#wwe wif
rare-agere-reverie · 1 year
hi! i saw you had sports rpf in your will not do section. im just curious as i cant find what it means, what is a sports rpf? just want to make sure so i dont accidentally request anything like that!
Oh! Well lemme tell u wif a storyee (story time yay!)
Bfore I had Tumble, I relwied on AO3 for agere content. But I’d filter out stuffz I didn wan, but den I noticed how some fics were of sports guys, like real players of pro sports. Even wen I got on Tumbelr I saw a few tings on stuf like WWE n junk. I tink it’s stranje to do agere stuff on da sports peoples cus I worry dey might see, so that’s why I don’t do them. Hope it helps ❤️
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romanstheory · 3 years
I'm not sure if you're still taking Rhea request but if you are can you make a smut where Rhea is being to rough and y/n has to say say their safe word then pear fluff
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Word Count : 572
18 +
Rhea and I have been seeing each other for a few months now, we've both decided not to put labels on things. She was always gone, and our schedules often conflicted. To spare both of our feelings, we just decided to have a good time together, however that may look. She's been home for a couple days doing business and finally has some free time so that we can meet up. "See you in 5 ;)" She texts me. I set up a cute dinner for us at my apartment, and figured we could snuggle and watch movie after.... unless the mood changes if you know what I mean.
I put the final touches on dinner, plate it, and get the dinner table set up for us. i hear a knock at the door "She's here!" I say to myself. I open the door, greeted by a smiling Rhea. "Hey beautiful!" She says handing me flowers. "Oh thank you!" I say pulling her into a hug. We head inside and I show her the dinner I had made for the two of us. "This looks amazing!" Rhea says looking around at everything. "Anything for you!" I say with a smile.
We sit down at the table and start eating. I'm nervous, I hope she likes it! I've never made food for her before, so I look at her to make sure she gives me some sort of look of approval. "It tastes amazing Y/N, don't worry" She chuckles. My body relaxes and I smirk and start eating the rest of my meal. "So how has everything been?" I ask before sipping my wine "Amazing, so amazing. Everything is going exactly like I hoped for" She replies
We both update each other on how life has been since we've seen each other last as we finish our food and wine. "You know what sounds amazing?" Rhea asks giving me 'the look'. That look she always gave me that made me squirm in the best way possible. "What" I ask with a grin. "Desert sounds amazing" Rhea winks. I knew exactly what she meant, and exactly what she wanted. "Desert is always in the bedroom" I smirk.
We both get up and head over to my large bedroom. Rhea immediately pushes me onto the bed, practically ripping my leggings off me. The wastes no time kissing my soft lips and neck. it's been so long since she's explored my body. She glides her hand into my soaking vagina. and begins to strokes. She grabs my neck roughly, shocking me a little. She continues using her fingers to stroke my spot as she tightens her grip on me neck. "RED! I say loudly
Rhea immediately takes her hand from around my neck and inside of me. "Are you okay" She asks me. "Yeah, you were just being a little bit too rough" I say catching my breath. I can see Rhea's face change, she was upset with herself for overdoing it. "I'm so sorry Y/N.... I didn't realize I was being too rough" Rhea says softly. "It's okay, how about we just watch a movie and chill" I reply. "What ever you want" She says.
Rhea and I spend the rest of the night cuddling, eating snacks, and watching my favorite tv show. It's not often that I have to use our safe word, but if I do she always takes care of me.
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welcome-to-gaytown · 3 years
hiiiiiii bestie
what r u doing?
hiiii bestie
i am sitting wif my doggos and they are having a wwe match with each other
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darktammy · 4 years
It’s My Decision (pt 3)
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Warning: love making with Amy so you have been warned other then that enjoy the story my loves.
tags: @beenlovingromansincedayoneish​ @sassymox​ @bss-babygirl​ @living-the-life-1996​ @moxleybabe​ @moxslilangel2020​ @unholy-brat​ @adriennegabriella​ @sausagefest1996​ @jazzy-tzw​ @audreyhrnes​ @hoodiemox​ @thepalaceofmelanie​ @wrestlingxbalorxrollins​ @karleedaniels27​
In the morning you were discharged from the hospital, made it home with Amy safe. Once you make it into your place you look around to see all your things are gone. “What...what happened to my things?” You ask. She smiled at you as she gave you a hug from behind. “It’s at my place you're moving in with me.” You look confused. “Me? Moving in with you?” she nodded her head. “I know who was here last night. I know it was Seth, I saw him run away after we came. That dog ran so fast that the time I looked out your window I saw him get in that car and drove off. Let me tell you something right now. As long as I’m around he can’t hurt you.” She told you with a service look on her face. You nod your head as you look down. “Now my love let's go home.” As she took your hand pulling you out of your old apartment. 
Seth was at his gym sitting here thinking about last night. Becky walked in and sat next to him, making him smile as she gave him a kiss. “So what happened last night you came home scared?” Seth smiled as he put his arm around her. “Think about the baby and what to do.” He lied to Becky. She nodded her head with a smile as she looked up to see Roman and Jon walk right in. “Hey Seth can we talk?” Roman said. Seth already knew by the look on his face. Seth gave Becky a kiss on her check as he walked with the guys. “What’s up you guys, Jon long time no see.” Seth laughed. “Cut the crap Seth we know it was you.” Jon yelled. “Yeah Seth why were you at Y/n’s apt?” Seth sighs as he walks away from them. “Come back here Seth! Seth!!” Both Roman and Jon yelled.
Tony had a smile on his face while he was looking at the time. “Hey boss what’s up with you? Chris Jericho asks Tony. “I mean I’m excited Amy finally is happy with someone that loves her and Y/n is joining AEW. I mean this is great.” Jericho chalked a bit. “Yeah I mean that’s great another person from WWE is here now, but I know she is not that bad. I mean she did everything she could to get in, but damn man. She really lost her job because of Seth uh?” Tony nodded his head as he looked at Jericho. “Well she doesn't have to worry because here we're not gonna let that happen.” They both laughed as they drank their ice tea. Then a car passed by as the window rolled down. “Hey Tony?” Amy smiled as she looked at them. Both ways. “Lets go we need to get her to sign this bad boy so she can get started. They both got up and headed to the car.
You were already home. All you were doing was waiting for Amy to come back with Tony and Jericho so you can sign. Your phone rang as you looked at it, you saw it said Shane McMahon, you rolled eyes as you answered. “Hey you know you can’t talk to me right?” Shane smiled as he looked around. “Yeah, but come on just this fast talk ok?” He asked you. You nodded, “Alright what’s up?” He smiled, “Look you know my father has to face your finance again in court right?” You nodded as you answered him. “Well what if you let me talk to my dad on re-hiring you and this whole thing with Seth can go away if we let him go.” You shook your head. “Shane you're crazy just like your old man.” Shane laughed as he looked at his wife walking into the bathroom. “Look Y/n about what happened with you and Seth please tell me you got over that?” You look at the backyard as you watch the sun rise up knowing it’s noon. “No it’s all true me and Seth slept with each other, and this was after me and Renee called it off. Well it was Renee who called it off after what happened with… you know what why don’t you ask her I know she is happy with whoever she is with.” You told Shane. He smiled as he looked at the time. “Hey look, if you need anything don’t be afraid to ask ok?” Shane told you. “Yeah well see Shane. Later dude.” You ended the call as Shane had a smile on his face. As he thinks back to a time when it was just you and him backstage as you was his valet. You both did some scenes together even though you were not happy about it. Then just one day out of the blue you and Shane were alone in the office waiting for his father to come in and then Shane just pulled you close to him. “Hey, what are you doing?” You ask trying to move away from him. He just smiled as he leaned in kissing you on the lips. You fought back as you slapped him across his face and ran out of the office. Shane looked back at the bathroom open as he smiled while his wife walked out.
You look back to see you Amy walk in with Tony and Jericho. You had a smile on your face as you walked up to her and gave her a kiss on her lips. “I miss you Amy.” you told her. She smiled at you while holding you. “Uh...you know I mean Tony is your cousin Amy, but I mean...I can watch you know be a judge.” You laugh at Jericho as you tease him a little. “Well Mr.Jericho when we do it maybe you can watch us.” You said so smoothly making Amy laugh. “Yeah don’t do that.” Jericho said. All four of you sat down at the table talking about your new deal with AEW you smiled as you signed the contract. “Welcome to family Y/n.” Tony said as you gave him a hug. 
Roman was with Jon both having beers, Roman got a text saying from you telling him that you sign. He smiles texting you back congratulations and that Jon will watch you while you're in AEW. “You better keep a close eye on her Jon.” He laughed “Yeah I will. Plus how did those two end up with each other again?” Jon smiled at Roman. “Yo you know cut  that shit out.” As they both laugh. “Yeah yeah I’ll keep an eye on her bro.” Jon smiled at his beer bottle. “What’s up Mox?” Roman said looking at him. Jon shook his head as he eyed the bottle. “Something is on your mind due.” Roman told. “I always thought your sister was cute.” Jon looked over at Roman who was already getting a little mad. “Hey I mean it, but you know what Y/n is already taken and I’m already taken.” Jon said. “Oh so you do like her...still?” Roman asks. All Jon did was nod. “Well who knows you just might work with her, but remember her future wife doesn't like men.” Roman said laughing, making Jon laugh as well.
It was night time as you and Amy were getting ready for bed. “So I guess I’m going to work for these guys next week?” Amy smiled as she hugged you from behind. “Well looks like you are who knows what they might put you as.” You smiled as you turned to look at Amy. You lean in to kiss Amy on her lips. She puts her arms around you pulling you close to her body as you both now deepening the kiss. Slowly you started to take off your bathrobe leaving you with nothing on. Amy pushing you to the bed makes you fall backwards. Both of you laugh as Amy opens your legs with a smile. “When was the last time you let a girl go down on you?” She said with a smile. “Uh...never really. I mean there was one but she never wanted to get down like what we're doing.” Amy made a sad face. “Too bad for her then.” Amy said with a smile.
You watch Amy as she slowly starts to kiss your inner thighs making you moan. You bit your lips as you felt her moving upwards. Once she made it to your clit she slowly started to lick it, making you moan out her name. Then Amy starts to play with you with her tongue making you moan louder. You put your hands around her head just in case if she tries to move away. “Oh god Amy yes...please don’t stop.” you begged. She moves her head away from you as she licks both fingers with a smile. “Oh your ready baby.” Amy slowly started to rub you as you moan leaning your head back. She uses her two fingers entering you slowly as you say her name out loud. “Is that what you like Y/n? I can make you feel like a real woman.” Amy said with a smile on her face. She started to thrust both her fingers inside you. You sat up taking both hands and grabbing Amy by the face and leaned in to kiss her. “Yeah I wanna feel like a woman baby.” You said. Amy stops what she was doing then she lays you down on your back. “I’ll be right back. She walks away with a smile on her face as she walks into the bathroom. You look up with a smile on your face waiting for her to come out. 
It didn’t take too long as you saw her walk out of the bathroom...wearing a strap on. “Uh...Amy...what in the world is that?” You pointed. “I’m going to make sweet love to you baby you're going to wish we meet sooner.” She said with a smile on her face. With you know you felt something hard hitting your center. You look down then back up at Amy. “Wait what about you?” You ask. “Don’t worry about baby, I’m just here to please you.” With her words easing you she entered you hard. You start to moan her name once again as she thrusted inside you. You felt like you were in heaven as you felt her inside you. You close your eyes seeing stars with each thrust hittin you. “You're thinking about me Y/n?” Amy said with a smile. You open your eyes with a smile on your face. “That’s all I can see is you baby.” You told her. The moans that epoch in the room was you can hear. Amy’s heavy breathing was music to your ears. You felt her hitting your spot, you looked up at her and nodded your head. You start to beg her, “Amy I'm so close please keep going...I’m coming.” Amy starts to move faster as she sees you were breathing heavier. “Say my name when you come Y/n!” That's what you did when you finally hit your high with Amy as you yelled out her name. The both of you stop as she laid next to you with a smile on her face. You look at her as you start to fall asleep. “I love you Amy.” She smiled at you while she watched you sleep.
The next morning you were already at the show for AEW. You wave your hand at some of the workers while you nod at some of them. You walk up to see Tony talking with Cody and his wife Brandi and you wave at them. “Hi there you must be Brandi?” You ask. “Yes and she married me thank you.” Cody jokes, making everyone laugh. “Stop it babe plus I still think that tattoo is u.g.l.y.” Everyone started to laugh while Cody rolled his eyes. Tony looks at you as he shows you around leaving both Cody and Brandi behind. “So yeah you're going to be sharing a locker room with the girls while the guys have their own just a few doors down from you gals.” You nodded your head while he was talking. Then you saw Jericho standing here laughing with his crew. You wave at him as he nodded his head to you. “Well that should be it, have fun here Y/n.” You smiled as you watched Tony walk off. You turn into someone pretty strong, “Oh god i’m so sorry…” You look up to see Jon Moxley looking down at you with his soft blue eyes. “Hey there kid, how are ya?” He asked you nodded your head with a smile. “I’m fine oh and yeah again thanks for helping me.” You told him. He smiled as he walked away from you.
You were standing there in your ring gear ready for your match with Nyla Rose. “Hey girl don’t worry I won’t hurt ya like Nya in WWE.” You smile at her. “I know you're not gonna hurt me. Besides, you're a lot better than her.” You said with pride making her happy. “Alright you go first then me.” Nyla pushes you out just so you can raise your arm up in the air. You saw your fans cheering for you as you walked down into the ring. Then you stood there waiting for her to come out. Nothing happens, you're standing there wondering what was going on then Jericho music hits as his friends walk out. “Oh boy.” you said. Watching him walk out. “Welcome to my show AEW.” Jericho said as he stepped into the ring. “Now I know you have a match with Nyal but that can wait for some other time. I have a deal my dear one you can not refuse. How about you join the inner circle?” He said making everyone in the crow boo at him. You shook your head no with a smile. “Alright then I guess I’m just gonna have to let my guys force ya.” He said as he called his buddies over. You look around to yourself. Then the crowd goes wild as Jon’s music hits. You look back to see him running with a bare wire bat. Making everyone run away. 
“Hey Chris how about you this I’ll fight ya.” He shouted, making you smile. Jon looks back at you and wink. You wink back at him. As you look up at Jericho standing there getting mad. Back stage you look at Tony. “Really you change it at the last minute?” You ask him. He smiled “Hey Amy didn’t wanna see you get hurt so I’m putting you with Jon.” You rolled your eyes as you sat down. “Oh come on Tony you have to let me wrestler, it was what I was trained to do.” You told him. He shook his head with a smile. “ I promise Amy sorry Y/n.” He said, but hey you can work with Moxley.” He said. “What?” You ask.
Seth was at home with Becky as he was watching AEW. “Yeah look at that babe, I know it was Tony who did that.” Becky laughed as she looked over at Seth who was just sitting there looking at the tv. “Babe? Hey babe!” Making Seth wake up from watching the tv then looking at Becky. “Yeah sorry babe I just got lost in space.” SHe shook her head as she gave Seth a kiss. “I have to go to the bathroom, be right back.” She said getting up from the couch. Seth looked at his phone to see a text message from buddy Murphy.
Murphy : Hey man Y/n move in with her fiance Amy.
Seth: When the fuck did that happen?
Murphy: Almost a month ago, how did you not know that?
Seth: Busy with my girl. She is already two months in and were trying to find out if it’s a boy or a girl.
Murphy: Hey man if you still care about Y/n then you need to forget about her. She already moved on. Plus what was you going to do with her anyways? I mean she is more into women than men.”
Seth: Nah man she bi she likes both sexes, plus...never mind did you do what I ask you to do by the way?”
Murphy: Yeah Amy has a shady background I’m still digging tho.
Seth: GREAT!!! Let me know when you get more info about it.
Murphy: got it over and out
Seth had a smile on his face as he looked up at the tv seeing you standing next to Jon in the ring. “Oh Amy, Amy, Amy, what are you hiding girl?”
You were out shopping for some new things with Amy, That’s when Becky saw the both of you laughing as they both looked at a wedding dress. “Well I see you both are having a good time.” Becky said walking up to them both. “Hello Becky I see your belly is getting big.” You told her. “She looked down with a smile then back at you. “Yeah well we can’t wait, and when I mean we I mean me and Seth.” She said giggling. “I know Becky, I mean after all you are the one who played my finance right?” Amy said with a smile. “I’m sorry I’m not talking to you Amy.” Becky said, “But you are Becky and if I were you I’ll stay away from my babe. Did your boss tell you not to come around Y/n?” She smiled at her. Becky looks at you then Amy. “The both of you can fuck off.” Becky said walking away from the both of you. 
You look at Amy with a smile. “Thank you babe. You didn’t have to really.” She smiled at her as she gave you a kiss. “You're going to be my wife in two weeks.” You were in shock as you choke on your drink. “TWO WEEKS” You said coughing. Amy taps your back as you try to breathe. Amy looks around then back at you. “Well yeah I already told your brother and your friends two weeks baby.” Amy said with a smile.
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krillahqueen-blog · 6 years
  OMC can y’all evah stop crawing aboat dicks oar–
nope thats just howw life is here 24/7 wwe all gotta suffer wwith eternal dicknation
Fork, I just codda deal wif tha dickening then?
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reedusmorgan-blog · 7 years
Ride With Me- Daryl Dixon x Reader
Alpha Daryl Dixon x Omega Reader
Surmmary: Alpha Daryl Dixon and his Omega go on a run and she goes into heat
Warnings: abo dynamics, heat, knot, sex, low self esteem, apocalypse situations, walker violence and language
Rick had Daryl to go out on a supply run and he was packing up his bike when he caught a wif of his Omega. "Hi Daryl, what are you doing" she said, "I'm going on a run " he said. "Can I go with you, please Alpha" Y/n said, giving Daryl her best puppy face, he looked at her and sighed. "Yes, go get your stuff" he said, "Oh thank you Daryl" she said jumping up kissing his cheek, before running to get her bag.
She ran back a minute later putting her bag over her back and getting on back of Daryl's motorcycle and licking her hands around his waist. Daryl drove to the front gate of Alexandria and Rosita opened the gate so Daryl could ride out. Y/n closed her eyes loving the feeling of air blowing in her face and through her hair.
He saw a car coming down the road thinking it may The Saviors, Daryl pulled the bike off the road. He turned off the engine laying the bike down he got down behind a large tree pulling her down in front of him. "Daryl, who is it" she asked, "shhh, stay down" he said.
The car had been gone a while before Daryl slowly stood up, "stay here, I'll be back" Daryl said. He went out to the road with his bike, he looked around making sure no one was around. He looked back at her, "Come on" he said, Y/n ran out of the woods getting back on the bike and putting her arms around Daryl.
Daryl took the bike in the opposite direction of the car not wanting to run into any issues especially with his Omega with him. A few hours later they came to an abandoned shopping mall and Daryl pulled the bike in hiding it in the malls entrance. "Lets check these over here first then those" Daryl said pointing around the mall.
When they were done searching the mall they had water, clothes and some dried fruit. Daryl put his bag under his seat and she put hers over her back again sitting behind Daryl and putting her hands around his waist. He started the bike and rode off in the direction of Alexandria. They got half way home she started feeling the beginning of her heat.
Y/n tapped his shoulder, Daryl knew why she was stopping him, he could smell her. Daryl pulled off the road into the woods hiding in the cover of the trees. "Daryl, my heats coming" she said, "I know, I smell it, can you make it till we get home" he said. "I don't know Daryl, I'm all hot and sweaty and my pants are wet" Y/n said. "Okay I know a cabin not far from here" he said, she put her hands back around his waist.
Daryl drove up the road down to the cabin he knew, he parked the bike in the back so it couldn't be seen from the road. "Stay here, in gonna check for walkers" Daryl said, walking up to the cabin. Daryl pounded on the door twice and he heard moaning. He pushed his hand out telling her to stay with the bike. Daryl opened the door he stabbed his knife into the walkers head, than he stabbed the second one in the head.
Daryl went back to the bike helping her off and carrying her into the cabin and laying her on the couch. "Daryl you need to knot me" she said, "naw, not now I don't have any Alpha rubbers" he said. "So, Daryl I need you to knot me" she said again. "Naw, Y/n we can't bring a pup into this shitty world, with a piece a shit for a father" Daryl said. "Daryl, you'd be an amazing father, you wouldn't be like your dad Daryl, you take care of me and keep me safe, I've seen you with Judith" Y/n said.
"How you know" Daryl said, "because I know you and you are a good man Daryl Dixon" she said. "Bringing a kid into a world of walkers and Negan, if it goes wrong, I can't lose you" Daryl said. "Daryl Maggie's doing it and other women at The Hiltop and The Kingdom are doing it, I don't want to be afraid to live Daryl" Y/n said. Daryl stared out the window and thought about it and knew she was right.
"Okay, I'll knot ya" he said, Daryl barricaded the door and windows to keep out walkers and others. While he did that Y/n took her shirt off along with her bra followed by her pants. When Daryl came back in he took his vest off than his shirt and pants pulling his dick out. Daryl got on top of her pushing his dick inside her, "Oh Daryl, yes" Y/n moaned. Daryl thrust into her setting a hard pace and she thrust her hips up meeting his fast pace.
Y/n was moaning and chanting his name and Alpha as he does up his thrust picked up speed. She felt his knot growing inside her pussy and reached down between them rubbing her clit. "Omega, I'm close" Daryl said, "me too" she moaned loudly digging her fingers into his ass. Her orgasm shot through her she scratched her finger nails into his ass and lower back.
His knot now fully formed inside her pussy and a few thrusts later he shot his Alpha seed into her pussy. He laid them down on their sides while they waited for his knot to go down. "So you think we got a pup in there now" Daryl said putting his hand over her womb. "I don't know, but it be nice if we did" she said, Daryl kissed her cheek, "I think you should get some sleep, we'releaving as my cock gets soft" he said. She nodded, he looked down and saw her sleeping.
Tags @maggieglenndaryl @lucilepiewhiskey @queencflair @honeyrollins95 @gummybearsandjellybeans @wwe-spn-twd
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flippinoptimist · 8 years
> Suddenly be friends now.
Last Saturday at 10:31 PM doubleddiscontent hey ii got 2ent twwo your blog by riingleader and he 2aiid ii 2hould talk twwo you and wwe had 2hiit iin common? 2o uh, hii ii gue22 iim erii2ol amptor flippinoptimist oh hey hi im vel i kick ass, im gonna be the Terrible wwhen i grow up, an im a limeblooded seadwweller im goin to wwizard school on earth wwhich is full a humans, wwhich are aliens doubleddiscontent ...wwoww ok
yeah ii havve kiinda fiigured human2 out a biit by noww flippinoptimist theyre my favvorite thing doubleddiscontent iim a liime wwiith fiin2, not actually a 2eadwweller. and iim apparently twwo people fu2ed together and iit2 unu2ual and people freak out at me flippinoptimist yeah!  its kinda fucky but thats ocray, sometimes fucky shit happens an it wworks out doubleddiscontent you 2eem chiill >>:] flippinoptimist im reel reel reel familiar with both a the dudes that probably wwent into you hypothetically speakin, an i like both a them so im curious how you turned out! yeah i try! i used to havve temper prawnblems but then i decided that wwas bullship an stopped doin that doubleddiscontent hone2tly iit2 wweiirder twwo me 2eeiin people around that are liike, half a me and my friiend2 a2k awway dude, iim an open book apparently flippinoptimist one time in SGRUB i got tossed into a sprite, wwhich is a thing you can toss shit into and it mushes it together into other stuff, an sometimes erisols happen when two separate trolls get tossed in there but i happened when i got tossed in there wwif a fish like i wasnt hatched aquatic?  i was just lime.  but now this. flippinoptimist im like 2% fish, it fucked up my appetite super fierce what kinda hobbies are you into doubleddiscontent wwoww ii liike viideo game2 and codiing and iim fuckiin awwe2ome at iit, the only per2on wwho can outcode me ii2 arquii2 ii liike lookiin pretty, and ii fuckiin adore hii2tory ii made iit a per22onal project twwo diig up diirt on all our ance2tor2 evven though no one el2e really care2 flippinoptimist im shit at codin but i know a little!  ivve been wworkin on learnin biocodin genegineerin shit so i can make critters, but i keep gettin distracted by evveryfin else doubleddiscontent uh, ii havve a lovve of junk food? 2tory of my liife dude flippinoptimist oh you are in the right place junk food is fuckin amazin doubleddiscontent evverythiin ii2 dii2tractiin fuck ye2 flippinoptimist i like lookin pretty too, and human history is kickass flippinoptimist hey did you know you can hollow out peppers an stuff them with like sausagey stuff an mushrooms an bread an bake em an then you get somethin sorta like a meat-infused fruit-coated muffin doubleddiscontent that 2ound2 2o fuckiin good flippinoptimist im gonna make some if you got transport coords i can send em ovver evven if you aint got a pad doubleddiscontent 2ure [doubledDiscontent sent coord2.txt] be a pal and dont alert the authoriitiie2 on me flippinoptimist fuck no the authorities can kiss my ass hey they givve you any problems, you call me up and ill send distractin shit to fuck em up okay? im in a good place rn an like sharin the wwealth doubleddiscontent ...yeah, yeah ii wwiill! >>:] flippinoptimist fuck yeah! (( 0 to 60 : They Are Friends Now. )) doubleddiscontent iim on alterniia wwhere iit2 iillegal twwo be me flippinoptimist sucks it wwas legal to be me on my alternia, but then i was an asshole and made it naut so legal to be me, and uh long story short i sympathise in a general kind a wway doubleddiscontent ii miight not be here for long though?? ok, youre the guy that wwrote thii2 wweiird wwalkthrough thiing that riingleader 2ent me flippinoptimist yeah! its naut done i need to finish it evventually but i keep gettin distracted it has most a the basics though!  all the shit that people'll actually get to before they get off track because the game is great at throwin distractions at you doubleddiscontent apparently iim gonna play iit? ii dont fuckiin knoww iim confu2ed a2 hell. araezii appeared iin a chat ii wwa2 iin u2iin my name and told evveryone 2he2 a tiime player and that ii gotta play flippinoptimist thems the rules, guess you gotta play doubleddiscontent wwhat evven ii2 the damn game flippinoptimist #1 about the game : your time player is your entire group's savve feature doubleddiscontent great wwe havve a prankiiciidal maniiac for a 2avve 2y2tem flippinoptimist its how univverses fuck doubleddiscontent ...wwhat? flippinoptimist long story short, the furthest ring exists.  in it, there are univverses, and places called mediums.  a bunch of shit happens in a medium, and it sends some dudes into a universe.  they livve normal livves, until The Game (tm) kidnaps them into the Medium. in the Medium, they do shit that makes another universe pop out of the medium, and into the furthest ring.  bam, new universe. doubleddiscontent ok, iim followwin flippinoptimist in the process you get magic powers, but also the universe you grew up in gets destroyed. so its bad news if youre not a misanthropist doubleddiscontent good riiddance flippinoptimist lol its also incredibly dangerous an theres a p high chance of dyin if you fuck up or if your friends fuck up or if things just dont go well thats why theres an entire player dedicated to nothing but managing the savve system.  they travel back an forth in time and "tune" shit until they get it just right and the group wins doubleddiscontent fuck man flippinoptimist but 90+% of the timelines out there are from ones that a time player decided werent good enough, and fixed something, then left to go hang out in the fixed vversion doubleddiscontent wwaiit wwhat kiinda cool powwer2 am ii gonna get?? flippinoptimist idk whats your title doubleddiscontent al2o: fuck doubleddiscontent tiitle? 2hrug ii havve no clue, arquii2 ii2 2tiill wworkiin on codiin the game flippinoptimist you might havve until hes done unless time shit happens did your time player mention any titles / is she still around and able to answer questions doubleddiscontent 2he diidnt mentiion anythiing except not twwo wwarn me awway from the game doubleddiscontent and told riingleader twwo cram a 2ock iin iit flippinoptimist sometimes time travellers are cagey aboat shit doubleddiscontent her name2 araezii pyriido flippinoptimist sometimes they just say "Shenanigans" or "spoilers" as if those are complete explanations, and they are doubleddiscontent iif that riing2 any bell22 flippinoptimist aradia megido is maid of time, terezi pyrope is seer of mind doubleddiscontent 2o liike... 2eer of tiime? flippinoptimist so it makes sense that araezi pyrido wwould be a time player since evvery sessions gotta havve one maybe! doubleddiscontent ii mean iit only make2 2en2e flippinoptimist if she is seer a time, youd be mage a hope unless shit is irregular and breakin patterns, wwhich is a thing it sometimes does doubleddiscontent mage a hope huh that 2ound2 pretty fuckiin cool flippinoptimist geminidoomed is a mage a doom thats reel reel good at fuckin wif destiny deterministpalindrome is a knight a hope thats my moirail and awesome an i lovve him they are both sollux captor sort of, pal more than gd. gd is only half sollux. wwhich is complicated. doubleddiscontent relatable flippinoptimist yeah! doubleddiscontent iill talk twwo them 2ometiime fuck, ii need twwo tell my friiend2 liike, that the wworld miight end flippinoptimist yeah!  thats p a good idea if there shit you wwanna order / find / get in betwween now an the end a the wworld, maybe do some a that hot tip : if you havve one good copy of somefin, you can duplicate it indefintiely in the game, usin in-game resources. doubleddiscontent dude wwhat flippinoptimist on a related note, savve the codes on the back of captchalogue cards.  wwrite down wwhat those codes are for. doubleddiscontent that2 fuckiin awwwe22ome yeah alriight flippinoptimist the game chooses how expensive it is to make copies of different things based on fuck knows what though doubleddiscontent ii havve no bu2iine22 iin thii2 wworld, ii giivve zero 2hiit2 flippinoptimist meh other dudes might also you know theres all the innocent people that didnt do anyfin wrong but like if theyre fucked theyre fucked. but theyre still fucked doubleddiscontent fuck, araezii kneww!! 2he told me ii 2houldnt be worriied about drone 2ea2on evven though 2he doe2nt knoww iim liime!! fuckiin biitch wwtf flippinoptimist the lime thing is prob gonna spread p fast once in game but the game is big on teamwwork, an if anybody decides to fuck off an do their own thing instead a cooperatin it can fuck the session doubleddiscontent ...a2 long a2 the clowwn doe2nt deciide twwo kiill me flippinoptimist if the clown does theyre signin their own death warrant also theres like 3 different ways to revvive the dead in the game doubleddiscontent 2he2 pretty 2weet and al2o iivve been iinformed that clowwn2 are diifferent here flippinoptimist might be true, might naut. if you get locked in a basement ill blow somebody up if i find out i got locked in a basement once.  i got out evventually. doubleddiscontent by a clowwn? flippinoptimist yeah doubleddiscontent >>:[ ii dont thiink roxzee ha2 iit iin her twwo hurt anyone but iif iit happen2 iill mee22age you flippinoptimist roxzee...  same logic; bard of vvoid or -maybe- rogue of rage i think her title means "passivvely invvites the destruction of nothing" wwhich is fuckin what the fuck evven is with vvoid titles doubleddiscontent huh... wwhat about arquii2? arquii2 zahhal flippinoptimist idk, half his name makes sense but naut the other half flippinoptimist equius zahhak is the heir of vvoid, who "inherits nothin" so im guessin (Again, if that logic holds, wwhich it might naut) hed be heir of somethin i dont know what doubleddiscontent can there be twwo a the 2me kiinda player? flippinoptimist not unless somethin is super fucky no overlaps doubleddiscontent ok thii2 ii2 vvaluable iinfo thank2 dude flippinoptimist ...unless you import extra players from other univverses doubleddiscontent >>:/ flippinoptimist wwhich you can do, they just might get locked into the session for the duration?? idk i only saww that once doubleddiscontent the multiivver2e ii2 fuckiin 2trange flippinoptimist anyway the normal dudes who are Supposed to be there, therell be 12 or less (barrin non-standard titles) and there wont be overlaps yeah its weird as shit anyway i dig helpin out doubleddiscontent ii havve 2evven clo2e friiend2 flippinoptimist the sprite thing i mentioned?  i kind of havve like, about 1% tutorial NPC kind of hangin out in the back of my pan so i like explainin doubleddiscontent (read: contact2 on trolliian) flippinoptimist yea thats about right plot spoiler : figure out who is the space player (guessing:  kan*** ***yam?), keep them safe.  they havve a quest that makes the plot go.  they need to breed the perfect frog usin weird machines. flippinoptimist do naut let them die or get distracted from that quest doubleddiscontent ii havvent mentiioned karaya, jakane, tavrii2 or fefeta flippinoptimist your session sounds like its gonna be a trip doubleddiscontent twwo evveryone but me, my uniivver2e ii2 a triip flippinoptimist im naut 100% convinced on which title is which rn, but ask sprites and time players ASAP to find out your ~magic destiny~ doubleddiscontent 2ound2 fun flippinoptimist depends on which one you get mine translates as "destroyer of choices/minds" or "god of madness" or "destructivve choices" doubleddiscontent that2... 2omethiin flippinoptimist yeah im kinda tryin to spin it in a good way i like to think of convversations like this as prunin timelines off a you -- all the ones that come outta reel shitty destructivve decisions doubleddiscontent iit 2ound2 hella that2 probably wwhat araezii 2howwed up for flippinoptimist yeah her job if shes a time player is to make sure that the game happens, and then that you guys win somehow she can go back and forth in time at wwill as much as she wants to make that happen doubleddiscontent that2 the wwort thiin iivve evver heard uck flippinoptimist i ran into a thief of time once flippinoptimist he stole time out of my universe until time started breakin down, and slowin down into infinity doubleddiscontent that 2ound2 terriible flippinoptimist i almost got caught in it before somebody rescued me an pulled me out doubleddiscontent jeez flippinoptimist thats the title dont wwear it out doubleddiscontent wwiink? flippinoptimist an fingerguns! speakin a fingerguns, pchoo! > He sendificates some stuffed peppers. doubleddiscontent > Oh fuck yes. doubleddiscontent > If Vel wants to peek at the viewfinder he gets to see Erisol chowing down. thank2 man the2e are deliiciiou2 flippinoptimist ivve been practicin cookin! it makes me happy doubleddiscontent you 2hould come game wwiith me 2ometiime. not The Game, ju2t liike raciing or 2omethiin. flippinoptimist sure maybe, could be fun doubleddiscontent ii wwent wwiithout iin per22on 2ociialiizin pretty much my wwhole liife and ii ju2t got iintroduced ta actually hangiin out, 2orry flippinoptimist haha, same hat ivve had longer to get used to it but i know the feel doubleddiscontent howw old are you? you dont gotta an2wwer flippinoptimist my sense a times been p fucked up for a wwhile now but i think im around 10ish somewwhere betwwen 9 and 11 doubleddiscontent iim niine, clo2e twwo ten almo2t twwo adult pupatiion, flippinoptimist yeah... if the game falls through and you need other shit to do wif yourself, ask around online.  theres places to go that suck less. doubleddiscontent ok flippinoptimist hell in ringleaders wworld youd be a highblood w/o documentation isnt that shit a trip? doubleddiscontent riingleader2 wworld ii2 fuckiin 2trange
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romanstheory · 3 years
Hopefully you’re taking requests and I apologize before hand for the length of this but, may I have one w/Roman Reigns and his fellow WWE Superstar girlfriend where she’s known as a dare devil who decides to wrestle a male competitor (possibly Kevin Owens) for the first time ever in a TLC match and he doesn’t like it and is very protective so he tries to convince her not to do the match but she catches an attitude with him so he punishes her. Smut please. Thank you!
Yep! Still taking requests
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Word Count : 739
Today is my 5 year anniversary of being in WWE. I'm what most people would describe as "crazy" or a "Daredevil" I push every boundary and go over the limit with everything I do. At first that was a huge problem, but now it's almost encouraged by everyone...... Except my long time boyfriend Roman Reigns. He's convinced I'm going to hurt myself, but I've gone 5 years without that happening so I'm not worried. I wasn't scheduled for a match tonight, but I already made up my mind, I'm going to do something insane.
I'm dressed in full ring gear, sparking confusion in Roman. "Why are you in your gear? You don't have a match" Roman says slipping his shirt on. "Yeah not yet" I smirk. "Y/N babe please don't do anything ridiculous tonight" Roman sighs. I shoot Roman a big grin and walk out of our dressing room. He knew I was up to something, but he couldn't figure out what. I walk passed a monitor, where I see Kevin Owens in the ring talking a big game. I smirk and strut my way to the entrance ramp.
"Play my music" I say to a tech. "W-What?" He struggles. "Play my music right now! I've got shit to do!" I say louder. The tech reluctantly listens to me and play my music. The crowd screams in excitement, I look to my left and I can see an angry Roman Reigns making his way towards me. I blow him a kiss and run out onto the ramp. Kevin is dumbfounded. I make my way to the ring, Smirking the whole time. "What the hell are you doing out here?" Kevin says in shock. "I'm here to shut you up" I respond quickly.
"Shut ME up? I would love to see you try" Kevin laughs. "Fight me then, unless you're scared you'll be beat by a girl" I say taunting Kevin. "Hold on hold on hold on!" I hear Adam Pearce scream into a mic as he walks down to the middle of the ramp. "I want this match to happen and I think the universe does too! This type of match hasn't happened in years, but I think Y/N can take you Kevin". The crowd goes wild, and Kevin seems to be irritated at the thought of a match against me. "How about we make this our main event tonight, Kevin you might want to go warm up, she's a handful" Adam says before exiting.
I smirk at Kevin one more time before exiting the ring as my music begins to play. I get through the curtain, immediately greeted by Roman. "What the fuck was that?" He asks me angrily. "I just got myself a match!" I say giggling. "Against a male superstar, what are you THINKING" Roman says with a raised voice. "I don't know what your issues is, I can take him. Roman we train together all the time. Just chill out please" I say with an eye roll as I try to walk away to warm up for my match. Roman pulls me into the bathroom next to us, closing and locking the door behind.
"Listen Y/N the last thing you need is to get hurt doing this daredevil shit!" Roman says intensely. "Leave me alone about it! I'm not pulling out of the match!" I say angrily. "what did I say?" Roman says through his teeth, picking me up and pinning me against the wall. I couldn't help but to plant my lips on his. He wiggles me out of my tiny shorts, and manages to get his pants down around his ankles with one hand. "I'm going to show you that you need to listen to me" Roman growls, sending chills down my spine.
He thrusts into me with no warning at all causing me to gasp loudly. Our groans echoed through the empty bathroom, turning me on even more. Roman's thrusts were aggressive and strong, just like I like them. He kisses my neck softly, filling my body with even more lust than before. I can feel his body tensing, his member swelling even more. He finishes and fills me to the max, soon after I finish too. We're both left panting, exhausted and fully satisfied. Roman puts me down and we both dress ourselves back up. "I'm still having the match" I wink at roman before leaving the bathroom
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