on and sleep to it? never Ever considered cannibalism? r u serious?... this is scary, I’m gonna puke :x Ever licked a battery? I’m not stupid What does your name mean? lily which was also going to be my name Do animals go to Heaven? hope so Babies are… irritating
When was the last time you saw a doctor? it would be easier to say when I didn’t because I see them too often Do you know anyone who is a firefighter? used to What was the last wedding you went to? my sister’s
What’s your favourite alcoholic beverage? blergh... Do you “binge-watch” tv shows? two episodes a day max What is your opinion of clowns? love Did you wear a necklace today? not today How old are your parents? about 60 What’s something odd you do when you’re anxious or nervous? personal Have you ever received a compliment from a stranger? I have, more than one time Is your wardrobe big enough for all your clothes? it’s not Do you plan ahead when it comes to your outfits? nah Have you ever shaved your face? I shaved my eyebrows (not whole)  What colour is your front door? silver with white paint coming off  Do you take the stairs or the elevator? stairs  Would you ever try herbal medicine as opposed to conventional medicine? I tried  Do you wear open-toed shoes? I despise those Have you ever been to a petting zoo? yeah, I was petting a raccoon <3 and chinchillas are so surprisingly fluffy  When was the last time you wore a button up shirt? weeks ago How many times have you consumed alcohol? once Do you often forget what you were just about to say? ocassionally when interrupted What’s your opinion of Australia? wouldn’t go there Do you own any striped sweaters? absolutely :) Have there ever been any forest or grass fires in your area? as every summer, also trash burn quite often
What color is the trash can in your kitchen? yellow What does the cover on the last book you read look like? it has two people sitting in front of each other Do you wear green on St. Patrick’s Day? I don’t celebrate this holiday, I dislike it Are you even Irish? not even partially Have you ever gotten a wig? What did it look like and what was it for? I have a bunch of wigs  How often do you use a shower cap? What does yours look like? I don’t own any If you wanted to get a cat, would you adopt from a shelter or buy from a breeder? Why? but I don’t want a cat What’s the shortest you’d be willing to cut your hair? almost bald? What do you do when you find a spiderweb in your room? leave it be or clean it
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igumdrop · 5 years
okay okay, I know what you guys are thinking -- Jaime, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! HOW CAN YOU MAKE THE SUB-BLOG GO PUBLIC?!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO *THAT* LIST... THE *YOU KNOW WHAT* LIST... 
and my response is... I don’t know what you’re talking about. I never had such a list. 
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okay, real talk though, I decided to let my sub-blog go public for multiple reasons: 
♡ no one wants to enter a password that I change constantly
♡ most of what I say I would love to share with my regular viewers who can’t afford to sub, and this is my main source of updating you guys on a more personal basis for those who follow me more on social media and not my stream
♡ I’m incorporating a lot more sub-only things into the community, so I figured I could let one go! 
we’ll see how it goes and if it does start to feel uncomfortable, we can always bring it back :) but there’s little to nothing that I can think of that would make this weird because I don’t overshare that much... I think... HAHA we’ll see
ANYWAYS, REALLY GOOD NEWS! for the past few months I’ve had a little team of subs working on our community Minecraft server! (SO MUCH THANKS TO GOLDEYE, WATTEHMS, MATTY, MAXWELL, BRADLEY, JOSTER <3) I’ll try to log on everyday and just have a habit of keeping it online. I think it’d be cute to be able to log onto something and see everyone in the same world! 
if you’re a sub, please fill out the form that I linked in the discord! it’s also the same form you use to join the gummie gang stream team, and also for me to know what your discord usernames are (a lot of times when you guys message me, your discord username is different from your twitch and I have no idea LOL) there’s also a little response section where you can give me any suggestions you want! (stream ideas, sub emotes, etc) ~ HAVE FUN! 
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I’ll probably be doing a sit-down cooking stream into a mukbang :) TIME IS TO BE ANNOUNCED BUT IT SHOULD BE AROUND THE TIME FRAME OF 12PM - 2PM OR 2PM - 4PM! I’ll let you guys know as soon as possible on discord. I’ll also be streaming tomorrow/Tuesday and Wednesday so I’ll let you guys know on stream too! 
OK THAT’S IT FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS!~ here are my own personal lil updates
BENJI HAS GROWN SOOO MUCH! okay not gonna lie, he was kinda dying for a bit during the winter, I don’t think he really did well in the cold... his leaves would fall off sometimes and yellow at the ends. I was getting really scared and to be honest I’m so attached to this god damn plant that it was taking a sad mental toll on me. LMFAO. WHY AM I LIKE THIS. anyway, I gave him some fertilizer and stayed consistent with him, watered him whenever I needed to and tried to keep him in warm yet sunny areas of my house. and YAY, SPRING ROLLS AROUND AND HE’S GROWN BIGGER THAN I HAVE EVER SEEN HIM GROW!!! 
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before (when I first got him) and now! I’m so proud... only I can write a paragraph raving about my pet plant... jeez it’ll be crazy once I get an actual cat or something... 
there was a really busy week in march where I spent all my leftover time planning Aria’s birthday. it was honestly the cutest thing ever seeing all her friends get together and work on stuff for her. I remember being insanely tired during it but once I saw her reaction for her surprise party, my heart melted and I just told myself wow that was soooo worth it LOL. here’s some pictures from my end <3
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we got these GIANT balloons that spelled out ARIA and it took forever to get into the car and out LMAO... excuse my janky no makeup face but it was so funny seeing us struggle so hard with the balloons T_T LOL
we spent hours late at night working on her scrapbook and baking stuff for her. I was working on strawberry cheesecake shoots and I remember cutting 10+ strawberries and thinking, “wow, it would suck if I dropped these,” and then guess what happened... 
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I dropped them lmao 
anyways it turned out so wholesome and cute <3 
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I found the airbnb on this website called peerspace and when I saw it, it SCREAMED ARIA...
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you’re welcome for me blessing your eyes
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we seriously worked our *aesthetic* muscle for this because we knew aria would appreciate the heck out of it 
OKAY ANYWAYS MOVING ON!! yesterday I went to h-mart and got a shit ton of groceries. and I realized it’s STRAWBERRY SEASON!!! there’s still a lot of stuff that I want to buy that isn’t available here though, so my mom tries to send me all that she can :D 
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I love her so much I miss her so much wahhh I can’t even talk about my parents because I’ll just start crying because I miss them so much ... ok also I was supposed to stream yesterday but I took a nap... and... didn’t... haha... jaimewhatswrongwithyou.exe.... here’s a post-nap selfie though... 
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I looked heckin janky but snow saved my ass 
ANYWAY I spent the rest of the night just reading and I finished my monthly book read! here are my two recommendations for you guys :) 
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I absolutely love love love this book! it will really help if you’re an overthinker like me. tl;dr, it talks about the inside voice in your head that constantly battles with itself and refers to it as an “annoying roommate.” with consistent reading (a chapter or two before sleeping at night) it really helped me clear my mind and become super aware of how the voice in my head could be more harmful than helfpul. if you’re new to reading it is quite a bit to read though so if you want something easier then I suggest this: 
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gosh, my life became so simple when I read this book consistently. it basically shares four simple agreements that you should always be conscious of in life. this book just really helped me not take things as personally, to not make assumptions, and it just gave me a much more simple and clear perspective on things and issues. SUPER SUPER EASY TO READ!!! downfall is, it kinda talks about religion a lot at the end, which might make it uncomfortable for some of you guys. I couldn’t really enjoy the last bits of it that much because of that sole reason but it’s still a great read and taught me lots of fundamentals I never knew I needed for my own mindset :) 
I went to LCS the day before yesterday and it was really fun because I brought a portable cut-out of scarra LMAOOOOOO the thread is really funny so you guys should go read it: https://twitter.com/iGumdrop/status/1114687260434124801
I also did my taxes yesterday (well I finished up what was left of it) during the games LOL and then I went to annie’s place afterwards because her mom is an accountant and she helped me file them. I’m soooo happy I got them over with because I feel so free now! 
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hm ok ending these are always hard because it always seem so abrupt, mainly because even my 200 WPM fingers get tired of typing. I guess all I have to say is, hello new readers of my sub-blog, I hope you enjoy your time here! and thank you so much to everybody who supports me. it really means the world to me and I never go one day without insanely appreciating you guys. this month I’ma hit you guys with that dudududuududud GOOD CONTENT! <3
and alas, a few of my favorite cute lil drawings this month from chibird~ 
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(+ my community) 
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