#xbox 360 live chat
lunareclipse555 · 3 months
Hey, this is my first post! I had a blog prior under the same name, but it’s deleted! I still am not used to Tumblr, plus my old blog went untouched for MONTHS! 🙄
🍷 Name
People usually call me Luna or Kat.
🌍 Country
🇸🇪 Sweden! 🇸🇪
🍻 Age
21 years old (2003)
🌹 Gender + pronouns
AFAB, she/her
🧠 Diagnosis
Diagnosed with Unspecified Personality disorder and hypersexuality disorder.
Suspected ASPD and PTSD. The PTSD symptoms were present at younger age and have a tendency to fluctuate a lot and is the reason I entered therapy to begin with.
🎨 Hobbies
Drawing // Listening to music // Playing games // Reading // Playing piano // Live-streaming + VTubing // History // Psychology // Philosophy // Biology // Criminology // Movie + video making (esp. acting & editing) // Baking // Hanging out with people
There’s a lot of things I like to do, and still I’m bored.
❤️ Things I like!
• Call of duty: Zombies | I started playing world at war when I was 6 years old and has been my comfort game series throughout my childhood, ESPECIALLY the zombies game mode. Love campaign and multiplayer too though ❤️
• Horror movies, games, artists and books! | For example I really love Harlan Ellison’s I have no mouth and I must scream, Fran Bow, HR Gigers art. Psychological horror is my favourite horror, however I do love slashers too. Kinda like a brain rot for me, lol.
• American McGees plushies dreadful, I love them! ♥️ | Me and the ASPD bunny do have a love/hate relationship. He’s so fugly ❤️ but I kinda like it, idk? Would still wanna see a redesign too!
• Video game collecting | I love the games I’ve collected! Physically I own a PS1, PS2, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360 and a switch! ☺️ I’m proud of my collection soo far, might upload pics ✨
• Fandoms | Besides previously mentioned fandom’s like CoD, slasher horror and IHNMAIMS I’m in a lot more fandoms! I tend to go in and out of fandoms but for example Class of ‘09, silent hill, team fortress 2, Django unchained, metal gear solid and soo on so forth!
🚫 Dislikes
• People who unironically believe in ASPD/NPD/BPD/HPD abuse. Abuse is abuse, let’s not blame certain disorders for it. There’s sexual, physical and psychological abuse, abusers are abusers. Full stop.
• Self-righteous “empaths” who think they’re far better and more moral than others. Hate them, always have.
• Armchair psychologists, generals or whatever else where you think you’re so much smarter than the actual professionals because you said so. I appreciate knowledge, don’t appreciate unnecessary arrogance.
• People who get emotionally attached to their argument unless it makes sense to do so. I understand if you get emotional over conflicts involving human lives, fine. But if it’s an objective discussion, I’m not going to keep the conversation going if you keep being annoying and repeating arguments.
I’m here to meet others, whether it’s because of mental health, fandoms, interests or whatever! I’m very open to chat and meet new people! ♥️
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dxxxth · 5 months
"I used to use Tumblr back in the day. It was a place where I could be anyone I wanted, where nobody judged me for who I was but rather for the subjects I enjoyed. The rain and music I would play on my Tumblr—decades before LoFi became mainstream—created a sense of peace on my page, even though times in my life were darker than the thunderstorms heard on my profile.
I grew up always wondering why I see things—things that other people don't see. I thought I was crazy, thought I was worthy of being locked away and thrown into some loonie bin. It's like being in an acting class, crying on the floor in a ball, while all your closest family and friends stare into the soul you thought God didn't give you.
It was nighttime. I had just been up all night playing with my friends on the Xbox 360—Uno, of all things, which wouldn't be allowed on the internet these days. It was nearing 4 am. I had one of those huge projection televisions I would play my games on. I'd sit in a chair before my TV, laughing and having a blast in game chat. I got off the game and told my friends I'd see them online tomorrow. None of them were my real-life friends.
I was sort of a bad kid in school. Everyone knew me, but I didn't care to make friends. I guess I was mysterious, which is why people were attracted to me. Anyway, I held the circle Xbox button on the controller to turn my Xbox off. If anyone knows about those early 2000s projection TVs, they usually go straight to a black screen, mirroring myself sitting in the chair before it.
I was… but I was not the only one in this TV reflection. For what felt like minutes, but I can only assume was seconds, there was a small dark figure standing behind me—not reflecting from my ceiling fan light, but dark enough to block out the lime green walls in my room.
I sat there in shock, wondering if what I was seeing was a glitch in the TV or someone who had crept in through the doors of my room. My room was attached to a side deck outside. I leaned forward, hoping to somehow get answers without turning around and getting jump scared by my sister, wearing some Harry Potter costume to scare the living daylight out of me.
I stood up and put my controller on the TV. The moment I turned around—nothing but the blinds on my sliding deck door shifting left to right. I jumped… I nearly wet myself. I ran over, hoping to catch my sister running away from my porch, pulling the door open, only to notice that the door was locked. Not only was it locked, but I had kept a 2 by 4 on the other side, so if someone somehow managed to unlock the door from the other side, I would still be kept safe by them not being able to slide the door open.
It was at this moment reality sank in. This wasn't a glitch on my TV, and this sure wasn't my sister sneaking in to jump scare me during the night. That night, I fell asleep in the living room, which was connected to my room. I woke up in my bedroom, which made me question if that whole night was actually a dream or whether it even happened at all."
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minsarasarahair · 2 years
Vesper be like “I’m not talented and entertaining. Why are you still watching me?” from his Unarchived Drunk stream
Tbh when it comes to technicalities, Vesper is having a hard time to catch up but the good thing is I don’t watch Vtubers when I became fan of him so its easy for me to like him. Instead of seeing the criteria of what a good vtuber is, I see him as a person. Tho I think the reason why I find him likable is he felt like an ordinary guy who’s just doing his best.
He’s barely active in Twitter and rarely interact with his fans. He’s very bad at updating his fans. He don’t retweet art that much and interact with other vtubers except with Holotempus and his senpais. 
The design of his stream overlay is quite simple and probably boring to some. His loading intro and outro are just illustrations and don’t have animation. One of his fan animated his intro for free.
Vtubers otaku find his character design and rigging ugly. Like its not expressive enough and has strong resemblance with Alucard. 
He’s not a singer, illustrator and not the best gamer of Holotempus. His strength is talking but he still need to improve with that.
He barely used his model’s expressions function unless you ask him. 
Very bad at reading superchats. If he missed your superchat, don’t expect he’ll read it. He even disabled getting superchats sometimes so that he can talk with Chat smoothly.
His audio quality is not the best. In the beginning, viewers always complain how he has such a low voice whenever he collab. In his unarchived drunk stream, he’s using a cheap xbox 360 mic yet 4k people are watching him live. He’s also learning ASMR. He want to focus in making relaxing sounds and storytelling ASMR without BFE fanservice. 
Flawed personality. Has anger issues that got him to suspension and tend to be cocky when he get excited. He also make dark self-loathing and self-harm jokes. He also need to improve that.
Despite how charming his model is, he’s the type of scholar who’s pathetic and actually stupid. People find it cute but some don’t like it bc they believe a vampire looking character should sound english/british. If you ask me, I like that he destroyed the stereotype of what a vampire character should sound like. 
He barely touch his character’s lore and talk about more his IRL experience. He love breaking 4th wall. For example, he explained when he flirt with Magni during stream is just a bit. For show. 
He tend to be addictive in streaming and forget other important things. Like he finished playing FTL in 7 hrs and claimed can still keep going without eating. He even joke about not attending the meeting with his manager just to continue playing.
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Despite those flaws, I can’t help but cheer for him. How weird. You can also tell he has decent fandom. When he start singing Top of The World to celebrate reaching 200K subs, I don’t see anyone using the preg emoji in chat or complaining how bad he sounds like. I mean, there are probably weird annoying whippersnapper fans like those who keep mentioning his name in other Holotempus boys stream but most of his fans are mature adults. He said he has more male fans. Fans are fine if he’s not active in twitter as long as he’ll be back. If you see a Vestie saying “He hates us” or “I miss Nowa-oji”, its like a running gag in his fandom bc he tend to ignore or be cold to his fans but he do like his fans okay. I barely see people who’s unhealthy parasocial with him so far. I’m glad the problematic ones left and changed oshi.  
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cryptidsurveys · 2 months
Saturday, August 3rd, 2024.
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(From Thursday's trip to the Mountain Park.) Is it wicked hard for you to sleep when its hot in your room? Omg, yes. Summer is a miserable time for me. I'm an (extremely) "early to bed/early to rise" type of person, so the heat and the light really fvck with my sleep schedule. I sleep the best during the depths of winter when it's dark and freezing cold.
What is your favorite thing to do with your best friend? My best friend lives in California, so we don't interact in person. We mostly exchange memes and videos, and have random chats about whatever.
Are you easily offended? I can be easily hurt when it comes to personal matters and social interactions (although I've become much better at hiding/dealing with it), but when it comes to politics and things of that nature, I really could not give a hoot.
Have you ever acted as tour guide for friends/relatives from out of town? I haven't. I'm not even sure what I would show people.
Do you feel bored with your life? Not at the moment. If anything, it feels like it's become a bit too busy now that I'm at the animal shelter 40-ish hours a week. I'm realizing I need to restructure my home routines in order to get everything accomplished.
What's the most weight you've ever gained from a medication? I've never gained a significant amount of weight from any medication.
How old were you the first time you encountered God? Like, the concept of God? I was so young that I don't even recall it. But if we're talking about a profound spiritual experience, then...I'm also not sure. I do believe in God now, but I can't pinpoint a singular moment that did it for me.
Are you married? I'm not.
What was the best date you've ever been on? Idk.
Do you feel free to post how you feel on Facebook? I don't use Facebook, but I feel relatively free to post whatever I want on Tumblr and Instagram.
Which stereotype do you fit the most? I have no idea. I'm so bland these days.
Who were your favorite celebrities as a child? I've never been into celebrities.
Did you go to prom? No.
If you could rewind time ten years, would you? No way. I do not want to go through all of that all over again.
What is the last song you played on repeat? Idk about a song, but the last album I had on repeat was Precession by Fifty Dollar Dynasty.
Do you own a CD player? I don't.
Do you think you could handle a job in the medical field? Why or why not? I'm assuming a job as a vet tech would count as the medical field. It's nothing I'm planning on doing any time soon, but I might go back to school for that in the future. It would allow me to continue working at the animal shelter, just in a different capacity.
Would you rather edit photos on your phone or computer? Phone.
What is one electronic device you own that you have not used in a long time? There's an old Xbox 360 in the basement that I haven't used for years.
When was the last time you wore a dress or a skirt? I have no idea.
What is your favorite thing about Instagram? I really like the concept of photo-blogging. Along with surveys, it's one of my favorite ways to document my life.
What is the first thing you think of when you see the rainbow emoji? 🌈? At this time, it would be a rainbow cat hide-away that someone recently donated to the animal shelter. It's so cute!
Do you prefer to play chess or checkers? Neither. I don't even really know how to play chess anymore. I used to know, but it's been so long since I last played.
If you had to go an entire week without using any technology, what do you think you would spend most of your time doing instead? I'd probably spend a lot more time at the animal shelter. I'm pathetically lost without technology (especially my phone for YT videos), but full days at the shelter consume basically all of my time from waking until sleeping. I just get up, shower, eat breakfast, chat with my dad for a bit, then head out. And when I come home, I shower, eat, chat with my dad again, and go to bed.
Would you rather travel to Asia or France? Asia (particularly Japan).
Did you have a New Year’s kiss? No.
Are there any words that you cannot pronounce or that you pronounce incorrectly? No.
How much older than you was the oldest person you have dated/had a relationship with? A couple of years.
Have you recently accomplished anything that you are proud of yourself for? Going full time at the shelter.
Are you still friends with any of your exes? Do you still communicate with any of them at all? No.
What is your opinion on people who shop at Sephora for makeup as opposed to buying makeup from the drugstore? It's not something I even think about.
Is marijuana legal for “recreational use” where you live? Also what is your opinion on the recent legalization of marijuana in certain states? It is legal here. Again, I don't really have an opinion. I don't smoke it anymore and probably never will again.
Do you live on your own or with your parents/a roommate? Do you think you’d like to live alone? I live with my dad. I am on a voucher waiting list to get my own apartment, but I have no idea when that will come through. I'm actually pretty excited about it. It's fun to daydream about creating my own little life.
How often would you say you use Microsoft Word? Never. If I need a quick word document type of thing, then I just use Rapid Tables (it's what I'm taking this survey with right now).
After doing your laundry do you leave it in your basket for a couple days, then put it away? Lmao, I never put it away.
When you do a puzzle do you find all the edges first? Usually.
When you’re in the car and you eat something with a wrapper, do you throw the wrapper out of the window? No.
List 5 things that have happened in the last 7 days. (They can be anything at all, anything that’s happened involving you, or your family, friends, partner.)
Volunteered. Alex and Cassie are leaving cattery. Libby and Lara are leaving the dog side. And Darrel is allegedly retiring in February, but he said that last February, so we'll see. Aside from Diane and the new hire Kristen, come September, there's basically going to be a whole new vibe in cattery. I'm kind of excited and kind of nervous.
Went to the Mountain Park on Thursday, then spent the rest of the day with a horrible migraine.
Went grocery shopping on Wednesday morning.
Touched the tip of the iceberg regarding all the current Amberlynn Reid drama (reaction channels + their comment sections are my guilty pleasure trash YouTube).
Made art.
If you found out your ex had a new partner, would you be upset? No.
Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom? Yeah.
Have you ever had sex on your bedroom floor? How about your living room floor? Possibly on my bedroom floor. Never on the living room floor.
When you kiss someone, do you like to play with their hair? Yeah.
Why did you hug the last person you hugged? I forget exactly who that would have been. I hugged a few people at that recent fundraising event for the shelter.
Do you regret sleeping with anyone? No.
Did anyone comfort you the last time you cried? What was your reason for crying? Yeah.
What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? What if I didn't.
Is there anyone that likes you, other than the person you love/like/are with? No.
Who is the 9th contact in your phone? Have you ever hugged/kissed that person? N/a.
How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about? Tired. Slight headache. Stiff neck. But that's about average for me, so I guess I was feeling okay. I felt even better after I showered and ate. I don't recall the first thing I thought about. Possibly the remnants of a fading dream.
Do you still tell your parents that you love them? I sure do.
Random fact about the person you love/like? There is no such person.
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stellarynn · 4 months
Why do I have to listen to hold music that sounds like it was recorded live in a bathroom on some XBox 360 voice chat era mic?? The music itself is like. Fine. But the recording is a literal dumpster fire
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nemobeatrice · 1 year
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Chapter 9: Drama with Sheila
Previous chapter
Narancia's hair was messy. He'd roused an hour ago but lacked energy. What was he doing? Oh, right. He needed to stream for Fugo. That was—Narancia scanned his phone—30 minutes ago? Oh no! He glanced at his Twitter page, his numerous notifications horrifying him.
"Where are you?" pestered one of Fugo's followers.
"Sorry, I'm tired. Getting to it," tweeted Narancia.
He scrolled down to read more replies and spied Trish's comment.
"Luckily, Fugo asked Sheila if Narancia didn't wake up soon. Unfortunately, she's sleeping. I have this under control. Today, I'll be playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 2," she tweeted with a link to her Twitch.
"C-Call of Duty?" Narancia blurted, almost dropping his phone. Trish had never touched a Call of Duty game, so why would she now? Curious, he turned on his PC, began streaming, and hopped on Xbox to start Minecraft. He invited Trish to a party.
"Hey, Trish! You're playing Call of Duty? Hold on! You still have for 360?" he inquired while wandering around aimlessly in Minecraft.
"Yeah. Mother wanted me to get rid of something old, but I need the 360 to play Assassin's Creed Rogue."
"Why? You've never played it before. You haven't even played the first game?"
"Because I can. Sheila gifted it to me, and Fugo streamed Call of Duty before Giorno visited. What was that dude's name? Mason. Yeah, he gets brainwashed into killing JFK. It didn't work right away, but at the end, the game implies he assassinated him."
"How do you know this? You don't have the achievements on Xbox. Did you play this on PlayStation?"
"I never played it. I watched Sheila play it. I always support my girlfriend. Anyway, can you believe Fugo and Giorno are in Disneyland? I'm so mad! I wanted to go!"
"I know. Same." Narancia sulked and then got angry. Before they had met Giorno, Fugo and he swore they would travel to Disneyland one day together. He didn't consider inviting him. Instead, Fugo alerted his followers on Twitter that Narancia would stream for him. He didn't call or ask until after that tweet. Since they were friends forever, Narancia agreed. "It's not fair! He didn't think of me!"
"Don't worry. One day, we'll all go. However, we all have to get there by car."
"What, scared of planes?"
"No. I just want to visit some cities on the way there."
"So you could spend all our money before when can get to Disneyland?" he joked.
"Hopefully, we don't have to spend that much. We need to post often on social media."
"So, we should let random strangers know our location?"
"What? No! I don't let anyone know my location. I always queue or schedule posts to throw people off. Oh, hold on, did you send a going live tweet?"
"Are you my social media manager now? Of course I"—Narancia looked at his Twitter account and realized he didn't send one—"didn't." He also forgot to pay attention to the chat. Once he did, someone on his chat discussed how flaky Sheila was. "Hey, hey, hey! We didn't expect Fugo to go to Disney suddenly. Normally, Giorno would stream should anything happen to Fugo. If something were to happen to Giorno, then I would stream. Sheila— What was Sheila doing, Trish?"
"Well, I had to return home, so I assume Sheila played a game all night to cheer herself up. Why? What's going on?"
LittleFeet, the user who called Sheila flaky, ranted in Narancia's chat for a bit. "Oh, check her Twitter," he typed after calming down.
Curious, Narancia looked. Sheila had tweeted angry tweets about Illuso, and Narancia didn't think some were genuine.
"Hey, Narancia," Trish said, "I peeped into your chat. I didn't know. Ban that guy. Since you're streaming, I'll end mine. I'll moderate your chat while I handle Sheila and convince her to take down her tweets. I've thought a lot about that time on the beach. We should be careful with what we post."
"YOU GUYS HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!" LittleFeet typed before Narancia banned him.
"Was that—you know who?" he asked.
"Clara's ex? I had him banned. This is another account."
"Do I have to worry about him?"
"Ignore him. Also, I would've banned him sooner, but I'm not a moderator. Could you make me a mod?"
"Yeah, sorry. I've been lazy. I don't know why some bums would go on someone's chat to send hate messages. Never saw it as a priority."
"You don't stream frequently to get enough hate messages. Do you have Nightbot moderating your chat?"
"What now?"
Trish sighed. "I'll explain later. You're playing Minecraft, right? Did you notice something?"
"Huh? Uh." Narancia stopped moving in Minecraft and spotted a building. "Did you make that?"
"Yeah. After I finish this mission, do you want me to join you? Some days ago, Fugo, Giorno, and I tamed some cats somewhere. We can get you one."
"Thanks, but could we also get a dog?"
"A dog? Oh, I need to find Sheila a dog! Hold on! I'm posting an after-stream tweet!"
"Take your time," Narancia said while building a tree house. He had so many saplings and bone meal in his inventory. Maybe he should work on Minecraft buildings off-stream and share screenshots of completed works. "I'm building a tree house."
"Alright, let me switch consoles." Trish got off her 360, causing her to leave the party, and rejoined on the Xbox One.
"That was fast." Narancia checked her Xbox status and saw she was already on Minecraft. "Wow."
"What can I say? I love the game. I love creating things."
"Maybe we should create a world where we just build things."
"Not right now, though, because—" An Xbox notification popped up on Narancia's screen, saying Sheila was on. "And there she is!"
Trish wasted no time inviting her.
Sheila joined and yawned into the mic. "Damn, I slept late. I deleted the tweets, by the way. Alright, I'm on Minecraft. What are we doing again?"
"We're getting cats and dogs!" Trish answered. "Except I already have a cat. Narancia wants one and a dog. What about you?"
"I just want a dog. I don't care about the cat. Wait! I still don't care about the cat, but it's nice to have one around the house."
"Alright, everyone. Follow me!" Trish said. "Except that you and I need to find Narancia."
"I'm at this random building with slime blocks you jump on."
"I'll show her where it's at. Sheila, come on! I made a room for you and me."
Sheila and Trish arrived a few minutes later. Narancia followed Trish to tame some cats. Afterward, they returned to their base.
"Narancia, that's a lot of cats," Sheila commented. "Are you sure you need that many?"
"Yeah, I'm going to build lots of buildings. I'll make this base bigger and better."
"You could make the base bigger and better," said Trish, "but wouldn't you need help decorating?"
"Of course, you're welcome to help!"
"What about me?" Sheila asked. "I'm not good with anything."
Narancia heard Sheila's phone notifications going off.
"Nonsense!" Trish objected. She must not have heard it or ignored it. "You're good at finding things. When I thought there were no diamonds in that tunnel a few weeks ago, you proved me wrong."
"That was just pure luck. And— Hold on. What's with these notifications? H-hold on. Why is Illuso harassing me?"
"Illu—" Trish covered her mouth. Name-dropping someone on stream causes drama, which she'd rather avoid. "Ill— Ill— Delusional guy who keeps harassing you? Yeah, that guy is harassing you again. But didn't you block him?"
"I did! He made another account. Oh my gosh! I deleted everything about you!"
Narancia watched his viewer count increase by one.
"I have people in my DMs telling me to kill myself," typed Twitch user MirrorFeet.
"Um, what exactly did you say?" Narancia questioned Sheila.
"Okay, I may have told some lies, but at that time, I was upset."
"Sheila, I'm sorry, but you and your sister drop it."
"Excuse me? But Illuso could've explained why he broke up with my sister. I was there. She was happy on the phone until she sobbed a few minutes later. You should've been with me! You can see why I tweeted what I tweeted. You don't break up with someone like that!"
Narancia sighed. "Hey, Trish, I know you don't like it when someone name-drops, but, Illuso, do you fart?" He banned him before he could say anything else. "We can keep going all day. Send your fanboys. Hey, can we hurry and find some wolves to tame? I'm going to name the grumpy one Illuso."
"Oh boy," Trish said. "Fugo's going to hear about this."
Fugo held Giorno close, helping him get off the roller coaster ride. He groaned and had a hand near his mouth. He wondered if Dio was sick like him, but he seemed unfazed. Perhaps it did not amuse him.
"Hmm, perhaps I'm too old for this," Dio commented. He then looked at his son. "Oh, is something wrong? Did the ride bore you to where you got sick of it?"
"I think I need to go to the bathroom," Giorno said, rushing to a nearby restroom. One was nearby, where a black-haired girl with two buns and a braid held onto her mother's hand. There wasn't a line, meaning they were waiting for someone.
"Is that—" Dio spoke. His eyes widened. "Wait! Giorno, don't go there!"
He didn't listen and kept going, bumping into a buff Japanese man with a hat.
Giorno didn't stop to apologize and went in. Fugo followed, standing near a sink while he vomited in one of the stalls. He noted Dio didn't follow them in. Makes sense. Had he gone in, Giorno would've noticed that he couldn't see Dio's reflection in the mirror.
"Dio!" Fugo heard somebody yell.
"Jotaro!" yelled Dio.
Giorno got out of the bathroom.
"Are you alright?" Fugo asked.
"Yeah. What is going on outside?"
"I don't know."
"Let's check."
They left the bathroom and could feel the tension between Dio and this random Japanese guy.
Giorno stepped in, standing next to his dad. "Who's this?"
"Some guy I don't like."
Then, a man with metallic arms pushed a guy in a wheelchair.
"Jotaro!" the man in the wheelchair waved. "And— Dio?"
The guy with the metallic arms furrowed his brows. "You!"
"Pfft, what are you guys doing here?" Dio asked. "Also, what happened to you, Polnareff? I don't remember leaving you in that condition."
"Some guy with pink hair accidentally pushed me down the stairs." He looked at Giorno. "So, this is one of your other kids? Huh, I like this one. He seems well-behaved, unlike your other sons you abandoned."
"Abandoned?" Giorno parroted and stared at his father for answers.
Dio sighed. "Let's go. I never want to see you people ever again!"
The three blonds walked out of there in a rush. Giorno would've asked questions, but he knew that conversation irritated him. Instead, he smiled at Fugo.
"I might have brothers," he whispered to Fugo. "I wonder if what Polnareff said was true."
"I can hear you," Dio said. "Forget about your brothers. Ugh! How did they find out about them? Hold on, I'm calling some people."
While he was on the phone, the blond boys' phones went off simultaneously. They were all Twitter notifications.
"Ugh, I'm getting sick of this bird app," Fugo complained.
"Agreed," Giorno said. "Let's ignore them. We are on vacation, after all."
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idolaxhcrt · 1 year
Miki Hoshii
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★~ Name:星井美希 (Hoshii Miki)
★~ Age: 15 ★~ Height: 161 cm ★~ Weight: 45 kg ★~ Birthday: November 23 ★~ Blood type: B ★~ Three sizes: 86-55-83 ★~ Handedness: Right ★~ Hobbies: Friends, Nail Art, music, gaming, and eating ★~ Horoscope: Sagittarius ★~ Hometown: Kanagawa ★~Series : Idolm|@|ster Million live, Idolm|@|ster
Tagged~ Onigarimikisan
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Interesting facts
★~ Miki loves onigiri, especially the ones her mother makes.
★~ Miki has a strong passion for cellphone accessories.
★~ Sometimes Miki thinks of Chihaya Kisaragi as an older sister or a role model.
★~ Even though considered to be very lazy, when it comes to running away from something, Miki can be extremely fast.
★~ Miki is confident in herself and in her body, and because of that she doesn’t mind wearing revealing stage outfits or people looking at her.
★~ Miki has the kanji for “star” (星) in her last name (星井), so she tends to have many star elements tied to her.
Hi! Hi! Um, Miki is Hoshii Miki! It's been half a year since Miki's debut, and Miki is 15. Miki has an especially cute face, and Miki's chest, well... Miki's hobby is chatting, and recently, Miki suddenly really likes romance novels! Um, Miki's tired, so ending here is fine, right? Huh? No? Well, if you insist. Miki really didn't like putting in effort until a little bit ago, but recently, Miki's been working pretty hard! |Mun side note, I find it hard to address miki's talk in 3rd person so I stick with I or me, just becouse hearing her say miki all the time can get annoying to people XD|
Miki Hoshii, also known as “The Visual Queen” by her in-game fans, is the main heroine in the Xbox 360 release of the game, aside from Haruka. At age 14, Miki is a very lazy and laid-back character, never taking anything seriously.
She has above average grades in school, as well as good looks for her age, which makes her receive many confessions of love from boys at her school. Because of this, Miki believes she can reach top idol rather easily.
Before her debut as an idol, Miki slept all day at 765 Production, and skipped her lessons from time to time.
Miki’s family consists of herself, both her parents, and an older sister. Miki’s father is one of the senators of Japan, and her mother is a mayor in the neighboring town. Both her parents tell Miki that due to their jobs Miki doesn’t have to worry about her future and can live a relaxed life, and this is one of the reasons why she is always so lazy. Miki’s older sister is called Nao (菜緒) and is very successful, studying in college to one day become a high school teacher.
Even though Miki is a very lazy person, sometimes she will do anything in her power to be better than her older sister. Regardless of what design she wears, she wears a silver necklace with six stars with her name on the middle.
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Aida wanted my Xbox account: Part 2
So although AIDA was on my xbox 360 friendslist, we didn't talk a whole lot or hang out much. They had added me, one time sending me a selfie (hispanic male sex, overweight with curly hair), via the xbox camera and sometimes I'd be in a party chat with several others for content but most of the time we weren't talking cause they were a jerk to me during this time. Didn't hear from them for a good few months then out of the blue right as I booted up a game I had just bought on Xbox Arcade, After Burner Climax (10$ game), I get a private voice request from AIDA and I was very confused since I've never had a private voice chat with them before only been in party with several others. I go in and they start asking me for my 360 account, I kid you not. They were saying things like "Nah it's safe you don't gotta worry it's just game sharing". Keep in mind I do not talk with this person and was never close with them, and they are straight up asking my account just so they can play a 10$ xbox arcade game. They tried real hard for a solid 15 minutes to convince me to give them my password and I declined and left the chat and that would be my last voice chat encounter with them. It was one of the strangest moments I had on Xbox Live.
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rajeshkuofficial · 2 years
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nutsonline · 2 years
Fallout 3 product key gfwl
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The service has since been put into 'Legacy Mode' as the marketplace is no longer available, and so all product keys work for nearly all games (the only game I found that not to be the case was Tinker). Games for Windows Live games required a product key to 'connect online'. Games for Windows just shared the same banner on physical game cases, and went through a specific criterial first in order to do so, including supporting an Xbox 360 controller, being fully compatible with Windows Vista (and newer), their 32 and 64bit editions, and the Drivers built for them.
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Games for Windows Live included a connection to the Xbox Live service, which had the whole friends/achievement/cloud save system that the 360 had. Games for Windows is not the same as Games for Windows Live. Click here for a list of other gaming subreddits. Posts and comments, whether in jest or with malice, that contain racist, sexist, homophobic content, threats, or other forms of toxicity will be removed, regardless of popularity or relevance.įor a more detailed explanation of these rules, click here. No Kickstarter, crowdfunding, et al project "reminder" posts. No referral, affiliate, livestream, and/or survey links. This is not the place to spam your channel or stream. No screenshots of websites or Twitter.įollow the rules of promotion. No general URL shorteners (bitly, tinyurl, etc). Submit only the original source of the content. No Giveaways / Trades / Contests / Items for sale / Donation Requests Mark your spoilers and NSFW submissions, comments and links. No bandwagon/raid/"pass it on" or direct reply posts. Note that we do not allow non-gaming meme templates as submissions. Submissions must be directly gaming-related, not just a "forced" connection via the title or a caption added to the content. Interested in applying to be on the mod team? Fill out an application here! Community Rules Directly messaging individual moderators may result in a temporary ban. Only message the team via the link above. Simply message the moderators and ask us to look into it.ĭo NOT private message or use reddit chat to contact moderators about moderator actions.
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If your submission does not appear, do not delete it.
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wmgreys · 2 years
Cheat engine mac 2017
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#Cheat engine mac 2017 for free#
#Cheat engine mac 2017 how to#
#Cheat engine mac 2017 software#
#Cheat engine mac 2017 code#
#Cheat engine mac 2017 code#
each code line has to start with the $ character otherwise the code is not enabled.
codes will be stored into a txt file named CHEATS.TXT placed into the VMC game folder (each game will have his own dedicated CHEATS.TXT file).
Some basic rules about the cheat engine : Although not officially supported by ROBLOX themselves, the client source code is also available on GitHub.POPStarter has an embedded cheat engine that supports Gameshark/Action Replay PS1 codes (PS1 RAW codes of types 30, 50, 80 and D0 are supported).
#Cheat engine mac 2017 for free#
ROBLOX also has a game engine called "Build" which can be downloaded for free to those wishing to develop games for their website. ROBLOX has official clients for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
#Cheat engine mac 2017 how to#
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If you want free robux on roblox instantly, then this software will certainly help you out a lot. There are no downloads required for this software so you will not have any issues using it. This one will feature the same show as Roblox Top Model and will be aired on a weekly basis. On March 6, 2018, ROBLOX released their fifth YouTube channel called "Roblox Top Model 6". Also that month they released a collaboration with the popular web comic Homestuck which is called Homestuck Adventure Game. In February 2018, ROBLOX released their fourth YouTube channel called "Roblox Top Model 5" which features season 5 of the same show as Roblox Top Model. These will include other famous gamers and YouTubers. This channel features a series of Epic Adventures which are adventures that will feature a group of friends going on all sorts of amazing adventures. In November 2017, ROBLOX released their third YouTube channel called "ROBLOX Explorers". An early attempt at an iPhone port in 2010 was unsuccessful due to concerns over the stability of the platform and a lack of toolchain support. As such, there are unofficial ports of ROBLOX to other platforms not supported officially by ROBLOX such as Xbox 360, Raspberry Pi and Tizen. Although not officially supported by ROBLOX themselves, the client source code is also available on GitHub. You then pick a place for your person to live and earn money to buy more food and other items. In RL, you can create your own avatar with different types of clothing and hair to customize it. There are a few different types of games you can play on roblox however, the most popular type of game is called Robloxian Life RL. Lately, many of the people I know have been playing roblox games.
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pinerspiritual · 2 years
Turtle beach x12 xbox one chat adapter
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Compatible with various Turtle Beach headset mics from the in-line amplifier to the Xbox 360 controller for Xbox LIVE chat.(Alert:this cable is only used for Xbox 360 controller,do not support Xbox one controller.) 3.94 Feet (1.2m) length 2.5mm male to 2.5mm male Straight Talkback Cable for Xbox 360 Controller.They are not necessarily endorsed by the OEMs. ienza products are developed as cost-effective alternatives to OEM parts. may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws. Use of the ienza trademark without the prior written consent of ienza, LLC.Not compatible with Astro Headsets but may be connected with MixAmp. Our Guarantee: If you are not satisfied with the product you received, send it back to us within 30 days and we will issue you a refund! 3.Compatible with other headsets that use with 2.5mm female connectors. *Requires RCA OUT (stereo) jacks on television or audio receiver. Ear Force Stereo Headset Compatibility*: PX3, X12, X11, XL1, X32, X31, XP300. Ear Force Surround Sound Headset Compatibility: PX5, PX4, XP500, XP400, X42, X41, DX12, DX11, DXL1, Call of Duty Black Ops II TANGO, Call of Duty Black Ops II X-RAY, Call of Duty MW3 Delta.Compatible with Turtle Beach Headsets with 2.5mm jack used for Xbox 360.2.5mm 3-Pole Male to 3.5mm 4-Pole Male audio jack adapter.Go Time Gear Life Tent Emergency Survival Shelter – 2 Person Emergency Tent – Use As Survival.Īdjustable Turbo Actuator For Ford F250 F350 F450 Super Duty 7.3L GTP38 Turbo 33PSI Instant-chill Replacement Earpads for Turtle Beach Stealth 700/600/520, Audio Technica ATH-M50X /. Talkback Chat Lead for Xbox Live - for Turtle Beach & Astro Gaming HEADSETS – Cordable 1M Lead. Continued abuse of our services will cause your IP address to be blocked indefinitely.2.5mm to 3.5mm Headset Adapter Chat Talkback Replacement Cable for Xbox One, PS4, Turtle Beach.Ĭomfortview Women's Wide Width The Sienna Bootie Embroidered Ankle Boot - 9 M, BlackĪrmycrew Rasta RGY Ribbed Deep Crown Dreadlock Cotton Beanie Visored Hat - Navy Rastaīeyours® 2.5mm male to male Straight Talkback Cable for Turtle Beach Gaming Headsets 3.94.īeyours 3.5mm male to 2.5mm male Talkback Cable for Turtle Beach Gaming Headsets 3.94 Feet(1.2m).Īncable Replacement Talback/Chat Cable for Turtle Beach Headset, Xbox One Only, 3-Feet 3.5mm Male to. Please fill out the CAPTCHA below and then click the button to indicate that you agree to these terms. If you wish to be unblocked, you must agree that you will take immediate steps to rectify this issue. If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. Overusing our search engine with a very large number of searches in a very short amount of time.Using a badly configured (or badly written) browser add-on for blocking content.Running a "scraper" or "downloader" program that either does not identify itself or uses fake headers to elude detection.Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images (such as an emulator front-end), while overloading our search engine.There is no official GameFAQs app, and we do not support nor have any contact with the makers of these unofficial apps. Continued use of these apps may cause your IP to be blocked indefinitely. This triggers our anti-spambot measures, which are designed to stop automated systems from flooding the site with traffic. Some unofficial phone apps appear to be using GameFAQs as a back-end, but they do not behave like a real web browser does.Using GameFAQs regularly with these browsers can cause temporary and even permanent IP blocks due to these additional requests. If you are using Maxthon or Brave as a browser, or have installed the Ghostery add-on, you should know that these programs send extra traffic to our servers for every page on the site that you browse.The most common causes of this issue are: Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests.
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nahasfresh · 2 years
Why doesnt rockstar release gta v for mac
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You can find that activation crack key in your game folder. Real Police Try Escaping 5 Stars in Grand Theft Auto V. Gta V Activation required Fixed 100% with.
Gta V Activation Code Generator Pc Gta V Activation Code Social Club Free Play How to Skip Activision/Social Club Sign In in GTA 5 - Duration. Receive help with your Rockstar Games technical issues – Use our Knowledge Base Articles and receive assistance via Callback, Chat, Email, and our Player Supported Community. The characters carry on their daily lives in Los Santos, and each has his own story path which intersects with the others for key moments of the game and specific missions. Related Questions How do I reset my GTA 5 Online account? When in-game press start(esc) online swap character, 2nd slot should be free and allow you to make a 2nd character. Rockstar tells the story of Grand Theft Auto V from the eyes of these three, and gives players the opportunity to switch seamlessly between the trio in their open-world.
Once your key code for activation is generated, the. The long awaited Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V) for PC has been released, which got us thinking Will GTA 5 ever be released for Mac Will GTA 5 ever come out on iPhone or iPad And why do Apple. And my game stop working, means that I keep tried to play, clicked on play, and did not lauch my game. I am ony use for gta 5 and rust Idk if you guys have the same problem, but I used to play GTA before they deleted it from Geforce Now. Just follow the steps on screen and select the PC as your play system, then generate the unique keygen code in our encrypted server. I want it fcking back The only reason I used it is becuz gta v. Yeah, if your play platform is the local desktop computer, the generator can still generate the working code key for PC players. It is primarily developed by British development house Rockstar North (formerly DMA Design), and published by its parent company, Rockstar Games. Later titles were developed under the oversight of brothers Dan and Sam Houser, Leslie Benzies and Aaron Garbut.
No platforms for the game have been announced yet, but hopefully the game will be released on Wii U along with Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is a series of action-adventure games created by David Jones and Mike Dailly. Rockstar has announced that it will be showing off the worlds first trailer for Grand Theft Auto V on November 2nd. With that said, it’s unlikely that the game will arrive on Xbox One either. Speaking in a recent interview, Rockstar’s Dan Houser revealed that the studio is not interested in bringing the game to the PlayStation 4. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. Nintendo Wii U: Grand Theft Auto V Trailer Coming November 2nd. Rockstar has revealed that they are not interested in bringing Grand Theft Auto V to next-gen consoles. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. How to Skip Activision/Social Club Sign In in GTA 5.
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epimmorg · 2 years
Xbox 360 roms f
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The sober and straightforward design of the website helps improve the user experience on the site. They are presented right in front of you. This is one of those websites where you would not have to search for the best games.
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I’m sure you will be admired for the classic PSP video games here. Just download the PSP ROM file and a suitable emulator to play on your device.
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It is the best place to enjoy playing the Playstation Portable ROMs by video game emulation. You can get exciting games on Android, Mac, PC, or iPhone, no matter what device you have. This game download website has massive PSX Consoles and ROMs to download.
#Xbox 360 roms f for free#
Once done, sit back and enjoy the gaming experience you have long been waiting for.Īre you looking for a legit website to download a huge list of Playstation 3 ROMs and Emulators for free and unlimited? If yes, you must visit Romspedia. The website has almost all the most popular games of Xbox360.Īll that you would have to do is to search for the game that you are looking for and then hit the download button and follow the simple steps ahead to get the game downloaded. If you are looking to have a simple interface to download the best game for yourself, then you would have to check out the Games Mountain website. Thus, here, I would like to help the users with some of the best websites from which they can download their favorite games free of cost. However, at times the users find it hard to lay a hand on their favorite gaming console. Xbox 360 games continue to be the favorite among the game lovers and the gaming addicts. Also, the user gets the advantage of Xbox Music with millions of tunes and music from around the world, and Xbox Video for downloading movies and videos. Xbox 360 also gives you a free subscription to Xbox Live, which is an online platform for live gaming and downloading.
Graphic processing unit used: 500 MHz ATI/AMD Xenos.
Memory used: 512 MB of GDDR3 RAM clocked at 700 MHz.
Three sizes of memory units and five units of hard drives(20,60,120,250 and 360 GB) are also included in the package to match the design of the console. The accessories provided with this Xbox360 console include controllers (both wired and wireless), faceplates for customization, headsets, and webcams for video chatting. Some of the many other games launched by the brand are ‘Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter,’ ‘The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion’, ‘Dead or Alive 4’, ‘Saints Row’ and ‘Blue Dragon.’ Stay tuned to find out from where you can download these for free. Another of the games, ‘Gears of War’ launched by Xbox 360, would have topped the list with 3 million sales in 2006, leaving COD2 far behind.īut ‘Halo 3’ surpassed ‘Gears of War’ in 2007 with over 8 million unit copies sold. Out of the tons of games that the brand had launched, the best selling game in 2005 was Call of Duty 2, which sold over a million copies all around the world, creating a craze among gamers around the world. Let me have a few words about Xbox Games! Xbox 360 Games Released publicly in 2005, the video console Xbox 360 saw nearly 85.8 million units of sale.Īlthough it was trendy due to the high-end graphic games, it launched, in 2016, Microsoft officially announced that it would stop the production of Xbox360. The second edition and the seventh generation gaming console was the Xbox 360 video gaming console which we will discuss today in this article.
#Xbox 360 roms f series#
The first console of the series of three was named Xbox. This company had released a series of these video gaming consoles in the sixth, seventh, and eighth-generation eras. Xbox is Microsoft’s video gaming brand topping popularity lists right after Sony’s Play Station. Are you looking for freeload Xbox 360 games? You have reached the right place to know some best sites to download Xbox 360 games free of cost.
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greysmt · 2 years
Deus ex mankind divided
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Not only do accountant You-tuber's exists, but they do React videos! We also talk about some podcast recommendations, how we'd get thrown of a cruise/plane, Google killing off useful services, the rand nerds action figure range, Ninja stealth mode ram and Generation 'Alpha' We also briefly talk about 'Golf with your Friends' and which game engine you should use. Skazz sons has now reach the first age of man, and has been allowed his own VR headset, responsible parenting and why young kids should not be allowed VR headsets.
We do manage to find time to discuss the next mission on Demeo, Realm of the Rat King, Ram talks about which version he prefers having now played both PC and VR versions. We discuss how theirs a you tube channel for everything including accountants amazingly, Skazz has been eyeing a new sea based office in an old WWI fort, we discuss forming a new society and Zaber flight plans to join us. We have a bit of an issue, life has got in the way an impacted our gaming lives so not much to discuss, but that's not going to stop us! You can Join us for our next Livesteam on Saturday 13th August 2022 21:30 GMT+1 OnĪlso check out our next game night on Tuesday 2nd August at approx 20:30 GMT+1 on Twitch: Likewise, the introduction of anti cheat in VR Chat Microsoft changes to it TOS which could leave you banned from even private servers Ram has been playing life as a second class citizen in Deus Ex: Mankind DividedĪnd the show it spun off from in Breaking Bad We also talk about Microsoft changed to Minecraft and banning people from privater servers, and the similar issue with VR Chat implementing anti-cheat software.
We also talk about the upcoming finale of Better Call Saul, and what we disliked about the final series of Breaking Bad. He talks about his issues with the game and how he bounced off it previously, and the problems with the story being forced into a corner by it predecessor. Ram has started replaying Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, the sequel to Human Revolution. No, according to our information, there is no other way to name Life is Strange, or it is very marginal.Skazz has picked up a Steam Deck and is loving it! He talk about Valves tech evolution, games support and other features and also talk about the common criticisms and complaints people are having over it. No, Life is Strange is not currently compatible with virtual reality, but we hope that one day it will be possible to play it with this new technology! Does the game Life is Strange have other names around the world? It's on the Reddit website and you can find this Subreddit by clicking here. Yes there is a website where Life is Strange fans can meet to discuss and exchange content, tips and advice on the game. Is there a forum on the internet to discuss the game Life is Strange? Yes Life is Strange has its own official website! You can find it by clicking here. Is there an official website for Life is Strange? Life is Strange has been released on PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Mac, PlayStation 3, Android, iOS, Linux, Xbox 360. No, Life is Strange is not a recent game, it was launched in most regions on Jan 29th 2015, It's quite handy to be able to play it on several different consoles. Yes, the game Life is Strange is developed to be compatible with PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Mac, PlayStation 3, Android, iOS, Linux and Xbox 360. No, as far as we know, there is no multiplayer mode for Life is Strange, you'll have to lend the controller to each other and take turns playing! We hope that a multiplayer mode will be available thanks to a next update, a remake or even a sequel, who knows! Is Life is Strange available on multiple platforms? Any good gamer must have played Life is Strange at least once in his life, we can even fully consider it as one of the best games of the genre! In short, it is a must and you must try it if you have the opportunity! Can I play Life is Strange with my friends? Yes Life is Strange is a great video game, we are proud to have given it a rating of 81%.
Life is Strange Gameplay Walkthrough First Look Part 1 PS4 HD 1080p Is Life is Strange a good video game?
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frosteagaming-blog · 6 years
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Join me and mandapanda2387 tonight on twitch at 1130 MST
We're going to be having a smoke sesh while fucking around in campaigns so come join us in these shenanigans!
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