#xavier acrux
bluelavenderhaze · 2 years
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rainydayssmiles · 2 years
Currently reading Zodiac Academy book 5: Cursed Fates, my feeling include:
I hope Darcy finally puts Seth in his place.
Darcy and Orion are cute but they will get caught soon enough.
Justice for Xavier and loving that Catalina is finally free of Dark Coercion.
Lionel, Stella and Clara need to Die.
We need more Max and Geraldine content.
Diego better not betray the Vegas.
Caleb needs to stop trying to get between Darius and Tory because it’s getting annoying.
And lastly
If Darius and Tory don’t end up together by the end of the series then I don’t want it. I have said what I said, Case closed. No spoilers please!
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nikethestatue · 5 months
Rank all the ZA characters?
That's hard, but i'll try:
Tory Vega (Queen)
Darius Acrux
Lance Orion
Seth Capella
Xavier Acrux
Darcy Vega
Gabriel Nox
Sofia Cygnus
Caleb Altair
Catalina Acrux
Max Rigel
Hamish Grus
Francesca Sky
Lionel Acrux
Clara and Stella Orion
Geraldine Grus
Diego Polaris
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itsagirlwithglasses · 2 years
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✨ B O O K R E V I E W ✨
📖 Zodiac Academy: Book 1-7
✍️ Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valentti
ZA1: 5/5 ⭐️ 2/5 🌶
ZA2: 5/5 ⭐️ 3/5 🌶
ZA3: 5/5 ⭐️ 5/5 🌶
ZA4: 4.5/5⭐️ 5/5 🌶
ZA5: 4/5 ⭐️ 5/5 🌶
ZA6: 5/5 ⭐️ 4/5 🌶
ZA7: 4/5 ⭐️ 5/5 🌶
This whole series is a great concept and I think the authors were extremely smart because I was HOOKED from book one.
The downsides of this series so far have been how long the books are considering the time span in each of them. A lot happens in a short amount of time and the multiple PoVs — although helpful (to really understand the characters) — sometimes made the story a little confusing, and even unnecessary at times.
Now, this series has some of the best characters/relationship developments I’ve ever read.
I want to shoutout some of my favorites:
Seth Capella — the absolute shocker — to me — because I never thought I would grow to love this wolfie boy as much I do and how I’m rooting so hard for him with Bitey C. He’s such a controversial character — specially after the first books — but the way we finally get to see him for who he really is, it’s a total game changer.
Xavier Acrux — I cannot see Xavier as anything other than a little brother and even tho he wasn’t present in the first books he never failed to make me laugh. He’s the clumsiest, most poor timing baby and I came to care so badly for him.
Geraldine Grus — my girl Gerry and her way of speaking is something that I’ll never get tired of reading and laughing along. My heart almost broke in the end of book 7 because I thought we had lost her but to know that she lives it made me truly happy. She is the kind of character that you think will never grow on you but then clings to you like crazy. I love her craziness and her loyalty and how real and humble she is.
Seth/Caleb — tell me why I absolutely hate miscommunication trope but whenever these two come around I just wanna scream. I absolutely love them and I’m always craving their POVs. Although it pisses me off at time I think it is just right for their characters.
Lance/Darcy — talk about a teacher/student relationship! They are honestly so cute together and we all knew they were meant to be together either way but oh my god, not even after being mates the stars made it easier for them! And my heart always breaks for these two.
Gerry/Max — probably the funniest couple/fling ever! Gerry is already a funny character, and then Max is just so soft heart for her and it makes me so happy every time they are together!
Darius/Tory — the ultimate enemies to lovers! But oh no, they are so toxic together! 😂 I still live for all the spice tho, and I felt that with the ending of book 7 things will change even more for them!
The heirs — I was very glad to see the change in all the heirs after the first books once they realized they were all fighting for the same purpose with the twins and not the other way around! Darius was probably the only one who was still too stubborn to see it — even until the end of book 7 — but it made me happy to see the rest of them finally aligning together.
Overall, it is a very addicting series with a lot of things going on at all times. It has the spice, it has a lot of different tropes, and I feel like it is worth giving it a shot!
Prepare yourself for a lot of death, abuse and violence! I feel like this triggers should be taken into consideration before diving into it! ❤️
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vanillycosmos · 3 months
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[OCs] Ongoing OC Profile Seriess
Introducing my ocs that are demons who do demon stuff at my demon realm called Xephyrus (a part of my expanding Acrux universe)
Upper L: Clay
Upper R: Lucia
Bottom L: Damien
Bottom R: Xavier
*Now to do the resttt of my babiess 😣😣🤞
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shipwrexked · 3 years
Bitches be like that's my genre and it's just straight emotional torture for hundreds of pages.
It's me, I'm bitches
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fantasybookfan98 · 2 years
Heartless Sky
I feel so broken after reading Heartless Sky. I dont know what to do with myself until the next book comes out in December. If I wasn’t reading on my kindle, I definitly would have thrown the book at the wall 
How do they give us BlueLance as mates and then immediatly rip them apart. I was so happy then it felt like my heart broke in two. And Tory was supposed to have more time with Darius. So much was left in the air and I need answers. What is happening with the heirs and their families? What is going to happen to Lance during the 3 moon cycles that he is held prisioner by Lavinia. Where is Darcy going to be and is she going to be forced to kill more people trapped as the shadow beast. Will Xavier and Geraldine survive their shadow wounds??
I respect both Darius and Lance for all they have sacrificed for our Queens, but it breaks my heart every time. 
I am really hoping that somehow they all survive this, but I dont see how that is possible.
I just want a happy ending with the Vegas on the thrones, Lance and Darius at their sides as their King Consorts. Xavier, Caleb, Max and Seth as their counselors working with them. I want all the couples to be together Darcy/Lance, Tory/Darius, Caleb/Seth, Max/Geraldine.
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rainydayssmiles · 2 years
My Thoughts of only reading the first 6 chapters of Zodiac Academy book 6: Fated Throne:
First of All Lionel’s and Tory’s Guardian Bond…. Totally discussed and 100% Puke Worthy
Poor Darius….Poor Darcy
Nice Seth is growing on me
Justice for Tory!
The Kingdom is going to Shit pretty quickly.
This version of Orion is pathetic
Yaya! Xavier finally has some freedom… and Sophia blushing because of him is cute.
Catalina needs to get out ASAP!
Lionel did the other Councilors DIRTY!
Clara is still irritating.
I have said what I said…. No spoilers please. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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shipwrexked · 3 years
How am I supposed to go on with my life like Book 7 didn't even happen 🥺😭😱😨!
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