#wrath & glory rpg
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Sister Elysia, Hospitaler
A friend's character from our group's Wrath & Glory campaign.
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phoenix-kingz · 2 months
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Making a massive animation project to celebrate the end of the first arc in my wrath and glory game! I’m playing a rogue trader from Tallarn, he’s kept his face hidden for 3 real life years(the one with the bull helmet) and this will not only be the speech where he accepts his role,as rogue trader, but also reveals his true face.
These are some of my favorite key frames so far and Wip art of some NPCs too!
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warrenbutgnome · 2 years
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My current Wrath & Glory character who is probably my most efficiently killy and assassin-y character yet!?
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circeius-invidioso · 3 months
I am so unbelievably fucking tired of people on reddit being like...
Why square bases? They aren't allowed in the wargame.
You can't play competitive with square bases!
Square bases are against the rules, you can't have them! You need to remove them and put them on round ones!
Square bases are for display only!
And 20 more variations to that.
There are more ways to play games in the 40k setting besides competitive and the latest ruleset of the wargame.
A small and not complete list is.
1) Narrative play, where the rules are loose and the victory is not as important as the "just having a beer with the buds while having fun"
2) Space Hulk, where its more important where the mini is pointed than the shape of the base.
3) Rogue Trader, the tabletop rpg. Where the shape of the base is the least of our worries.
4) Dark Heresy, the tabletop rpg again. Where the shape of the base is not very important. Again what are the odds.
5) Deathwatch, another tabletop rpg. I won't repeat myself you get it.
6) Black Crusade, see above. Again.
And the list could go on but I am not that petty...
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Well actually I am so let's continue.
7) A Dnd module, because 40k is not only a wargame it's also a setting and what if I want to play a dnd game and my character to be a dazzling space monk in chrome. Who will stop me? The fun police?
8) A wargame with friends, because everyone can indeed be fine with me having square bases and we count distances from the middle of the mini. Why not? Who is going to stop us? The thot police?
9) Wrath and Glory, another tabletop rpg set in the 40k universe.
10) A custom module of Shadow of the Demon Lord, it's weirdly and oddly fitting for grey knights. I don't know, maybe I am just insane but I liked it.
And I could go on.
Because again, 40k is a setting not a ruleset.
You can take the minis you bought and do with them as you please. Paint them, keep them in a cave, even eat them if you have the stomach for it.
I am just exhausted of having to explain my choices time after time.
Not everyone in the community plays the wargame. And that is ok.
We exist. We might be few and far between but we exist dammit.
I don't know what kind of fumes they are huffing in there and are so comfortable popping out of the bushes being like
You can't do that. You will not he allowed in a tournament with those bases.
Maybe I don't give a single flying and swimming duck about competitive, Kyle.
Maybe I play the rpgs, Kyle.
Maybe I am not going on a tournament, Kyle. I didn't ask for advice for tournament rules, Kyle.
I swear if this stick continues for the rest of the year Imma start designing a tabletop game where you can only use square bases for your minis.
Old world style.
Space hulk on speed.
Pen and paper Ultrakill.
Roided out dnd.
The sky is the limit.
God is dead.
🌈And the wargame is not the only option if you want to play a tabletop game in the 40k setting.🌈
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theresattrpgforthat · 9 months
Found your blog by chance, seems like a very cool concept!
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ🫖🍵
I wonder if you have played Warhammer Fantasy RPG, and if you have any thoughts on it, or who you would recommend it to bonus question, any rules light one session RPGs with ready example scenarios you'd recommend?
Hello there! I do not have any experience with Warhammer in any of its forms, unfortunately. The closes I’ve gotten to experiencing anything Warhammer is the actual play episodes hosted on Fandible. I’ll post links to each of their episodes below.
Only War | Black Crusade | Age of Sigmar | The Black, the Grey & the Skaven | Wrath & Glory
Now, let’s see if I can do anything about the second half of your request!
Theme: Rules-Light Single Sessions.
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A Complicated Profession, by Always Checkers Publishing.
A Complicated Profession is a light-hearted sci-fi TTRPG for 3 to 5 players. It's a one-shot that usually lasts a few sessions. What do bounty hunters do when the galaxy no longer needs them? In this game, they start new careers hosting intergalactic cruises!
Reunite your disbanded crew of jaded sidekicks, shabby droids and shady accomplices. Then pick a hosting role and start a new life together. 
While it may last a little longer than one session, I’m really excited about A Complicated Profession, as my game group will be playing it in about a month or so! Character creation is something of a fill-it-in mad-libs style process, which I can foresee being pretty quick and easy to set up. The tone of the game is really lighthearted as well, which I think is a great thing to look for when playing one-shots, especially if you’re playing games with folks you don’t know very well. I I don’t know game doesn’t have a predetermined scenario, but the focus of the game itself is pretty narrow, so I think it would be pretty easy to figure out what kinds of obstacles your retired bounty hunters will be up to.
Never & More, by Small Stories.
You are the newest recruits of The Society of Ushers, an occult secret society. Your mission is to prove yourself to your superiors, master the rituals required to move up a rung, and learn how to talk to ravens. Your direct superior and teacher, the Belfry-Devil, has finally deemed you suitable to circulate by yourselves amongst greater society, trusting you to remain faithful to the Ushers in the face of attempted poaching, targeted seduction, and superior parties.
This is a simple example of the kinds of games that exist in the Lasers-and-Feelings family of games, all designed around the concept of two core stats that tell us about your characters’ strengths and weaknesses. Many L&F games come with a few quick steps to create your character, a specific setting or mission, and a series of roll tables to help the GM construct a threat and series of obstacles. If you like rules-light games that are quick to read and occult settings, you might want to check out this game.
For Moria, by Luis Lasbelin.
With the Balrog dead, the hope of retaking Moria is more alive than ever. Thousands of dwarves gather from the great fortresses hidden beneath the mountains with the sole purpose of fighting to reclaim the once great dwarven stronghold.
For Moria uses the Breathless game system for games of terror and tension.
Breathless games are meant to put your characters in heavily dangerous situations, with resources that are guaranteed to run out. Because of this, I think they are a good fit for one-shot games, because there’s always the chance that your character meets some kind of doom. Because this game is about dwarves retaking Moria now that the Balrog is dead, I’d say that the setting does a lot of heavy lifting, assuming your characters are familiar with Tolkien’s Middle Earth. Definitely worth checking out.
Wolf Head, by A.C. Luke.
The King is just. Rather than execute you, he cursed you with the head of a wolf. Instead of death, you were exiled to be hunted for the rest of your days.
But now, the King needs you, or someone like you. There is a great crisis threatening the realm. If you were to solve it, he would remove the curse, pardon you of your crimes. What would you be willing to do for absolution?
WOLF HEAD is a dark fantasy tabletop role-playing game about medieval fable and what you will, and won't, do to be let back into the fold. Players take on the roles of wolves, criminals cursed with a wolf head and banished from society. You have become defined by your crimes—did you commit murder, foment revolution, speak heresy, or love the wrong person? And will what you did help or hinder you in clawing back what they took from you?
Wolf Head looks to have the capacity to be either a one-shot or take place over a large campaign. The game is meant to be zero-prep, which means that you can get a game up and running in no time, and the structure of quests means that you can start a one-shot with a specific quest that ends the session once it’s been accomplished. I don’t own this game, so I’m not sure if it comes with pre-written scenarios, but if it doesn’t, I’m expecting some tools to help you create your own quest pretty quickly.
Escape from Dino Island, by Sam Tung & Sam Roberts.
Escape from Dino Island is a thrilling adventure game about intrepid heroes trapped on an island overrun with creatures from a lost age—dinosaurs!
Players take on the role of everyday people who are brave and competent, but also in over their head. The game is designed to help you create the kind of stories that are full of action and suspense, but in which fighting is rarely a good option. Will you escape with your life? And what kind of person will you become in your quest to survive? There’s only one way to find out…
As a one-shot PbtA game, Escape from Dino Island starts you with a pretty tight premise: you’re trapped on an island populated with dinosaurs. Your characters all have different strengths that can help them get off the island, but one thing you have very little of is time. This is another story-first kind of game, but unlike other PbtA games, which require multiple sessions to tease out all of your character conflicts, Escape from Dino Island is meant to be played in one sitting, which means that any advancements available to your characters are expected to show up before the end of the first session.
Operation: Final Monarch, by poor students.
Operation Final Monarch is a one-page Tabletop RPG for 4-6 players. One player will act as the GM, providing obstacles, portraying passengers, and describing the Watchful Luftrahmer. You play as Infiltrators, spies from the fallen countries around Arstarkan. Your final mission is to kill Aleksander Von Korte.
When situations get risky you gamble with danger and can always push your luck to try to succeed in any situation. Be careful not to roll a 1 though, as a devastating consequence will soon follow. Use can also use your leverage over the passengers of the Watchful Luftrahmer, asking them questions they don’t want to answer or enacting your special abilities. When it all comes crashing down you will have to reveal your secrets to the other players. What do you really think about them? Are you secretly in love or hold a seed of resentment?
I keep an eye on one-page rpgs because they tend to be good candidates for single-session play. With only a few rules and not much room for character advancement, these games focus on giving you the basic premise of the game and the tools you have to play through it. Operation: Final Monarch gives your a very specific goal - assassinate Alexander Von Korte. You’re given a bottle setting to play this in as well - on Alexander’s blimp. I’m really interested in this game because it knows exactly what kind of experience it wants to give you, and it’s succinct and well laid out, which means that learning how to play isn’t that hard at all!
All Hands on Deck, by Alice V.
A gm-less, storytelling, Descended From the Queen game for three to six people about  a ship, its crew, and the sea they sail on. It is a game about the relationships between those people, about relying on each other, about being an individual in a team.
I wanted to spotlight a Descended from the Queen game because these games have a very unique mode of gameplay, which makes them really good for one-shot play. These games usually consist of a series of prompts attached to a regular playing card deck. Each turn consists of pulling a card from the deck, and answering the prompt related to it. Descended from the Queen games tend to be rather introspective, focusing on relationships and the ways they can affect our perceptions of events. The scenarios are also tied to each individual game, so in All Hands on Deck, the scenario involves a ships’ crew on a voyage, and the conflicts that may exist between different members due to the relationships they have to the Captain and each-other.
This Ship Is No Mother, by Thomas Manuel.
This Ship Is No Mother is a game about people in space, working jobs that are probably going to get them killed. Inspired by movies like Alien and games like Mothership and Dread, this is for fans of tension, creepy-crawlies, and general horror. Mechanically, it's a card-based Forged in the Dark game, first in the series of games currently called the Cardsharp Sonata.
In this game, players start with a full deck of cards and as you play, that deck will run down. When the deck ends, there is a climactic moment of panic as one of the characters is going to do something stupid and get themselves (and maybe everyone else) killed.
I got a chance to play this game with the creator last year and it really delivered! This Ship Is No Mother was originally designed as a way to run Mothership scenarios using a narrative system, with a time limit built in due to the fact that it uses cards instead of dice. You’ll use cards as resources, and since there’s only so many in the deck, you’ll run out of them one way or another. If you like suspense and alien horror, this is definitely worth checking out.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Koboldly Go, by CoffeeSnake Studios.
Lady Blackbird, by John Harper.
Something is Wrong With the Chickens, by Elliot Davis.
The Great Soul Train Robbery, by Cloven Pine Games.
Faewater, by A Smouldering Lighthouse.
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kitto-paint · 8 months
I played in a Wrath and Glory oneshot rpg this weekend, and our skitarius instantly pack bonded with an augmented dog we "found" on a forgeworld. Thanks to your lovely art making me appreciate the little guys, my hotshot inquisitorial agent was already quite protective of the skitarius. Whatever our skit wanted, he got. For the rest of the game, he ran around with a pet dog. They barked/shot at one of the Emperor's Children together and were generally very sweet.
aw :3 Good Skit
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joelchaimholtzman · 1 year
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Painting I made from the time I still worked for Games-Workshop. This is the Iconic Rogue Trader, for the Wrath and Glory RPG.
Hope you like it!
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So does 40k or fantasy have any games like dnd? Something where you play a singular custom character rather than armies or squads?
Warhammer Fantasy RPG and Wrath and Glory.... There is also an Age of Sigmar one that's name eludes me right now.
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skunts-own-truth · 11 months
Currently running my dream game of Runequest, and next week I’ll be doing a Call of Cthulhu one-shot for Halloween. Along with that, I have a Fabula Ultima game sitting on the back burner with a lot of world building and storylines written up to just do when something else falls through.
But, but, but always, always 40K RPGs are there in the back of my mind. Black Crusade, Imperium Maledictum, Wrath & Glory, Rogue Trader… they’re all there, eyeing me from the shadows, and sometimes I glimpse them and feel their breath on the back of my neck, demanding my attention. Right now, with my irl group, I think I’d rather do a Black Crusade. I have not done one in years, but now that my irl group has finally put some work into reading the Heresy, getting to know 40K better than they ever have, I think it would be the best game to explore with them. That is, until C7 actually starts putting out more Imperium Maledictum books. But, that game is a few years out from having everything I actually want from it. Hopefully C7 and GW will make something on par with Warhammer Fantasy 4th, something I can really sink my teeth into as a GM.
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The Geese Stars.
Located along the southeastern periphery of the Imperium, it is home to the human diaspora that travel this collection of systems aboard a myriad of migratory fleets, farming cosmic resources for survival and trade from the asteroid belts, gas giants, and even surfaces of great stars.
Occasionally, they will attempt to mine or reclaim resources from planetary bodies, but the wide range of dangers and xenos threats often make these resource expeditions prone to failure.
Planets of note:
1) Kanossian-VII is an active Forge World that has suffered a Tyranid invasion and is struggling to rebuild. It is the only other currently inhabited planet in the Geese Stars.
2) Eucliktus-Omega is an abandoned Forge World due to an unknown disaster, and has descended into a feral state. It is a prime destination for expeditions to recover tech and supplies.
3) Anser Prime and its artificial moon, Cygnoides, was the Geese Stars' unofficial capital and were the victims of a catastrophe that laid waste to the planet and its orbiting moons. The rings that surrounded Anser are the remains of several moons reduced to rubble and asteroids kept in orbit around the planet. Cygnoides is a torn and seemingly hollowed out wreck, originally constructed as a naval base and network of shipyards.
Both these celestial bodies are covetted by salvage and reclamation expeditions.
4) The Astartes moon of Skein, in orbit around the gas giant Cinju Gigant, is presently under a quarantine order of unknown provenance. The Astartes Chapter whose fortress and base of operations rests upon this harsh moon, the Mist Hawks, are not very inviting.
Very little is known about the Mist Hawks and their Founding, but they have been observed to have black & yellow striping upon vambraces and greaves, winged blade heraldry and avian skulls decorating their power armour.
(Inspired by @woahspacewizards)
NOTE: May be used as a setting for Crucible 7's Wrath & Glory or Imperium Maledictum, any FFG Warhammer 40000 RPG, and your own tales of the Grim Dark.
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
Would not take much to recreate most Resident Evil stories as 40k RPG stories, “Dark Heresy” or “Wrath and Glory”.
Thinking about doing RE4 as a one?
Isolated Quarry World, with a large habitat dome (Agri-Dome). Located in an often contested border region between Imperial and Tau space.
You are part of a team of Tau Investigators, sent in via a Stealth Ship to The Dome, to investigate it, and possibly rescue a Gue’Vesa Scientist who had sent a distress beacon.
Imperial Loyalists still haunt the system, hence the secrecy behind your investigation.
Ada is ????????????
The Dome was used for weird experiments by the Admech and Inquisition (Renegade Xenarites).
Yall get to play Leons.
Tier 2 or 3?
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paniwarhamauser · 2 years
My Rogue Trader for Wrath and Glory RPG
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booksofadventures · 1 year
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Anonymous asked ;; 🌟 If you get this answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send this to the last 7 people in your notifications, anonymously or not 🌟
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[ Okay dokey, three random facts about Klemmie let's goooo!! ]
I'm a huge tabletop rpg nerd - specfically dnd & wrath and glory ( warhammer 40k dnd kinda ).
I'm an aspiring cosplayer; I am hoping to do some more or get into it properly this year! I may try to get into some today later or something.
I'd say also an aspiring artist and writer, im using here to get better with my writing and my art blog to show my art more. Going back to having practice and doing those things for myself is helping a bit and i'm glad i came back to the rp scene with the new people i can talk to and for my muses to interact with too!
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space-outlaw-jin · 2 years
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playin some Warhammer 40k Wrath & Glory rpg on Roll20 while discord voice chat..was definitely pretty fun and now apart of my every saturday schedule
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aeroteaka · 2 years
Because no one has asked. Here's a complete list of games I've got settings and plans to run. At this point it's just a complete bucket list of things I'd love to run and hopefully some day will. Stars help me I know there will just be more over time. If anyone is ever curious I can typically answer questions about them to.
1. DnD 5e: Brawl of The Gods
2. Lasers and Liches 5e: Demon King Live
3. Genefunk 2090 5e: What is a Soul
4. Wendy's RPG/DnD 5e: Dungeons, Dragons, Drive in, and Dives
5. Star Wars 5e/3.5: Catch me if you can
6. Legend of the Five Rings: Isekai Online
7. StarsWithoutNumbers: StarLight Brigade
8. NewEdo: Long Night with Neon Lights
9. Cyberpunk Red: Rock And Roll And Logistics
10. Astir Amour: Pugna Magna Machina
11. Avatar: Kora Edition
12. Avatar: Kihoshi Edition
13. One Ring 2nd: Balrog Hunting
14. Vampire 5th: The party after
15. Lo-Fi Bards: Tale of Two Schools
16. SCP: New Facility
17. BESM 3rd: Mechandrots
18. Wrath and Glory: High with cards
19. Through the Breach: Asylum
20. Demon The Descent: Paradiso
21. Jinkies: Broken Down in Paradise
22. EverQuest: Supernaturals in Maurader Town
23. Suburb and Snazzles: Not stuck at home
24. City of Mists: Stories from a Steam Powered Giraffe
25. Exalted: The DragonBloodeds Wish
26. Tales From the Loop: Time and Time again.
27. Fellowship: Bizarre Adventure without JoJo
28. Invisible Sun: Here for a short time not a fun time.
29. Champions: Heroes of Kyoto (My Hero Academia)
30. Lancer: Mecha Bug Brawl
31. Hunters 5th: How is this not the apocalypse?!
32. Blue Rose: Court of The Roses
33. Thirsty Sword Lesbians: Battle for the Brothel
34. Bunkers And Badasses: Lords and Ladies of Badass Duchy!!! Eat it Suckkaa!!!
35. Pathfinder 2e: The Demon Lord can Do That?
36. Exalted: Schools Days
37. Changeling: It doesn't have to be a Dream
38. Dresden Files: This shit is still local
39. Ryuutama: Winter Harvest
40. Mouse Guard: Nights in the Hedges
41. Ars Magica: Eternal City Forgotten to Time, spanning the ages, across the stars. Only those of the highest orders may hope to hold a candle to the might of this world -The title goes on several more paragraphs-
42. Dragon Age: Deep Pockets for the Lord's of Fortune
43. Etherscope: Punch some Nazi's
44. Dungeon the Dragoning: Outlaw Star
45. Fate of the Norns: Hard Nights in Valhalla
46. Mage The Awakening: -The GM Regrets this Already-
47. Bubble Gum Crisis: Neo Tokyo's Finest
48. 13th Age: Melian Dream Mansion
49. Pokemon 5e Homebrew: Scottish Circuit
50. Iron Kingdom Unleashed: Welcome to the Bayou
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billloguidice · 11 months
Get Warhammer RPGs set in the 40K universe, Old World, and Age of Sigmar with these bundle options!
Get Warhammer RPGs set in the 40K universe, Old World, and Age of Sigmar with these bundle options! #sale #warhammer #book #books #rpg #roleplaying #warhammer40k
Check out these RPGs spanning the worlds of Warhammer here. Whether you’re partial to Space Marines, Stormcast Eternals, or good ol’ greenskins and high elves, this bundle of Warhammer pen-and-paper RPGs from Cubicle 7 will bring eternities of adventure to your table! If you seek adventure in the 41st century, Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory will immerse your RPG group in the galaxy’s grimdark…
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