#x.x not very good sorry
0w0tsuki · 7 months
Hey Ive seen Baeddel used in a lot of your posts but like,, other than a definition of the word I cant really find much on what it means like discourse-wise.
I know its something relating to transfems but other than that im lost x.x sorry for the bother
Basically it started out as an old timey slur for trans women. The word "bad" is rooted from it. In the early 2010s a group of trans women adopted the term and had a community for a very short time before it collapsed and not much information is left over.
Some say that had abusive dynamics. Some say they were just talking about transfeminism like they do now. My sibling swears up and down from their personal experiences with the initial group that they were a group of grifters using queer politics to fundraise for tumblers first big scam, The ARK(C?) Project.
A bunch of anti-transfeminists in their efforts to create the magical word that will allow them to terf-jacket trans women without having it called out as such happened upon the term and used the lack of concrete history/the fact that most of the subjective history isn't too charitable to this original group to fabricate a conspiracy theory that these original Beaddels were an evil cabal of bigoted trans women who never really went away and now operate and sow intracommunity discourse from the shadows for the explicit purpose of weakening the holy divinity of TransUnity.
And while some of them moved on to other terms like "TIRF" and "Neo Radfem" a good portion of TransUnity/Transandro anti-transfeminists have latched onto the term and have doubled down on their intent to use it to create a category of trans women that it's ok to exclude. Out of all of the anti-transfeminists that have come out of this new wave, the ones who build their politics around "Anti-Beaddelism" are some of the most mask-off exclusionists of the bunch. Like look at how they talk about Beadels
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They will list how these groups have a bunch of ties to nearly every anti-queer group they could think of. And then they warn White™(Because everytime they attack trans women they have to pretend like it's a race thing to distract from the transmisogyny) that they mean to need to maintain a sense of hypervigilance around their transfem sisters and read into every laugh, every joke, and every word for the possibility of finding Beaddel rhetoric. This is a manipulative abusive tactic to keep the transfems within their sphere of influence to reach other to other transfems and rely on TME people to tell them what's right and provide community.
I remember on sailorportia's "Anti-Egg discoursers sound just like my conversation therapist" post I saw one of these people referring to the notes section as "full of beaddel dogwhistles" and inviting people to "take a look and educate themselves". Not specifying what the dogwhistles are or how they are dogwhistles. Just vaguely gesturing at the notes section and inviting you to regard anything a vocal trans woman as a crypto-beaddel and anything they say as "beaddel dogwhistles"
These communities cultivate a sense of paranoia. They encourage constant scrutiny regarding anything a trans woman says. Their leaders sell themselves as protectors of the community whose exclusion is a necessary evil to keep online trans communities safe. They are incentivized to keep the term Beaddel definition murky but representative of all the evils they attribute to trans women.
The term in the modern day is largely prescriptive and moreso defined by the reactionary "Anti-Beadelism" movement than it is defined by its history. Only a few trans women have reclaimed the term. When anti-transfeminists talk about Beaddelism they aren't talking about an organized group or community, they are referring to a bunch of individual trans women they have branded with the beaddel slur.
Currently I don't think reclaiming the word is a good move. Not that I disagree with it or think trans women shouldn't reclaim it. It's just that it will do more harm than good for as long as exclusionists control the narrative on its definition. I've seen mutuals have their posts on general transfeminism get completely discarded out of hand because they had Beaddel in their profile name or bio.
Because like it or not the current definition of Beaddels that gets passed around was written by current ex-terfs/transandro nothorses bro and cites TERF resources in their definition. This is the same dude who's responsible for the foundation or the current TransUnity echo chamber and used the influence from creating that community to try and redefine TERF to include trans women for the purpose of TERF-jacketing.
It's why me and some other trans women have been picking up the words trasfeminism to refer to discussions of transfem issues and anti-transfeminist to refer to these new wave of transfem exclusionist. It denies the exclusionists the ability to define our politics for us to outsiders. Also note: If the term trasfeminism picks up in use your going to see a lot of these people switch from "Beaddel" to "Radical Transfeminist" as their go-to anti-transfeminist TERF-jacketing slur
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deecotan · 2 years
Do you have a list of favorite zosan fics? Sorry if someone's asked this before x.x
Hooo boy, this is going to be challenging because there's simply a lot of fics that I like and it's kind of all over the place depending on my mood, but I'm going to make a general list of some of my favorites and a short summary of why I like them.
This is going to be a little long so I'm going to put them under read more!
Sketches of Life (and Love) by Fledgling — An exploration of a headcanon where Sanji likes to draw in his free time. This fic always leaves me with a warm feeling every time I read it because how endearingly sweet it is. It's basically a domestic fluff story about both ZoSan and the Strawhats crew in general.
green with envy blues by adietxt — A cute fic about Zoro being jealous. Jealous!Zoro has been one of those tropes that make me screech like a feral animal every time I come across it and this fic does exactly that. It's pretty short and simple but it captures the characters very well. It's set during pre-timeskip which makes it even better to me because pre-TS Zoro possesses that boyish quality that post-TS Zoro doesn’t necessarily have anymore. 
Old Men Blues by postmoderne — Quoting directly from the fic's summary, “Sanji and Zoro: two ancient fucks (in love).” because this is exactly that, a story about old men ZoSan. Old Zoro and old Sanji are both still as stubborn as ever and it's endearing.
Meet me under the orange tree by candelina — A canon divergence AU where Zoro and Sanji met as kids, as Zeff opened up Baratie in Zoro's hometown. It's an adorable and heartwarming story of little Zoro and little Sanji's friendship. There's also a part two which is also worth reading.
Other fics from candelina: The whole world will know, another fic about old men ZoSan, this one involves Zoro deliberately showing himself to the Marines for god knows what. It's sweet, it's beautiful, and it shows that Zoro is as reckless and idiotic as he is a loving, devoted husband.
Zoro's Boyfriend, Who Lives In Canada by donutsandcoffee — Modern AU, where Zoro's friends try to stop him from believing that his imaginary, totally made-up boyfriend actually exists. Of course Zoro's boyfriend doesn't actually exist, because with the way Zoro describes him he's way too perfect to exist and how can anyone so perfect actually exist? A hilarious story of misunderstandings. 
Other fics from donutsandcoffee: My other favorite stories would be Prison Blues and it’s a long way forward, which serve as both a ZoSan story and a great Sanji character study. 
The Three of Swords by 8ball — A medieval AU with knight Zoro and prince Sanji, a concept that starts to really grow on me after I begin to read this fic. In this story, Zoro is a cursed knight appointed to serve Sanji, a deeply kind-hearted prince whom Zoro eventually pines over. It's a beautiful take of prince and knight AU; devoted knight Zoro is something that I didn't know I need. It also has a sequel. 
Steady, As She Goes by auspizien — I've always loved auspizien's fics and this is the one fic that made me fall in love with their writing. This is a modern AU story where Zoro is an ex-agent with PTSD who meets and befriends Sanji, a paramedic. It's a multi-chapter fic filled with humor, angst, pining, action, and good ol’ slow-burn. 
The Tribulations of Tempation by SweetyGreeny — Zoro accidentally sees Ace and Sanji doing... the do, and then spends days after that feeling shocked, confused, angry, and disappointed.  A simply delicious story of pining and jealous Zoro. There's a slight AceSan in the beginning but the endgame is still ZoSan.  
Other fics from SweetyGreeny: A Siren's Sinking Song, a canon-divergent AU where Sanji is a siren who one day meets a peculiar swordsman from a wandering ship; this story is beautiful and I love the idea of siren!Sanji, but please note the major character death TW. The Burden of Blondes, Sanji finds out that Zoro has a thing for blondes, and for some reason he feels uneasy. A fun story with some good smut. 
(I Want) Someone to Love Me by three_days_late — Sanji is about to turn 17, so he hopes that he can get his first kiss before that. A cute high school AU that involves everyone wanting to kiss Sanji (honestly, who doesn't) but only one person gets to actually do it. 
Other fics from three_days_late: Blood Red - this might be a little biased because this fic is inspired by my comic, but that's also a perfectly good reason why I must add it here; this fic is able to capture the spirit of the comic perfectly. If you want to read a short exposition of Zoro showing his protective side, then this fic is worth the read. The Christmas Swap, a modern AU in which Sanji and Reiju switch partners during Christmas so they can attend their family gathering without having to come out as queer. It’s a wonderful story about family, relationships, and what it feels like to be closeted. The Only Way Out (Is Through), a beautiful Prince Sanji and Knight Zoro story, where circumstances forced them to be unable to be together - and it also has a side Nami/Vivi. 
Curly Angel by APTX (translated to English by NMTD) — In this alternative canon universe, everyone has a guardian angel, and Zoro's just happened to be Sanji. Hilarity ensues. I have to admit that I absolutely love all of APTX's ZoSan fics, but since most of them are in Chinese, if you're like me and doesn't mind reading some really botchy translations of said fics, then you can try using Google Translate to read them.
Let me be your Inspiration by TheWanderers — College AU where Sanji is an artist/painter - another fic that explores Sanji as someone with an artistic streak, but also so much more. It's a beautiful story that starts out with Zoro having to model for Sanji's painting but ends up falling in love with him. I love the way the author adapts the characters' canon backstory into this universe.
Thy Fearful Symmetry by Harubo — A modern AU where Sanji is a tourist visiting a tiger reserve during a family vacation and Zoro is a detective investigating a poaching ring. All of Harubo's fics are godsend but I particularly love this one because the setting reads like a perfect rom-com drama movie about a stressed, overworked chef meeting a handsome detective. There's also a nice tidbit where the Vinsmoke siblings are trying to get along with each other.
Retrogade by Hazel_Athena — Sanji got badly injured after a fight, and ends up losing a big chunk of memories - he doesn't find it too bothersome until he notices how weird Zoro starts to act around him. It's a really good temporary amnesia fic with some really delicious pining!Zoro material.
Done Dirt Cheap by Balderdashfromafool — Basically a Western ZoSan AU, where Zoro is an outlaw and Sanji is a small town chef. This one is fun and lovely, and as someone who doesn’t read a lot of Western-themed stories, I love the way the author describes the Western setting in this fic. 
Each A Love Song by Shadowcatxxx — Sanji is frustrated because Zoro's surprisingly popular with women when he doesn't even like them back. A story of a confused Sanji trying to find love and being the World’s Most Oblivious Man. 
And that's all for now! It got way longer than I initially thought....there are some fics that I exclude, mostly the more explicit, PWP-type of fics, as well as Omegaverse fics, because my taste on them tend to be more specific and self-indulgent as ever. I might need to make a separate post for that, and also like feel free to ask me about them anytime. 
I really hope I've done these fics justice with my summaries. I can't overstate how talented these authors are, so please shower them with love, kudos, comments, attention, etc etc if you have time.
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xaz-fr · 11 months
me, the most forgetful person in the world, forgetting something? Couldn't be! Anyway very overdue lair review for @korppipoika-fr x.x So sorry thank you for your patience
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Look at this dog. I love this dog. Say it with me; you love this dog. I like that you actually went with a pretty bold neck/wing choice as it's easy to fall back on the standard dark or to match it with the midnight coloration of the accent. The tapir is almost a continuation of the neck smoke. Excellent dog.
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Is that another good dog? Maybe. Probably. Look at THIS DOG. Real talk this skin is chef's kiss. Love the simple use of apparel to pull the skin further out of the screen. He's in the woods all alone tho with no one to pet him. Someone should def go give this dog a pet.
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Now what is Charm? Is she the hedgehog? Or maybe one of the chimkins? Or is she just a cloud of smoke and aura?? Love when people use the Invisibility Cloak to make something fun/silly/spooky instead :D
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Unfortunately I love him. Even if the moodboard with Padme's death lake dress has me giving you the side eye a bit. Blue and gold is SO underrated as far as color combos go but its perf.
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Waht's this? Yet anothER GOOD DOG!!?!? You have so many good dogs in your lair how am I supposed to only pick one??? Love seeing an Autopilot skin out in the wild. Love her little hedgehog friend there too uwu
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I love this skincent sm I love seeing it used. When I dressed it I went 'wildfire spirit' and you also went with a smokey smoldering fire motif. Love that. Like a forest fire after a rain and the ground is still smoking.
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nyanbinary-perineum · 3 months
Hi!! Im the same horny anon who asked where i could see more of your cock and i have been edging to you repeatedly!!!
Seriously you're so beautiful, i wanna hol into your dms but im nervous :333
That's a very good anon ;3c
Letting it fill your little head and feeling so good as you do~ ^.^
My dms are 'open' but I'm rather quiet so it's more of a technicality x.x I treat my dms more like a second inbox because I just don't have the social battery to chat all day~
I'm sorry to disappoint on that end x.x It IS there though, but if anything spamming random thoughts at my inbox has more luck tbh :P
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sstwins · 8 months
Femslash Feb Day 7 - Dahlia - Kitty/Cerise
the swap actually ended up working out perfectly guys
i was hoping dahlias would be poisionous to cats and dogs so i could write this story... and they are!
its all coming together this month
i could really use some more ships though if you wanna send some over!
(to the person who suggestion cj and freddie IM SO SORRY i never watched wicked world beyond a few episodes X.X)
Brief Summary: Cerise was very cautious. Kitty was very wild. Maybe their differences were what made them a perfect pair.
Word Count: 440
I’m still accepting ships for femslash feb!!! Send me your fave fem pairs and I’ll write you a fic sometime this month!! (22 spots left)
Cerise had learned from a young age to be really cautious when shopping for flowers. There were a ton of beautiful blooms that were poisonous to dogs, which also included wolves. Obviously her dad probably wasn’t going to eat those, but it was better safe than sorry. Plus, she and Ramona were technically half-wolf, so it was just better to not have those hanging around. Her mom had a big love for flowers though, so she’d taught them about safety. Roses were in. Dahlias were out.
Regardless, she and her family weren’t big flower eaters. But when she’d started dating Kitty, this random body of knowledge suddenly became very helpful.
Kitty was honestly kind of wild. Probably it was because she’d been raised in Wonderland. Cerise didn’t know everything that went down in that place, but she’d come to the assumption that a lot of things there were randomly edible. Including things like pencils, buttons, and flowers. Cerise had absent mindedly picked out an animal safe arrangement of flowers to give to Kitty not long after they’d started dating, but her stomach had still plummeted after Kitty started munching on them. Thankfully she hadn’t contaminated the bunch, and everything was fine.
Frankly, Cerise didn’t know how Kitty had gone so long without getting poisoned. She would eat random things off the ground all the time. She’d had to pull a bunch of things out of Kitty’s hands in the first few months of them dating before the girl finally caught on. The cat had been very insistent that she had some kind of ‘Wonderland Immune System’, but Cerise just didn’t see how eating leaves could possibly be good for anyone.
It was, admittedly, endearing though. Kitty had a very low sense of fear, whereas Cerise’s was extremely high. She’d been raised to always be incredibly cautious, and never put yourself out there more than you had to. All in the pursuit of keeping the family secret. Although she was passing some of that caution onto Kitty, the other girl was also helping her to be more daring. She’d learned how to climb trees and sit on precarious branches. Sometimes, when they were all alone in the middle of the woods, Cerise would even take her hood down and feel the wind on her ears. 
They both had things to learn from the other girl. Cerise wasn’t sure if she’d ever actually be carefree, and she doubted that Kitty was going to give up her wild side. But together, they both encouraged the other girl to do things that were different. And maybe that was what made them a perfect match
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tethered-heartstrings · 7 months
Hey there, I wondered if you had any particular recommendation for hannigram fics? Like, fanfics so good that you wished everyone else would read?
Thanks anyway, and I wish you a very nice time of the day!
i am so sorry i am not a good person to ask x.x with what little free time i do have, i spend so much of it working on my own fics that i don't have a lot of time to read others
but thank you and hope you have a good time of day as well! happy fic hunting
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ihopesocomic · 1 year
That low-empathy anon made me see red a little because like. As an autistic person with low empathy towards people, like really low at times, I'm gonna hope they aren't thinking this about like, other autistic people with such a thing, or adhd folks who have low empathy (Heck, my sister does too). Not to go on a tangent but Storm having low empathy made me so happy, because sometimes I never notice other people's feelings. I'm also a lot of an ass ngl, I have a really hard time being considering of people's feelings, or even feeling what I think I'm supposed to feel in situations. If you told me why am I not crying at a family member's death when other people are I'd be bothered af because wow thanks, but that doesn't make me a .... psychopath. Wow, and you're talking about being ableist, anon. There are actual psychopathic people that exist I am SO TIRED of people throwing that around and I don't even have psychopathy =3=)
Nobody deserves less kindness just because they don't process/notice others emotions the way 'normal' empathetic people do. Nor are those that question said low empathy obligated to be close to us. All we ask is to like, understand it and be patient. The complete lack of empathy towards us that struggle with it don't help one bit. Ironic even.
It makes Hope's patience and willing to banter with Storm's lack of said empathy when we saw it nice to see because I'd give for someone like that. It's upsetting yeah, but nobody with low-empathy is gonna like, secretly hurt you or something or think less of you deep down for thinking differently than us. Storm was really upfront about how she didn't get why Hope would want to live in a situation like that, and Hope gave back her piece on the matter. Hope was willing to talk to Storm about the whole pride thing. Even if it made things a little complicated and awkward given their upbringings (and Storms past experience with them as seen in the recent PMV especially, man I'd love to see that talked about eventually), Hope was willing to discuss it nonetheless. And didn't think any less of Storm afterwards.
I'd even say I have higher empathy for fictional characters than people, because I've connected with them better than actual people, and they don't question my empathy problems and blah blah, I'm rambling rn, but funny how the brain work.
@ That anon, please understand that Low empathy havers don't want to hurt you just because we don't get certain things, and we will not call you ableist if we did hurt you, that has nothing to do with our struggle with empathy, you definitely didn't make yourself look better asking that, and nobody will take being called a psychopath lightly regardless of their empathy level. So I can't say as a low-empathy haver that you are on our good graces with that ask. But please, do your research, ask folks with low empathy what it's like so that you can get different viewpoints, it's a lot more complicated than you made it sound anon, and preferably next time, do not villianize us and deem us as secretly evil or something like that after you do so. x.x
All of this. Thank you, anon, and I'm very sorry that you and others here had to be exposed to that last anon's bulllshit. Normally, we might have deleted an ask like that but sometimes this kind of stuff needs to be called out.
Oh, and if the last anon is reading this: I'm just gonna come out and say you were being ableist. Don't really care if you're disabled or not. How dare you come onto this blog and insult an entire group of real people over fictional lions. The hell is wrong with you? We're not changing our comic to be as vindictive and mean-spirited as My Pride was: deal with it. It's also real funny how the initial criticism of the comic was that it's "too much like My Pride" and now we have to read garbage about how we need more ableism "because well that's why My Pride was entertaining for me" because the comic is heading in its own direction now. Because that's 100% what this is all about. As I've said before: I'm done being nice to people who simply view our comic as the best of a bad situation because it's highly unlikely My Pride will continue. If you like My Pride for its rampant ableism and trivialising oppression for plot beats: re-watch it to your heart's content. Because we refuse to accommodate this kind of mindset and have our comic fill that weird void for you.
If anybody here thinks this kind of talk is remotely OK because "Storm and Hope's relationship doesn't have enough drama for me because they don't trade enough insults over their respective disabilities": piss off. Our comic isn't for you. - RJ
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slimeranch7 · 2 years
*Slides in*
I have a new brainrot to share =w=
Reader is an alquemist, a real good one at that. Everyday they spent hours and hours working on whatever projects they have in mind, forgoing having meals or sleeping in favor of acquiring more trivial knowledge.
Until one day their recklessness catches up to them and they collapse from exhaustion. They wake up under the care of a doctor who reprimands them for being so reckless. But it's clear from the look of pure dread on the alquemist's face that they have learned their lesson.
The alquemist returns to their lab to study and experiment once again, but with a clear goal in mind. To make themselves immortal. What scared the so much? Well, the person who was following them around ever since they woke up.
Death, death itself was following them around. Or how she likes to be called, Hu Tao. She is playful, likes to crack up jokes and pull pranks, even if they are all morbid. She took a liking to the alquemist and decided to meet them before their time. The horror of their meeting was so great that the mortal went back to life through sheer fear. They can barely remember what Hu Tao did to make them so afraid of her and her dominion, but they don't want to find that out.
Hu Tao was a bit annoyed at this but playfully said that it didn't matter, she would have them in her collection sooner or later. This motivated the alquemist to find a way to avoid death forever.
Day after day after day the alquemist would improve their health, discovering remedies and medicine to prolong their young (yet) short life, even if every waking moment they had to listen to the voice of their inevitable end going on and on about whatever topic she wanted to share with them.
But death wasn't as friendly with those around the alquemist. Everyone who even looked at the alquemist would bring upon themselves Hu Tao's scorn, who walked up to those mortals and gently poked them, and immediately, they were mortals no longer. The alquemist couldn't ask for help, no one could see the specter. They couldn't seek comfort from their friends, Hu Tao proved herself very possessive. They weren't even allowed to have pets, as not even the doves that nested on their window were safe. The only person they had available to talk with was Death itself. Thankfully, she was very happy to oblige.
And that's all they did. Talk. Hu Tao never touched them, she only talked. She didn't have to sleep or eat, so she was always around, meaning there was no escape from her presence. The stress started catching up with reader, every day they got weaker and Hu Tao's wicked smile got wider. Until one day they found their answer. A potion. A potion that could grant eternal life.
Hu Tao looked emotionless as she watched the alquemist boast about their creation, banishing her for all eternity from their life. But as soon as they drank the potion, her smile came back and turned into a grin.
"I knew I picked the right human to keep me company."
She said coming closer and closer, coming face to face with the alquemist that was now afraid that their potion didn't work.
"Aya, it worked just like you and I wanted."
She kissed the alquemist, who noticed their mistake as soon as the light didn't vanish from their world.
It's not... written that well x.x it's 2 AM and I had to share this ASAP before it went away. I hope you liked it! And happy new year ^^
*Flops onto bed*
-Lime anon
anon i am actually so sorry this took me forever but the idea was so good i couldn't just leave it blank. happy new years and i hope you n ur fam are all healthy!!
content warnings: DEAD DOVE, threats/talks about death etc
"Where are you going?" Her saccharine voice takes on a mocking undertone. Daring. Challenging. I dare you to run, goes unsaid.
"Away." You mutter, packing a small bag of food and money. Enough to last a week, tops. But after, you'll have to figure out…
"What, from me?" She laughs, twirling her hair idly. "Do you know how silly you sound, right now?"
You do, actually... Your expression sours even more, if that were possible. "I don't care. I'm leaving."
"You're such a child. Running away when things don't work out." 
Your movements freeze coldly and yet your heart bursts into angry flames. Turning around, you muster the most furious glare you can. "I'll have you know that I am a Dastur and a honorable graduate from the Sumeru Akademiya. I don't do 'running away'."
"Was," She emphasizes and your lungs seizes itself. "But they didn't like you all that much after your little stunt, did they, doctor?"
There's not much you can do, back pressed firmly against the door while she crowds your personal space like she always did until you suffocate. You can do nothing but clutch helplessly at the little bag. "Even all those needy little villagers demanding your medicine- they weren't one bit grateful, am I right, or am I right?" She taunts, fingers now tracing your neck, a gesture that should've irreversibly rotted your skin on contact if it weren't for your self inflicted curse. But instead, your body fights with everything to undo her damage, causing a low throb.
It's… true. Your initial enthusiasm about your research as soon as you had graduated was met with scorn and dismissal. And when you pushed for funding, they kicked you out. The word of the Akademiya was worth more than the lives you've improved. No one would shelter a Dastur driven out by the Elders, and you had to rely on your own plant knowledge to survive the first few days with roots and leaves until you figured out how to hunt. 
Family and friends were scattered a across the world. You'd have a better chance getting back into the Akademiya than saving enough mora to book a cramped vessel back to your humble hometown. 
"Forget them." Hu Tao coldly implores as she struts around your shabby office like she owns it. "The moment your family finds out that you've been kicked out, they'll just leave you like everyone else. You know that better than anyone." 
"Don't talk so high and mighty. I'm sure they'll understand, they…" They what? Yes, you're fully aware that you're the pride and joy of the family for making it into the Akademiya. You've heard your parents telling your siblings to look up to you. If you returned without honor…
"They'll understand…" Your movements remain frozen, gaze fixed on the doorknob with the intent to leave, yet you do nothing. “They will.”
“They won’t. And even if you think they do, I’ll show you the truth.” She inches towards a dying plant sitting by your windowsill. It’s barely hanging onto life from neglect ever since you started focusing all your energy into your research. Her fingers gently grace a petal, and almost instantly, the remaining greens wither, granting your plant what you can no longer achieve. “I know you’re smart enough to know what I’m getting at.”
This had been the most direct Hu Tao has ever uttered a threat to your face. Even if your mother and father and siblings welcome you with open arms, you could no longer risk their lives for your own selfishness.
“It was fate that we met. I would know, because I’m always at the end of the line for everybody.” She continues, cruel and callous. “But you. It was your fault that you’re in the state that you are. If you had obeyed your orders instead of pushing for more, maybe you’d be basking in glory instead of living in this little shithole.”
She’s right. If you hadn’t pushed for funding. If you hadn’t conducted illegal, self-inflicted experiments. If you hadn’t-
“They’ll all push you away, in the end. But me? Baby, you know I’ll stay no matter what.” Now she’s back where she was before, almost pressed against you, trapping you with the door of your abode. Despite how annoying she’s been, she’s stuck with you at your lowest, and now you’ve reciprocated by rendering yourself immortal. “Why won’t you say the same to me? Why are you running from the inevitable?”
She’s right. It’s right.
Death doesn’t discriminate. It’ll take everything, regardless of circumstance. 
You’re no exception.
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da3drat · 3 months
Is the original fic where Meri gets the hots for Ayem's statue still canon in this new fic?
HI THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO ANSWER I AM SO VERY SORRY x.x I have no excuses. I am simply Slow.
Yes it is, but dial it back by like... 20%. I want room to build the obsession over time in the new fic so it's a little less 0-1000 lol. Also Meri has done a good job putting the whole thing in the back of her mind in order to focus on doing nerevarine things, and her conversation with Vivec mentioned in the first chapter kind of jostles it back to the front.
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
just a small lil update:
i've written this ooc post, backspaced and rewritten it like... 5 times now cause words are hard.
i wanted to give a small update on blog + ooc activity. i am feeling really overwhelmed, some stress with what i got to do here as i wasn't keeping up with stuff while i had visitors here in sep and i expected to bounce back early oct and that didn't happen due to just burnout with said visitors for the whole month of sep. but i am also having life stress outside of rp which is the main impact of my feeling of being overwhelmed. so... as things still progress slowly as i try to get caught up, my ooc communication is going to be barely present for this week and maybe next week- depending on where i am at mentally.
this means that i will be directing all my energy into catching up on blog stuff, so i can get a starter call out for new moots and reblog memes again once my numbers here have gone down and i feel back on my routine. i was trying to balance out ooc communication cause i love talking to you all! but i've been finding out i'm not really able to balance it out cause both blog stuff and ooc stuff takes my energy and i been very low on it. so i decided to put ooc things on hold, this doesn't mean you can't talk to me - just know i'm gonna be really slow or may not answer and it isn't cause i don't wanna talk, just trying to focus energy on other things... I don't know how to word this so i hope this all makes sense....
i am really sorry everyone about just like having to pick one or the other right now. if i didn't have the real life stress i wouldn't be having to do this x.x so i hope you all understand and i hope this didn't come off weird. i tried wording it in the best way possible.
JUST PLEASE KNOW I THINK YOU ALL ARE AMAZING BEANS AND I SEND YOU ALL THE GOOD VIBES AND STUFF. And once i get caught up with my blog, i will be back around again ooc wise!
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awesomespiritcat21 · 2 years
Sorry I took so long I was waiting on the poll to finish! And it seems like broken Shards/Glass won so that's what the AU is gonna be called. Now again I must warn yall I don't usually write anything and I'm not very good at doing so. So there will probably not be much of that going on. However I will try and get through sketches and drawings if that's something you want?
Here are a few to start out with.
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I'd imagine that while he's still giant he survives the fall pretty decently but not without being stabbed by a crap ton of shards from the star pieces. I'd also like to think that since it stabs him directly that maybe he gains something from it? Like powers or something? Idk. And to keep reading interesting I'm gonna color the text because it's hard for me to read too. If it helps those who have problems focusing on boring stuff like large texts then why not :)
Many things raced through Jack's head as he fell with the shards of the star. He could've sworn his plan would work with the help of those horrible tasting magical treats he carefully packed away. Sadly to his disadvantage he couldn't grab his bag in time to shrink himself. When the star retracted a majority of the shards and himself fell even faster and harder onto the ground of the star-shaped pit. With a loud and rumbling THUD-squelsh.. Jack had landed on on his right shoulder directly on a smaller piece of the fractured star which had pushed into his chest as he settled harshly onto the cold untouched ground. Holding in a scream of agony he managed to push himself upwards only to have a much larger, skinnier piece of the star lodge itself directly into his other shoulder. A rush of adrenaline hit Jack with the most powerful high as he released a yell so loud it could wake even the heaviest of sleepers amongst the giants. His eyes dilated so quickly that he nearly went blind. His stomach churned with uneasiness. Mixed with his sudden quick blindess; that sat horribly with Jack. The horrifyingly strong smell of iron from his blood caught his nose just in time for him to regain eyesight, only to see the shard in his shoulder. Luckily his coat had blocked it just enough from fully cutting off his whole arm, but he would be in trouble if he doesn't do something about it soon. Just then a small vile of a pinkish-red substance rolled out of his bag nearby. Beckoning him to pick it up as it taunted him to have a taste. He hadn't remembered packing that at all, but then again what harm could it do now? He was already down more than six feet in the ground and bleeding out all over himself from the hatred of the star's magical shards plunging into his oversized anatomy. Jack, weakened, scooted himself torwards the vile just enough to grab it with his pointer finger and thumb. He scooted back to where he was originally sitting. The cover of the dimmed shards lodged above him in the wall could provide cover for the dangerous starry glitter that fell with the intent to damage from the twinkling sky. Daring to harm those who got in its way. So why not find out before he fades from exhaustion?
Also if yall want me to keep doing this try to remind me? I'll forget if nobody tells me x.x
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hylias-library · 2 years
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Twilight x f!Reader ft. The Chain
Chapter 1
Warnings: uh. A sword to the neck I guess? The use of the word woman like once. Sorry x.x
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A few years had gone into the land and lots had happened since you fled the cruel grasp of the dark lord. Since your mother left this world behind.
So far Ganon hadn’t looked for you. Or at least that’s what you liked to tell yourself to stay sane. Maybe he even thought you were dead.
Which was most likely the best outcome for you if you were honest with yourself.
You hadn’t returned to the place your mother had died either. It wasn’t the time yet, there were lots of things to do before you were ready to go back.
You had traveled the land of Hyrule, you still did. Having it made your purpose to research, look through old ruins, caves, shrines, looking for something, anything to reach the goal you had set for yourself.
Get a hold of your mother’s possessions and give her the burial she deserved. But for that to happen, you needed to be prepared. You had to go back to the very place you fled once, to claim what was your mothers. You had to face Ganon one way or another and you knew you wouldn’t stand a chance if you didn’t gear up.
You currently were elbow deep inside the intestines of a long-decayed guardian. At least you thought it was one. It looked like the ones described in the old paper scrolls you read in the library of new castle town. The ones telling stories of a Calamity throwing the land in chaos, about a champion who had cleansed the land of this evil after a long slumber, so Hyrule could flourish again.
The story about a princess and a knight, separated by failure and time. Reunited by promise and hope.
It was a beautiful tale to tell, bringing a soft smile to your face. Yet it would always be nothing more than a tale.
You knew of a girl called Zelda somewhere in new Castle town. She was the daughter of a merchant who loved the old tales and legends, naming her after the long resting queen.
Yes, there were records of a queen called Zelda in the past but that was long ago and nowhere were any pages written about a champion. The only thing you knew about him was that a statue of him was somewhere located in the city on lake Akkala, Tarrey town.
Your hand gripped at what you were looking for. Probably. Twisting and turning the metal objects, you finally retracted your arm out of the guardian. You had pulled out an ancient shaft. Good. That meant more rupees for you once you got to the next merchant.
And maybe more information from Tibo if you showed him the thing first. He had a knack for old history and had given you more than a few pieces of information to find relics that could help you defend yourself from Ganon should you cross paths sooner or later.
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It was already noon and you should probably return for the stable soon. But you couldn’t help but keep searching the ancient machines for more parts. The researcher in you had to keep going.
And you’d have a bountiful search, you knew that.
The place you were at was called Fort Hateno. Like the city that resided a few miles further back. It was a place of broken memories and forgotten battles, littered with almost fully decayed machines.
As the sun started to set and your pockets were filled, you finally dusted off your hands and wiped off the sweat on your forehead. A bountiful search indeed.
You watched the beautiful scenery that surrounded you and slowly strolled towards Bubinga Forest, pulling up the hood of your hylian armor, knowing you’d be out of sight for any monster camp nearby.
Being decent in the arts of fighting, you should be ok if you encountered monsters, yet you refrained from doing so except in emergency cases.
Hurting another being, regardless of its nature, didn’t sit well with you.
After a peaceful walk you reached the top of the hill within the forest. A large boulder was located there. A safe place, you could watch the sun set and the moon rise in peace.
You could also see the stable of the dueling peaks. The sun going down right in-between the two giant mountains. A sight you’ve seen more than once and never could get enough of.
It filled you with hope for a new tomorrow.
You didn’t know for how long you sat on the tip of the Boulder, but the moon had already risen and the stable was lit by torches and a campfire. A calm scenery.
That was until you unexpectedly heard a bunch of voices shout through the darkness. Male voices. What would anyone want in this forest at this time?
“You landed on top of me! Get off!”
“Why do these portals always come out of nowhere?”
“This place feels familiar.”
Portals? What was that supposed to mean? You tilted your head in confusion. What on earth was happening.
Gathering your pouches, you carefully jumped off the large rock you resided on and crept towards the commotion near you.
Maybe it was just a bunch of teenagers, having lost a bet, dared to spend the night outside. This wouldn't be the first time you stumbled across a situation like this.
You couldn’t hear anything anymore though. We’re they gone already? But where to?
What you didn’t expect was a blade held to your throat from behind.
A quiet gasp left your lips as you slowly held up your empty palms. Signaling that you weren’t a threat.
You couldn’t see who was holding the blade, they stood out of sight for you. But you didn’t dare to move a muscle, not fond of any form of confrontation or fight.
“Who are you?”
A male voice asked behind you, slowly moving around your body, the blade still kept pointed towards you.
“I could ask you the same. I am not a threat if that is what you want to know. I’m not the one holding a sword to someone's neck.”
So far you could only see a blue tunic. A traveler you supposed. A rather rude one in your humble opinion.
The blade moved, below your hood, shoving the fabric off your head. Exposing you to your captors.
“A woman?!”
There were multiple men who surrounded you. The one holding the sword closest to you. He wore a blue tunic with white decorations, had long hair pulled into a lose ponytail and what shocked you the most, he was littered with scars of varying sizes. The rest you couldn’t see in the darkness of the forest only lit by the moon and the starts above.
The one holding the blade looked a bit disturbed, disoriented even, as he watched the scenery around himself. He seemed more out of it than you were at this point.
The blade slowly irritated you though. Even though the air around you felt tense, you brought one of your wrists toward the strangers blade and shoved it away.
“If you don’t mind. I’m not exactly fond of swords in my face, thank you very much.”
Your snarky remark brought movement to the group. The tallest one stepping closer to you, a scar stretching over one of his eyes strange marks of red and blue coloring his face. Almost like some kind of war paint.
“We’re sorry. We’ve had a long day and lots of unfortunate events happened. We didn’t mean to make you feel threatened in any kind of way.”
You hummed unamused as you raised a single brow. “Well that surely didn’t work out now, did it?”
Some of them shrunk a little into themselves when you let your gaze travel through their rows. Stopping at two of them, who apparently were still children.
With a big sigh, you eyed the long-haired one again. He looked more guilty than you thought he would. So they really didn't mean to act so rashly.
Your soft heart couldn’t stay mad. They were probably exhausted if you could go after the tall one’s words. Everyone has a bad day every once in a while.
“There’s a stable just over there.” You pointed towards the dueling peaks. “It’s safe there and you can rest until sunrise. I was heading there before I…” you raised an eyebrow and pursed your lips. “… got interrupted.”
They seemed relieved that you appeared to not hold a grudge. But now they owed you some answers. And your curiosity only piqued the more you watched them out of the corners of your eyes.
“So… I’d like to know who you guys are. And where you came from. That’s the least you can do after this whole commotion.”
An uncomfortable silence followed.
“That’s a long story we’re not sure we should share just yet.” The voice trailed off…
“Ah… secrets and tales. What unfortunate things aren’t they.” You got it. Really. After all, you sat on a hill of secrets as well. Yet it didn't sound like they wanted you gone just yet. It seemed like they wanted to ask you questions they didn't know they'd get a response to.
Another sigh left your lungs. “I won’t press for an answer if you can’t or don’t want to tell me.”
They really were an interesting bunch. As mysterious as the old land of Hyrule itself. And you had a gut feeling that they’d be a key part to help you reach the goal you needed to achieve. And you wanted to keep them around to find out if you were right. If they could help you find what you sought so desperately.
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You were mere meters away from the stables. This would be your parting point, if you didn’t do something to prevent it. But this was a choice these travelers needed to make. Unfortunately.
“You can rent a bed at the counter inside,” You explained and hesitated for a bit, tilting your head at the group in well meaning kindness. “and should you need a guide to show you around the lands. I’ll continue my journey at sunrise.”
That was all the conversation held before you headed inside the stable, leaving the men behind, staring at each other, unsure and hesitant. Especially after the rest of them noticed the panicked and confused gaze of their companion clad in blue.
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[Prologue]•[Chapter 2] >> coming soon...
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jamessunderlandgf · 7 months
rosalind: 8, 19, 28, 35 <3 (sorry if this sent more than once, technical difficulties x.x)
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8: do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
people have always loved to shorten her name— roz, rose, lind, linds (plural), whatever. she's gotten it from everyone her entire life so her full name is way more rare. lalo also calls her "shark eyes"— cs she has eyes that can eat you. it's hard to look away.
19: are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
she prides herself on her insane levels of patience and how calm cool collected she can be, and has to be when dealing with cartel weirdness. she's also just not super mean or angry in general, she's quite a gentle soul when you get to know her. however— when she gets blatantly disrespected is what can set her off pretty easily. she won't readily show it, but it'll marinate. she's really good at compartmentalizing. until she's not. when mike tells her that she won't see nacho ever again, but refuses to give her the details, is when she loses it for real. she see's that as blatant disrespect— she deserves to know what happened and to be kept in the loop, etc.
28: how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
she will actually show genuine emotion if she cares abt you, so you can see her as a person and not an untouchable, unbreakable shell that feels nothing. so, the opposite is the case for when she doesn’t like someone— they just see her the way everyone sees her.
35: do they ever return home?
she leaves albuquerque very shortly after the events of breaking bad, but before jimmy goes to trial. and nobody hears from her ever again, but there wasn’t anyone left for her anyway. home was a person and he’s buried in the desert. something something walking through the desert on your knees repenting—
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not-poignant · 1 year
thoughts on penny from stardew valley?
sorry if thats random
I don't mind her, but I don't really have any strong positive or negative feelings towards her either. I kind of nothing her sdkalfjas
She very much comes across as a victim of emotional abuse who just wants lots of babies and children, and as someone who personally is absolutely incredibly childfree, I could not be less interested in her character motivations if I tried. She's basically power-banging the storyline of 'how to fix my own mother issues with raising other people's children well and then having a ton of my own children' and it's like - more power to her, and she's extremely sweet as a character, but like...zero relatability. Probably one of the most two-dimensional characters that you can date.
OH, and I also HATE how much she's an ableist asshole to George and the game supports that. So yeah, wants tons of babies and is ableist. Like every character is flawed, Alex is an asshat, Sebastian is rude, Shane is actively cunty towards you for AGES, etc. but given I'm disabled, I take the ableist one personally. I guess my feelings do swing a bit negative now that I think about it. I have to skip that cut-scene every time we come to it.
I skip all of her cut scenes x.x
Like I doubt I could ever put her in a story of mine, unless I was writing characters concertedly interested in having children / raising children etc. and I'm just not interested in that.
So my perspective towards Penny is like 'you're good for the people who love you and I don't really have anything to do with you as a character.' I think the only reason she'd ever really be seen in Stain for example is maybe if Alex walks past Maru and Penny in town, or if Maru brings her up.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 years
I won't argue with you about the goblins in the legacy games and that plotline being… not a good look, whether its intentional or not, but "antisemetic propaganda looks exactly like harry potter goblins" in my opinion is very rocky as proof. To me it reads like correlation, not causation, cuz WOW does similar with goblin design. I find it slightly more possible that the antisemetic propaganda made jews look like that because of the stories of how goblins were and rowling took inspiration from similar sources, not "rowling is secretly antisemetic and matched antisemetic propaganda, but has displayed it nowhere else." (though if rowling has displayed those behaviors elsewhere i'd be open to revising that opinion.)
It doesn't help that the arguments tend to come from the same people who kept arguing orcs in dnd or other fantasy stories, being tribal's who are strong, savage and practice raiding, must therefor represent black people. (Uncharitable even before you consider these media do have black people in them that don't look, act or sound anything like orcs.)
Anyway sorry for rambling in here.
I'm not trying to get too deep into that discourse here, tbh. I'm not Jewish nor am I well-versed in the multitude of conspiracies and propaganda they've dealt with so I don't feel qualified to debate too deep about it. x.x
I'm going off what I've seen other Jewish people point out. The plot itself and the name chosen for the trans character is bad enough on its own.
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tell me about your messy inky i’m curious 👀 (if you want, idk if you haven’t talked about your ocs out of shyness or if it’s a Decision™️ but if it’s the former. I Am Giving You Permission)
HI OKAY SO sorry about the wait I had a really busy week (or three) at work but I wasn't ignoring you I prommy
So I have a ton of Inquisitors but specifically the one I was thinking of is Tristan Trevelyan, my terrible terrible boy from the Wrong Answers Only playthrough. The general concept for that worldstate is "what if I just make the objectively wrongest choice in every instance" and I will almost certainly never actually play it (can't bring myself to do some of the choices x.x) but it's a delightful thought experiment, particularly in the "what kind of person would you have to be to act like that in this situation" department. Just to give you an idea: the Warden in that run DOESN'T rescue the dog from Ostagar. It's that bad.
So Tristan! A nobleborn artificer rogue (really he should be a Champion if we were allowed to cross-class spec, but of the rogue options artificer makes the most sense. He's a tricksy bastard and besides, tempest is too messy and assassin is a little too denial-of-the-self-y.), Tristan is at the conclave because his mage cousin was going with the delegation from Ostwick and he wanted to travel. He learned most of his rogue skills sneaking out of the family home to go get into trouble in town, and he is primarily concerned with his own personal comfort and advancement. Mostly, at least before the conclave, he's content to wait. His father is a pretty powerful noble and he's the oldest son so as long as he doesn't do anything TOO heinous, he'll inherit and then he can do whatever he wants. He's twenty six and unmarried, though he's been kinda lazily courting one of the daughters of a noble out of Starkhaven. He's starting to think his father is taking too long to die/retire and should maybe hurry up, and maybe he needs some help... But only if there's no way for it to trace back to Tristan, obviously.
Then he gets caught up in the explosion and survives, and suddenly everyone's calling him the Herald of Andraste, and he really doesn't need his father's estate if he's in charge of the greatest military force on the continent, now does he? Basically the Inquisition offers him power beyond his wildest dreams and he 100% leans into that shit. He is the gaslight gatekeep girlboss king, and he makes every choice directly dependent on growing the Inquisition's power and thus, his own. He goes "yes actually I WAS sent by the Maker in your time of greatest need, I'm here to rescue you from everything. All you have to do is exactly what I say~"
The issue with him is that he's way too smart for his own good, so he always pushes just far enough to get what he wants and no farther. He's incredibly deft at keeping himself out of trouble by not being held accountable for the shit he absolutely did. Did the envy demon at Therinfall get him? No, he's just like that, actually the demon was a little freaked out by his ambition and ruthlessness. Also, he's unfairly attractive. Appearance-wise I like to think of him as one of those ethereally beautiful people that can sometimes happen when one parent is Chinese and the other one is from like central Africa? I'm thinking specifically of a guy I knew in college who could literally knock me out by smiling in my direction. Anyways.
He's a hanging judge except for when the person in question could maybe help him, in which case he takes their stuff and/or throws them in prison. He loves the skyhold prison, it's huge. The only people in that whole place he gets along with are Varric (zero morals but very loyal, exactly Tristan's kind of guy), Leliana (further hardened), Cassandra (cop), and Vivienne (pro-establishment free marcher who sees a lot of herself in Tristan). Solas and Sera both hate his guts, Iron Bull doesn't trust him as far as he can see him (not as far as he can throw him because he could probably yeet Tristan quite a ways, and his suspicions turn out to be confirmed uhhhh rip the Chargers), and Blackwall clocks him as the type of guy that Ranier used to be (but turned up to 11) in about 30 seconds flat. Cole really doesn't understand him at all, and after a few botched attempts to get in his head (Tristan reacts REALLY badly to that kind of thing after the demon at Therinfall, and Cole was there for that so really all the sweet baby is doing is giving Tristan flashbacks while he tries to help) he just decides to drift around helping other people. Dorian... Ok he definitely sleeps with Dorian but he also says homophobic slurs. Which is not ideal for anyone. Bull tries to kinda protect Dorian from that nonsense at the beginning but after the Chargers, well... It's not good. Josephine is briefly delighted by having someone else competent at crowd control, then she gets to know him and treats him much like people treat the Du Launcets in DA2. Cullen isn't really in a place to have much of an opinion, Tristan is way too much like a smoother version of the worst commanders Cullen has had in the past for him to do a lot other than paperwork and panic attack.
So I feel like @the-chantry-sucks-ass's boy Aeryn would meet Tristan one time and be like "ah yes this is a Prophet of God" and Tristan would clock that in an instant, and especially since Aeryn's best skill seems to be killing the shit out of whatever happens to be in front of him. Tristan would take one look at an incredibly dedicated, very capable, very stabby man and go "perfect, mine now." (And from what I understand Aeryn would be pretty into that...)
Images of the terrible boy are forthcoming, I need to make him in the CC and get some screenshots. For posterity.
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