strawberry-seal77 · 3 months
It's been a kifjdigillion years, but I'm happy to see you're back!!!
YAYYYY!!!! three weeks woag.... hows it goin chiffon? :O
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
Nagisa has such a complex and emotional backstory (the one presented within Magia Record) and while I love the memes, I'd also love to see her analyzed the same way as the Holy Quintet girls more.
When it comes to Nagisa's relationship with her mother, it is clearly emotionally and verbally abusive in a very realistic way. Nagisa loves her mom. Her mom is still her mom despite everything, and Nagisa wants to love and forgive her. Nagisa also hates her mom; The mom who yells at her, is implied to hit her, and tells her she's wasting money and time. Nagisa tries her best to support and care for her mom despite everything; she acts like a hit dog still coming back to the hitter because it's all she has.
Speaking of dogs, I want to draw parallels between Nagisa and Inui. Kyuubey specifically mentions that another girl in similar circumstances* (*to Nagisa) wished to have the attention of the boy she liked; cut to Inui, who talks to Kyuubey about her worries with the Sleepwalking Ghost and her boyfriend. From this we can guess that Inui is impoverished, has a difficult relationship with her mom, and has the same goal as Nagisa; to be loved in a conditionless way by someone who endlessly hurts them.
Inui is a perfect parallel for Nagisa; Nagisa has become disillusioned with the concept of "love" to the point of viewing all fairytales and stories in a gloomy light; Nagisa has not been loved in the way a child needs to be loved, and so cannot fathom the type of carefree love shown in fairytales. Inui on the other hand is so desperate for the attention and love she hasn't gotten she's gotten into a relationship with (presumably) the first douchebag who showed any kind of interest in her; she craves a fairytale romance and to be swept off her feet by a prince and so in her mind Sho can't be anything but that prince. Both of them cling to their delusions and coping mechanisms while further being hurt by people supposed to love and protect them.
Nagisa resents her mother despite craving her affection; she considers using her wish to make her mom regret being unkind to her (a vengeful fantasy of an abused child [she hopes for an apology and for things to become perfect]) before finally settling on making her mom unknowningly seal her own doom (ie, the cheesecake).
Nagisa's cheesecake is an incredibly important object for both literal and symbolic purposes. She wished for it instead of saving her mother's life; It represents her final revenge against a woman who never treated her kindly. It also represents the unobtainable love Nagisa searches for even as Charlotte; "unable to make the cheese she loves" aka "unable to obtain love". There is a more uplifting (albeit dark) symbolism here too; that being Charlotte's unfortunate decapitation of Mami. Mami, who in Rebellion is Bebe's caretaker and mother figure, is eaten by Charlotte: Mami is the "cheese" Charlotte loves and has finally found.
Nagisa is abandoned by everyone: the only one who hasn't abandoned her is her mother, who is convinced Nagisa will abandon her. They have a vicious cycle of mistrust and dependence. Right before she becomes a witch, Yuu promises "I'll never leave your side"; after taking the only person who never abandoned Nagisa, Yuu promises "I'll never leave your side". Those were some of the last words Nagisa heard: the crippling loneliness, guilt, and betrayal that sunk in is what caused the birth of Charlotte. What makes it worse is those are words Nagisa was likely told by her parents at some point: afterall, parents will say anything to comfort their child, especially before something like hospitalization or leaving the family entirely.
Nagisa is 12 at her oldest possible age and 8 at her youngest possible age. She is a tragic figure on the same level as Sayaka, Kyoko, and Mami. The only true closure we have for her at the moment is her relationship with Mami (and the other Holy Quintet members) in Rebellion.
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manicali · 10 hours
Ya girl is bored so im starting a tag game yippee
How close do y’all look to your profile picture? Cause I see y’all as your icons. That’s how you look in my mind
Mine is supposed to be ME so other than the blueness
@helluvaandhazbinarelife @wyfy-meltdown ( I already know yours, but join if you want anyway) @speakofthedebbie
@silly-gizmo @blairthebword @pennyroyald
Join if you like.
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starryneitz · 2 months
Oh boy a tag game!! Thanks @wyfy-meltdown!!!
Favorite Colour: pink!! (↓ that one!!)
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Last Song: She's a Rainbow by The Rolling Stones
Currently Reading: I...really don't read tbh... does Suicide Squad Isekai subtitles count?
Currently Watching: M*A*S*H season6episode18 "Tea and Empathy", What We Do in the Shadows season5episode5 "Local News", Sleep Deprived gaming videos
Currently Craving: soft serve vanilla ice cream with warm caramel drizzle and whipped cream
Tea or Coffee: 4C iced lemon tea is my go to drink all day every day...I rarely drink just regular water (only if it's bottled, I like the microplastics)
I'm gonna tag @dragonlapis @shadowvriska @silvermoon424 @littlexwitchx13 and @sundove88 uwu
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sailemo · 4 months
@wyfy-meltdown sorry for the @ but i saw your persona and its actually so cute i had to draw it
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that thang is a tbh to me
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strawberry-seal77 · 4 months
Do you have any magical girl OCs? (PMMM and other)
hi!!! I have the vague idea of a pmmm self insert, yea!
not much else than the wish to "be a catgirl!" but I think she'd definitely idolize the other magical girls (and be GAY!) bdjshfbhjd
I'm not sure how the wish would tie in to her magic.. the wish was a physical transformation so I suppose it'd be something like that? :O
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strawberry-seal77 · 4 months
Hi Seal!!!
hiiiii!!!!! hi chiffon!!!
hows it goin?
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strawberry-seal77 · 4 months
Could I please have permission to use the really cool art you did of my sona as a profile picture? (Hearts for the intended positive tone → ♡♡♡!)
YEAHH FOR SURESIES!!! just note that I made it somewhere in your pinned post :3
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strawberry-seal77 · 4 months
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It's you!!! The strawberry seal!!! (Plush temporarily stolen from my sister)
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strawberry-seal77 · 4 months
Howdy Seal!!!
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I missed the april fools event because that was before I started posting or interacting with people, but I'm going to make up for it now!
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strawberry-seal77 · 4 months
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wyfy-meltdown · 5 months
The apple scene between Kyoko and Sayaka feels both like "a proper introduction between enemies who no longer wish to fight" and "a final invitation to connect with someone and pull yourself back from the edge".
Sayaka tossing aside Kyoko's gifted apple feels like her making a conscious choice to fully go crazy and a denial of Kyoko's attempt to reach out to her.
Additionally, Kyoko giving away to Sayaka something that holds significance for her (food, which she considers incredibly precious) without any expectation of something in return aside from "connection" is an interesting moment for a character previously depicted as "selfish" and constantly against Sayaka.
Kyoko sharing her story TO Sayaka is a moment of vulnerability, later matched by her sharing her story WITH Sayaka by sacrificing herself when she likely could've defeated Oktavia without dying in a effort to ensure Sayaka wouldn't be alone anymore.
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wyfy-meltdown · 5 months
It's mentioned that in every timeline Sayaka contracts and becomes a magical girl, she becomes Oktavia.
I think this says a lot about Sayaka's mental state. Even if Hitomi doesn't confess to Kyousuke, even if Sayaka and Kyousuke were to date, Sayaka would still become Oktavia.
Maybe it's a case of regretting what she wished for, or falling out of love with Kyousuke, or that her relationship with Kyousuke didn't work out how she had wanted it to. Regardless, something always goes wrong when she makes her wish; and I find that very fascinating.
UPDATE: Sincerely unhappy with how this original post came out (too much focus on Kyousuke which reduces Sayaka's character in a way I don't like); please go to the reblog version.
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wyfy-meltdown · 5 months
When it comes to Homura's obsession with Madoka it's obviously romantic, but I feel like there's some jealousy there too.
At the end of Rebellion, Homura is the class president and Madoka is the transfer student; the inverse of their original "roles".
Homura idolises and worships Madoka (even pre-Madokami); everything Homura does is motivated by Madoka. All because Madoka was the first one to connect with Homura when she needed it. The only way I can really describe how I interpret it is like the way a child wants to be a superhero after watching a movie.
Seeing Madoka as a magical girl fighting witches, defending Homura, and most of all being kind to Homura; Homura wants to defend herself and Madoka too. She wants to be the "Madoka" to a "Pre-Wish Homura" Madoka.
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wyfy-meltdown · 5 months
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I don't mean to sad Madoka post but also I wonder if after Mami's death, Madoka looks at the drawing she made of Mami in rememberance of her. I also wonder if she made drawings of Sayaka's magical girl form after Sayaka became a magical girl.
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
"As much as I wish for the happiness of someone, someone else must be equally cursed."
This is Sayaka's most icon line (next to "I won't regret anything!") and for good reason. It describes herself, but also the entire concept of "magical girls".
Kyuubey grants the wishes, and in return, a girl becomes cursed becoming a magical girl. Every character (*at least in pmmm, not magia record) becomes cursed at the expense of helping someone else.
Madoka(mi) ends the curse for all magical girls and her friends, but she and Homura becomes the most cursed of all. Madokami bears the weight of the whole universe on her shoulders; Homura's love made her into an object of worship.
Homura ends Madokami's reign (therefore un-cursing Madoka) at the expense of becoming more cursed herself, and cursing the rest of magical girls. Homura losses herself, her mind, and Madoka all for the sake of allowing Madoka to become human again. She can't interact with Madoka, but she can watch her inside her gilded cage; and that's "all" Homura needs
Sayaka is the most poignant example of this; with her "role" being to showcase the ultimate curse of all magical girls. She's determined to make a "selfless" wish (disguising her true "selfish" desires) despite how much Mami warns her against it. Sayaka losses the control she wanted to gain, and losses her mind. Mami's facade left such an impact on her she's dedicated herself to portraying herself as the "perfect magical girl" that never existed nor could exist in the first place. She becomes more cursed bearing the curse Mami left for her, and pushing away the one person who could help her because Kyoko doesn't line up with Sayaka's deluded image of how a magical girl should be. Sayaka curses the people around her up until her curse is ended by Kyoko.
Kyoko makes the most selfless wish of them all, and the most people become cursed as a result. The ones she loved and wished for the sake of in a genuinely selfless way had enjoyed her wish for a while, until the wish could not longer protect them. Kyoko's whole family and life went up in flames as a direct consequence of her wish; because of that, she's decided to live only for herself because she understands best the curse that comes with selflessness; the curse that comes with love. I don't know if it's directly confirmed when Kyoko leaves Mami, but I theorize it was shortly after the death of Kyoko's family; the time Kyoko lost her selfless heart and could not longer connect with others as a result. Kyoko stays that way until Sayaka; Sayaka is the antithesis of Kyoko and yet the same as her. Kyoko relieves the curse on herself and Sayaka with their deaths; the only way to end the curse of a magical girl.
Mami's wish is the most selfish (*objectively) and so the fewest people are cursed (one could even argue that the only one cursed by Mami's wish was Mami herself). Mami's curse is a "self-fufilling prophecy" of sorts where she isolates herself and fully dedicates herself to being a magical girl from the fear that she'll end up alone again and/or that anyone she comes into contact will suffer/die. In a sense, this is true, as the rest of the Holy Quintet do in fact suffer, die, become witches, and so on. Mami didn't even really get to make a wish; she simply had an opportunity to survive and took it, and was forced to suffer as a magical girl because of it. The impact she leaves on Sayaka and her trying to convince Madoka to become a magical girl are curses she imposes without knowing the extent of her actions, nor that her actions are in any way bad; she's gotten swept up by the lies of the incubators and has become someone who curses as a result.
Nagisa is an interesting case because she deliberately curses herself and the people around her. She knows that she COULD wish to save her mom, but prefers the idea of making her mom indulge in her revenge: the world's tastiest cheesecake. The cheesecake Nagisa wished for instead of her mother's health. She becomes a magical girl, with the knowledge she'll never not be a magical girl again, all for the sake of revenge.
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