#wtf gdl
gdlavzo · 10 months
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November 2023
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rheingoldweg12a · 11 months
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sleepynegress · 2 years
Is Barbarian good? Could u give a quick summary?Also could I watch it with my mom?
Okay, so I'm putting a cut for courtesy, but SPOILERS... Since you asked for a summary. I wouldn't watch with mom. I wouldn't call it good because of the personal character choice logic issues... ...but IT IS tense and has some decent jumpscares and horrifying/gross setpeices which is why I would advise you not to spoil yourself here, if you plan on finding that bootleg or catching a matinee to watch, if you're a spooky fan.
Soooo, it's a slow-burn horror that gets abruptly weird after a turn. Female protag goes to an Air Bnb, somebody else has already rented the place... Somebody else is played by the creepy Skarsgard brother. He's somewhat odd, and you think he's the bad thing going on when he invites her to stay... He's not. But there is banter where they have chemistry and you keep thinking he could be playing her and he's the threat. She goes to a job intverview the next day, when she comes home... a random hooded creepy guy comes running at her from the neighborhood and she closes the door and locks it just in time and calls the police. Police is busy (lol) they have no car to send out (this is Detroit). Female protag ends up locked n the basement by accident, bcse of laundry (lol) and goes snooping. Finds a crazy black tunnel. Literally says "nope" and decides not to go looking...yet.
Ends up looking anyway (homegirl should have closed that door too and pretended she never saw it and got the fuck out). She finds several empty rooms with a stained mattress and other things... it's a BIG tunnel. She's beyond creeped out, she is terrified and nopes out. She tells creepy Skarsgard to warn him what she saw... and OF COURSE he doesn't believe her but goes to look himself...and tells her (lol) to wait for him. She hears him get got and (lol) goes looking for him in the tunnel. Eventually he jump-scare crawls to her rambling about something else being down there and shes like "I told u let's get the fuck out!" but he's like...not that way, that's where I saw it.
They argue. GIANT DEFORMED NEKKID WOMAN GRABS HIS FACE and smashes into the rock wall of the tunnel until he's dead. It's abrupt brutal and vivid. Quickcut to Jason Long he's chatting with some Hollywood people about some show on the phone while driving. They fire him because a woman accused him of sexual assault. A few scenes est. that he's a narcissist who most def, assaulted this woman. He owns this bnb. He goes there for mundane reason, discovers the tunnel and is like {WTF?!} He is caught and taken by deformed giant nekkid woman and taken to a room w/ a vhs playing on loop. VHS is a breatfeeding instructional... GDL forces Justin Long to breastfed from her, which is half fucked up mothering and mostly assult, hello irony. (this is why you don't watch this w/ mom). Female protag is sneaking and trying to stay quiet and get JL and sees this. but she trips on some noisy ish... and runs. She gets to a basement window and manages to crawl out just in time... Guy who chased her earlier into the house, pulls her out and tells her the place is dangerous and provides some backstory along w/ a flashback that hints at more. Former owner was kidnapping random women, keeping them in that secret tunnel full of rooms, and impregnating them, and then impregnating the offspring creating the things living down there. Fast-forward. The house is sold, and turned into an AirBnB by JL and HE NEVER finds the secret tunnel. NOBODY WOULD HAVE except for snooping female protag finding and pulling the secret entrance rope. The man who saved her, is unhoused, but explains that the nekkid deformed woman will come to get her at night, so she should GTFO. But... she wants to save JL. She calls the police, but now she looks like a drug addict because her clothing is bedraggled, so when they show up, they think they are managing an addict having an episode... But at one point they threaten to arrest her and I'm like BITCH!! LET. THEM!!!
But naw, eventually they pull off and "dunh-dunh!" its almost dark. MIND YOU. THIS WHOLE TIME SHE HAS A WORKING CAR!!!!
She hops in said car and hesitates because she wants to be the personal Jane Hero to this JL guy she just met... JL is in the meantime in another room, post breatfeed, in the tunnels. He finds another man down there and you can tell he's been through something. He can't talk and eventually he finds a gun and uses it to unalive himself. JL is freaked out. Female protag sits in her car...instead of just driving off (lol) Nekkid lady jumpscares out the house. Female protag OF COURSE!! (lol) wrecks her car running over this woman and also into the airbnb house (??? WHY!!!). JL and protag are again rescued by unhoused man. He shelters them both in his makeshift space. Tells them the people in that house have never gotten into his place in 15 years... Nekkid Lady then jumpscares and kills unhoused man (the only death I felt bad about, but also lol). JL and female protag run... And at one point JL accidentally shoots female protag and decides to use her as a distraction (aka LEAVE HER BEHIND) while he gets away. He does this but female protage catches up and he's all apologetic and saying he's not a bad person. Giant nekkid deformed lady jumps out ONE MO TIME and grabs JL. Grossly, vividly, eyegouges him to death and turns to female protag with a gente manner... and has decided she is her new baby. The protag sees the gun JL had laying next to her and pushes it under the nekkid lady's cheekbone... She pities her and says "I can't go back down there." and when the nekkid lady tries to lift her up and take her anyway... she shoots, smashcut to black, end of the movie. CRAZY.
I can tell people would indeed be interacting, screaming, doing all kinds of craziness watching this in a theatre. But at home... while it inspires dialogue (mostly BITCH WHAT IS YOU DOING?!), I'm also seeing the plotholes and protag logic issues. Which if they'd made protag a bit more logical??? Would have made this movie scarier for me. Still... CRAZY.
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lostinyourears · 6 years
The top 5 CMLL matches of the weeks for the entire year of 2018
Q : Wtf is with this format?
A : This is just wholesale copy and pasted from CMLL Weeklys this year. ½/¾/5′s are in chronological order. So Negro Casas/Sam Adonis hair match was my #1 match for the first week of 2018 and Titan vs. Rey Cometa was #1 for week 2 and so on and so forth.
The (day of the week) is telling you if it was on Monday’s Puebla, Tuesday’s Arena Mexico New Values show or the flagship Arena Mexico Super Friday Show. 
Q : So this include all CMLL matches from 2018?
A : No, this list excludes 2 weeks that I didn’t do CMLL weekly as well as anything that wasn’t taped or took place on a CMLL Guadalajara Martes show, because CMLL doesn’t upload those to their Youtube, but they can be found on thecubsfan Youtube labeled CMLL GDL. The biggest omission is probably  Sansón © vs Templario for the King of the Underworld Title, which happened during one of the weeks I took off this year. thecubsfan has all the matches from that first day of the dead show(which was an iPPV) on his youtube, but the King of the Underworld Title was the main match to catch from it. 
Q : So when you make your top 100 list for 2018, It’s basically just going to be all your 1′s and 2′s rearranged into a top 100, right?
A : Not necessarily, these were numbered compared to what happened that given week. So some weeks were weak while others were stacked. Just because something was #1 for it’s given week doesn’t mean it’s going to make the top 100 because some weeks might have 5 bouts I want on the top 100 while others might have 0. Though my top 100 will probably be a narrowed down version of this roughly 250 match list.   
Q : This says entire year and the year isn’t finished.
A : I’ll edit in the next 2 weeks of top 5′s as they happen.
Q : One of these 200+ links goes to the wrong match #Canceled
A : Feel free to tell me and I’ll try to fix it.  
Q : WTF is CMLL Weekly?
A : This
This is my Christmas present or Hanukkah present or whatever your winter solstice celebration of choice is. May this lucha list brighten your holiday and give you something to scour through into the new year! 
1.Negro Casas vs Sam Adonis, Hair vs Hair, Sin Piedad Main Event(Monday) 
1.Titan vs Rey Cometa, Lightning Match(Friday) 
1.Euforia vs Caristico(Friday) 
1.Mephisto © vs Titan for the CMLL World Welterweight Championship(Tuesday) 
1.Audaz, Fuego & Triton vs Raziel, Cancerbero & Nitro(Tuesday) 
1.Angel de Oro vs Cuatrero(Tuesday) 
1.Rush, Mistico, & Soberano Jr. vs Hijos del Infierno(Mephisto, Luciferno & Ephesto)(Monday) 
1.Rush & Terrible vs Ultimo Guerrero & Volador Jr. Incredible Pairs Finals(Friday) 
1.Pegasso, Stigma & Star Jr. vs Templario, Raziel & Cancerbero(Tuesday) 
1.Dragon Lee, Soberano Jr. & Blue Panther Jr. vs Mephisto, Luciferno & Ephesto(Tuesday)
1.Angel de Oro vs Cuatrero, mask vs mask(Friday) 
1.Pegasso, Magia Blanca & Star Jr. vs. Templario, Sagrado & Virus(Friday) 
1.Volador Jr. © vs Matt Taven for the NWA World Historic Welterweight Championship(Friday) 
1.Volador Jr., Mistico & Valiente © vs. Gran Guerrero, Ultimo Guerrero, & Caristico CMLL World Trios Championship match (Monday) 
1.Dragon Lee vs. Mephisto(Tuesday) 
1.Flyer vs. Magia Blanca, New Values Cup Finals(Tuesday) 
1.Rush vs Kraneo, Man vs Man, 2/3 falls(Friday) 
1.Soberano Jr.© vs. Magia Blanca for the Mexican National Welterweight Championship(Tuesday) 
1.Hechicero, Dragón Rojo Jr. & Polvora vs Titan, Triton & Esfinge(Friday) 
1.Gran Alternative Finals Ultimo Guerrero/Templario vs. Volador Jr./Flyer(Friday) 
1.La Park, Volador Jr. & Flyer vs. Ingobernables(Rush, Terrible & Bestia del Ring)(Friday) 
1.Cuatrero © vs Angel de Oro for the CMLL World Middleweight Championship(Friday) 
1.Fenix, Mistico, & Caristico vs. Ultimo Guerrero, Negro Casas & Barbaro Cavernario(Friday) 
1.Dragon Lee vs Caristico, Lightning Match(Friday) 
1.Hechicero, Dragon Rojo Jr. & Polvora vs. Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr. & Black Panther(Friday) 
1.Barbaro Cavernario vs King Phoenix, 2/3 falls(Friday) 
1.NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero) vs. Atlantis, Soberano Jr. & Flyer(Friday) 
1.Los ingobernables(Rush/Terrible) vs. Sky Team(Volador Jr./Valiente)(Friday) 
1.Niebla Roja © vs. Sanson for the CMLL World Light Heavyweight Championship(Tuesday) 
1.Triton vs Audaz Lighting Match(Tuesday) 
1.Hechicero, Mr. Niebla & Ephesto vs. Stuka Jr., Soberano Jr. & Angel de Oro(Tuesday) 
1.Hechicero © vs. Stuka Jr. for the NWA World Historic Light Heavyweight Championship(Tuesday) 
1.El Hijo de La Park, Soberano Jr., & Flyer vs. Hechicero, Negro Casas, & Mephisto(Friday) 
1.Barbaro Cavernario vs. Matt Taven (Friday) 
1.La Park, Atlantis & Mistico vs. Gilbert El Boricua, Negro Casas & Mephisto(Friday) 
1.Volador Jr./Matt Taven vs. Rush/Barbaro Cavernario for the hairs, CMLL 85th Anniversary iPPV main event 
1.La Park, El Hijo de La Park & Ultimo Guerrero vs. Rush, Barbaro Cavernario & Bestia del Ring(Monday) 
1.Forastero, Negro Casas & Rey Bucanero vs. Mistico, Soberano Jr. & Hijo del La Park(Friday) 
1.Gran Prix(Friday) 
1.Michael Elgin vs. Ultimo Guerrero(Friday) 
1.Angel de Oro, Niebla Rojo, Black Panther, Blue Panther Jr. & Stuka Jr. vs. Dragon Rojo Jr., Luciferno, Misterioso Jr., Espanto Jr. & Templario, La Copa Halcón Suriano 5 vs. 5 Elimination(Friday) 
1.Guerrero Maya Jr./Esfinge/Audaz/Black Panther/Triton/Flyer vs. Cuatrero/Forastero/Templario/Virus/Kawato San/Tiger King of the Underworld #1 Contender Torneo Cibernetico(Friday) 
1.Cuatrero© vs. Titan for the CMLL World Middleweight Championship(Tuesday) 
1.Leyenda de Plata torneo cibernetico, to the final 2(Friday)….This link if you’d rather skip the seeding battle royale 1.Fenix vs. Barbaro Cavernario, Leyenda de Plata Finals(Friday) 
1.Volador Jr., Mistico & Caristico vs. Los Guerreros Laguneros(Ultimo Guerrero, Gran Guerrero & Euforia)(Friday) 
1.Black Panther vs. Misterioso Jr. lightning match(Tuesday) 
1.Drone vs. Okumura lightning match(Tuesday)
2.Niebla Roja vs Gran Guerrero(Saturday) 
2.Blue Panther Jr., The Panther & Triton vs Virus, Sagrado & Tiger(Friday) 
2.Marco Corleone © vs Diamante Azul for the CMLL World Heavyweight Title(Monday) 
2.Audaz, Starman & Soberano Jr. vs Virus, Disturbio & Misterioso(Friday) 
2.Angel de Oro, Rush & Dragon Lee vs Cuatrero, Terrible & Shocker(Tuesday) 
2.Hijos del Infierno(Mephisto, Luciferno & Ephesto) vs Soberano Jr., Dragon Lee & Titan(Monday) 
2.Kaho Kobayashi vs Princesa Sugehit lightning match(Tuesday) 2.Panther Dynasty(Blue Panther Jr., The Panther & Blue Panther) vs Mephisto, Okumura & Johnny Idol(Tuesday) 
2.NGD(Sanson and Forastero) vs Dragon Lee and Mistico(Friday)
2.Puma, Tiger & Malayo vs Audaz, Triton & Stigma(Monday)
2.Valiente & Volador Jr. vs Terrible & Rey Bucanero for the vacant CMLL World Tag Team Championships (Friday) 
2.Princesa Sugehit, Marcela & Kaho Kobayashi vs Dalys, Zeuxis & Amapola(Tuesday) 
2.Soberano Jr. vs Barbaro Cavernario(Tuesday) 
2.Yago vs. Flyer New Values Tournament Semi-Finals(Tuesday) 
2.Dragon Rojo Jr., Okumura & Kawato San vs. Titan, Esfinge, & Triton(Friday) 
2.Pegasso, Blue Panther Jr. & The Panther vs. Templario, Puma & Tiger(Friday) 
2.Dalys© vs Kaho Kobayashi for the CMLL World Women’s Title(Monday) 
2.Gran Alternative Semi-Finals/Block A Finals(Friday) 
2.Negro Casas vs Soberano Jr. 1 fall, no time limit(Friday) 
2.NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero) vs. Mistico, Soberano Jr. & Angel de Oro(Friday) 
2.Ultimo Guerrero © vs. Stuka Jr. for the NWA World Historic Middleweight Championship(Tuesday) 
2.La Park, El Hijo de La Park & Volador Jr. vs. Los ingobernables(Rush, Bestia del Ring & Terrible)(Friday) 
2.NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero) vs. Soberano Jr., Audaz & Titan(Friday) 
2.Titan, Gran Guerrero and Ultimo Guerrero vs. Soberano Jr., Volador Jr. & Flyer(Monday) 
2.La Park vs Rush(Friday) 
2.Luciferno, Dragon Rojo Jr. & Polvora vs. Titan, Triton & Esfinge(Tuesday) 
2.Virus, Puma & Tiger vs. Guerrero Maya Jr., Triton & Esfinge(Friday) 
2.Tiger, Puma & Misterioso Jr. vs. Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr. & Black Panther(Tuesday) 
2.Cuatrero vs Mephisto lightning match(Friday) 
2.Soberano Jr., Titán & Valiente vs Cuatrero, Forastero & Sansón(Friday) 
2.Hechicero vs. Valiente(Friday) 
2.Forastero vs Audaz lightning match(Friday) 
2.Los Guerreros Laguneros(Ultimo Guerrero/Gran Guerrero/Euforia) vs. Ingobernables(Rush/Bestia del Ring) & Barbaro Cavernario(Monday) 
2.Casas Family(Negro Casas, Felino & Tiger) vs. NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero)(Friday) 
2.Tiger vs Rey Cometa in a lightning match(Tuesday) 
2.La Park, El Hijo de La Park & Caristico vs. Pentagon, Fenix & Diamante Azul(85th Anniversary iPPV) 
2.Stuka Jr., Triton & Esfinge vs. NGD(Sanson/Cuatrero) & Rey Bucanero(Friday) 
2.Rush/Barbaro Cavernario vs. La Park/Hijo de La Park(Monday) 
2.Caristico © vs. Gran Guerrero for the NWA World Historic Middleweight Championship(Tuesday) 
2.Dragon Rojo Jr., Polvora & Templario vs. Audaz, Esfinge & Soberano Jr.(Friday) 
2.Blue Panther, Panterita del Ring, Black Warrior & Euforia vs. Mascara Ano 200, Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero(Friday) 
2.Titan, Stuka Jr. & Caristico vs. Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia & Cuatrero(Tuesday) 
2.Stuka Jr., Kraneo & Volcano vs. Hechicero, Sanson & Cuatrero(Friday) 
2.NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero) vs. Los Guerreros Laguneros(Ultimo Guerrero, Gran Guerrero & Euforia)(Monday) 
2.Último Guerrero © vs. Sanson for the CMLL World Heavyweight Championship(Monday) 
2.NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero) vs. Ingobernables(Rush & Terrible) & Barbaro Cavernario(Friday) 
2.Soberano Jr., Flyer & Audaz vs. Dragon Rojo Jr., Polvora & Templario(Friday) 
2.Vangellys, Misterioso & Sagrado vs. Triton, Volcano & Fuego(Monday)
3.Volador Jr. & Barbaro Cavernario vs Ultimo Guerrero & Valiente(Saturday) 
3.Rush, Dragon Lee & Soberano Jr. vs Mascara Ano 2000, Sanson & Cuatrero(Tuesday) 
3.Kraneo vs Hechicero lightning match(Friday) 
3.Terrible© vs Diamante Azul for the Mexican National Heavyweight Championship(Friday) 
3.Mistico & Mephisto vs Hechicero & Soberano Jr., First round match in the Increible Pairs Tournament(Friday) 
3.Caristico & Euforia vs Dragon Lee & Sanson first round tournament match(Friday) 
3.Audaz, Blue Panther Jr. & The Panther vs. Virus, Misterioso & Sagrado(Tuesday) 
3.Fuego, Triton & Stigma vs Kawato San, Puma & Tiger(Friday) 
3.Fuego, Blue Panther Jr. and The Panther vs Virus, Puma & Tiger(Friday) 
3.Diamante Azul & Stuka Jr. vs Rey Bucanero & Terrible CMLL Tag Title Tournament Block B Finals(Friday) 
3.Volador Jr.© vs. Barbaro Cavernario for the NWA World Historic Welterweight Championship(Monday) 
3.Kraneo vs Euforia(Monday) 
3.Stuka Jr., Guerrero Maya Jr. & Rey Cometa vs. Misterioso, Disturbio, & Universo 2000 Jr.(Tuesday) 
3.Virus, Puma & Tiger vs. Audaz, Rey Cometa & Guerrero Maya Jr.(Saturday) 3.Mistico vs. Caristico(Monday) 
3.NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero) vs. Dragon Lee, Niebla Roja & Angel de Oro(Monday) 
3.Audaz, Rey Cometa, & Guerrero Maya Jr. vs. Polvora, Dragon Rojo Jr. & Templario(Tuesday) 
3.Rush vs. Ultimo Guerrero Lightning Match(Friday) 3.Ultimo Guerrero & Templario vs. Kraneo & Audaz(Friday) 
3.Drone, Blue Panther Jr. & The Panther vs. Okumura, Puma & Tiger(Friday) 
3.Angel de Oro, Soberano Jr. & El Hijo de La Park vs NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero)(Friday) 
3.Puma, Tiger & Okumura vs. Rey Cometa, Drone & Guerrero Maya Jr.(Friday) 
3.Triton, Guerrero Maya Jr. & Stigma vs Puma, Okumura & Kawato San(Monday) 
3.La Park, Fenix, & Volador Jr. vs. Rush, Terrible & Cibernetico(Friday) 
3.Fenix, Volador Jr. & El Hijo de La Park vs. La Peste Negra(Negro Casas, Mr. Niebla & Barbaro Cavernario)(Friday) 
3.Mephisto, Ephesto, & Templario vs. Rey Cometa, Stuka Jr. & Guerrero Maya Jr.(Friday) 
3.El hijos del Infierno(Mephisto, Luciferno & Ephesto) vs. Stuka Jr., Black Panther and Blue Panther Jr.(Tuesday) 
3.Atlantis/Octagon/Rayo de Jalisco Jr. vs. Ultimo Guerrero/Fuerza Guerrera/Máscara Año 2000(Friday) 
3.Cuatrero © vs. Angel de Oro for the CMLL World Middleweight Championship(Monday) 
3.Black Panther, Blue Panther Jr. & Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Okumura, Templario & Tiger(Friday) 
3.Audaz vs Luciferno in a lightning match(Tuesday) 
3.Kazuchika Okada, Ultimo Guerrero & Negro Casas vs. Mistico, Valiente & Diamante Azul(Friday) 
3.Titan vs Angel de Oro Lightning Match(Friday) 
3.Mephisto© vs. Titan for the CMLL World Welterweight Championship(Tuesday) 
3.Triton, Esfinge & Soberano Jr. vs. Dragon Rojo Jr., Hechicero & Templario(Friday) 
3.[Nueva Generación Dinamita (Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón) vs. Atlantis, Mistico & Soberano Jr.(Friday)](Anniversary iPPV no link found will add if I find it, but may not find it) 
3.Rey Cometa vs. Drone lightning match(Tuesday) 
3.Volador Jr., Michael Elgin & Caristico vs. Barbaro Cavernario, Sanson & Cuatrero(Friday) 
3.Barbaro Cavernario, Terrible & Bestia del Ring vs. Volador Jr., La Park & Hijo de La Park(Monday) 
3.Volador Jr.© vs. Barbaro Cavernario for the NWA World Historic Welterweight Championship(Monday) 
3.Audaz, Stigma & Triton vs. Templario, Okumura & Kawato San(Monday) 
3.Los ingobernables(Rush, Terrible & Bestia del Ring) vs. Caristico, Diamante Azul & Valiente(Friday) 
3.Soberano Jr. vs. Forastero lightning match(Friday) 
3.Okumura, Kawato San & Misterioso vs. Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr. & Black Panther(Tuesday) 
3.Mascara Año 2000 & NGD vs. Los Guerrero Laguneros(Friday) 
3.Hechicero, Vangellys & Templario vs. Titan, Soberano Jr. & Stuka Jr.(Tuesday) 
3.Ultimo Guerrero vs. Volador Jr. (Friday) 
3.Soberano Jr. vs. Forastero lightning match(Friday)
4.Rey Cometa vs Soberano Jr.(Saturday) 
4.Niebla Roja, Angel de Oro & Rey Cometa vs Axis of Evil(Sam Adonis, Okumura & Johnny Idol)(Tuesday) 
4.Starman, Pegasso & Magia Blanca vs Virus, Nitro & Templario(Tuesday) 
4.Hechicero, Johnny Idol & Sam Adonis vs Titan, Stuka Jr. & Diamante Azul(Monday) 
4.Ultimo Guerrero & Volador Jr. vs Mistico & Mephisto(Friday) 4.Euforia & Caristico vs Rush & Terrible(Friday) 
4.Blue Panther, Stuka Jr. & Guerrero Maya vs Hechicero, Okumura & Johnny Idol(Tuesday) 
4.Mistico, Diamante Azul & Valiente vs Los Guerreros(Ultimo Guerrero, Gran Guerrero & Euforia)(Tuesday) 
4.Mephisto © vs. Soberano Jr. for the CMLL World Welterweight Title(Monday) 
4.Kraneo, Hechicero & Stuka Jr. vs Sam Adonis, Johnny Idol & Titan(Monday) 
4.Dragón Lee, Mistico, Rush vs Forastero, Máscara Año 2000, Sansón 
4.Kawato San, Puma & Tiger vs Drone, Blue Panther Jr. and Stigma(Monday) 
4.Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr., The Panther vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Felino, Kawato San(Friday) 
4.Blue Panther & Atlantis vs El Satanico & Fuerza Guerrera(Saturday) 
4.Soberano Jr. vs Negro Casas, lightning match(Friday) 
4.Felino, Puma, Tiger & Stigma vs. Pantera Blanca Jr., Los Gemelos Pantera I & II, & Stuka Jr.(Friday) 
4.Soberano Jr., Stuka Jr., Titán vs Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón(Friday) 
4.Blue Panther Jr., The Panther & Drone vs. Puma, Tiger & Universo 2000 Jr.(Tuesday) 
4.Kawato San vs. Tiger, Lightning Match(Tuesday) 
4.Polvora vs Sagrado, Lightning Match(Tuesday) 
4.NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero) vs. El Hijos del Infierno(Mephisto, Luciferno & Ephesto)(Monday) 
4.Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr. & The Panther vs Dragon Rojo Jr., Polvora & Kawato San (Tuesday) 
4.Ingobernables(Rush, Terrible & Bestia del Ring) vs. La Park, El Hijo de La Park & Volador Jr.(Friday) 
4.Rush & Mistico (With father Bestia del Ring) vs. Sanson & Cuatrero (With father Cien Caras)(Sunday) 
4.Titan, Esfinge & Triton vs. Okumura, Kawato San & Templario(Tuesday) 
4.Soberano Jr.© vs. Titan Mexican National Welterweight Championship match(Monday) 
4.Pentagon el 0M, Rush, & Terrible vs. Caristico, Volador Jr. & Valiente(Friday) 
4.NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero, & Forastero) vs. Niebla Roja, Angel de Oro & Kraneo(Tuesday) 
4.Caristico, Mistico, & Dragon Lee vs. Pentagon Jr., Negro Casas & Barbaro Cavernario(Friday) 
4.Atlantis © vs. Rush Mexican National Light Heavyweight Championship match(Monday) 
4.Volador Jr. vs Caristico(Monday) 
4.Misterioso, Sagrado & Universo 2000 Jr. vs. Triton, Audaz, & Black Panther(Tuesday) 
4.Atlantis, Soberano Jr. & Mistico vs. NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero)(Tuesday) 
4.Blue Panther Jr., Black Panther & Audaz vs. Okumura, Kawato San & Virus(Tuesday) 
4.Kraneo, Volcano & Stuka Jr. vs. Mephisto, Ephesto & Luciferno(Monday) 
4.[Negro Casas, Felino & Mephisto vs. Audaz, Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja(Friday)](Anniversary iPPV no link found will add if I find it, but may not find it) 
4.Microman, El Gallito & Angel vs. Chamuel, Perico Zakarias & Mije(Tuesday) 
4.Tiger vs. Black Panther lightning match(Tuesday) 
4.Dark Magic, Sanson & Cuatrero vs. Michael Elgin, Kraneo & Diamante Azul(Monday) 
4.NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero) vs. Caristico, David Finlay & Flip Gordon(Tuesday) 
4.Diamante Azul vs. Ultimo Guerrero for the vacant CMLL World Heavyweight Championship(Tuesday) 
4.Templario, Tiger & Virus vs. Titan, Audaz & Triton(Monday) 
4.Rey Cometa, Fuego & Guerrero Maya Jr. vs. Okumura, Kawato San & Tiger(Tuesday) 
4.Último Guerrero, Gran Guerrero & Pentagon vs. Caristico, Valiente & Diamante Azul(Friday) 
4.Flyer vs. Titan in a lightning match(Tuesday) 
4.Microman, Gallito & Guapito vs. Perico, Mije & Chamuel(Friday) 
4.Stuka Jr., Volcano & Kraneo vs. Euforia, Gran Guerrero & Bestia del Ring(Friday) 
4.Panther Clan(Blue Panther, Black Panther & Blue Panther Jr.) vs. Mephisto, Ephesto & Rey Bucanero(Tuesday)
5.Niebla Roja, Angel de Oro & Valiente vs NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero)(Monday) 
5.Puma vs Disturbio, Lightning Match(Tuesday) 
5.Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Hechicero lightning Match(Monday) 
5.Triton, Esfinge, Rey Cometa vs Tiger, Luciferno & Ephesto(Monday) 
5.Stigma, The Panther & Blue Panther Jr. vs Tiger, Sagrado & Misterioso(Monday) 
5.Tiger vs Stigma Lightning Match(Monday) 
5.Ultimo Guerrero vs Atlantis(Monday) 
5.Soberano Jr. vs Mephisto in a lightning match(Monday) 
5.Hechicero, Diamante Azul & Stuka Jr. vs Kraneo, Johnny Idol & Titan(Monday) 
5.Angel de Oro, Volador Jr. & Atlantis vs Cuatrero, Negro Casas & Ultimo Guerrero(Friday) 
5.Audaz, Flyer & Star Jr. vs Templario, Virus & Disturbio, Friday Night 5.Stuka Jr., Guerrero Maya Jr. & Rey Cometa vs Kawato San, Okumura & Johnny Idol(Tuesday) 
5.Cavernario, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas vs Johnny Idol, Okumura, Sam Adonis(Friday) 
5.Super Astro Jr. vs Yago(Tuesday) 
5.Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia, Mephisto vs Caristico, Volador Jr. & Valiente(Friday) 
5.Audaz, Super Astro Jr. & Star Jr. vs. Virus, Disturbio & Universo 2000 Jr.(Tuesday) 
5.Magnus, Oro Jr. & Principe Diamante vs. Nitro, Raziel & Cancerbero(Tuesday) 
5.Valiente, Blue Panther & Kraneo vs NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero)(Friday) 
5.Block B Finals of Gran Alternative Caristico & Star Jr. vs. Ultimo Guerrero & Templario(Friday) 
5.Mephisto, Ephesto & Luciferno vs. Blue Panther Jr., Titán & Tritón(Tuesday) 
5.Audaz, Drone & Fuego vs Puma, Tiger & Kawato San(Friday) 
5.Felino, Luciferno & Ephesto vs Stuka Jr., Titan & Triton(Tuesday) 
5.El Hijo del Infierno(Mephisto, Luciferno & Ephesto) vs Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr. & The Panther(Tuesday) 
5.Estrellita, Mistique, Princesa Sugehit, Marcela & Maligna vs Dalys, Amapola, Reyna Isis, Seductora & La Metalica Torneo Cibernetico from Amazonas(Sunday) 
5.Atlantis © vs Rey Bucanero for the Mexican National Light Heavyweight Championship(Tuesday) 
5.Dragon Lee, Mistico & Flyer vs. Negro Casas, Euforia & Forastero(Tuesday) 
5.NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero) vs. Kraneo, Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja(Tuesday) 
5.Super Astro Jr./Principe Diamante vs. Policeman/Sangre Azteca(Friday) 
5.Atlantis, Caristico & Euforia vs. Los ingobernables(Rush, Terrible & Bestia del Ring)(Monday) 
5.Rey Cometa, Fuego & Pegasso vs. Misterioso, Sagrado & Kawato San(Friday) 
5.Stigma, Super Astro Jr. & Rey Samuray vs. Templario, Universo 2000 Jr. & King Jaguar(Monday) 
5.Triton, Drone & Stigma vs. Okumura, Kawato San & Malayo(Monday) 
5.Matt Taven, Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja vs. Mephisto, Ephesto & Templario(Monday) 
5.Ingobernables(Rush/Naito/Bushi) with Evil, Terrible, Bestia del Ring & La Comandante vs. Volador Jr., La Park & Diamante Azul(Friday) 
5.Mistico & Rush vs. Sanson & Cuatrero(Monday)
5.[Princesa Sugehit, La Jarochita and Marcela and vs. Dalys, La Metalica and Reyna Isis(Friday)](Anniversary iPPV no link found will add if I find it, but may not find it) 
5.Okumura, Kawato San & Virus vs. Fuego, Blue Panther Jr. & Black Panther(Friday) 
5.Angel de Oro, Niebla Roja & Flyer vs. Mephisto, Ephesto & Templario(Friday) 
5.Felino, Tiger & Misterioso vs. Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr. & Black Panther(Tuesday) 
5.La Park, Volador Jr. & Mistico vs. Hechicero, The Chris & Barbaro Cavernario(Friday) 
5.Pentagon, Caristico, & David Finlay vs. Rush, Terrible & Barbaro Cavernario(Friday) 
5.Los Guerreros Laguneros(Ultimo Guerrero/Gran Guerrero/Euforia) vs. Rush, Mistico & Caristico(Monday) 
5.NGD(Sanson/Cuatrero/Forastero) vs. Los Guerreros Laguneros(Ultimo Guerrero/Gran Guerrero/Euforia)(Monday) 
5.Stuka Jr., Kraneo & Volcano vs. Hechicero, Dark Magic & Ephesto(Tuesday) 
5.Dalys © vs. Marcela for the CMLL Women’s World Title(Monday) 
5.Felino, Tiger & Tyson la Bestia vs. Kraneo, Volcano & Flyer(Monday) 
5.Princesa Sugehit, Avispa Dorada & La Guerrera vs. Dalys, Tiffany & La Seductora(Tuesday) 
5.Astral, Electrico & Fuego vs. Raziel, Cancerbero & Disturbio(Friday)
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n89y · 6 years
Me quedan 20 días aquí en GDL
Y neta los estoy contanto, antes contaba los días para venir aquí y ahora quiero irme, wtf!
este gif ejemplifica mucho de lo que siento
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gmariam321 · 7 years
Has anyone read John’s biographies? A friend told me that he talks about CoE in one of them and how they (he and GDL) were directed to act more like soldiers and comrades in arms than lovers. 
Did the director not read the entire script? Did he not see series 2 or read any of the EU or listen to any of the BBC radio plays? 
They WERE lovers.
The promo pics totally played this up! Hello! 
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And yet the director told them not to act like like lovers? 
It would have really added some depth to the entire story if we’d seen Jack and Ianto act a little more like lovers they were rather than the “couple” bullshit and awkward hugs we got on Day One. It would have made Day Four even more sad. Seriously - bad call. 
I am not a CoE denier. It happened. Ianto died. I think it was, in general (and minus a few plot holes) a really good, dark, fascinating, and tragic story. But it could have been so much better, and this is one of those things. They were lovers and they should have set it up better. 
When my family bought me the DVDs for Christmas a few years ago, I sort of made the watch it with me. And at the end my dad said, “Those two guys were together? Really?” Because for someone who’d never heard of or seen Torchwood, it wasn’t clear at all. He liked the story and thought it was well done, but he had no idea, even on Day Four, that they were a couple. 
Sometimes I think that for all Torchwood crowed about being so LGBTQ friendly, it really wasn’t. By series 3 they seemed more afraid of it than anything. A truly LGBTQ show would have given us more LGBTQ couples and moments, rather than the barely there hints of Jack and Ianto we did get. Sure, there were a few snogs, but they never followed up on it! We saw everyone else in their homes and in their beds with their heterosexual partners, but we never saw Jack and Ianto in a happy, domestic moment, except for that quickie in the hothouse. That’s not groundbreaking, that’s the same as every other show at the time. 
Sometimes I wonder why I love this show so much. I even asked Avaantares this last night. The answer?
Ianto Jones.
Ianto Jones and All The Things We Didn’t Get But Should Have Had In A Same Sex Relationship Between Two Fascinating Characters.
Thank god for fanfiction.
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thegaleryoc · 5 years
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#TBT cuando le dije a un jugador que si cambiamos condones: Trabajando en la competencia de rugby, termina el juego de Brasil, veo a este jugador y le pido una foto (posso tirar uma fotinho con vc?) Y dice que sí. Después de eso le pregunto que si cambiamos de playera, pero olvidé como se decía playera en portugués así que le digo: quer trocar camisinha? -Y se me queda viendo con cara de wtf? Luego sonríe, y en eso reaccioné que camisinha es "condón", me disculpo y le hago señas que me refería a camiseta. Al final no cambiamos nada :( . . . #rugbyplayer #brasil #panamericanos #guadalajara2011 #gdl #rugby #game #sport #young #smile #bear #blonde # (at Estadio Rugby Tlaquepaque) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6AB1pAhH1b/?igshid=atpzr6esuylr
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La suerte está de mi lado!
Quiero que quede asentado en el universo lo emocionada que estoy por este fin de semana. Es puente/fin de semana largo del 15, 16 y 17 de noviembre del 2019. Tenía planeado ir a Uruapan con mi papá a visitarlo y aprovechar para limpiar la casa del lote, ya que nuestras cosas siguen ahí (muebles y ropa por ejemplo), pero después me fijé que iba a ser un gasto para el cual ahorita no tengo la solvencia, y luego pasó algo increíble! Me gané boletos para ir a Calaverandia! Ya se que el día de muertos ya pasó pero estoy muy emocionada porque es algo que solo puedo encontrar aquí en Guadalajara y a lo cual no voy a tener la misma accesibilidad para ir si me voy de aquí ya sea a Zihua o a cualquier otro lado a vivir -lo cuál tengo planeado- y además me los gané!!!! No los estaba buscando porque ya me había resignado a qué no iba a ir este año (cuesta $500 el boleto por persona+mi Uber de regreso...no Thanks) pero cuando estaba averiguando si en alguna estación de radio o en Facebook o en alguna parte estaban regalando boletos para el Dreamfields, me topé con que en la misma estación estaban regalando para ambos, y me puse a escucharla... elegí una hora con programación muy aburrida por cierto, pero en eso la locutora dijo que enviaras WhatsApp a tal número para ganar tus pases dobles para Calaverandia me emocioné y anoté lo que debía...sin embargo, enseguida dijo que los que iban a ganar serían el mensaje número 24 y el número 48..chin! Así que me espere unos segundos y lo envié; y unos minutos después me respondieron que gané!!!! Pueden creerlo?! WTF! Fui el mensaje ganador! Marianita dijo que eso sí era tener suerte! Y ya lo creo! Me emocioné muchísimo! Así que hoy pasé a recoger mis boletos y vamos a ir el lunes que es el último día. Porque el lunes? Porque estoy participando en una página de Facebook para ganarme los boletos para el Dreamfields! Es el segundo año de este festival aquí en Gdl, yo lo veo como si fuera el Tomorrowland pues, así que obvio quiero ir, pero el costo del boleto es de $1,000pesos por día! (Son 2 días) Así que pues el mismo caso...no tengo la soltura económica para pagar eso y seguir comiendo durante la misma quincena, pero bueno; por eso busqué donde estuvieran sorteando los y aquí me tienen participando diaria y obedientemente, haciendo todo lo que esté en mis manos para ganarme ese boleto!! Ya quiero que me digan que sí me los gané, jaja.... sé que no es seguro que me los gane pero la verdad si creo que tengo altas posibilidades porque muy pocas personas le dieron like a la publicación. Ojalá que si gane! Muero de ganas de ver/escuchar a Lost Frequencies y a Martin Garrix! Y ambos están el sábado! Lo cual me conviene porque este fin además lo tenemos ocupado con un tour a Tequila el domingo Mariana, Israel y yo :D ya lo reservé también! Que emoción, el sábado Dreamfields, el domingo Tequila y el lunes Calaverandia...ojalá que si me lo gane! Igual pienso beber mucho en Tequila, tiene tiempo que no lo hago, será también divertido...bueno, dormiré porque es very late y muero de sueño...bye mundo!
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needl · 5 years
Ya harte de que me chiqueen wtf ya mejor me regreso a gdl a sufrir y que me manipulen emocionalmente hehehe
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tinamaetales · 8 years
Parkers, Imogens with a side of Saints (mga hugot part 2)
Long post ahead, kasi :( 
(And sorry rin kasi puno ‘to ng spoilers)
Ito’ng blog post na ito ay nakalaan para sa “Just” series ni beeyotch (tulad ng aking nabanggit sa nakaraang blog post) Gaya ng sinabi ko noon, yung Just the Benefits at Just the Strings ay ang mga kwento na talagang paborito ko sa lahat ng kwento na nabasa ko sa wattpad. Sa sobrang paborito ko, di ako makamove on. As in tuwing 5:04 pm naiiyak ako. Tuwing maririnig ko yung “Stitches” ni Shawn Mendes si Shiloah naalala ko. Tuwing magdadab sila Jess at Gabriel ang naaalala ko ay ang #TeamBanal. Tuwing makakakita ako ng soccer ball ang naiisip ko agad ay si Parker Y, Parker P. at si Preston. Yung mga simpleng bagay na related sa mga kwentong yan ay para bang napakahalaga na sa akin. 
Di ko rin talaga alam kung ano ang purpose ng blog post na ito, kung book review ba or mag eemote lang ako dito. Basta ang alam ko, lahat ng nararamdaman ko sa books na yun, sasabihin ko. (sana lang masabi ko ng maayos, magulo pa naman akong kausap) Saka sorry na agad kasi puro spoilers ‘to.
Simulan na natin. Una ko talagang nabasa yung second book, yung Just the Strings. Wala pa ako sa kalahati ay nagtataka na ako kung bakit parang push na push yung mama ni Imogen (na Imogen din ang name) na sila ni Parker ang magkatuluyan. Tapos naasar din ako sa mama niya dahil parang di maka move on dun sa ex niyang Parker din ang pangalan eh may asawa na siya. At dahil nga naguguluhan ako, ayun di ko na muna tinuloy ang pagbabasa ng Just the Strings kasi binasa ko na lang muna ang Just the Benefits tutal yun naman ang unang book at sabi ng kapatid ko mas maiinitindihan ko ang mga bagay bagay kung mababasa ko yung una.
Just the Benefits.
Umpisa pa lang dito nastress na ako eh. Nakaka stress kasi ang relasyon nila Imogen Harrison at Parker Yapchengco. Alam mo naman na mahal na mahal nila ang isa’t isa pero parang may mali. Nakakainis lang yung tinatago ni Parker si Imogen, yung tila kinakahiya. Nakakaasar kasi nagmumukhang kabit si Imo. Ito yung kwento na habang binabasa mo mapapakanta ka ng “Secret Love Song” ng Little Mix eh. Kasi ganyan na ganyan yung relasyon nila. Tapos nandito pa si Shiloah na di ko alam kung nawawalang miyembro ba ng labintatlong martyr ng Cavite sa sobrang ano niya. Bakit ba kasi ganito ‘tong libro na ‘to? Pinakita nito sa akin na ang sakit sakit at ang sarap sarap magmahal? WTF. Ayoko na :( </3
Isa sa mga naunawaan ko sa kwentong ito na totoo ngang ang mga sikreto ay isa sa mga nakakasira ng relasyon. Dahil kapag may sikreto ka, siyempre magdudulot yun ng miskomunikasyon at kawalan ng tiwala. Kung naging totoo lang sana si Parker nung umpisa pa lang, siguro naging iba ang takbo ng kwento. Siguro hindi ganun kasakit. Pero ganun naman talaga di ba? Kapag nagmamahal ka, masasaktan at masasaktan ka dahil di ka naman masasaktan kapag di mo mahal. Siguro nga may mga tao sa buhay natin na dadaan lang para magsilbi bilang isang aral. Na dumating lang sila sa buhay natin upang maging daan sa mas higit pa. Siguro nga yung great love na inaakala natin ay isa lang palang daan para sa totoong great love mo. At ang mga trahedya sa buhay na ating hinaharap ay ang magpapatibay sa atin.
Imogen Harrison. Sa kanya ko nakita yung klase ng tao na kahit nasasaktan na, tuloy pa rin sa pagmamahal. Nagustuhan ko sa karakter niya ay yung pagiging makatotohanan ng dating kasi di ba may mga taong ganyan naman talaga yung tipong kapag nagmahal ibibigay ang lahat kahit wala nang matira sa kanya? Siya yun. Ibinigay lahat ng pagmamahal kay Parker pero dahil nga lahat ng sobra masama eh di yun. Di ko naman masasabi na huli na bago niya nakita yung halaga niya, yung tipong dapat nagtira rin siya sa sarili niya. Sobrang daming pinagdaanan niya in life minsan nga habang nagbabasa ako nung kwento niya napapatanong na lang ako ng “Kaya pa teh?” Matatag siyang tao pero lahat naman tayo may limitasyon di ba? 
Parker Yapchengco. Ang sakit niya mahalin. Ang sakit mahalin pero sobrang worth it. Lahat naman ginagawa niya eh pero kasi may mga bagay talagang hindi natin makokontrol. Minsan napapatanong na lang ako kung bakit siya pa? Kasi nagmahal lang naman siya pero bakit kailangan mangyari yun? Oo may pagka gago siya pero grabe naman siya magmahal. Siya yung klase ng tao na mapapakanta ka ng The One That Got Away ni Katy Perry. Kasi siya na yung “The One” pero he got away. In another life, I would make you stay so I don’t have to say you were the one that got away </3
Shiloah Suarez. Habang nagbabasa ako ng JTB, di ko maiwasan matanong kung ito bang si Shiloah ay nawawalang miyembro ng mga martyr ng Cavite. Grabe siya eh. Grabe siya magmahal, yung tipong kahit na harap harapan nang pinapakita sa yo na may iba, na hindi ikaw, mamahalin ka pa rin niya. Kahit na saktan mo siya ng paulit ulit wala siyang pakielam basta ang priority niya ay maging masaya yung taong mahal niya kahit na hindi siya parte ng kasiyahang ito. Nakakainis na kung minsan kasi ang perfect niya pero willing siya ma gago basta para sa mahal niya. Papatayuan ko siya ng monumento.
Bianca the psychopath. Di na-reveal ang surname ng lecheng ‘to. Basta isa siyang psychopath dahil sa kagagahan niya may namatay (dapat siya na lang) sorry spoiler. Pero nung sinubukan ko namang intindihin yung character niya medyo gets ko naman yung pinanggagalingan niya (medyo lang). Siya kasi yung na-deprive sa pagmamahal kaya nung nagmahal siya sobra to the point na it made her become crazy and she did everything just to get what she wants. LITERAL NA NABALIW SA PAGIBIG, WAG TULARAN. 
Toby (di na-reveal ang surname niya eh). Ito yung klase ng tao na ang sakit magsalita pero totoo. Kumbaga, sa mundong puno ng pretentions, be a Toby. Kasi ‘tong si Toby, presidente ng real talk. Wala siyang pake kung masasaktan ka basta sasabihin niya ang totoo sa yo para matauhan ka na kasi ayaw niyang nakakakita ng taong nagtatanga tangahan. Masakit magsalita, nananampal ang katotohanan pero mas mabuti na yun kaysa matamis na kasinungalingan di ba?
Marami pang mga tauhan mula sa Just the Benefits na talagang tumatak sa akin. Walang sayang na character dito bes, promise. Basahin mo ‘to kasi marami kang marerealize na mga bagay bagay. Nakaka stress nga lang basahin kasi ang sakit sakit ng plot pero just think of it as a taste of reality, kasi masakit talaga magmahal pero worth it.
Just the Strings
Kung anong stress naman ang dulot ng pagbabasa ng JTB dahil nga sa masakit na takbo ng kwento nito, ito namang sequel nakaka gv, promise! I love its romcom vibes. Nakakatuwa kasi kahit na mas light ang approach dito eh deep naman din ang love na ipinakita. Ang meron sa kwento na ito naman ay tungkol sa next generation nila Parker at Imogen. SPOILER ALERT na, di sila nagkatuluyan sa unang story pero hiniling kasi ni Parker (na medyo pabiro) na yung next generation daw sana nila magkatuluyan na. So dito magsisimula yung complication.
May anak na lalaki yung ate ni Parker Yapchengco na si Kach, tapos ipinangalan din sa kanya tapos si Imogen naman may anak na babae na pinangalanan nilang Mary Imogen. Mga bata pa lang sila palagi na sinasabihan ng both parents na dapat sila ang magkatuluyan, na para sila sa isa’t isa. Si Mary Imogen, nadala siya sa ganung pagpupush sa kanila ni Parker kaya na-inlove siya tapos si Parker II naman ayaw niya kasi feeling niya wala na siyang kalayaang pumili. Pero paano kung tadhana na mismo ang nagsasabing hindi? Mapipilit pa ba? Pero paano naman kung tadhana na rin ang nagsasabing para sila sa isa’t isa?  Huli na ba ang lahat?
Mary Imogen. I love her. Ang bait niya kasi tapos ang genuine niya magmahal. For years, she loved Parker Palma. Siguro isa sa mga factor dito ay yung dahil nga lagi siyang pinupush ng mama niya, pero may sarili naman siyang puso at isip eh kaya nung na fall na siya kay Parker, talagang na fall siya. Mahal niya bes kahit na nasasaktan na siya, walang reklamo. Umiiyak lang ng tahimik. (mala Shiloah ang peg) Pero kahit ganun, she remained the genuine and loving person that she is. Kainis ang perfect. 
Parker II. Itong si Parker naman naasar ako sa kanya. Kasi kahit harap harapan na niyang nasasaktan si Mary, push pa rin siya. Ayaw niya kasing dinidiktahan siya. Sabagay, ikaw ba naman mula pagkabata mo pinapagawa na sa yo yung mga bagay na di mo naman bet di ka kaya mauumay? He was made to become a replica of his Tito Parker and he hates it. Nasasakal siya. Pero sa kanya ko napatunayan yung “You only know you love her when you let her go and you let her go” HIS REALIZATIONS BECAME TOO LATE. 
Saint GDL. Siya yung knight in shining armor. Yung tipong dumating siya sa buhay mo in the most perfect timing. Nakakatuwa siya kasi kahit na siya yung typical na male lead mo - gwapo, athletic, lovable, eh unique siya in his own ways. I guess its the GDL effect. Kunting chapters pa lang nababasa ko tungkol sa kanya gusto ko na agad siya. May mga mistakes man siyang nagawa, at least he knows how to own up to them and wala eh SAINT GDL yan. Napapakanta na lang ako ng Ikaw na ba si Mr. Right? 
Tapos yung mga supporting characters pa like the GDL brothers, sila Kath, Liza, Benj, Jackson, Finley, Riley and of course si Performer Preston ay nagdagdag ng kulay sa kwentong ito. Lahat ng characters dito ang sarap itropa eh :)
What I love the most about this story is that even if may strings (may connection), the characters turned out to shine on their own. I love how lovable Mary is at kung paano siya magmahal. I also love how adorable Saint is, yung kahit na maangas ang datingan pero pagdating sa love of his life naman eh softy (yung cuddly type ganern, hihi). And, I learned how to love and understand Parker II. Overall, na witness ko kung paano nag grow yung mga characters, yung from being the young, wild and free teenagers to responsible young adults. I also learned a lot from this. Isa na siguro sa mga natutunan ko ay iyong matutong magpahalaga sa mga tao, don’t take them for granted kasi ikaw ang magsisisi sa huli. Pangalawa, gaya nga ng sabi sa isang TV ad, wag mahihiyang magtanong kung may ritemed ba nito kemerut. Wag puro assumptions, magtanong, magcommunicate. Kasi miscommunication can destroy relationships. Pangatlo, mahirap kalaban si timing. Pang-apat, don’t be afraid to love.  
So yeah, this is just a blog post that tells you about stories of great love that involve Parkers, Imogens with a side of “Saints” All of them deserve to love and be loved, maybe not in the way they expected to because something greater is in store.
tinamae aka kristine
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gdlavzo · 1 year
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my ACNH bedroom 🪴🧸
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patmay81 · 9 years
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