#wu yiqiong
fixaidea · 9 months
Finding out that his nephew was in a relationship with Zhang Qiling was a rough time for Wu Erbai.
See on one hand, this equation does not add up to an heir, so it should be discouraged... but on the other hand, how do you even phrase this concern in a way that can't be taken as you thinking that the Zhang patriarch is not good enough for you? Because THAT would be the level of fighting words even Fo Ye's faction might set their differences with the main branch aside just to get offended over it.
He keeps worrying over the matter until he gets a rather gruff call from his older brother. See, HE already told Wu Xie that it was all fine and it's very nice of Erbai to be so concerned about the legacy of the family, but it would be even nicer if he remembered exactly whose son they are talking about here. If Erbai wants a kid to boss about, no one's stopping him from making one. Or adopting. There's a thought.*
*Wu Yiqiong isn't being exactly fair here and he knows it. When Wu Xie told his parents both him and his parents assumed the other party will inform Ershu, and then neither did, so he was out of the loop for a long while. ...But he can't help feeling a bit smug over being told first for once.
Also, while on the phone Wu Yiqiong plays it off like the whole coming out thing went like a breeze, in reality things came very close to going ballistic. Not even over Wu Xie being gay - that he suspected and took with resigned acceptance - but when he realised that this Xiaoge character was the same man his son got so bent out of shape and heartbroken over all those years ago. That was when Wu Xie had to sit his parents down and explain the whole Bronze Gate thing in enough detail to make them understand Xiaoge's reasons, where he went, what it cost him and why Papa Wu definitely shouldn't sick his dogs on him please and thank you.
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hils79 · 1 month
Hils Watches Tibetan Sea Flower - Ep 4
Now that I'm back at work I won't be able to watch as quickly as I did yesterday but I think after this week the release schedule is meant to slow down a bit. We'll see how we get on.
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Wait, how many years are we talking?
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Is this the first time we've seen Wu Yiqiong in a drama?
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Ah, we're back to new young Wu Xie again
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Ooh a new Wu Sanxing too
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So Wu Laolou says he must be cremated within 2 hours of his death, no one should be 30 meters or less away from the cremator and no one must look inside the cremator after he's been cremated. Did he...swallow something?
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Oh no I know exactly what this is. Fuck, I'm tearing up already
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For some extra knives in the novel Wu Xie runs to this statue when his life is in danget because he feels safer with Xiaoge nearby even if it's just a statue of him
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Of course everyone wants to marry Pangzi. And we all know he's doing to drop everything if Wu Xie needs him.
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And of course Wu Xie knows that Pangzi would drop everything for him so he pretends that everything is fine. I AM DEEP INTO MY PANGXIE FEELS ALREADY AND THEY HAVEN'T EVEN HAD SCREENTIME YET
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Honestly I'm amazed it's taken 4 episodes for Wu Xie to figure out this is a trap. And he didn't even figure it out, Pangzi did and he's not even there.
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I love Pangzi so much!
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Yep there we go. From 'I'm happy where I am because everyone wants to marry me' to 'stay put I'm coming to get you' in the space of 5 mins
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He's so happy that Pangzi is coming for him 🥺
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Of course Wu Xie has decided to try and befriend the one woman in this place who looks like she wants to kill him by stepping on him. He has a type and that type is women who could snap him like a twig.
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You can definitely tell this is towards the end of Sha Hai era Wu Xie from the way he's meticulously setting traps and cataloguing the fingerprints of suspects. This is a man who has worked hard to wipe out an entire clan to keep Xiaoge safe
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Man who frequently has hot women trying to kill him is surprised to learn that a hot woman is trying to kill him
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Has he seriously got an internet connection in a monestary at the top of a mountain?
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I recognise that voice. And that walk. OMG it's finally happening.
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CHEN MINGHAO MY BELOVED!!!! I legit just started crying because I am a huge loser. I HAVE MISSED HIM SO MUCH 😭
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LMAO Wu Xie's face! But...um...okay, there's a thing in the novel that I kind of assumed wouldn't make it into the drama but now I'm not so sure...
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Oh thank god! So, in the novel they first start off by communicating via Pangzi writing messages on the toilet stall wall in his own shit. When he talked about having diarrhoea I had a brief moment of terror that they were going to go there 😅 NPSS really does like to include gross stuff involving bodily fluids in his novels
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God look at him
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I'm such an idiot I know who this is and I still gasped when someone with Wu Xie's face showed up unexpectedly. I won't spoil it for those who haven't read the novel
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There we go! That's the Wu Xie I've been waiting to see!
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Now the two Wu Xies are bickering. Where's my popcorn?
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Still not used to this drama actually having a budget. Where are the wonky special effects?
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I hope the bickering continues for a while this is fun
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Human skin mask my beloved plot device
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sunriseverse · 4 months
A couple posts have floated across my dash lamenting the dearth of female characters. Any thoughts about Wu Xie's mom?
thrilled that you decided i'm the person to ask about this, genuinely. anyway, re: wu xie's mom...........the problem is, it's kind of impossible to separate "wu xie's mom" from "wu xie's parents" as a concept. at least we know wu xie's father's name (wu yiqiong, terrible name but i shan't say more on that), but wu xie doesn't............appear to have a relationship with either of them, really. the first dmbj show (the 2015 web-series) attempts to establish a greater connection via making wu xie write to his parents about the repatriation of archaeological artefacts (or. something to this effect.) and it. doesn't feel in line with novel canon at all, honestly, for so many reasons. but he addresses his mother there first, if i remember correctly, so you could argue he has, in that specific adaptation canon, a closer relationship with his mother, i suppose, but................again, wu xie almost never mentions his parents in canon, to the point where i've run into more than one person who just flat out assumed they were dead because he never talks about them. of wu xie's family, his uncles hold an outsized presence in his life.
i really wish we knew more about wu xie's parents, and that i could theorise on his mother, but there just isn't enough fucking information (this isn't anger at you; npss is the one at fault here) and that frustrates the hell out of me. it's this complicated balance between "is npss making a characterisation choice by making wu xie have parents that he isn't close with, implying some sort of (at the very best benevolent) neglect" and "does npss never talk about wu xie's parents for the sake of keeping the focus on wu xie as the main character, who fulfils a certain literary archetype which inherently lacks parental connections". and fifty other issues!
i'm not going to comment on npss' writing of female characters; i've not read all of canon, nor watched it for that matter (my specialisation is sha hai, as you can probably deduce), so i don't feel equipped to do that in a public setting, because i'd really like to be able to back up my words with sources and citations, and i can't do that at present. i could have sworn there was a post analysing npss' writing of female characters in novel canon that i had saved to my likes, but i can't for the life of me track it down, and that's not what you're asking about here.
i guess..............the tealdeer here is, i wish i could answer your question, but there just. isn't enough canon for me to go off of. and, frankly, i don't think that's likely to change soon. most of the main series novels have been adapted, and they don't go into wu xie's relationship with his parents as a concept, let alone individually. the other novels, as far as i'm aware, definitely don't (i mean, they're not about wu xie in the same way as the main series is; why would they?).
..........i've just realised after i said all of this that you may have been asking about my headcanons about her. in that case, i can step out a bit from my tendency to try and use canon as my main source, and try and draw some extrapolations. based on the wu family's status by the time wu xie's father and uncles are adults, i would guess that she is, at the very least, from an influential family, if not one with business connections. i don't think she's probably from a family in the business, as they say (tomb-robbing) because wu yiqiong, as far as i can tell, made the decision to keep as far away from that side of things as possible—he, as far as i'm aware, leads a "civilian" life. it would make sense to me that wu xie's mother (and, i have to say, it pisses me the hell off that i can't even use her name, because we don't even fucking know it) does so as well. whether she herself has a career, i can't say for sure. the optimist in me says she should; if she married into the wu family, she would have to at least have some sort of prestige. and, after all, even if the wu have an impressive amount of wealth (and, wu erbai's business efforts assured that, i'm certain, even after wu laogou had to flee changsha and seek shelter with xie jiuye, and presumably lost a good deal of what he'd accumulated prior), what little i can glean about wu xie's parents tells me that i don't think that they're relying only on that wealth to live their lives.
i'm realising i'm floundering, not because i don't want to talk, but because—i think it's clear, by now, that i'm someone who relies a lot on canon to extrapolate things; dynamics, characterisation, etc, etc; to not have almost anything to go off of, well. that leaves me in an awkward spot.
you can't see me, but i've sat here typing and retyping this portion of the post and sighing and pinching the bridge of my nose. i just....................i wish i had more to say. i'm sorry that i don't. i can try and come up with something silly, but it wouldn't be earnest, and i don't want to do that. i think it shows in my writing; while i talk a lot about wu xie's relationship with his ershu and how that effects him, i can only think of one time i ever wrote about his parents, and they never had speaking lines.
i wish we knew her name. that's all i have to ask, i guess. i wish npss had given us at least that.
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[PX Fic Rec 114] 無頭
by vomisa72
Translated title: Headless
Relationship: Zhang Qiling/Wu Xie
Writer’s attribute: PingXie (unverified)
Rating: G
Status: Complete + Extra
Language: Chinese
Words: 298,221
Tags: AU Setting—Crime/Mafia AU, Criminal Investigation, Clear Water, Ambiguous Relationship, HE
What’s inside the fic: Third Person POV, Mysterious (to avoid spoilers) Ping × Police Officer Xie, Mystery/Suspense, Horror/Supernatural
Warnings: Mild Gore, Genderswap Da Kui → Pang Kui, a vicious(?) Wu Yiqiong, Minor Character Death
About this fic:
Wu Xie is a new police officer in recent years, he was assigned to work in the criminal investigation team. One day, they found a headless corpse in the mountains of the North District. And then the story began...
Personal opinion:
Honestly, I don't really remember the detailed plot since I read it a long time ago. At that time I hadn't read the book yet, so I couldn't judge the characterization, but I have a good impression of its story maybe because I'm fond of criminal investigation fics (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) PingXie is very subtle here, that's why it's rated G, but remember that this is also a criminal investigation fic that deals with murder cases... Anyway it's an interesting story with canon ambiguous PingXie. The romance isn't the strong point, even until the end they are still ambiguous hmm... but overall, I like it! ✨
Where to read: AO3
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intheyellowandgreen · 2 years
said the mouse to the king , 
DMBJ. PingXie. Words: 28431. Established Relationship, Royalty AU, Shifter AU. 
Treat for @epicwalrus​ for the 2022 PingXie Exchange
check out Walrus’s amazing fics at: UtterlyClueless on AO3.
Shifts below:
Wu Xie: Harvest Mouse &  Xiao-Ge: Panther (melanistic jaguar)
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PangZi: Brown Bear, Xiao Hua: Lilac-breasted Roller & Xiu Xiu: Arctic Fox
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PanZi: Caracal & Hei XiaZi: Black Wolf
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Wu NaiNai: Maine Coon
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Wu YiQiong, Wu Erbai, Wu SanXing: Wolves
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Zhang HaiKe: not mentioned but, vulture:
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eirenical · 3 years
So, I finally finished reading merebear’s translation of part three of Sha Hai (Sand Sea), which I understand is the last actual part of Sand Sea, with Part four being kind of a separate story/prequel?  And I was NOT expecting to get smacked in the face with THIS particular set of feels RIGHT AT THE 11th HOUR:
Wu Yiqiong looked at the door of his house on New Year’s Eve and watched it all night long. He warmed the cooled dishes, warmed the cooled wine, and did it over and over again until dawn. On the morning of the first day of the new year, he went out to buy vegetables. New Year’s food was very expensive, and wasn’t particularly fresh, but he still chose to buy it anyways. He knew that he still had to cook a table full of dishes his son liked to eat at night; otherwise he wouldn’t feel at ease.
Wu Yiqiong, you may remember, is Wu Wie’s father.
Who, under the impression his son is dead, reheats the New Year’s wine and food for him all night, and goes out early in the morning to purchase expensive vegetables JUST SO HE CAN COOK ALL OF WU XIE’S FAVORITE DISHES, EVEN THOUGH WU XIE WON’T BE THERE TO EAT THEM.
I just... *clenches fist*  TT^TT
HE IS SUCH A GOOD.  AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.  He has virtually no ‘screen time’ to speak of in the books, and even LESS in the dramas, but I STG, he is rapidly becoming one of my favorite characters in all of DMBJ.
Side note: Some boys marry women just like their mothers.  Wu Xie found a platonic lifemate who’s just like his father, and he is SO valid.  :D
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taomubiji · 2 years
Background of Wu Xie's Grandfather Wu Laogou
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I. Introduction
Wu Laogou (吴老狗) is a member of The Mystic Nine and Wu Xie's paternal grandfather in the novel series Daomu Biji. Wu Xie regularly relies on the grave robbing information Wu Laogou wrote in his journal.
Wu Laogou's age and experience were changed in the Mystic Nine drama adaptation since the drama takes place at an earlier time than the books. This post only contains information from the books and contains MAJOR SPOILERS.
This information is available on the wiki with more details and sources. PLEASE let me know if something is incorrect or confusing. I replicated the information here in the hopes that more people can catch inaccuracies.
Wu Laogou is only a nickname, his real name has never been revealed. Laogou (老狗) means "old dog" and Wu Laogou is often translated to Old Dog Wu.
II. History
Early Years
Wu Laogou's exact birth year is unknown. Author Xu Lei has suggested that in the early 1950s, Wu Laogou could have been around seventeen years old.
Wu Laogou came from a family of grave robbers. He ate corpse flesh as a child, allowing him to go into tombs without disturbing the dead. By the 1940s and 50s, Wu Laogou was well-known in the grave-robbing circle.
In the early 1950s, Wu Laogou, his great-grandfather, his father, and his brother attempted to rob the Dart Summit Tomb. Wu Laogou did not go into the tomb and stayed up top. His entire family was killed but his brother was able to retrieve a Warring States Period silk volume.
After the incident, Wu Laogou lost his sense of smell. He trained dogs to be his nose and became famous for it since the dogs could be used to find tombs and traps. He quickly became wealthy and gained prestige.
Deceived by Qiu Dekao (Hendry Cox)
Wu Laogou and Qiu Dekao did business with each other. In 1952, Qiu Dekao made preparations to leave China and began wrapping up his business. He promised old associates a small advanced payment for valuable items. He would then sell the items in the West and pay the rest of what was owed. Qiu Dekao went to Wu Laogou to purchase his Warring States Silk volume. Wu Laogou was reluctant but eventually sold it to him.
Qiu Dekao deceived Wu Laogou and never gave him the remaining money. In order to avoid problems with all of the Chinese associates he scammed, Qiu Dekao reported everyone, including Wu Laogou, to the local authorities in Changsha. Because of Qiu Dekao's association with the former government, it became a serious crime. Many of the people he reported were part of the Mystic Nine. They were subsequently killed or jailed and only Wu Laogou managed to escape to the mountains. Since he was the only survivor of the incident, his reputation was destroyed. The Mystic Nine also began to decline because of the incident and caught the attention of people at the top.
Moving to Hangzhou
Wu Laogou relied on Xie Jiuye's protection and moved to Hangzhou. He was introduced to Xie Jiue's distant cousin, the daughter of a well-respected family. The two married and had their first son, Wu Yiqiong (Wu Xie's father), in the mid-1950s. Later, Wu Laogou had two more sons, Wu Erbai and Wu Sanxing.
Wu Laogou continued keeping dogs. His favorite dog, a very small Tibetan spaniel called "Three Inch Nail (三寸钉)," was kept in his sleeve wherever he went.
Largest Tomb Robbery
In 1963, Wu Laogou and the Mystic Nine participated in the largest grave robbery in history led by Zhang Qiling. The expedition was organized by "It" to find the secret to the longevity of the Zhang Family since a powerful leader was afraid of death.
The Mystic Nine were rushed because of the deteriorating health of the leader and many of the experienced grave robbers were either too old to travel or were killed or jailed during the purge. As a consequence, the Mystic Nine suffered many casualties, many of its best members died, and it was greatly weakened.
The disaster led to a split where people in the industry supported either Zhang Qiling or Zhang Qishan. Wu Laogou wanted to retire and didn't want to see more people die in vain for Zhang Qishan. Thus, he sided with Zhang Qiling.
Later Years
Wu Laogou knew his sons would be involved with "It" and/or the Wang Family, so he made arrangements and hoped that by Wu Xie's time, his grandson could be free from this strange circle. Wu Laogou had hoped his second son, Wu Erbai, would be his successor and that Wu Yiqiong and Wu Sanxing could completely break away. But Wu Sanxing was too unpredictable and became the most skilled grave robber while Wu Erbai took a backup role.
Wu Laogou's first and only grandchild, Wu Xie, was born on March 5, 1977. Wu Laogou picked out his name. He wanted to call him 吴邪/Wu Xie, a homonym of 无邪/Wuxie which means "innocence" in the hopes that he will be innocent and clean.
While Wu Laogou retired, Xie Jiuye attacked "It"/Wang Family directly. He enacted his plan when the second generation of the Mystic Nine was organized by "It" to go to the Zhang Family's Ancient Building in the mid-1970s.
After 1979, Xie Jiuye stole the coffin of the leader and sought refuge with Wu Laogou when that organization went after him. Wu Laogou hid the coffin in the Southern Song Dynasty’s imperial tomb where it remained until Wu Sanxing and Xie Lianhuan took over the fight.
Wu Laogou died sometime between 2000 and 2002. He requested that he be cremated within two hours and that nobody was allowed to look into the furnace when he was being cremated. This was done to prevent his body from turning into some kind of monster because he ate corpse flesh and was a member of the Shigou Diao.
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batinaburnouse · 3 years
Wu Family Reactions
Sometimes I think about Wu Xie’s dad (Wu Yiqiong, according to the wiki, I honestly can’t remember hearing them say his name at all) who is... in theory alive (according to TLTR anyway, I could have sworn they said he was dead in TLT2) and what he thinks about the fact his son is continually risking his life being chased by flying snakes and corpse bugs and homicidal hand crab things.
Does he have a minion who has to give him reports on Wu Xie’s latest escapades? Does he ever call up Erbai or Sanxing (when he can reach his little brother) and yell at them for endangering his kid? Or has he gotten to the point where he’s like, “My boy survived a parasitic mushroom infestation? Must be a Tuesday. Well, let me know when he comes across another snake demon, that story might be interesting.”
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amidalogicdive · 3 years
The Last Qilin Chapter 3
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei盗墓笔记 | The Lost Tomb (TV 2015)
Relationship: Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling
Characters: Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Zhang Qiling, Zhang Rishan, Luo Que (Tomb of the Sea), Wu Nainai, Liu Sang (DMBJ Series), Wang Pangzi, Wu Erbai, Wu Sanxing, More Characters Added As Needed - Character
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Strangers to Lovers, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Qilin, Huli Jing, Missing Persons, Friendship, Developing Relationship, Spies, Dangers, Mysteries, Kidnapping, Character Death, Main Character Death, Temporary Character Death, Found Family, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Emotions, Family Secrets, Questions, withheld information, Revenge, Protectiveness, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
The Last Qilin
By LogicDive
Two days had passed since they had left Changbai Mountain when the three men finally arrived at the gates of Wushanju, in Hangzhou. It had been close to fifty years since Zhang Rishan had last come to the Wu compound. Back then, there had only been a few buildings scattered close to a lovely lake, low walls marking the boundary of their property. He remembered finding it quite charming and welcoming.
What stood before him now was far from what he recalled.
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The property seemed to have grown in size over the years. Tall white walls spanned at least two blocks on either side of a large metal gate, and were lined with bushes - ones that were extremely toxic if someone were stung by their barbs. The walls were topped by curved metal spikes to deter individuals from trying to scale them. If the lake still existed, it had been swallowed up by the size of the compound and walls that now concealed all of the buildings within. With how fortified it was, it was better to compare it to an Emperor's summer palace.
Which made Zhang Rishan wonder why they sought protection for themselves to such a level. However, it did explain why the Wang Clan had a hard time placing a spy within the family.
All the same, he never would have guessed the Wu Clan had grown in such ways since leaving the Jiumen Association, especially with what little he did know about the family. Last he'd heard, Wu Laogou and his wife had three sons. Only the eldest, Wu Yiqiong, had gotten married and bore a sole son, who, as far as he knew, had remained unmarried. To him, that signified a decline within the Wu, yet what he was seeing before him indicated the opposite. Regardless, he knew Wu were talented tomb raiders who either owned or possessed assets in almost every antique business in Hangzhou.
Luo Que pulled off the main road, stopping the van a few feet from the gates. He clearly wasn't surprised when they remained shut, looking out the front window at the large metal barrier that stood as tall as the walls on either side. Breathing out, he sat back and glanced at Zhang Rishan in the rearview mirror.
"I don't think they will be allowing us entry at this time."
Given that Zhang Rishan hadn't called ahead to inform the Wu of their arrival, he had no doubt that this was the case. In any case, the walls that made up the boundary of the property didn't exactly have a very welcoming appearance. Which, if the Wu had become as private as he'd heard over the years, then that wasn't a surprise either. It was obvious they didn't want people to feel comfortable or welcome.
Wu dogs, indeed.
Zhang Rishan could only hope they would allow them entry once they realized who he was. Patting Luo Que on the shoulder, he smiled. "Stay here with Xiaoge. I'll see if they will let us in." His eyes moved to meet his Patriarch's. "If anything happens, if you're in danger, I want you to leave with Luo Que." Without waiting for a response, he glanced back at Luo Que. "Don't hesitate, Xiaoge is your priority, understand?"
"Yes, President Zhang."
Patting the young man's shoulder one last time, he grabbed the door and slid it open. "I'll be right back." Exiting the vehicle, he glanced around for a moment as his eyes followed the lines of the arched metal gate. Off to the right side, he found what he was looking for. A small security camera was mounted on the tall wall and pointed down at the drive. He took a few steps towards it, bowing his head slightly out of respect.
"My name is Zhang Rishan, president of the Jiumen Association in Beijing. I would like to speak to the head of the Wu Clan, or any family member who might be available." He paused for a moment, waiting to see if he would receive a response. When nothing came, he breathed out and held up his hands. "I promise, I am unarmed." Needless to say, he couldn't speak for Xiaoge, or the three-foot-long black sword he carried.
Read More of Chapter 3 Here!
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They bow thrice with the sticks of incense before Wu Xie fishes a pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his long coat, arranging it before the tombstone next to the bouquets as another offering.“Pan Zi.” Wu Xie claps his hands together, bowing three more times with closed eyes. [JUST THE WHOLE SECTION OKAY. It's under 500 words, but too long for the ask.]
thank you for the ask! 💜
this is from chapter 2 of do not speak as loud as my heart (my dmbj and guardian crossover with lots of timetravel and where Wu Xie is Shen Wei’s reincarnation)!
this entire scene was actually from our conversation way back when when we first started chatting on twitter... the original idea was, if i remember correctly, a cute PingXie fic with a betting pool among their friends for when they would get together. i like the idea of Pan Zi being the first one to understand what these two would come to mean to each other—maybe because he knows his Xiao San Ye so well, and maybe also because that kind of devotion... well, Pan Zi probably sees it in the mirror for Wu Sanxing :’) 
i just love Pan Zi as a character so much. Wu Yiqiong is mostly absent in his son’s life, Wu Erbai isn’t appreciated enough, and Wu Sanxing led Wu Xie into the whole mess to begin with. out of all these “parental figures”... honestly, i feel like Pan Zi was the best for Wu Xie. the last thing he does while alive is protecting Wu Xie; and even in death, as we learn in Reboot, he still comes to pick Wu Xie up. he genuinely loves Wu Xie so much, and tries so hard to protect him from everything, tries so hard to protect the people Wu Xie wants to protect too... he deserved better. i hope Pan Zi smacks WSX and XLH at least once in the afterlife dammit.
[shakes fist at NPSS for writing Pan Zi into a tragedy]
so at this point in my fic, PingXie are more or less “officially” in a relationship, and i wanted to portray the typical bringing-your-significant-other-to-meet-your-parents kinda trope. but Wu Xie’s actual parents wouldn’t understand (honestly, did he even get the chance to tell them that he was sick omg), and Er Shu... :( so Pan Zi it is. plus it was kinda a good bookend for my fic—the fic starts with Xiaoge coming back home from the Bronze Gate, and we know from the ShaHai novel and TotS adaptation that Wu Xie and Pangzi pay respects to Pan Zi before going to pick Xiaoge up. and now it’s Wu Xie and Xiaoge paying respects: Xiaoge has come home, Xiaoge is here to stay, and both he and Wu Xie have gone through so much more together. Both Xiaoge and Wu Xie have done a lot of healing at this point; they’ve found a kind of peace. Pan Zi blesses their “happily ever after.”
i really wanted Wu Xie to ramble a lot more during this scene, but i also think that he wouldn’t. SO much has happened since Pan Zi died. SO much has happened since Xiaoge came home. some things don’t need to be said out loud; Pan Zi knows, and Pan Zi still loves his Xiao San Ye. Wu Xie still loves Pan Zi. (in the book, it’s explained that Wu Xie was the one who painted the characters on Pan Zi’s tombstone.)
i was also thinking about that scene in The Untamed where WangXian go to Lotus Pier and pay respects in the ancestral hall; three bows, like a wedding. 
this is the beginning of PingXie’s very ordinary, very peaceful, very happy, and very gentle married life.
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fixaidea · 11 months
Man, just. Imagine being Wu Yiqiong.
All you wanted for your one (1) kid is to NOT fall in with the several generations of weird bastards of various levels of criminality that made up your family, only for him to be swept up by your youngest brother, arguably the weirdest, bastardiest bastard the Wu clan ever produced.
Then your son starts to go MIA for months on end, gets spotty about communication, at one point gets completely bent out of shape over... some boy? Or what? And THEN he straight up falls off the map for ten years.
Oh yeah, and to add insult to injury all his friends and acquaintances refer to YOUR kid as Xiao SAN-ye. If that ain't a massive L, I don't know what is.
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fixaidea · 10 months
OH hey something I just noticed - Wu Xie's parents are also alive in the Reboot-verse!
When his illness is discovered Ershu asks if his parents know.
...Wow tho. In the books it feels more like his parents are just trying to distance themselves from all the shady family history and so don't feature much in the plot, but they are still clearly on speaking terms, but in the drama-verse and in Reboot-verse they are so loudly absent I assumed them dead.
Apparently no, they are just deadbeat AF.
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fixaidea · 11 months
For the AU askgame: DMBJ + Wuxia AU
(Aaaand this is where it becomes painfully obvious that I don't know nearly enough abut wuxia as a genre.)
Hhhh okay so, if we don't want to trespass into xianxia territory we're focusing... less on the zombies and the immortality and the Ultimate and more on the alliances and turf wars between the Mystic Nine sects and the Wang.
Of course at some point the Wu decided that they no longer want anything to do with this whole jianghu business and the only son of the family should pass the imperial exams and become a scholar and have a nice, respectable if maybe kinda boring career.
Well, I mean, Wu Yiqiong decided that, but alas little brother Sanxing is a conniving bastard in any and all universes so Wu Xie ends up getting swept up in Martial Arts Sect Politics anyway.
So you're contractually obliged to duel your soulmate under the moonlight at least once but uh. I don't see how that would end in any other way than Wu Xie being reduced to mince-meat. Maybe a half-joking-half-serious one with Pangzi but Xiaoge? Naw.
You know that bit of interview where Accomplished Swordsman Basil Rathbone tells us about how the hardest opponent he ever had was a complete chaothic noob, because he just couldn't predict at all what he was gonna pull at any given moment? Yeah. That's how Wu Xie survives in this world. (Also deux ex Xiaoge, but that's just regular canon.)
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eirenical · 3 years
I've come to the conclusion that Wu Xie's father is the sensitive himbo of the family and he must be protected at all costs.
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eirenical · 3 years
Still working my way through the last dmbj book and this little detail just pounced me:
I always felt that Uncle Two was busy dealing with something. After hanging up the phone, I thought some more and decided to call my father.
I sat there smoking while chatting with him. I wasn’t thinking about any particular problems, just taking one sentence at a time while thinking about some small details that would help me with my own reasoning.
I hadn’t had such a good chat with my father in recent years so he was completely blindsided. In the middle of the conversation, he carefully hinted to me: “Xiao Xie, are you lovelorn? You know you can tell your dad anything that’s making you feel sad."
2) I... this is one of the few times I've heard or read anything about Papa Wu and he seems a bit clueless but ultimately very sweet? Just... awwwww. ^_^
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