#writings on tumblr
fairydrowning · 1 year
"I don't think people love me. They love versions of me I have spun for them, versions of me they have construed in their minds. The easy versions of me, the easy parts of me to love."
– Via "avvfvl" on Tumblr
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writers-potion · 15 days
do you have any dialogue prompts for enemies to lovers (like the stages separately)? thanks
Enemies-to-Lovers Dialogue Prompts
A mix of prompts from: @celestialwrites, @corvase, @novelbear, @unboundprompts and myself, @writers-potion
1. Making the Enemy
"Cry me a river and drown in it."
“You are a mockery of philosophy.”
“You are truly pathetic if you thought I’d ever rely on you."
“Oh bravo! No one cared.”
“You’re nothing, you were nothing even to your mother/father.”
“You’re on a path of self destruction and I’m not going to stop it."
“Having you around is just like having a nightmare I can’t wait to wake from.”
“what even is the point of you?”
2. The Clash
"I've met a lot of funny people in my life, but you... you are the most hysterical."
"I'm not trusting someone who looks like... that."
"I can't wait to wipe that wicked smirk off of your smug face."
"You know if you do this, you'll be fucked too, right?"
"Am I being too rough? Well, I'm only getting started."
“i think we’re friends now.” “God, don’t say that.”
“everything is just a competition for you… isn’t it?” “isn’t it for you, too?”
“h—” “don’t talk to me.”
“i’d pay good money for you to admit you tolerate me.” “tolerate being the operative word.”
“why can’t you open up to me?” “why do you want me to?”
3. A Shift In the Air
“i realise that i am clearly irresistible but..why did you choose to act on all the flirting now?”
“wanna do it again?”
“should we like. talk about it”
“you’re..extremely red” “shut up” “like actually vermillion” “go to hell”
“are we about to kiss right now” as a joke, but then the other character actually leans in
“look since the events of last night i can safely say that i have discovered multiple new techniques to shut you up, and i am not afraid to use them”
“this never happened” “consider it forgotten” proceeds to happen many times after
4. Being Vulnerable/ Losing for Love
“Since when did you ever care about me?!” “Since fucking forever, you idiotic dunce!”
“Well, I’m sorry I fell in love with you, okay? But it happened and I can’t do shit about it.” “You… What?” 
“You think I wanted this to happen? You think I, of all people, wanted to fall in love with you?” 
"i brought you flowers." "for what?" "there has to be a reason?"
“I’m not…used to feeling this way, okay?”
“Oh - don’t fucking do that.”
"shut up and kiss me"
"such a pretty liar mhmm"
“We might have been wrong.”
5. Lovers At Last
"you want me?" "you know i do"
"i hate you." "hate and love, what's the difference, darling?"
"i want to stab them, i want to shoot them, but my fucking god i want to kiss them too."
"you better kill me soon because it's the only way you will ever be able to keep me away."
"what are you doing?" "asking you to marry me? daggers and all."
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boyakishantrinity · 3 months
Human delegate: ... Yeah we can't. Do any of that.
Alien delegate: ... Excuse me?
HD: ... We can't stop working with the criminals.
AD: ... Then you are-
HD: It's not that we are uncivilized, it's just the worst in society built a whole system and the current ruling class. One, contains some of our most elite humans who follow the system they exist within our system.
AD: System? *Eye twitch*
HD: yep. Criminals made their own rendition of society.
AD: But these are criminals, should-
HD: We treat the criminals as their own internal government, and while I only represent humanity, you'll eventually meet a delegate from the underground.
AD: ... And why would I converse with them?
HD: ... Well, if you don't converse with them. I'll have to organise another meeting.
AD: ... *Jaw slowly closes* ... I doubt your human underground is that connected.
HD: *shrugs* not my problem. I'm here to confirm our relationship is understood. You're the third delegate to come here.
AD: ...
HD: They didn't tell you much, but either way. It's not my problem.
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lostillusionstuffs · 2 months
The feeling of being called "ma'am" >>>
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reality-detective · 10 months
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My "Bullshit Meter" is constantly pegged. 🚩
Everything is bullshit!
We all know there's a bunch of bullshit happening and the shit is in our faces, while silently, behind the scenes, other shit is happening.
The mainstream news is a manure spreader flinging bullshit everywhere.
The politicians are so full of shit, when they open their mouth it's nothing but bullshit, the judicial system dishes out shit to the lawful, as the lawlessness bullshit continues.
Is it real shit or fake bullshit?
I never thought I'd see so much crazy-ass bullshit happening all at once, I'm blinded by some seriously thick shit.
We don't belong to either club, we're fed tidbits of shit from one club to keep us halfway sane as we put up with the other clubs bullshit as this unbelievably shitty psychological war continues.
Some days, it's all I can do just to keep MY own shit together.
I guess all we can do is gather knowledgeable shit so our minds don't become filled with bullshit.
One day this shit will be over and we will finally be able to flush the bullshit and breathe a sigh of relief.
Humanity will be able to move forward and clean up the bullshit that the satanists destroyed in this realm.
Don't hang onto shit, let the bullshit go.
On one hand, we know some shit and on the other hand, we don't really know shit.
Frankly I think we all had enough bullshit?
What we need to do is pull ALL our shit together and stand up, let's put an end to all the endless bullshit. ⚔��🛡️🇺🇸
- Reality-Detective
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myladytara · 2 months
sex is NOT love.
going on dates is NOT love.
talking 24/7 is NOT love.
laying up is NOT love.
love is somebody seeing the absolute worst side of you & still loving you the same, it's somebody making stuff happen for you when you can't, its somebody holding you & calming you down while you pouring your eyes out, its somebody voicing all the good things about you when all you see is the bad, its somebody making sure you okay, it's somebody praying for you every day & night, it's somebody that makes you laugh & smile when you feel down, it's somebody that's faithful behind your back, it's somebody that can hear you when you're quiet, it's somebody that cuts off any & everything that makes you feel uncomfortable. that's love. if you get that don't play with it.
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poetic-little-doll · 3 days
It’s starting to feel the same again..
Like a tightness in my bones that threatens to snap them if I move just one more inch.
Like a pressure forcing me down into the bed, sinking me slowly, ready to suffocate me at another breath.
Like these words are lodged in my throat, choking what little life I had left out of me and my hands are too numb to pull them out.
Like the person down on one knee in front of me is offering far worse than a ring and the damage is irreversible.
What do I do when it starts to feel the same again?
S.Lilobell (Save me from this eternity.)
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jaabeyjaa · 1 year
"bro, you changed"
yes, you traumatized me and i grew up
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my-amethyst-world · 11 months
Spiritual love connection (spiritual relationship)
When we mention “spiritual” we often think about some kind of enlightenment. Especially, if we use the term “spiritual love connection” what pops into mind is almost always a term like “soulmates”, “twin flames” or even “karmic relationships”. However, the spiritual relationship goes far beyond romantic love or soulmates. 
Here, we will break down what it is, types of spiritual relationships, why spirituality is important in a relationship, and tips on how to connect spiritually with someone. 
Spiritual relationship definition
First, let’s explain the spiritual connection definition.
It means, when two people who are together and experience much deeper understanding and they help each other grow. People who feel metaphysical connection with someone they create spiritual union with a deep sense of a connection on both levels: physically and mentally. Even before they met they already had some signs of spiritual love. So as soon as these people meet they feel a strong spiritual love connection and oftentimes they are not aware of this. 
We will discuss more on how to recognize the signs of spiritual connection with someone.
DID YOU KNOW? - Our own spirituality has a huge impact on our relationships with others, and that’s why it is very important to be mindful of our own spiritual world.  
Types of spiritual relationships
There are many types of spiritual love connections. I'm pretty sure you have already known them but maybe you are not really sure what they mean and how they differ. 
Here we will discuss the most common spiritual love connections:
SoulmatesThe meaning of a soulmate varies from person to person. However, most of these definitions define the soulmate as someone with whom we have a strong connection and a feeling that we know someone on a more intimate level. The feeling is almost like we have known that person for our whole life. Dr. Sabrina Romanoff defines this type of spiritual love relationship as a puzzle, harmony happens when two pieces align together. It is important to mention that a soulmate match can happen also between siblings, friends, and in a parent-children relationship. So how to recognize a soulmate connection? There are signs you can study and follow in order to recognize your soul partner. 
First and foremost, you challenge each other. 
There is mutual respect between you.
You are best friends.
You both experience some kind of soulmate spiritual awakening
There is telepathy between you two. 
You feel each other.
And last but not least: You just know it.
Twin flamesUnlike soulmates, the definition of a twin flame is much different than that of a soulmate. Many ask what does twin flame mean? Well, you can recognize a twin flame by an intense connection between you two. Some define it as a mirror. This type of spiritual connection between man and woman requires a lot of work on an energetic and spiritual level. Usually, these partners don’t stay together. They enter into our lives, teach us some lessons and then vanish. Life with a twin flame is a rollercoaster. These partners challenge us, and they show us even the deeper levels we have within our souls. It’s on us to recognize these parts, accept them and start with healing. This spiritual relationship is about healing. How to recognize a twin flame?
You two act like a mirror, meaning that you face your deep insecurities and doubts. 
You feel drawn to them, that’s why you keep coming back together.
The relationship is not smooth sailing, which makes the relationship very intensive
Karmic relationshipsA karmic relationship happens whenever we need to facilitate the lessons we need to learn in this lifetime. But what is a karmic partner? When there is a word “Karma” the meaning is almost always negative. However, most of these relationships that happen are hard to maintain, but there are those that are full of passion and love. This happens when two souls decide to spend a lifetime on Earth in peace and love. Karmic connections serve us as guides to our inner selves and have a deep spiritual purpose in relationships. It seems that this type of karmic relationship has negative connotations but you need to acknowledge that if you find yourself in this type of relationship you should change the perspective from a victim role to a personal growth.  How to recognize a karmic connection?
The roller coaster of emotions. 
The feeling of addiction towards the partner. 
Fear of the end.
DID YOU KNOW? - That spiritual awakening can have a huge impact on your relationship, and it can even end a relationship? But don’t worry, you already know by now that everything happens for a reason and every person has a purpose in our life. 
Why is spirituality important in a relationship?
Spirituality and relationships have something in common. We cannot experience a spiritual world without a touch of a relationship. And by relationship I mean  every kind of relationship. Why is this important? Well, every person is our mirror. We see the world as we see ourselves. 
There is always a deeper meaning in a spiritual love connection. 
Whenever you feel that someone doesn’t love you, you should look into yourself and see which part of you is not loved by you. With this you will make a huge progress towards your spiritual life. 
Each relationship no matter how good or bad might feel, shows you that you should work on some part of yourself. You should look at a relationship as a spiritual path.
We all long for creating a sense of oneness with others. A divine connection with someone helps us extend our understanding and see things in a different perspective. It helps you to accept someone the way it is without judging them for who they are. 
DID YOU KNOW? - Playing a victim role will never help you experience any kind of spirituality. Victimizing will make you powerless and you cannot see the real purpose of a relationship and you cannot even realize what kind of spiritual relationship you are into.
How to spiritually connect with someone
First of all, get rid of the idea that we are separated. Acknowledge that everyone and everything within the Universe is connected. That bond cannot be broken. But in order to fully connect with someone on a spiritual level, you should be mindful of your own being. Be mindful of your emotions, thoughts, life, choices, your surroundings. By practicing awareness, you can easily spot the signs of a strong spiritual connection. 
Learn how to free yourself from everything so you can sense the core of your heart. It kinda feels paradoxical, to free yourself and to connect with someone. Let me explain to you what I mean by this. 
As little kids we are being programmed, within ourselves we have emotions, thoughts and beliefs that are not ours. By practicing mindfulness, you can recognize which thought/emotion/belief is yours and which is not. When you start to get rid of everything that is not yours and of everything that doesn’t represent your true nature you will feel much more connected with everyone and everything within yourself and your surroundings. 
There is an universal spiritual love that fulfills our hearts and helps us realize that we are each other’s home.  
DID YOU KNOW? - Mindfulness is an ability to be fully aware of where you are and to be fully present in the moment. There are a lot of benefits of practicing mindfulness. Beginners can practice mindfulness by being aware of their surroundings, be aware of the sound of the birds, of the crispy air, of the sun kissing your skin. 
There is always a spiritual reason for relationships. Everyone you meet is for a reason. You might not be aware straight away but when the time comes everything will be clear and then you can see the whole picture of the purpose of that relationship. 
You have learned by now that there are different types of spiritual relationships, as soon as you recognize yours you can know how to work it out and you can easily acknowledge the lesson you need to learn. 
Feel free to write your experience of your spiritual relationship. We’d like to hear from you!
How to grow spiritually with your partner?
Continue to work on your own spirituality. As a spiritual couple you need to let each other grow. Spiritual experience might be different for both of you and that’s why you need to focus on your own growth first and then you can work on your relationship.
Learn how to be aware of each other’s needs, can these needs be fulfilled? If not, how would you feel? Do you feel that your partner should always be there for you and vice versa? Can you say no without feeling guilty? Is your partner free to say no to you without feeling guilty?
Think about these questions and pay attention to your answers, they might lead you to issues you need to work on.
Why do I feel a strong connection with someone?
There can be various reasons why you feel a strong connection with someone. A person might be your soulmate/twinflame/ or karmic partner. Give yourself time so you can figure out what type of a spiritual relationship you are in.  
What is a spiritual connection between a man and a woman?
Every relationship that gives you a sense of synchronicity, harmony, respect and helps you grow represents a spiritual connection between two people no matter the gender. 
How to lead a relationship spiritually? You cannot find general spiritual relationship advice because each relationship is unique. As we mentioned before, work on yourself first and remember that we are all connected and we are in each other’s lives for a purpose. Being aware of yourself and being aware of your partner is the first step to creating a spiritual love connection.
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feltpoetry · 2 years
“let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. just keep going, no feeling is final.”
rainer maria rilke
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I need help properly writing a disabled character
Okay so Im working on a webcomic and I’ve recently decided that one of the supporting characters is going to have a mobility aid, specifically forearm crutches. The problem is that I don’t totally know what is the reason that he needs them. I’ve been researching different muscle diseases and stuff but Google has been unhelpful. he’s on the tech side of the group, who are super heroes, but is still able to walk and get around with little struggle (when using the crutches) he also is probably able to defend himself fairly well. If anyone knows anything that would match up to his mobility levels that would be awesome!
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fairydrowning · 1 year
"Forget everything. Open the windows. Clear the room. The wind blows through it. You see only its emptiness, you search in every corner and don’t find yourself."
– Franz Kafka, Diaries, 1910-1923
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inmyownwordz · 2 years
My fingers burned, my palms callus. As I held onto a thread of a dream we once shared. It was scary to let go, goodbye was never in our plans. But day by day, your hand grew further out of my reach. Until eventually, you gave it to someone else. My heart broken, I wished you well and released my grip. Making that decision was the best thing for me. But making it, didn’t mean it hurt any less.
The Hardest Decision | K.A.M ( @inmyownwordz ) | All Rights Reserved 2022 ©️
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boyakishantrinity · 3 months
"It is not that humanity is strange. Because what we have done, is nothing new. It is that humanity that chooses to be strange by the very nature of how being weird is, that we appear strange."
Snarling out he words. Bound, arms tied. The girl growling at them with her mask unmovable, their questions left unanswered as they slammed their hands onto the table.
"We hold your people's greatest secret-"
"And yet, you cannot tell anyone. You have not told anyone. And you cannot kill me."
Scowling at the interruption, raising laser pistol, they repeated.
"We hold your people's greatest secret, answer if these Terrans are a danger to the greater Federation!"
Sighing. Raising her hands, the electricity crackling before breaking the magnetic circuit.
"I don't know. Are you a danger to Terrans and your own people?"
"... Answer the question woman."
Guns locked onto the agent, the young woman taking another calm breath as she pushed her ring to her finger.
"Before you die, I will tell you. Humanity is one sick animal. We have and shall kill any who harm us. I am no longer a part of the UEN, as a privat faction. Well, most humans will help any and all regardless of how worthless it may be. If you harm us, or your people in unforgivable ways..."
Growling, lizard folk snarling at the blonde dark skinned woman. Looking calmly back, she rubs her wrist. Skin morphing, melding back into her traditional form. Body practically shimmers as the delegate takes a step back.
Glancing to his comrades, all equally puzzled as the Terran changed. Her body appearing more Merian, with scales, a strong tail yet human. Arm growing tentacles, muscles shifting into a compact mass of strength.
"... You. You're not..."
Muttering their words, she draws a box from the ring. Shimmering silver, shaking her head as she presses the red button.
"What it means to be human is not just species."
Radar went crazy. Sensor detecting movement from outside as dark shadows coalesced into some king of physical mass. Sensors on nearby ships and cities picking up the disturbance as someone drew a gun to her head.
"Hands in the air. Sit down. Recall those. Things."
Still, we stood. Paused in place as something struck the outside of the ship. Dark shadows glitching out the cameras as more masked figures pulled out drills. Arms shifting, tools opened as the outer layer were pulled back. Doors pressurising inner segments as she looked back.
"Or what? You'll kill me?"
Her body twitched, eyes kept unmoving from her position, fists clenched as her cape draped behind her back. Her shotgun aimed back at her. Captain watching cautiously as the inner wall breached.
"... Sit. Down."
Looking at him, eyes slow as they watched the Galvin try to force her. A small tentacle appeared on her side. Reaching out, raising the weapon's trigger. Another pushing a shell into the gun, loudly loading the weapon.
"Can't even threaten someone properly. How pathetic. "
She wasn't just unafraid. She was abrasive to being threatened. Not bothering to hide from the firearm, glaring back as the strange Terrans dropped in, setting up barricades and structures within the outer sectors. Leaving cameras, shooting defensive sections.
These. They looked like black ops of the Terrans. A private army, waiting for something, I looked to the other screen.
"... So? We outnumber any reinforcements you bring. You have only given us more hostages, our technology-"
"is child's play."
Twisting the ring, one hand over the top. The Terran's finger seems to fade behind the ring, pinching something as she gripped out the end of a sword. Arms pulling apart, a spear ripped out from her sleeve. The magic trick then snapped. Midway through pulling, her sleeves dropped . The weapon wasn't from her sleeves, and it wasn't magnetic or any kind of trick.
By all allusion, she was pulling out something from her ring.
"... How. Did you do that?"
She looked at the lizard man. The Merians were a race of humanoid lizards folk who'd evolved to live in space and planets. More logical by nature, their emotions were kept to those in private.
What was before them. Was not human. Or Terran.
Calm in the face of death, danger or anything. Uncaring for life yet compassionate, if this was one of the subspecies of the Terrans. They'd have to annihilate them, strong, intelligent, petty. It'd be safer for everyone if they were removed.
"... Y'know, I really. Really. Hate cowards."
Speaking, gripping the hilt, the air shifted as the outer teams started to stir. A lot less relaxed, looking outside, their pale glows growing stronger into a mass of light as something moved forward.
"... Sir?"
"... I think. This is how it ends."
Sitting down, the ship pausing as something ripped open reality.
"Did someone just shoot MY brat?"
Head pushed against the wall, pink hair draped from behind the mask. Her stomach blown open, regenerating from the strike. Several Merians were smashed into the wall, her spear pinning her to the wall as the camera began to glitch out.
"... She- she struck first."
The body flickered. A young girl appeared before them. Smirking. Breathing slowly. She looked to them.
"You only see what you want to see."
Collapsing, the matter shifted. Flames curling, lighting wrapping the ship.
"... And that's it?"
Looking at the papers. It was ridiculous, a Warl ship had not only been destroyed by a force under twenty. But the crew were found ripped onto the walls, just barely alive and conscious. Bullet holes covering the ship, clear evidence of a Terran brought in, beaten and the crew members killed.
"... Yes."
Leaning forward, tossing the paper down.
"Ready the troops, I want everything on them."
"... Sir?"
Turning to his harem, grasping one by the arm. Silent as he replied.
"I want everything on these Wolves."
The engraving burned on the ship's corpse, if it wasn't obvious enough. The Terrans weren't united, there was another group. And now there was a question.
How did the Galvins lose a ship so far within its empire without any true problem?
What exactly could the Terrans hold, if it was the Terrans like the rumour said?
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lostillusionstuffs · 3 months
It's like you feel you can have a good sleep and wake up the next day forgetting about what's bothering in your life...
But it's not possible, you wake up in the morning, freeze for few seconds to realize what actually happened the previous day and you can't but feel worse because it actually happened, and you failed to prevent it....
You have to go through the day, the next day and the next day and so on.... you don't heal but you make peace with the fact that stuffs have already happened and you can't alter it. Live with it now.
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anactivesloth · 2 years
Questions to be questioned and thoughts to be thought ......Untill when!?
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