#x-men unlimitted 1
bifairywife · 2 years
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rogunetocentral · 3 months
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X-Men Unlimited #36- Written by Ian Edginton; Paints by Joe Chiodo
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discow1tch · 2 months
Nightcrawler Comic Recs (for beginners)
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This list is designed with fans who have little to no knowledge of X-Men comics in mind and with an emphasis on what I would call "fangirl appeal". Each title is listed in chronological order with descriptions, a reading order, and my reasoning for each of them under the readmore for those who need it. In my opinion, all of them are good places to start!*
I primarily read comics on Marvel's official app (marvel unlimited) but hoopla (free through many public libraries) and comixology are other good options for online reading. If you want physical copies you'll get the best deals at your local comic shop or on ebay.
If you have criticisms, additions, or continuity question feel free to hit up my ask box!
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SERIES: ❥ Uncanny X-Men by Chris Claremont (1975) ❥ Excalibur by Chris Claremont (1988), Alan Davis (1991), and Warren Ellis (1994) ❥ Uncanny X-Men by Joe Casey (2001) ❥ Nightcrawler (2004) ❥ Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender (a controversial choice since this isn't main universe/616 Kurt) (2010) ❥ Amazing X-Men (2014) ❥ Nightcrawler (2014)
OTHER RANDOM ISSUES**: ❥ Guardians Team-Up #6 ❥ Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #17 (2017)
*with the exception of Uncanny X-Force. I wouldn't read this until you have a grip on 616 Kurt's characterization.
**these are primarily team ups I discovered through my habit of buying random comics with Kurt on the cover. I'll add more if I remember them.
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Uncanny X-Men by Chris Claremont (1975) was an ongoing team book. The sixteen years of it that were written by Claremont are the iconic building blocks upon which all other X-Men comics are built. It's the book Nightcrawler was on from 1975 to 1988 (#94-227) after he was recruited by Professor X. Unfortunately, Kurt is rarely the main character. He has a lot of standout moments but is more likely to just be part of the team. If you like a sweet, sarcastic, curly haired Nightcrawler with terrible fashion sense this book might be for you!
How to start reading it:
Giant-Size X-Men #1 (his introduction, basically a series pilot that rebooted the X-Men).
Uncanny X-Men #94 (directly follows giant-size)
From there you can read numerically.
Read as much uncanny as you want. If it gets boring/isn't for you try Excalibur!
Specific issue recs if you don't want to start at the beginning:
#110: The X-Men fight a villain of the week who traps them in the danger room with the safety controls off. It's also the first (I think?) time the X-Men play baseball together. Kurt is really fun in this issue! #123 & 124: The X-Men fight Arcade for the first time. The issues are split pretty evenly between the whole team but Kurt has some really good moments. #139 & 140: Kurt goes to Canada with Wolverine. They fight a Wendigo with the canadian super-team Alpha Flight and he becomes the first X-Man to learn Wolverine's real name. The art in this is really expressive. Kurt makes a lot of good faces. #168: This issue isn't primarily about Kurt but it is the one where he does the Burt Reynolds cosmo centerfold pose for his girlfriend. #169: Continues from 168. Opens with Kurt in the bath with his girlfriend. He then teleports around the city naked to save someone. #183: Kurt and Wolverine take Colossus out drinking after he breaks up with Kitty. Kurt is there as "mediator" because he knows Logan is mad about the way Piotr treated Kitty. They end up getting into a fight with the Juggernaut at the bar. #204: Kurt restores his faith and self confidence by taking on Arcade solo when he sees a woman being kidnapped off the street.
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Excalibur by Chris Claremont, Alan Davis, and Warren Ellis (1988-1998) was a self-contained ongoing comic that ran through the late 80's up through the mid 90's. Excalibur is the British X-Men adjacent team that Kurt joined and then became unofficial leader of when he thought the other X-Men had died. Excalibur is more magic and fantasy based than X-Men usually is. As written by Chris Claremont it's also basically a sex farce. I consider this book a definitive characterization of the character. The art by Alan Davis in the first ~50 issues is the sexiest Nightcrawler has ever been and probably ever will be. If you like a classically handsome, confident, overtly sexy Nightcrawler this series might be for you.
How to start reading it:
Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn (shows the team being formed, basically the series pilot). There's a ton of Deep Lore and callbacks in it but if anything is important it will get explained more directly by narration.
Excalibur #1
From there you can read numerically
The first 67 issues are pretty consistently good but you can always stop After the Cross-Time Caper story if you want something more modern
If you want to keep reading after #67 I suggest skipping the issues written by Lobdell and going straight to the Warren Ellis era
Specific issue recs if you don't want to start at the beginning:
#4: The beginning of the Kurt/Meggan/Brian love triangle. Includes the infamous page where Kurt and Meggan nearly kiss. #16: Another infamous issue. The team land in a new universe and get separated. Kurt fights some air ship pirates before getting seduced and fucked just barely off panel by an Evil Queen. He also ends up wearing some really skimpy "battle armor" towards the end. It's truly incredible that this was even allowed to be published. #23: Judge Dredd parody. The team land in a new universe and get separated (again). Kurt has some really great fight scenes against an alternate universe human version of himself and a really heartfelt story with that universes version of Meggan. #44 & 45: The british government asks the team for help investigating a series of strange robberies in London. Everyone but Kurt is out of town on personal business and his leg is broken so he decides the thing to do is recruit the chaotic aliens helping rebuild the light house as a substitute team - his "N-Men"! If you read these issues by themselves just skip over the sections about the other characters.
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Uncanny X-Men by Joe Casey (2001) (#395-409) was part of the ongoing Uncanny comic. It primarily follows a team of X-Men tracking down the Church of Humanity cult as they try to eradicate mutants. This run had a lot of different artists on it but they're all good. The aesthetics and vibes of this run are some of my favorites. Casey writes Kurt a bit more grounded and less jokey but without sacrificing any of the witty banter which I like. If you like a less human-looking Nightcrawler with glowing eyes and pointy teeth this series might be for you!
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Nightcrawler (2004) is a twelve issue self-contained mini-series. It's the second of three Nightcrawler self titled minis and it's also my favorite! Kurt gets enlisted as basically a supernatural investigator by Storm after a group of children die mysteriously. He has three different love interest in this which the story even calls him out for at one point. The art is more grounded than the usual marvel house style which isn't for everyone but I personally enjoy it. If you like a softer nightcrawler or a Nightcrawler in street clothes this book might be for you!
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Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender (2010) (#20-35) was an ongoing team book. It's maybe my most controversial pick because it's the Nightcrawler from the Age of Apocalypse but I'm gonna count him because he's hot. He jumped universes to join X-Force (the X-Men's covert black ops team) in issue #11 during the period of time when main universe/616 Kurt was dead. The first arc he's in is all AoA stuff so you can skip it and start at #20 (the Otherworld arc) if you want. AoA Kurt is a darker, more violent version of the character who's only interested in revenge. A lot of Nightcrawler fans hated his inclusion on the team but I personally think he's great! It also helps that the art in this is done in this gorgeous almost abstract digital watercolor style. This version of Nightcrawler ends up dying in an event comic when the series ends but don't even worry about it. Also, maybe don't start with this one. If you like the idea of a star trek-style mirror universe Kurt try reading this!
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Amazing X-Men (2014) was an ongoing team book. It's the series that brought Kurt back from the dead after his death several years earlier in a crossover event. It's a really good jumping on point for modern Nightcrawler but the plot is kind of bonkers. If you read it try not to think too hard about the implications of that first arc. Most of the weirder stuff in it doesn't really matter outside of this book anyway. The art is really good - Kurt is very pretty in this. In the early issues he also has great romantic tension with Storm and Wolverine if you're in to that! It's very intertwined with the 2014 solo so if you like this definitely read that! If you like a lanky more cartoony Nightcrawler try this series and the 2014 miniseries!
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Nightcrawler (2014) is a twelve issue self contained mini series. It takes place after the first arc of Amazing X-Men but can be read independently since narration explains everything that happened. I'll be honest, this series is fun but not very memorable. The art is nice, though. If you like a lanky more cartoony Nightcrawler try this series and Amazing X-Men!
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moeitsu · 1 month
hi! Saw your wolverine lore post, and I was wondering if you could recommend some comics for me to start reading.
I've been slowly getting into comics the last couple of months and d&w made me want to start reading xmen and wolverine in particular.
Also, if you have any more lore you'd like to share... I would love to read it!
Absolutely!!! 🥰 I compiled a list of comics that I think are generally enjoyable and provide a good foundation of his background. To be honest, Wolverine is one of those characters where you should read the good stuff first. He has a great backstory but Marvel crammed in a LOT over the years that doesn't always fit together very well...
I linked them to amazon if you're interested in buying the physical copies. But I'm pretty sure all of them can be read online somewhere for free. Feds, you didn't hear that from me.
I also added a link to the Marvel website as well, you can read all the comics with a Marvel Unlimited subscription ($9.99/mo) I highly recommend this!
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Wolverine | #1-4 | 1982 |
Weapon X | Marvel Comics Presents #72-84 | 1991 |
Origin | #1-6 | 2001-2002 |
Wolverine: Enemy of the State | #20-32 | 2004-2005 |
Wolverine, Wolverine Weapon X | #56, 62-65, 73-74, #1-16 | 2007-2010 |
Wolverine: Old Man Logan | #66-72, | 2008-2009 |
Wolverine | #1-19, 300-304 | 2010-2012 |
Uncanny X-Force | #1-35 | 2010-2012 |
Wolverine & the X-Men | #1-42 | 2011-2014 |
Death of Wolverine | #1-4 | 2014 |
Old Man Logan | #1-24 | 2016-2017 |
Thanks so much for asking!! I'm glad to help you guys in any way I can. I might do another lore post, but tbh I'm tinkering with the idea of a fanfic atm. hehehe
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ambrozians · 8 days
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scott and ororo on being one.
sources: self recognition through the other / x-men (2019) #17 / wikipedia / x-men unlimited (1993) #1 / mabel: matroyashka by becca de la rosa & mabel martin / house of x (2019) #5 / uncanny x-men (1963) #154 / fatima aamer bilal
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the-shinysnorlax · 2 months
Miguel O’Hara: A comprehensive reading guide
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I honestly don’t know if this has been done yet, and considering that there are multiple different main canons for Miguel, it’s even more confusing on where to start.
To clarify, there is 3 different “Mainstream” universes for Miguel. Earth 928 (The main universe for most Miguel media), Earth-2099, and Earth-6375 (The universe where he’s part of the exiles)
I’m gonna be starting with
(Note: I’ll try to put these in order as much as possible, but due to retcons and other things like Spiderverse it may not be 100% accurate)
Important reads are in bold
-Amazing Spider-Man #365 (Not really important, it’s just a preview of the first issue, but it’s counted as Miguel’s very first appearance so.)
-Spiderman 2099 vol 1 #1-10 (VERY important reads, they set up the universe and Miguel’s origin story)
-2099 unlimited #1-3 (Not really important to the lore, but they’re silly little stories that I have to mention them)
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #11-15
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #16, Ravage 2099 #15, X-men 2099 #5, Doom 2099 #14, Punisher 2099 #13 (VERY important reads, highlights the fall of the hammer arc and shows Miguel’s relationships with other 2099 characters, especially Jake Gallows. Read in the exact order listed)
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #17-22
-2099 unlimited #8
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #23-34
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 annual
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #35-38 (Venom 2099 arc, important read as it introduces Kron Stone properly)
-Spider-Man 2099 special
-Spider-Man 2099 meets Spider-Man (First introduction of Miguel to Peter)
-2099 unlimited 9-10
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #39-43
-Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #1-5
The following issues have been mostly retconned and are no longer canon. I’m listing them still for sake of continuity (Plus they’re interesting) but they are NOT canon to E-928
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #44-46
-2099: World of tomorrow #1-8
-2099: Manifest Destiny
End of retconned comics
-Captain Marvel vol 4 #27-30
-Superior Spider-Man #17-19
-Amazing Spider-Man vol 3 #1
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 2 #1-12
Note during this time is the Spiderverse event and Miguel is featured in multiple comics that tie into it. I will not be listing them all due to time, plus he was mostly featured in his own comic for it anyways
-Secret wars 2099 #1-5
-Amazing Spider-Man vol 4 #1
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 3 #1-10
-Spiderman 2099 vol 3 #11-16 (I list them separately because this takes place during Civil War 2 and that also has a lot of tie in comics that I will not be listing due to time. But yeah. That’s a thing)
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 3 #17-25
-Amazing Spider-Man vol 5 #32-36
Earth 2099
-2099 Alpha
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 4
-2099 Omega (This and vol 4 are E-2099 Miguel’s origin story. I’m not personally a fan of the writing but it is essential to read if you want to understand the universe)
-Spider-Man 2099 Exodus Alpha, #1-5, and Omega
-Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #1-5
-Miguel O’Hara, Spider-Man 2099 #1-5 (The best series we’ve gotten so far of this earth, not really important to the Miguel lore. I just like it lol)
Note that this is optional to read and I’ve heard some very mixed opinions about how Miguel is written here. If you want to read it, be my guest.
-Exiles #72
-Exiles #75-99
-Exiles annual 1
Honorable mention: Timesplitters 2009-2099 #1-4, Spider-Man, and X Men.
These technically take place in a separate continuity to all 3, but they are important enough that I listed them anyways.
Honorable mention 2: Edge of Spiderverse vol 2
Idk what continuity it takes place in. it is currently ongoing.
Other non comic media
The following is a list of media that Miguel is featured in extensively (Not counting all the mobile games because I mean those are just gacha games and aren’t important to the Miguel lore)
-Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse and Spider-Man across the Spiderverse
-Ultimate Spider-Man S3EP9 and 12
-Spider-Man Edge of time (Personal favorite adaptation of Miguel in media)
-Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions
-Araña and Spiderman 2099: Dark Tomorrow (Not confirmed but likely takes place in E-928 5 years after series ends)
And that’s about it! If there’s any appearances I missed, please don’t hesitate to say something and I’ll fix it as soon as possible.
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
With you now having young justice could you do them meeting a mutant buddy with the personality and powers of gambit from the x-men? (Also love justice league unlimited)
Mutant Buddy has entered!
Hope you enjoy!
Mutant Buddy with Gambit's powers with Young Justice
SFW, Platonic, Mutant reader
Buddy had been recruited to the Young Justice League after an incident with Gorilla Grod.
One that ended up a slightly sizzling gorilla, a laughing Flash, and a slightly burnt Lantern.
It was the two leaguer that managed to convince Batman to put them on the team after demonstrating their mini explosions with their deck of cards.
It might have also helped that Buddy managed to steal Green Lantern’s ring without him noticing it and giving it to Batman.
Despite all the confidence they rode on when Flash and Green Lantern introduced them, Buddy was anxious to be in front of these seasoned ‘sidekicks.
Their anxiety only grew with the looks and silent faces they were making at each other.
Thankfully, Buddy did know one of them.
He was their classmate in school.
And just so happened to be the one member who had just arrived late.
Kid Flash, Wally West.
He would later become the ‘olive branch’ to bring Buddy into the group.
Team that takes an almost instant liking to the newest member
These members believe that what Wally says about them being good is true straight away. While they are a bit cautious, they quickly learn that Buddy isn’t some one who would strike fear onto anyone. If anything, the only thing they are striking is their cards to any unsuspecting member who gets on their last nerve. Doesn’t happen often, mainly to Wally when his flirting and comments get out of hand. The members appreciate how Buddy balances the seriousness of certain situations while letting some fun lines slip every now and then. These members end up picking up a habit of carrying a few playing cards around in case Buddy needs them.
Kid Flash
Miss Martian
Buddy: “All right! 1…2…” M’gann from a safe distance: “Go!” Buddy starts throwing cards left and right while Wally tries dodging them. One manages to knock him off balance. Buddy walks up and offers him a hand up. Wally: “No fair! You put more kinetic energy in that last one!” Buddy: “Did not.” Wally: “Did too!” Buddy: “Did—”
SPLASH! Buddy and Wally blink feeling the water seep into their costumes. They look up to see a slightly giggling M’gann and smiling Kaldur raising another water ball over his head. Kaldur: “How about you continue with today’s training?” Buddy and Wally look at each other before smiling. Buddy getting their cards ready: “Oh, you came into the wrong game Kaldur! Ready West!” Wally stretching his arms: “Born ready!”
Team that takes a bit more time to get used to the newest member
These members take what Wally says with a grain of salt. They keep their distance from Buddy and their mini explosions. Since when does a hero do good with explosives? Some members have a personal distaste for the explosions near them. Once Buddy finds out their distaste for the explosions near them, they stop almost immediately. It’s a slow process which involves some missions and training time to finally get used to the newest member. These members try and teach Buddy different ways to defend themselves, so they don’t have to rely solely on powers to win.
Buddy looks a bit uneasy at Conner on the other side of the training mat. Dick and Artemis were watching from the sidelines. Buddy: “Listen Rob, with all due respect, WHY?!” Dick: “Everyone has to fight everyone Buddy.” Artemis: “Its good practice for future scenarios.” Buddy shuffling their cards nervously while looking at the Super: “Yeah but when am I supposed to fight a feral Conner? Conner’s a nice guy! Why would he attack his teammate?” Conner, Artemis and Dick look at each other: “…”
Buddy: “… My goodness… did that actually happen?!” Dick: “Buddy—” Buddy: “How many of you guys went feral on someone else?!” Artemis getting her comm line ready: “Buddy it’s okay—” Buddy: “What?! The next thing you’re going to tell me is a what if scenario where we fight the Justice League?” Everyone: “…” Conner: “Let’s just focus back on the training.” Buddy: “…Nope!” They throw a card to the wall and make their escape through the hole. Artemis: “Wally! Get your friend back here!” Buddy from down the hall: “I swear no one tells me these important details! I deserve to know!”
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vertigoartgore · 4 months
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1993's X-Men Unlimited Vol.1 #3 cover by cover artist Bill Sienkiewicz.
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tasteless-lemonade · 5 months
Who Is Gabby Kinney? - A Reading Guide
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Gabrielle "Gabby" Kinney, aka Scout or Honey Badger, is the clone/sister of Laura Kinney. She was first introduced in All-New Wolverine #2 and would become the second-main character of the book, acting as sort of Wolverine's teen sidekick. Think that's an interesting concept? Then this post is for you!
First of all, this list is for the main comics in which she shows up. * indicates issues where she is an important character or part of the main team. In the unmarked comics listed below, she is not the focus, but has a good scene.
All-New Wolverine (2016)*
Ghost Rider (2016) #1-#3
Hawkeye (2016) #12*
X-Men Red (2018)*
X-23 (2018)*
Extermination (2019) #3-#5
Age Of X-Man: Prisoner X (2019)*
Age Of X-Man: Omega (2019) (Gabby herself does not appear very much, but it concludes the story started in Prisoner X)
X-Force (2020) #9
Wolverine (2021) #8
Deadpool: Black, White & Blood (2021) #1*
New Mutants (2021) #14-#24, #29, #30*
X-Deaths Of Wolverine (2022) #3-#5*
New Mutants: Lethal Legion (2023) #1-#5*
If the unmarked comics of the previous list at least had a cool scene with Gabby, in those of the list below, she is in one page with one speech bubble at best. The only reason I put these here is because I didn't want to miss these moments, but I only recommend reading these if you really want to see everytime Gabby shows up.
Mr & Mrs X (2018) #1
Uncanny X-Men (2019) #9 & #10
X-Force (2019) #11
X of Swords: Destruction (2020)
Way Of X (2021) #1
X-Lives Of Wolverine (2022) #5
X-Terminators (2022) #4
Knights Of X (2022) #5
X-Men: Hellfire Gala (2022) #1
To finish, here's the list of the times Gabby shows up in other comics, like anthologies, specials and Infinity.
Merry X-Men Holiday Special (2019) #1 - Has a story
Marvel Voices Infinity Comic (2022) #2 - Shown in the background
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) #35 & #40 - Shown in the background
Marvel Voices Infinity Comic (2022) #27-32 - Is one of the main characters along with the rest of sniktfam
Fearless (2019) #2 - Has a story
Marvel Comics #1000 - Has a story
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positivelybeastly · 2 months
Hey there! The post you made about the core of a well written Hank McCoy inspired me to ask if you'd be willing to do a similar deep dive into Hanks various relationships over the years. Not in a shippy way in so much as a pros and cons of the relationships ( all relationships have them , even good ones) and how they reflect on and influence Hanks character over time.
Hello hello! I would indeed be willing to do a deep dive, and, at the same time, find out if Tumblr text posts have a word limit! I also realised maybe 20 characters in that you meant actual. Relationships, as in romantic, and I've done just. Basically. All of his relationships. Including platonic ones. Oops. Oh well, hope you enjoy!
These won't be quite as exhaustive as if you asked me about a particular relationship, since I always work best with plenty of image resources and I already know I'm going to hit my image limit early, but I hope I can give at least my general thoughts on how Hank has influenced and changed, and been and influenced by, the following characters.
Edna and Norton McCoy
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X-Men Unlimited vol. 1 #10, 1996.
You have to start all the way back at the beginning, and Hank's relationship with his parents is crucial to understanding why he is the way he is. Hank is the by product of a radiation accident that nearly killed his father, which led to the odd nature of his mutation - namely, that it manifested at birth in the form of abnormally large hands and feet.
This was, in many ways, the best case scenario that Edna and Norton could have hoped for, that their child not miscarry, be stillborn, or be born with a disability that would massively impact his quality of living - this was a very real possibility for them. So Hank being the way he was, actually stronger, more agile, and more dextrous than a normal child, and not to mention a genius intellect even at a young age (not related to his mutation, but it certainly didn't hurt) created a bit of a miracle baby effect.
They were unremittingly supportive and loving - they supported his choice in academics, they supported his football career, they supported his choice of girlfriends, they pushed him to be the best that he could be but never put undue pressure on him. He grew up feeling like he could do anything he wanted to, if he simply chose to.
The worst I can say about this relationship is that you could view it as fostering his ego - perhaps if they had tamped down on his ambitions a bit, maybe he never would have turned himself blue and furry in a fit of 'I know better than everyone else,' but I think that's a lot to put on his parents, honestly. He made that decision, and he has no-one to blame but himself for making it. Blaming his parents for that is like blaming your parents for daring to make you believe you can grow up to be somebody - like, what's the alternative, making you believe that you'll never be anybody? Horrible way to parent.
There's a bump in Marvel Team-Up #124 (1982) where Edna freaks out about her child growing up to be a superhero and more physically obvious mutant, but it's resolved when Hank proves himself to be a man of caliber and altruism, putting himself in harm's way to save a child - proving himself to be the boy that Edna raised, and she returns the favour, putting her life at risk to save him from Professor Power.
He may not be the CPA or 'normal' genius she may have wanted, but he's still brilliant, and she realises that quickly. I also think it's notable that Norton, his father, doesn't go through a similar patch, which is attributable to the fact that he sees Hank's mutation as his 'fault', as you can see in the panels above - he can't exactly blame Hank for being who he is, he's explicitly responsible for it. It would be the height of ridiculous for him to come down on Hank for who he is, when who he is is a direct result of Norton's act of heroism.
In many ways, Hank can do no wrong in his parents' eyes - but in many ways, Hank never does do wrong by his parents. He makes their lives comfortable and improves on it in a lot of ways with his intellect, and he keeps them safe as best he can. They're a little disappointed they aren't grandparents when we last hear from them in 2018, in the X-Men Christmas Special, but they're still defensive of him and love him, even though he's changed for a third time.
Charles Xavier
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X-Force vol. 6 #20, 2021.
You knew this one was coming. You'll note that this is one of the few times that I'm going to use something from Benjamin Percy's X-Force in this deep dive, mostly because it's one of the few times that Percy comes close to examining who Hank is and why he is the way that he is. It's one of the few times in X-Force that anyone asks, why is Hank doing what he's doing? Why is he committing these actions?
Because, in many ways, he's still chasing Charles Xavier's approval.
Charles does Hank maybe the biggest disservice of any of his original X-Men, save maybe Scott - while he plucks Scott out of an abusive home and then moulds him into a soldier for his dream, pretty much completely failing to give him any coping mechanisms for what that's going to do to Scott's relationships with other people and his ability to maintain a normal life, Charles plucks Hank out of a loving home, and cuts him off from it. He telepathically wipes Hank's parents' mind of his existence for a while, to 'protect' him, but really, he's isolating Hank, and installing himself as a father figure.
Whether he realises he's doing this or not is immaterial, because it's canon, as established in Marvel Presents #85-92 (1991) and reaffirmed in X-Men Origins: Beast (2008). And though Hank doesn't appreciate it, on some level hates Charles for it forever, he falls for it, because he is a fundamentally altruistic person who knows he has a responsibility to use his intellect and his mutation to make life better for other people - this is the canon reason he joins the X-Men, and it's important to remember that, because he has no need of training to foster his gifts like Jean or Bobby, and he has a home, unlike Scott. In many ways, he's actually most like Warren, but we'll get to that.
There are moments where Hank separates from Xavier, most notably in Uncanny X-Men #8 (1964) and Amazing Adventures #11 (1971), and it's significant that the latter split leads to, arguably, the best years of his life, where he's freest to be who he wants to be and enjoy his life. He joins the Avengers and the Defenders, he becomes a sex symbol, he feels comfortable in his own skin, he explicitly feels no pressure to use his intellectual gifts, and instead is, arguably, most himself.
It's especially interesting when you consider that even with all that in mind, he still matures and grows up and realises, independently of Xavier, that he still has a responsibility to help - but rather than being inorganically forced to take on that role by a man he doesn't know, he realises it in New Defenders #142 (1985) when a mutant activist calls him out on his immaturity and his lack of forward momentum.
Hank self-reflects, and self-actualises, and forms a grassroots mutant political activist group called M.O.N.S.T.E.R (Mutants Only Need Sensitivity, Tolerance, and Equal Rights), which is something that Charles would NEVER do. Its emphasis on elevating mutants everywhere, rather than focusing on providing examples of mutant heroism like the X-Men, is unique, and I really do wish we'd gotten to see more of a grass roots approach to mutant politics. But.
Then, Hank gets pulled into X-Factor, and all of that goes away. Then, he gets pulled into the X-Men, and his life becomes smaller. And smaller, and smaller, and smaller. And his life becomes worse, and worse, and worse. Eventually, he hits the point where Charles is handing him an Infinity Stone, and consigning him to joining the Illuminati in his stead, and Hank doesn't want to be there, but he feels obligated to, because this was Charles' last wish, his literal will and testament, and he can't say no to that. But he should've. Because it tortures him, and it all ends up being for nothing anyway. Thanks, Chuck.
That being said, I think one of the most telling depictions of Hank and the Professor's relationship actually comes from Astonishing X-Men vol. 3 #12, where Scott is dressing down the Professor for enslaving Danger. Something I really appreciate about that scene is that it highlights how different Hank and Scott are in their relationship with Xavier.
Perhaps because Scott grew up with an abusive parental figure in Jack Winters and Hank grew up with very loving parents, Scott was able to recognise Charles' toxic behaviour and break away from Xavier - it might also have had something to do with the fact that at least one of Charles' biggest fuck ups had to do with Scott's brother Gabriel? Hard to say. But Hank, who Charles very carefully isolated from his parents by mindwiping them for years of Hank's whole existence, never really managed to break free of him, and it shows here really acutely.
Hell, it arguably never went away, even into the Krakoan era - a more interesting version of X-Force would have really dived into the kind of fucked up dynamic they have, where Chuck keeps covering for Beast's moral transgressions for seemingly no reason, because in some respects, he's responsible for them. He gave him the power, he gave him no oversight, but even more pressingly, he wasn't there for him emotionally. He pulled him into this life and didn't prepare him for the toll it would take, how much it would ruin Beast by the time he gets to Krakoa. Beast needed someone to help him there, and no-one did, which is part of why he went on the skids, I think.
But anyway, Whedon does a lot of moments where Hank is present for scenes but doesn't speak, which is important for a character who's well known for not shutting the fuck up. This, the initial cure conversation, the whole conversation about Piotr - Hank clams up. He doesn't feel like he can talk about it. He's off in his own head, his thoughts are his own, he doesn't feel the need to share them.
And here, it's especially important, because this is a big moral violation that Charles has committed in their name. I know it may be hard to remember, but back in the day, Hank had a moral opinion that was worth something, so the fact that he doesn't say anything here speaks volumes about just how much he feels capable of calling out the Professor, i.e. not at all. He craves Xavier's validation, his approval, he feels a kinship with Chuck. So he doesn't criticise him like he should.
It's especially interesting given that this would continue through the Utopia era. Every time Scott distanced himself from Xavier, Hank was there to comfort Charles, and I feel like that's just something he feels like he has to do. He feels like the devoted brother to Scott's more radical, more willing to criticise brother, and if Bendis had any interest in Beast as a character, he would've played on that in All-New X-Men - the fact that Scott killed their toxic father figure, and Beast feels both free of an influence he didn't know was choking him, but outraged that Scott would break their 'family' like that.
I find Beast compelling because of his flaws, and this is an interesting moment when you take all of that into account. I don't even know if that was the intention of this scene, or if Whedon just wanted to give Scott the speech, but it's interesting, nonetheless, and it really shines a light on how Hank and Charles see each other. I'm very interested to see Hank's take on where Charles has ended up in From the Ashes, because it has the potential to really change that dynamic.
Scott Summers
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Astonishing X-Men vol. 3 #34, 2010.
Hank McCoy is Scott Summers' best friend.
I said it because it's true, and it's true reading all the way back to the Silver Age, honestly. Even as Bobby's screaming his head off about Scott being a stuck up asshole, Hank's quietly reminding Bobby that Scott can't be anyone other than who he is, "he can't help his psychological make-up," and I think that gets at a really important part of their relationship. Just as Scott's mind is attractive to telepaths because it's so neatly ordered and makes perfect sense to them, Scott's personality is appealing to Hank because he makes sense to him. Scott is orderly, anxious, dedicated, intelligent, hides his true feelings, and wants to belong, even as he stands apart. Hank is most, if not all, of these things, and so, they get each other. Bobby fucks around, Warren schmoozes and gets cocky, Jean is a GIRL AND THEREFORE SCARY, but Hank and Scott just get each other.
Which makes it all the more tragic when they fall apart, because Hank sees it all and it makes sense to him, even as it breaks his heart. What a lot of people misunderstand about Hank's arc during Utopia is that they read his moral grandstanding as self-righteousness or hypocrisy or a big ol' stick he wants to use to hit people with, and it's honestly not that. I really don't think it is.
I think he sees Scott sacrificing the parts of himself that make him a good man so that he can make a better general, and it terrifies him. He sees him become callous, manipulative, cold-blooded, willing to risk everything on a course of action because he believes he's right. Hank thinks he's fighting for the soul of the X-Men, for his own soul, for Scott's soul, even as everyone else is fighting for mutantkind.
Hank went through his own journey in Endangered Species, and he knows that there's nothing he can do, so why fight it? Why not just stop, and live out his days being the best man he can be, a member of the first and last generation of mutants, and let it go? Because no-one saw what he saw.
No-one saw the end of mutantkind inscribed on the vellum of reality like he did, saw what he would become if he did what Scott did and did anything and everything to stop the death of the mutant race - no-one else knows how close he came to jumping into the abyss and becoming Dark Beast. And no-one, honestly, cares. Hank doesn't tell anyone, because he never does, but it absolutely informs his views going forward. It can't not.
But no-one is interested enough in Hank McCoy's feelings to really ask why he's so insistent, or what happened when he was gone. He's a private individual, and he never told anyone. He felt profoundly ashamed of what he did while he was gone, which didn't exactly help. So his moral insistence just comes across as hatred, and it's not. He loves Scott Summers like a brother. That's why he fought so hard to keep him the way he was, not the way he became.
I also find it interesting that, in some ways, Hank is responsible for Scott becoming a happier, more well-adjusted individual, if in the most fucked up and irresponsible and manipulative way possible. Even in the midst of their relationship being at its lowest point, Hank was inadvertently responsible for time displaced Scott joining the Champions and getting to spend time with his father, giving him precious memories of a life not lived for Xavier that he didn't have before, and it's arguable that that's part of what mellowed Scott, coming out of the Death of X/revolution era.
It's not a good thing that Hank did that, obviously, he did it because - well, because he was having a brain aneurysm called Brian Michael Bendis, but whatever, it wouldn't have happened without Hank's intervention. I don't know if it's fair to give Hank credit for this, because those are Scott's choices and Scott's relationships, but the sequence of events is such. Idk. I try to see the best in Hank's actions and make them make sense to how I see the character.
A better version of X-Force would have made Scott central to Hank's descent into darkness, because it's frankly too obvious a connection to make, but whatever, we missed that boat. I just know that, just like how Hank didn't want for Scott to hollow himself out like he did, Scott wouldn't have wanted Hank to hollow himself out like he did, either, and I'm glad to see that reflected in MacKay's X-Men #1. I hope that friendship is rebuilt, because it deserves to be.
Jean Grey
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New X-Men #124, 2002.
Hank McCoy is Jean Grey's brother.
Okay, so maybe not biologically, but they are basically brother and sister. It's why the stabs at making a relationship between them have never really worked for me, and I just enjoy the friendship moments between them too much to think of them together romantically. They're both intensely empathetic, deep feeling, loving characters, and in some ways, despite Jean being a literal telepath, Hank actually gets people better than Jean does sometimes (see X-Men Annual '95) because where she can be blinded by anger and passion and justice, Hank sees people for who they are and what they want very easily.
Almost any time that Hank is feeling blue (heehee) in 90s X-Men or New X-Men, it's Jean that pulls him out of it, because she's spent the most time learning what his habits are, when he's not really feeling as all right as he promises, and I honestly don't think it's a massive coincidence that the period that adult Jean spends dead (2005-2017) is a period that Hank spends alternately depressed, irrational, or alone. Maybe that's a form of dependency? Possibly. I just think they're best friends and that they make each other better when they're around one another.
Hank believes in Jean. He walks through the snow, thinking the rest of the X-Men are dead, believing that if he can at least get Jean out, then maybe he hasn't failed. He gets yanked onto the Shi'ar flagship, hears about what Dark Phoenix did, and instantly tries to throw the book at Empress Lilandra because he believes in Jean, and he believes in justice and law and due process. He watches her manifest the Phoenix and piece Emma together with her telekinesis, yanking her consciousness into her body once more, and even though he's afraid, he sticks with her. He trusts her with his mind, giving her his anatomy knowledge so she can work informed, even as the flames of her Phoenix form lick at his arm and burn him.
Hank believes in Jean Grey.
Bobby Drake
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X-Men: First Class #4, 2007.
Bobby Drake is Hank McCoy's first best friend.
There were definitely great friends beforehand (Jennifer Nyles comes to mind), but in terms of making Hank feel normal, in terms of becoming friends to have fun and just hang out and because you simply like each other's vibes and feel comfortable each other? Yeah, Bobby is absolutely Hank's first best friend.
It's probably best exemplified in New Defenders, especially #122, where Bobby just. Needs Hank. He needs his best friend. Hank always has a knack for chasing away Bobby's blues, and you see it again and again throughout that run, where Hank is just who Bobby goes to first whenever he's feeling bad (as well as in 90s X-Men), because Hank always seems to know what to say.
I also don't think it's an exaggeration to say that there must've been a lot of good feeling going on for notable stick in the mud 60s Hank and retroactively gay Bobby to go out on double dates with Vera and Zelda. Hank bought an entire cabin so that they'd have a place to go to. Can you think of anyone else that Hank's done that for? I rest my case. (Is it all a little gay? Maybe. But it's not gay if the socks stay on.)
Where this relationship falls apart is when Bobby stops growing before Hank does, and what Hank needs outpaces what Bobby can provide, as seen in Uncanny X-Men #518. It's not necessarily Bobby's fault, he's just - not a very emotionally capable person, a lot of the time, his primary character flaw is an inability to grow up, and so Hank throws something heavy at him, and his best, most immediate impulse is to just say, well, deal with it how you've always dealt with it.
And that's just not good enough. And in many ways, I think Hank just stops trusting Bobby at that point, to the extreme where Bobby calls out for every other member of the original X-Men but him at the 2023 Hellfire Gala as he dies, and I wasn't surprised one bit. They stop appearing in comics together, Hank doesn't feature in his modern solo series' at all, and their interactions are fine, but nowhere near what they were.
Warren Worthington
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Uncanny X-Men #297, 1992.
Warren is the original X-Man that Hank is most like.
Which, you might think is strange, given that Warren is a rich kid with wings and Hank is a farmboy quarterback with big feet, but it's true, by virtue of three facts - one, they're the two most obvious, physically mutated members of the O5.
Two, they came to heroism on their own. Warren's turn as the Avenging Angel, and Hank's fighting against the Conquistador in his origin, both predate their time as X-Men, and this is massively important in their development because it demonstrates that altruism and self-sacrifice are intrinsic in their characters. They believe in doing good things to help people, or stopping bad people from doing bad things, because it's the right thing to do. Whereas Scott and Jean and Bobby emerged from tragedy and ruin, Hank and Warren came from a place of stability and a desire to do good.
Three, they both undergo a terrifying physical metamorphosis that causes massive changes in their personalities, Warren becoming Archangel and Hank becoming a much more literal Beast. This point of commonality is a rock for them both, and as you can see, it helps them through. They realise that for all their struggles with the other aspects of their new selves, they're still, in the ways that count, the same people - they're still the friends they always were.
It's also very significant to me that Warren is the X-Man that Hank first 'comes out' to as the Beast, in Amazing Adventures #15 (1971), and I don't think it's a real coincidence that even as Charles tries to assert that Hank's protest that he's his own man, not an X-Man, and Jean shies away in shock from the vehemence with which Hank rejects their telepathic call, Warren calls bullshit and just goes.
He asserts himself. He's independent, and he breaks from the X-Men, much like Hank and Bobby did, Hank going to the Avengers and Bobby and Warren to the Champions, then all three of them to the Defenders - even as Scott and Jean stay with the X-Men, a decision that will lead to a whole line of catastrophe that ends with Jean dead, and Scott resigned to a life left unfulfilled because his one true love is dead.
Meanwhile, Hank, Bobby and Warren are clustered in a borrowed quinjet in their best togs, going to a wedding. Warren asks why he and Bobby are going along, given they hardly know the couple. Hank replies Warren that he's family, and he wants them there, and that's that, and there's a quiet, warm little smile on his face, because he is. They are.
I also find it very interesting that Hank and Warren undergo a very similar trajectory, tracking from Utopia to the Dark Angel Saga for Warren, and All-New X-Men to Krakoa for Hank - they cloister themselves off from others, they lose sight of who they originally were, they roll around in the blood of innocents, and in the end, they both end up dying and losing their memories, born anew.
Like I said. Warren is the original X-Man that Hank is most like.
Jennifer Nyles
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X-Men Unlimited vol. 2 #10, 2005.
Jen is an underrated figure in Hank's history, and that's mostly because she has very limited appearances, none of which quite make sense with one another. Her first appearance in Marvel Presents #85-92 posits that she was, in many ways, Hank's first love, the person he missed most of all those who were made to forget him, and that the absence of him in her mind compelled her to study the mind so that she might try and unlock what she knew was missing. In the end, he stays away from her, because she nearly dies and he feels he endangers her. He probably does.
Then, we have a retroactive appearance in Origins: Beast, and the above story in Unlimited. Origins: Beast doubles down on her importance, stating that she's the person who encourages Hank to come out of his shell even before he's an X-Man, to use his gifts and be the brilliant person she knows he is, and while Unlimited agrees with that importance, she knows who Hank is at a time when she shouldn't. How to square it away? Ehh. I kinda don't. I like the three stories and how they impact and change and demonstrate Hank's qualities too much to try and change them. Instead, I just enjoy them.
In another life, Hank and Jen absolutely got married and they had a brilliant history together. She's almost as smart as he is, just as fiery (she punches out a bully antagonising Hank), and she has a strong moral, empathetic core. Hank, honestly, has a type. But even more than a romantic figure, I like her as an inspirational figure for Hank, someone that pushes him in the right direction and leads him to the right answers without giving them to him. She accepts him at a time when he needed it most, and helps him rebuild his life.
Tony Stark
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Amazing Adventures #14, 1972.
For a pair of geniuses that snark at each other almost non-stop whenever they're around, and who feel almost constantly at loggerheads in classic Avengers, Tony is very important to Hank's development, sometimes by virtue of his faults.
First off, he's the superhero who turns up to investigate Hank's transformation at Brand, and his apparent death there at Hank's hands (a Mastermind illusion) and his mercy and understanding of the torment that Hank is undergoing are massively formative in Hank coming to terms with his new bestial form. He teaches Hank's two lessons - one, that he needs to control himself in a way he didn't need to before, and two, that he can still rely on people to see the human in him if he acts it.
Secondly - it's his inadvertent dismissal of Hank during the Avengers' examination of Wonder Man that sparks off Hank getting annoyed about his genius being ignored, pushes him out of the Mansion in a snit . . . and that's when he discovers that he's not just adjusting to being a beast anymore. No, he's fucking hot now. Even when he's being a dick (without really meaning to), Tony helps Hank grow, helping him realise that he doesn't need to be the high performing intellectual he was on the X-Men, the Avengers have that covered, but also, that he can afford to be someone else as well.
They continue to be friends for years and years, with their friendship built up over the course of plenty of classic Avengers issues, leading to a complete bypassing of a big ol' hero vs. hero fight in X-Factor Annual #1 (1986) because Hank's just like, oh hey, Iron Man, it's me, and Tony's just like, oh hey Beast, what the fuck's all this about? And it just. Fixes the problem.
I also don't think that it's a coincidence that Hank and Tony are the two most visibly affected when the Illuminati mindwipe Steve during the Incursions arc, with Hank unable to even really look at Steve when it happens, and Hank is constantly pulling on that morality chain even as they tie each other into knots, trying to justify the destruction of worlds. For as much as they give each other shit, Hank and Tony can rely on each other to give it to 'em straight, and that's important when their heads can get as big as these guys.
Wanda Maximoff
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Uncanny Avengers vol. 3 #30, 2017.
Hank should hate Wanda more than he does.
The event that Wanda caused, the Decimation, was, in a lot of people's opinions, the beginning of the end for Henry McCoy. It stripped him of his morality and his pretensions and his ability to do anything. It was the height of cruelty, and Wanda did it without arguably meaning to. Not casually, but in a moment of instability. Leaving a gaping wound in evolution that Hank tried to fix.
He threw away a lot, trying to fix it. He wrecked a lot of relationships, came away feeling dirty, consorted with demons. Became acutely aware of every one of his limitations. And yet. He never really blamed her. Because how could he?
After all, he knew Wanda before the mess. When she was a brilliant friend and teammate on the Avengers. When she was shining, glimmering proof that people could change and become better, if only they tried and were given the chance. When she was at her best. And he never stopped believing she could be that again. It certainly didn't help that they had a certain wonder man in common, but honestly, they're just great friends.
Hank supported her in Children's Crusade, even in the face of the X-Men going kill crazy, and he never held a grudge. Even when he finds her, at the end of his rope, in Endangered Species, when he's at his most fraught and defeated, he just. Wants to fix things. It would be so easy to be hateful and resentful, but he just doesn't have it in him. After all, he knows what it's like to ruin your life in an instant because of a bad decision, and to want to claw it back however you can.
Carol Danvers
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Ms. Marvel vol. 2 #18, 2007.
Honestly, for someone who you often see getting blasted on the X-Men Reddit for the Superhuman Registration Act/where were you when our babies were burning panels, Carol has a lot of really strong relationships within the X-Men, but I think her bond with Hank is especially strong - which is saying something, considering their first meeting was a fight! But, honestly, they just like and respect each other. They don't tolerate injustice, they believe in being heroes for everyone, not just the few, and they support each other.
Even in the midst of Civil War II, arguably the single worst that Carol has ever been written (not counting Avengers #200, take your pick of a character assassination), there's a moment where Tony is begging Carol to rethink her Minority Report bullshit, and she says, fine, I'll consider your evidence - but only if Hank checks it. And he says he has, and it's not wrong. And she knows that that means something.
The best friends will tell you when you're wrong. And you'll listen to them.
Heather Douglas
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The New Defenders #139, 1984.
Hank and Heather have an almost constantly combative relationship from the instant Moondragon joins the Defenders, with Hank never afraid to let her know that he doesn't like her and that he doesn't want her on 'his' team. In his estimation she's high, and mighty, and conceited, and possessed of more power than wisdom.
And. Guess what?
Hank's fucking wrong. Heather is trying. Yes, she backslides, she has her moments of true ego and duplicity, but it takes Hank far too long to come to realise that she's trying as hard as she is - and frankly, she's right to smack him down and humiliate him from time to time, because he can be conceited. He acts as though the Defenders are his team, and he harbours pretensions of leadership that no-one takes seriously, because Hank is not a leader, you don't even have to dislike him to know that - and it takes him a while to realise that.
Their combative relationship keeps the other in check. They grow as a result of being around one another, even if they never quite settled things between them. Hank's maturation into a grown adult, into a man able to be more than just a superhero, is in no small part thanks to Moondragon's barbs and pushes and slaps at his ego, and he should be grateful that he got the chance to make good on that chance to mature, because Heather didn't, in the end.
Alison Blaire
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Marvel Heartbreakers #1, 2010.
I'm gonna be real, the Beauty and the Beast miniseries by Ann Nocenti is not great. It has moments of fun, some pathos, but for the most part, it's incredibly soapy, incredibly hackneyed, goes nowhere, has a lot of weird anti-set up, and Hank is strangely incredibly violent and cruel in it at times. For someone claiming Hank was his usual charming self, Nocenti sure wrote him as a borderline psycho.
But. The Heartbreakers epilogue for that relationship redeems it, honestly, and it gains added poignancy when a future version of Alison is killed in Battle of the Atom, in one of the few instances of that series actually managing a moment of pathos. There's no magic trick to why Hank and Alison work, they just sort of find each other hot and fun and they're there for each other in a weird, fucked up time in Alison's life, so maybe it was inevitable that it faded to nothing.
I just like to think there's always a lingering softness, a lingering what if, for the both of them. A potential of something, if not an actual something.
Vera Cantor
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The New Defenders #149, 1985.
Oh, Vera . . . you deserved better.
Gonna be brutally honest, Hank treated Vera kinda like shit. I don't think he meant to, it was never a relationship he was invested in, and he said as much, he was interested in the stability it represented, but I'm genuinely sorry for Vera that she got caught up in the crossfire of it. She was dismissed and treated like a pick-up, drop-off girlfriend when she was looking for a good man - and Hank is a good man, but at this point? Not what she was looking for. Not what she needed.
I'm glad we see her again in X-Factor and she's doing well for herself. I'm fairly convinced that she's a lesbian because Hank may have ruined men for her (in the not good way), but hey, a pro-mutant activist? That's pretty worthy - and considering how Hank treated her, pretty big minded. I like to think this taught Hank to be more considerate of people's feelings and grow out of his womaniser stage.
Julio Richter
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X-Factor vol. 1 #18, 1987.
For a character often defined by his teaching abilities, Hank actually wasn't a particularly great teacher or carer for children when he first started - I always think there's a good deal of significance in the fact that X-Factor #1 has him searching out a position in academia, being rejected out of prejudice, but then finding his way to a teaching position through way of X-Factor, though I doubt that was planned.
Regardless of whether or not it was planned, I do think his relationship with Julio Richter, or Rictor, is massively important to Hank's development, because everything that Hank gets wrong with Tabitha Smith, he gets right with Julio. He encourages him, gives him his clothes, never talks down to him, nurtures his potential, pushes him to learn and think for himself - and it's rewarded.
Julio imprints on Hank strongly, and you can see that he favours Hank amongst all the other X-Factor members for a reason. This relationship largely went away in future, sadly, but I always like to think that it remains in some fashion, even if only in small ways.
Trish Tilby
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X-Factor vol. 1 #36, 1988.
Yeah, you knew this was coming.
Honestly . . . I can see what Hank saw in her as a human being. She's a woman of fierce convictions. She believes in truth, and honesty, and justice. She is pro-mutant, after a fashion. And I have to give her credit, she does have her moments of heroism, like in this issue, when she risks her life to help Hank save a bridge of people as Inferno kicks into high gear. There are moments of good between them.
But fuck me she's an awful human being.
Leaking the fact that the Legacy Virus has jumped to humans directly leads to a mutant hate crime that ends in a death. She barges in to a sick, dying man's hospital room in the search of a scoop. And I'm not even gonna get into what happened when Hank turned feline.
She's just a trainwreck of breaches of journalistic ethics, and I hate her to bits. If she taught Hank anything, it was that the people you admire and love can disappoint you, and it says a lot that it's a one-two punch of her, and Cassandra fucking Nova that shatters Hank's self-esteem into a million pieces. What rarified company. The very fact that she tries to get back together with Hank after this, like, what even the fuck, man.
Jubilation Lee
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Uncanny X-Men #308, 1993.
These two make me smile.
I think Jubilee awakens something very simple and immature in Hank, but something healthy at the same time - she encourages him, and everyone else at the Mansion, up to and including Professor X, to have fun. At a time when they were losing people left and right, it would have been easy to lose heart, but Jubilee kept Hank and the rest of the team bolstered, kept them focused. That's no small thing, honestly. Maybe she doesn't have quite as strong a relationship with Hank as she does Logan - that's a hard bond to match - but it's hard not to look at these two and see a true blue friendship.
I also adore that it came back in full force in X-Men vol. 4 (2013), where Hank often acted as mission and home support for the all-female team of X-Men that featured in that book. Taking care of baby Shogo, helping Omega Sentinel with her physical rehab - Hank was an invaluable asset in that run, and his scenes with Jubilee were always a treat.
Dark Beast
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X-Men: Endangered Species, 2007.
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
Dark Beast is such a well constructed character because he is not just Henry McCoy if Henry McCoy were evil. Dark Beast is, what if Henry McCoy were raised in an evil world that believes in evil things and the only thing to do is be evil, lest it kill you? There's such a curious drive to betterment, to becoming stronger, smarter, more, to him, that speaks to the same in Hank, but it's all just so twisted up. It's driven by fear where it's driven by hope in Hank.
Because he is afraid. And he is human, much as he might hate the label.
He's a warning. He's a check and balance. He's a cruel joke. He's a monster. He's the other side of Hank's fears. Hank fears devolution, becoming more of an animal, giving in to the Beast, but Dark Beast represents evolution, becoming less animal and more - other. Something that considers itself above human, animal, mutant. Intelligence without conscience, drive without wisdom.
He's not what all Hank McCoys inevitably become. That's stupid, and basic, and anyone who believes that is stupid and basic. That's genetic essentialism, and it's shit media literacy. It's also the basis for X-Force (2019) and I reject that hypothesis entirely.
Henry's much more interesting than evil Hank - not just because he's funnier, and better at his job, and a more efficient villain, but because try as he might, there's still something essentially human inside of him. Something stopped him from killing Hank's - his - parents.
An essential, viral, inescapable fact.
There's something good in him, just as there's something bad in Hank. And it will bedevil them both forever, because they can't get rid of it.
Cecilia Reyes
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Astonishing X-Men vol. 3, 2012.
Honestly, maybe the most grown up and equal relationship that Hank ever had, and I don't really feel like he even really had the chance to have it. Cecilia is everything Trish wishes she could be, and much more besides. Uncompromising in her morals, fiercely dedicated to healing, defensive of her boundaries, strong, independent, intelligent, funny - and kind.
She held a torch for him, for a long time. There's a lot of pictures of him in her apartment, both from the 90s and his feline form. She felt for him in a way maybe he didn't realise. Maybe he's the one who got away. Maybe she is. Either way, these two just. Work. There's a world out there where they became something more, and that's a happier world for Hank, honestly. But, hey ho.
Emma Frost
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New X-Men #123, 2002.
Sometimes friendships don't make sense. Other times they do.
The friendship between Hank and Emma always made sense to me. The wit, the banter, the emotional intelligence, the willingness to play to roles assigned to them by their image - they were practically destined to be friends. And yet, often forgotten. Every now and then, it crops up, and I cherish it, but for the most part, they're just irrepressibly bitchy all the way through Morrison's run, and that'll always be special to me.
I always try and see good where I can, and I wanted to post an exchange from Secret Empire Omega where Hank tries to bolster Emma in the wake of New Tian's fall, because I like the moment for them, but in the end, it's just too poor of an event and a context for me to share it. All my props to Nadia Shammas in the X-Force Annual, the one issue of X-Force I thought actually had a decent handle on a villainous Beast - by sheer virtue of actually remembering that people would care. Emma would care.
Abigail Brand
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Siege vol. 2 #2, 2015.
Abigail Brand did not make Hank McCoy into a war criminal.
To say so is to betray a basic lack of understanding of this entire relationship, but then, what else is new? A lot of people seemingly don't get who Hank is and why he works. Out of universe, but also in, oddly enough.
Kate Pryde and Kurt Wagner both speculate about what made Hank into what he became in X-Force, and they think it's Abigail, because that's an easy explanation, but it's not the truth. Not remotely. It betrays that they didn't know Hank as well as they thought they did, and Hank died not being known by a lot of people.
Which . . . sucks. But it is what it is.
Abigail knew him. She knew him as a kind man. Kinder than her. Kinder than anyone. She wanted that kindness. Craved it. Needed it. Managed to jam it into her work life, by hook and by crook. But I don't think Hank minded. At that point in his life, he needed what she offered, and though I don't think either of them ever thought they'd catch real feelings, they both absolutely did.
He kept her honest, she gave him options. He gave her moral dimension, she gave him self-esteem. They complemented each other perfectly, and I'm sorry that they never got a fair chance, really.
Sure, it was all essentially motivated by a desire to get good dick, but sometimes, that's all it needs to be.
Kurt Wagner
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Uncanny X-Men: The Heroic Age, 2010.
Ahhh, Kurt . . . honestly, I don't think Hank and Kurt were ever shown to be quite as close on panel as you'd think they would be, in part because there's a One Blue Limit on X-Men teams for a while (seriously, check the X-Men team line-ups, and you'll realise that Hank and Kurt are pretty much never on the same team until 2015, with Amazing X-Men, a team Hank promptly leaves at issue #5).
But I like to think they're good friends, even if Kurt does fall for Hank's facade of being okay, just like a lot of other people. I like to think that Kurt represents a kind of ideal to Hank - he's what Hank, in many ways, wishes he could be. A better man. A happier man. A more hopeful man. A man who believes in a higher power, still. I certainly don't think it's a coincidence that it cuts Hank deep, when Kurt dies at Bastion's hands.
Steve Rogers
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Secret Avengers vol. 1 #21, 2012.
Hank and Steve have an odd relationship. In a way, he does a lot for Hank, bolstering him during his time in the Avengers, treating him as a valued teammate - even if, as is typical of 70s writing styles, they can both come across as cunts to one another occasionally - and one of my favourite moments for Hank is in Avengers Annual #11, where Steve calls Hank out as a man who won't kill. Doesn't have it in him.
Which makes this moment, a sequel to what Steve pushes Hank to do in Secret Avengers #16, hurt so much. Steve had to know what it would cost Hank, to shortcut his way into an Oppenheimer arc, but he hoped the math would comfort Hank. I don't think it did.
I don't know if it was intentional, but it haunts me that both Scott and Steve use Hank (Scott during Secret Invasion, and Steve in SA #16) to commit acts of mass murder, and try to console him with the numbers of people saved through atrocity. Hank tried to escape all of that, fleeing from Utopia, and maybe he was naive to think a band of Secret Avengers would be a place to hide from doing bad things, but it doesn't change the essential fact. Scott and Steve used Hank to achieve their goals, and he had to just deal with it.
"Are you seriously asking a mutant what he'll do to avoid extinction?" Mindwiping Steve in New Avengers vol. 3 hurt, I'm sure, but it's a fine old thing, trying to morally grandstand to a man you explicitly used to make a nuclear bomb. A lot of mixed up history in that room.
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Wolverine & the X-Men vol. 1 #7, 2012.
If only Hank's adopted sons were given as much attention and care as Wolverine's adopted daughters. Ah well. There was a lot of work being done over this run, to make it clear that Hank, Abigail and Broo were forming a family unit, including Abigail being there as Broo's parental figure during his graduation and a possible future showing Broo as head of S.W.O.R.D, but all of it eventually came to naught, which saddens me. Broo deserved better. So did Hank.
Time Displaced Beast
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X-Men: Blue #35, 2018.
There was a kernel of an idea here.
It was inevitable that Hank was going to end up hating himself. He's a character largely defined by self-hatred, in most of his forms. The thread that never got pulled was the fact that, honestly?
Older Hank should hate younger Hank just as much.
Younger Hank is much closer to the man who turns them blue, who's ego tripping at Brand, than older Hank is. That's what leads him down this entire path, of magic and demon summoning and servitude, that's broken only by the intervention of other X-Men.
But, whatever. The era of lost potential, tbh.
. . . . . . . .
Oh, hey. You're still here?
Yeah, I guess there is someone missing, huh?
Simon Williams
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Uncanny Avengers vol. 3 #28, 2017.
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Avengers Annual #6, 1976.
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X-Force vol. 6 #49, 2024.
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Avengers vol. 3 #14, 1999.
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Wonder Man vol. 2 #5, 1991.
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Avengers Annual vol. 2 #1, 2012.
They complete one another.
They simply are their best selves around one another.
Even when sick, and twisted, and cruel, and beyond redemption, Hank couldn't bear for the possibility of harm to an invulnerable, immortal, ionic man. He would rather dash all of his plans, make it all for nothing, kill himself, than risk hurting Simon.
At the start of this whole ass breakdown, you said, all relationships have pros and cons. And I think that's true. Mostly. But when Hank and Simon are together, nothing can tear them apart, nothing can bring them down, nothing can stop them, nothing can keep them from doing the right thing.
I can't think of a negative to them being together.
They love each other.
Thanks for bearing with me. :)
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mhahaikyuus · 4 months
mafia geto pt. 1
tags;: college reader, meet cute between geto x reader, fluff, geto is slightly yandere, fluff
word count;: 616
pt2: & pt3:
a/n: hope you guys enjoy, reblogs and likes appreciated
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You were working part time at this fancy jewelery store part time as a college student. It sucked but it paid okay, the customers were horrible. Working as a young girl with super rich older guys as customers was an...experience to say the least but a job is a job.
It was a regular day, bored out of your mind staring at the watches counter below you when a guy younger than the usual customer crowd, walked into the store. He was pushing over six feet, had a suit on with a loose black tie, dark circles under his eyes, and long dark hair pulled up in a bun.
You were distracted staring at the assortment of watches worth more than your salary for the year under the glass case. 
When Geto walked up to you on his phone and put it away to speak to you, not noticing how attractive you were until you were only separated by a counter. 
A shadow was over you causing you to look up. “Oh hi how can I help you?” You said using your designated customer service voice.
Geto was speechless. The mafia leader who was notorious for being the most terrifying person to walk the earth, was speechless. 
Both of you were stunned for a second at the instant chemistry but you held composure you couldn't drool at customers at your job. Swallowing back a gasp at how handsome he was.
You looked up at him waiting for his response. 
Your doe eyes were mesmerizing. 
“Do you need help?” You repeated after remembering to blink.
“Uh..yeah. Do you have watches?” He asked and internally face palmed at his stupid question.
His voice was really…deep and sexy.
You let out a small breath trying to not laugh right in his face. 
“Depends, on whether or not you have eyes” You joked
That was all it took for Geto to fall in love. 
He bought a watch totalling up to 30k like it was nothing. 
Geto tried to flirt with you but every time you made eye contact he froze. 
You rang him up and waved him goodbye, sort of bummed that you’ll never see him again when he was so cute. You couldn't even think of another time you had felt something like that with another person.
Geto had other plans. 
He walked back to his car with a smile and a shopping bag between his fingers, calling his guy to find out everything he possibly could about you from your birthday, your daily schedule, to your telephone provider. 
You noticed that the cute young guy with unlimited funds kept coming into the store. Once a week he would come in and make small talk with you until it was routine after two months of speaking to Geto. 
It was a nice break from the snooty older women and creepy older men with too much money and too little manners. 
Geto was making you laugh as you were reorganizing the counter when you asked a question that kept bothering you. 
“Suguru?” “Yes darling?” He said a nickname he always called you, leaning against the counter watching you. 
“Why do you keep coming in? I mean I know you just love watches and jewelry and my lovely company." You joked continuing to reorganize.
Geto froze for a second and cleared his throat, “I like spending time with you…and I want to ask you out.” 
You paused your movements and slowly turned to him, “Why didn’t you just ask me? I would say yes.” 
Geto’s face was flushed a light pink at your words. 
“So are you going to ask me?” You repeated and he stuttered. This was the first time you had ever seen him anything other than calm. 
“Y/n do you want to go out?” He asked scratching the back of his neck. 
You stood up “Pick me up at 6, I can text you my address.” Geto nodded before leaving the store to stop himself from embarrassing himself further. Walking back to his car he fell into the backseat with a relieved sigh telling his driver to “Get home as soon as possible.” to prepare for his date. 
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illyanarasputinfan · 4 months
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Dazzler #1 (2024) Marvel Comics
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X-Men Unlimited Infinity #28 (2024) Marvel Comics
I’m happy to see Shark-Girl / Iara Dos Santos survived Orchis’s massacre, and is joining Dazzler’s new solo series as the drummer in Alison’s band, this September! I was worried about her. 🦈🥁❌
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kwxnnxn · 9 months
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Kwannon (Revanche / Psylocke) Reading Guide
Were Kwannon's body is well known she herself had been dead for decades after her time with The X-Men as Revanche. Coming back to life Kwannon took the name Psylocke and has joined an array of teams using her lethal fighting skills alongside her telepathy and telekinesis. This reading order follows her appearances throughout the years.
Bolded: she's a main character/part of the team or it is an important issue for her. Italic: she's not necessarily a main character but still has interesting moments. Normal: She appears but it is not entirely important to her character.
Introduction + Body Swap
X-Men (1991) #17, #18, #20-#24
X-Men (1991) Annual #2
X-Men (1991) #25-#28
X-Men (1991) #31 [Death]
Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor (2018) #4 [only in one panel]
Uncanny X-Men (2018) #16-#20
Fallen Angels (2020)
Hellions (2020) #1-#11
Excalibur (2019) #18-#20
Hellions (2020) #12-#15
Inferno (2021) #1 [brief appearance but she becomes a war captain]
Hellions (2020) #16-#18
Marauders (2019) Annual #1
Marauders (2022)
Love Unlimited Infinity Comic (2022) #34-#36
Captain Marvel (2019) #43-#49
Fall of X
Hellfire Gala (2023) [only appears briefly but this story is important for context]
Uncanny Avengers (2023)
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A New Life
Two Shot. Part 1.
Yandere! Neteyam Sully x Human! Reader x Loak Sully.
It was hard to believe your eyes as you stared blankly of the funeral rituals of the Ocean Navi.
That's right. The funeral of your Mate. Or in human regulations. Your late husband. Neteyam Sully. The mighty warrior who sacrificed his life for the safety of his siblings.
Once more.
And it got him killed at a young age.
Barely an adult.
Almost a father.
You were expecting his first half breed child. You made history as the first human to soon soon birth a new specimen.
Remembering when Neteyam was alive, he told you how he wanted unlimited children with you. One after another. Year after year.
His own clan.
That made you cringe. Earth was dying and needed resources. Vegetation and natural food especially was in dire need. As a doctor to study edible plants. Steal them and grow them in Earth. But, fate had other plans. You must have caught the attention of Neteyam. Perhaps because you can breath the Pandora air without a mask. Your mutant genes made you exceptionally healthy and beautiful.
You never expected you would commit beastiality with your kidnapper.
Neteyam was kind to you. But, he got fed up with your attitude and rebelliousness to run away. So, he would reluctantly beat you.
As expected, he broke your spirit. And eventually, you became pregnant with his baby.
Neteyam knew you wouldn't abandon or hate any child of yours no matter who the father was. He took advantage.
You couldn't go back to the RDA. Your baby will go to the scientists and studied and imprisoned for the rest of its miserable life.
No. That is cruel.
And if you did leave your child with Neteyam, he will be bullied by the other Navis and your parents will disown you for bringing disgrace upon the family once they find out.
The thought of your child being motherless and a freak will cause it to have mental illness and sadness. You didn't want that. The love you had for your weird child made you stop attempting to leave your capturer.
You bitterly bid good bye to Earth.
Your new life began. Like an empty shell, you let Neteyam thrust into you. You responded to his kisses and closed your eyes. Pretending he was someone else to moan.
Neteyam was no fool. He wanted you to naturally love him and forgive him.
He was mean to you. But, you were mated with him by the decree of the Great Mother.
You told him that you were hated by many. Women out of envy. And the men tried to use you for carnal desires only.
Neteyam tried to tell you he loves you despite being a foreigner and odd. But, you were betrayed before and had trust issues. You were so stupid. Neteyam rolled his eyes. Screw it. He beat you and ignored the pain in his heart.
Then finally, he tamed you in your womb.
When his father's enemies came back as Navis, of course, he made you come with him to the ocean tribes.
He could say good bye to his friends and Grandma but not you or his future unborn child.
Neteyam had it worst than the others in his family. His mate was a demon.
Protecting you was harder than he did in the forest. He was no longer the son of the chief. But, a normal citizen.
No respect.
As the months dragged, Neteyam watched you swell more.
You wished either you and your baby die or him.
God answered your prayers. But... Some strange reason... You weren't happy he was dead
In fact, you wished you died with him.
What have you become?
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jooheons · 1 year
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spider-man 2099 / miguel o’hara reading guide 
miguel o’hara was a young genetics genius employed at mega corporation alchemax, in the future city of nueva york of the year 2099 (a future universe where all superheroes got wiped out). he became spider-man when one of his experiments to replicate the powers of spider-man is used against him, his dna is rewritten and became fifty percent spider. 
essential reading:
spider-man 2099 (1992), #1-10
spider-man 2099, #11-14
spider-man 2099 annual, #1
2099 unlimited #1-3 *
spider-man 2099, #15
ravage 2099, #15 *
x-men 2099, #5 *
doom 2099 (1993), #14 *
punisher 2099 (1993), #13 *
spider-man 2099, #16-22
spider-man 2099, #23-33
2099 unlimited #8 *
ghost rider 2099 #7 *
spider-man 2099, #34-38
spider-man 2099 special #1
spider-man 2099 meets spider-man #1
2099 unlimited #9-10 *
spider-man 2099, #39-46 *
2099: world of tomorrow (1996), #1-8 *
2099: manifest destiny *
* in early 1996, editor joey cavalieri was fired. it led to the cancellation of the 2099 titles. for spider-man 2099′s case, peter david (creator and writer) chose to resign in solidarity with his editor, finishing his run with issue #44. the last two issues of spider-man 2099 were done without his input and the series ended with issue #46.
* cross-overs are optional reading, they’re grouped together with the original spider-man 2099 issues because it’s part of their collection. 
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non-essential reading (crossovers):
fantastic four 2099 (1996), #4, #6, #8
captain marvel (2000) #27-30
exiles (2001-2008), #72 *
exiles #75-99 
exiles annual #1
timestorm 2009-2099 (2009),  #1–4 *
* exiles!miguel is a variant (not the same from his 1992 run), he’s from earth-6375 here. 
* timestorm!miguel is a variant, he’s from earth-96099 here.
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semi-essential reading (main marvel universe):
superior spider-man (2013),  #17-21
superior spider-man #22-26
superior spider-man annual #1
superior spider-man #27-31
superior spider-man annual #2 
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essential reading (spider-verse event):
spider-man 2099 (2014) #1-5
amazing spider-man (2014) #1
amazing spider-man (2014) #9-15
spider-man 2099 (2014), #6-12
spider-man 2099 (2015), #1-5
spider-man 2099 (2015), #6-10
spider-man 2099 (2015), #11-16
spider-man 2099 (2015), #17-21
spider-man 2099 (2015), #22-25
spider-man 2099 meets spider-man (1995)
amazing spider-man (2018), #32-36
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semi-essential reading (back to 2099):
spider-man 2099 (2019)
spider-man 2099: exodus alpha (2022)
spider-man 2099: exodus #1-5
spider-man 2099: exodus omega
spider-man 2099: dark genesis #1-5
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other media:
spider-man: shattered dimensions (2010, video game)
spider-man: edge of time (2011, video game)
ultimate spider-man, the spider-verse: part 1 (2015, animated series)
spider-man: into the spider-verse (2018, film)
spider-man: across the spider-verse (2023, film)
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this reading guide will be updated should any upcoming projects arise! 
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comfort-clubhouse · 1 year
Comfort Characters
(Wave 1)
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ENA (ENA Season 1)
Kirby (Kirby)
Hello Kitty (Sanrio)
My Melody (Sanrio and Onegai My Melody)
Cinnamoroll (Sanrio)
Oggy (Oggy and The Cockroaches)
Olivia (Oggy and The Cockroaches)
Soft Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin - Soft)
Orbulon (Warioware)
Mario.EXE (Mario's Madness)
MX (Mario 85 and Mario's Madness)
SCP-049 (SCP)
SCP-999 (SCP)
Rayman (Rayman)
Hex (Friday Night Funkin)
QT (Friday Night Funkin)
Nikusa (Friday Night Funkin)
Rascal (Friday Night Funkin)
Rosalina (Mario)
Luigi (Mario)
Count Bleck (Super Paper Mario)
Tippi (Super Paper Mario)
Boo (Mario)
Zavok (Sonic)
Chao (Sonic)
Orbot (Sonic)
Cream (Sonic)
Cubot (Sonic)
SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBob)
Slenderman (Creepypasta)
Splendor Man (Creepypasta)
Lulu (Creepypasta)
Lost Silver (Friday Night Funkin - Lullaby)
Father (Kids Next Door)
Monty Uno (Kids Next Door)
Jaune (Spooky Month)
Skid (Spooky Month)
Robert (Spooky Month)
Bezel (Chikn Nuggit)
Cofi (Chikn Nuggit)
Little Miss Sunshine (Little Miss)
Little Miss Shy (Little Miss)
Mr Quiet (Mr Men Show)
Ragdoll (The Batman 2004 Series)
Question (Justice League Unlimited)
Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Jigglypuff (Pokémon)
Darkrai (Pokèmon)
Snatcher (Hat In Time)
Grim (Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy)
Bread Mother (DHMIS)
Electracey (DHMIS)
Chudd Chudders (Skatoony)
Edd (Eddsworld)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Scarecrow (The New Batman Adventures, Arkham Knight and Injustice 2)
(Wave 2)
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Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot)
Eri (My Hero Academia)
Bubble (Battle For Dream Island)
X (Battle For BFB)
DangerGrid of Doom (Skatoony)
Moxxie (Helluva Boss)
Bendy (Bendy & The Dark Revival)
Sammy Lawrence (Bendy and The Ink Machine)
Baroness Von Bon Bon (Cuphead Show)
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
N (Murder Drones)
Flaky (Happy Tree Friends)
Papyrus (Undertale)
Toriel (Undertale)
Majin Sonic (VS Sonic.EXE)
Mad Hatter (Batman The Animated Series)
(Wave 3)
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Mushi Sanban (Kids Next Door)
Maurice (Kids Next Door)
Dr Nefarious (Ratchet & Clank)
Miraitowa (Tokyo 2020 Mascot)
Someity (Tokyo 2020 Mascot)
Right Hand Man (Henry Stickmin)
Sam (Trick R Treat)
Scar (Alien Vs Predator)
Dingodile (Crash Bandicoot)
Aku Aku (Crash Bandicoot)
Scarecrow (Harley Quinn Series and Happy Halloween Scooby Doo)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Sarvente (Friday Night Funkin)
Wall-E (Wall-E)
EVE (Wall-E)
Grogu (The Mandalorian)
Mr Shark (The Bad Guys)
Zardy (Zardy's Maze)
Robert Englund (Celebrity)
Charles Martinet (Celebrity)
(Wave 4)
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Hank Anderson (Detroit: Become Human)
Luther (Needlem0use)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Blitzø (Helluva Boss)
Collin (Helluva Boss)
Ms Joke (My Hero Academia)
Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia)
EteleD (Wii Deleted You)
Corrupted Mii (Wii Deleted You)
Duck Guy (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Red Guy (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Bingo (Banana Splits)
Snorky (Banana Splits)
Taki (Friday Night Fever)
Lord X (VS Sonic.EXE)
Curse (VS Sonic.EXE)
Hog (VS Sonic.EXE)
Hypno (Friday Night Funkin - Lullaby)
Kapuna-Wa (Crash Bandicoot)
Lani-Loli (Crash Bandicoot)
Pusheen (Pusheen The Cat)
Shirousa & Kurousa (Sugarbunnies)
Pump (Spooky Month)
Spot (Spot The Dog)
Dr Strangeglove (Moshi Monsters)
Jevil (Deltarune)
Dmitri Petrov (Henry Stickmin)
Charles Calvin (Henry Stickmin)
Reginald Copperbottom (Henry Stickmin)
Sun (Five Nights At Freddy's - Security Breach)
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)
Shuey Rhon Rhon (Beijing Paralympics Mascot)
Meilin Lee (Turning Red)
Abby Park (Turning Red)
Zazz (Sonic)
King Shark (Harley Quinn Series)
Mugman (Cuphead Show)
Perrito (Puss In Boots)
Meggy (SMG4)
Scarecrow (Batman The Animated Series and Arkham Asylum)
Harry Hill (Celebrity)
Jaiden Animations (YouTuber)
(Wave 5)
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Moon Knight (Marvel)
Mama (Cooking Mama)
Alice (Pokémon)
Alicia (Pokémon)
Eevee (Pokémon)
Tari (SMG4)
Secret History Tails (Mashed)
Poppet (Moshi Monsters)
Capt Squirk (Moshi Monsters)
Baby Rox (Moshi Monsters)
Gary (SpongeBob)
Sandy Cheeks (SpongeBob)
XR (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
White Hat (Villainous)
505 (Villainous)
PukeyHurlC (Grossery Gang)
Iris (Pokémon)
Pipsqueak (The Lorax)
Dawko (YouTuber)
CookieSwirlC (YouTuber)
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