#writing this was a roller coaster
foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
Before my beloved and I moved in together they were living with roommates in a place that didn't have a bathtub. Now, a reasonable person might conclude from this that baths would be out of the equation in a home with only one standing shower and no tub.
But these people weren't quitters. Naturopathic doctors and acupuncturists they were dedicated to treating their bodies well and one of the ways they liked to do that was hydrotherapy. Most people are familiar with this through things like polar bear plunges. You sit in a hot tub then jump in freezing water.
It's supposedly good for you and they were way into it. But again, no tub. They'd do hydro showers but it just wasn't the same. These people were not quitters, though. (One of them is the boob soap person, so it really isn't a surprise that she goes hard on everything). So they got what looked like two big metal old timey tubs but which were actually animal food troughs and set them up in the garage. They set up a water heater and god knows how they emptied the tub after, I think there was hoses involved? A pump maybe? I honestly can't remember. Anyway! Voila, hydrotherapy on demand.
I was not aware of this. So when I came over after a long day and my beloved said we should take a bath I was extremely puzzled. I only knew about the one shower. They showed me the garage tubs. I did want a bath and I wasn't really sure about the setup, but honestly I'll try anything once if only for the story, so I agreed.
Fun fact about me though. I haaaate being cold. I've been 0% body fat most of my life with skin barely keeping my bones enclosed. I'm always cold. My favorite activity at the time was sitting directly in front of space heaters. My shower temperatures turn me lobster red and make my beloved cringe. Willingly dunking myself into cold water is the antipathy of my entire deal.
On the night in question I happily submerged into the warm tank, pleasantly surprised by the big silly improvised tub. Which again was meant for livestock. My knees bumped companionably against my beloved as we soaked in the hot water. After a while they rose to go into the cold water. "You don't have to," they told me.
But I was haunted. I wouldn't be doing hydro if I just stayed in the warm tub. Maybe hydro was amazing. It has all these health benefits. I desperately didn't want to but I stood up with them. We were having this nice intimate evening in the garage, just us, I felt safe. I was gonna do it.
They stepped easily into the cold tub, dunking matter of factly into the frigid water. I went to step. I did. I really really tried. My foot went in and I started shrieking, my progress arrested by the total state of shock I entered when my warm toasty foot hit that smug arctic water tension. My beloved started laughing as my pitch ascended the deeper my foot went into the cold water.
I ended up with both feet planted in the cold tub, water up to my shins, bellowing and panting while my beloved laughed so hard they couldn't breathe. I hunkered over the cold water, squatting like a frozen gargoyle.
My beloved was trying to psyche me up while I willed my body to obey me. In a sudden jerky drop like a puppet whose strings have been cut I plummeted my body into the cold and let out a shriek that I’m sure could have shattered glass and then leapt up out of the water at a speed relative to a rocket achieving space flight. I didn’t like it.
When we got back inside my beloved's roommates were collapsed on the ground with tears in the their eyes from how hard they'd been laughing. They and probably every neighbor down the block had heard my pterodactyl screeching and narration because the garage was not remotely soundproof.
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sweetbrier2908 · 8 months
you never say "i love you" but it almost slips out of your mouth sometimes
nightbringer timeline, angst, gn!mc, no proofread
you never say "i love you".
you can't.
to them.
it almost slips out of your mouth sometimes.
like when lucifer gives you a kiss on the forehead while saying goodbye to you at the front door.
like when mammon drags you to his bed after a long long day and gosh, his hug is a little too familiar for you to not push him away and cruelly tell him that you have to go home, this is not your home.
like when levi shows you his newest merch with a sparkling eyes and you just sit here watching him screaming non-stop about how hard to get this merch and how much he wants you to be the first one to see it.
like when you and satan wander around the town and he introduces you to every stray cat you two meet on the way with such an enthusiastic and loving voice and it never fail to surprise you how quick he gets along with all the cats.
like when asmo takes you out for shopping and keeps holding your hand like he was scared that you're going to get lost, i am much more familiar with devildom than you, you tease. but i can't risk losing my favorite jewel in the crowds, can i?, he replies when intertwining his fingers with yours.
like when beel tries to restrain his hunger just to save you the last bite of his favourite dessert and happily splits it into two only after you reassure him that you're not hungry, but still, he wants to share it with you.
like when belphie asks you to watch the astronomy show with him and falls asleep half way and uses your laps as his pillow while you're caressing his hair.
like all the damn time they whisper "i love you" to you.
do you love them? even it's a different timeline, even when you don't belong here, even maybe that they're not your demons? you love them.
but you can't say that. you can't say that when you are going to leave them sooner or later. you can't say that when you only accepted to be their attendant and spend time with them in order for you to return to your world. you can't say that when you know all too well that they're going to get mad, they're going to lock you and maybe kill you because the only thing that you did up until now is using them and hurting them. you can't.
because there are the demons who desperately waiting for you to come back to them as much as you desperately waiting for time to come back.
because you love the demons in your own world a little too much for you to say that you love any different version of them.
because maybe you love those demons whose voices and faces and personalities are so familiar that you don't want them to dive deeper in this.
because you're going to hurt them again and again until their hearts bleeding and their souls dead.
so you can't say "i love you".
but it almost slips out of your mouth sometimes.
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marlynnofmany · 1 month
Someone should write a very practical and down-to-earth story about a dragonriding culture and how they deal with the potential for whiplash and related injuries. I just saw a gifset from a certain realistic dragon show, and watching those tiny CG riders bobbing around up there makes me concerned for the sake of their spines.
Do the saddles have backs and headrests? Does part of training involve teaching the dragon to hold its back unnaturally steady? Is there a handy magic spell to counteract inertia/gravity? Or are a number of riders lost each year to snapped necks, along with the ones who pass out from G-forces and are forbidden from flying?
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littleplantfreak · 3 months
Honeymoon headcanons
I’m on the road to an amusement park but I managed to churn these out 😘 
Umemiya Hajime, Togame Jo, and Hiragi Toma
Umemiya Hajime
-Disney world honeymoon maybe??
-Like he seems like one of those guys who’ll have pictures of every time you’ve both been there in chronological order on a shelf somewhere and he’ll just look at them and smile.
-Is 100% in prince mode doing goofy shit. Dramatic flourishes when opening doors, calling you my liege, prince/princess, putting your shoes on for you like you’re cinderella (baby they’re crocs) 
-Yeah everyone is getting bombarded by pics he’s taking to the point where they may as well be there with you
-If you’re not a disney person I think it’d still be somewhere where you could go on cool excursions. Whether it’s snorkeling, ziplining, exploring a city, it’s gonna be a blast with him no matter where you go.
-Don’t worry about sleeping, if the adventures he’s dragging you on don’t exhaust you, he will exhaust you other ways but i wanted to keep it pg-ish so 🥸
Hiragi Toma
-Drag this guy to any beach with calm waters and he’s set. 
-Someone is constantly handing him frozen drinks and it takes four for him to realize they have alcohol in them but they’re good so he just keeps taking them.
-You WILL have to keep his phone most of the time because he won’t completely relax otherwise.
-Big, BIG cuddley guy especially in the mornings. Won’t let you leave the bed unless he’s kissed, or massaged nearly every part of you. May just fall asleep till noon if you have him lay on your chest and run your fingers through his hair. 
-He’s so relaxed when he comes back home everyone’s kind of scared. Hiragi? Smiling? He’s not even yelling at Umemiya when he drops in uninvited two days after you both get back.
Togame Jo
-The most relaxing honeymoon out of the three for obvious reasons. He’s just a chill guy so its just a take it slow kind of time.
-I will say the first day you don’t even make it out of your room since he takes his time in that respect as well. Room service is a god send. 
-Bubble baths in the a huge tub together aaa
-You both end up with a bunch of souvenirs by the end of it, both for yourselves and Choji who has only really texted once to say he missed you guys.
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daffi-990 · 8 months
WIP Wednesday 🌊
Tagged by the wonderfully talented @wikiangela, @diazsdimples and @tizniz. Make sure to check out their snippy snip snippets.
It was so hard to pick what part I wanted to share today from Rival Firefighters 🚒 because I wrote a scene this morning and ahh it was just … I really like it and want to share the whole thing cos I want you all to scream at me but I also don’t want to share everything you know? 😅
Prev snippet here
“Eddie, it’s for you.” Bobby hands him the SAT phone, a concerned looked etched on his face.
Eddie takes the phone, albeit a bit hesitant. Dispatch wanting to talk to him has warning flags flying up. He’s not a commanding rank so the only reason he can think of as to why they’d be tracking him down is because they’re about to give him bad news.
He knows that Buck and Chris are safe. Buck had texted him that they were planning on going to the movie theatre near his apartment and then out for ice cream at that place Chris loves that is not at all in the area where the tsunami hit. They’re safe.
Tia Pepa and Abuela are visiting Eddie’s parents back in Texas and Eddie isn’t Carla’s emergency contact.
Which only leaves one person.
Dread sinks heavily in his stomach like a lead balloon as he brings the phone up to his ear.
“This is Diaz.”
He doesn’t know whether to be relieved or not that it’s Maddie’s voice on the other line. Maybe it’ll hurt less coming from a familiar voice. The voice of a friend. Though he can’t help feeling guilty that it’s Maddie having to shoulder the weight of telling him that his ex wife is injured, missing or — no. He can’t even think the word. It’s too painful. What’s he going to do if Shannon is— if she’s — what’s he going to tell Chris?
He needs to find out what the actual situation is before he starts spiraling.
“Don’t sugar coat it Maddie, just—,” he takes a shaky breath and clutches the phone tighter, trying to steady his trembling hands, “just tell me. Please.”
He’s aware of eyes on him, that Bobby has moved just that little bit closer, body rigid and on alert like he’s ready to jump in and catch Eddie if he needs to.
“A rescue boat found Chris. He’s alive, only sustained minor cuts and scrapes. They’ve taken him to the triage centre. Shannon’s on her way to him now.”
Eddie almost drops the phone as his world comes to a stop. He feels a surge of grief, fear and helplessness claw at his chest, their icy talons slicing into him and leaving him feeling like he’s been flayed open. Bile begins to rise up his throat but he swallows it down, the bitter taste of it lingering and burning. He’s pretty sure his heart stops beating and it’s not until Maddie says the words he’s alive that it picks up its rhythm again, a rush of relief washing over him and soaking through his skin, settling into his bones.
He takes a shuddering breath. Chris is alive.
No pressure tagging: @hippolotamus @spotsandsocks @athenagranted @wildlife4life @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie @monsterrae1 @watchyourbuck @exhuastedpigeon @missmagooglie @mellaithwen @bekkachaos @nmcggg @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @epicbuddieficrecs @the-likesofus @theotherbuckley @rewritetheending @rainbow-nerdss @princessfbi @prettyboybuckley @puppyboybuckley @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @steadfastsaturnsrings @try-set-me-on-fire @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @giddyupbuck @fiona-fififi @hoodie-buck @homerforsure @honestlydarkprincess @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @king-buckley @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @captain-hen and anyone else who wants to share something -> consider this your official tag 😘
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What if I added some magical realism and de-aged Jamie for a fic and Roy has to be soft with him, because he’s a child, and when whatever magic wears off, and he’s an adult again, Roy doesn’t know what to do with all those soft feelings? What then?
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tiredistic · 2 months
Tumblr media
Pairing: Regina George x Janis imi'ike
Words: 1622
Content warning: Smut, Absolutely no fluff. Angst, a hint of barking..? manipulation. kinda?? Black mail, Cheating, general mess. Hate sex.. Power dynamic,
Summary: Regina is sleeping with other girls, and Janis deals with her. They end up fucking because they're still madly in love.
A/n: Just this little fic bc writers block is hitting kinda hard.. Idk where this was going I just wanted them to fight then fuck ykwim?
Regina came back to the apartment, slugging in through the door, her mascara smudged and her hair damp from the rain. It was late, yet Janis sat there on the couch, her back to Regina. She knew she was fucked.
"Where did you go?" Janis asked, not bothering to look at the blonde. Janis knew the answer, she just had to ask. Something in her wanted to forget all about it, but how could she? 
"You know where." 
She turned to Regina, capturing her face, sympathy daring to invade her brain. Regina was so fucking hot, gosh Janis hated being mad at her. She had to I mean how can you not? You know your girlfriend is sleeping with other girls, how else would you react!?
"What the fuck were you thinking? You keep throwing our relationship out the window!"
"We never had a relationship! We weren't even a big thing! Gosh I don't know why you get so fucking dramatic." Regina snapped.
"So what are you doing here!? We live together for god's sake. Were we nothing when we fucked on at least every surface in here?"
"Okay we had sex move on! If I want to go to sleep with other people I don't know why it's your problem!" 
"Everything you do is my problem! When you come home drunk and high all the time, who takes care of you!? What about when your back starts acting up??" 
"Oh yes my saviour! Thank you for doing everything for me, shut the fuck up." 
"Why does everything have to be a struggle with you!? Why can't you understand that you're hurting me?" Janis pleaded, "I thought you loved me"
"I never said that I loved you."
"You did! What happened to us!?"
"Oh my gosh, Cady- shit i mean jess-"
"Oh my shit they were so right about you!" Janis complained, "You just screw every girl you see! Fuck you for making me feel like I was something to you"
"You are something to me."
"Act like it."
Regina then grabbed Janis's face, pulling her in for a heated make out session. Janis leaned into the kiss, her hands on Regina's wet shoulders. Regina was making out so intensely, Janis felt the hatred on Regina's tongue. Janis, being the bad bitch she is, doubled the passion, their tongues fighting for dominance.
Their bodies intertwined, then they found themselves in the bedroom. Regina started to strip, peeling the wet clothes off of her cold body. She started down at Janis, teasingly playing with herself, saying things like:
"Lets just fuck and forget all about this." 
"They say make-up sex is the best."
Janis wanted to enjoy it. Janis wanted to feel something again. But right now, she felt like this was just a coy, something to win her back just for Regina's emotional abuse. Gosh was it working. Just looking at Regina doing her usual complaining made her shiver, it was no help that the blonde was dripping wet and naked. She felt herself already getting wet.
"I dunno. I thought the name Jess fell out of your mouth a minute ago... I don't think I can forgive you." Janis played. If this was a game just for Regina to have her fuck buddy back, then she was going to make the best of it.
"I swear baby, Jess was just a toy, your my real deal." She traced circles on the sheet, leaning into Janis, trying to seduce her.  
"Fine. If I'm the real deal.. You'll do as I say." Janis whispered into the blonde's ear, she grabbed her jaw harshly leaving slight red marks on her face, "Get on all fours and bark for me if you're loyal."
Regina paused, she couldn't believe this request. All stages of grief flashed across her face, before she kneeled down on the floor before Janis. She gave Janis the, "are you fucking serious.." look before letting out a pathetic bark,
"arf..?" She sighed, her eyebrows creasing. This was so weird. 
"Is that all you got? Is that how you treat me after fucking cheating on me with multiple girls? Is this your way back into our relationship? a pathetic bark?" Janis scoffed.
The power dynamic was so different then what she was used to, it really shocked her. It also made her so turned on she could feel her cunt dripping down her leg weather she liked it or not.
Janis grabbed Regina by the hair, pushing her head up perfectly to make eye contact. 
"I said bark, bitch."
Janis mused, letting go of Regina's jaw, kissing her gently, almost like a reward.
"By the end of the night, I might just forgive you."
"Why don't you just forgive me now.. it wasn't that deep." 
"I dunno if I'm over you hooking up my close friends, or the whole female population."
"I'm not going to be able to touch you tonight am I?"
"Considering you were just at some hoe's house before coming here.. no."
Regina sighed, getting up from the floor and crawling on the bed, laying on her stomach away from Janis, thinking they were done for the night.
"They never could fuck me like you." the blonde said softly, "Please baby.. let's forget all about that, yeah?"
Janis slapped Regina's ass, leaving a sharp red mark. Regina yipped, turning back to Janis sharply, attempting to roll over.
"what the fuck was that for!?" She hissed, tears forming in the corner of her eyes, and her face flushed from arousal and pain.
"You think I'm done with you? You have hickeys all over your backside!"
"Those bitches.. I told them not to mark me.." She said quietly under her breath, but Janis heard. 
Janis was furious, but she was also glad. She had more things to hold Regina accountable for.
"You let everyone hit your pussy? I never knew Regina George was such a whore." Janis teased, sliding her fingers along the girl's cunt.
"I like to think- I'm very selective." She gasped, her head digging into the pillows as her hips we held down.
"I don't think Hayliee B. is being selective." She slipped a finger in, wiggling it ever so slightly.
"Janis- it wasn't that serious-" She squirmed.
"Maybe Paige G. has something to say about that, hm? Was that serious?" Janis said, slipping her second finger in. 
Regina gripped the cover harshly, letting out a lengthy moan. She tried to grind herself on Janis's fingers but with no avail.
"Jan- Janis that was so long ago.. She doesn't matter, only you do." 
"Awee, is that the sorry excuse you pull out of your ass every time a girl finds out your bullshit? Is that why you came home looking like an absolute mess?" Janis seethed, pumping the fingers into the blonde. 
"maybe its what you told that bitch before coming here!" Then she added a third finger. 
Janis noticed the slight blood on her fingers as she fucked her dumb. Regina was drooling, her eyes rolling back as she whined and cried into the pillows.
"Tell me i'm the best you ever had." 
Regina nodded,
"Say it!" Janis yelled, slapping Regina's ass again.
"Your the best- your the fucking best..I swear" the words spilled out from her mouth in a desperate plea.
Janis sped up, she loved hearing the girl's raspy voice as she helplessly trembled on her fingers.
"'m gonna come! gonna come!" Regina moaned, her eyes shutting and her body starting to tremble.
Then Janis pulled all three of her fingers out of the whining girl.
"What the fuck!?" Regina caught her breath, she turned around to find Janis smirking like a mad man.
"Please Janis, it wasn't even that bad, I don't deserve to be punished like this!" 
"Just how much times did you come for other girls?" Janis teased.
"Not much- they could neve get me off like you" Regina cried.
"Is that so? Get off on my leg then."
"Do it, slut"
Regina climbed on her leg, grumbling and complaining to herself on this 'bull' Janis was putting her though. She looked at Janis, who was leaning back, looking at her intently. 
The blonde started slowly grinding on her leg. 
"This better than earlier? This better than the bitch you fucked?" she tilted her head.
"So much better."
"Address me as mistress alright? or I will punish you."
"okay... mistress"
Regina listened, right away this time. She barked loudly and with no hesitation. Her eyes not meeting Janis's once.
The cycle went on for a while. Feverish humping to Janis's leg, while Regina was subjected to whatever the brunette wanted.
"So close-" Regina's breath spiked as her body started to tremble. "Please mistress-"
"You wanna come?"
"What are you to me?" 
"I'm just your bitch, fuck.. yours only.." She moaned, her head rolling back. She grabbed Janis's shoulders as an attempt to hold herself up.
"What am I to you?"
"You're my mistress. Janis, you're the only person for me." She puffed out, her hips getting tired from the rutting.
"Is that right? So you're done with all the other side chicks?" Janis questioned, she was having so much fun. 
"YES! Come on Janis- please just let me come! Please, please.. fuck" Regina cried desperate for release. Her hair stuck to her face as her mouth gaped open.
Regina let out a long scream as she coated Janis's leg. Her head slumped onto the brunette's shoulder. Her body twitched momentarily as she just had a 28 yard stare in her eyes.
Janis caught the shaking girl, letting her ride out her high.
"Was that good?"
"So good mistress." she whispered, falling asleep on her girlfriend.
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stormikitty · 1 year
Hanahaki Speedrun:
Danny comes from a world where hanahaki exists and is very common. Then he moved to the DC universe where hanahaki doesn't exist and nobody has heard of it. Danny falls in love with Bart Allen. He would have taken at least a few more weeks to figure that out if the extreme pain didn't give away that there were suddenly blood blossom seeds in his lungs. He isn't going to survive to the end of the day and he only just fell in love that day. Those feelings are new and he hasn't had time to think about/process/understand how he feels about Bart and he's not going to get time to adjust to these new feelings before he dies. Forcing the seeds out of his system will take away his ability to ever feel any kind of love again, and that would be worse than dying all the way. So He tells his team that the blood blossom seeds in his lungs are going to kill him by the end of the day, but forcing them out of his system will have irreversible affects that will doom him to a fate worse than death and change who he is forever. They're trying to process that they're about to lose their friend/teammate who they've gotten pretty close with in the past few months, and Bart tells Danny that he loves him. He apologizes for making this about his own feelings, but he couldn't bare the regret of losing the boy he's in love with having never told him how he feels. Danny coughs up all the seeds and some blood and he's going to survive. Nobody fully understands what just happened, Danny tells the team that he's not dying anymore but is still in pain from the blood blossom seeds and should get away from them quickly and that he needs a few hours to rest and recover from almost dying and to process what just happened. He gives Bart a kiss on the cheek and leaves to go lay down. Bart cleans up the blood and seeds that Danny coughed up and everyone is very confused, worried, sad, happy, lots of emotions and trying to stop crying. Danny explains what hanahaki disease is and how it works. Everyone needs some time to process that. Danny and Bart go to another room to talk about what this means for them. While they just went through a falling in love, almost dying, and confession speedrun, they should probably take at least a little more time in figuring out their relationship now that Danny's not dying 'cause he still needs to let it fully sink in that he's in love.
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chaosduckies · 4 months
Restoration (Chapter 13)
The last chapter is here everyone! In honor of pride month, I give you this. This amazing chapter that is easily one of my favorites to write. I hope you all enjoy! I promise these two won’t be gone for forever though :D
Word Count: 3.6k
CW: None!
Four Months Later
I stared up at the stadium lights above while the school principal and superintendent were talking to the many parents sitting in the stands. I wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying. Something about our class and graduation. I didn’t care all too much. Only that I could go home after this and wake up the next morning without having to worry about school ever again. 
Ryker kept me cupped in his hands much like the other people sitting beside him were, waiting until we could get up and receive the piece of paper that officially states that we’ve graduated high school. As soon as the many, many speeches were done, they finally started letting the rows in front of us stand up and walk up the steps to the removable platform. 
And soon enough, it was our rows turn, walking in a single line, and getting handed the piece of paper. I held mine close, smiling the entire way back to our chairs. I did it, mom. All of this was for her and dad in the first place. Though, I would’ve never seen today if it weren’t for Ryker. 
We moved the strings attached to our caps to the left while everyone started cheering loudly. I had to cover my ears while I laughed and looked back up to Ryker, who was laughing and waving to his siblings that were in the stands. Today was a great day. And a sad one. Tomorrow I would wake up the next morning and have no one to talk to. But that was okay. I shouldn’t bother Ryker anymore. No matter how many times he’s made me laugh even after my mother passed away. No matter how many times he’s given me almost exactly what I’ve needed for so long, I knew today would be the last day I would get to talk to him. 
Everyone had started to head home while Ryker met up with his siblings, getting hugged and congratulated. I did too, just minus the hugging part. It was hard to have a smile on today since my mom was supposed to be here, but I did anyways. I just hoped she was looking at me right now. 
“So I’ll see you at home in a few?” Jasmine asked, taking Isabelle’s hand and giving me a teasing side eye. Apparently everyone alone with her was worried about me after what had happened and just tried their best to help me out. They knew what it was like. And now, Jasmine doesn’t glare at me anymore or give me empty threats. If anything, she’s the complete opposite of what I first thought of her. We’ve become pretty good friends. 
“Yeah.” Ryker replied, waving them off while walking back into the school and letting me slide off his hand. What was he doing? 
“Hey, um, wanna just change back into your clothes? I’ll take you back after.” Ryker told me as I nodded, heading into the nearby restrooms to take off the black gown and fold it neatly into the cap. I sighed, getting ready to say goodbye to him in just a few minutes before he drops me off at the bus stop. 
I walked back out, seeing that he had already folded his clothes nicely and put on his signature hoodie. I climbed back onto his waiting hand as he grinned. That was… interesting. What was happening? I didn’t know, but I just carried on, still saddened by the thought of saying goodbye. 
We walked outside the school, walking down the sidewalk, but not taking the turn to the bus stop he usually does. I looked up at him worriedly, “The bus stops over… there.” I pointed back to the street as he just innocently smiled at me. Oh. Where was he taking me then? I wasn’t too worried honestly, but still. I wanted to know. 
After about a silent ten minute walk with no sound except the crickets and faint cars in the distance, we had arrived at the same coffee place he had taken me to months before. Didn’t he say he works here? 
“I thought you were taking me back home.” I told him, confusion lining my voice. He shook his head, “I said I’d take you back after. I never said after what.”  
There was a loop hole? Why were we even at this coffee shop in the first place? I couldn’t exactly argue with him, and I didn’t exactly mind it either. It just means I get a few extra minutes before leaving. How could I argue with time? I didn’t know whether to like the fact my heart was beating faster and faster, or to hate it. All I did know was that I was excited because he wanted to spend the last few minutes of the night with me. 
We sat down at the exact same table when we had first came here. There were a few people, some even talking with the workers. I sat down at the human-sized table on top, facing Ryker while he scooted all the way down. I bit the side of my cheek as a woman with the cafe logo on her work outfit came with a notepad. Ryker laughed and greeted her like they were best friends while I didn’t pay attention all too much. I guess Ryker noticed and ordered for me. He knew what I liked anyways. 
“Everything okay?” Ryker asked, his smile slowly falling as he lowered his head to get a better look at me. To be honest, not really, but I wasn’t going to let him worry about me anymore. Again, I can’t keep leaning on people. 
“Yeah,” I nodded my head, “What are we doing here anyways?” My voice came out a little mumbled, but Ryker heard it all the same.
“Graduation present. For the both of us I guess.” Ryker shrugged his shoulders, but I could tell he was hiding something else. I had no idea, but I guess I’ll figure it out. Plus, I didn’t even think about bringing a present for him. Was I supposed to? No, no time to feel guilty. 
The lady came back around again, handing us our drinks and telling Ryker that she’ll see him tomorrow night for work while he laughed and nodded. I don’t know why I felt so insecure right now, but I just did. Instead of dwelling on that, I took a sip of my hot chocolate and stared out the small window next to us covered by fake vines and flowers. I wish I had more time… 
I jumped at the mention of my name, nearly spilling some of my drink on me. Ryker chuckled softly above, a slightly sad smile on his face. 
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re jumpier than usual.” His free hand cupped behind me, but never touched. What was he trying to do? I have zero idea, but I shouldn’t waste what little time I had. I didn’t want him to leave. But I knew he would anyways. Maybe it would be a good thing if he does? No, no it will not. It really wouldn’t be. 
“Yeah, I promise. I’m just a little tired.” I shrugged it off, taking another small sip. Ryker did the same, looking outside the small window. I sighed, internally crying while watching a few people walk on the sidewalk outside. Didn’t Ryker have to get home? It was already about to be ten, and we were getting drinks and sitting down together. Shouldn’t he be with his family? He just graduated too. 
“What are you gonna do now that we’re out of high school?” Ryker asked, setting his cup down and resting his head on his crossed arms in front of me. I fidgeted a little before sighing and shrugging my shoulders, “I didn’t h-have a plan. Just get a job and hope for the best?” I nervously laughed. 
“What about you?” I asked, seeing him think about his answer. 
“Watch my siblings? I, um, can’t exactly go to college if I still have to watch over everyone.” Ryker laughed sadly. My heart sank. That’s not exactly fair. I think he deserves to go to college if he wants to. If I could I would help him, but I already know he wouldn’t let me. He’ll be leaving soon anyways. I’ll just be another name he remembers after today. 
“I-I think you should.” I cheered him on while he blinked a couple of times, laughing along with me. 
“Thank you, but It’ll be hard if I go. I can’t keep up with everything all the time.” Ryker replied, trying to hide the sadness in his voice. My heart throbbed. If only I could help. But I was just small. I mean, I can’t even get around their house anymore without any help. What makes me think I can handle taking care of five other kids while Ryker was focusing on college? I breathed out a shaky breath, my slightly trembling hands reaching for the little mug filled with hot chocolate. Just a few more minutes. Just a few more minutes before all of this goes away.
It stayed silent for a while. Be both had finished our drinks, there were only three other people here besides us to in the café. I didn’t want to leave. I did all of this for my parents, and now it’s going away. I made friends, I graduated, heck, I’m not even that scared of giants anymore. Well, maybe a little, but I was more talking about Ryker and his siblings. But I did all of this for them because they wanted me to live a normal life, and yet, I still can’t. What do I do? 
“Nathan, are you sure you’re okay?” Ryker asked again, pushing his cup to the edge of the table. 
“Mhm.” I nodded my head, doing the same as him and trying my best to keep the smile on my face going. 
“Would you mind if I take you to one more place? It’s like a five minute walk from here.” Ryker asked, a slightly worried expression on his face. I shook my head, standing up out of my seat and waiting for Ryker to do the same. I climbed onto his waiting hand, sitting in the middle just as usual while I tried not to look down at the terrifying drop below me. I sighed, bringing my knees closer to my chest and burying my head. Did it really have to end? 
The walk was short just as he had said. It was a tiny park. It looked sort of abandoned. The grass looked like it hadn’t been cut for a while, there were some short vines latching onto the poles of the swing set and little parts of the slide. The lights were dim here, but it felt nice. The slight breeze that just barely ruffled my hair, how quiet this place was. How come no one fixes this place up? I feel like more people would come here if it looked a little nicer. 
“I know it’s nothing special, but my parents used to bring me and my siblings here almost everyday after school,” He breathed, crossing his legs while sitting on a nearby bench, “It doesn’t look perfect, but it still has some great memories.” 
I looked up, seeing how he smiled while looking at the park that was now covered in overgrown plants. My face heated up as I caught myself staring, turning back around and studying the sight. It doesn’t look bad at all. I liked it here. I liked everywhere Ryker has taken me. To that café, the little store that we went to just a few weeks ago, here. I sucked in a shaky breath, wiping away the loose tears that fell down my cheeks. I won’t get this feeling anymore…
“Ryker…” I tried my hardest to say it without him catching on that I was holding back tears, but of course he knew. He always did anyways. 
“What’s wrong?” He held me a little closer to his face. I just shook my head, making sure he wouldn’t be able to see the water in my eyes. What was wrong with me? Why was I even crying? 
I shook my head, biting the bottom of my lip. Why did he bring me here? Why did I say yes to this even? Why was I holding back my tears? I’ve tried preparing myself for months. I knew he was going to leave, and I’ve accepted that fact. So why was it so hard to believe it? 
Ryker cupped his hand a little more. I didn’t know what he was doing, but I don’t care. I was going to cherish what little time I had left with him. He’s given me these happy feelings I haven’t felt in such a long time. The memories. Why did it all have to be stripped away from me again? 
“Hey now, it’s alright, it’s alright. What’s going on?” Ryker tried comforting, a bit of a worried expression on his face. A couple tears fell down my face as I prepared my question that I needed an answer to. 
“A-are you, um, g-going to l-leave me?” 
A few second of silence was thrown between us as my heart threatened to jump right out of my chest. Ryker blinked a couple times before a soft smile appeared on his face, “What makes you think that?” 
My heart was beating faster. Was that a yes or a no? I couldn’t tell. I brought my knees closer to my chest as I searched for my response. I was terrified. Not of Ryker, but of what the answer to this question. But my mind was already set on his answer, and I knew it could be entirely true. 
“B-because I’m… me? I-I’m small and insignificant to you. Y-you don’t need me.” I buried my head again, covering my head with one of my arms and listening for his response. I didn’t want to look. I didn’t want to hear the words. Could I reverse time? Change everything that I’ve done to get to this point? Maybe then this wouldn’t be so hard. 
“I don’t remember saying any of that,” Ryker held me a little closer, “Nathan, little guy, it’s okay. I promise I don’t think anything like that of you. I’m not leaving, okay?” 
My heart stopped beating for a second as I peeked out, seeing his trademark smile. He meant it. He really did. I wiped away my loose tears, a nervous smile on my face. Now I was embarrassed. This was dumb. I was just being dumb. I thought I was getting the hang of controlling my thoughts, but apparently not. But still, my heart was beating fast. I was relieved at his answer. 
“Well now I f-feel stupid.” I softly laughed, facing him while on my knees. I stared down at his palm, trying to calm my own heartbeat down. It wasn’t really working, but Ryker was just as patient with me as he always has been. 
“It’s not stupid. I get it. A lot of people leave after they graduate. It’s fine.” Ryker explained, sighing and leaning back into the bench we were both on. I did the same, still wondering what we were doing here. My heart was still beating fast, but I finally had my answer, and that’s all I needed. Nothing else. I wouldn’t be alone anymore. Or at least for now. 
“Nathan, could you turn around real quick?” Ryker had asked, fixing his position a bit. I did as he asked, almost immediately met with his lips softly being pressed against me. I fell on my back from the slight push, my cheeks flushing a bright red and my heart somehow beating faster than before. It was over before I knew it as I quickly sat back up, my body a little shaky as my hand went through some of my hair, a little surprised at the gesture. Did Ryker just kiss me?
My cheeks flushed a deep red, seeing Ryker a little worried but also blushing just as much as I was, “S-sorry, I-I’ve never… kissed a human. I-I, um, didn’t hurt you, right?” 
A little squeak came out of my mouth. He kissed me. What do I do? Does that mean he likes me? I’m so confused. I mean I liked him. A lot. Am I mistaking my feelings for friendship? If that were true then why was my heart beating right out of my chest? Why was I blushing this much? I’ve never felt like this with anyone in my entire life. All I knew was that kiss was probably the best thing I’ve experienced in my entire life. 
“N-no.” My voice came out like a whisper as I tried my best to stand up on wobbly legs on his hand. I bit the side of my cheek  wondering if this was the right move, but all I knew was that this is what I wanted. All along. The way my heart would flip every time he said my name, or the way he would smile at me and his siblings. I was just so confused about it. 
Ryker was confused at what I was trying to do before I stood on my toes, trying to return the gesture, even if he can’t feel it. He lowered his face as I planted a short kiss on his lips the same he did to me, hoping he would get it. My legs gave out on me as I backed away, seeing Ryker bite the bottom of his lip soon after he felt me back away. 
I couldn’t think of anything else. Did he even know? Instead, a happy smile formed on his face as I tried to hold back a little laugh. I can’t believe we just did that. I can’t believe that this was even happening. This could all be some happy dream I’m having, but I knew it wasn’t. It felt real.
“I’m not… dreaming, right?” Ryker had asked, his face still a flush of red that was slowly going down. I shook my head, my heart beating amazingly fast. Good to know I wasn’t the only one who thought they were dreaming. But what do we do now? I’ve never been like this before. 
“Do you want to go to your house now?” Ryker had asked, pursing his lips as he planted his shoes on the ground, getting ready to go. No. I didn’t want to go to my house anymore. 
“Y-yours?” I smiled, in hoped that he’ll say yes. He laughed and nodded, taking the sidewalk back to his house. 
The lights were off in his house as he quietly walked to his room. He placed me down on his nightstand where all of my makeshift stuff was. He never threw them away. Just for me. What are we now? Are we still friends? I don’t even know how this works. 
Ryker took off his hoodie, put on different shirt before turning on his lamp on his desk and turning off his lights. I stayed where I was at, wondering what I do now. I’ve never been in a relationship before. I don’t know how these things work. I don’t even know what to do. Was that bad? 
“Are you tired?” Ryker asked, sitting down on his bed while moving the covers and pillows to the way he likes. I shook my head, I wasn’t really, no. Not after what had just happened a few minutes ago. I was still a little confused, but at the same time happy. He really wasn’t going to leave me. 
“Well, I’m not really either.” Ryker laughed, bringing two fingers up to the part of his lower lips that I had kissed. Or at least tried to. I blushed a little. Was that bad? 
I climbed onto Ryker’s offered palm as he sat up against the head of his bed. I was covered by one of his hands like a blanket while also laying on his chest. Oh my heart will never get a break today- But I wasn’t saying that it was bad. If anything, today was the best day of my life. Nothing could change that. 
“Comfy?” Ryker laughed as I listened to his heartbeat, controlled and normal unlike my own. I didn’t know how to deal with any of this. I just snuggled up closer, hoping that it was fine. I was guessing it was when Ryker slid down, his head now resting on a pillow and his legs bent. Who knew that about a year ago I would have thought this was crazy to even think about doing, and yet, here I was. I was actually happy.
“You wouldn’t mind if I moved you, right?” Ryker had asked a hint of worry in his voice. 
“No.” I answered, getting in a better position for him to move me in. I would move myself if I had known where he wanted me, but anything that I was thinking of was not what he was thinking. And it only made my brain fry for just a few seconds. 
He lightly pinched me between two fingers, giving me another lighter kiss that practically covered my entire body before laying me back down. He laughed while I laid there, brain fried and flustered. I giggled a bit, snuggling closer and shutting my eyes. I’m glad to know that he likes me the same way I like him. 
Maybe I don’t wish to reverse time after all. 
*Starts crying uncontrollably*
Thank you to everyone who’s read through all 13 chapters and stuck with me for so long! I appreciate every single one of you❤️
My first story is done though! Just in time for pride month too if you know what I mean :D Don’t worry, because I will definitely write some little scenes with these two in the future. How could I just throw these two away? NEVER.
Thank you everyone for reading, and I hope you enjoy whatever the next story will be. (I totally don’t already have characters and done some world building-) But thank you everyone!
Taglist: @da3dm
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bloomvalyria · 4 months
I wanted to comment on Ao3, but I don't have an account yet and I'm still waiting for the invite, so I guess I'm gonna do it here 😄
I'm super hooked and it's only been one chapter! I can't get the last line out of my mind! "He’ll simply have to kill her again."!?!?!?
Was Bloom reincarnated?! Or does he mean an ancestor of Bloom?! If Bloom is a reincarnation, does this mean they knew eachother before and already fell for eachother?! So many questions.....
I'm super excited to see where this story is heading and thank you for sharing it with us!
(Sorry for any errors, english is not my first language)
Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I only have registered users able to leave comments because it seems every time I turn around, there’s an issue with the anon comments being spammed with bots. But since things have seemed to calm down with that, I’ll try to remember to switch it off before I post the next chapter —which, fingers crossed, will hopefully be this weekend!
Thank you so much for your kind words!! I’m so glad everyone seems to like it so much; I honestly was not anticipating this kind of reaction. And I hope that excitement continues into the rest of the fic once I reveal where we’re heading (so far no one has guessed it, which I’m very shocked about).
I wish I could answer all of your questions right now, but I’ll be honest I’m having way too much fun with all the secrecy. So I’m gonna leave the suspicion around Bloom a mystery for now! But, don’t worry, I promise this next chapter will be very … eye-opening.
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thenobleprincex · 17 days
my fellow travelers fic is already 40k+ and i don't really know where it'll end but ughhhh so excited
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
Since Fantine canonically rides a roller coaster in Les Mis, we could technically have a verse in I Dreamed a Dream where Fantine says "My life has been such a roller coaster" and it would be completely period-accurate
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Beardo Philip has a anxiety attack from being overwhelmed by the modern world and Camila comforts him through it
Seeing those really tall roller coasters go down at rocket speed with all those people screaming in pure delight (he takes them as screams of terror) for the first time while he, Luz, and Camila visit an amusement park really does a number on Beardo Philip's heart.
Lup-dup, lup-dup, lup-dup.
He clenches his rapidly thumping chest as he falls to his knees, unable to control his unrestrained shaking and fast breathing.
A calm Camila swiftly came to his aid.
"Hey," she gently began, helping the brunette to slowly stand.
"I'm here. I understand that roller coasters are new to you. They can be scary to some."
She smiled softly.
"How about we find a quiet place to sit at? Once we're seated, we'll give those breathing techniques we've been practicing a try. Would that be okay?"
Tearfully, Philip sniffled with a nod, a light flush dusting his cheeks.
He placed his temple on Camila's shoulder and wrapped his arms around her soft body.
After kissing his head, Camila began to lead, searching for a peaceful spot for her and Philip to sit at.
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 months
Achilles, Come Down
Summary: Fives knows there are limits to what he can and can't do, which is what ultimately makes him a good man.
Warning: Mentions of attempted suicide!
[Something to wrap up both Fleeting Memory and Is it Really Self-Hatred When You're No Longer You?. With how I set up the previous drabbles, it was only inevitable that something really bad had to happen before things could get any better. Thankfully, Fives is nothing if not a good brother that understands when he's severely outgunned.]
Ultimately, it's both denial and the heavy weight of remorse that sends things careening into the precipice of disaster.
Of course Fives had known right off the bat that things were never going to be the same once he'd rescued Tup, '22 and '16 (mostly because at the time of said rescue, he was considered a fugitive of the law). But never could he have foretold things going quite as badly as they unfortunately did...
Because not even ARC training could throw you for such a curve-ball.
It especially hadn't prepared him or his fellow troopers for an issue where things couldn't be resolved with some sound logic, quick thinking, and (if push come to shove) a little bit of brute force. But, at the very least, Fives was more than capable of recognizing when he was outmatched.
You wouldn't be able to tell if you knew of him only through whatever it was his brothers sang about him in 79's, at the peak of the night, when their courage was high and the pain of speaking of Umbara was more than dulled.
He'd risked it all then. He'd risked even more when he'd found out about the chips. Hells he would risk what little remained once he became a PI... But, as confident as he was in his own abilities, Fives wasn't stupid enough to think he was immortal. Or, at the very least, he wasn't incapable of learning from his mistakes.
The warehouse had been enough of a close call.
Sure being drugged out of his mind could excuse the incident a little, but he'd still made a terrible decision that he'd only escaped from because Fox had quite literally been dying when he'd taken the shot.
From there on out, he vowed to play it safer. Which is what he'd decided to do when things with Tup and '22 finally came to a head.
In hindsight, he should have done something the moment he realized Tup was clinging to the past too tightly. The younger trooper so afraid of his now faulty memory, that he'd latched onto '22 and refused to see anyone but Dogma. Refused to acknowledge that what he was doing was extremely harmful to both himself, and the brother he was trying to reshape into the memory of a lost vod.
Regretfully, Fives hadn't acted immediately. Had turned a blind eye and endured long nights of whispered secrets that broke his heart in twain. Hoped that his own understanding of such all-consuming loss, would give him the power to help Tup come to terms with this whole ordeal in some way...
What he'd ended up doing was enabling Tup into becoming hyper-fixated on the sense of loss. Let him reminisce so much about Dogma, that soon enough that was all that the bereaved man could talk about at all. And the more he pushed this topic, the more Fives noticed '22's gaze darken whenever he was in their company. The distance between them on the couch during his accompanied study sessions, growing more lengthy and noticeable by the day...
And then when Echo had been found, things had only gotten worse.
Tup stopped talking to him. Stopped confiding as much as he used to. Eyes equal parts sad and angry as he watched the two of them from afar. He was no Jedi, but Fives could practically sense the growing jealousy in his vod'ika... Just as he could sense the resentment building up in '22.
He'd been at a loss for what to do. Caught up between wanting to watch over his recovering twin, studying to help the vode, and trying to resolve the rising tension between Tup and '22. There was a huge problem, and Fives hadn't known how to fix it...
So he found someone that could.
The call to Cody came at a stupidly lucky time.
While Fives spent most of his days on Coruscant resting and studying, the commander still spent his out in the frontlines with general Kenobi and his men. Tying up loose ends that not even the defeat of Palpatine could quite bring a conclusion to (at least not a speedy one).
When he'd finally gotten a hold of the man, he'd practically just awoken from a post-landing nap, and he'd graciously let Fives explain the situation to him over comms while he made himself a caf.
If anyone could offer some sympathy over this impromptu venting session, it was certainly Cody. He'd taken in '16 after Fives had brought him, Tup and '22 to Coruscant. Said something along the lines of feeling personally responsible for him, and that the man's Bean deserved to know what happened to him in the end...
Last he'd checked with Kix (the medics's network often kept a tight lip on this sort of thing, but they weren't opposed to passing on positive news when they could), '16 was apparently thriving. The 212th's medical team had reported a considerable decrease in self-destructive behavior.
And the ARC had been just about to ask for advice on how to improve things for '22 when all hell broke loose.
Tup Bean had run to him screaming. Wailing and just about tripping himself up, as he unintentionally lost control of his little body which flopped like wet spaghetti as it extended and twisted in odd spirally shapes. Completely bent out of shape. Something had gone wrong and the little guy had come to him for help.
Fives only managed to understand "Two Two" and "Roof" before he found himself sprinting and asking the Commander for backup.
Unfortunate as it was to admit, it wouldn't be the first time that a brother had done something like this. He just hadn't thought '22 was so unhappy that he'd choose to end his own life. He could have never imagined things had been at that low of a point for him.
And perhaps that was a fault in himself that he desperately needed to sort out once he was sure no one ended up dead on his watch.
When he got to the roof, Cody was already there. The 212th had the upper-floors of the barracks to themselves on the north wing of the GAR headquarters. It wouldn't surprise him in the slightest if he'd simply jumped out of an open window and climbed all the way to the south wing in an impressive display of physical prowess.
Fives watched them quietly from the stairs, ready to act if need be (although he doubted anything was going to happen from that point onward). Mostly, he just stood there and felt useless as he watched the commander speak to '22 in a way none of the 501st had.
With his own personal experience of what it was the younger man was going through.
Once upon a time he'd been Coh, the little CC terror that had been so difficult to handle that the Kaminoans had tried to do something about it. Once upon a time his own brothers and refused to engage with him, because he wasn't Coh anymore and they hadn't know how to deal with that.
He understood how much it hurt for someone to look at him, while clearly searching for someone else.
Not too far from the two sat their respective beans. DB looked frazzled as he watched the two troopers interact, while Coh fussed over him like a mother tooka fussed over its young. Nipping at stray strands of hair and smoothing them back over, with a few quick licks and a few pats with his nubs.
In the last couple of weeks DB had grown more aggressive towards Tup. Biting at his fingers in warning and putting himself in between the two as much as he could with his diminutive little body.
He had also sat on Fives's datapads and hardcovers. Staring up expectantly while trying to stall his reading. Had clearly seemed to expect better of him and everyone else in regards to the whole situation, and shown that he was still more than capable of holding a grudge against anyone that so much as looked at '22 the wrong way.
Despite the loss of his trooper (of their deep connection) and the changes it had caused in him, DB had still done what he thought was best for '22's sake. Extending kindness and never once asking for anything in return. Hells, the little guy still vanished into the vents instead of sticking too close to his new shaky friend.
Fives should have known that the little guy was trying to show them how to do right by their brother. Show them that, even in the face of pain as strong as the loss of a loved one, that respecting the fact he and Dogma were different people was ultimately the right thing to do. Something they'd failed to do repeatedly until it finally pushed him over the brink.
And now there was just no going back.
Perhaps among the 212th there might be a chance for '22 to get back on his feet. The support network that would be available to him did, after all, have at least one person that had first-hand experience with just how hard it was to rebuild one's self after a recon. And '16's presence and progress might reassure '22 that he wouldn't just be cast aside and left to rot. That he wouldn't be stuck listening to others wishing so terribly loudly for the impossible. That he wasn't a burden or a lost cause.
Ultimately, Fives decides it's the better option. So he doesn't protest when '22 agrees to go with Cody. He also understands perfectly when the shaky vod declines to give Tup a chance to apologize or say goodbye. After what transpired, it just wasn't a good idea for them to see each other for a while. Not while they were both in such a vulnerable state...
Not that explaining that to Tup after Fives rescued him from a locked closet would be any easier. If anything, his vod'ika might refuse to talk to him for some time. But that was fine. Tup might need some time to actually think about some things instead of remaining in denial and chasing after a ghost.
That said... He might need to have a word with the medics and push for some measures to be put in place. They'd gotten comfortable going into the Jedi Halls of Healing recently. Maybe they knew a mind-healer that specialized in this sort of thing?
The long-haired trooper would certainly benefit from something like that.
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malaismere · 1 year
idk if I actually want to write it, but I was thinking, ‘hm, baldurs gate three is a pretty good set up to have a character from something else be Tav’ and obviously how could I not immediately think of Jester. Mostly because Tav has big ‘everybody loves Jester Lavorre’ energy.
just. the crystal clear image of her getting upset that she’s back at level one, and yelling at the traveler about it, which everyone else goes ‘okay whatever so she’s maybe a bit crazy, we can deal with it’ and then like the first time they set up camp he just actually shows up to apologize, because this plane is making him do *paperwork*
I’m kind of tempted to restat her as a warlock for said paperwork reasons, which would mean Wyll getting to watch her make a very casual deal and having Emotions about that. And obviously Shadowheart and Gale have their own fun angst about the God angle.
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brain-rot-central · 7 months
Here's the state of my fic right now:
AA and Tav having sex after she told him "it's just sex."
AA's like alright, whatever you say.
Fucks her entirely disconnected.
Tav goes "Hello?? Where are you?"
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