#x you fat variable
thegnomelord · 2 months
Nobody can convince me otherwise that Price wouldn't cry if he was proposed to/proposing
He gives off similar vibes to my dad and he cried at his wedding cause he was so happy
Okay, 1) Ur dad sounds super sweet lol. 2) Price so would and have a surprise ficlet.
Would you?
CW: SFW, Price X GN reader fluff, proposals, crying
The thought of marriage strikes him as you two lay in bed one night. It's not a particularly special night; he's not fresh from the battlefield or hardening his heart to go back to it. It's just a regular Tuesday night — your arms around him, your legs a tangle of limbs in the sheets, your head resting over his chest so you can be lulled to sleep by the sound of his heart — when he thinks. . . Wouldn't it be nice to be buried under your name?
That maybe, just maybe, he'll have you to keep him from a pauper's grave. That your and his bones will be able to mix when time erodes flesh, wood, and earth between you two. That the only thing that will remain will be those gold rings.
He starts planning that morning, approaching the proposal like he would a suicide mission; he calculates every variable, scours his brilliantly sharp mind for every little detail he's catalogued about you, making plans upon plans for how it could go both wrong and right. Writing sessions of what he wants to say to you stretch long into sleepless nights, he cracks open that old dusty book of family recipes and scribbles little exclamation marks next to the dishes you enjoy, secretly taking your ring measurement so he can confidently go ring shopping.
His wallet is fat from his work, yet he picks up side jobs in the private security sector on his off time — He's happy to babysit overgrown brats if it means he can buy you a ring without blood money. He wants this to be something pure and free of the violence shrouding his life. He doesn't do it often, but some times he fantasizes of what will come next; he'd hate to wear a stuffy suit like he does his military blues to those posh military dinners, but for you, it wouldn't feel like a labour nor a penance. He's sure it wouldn't take much for Kate to get her officient license, and whenever he starts thinking of that Price finds himself smiling like a loon at the thought of you on your wedding day, bright eyed and with a big smile with his ring on your finger.
A simple question — what if you refuse? — always brings him back down to the ground and drags his heart to the pit of his stomach. He tries not to think about it (he thinks too much about it, the bloody fool)
He decides to propose on your anniversary.
He wakes up long before you, having barely slept a wink the night before with last minute thoughts running through his head. Breakfast is ready for you by the time you stumble out of bed, his beard scratching your chin as he gives you a goodbye kiss before you set out to work. He spends the rest of the day making sure the house is spotless, getting you flowers, picking out the nicest clothes you two have and then goes to make dinner.
And of course, the things out of his control go wrong on the one day he needs it to be perfect. He only notices the oven is busted when the roast he's making in it starts smoking enough to set off the fire alarm. He scrambles to salvage it but it's too late and he's left scurrying around the kitchen trying to figure out something else.
Price doesn't notice when you get home, the locking of the door and your tired footsteps betting lost in the sound of clattering pots and pans. He nearly tosses the pan he's holding when you sneak up and wrap your arms around him, pulling him back from the roaring fire of the stove to press your chest to his back.
You rest your head on his shoulder, lips brushing his neck. "Relax," You say, both an admonishment and a suggestion.
"Bloody git". Price grumbles to himself under his breath but relaxes into you, nuzzling his head against yours. "M' sorry love, the bloody oven broke and-" he clams up just as he's starting to explain, already rethinking the proposal as a whole because Christ, how can he be a good husband when he can't even make you dinner properly?
"Hey," You begin and kiss his temple, rubbing soothing circles into his side. "How about we dress up and I'll order take out huh?" You say, letting go of him and taking charge by calling both of your favourite takeout place before he even has a chance to refuse.
Price knows this proposal is dead in the water. He's seen far too many proposal videos on that TokTik app — the ones with extravagant locations and massive diamond rings gifted to the brides to be via doves — to know such a simple proposal would fly.
But he still goes along with your plan; At the very least he can enjoy the sight of you done up in nice clothes, in the knowledge you do it for him. And he's sure you love how he looks in his suit too, his beard can't hide how pink his cheeks get when you call him dashing or handsome as you fix his tie. He gets you back though, cupping your cheek when you're done with his tie so he can pull you in for a long and slow kiss. He wants to press further, proposal plans already at the back of his mind, but he's interrupted by the delivery guy. He's especially not pleased when you stick your tongue out at him like a child and scamper away to get your takeout.
After plating the food, you sit down to eat, and Price remembers to light the special candles he'd bought. The food is good even if it's not what he'd wanted, but it's easy to forget about this shortcoming of his when you're laughing and telling him about some thing that happened to you today. He listens intently, remembering why he loves you when you speak so passionately about your hobby.
Price decides this is it.
He had a speech prepared, written and rewritten a dozen times until it was perfect, the one he'd practiced all day until his throat was raw. But the words dissapear like a mirage in his mind, and even if he did remember them, it would feel too out of place. So he simply stands up, cutting your talk short. His back aches as he gets to one knee, hands shaking a bit and fumbling with the box before he presents the golden ring to you. "Do you. . ." He hesitates, takes a deep breath, "Do you want to spend the rest of our lives together?"
Your eyes flicker between him and the ring, staring, bewildered. The pit in his stomach grows with every passing second, only to swallow up his heart when you open your mouth and say "Are you serious?"
This is it, Price thinks, he's mistaken what you two had together for something it was not. He's already thinking of ways to backtrack, fat tears building at the corners of his eyes that he desperately tries to blink away.
He's caught unaware when you kneel down in front of him. There's a sheepish look on your face as you bring out your own little box. Inside is a simple golden ring, your and his initials carved into it.
You give him a wry little smile, "Surprise."
Price stares at the ring. A second passes. Then another. A third one is well on it's way before his mind finally realises what this is and a childish laugh bubbles from his chest. "You-" He reaches out and pulls you into a bear hug. "-bloody Muppet almost made my heart give out." He grouches but absolutely melts into your body as you return the hug. You feel his mighty shoulders shake and chest rumble as his laughter gets out of control, pulling you into laughing with him.
He buries his face into your neck, trying to say something but his hiccups turn the words into meaningless happy noise. He doesn't even notice when he starts to cry, but it's a good type of crying — the one where you just don't know how to express the light airy feeling gripping your chest. Price feels like his ribcage is stuffed with dandelion fluff, fat tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I love you." He says into your skin, low and quiet, voice still raw as he nuzzles his beard into your neck. His hands grip you tightly, afraid to let go.
"I love you too." You say, kissing him with nothing but love and care and tenderness in your actions.
Price is running high on the buzz of getting engaged when you two settle on the couch, back in comfortable pyjamas and wrapped up in blankets and each others arms, your takeout on the table as you settle to watch a movie. Your hand finds his, two golden rings clicking together beneath the sheets, and Price feels fresh tears roll down his cheeks before you kiss them away.
Being buried under your name would be nice, but living under your name is much better.
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ultimateinferno · 2 months
If Vasher is in fact the one who made Gavilar's anti-Light then this man has invented 2 completely unrelated weapons of mass destruction.
Walk with me.
Anti-Light is very clearly the investiture equivalent of antimatter. Like antimatter, which has the same "mass" as regular just opposite charge, anti-Light has the same energy (wavelength) as Light, but opposite amplitude. When combined, they're completely eradicated as they're transformed into energy (explosion). This applies to antimatter and—as seen in Rhythm of War—anti-Light. Not only can this create a bomb, but it can perhaps create the bomb.
The issue with most conventional weapons (and any source of fuel, really) is that their conversion into energy is imperfect. There's numbers floating around out there about the percentage of energy actually put out per source from wood to gasoline to plutonium. The big thing about all of them is that they create some byproduct besides the energy. Methane combustion for instance always puts out carbon dioxide and water.
In Einstein's famous equation, E = mc^2, we are given a "perfect conversion" between mass and energy. You can X kilos of matter from Y Joules of energy and vice versa, assuming you don't lose anything to byproducts. This is a shit load of energy. That c in the equation isn't a variable like E and m are. It's the speed of light. 299,792,458 meters per second.
By and large, tapping into this energy is really super hard. As I mentioned, there's always byproducts. Even ignoring the issue of entropy and diffusion of energy into an environment, most of it is preserved by the aforementioned material byproducts that come out of chemical reactions. The most efficient reactions we have in the modern day is all nuclear in nature, be it fission like decaying atoms in nuclear reactors or fusion like within the sun. But even then, for all the energy they release, you will still come up with matter in the end.
That is unless you have antimatter.
The amount of energy you will release from a kilograms worth of an antimatter bomb is 1000 times stronger than that released from Fat Man dropped on Nagasaki. Half of that of the largest nuclear bomb ever tested, the Tsar Bomba. 90 petaJoules of energy.
If Harmonium/Trellium was the Invested equivalent of a nuke (hi, this is a Cosmere post, remember?) then antiLight is far and away worse, and it's been invented on two separate occasions, once by Navani (#girlboss), and—if theories turn out to be correct—Vasher, who's given us other hits like the God Killing Sword.
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oscconfessions · 3 months
i wonder what algebraliens taste like
i'd imagine depending on who/what they are they'd taste different
four most likely tastes really gamey because he most definitely is a wild animal. if we go on the headcanon that algebraliens are more animal-like than other objects, it's possible he'd taste like venison (deer), because i see him as thin and gangly but still has enough muscle on him for meat.
x is probably mostly fatty. say what you want to say, but his shape even in canon, is, for lack of a better term, rounded. it's not worth it to eat x unless you want to fry him up like chicharonnes (fried pork skins[god i am hoping i spelled that correctly i am a hopeless gringo i apologize]). otherwise if you cook him normally he'd taste like rabbit but there'd be little to no meat on this dude. personally i think of him like this because x is passive and would need a thick blubber layer (like a real life whale, the animal, no i am not calling fat people whales, even if i was i would be calling myself a whale because i AM fat fuck you) to protect himself. i mean how else does this little guy take a beating from others? additionally, i think x is really fuzzy, maybe he's like a seal??????? do people eat seals?????
2. what does two taste like. personally i think they're different from the other algebraliens in makeup- they have an affinity for cake and other sweet foods, so maybe their diet consists of sugars, not too unlike some insects. maybe they're insect-like? bee? bee. that being said, they wouldn't have too much flavor on their own. say if you fried them up like a cricket, and put some seasonings on him, you could get something that tastes good.
yes i am continuing with xfohv algebraliens.
seven and one (what we have seen of one at least) i think follows two in 'is insect' category. mayyyybe 14 is also insect? but i also don't wanna find out what 14 tastes like. i really don't.
six and nine both inexplicably taste of mint toothpaste and wintergreens respectively. that being said, i am allergic to mint toothpaste, so six is safe from being eaten by me.
8 tastes like tofu. following six and nine, idk how this would happen, but 8 probably would be good in a stew or soup. miso soup
i don't wanna find out what five tastes like. i know they're probably meaty but the purple color reminds me too much of grape flavored candies and i'd be too disgusted. also i don't think 5 has ever taken a shower
i would never eat 10. never in a million years. i like 10 wayyy too much. but if i absolutely had to guess what 10 tastes like, i think 10 is the porky-mutton contender. probably leans more towards a rack of lamb. i say this with the most absolute affection. 10 is my favorite idk why
15 tastes like 15. if we are talking fusion 15, mint overload, i am not touching it. if we are talking red 15, they taste like beef. and the number 15. you take a bite and you see the number 15 appear before your eyes before you swallow. i guess
does 3 exist? idk
i think this is the end of the algebraliens- no wait i gotta do exclamation mark who i will shorten the name to ! bc i am not typing that over and over again
! unlike 5 has a lighter lavender color. since they exist in a different universe and is much more kooky than beefydie algebraliens, i think they'd exist on a different logic. ! probably tastes whatever that juice tastes like, and i think that juice is probably really herbal tasting, with mostly floral lavender notes. what i am saying is ! tastes like if you were to eat a spa. i do not want to eat a spa.
this has been; super technical analysis of what numbers and variables and punctuation tastes like
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Here Comes The Rain (Dazai Osamu x Reader)
Finally got around to writing this! Just Dazai handling his feelings in his own Dazai manner. Also available on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46255900 Was there anything better than a stormy night? Dazai Osamu sat facing the window in his bedroom, watching the rain lashing down from a pitch-black sky, only visible thanks to the streetlamps. The weather forecast had been promising rain for days, and now it had finally come – no doubt people would be opening their curtains or blinds tomorrow to see a world awash with it. He could hear it very well, fat droplets smacking the ground with force before bouncing back up, only to land a second time. The gutters were already overflowing with rain and the pavement shone like silver, the sound of dripping filling the street. Ordinarily in a storm like this one, Dazai may have been tempted to go out and make another suicide attempt – with the rain like this, if he flung himself into the water, he’d stand no chance of beating the current. He could swim, but he wasn’t strong enough to fight so much water. He’d be borne back ceaselessly against the flood and he’d likely drown before he even washed out to sea. …But alas for Dazai, there were too many variables for it to be his idealised, perfect suicide. For one, it was dark, and he had no way of seeing how deep or not the water was – suppose he misjudged a jump, ended up landing in shallow water and breaking his legs or his back? He’d lie there in a state of helpless paralysis before the water eventually took him, slowly, or some innocent bystander tried to wade in and rescue him. Or there was always a chance he might impale himself on a stray tree branch, leaving him being swept along in excruciating pain, unable to peacefully slip away like he envisioned. A sound caught Dazai’s attention, and he turned his head, feeling a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth automatically. And there was another variable in why he couldn’t go out into the storm. You.
Dazai didn’t know how you’d managed it. Honestly, it was clear you had no idea either, or he would have seen through your attempts and evaded them. It was like a champion chess player going up against an amateur and being utterly unable to predict their moves – there was no rhyme or reason, no recognisable strategy in motion. It was simply instinct, and your own intuition and your own intuition that drove you forward. In this way of yours, you had tethered yourself to him, your poisoned barb sank into Dazai’s heart and despite himself, he had no desire to pull it out. Pulled away from his admiration of the rain, Dazai was now admiring your adorable sleeping face instead. Your cheek was squished against the pillow and occasionally your eyelids flickered. No doubt you were deep in a REM cycle right now, lulled by the shush of water outside. He wondered if you were dreaming of him. Perhaps it was egotistical of him to think so, but wasn’t it logical when you’d spent all day together, basking in some rare but well-earned time off? Or maybe the sound of the rain and cool air caressing your cheek had invaded your subconscious and instead you were dreaming of water, maybe plunged into the depth of the ocean or walking down a stormy street. Either way, at least it was a pleasant dream, judging by your peaceful expression and the steady rise and fall of your chest. Dazai himself had found he slept better when you were with him in his futon – the nightmares never left him entirely, yet falling asleep beside your warm, soft body seemed a wonderful panacea to them. Sometimes if he woke suddenly in the middle of the night, as he had now, he’d simply wrap his arms around you and let the steady thump of your heartbeat soothe him back to sleep. Such a simple thing, the comfort of another person, yet he’d gone so long without it that now he had it, he was terrified it would soon slip from his grasp again. But apparently Dazai was feeling philosophical tonight, because now he had woken prematurely, he didn’t feel any strong urge to go back to sleep. Not yet, anyway. Instead his long, elegant fingers curved around your cheek and you made a sound in response, much like a cat when you pet it in its sleep. “Sweetheart,” Dazai said, both a greeting and an exhortation. Too impatient for you to pull yourself from the depth of slumber by yourself, he kissed you, humming at the wonderfully familiar feel of your lips against his. You stirred from beneath your cosy blanket cocoon. “Mm?” Groggily your eyes opened, holding a glazed expression, still full of sleep. Your entire state hovering in a state of dreaming and consciousness. The sight made his breath catch in his throat. “Dazai?” you murmured in adorable confusion, voice vaguely rusty from disuse. “Yes, sweetness.” he cooed, leaning down. “C’mere…” He pressed his lips to yours, enjoying your confusion, but he’d kissed you enough times by now that you responded to him readily enough, despite still being half-asleep. A clumsy arm grabbed at him and he pulled you closer in response, pressing you against his chest. He loved it when you were like this. Soft and sleepy and pliant, unguarded in your thoughts. Not to say he didn’t adore you when you were fully awake and alert too, (you were much more fun to mess with then) but these little intimate moments where he had the pleasure of seeing you in a state not many ever did were special. He savoured it, like a curl of sugar melting on his tongue, here and gone in an instant but cherished for its sweetness. He never could say that, though. Dazai was a shameless flirt and an expert at bending others to his will with words alone, but emotional intimacy was not his strong suit and he knew it. Being honest and unguarded made him as tongue-tied and awkward as a schoolboy. But he was much better at being honest with his body. Eventually he pulled back to let you breathe, a smirk on his face at your kiss-swollen lips. Now you were slightly more lucid, and the first hint of annoyance crossed your features over Dazai shaking you awake simply because he wanted some affection. "What time is it? Couldn't this have waited until the day?" you complained, looking around for some kind of clock, but your phone was out of reach. "No." Dazai said in an oddly serious tone. "It couldn't." Attuned as you were to him, something in his voice caught your attention and you turned to look at him. He could read your expressions perfectly and your brow creased in apparent worry. Dazai never woke you when he had nightmares, preferring simply to breeze past them without discussion, so what other reason had he woken you? Thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance and Dazai crawled on top of you, his arms caging you in as you blinked up at him. His eyes were bright in the soft darkness. You didn’t stop him as his slowly moved down your body, caressing, hands sliding down your pajamas, before he gently tugged the bottoms down your thighs, planting kisses on your legs as he went. You bit your lip. “Dazai, right now-?” “Yes.” he breathed, like a prayer. You weren’t going to turn him down – Dazai could do some incredible things with his mouth and as far as you were concerned, he owed you for waking you up in the middle of the night seemingly apropos of nothing. So you propped yourself up on your elbows to watch him snuggled inbetween your thighs. He playfully snapped the waistband of your panties against your hip, making you yelp, before pulling those down as well. Expertly he nudged your legs wider apart and despite the many times he’d done this, it always made you blush to be so exposed to him, even alone in the darkness. Dazai didn’t let you hide anything from him, and that included when he was going down on you. “So lovely, bella.” Dazai praised you in hushed tones, tracing a finger over your core and watching you twitch at the teasing, featherlight touch. “Hold nice and still for me, now.” You nodded, bottom lip between your teeth, and Dazai plunged in with abandon. Perhaps it was because you were still sleepy, still pleasantly fuzzy in the head, because it felt like your other concerns were dulled, the only sensation that mattered Dazai’s hot tongue lapping at your clit. Heat washed over you, tingling shocks following each leisurely flick of Dazai’s tongue. A moan or a gasp or something inbetween left you in an exhalation of air. Dazai’s hands are gripping your thighs, fingers squeezing the flesh and you can only see his wavy hair as he went down on you, his mouth closing over your clit and driving a keen from your mouth. “Nnh…” Dazai couldn’t watch you come undone from his current position, but your audible sighs and whimpering was plenty for him to get himself off. He was not a man who considered oral sex some tedious chore to do before he could get down to the main action. Oh, no. The taste of you flooding his tongue, his name spoken in broken, needy fragments and the feeling of your thighs pressing against him? It was heaven. With how talented Dazai was with his tongue, you were squirming on the mattress before long, pyjamas bottoms tangling around your knees as you gasped, limbs still heavy from tiredness but your head feeling airy and light, heat building and building as he lavished attention on your cunt, pushing his tongue inside you to make you squeal. “Oh fuck! Dazai! Don’t stop!” you said, the phrases exploding from you in short, commanding, insensible bursts. You can only speak in demands, punctuated by cries. Dazai huffed in amusement as he pushed you into climaxing, catching your juices on his tongue, squeezing the flesh of your thighs. He playfully nipped the soft skin as he moved back, wiping the back of his wrist across his damp mouth. He didn’t give you any time to recover, not with his cock throbbing the way it was. He clambered beneath the covers with you, pressing himself against you. You turned your head to look at his expression, a smirk of your own tugging at your mouth. “You’re needy tonight, huh?” you said, and he didn’t deny it. "Please, bella." he breathed against your neck, pressing urgent, sloppy kisses there that made you giggle. "Need to feel you...” Fuck. Dazai didn’t beg very often but when he did, he sure knew how to do it prettily. How could you deny such a request? You nodded, too distracted to speak, and Dazai wasted no time in positioning himself, entering you in one smooth thrust that made you squeal at the abrupt feeling of being filled up. With a breathy moan, he rocked his hips forwards, bottoming out inch by inch in your wet cunt. And being the talker he was, he couldn’t just let it pass without comment. “So good…you’re so good for me, darling.” He purred, praises leaving his lips as easily as taking a breath, rutting shamelessly against you like a buck in heat. “Mm…my pretty girl…” A hiss left your mouth that mingled with the relentless pattering of rain on the rooftops outside and the cold air drifting in through the crack in the window feels good on your hot, slick skin. Your arms wrapped around Dazai, pulling him down, sinking your nails into his back and scoring thin, red marks down his skin. He liked some pain with his pleasure and he arched his back and moaned, and the noise made your walls pulse around his cock. Fuck. It seemed hard to believe he could work you up so easily after making you come once, but he knew your body so well he could have drawn a map of it. “Fuck, Dazai.” You whispered – you didn’t know why you were whispering, only that the weather gave all this a confessional air, like a secret between the two of you, cut off from the rest of the world as you were by a veil of water. “God…” Dazai snaked a hand down between your bodies, and his fingers pinched your clit hard enough to make you squeal. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger as he sank into you over and over, sighing with rapture as your convulsing, hot core sucked him in, like your body simply did not want to let him go. “Yes, princess, that’s it…make more of those sounds for me.” Dazai muttered, turning his head and nipping at your throat, mindful not to break the skin but applying enough pressure to give you a jolt – he’s not the only one who doesn’t mind a little rough stuff. You’re groaning against his ear and you pinch his earlobe between your teeth and give it a little pull. Dazai sighed with pleasure, snapping his hips in a sharp thrust that had you blinking away stars. “Nnh-! Like that! Do it again!” “So demanding,” Dazai chuckled. “And you call me needy, sweetheart.” But he obliged you, of course. Dazai had a hard time saying ‘no’ to you on a regular basis, and since he woke you from a peaceful slumber because he was too desperate to wait to be inside you, the least he can do is make your dreams pale in comparison to what he’s giving you right now. The head of his cock nudged up against that sweetspot he knew you couldn’t reach with your fingers along and you squealed, pressing your mouth against his neck to muffle the noise. Dazai chuckled. “Oh, belladonna. Do you think I can’t hear how much you love taking my cock?” he teased, enjoying your little whine of embarrassment. “Ssh. Just enjoy it, honey. You’re close, aren’t you? I can feel it. Don’t worry, just let me make you feel good…” Dazai knew that he was good at dirty talk and his voice always provoked a reaction from you – you were so easy to read, the way your spine would straighten simply by him lowering his voice an octave or the way your eyes would widen when he slipped an innuendo into a seemingly innocent conversation. Why wouldn’t he use it to his advantage now? “Fuck, Dazai…” you said, voice strained with the effort of trying to speak and contain your moans at the same time. “God…you feel so good…please…” Your speech sounded almost slurred, and your pleas weren’t as pretty as Dazai’s, but he loved it all the same. He became faster and faster, the snap of his hips against yours, flesh on flesh, loud in the quiet of the room. Your breathy cries drifted up to the ceiling, accompanied by Dazai’s own moaning until they reached a crescendo of noise, Dazai’s back arching as he came and judging by the clamping around his cock and your body shuddering beneath him, your mouth falling open and eyes glassy with pleasure, you were right along with him. “Nngh…” “Ah…” For a moment time was suspended, both of you adrift in a wave of pleasure that relentlessly pulled you under. You took a couple of minutes to get your bearings back, the ceiling wavering above you like you’re looking at it through a kaleidoscope and your body is slick with sweat. You can hear Dazai panting on top of you, his chest pressing you against the mattress. “Dazai-“ you began. He hummed in acknowledgement, pressing another lazy, affectionate kiss to your lips before he rolled off you, though he didn’t go far. You didn’t protest as he pulled you closer, resting your head against his chest and listening to the galloping of his heart. His fingers toyed with your hair, brushing it away from your damp forehead, combing his hands through it in a way he knew you loved and that always made you sleepy. “Really? You woke me up just to fuck and now you’re trying to trick me into going back to sleep?” you said, but the glare you gave him was completely ruined by the flush dampening your skin and a yawn slipping from you. “Something like that,” Dazai said vaguely, and you gave a scoff of disbelieving laughter despite yourself. Of course, the real reason wasn’t quite so cut and dried as that, but Dazai could tell any explanations from him would fall on deaf ears – even as he watched, the lure of sleep was already winning its fight with your conscience, your eyes falling shut like they were too heavy for you to hold open anymore. “Go back to sleep, baby.” Dazai told you, still stroking your hair, shamelessly using it to keep you settled against his chest – the weight of your body was comforting. “Tomorrow we’ll skip work, have breakfast and watch people try and swim to their jobs.” “Mmm…” you hummed, a smile on your face at the joke, and he watched it fade into that tranquil look as you fell back asleep, nuzzling into Dazai’s chest and making yourself comfortable. Now he wouldn’t be able to move all night until you woke again – that was the rule. Dazai settled back against the pillow, wrapping one arm around you and tugging the covers over you both. He listened to the sound of the rain outside as he felt his own eyes begin to slide shut. No, he had not woken you simply for sex, even if that seemed like the obvious answer from an outside view. Dazai’s affections for you were so large and confusing to him, a man who was sorely deprived of such things for such a long time, he often simply did not know what to do with it. Sex was simply one of the easiest – and most fun – ways of showing it. Saying it was much harder, but eventually he’d get there. For now, enjoy one another’s company and bodies was a pleasure he’d never thought would be his. Dazai Osamu did not know how to love, or be loved. But for you, he was willing to try.
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pemberlyprose · 9 months
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How Greif Devours Identity in Hamlet: An Informal Short Essay
Inspired by If We Were Villians, I took it upon myself to freshen up on my Shakespeare. So, last night I finished reading Hamlet for the first time since my freshman year of college! It was a trip to relive all of my old annotations and notes on the play, and to dive back into Shakespeare after such a long time. Thank Folger Shakespeare Library for footnotes!
A few things caught my attention, especially the theme of identity and grief being so intertwined. So let's talk about it for a moment~~
As somone who has experianced a little too much grief in my lifetime, it was cathartic to read Hamlet and appreciate others processing loss. Shakespeare, the master of words and human emotion that he is, has painted the transformative... if not transfiguring... powers of grief on the human mind. This is not exclusive to the character of Hamlet himself, though his madness is the center of the play, but includes all the characters.
Since I have made myself promise this will be a short essay, i'll localize my thoughts on a specific passage:
"Not where he eats, but where he is eaten. A certain convocation of politic worms are e'en at him. Your worm is your only empoeror for diet. We fat all creatures else to fat us, and we fat ourselves for maggots. Your fat king and your lean beggar is but variable service-- two dishes but to one table. That's the end" (Act 4, Scene 3).
So, here's the thing... I took this a little differently than Shakespeare may have intended in this scene. The talk of the "worms" which feast on us when we are dead made me think of The Corpse Bride by Tim Burton.
In Emily's ear is a maggot that acts as her concience. He eats at her mind and replaces her thoughts with his own. I couldn't help but feel that is exactly what grief has done to these characters. Like worms, fattening upon each character, sorrow, revenge, fear, and guilt all crawl into the ears of the court and feast until there is nothing left.
For example, take Hamlet at the end of this play. Hamlet is "not where he eats," which would be an action of taking the King's life and digesting what has happened to his father, but ends "where he is eaten" by the guilt of not being able to override his character and seek revenge on Claudius until the last moment. Try as he might to change the course of fate (hah, get it course lol), the ending remains the same. Which leads to the line "two dishes but to one table."
We see this all throughout the novel as different sets of characters come to the table: Claudius x King Hamlet, Hamlet x Claudius, Hamlet x Mother, Opheilia x Hamlet, Laertes x Hamlet... etc. Even the lesser characters die in pairs like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Two lives devoured together at the same table.
I think this is an interesting way of looking at volitile emotions and understanding how people struggle to cope. Grief can eat at you, literally, and it not only leads to a physical deterioration but to a death of self. No matter how clever and careful you are going about it, no matter what reasons you have, acting against one's character will always eat at one's concience. Especially when you look around and see the other people in your life feasting on the same meal at the same table.
So while grief can feel like a worm in our minds, it's also more common among our companions than we see. Too blinded by our own struggles, we let emotions devour our sense of self, and can't see how our behavior reflects and is reflected back to us. We are what we eat, in all senses.
Which is why I think that Hamelt is an exceptional play on how emotions can play (or prey) on us!
Updated edition of the Folger Shakespeare Library edited by Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine used in this essay :)
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satelliteaccident · 2 years
Writing Elytically: This Time, It's Details
(Last time, it was big-picture stuff!)
So you want to format your fic like the game
I'll start with two words: collect screenshots. The more in-game references you have for those "but how does the game do X?" moments, the easier it will be to find answers.
In addition to screenshots, try FAYDE, which is a searchable database of in-game text (including variables!) and a load-bearing part of my DE ficwriting process. I cannot say enough nice things about it and about @morgue-xiiv, who made and hosts it.
Next up: keep a style sheet, and update it like Kim will be *disappointed* if you don't.
What goes in a style sheet? All the zillion formatting guidelines and decisions you make when you put word to keyboard.
For example, while there are exceptions, the game's skillset dialogues usually follow this case-sensitive template:
SKILLNAME [Difficulty: Outcome] – What the skill says goes here, and it doesn't take quotation marks.
When you plug in the specifics, the result looks like this:
RHETORIC [Trivial: Success] – Words can be exchanged for goods and services.
Note the square brackets and the space-en dash-space that follows them. An en dash is this guy – not a hyphen (that's shorter -) or an em dash (that's longer —).
Also, the body text/content of dialogue uses different dashes again: two hyphens in a row. Here's what that looks like:
Tumblr media
I took a screenshot because on Tumblr, some browsers will automatically convert two consecutive hyphens to an em dash, which is a great way to make copy editors very sad.
We actually just saw one! That's because Perception follows:
PERCEPTION (SENSE) [Difficulty: Outcome] – What the skill says goes here, and it doesn't take quotation marks.
. . . except sometimes, when the game does it like:
PERCEPTION (Sense) [Difficulty: Outcome] – What the skill says goes here, and it doesn't take quotation marks.
I'll never know why they're different, but I would guess the team didn't have a "final reads are FINAL, stop re-writing after them you hooligans" policy, which intellectually I recognise is unlikely to end in apocalypse and emotionally I experience with the editorial equivalent of the meat sweats.
Another exception: Coach Physical Instrument just yells at you without following the template, which seems on brand:
COACH PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT – Bracing yet homophobic encouraging-slash-berating goes here!
Weirdly(?), Limbic System and Ancient Reptilian Brain do the same.
Other skills follow the template first, *then* just chime in the second-plus time they appear in a single dialogue event, like this trio from The Whole Sorry Way Down:
VOLITION [Challenging: Success] – Hey. Loser! This isn’t your bed. Get up. PAIN THRESHOLD [Medium: Success] – Oh, *god*.  PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Easy: Success] – Was that springs? And footsteps? They were moving away from you. VOLITION – What? Who cares? Get up, and cut the dramatics. PAIN THRESHOLD – They’re not dramatics. You’re in pain.  PERCEPTION (HEARING) – That’s… definitely footsteps. Getting closer, this time.
Oh my god, what else?!
SO MUCH ELSE. Let's see . . .
Active skill checks
Can I find a screenshot of one at the moment? No, because that would be easy. *facepalm* But here's how I formatted them in M+P when I was still obsessively checking the game to see how these things worked:
1. [Skill Level#: Difficulty] [Thing you're going to do.] "Thing you're going to say, if anything!"
And a concrete example:
YOU – 1. [Strike a Sam Bo pose.] “If you can best me in HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT.” 2. [Move aside.] “Sure, c’mon in.” 3. [Composure 15: Heroic] [Move aside.] “Of course. I’ve missed you.” Composure: Failure YOU – You move aside and get as far as “Of” before some involuntary emotion-muscle spasms. Your throat feels small, your face hot. Fat, guileless tears vanish into your beard.
Note that the dialogue option you "select" is bold, as is the outcome line. Also note that [Action you'll take] ends up in square brackets, but if you're going to lie, then you do it like so: (Lie.)
Place names: Spelling and hyphenation can be a pain. If not using your own notes, I suggest FAYDE and screenshots; or, for variety, screenshots and FAYDE. Google is okay, but sometimes, it lies.
If you can't find evidence of how the game does it, make a decision and slap it in your style sheet. You're the captain now!
Tricky fish:
The place is Sur-la-Clef; the language is Suresne.
The place is Vesper; the language is Vespertine.
The place is Revachol; the demonym is Vacholière (Suresne) or Revacholian (Vespertine).
LA REVACHOLIÈRE – IF SHE IS SPEAKING, SHE SPEAKS LIKE THIS. Shivers doesn't, though, unless La Rev speaks "through" it.
Hjelmdallermann (bless you)
Satellite Officer X or Satellite-Officer X: The game does both, so pick the one you prefer -- or go full homage and switch it up.
Sam Bo
Wirrâl (I fucked up the accent in M+P and it still bothers me tbh)
There are always more, so keep adding to that style sheet. Kim's depending on you. <3
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drchandrakant01 · 3 months
Understanding Peripheral Artery Disease: Effective Treatment Options Explained — Dr Chandrakant
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Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a widespread yet often neglected illness that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It happens when fatty deposits build up in the arteries that carry blood to the limbs, narrowing or blocking them. This can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from slight discomfort to severe pain, and can even end in limb amputation. Understanding PAD and its treatment choices is critical for properly managing the illness and enhancing quality of life.
What is Peripheral Artery Disease?
Peripheral Artery illness is a form of cardiovascular illness defined by the constriction of peripheral arteries, which usually affects the legs. This constriction is largely caused by atherosclerosis, a condition in which plaques made of fat, cholesterol, and other chemicals accumulate on the arterial walls. These plaques collect and limit blood flow, resulting in a range of symptoms and problems.
Symptoms of Peripheral Artery Disease
The symptoms of PAD vary greatly depending on the degree of the obstruction. Some people may have no symptoms at all, while others may suffer from severe pain and discomfort. Common symptoms include:
Claudication: This is the most common symptom, characterized by pain or cramping in the legs or hips during physical activity, which subsides with rest.
Numbness or Weakness: Reduced blood flow might result in numbness or weakness in the legs.
Coldness in the Lower Leg or Foot: One leg or foot may feel significantly cooler than the other.
Sores or Wounds: Non-healing sores or wounds on the legs, foot, or toes may indicate severe PAD.
Color Changes: Leg color changes, such as paleness or a blueish hue.
Hair Loss: Reduced hair growth on the legs and feet.
Risk Factors for Peripheral Artery Disease
Several variables raise the possibility of having PAD, including:
Smoking: This is the most important risk factor. Smokers have a much greater chance of getting PAD.
Diabetes: Diabetes raises the risk of PAD by damaging blood vessels.
High Blood Pressure: Hypertension may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis.
High Cholesterol: Elevated cholesterol levels in the blood can cause plaque accumulation in the arteries.
Age: The risk of PAD increases with age, especially beyond 50.
Family History: A family history of cardiovascular disease may raise the risk of getting PAD.
Diagnosing Peripheral Artery Disease
If you feel you have PAD, get medical care right once. Early detection and treatment can avoid major problems. Common diagnostic approaches include the following:
Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI): This easy test measures the blood pressure in your ankle and arm. A lower ankle pressure may suggest PAD.
Ultrasound: Doppler ultrasonography can assist visualize blood flow in arteries and detect obstructions.
Angiography: This imaging technique visualizes the arteries using a contrast dye and X-rays.
Blood Tests: These can assist in detecting underlying problems such as excessive cholesterol and diabetes.
Treatment Options for Peripheral Artery Disease
PAD therapy seeks to alleviate symptoms, enhance quality of life, and lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke. The technique varies according to the severity of the problem, but it often includes lifestyle modifications, medication, and, in some circumstances, surgical procedures.
Lifestyle Changes
Making healthy lifestyle modifications is frequently the first step toward controlling PAD. These adjustments can help to decrease the growth of the condition and alleviate symptoms.
Quit Smoking: Smoking quitting is critical. It’s the most effective strategy to keep PAD from getting worse.
Exercise Regularly: Physical exercise, such as walking, can help relieve claudication symptoms by boosting circulation and endurance.
Healthy Diet: A diet reduced in saturated fats, cholesterol, and salt can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight helps relieve pressure on your arteries and enhance your overall cardiovascular health.
Several drugs can help control PAD by targeting the underlying causes and symptoms.
Antiplatelet Agents: Blood clots can be prevented using drugs such as aspirin or clopidogrel.
Cholesterol-Lowering Medications: Statins can help lower cholesterol and halt the progression of atherosclerosis.
Blood Pressure Medications: These can help control hypertension and lower the risk of problems.
Medications for Claudication: Drugs like cilostazol can help alleviate claudication symptoms by improving blood flow to the limbs.
Surgical and Interventional Procedures
In more serious cases of PAD, surgical or interventional treatments may be required to restore blood flow to the afflicted limbs.
Angioplasty and Stenting: This minimally invasive technique includes inflating a tiny balloon inside the artery to expand it, which is usually followed by the placement of a stent to maintain it open.
Bypass Surgery: A graft is utilized in this surgery to redirect blood flow around a blocked artery.
Atherectomy: This entails eliminating plaque accumulation from the artery with a specific gadget.
Managing Peripheral Artery Disease: A Holistic Approach
PAD care involves a comprehensive strategy that tackles both the symptoms and the underlying causes of the illness. This frequently entails a mix of lifestyle modifications, drugs, and perhaps surgical procedures. Regular monitoring and follow-up with your healthcare practitioner are vital for ensuring that the treatment plan is effective and making any required changes.
Finding Help If you are suffering signs of PAD, you should get medical attention right once. Searching for “peripheral artery disease treatment near me” will direct you to expert care in your region. Early intervention can make a big difference in results and quality of life.
Conclusion Peripheral Artery Disease is a severe illness that demands prompt and efficient treatment. Individuals who understand the risk factors, symptoms, and treatment choices can take proactive efforts to improve their health and avoid consequences. There are several options for treating PAD and improving quality of life, including lifestyle modifications, medicines, and surgical procedures. If you feel you have PAD, get medical consultation and look into your treatment options.
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Always Trust The Lions
Turns out my first instinct was correct. Remember Sweat Pursuit? Remember my ill-fated idea concerning you being chased by lions? Well, that's the game I'm going to make. It turns out that Oubliette wasn't arcade-y enough, because it didn't get harder over time. I spoke with my tutors about this, and it turns out an infinite runner is probably the way to go. So, it's time to look back at an old project of mine.
There's the link, for you intrepid souls. Essentially, you're in a car, and you're being chased by Chubb, the bad guy, in his comically undersized go-kart. Like Subway Surfers, there are three "tracks" you can drive to, and coins and food will spawn on these tracks. If you run over the items, you'll pick them up. Chubb is always hot on your trail, and he slowly gets faster and faster, a function of his Hunger variable. When you throw a burger back at him, it sends him back to the left of the screen, and lowers his Hunger value. However, he will always be getting marginally faster. Here's the maths for his speed.
Move ((0.001 x Hunger) + (Distance Traveled / 1000)) Steps
So, it's a tiny increment, but it builds up over time. Eventually, your distance value is so much that burgers barely affect him, only slightly pushing him back a few pixels. Food and coins spawn randomly; food is obviously to throw at Chubb to slow his pursuit, but coins act as a score multiplier. When Chubb inevitably goes bumper-to-bumper with you, your score is calculated as (Distance Traveled x Coins). So, even in the late game, you'll need to keep an eye on what trinkets are coming your way. I don't wanna pat myself on the back too much, but Sweat Pursuit is, legitimately, a really well-distilled formula for an arcade game. I even play it sometimes, just for fun. There are some slight glitches; Chubb can be pushed off the screen if you throw two burgers while he's at the left side, and the top of your character's head collides with items in the road lanes above them. This would obviously be fixed if I remade the game with a more 3D element. I could even remove the three-lane bit and just have you steer freely. I'd also probably change the 80s street-racer atmosphere to the savanna one previously mentioned; you'd be rumbling through the grasslands in a safari truck and Chubb would be a lion instead of a cartoonishly devious fat man.
On the topic of other ideas to Doubt myself with, I had an idea for a run-n-gun game where you don't control when you fire. Every three seconds, you fire a projectile in whatever direction you're facing. So, gameplay would become a psuedo-rhythm game where you dash around, making sure to orient yourself at an enemy during each "attack pulse". Could be cool. But I'll probably do the Sweat Pursuit remake.
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Running Your First Program
I wrote my first program, to get to the bottom of my research question:
#-- coding: utf-8 --
""" Created on Wed Jun 14 11:18:20 2023
@author: """ import pandas import numpy
print("start import") data = pandas.read_csv('nesarc_pds.csv', low_memory=False) print("import done")
#upper-case all Dataframe column names --> unification
data.colums = map(str.upper, data.columns)
#bug fix for display formats to avoid run time errors
pandas.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x:'%f'%x)
print (len(data)) #number of observations (rows) print (len(data.columns)) # number of variables (columns)
#checking the format of your variables
#setting variables you will be working with to numeric
data['S2DQ1'] = pandas.to_numeric(data['S2DQ1']) #Blood/Natural Father data['S2DQ2'] = pandas.to_numeric(data['S2DQ2']) #Blood/Natural Mother data['S2BQ3A'] = pandas.to_numeric(data['S2BQ3A'], errors='coerce') #Age at data['S3CQ14A3'] = pandas.to_numeric(data['S3CQ14A3'], errors='coerce')
#Blood/Natural Father was alcoholic
print("number blood/natural father was alcoholic") c1 = data['S2DQ1'].value_counts(sort=False).sort_index() print (c1)
print("percentage blood/natural father was alcoholic") p1 = data['S2DQ1'].value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True).sort_index() print (p1)
#Blood/Natural Mother was alcoholic
print("number blood/natural mother was alcoholic") c2 = data['S2DQ2'].value_counts(sort=False).sort_index() print(c2)
print("percentage blood/natural mother was alcoholic") p2 = data['S2DQ2'].value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True).sort_index() print (p2)
#Age at onset of alcohol abuse --> Age is irrelevant; number of people with or without alcohol abuse is calculated
#1 = alcohol abuse; 2 = no alcohol abuse; 9 = unknown
print("number alcohol abuse")
#replace age with 1, 2 or 9
data['S2BQ3A'] = data['S2BQ3A'].replace({5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 1, 9: 1, 10: 1, 11: 1, 12: 1, 13: 1, 14: 1, 15: 1, 16: 1, 17: 1, 18: 1, 19: 1, 20: 1, 21: 1, 22: 1, 23: 1, 24: 1, 25: 1, 26: 1, 27: 1, 28: 1, 29: 1, 30: 1, 31: 1, 32: 1, 33: 1, 34: 1, 35: 1, 36: 1, 37: 1, 38: 1, 39: 1, 40: 1, 41: 1, 42: 1, 43: 1, 44: 1, 45: 1, 46: 1, 47: 1, 48: 1, 49: 1, 50: 1, 51: 1, 52: 1, 53: 1, 54: 1, 55: 1, 56: 1, 57: 1, 58: 1, 59: 1, 60: 1, 61: 1, 62: 1, 63: 1, 64: 1, 65: 1, 66: 1, 67: 1, 68: 1, 69: 1, 70: 1, 71: 1, 72: 1, 73: 1, 74: 1, 75: 1, 76: 1, 77: 1, 78: 1, 79: 1, 80: 1, 81: 1, 82: 1, 83: 1, 84: 1, 85: 1, 86: 1, 87: 1, 99: 9}) data['S2BQ3A'].fillna(2, inplace=True) c3 = data['S2BQ3A'].value_counts().sort_index() print(c3)
print("percentage alcohol abuse") p3 = data['S2BQ3A'].value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True).sort_index() print (p3)
#ever used Drugs/medicine in higher amount or longer period
print("number drugs/medicine abuse") #blanks are filled with 9 (unknown) data['S3CQ14A3'].fillna(9, inplace=True) c4 = data['S3CQ14A3'].value_counts(sort=False).sort_index() print(c4)
print("percentage drugs/medicine abuse") p4 = data['S3CQ14A3'].value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True).sort_index() print (p4)
the output of my program is the following:
start import import done 43093 3010 number blood/natural father was alcoholic 1 8124 2 32445 9 2524 Name: S2DQ1, dtype: int64 percentage blood/natural father was alcoholic 1 0.188522 2 0.752907 9 0.058571 Name: S2DQ1, dtype: float64 number blood/natural mother was alcoholic 1 2311 2 39553 9 1229 Name: S2DQ2, dtype: int64 percentage blood/natural motherwas alcoholic 1 0.053628 2 0.917852 9 0.028520 Name: S2DQ2, dtype: float64 number alcohol abuse 1.000000 10293 2.000000 31923 9.000000 877 Name: S2BQ3A, dtype: int64 percentage alcohol abuse 1.000000 0.238855 2.000000 0.740793 9.000000 0.020351 Name: S2BQ3A, dtype: float64 number drugs/medicine abuse 1.000000 1244 2.000000 7832 9.000000 34017 Name: S3CQ14A3, dtype: int64 percentage drugs/medicine abuse 1.000000 0.028868 2.000000 0.181746 9.000000 0.789386 Name: S3CQ14A3, dtype: float64
the output of the program shows, that the percentage of people with alcoholic fathers compared to mothers is rather high (19% fathers and 5% mothers). even though the percentage of "unknown" is higher with the fathers.
one can also clearly see that the percentage of alcohol abuse (24%) is near to the percentage of fathers being alcoholic (19%)
for medicine and drug abuse the number of "unknown" is significantly higher than for the alcohol questions. The percentage of known medicine or drug abuse is rather low (3%)
0 notes
talenlee · 1 year
MTG: Soundwave Superior
MTG: Soundwave Superior
It’s weird given that I write about Magic: The Gathering and Transformers that I let the official printing of Magic: The Gathering Transformers cards. Oh and they’re all legendary and weird and Commander cares about legendary cards that shape the deck they belong in and are also weird. Oh and they’re all illustrated to look like screenshots from G1 Transformers, except they’re not, because of subtle hints like how Flamewar didn’t exist and Megatron is a tank and also they’re illustrated to look really good, and G1? Did you get this? It looks like ass.
There are fifteen of these cards. I’m not going to run through all of them, because there are fifteen of them and I need to think about how much time I spend talking about a card game full of elves (and now hobbits and cyber squid) especially when it crosses over with broken toys I got from the Salvos up the street from Woolies except I didn’t really, I’m pretty sure a bunch of those were Go-Bots, anyway.
Each of these cards creates an example of a play pattern. For some, you want to cast them early, letting their value accumulate over time. For some, you don’t want to cast them until you’ve developed a board that can benefit from them. Soundwave, Sonic Spy, for example, wants you to have tokens on the battlefield that can evade opponents’ attacks, and also stocked graveyards to eat up. Once you have that set up, you can use his hard-to-block tokens to feed further graveyard plunging.
That’s a bunch of different competing wants: He’s going to want mill cards, cards that create tokens that can get through (or can go so wide it doesn’t matter), he wants spells with modal mana values so you can get Ravage or Laserbeak out of him. Oh, and he looks at all the damage dealt by your tokens, so if you have three 1/1s that all hit, you can exile a 3 mana card. Going wide’s not worthless.
Now, that said, what I’d look for to build a Soundwave deck is cards that meet two or more of those competing wants. Something that makes tokens that are hard to block, something that mills people, something that lets you cast spells with different mana values. I think that because Laserbeak has flying and hexproof, he’s the more desireable thing to get, meaning that you want the cheaper sides of cards to be the even ones.
Mana value trickery comes in a couple of forms; sure, there are X-spells, and there are some great ones there. Split cards have two mana values (potentially) too, though. Consider that while Depose/Deploy, a beloved card of mine, has two even card values, Discovery/Dispersal doesn’t, and that card’s a banger. Same with Far/Away and Profit/Loss. Hell, Profit/Loss is probably a really good card for a go-wide token strategy in Esper. And hey, Warrant/Warden is another example, where it can be even or odd and it provides a big fat token.
Buyback spells and kicker spells also change their mana value depending on how they’re cast. Consider Recruit The Worthy – mana value of 1 or 4. This gives you a cheap Ravage in a pinch and a reliable Laserbeaking if you want it. In Modal Double-Faced cards land, there are five that mismatch front and back that are also spells – Cosima, Alrund, Selfless Glyphweaver, Tergrid, and Wandering Archaic (don’t put Tergrid in a deck, she’s definitely something you should talk to people about ahead of time).
For cards that have variable costs and make tokens, I’m particularly tickled that Clown Car hits your needs (hypothetically). Multiple Choice is a very useful utility card that can have a variable mana value and make a token, and more. Occult Epiphany looks like it might be good, since a deck like this might run a lot of mixed types of cards. Blot Out The Sky is also a big spell for converting Soundwave that also can do duty as a board wipe if you need it.
That opens another point – because he convers into a noncreature artifact, you might imagine you can run Soundwave with Wraths, but nope! He doesn’t spend much time in converted form unless that’s something you’re actively trying to do. That looks like a build that cares about stax and channel effects, but also crucially, not going to have access to a lot of wraths that avoid triggering his conversion.
Finally, there are some permanents that work with the token theme and the milling one. Zellix, Sanity Flayer for example, presents a way to mill and make tokens while also holding the ground, and the Necromaster Dragon can mill and create more bodies for you. Lillia, Death's Majesty is kind of obvious, since she creates tokens and mills. Then there are recurrent token generators like Pride of the Clouds, Piper of the Swarm and Skycat Sovereign. Reservoir Kraken generates tokens that are really hard to block if people don’t let you have the great big beater, and Combat Calligrapher lets you build up tokens while discouraging attacks on you. Special mention goes to Obscura Ascendancy which also cares about variable mana values – you can probably power this one up pretty fast with all these X-spells.
But you’ll notice I’m listing spell after spell after spell – I don’t know what the creature base is like. If there are a lot of creatures that create tokens on entering the battlefield in this deck, you might find something like Altar of Bhaal works out really well – with a card like Marsh Flitter, Sengir Autocrat, Cloudgoat Ranger, or Whirler Rogue, you can generate more creatures than you started with in a loop. See also the Staff of the Storyteller, which gives you a token and rewards you for other tokens. Then there’s Tasha, the Witch Queen, who gives you a token when you cast other people’s spells, and let you do that while also drawing you cards over time.
And that’s… just brainstorming.
What I’d do for this kind of deck is make a list of my eight things I want in the deck, for an 8×8 plan.
Mana support
Card draw
Board sweepers
Token Creators (momentary)
Token Creators (permanents)
Token Support
Then, the task is to look at these eight categories, and see what cards belong where. When I’ve done that, I can start picking through them, and this is all fine tuning and nitty gritty. Do I put Tasha in as a card draw card, or is she a permanent token creator? I know where I’d rather her, but maybe you find she fits better on the other side.
A good sign of a commander card, in my opinion, is if it’s easy to describe what they should do or not. Some cards are boring to think about because oh yeah, you just do that, and then the deck builds itself. Not a complaint if you want simple cards, and I want more of those robust, basic, ‘do the thing your colours want to do’ cards, but for writing articles, what I want to do is look at cards that ask you questions in conflict with one another.
Weird that I started with a sycophant who asks no questions. He wasn’t even my first choice, it’s just how I got sunk into this project. I wanted to talk about Starscream, but we’ll get to that another time.
One final note about these cards: I am deeply fascinated by the idea that we might one day, somehow, get a Universes Within version of these cards, especially since those cards will probably not use ‘convert’ but will use ‘transform’ instead, and they’d have to re-keyword ‘more than meets the eye’ too and I’m just … just overwhelmed imagining the idea of what these mechanics could be used to represent when you don’t have the pre-existing theme of ‘they are robots that turn into machines and vehicles.’
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
#Games #Magic:TheGathering #Transformers
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magicallong · 2 years
Mac file list export file size
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#Mac file list export file size mac
#Mac file list export file size tv
Numbers successfully exported the file to a 1835 page pdf.īut that’s an extra step for me - Print Window lets me select the data I want and print straight to pdf.Īs a final test I opened a folder of tv episodes. I opened the xml file in Numbers and a warning appeared, saying the Cambria font isn’t available in OS X, so it was replaced with New Times Roman.
#Mac file list export file size pdf
I exported to pdf and it opened as a single, blank page. You can change the number or letter style, change the indentation, and create your own text and image bullets to customize a list. Tiered lists, such as those used in legal documents, use nested numbers or letters (for example, 3., 3.1., 3.1.1.). the size of the RX Document file can be very large, especially if your list of. You can also select text, then format it as a simple list or one with a complex hierarchy. It looked fine, but each time I used the Print function the preview was blank. (Dont use Save As, because it doesnt offer video options.) Open the File Format list and select the video format that you want (MP4 or. For information about file formats when saving or exporting files in RX. I saved the info shown in xml format then opened it in Preview. To be fair, the description only says it exports, but it would be helpful if it also printed the list. You can only print the exported file after opening it in another app. I’ve never needed to export a file list, but I have needed to print one to send to someone. I had to follow these three steps: Select the file and copy its name. The Date Added, width, height, total pixels, height DPI, width DPI, columns are also blank.īut another problem for me is that it only exports the list - it won’t print it. There were many folders on the network drive and each folder had hundreds of files in it. Not one image has its dimensions listed, even though Finder and Path Finder both show them. I wanted to print a list of nearly 11,000 image names and their dimensions, but the entire Dimensions column is blank. This app failed on all fronts, so I highly recommend you stick to Print Window. In the past I’ve used Print Window to print a list of files in a folder. MS-DOS (FAT) and ExFAT: File systems that are compatible with Windows. Mac OS Extended: The file system used by macOS 10.12 or earlier.
#Mac file list export file size mac
Easily search and filter the file list records. Disk Utility on Mac supports several file system formats: Apple File System (APFS): The file system used by macOS 10.13 or later. Preview and edit the list before export to file. Export to Excel or CSV file- Export your list of files to xls or xlsx for further processing with Microsoft Excel or Numbers. You can choose if you want to include the files from all subfolders. Just select a folder and get a list with all files and folders to Excel or to a CVS file. If you need to create list of files this app is for you. On Unix and Mac OS, this is the directory specified by the TMPDIR environment variable, if it is. List all your photos, all your videos or all your files. Open the folder you want to get a content listing of and hit Command+A (Select All) followed by Command+C (Copy) Now launch TextEdit and pull down the Edit menu and select Paste and Match Style, or hit Command+Option+Shift+V. the standard directory for storing temporary files. Scan your document at a lower resolution.
#Mac file list export file size software
Looking for a certain command or method that I can do every other month to maintain that text file.File List Export (was File list to Excel) is an easy to use application that will help you create list of files for any need. You may find file size and image options under the advanced settings section of the software you are using. I have tried other options such as Command Prompt tree command and dir command but doesn't give me a clean output. I would like something similar to the following output in the text file. The command was: Get-ChildItem | tree > Music_Structure.txt I did some searching and found the following command used in PowerShell to acheive an output like I desire but it doesn't give me the filelist inside subfolders. Note: I only want to copy the structure and layout of the folder and it's subdirectories and files, not the actual file. I want to be able to copy the folder structure of my Music folder (100 GB+) to a text file including the files within the nested folders.
#Mac file list export file size portable
I am trying to export the folder structure and it's files of my portable hard drive to a text file to have offsite access.
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monstersskybird · 2 years
Behringer s style
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SCP: Short Circuit output Protection) 。 5 YEAR FREE REPLACEMENT WARRANTY 。 3RD PARTY NON OEM PARTS 。 High Speed (8FT) 2.0 USB Cable / 5 YEAR FREE REPLACEMENT WARRANTY / 3RD PARTY NON OEM PARTS 。 。 。. SCP Protection (OVP: Over Voltage output Protection.
OMNIHIL 8FT-White High Speed USB 2.0 Cable Compatible with Behringer MS-1-BK Analog Synthesizer.
Headphones: 1/8" / 3.5 mm TRS, unbalanced, maximum -3.OMNIHIL 8FT-White High Speed USB 2.0 Cable Compatible with Behringer MS-1-BK Analog Synthesizer Cables & Interconnects Business & Industrial OMNIHIL 8FT-White High Speed USB 2.0 Cable Compatible with Behringer MS-1-BK Analog Synthesizer Low Output: 1/4" / 6.35 mm TS, unbalanced, 30 dB below high output High Output: 1/4" / 6.35 mm TS, unbalanced, maximum 0 dBu VCF: 1 x voltage-controlled filter, switchable low-pass or high-pass (24 dB/octave slope) LFO: 1 x low-frequency oscillator (0.05 Hz to 200 Hz, up to 300 Hz with external CV input) VCO: 3 x voltage-controlled oscillators (0.1 Hz to 20 kHz in 6 overlapping ranges)
Comprehensive MIDI implementation with MIDI channel and Voice Priority selection.
Low- and high-level outputs featuring highest signal integrity signal stages.
External audio input for processing external sound sources.
48 controls give you direct and real-time access to all important parameters.
Complete Eurorack Solution: Main module can be transferred to a standard Eurorack case.
Noise generator dramatically expands waveform generation.
Overdrive circuit adds spice and edge to your sounds.
Semi-modular design requires no patching for immediate performance.
16-voice poly-chain allows combining multiple synthesisers for up to 16-voice polyphony.
Dedicated and fully analogue triangle/square wave LFO.
Switchable low-/high-pass filter mode for enhanced sound creation.
Classic 24 dB ladder filter with resonance for authentic sound performance.
Five variable oscillator shapes with variable pulse widths for ultimate sounds.
Pure analogue signal path based on authentic VCO, VCF, and VCA designs.
Precision 0.1% thin-film resistors and polyphenylene sulphide capacitors.
Authentic reproduction of original “D Type” circuitry with matched transistors and JFETs.
Classic analogue synthesiser with triple VCO design allows for insanely fat music creation.
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The Behringer Model D ships with a power adapter. The monophonic Model D is capable of up to 16-note poly-chaining, allowing multiple units to be connected and used polyphonically. The front panel can be removed from the desktop case and placed within a standard Eurorack enclosure. However, many of the instrument's audio and CV input and outputs can be routed via 1/8" patch cables to interface with other Eurorack modules. Other notable additions to the Model D include a semi-modular design, which requires no patching for immediate performance. What's more, the filter can be key-tracked for realistic recreations of acoustic instruments. The filter can be switched between high-pass and low-pass, while the dedicated envelope allows the filter to be shaped over time. At the heart of the Model D beats the highly flexible 24 dB ladder-style filter with controls for filter cutoff, emphasis, and contour. Additionally, all 3 VCOs can be adjusted across a wide, 6-octave range (LO, 32', 16', 8', 4', and 2'). VCOs 1&2 include triangular, triangular/saw, saw, square, wide pulse, and narrow pulse, while VCO3 features triangular, reverse saw, saw, square, wide pulse, and narrow pulse. The three VCOs offer a wide range of waveforms for sculpting sound. The instrument utilises matched transistors and JFETs, precision 0.1% thin-film resistors, and polyphenylene-sulphide capacitors, which allow for flexible sound shaping capabilities, resulting in super-fat basses and lead tones, mind-bending effects, and progressive organ sounds. Based on the authentic synthesiser structure and ladder-style filter design found in iconic and legendary synths of the '70s, the Behringer Model D is a three-oscillator analogue synthesiser with a pure analogue signal path and a dedicated and fully analogue triangle/square wave LFO.
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lasclpart · 2 years
How to use vst plugins reaper mac
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#How to use vst plugins reaper mac how to#
#How to use vst plugins reaper mac mac os#
#How to use vst plugins reaper mac install#
#How to use vst plugins reaper mac 32 bit#
#How to use vst plugins reaper mac pro#
They may be helpful on a Mac but I don't use a Mac so if you do, you will have to adapt them for yourself. The ideas discussed here apply only to Windows systems.
#How to use vst plugins reaper mac install#
There are many ways to install and organize FX Plugins in Reaper. Suggestions for installing and organizing FX. You`ll probably find more help in the stickied threads there too. A Guide to FX installing and organizing for Reaper. Good luck & have fun.įorgot to add that right below THIS section is one called Newbies or similar. Have a go with the help provided & if you are STILL stuck, at least you will know where when you ask next time.
#How to use vst plugins reaper mac how to#
These Reaper tutorials will show you how to record audio, edit MIDI, create template, export, and more. Also any time you ask a question, it helps if you tell us what system you are on (Mac Windows Linux) and what you are using for an Audio/MIDI interface, assuming you arent just trying to use your onboard sound card. Here is a beginner’s guide on how to use Reaper. Step 1 download the correct version for your computer. How to Install a VST Plugin in Audacity for Mac. Of course ask questions on here and we will all try to help you but the tools and the help are already there to get you started, you just have to spend a little time working with them. In a future article, we’ll cover our favourite free VST plugins for Audacity but for the purposes of demonstration, we’ll be using Acon Digital’s Multiply, a free plugin available for both Windows and Mac. If you didnt already, download and check out the free user guide and also take a look at some of the excellent free video tutorials, all at reaper.fm. Better way is to understand what happens under the hood and adapt to it (or adapt the process to own needs)įWIW this isnt a paid-for helpline, members on here are just buddies trying to learn and trying to help other buddies. ddl files into own directory, I move ddl itno my location or add vst location to reaper (only special cases).Īs Slipstick said, there is no step by step instruction due to variability of possible cases. If has installer allowing to select the location, I chose my location. Distortion and Saturation VST with Gain A, B and T.D.M. One Knob Saturation with saturation type control. When plugin is distributed without installer I can copy it manually into the location. Best free tube Saturation plugin with built-in EQ and Fat switch. Personally I do my best to install plugins into my own VST directory. They may be helpful on a Mac but I dont use a Mac so if you do, you will have to adapt them for yourself. But you have not guarantee that all nowadays devs are following those conventions. A Guide to FX installing and organizing for Reaper. There are a few standardized locations, suggested years ago by software develoepers (ie Steinberg).
#How to use vst plugins reaper mac mac os#
However, on Apple systems there is a defined plug-in folder within the systems folder structure since the first version of Mac OS X. ddl files which can be located anywhere, with condition, Reaper must know those location(s). While the newer VST3 format has a dedicated installation path all VST3 plug-ins must comply with, the VST2 standard does not know an obligatory folder.
#How to use vst plugins reaper mac 32 bit#
Reaper DAW 101 Part 4:- External Effects - VST, AU, 32 bit and 64 bit.None of this is helpful.Some of us have never done this before so please instruct how to do this step by step.Thx How to install virtual instrument plugins (software instruments) in REAPER Audiohackr.
#How to use vst plugins reaper mac pro#
These are the best VST plugins that can be used with music software like FL Studio, Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Reaper, and more. The workaround is to move your audio clips over to Reaper so you can use the plugin desired and send the audio back to Pro Tools. Download over 400 Free VST Plugins and Free VST instruments.We have searched the web for the best free VST plugins to download. Using Reaper for VST plugins on PT12 Not an Instrument In rewire, only midi can go from Pro Tools to Reaper and only audio can go from Reaper to Pro Tools. REAPER also can import NINJAM sessions directly for remixing/editing. Download NINJAM Preferred client - REAPER: REAPER is a Digital Audio Workstation for Windows, OS X and Linux that also provides native NINJAM support via the 'ReaNINJAM' plug-in, and allows you to use VST/VSTis/ReWire/MIDI hardware/etc with NINJAM. You may use the discounted license if: You are an individual, and REAPER is only for your personal use, or You are an individual or business using REAPER commercially, and yearly gross revenue does not exceed USD $20,000, or You are an educational or non-profit organization.
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ehh-is-the-name · 4 years
I- I was trying to find the mr poe and yogul but bfb video and I somehow came across this. I wasn’t even looking for this. I.. ok I guess. 
18 notes · View notes
supercorpkid · 3 years
Extraneous Variable
Error: n1.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Brainy x Reader
Word count: 3220.
So what if Lena told you not to mess with alien technology, and that ‘whatever comes from it, it’s clearly evil’? They had a device to erase the mind that you couldn’t crack, it should be obvious to her that eventually you would find your way to it in your lab and try to figure it out. You are an inventor after all, you should know how this thing works.
And it’s crazy, the number of things you can think with just a few changes here and there. This piece of tech is so groundbreaking that if you figure it out, you’ll change the world completely. If you just find the courage to press that little button.
You can do it. You’re a scientist. If your mind gets erased, then you already have the device to bring the memories back. And if something else happens, you sure can think of a solution too. Here’s to not dying.
You press the button.
You’re pretty sure this wasn’t supposed to be happening. The machine seems to be overheating and you’re positive that the entire room shouldn’t be blue. Maybe you should get out of the lab.
You run to the door, but halfway through you fall on the floor. You look around, confused. How-how did everything get so big? Oh, no. Oh, wait. Oh, dear Rao. Things didn’t get bigger! You got smaller! How? You get up and try to walk, but you fall face first on the floor.
Ouch, that hurts. Wait, wait. What are these weird little fat hands? You look at the shiniest surface in the room and then, BOOM, you realize. You’re a baby. A BABY! You got turned into a BA-BY! Shit. What do you do now?
Your phone is on top of the table, and you obviously can’t reach it. You try to fly, but you don’t leave the ground. You look at the surface again just to be sure. It’s you, it’s really you. You look like all the old photos of yourself you can think of. So, you’re stuck in your old baby’s body, but you still think like a 16-years-old-girl? Ok. Not weird at all.
You’re sorry about what you’re doing next, but you need help out of this mess. You press the emergency button on the super watch and wait until Kara appears. No longer than two minutes later.
“Baby! Did you call?” You hear from the other side of the door. “Please, open the door.”
Well, that’s just it. You can’t.
“Little one, if you don’t open it, I’m gonna have to break it.” Kara waits a beat, and when nothing happens, she pushes the door. You look at the door coming off on her hands, and she puts it on the side. “Baby, where are you?” She is looking up, so she hasn’t seen you yet.
“Mommy!” You yell, to get her attention and she looks down at you.
“What the-?” Kara kneels down in front of you, blinking slowly, trying to take in what’s in front of her. She furrows her brows, tilts her head, then looks up again. “Baby, did you make another baby with your DNA?”
“Mommy!” You say again, and she looks down on you one more time. You open your arms, so she can pick you up, and Kara does just that. “Baby!”
“Well, you certainly look and sound like my daughter.” Kara sits you on your table and looks around. It takes her a couple of minutes to finally look back at you with wide eyes. “You ARE my daughter!”
Kara paces around the lab, looking at you a few times and looking around. She looks as shocked as you think she would.
“Mom!” You ask and she comes back to the table. “Mom, hi!”
“You want to go say hi to your mom?” She asks, to which you shake your head agreeing.
“Oh.” Kara holds your face between her hands with the biggest smile, and eyes full of tears. “It’s you little one! You’re a baby again. You said, ‘peas’ instead of ‘please’.” One tear falls from her eye. “It’s you! You’re my baby again!”
Ok. This is going to go on forever if you let her, so, you might as well speed this up.
“Mom, mom, mom!” You chant, until Kara stops kissing your face, and picks you up again.
“Well, I do not miss you only wanting Lena, but ok.” She makes her way out of the lab, and you feel bad for chanting for Lena so annoyingly. You reach for her face, and she looks down on you. You smile at her, and she smiles back.
“Sowy mommy.” Kara looks at you, and she looks like she’s about to explode from happiness.
“Can we just keep you like this forever?” Kara asks, kissing your face a few more times.
“No!” You frown and she laughs.
“Ok, ok.” Kara goes into the elevator. “Let’s get Lena and try to figure out how to reverse this.”
Kara stops on another floor, and you look around trying to figure out why you didn’t go to Lena’s office. Oh, no. She might be in a meeting. Kara makes her way to a room, and knocks on the door, waving at Lena on the other side.
“Let’s surprise her, shall we?” She hides you with her cape, watching Lena coming closer.
“Supergirl, I’m in the middle of a meeting. I can’t talk right now.” Lena spits out of gritted teeth.
“Well, this might change your mind.” Kara takes the cape out of your face, and you smile at Lena.
“Aah!” She yells, but soon covers her mouth with her hands. “Where did you get this baby?”
“This is our daughter!” Kara shows you again.
“Mom!” You say, so you can confirm Kara’s theory.
“This is not our daughter! Our daughter is sixteen!” Lena says, looking at you, and you open your arms, throwing yourself at her. She doesn’t pick you up. “What in the fucking hell is going on?”
“I was hoping you could answer!” Kara says and you fight out of her arms and into Lena’s. “She wants you.”
“I-I, dear God, why are our lives so damn weird?” Lena asks and bends over a little to look in your eyes. “Ok baby. I mean, actual baby. If you are somehow my teenage daughter trapped in a baby’s body, talk.”
“Yes. Baby.” You talk.
“This can’t be true.”
“Mom! Mom!” You open your arms again, Lena still doesn’t pick you up, much preoccupied with the meeting happening behind her. Ok, well, you’re sorry, but this meeting has to end now.
It’s not one of your finest moments, you have to admit, but you yell loud and cry even louder. Kara rocks you gently, while shushing you, and Lena is begging you to stop.
“MOM!” You yell, mid-cry, throwing yourself from Kara’s arms.
“Please pick her up!” Kara begs desperately, putting you in Lena's arms and you stop crying as soon as she does so, giving them a little satisfied smile.
“I have a meeting!” Lena tells you, and then looks at Kara asking for help.
“Not anymore. Now, you have a baby. Again.” Kara gives her a forced smile, and Lena looks back at the room with every man staring at her. Because, obviously, your crying has caught some attention.
“I’m sorry gentlemen, but it seems that this-” Lena shows you to them. “Matter is more urgent. The CFO will proceed with the meeting, if you can excuse me.”
She leaves, before anyone even has time to answer. Kara closes the door behind them, and they rush to Lena’s office.
She puts you sitting on the couch, and you stare at them, with a little smile on your face. So you don’t have a lot of words to explain what’s going on. What do you do now?
“Little one, how did this happen?” Kara kneels in front of the couch, and Lena sits on the floor next to her.
You smile sheepishly to both of them.
“Mom. Mommy. Baby.” Are those the only words you know? You might as well try every single one in your vocabulary. “Booboo!”
“What?” Lena asks, looking at her boobs. “There’s no more milk left in these booboos, my love.”
Oh no. Rao, no. Wrong word.
“Poopoo!” You try instead, and watch Kara trying to hold a chuckle.
“You want to go potty?” Kara asks. What? No! This is ridiculous. What kind of stupid baby only knows these stupid words?
“Peepee?” Ok, you know this won’t work.
“Ok, I’ll take you potty.” Kara stands up, ready to pick you up, and no way you’re going potty in front of her! Although, yeah, you could go to the bathroom right now. Guess you’ll have to hold it. You cry when she mentions picking you up, and she huffs, before kneeling again.
“I don’t understand what you want!”
“Kara, I think she’s trying to find a way to tell us what happened.” Lena gets up from her chair and takes a piece of paper and a marker. “Maybe you can draw?”
She puts the paper in front of you and the marker in your hands. Great! You just have to draw the machine and tell them to reverse it. You finish your drawing and show it to them.
“Is that a-” Kara closes one eye, backs off a little, gets very close to the paper, blinks twice, then furrows her brows. “A poopoo?”
No, it’s not a poopoo! It’s a… You look down at your drawing. Shit. It’s a poopoo.
You cry. And this time you actually cry because you’re feeling sad. Hopeless. Stupid. What the hell have you done? And how are you going to reverse it?
“Oh no baby, it’s ok!” Lena picks you up, gently rocking you in her arms. “We’ll figure it out. I promise. You’re not going to be a baby forever.”
“Baby no?” You ask. Wow, good for you, you added a new word to your vocabulary. And it’s not even grammatically correct.
“Baby no.” Kara repeats, kissing your forehead. “Shall we get home?”
“Yeah.” Lena stands up and grabs her purse. “You go buy diapers and I’ll take her home.”
Wait, what? Diapers? You’re not wearing diapers!
“No!” You say to them. “No!”
“Well, you can’t stay wrapped around your t-shirt forever. What if you need to pee?” Kara asks and you poke Lena’s cheek.
“Peepee.” You look back at Kara, with a smug look on your face.
“Oh, really? So you’re not going to pee your pants? Ok. If you say so.” They are almost walking out of Lena’s office when you realize you can’t really hold your pee forever, so you poke Lena again.
“Mom, peepee, peas?” You ask, and Lena does instant heart eyes at you.
“How is she so adorable?” Lena says before taking you potty. Rao, you can’t believe you’re thinking things like ‘potty’ now.
“Ok, can we go now?” Kara asks. You think that maybe you all should be heading downstairs to your lab, to figure out how to reverse this, but at the same time you’re so sleepy, your brain is kind of foggy and you can’t think right now.
When you wake up, unfortunately still as a baby, you’re already at home. You’re laying in a very improvised crib that Kara must have put together last minute.
“Mommy?” You call, and Lena’s head appears in your eyesight.
“Hey, babygirl. Oh!” Lena looks down and smiles at you. “You peed your pants.”
“No!” You yell, making her laugh.
“I’m kidding, baby. Come here.” She picks you up, and you smile at her. Lena spends a few seconds just staring lovingly at you. “Our lives are so weird, but it feels good getting to hold you like this again.”
“Yeah. But the cutest one.” She kisses your cheek, making you smile wider at her.
“No booboos?” You ask, when Lena sits you on the counter, in front of her.
“Stop saying that, you know what it means.” She jokes, but quickly understands you’re hungry, so she picks up baby food from the fridge. “Kara picked it up on the way. Do you wanna try them?”
“It was a lot easier when you were a baby baby.” Lena sighs and you open your mouth, giving up. What else is there to do? Starve? No, thank you. She puts some food in your mouth, but before you can’t even swallow-
“OH MY GOD!” You hear a voice coming from the backyard door, and you look there only to realize the truth. It’s Jamie. Real life-size Jamie. Looking at a miniature life-size you. “It’s true! She is a baby again!”
“I told you!” Kara comes from behind her, giving her a shit-eating grin, and you wish you could roll your eyes to both of them.
“Oh my God, little Danvers! You’re actually little again.” Jamie comes closer getting face-to-face with you. “Oh, wow. I always knew you would do something hilariously dumb, but this is-” She points at you, and starts laughing at your face. “Next level stupidity even for you.”
HA-HA. And you’re hilariously dirty, big Danvers. You think, before spitting all of your food in her face.
“Hey! No!” Lena picks you up, getting you away from Jamie. “That wasn’t nice! Say you’re sorry to your cousin. Come on. She’s here to help.”
“Sorry Jamie, come get cleaned up.” Kara holds her shoulders, directing her to the bedrooms. “You can pick any of your cousin’s clothes you would like.”
What? That’s not fair!
“Oooh, I know just which one!” She rushes out of the kitchen, and you look at Lena.
“She came to help you. I can’t believe you’ve done that.” Lena scolds you a little too seriously. Ok, so apparently being a baby doesn’t give you carte blanche to do whatever you want.
“Sowy, mom.” You ask and wink your big blue eyes at her and Lena wavers in front of you.
“God, you’re so cute. It’s not fair!”
It doesn’t take long until Jamie comes downstairs wearing your favorite T-shirt, and you stick your tongue out at her when none of your moms are looking.
“Ok, well, Jamie is going to babysit you, while we go to L Corp figure out what you did and how to undo it.” Lena says, picking up her purse, and you see Kara following behind.
“Mommy, no!” You ask, and Kara turns around, to look at you.
“Little one, mommy is going to help, ok? You stay here with Jamie and be nice.”
“MOMMY NO!” You don’t want to be left alone with Jamie. You know for a fact she has zero experience with children. She almost killed her doll! Let alone you!
“Hey.” Kara comes back to you. “Stop that. We have to undo the mess you made.”
“Mom, yes. Mommy, no!” Ok, fine. She seems to want things the hard way, very well! You can do it the hard way. You stare into her eyes, before starting to cry as loud as you can. “Mommy no! No!”
“Ugh!” Kara picks you up, looking at your red face, and watery eyes. “Good time to just need me, isn’t it?”
“Yes.” You stop crying, and smile at her.
“Ok, fine. I’ll call Alex and Brainy to help. You two stay with the needy baby and try to figure out a way to get information.” Lena leaves, and Kara looks back at Jamie.
“Any idea how to get information out of an 18-month-baby?”
“How about this or that?” Jamie asks, to which Kara furrows her brows. “Ok, get me your computer.”
You can’t believe Jamie had this idea and you haven’t. Well, you’re a baby so it doesn’t really matter what ideas you had, they wouldn’t understand you. She shows you a bunch of pictures, and asks questions like “was it an experience or an alien?” Then you point to the machine in the picture. They keep asking questions until they have a brief grasp of what you have done.
“I’m going to call Lena.” Kara passes the baby food to Jamie. “Keep feeding her.”
Jamie grabs the food and looks at you, squinting her eyes. You hold her gaze defiant.
“If you want to eat, you need me to feed you. And I will only feed you if you promise you won’t spit on me again.” Jamie says, holding the spoon full of baby food just a little too far from your mouth. “So, do you want it?” You agree with your head. “Will you spit it?”
“No.” You admit, feeling defeated. Jamie puts the spoon on your mouth.
“Good baby!” She jokes, and Rao, how much you wanted to have more words in your vocabulary right now. Anything from ‘shut up’ to ‘fuck you’, would do just fine. Oh well, you can always tell her that once you come back to your old body.
Jamie keeps feeding you the most disgusting food you ever tasted in your life, and you keep eating because goddamn it, you turned yourself into a baby! A baby! Kara comes back a little later saying that with Brainy’s help, it looks like they’ve figured out the problem.
Kara flies to L Corp with you in her arms. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay like this for a while longer? It would solve all of your problems.”
Sure. Then add some more, like, having to go potty in front of people. Ugh, what a nightmare. You hope you never have to do that again in your life.
“No, mommy.”
“Just another day. Please?” Kara begs and you do your best to roll your eyes. You don’t think you’ve accomplished that, though, when her reaction is ‘awww’.
“Mommy. Baby, no. Peas.”
“Ok, ok. Can you, maybe, make a copy of yourself and-”
“Oh, there she is!” Lena says, when Kara walks in the lab with you. You’re glad she cut Kara’s absurd request off. “Look at my baby, Alex!”
“Oh, hey kiddo!” Aunt Alex looks at you with an amused expression. “What a mess you got yourself into, huh?”
She can say that again.
“Ok, I reverted the command she gave. I’m positive it will work. Well, I’m 80% positive, which in this scenario is a good percentage.” Brainy says, and your moms look at you, almost like they miss you already. “Ok, she has to be alone in the room, so maybe put her on the floor, and put the clothes she’ll need next to her.”
“Hey, are you ok?” Kara asks, and you agree with your head. “I love you.”
“I love you, babygirl. You’re the cutest baby I’ve ever seen, but I want my beautiful teenage daughter back.” Lena kisses your face a couple of times and smiles at you. “God, look at you! We should’ve made ten of her. Just look at her face.”
“There’s still time.” Kara jokes with a smile, putting you on the floor. “See you in a few seconds, little one.”
The room flashes blue again, and, in a few seconds, you look in front of you and see long hairy legs, instead of baby ones. Wait. Hairy legs? You stand up and look down on yourself.
@oncemoonie gave me so many awesome funny ideas, hope you enjoy this.
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