#wtf why did writing this nearly make me cry
wr-n · 1 year
Nightmare has such a complex about owning things, i love it so much. Just the fact that the people he chose to keep with him have significance to him and people taking them away is more of an atrocity to him than anything else.
That's why he was so upset when Cross decided to be more loyal to Dream because he saw him FIRST. He was supposed to be HIS.
He knows Dream isn't trying to intentionally goad him into rage-filled tantrums, but he still hates that, yet again, everyone loves Dream over him.
It's why he clings to Killer and Dust because they want him. They try to get closer to him even when he hurts them.
They're so special to him.
With Horror it's... complicated. Because he knows that what they had could never get any further than a boss and employee relationship and that was sufficient. But it does sting him sometimes when he can feel Horror's thoughts of leaving and never coming back.
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princekirijo · 8 months
You know thinking about it Riku could also be a Lovers Arcana character. His story + arc very much revolves around his relationships with other characters (particularly his family and most importantly himself).
Captain is ultimately his arcana however because I feel like his stubbornness and his like willingness to keep going is what makes him a Chariot character (as Captain is an alternative to Chariot). He's also a very devoted/emotional character and I think that plays into it too!
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bluewhitehues · 1 month
"An I love you card."
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(Yes another HUG series drabble, sue me for missing them. They are my home😭)
Idol Kim Mingyu× F.reader
Genre/tags :fluff,comfort,Established relationship.
Summary: Reader just misses her lover so much. + mingyu buys an apartment so that he can finally ask you to live together with him.
(My brain isn't functioning a lot lately so idk about the summary,just read the fic you will understand, ok bye cuties🏃‍♀️‍➡️😭)
You: Lover...I'm breaking up with you if you don't come and give me my hugs till tonight.
Gyu❤️: Baby hello to you too and wtf you scared the shit out of me why'd you start your text like that😭..I'm coming okay wait for me
You: you better if you want me in your life👍🏻
Gyu❤️: stop scaring me ...don't you love me anymore? 🥺🥺
You: yeah and on a serious note love I'm not trying to make you feel bad about this I understand that you have work ..it's just I want to see you and hold you ..I miss you 🥺🤐
Gyu❤️: I Know love I know ..do you need something to eat should I get you something?
You: You.. I'm gonna eat your cheeks and lips off
Gyu❤️: oh god babe you've lost it ..is this what the lack of me does to you?
You: It does..it's a serious issue you dont understand
Gyu❤️: okay sweets gotta go I'll be there till 9-10pm may be ..rest till then ok?bye love you mwahhhh
You: yes can't wait to see you love you too❤️
Currently it's 5PM of your day off and you're about to cry because you miss your lover. Honestly it hasn't been that long since you met him. You saw each other nearly 24 hours back. But those meetings has been like just some fleeting moments. And you can't help but miss him from deep within. Your week has been exhausting too and he cures literally everything for you.
It's still 4-5 hours till you can see him. You're not even sleepy anymore you already took a nap. So you just decide to do some self care. You put a sheet mask on your face. (And make a silly face with a pout for the selfie and send it to mingyu. Like Ofcourse.) You even do your nails. Then you get a silly idea to make a greeting card for him with a letter may be. You excitedly take a white paper and few colours, pencils,pens everything.
You draw a cute panda holding a heart. And write 'An I love you card' below it.
And put a cute letter inside it.
After that you eat dinner and wait for him.
You hear the keys rustling and know it's him. You've already done a lot of waiting so you go almost running to the door, your heart beating fast. He comes inside locking the door, when he turns around you're there already running to him, crashing into his arms. He let's out a surprised chuckle wrapping his arms around you.
"Hey there, looks like you missed me a little too much huh" He said closing his eyes feeling you in his arms, your warmth invading his chest and to whole body and his to yours. That's the most beautiful feeling and the very reason why you crave it so much.
You hum in the hug, clutching him tightly.
"I did and I'm not going to let you go now."
Then you look up and he sees your face and eyes, it looks like you're about to cry. Eyes teary while looking up at him and a small pout. He coos at you, instantly holding your face in his hands. "Aww my baby, what happened I'm here now aren't I hmm" He says wiping the corners of your eyes.
You lean into his touch. "I don't know..you made me cry." You pout harder and he leans down to peck your pout. Once, twice. "Don't say that.. what did I do?" He asks pouting back.
You look everywhere moving your eyes as if thinking of something to say. "You were just saying anything,weren't you?" He giggles now that he has figured you out. Squishing your face in adoration. His eyes crinkling as he smiles wide.
You nod,letting out a laugh. "Yeah you know me."
"Mhm thought so." He says then picking you up. He walks to the couch in living room,flopping down on it with you in his lap.
"You sure everything's ok baby?" He asks kissing your head.
"Yeah just...missed you so much." You whisper in his neck,where your face is buried. He rubs your back soothingly. You pull back from the hug to look at him.
"Did you eat?" You ask tracing his face with your fingers. "Mhm I did with the guys." He says sighing into your touch. Placing his forehead on your shoulder. You caress his hair, hugging him tighter and kissing his temple, then ear and then neck. He tilts his head towards your neck and places sweet pecks on your neck too. You pull back making him look up at you, you put your forehead on his saying "kiss me."
And he smiles, complying to you without wasting a single second. He kisses you and you feel home again. He squeezes you to himself hugging you tighter so you know he missed you just as much. You share a few sweet kisses and then pull back.
"You know how bored I was ...I spent the whole day alone." You tell him.
"I wish I had a day off too baby, I'd have loved to spend my whole day with you." He says pouting a little, tucking your hair strand behind your ear.
"It's okay you're here now" You say giving him a smile and a peck at his nose. He scrunches it cutely with a chuckle.
" Oh wait !! I've something for you." You say suddenly remembering something. Your eyes a little wide with excitement. You get up so fast from his lap. You pick up the card from table and hand it over to him.
He takes it, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion but a smile on his face.
"An I love you card" He reads and looks up to you with a bright smile. "Oh my god babe you're so fucking cuteeee ahh" he says laughing while pulling you closer by your waist,so you're standing in front of him.
"You've to open it " You let out a giggle urging him to open it.
'There are so many shitty people in the world but I Met you..I have you..how did I get you? You're so lovable you know? And I love you for who you are. So kind,loving,caring. You keep calling me angel but you are the real angel. Thank you for coming into my life. I love you so much. I'm writing this because you need to know this and also because I fucking miss you right now. Ok bye don't make fun of me after this.' ~only yours,y/n.
You see all of his expressions with each word,with each line he reads, he melts a little more. h
He tries to control his smile. He looks up at you with tearful eyes. Grabbing your hand he pulls you closer. "How are you so cute baby." He sighs caressing your hands, "How did you get me you say..?.. But how did I get you?" "You're so precious you know that ? It's not even my birthday or anything special, it's just a random day and you're here making me feel so loved." He's looking up at you with so much love in his eyes with a sweet grin on his face, which you love so much.
You chuckle combing your fingers through his slightly long hair. "Baby, it's just me saying I love you in a silly way,it's nothing special.it's just a card."
"Well it is special to me." He says pulling you on his lap again. "And I'm going to cherish it forever, I'll keep it safe with me...thank you." "And I love you too by the way." He says grinning wide,giving you a peck on the lips.
"And I was going to do something special to tell you this or may be I should have asked you before doing this but.." He sighs.." I don't know I just love you so much and I want you to know, I want you with me always. So.." He takes a breath to prepare himself. He fishes out keys from his pocket. "I've been carrying these around since a week." He chuckles nervously, while your heart is beating fast.
"I know I should have probably asked you before doing this, but I just ..I wanted to do it for us ...so ..I bought an apartment for us . It's registered under both of our names."
You gasp "gyuu-" your eyes wide.
"I-I know baby ..it's a big step but ...will you move in with me baby?" He asks finally. "You know that I want a future with you right? For me You're my one and only." He says clutching your hands in his.
You finally let out a sob mixed with a watery laugh. Nodding furiously you say "You're my one and only too gyu. Shit I didn't know you'd do something like this ..but I've thought about this almost daily, when I want you to hold me to sleep. When I want to see you as soon as I open my eyes in the morning. Fuck you don't know how much I miss you when we can't meet or whenever I have to sleep alone." You sniffle and he's wiping your tears, nodding along with whatever you're saying.
"It's a little scary but I trust you with my whole life, so yes I'd very much love to move in with you."
His puppy eyes slowly get bigger in size as he gets happy "Really? Oh my god...I love youuu" He says getting up with you, spinning you.
"Oh my god you're going to make us fall..slow down." You laugh as his giggles fill the room. He stops putting you down on the ground.
"Is tomorrow ok with you? I want to show you the place first then we can decide the rest." He asks. "Yes." You say becoming a blushing mess making him coo at you.
a/n: idk if this is any good but i wrote this in June, finally finished it. Also im sorry for making you wait for 'I hate you not' series.it's also halfway done but it'll take a lot of time for me to actually post it. I'm more into reading than writing these days so please feel free to suggest me some good fics. Thank you for reading this. Hope y'all are having a nice day 🥹🫶
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kenposting · 1 year
New Guy Part 2! Ah!!!
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Summary: Ken invites you over for dinner at his house - something you were greatly looking forward to! Until you noticed something was on his mind.
WC: 4.2k
AN: literally so many people asked me to write more and i just wanted to cry wtf .......... i just feel so silly like i just like him!!! and u guys like him too gosh i luv u guys!!!!!! wtf!!!
Read Part 1 here: New Guy
Ken was off today and you really, really missed him. For some reason. He brought a sort of light to the diner that was just not there before he arrived. Sure, he made zero fucking sense 90% of the time, but he didn’t take himself too seriously, and that was incredibly refreshing. 
The girls you worked with snickered behind him often, though, and you did pick up on his face whenever he saw them laugh at a question he had or an encouraging comment he’d make. He really was trying his best, but it seemed no one took that into consideration. 
Perhaps that’s why he asked you to come over after your shift today. You never laughed at him, you always answered his questions no matter how simple they were, and you actually spoke to him like you respected him. Because you do! 
It was an odd feeling to keep looking up at the clock. You didn’t have class since it was now Summertime (and neither did he, as important as studying Beach was to him) and, upon realizing Summer meant a break from college, he very hurriedly asked if that meant he could “take you out sometime – but, you know, only if you wanted to, I mean, I don’t want to make you feel pressured or anything…” 
He was so cute for whatever reason and you found yourself unable to let that go – it’s like he wasn’t real; like he hadn’t been tainted by the rest of the world. He cried – literally cried – the last time you were late for a shift because he thought something bad had happened to you. You promised you’d make it up to him however he wanted and all he could think of was asking you to teach him how to ride a bike. You didn’t know why he was like… that… and you didn’t worry yourself trying to figure it out. 
The directions he gave you to his apartment were drawn in crayon on the back of a paper placemat from work. He made sure to include a tiny house and tiny diner and lots of arrows. He knew the way well, too; as if he had recited it to himself lots of times. Maybe he was scared to forget where he lived. Now that you thought about it, he never drove, only ever walked, and he did say he was new to town when you met him a few months back. 
His house was tiny and sweet, only six short blocks from where the two of you worked. You could tell he took great care tending to it, even just by observing the front yard. It was blocked off by a metal gate and seemed to be an older home, simple and freshly painted eggshell white. He had planted flowers around the outside beside the front step before the small patch of grass began. 
You couldn’t see it, obviously, but he had been pacing around inside for half an hour, nervous about seeing you. And you seeing him. Did he look okay? Was his house okay? He was just beside himself, which didn’t go away at all when he heard a gentle knock at the door.
“Hey, Ken!” 
He stood meekly in front of you as you opened the door, nervously folding and wringing his hands together, scared to do or say something that would make a bad impression. He was nearly hiding behind the door. This was silly since you worked with him almost every day (and hung out with him almost every evening). You noticed a shift over the last few weeks – like his bubbly demeanor had subsided a little. It was probably your coworkers getting to him. 
“Thanks for having me over. I like it so far!” 
He smiled sheepishly and looked at the ground, a blush arising on his cheeks as he seemed to regain a little bit of himself at your presence. 
“Thanks! I’ll show you the rest of my mo–” 
He stopped himself, brows furrowed, like he was going to say something out of habit, but remembered something and decided against it.
“My house, but it will probably only take, like, five seconds. It’s pretty small.” 
He stepped aside, holding the door open for you (something ‘gentlemanly’ he had learned from observing other couples at the diner – he was proud he noticed this). You saw his hands shaking, but you appreciated the confident gesture anyways. 
You stepped in beside him as he closed the door behind you, taking in the scenery. His house was… definitely… something. 
“My friend Gloria helped me find it and even paid for the deposit so I could live here and work! I paid her back, of course.” 
He was confident in his home, it came across in his tone of voice. He had surely made it his own. It was loud as hell. The walls were a bright pink color, but somehow it kind of worked. 
“They helped me paint it too! Gloria and her groom-husband and their daughter.” 
Brushing past his bizarre choice of words (but what’s new, it’s Ken), you surprisingly felt relief within yourself at hearing she was married. You hadn’t realized you were holding your breath on that one. 
Your eyes glanced around the place, taking in all of the little things that were so… him. It was like a frat house, but way nicer; cozier. He had shelving all around with little trinkets carefully placed everywhere, some of horses, some of small glass fish, and even some of tiny people. He had put so much thought into these scenes of humans just having fun, one shelf showing a scene of a bunch of friends playing beach volleyball and another showing guys in all black posed in various dance positions playing rock-paper-scissors. 
“Ken, this is so sweet. Did you make all this yourself?” 
He looked aside and blushed, shrugging off the compliment. 
The adjacent wall had framed photos of people dressed in what you assumed to be Halloween costumes. A scene of a fierce man in a gold tracksuit posed next to a blonde girl with a sparkly dress on, the framed photo sitting proudly next to a shot of a group of girls (and one boy) in a mock supreme court dressed in all pink jumpsuits. 
He opened his mouth to tell you about the people in the picture, but you watched as he teared up just thinking about them. It must’ve been a sensitive subject, so you thought it better to not ask. 
Above his (ridiculously messy) desk were tacked drawings on the wall. Crayon drawings. You saw him making them on his breaks. There were little doodles of horses, and some of people having fun at the beach, but mainly horses. You sensed a theme. 
“This section is for all the things people gave me when I came to the real world.” 
His voice was trembling a bit, like he missed them very dearly. Ignoring the ‘real world’ thing, you looked where he was gesturing to see a whole lot of unique and incredibly thoughtful gifts. A tiny disco ball, a small pink model car, a gag book called “Backflips for Dummies” where ‘dummies’ had been crossed out with marker and replaced with a handwritten ‘Ken’, a baby blue record player with matching pink headphones, a seashell, a tiny model campfire, a collection of various headbands, a pink first aid kit – it was just endless. He was clearly so very loved by these people. 
“And all of my furniture was made for me by carpenter Barbie!” 
The Barbie thing was ever-present in his descriptions of home. It didn’t bother you, really, but it was just… getting old. You knew it was just some bit, assuming he was calling his ex-girlfriends Barbies since his name was Ken. A classic joke, sure, but he had beaten it to death at this point. 
“Jeez, Ken, how many girls have you dated?” 
You were careful to come off playfully, never wanting to risk hurting his feelings. You got it, really. He was so sweet and charming, but it felt weird to hear about Carpenter Barbie and Lawyer Barbie – even Stereotypical Barbie. It wasn’t like him at all. His entire personality glowed with respect for everyone he's ever met, so why was he reducing his past loves to just their job title? 
“Oh… No, I haven’t ever… dated anyone before. Their names really were all Barbie, their careers were just how we’d all tell the difference when we were talking about them. I know things are different here. Even you – you’re not named Barbie.” 
You blinked at him. He knew you didn’t believe him, and it showed on his face, like he wanted so badly to just take your hand and introduce you to everyone. His genuineness was hard to pass over, but seriously? All of them were named Barbie? It didn’t make sense. And you supposed it didn’t have to. What did it matter – he lived here now, didn’t he?  
“It’s okay, Ken. Maybe I can meet them one day.” 
His ears pricked at that, stuffing that idea aside for later. It was Summertime, after all. Doesn’t everyone go on vacation for Summer? 
“Mmhm, I can take you!”
It was like he was trying not to fist-pump. He was always so animated. It was one of the very first things you noticed about him. “Anyways… I made dinner. I figured you’d be hungry after working so hard.” 
He stepped into his (tiny) dining area and for the first time, you got a good look at him. His house was kind of a lot – so much so that it had sort of overshadowed him, but as he stood there, the golden evening light from the window washing over him, you wondered how it had taken you so long to notice. 
He stood tall in the archway, wearing a gray pullover sweater, one you’d get at a university (but it had the Barbie logo embroidered on it). Light jeans were cuffed enough to show off his socks. He had swapped the usual white crew-style for patterned ones with little jellyfish all over them. His face was glowing in front of you and you felt yourself just wanting to leap towards him. He looked so cozy and soft and kind and handsome and – 
“I’m not sure what you like with it so I just kind of made everything…” 
You looked over his shoulder to see a rather extensive display of food. Still simple, though, nothing too extravagant, but it was clear he had put a lot of thought into everything. 
Most of his dishes were plastic (and heart-shaped) but you found that rather charming. He had made the same lunch your mom had made growing up, the one you had told him about just days before when he asked you what you’d be doing right now if you could be anywhere in the world. 
“Probably back home, but I’ve got rent to pay so I can’t travel for the Summer if it's longer than a day trip.” 
You remembered him looking so sad, like he was going to cry. The two of you were taking your lunch breaks together, as you did most days. You snacked while he drew horses with crayons on a napkin. He said he wasn’t hungry and that his head was hurting (probably because of the alcohol he’d ordered for the first time on your study date the night before). His cheek was squished, resting on his fist as he scribbled away, very focused. 
“What would you do at home?” 
“Have lunch with my mom at the kitchen table, soup and sandwiches. All the best things always happen at the kitchen table.” 
His face furrowed and scrunched as he put his whole heart into his drawing. His tongue even poked out a few times before he proudly showed it off to you. 
“My art teacher wants to put these in the gallery this weekend! She told me that my drawings perfectly capture the nostalgia of childhood, but I don’t know what those words mean.” 
You looked at him now, standing in front of you in his tiny little house, having prepared all of this just for you, remembering and holding on to everything you had passively told him. It was nearly maddening how kind he was – like you were just waiting for the other shoe to drop at any moment. There had to be a catch. There was no way this guy was real. 
He pulled a (baby blue) chair out, allowing you to sit first. You thanked him for putting all this work in, but he shrugged it off like it was nothing. It was like he was created just to serve the people around him. Even the girls at work that were mean to him – he’d pick up their shifts the second they didn’t feel like coming in and he spoke so highly of them, noting how they’d helped him to get the hang of his job. If only you could figure out this whole Barbie real-world thing, maybe you’d understand him a little better, but right now it all just seemed a little ridiculous – both the stories of his hometown and his chivalrous behavior. There was no way he was real. You’d pinch yourself to see if you’re dreaming, but that didn’t work the last twenty times, so really there’s no point. 
Seriously, though. What was his deal? You liked him so much – it just snuck up on you. You weren’t looking to be with anyone but you just couldn’t figure him out, and maybe you didn’t want to. Every guy you’d known had some bizarre at the least or toxic at the worst trait that came up eventually and you so desperately wanted him to be different. Now was as good a time as any to get it over with, rip the bandaid off, and be free of this false hope. 
“Hey, Ken…” 
His mouth was full but he looked up at you immediately with a great intensity, like he was so concerned to make sure you were alright. His eyelashes fluttered as he blinked at you, waiting (literally) on the edge of his seat. The seats were too small for him. He kind of towered over most of the things in his house, actually. It was like this was a little dollhouse and he had barely begun to outgrow it. 
“What’s with all of the Barbie and Ken stuff?” 
He just looked at you, confused at your question. 
You sighed. 
“I mean, you always say Barbies and Kens instead of just saying women and men. And you always talk about how this… place, this world, is different from your own. I really like you and I’m really trying to understand it but I just don’t get it.” 
He blinked at you, brows furrowing as he nearly choked on his food and tried to gather some sort of answer that wouldn’t further confuse you. 
“You… you like me?” 
You realized what you had said just moments before. It came as a shock to the both of you. You did like him. You liked him so much it was starting to annoy you, actually. 
You nodded, frustrated, like you were searching for some sort of explanation that wouldn’t further confuse him. 
“I do, I like you a lot. I think about you all the time, you’re so silly I just love being around you, you’re ridiculously handsome it’s actually absurd, you’re so good at your job and so kind and you try so hard in school, I love your drawings, I love eating lunch with you, I just love… you. All of you” 
You watched as his lip quivered. He had been trying to hold it in all evening but he just couldn't anymore. 
“You like me?!” 
He bit down on the inside of his lip to stop the shaking. 
“I like you! And I’ve been wanting to tell you for so long but I’ve just never felt this way and… And I just feel like I never know what I’m doing. This place is so different than back home and I always want to take some initiative to show you how I feel but I’m just scared I’m going to bother you and that didn’t work back home and it’s so weird having my own house and–” 
He sighed, looking up at you. 
“This world – this place is so hard to live in.” 
You watched the look on his face. It’s the same face he makes when things get a little too overwhelming. You had seen it before, most recently after he walked right in to a sliding glass door, despreately trying to convince you that they just don’t have those where he’s from. Some things like that are just hard for him. 
You nodded, placing a hand on his. 
“This place is hard to live in. I’ve felt that way my whole life. Like I don’t really fit anywhere and everyone around me knows what they’re doing except me.” 
He nodded so desperately, like you were the first person to ever really understand him. 
“But… Ken, if this place is so hard to live in, why did you come here? And why did you stay?” 
“I came here to figure out why I did what I did.” 
There it was. He answered so quickly, like he had been waiting to tell you this since he met you. You knew it was coming sooner or later. There was no way he was as kind as he seemed, and he was about to tell you about some insane or horrible or creepy or despiciable thing he did to some poor girl before skipping town to ‘find himself’. You’d heard it all before. 
“I really liked this girl back home and she didn’t feel the same way. Not even like she didn’t like me, she just… it was like I was a bother to her, and I was. I waited for her to show up everywhere I’d go and I just wanted her to like me too, but not even romantically. Just like me, as a person, respect me, acknowledge me, validate me, reject me even. She didn’t even do that, she just…” 
He took a deep breath, steadying himself. Your jaw tightened, waiting to hear him say something he couldn’t ever take back. 
“Anyways… I didn’t mind that she didn’t like me, truly. I just hadn’t ever really thought about it before. Like we were meant to be together, but not in a good way – like it was planned and I couldn’t escape it. It was Barbie and Ken, there was no Just Ken.” 
Again, as bizarre as this whole Barbie and Ken thing was, his tone of voice was incredibly convincing. 
“But there is just Ken. I am Ken – and that’s it, that's good, but I didn’t know what that meant or who I was without spending my days just pining for her. After all that she came here to the real world and I wanted to as well. I didn’t come for her, I came for me. And I stayed for you.” 
He was crying now, tears slowly falling from his eyes, like he had been waiting for ages to find the words to explain all of this. 
“I mean… I came here to study. The first time I visited I learned about Patriarchy–” 
“The patriarchy.” 
“Right, the patriarchy, and I felt respected and seen, but I didn’t really get it. I tried to figure it out, I really did, but I couldn’t even do beach here and I kept getting arrested and I just... I just felt worse and worse so I…” 
His lower lip was really shaking now, like he had done something unforgivable. 
“I came home without Barbie and I let her get kidnapped by Mattel and I told all the Kens about what I saw and… and–” 
He was holding back actual sobs. 
“And I turned her dream house into a mojo dojo casa house for Kens only and I made Barbieland into Kendom Land Land of the Men and I made her listen to me play the guitar for, like, ever and ever and I just feel so bad about it all.” 
He took a shaky breath in, still clearly upset about everything. 
“But she was so nice to me about it when we finally talked. And then she came here, so I did too. I signed up for school so I could figure out why I did that and how to help other people realize what they’re feeling before they do something like that too. I know it was wrong and really mean, but I can also see that I was sad and I just liked her and I felt invisible and I didn’t even have a house.” 
He didn’t even have a house? 
“But now I do have a house! And I love learning about Beach and horses but what I really want is to do everything I can to help other people understand why this system doesn’t work, no matter who’s in charge. It didn’t work in Barbieland and it surely doesn’t work here either. It’s all ridiculous and it benefits no one, including those in power. It’s not fair, to guys or girls, to you, even. You can’t even go home during Summer because they barely pay you as much as they pay me just because you’re a girl, and I just started! You trained me! It’s absurd!” 
None of this was making any sense logically, but emotionally, all of it tracked. You felt the same way. You came here to understand the unhealthy behaviors in yourself and to try to help fix the system any way you could. 
“I love my house so much. I’m doing everything I can to figure out how I did something so crazy to all of the Barbies, but I won’t let it make me cynical or cold or mean anymore. I love being alive and even though people make fun of me for crying or blushing too much or asking stupid questions, I love being alive. I know it’s silly, but I love it, I love all of it. Every time you compliment me or help me with something or show me something new I just feel like I’m gonna explode. I don’t understand it, but I never even felt this way about Barbie – I don’t even know if I liked her, really, I think I was just programmed to act like it. I love seeing the older people that come in to work, they love each other so much and I just… I want that. That’s real and I want something real. I want more than a long-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend bride-wife – I want what I see every day here. Like my friend Gloria and her groom-husband and everyone we see at work and at school. You know how people come into the diner every day – literally every day! – just to eat together? And hold hands? And look at each other for so long and just talk and laugh? I have no idea what that’s like, but I want to know so bad. I want to have that. And I want you to have that – even if it’s not with me! Even if you don’t feel the same way, you deserve a good groom-husband more than anyone I’ve ever met, it's absurd that no one is taking care of you!” 
He sighed, closing his eyes. 
“Sorry, what I’m, trying to say is, I just… I don’t understand it but all I want to do is spend time with you. I tried to ask some people at school what to do about... this feeling but their answers were so mean, like you were an object I was entitled to just take for myself. I tried to ask our coworkers but they told me you wouldn’t like me anyways and I believed them. I just… I don’t want to be... patriarchal about it and I have no idea what I’m doing.” 
A quiet fell over the place. You watched as little dust bunnies glittered around him. He had soup on his shirt. 
“Ken, I… I don’t know what to say.” 
You smiled, letting out a gentle laugh. He laughed too. You had been holding your breath at everything he was saying, a blush creeping over your ears. He was blushing too, mostly at himself for going off a little, but also at you. He could stare at you for hours. Most days he’s telling himself not to, straining his eyes away from you at work. His heart just ached when you spoke so kindly to customers or your coworkers or him. Gosh, when you spoke to him. He just melted every time, turning away from you as quickly as possible so you wouldn’t see him fall apart, just bashful. 
“I think you know exactly what you’re doing. And you’re damn good at it, too. If you’d asked me I’d say you’re the most experienced human I know.” 
Relief was painted on his face, a sense of calm falling over the two of you like a gentle, quiet snowfall. You really were the only one that understood him, but moreover, he was the only one that understood you. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing either, Ken. I don’t think anyone does. Everyone is just pretending, I promise. I watch the way those same couples spend their days just… existing together. It’s like they don’t have a care in the world when they’re next to each other and I feel that way when I’m with you. I also don’t know what I’m doing, but I can learn. We can learn. We can figure it out. And I don’t really understand the Barbies or Kens or Real World stuff you’re talking about most days, but that doesn’t mean you can’t show me.” 
He looked so simple, sat right in front of you, and you watched as he smiled – like all of a sudden he wasn’t so confused anymore. 
“Do you know how to roller-blade?” 
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nanaminokanojo · 1 year
Someone did a twitter poll for who’s the biggest villain in anime and Oikawa placed number 1 above villains like Sukuna who placed 4th 💀 man’s was just tryna win his volleyball game
Hi, anon ☺️👋
I saw that! 🤣 I don't know if people voted for him/included him in it as a joke (and I know he's got real haters like Terushima my baby boo) but it's just so weird how he's being touted as a villain in the leagues of homicidal, pure evil characters like Hisoka and Sukuna...or that guy that says "Bang" with his hand and...(don't watch it) Like... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Okay, so Oikawa is petty, a brat and a typical private-school kid snob. He's a bully, too, quite honestly. Case in point:
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Maybe the difference was that he also was an antagonistic dipshit (meant fondly) even outside of court, particularly to Kageyama.
But I don't get why Oikawa gets the "villain" title when (1) he wasn't the so-called boss battle and (2) there are other characters who behaved the same way he did without the difference of the matter being outside of volleyball.
I mean, did he ever say or do anything bad that was outside of the topic of volleyball? Like personal attacks to other characters?
Sure, he hates volleyball geniuses like Kageyama and Ushijima but he acknowledges that fact and he was never one to underestimate their talents. But then again, that's within the parameters of the sport as opposed to it being personal beef.
And to be honest, blondie from Inarizaki is more antagonistic if we'll base it off of the bitch meter.
Hello, have you met, Atsumu?
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Even his twin thinks he's a jackass. Jk ily bubu and you'll always be special to me but like this one's got attitude problems, is super loud but arrogant enough to make the whole court shut up during his serves and called his fangirls squealing pigs. At least Oikawa is nice to his fans.
100% will definitely make Oikawa cry if they try to out-bitch each other.
And speaking of making Oikawa cry...
Ushijima frikkin Wakatoshi! He could do no wrong. WRONG!
Like Oikawa, he's such a typical private school kid snob. You just know they're from those expensive boarding schools cause they have that attitude, like they look at you from below their patrician noses. Like wtf did the kids from the "Kōkōs" ever do to you "Gakuen" bitches?
Huh, Shirabu?
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Anything you wanna say, Kunimi?
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Okay. Back to the big guy...
Just look at him! He's super hawt and I love him to pieces rawr! 😍 Not the point. This one's elitist as fuck, you can't tell me otherwise. Like I can't write him as a poor/average person. It's weird. 😂
To Oikawa he goes, "My team's the bestest among the best and your team is shit except for you, I like you. Set for me." Like he fucking says this to Oikawa after Seijoh loses to Karasuno and for what? Read the room? My baby wants to be alone with...
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And then! Ushiwaka goes around and spouts this bs about fertile soil producing the best yield i.e. Shiratorizawa and him and his team. Idk that sounded so high-handed to me, like oh sure, it's a fact that with the privilege to be in a private school that could fund good sports training, one could become a better athlete than others. Or sure, with innate talent, they could be better. It gives them an edge.
I might be wrong but it's like he's calling out Hinata and Kageyama for being from that proverbial "concrete" i.e. Karasuno OR Oikawa for being the only "efficient (?!)" player from Seijoh with his bad teammates.
It's unfair because (A) it's not like it's within Hinata and Kageyama's control that Karasuno doesn't have the best coaching there is and (B) it's not like Oikawa has control over who gets to be in his team even if he is captain. And they don't deserve to hear Ushijima say, "I don't wanna talk to losers who can't win against Oikawa and his shit team."
Biiiitch. Tell me that's not bad. Haha I really went for Toshi's ass. Sorry, my sweet manly man that I wanna climb.
But did Oikawa ever say something this mean? I mean apart from nearly punching 7th grade Gun Gun Milk boy and plotting to bury Tangerine Ninja with Iwa-chan?
Ah, Iwa-chan...the only one our greatest villain Oikawa Toru is scared of...
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What does that say? 😏
Okay, given, Oikawa needs to be grounded. But why threaten him of bodily harm when he sneezes with the possibility of contracting a cold? Hm? Why is that? Explain, Iwaizumi Hajime, 27, athletic trainer, p*ssy pounder *wipes drool, clears throat* I meant, JVA employee. Shouldn't we cuddle him instead? Make him chicken soup? Tuck him in bed? 😑 You meanie!
And speaking of mean people...
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Need I say more? Tsukki and Tobio said more mean things to more people than Oikawa. Just count...😬
Honorable mentions because they're not exactly as bad as the others but they've got mean bones in their bodies somewhere:
Sakusa Kiyoomi (haughty ushiwaka partisan; secretly hates oikawa by extension 😂)
Futakuchi Kenji (bastard with a capital B; defo oikawa hater)
Hoshiumi Kourai (close to hell. very close to hell)
Sugawara Koushi (100% yes 👏)
Kuroo Tetsurou (evil chicken but finger lickin good)
Quick question: why does everyone think Suna Rintarou is a walking red flag? He's such a cutie little baby though? Like...he just wants to see Kita baby-talking his pet bird?
Anyway...I got carried away 🤣🤣🤣
Bottom line: How the hell is Oikawa a villain in the true essence of that word??? 😤 On par with Sukuna (let's make him the standard today cause 🤬)? HOW?!
Bet there will be those who'll get their panties in a twist and say, "Ek-chew-weli...he traumatized Tobio." Fine. 🙄😂
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moonndust · 2 years
chapter 20, 21 and 22 were something… (part 1)
(includes fire emblem engage spoilers)
only alear, kagetsu, alcryst and merrin survived the griss hide n seek level
and i vividly recall alcryst always dealing the final blow.
atp if alcryst dies in-battle then it’s fuckin over for all of us
alcryst died once at some point and i immediately went to the time crystal
he’s like my only maxed out character and i am not risking the chances of losing a wet towel of a menace
one crit and its all over for the enemy
kagetsu had like 8% crit chance and landed on like more than 10 crits in a row.
i like but also dislike the lack of characters in each cutscene. like wtf was everyone else doing when griss was talking to alear? they were clearly right there??? right???
then get his ass. sneak up on that bitch and STAB HIM IN THE GUT OR SMTH.
it’s that easy.
this game has so many plot holes. way too many that i can’t even think of one.
like half of the casualties in the plot could’ve been avoided if we used that damn time stone. framme was so fuckin right about using the time stone to stop florra port from getting destroyed. use your brains y’all!!! USE IT!!!
ik it would make the game like longer but still‼️
i didn’t understand a single thing in veyle’s backstory (i wasn’t paying attention to all the “tell don’t show” shit)
my opinion on marni drastically changed when she immediately switched up. it really felt rushed but i really like how her va portrayed marni’s feelings.
marni’s death was like witnessing a child getting disowned and killed right after
mauvier’s character is great‼️ he’s just bland‼️that’s all‼️
the battle was pretty easy ngl. alcryst (as always) landed the final blow on veyle.
the cutscenes were awkwardly put together ngl. like the cutscene where veyle is crying over alear’s dead body, vander and alfred are just 🧍
i mean ig it could work as a parallel cutscene to lumera’s death but still.
why tf were they just standing there. they were most likely standing in shock but at least make them closer to alear’s body or smth omg.
the writing is dogshit but i somehow nearly cried in some cutscenes. don’t ask why bc i don’t know either.
i’m blaming the god tier va work for that. they put so much effort for such a shitty script that it works.
zephia, ik you’re hot n all, but i am this close to throw hands at your ass
mauvier was just there. ngl he did a lot of work in the battle but he also didn’t do much at the same time??
i’m not done w/ the chapter 22 battle yet but goddamn that’s a lot of cutscenes.
ngl it would’ve been fun to fight the corrupted + corrupted veyle as the units w/o alear. that was such a missed opportunity for a good challenge.
i like corrupted veyle’s voice better than her normal voice…
oh no they took away marth’s blue hair and pronouns 😨
they took away everyone’s colored hair and pronouns 😱
now they’re all red and pronounless 😢
i started the battle in chapter 22 w/o knowing that alear was the only one who could get the rings…
so my dumbass made alcryst waltz to lyn’s ring and i realized that i fucked up
had to use the time crystal and go back 2 turns to the very beginning
and replay the battle from scratch.
pandreo (once again) was a fuckin trooper and carried everyone
the emblem rings i assigned the everyone was lowkey random but i let the ai do it for me since i am a lazy fuck
so there was uhhhh alear/roy, alcryst/lyn, kagetsu/lucina, pandreo/corrin (later changed to micaiah), seadall/byleth, rosado/eirika (changed to corrin), clanne/celica, zelkov/eirika, alfred/sigurd, merrin/leif (originally ike) and timerra/ike
i sorta did change timerra’s class to picket pretty late so she kinda died in almost everything but its ok i still love her
i wanted to play around w/ the change class mechanic on the benched units i had (i wanted to give diamant exposure therapy through sage class)
i actually have a good strategy that i didn’t even get to use and i’m pissed.
this is just a one shot alcryst centered strategy. 1) make alcryst engage w/ lyn and dispel doubles, 2) pandreo uses rescue and teleports alcryst close to him n seadall, 3) seadall uses dance on alcryst, 4) astra storm that bitch w/ those sweet chain attacks‼️
this could also help w/ lucina’s all for one skill.
seadall’s dance was a life saver in every battle.
alcryst, kagetsu pandreo and merrin are the biggest carries in my team atm
alear is just… there
in conclusion? always take out the villain when they least expect it.
griss in post-battle chapter 20 telling alear the big fell dragon thing? get his ass from behind.
hyacinth just standing there at chapter 10? pop his old bones
when sombron appeared before alear died? just yank the helmet off of veyle’s head. marni cracked it ffs.
oh yeah and use the time crystal like your life depended on it plot wise.
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falconcoast · 2 years
repeating wedding vows + genshin characters
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a/n: why do i always cry at wedding vows like it isn’t even my wedding WTF !!!
warnings: a little dash of angst, plenty of comfort.
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ayato ;
“ayato, dear,” you said, leaning at the doorway of his office. “it’s nearly one in the morning. it’s time for rest.”
he huffs out a discontented note, moving his pen quickly. the lone lamp illuminating the room casts a ghastly shadow on his face, highlighting the bags under his eyes. a cold cup of coffee sits at his side. “just let me finish one more document and then i shall come with you,” he replies curtly, making you crossing your arms.
striding over, your position yourself by his chair. a hand comes to his cheek, making him stop writing. you brush his cheek lovingly, kissing his forehead. “i love you and your diligence, but i can’t help but be worried for you,” you breathe out, leaning down to meet his forehead with your own. “it’s been days since you properly got rest. come back to bed, love.”
sighing, his bottom lip puffs put. “but i just—”
“ah-ah,” you interject, poking his cheek. “you do remember what i said during our wedding vows, right? i told you, ‘i promise to comfort and take care of you, always.’ i haven’t broken it, and i don’t plan on starting anytime soon. now, off to bed we go.”
he rises, standing and kissing you on the cheek. “what would i do without you?”
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thoma ;
sitting by thoma’s bedside, you press a fist to you cheek. he looks downright miserable, cheeks flushed with a fever. he threw another arm over eyes, letting out a deep sigh.
“you shouldn’t see me like this,” he wheezed. “I can take care of myself while i’m sick. i don’t want you getting sick either.”
you immediately got up from your chair, clambering in bed beside him. you slot yourself behind him, placing his head in your lap. “w-what are you doing?” he croaks out.
“i’m taking care of you,” you reply, smiling down at him. you thread your fingers through his hair, wiping away the sweat on his brow. “i love you. i’m not leaving your side anytime soon.”
“y-you’re going to get sick too,” he huffed, tears creasing his eyes. “please don’t—“
you gently wiped away his tears before kissing his forehead. “on our wedding day, i told you that i would love you in sickness and in health. i also said that i would never leave your side, especially when you need me most.”
“you’re too much,” he whispers before closing his eyes. you only smile in response, kissing him on the forehead again.
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ningguang ;
“why did you marry me?” you ask suddenly. the jade chamber is silent as you stare across the edge. seated on the bench, you cross your legs. “ningguang, i’m a commoner. you’re the biggest figure in liyue’s politics and business. i-i-i mean, wouldn’t be smarter to marry a noble? or a politician? or anyone--”
“say, are you doubting me, dear?” she asks slyly, twisting around her pipe. 
“n-no, i’m not joking--i just can’t believe that you married me!” you exclaimed, standing up. “look at me. don’t you think i’m ruining your life by being with you? am i not holding you back? i’m--”
tugging you hand, your wife calmly tugs on your hand, sitting you back down. “y/n, sometimes i don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours.”
you turn your head, crossing your arms firmly. “what are you getting at?”
“you remember how we met, right?” she asks, crossing her legs. “when we were young, you gave me a flower for my hair. a glaze lily, if i recall correctly. and you told me, despite my shaken and dirty appearance, you told me i was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.” 
“it’s true--hey, you’re changing the topic!” you replied. 
“my point is,” ningguang stated, putting a comforting hand over your own. “you and i have been together. i told you that i would be with you with for richer or for poorer. i love you, y/n. my status will never change that.” 
leaning onto her shoulder,’ you smiled slightly. “i love you too. just needed a little reassurance.” 
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
do... do you want to expand on whatever was up with your old roommate? because frankly at this point a) it sounds like you SERIOUSLY need to get this out into the open and get some validation in there, and b) i now really want to know wtf her problem was
I've said some things about it, but it was like...your basic common or garden abusive behavior. I can't even describe how controlling she was without writing a whole novel.
She would try to prevent me from eating "too late" at night, saying that it was "unhealthy" to eat at night and that she was "worried" about me. She would not shut up about this one. I told her, pointedly, that I needed to eat in the evenings and I could not sleep on an empty stomach, and she ARGUED with me, saying, "Well, medically, that doesn't make any sense. That shouldn't be happening."
I did actually tell her to mind her own damn business about that one multiple times, but it never fully stopped; even during finals she tried to tell me I couldn't use the microwave at like, 8:30 pm.
I told her up front, repeatedly that I was messy and that I was regularly awake until 2am. She said that was fine. Repeatedly. When we became roommates she would go to bed at 10:30pm and expect me to be either in bed or to be completely silent by then. By "completely silent" I mean more silent than it is humanly possible to be. Unwrapping any kind of package or wrapper, eating, typing on my computer in silence, taking off my jacket, or taking medication were all things she groaned and complained about on at least one occasion.
We would "compromise," repeatedly, and every time she would...not change her behavior. If I took a shower at 10:30, she would try to convince me not to take a shower. If I was awake at midnight doing homework, she would tell me that I needed to go to bed and would not listen when I told her that I was working on something that was due tomorrow. She told me many times that I needed to get up early and work on school instead, saying basically "I don't like doing it either and I still do it, why can't you?"
She tried to literally force me ("force" being her word, not mine) to go to several events on campus, because she thought I "needed" to go, and would not take no for an answer. She would tell me over and over again that she was going to "make" me go to an event, and would not talk to me at all for like a whole day except to nag me about it.
Her behavior often just came so out of left field that I was left reeling just trying to process it. I literally felt like I was losing my mind just trying to wrap my head around what would drive such behavior.
She once got so upset she nearly started crying in front of me telling me she "didn't know where I was on campus" when I wasn't in the dorm. A different time, I was working on school and she sent me literally 20 panicked texts and tried to call me at least once while I had put my phone away for literally like an hour, and when she came back into the dorm she told me she'd been convinced that I had committed suicide. (She had absolutely zero reason to think this—I was actually doing much better at the beginning of the semester than I had been in a long time.)
There was also the time she physically grabbed me and tried to drag me out of bed because she knew I had a 9:30am class and didn't think I was up early enough. At least she apologized for that one. :/
I started staying out until around 1am, just walking around campus or sitting in the library until it closed, just to avoid confrontation. Then she started complaining about me returning to the dorm and waking her up, so I ended up just lying in bed on my phone until I could safely sneak to the refrigerator for something to eat and then fall asleep.
I could go on and on. Coming back from fall break, my mom and dad were helping me carry my stuff in and she literally pulled me into the room ahead of them so we could "talk in private" for a bit, and she just??? Lectured me angrily about how a bottle of juice had exploded in the refrigerator while we were gone, and I'd said I would clean the refrigerator, and her parents yelled at her....???
Looking back on it, it feels so ridiculous that I was stuck living with such a crazy and controlling person, but at the time I couldn't imagine her motivations to be malicious. She was friendly half the time and seemed to perceive us to be more than roommates, more like best friends. She would say out of nowhere how much she "loved" me and our relationship. I also was too stressed to think clearly about it. She was acting in ways I didn't know a human being could act, actions that felt so insane I didn't know how to evaluate them.
I think she may have genuinely thought that she could "fix" me and force me to have a "healthy" sleep schedule and habits by endlessly wearing me down about it. (We see how that ended up.)
I really just wanted to be kind because I knew she didn't have very many friends and was feeling isolated, and I didn't want to be an asshole, but I wound up being a doormat. Part of why it was hard for me to be assertive with her and have boundaries was that I knew her own situation wasn't great either. Over time I realized she was basically re-enacting with me all the dysfunctional behaviors her parents directed at her. Sometimes she would act like I was ruining her life and pissing on her whole bloodline, and then would right away flip to talking about how much she "loved" her relationship with me and what good friends we were etc, and would randomly lapse into "silly" behavior and humor that seemed almost, like, weirdly childish.
From observations, her family seemed to use..."silly" stuff to cover up or defuse tension. "Silly" is the word that comes to mind, but I can't really adequately describe this behavior to you, it was a lot more unnerving than that word communicates. They had a lot of running "inside jokes" that were mostly just absolutely nonsensical, like the kind of nonsense that a four-year-old kid would find funny, and there was something very...not genuine about them.
It almost felt like silliness and inside jokes were something they wanted to have, but the context and foundation that made that kind of stuff comfortable and natural wasn't there. The actual relationship she had with her parents seemed to be one of being constantly controlled, micro-managed and shamed.
Also, she and her parents gave me all sorts of gifts. Fancy gourmet baked goods and candies, socks, jewelry, it really started to pile up after a while. It was impossible to refuse the gifts, no matter how politely, and if I hadn't eaten something she would be weirdly confrontational about it. It was Weird.
Idk. Everything about the situation was so weird. They were Christian in a Weird way. Her mom prayed that I would find a boyfriend soon?? And I had never given any indication that I wanted a boyfriend or was in search of one???
Oh yeah, and I also had to give her the sex talk, because her parents apparently had told her nothing about sex outside of the basic reproductive functions of it. (She was 20.) She asked me 1000 sex questions, which did not bother me—I like explaining things to people, and I'm incredibly hard to embarrass—but then she asked how a woman could be a top. And well. I told her. And the CONCEPT of sex toys for some reason made her really upset and she got mad at me, told me not to talk to her about anything sexual ever again, and I was left really baffled because she acted like I had violated a boundary when she had asked the questions.
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cryonme · 3 years
𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐈𝐕
PART FOUR- “I Can’t Stop Thinking About The Way You Held Me That Night After The Boneyard And I Think I Need You To Do It Again.”
part one here
part two here
part three here
short series-- jj maybank x kook!reader
word count- 4.2k
tw- scratching, panic, description of bruises and cuts, big ol mental breakdown, swearing, self deprecation, fluff if you fuckin squint harder than you ever have in your life, mentions of blood, hints at sexual assault, mentions of wanting to throw up probably more please tell me if I missed something :( typos guaranteed
a/n- thank you for being so patient for this part! it was a busy couple days for Roxie!! again, the reader talks a lot of self deprecation, and I want to make it clear, I do not agree with her views on herself. please remember that I don't think of victims that way, I just wanted to write accurately. love you all so much!
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
You were basically a shell of a human being for the next week.
Your dad and Christine had told Shoupe that it was no surprise to them that Tyler had done this, and explained that they had kicked him out of the house and why. Tyler was apparently “nowhere to be found”, very convenient, considering the police were looking for him.
All you wanted was to go see your friends, you wanted to tell them everything. You wanted to apologize for the way you treated them and thank them for saving you.
But your dad and Christine had you practically locked up in your room.
You were afraid to even ask to leave, knowing they would get upset again. You avoided bringing up the situation at all, not wanting to see the sad looks on their faces.
So, you waited. You waited a week to see your friends just so you wouldn’t have to go through the awkward sadness.
“Dad?” You asked softly as you walked into his office, hands shoved in the back pockets of your blue jean shorts. He was writing at his desk, his fingers flying across the keyboard. He started working from home when he got the call from Christine about what had happened. You hadn’t told either of them what you know yet, you needed to know more before telling someone as powerful as your father.
“Hey, honey.” He turned in his chair and smiled, taking his glasses off, giving you a warm smile.
You and your dad had a good relationship. You weren’t best friends, you didn’t tell him everything, you didn’t hang out often. But, he loved you with everything he had, and would do, and has done, just about anything for you.
“Hey,” You started, fidgeting with your hands and the rings on your fingers. “I uh- I was wondering if- Everyone’s going to John B’s today and I really miss my friends and Pope and JJ and John B will all be there so they can protect me if anything happens and-”
“(Y/n),” Your dad started but you kept rambling.
“And I just think it’s really important for me to get out of the house especially-”
“You can go.”
“Because of what happened here and I just- wait, I can?”
Your dad nodded, standing up and placing his hand on your shoulders, looking straight into your eyes with his (y/c/e) eyes, sullen and misty.
“I agree, I think you should go.”
You smiled and wrapped your arms around your dad, squeezing extra tight. He let out a watery laugh and kissed your head.
“I’m really sorry kiddo. I can’t believe I wasn’t-” He stopped for a moment and let out a deep sigh, “I just can’t believe I let it go on for so long.” You frowned and just hugged your dad tighter. “You didn’t let anything go on, it’s my fault.”
Your dad's lip quivered and he rested his chin on your head, “It’s no one’s fault but his, let’s say that.
You nodded in agreement, “Let’s.”
After a couple more apologies and just a few more tears, you and your dad pulled away and you made your way back to your room, after stopping by Christine’s room to tell her you were leaving and promising 50 times to be so safe, and sent a text to Sarah.
*Can I hitch a ride to JB’s?*
It took about 15 seconds for her to reply.
You smiled at your phone and shook your head, almost giddy with excitement to see your best friends. You knew Sarah was probably gonna pick you up in less than a couple minutes, so you stuck with the outfit you had on already, opting against a swimsuit. Your cuts and bruises had healed and faded immensely, but they were still there, and you’d rather skip the pity glances and sad looks. Your hands were still wrapped in compression wrap from the force of Tyler’s kick, along with your left knee and rib cage, your neck covered in red, ugly scratches from your panic attacks, and you had to be very careful with your movements so you wouldn’t worsen your concussion. You were already in a lot of pain, and having to deal with your emotional pain today would just be too much. You knew they came from a good place, and they were just concerned, but that’s not what you were there for today, you had a lot more problems in your future than just a couple injuries.
Once Sarah had texted you that she was waiting outside, you made your way downstairs, bidding your parents one last goodbye before walking out the front door and giving your best friend a wave as you made your way to her passenger seat.
“I’m not gonna hug you because I’m afraid I’ll squeeze you too tight and I know you’re injured.”
You giggled and leaned over the center console, giving her a quick kiss on top of her head and a big smile. “I would offer you my hand to squeeze but unfortunately my hands did not make it out unscathed.”
Sarah just nodded, taking in your appearance for a moment before clearing her throat and starting her car, blinking hard a couple times as she made her way out of your neighborhood.
“I didn’t tell anyone you’re coming, they’ll be so excited.” She forced a smile to her face and you returned it.
You knew she was having a really hard time having you in her car, forced to look at you and remember the day they found you nearly unconscious with Tyler’s hand around your throat.
You probably looked disgusting.
You pulled down the mirror to examine your face, your eye was still swollen and discolored, your lip as well. You had a yellowing bruise on your right cheekbone and a healing cut on your eyebrow right above it.
A sight to see.
“Please don’t, S.” You said softly, flipping the mirror back up in its place and turning to your blonde haired friend, giving her a weak smile. “Just making sure they’re healing okay. Forgot to check before we left.”
Sarah just nodded, not looking convinced by your untrue words.
The sound of Sarah’s tires rolling over the dirt road made your stomach flip, you weren’t ready yet. You didn’t want to see John B’s sad eyes, or Kiara’s quivering lip, or Pope’s lingering eyes on your bandages.
You didn’t wanna see JJ’s face, you’d turn to putty if you saw even an ounce of hurt in those pretty blue eyes.
You took a deep breath when Sarah finally rolled up to the Chateau, trying to calm your shaking hands, using one to steady the other, but it was no use since they were both unsteady. You mustered up all of your courage and confidence and opened the car door, immediately spotting your friends on John B’s wrap around porch, drinking beers and laughing.
They don’t miss you. You had told yourself, stopping in your tracks and raking your hands through your hair, suddenly wanting to cry. Look how much fun they’re having without you.
What you hadn’t seen was the pogues sitting in silence only moments before, sullen looks on their faces as they forced light conversation and jokes, before one finally made them laugh, bringing peace to the friends for just a moment.
“Hey,” Sarah stood in front of you, hands on your cheeks. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t have to. Her eyes looking into yours with nothing but love and compassion was enough. “Come on.” She nodded encouragingly and grabbed your hand, pulling you behind her as she approached the screen door.
You wanted to throw up.
The door cracked open, it’s rusty hinges making a high pitched squeaking noise.
And there it was.
John B’s sad eyes.
Kiara’s quivering lip.
Pope’s eyes glued to your bandages.
You didn’t look at JJ.
“Fuck.” Kiara breathed out as she quickly stood up from her spot to hug you, but quickly stopped herself as she got closer and could see the damage more clearly. She stared at you a moment with teary eyes, not sure what to do.
“Just hug me, weirdo.” You said, grabbing her arm and pulling her in for a light hug.
“God, I just wanna squeeze you.” She muttered, her mouth pressed against your shoulder.
“Please don’t.” You said, only half joking.
You both giggled and pulled away, you gave her a small smile before squeezing her shoulders.
“Love you, Kie.”
“I love you way more, how are you doing?”
You just shook your head, “I’d rather not get into that, if that’s okay.”
Kie just nodded. She should’ve known better with you, of course you weren’t gonna answer that question.
“At least you’re not lying.” John B said, pulling you into a light hug much like the one you had with Kie moments before, his arms around your shoulders while your cheek rested on his chest, his chin on top of your head.
“Love you, bub. Glad you’re okay.” He said into your hair before leaving a slight kiss, pulling away to put his hand in Sarah’s, his gaze lingering on your broken down figure.
Pope just kept looking at you, obviously freaked out.
“Hey, Heyward.” You put your hand under his chin, bringing his eyes up to yours. You smiled at the boy and nodded, “I’m okay.”
Pope reached one hand up to grab yours, hot holding it too tight, but just enough to tell you how much he loves you. “I’m happy you’re here.”
JJ watched as you had a heartfelt moment with each of your friends, but wouldn’t spare a single glance in his direction. She had whispered his name in pain just a week ago, wanting him by her side, and now she won’t look at him.
She realized what a piece of shit you are.
The pogues sensed the tension, all of them standing up and heading inside the house to give you two a moment alone. You wanted to beg them to stay, or follow them inside even. Grab a bag of chips and flop yourself onto the couch with your head in Pope’s lap, giggling at John B and Sarah’s lovers quarrel in the kitchen.
But you had to face this head on, you had to face JJ head on. It was time.
“Why won’t you look at me?” JJ asked, trying to mask his anger, it wasn’t working.
“After all this, I thought we were past the hatred, (Y/n).” He was trying to keep his cool, but he couldn’t. Keeping his cool was never one of his strong suits.
“I’m not doing this anymore with you. You can-”
You cut him off. If he said one more angry word at you you wouldn’t be able to handle it.
“JJ, I know you hate me and I know I’m a bitch and I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you. But, god, I can’t stop thinking about the way you held me that night after the boneyard and I think I need you to do it again.” Your voice shook as you finally whipped your head to look at him, wincing at the sharp pain that shot through your head from the sudden movement.
There was that hurt in his eyes, plain as day. His hair was disheveled and his eyes looked heavy and sad, dark circles hanging underneath them. He looked so beautiful.
JJ was wordless as he strode towards you, his arms out as he finally held you lightly in his arms.
“I need you to hold me tighter, Jayje, please.” “I don’t wanna hurt you.”
The blond responded by just holding you tighter against him, one hand around your waist and the other supporting the back of your head. You let out a choked sob at the feeling of him around you, this is all you ever wanted, all you ever needed. It was like air was finally rushing through your lungs.
“I’m sorry I was angry, I’m so sorry.”
You just shook your head, unable to speak words as you continued to cry, wordlessly telling him not to apologize, just pulling him impossibly closer.
JJ stumbled a little as you pulled him, “Okay, okay. Let’s sit down.” He said softly, leading you to the outside couch, careful not to loosen his grip on your frame. JJ sat down in the corner and pulled you with him, situating your body between his legs, your arms wrapped around his neck as your head fell to rest in the crook of his neck. JJ’s hand that wasn’t on your waist came to rest on your cheek, his thumb slowly stroking your cheekbone back and forth.
“I’m so scared.” Your voice squeaked through your sobs and hiccups and JJ’s heart shattered, scattering broken pieces at his feet.
“M’not gonna leave you. Promise.”
You didn’t respond as you held up your pinky, signalling for him to hook his around yours, and he did, leaving a sweet kiss on your fingers, then returning his hand to it’s spot on your cheek, holding onto you for dear life. He wanted to find Tyler and kill him himself, even if only for the way you were shaking in his arms, it scared him. He had never seen you this broken before, he didn’t think anybody had, not including Sarah or Kie, but even then the amount was few.
He didn’t want to shush you or tell you everything was okay, because it wasn’t, really. Your abusive step brother was nowhere to be found and he had nearly killed you. It wasn’t okay. So, he let you cry and he held you, letting out an involuntary whine every time your body would tremor and whispering sweet things in your ear, until eventually you fell asleep in his arms, your breathing finally normal.
John B came out the front door when he heard your crying stop, Pope trailing close behind him, and the two leaned on the railing across from JJ.
“I wanna kill him.” JJ said, not looking up from his gaze on you. “Look at her.”
JJ was holding back his own tears now, forcing out a couple coughs to try and cover up his cracking voice. “The way she just broke down, I- I’ve never seen her like this before, guys. She usually has something funny to say, a joke to pull even in the toughest situations but she’s so scared and sad. Fuck, I never want to see her like this again.”
John B and Pope were silent as JJ talked, just listening to their distraught friend.
“I’m not leaving her. Not ‘til that son of a bitch is dead or behind bars for the rest of his life.”
Pope nodded, “I think that’s smart, actually.”
The boys were interrupted when Sarah brought out your bag, holding it out to JJ.
“She needs to change her bandages, they look a mess.”
JJ grabbed the bag and placed it on the ground next him, then turned to you and gently shook you awake, stroking your hair and whispering softly.
“Hey, pretty girl, Gotta get up and change your bandages, okay? They’re all twisted.”
You nodded and stood up, immediately whimpering from losing the extra compression around your ribs and the pain in your head. JJ shot up, fawning over you, offering to carry you to the bathroom. You just shook your head and made your way inside, keeping your eyes on your feet so you wouldn’t make eye contact with Pope or John B.
You made it to the bathroom before JJ did, so you sat on the counter and waited, he must’ve been talking to the boys outside.
“You should’ve said something sooner, Sarah. This could’ve been avoided.” You heard Kie’s voice through the door.
“What? Do you know how mad she would be if I did? She’d never talk to me again.” “At least she’d be safe.” Kie spat.
“Look, I- I didn’t know that was gonna happen, okay-”
“Obviously.” Kie muttered.
“You don’t think I’ve been beating myself up about it all week?”
“You should be beating your-”
“Kie, lay off.” John B’s voice interrupted, followed by the slamming of a bedroom door, and silence.
You frowned at the conversation. This was no one’s fault, no one but Tyler. He’s the scum who did this to you, there was no one else to blame. Kie was angry and looking for someone to pin it on who wasn’t conveniently missing, but it wasn’t fair to Sarah.
JJ entered the room not a moment later, holding your bag with fresh compression wraps and bandages, a nervous smile plastered on his face.
“Let me see.” He said, setting down the bag on the counter next to you.
You had a hesitant look on your face, you knew he meant for you to take off your shirt, and you didn’t want to. After everything-
“I’m not gonna hurt you.” He whispered so softly you almost didn’t hear him. “I just wanna help you, okay? I need to see them so I can help you, baby.”
You nodded and he mirrored the action, slowly bringing his arms forward to pull your shirt over your head, leaving you in just a bra and shorts. JJ didn’t bat an eye at your chest, solely focused on your injuries. He stayed silent while he carefully unwrapped the compression from your ribcage, which was now twisted from your sleeping position. He sucked in through his teeth while he looked at your ribcage, horribly discolored and red from the wrap, leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss to your tiny heart tattoo, almost invisible from the bruising.
“Broken?” He asked.
You shrugged. You don’t pay attention when doctors talk, that was Christine’s job.
JJ didn’t acknowledge your answer, just continued his work. He pressed a kiss to each spot he unwrapped, telling you something about how it always made them heal faster.
“Kisses from a handsome man like myself make everything better.” He had said with a playful glint in his eye.
You wanted to smile and the sweetness and pureness of it, but you couldn’t bring yourself to.
JJ finished and crumpled up the old wraps and bandages before tossing them in the garbage and looking back at you. He looked at you for a moment before reaching his hand out and softly running his fingers over your red scratches. You couldn’t read his expression. You still didn’t know JJ well, having hated him the entire time you’ve known him up until just over a week ago, you were seeing him in a new light, and you couldn’t tell what he was making of all of this.
You told yourself he was probably over this, annoyed that he was having to deal with the beaten down girl in front of him instead of sticking himself into the gorgeous blonde he had wrapped around him at the Boneyard.
He thinks you're ugly and pathetic. Who the fuck scratches themselves?
“These look like they hurt, baby. You gotta stop doing this to yourself.” He said, bringing his blue eyes up to meet yours. “Not that easy.” You rasped back.
JJ sighed and nodded, he of all people knew how not easy it was to quit a coping mechanism. He always hated when Pope or Kiara would try to tell him to just “Stop drinking” or “Stop getting in fights”. It isn't easy when you feel like that’s the one thing that will help you.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said seriously, his eyes full of intensity as he looked at you, the girl he felt so strongly for that he mistook the feeling for hatred.
You scoffed.
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
JJ sighed and looked down before settling himself between your legs, his eyebrows knit together and eyes sharp on yours. “You know.”
“What kinda girl lets this happen to herself, JJ? It’s ugly, I look ugly.” Tears started to build up again and JJ didn’t know what to say.
“Baby, you didn’t let anything happen. This is not on you.”
You shook your head as more tears fell, “You don’t get it, I’m weak.”
JJ just shook his head, “No.”
“Stop disagreeing with me!” You yelled, trying to punch his chest but crying out from the pain in your hands. “I’m weak, I’m pathetic, I’m gross, I’m ugly! He did this to me! He made me this way and now he gets away with it! He gets away-”
You were inconsolable, your words were barely coherent as snot and tears ran down your face. You wanted JJ to agree, tell you you were weak and ugly, you needed to be right. It was comfortable to be right. “I’m right, JJ! Don’t fucking tell me I’m wrong! Why are you lying to me?!”
“He did this to me! I’ll never feel clean again!”
If JJ’s heart wasn’t fully broken before, it was now. He felt utterly helpless for the first time in his life, completely not knowing what to do. He always had a next move. Even when his dad was beating the shit out of him, even when a kook had him pinned down, face in the sand and barely able to breathe. But now, looking at you, body broken and bruised and lips and eyes red and puffy from crying, choking on your own sobs, JJ felt fucking useless.
“(Y/n), please, breathe, angel.”
You stopped for a second and pushed your hair out of your face, looking at him confused.
“You can let it out, just remember to breathe, okay? You’re gonna panic and scratch yourself again.” His voice was so gentle as his hand lightly squeezed the back of your neck, his other hand softly caressing your thigh.
You just nodded slowly, expecting him to yell at you for your outburst or tell you you’re being childish, but you received the opposite. You began to take deep breaths for JJ, beginning to realize you’d do just about anything to get rid of the heart broken expression on his face.
He took deep breaths with you, placing your hands on his chest and covering them with his own so you could feel the rise and fall and the patter of his heart beat. He gave you a small smile when your breathing settled, and he let you fall into his chest, wrapping his arms around you. “Proud of you, pretty girl. Did so good.”
You whined and pulled away from him, you wanted to see his face, to see the way he was looking at you. JJ’s hands rested on your hips and he gave them a gentle squeeze as you stared at his ocean eyes.
“I wanna kiss you.” You whispered, your hands coming up to cradle the sides of his neck.
JJ shook his head, “Soon, I promise. Okay? But not now.” He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. He couldn’t kiss you while you were torn apart and terrified, he wanted to see the sparkle in your eyes, that striking grin on your cherry painted lips.
He doesn’t want to kiss you.
“Not like this. Not when you feel this way, okay?”
You could’ve sworn your heart burst and melted all the way down to your toes. This was a new JJ. Even when he hated you he probably would’ve jumped at the opportunity to do anything with you, shutting up your loud mouth with his own. But now, it’s almost like he’s afraid to break you.
You nodded but stayed silent, finally letting your body rest against his. “I need to talk to the group.”
JJ nodded, helping you off of the counter. His heart squeezed when you intertwined your fingers with his, gently holding on so you wouldn’t hurt your hand further. His heart skipped a beat when you brought your free hand up to hold onto his forearm. You were gonna give him butterflies forever.
The two of you walked outside the bathroom and you saw your friends sitting and waiting for you, and you began to feel nauseous.
Once JJ got you out of the bathroom and onto the couch comfortably, you let go of his hand and he suddenly felt empty. You ran your hands up and down your thighs with anxiety before letting out a small whimper, feeling your body begin to surge with panic as you thought about what you had to tell your friends.
“You’re safe.” JJ whispered, his hands hovering over you like he wasn’t sure what you wanted from him. You looped your arm through his and he brought his hand over to gently rest on your knee, giving you a soft kiss on your temple.
“I wanted to tell you guys this as soon as I knew, but I had to tell you in person and when I got here the emotions were just too much and-”
JJ pulled your hand down from your neck, softly shushing you to stop you from rambling. You hadn’t even realized you were scratching. You took a deep breath and looked at JJ again, waiting for his quick nod before you took the deepest breath of your life and said the words you had been dreading to say all week.
“Tyler killed my mom and sister.”
taglist: @avatarastra @rowanwashere @luniibin @imjustanothernerd @maddyasleson @vntgkenz @ponyboys-sunsets @imawhoreforu @maybvnks @tpwkcth @steves-cake-face @ellavalentine1844 @aleksanderwh0r3 @sunsetloveblvd @fallingfavourites @ajxlawley @sarahcameronswhore @24kkenn @perfectnouis @heartbeats-wildly @fandoms039 @gopromises @xxxlaura @6r4cie @mendesmaybank @moonysluvr @kiwi5335 @jjs-pope @aliyahsomerhalder @parkershoco @abm111815 @allaloneisokay @father-violet @yourbloodyqueen @sweetpeterparker @sarahs-bitch @oopsiedoopsie23 @kexrtiz @chenlemure @sarahxcameron @yoongitoo @gloryekaterina @caseysalvatore​ @moniamaybank​ @futur3milf​ @matbarzalschain​ @rmvb24​ @iamthatbitchhh @stilynskii​ @americaarse​ @
my masterlist 
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levworship · 4 years
Okay but I just read what the other anon requested and that was so good?? I didn’t think I had a thing for receiving oral but wtf 😭🤚could I maybe request smth if you got time?? Could it be a reunion between volleyball teams from miyagi and tokyo? So nekoma, fukorodani, seijoh, Johzenji (terushima’s tongue piercing PLS), karasuno, itachiyama You were the old manager of nekoma and was friends with literally everyone, during the talk kuroo somehow mentioned that in the nekoma reunion like 2 years ago it somehow ended with the main guys all taking turns eating you out and that pisses off the rest of the guys because that was their fantasy?? This ends up with you (with consent ofc) being sat down on kuroo’s lap as the guys also take turns eating you out (inspired by the other anon because 😩) I understand if you obviously can’t mention everyone, but pls mention terurshima, sakusa (who would only let you make a mess on his face) and bokuto if you could <3 ALSO the idea of two people eating you out at the same time, maybe bokuto and terushima?? IM NASTY OKAY BUT PLS DO THAT
Ty in advanceeee
i’m usually pretty fast but this took me a whole two days to write smh i’m sorry anon. hope you enjoy tho <3 i wanted it to be a lil longer but i’m so tired and i rlly wanted to get this out for you.
cw: group sex (like.. big group), hella sub reader, also fem reader, anal lol, oral (fem reviving), kuroo is the ringleader, humiliation ig, reader kinda into it doe, dirty talk, degrading + praise, squirting, overstimulation
summary: basically everyone wants to eat out/fuck y/n. explicitly written in here is kuroo, oikawa, sakusa, bokuto, and terushima. the rest is implied.
word count: about 1.9k
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your face was buried into kenma’s stiff shoulder, your whole body feeling hot as your group of friends continued to talk about you as if you weren’t even there. but clearly they hadn’t forgotten about you too much considering the way their eyes burned holes into you from all around so indiscreetly that you couldn’t even sit your ass still.
you weren’t quite sure how the previous conversation had shifted so suddenly, but kuroo seemed more than happy with the subject change as his signature asshole smirk never left his features. “- yeah, ‘bout two years ago i’d say. she was a good fuck too. poor thing was so eager to make us feel good that she passed out.” kuroo continued to drag his story as if to intentionally provoke the others, and the staring at you only got worse. your nerves were shot.
you looked and felt like a precious bunny being stared down by a bunch of wolves. and honestly? it was hot as fuck.
which is why you didn’t bother to argue when you were practically dragged into the locker room of the old gym, daichi hurriedly locking the door behind all of you. you couldn’t help but feel bad for just a second. ‘didnt some of these guys have girlfriends? couldve sworn i saw terushima enter with some girl.’ but how could you possibly focus on that when your clothes were being literally ripped off of you and disregarded to who knows where?
your legs felt weak, both out of shock and nervousness from being handled so roughly. “bring her here, bo. sit her down on my lap.” bokuto (for perhaps the first time in his life) was silent as he dragged you over to the other ex-captain, setting you down in his lap on his spot on the bench just as he’d requested. kuroo snickered and raised a hand to cup your cheeks, squeezing them together like you were a little baby before releasing.
“ease up, will ya? so damn tense i can feel it from here. you know we’ll take good care of you.” he spoke so lowly and reassuringly that you couldn’t help but to nod like a fool as he turned you around in his lap to fit the others. he tapped your thigh once, twice, and you quickly picked up on the hint and opened your legs for their viewing pleasure. you tried to put your face down as you were smothered in shame from just how quickly you got wet from their rough handling, but kuroo gripped onto your face once again and forced you to look up.
“look up, baby. so many big strong men dying to make you cum so fucking hard. be a little more thankful, yeah? say it.” “thank you.” he shook his head with a small laugh before releasing your face, but not before lightly tapping your face twice with soft slaps. still, you remained out of it even as oikawa settled himself between your legs, looking up at you with the same lazy smile you frequently saw him wearing around you.
“smells so damn good. finally gonna let me get a taste, cutie?” he spoke lowly as if he were to himself before diving in and holy shit. you figured he’d be pretty experienced. the guy was a literal chick magnet. but damn, this exceeded your expectations by far. your body threatened to curl over itself if it hadn’t been for kuroo’s sturdy grip on your twitching thighs. the way he sucked vigorously at your clit while swiping his tongue along your folds to capture more of your essence had you drawing nothing but blanks up there.
“haven’t even cum yet for us and already going dumb?” kuroo teased, planting a kiss just behind your ear, a shocking contrast to the way oikawa’s tongue worked against you just right.
the air around you was so thick you felt as if it could be cut with a knife. some of the guys surrounding you couldn’t figure out what to do with themselves, nervously shuffling their feet without taking your eyes off of you. others had clearly overcome any former shame, already slowly pumping their cocks in their hands as they hoped and prayed that they would get a turn soon. the whole scene made you feel so dirty— so wanted. the desire that leaked from their looks on you had your orgasm approaching faster than ever.
oikawa seemed to have noticed this, using his thumbs to spread your folds apart to make sure you felt him deep, muttering a quick “cum on my fucking mouth, princess.” the simple phrase alone made your orgasm crash down on you finally. your fingers tangled in his soft hair, which was now messy and tossed thanks to you.
you nearly passed out right there when he continued to lick you clean even as you violently shook in kuroo’s grasp, the black haired boy having to shove the other away forcefully just to separate his mouth from you. “that’s enough of that. did he make you feel good baby?” your eyes are still shut as you cling onto the leftover bliss, only offering a quiet “mhm.” “good girl. think you can give us another?” the question was clearly rhetorical, which should’ve been clear by the was he was already gesturing someone else forward. but still, you shook your little fucked out head ‘no’ and prayed upon some god that he’d have mercy on your poor quivering cunt.
but you knew better than to expect mercy from kuroo of all people. especially when it came to your body, when he kept whispering to you about how you were such a “perfect little toy,” and his “favorite doll to use.” before you knew it sakusa was diving into your pussy quickly without giving you time to do so much as muster up the energy to open your eyes again. his mouth was quick and desperate to get you off, moving with a sense of urgency as his hands busied themselves palming at his covered dick. he wasn’t nearly as precise or experienced as oikawa was, but his eagerness made up for it as he ate you out like a starved man.
your hips threatened to buck against his face wildly, cries of “please, please, please” falling from your mouth even though you didn’t even know what you were begging for. all you knew was that you needed more than what he was giving you right now. the man above you seemed to have read you like an open book once again as he released one of your thoughts to reach a hand around to your sensitive bud, pressing down on it softly. “see this?” he murmured, only receiving a small “hm.” in acknowledgement as omi continued his assault on your little hole. greedy fuck. “try touching her here. she loves that shit.” you cried out for more again, clenching tightly at the way he spoke of your body as if you weren’t even there.
the second sakusa tore himself away from your folds to wrap his lips around your clit, you were a goner for sure. there was a distant scream that you didn’t even recognize as your own until kuroo muffled them with his hand, body twitching and jerking more than it had the previous time. the room fell to a sudden silence even as you came down from your high, causing you to let out a confused hum.
kuroo’s chuckle broke the quietness, his large hand slapping your wet overstimulated mound and making you yelp. “didn’t know you were a squirter, baby. how come you didn’t do this for us the first time hm?” another rhetorical question. his hand trailed down lower, collecting some of your juices before he began to prod a finger at your other hole. “fuck- gonna let me bury myself in here again? want both of your holes fucked out?” and you couldn’t help but cry out because fuck yes! you couldn’t think of anything you’d want more. you nodded your head and panted like a sex craved mutt, and perhaps you would’ve been as humiliated as you were before if you weren’t so damn thirsty for it. every inch of you was begging to be ravished and destroyed, and you couldn’t help but grow more and more impatient as the time passed.
kuroo didn’t take his eyes off of you as he nodded towards the crowd once again, sakusa taking the hint and reluctantly scurrying off to palm at himself through his sweatpants just as he previously had. kuroo’s command must’ve been unclear though, as both of you were pulled away from your eye contact at the sound of a comical bonk followed by two grunts of “ow.” perhaps you would’ve laughed if the two aforementioned fools weren’t kneeling in front of your drenched pussy, ready to service you eagerly just as the other two had.
a chill ran up your spine as you surveyed each of their features. while both of them shared the same underlying expressions of lust and desperation, you couldn’t help but note how bokuto’s face resembled one of an excited puppy dog that perhaps would’ve been adorable in another circumstance while terushima’s was much more primal. “look at that” kuroo’s voice in your ear dragged you back out of your own head as he slowly sunk another finger into your tight ass. just because he was going to treat you like a whore didn’t mean you didn’t deserve prep. “making a fool out of themselves, all because they’re so desperate to get a taste of that perfect pussy. doesn’t that make you feel filthy?”
kuroo couldn’t do anything but shake his head at your lack of response, finally releasing your thighs for a moment to grab at both of their napes, silently demanding for you to hold them open yourself. “well? since you’re both so impatient, think you two can work together as a team? if i hear her complain even one time, i’m not letting either of you touch again.”
the two of them nodded obediently, and your eyes nearly rolled back at how demanding kuroo was being right now. it was clear that everyone knew who was truly holding the ropes here, and yet no one was complaining about the arrangement. seemingly satisfied with their responses, kuroo released their necks and his hands smacked yours away so he could replace them and hold up your thighs himself once again. “think you’re ready to take my cock now in here, y/n?” he smirked as he lined himself up. “gonna let me fuck this ass while you let both of them eat that slutty pussy? such a dirty girl. so fuckin’ good for us” he continued to spew filth at you as he lined himself up at your entrance, allowing you to sink down slowly.
you hissed at the stretch, but of course didn’t have much time to focus on the sensation because bokuto and terushima had finally decided that they’d been waiting for long enough. they worked diligently, the cool metal of teru’s tongue piercing flicking against your bud while bokuto slurped on your juices so loudly that the sound filled the room in the most embarrassing way possible.
yeah. you were in for it tonight.
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sorry for mistakes or inconsistencie. requests for bnha and haikyuu are open.
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bloomingjungwon · 3 years
please write a heeseung college!au !!!! ♡♡
college!au heeseung
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: thank you for requesting! sorry if this is so long, i kind of got carried away and i was kind of inspired by one of my favorite blogger's writing style
major: cinematography (don't ask why, i can just imagine him being so into making motion pictures)
he'd probably minor in like north american or woman studies tbh
i can see him as a really quiet, doesn't involve himself in too many things, kind of student
doesn't really speak up when it isn't needed
but if it's a topic he's really familiar with, you can't shut him up
definitley the type of student to sit in the very front even if the classroom has like a billion seats left open
i also see him as the type to never be in the library, he usually just studies out on the grass or in a very underrated cafe.
lives off of coffee to the point his roomate!jake tells him he smells like coffee 25/8
you know how gym freaks take a shot of like protein powder before their workout? yeah that's him but with ground up coffee beans if he is in a rush and doesn't want to wait for his coffee to brew.
it's kinda funny, you don't know heeseung, and he doesn't know you. but you pass each other almost everyday because you also go to the same cafe as him.
like youre always leaving as he enters and like????
hello how r u not noticing such an amazing human being
but dont worry, ya'll meet some day
you're walking across your campus and the bulletin board catches your attention
amongst all the papers screaming "tutor needed" or "join our club", theres a flier SMACK DAB in the middle
"class do20 presents mini films at flint theatre this friday!"
and like, that peaks your interests
because you've always appreciated people's works
but you're kinda just standing in the middle of the walkway and staring at it , you don't realize someone standing next to you
"are you going to go and watch?"
you nearly jumped out of your skin cause like, who tf just talks to someone without getting their attention first
heeseung does
and now he's just staring at you waiting for an answer
"uh,, yeah seems kind of interesting. why? are you?"
"i have no choice to. i'm a part of it, i just haven't started on my film yet."
.... homie, the show is on friday and it's currently tuesday
no words or expressions are exchanged and you're just staring awkwardly at each other
but in reality, you two are just silently admiring each other's features
"do you want to be a part of my film?"
your blank expression turned into a "wtf" kind of expression
"you want me, a complete stranger, to be a part of your film?"
he proceeds to tell you that it'll be a lot easier for him to work with a stranger since he'd most likely not mess around
because this boy needs to get his assignment done asap
and you kind of hesitate but then you're like "well, fuck it. sure"
and then he smiles. and holy
this guy has one of the most captivating smiles ever and you literally feel your heart stop for a small second
"let's get started today, if that's okay with you?" he suggests
and you agree and tell him you have one more class, but he can meet you at a cafe you're usually at
and now it's his turn for his heart to skip a beat because he's talking to an attractive person who just willingly agreed to help him on his project AND goes to the same underrated cafe???
but before he can say anything.. you're already walking away
and now he's just standing there dumb and love struck
but yeah heeseung is already at the cafe thirty min early while he waits for you, camera out facing the door, waiting for you to enter
catches you on film as you walk inside and he kinda just watches you in awe as you're scanning the room to find where he is
you give him a small smile and wave and in that moment, heeseung knew what title he was giving his film
you take your seat and you're like "so, what would you like me to do?"
and heeseung just asks you to do whatever you would usually do at the cafe
and you're like oh sweet. that's easy.
so you ask him what kind of coffee he wants and when he tells you, you stand up to leave and order coffee
he films everything
from you standing in line awkwardly, you picking at your nails, scrolling through your phone, ordering... literally everything
you come back holding both cups (which of course he films too)
"i usually just do my homework while i'm here, but i don't have a lot today"
"that's fine. you can just do it, and if it's okay, i can ask you questions to get to know you better."
"yeah that's okay with me. i can multitask well. i think."
that earns you a chuckle from him
he angles the camera at the end of the end of the table, focusing on you
and ya'll just do homework together and learn new things about each other
like how you eat pizza with a fork and knife because you refuse to get your hands dirty
which heeseung reacts with "do you need professional help?"
but homie blurts out he lives and breathes off of ramen noodles and his roomate!jake has to restock for him every two days
and you're like.... "you're the one who needs professional help."
and for a couple hours
you guys are just goofing around and talking to each other as if you've known each other for years
homework done, three cups of coffee later, heeseung's camera runs out of battery so he calls it a day
chooses the next location to film
a dog park
so the next day, classes done, you meet him at the dog park, and even brought your dog
films you throwing tennis balls, petting dogs, and even you getting chased by a dog
laughs throughout the whole filming process but then internally regrets it because he notices it could probably be heard in the video
breaks it to you that he has enough content for his project
and lowkey youre kind of sad because you've had fun being around him the past two days but you keep it to yourself
"i'm glad i could help. i can't wait to see it heeseung."
loves the way you say his name and now he's sad too because he doesn't really have an excuse to hang out with you more
so ya'll part ways after saying bye
but it's not some dramatic "i'm never going to see them again"
cause ya'll run into each other again at the cafe the next day
and it's kind of unspoken but ya'll just silently agree to sit down with each other and work on homework
you, reading out of your textbook, and him working diligently on his laptop (shh he's editing his film)
and you kind of steal glances his way and he's just smiling to himself as he works
and that's because he loves the way his film is coming along, and he loves seeing you
because in that moment, you both realize you have feelings for each other
but once again it's unspoken cause you're both scaredy cats
you call it a day and say bye and him back
you guys don't see each other until the night of the film show
and you're like okay i'll tell him i have feelings for him after the show
little did you know, he was thinking the same thing about you
but he's up in the film booth sweating his ass off because he knows you're somewhere in the crowd
and all of a sudden he doesn't want to be there
"what if they don't like me in that way?" "what if they take my video the wrong way?"
internally and externally panics
but before he can grab his cd and break it, the lights turn off and oh shit the show is starting
tbh, the films from the other students were quite interesting and you were enjoying each one
but this uncomfortable feeling was forming in the pit of your stomach
were you anxious? nervous?
idk but you were anticipating heeseung's film
and finally on the screen appeared heeseung's picture and biography
you didn't even notice the smile growing on your face
you thought to yourself, what did he even name his film?
"love through my eyes"
does heeseung have feelings for me too? or did they switch up someone's film with his??
but nope, there was no switch up
you watched yourself on the screen, from you smiling at him at the first moments in the cafe, to you laughing at his eating habits, and to you being chased by the dog, audibly hearing heeseung's giggles
but you thought it was over until there were more clips of the both of you in the cafe
however, they weren't from the first meeting. the clothes you both were wearing were different
wait, isn't this from two days ago? he filmed us that day?
from a hidden angle, the camera caught you two stealing glances at each other when the other wasn't paying attention.
you looked at him with stars in your eyes, and when you went back to your textbook, he stole glances at you as if your were his entire universe
speechless, the film ended, and with his film being last, the show ended and the lights turned back on
you didn't even applaud, for you ran out of the building immediatley, looking for heeseung
and there he is at the entrance of the theatre just staring at his feet
looks up when you hear him running up to him
"so... the film" he starts
but you don't let him finish because you pull him by the shirt and kiss him
and he's shocked because what the fuck they're kising me?!?!
but relaxes and kisses you back
and yeah, that's how your relationship starts
and expect him to film you at random times
would probably treasure "love through my eyes" and play it as a surprise at your guys' wedding in the future
im crying
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in-tua-deep · 3 years
Ok I totally want to hear more about this survivors au/Delores is real! How do the siblings handle having this different version of Five? Five may be better adjusted but he still has to heard his family around like a bunch of stray cats. What happens when Hazel and Cha Cha show up? How do they find out that Vanya causes the apocalypse and how does Five handle that revelation?!
here is the thing, i think the survivors au has the potential to be HILARIOUS
no one knows how to handle a well-adjusted five, and this absolutely includes the commission
So you mentioned Hazel and Cha-Cha?? Five in this au was not nearly as absolutely feral as he is in the show bc he knows how to interact with people - he was raised by a competent adult and a weird best friend and they occasionally saw other survivors as well
please picture old Five hanging around the water cooler and chatting with Hazel
the other funny thing is that Five is competent passing - he is well adjusted emotionally but functionally?? Hazel is out there complaining about dental being cut and office parties and budgets and Five is there sipping his drink having never filed taxes in his life. Five doesn't know what the fuck a dental plan is, he was a child soldier and then lived in an apocalypse.
So please picture for me Hazel being like "okay I know corporate wants us to keep what we're being paid to ourselves but fuck that, workers unite, what do you get paid as a legend old timer?"
and five is like "you're getting paid? i get to not get tossed back into the apocalypse, I think"
"but what about expense forms? what about medical care?"
"I'm like 80% sure i'm being experimented on, actually." Five says nonchalantly, "Don't get me wrong, my idea of medical care is fucked by being a child soldier but I'm pretty sure regular people don't have electrodes attached to their heads every time they get a checkup. Could be wrong though! My ex-dad used to monitor my brainwaves while I slept so like, my idea of appropriate shit is fucked, you know?"
This is a Five who was raised by Rick, he is polite to his coworkers. If Dot asked him if he wanted to grab lunch, Five would have gone and grabbed lunch with her or politely said that he couldn't.
Cha Cha only ever talks to Five when she wants to talk shop, so they've had a couple of conversations about weapons but not much else tbh, Hazel just tends to be more personable
So when they're sent after Five, Hazel is much more hesitant to kill who he perceives as a "work friend" and also is definitely thinking about all the times Five casually revealed a way the commission was being highkey shady about him, such as the potential experimentation, no pay, working under duress etc. He's much more easily turned against the commission because he's even more primed to say "fuck the commission" than he is in canon
Hazel out here like "how did Five break his contract when Five wasn't even being paid? I kind of want to read it."
Hazel out here like "I would unionize if I didn't think the commission was anti-union enough to send literal assassins after me if I suggested it :/"
meanwhile with the siblings
Five just. talks over them a lot and makes so much sense that it's actually really hard to argue with him, and he's weirdly considerate of his family's obligations
Like Diego is like "i have to go see Patch" then Five is like "that's great I'm proud of you buddy, it would actually be really handy to have some law enforcement read into the situation if you think she's up to the task. that goes for everyone by the way! If y'all have people you trust, more bodies would be super helpful I think"
the entire family, collectively, who have like zero trusted social links: uhhhhhhhh
Diego, with this weird permission, probably?? Does? Awkwardly attempt to read Patch into the situation? Patch is, obviously, like "what the fuck, Diego" but probably goes with him to the mansion (????????) because she's concerned and then meets his fucking whacko family with their superpowers and suddenly everything is 100% more realistic
Five is just like "yes hello I'm aware I look like a child, i'm actually in my late 50s or early 60s (apocalypse time amiright) because of time travel stuff. Yes I am Five Hargreeves who went missing in like 2002 or whatever. anyway it's lovely to meet you, i'm so glad diego has someone he trusts, and considering my sibling's shifty looks when i told them to invite anyone they trusted this genuinely makes me concerned that Diego is the most socially well-adjusted of them."
"That cannot be possible." Patch says, like someone who has met Diego Hargreeves.
"You haven't met the rest." Five says sympathetically, "In our defense we were raised in isolation as child soldiers."
"That... explains so much." Is all Patch can say to that, "But you seem..."
"I'm adopted." Five waves away.
"We're ALL adopted." Diego grits out, very aggrieved by this and also not sure if he likes the fact that Patch seems friendly with Five, or at least is listening to him?
"I'm double adopted."
However! With the recruitment of Patch, herding Diego becomes like 90% easier.
Honestly the worst to herd are probably Luther and Allison? Luther because he's Number One and resents Five taking charge and also resents Five's casual dismissal of Reginald and also suspects that Five (or at least the commission) has something to do with Reginald's death?
Allison because she is torn between following Luther and helping him and helping Five but also calling Patrick and Claire at every possible moment while ALSO trying to repair her relationship with Vanya. She's flighty - she'd bail on a Five-apocalypse-assignment if Vanya mentioned being hungry or if Luther called or anything like that
Vanya likes to be included and, if asked, would probably drop as many current obligations as she can. Like she would probably cancel her teaching if Five genuinely and sincerely asked her for her help, which he does because he's 100% sure Dolores would manifest in front of him and smack him if he dared even imply someone without powers wouldn't be helpful
Vanya is like "I'm not sure if i'll be helpful - I don't have powers ):" and Patch is like "wtf are you talking about - my superpowers are Gun, Backup, and Reading Comprehension and i am like the most useful member of this team right now"
Vanya gets a confidence boost just from hanging out with Patch honestly, I think they should be friends
Klaus is thrilled to be included are you kidding?? He says he does it for money but he's just happy to be there and also as one of the most emotionally intelligent siblings he is mildly concerned about the fact that Five looks like he's about to cry and also emotes
Five also gives Klaus positive reinforcement, hugs, and Five absolutely weaponizes the I'm not mad, but I believe that you can do better and I'm going to give you more chances because I love you and fully believe that next time you'll be amazing way that Rick used on him.
I feel like Five ends up saying something along the lines of "I understand that x is really important, and we're definitely going to look into it. Is it something that needs to be addressed right now, or is it something that can wait until after April 1st? If it can wait, I can write it down here on this list so we don't forget. If it can't wait then we can figure out a time to address it and help you" a lot
Like Grace malfunctioning and potentially killing Reginald?
"We don't have to make this decision right now." Five says patiently, "Because Grace is a robot, we have some options. Living with a robot who is potentially malfunctioning and homicidal is dangerous, but Luther saying that means admitting that Reginald might have made a mistake or error with Grace's programming or upkeep. I haven't been here for a long time, but I remember Reginald being very precise. Regardless, this isn't a choice between permanently shutting her off or not. We can shut her down temporarily until we can fully address the issue. We can ask and see if there is a 'system reboot' option or some sort of system check that Grace can undergo. We can try find and hire an expert to take a look at her programming to find the issue."
Five gives this speech while like, organizing the weaponry in the house on a table very nonchalantly
Five out here making buzzer noises at his siblings arguments like "yeah no that's a false dichotomy and a strawman's argument, want to try again?"
(Look apocalypse nights were long and they had games that were literally about arguing pointless shit like ranking types of chairs or the best way to break out of a prison without powers and things could get heated)
"Who died and made you boss?" Luther demands.
"Uh, the world? Were you not listening?" Five asks, looking very purposefully confused.
It gets even MORE delightful when Five reads Rick into the situation because a) he promised and b) his siblings really have like, no connections jeeze
Rick fully believes that this is his son from the future, like Five introduced himself, but Five skipped out on a few key details. Such as being adopted.
So Rick spends a solid chunk of time just staring at Five, who looks basically nothing like him, trying to think like, who is his mother ???? if we save the world will Five stop existing? why would I name my child 'Five'? Does everyone have powers in the future? was there like... a radioactive apocalypse? would radiation give future humans superpowers? when did my life turn into a comic book? am i even allowed to ask these questions? will knowledge of the future fuck things up?
and then when Five comes back and is like "what is up everyone this is my dad Rick who will be joining us, he doesn't have any memories of me thanks to time travel but if anyone is mean to him i WILL kneecap them"
"Your DAD?"
Five does kidney punch Klaus for saying that Rick is a DILF but otherwise everyone just is like, warily looking at this Normal Dad Man in confusion because?? This is the dude who raised Five, who they watched take out like an entire commission team by himself yesterday? He looks so. Normal.
Rick is very confused and like, wonders if he's supposed to be the team mascot? But Five keeps involving him and asking his opinion and in return Rick enforces snack breaks and makes everyone sandwiches and has gentle talks with everyone
Every time Five notices someone about to blow he just lovingly makes sure that that person is alone in a room with Rick
Luther ends up crying on the sofa with Rick gently patting his back as Rick calmly states that Luther seems like he's put a lot of time and effort into his family and making his father proud and that since Reginald isn't here to say it, Rick will have to be the one to say that he's proud and that they've been dropped into a difficult and stressful situation - so soon after Reginald's death when they're still grieving! - and he's doing so well
Luther, experiencing unconditional positive paternal regard for the first time in his life: i don't know why i'm crying so much
honestly this is just a comedy of juggling the gang, having impromptu therapy sessions and discussions, investigating the apocalypse and the eye, leonard trying to meet vanya continuously and failing because she's constantly surrounding by family or rick/patch, the commission trying their best to bust up the dream team/isolate Vanya/kill or remove Five, while Hazel lives out his romcom dreams with Agnes and also says "fuck the commission"
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jinkicake · 4 years
You Call Him Daddy?!
You accidentally call them daddy in front of the team.
Akaashi Keiji x Reader
Kozume Kenma x Reader
Anon, this might be a tad bit ooc in some parts.... Sometimes I picture the different ways these characters act when they aren’t seen and I like to write it like that LOL You know experiment and shit,,, Also I feel like I’m the only bitch who likes Nohebi HAHAH 
WC- 2,213
Akaashi Keiji
First let me say, wow Akaashi is so pretty and done.
I feel like if you accidentally call him daddy in front of the team it’ll be such a big mess 
All the third years, except Bokuto, are going to be silent, while their captain is like ‘yo toss for me’ like the whole ‘daddy’ thing would go over Bokuto’s head. Sweet Bokuto does not kink shame, okay. The managers would be squealing and gasping in shock, sending you suggestive looks before dragging you off somewhere to beg for details HAHAH
“Keiji! I’m so happy to see you!” You exclaim softly before wrapping your arms around him, you’re at the representative playoffs and you finally get to see your boyfriend once again after the few weeks of separation
Despite living relatively close to one another, you and Akaashi were both very busy preparing for these games. While he was practicing with his own team, you were managing for yours (which always proved to be a challenge, even now)
“Oh, how is your girlfriend doing by the way?” Kuroo sneers behind you and you glance to see your own captain squaring up with the pesky cat 
“Ah, excuse me Keiji,” You pout and apologize, Akaashi gently smiles and kisses the pout off your lips before unwrapping his arms to let you go control your petty team
“Daishou!” You scold and wrap your hand around said boy’s bicep, pulling him behind you to get in front of Kuroo, you give the Nekoma captain a fake smile before turning around to face your friend “I’m trying to see my boyfriend and I can’t do that if you keep starting shit!” You whisper-yell and Daishou rolls his eyes
“I didn’t start anything-“ He lies and you narrow your eyes up at him
“Daishou stay away from them and they’ll stay away from you, okay? Save your energy for the court.” You pat his chest and gently let go of the grip you have on him,
You’re about halfway back to Akaashi before you hear the damn snake speak up again
“I broke up with her!” Your eye twitches because you know damn well Yamaka broke up with him, you send Akaashi another sympathetic smile before walking back to your teammate
The grip you have on Daishou’s collar makes him choke and you practically toss him into the wall and get in-between him and Kuroo once more, glaring at anyone who looks at you
“I am trying to talk to my boyfriend who I have not seen in a few weeks so if you both could kindly stay away from each other I would appreciate it,” You smile sweetly and Daishou scrunches his nose before opening his mouth once more 
“See you in the finals” He sneers and you quite literally pick him up by his hair
“Daishou if you don’t shut the fuck up, you’re not going to see the finals. All I want is to have a peaceful day and then go home and give my boyfriend that gawk gawk 3000 and call him daddy so if you could please help me just this once and be quiet.” You growl and drag him away from Nekoma, smiling softly at Akaashi when you pass him, you bring your captain all the way to where your team is in the bleachers and sit him down on the bench “okay, now then-“
“You call him daddy?” Daishou snickers and you narrow your eyes at him
“What the hell are you talking about?” You ask and Daishou laughs so loudly it sounds like a cackle 
“You said, and I quote,” Daishou clears his throat before speaking again, purposely altering the pitch of his tone to reference yours “give my boyfriend that gawk gawk 3000 and call him daddy so if you could please-“ 
Daishou shuts up when you sit down next to him dejectedly
“I said that in front of you and the entire Nekoma team and Fukuroudani?” You whisper and the captain throws his arm around your shoulder
“Don’t worry (Y/N)! At least you didn’t say it in front of our team…. Oh wait,” He snickers and you awkwardly face the rest of your players and coach
“Ah, Daishou, I’m going to quit” You cry and he immediately tries to calm you down 
“Wait, (Y/N), no you can’t!” 
“So, you like being called daddy?” Kuroo asks after he bumps into Akaashi. Your boyfriend can only sigh in shame and shake his head, “I-is that a yes or a no?”
“That’s a shut the fuck up Kuroo” Kenma bites and defends his other friend, trying to drag the middle blocker away from the setter
Konohana, Komi, and Sarukui simply blink before walking away, dragging Bokuto along with them so their setter can face the shame in peace 
“Oh, Keiji!” You squeak and tightly grip the bed sheets on either side of you, you want to so badly grip his silky hair but, Akaashi has rules. The dark-haired boy flicks your thigh as a warning and you can’t help the pout that appears on your face. Akaashi not allowing you to touch him is a big punishment and, needless to say, you aren’t happy about it. Akaashi continues to stare up at you from in-between your thighs, his lips have captured your clit as he sucks dutifully on the swollen bud. 
“Daddy,” The pitiful whimper slips past your lips and Akaashi smirks against your soaking cunt, his tongue flicks your clit. His warm mouth is welcoming as he continues the harassment on the delicate pearl. “I-I love you.” The endearing phrase flies past your lips and Akaashi feels his resolve soften, he can never stay harsh with you for long. 
Though, he will try.
Akaashi removes his mouth and slaps your clit with four fingers, watching as you squirm and cry at the impact. He can tell how badly you want to grip his hair and he mentally reminds himself to reward you for staying so still, well as still as you can be. He continues to tap the sensitive bundle of nerves, ranging from light taps to slaps that sound throughout the room. 
“Daddy, please,” You cry and Akaashi takes pity on you, he leans forward and licks soothing strips up against your clit. He wants to kiss the sting away because he truly cares too much about his baby and wants you to feel nothing but pleasure.
“Daddy loves you too sweet girl, I love you so much.” Akaashi coos as he kisses along your thigh, he glances up and sees you staring at him with a deep pout on your face. He just wants to kiss it off. “Don’t look at me like that.” He tries to scold but his words come out weak, your pitiful eyes play numbers on him that he will never understand. “Patience, you’ll get what you want, hold out for Daddy."
Kozume Kenma
I 99.9% believe that Kenma getting called daddy in front of the team is Kuroo’s fault ,,, LOL 
Like Kuroo knows shit and it accidentally slips and everyone is like … ‘kuroo wtf’ because nobody believes him much to Kenma’s relief HAHAH
It isn’t often that you can convince Kenma to stay after at a joint practice but when you do, you nearly regret it every time
“And then she wanted to call me daddy,” Kuroo gasps loudly like the gossiper he is and you have to refrain from rolling your eyes at the way Bokuto is hanging onto his every word “shit honestly though, it was pretty hot”
The one time…. One time you convince Kenma to stay after practice to spend time with his friends and these are the conversations you get 
“Oh, I totally believe you Kuroo” You click your tongue mockingly and the tall captain gently pushes the side of your head 
“It’s true, don’t be jealous you weren’t her (Y/N)” Kuroo throws back and you flick him off, internally smiling at the way Kenma pulls you closer to his chest and tightens his arms around your shoulders 
“Kuroo you’re literally the biggest nerd on the planet, you really expect me to believe you get pussy, much less get someone to call you daddy?” At your words Bokuto gasps and Akaashi covers the ace’s gaping mouth with his own hand
“Ask Kenma he was there!” Kuroo flicks your forehead and you turn around to your boyfriend with your hand already bunched up in his dyed hair 
“I was not there,” Kenma confirms and had it not been for his arms wrapped around your waist, you would have lunged at Kuroo
“I don’t know why it’s so hard to believe, it’s not like you don’t call Kenma ‘daddy’” Kuroo spills, stating it so simply like he’s talking about the weather. You start to mentally plan his death as Akaashi shakes his head and Bokuto begins laughs loudly
You know Kenma hates being put in the spotlight but you simply could not help yourself
“You’re telling me if you had this mf fucking you every night, you wouldn’t call him daddy?” You snap at Kuroo and Kenma tenses behind you before squeezing your hips so hard you nearly yelp, Kuroo leans back on his forearms and looks around proudly like what did I say? 
“Yeah, okay,” Bokuto wheezes and falls back on the gym floor 
“What?” You and Kuroo both snap and Bokuto laughs even harder, clutching his sides and trying to cover his loud voice with Akaashi’s jacket
“Those two virgins? Yeah right-AH” Bokuto points at you and Kenma before Akaashi shuts him up by covering his mouth once again
“How would you even know that Kuroo?” Akaashi asks while placing his other hand on Boktuo’s shoulder to keep him pinned to the floor 
“Best friends don’t overshare their sex lives?” Kuroo asks and Akaashi shakes his head quietly, Kuroo does not miss a beat with his follow-up response “Oh, I forgot you two do each other so there isn’t much to share” 
Now it’s your turn to gasp and Kenma tries to hide the audible hitch in your breath with his hand. The gym is now silent and you eagerly glance between Kuroo, Akaashi, and Bokuto while waiting for someone to confirm or deny the statement
“Come on Kuroo it was one time!” Bokuto finally gets out of Akaashi’s grasp and Kuroo gives him a pointed look, “Fine. Five times” Another moment of silence passes before “Okay, it has become a regularly occurring thing” 
“Wow,” You simply nod in amazement before sending Akaashi a proud thumbs-up, one that Kenma swats down quickly 
“So we all probably have daddy kinks…” You trail off and look around the gym suspiciously, taking in the small noticeable nods you receive while trying to subtly hide the shocked look on your face
“Well, wasn't this fun, we all learned something new about each other!” Kuroo claps amusedly and Kenma buries his head into your shoulder 
“Yeah, too much,” He mutters before nudging your nose with his ear “can we leave now?”
Of course, Kuroo happened to overhear that
Kenma kneels behind you and he oozes disinterest as his eyes run all over your bent figure. The way he has you tied up has your face shoved into the mattress while your ass is high in the air. Kenma leans forward, hovering over you as he playfully snaps your blindfold between his fingers. 
“You’re so irritating,” He sighs and tugs on your hair roughly, forcing you to arch your back even more. It doesn’t matter how much shit he talks because you can still feel the hard heat digging into the back of your thighs. “you really wanted everyone to know your little secret.” 
Kenma trails one of his hands between your thighs, running his fingers along your slit and the gag in your mouth muffles your moans. 
“Kuroo acts like he knows everything we do behind closed doors but truthfully, he doesn’t even know the half of it.” Kenma softly rubs his palm against your ass, smoothing it over to the bottom of your spine. “Isn’t that right?” He asks and you can’t help the way you push your ass harder up against him. 
A harsh slap resonates around the room, the entire impact of it all makes your body lunge forward. Had it not been for the restraints, you would have bucked your head into the wooden headboard. Kenma quietly laughs before doing it again, letting his slim hand smack your ass once more. He watches with an amused expression at how your thighs have slightly spread for him so that he can see your drenched cunt perfectly.
“You’re enjoying this,” Kenma voices his thoughts and you nod your head, Kenma has to hold back from rolling his eyes and he leans over to release the gag from your mouth.
“Yes Daddy, I want more. Please,” You softly moan, your voice coming out hoarse due to the strain in your jaw and the dryness of your throat. Your boyfriend almost regrets taking the gag off your loudmouth. Regardless, he finds himself playing right into your game and the tightness in his pants increases tenfold. He does this all for you, Kenma lies to himself. It isn’t all entirely just for you.
“How many more do you want? How many more can you take from me?”
~ Taglist.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder
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tommydarlings · 3 years
Who's loving you? | t.h
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A/N: I really enjoyed writing this! It's extra kinda long because I never really done anything to thank you for nearly 400 followers!!! Thank you so much <3 (pls don't let this flop) anyway, enjoy! :) ily, liz <3
pairing: Tom Holland x reader
warnings: swearing, use of the word daddy?
w/c: 2.9k (wtf)
Requests: CLOSED
Summary: You and Tom holland are sworn enimies... aren't you?
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masterlist || taglist || requests ( in my masterlist)
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You hated him and he hated you. Easy.
Tom Holland was your enemy. You couldn't stand this man, he was just so unbelievable selfish. He loved himself, and himself only. He always talked about how smart he is and how many girls he already fucked. Yeah I know, so interesting. He was so in love… with himself, it was so annoying already. You had no idea how anyone could love him or even like him in the slightest, it was a mystery to you.
Why he hated you? You had there a few ideas actually… but it wasn't your fault entirely to be honest.
It all started pretty early, and to be completely honest, it's actually pretty childish why you hated each other so much.
Tom was 8 years old while you were 7. You were neighbors and your parents were pretty good friends so they decided to meet each other once. Well, it didn't ended well, it ended with you crying because Tom ripped the head of your favorite puppet off and laughed while you laid crying in the green and slightly wet grass in your backyard. Little bastard, I know.
But of course you gave him something of his own medicine. Just 4 years later you told his school crush that he likes her, and maybe you told her some lies about him like that he is super gross and that he actually likes another girl too and after that, Tom's crush spoke never a word to him ever again. And after he found out that you told her all that bullshit about him, he hated you to death. He could have litterilly killed you that day.
Since that they you were sworn enimies and basically both promised yourself that you would hate each other for the rest of your life's. Well…
The sad thing was that you both were pretty good friends with Harrison Osterfield aka Tom's best mate. And that's the reason why you both got invited to harrisons birthday party in his favorite club in London. Well, it wasn't exactly a birthday party it was kinda a little get together and spend some time again. It was just Tom, Jacob, zendaya, Jake, Harrison and you. You and Tom in one room. Worst combination ever.
Everyone knew that you two hated each other because it was so fucking obvious. But at the same time everyone knew that there is something in the air. For tom and you just pure hate, but for your friends it was love.
As you entered the club in your beautiful but at the same time short red dress, you spot the group immediately. Harrison waved you over to the table where everyone already sat comfortably on their chairs, the only chair that was free was of course next to the one and only Tom holland.
"sit down princess" Tom said with a grin on his stupid face.
"shut up Thomas" you said while you sat down.
"Yo guys, we are here for a few minutes and you already starting a fight? The night is not gonna end well" Jacob said with a tiny laugh.
"Yep, probably we even have to stop you from attacking each other" jake added. Tom and you just both rolled your eyes and began to order some snacks for the night.
"Can you please pass me the salt Tom?"
"You mean daddy, don't you? he answerd.
"What?" you said with confusion all over your face.
"you mean 'can you please pass me the salt daddy', didn't you?"
You just scoffed before you leaned over the desk and grabbed the salt yourself.
"uhhhh" Tom said with a little smirk.
"what now?" you asked slightly annoyed already.
"nice tits darling"
"fuck off holland"
He just laughed while everyone else on the table had a tiny grin on their face.
"you guys are really unbelievable" zendaya said with a tiny smile painted on her face.
"what do you mean?" you asked as you looked at her.
"you are so in love and you can't even see it" she said while she still wore the tiny grin.
You and Tom just looked at each other before you both rolled your eyes and make some puke noises.
"don't be ridiculous, we all know it" Harrison added.
You and Tom shaked your heads but you still tried to glance at him secretly but he caught you red handed. Because he just looked at you too.
"Where is Tom?" you asked the rest of the group.
"I don't know, I think he went outside or something" Jacob said.
You just shaked your head before you stood up and went into the restroom. When you were finish with your business, you left the restroom and bumped right into someone.
"oh, I'm sorry-"
"Hello babygirl"
"Just fuck off Tom" you answered quickly.
"how about…. No?" he said while he slowly backed you up against the wall. After your back hit the wall, he put both of his hands next to your head, so that you were trapped.
"go away Tom, please" you said with a hint of nervousness in your voice.
"I like that"
"what do you mean?" you answered confused.
"when you beg"
You starred at him with pure shook in your eyes. Your legs slowly started to shake and you kinda started to sweat.
"aw, does my little princess gets nervous? Pretty little thing" he fucking whisperd the last part right in your ear.
"I hate you" you spat.
"dont worry doll, I hate you too" he said before he stepped away from the wall and took one last look at you from the top to the bottom before he left.
"What the actual fuck" you whispered to yourself.
Tom made you weak.
The rest of the night went pretty good until you had to ruin it all,
"I'm gonna go get some drinks"
"yeah, please bring them, I need them when I have to spend the rest of the night by your side" Tom answerd annoyingly.
"can you shut the fuck up for one second Tom?"
"can you finally suck my dick?" he said with a wide grin.
"fuck off Thomas"
"you didn't said no darling" he yelled after you as you walked away from him. Sadly was the rest of your group the other ones currently outside doing God knows what so it was only you and your sworn enemy in there.
As you stood at the bar waiting for the drinks you felt someone lightly grabbing your ass, at first you though that you just imagined it but after the second time you knew that that is not your imagination.
"hey babygirl" a unfamiliar male voice spoke into your right ear quietly.
"go away" you said annoyingly.
"c'mon, I know that you want it too princess"
"Don't fucking call me that you little asshole" you spat angrily.
Suddenly he grabbed your wrist and turned you around so that you were face to face with him. He looked like he was in his 40's, 50's maybe? Definitely much to old and disgusting for you.
"And you better shut that pretty little mouth of yours doll" he spat back at you angrily.
Suddenly he pulled on your wrist and lead you to a little bedroom in the corner of the club. You know, where people get in to have their fun.
"Let go of me!" you yelled but he didn't reacted, he just threw you on the bed and started to open your dress.
"NO PLEASE NO" you yelled even louder but he didn't cared at all.
Out of nowhere, the man got pushed off of you an someone started to punch him. While you put your dress back on and tried to calm yourself down, the man that just saved you came up from the floor and you couldn't believed who just saved you.
"T-tom?" you said quietly, unsure if he really just saved you from getting raped or if you are dreaming or just wish that it would be like that.
"Are you okay y/n?" he asked as he slowly walked to you.
"Y-yeah, t-thank you t-tom" you said quietly while new tears started to build up in your eyes.
Keep it the fuck together y/n.
"it's okay now y/n, come here" he said as he opened his arms. At first you just starred at him and kinda asked yourself in your head if that's really happening right now or if you dream again.
But as he slightly smiled and nodded his head towards his arms as an invitation, you slowly made your way into his strong arms. But then you started to sob even harder.
"Sshh, it's fine now darling, I got you, okay?" you just slightly nodded with your head before Tom spoke up again,
"Do you want me to drive you home?" you just wanted to agree when you remembered that zendaya got the key for the house you both share and you really didn't wanted to search for here in the club right now, so you asked something you thought that you would never asked,
"Can I come with you?" your voice was literally trembling while you asked him that. He slowly loosened his right grip on you and looked down at you,
"yeah, of course" he said with a kind smile on his face.
"t-thank you" you answered before you both made your way to his car that was parked outside the nasty club.
Tom opened the door for you and you thanked him before the two of you climbed into the car. While you both drove to his house he gently laid his hand on your tight and you jumped up for a quick second.
"Is that okay?" Tom asked quietly.
"Y-yeah" you answered.
"o-okay" he said before started to stroke your leg with his thumb slowly.
"you want something to drink? Or eat?" he asked you while you sat comfortably on his couch. "No thanks" he nodded with his head lightly before he made his way over to you on the couch.
"Um t-thank you again Tom, really, you basically saved my life so yeah" you said
"No problem, I already saw him touching you at the bar and I was about to get up and punch this guy but when I saw him dragging you into this 'sex' room, when I can call it that, then I lost it completely"
"why?" you asked quitely out of nowhere.
"what do you mean?"
"why did you save me when you hate me Thomas?"
"because I care about you and by the way, i-I don't hate you y/n, yeah there were maybe some times where I wanted to kill you but I never hated you, I swear"
You couldn't believe it. Did he really just said? Did Tom Holland just said that?!
"r-really?" you asked nervously.
"yes y/n, really"
You were speechless. You were honestly shooked.
"i-wow-i don't k-know what to say, I'm actually really s-speechless right-"
You couldn't even finish before you felt his lips on yours. He just kissed you softly and gently to not push it or anything. He slowly grabbed your hips and put you on his lap. You both separated for a second and just looked into each other's eyes. Tom just wanted to say something but you put your finger over his lips and said,
"Sshh, please don't ruin it now tommy, please"
That's the first time you called him that name and he already loved it so much. He slightly nodded with his head and a tiny smile on his face before he leanded in and started to kiss you gently again.
After a few seconds of gently kissing each other, he puts one of his hands on your cheek and the other one on your hip and depended the kiss. He slowly started to kiss down your neck but you stopped him after a few seconds.
"sorry" he whisperd before he turned his head awys from so he doesn't have to look you in the eyes.
"hey" you whisperd quietly and put both of your hands on his cheeks and turned his head in your direction so you looked each other right in the eyes.
"I r-really like you y/n" he said quietly while he looked at your lips before he looked in your eyes again.
"B-but why, we always hated each other"
"Like I already told you y/n, I don't hate you and I never did, d-did you e-ever hated m-me?"
You knew the answer immediately. But you kinda didn't wanted to admit it.
"I-I don't hate you Tom, and I never did" you said slowly before you started to lean in again but before your lips touched, you spoke up again,
"I really like you too tommy"
"God, I love this name" he said with a tiny laugh.
"I think i'm falling for you" you said.
"I know that you are falling for me, I mean, who wouldn't?" he said in a funny way.
You lightly slapped his chest before you said,
"But your still a jerk"
"But I'm your jerk" he said with a grin.
"yes that's true, my jerk"
You both just looked into each other's eyes and enjoyed the moment before Tom spoke up,
"Do you wanna stay?" he asked nervously.
"Like, sleep here?" you said.
Tom nodded with his head slightly before he said,
"You don't have to I just thought that-"
"I would love to Tommy" you said in between.
With a wide and happy smile Tom nodded with his head again and picked you up.
"What are doing?" you said with a tiny laugh as you looked at him curiously.
"I'm gonna bring you into our bedroom"
"Our bedroom?" you answered.
"Well, for the night it's ours, okay darling?"
"okay Tommy"
And after you said that, he ran upstairs with you in his arms and threw you onto the bed gently. He came on top of you immediately. You both just laughed for a while before you spoke up,
"do you have something I could wear?" you asked quitely.
"yeah, I can give you a t-shirt of mine" he answered.
You nodded with your before he stood up and went to his closet. After a few seconds of searching a t-shirt that could maybe even fit you, he found the perfect one.
A white oversize t-shirt.
You thanked him before you went into the bathroom and changed into Tom's t-shirt while Tom changed in the bedroom. As you came out of the bathroom you saw Tom sitting on the edge of the bed just in his Calvin klein boxers.
Fuck, he looks so good.
You slowly made your way over to him and as you were nearly right infront of him, he stood up and hovered over you with the most serious gaze that you ever saw on Tom. He looked down at you, right into your eyes before he said,
"You look gorgeous baby"
"you too tommy"
He slowly nodded with his head towards the bed and you both climbed into it lazily. You sat down on Tom's lap again. "I promise that I won't hurt you and I promise that I will forever protect you, no matter what alright?" he told you quietly with the prettiest smile ever.
"thanks you tommy" you said before you leaned in again and started to slowly make out.
As Tom woke up, he though he would be dreaming, but then he remembered that it was all real. But what made him doubt was that the place next to him on the comfortable bed was empty.
Where is she?
Suddenly he heard noises coming from the kitchen. He just threw on some grey sweatpants before he made his way downstairs.
He couldn't belive his eyes when he saw you in his oversize shirt making breakfast. Slowly he made his way over to you and hugged you from behind while he rested his chin on your shoulder gently.
"Good morning darling" Tom said
"Mmm, morning tommy" you answered.
"Are you making breakfast for the two of us?" he asked with a tiny smirk.
You nodded with your head before the radio in the background played a beautiful song.
Who's loving you from Michael Jackson.
You suddenly gasped and said,
"Oh my God, I love this song!"
You put the breakfast on the plates and put the drinks on the table. But before you could sit down and eat, Tom took your hand and turned you towards him.
"Dance with me darling" he said quietly.
"o-okay" he put his hands on your waist while you threw your arms around his neck.
"Who's loving youuuuu" Tom sand quitely in your ear.
Suddenly he picked you up and put you on the counter.
"Who's loving you" you sang now.
Before Tom could stop himself he said,
"I love you"
"what?" you didn't heard properly, right?
"I love you y/n, I really do"
You just starred at him before you said,
"I love you too"
You started to give soft little pecks while the radio was still playing in the backround.
"Who's loving youuuuu" you both sang at the end of the song.
"I do" you and Tom said at the same time. You just looked him in the eyes and knew deep down,
that's my one, that's the man that I love.
-`ღ´- ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ -`ღ´-
@goodgirlgonetom @majo240820 @misshale21 @itstaskeen @pure-ghost @justafangirlduh @elizabeth-brown @roseke @onyourgoddamnleft @lovelyxtom
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lovely-keii · 4 years
hey this is my first ever request so i hope i did it right ;-; but can i get iwaizumi, kuroo and matsukawa (u can add more if u want) with a reader with braces and like has pain from them? like they just got it tightened or something. i hope u have a nice day!!
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With an S/O Who’s Braces Hurts
A/N: Sorry bubs, but I don’t write for Matsukawa since I don’t think I fully understand his personality, so I decided to write for Oikawa instead! But I have braces too, so I definitely know how it feels!
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Iwaizumi Hajime
tries to shove ice in your mouth
or vicks vaporub
he keeps tutting like an asian mom when you try to push him away too
“tsk, just stop moving, this is because you keep using cellphone”
?? how even??
he will start chasing you around the house
what started as you running from your boyfriend-but-asian-mom-version turned into a full fledged game of tag
you two eventually tire out and collapse into the sofa together
“you still need vicks”
“ugh, babe you just made me remember it. now it hurts again!”
he rolls his eyes
“then just forget it again”
“that’s not hOW IT WORKS!”
probably pulls out a slipper or a hanger wtf
and if it really hurts he’s going to pry open your mouth and start looking even though he knows that it’s just your teeth adjusting
“that’s why you should stop using phone.”
i’m not joking he’s going to do this but he’s 100% serious about helping you
even if he might sound like a mom because of it
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Kuroo Tetsurou
he’s going to study everything about it
in fact, he’s gonna study too much about it!
“babe, did you know that braces might cause soft tissue injuries?”
“i did not need to know that!”
but he’ll just make sure you rest your jaw or sumn
he cooks soup and just soft foods so that it doesn’t hurt too much
if it hurts to the point where you start crying
he’ll just start cooing over you like a baby
he knows he can’t do much about it because you need it if you want your teeth to really move properly
he also knows that if he interferes something might go wrong
and so he just stays with you
he’ll just try to enjoy your company and urges you to do the same
if you don’t want to eat, he’ll make you some noodles or cup op your food for you
he’s super worried and he knows that he can’t really stop it from hurting
but hey, at least now you know that only one in 4 million people have braces
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Oikawa Tooru
ugh no words just ugh
i can already see him trying to pull your braces out
he just lunges at you 
“if it hurts, why don’t you just remove it??”
then he actually shoves his hand in your mouth and tries to pull them out
you manage to pull him off
“it isn’t budging!”
he’s confused now
“no im not-”
“how do you think they put on braces?”
“they glue it onto your teeth with super strong..ohhhhh”
then he just looks at you and so you ask him why he’s staring at you
“why are you staring at me?”
“what do we do now?”
he’s genuinely confused but at least you aren’t focused on the pain because you’re now thinking of how your boyfriend nearly made you need dentures instead of braces
at the end of the day, he just gets you some food
probably tries to perform an exorcism on you or something
“but it hurts!”
follows you around the whole time it hurts as if he has to fight some dragon at one point
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Squad 312 2.0 - Extra Thoughts
I’m writing the rest of the Jones-De-Seel kids in fic form but until then I have been inspired
Lae can talk her way out of most things and would be a great Face, she just prefers to punch her way out. 
When Ty and Saedii ask her wtf that’s about, she just says that it’s the nature part of her, not the nurture part. Also, “why did you teach me how to fight if you didn’t want me to use it”
Cathy is the person who gets called to bail Lae and Rory out of jail and she always goes “mum mode” bc she’s not gonna leave them but she is gonna get big mad/disappointed at them
Fin and Scar meet Rory’s boyfriend the very first time by walking in on them unannounced, leading to a very hasty removal of hands from up shirts. Scarlett thinks it’s kinda hilarious and Fin doesn’t talk about it ever again. Ever.
Rory’s favourite sibling (beside her twin) is Dariel because sometimes she doesn’t want chaos and chaos is her younger sister’s specialty
It takes a lot to rattle Rory and she is usually very stoic, which makes people think she doesn’t have a lot of feelings, when actually she has many.
Rory may be the most protective of her siblings/cousins/friends, but Cathy is the mum friend of the group. She is usually the voice of reason when shenanigans occur and other than the OG Squad 312, she’s the one her friends and family call when they need advice and comfort.
Her apartment is always fully stocked with food and enough bedding to make a dope pillow/blanket fort.
Cathy is the best zero g fighter in the group and it’s absolutely useless bc she’s generally a pacifist (unless she absolutely needs to fight.)
Dariel is really good at tracking people and actually worked as a security consultant with the GIA briefly after he finished schooling. Not that anyone knows that.
To outsiders, many consider Dariel to be kinda cold, aloof and arrogant (people believe it’s his mum’s Syldrathi side peeking through) but he is just introverted and actually quite warm and comforting to the Squad, mostly because he’s very analytical and is a good sounding board for people’s emotions, whereas everyone else is big on action. Sometimes you just need to vent and cry, and Dariel is the perfect person to just sit and listen.
Dariel and his boyfriend are literally “extrovert who saw the introvert and decided to keep him” and that’s surprisingly a-okay with Dariel.
In extension to @iamheretodomythingrip​ ‘s theory about Zila Madran haunting kitchens, Zila Jones-De Seel was banned from the Jones-De Seel kitchen for nearly four years because she exploded the oven/stove unit and knocked herself out with a flying piece of said unit. 
She wasn’t cooking, she was just doing a science experiment that she technically could have done elsewhere on the ship, but Scar + Fin drew the line at the kitchen since it could have been a knife.
As such, it is lucky that she has partners that love to cook, bc she does not have enough practice for any of her food to come out good.
Zila keeps a record of every time her siblings borrow her stuff, especially her mechanic equipment and she absolutely makes them pay late fees. Steph once racked up nearly 600 creds worth of late fees because she borrowed an entire outfit from Zila and it looked cute so she just kept it for nearly a year
This is definitely a habit of Steph’s. She’s the youngest of five (and yes she steals clothes from Dariel, so he counts too), so she knows how to make a bitchin’ outfit from just hand-me-downs, and sometimes she just... gets an advance on her hand-me-downs. She periodically (at least once a fortnight) has to hear her siblings whine that “that’s my shirt/dress/pants/shoes” etc. The worst is that she looks better in the clothes than the person she stole it from.
Everyone tells Steph everything. Every little piece of gossip or info amongst the group, Steph probably knew first. Mostly bc she loves gossip but is very protective of the things people tell her, so she’s really good at being a vault of information.
Evaa cannot keep a secret. She is just awful at holding anything in and she needs to tell people stuff. As such, no one tells her anything. She is told about surprise parties less than an hour before they happen and is never told secrets, ever.
Evaa first learnt to fight from Saedii bc Kal initially didn’t want to expose her to the Enemy Within but Saedii taught Evaa about when fighting should be withheld first and it meant everything to Kal and made him more comfortable teaching Evaa himself.
Lae may be the best shot, but Evaa has probably the best overall aim out of all of them. She can hit a target from a kilometre away with everything from a flicked penny to a longsword.
And that’s all I have for today. If you have thoughts, you know where they go!
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