#ww rants
wistfulwatcher · 6 months
@ahauandthesun replied to your post “vague tgotb 1x6 spoilers I was genuinely enjoying...”:
wait i need your reasoning on this because i had the same feeling but wasn’t exactly sure why. this whole episode felt off
​yeah, i have thoughts lol.
ok so first of all, i'm wondering if this episode and the last episode got restructured/rewritten? because the first thing that felt ~off to me was how grace and kimberlyn interacted. like??? grace was invited to her engagement party/wedding last episode and now it's like they barely know each other? while i enjoyed 1x5 i did think they were kind of rushing the friendship between the girls. i was rolling with it because 10 episodes in a season is so little that i figured they were just doing a whole lot of telling not showing with the emerging friendship.
but this episode felt like a full step backwards, with zero reason for it. i really wish the bus breakdown had happened earlier, since the debates were a good way to get the women to talk openly. (but maybe they were trying to use it to sell their point that debates don't change anything? i'm maybe giving this show too much credit lmao)
overall though i was enjoying the episode up until about the last 15 minutes, because wtf happened with grace and the sandwiches? i legitimately thought it was another one of sadie's fantasy sequences because that came out of absolutely nowhere. if it had made even a lick of sense i would have been all over that scene but it was just truly bizarre???
idk overall the ep felt sooooo shallow. i didn't really think this was a groundbreaking female show or anything before this, but it wasn't so bad i couldn't enjoy it until now. it just felt...blah. especially when thought about in retrospect, knowing where they're going with sadie. pregnancy is about the dumbest/most overused/boring(/insulting, because sadie doesn't have to make EVERY short-sighted choice, a career-oriented woman remembering to use protection can coexist with a semi-unethical choice in partner!!) route they could have taken. i was already barely tolerating the loafers storyline because yeah. sure. when he's a plot device to explore double standards he makes sense. i guess.
also, and this is truly the most minor issue with the pregnancy storyline but. she's 8 days late after traveling/working nonstop, trying to uncover a conspiracy/election bombshell, losing the respect of her mentor, and fighting tooth and nail to keep her dream job? you're a week late because you're fucking stressed, sadie. ugh.
overall, just disappointing!!! but oh well
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ohitslen · 2 months
*Vampirizes your Vashwood*
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keep reading for more :)
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If there needs to be much closer close-up please let me know!
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willwooddaily · 3 months
every time I hear/see someone say goddammit the only thing that I can think of I Marsha thankk you for the dialects but I need you to leave by Will Wood
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errorwarblesrr · 1 year
Man, I really love the Wind Waker Ganondorf fight. It feels different from other fights in the series in the sense that you aren't fighting to save a kingdom or the princess. Sure, Link went in that tower to get Tetra back and stop Ganondorf, but when the fight happens, that isn't why they are fighting anymore.
Tetra is already there with Link, and Ganondorf had already lost; Daphnes stole his wish. Ganondorf has lost everything, and now the only thing he desires is to take Link and Tetra down with him as the hope for the future he wanted was given to them.
A fight you go into expecting to be one to save a friend and stop the villain became nothing more than a battle of survival. The waters of the great sea are crashing down as it is to kill or be killed.
Throughout the whole journey, Link and Tetra both struggled against Ganondorf. The first visit to the forsaken fortress he throws Link into the sea to drown. The second time, he knocks Link down and is about to strike him down with his blade, Tetra just barely coming in to save Link on time, and even then, they're both not strong enough. Finally, in Ganon's tower, after going through Ganondorf's trials without even getting a chance to fight him, this man straight up beats this small child and steals his triforce. Every confrontation with this man has gone wrong, and yet it's now or ever because if they lose, they will die, and no one is there to save them this time.
The battle theme is intense. It really is two very small children fighting this huge man, but just as they're the hope of the future every once in a while, the great seas theme will play as if there is a gleam of hope. That they can make it out alive.
However, even then when they do win, it isn't a triumphant one. Anytime Link has beaten a boss in the game, he is overjoyed and ecstatic. He is jumping up and down as he slayed the monster. He won.
Yet for Ganondorf, this is his reaction for killing a man.
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He looks to be in disbelief, frightened even. Whatever he is feeling, it sure isn't a good one. How could he feel good about this? One thing is for sure is that he is exhausted, and he almost passes out then and there, with Tetra needing to catch him.
I just love everything about this fight. From the music and setting to the aftermath and why you're fighting him. You're not fighting to win or save the day. You're simply fighting to live.
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letojessica · 3 months
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red string of fate (rhaenicent's version)
wiktionary entry for “千里姻緣一線牽” // invisible string, taylor swift // house of the dragon (2022-), 1.01 // olivia cooke, harpers' bazaar interview // eloll, karen dolorez // house of the dragon: inside the creation of a targaryen dynasty // removed house of the dragon scene // jane eyre, charlotte brontë // x
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birb-boyo · 11 months
The first iteration of Link and Ganondorf is Time and his respective Ganon. The second is Wind, third is Twilight, last is Sky with Demise.
Now, this is definitely my favorite part of the entire teaser because the music and the visuals tie in SO perfectly it’s intoxicating and I’ve replayed the same 15 seconds so many times-
Anyway, what I came here to post about isn’t about the music, but the visuals and what went through my head while I watched it other then HOLY FUCK
My first observation is that Time and Wind are moving back, but Twilight and Sky are moving forward.
Now, the first thing that came to me was that they were kids when they fought Ganondorf, so maybe that was why. They were moving back because they were scared. Which could easily be the the reason.
But then you see how Time and Wind are positioned. Time’s footing looks absolutely terrible, like he’s seconds from falling on his butt. Like he was running backwards. Another thing is, Time has his shield out, but the only thing for him to block is Ganondorf’s hand that seems to be reaching for the Master Sword.
Wind looks kinda like the 🤺 (fencing) emoji. Almost like he’s trying to shoo away Ganondorf with his sword. And Wind has two swords coming for him, yet his shield is behind him. This could be a result of massive impact on the shield before the clip, but maybe it’s not.
I actually just rewatched the clip and realized that Wind is blocking one of Ganon’s swords with his sword, but I still don’t know why his shield is behind him. Plus, he still looks like he’s being effortlessly pushed back🥲
Now I wanna talk about Twilight and Sky.
Twilight looks ready here. Like he’s been training for this moment his entire life. His sword and shield seem to be ready for use and the guy is just steady. I don’t have much to say about him. However, Twilight’s face is definitely the clearest and it looks like his eyebrows are furrowed. Maybe in concentration. Maybe in anger. I’m not sure. It also sort of looks like his teeth are gritted.
Sky’s face may be the most clouded over, but I could easily be wrong and it could be Wind’s, but he also looks ready. Maybe because he was actually trained, and that may just be a consant with Twilight and Sky.
Twilight was trained by Time while he was the Hero’s Shade
Sky was trained in a whole academy for knights
Time doesn’t really get taught how to fight(I think)
Wind gets taught how to fight breifly
Sky has had years of training. And maybe Twilight didn’t have those years, he had the help of, not only someone who was in his shoes, but his training is throughout the game, not just a side-quest you do it ten minutes.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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toonblade · 1 year
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Linktober 2023 Day 14 - Ganondorf
Wind Waker Ganondorf is my favorite incarnation of the villain in all the series. He's not a mighty, evil king trying to usurp power and rule all. He's instead a sad, bitter old man clinging on to the past and unable to let go of what he could have had. He's humanized a bit, showing him as perhaps having decent intentions, once upon a time, though corrupted by his own drives and ambitions.
His final fight is also one of the finest. Again, contrasting to other Ganon's, the fight isn't to save the world. He's already lost. Instead, it's a battle of survival against a man with nothing left to lose, wanting to murder two children in a petty show of defiance against his fate.
God I love WInd Waker.
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felt-squirrels · 1 month
I too have wished I was a girl so that way you could kick my fucking teeth in
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theophagie · 4 months
And when in X weeks we'll find out who was narrating Izuku's obliviousness to how people feel about him while using Katsuki's words......
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llovelymoonn · 2 years
hi, i am broken hearted after dating someone for a month. they wanted to stay as friends and i reacted negatively. i hurt them with my words/actions, and recently tried to ask for a second chance after being in a better headspace. but they no longer want to be friends but hope that i am well. do you have a piece or compilation for these feelings?
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baek sehee (tr. anton hur) i want do die but i want to eat tteokbokki \\ trista mateer aphrodite made me do it \\ antoine de saint-exupéry in letters to natalie paley (via @metamorphesque) \\ muusubu hagi kind of blue \\ kim addonizio what is thing called love: "stolen moments" \\ judy clarkson reciprocal \\ eliza griswold wideawake field: poems: "flood" \\ herve constant no no no... \\ margo schopf you're my sister, but i don't know who you are \\ clarice lispector the hour of the star
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duncanor · 1 month
White Wolfwood jumpscare tonight
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whenyoulosesmallmind · 5 months
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Nicklas Bäckström + Alexander Ovechkin ― Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale, Eugenio Montale (trans. William Arrowsmith)
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splanana-bitz · 11 months
This rant I'm about to go on will probably not even get noticed, but, I genuinely do not care.
I just want to take a solid few minutes to really praise Will Wood and how...intellectual and meaningful his lyrics are. I know that's probably obvious to a lot of other WW fans already, but his music has been causing me actual brainrot and I can't stop putting his albums on repeat, ESPECIALLY The Normal Album, and I can't and won't shut up about it.
(Heads up, this is simply a take of mine on The Normal Album that I've been really wanting to talk about. I am by no means disclosing that what I am about to say is objective and/or true. You may politely correct me or respectfully counter it with your own opinions/thoughts, but kindly remember, this is just me mindlessly blabbering about how much the album means to me, how the little details make up my theory for the album's theme/point, and just me fangirling over the thought he put into his music.)
Alright I'm gonna go out on a limb here and essentially just explain my Normal Album theory I compiled by making the most logical connections and assumptions based off the album's lyrics and certain song's context(s) from the album.
To me, The Normal Album is an ironic, satirical juxtaposition testing "normal" people's reactions to "hush hush" topics of conversation, or things we don't typically think/talk about that aren't considered "normal" at all. Not only that, but also how the little bits and pieces from different songs and lyrics from the album make up said theme, is just so astounding to me. It truly shows that he put a lot of thought into his work and you can tell some of the songs are hitting just as close to home for him as it does with a lot of fans who look really into it.
To further emphasize, notice how the first song of The Normal Album, "Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary Bell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally," the first name and part(?) of the song is literally starting with "Suburbia?" Suburbia is often known as a neighborhood that appeals as a peaceful, cookie cutter place to live or the collective standard people envision as to what "normal" people should act like or how if you really are "normal," this is how you should live your life; a shiny, happy family, white pickett fences, perfectly cut grass, etc. Suburbia also (stereotypically) expresses resentment anyone that does not fit their standard of "normal," and I think that's Will's entire point, not only expressed in this song in particular, but the entire album. He is testing the waters by presenting this as an exaggeratedly normal album on the surface, but the further you get into it and/or dive into the lyrics, it becomes evident this is not normal at all. Just like how modern, suburbian culture (that he very explicitly expresses that he despises (e.g, "fuck your culture," "culture is not your friend")) presents itself as normal, even though behind closed doors, we know there is most likely something that is not okay, or something going on that contradicts the suburbia's own self-established standard of normal.
Hell, even the album cover is Will wearing "normal" suburbia-esque attire, waving out a window with a smile on his face, presenting as the normal he very much opposes with this album's music. This enhances the theme because of how much its trying to look normal on the cover; only ironically portraying Suburbia as too good to be true even more. And this is only the first of many symbolic details found within the album. With the ironic title, plus this sense of imagery, who wouldn't think it wasn't normal? (but if you know Will Wood and/or look at the titles, then you know damn well this album is far from it.)
By showing us something normal on the cover and starting off the album with a song who's title's first word is "Suburbia," it unveils itself to be ironic yet symbolic, reflecting suburbian attitude and showing how these kinds, and plenty of other people, treat what should be considered important topics (identity, death, morality, mental health, etc.) as things to be swept under the rug because it was not integrated into their "normal" ideals, through its music and words.
For example, to help even further prove my point, just look at some of the lyrics/song titles:
·"It's only culture, and its more afraid of you than you are of it." - That right there, that right there is his entire thesis that sums up his point of the album, along with my theory. Anything different opposing "normal" culture, the same culture grows a fear of it, often times trying to silence it out of fear of losing control of or entirely losing the "normal" haven/standard that has been created and set. Will bringing up the topics he does within the album does this very thing, destroying the "normal" feeling that had been set at the beginning, along with revealing the album's lack of hesitancy to discuss tough topics, the undertones of its true nature, and shining a light on how the album is ironically not normal at all.
·"I/Me/Myself" - A song that plays into the themes of not only identity, but the same themes of normality and conformity by discussing how both cis and trans people have their idea of normal towards labels and how one should act according to theirs and are both capable of projecting it in a toxic manner that tries to push down anything that defies it. Will Wood LITERALLY wrote and explained how this song is talking about his experiences as someone who used to be a genderqueer person, how both people on each side of the gender spectrum tried telling him that he can't do xyz because he's a cis man/genderqueer person (or in general), his frustrations with said standards, and that he only wore his gender identity as something to serve a purpose. Just because your behavior, interests, or whatever, contradicts your birth gender, it does not mean you have to conform to labels on either side, even if its not "normal" to everyone telling you otherwise. This very thing also exemplifies how this aforementioned culture is "not your friend" and that it can and will very much push down its standard of normality down your throat, no matter how good it seems or what side its on.
·"Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave" - Like "I/Me/Myself," this song also presents two (most likely extremist) sides that have their own standard of "normal," but this time, it discusses mental wellness instead. Regarding the fact this song revolves around themes of mental health and the balance of how it should be treated, we are given two (or possibly several more) perspectives on the subject matter that could each be considered normal, depending on the evironment/generation. (E.g., we hear a side throughout the song that seems to oppose professional/medical help in this regard or leans away from heavy reliance on such things (e.g., "Back in my day we didn't need no feel good pills and no psychiatrists, we just drank ourselves to death/bled out in our bath," "A little identity never hurt nobody, but lately you've been focusing too much on yourself," etc). And then, we also hear a side that is also consistent throughout the song, seemingly the polar opposite (e.g., "Better safe than sorry, and we both know the danger," "And a little conformity never hurt nobody, but lately I've been worried that you're losing yourself," etc.) (This one is kinda loosely tied, but I still thought it played into themes similar to I/Me/Myself in terms of normality, sorry if it doesnt make too much sense)
·"Well this disease is defined by its treatment, you people make me sick!" - This bit from Outliars and Hypocrates helps emphasize the album's theme further due to the song itself (theoretically) being about human behavior and this lyric also showing how these "normal" people may treat anything different negatively, creating issues within the person who appears as different and making them think something is wrong with them, potentially forcing the person to conform in order to avoid being ostracized (further creating and pushing the established "normal" expectations). Thus, creating a "disease" that is not at all a disease, and merely just behavior that is only treated as such because it does not fit the metaphorical and literal suburbia's standard or ideals of "normal."
I could go on and on, but I have been typing for way too long at this point (my hands and brain are actually hurting, help- VHKDFJ). There are plenty of other lyrics and songs I want(ed) to integrate in this post, but as I just said, I'm very tired from writing all this, and besides, I think I've made my point/theory clear. Whether I'm correct (partially or fully) or not, this was still fun to talk about, and trust me I have so much more praise for this man and his work and I got plenty of more speculations as to what some of his other songs could mean. Maybe I'll make more posts on it sometime in the future, but who knows?
And again, I cannot stress this enough, please do not harrass me for this and if you do believe otherwise, please reply respectfully. I know some, if not most people are nonchalant at the least about this kinda stuff, but I do NOT wanna deal with any comments or replies I know I could possibly get that'll be going "Erm, Actually-" or getting pissed at me for having an opinion. I am in no way claiming my postulation is definitivelty correct, these are just MY theories and MY thoughts. If you have anything different to say or your own theories about The Normal Album, or just any of WW's music in general, I would love to hear them in a respectful manner and/or your reasons for why you think xyz about the album(s).
I just had to rant about how truly incredible Wood's choice of words and music were for the album. The theme is truly very astounding, but just the pieces in the words and titles that make up the puzzle, is what it makes it even better. It is just so well thought out and amazing to me. Will Wood is one of the most lyrically intlligent, and seemingly passionate artist's that I've ever seen. If you dont like his music or have never even heard of him, at least read more analytical posts like this just so you can get a taste, and/or at the least, appreciate how absolutely profound Will is with his lyrics. My compliments and explainations for his work do not do it justice. It is just something you have to listen to for yourself. His content just cannot be put into a box by words.
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willwooddaily · 3 months
reblog this if you’re taking action, you’re gaining traction, no more distractions, you’re done relaxing, you’re the chemical reaction.
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shannonsketches · 11 months
the ganstans out here with 'gan is a huge fan of animals and nothing can change my mind' energy...just know i see you and I love you and i'm also in that camp
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in-the-toilet3 · 2 years
He's so fucking real
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William my boy!
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