#writing this while squealing I’m in love with firefighter Jason
midnightorchids · 4 months
firefighter jason makes sure he's always the one to save you. yeah he'll be a little bitch and gently oush his coworker away so he can be the one to help you
OH THIS IS SO GOOD!! You just gave me such a good idea for a “first meeting” scenario, let me know what you think and please feel free to elaborate!!
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You’re stuck in a building that is about to collapse due to a massive fire. You can see firefighters approaching and trying to diffuse the situation, but your vision is blurred.
You’re a coughing mess and your eyes are getting teary.
That’s when Jason sees you. It’s from a far, but the minute his eyes land on you, he’s mesmerized, absolutely captivated.
He sees that one of his coworkers is about to approach you, but before the man can walk towards your direction, Jason steps in.
“No,” he says. “You go look after the other people.” His coworker stares at him, confused.
“What the hell, she clearly needs help. Let me go,” the man says.
“I said go take care of the others, I got it okay,” Jason says sternly and his coworker walks away after hearing his tone. Jason then quickly makes his way towards you.
It’s getting hard for you to hold on. There’s too much smoke and you’re getting lightheaded. You feel as if you’re about to collapse. You prepare yourself for a fall and that’s when something catches you.
Two big arms are placed securely around your waist, preventing the fall.
Your eyes are met with a man’s face. It’s hard to make out the details, but you can see a small scar on his lip and a pair of dark emerald eyes, which seemed to glow under the orange hue of the fire. You hold onto his uniform with the last of your strength and he clutches on to you tighter.
“Hey, easy, I’m gonna get you out of here, okay,” his gentle voice coats your ears. You nod your head in response.
He begins lifting you in his arms and making his way towards the exit….
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