#writing whump
generic-whumperz · 7 months
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Haven’t shared a bad meme in a minute so here ya go 😘
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prettyboytortureclub · 3 months
One Question
Tw: Implied abuse
“If you were a type of tea, which one would you be?”
Hero paused, foot still only halfway across the threshold of the dingy cell room. “…what?”
Villain adjusted the cuffs around their bruised, red wrists and grinned. “Well I think you seem like a chai sorta guy, you know? Relatively popular, but still somewhat of an outlier.” They leaned towards the bars that seperated them. “But I’d like your input.”
Trying their best to mask their confusion, hero closed the door behind them. “Look, Villain, I know it’s been rough down here, but I’m trying to convince Superhero to move you somewhere less… depressing. I just need you to try and stay sane in this cell a little while longer.”
“You never let me have any fun.” Villain muttered sarcastically, accompanied by a theatrical eye roll. Now that they were leaning into the light, Hero couldn’t help but notice the blood dripping from villains temple, the dark bruises all over their face and chest, the hastily applied bandages around their torso.
“I told those dicks to stop doing that!” They crouched down, abandoning all sense of professionalism they’d clung to moments before. “How bad?”
“Not too bad.” Villain smirked. “Worried about me, are we?”
Hero scowled. “I’m trying to help you!”
Villains expression turned cold. “You weren’t “trying to help me” when you threw me in this shithole.”
“That’s not fair. What was I supposed to do? We’re enemies!” They sighed. “I didn’t know it would be this bad or I wouldn’t have I swear. How can I prove it?”
Villain went quiet, eyes furrowed in thought. “Just answer me one question.”
Hero sighed in relief. “ Anything.”
A familiar smirk graced Villains face. “If you were a type of tea, which would you be?”
“You cannot be serious.” Hero groaned.
“As a heart attack.”
“Fine.” Hero thought for a moment. “I guess you were pretty accurate with the chai tea. Now let me see those wounds.”
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
Overanalyzing Mikey's fear
This post will be a bit vague, since most of Mikey's fears are connected to an unrevealed piece of lore... but I'll try to explain it as best I can
Living on the streets, Mikey obviously had to turn to unscrupulous means to survive. You may notice that when I refer to Leo, I call him a "petty thief". But I don't refer to Mikey as such, I call him a "con artist". Why the difference? Because Mikey has morals in him. Misguided and backwards, but they are there. Leo's driving moral is survival, so he has no problem taking whatever he wants. Mikey's conscience won't allow him to do that, so rather than steal outright, he tricks people to give him their belongings. His argument? "If they're dumb enough to fall for it, then I earned it and they deserve to lose it!" So, to reiterate, Mikey has morals but they are strained due to his life on the streets.
Mikey wants to be a good person, if only for his family's sake. He wants to set a good example of what a family should be, and what better example than himself? Like the song says, "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make that change!" So, Mikey desperately attempts to be as perfect as he can. But, perfection is difficult to attain, and it brings a heavy weight on one's shoulders. Even so, Mikey has been carrying that weight since his early childhood...
Leo and Mikey have always been together, ever since Leo found his little brother in the alley. But their experiences in families has been vastly different (as we'll see in the next fear fungus update). Mikey was always the golden child, Leo the troublemaker. Mikey found that being the good kid was more favourable in order to get a family, so that was a big motivator to be perfect as well. It was never enough, though...
NOW ONTO THE LORE. In the comic, Mikey mentions "the teapot", and Donnie refers to it as "the emotionally traumatizing lore drop". I don't want to divulge too much, but I will say that Mikey stole something he never should have, felt badly about it, and when he tried to make amends, things went terribly wrong. Immediately afterwards, he was kidnapped by Draxum. But specifically, let's focus on Mikey's attempt to redeem his mistake. It failed catastrophically, which he did not expect. He truly believed that his coming clean about his misdeed would make it better, but instead it made it worse. The person he wronged? They blew up at him. They were enraged, furious! And he didn't expect that, because he was starting to think of this person as family. And Mikey had always believed that when a person apologizes, you forgive them! But his forgiveness was withheld, and Mikey was crushed by this fact. And so, he ran away... and unknowingly ran straight into the clutches of his creator...
OKAY NOW HERE'S THE BIG ONE. Sadly... I can't tell you the reasoning behind this. But let's look into the psychological aspect of it, shall we? Both Mikey and Donnie view Draxum as a monster, the most evil person they have ever known. Why? Because they both went through the same traumatic experience with him together! I think it is very interesting that while Donnie was afraid he would never live up to his father's standards, Mikey was terrified that he had surpassed them. The most evil, cruel, monstrous person Mikey had ever known told HIM that HE was "wretched, awful, evil, he told me I was a BAD PERSON". Whatever it was that Mikey did... he feels that it is unredeemable, unforgivable, even worse than the "teapot incident".
But to bring this back to a wholesome note -- because if we don't then Dr. Feelings will have my head -- Donnie helped Mikey understand that what he did was not unredeemable. He is not unforgivable. And from Donnie's perspective, Mikey is his hero, simply because he rescued him from a bad situation. More than once... but that's a story for another lore drop!
@boots-with-the-fur-club @daboyau
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theplottingapp · 1 year
I read a post about Miyazaki saying he pictures himself being impaled by a lobster in some scene. Mind you I haven’t seen it. But he says he writes from a masochistic perspective and I’ve been going a little insane since. So answer and reblog for more sample size and if you want to mention why that would be cool too.
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pierceofheart · 9 months
Thinking about... a zombie Apocalypse type of setting
a wasteland bare of medical equipment, shelter and food and water.
dangerous and full of zombies that would kill you on sight.
No way to heal those who are left behind due to an injury, no way to cure one who is bitten.
Thinking about a group of survivors, not many because there's little to benefit from big parties of people when you don't have the needed equipment or/and food and water to sustain everyone.
Thinking about Whumpee 2 or Caretaker in the group getting sick/injured or possibly bitten and being left for dead.
They understand, but one does not want to continue without the other by their side and they don't give up on each other.
Maybe they were a tight pair of friends, lovers or possibly just trauma bonded with each other enough to be too dependent on each other to leave.
Thinking about... a mad scientist whumper in this setting
where they are desperately trying to make a cure. Maybe trying to redirect someone bitten, or formerly working with the government to make the cure.
Maybe they crashed completely from isolation and developt a god complex of somekind.
Or the Whumper just clung onto the delusion of making a cure for something possibly incurable to the point of loosing their grip on reality.
and now they need a healthy person(whumpee 2) and a already bitten/zombifief person(whumpee 1).
The whumpee 2 was seen as the weaker link of the two, but the perfect match to try and experiment on. So
Whumper very smoothly lying, manipulating and literally gaslighting the two into trusting him. Offering them food, shelter, fresh water and medical supplies from their own "good will".
Caretaker and whumpee 2 both take the bait and fall into the trap. And while Whumpers keeps Caretaker clueless he lures whumpee 2 to trust them enough to get them completely trapped into a cage next to the bitten/zombified whumpee 1 who had been the first or otherwise there before them.
It's too late when the realize what the fuck is going on.
Just thinking of the horrid smell around the base, the scattered papers. Whumpee 2 being roughly shoved into a cell of some kind and seeing the first Whumpee now turned to a zombie.
While being prodded and poked Whumpee 2 learns about true Whumpers intentions. And now they're being used as little test subjects and a prisoner, a bargain for caretaker to stay when they're too stubborn to leave without whumpee 2.
Just some random tinkering. 0.0 also I'm currently sleep deprived so excuse if the thought isn't completely comprehend-able. I do hope it is at some level lol.
~ Pierce out
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justbreakonme · 10 months
Hey, if its ok, could you write a set of rules whumper gives whumpee? (Mostly like a pet)
Okay, so I usually base rules around the whumpers life style, so, here are some examples:
High powered executive, hardly home, completely self interested, doesn’t care to intentionally torture the whumpee, just wants an obedient servant that will meet their impossibly high standards:
1. Speak only when spoken to unless absolutely necessary.
2. Dress in the clothes provided, and maintain a clean and tidy appearance. (Neat hair, trimmed nails, ironed clothes, etc)
3. Keep the surroundings clean enough to pass a “white glove” test. (You can even bring out the white gloves if you want.)
4. Instantly drop everything and come when called. (A snap, a whistle, anything.)
5. No ugly or disrespectful emotions. (No crying, no anger, no rolling their eyes, etc.)
That’s a big difference from a:
Intentionally abusive whumper, who wants to push whumpee on purpose till they break, in it for shits and giggles and is there 24/7 almost:
1. Address whumper as an honorific. (Master/Mistress/Owner/etc.)
2. Follow behind the whumper, and kneel when they sit down unless allowed otherwise.
3. Beg when in need of basic necessities like food or water.
4. Apologize after being punished and beg for forgiveness.
5. Bring the whumper a weapon to use in a punishment.
So, these would be some that I would think about, but if you were writing for a specific whumper, what do they want out of whumpee? And how good are they at articulating that?
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outlawaries · 7 months
Hello! Another new post here today. And I thought I'd list some of my favourite whump tropes on here to show you what to expect on my page!
-captivity whump
-military whump
-fantasy whump
-hurt/no comfort
-defiant whumpees
And honestly anything more haha. there isn't much I don't like whump-wise so my tastes are very much varied and open! My current wips have almost all of these tropes so one day if I ever share them, you can expect some of those listed above :))
Edit: my ask box is open so feel free to send me some whump-themed or general writing questions if you're curious about me! 🦋
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mintflavouredwhump · 27 days
An aspiring writer whumpee who has sunk into writer's block that has lasted for weeks/months. It seems a little embarrassing to say out loud but the immense inactivity has negatively impacted their self-esteem and has them convinced that they will amount to nothing in their life and that they'll die without ever writing a masterpiece that the world would celebrate or at least acknowledge.
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redd956 · 11 months
Whumpy Words
Words to use in whump I guess
Light Headed
Pins & Needles
Out of it
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generic-whumperz · 1 month
Thinking of a whump/horror scene: okay, good, good…but how can I make it worse?
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prettyboytortureclub · 8 months
Snippet #2
Villain glanced up at the face of their nemesis, a bemused smirk on their face as they wrapped bandages around Heroes leg. "Hmm, you're quiet. Are you still mad?"
"You stabbed me!" Hero snapped through gritted teeth as they winced.
"You say that like I did it on purpose. You need to learn to let things go."
"You plunged a knife into me."
Villains smile grew and they chuckled, patting hero's knee. "Its just a leg wound dear. I'm sure you'll manage to pull through." They snatched up another roll of bandages, unravelling it. "Now sit still. You'll undo those stitches and then I'll have to start all over again."
Hero glowered at them, but stilled under Villains touch. "Just hurry up. I want my trousers back."
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
Someone freaked out and geeked out over the whole "Donnie got spore'd" post and his biggest fear and I was so excited by it that I almost infodumped absolutely everything about it and nearly spoiled an entire arc
So yeh um Donnie is like really scared of Draxum
Naw jk we’re infodumping
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
Donnie is obviously afraid of Baron Draxum. He sees him as a monster now, less of a man and more of a creature feature out for blood. (He also looks kinda zombie-like, a reference to the fact that he is now dead.) The Draxum hallucination audibly blames Donnie for his death, but also intimates that Donnie didn’t have the guts to kill him himself.
Draxum has Raph and Leo chained by the necks behind him. They are his prisoners. But, they’re wearing the Genius Tech ™ shock collars. They are prisoners because of Donnie. Donnie was willing to bring them to Draxum, and even though he never went through with it, he still feels guilty over what he almost did to them.
Mikey is dead - horrifically dead. Beaten and battered and bloody, cuts all over his arms and legs and even his shell. He’s not a prisoner like the other two, he was tortured mercilessly at the hands of his captor. That’s because Mikey was the only one to actually be captured by Draxum, and Donnie blames himself for that. For reasons that Donatello will never comprehend, Mikey always saw only the good in him and believed in him from the moment he met him. Mikey was Donnie’s redemption arc, and because of that, he’s is the reason Donnie decided to leave Draxum in the first place. The family Donnie has now? Because of Mikey. The confidence to choose his own life? Mikey’s doing. The freedom he has, the joy, the love, every good thing in his life now? Michelangelo did that for him. So of course, Donnie treasures his little brother more than anything. But then, Donnie lets his guard down and lets his brother be kidnapped. What happened to Mikey while he was a prisoner… was Donnie’s fault. All his fault. Because, as Draxum himself stated…
HE WAS POWERLESS TO STOP IT. AS HE HAD ALWAYS BEEN. Despite his mental prowess and training, Donnie knows that he never stood a chance against his father. And Michelangelo almost suffered the consequences. People could have died, people Donnie *reluctantly* cares about could have been captured or killed, and no matter how much he wanted to help them, Donnie knew that he would never be able to stop Draxum.
Which is why he is relieved that Draxum is dead… but still feels guilt over what he did and didn’t do.
And yes this is for you, @daboyau and @boots-with-the-fur-club
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𝕎𝕙𝕦𝕞𝕡 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕥 #𝟙
Imagine the caretaker being unable to care for the whumpee anymore. They loved the old whumpee-- the whumpee before the incident. They told themselves they would learn to love what was left, btu they couldn't. But it wasn't fair to the whumpee to have someone who couldn't love them take care of them..
"I can't do this. I miss the old you, I miss-" The caretaker's voice cracked. "I can't pretend to love you anymore."
"I'm sorry," The whumpee whimpered, curling into a ball. Their caretaker looked down at their trembling form.
"I know-- I am too." And with that, the caretaker walked out of the dimly lit room, leaving the whumpee alone once again. But this time, they wouldn't come back.
The Whumper was right. No one could love something like them.
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gottawhump · 11 months
Sometimes I beat writer’s block by changing POVs.
Sometimes I beat writer’s block by frightening the character.
Sometimes the best way to beat writer’s block is to beat the character mercilessly.
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whumpprompts · 1 year
Hi, I’m starting to get more into whump but I’ve run into a problem. All of the whump prompts I see are great, they really are! But most if not all start in the middle when Whumpee is at the peak of torture or at the end when they are saved by caretaker. And I love these, absolutely adore them, but I just can’t figure out how to start one. How does the whumper capture them? When does the torture start? What happens when the drugs wear off and they see each other for the first time. Sorry this is so long!
TLDR: how do I start a whump scene?
Hi! And no worries, that’s not too long at all! This turned out super long too, lmao.
TLDR: Get a whumpee, get a whumper, and give the whumper a reason to hurt the whumpee. Think about the characters as you figure out the details before, during, and after the whump. :)
Long version:
I’m assuming that what you’re writing is more of a short, whump-centric fic or a story rather than a long novel or a fic that does everything a novel does from plot to character arcs and themes. Everything I say goes for whatever you’re writing, but if it is a longer piece of writing with and arcs and themes and all that, you should find ways to connect the whump to all that book-stuff, in which case your options might be more limited. :)
Basically, what you need for simple torture whump to work is three things.
1. a whumpee.
2. a whumper with a goal.
3. for some reason, to get to the goal the whumper has to hurt whumpee
That’s the very basic framework to get a whump scene to work. Grab a character you want to beat up, then some Evil Guy, and give the Evil Guy a reason to hurt whumpee. The reason can be anything: that fully depends on your characters and setting. Some most-used ones include…
Getting revenge on the Whumpee by hurting them
Getting revenge on someone who cares about the Whumpee by hurting them
Trying to get information out of the Whumpee
Using Whumpee as a test subject
But you can be creative with the reasons behind the whump! This is by no means a comprehensive little list either.
How is the Whumpee captured?
That fully depends on your own tastes in the matter, as well as the character and setting. Some often used ways to capture a Whumpee include…
Whumpee is somewhere, unaware of any danger, and suddenly gets hit on the back of the head with something and goes unconscious.
The above, but instead of getting hit they feel a pinch in their neck and they’re drugged with something that makes them go unconscious.
They’re having a meeting with a shady character (who is secretly a villain). They eat or drink has been spiked and makes them go unconscious.
They’re surrounded by enemies and have to either surrender or die, so they throw their weapon away and surrender. When this happens, they can be drugged or hit unconscious, or they can be dragged away conscious, or they can be blindfolde and/or handcuffed before getting dragged away conscious. They can even walk away with the Bad Guys themselves.
The above, but they surrender because someone they care about has surrendered or has been captured.
The Whumpee walks into a trap. It could be a room that clicks shut and locks behind them, and/or the room might start to fill with gas that knocks them out. It could be a literal trap in the ground that the whumpee steps on, and when they do, they either fall or get snatched up by a net.
What leads to the capturing happening is completely up to you. You can figure it out by thinking about your whumpee. I gave you some questions and examples to hopefully help clarify what I mean and to give you ideas!
What’s their occupation? Can that occupation lead them into a situation where they cross paths with the villain?
A character who’s some sort of agent or officer could’ve been following a lead, but it turns out the lead was a trap.
A character who’s a soldier of some kind could’ve been in a battle against the villain’s troops, but gets captured.
A character who’s a doctor could have been captured by the villain (from work, from home, or anywhere else) and tortured into helping them.
An adventurer could have been deep in the Magic Caves looking for the Magic Object, and when they come back to the surface, they find the Villain and their entire team of soldiers waiting for them around the entrance.
What does the Whumpee do with their days in general? Are there moments in their day-to-day life when they’re the most vulnerable to getting captured?
The whumpee lives alone. They walk in after work, flick on the lights, and see a gun pointed at them.
The whumpee likes to go on runs. They’re just running in the woods when they hear a crunch behind them.
The whumpee gets drunk, and this pretty Person asks to help them home. The whumpee agrees, but it isn’t home the Person takes them; it’s the back of a van.
If you have more plot to work with (either implied or written, either from the source material or what you’ve come up with yourself), you can also think about the Whumpee’s goals, fears, and motivations, as well as their weaknesses and relationship to the Whumper. The setting in which they exist could be useful too. Is there anything there you can use?
In a story I wrote, the protagonist gets attacked by the villain-turned-deuteragonist earlier in the book. The protag is an ex-soldier who saw something he shouldn’t have, and the villain-turned-deuteragonist is a soldier the actual villain sent to ambush and kill the protagonist as he’s fleeing to tell the world the truth. It ends with my protagonist managing to flee, but it could have lead to capture, torture, and a painful death too.
In another story, my protagonist has a Magic Thing inside him that’s about to kill him, and he’s terrified to die. He’s lured in by the villain with promises of saving him. Not knowing she’s a villain, he goes right to her, enters her magic place, and immediately gets chained up by her magic. He’s then tortured for revenge (the Magic Thing belongs to the villain) before his friends save him.
Simply put, it’s up to you. As long as the situation makes sense for the whumpee, you’re all good. No right or wrong here!
Also, as a side note, not all whump fics even show the capturing. If you want, you can have chapter 1 open with the whumpee waking up in a cell or fighting against restraints, and throw in some sentence about how ”the operation had gone sideways” or ”that jog didn’t end well” to hint at the capturing.
The character is captured. Great. What now? How does the torture start?
Again, that’s totally up to you and your preferences! Some like it quick and to the point while some like slowly building tension over multiple chapters even. The whumper’s personality would also play a part. A cocky and smirky villain will stereotypically be ”gentler” and slower with the torture than a brute villain with a hammer and some serious anger issues.
The main thing here is to think about what your whumpee and whumper would do and how they’d act. Of course, you’re free to write OOC-characters too if that’s your cup of tea, but generally you want to write characters as themselves. So, if what they’re doing fits their character, you’re free to do anything you want. :)
Your whumpee’s reactions depend greatly on who they are and what they do. Were they expecting this or is this a surprise? Are they a soldier trained to withstand torture? Or are they a more or less civilian in a scary situation for the first time in their life? Personality-wise, are they brave and stoic and unfazed, or are they jokey and annoying, or will they be scared? If they’re scared, will they be too stubborn and/or proud to show it? Or will they beg or try to be released? Will they freeze, fight, or fawn? Do they have a point where they’ve had too much, and they start to act differently? Aka, can a brave and stoic character ”break” and start crying? Can a scared character get stoic? Can the joking, annoying character get aggressive?
Regarding the torture and the whumper, in my opinion, the biggest question to ask is whether the whumper would be explosive or controlled, and in what scenarios. Even a usually controlled whumper can explode and lose control. Knowing which one they commonly are might give you a starting point to figuring out how the torture starts and escalates. The brute villain with anger issues might get furious at the whumpee’s refusal to cooperate and/or snarky replies, or they might even be angry from the get-go, so they beat on the whumpee without hesitating for a second. The smirky, cocky villain might enjoy seeing the whumpee’s bravery and stubborness turn into fear and pain, so they go at it slowly and methodically, making it worse bit by bit. Or anything else. Really, it’s completely up to you!
A very general whump scene usually goes something like this…
The whumpee wakes up in a cell/basement/dungeon, usually tied to a chair by the wrists and ankles. They’ll be confused for a bit, and then remember what happened. They’ll try to wiggle out of the restraints, but the villain walks in before they can free themselves. The villain talks about whatever it is they’d talk about, commonly their reasons for bringing the Whumpee in, while telling the whumpee it’ll hurt real soon. There might be some teasing with weapons, like just showing them or giving the whumpee tiny injuries. The whumpee might talk back or stay quiet, but they don’t give the villain what they want, so things escalate (either slowly or violently). At the end, the villain lets the whumpee rest. If the whumpee doesn’t escape or isn’t saved, the same cycle continues: the villain wants something, the whumpee refuses to give it (or can’t, if it’s revenge the villain wants), and the whumpee gets hurt.
Now, that is a VERY generic (but also enjoyable, no shade is intended here) way of going at it, so it is by no means the way you HAVE TO do it. Not at all. Write what you’re excited about and ignore the rest. There is no right or wrong. If you want your whumper to start the torture the moment they walk in the door, go for it! If you want the whumpee to cry and beg and immediately give up the information the villain wants, do it! The story is your playground, so have fun.
I know there are no straight answers here, and I know I might be missing a lot of stuff that could be mentioned too, but I hope this gets you started. If you have any questions about anything, you can always shoot another ask or send me a private message. :) Happy writing!
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plasma-studios · 8 months
i have discovered that while i love reading ink whump, it's not for writer me.
HOWEVER, Dream whump on the other hand!
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