#xbox 360 live for free
randomisedgaming · 2 months
Final Xbox 360 sales is now live on the service before the store closes on the 29th!
Yes, it really is your last chance now to download, any apps, games and add-on content for the Xbox 360. This final sale is very disappointing it has to be said no more games will be getting their prices cut and next to no DLC has been discounted. So the Koei DLC for games like Samurai Warriors 2 is still very expensive.
The excellent website Delisted Games has done a full news store and list on all the price drops here, so do check it out: https://delistedgames.com/the-final-xbox-360-price-reduction-update-underwhelms-but-hey-theres-hoodies/
The art Delisted Games has been using for the shutdown does indeed show the Xbox 360 sun has all but set now.
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We expect online play of many Xbox 360 games to be sunset after the store closes as well.
So grab all the free content on the service and any games you want while you can. There is quite a few games on the service. We just added Mars Rover Landing for Kinect to our soon to be removed games, it's a free one, but missing from the A-Z listing now and has to be search for. Our list is here: https://randomisedgaming.tumblr.com/post/755899330566684672/xbox-360-xbla-titles-without-xbox-one-series-x
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demonfox38 · 1 year
Completed x2 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Sega Saturn version)
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Madness may be doing the same thing over and over again, but hey. At least I'm having fun doing it.
If economics were indicative of what my favorite video game of all time is, "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" would win bar none. Just off of the top of my head, this is how many times I've made purchases of this title alone:
US PlayStation Copy - $6.00 (disc only from a now defunct GameStop location in 2006, so don't get too optimistic)
Japanese PlayStation Copy - $38.00
PSP Copy of "Dracula X Chronicles" (contains a unique SOTN variant) - ~$40.00
PS3 Digital Copy - ~$5.00
Xbox Live Digital Copy – Free (promotional; probably was a tie-in to "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night" being released)
Additional copies for friends - ~$5.00
US PlayStation Copy for my sister - $50.00
Sega Saturn Copy - $140.00 (2016 in Akihabara; keep the date/place in mind)
This probably isn't even the sickest I could be in collecting copies of this game. Hell, I've been hung over at a stranger's house with access to their Xbox 360 and thought about purchasing it there as well just so I could distract myself from being sick.
For this particular situation, we're going to talk about the Sega Saturn variant of "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night." While I had heard about this one before, I hadn't thought about hunting it down. Content differences aside, I didn't have a Sega Saturn, nor has the Sega Saturn emulation scene been particularly stellar. But, on the one time (and hopefully not last time) @jeannettegray and I were physically in the same place, she happened to find this in the retro game store we were in. At first, I protested. It'd be irresponsible to buy something like that, right? And then I caved because, as established above, I'm kind of a bitch (submissive) for this game.
Fast forward to 2023. I've gotten into the anime series "Lupin the Third" (again, thanks JG!) I've been accumulating some "Lupin" games because they're fairly uncontested in the grand scheme of video game hunting. Considering that at least one is a staple on the bad/weird video game tournament Kusogrande, that should tell you about how well they normally go. But, I did happen to watch a match for the Lupin the Third game "Sage of Pyramid," which seemed to be generally well received! So, I found a copy of it on eBay in a three-pack with two other "Lupin" archive titles. To make a long story short, I ended up with a Japanese Sega Saturn, plus a few extra games.
I know. Between this and the Nintendo Wii U purchases this year, you've really got to ask what's wrong with me.
"Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" is a title I have previously reviewed, so I’m not going to bang too much about the shared properties here. Game good; game great; game arguably one of the best games ever made. The Sega Saturn port occurred about one year after the original PlayStation release by Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya (KCEN), a branch office (and notably, not the original developer pool from KCET.) While KCEN mostly made either portable versions of console-based Konami games or movie-licensed games, KCEN is notable in "Castlevania" development for both this and "Castlevania Legends," the GameBoy title with female lead Sonia Belmont. Which means that they:
Chugged women-respecting juice like water.
Got everything they did chucked into a historical/narrative paper shredder.
Given this development, the Sega Saturn version of "Symphony of the Night" is in a weird place. It has more content—particularly, in additions to Maria Renard's presence and playability—but is often looked down as an inferior product. In particular, some of the most ridiculed items include load times, transparency implementation/workaround issues, and sprite quality. And boy, did I see some actual, verifiable hardware issues. But, despite that, I do think this variant has some serious charm to it. At least, I'd be way more likely to come back to this version than the PSP version.
Look, if I buy a Sony PSP, you have the right to hit me…up for donations for a charity.
Before we can talk about this game, I think we need to talk about the Sega Saturn itself. Like, the poor bastard only seemed to have success in Japan. (Being $100.00 more expensive than its competitor will do that to you.) It was the kind of non-successful entity that when I heard the Nerve Tower recommending the Sega Saturn version of "Baroque" above all other versions of the game, I felt nothing but mockery for the sentiment. My opinion on the console changed somewhat after tending to a minor memory issue for the console. See, with old consoles or games dying, I'm used to having to buy oddball components and then getting help from my dad in resoldering them into place. With the Sega Saturn? It was simple as buying a new CR2032 battery (from a Wal-Mart! Imagine that) and just popping it into place.
Let's just say I have a lot of appreciation for a console that is easy to manage.
Now, if it were as easy to program as it was to fix, I doubt the Sega Saturn would have floundered as much as it did. I haven't done a great, deep deal of reading into coding for this console, but it seems like working with it required a great deal more knowledge than just popping in some C++ and plugging away. I suppose comparing programming for the Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation is somewhat like the difference in operating a racecar versus an average sedan. In the right environments and with the right skill level, the former will out-perform the latter. But, at the end of the day, whatever is easiest to handle and cheapest to purchase will be used by more people.
Granted, "Symphony of the Night" should have been a natural slot-in for the Sega Saturn's library. While its best-selling titles were in 3D, a significant chunk of its library contains 2D sprite-based fighters. Weirdly enough, "Symphony of the Night" could qualify for this with its visual presentation and its control style. It's just…well…from what I can tell, this was KCEN's second and last Sega Saturn title. I don't think the experience or confidence was here for a perfect port. Hell, even notes from the developers themselves are frequently lamenting development delays.
Also—Yoshinori Suzuki is the realest for having a reference to Goblin music in his note. I'm more team Suspiria when it comes to Goblin music, but I have full faith that band could slay a "Castlevania" composition.
Okay. Enough sympathy for the devil! Let's get down to the game itself.
The objectives for this port of "Symphony of the Night" match up to the original base game. If you've got SOTN down 200.6% elsewhere, you'll easily hit 210% here. Does the math not add up? Well, it never really did. But, in this case, the first noticeable change is the addition of two new areas per map side. These new areas are respectively dungeon and garden-flavored, both of which make sense in terms of an addition. Neither add a great deal of room content to the game (capping at about 6 rooms for the garden and 3 for the dungeon), but they do provide some benefits, including:
A bridge piece between the Marble Gallery and Underground Caverns
New enemy types
A new boss fight
Access to the Alucard Spear (which, granted, is more important for Lecarde family lore than anything. But it's nice to pick up!)
These areas (and the castle's entrance) also sport some new tunes. Okay, maybe just "Chaconne C Moll" and "Guardian" are wholly originally. But, it does contain pairs of dance and jazz mixes for the "Vampire Killer," "Bloody Tears," and "Beginning" themes. Sure, they're the most 90s-sounding compositions on this planet. But, goddamn if that isn't exactly what I wanted from a "Castlevania" game.
I know. Real trash-core behavior on my part. At least give the "Beginning" remixes a shot before you take another one at me.
Item distribution and placement has also been slightly tweaked from the base PlayStation game, although it is generally in the player's favor. (For example: the Sword familiar is just below the save room of Orlox's Quarters instead of being in a hidden ceiling space.) About the greatest addition of note here is a cape called the Rainbow Robe, which cycles through palettes to create a constant color swapping effect. Very cool. There are also some different familiars than what is present in the US PlayStation version of the game, but about all that is unique there is getting a Half-Faerie that sings if you get her some lyrics. Which…thanks? I guess?
Honestly, the big content augment to the game is Maria Renard. Not only does she become a boss for Alucard to fight (having him prove his strength to her), but she's also playable! And holy shit, does she kick ass! Like, she generally kicks ass, but my God. Literal ass kicking here! Kicked my ass as a boss. Kicked everyone else's ass when fighting them in her mode. I'm not kidding when I say that only three bosses posed a threat to me while playing her. (For those of you that want to attempt this playstyle: it was Orlox, the "Castlevania III" trio, and Galamoth that gave me the most trouble.) If you've got Alucard's Dark Metamorphosis and Soul Steal input commands down, congratulations. You can absolutely slaughter the game as Maria.
It's wild. In her mode, she's got:
A chargeable magic attack as her primary attack
A triple and high jump
An evasive somersault (while Alucard doesn't even have a slide mechanic, so LMAO)
A base kick attack (for when you're storing up magic)
Access to standard "Castlevania" subweapons
Combo commands for summoning all four Celestial Beasts whenever you've got the MP (granting on-the-go healing, two massively damaging attacks, and a limited-time familiar)
A variety of martial arts attacks, and
Access to a full invincibility-granting move! (Like, you've gotta do a full clockwise input + a charge to do it, so it does require some serious skill to use. But still!)
Talk about a power fantasy! Like, no wonder people talk about the reset to Maria's move pool in the PSP version of "Symphony of the Night" being a downgrade. She's an absolute beast here.
Begrudgingly, I can see why Maria's abilities were augmented in later releases. To some extent, I think the IGA team was trying to keep in lockstep with the "Rondo of Blood" version of her, especially considering that the PSP game is primarily a remake and re-release of that game. And, okay, yes. She was originally designed as a tiny Belmont alternative. But in the Sega Saturn SOTN version? With her input pool and abilities? She's an Alucard alternative. Hell, her heal move maps to one of his recovery abilities (Genbu to Dark Metamorphosis), and her primary devastating spell is also the homewrecker in his (Seiryuu to Soul Steal.) She wasn't designed out of nowhere. She was just pulled from a different man's ribs.
I guess if nothing else, the PSP sprites of her are prettier. So…there's that.
Oh! Prettiness. Guess that leads back to the overall aesthetic quality of the game (or potentially lack thereof, depending on who you ask.) Personally, the biggest issues I had here were not so much with sprite distortion, but with load and lag. This game doesn't have the same load-in grace going between new areas or loading in boss fights as the PlayStation version does. It seems like it struggles greatest with particle effects, although bosses with multiple chunks and entities to them can also cause severe rendering delays. Hoo boy, does it not like a bunch of stuff on screen all at once! The Beelzebub and Legion fights in particular bring out the greatest lag in the system, so be prepared for that when/if you tackle them. Even Galamoth has some lag (although, I was using that to my benefit when possible.)
In terms of transparency compensation, the Saturn version does well enough to skirt around some issues. The trailing movement sprites are still following you, so A+ there. Some magic spells were altered to use white instead of using transparency, which honestly? I thought that made some look very pretty (Tetra Spirit in particular!) About the only place I could point at and scold was the hidden cavern behind the waterfall in the Underground Caverns section. In the PlayStation version, it is smoothly revealed as the player steps into it. In the Saturn version? It's like someone flicked a light switch on. Honestly, it would have just been better to let the player always see it, if that's what revealing it was going to look like.
Also, killing Fire Demons is particularly ugly in this game. It's just a lazy, nonsensical sprite swap (as opposed to the color cycling in the PlayStation version.) The Marionette deaths are pretty funny, though!
There was one point where the lack of full implementation actually impressed me. Anti-spoiler at this point, but the final boss fight with Dracula has a much different feeling in the Saturn version. Not that the move cycles he has have even remotely changed. It's the background! In the PlayStation version, it's a bit psychedelic—maybe more like something you'd see in an "Earthbound" or "Star Fox" ending fight. In the Saturn version? 100% black. Cheap? Sure. But, considering Alucard is fighting his father in a realm between the living and the dead—in a complete abyss—it honestly grew on me. Like, yeah, ha ha! The devs couldn't figure out how to do the funky color/texture cycling! But also? Absolute darkness works, too.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the bodily injuries I'm currently nursing post playthroughs as well. Like, my left thumb was taking some abuse from the default controller's D-pad, so I ended up playing through portions of Maria Mode using an HSS-0104 Virtua Stick. (Like I said—I spent some stupid money on this console.) I just ended up pushing the injuries from my thumb to my shoulder blades. 😅 I can't completely blame the game on that, though. I should know better than to do 8+ hours of gaming in a day.
By the way—I did confirm something switching controllers. It seems like this "Symphony of the Night" variant likes to pick up on Up button presses more than in the PlayStation version regardless of the controller used. At least, I was pulling the Fireball / Byakko spells more than intended. I also found myself thinking less in terms of hitting every button in a combo, instead just smearing into cardinal directions. Like, the Saturn seems to have more of a slide detection to it than I anticipated? It's the difference from going down + down-forward + forward to down and forward while smushing your thumb up. You just kinda go legato, not giving a thought about the intermediate inputs.
Okay, verdict time!
Did I enjoy the Sega Saturn port of "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night?" Absolutely! While it has its oddities, I hesitate to call this product inferior. It's definitely not as tight of an experience as the standard PlayStation version, but what is here is cool. I would put this in the same category as "Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow" in that if you can't vibe with the main game for some ridiculous reason, it's got awesome side-modes to back it up.
Would I recommend other people play this game? Of course!
Would I recommend other people buy this game?
Look. I know when I'm being ridiculous. This experience personally cost me somewhere between $300.00 to $350.00 USD. Like, what the fuck. Madness! It would have been worse, had I actually bought this game this year! I mean, as of writing, this game, complete in box, is trending at $219.15 USD on PriceCharting.com! Shit, I might as well tell you to buy an arcade cabinet for how ridiculous this could get! And then you've got to weigh the pros and cons of taking systems out of their native countries, what international buyers are doing to the Japanese video game market, the risks of transporting stuff that far, and so on. It's not something you can just say, "LMAO, do it!" about.
But, what I will say is that BizHawk has a pretty good Sega Saturn emulator. And also, I might have written some documentation on how to get BizHawk set-up for Sega Saturn emulation. Chances are you're smart enough to figure out the rest.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Hey it me, zoomer Huey, I saw the post saying about the young gamers retro revival
But how retro because this book..
Also yes people halo is going to be 23 this fall so it’s a retro game
Yes, don’t have to deal with horrific live service and micro transactions but the thing is….economic reasons
Like I been getting into kingdoms hearts and final fantasy….but I was a Xbox player so they are new ports in the ecosystem
And like I said, AC red will probably be a huge entry point for a lot of new fans. So it very likely they will be curious what the game Easter eggs are about so I will gladly help them get say get the Ezio Collection if the European Templars have dialogue mentioning they don’t want another Borgia fiasco since the game take places in the 1580’s-90’s and during this time many Templars went to the new world or other places to escape the “Dark Age” of the Templars order where it’s was about gaining power for selfish reasons rather further their causes
And about retro games, um…the same way a adult might want to watch old classic movies
Now I watched Fox’s miracle of 34th street a couple of years ago on Disney plus (actually I often use these streaming services to watch old shit like the muppet show) despite being at my depress state, I couldn’t help but smile at the Santa in it
It like for me, I found the Santa that inspired the ones your generation, my generation, and all those in between the Santa we had when we were kids. I’m glad the actor got the Oscar. And I’m more glad Hollywood graveyard help find his lost vase and people came to celebrate the actor new home. With him Unknowingly inspired the Christmas magic we love
Sorry using that as example
Also a lot of young gamers….were often too poor, too young, didn’t have enough resources when these old games came out. So we are interested in what these games that older gamers talk about even if we don’t have the nostalgia for it
Like Xbox Backwards Compatibility library….can someone please make a deal to bring the one transformers or marvel games back on it? Anyways, I’m 24 now, so there a lot of old 360 and og Xbox games I didn’t okay that I use bc for
And modern gaming, ugh feel like it intentionally designed for Twitch streamers and YouTuber gamers. Ugh halo infinite mp made just drop it all together
Oh gaming companies, a lot of modern gamers have JOBS so we might invest in a 1 or 2 live service games. Hell ac red might have a 3-4 live services era (ac Valhalla had 2 years of support) but I’m mostly invested in single player games
Well I’m autistic and I work 10 hour and 4 days a week work schedule. I am not interested dealing with try hards
Like I don’t understand this shock? Ac red is dead ass the only triple a gaming I’m probably going to be paying at launch at full price while the upcoming Star Wars game I’m probably going to get on sale
I feel like people are so focus on young people who refuse to consume pre 2012 media. There are those with a mentality that can stand old shit.
Hey it me, zoomer Huey, I saw the post saying about the young gamers retro revival But how retro because this book. gsirvitor/742534236498804736 Also yes people halo is going to be 23 this fall so it’s a retro game
I think the first post your talking about was one I put up, I go with most anything PS2 on down for consoles, some PS2 aren't really "retro" but the divide for me is mostly based on hotfixes and micro-transactions so like Sims2 is the right age but i shift round on the retro bit since you could buy skins and such still gonna be retro I think.
Online games you could play for free online are retro too, but everyone will define it in their own way too so no hard and fast rules for me.
Like I been getting into kingdoms hearts and final fantasy….but I was a Xbox player so they are new ports in the ecosystem And like I said, AC red will probably be a huge entry point for a lot of new fans. So it very likely they will be curious what the game Easter eggs are about......... And about retro games, um…the same way a adult might want to watch old classic movies
Classic and retro work together in tandem a lot, there is a difference but I don't want to tangent too far into that.
Now I watched Fox’s miracle of 34th street a couple of years ago on Disney plus (actually I often use these streaming services to watch old shit like the muppet show) despite being at my depress state, I couldn’t help but smile at the Santa in it
Watch some Mr Rogers, it's a soothing balm on depression, won't make it go away but at the end of a episode or two you'll feel loved, man you've never met in your life but you know he loved you, just the way you are.
Also a lot of young gamers….were often too poor, too young, didn’t have enough resources when these old games came out. So we are interested in what these games that older gamers talk about even if we don’t have the nostalgia for it
Nostalgia isn't required for retro, good games are good games.
Like Xbox Backwards Compatibility library….can someone please make a deal to bring the one transformers or marvel games back on it? Anyways, I’m 24 now, so there a lot of old 360 and og Xbox games I didn’t okay that I use bc for
If I'd had the money to get one of the first gen PS3's I'd have gotten one since they were built to still run PS1&2 games as well, once they took that away I had no desire to get the thing. Wii was great because you had the Wii shop for the older games and it also played GC games, Wii shop games weren't too pricey either.
And modern gaming, ugh feel like it intentionally designed for Twitch streamers and YouTuber gamers. Ugh halo infinite mp made just drop it all together
I've noticed that with some, they dial back the graphics and all that good stuff so they stream well, or at least leave the option of that. I figure as long as everyone is happy.
Oh gaming companies, a lot of modern gamers have JOBS so we might invest in a 1 or 2 live service games. Hell ac red might have a 3-4 live services era (ac Valhalla had 2 years of support) but I’m mostly invested in single player games
That's really all I do, even when battle net was going strong I still didn't sign up for D2 on there except rarely.
Like I don’t understand this shock? Ac red is dead ass the only triple a gaming I’m probably going to be paying at launch at full price while the upcoming Star Wars game I’m probably going to get on sale
Blizard had it right with World of Warcraft, at least at one point. The were selling the game disc for like $5 with a 2 week subscription make their money in the long game, not sure if anyone is doing that kind of thing anymore but they should be.
I feel like people are so focus on young people who refuse to consume pre 2012 media. There are those with a mentality that can stand old shit.
I love seeing people get into the games and stuff I enjoyed when I was younger, watching through the X-Files with a friend who's never seen it before and it's great seeing it through the eyes of someone who hasn't watched it.
Same with nerding out about games, as you've seen me do with FFVI here previously.
Most people that matter feel the same, so don't worry about any haters, they aren't worth your time or thought.
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minsarasarahair · 2 years
Vesper be like “I’m not talented and entertaining. Why are you still watching me?” from his Unarchived Drunk stream
Tbh when it comes to technicalities, Vesper is having a hard time to catch up but the good thing is I don’t watch Vtubers when I became fan of him so its easy for me to like him. Instead of seeing the criteria of what a good vtuber is, I see him as a person. Tho I think the reason why I find him likable is he felt like an ordinary guy who’s just doing his best.
He’s barely active in Twitter and rarely interact with his fans. He’s very bad at updating his fans. He don’t retweet art that much and interact with other vtubers except with Holotempus and his senpais. 
The design of his stream overlay is quite simple and probably boring to some. His loading intro and outro are just illustrations and don’t have animation. One of his fan animated his intro for free.
Vtubers otaku find his character design and rigging ugly. Like its not expressive enough and has strong resemblance with Alucard. 
He’s not a singer, illustrator and not the best gamer of Holotempus. His strength is talking but he still need to improve with that.
He barely used his model’s expressions function unless you ask him. 
Very bad at reading superchats. If he missed your superchat, don’t expect he’ll read it. He even disabled getting superchats sometimes so that he can talk with Chat smoothly.
His audio quality is not the best. In the beginning, viewers always complain how he has such a low voice whenever he collab. In his unarchived drunk stream, he’s using a cheap xbox 360 mic yet 4k people are watching him live. He’s also learning ASMR. He want to focus in making relaxing sounds and storytelling ASMR without BFE fanservice. 
Flawed personality. Has anger issues that got him to suspension and tend to be cocky when he get excited. He also make dark self-loathing and self-harm jokes. He also need to improve that.
Despite how charming his model is, he’s the type of scholar who’s pathetic and actually stupid. People find it cute but some don’t like it bc they believe a vampire looking character should sound english/british. If you ask me, I like that he destroyed the stereotype of what a vampire character should sound like. 
He barely touch his character’s lore and talk about more his IRL experience. He love breaking 4th wall. For example, he explained when he flirt with Magni during stream is just a bit. For show. 
He tend to be addictive in streaming and forget other important things. Like he finished playing FTL in 7 hrs and claimed can still keep going without eating. He even joke about not attending the meeting with his manager just to continue playing.
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Despite those flaws, I can’t help but cheer for him. How weird. You can also tell he has decent fandom. When he start singing Top of The World to celebrate reaching 200K subs, I don’t see anyone using the preg emoji in chat or complaining how bad he sounds like. I mean, there are probably weird annoying whippersnapper fans like those who keep mentioning his name in other Holotempus boys stream but most of his fans are mature adults. He said he has more male fans. Fans are fine if he’s not active in twitter as long as he’ll be back. If you see a Vestie saying “He hates us” or “I miss Nowa-oji”, its like a running gag in his fandom bc he tend to ignore or be cold to his fans but he do like his fans okay. I barely see people who’s unhealthy parasocial with him so far. I’m glad the problematic ones left and changed oshi.  
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axofluff · 1 year
✩ Get to know Alex ✩
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*.·:·.✧ Welcome to my about me! ✧.·:·.*
➸ This post will let you know all the stuff you need to know about the author behind this post! Me! :D ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ ➸ I wanted to make an official one since my old one isn't to my style anymore ➸ If you still have any questions after this, feel free to ask me anything in my dm's or AMA! (づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡ Happy reading!
Hi there! I see you've stumbled across my tumblr page! (・ω・) ✦ My name is Alex and I'm a small writer here! I've been writing ever since I was 12. My grandma introduced me to books and ever since then I've always had my nose stuck in a novel about some mystical far away land. ✦ I mostly write oneshots and fanfics but I do have my own works which I sadly deleted or no longer continued as I wasn't happy with them (。•́︿•̀。). ✦ I started off on Wattpad with writing Twilight fanfic and I developed my basic writing skills from there. I may move my work over to a03 but I currently like Tumblr's UI and how I can link my stuff under one blog so it's easier for people to find my work. ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ✦ I am 19 as of writing this and I live in England in the UK! I speak only English, although I want to learn Italian at some point since I love the history and culture of the roman empire. It's been my special interest ever since I played Assassin's creed 2 back on my xbox 360.
✦ I am autistic and I have ADHD so my attention span is less then a goldfish. I have a lot of special interests such as space, the paranormal and history. I also have a huge soft spot for aviation and the military, mostly because I am a huge fan of Top gun and ever since then I've been interested in jets. ✦ I've been in too many interests to honestly label at this point but my mains being; Call of Duty, Detroit: Become Human, Red Dead Redemption and Spiderman. I'm also a huge fan of the game Death stranding and Assassin's creed. I have also dabbled a bit in the Apex Legends fandom as I played a large chunk of the game last year. ✦ I have hobbies outside of writing such as going biking, walking, reading, sketching, arts and crafts and video games. I also love to play chess when I have the chance. ✦ I kin characters a lot, my main being Konig from CoD, Wattson from Apex Legends and Pavitr from Spiderman/ I tend to kin characters that share the same qualities as me. They also bring me a sense of comfort. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✦ My music taste is currently a massive heap. I listen to all sorts but I'll label some of my favorite artists ✧˖*°࿐The Weeknd ✧˖*°࿐Childish Gambino ✧˖*°࿐ Kendrick Lamar ✧˖*°࿐ Twenty One Pilots ✧˖*°࿐Radiohead ✧˖*°࿐Slipknot ✧˖*°࿐The neighborhood ✧˖*°࿐Arctic Monkeys ✧˖*°࿐Lady Gaga ✧˖*°࿐NF ✧˖*°࿐Rammenstien ✧˖*°࿐AC/DC ✧˖*°࿐Porter Robinson ✧˖*°࿐Post Malone ✧˖*°࿐Coldplay ✧˖*°࿐Avicii You can find my spotify here to find all my music tastes and what not ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻) Some simple facts about me •⩊• ✩ Name(s): Alex/Tobias/ axofluff ✩ Birthday: 8th November 2003 ✩ Pronouns: All! ✩ Gender: Bigender trans masc but atm its just c o n f u s i o n, I'm still exploring who I am so this is most likely to change .
✩Favorite food: I love chinese takeout's, Pizza and Ramen ✩Favorite animals: I love cats, sharks and kangaroos
✩Favorite colour: Mint green ✩Favorite show: The dragon prince on Netflix ✩Favorite Song: United in grief by Kendrick Lamar ✩Favorite icecream: Mint chocolate chip
This may be updated in the future if I feel the need to add more to the blog! Thank you all for reading! "૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა Remember you are loved and stay hydrated and eat something today if you haven't already ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ MWA! Have a great rest of your day! <3
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jeffgerstmann · 2 years
Do you ever tally up the costs of games you bought on impulse but rarely played, then think about all the cool stuff you could've gotten with that money instead? Though I guess in your case it would be graphics cards.
It all kind of runs together and I look at it as a balance. Like... I probably paid for under 100 Xbox 360 games and the majority of those were probably Xbox Live Arcade games. But I have something like 600 Xbox 360 discs, because back when games were mostly physical, they showed up in the mail for review. Or, like, I have 100 or so Atari 2600 carts, but I think I only ever paid for two or three of them, because the rest were hand-me-downs or stuff that just kinda showed up in my life one way or the other.
The Neo Geo stuff is almost certainly my most expensive set of games, from an out-of-pocket perspective, because I deliberately set out to get a bunch of them. That led to buying Metal Slug carts for hundreds of dollars each or buying Mark of the Wolves for $1100 because I was standing there in the shop looking at it and it was mocking me.
So I end up viewing it as a situation where I have a lot of games that I didn't pay for, so it's OK if I occasionally go a little nuts and buy something pricey. This is kinda how I feel OK about, say, overspending on PC upgrades, though at that point you're also getting into tax writeoffs and, now that I'm running my own company, business expenses and so on. I don't know, it's not something I spend a ton of time thinking about, but subconsciously I think there's a part of me that wants to throw weird money at video games specifically because I've received so many for free over the years.
But I don't view collecting video games as an "investment" and I also don't care about all the junk that comes with collector's editions these days, so the things that might be considered "expensive" or "collectible" at the moment are pretty uninteresting to me. If I had more time and electrical know-how, I'd probably be one of those lunatics who just has some warehouse space somewhere with a ton of arcade machines in it.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
Why is it that you considered nintendo trying to be the apple of gaming? I feel like, especially if taking sony into account, it's rather opposite of it in most of the case. Like a horizontal opposite of a horse shoe. Granted, as far as I know, the simliarity between nintendo and apple is extreme protectiveness over their IP and loathes the modification of their product. As a platform, based on recent development, they cant be more different. Nintendo product thrive on being weak but affordable console to most, and has since loosen control on third party content, while Playstation and apple thrive on being luxury powerful high end product on the market , and their policy for third party cobtent seem to have gotten more strict recently. I heard that sony forced Japanese developer make their game closer to western sensibility, even the one meant to be published in japan.
Nintendo thrive on being what people might wants, while apple thrive on being best in the market
That said, my knowledge on this is pretty limited and could be wrong, so I would like to know your perspective on this and feel free to correct me if I am wrong about anything.
It was because at the start of the Switch, Nintendo was overcharging the hell out of it. To some degree, they still are. When you consider the capabilities of the hardware, it's roughly (not directly, but roughly) equivalent to, like, an Xbox 360 or a Playstation 3. Hardware from 2005, in other words. Again, I know it's not a direct 1:1 comparison, because it's more about memory speeds and bus bandwidth. In some places the Switch is better than a 360, and in others it's worse. But still. Roughly equivalent.
For, like, $300? That's a lot of money. It leans really hard on that portability aspect. Being able to throw it in a carrying case and easily take it with you. Slot it in to any Switch dock and throw it up on a TV. I'm doing that right now, given I am writing this on the last couple days of pet sitting for my cousin. They have a Switch, but they take it with them on vacation, so I'm just using my Switch in their dock to play Tears of the Kingdom.
There was also rumors that Nintendo was going to roll out updated hardware more like a mobile phone; what I had heard was they wanted a marginal upgrade out every 2-3 years. And true enough, rumors of the so-called "Switch Pro" have persisted since at least 2018 or 2019. But since the Switch itself was selling so insanely well, supposedly Nintendo got cold feet and didn't want to mess up a good thing by rushing replacement hardware out. Now, they've stalled so long that they're leaving a lot of developers with Switch Pro dev kits out to dry.
Software is, and to some degree continues to be, very expensive. Ignoring the fact that Zelda's $70, even at launch, you had Capcom putting out a version of Street Fighter 2 HD for $60, when on Xbox Live Arcade, they charged $15 for more or less the same experience. A lot of early games were plagued by the so-called "Switch Tax."
But you're right insofar as Sony has totally stolen that crown with the Playstation 5, right down to the crushing ego and everything.
That is the number one reason I don't really want a Playstation 5. I mean, I've entered giveaways for one, I wouldn't say no if it dropped into my lap, but Sony is going after the "status symbol" market. It's very gross. I don't care how many PS4 games I have, how much of my library is tied up in PS+ freebies, I will drop the Playstation brand for another Xbox as soon as I can afford to.
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01leahgotti · 2 years
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grimweepaw · 1 year
I fell asleep b4 I can post my other au idea opsies
Have another with AVP au
Specifically from AVP the Xbox 360 game w the xeno pov, alien isolation and alien: covenant.
In this one is the WK crew stumble upon a aboard the semi broken space station and went to go investigate why it was in such a state and in case of survivors.
~~(A WIP so bare with me-)~~
They end up finding out that the ship belongs to the Weyland Corporation which Aviva immediately recognizes. Before she could warn them they come across some clipboards about what they were doing, more of notes of the experiment subjects than their true intentions of it.
Long story short with the information given, they understand that the Aliens are very hostile and will not hesitate to kill humans.
Chris wonders off and finds a cell of one of the restrained Xenos who was trying to scream out. Judging by the amount of scratches outside, the escaped xenos already tried freeing that one.
It catches whiff of the human and screeches a warning to the hive. Which they quickly retreat back to the Tortuga. Of course the Aliens thought ahead and blocked the exits. So Martin shoved Chris into the lockers to hide and he entered a nearby room to hide in.
Will time skip and yes, they reunite and they managed to slip out alive and hop back onto their ship.
They end up finding out Aviva was an intern hoping to work with the Company to gain favor, experience, and funding for her projects. It was only then she found out what the company was doing and she has seen what the Xenos are capable of. They cannot be tamed and temporarily controlled. So she left the company mostly out of fear at the time.
Anyways Koki wants them to destroy the ship for the sake of future spaceships and humanity while Jimmy believes they should just go, Aviva is unreadable and the Kratt bros despite knowing what the Xenomorphs are capable of destroying humanity, they still cling on the hope that every living thing deserves the right to exist.
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obiternihili · 2 years
i am in Immense Pain due to Health is Shit so I'm going to recount my understanding of something pointless and boring to organize my thoughts and Distract Myself from Feeling Pain and then i'm gonna post it because deleting a lot of writing even if pointless feels bad
Original computers of course were basically one program one machine. Reprogrammability came quick, but still, basically ran one program at a time, kinda like a nes.
As they grew bigger they started to make machines that could access libraries of programs at a time, the line between program and function not being that clear yet
These were eventually developed into the first operating systems by the late 50s. The 60s saw the beginnings of things like Xerox's OS as the technology tried to focus on making OSes shareable - able to be operated by multiple users at once at different terminals. Bell created Multics around this time which introduced the idea of privilege tiers for users or something, but the project was a mess because Bell was kind of a mess and some defectors created Unics, that is Unix, with similar concepts and such. The do one thing and do it well attitude was kind of born out of the Multics thing. IBM also got involved with the OS/360 stuff
Running internal networks in offices and such was the driver for early computers. Throughout the 70s saw Bell license out UNIX, Xerox license out it's OS, IBM did its thing, and competitors emerge at that level. The first GUIs started to become things making the systems more user-friendly.
The rise of home computing upset things a bit. Not a lot, but a bit. IBM launched the PC on its 8086 architecture. Microsoft entered the picture with its UNIX system, Apple launched its Xerox-derived things, popularizing the GUI desktop concept. Linus Torvalds got frustrated with Microsoft's UNIX derivative not being able to support his machine to its full potential and created a free UNIX-like OS with some tools in part written by a crazy man and made GNU/Linux. The x windowing system was ported to Linux. Microsoft dropped its UNIX derivative to work on IBM's DOS, Gates' mother was on the board for IBM I think. That led to Windows.
Other home computers of note were things like the C64. Which didn't have a whole lot in terms of the OS but basically would drop you into a live BASIC environment which was enough for what it was.
The 90s was tough and MS gradually outcompeted other OSes in part because they had such a close relationship to IBM and the most popular flavor of DOS, in part because of dick moves. Apple managed to survive somehow, but barely, mostly by providing cheap mainframes for schools and certain businesses. Commodore went on to Amiga with its own GUI and everything, I think, but failed to win a market and the rights to Amiga OS are split between like 4 companies. UNIX systems managed to be popular as server OSes, because of features going back to the early days. MS and IBM got mad about windows and led MS to rewrite its OS and created the NT family and IBM developing OS/2 that kind of went nowhere.
Apple lost a ton of market space and let go of powerpc architecture and its Xerox-descended OS for intel's 8086 derived architecture and ended up forking BSD for darwin and then OSX which is basically what macs run now. MS dominated everything and were terrible and here we are. Linux established itself as a good thing to build cross-industry shit on and later android was derived from it.
As gaming started to adopt OSes instead of just BIOS (like boot processes) launching programs you'd see the dreamcast i think working on 86 stuff just a few steps aside from MS, which made it easy to port to xbox when the dreamcast died and why xbox is the way it is. xbox is of course windows nt derived. sony adopted a bsd derivative and licensed direct x from ms. nintendo did their own stuff for the powerpc based consoles and suffered security holes for it. ds was similarly in house with arm hardware, as was the 3ds. The switch derives from the 3ds software, with some adapted BSD and android code (but not a lot). steam os i think is just arch linux
i need to map out linux also
because of how modular linux is and because no one can tell you don't do that everything is customizable basically. a really good thing about linux is the concept of a package manager which installs or manages software on the computer in a neat, organized way
the first of these was basically slack back in the 90s. other package managers started coming with fancy things like conflict resolution or dependency management. basically what makes a linux distribution is its package manager; everything is relatively superficial, since in principle you can run any desktop manager your computer can build or whatever.
there's still something to other spins. ubuntu basically forked debian's packages and features more cutting edge software, also canonical's decisions. linux mint forked ubuntu by just adding a layer of decision makers between canonical and the user.
main distros i think are arch, debian, ubuntu, mint. memes meme gentoo and it's probably the most widely supported source based os, but, like, it's a bad idea to do this in ways you can only really learn from experience. there's sabayon which simplifies gentoo but defeats the purpose by existing. redhat was one of the biggest popularizers of linux in the enterprise and other space deserves mention, fedora being the free version, suse is also there, these are fine and cool despite the unfortunate name for fedora
there's a bunch of little spin offs of arch and other distros aiming to make them simpler or provide a preconfigured gui. largely pointless but whatever, sometimes you just want a graphical installer, manjaro's there for you
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ekstan · 2 years
Interview with Jericho fans
Hello guys, today i'm bringing to you another interview that Erik gave to a Jericho deactivated fan website called "Jericho4Kids" in 2008.
A Jericho4Kids Interview with Erik Knudsen
This awesome actor plays Dale on Jericho! Erik has been acting for a lot of his childhood and his experience shows in the great job he does playing Dale!! It was super fantabulous to talk with Erik and find out more about his life, his career and of course, Jericho!!
Jericho4Kids: What was your favorite color when you were a kid?
Erik Knudsen: My favorite color as a kid was neon green. It still is ha-ha. It is so vibrant!
J4K: Did you like school when you were a kid?
EK: I LOVED school when I was a kid. We always did lots of plays and that was my favorite part. I loved science and doing lab experiments. I was such a cool nerd ha-ha.
J4K: Did you play a lot of sports when you were a kid?
EK: I played lots of sports when I was a kid. I played all the typical Canadian sports like hockey and lacrosse. I used to play on a house league team for hockey and a traveling team for lacrosse. I have sports to thank for getting me started in the acting business. My hockey team was picked to do a visa commercial. I don't play to many sports anymore. Too dangerous! ha-ha. I also played other sports like baseball and paintball.
J4K: What was your favorite cartoon character when you were a kid?
EK: I loved soo many cartoons. I think out of all them I loved Rafael from Ninja Turtles. He was always the coolest to me. I had all the plastic swords and action figures. I still have a Ninja Turtle blanket on my bed.
J4K: When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
EK: I always wanted to be a scientist when I was younger. I also thought about being a police officer or doing something in the military. As I got older I wanted to do acting more and more. Now it's acting and directing.
J4K: What is your favorite sport?
EK: My favorite sport is hockey. I think it's such a great spectator sport. Going to Toronto Maple Leaf games are the best. Everyone gets into it. I love to play hockey when I can too.
J4K: Do you own any pets?
EK: I have 3 pets. An 11 year old cat called Poonie. He is HUGE! I have a leopard gecko named Frisky. And I have a brand new puppy named Kola. He is 8 months old. I named him Kola because my favorite drink is coca cola. So I thought it would be cute to dedicate my favorite drink to my dog. :)
J4K: Did you go to college, if you did where did you go?
EK: I have not gone to college yet due to my work schedule. It is very hard to be working 13 hour days and be in college. However I still want to get my college degree. I think education is very important, and is a must.
J4K: In my research, you were born in Canada, how often do you go to Canada to visit your family?
EK: I am from Canada and I am here all the time. My home is based in Toronto, Canada. When I have to work on Jericho I fly to Los Angeles and I rent an apartment nearby set. It is so nice to be home but it is also nice to be working in LA.
J4K: Do you have a home in California and Canada or do you go out to Canada and live there?
EK: My only home is in Toronto, Canada. When I work on Jericho I just rent a small apartment. I still live with my family in Canada.
J4K: Does Canada have a different language than the USA?
EK: Yup! Canada is a bilingual country. We speak English and French. In school it is mandatory to learn French from grades 4 to 9. I myself cannot speak French very well, but I understand a bit.
J4K: What do you like most about the United States?
EK: I have found the people in the United States to be so friendly. I have met and worked with such great people in the US. I also love the weather in California. It is a lot warmer than here in Toronto. The United States has given me the great opportunity to work there as well.
J4K: What do you like to do in your free time?
EK: In my free time I play a lot of video games. I have an Xbox 360 and a Nintendo Wii. All my friends come over and play. I also like making my own movies in my spare time. I just bought a new camera so when I can I get all my friends together and come up with an idea and start to shoot it. You learn so much on set it's great to put that knowledge to use in my own personal stuff.
J4K: How long have you been acting?
EK: I started acting when I was 10 year old so I have been acting for 9 years now. It seems long but it doesn't feel like it. I have had so much fun in the past 9 years.
Who inspired you the most to start acting?
My mother was always performing when I was younger. She used to go to my school as this character she called Mrs. Peabody. All the kids loved her but it was so embarrassing for me. ha-ha.
J4K: What is your favorite thing about acting?
EK: My favorite part about acting is the fact you get to be someone else for a job. Every character you play is a different person with a different back story. I love the fact that nothing is the same. Even with Dale in Jericho, even though he is the same person, he is changing a lot. Every episode is a new story for him and I love the surprises.
J4K: Do you like acting better in the United States or in Canada? I have also read that EK: you did a lot of acting in Canada, what did you act in there?
Both Canada and The United States are great places to film. I don't think I have a favorite due to the fact that they are great in their own individual ways. I love working in Canada because I am home. I get to drive to my very own house and go into my room and sleep in my own bed at the end of the work day. I also like being surrounded by my family. The United States is great as well because it has provided me with such great opportunities. The US has so much work pumping out of it. Great roles, movies, and TV series. I love working on Jericho.
J4K: In my research, I read that you were nominated for an award for "The Guardian", can you tell me a little about that?
EK: Yes! One of my very first jobs was my role as "Hunter on The Guardian". I was nominated for a Young Artist Award for Best Performance in a TV drama series. The role of Hunter was a lot like Dale. His mother passed away and he was left all alone with no parents.
J4K: If you could act in any movie and play any character you wanted, what movie and character would it be?
EK: I would love to play Edward Scissor Hands in Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands movie. I thought Johnny Depp such an amazing job. I always loved the character he played and thought it would be so fun yet dark to play.
J4K: If you could pick any job to do (besides acting), what would it be?
EK: If I could not do acting I would LOVE to direct. It has always been a passion of mine to have creative control on a project and make a movie almost yours. If I couldn't do anything in the entertainment industry I would still like to be a police officer. They have such a hard but interesting job. They are the hero's of everyday.
J4K: How did you find out about the Jericho opening for acting jobs? Did you try out for the part of Dale or another character?
EK: I was sent the breakdown of Jericho from my agent. I loved the storyline to Jericho so I did an audition tape. Because I was in Canada at the time I taped myself and sent it out to LA for them to view. Eventually they called me and wanted me to fly down to do a network test. I did 2 more auditions after that for Dale.
J4K: If you could be any character on Jericho (besides Dale) who would it be and why?
EK: There are so many great characters in Jericho. I would love to play Jake Green, Skeet's role. He is the hero to Jericho. He is also sheriff. He would do anything to protect his family and his community and I think Skeet has done a great job playing Jake.
J4K: Do you hang out with cast and crew outside of the set?
EK: Living in Toronto makes it difficult to hang out with the cast and crew off set. They are such a great crew of people. Whenever we aren't rolling they are always cracking jokes on and off set. It has become almost a family on the set.
J4K: What is your favorite part of being in the Jericho family?
EK: My favorite part of being part of the Jericho family is the dedication and hard work I have seen being put in to making Jericho successful. I can honestly say I haven't met such a hardworking cast and crew ever. Every single crew member and cast mate are totally in love with the project they are working on. It makes it so much easier to go to your job everyday when you love the project you are working on. And to know your making something for such dedicated fans as well is something very special.
J4K: Did you ever think that kids would watch Jericho?
EK: I think Jericho was written for everyone to enjoy. It is a show for everyone, from the young to the old. I know many of my younger cousins watch the show and love it. I am so glad that younger kids are watching the show. I think Jericho has a lot of positive messages from it. And hopefully the kids can learn from Dale’s mistakes!
J4K: How many of the new episodes are you in?
EK: I am in 2 of the new 7 episodes of the 2nd season. We weren't able to get all the characters back for all of the episodes because we were very limited. If we get a 3rd season I am sure we will all be back full force :)
J4K: Does Dale change a lot in the new episodes? Do you think of his character as a bad guy or a good guy?
EK: In the first season Dale started out as a good guy. He worked for Gracie and just wanted to help his town. Dale had it very hard in the first season. Not only was he in this disaster that everyone else was in, but he also lost his mother, and then later on the woman that took him in. I think Dale has always meant well. He was just confused and angry at all the bad people trying to take advantage of the disastrous situation. In the 2nd season, Dale is still a good guy. He may be getting into a bit of trouble but his hometown is still in his heart.
J4K: What is your favorite thing about season two of Jericho?
EK: What I love about season 2 is the fact that it is all due to the great fans. Without the hard work of all our fans we wouldn't be back on TV. But here we are. It's so special to be working on something you know so many people feel so strong about and love so much. That's what I love.
J4K: What makes Jericho a family show?
EK: Jericho is a family show because I feel like Jericho is a family itself. Even before the attacks everyone knew each other and cared for each other. Jericho is trying to look after itself and keep all its loved ones safe, just like a family. I think that a family can relate allot to the situation of wanting to keep the ones you care for protected and families can root for all the characters living in Jericho.
J4K: Did you think the show would get canceled?
EK: I never thought Jericho would get cancelled. I know it is always a possibility but Jericho was a knockout show. It had everything people wanted to see plus something new. I was so surprised to here that it was cancelled just like all the fans. But it worked out in the end :)
J4K: What was your first thought when you heard that Jericho was canceled?
EK: WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!? I loved the ending to the first season of Jericho but after I found out about the cancellation of the show I almost felt sad not knowing if Jericho was going to survive the fight and who was going to pass from it. We were left in the dark. I just wanted to know if everyone was OK.
J4K: What was your first thought when Jericho was brought back?
J4K: Here is a little game that I like to play. All you do is choose the one you like the best. Paper or plastic?
EK: Paper... Got to think green these days :)
J4K: Summer or Winter?
EK: SUMMER!! Winter is too long and too cold here in Toronto.
J4K: Spring or Summer?
EK: Spring! Everything seems so happy. And you are so happy to see the sun finally.
J4K: Moon or sun?
EK: Moon... I love the night.
J4K: Tan or no tan?
EK: No tan. It is much healthier for your skin.
J4K: Here is another game that I will say a name of the cast or crew and you say 1 word that you think represents them.
J4K: Carol Barbee
EK: Hard Working
J4K: Bob Stephenson
EK: Hilarious!
J4K: Dan Shotz
EK: Mentor
J4K: Clare Carey
EK: Bubbly
J4K: Richard Speight Jr.
EK: Witty
J4K: And the last question of the day, I have been told that Richard likes to play jokes…..and now everyone wants to know this and we are in search of the answer Do you know what Richard Speight Jr. did to the sandwich lady?
EK: I have no idea what he did to the sandwich lady!!! When you find out let me know! ha-ha. I can only imagine what he did :)
J4K: Thank you for doing this interview with me!! It was great meeting you on the set!! You do a fantabulous job playing Dale on Jericho!!
Take care!!
Thank you so much and keep up the great work.
Source: Jericho4Kids
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randomisedgaming · 2 months
A list of of the Xbox 360 DLC still up to buy in the store! Along with all delisted DLC we are aware of.
With just over a week list we've put together a quick list of every game where the DLC is still up to buy in the UK store. They may be delisted in your region however. This list was made using the all search list, which is still up at present expect it to disappear on the 29th of July.
Link here: https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-GB/Games/All?SortBy=Title&PageSize=90
Change the letters GB to the letters used for your region of the website North America is US for example.
All the games listed have at least one of their DLCs still up in the store, some DLC content may be delisted already and a few still show in the store and can't be purchased as we found out with the Map Pack for Ninety-Nine Nights II yesterday when we tried to buy it.
This is a full list and includes all games, some have the DLC on Xbox One / Series others do not. Some games like N+ and Lost Planet 2 have DLC on Xbox 360, but not in the Xbox One Store.
Some games like Fallout 2 and Star Wars The Force Unleashed have complete version. Others like Mass Effect, Borderlands 2 and Two Worlds have version with some of the DLC on disc, but not all.
I've tried to list free DLC and Compatibility Pack for games, but as I've done this in a hurry I haven't labeled them all. Hopefully I didn't miss any from the official marketplace webaite, but let me know if I did.
I've tried to list all games with their full name, but the shop's A-Z has some odd listings, something they list them by the word "the" but not others. Some games are just initials, some use the full name like Tony Clancy's etc.. others skip the author name and just use Splinter Cell.
Example Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes turns up in the C listing.
I've included a very rough list of delisted or unobtainable DLC at the bottom which is a work in progress. At some point in the future, I might try and turn this into a full list of games with DLCs.
All Xbox 360 Games With DLC in UK
0-9 Numbers
0 Day Attack On Earth
0D Beat Drop
3D Ultra Minigolf
A Kingdom For Keflings
A World Of Keflings
AFL Live
Alan Wake
Alice: Madness Returns
Alien Hominid HD
Alien Spidy
Alien: Isolation
Aliens Vs Predator
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Anarchy Reigns
Ancients Of Ooga
Arcana Heart 3
Arkanoid Live!
Armored Core V (Has Compatibility Pack)
Armored Core: Verdict Day (Has Compatibility Pack)
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Assassin’s Creed IV
Assault On Dark Athena
Asura's Wrath
Band Of Bugs
Banjo Kazooie: N N B
Batman: Arkham City
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Batman: The Telltale Series
Battle Vs Chess
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline
Battlestations Pacific
Battlestations: Midway
Beautiful Katamari
Bellator: MMA Onslaught
Binary Domain
Bioshock 2
Bioshock Infinite
Birds Of Steel
Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend
Blazblue Continuum Shift (Has Compatibility Pack)
Blood Bowl
Blue Dragon
Bomberman Battlefest
Bomberman Live
Borderlands 2
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Brütal Legend
Bubble Bobble Neo!
The Bureau
Burnout Revenge
Command & Conquer 3
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3
Command & Conquer Kane's Wrath
Call Of Duty 2
Call Of Duty 3
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Call Of Duty: Black Ops
Call Of Duty: Black Ops II
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III
Call Of Duty: Ghosts
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare2
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare3
Call Of Duty World At War
Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood
Capcom Arcade Cabinet
Carnival Games: In Action (Subtitled: Monkey See, Monkey Do In North America)
Cars 2: The Video Game
Castle Crashers
Castlevania HD
Castlevania: Lord Of Shadows
Castlevania: Lord Of Shadows 2
Champion Jockey
Child Of Light
Choplifter HD
Civilization Revolution (Three DLCs are not available for purchase on Xbox One)
Conflict: Denied Ops
Costume Quest
Crackdown (Game And DLC Is Free To Download)
Crackdown 2 (Game And DLC Is Free To Download)
Crazy Machines Elements
Crimson Alliance
Crossboard 7
Crystal Quest
Dance Central
Dance Central 2
Dance Central 3
Dance Evolution
Dante's Inferno (Trials DLC Delisted)
Dark Souls
Dark Souls II (Has Compatibility Pack)
Dark Void
The Darkness
Darksiders II
Darkstalkers Resurrection
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast
Dance Dance Revolution Universe 3
Dead Island
Dead Island Riptide
Dead Or Alive 5
Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round
Dead Rising
Dead Rising 2
Dead Rising 2 Off The Record
Dead Space
Dead Space 2
Dead Space 3
Dead To Rights Retribution (DLC is free, but only in North America, delisted in Europe)
Deadfall Adventures
Deadliest Warrior
Deadliest Warrior: Legends
Deathspank: Thongs Of Virtue (Achievement DLC)
Defense Grid
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Diablo III: Reaper Of Souls
Dirt 2
Dirt 3 (All bar Online Pass delisted, needed for online play and only sold in Xbox 360 Store)
Dirt Showdown
Disney Infinity 3.0
Disney Universe
Dark Messiah Might & Magic: Elements
Dogfight 1942
Dollar Dash
Domino Master
Doritos Crash Course
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Duke Nukem Forever
Dungeon Defenders
Dungeon Siege III
Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires (All Free)
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 (All Free)
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce
Dynasty Warriors 7
Dynasty Warriors 8
Earth Defense Force 2025
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon (DLC not sold in Xbox One store)
Enemy Front
Escape Dead Island (All Free DLC)
Exit (All Free DLC)
Exit 2
F.E.A.R. 2
Fable Anniversary
Fable II
Fable III
Fable: The Journey
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Fantastic Pets
Far Cry 2
Far Cry 3
Far Cry 4
Fight Night Champion
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Fist Of The North Star: Ken’s Rage
Fist Of The North Star: Ken’s Rage 2
Front Mission Evolved
Frontlines: Fuel Of War
Frozen Free Fall: Snowball Fight (Free Game With £40+ Worth Of DLC)
Fruit Ninja Kinect
Full House Poker
Funtown Mahjong
Guilty Gear Xx Accent Core Plus (Free DLC Upgrades Game To R Revision)
Game Of Thrones
Gears Of War
Gears Of War 2 (All Free)
Gears Of War 3
Gears Of War Judgement
Get Fit With Mel B
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Ghostbusters: Sanctum Of Slime
Gin Rummy
Goat Simulator
Golf: Tee It Up!
Gotham City Impostors
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto V
Grid Autosport
Halo 3
Halo 4
Halo Wars
Halo Reach
Hard Corps: Uprising
Hell Yeah! Wrath Of The Dead Rabbit
Hitman: Absolution
How To Survive
Hydro Thunder
IL-2: Birds Of Prey
Infinite Undiscovery (All Free)
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
Iron Brigade
Joe Danger Special Edition
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Just Cause 2
Just Dance 2014
Just Dance 2015
Just Dance 3
Kane & Lynch 2
Kane And Lynch: Dead Men
Killer Is Dead (One DLC Smooth Operator Pack not sold on Xbox One)
Kinect Fun Labs (Air Band, Avatar Kinect, Battle Stuff, I Am Super!, Junk Fu, Kinect Rush: Snapshot, Musical Feet,
Mutation Station) (All Free) (Some Expansion Delisted)
Kinect Party - Base Game
Kinect Sports
Kinect Sports: Season Two
Kinect Joy Ride (All Free)
King’s Quest – Ch. 1
King's Quest
King Of Fighters XII, The
King Of Fighters XIII, The
Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends
L.A. Noire (Complete retail edition features all DLC and the PS3 exclusive case not sold on Xbox 360. It also restores the DLC quest back to their intended place in the story making for a far better version of the game, than the base one)
Lara Croft And The Guardian Of Light
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Lego Batman 2
Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham
Lego Marvel
Lego Movie Videogame
Lego Rock Band
Lego Star Wars II
Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7
Lego Jurassic World
Lego Marvel's Avengers
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Life Is Strange Episode 1
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy Xiii
Lma Manager 2007
Lococycle (Free DLC Is Required To Play Game, So Download It)
Lode Runner
Lost Odyssey
Lost Planet 2 (One Pack Not Sold In Xbox One Store, Map Pack 1)
Lost Planet 3
Lumines Live! (Two free DLCs are only up for download on Xbox One)
Madballs Babo: Invasion
Mafia II
Magic 2015 (Free DLC Magic 2015—Garruk’s Revenge Must Search For As Game Is Delisted DLC isn't)
Marathon: Durandal
Mark Of The Ninja
Marvel Puzzle Quest
Mass Effect (Pinnacle Station DLC Only On Xbox 360)
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3
Max Payne 3 (All Free Compatibility Packs Needed For Online)
Medal Of Honor
Medal Of Honor Warfighter
Mega Man 9
Mega Man 10
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Metal Slug XX
Meteos Wars
Metro 2033
Metro: Last Light
Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor
Might & Magic Clash Of Heroes (Achievements)
Mighty No. 9
Mirror's Edge
Monday Night Combat
Monopoly Plus
Moon Diver
Mortal Kombat [9] (Most DLC Is Delisted Only Compatibility Packs Remain Up, Must Use Search To Find)
Motionsports: Adrenaline
MX VS ATV Reflex
N+ (Still Up, DLC Is Only Up On 360 To Buy, One Is Free)
Naruto Storm R
Nat Geo Quiz! Wild Life
Naughty Bear Panic In Paradise
Need For Speed Most Wanted
Need For Speed Carbon
Need For Speed Rivals
Need For Speed Undercover
Ninety-Nine Nights II (3 DLC's The Map Pack Said It Is Delisted In The Uk When You Try To Buy It And Errors. Use Search To Find)
Ninja Blade (Free DLC, Use Search To Find)
Ninja Gaiden II
Ninja Gaiden 3
Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Wizard's Tower DLC Errors When You Try To Buy On Xbox One)
Omerta - City Of Gangsters
Orcs Must Die!
Outpost Kaloki X
PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
Payday 2
Perfect Dark Zero
Photo Party (Free Game / App For Xbox Vision / Camera)
Pinball FX2
Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare
Port Royale 3
Portal 2
Prey (All Free DLC)
Prince Of Persia (2008 Retail Title)
Prison Architect: Xbox 360 Edition
Project Sylpheed (Free DLC, New Missions)
Prototype 2
Puzzle Arcade
Puzzle Bobble Live!
Puzzle Quest
Quantum Conundrum
Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show (Warning Do Not Buy Ubisoft Season Pass As It Doesn't Work)
Race Pro
Red Dead Redemption
Red Faction: Armageddon
Red Faction: Battlegrounds
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Remember Me
Renegade Ops
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
Residen Evil Revelations
Residen Evil Revelations 2 (Digital Edition)
Ride To Hell: Retribution
Ridge Racer Unbounded
Rise Of The Tomb Raider
Risen 2: Dark Waters
Risen 3 Titan Lords
Rock Band
Rock Band 2
Rock Band 3
Rock Band Blitz
Rocksmith 2014 Edition
Rugby League Live 2 (Has Compatibility Pack)
Rumble Roses XX
Sacred 2 Fallen Angel
Sacred 3
Sacred Citadel
Saints Row
Saints Row 2
Saints Row IV
Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell
Saints Row: The Third
Samurai Warriors 2 (Xtreme Legends Upgrade, Expensive DLC)
Sanctum 2
Scene It? Box Office Smash! (DLC Is Called Award Winners)
Sesame Street: Once Upon A Monster
Skate 3
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Sleeping Dogs
Small Arms
Sniper Elite 3 (Has Compatibility Pack)
Sniper Elite V2 (Has Compatibility Pack)
Sniper Ghost Warrior
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 (Has Compatibility Pack)
Soltrio Solitaire
Sonic & All-Stars Racing
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Generations
Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)
Sonic Unleashed
South Park The Stick Of Truth
Space Invaders Extreme
Space Invaders: Infinity Gene
Spelunky (Game Delisted DLC Still Up To Buy Two Items)
Spider-Man 3
Splosion Man
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
State Of Decay
Steel Battalion Heavy Armor
Street Fighter III: Online Edition
Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter X Tekken
Stuntman: Ignition
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
Supreme Commander 2
Tom Clancy's Endwar
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Test Drive Unlimited 2
Texas Hold'em
The Crew (Bonkers I Know As The Game Has Had It's Servers Turned Off, But You Can Buy The DLC For This Dead Game!)
The Evil Within
The First Templar
The Gunstringer (one Is Free Two Are Paid For)
The Last Remnant
The Maw
The Outfit (All Free Map Packs)
The Raven Episode 1
The Walking Dead: Michonne - Episode 1
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Wolf Among Us
Things On Wheels
Thrillville: Off The Rails
Ticket To Ride
TNT Racers
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider Underworld
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Tomb Raider Legend
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5
Too Human (Game And DLC Is Free To Download)
Trials Fusion
Trials HD
Tropico 4
Tropico 5
Two Worlds II (One Of The DLCS Is Not In Game Of The Year Edition And Has To Be Bought "Defense")
Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon
Vampire Rain
Vigilante 8 Arcade
Virtua Fighter 5
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
Viva Piñata
The Walking Dead
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Warriors Orochi 3
Watch Dogs
Way Of The Samurai 3
Worms 2: Armageddon
Worms: Ultimate Mayhem
Wrecked Revenge Revisited
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Yosumin! Live
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Decade Duels Plus
Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium Duels
Zombie Driver HD
# - Symbols
虫姫さまふたり / Mushihimesama-Hutari-Black-Lavel (Japanese Game, DLC Listed For UK Owner Who Had The Game)
Delisted Games With DLC
Ace Combat 6
Ace Combat: Assault Horizons
Airmech Arena
Angry Birds Trilogy
Army Of Two
Army Of Two The Devil’s Cartel
Army of Two: The 40th Day
Batman: Arkham Origins
Battlefield: Bad Company
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Crysis 3
Eets: Chowdown
Fantasia: Music Evolved
Final Fantasy XI: Seekers Of Adoulin (Online Only)
Forza Horizon
Forza Horizon 2
Forza Motorsport 3
Forza Motorsport 4
Grid 2
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
Hellboy: The Science Of Evil (DLC Was Never Released, But Achievements For It Were Added)
Hunted Demon’s Forge (Pre-order DLC Only Never Sold)
Just Dance (Need To Research Which Others Had DLC Likely Most)
Kinect Nat Geo TV
Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning
Kinect Sparkler (Delisted Still In Store Won't Let You Buy It)
Kinect Star Wars (C-3P0 Background Dancing DLC Only Sold With R2d2 Xbox 360 Units.)
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle Of Doom
Kung Fu Strike
Lego Dimensions (Delisted, May Need The Lego Models To Obtain Some Of The DLC)
Lollipop Chainsaw (Pre-order DLC Only Never Sold)
Lord Of The Rings: Conquest
Magnacarta 2
Mercenaries 2
Minecraft: Story Mode
Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two
Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
Naruto Rise Of A Ninja
Need For Speed Shift
Need For Speed Shift 2
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (Had Compatibility Pack)
Project Gotham Racing 3
Project Gotham Racing 4
Phantom Breaker:Battle Grounds
Pinball FX
Race Driver: Grid
Section 8
Skate 2
Snoopy Flying Ace
Soulcalibur IV
Soulcalibur V
Syndicate (Limited Edition Version Had Gold Weapons And Scanner Never Sold)
Tales Of Vesperia
Tales From The Borderlands
Tekken 6 (Pre-order Only Content)
Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X
Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X 2
Test Drive Unlimited
The Darkness II (Limited Edition DLC, never sold)
The Lord Of The Rings: War In The North (Weapon Included With Collector's Edition)
The Saboteur
Toy Soldiers
Toy Soldiers: Cold War
Trials Evolved
World Of Tanks
Worms Revolution
Follow Randomised Gaming on Tumblr, YouTube, Twitch & Twitter for video gaming & video content! Buy us a tea on Ko-fi
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cryptidsurveys · 2 months
Saturday, August 3rd, 2024.
Tumblr media
(From Thursday's trip to the Mountain Park.) Is it wicked hard for you to sleep when its hot in your room? Omg, yes. Summer is a miserable time for me. I'm an (extremely) "early to bed/early to rise" type of person, so the heat and the light really fvck with my sleep schedule. I sleep the best during the depths of winter when it's dark and freezing cold.
What is your favorite thing to do with your best friend? My best friend lives in California, so we don't interact in person. We mostly exchange memes and videos, and have random chats about whatever.
Are you easily offended? I can be easily hurt when it comes to personal matters and social interactions (although I've become much better at hiding/dealing with it), but when it comes to politics and things of that nature, I really could not give a hoot.
Have you ever acted as tour guide for friends/relatives from out of town? I haven't. I'm not even sure what I would show people.
Do you feel bored with your life? Not at the moment. If anything, it feels like it's become a bit too busy now that I'm at the animal shelter 40-ish hours a week. I'm realizing I need to restructure my home routines in order to get everything accomplished.
What's the most weight you've ever gained from a medication? I've never gained a significant amount of weight from any medication.
How old were you the first time you encountered God? Like, the concept of God? I was so young that I don't even recall it. But if we're talking about a profound spiritual experience, then...I'm also not sure. I do believe in God now, but I can't pinpoint a singular moment that did it for me.
Are you married? I'm not.
What was the best date you've ever been on? Idk.
Do you feel free to post how you feel on Facebook? I don't use Facebook, but I feel relatively free to post whatever I want on Tumblr and Instagram.
Which stereotype do you fit the most? I have no idea. I'm so bland these days.
Who were your favorite celebrities as a child? I've never been into celebrities.
Did you go to prom? No.
If you could rewind time ten years, would you? No way. I do not want to go through all of that all over again.
What is the last song you played on repeat? Idk about a song, but the last album I had on repeat was Precession by Fifty Dollar Dynasty.
Do you own a CD player? I don't.
Do you think you could handle a job in the medical field? Why or why not? I'm assuming a job as a vet tech would count as the medical field. It's nothing I'm planning on doing any time soon, but I might go back to school for that in the future. It would allow me to continue working at the animal shelter, just in a different capacity.
Would you rather edit photos on your phone or computer? Phone.
What is one electronic device you own that you have not used in a long time? There's an old Xbox 360 in the basement that I haven't used for years.
When was the last time you wore a dress or a skirt? I have no idea.
What is your favorite thing about Instagram? I really like the concept of photo-blogging. Along with surveys, it's one of my favorite ways to document my life.
What is the first thing you think of when you see the rainbow emoji? 🌈? At this time, it would be a rainbow cat hide-away that someone recently donated to the animal shelter. It's so cute!
Do you prefer to play chess or checkers? Neither. I don't even really know how to play chess anymore. I used to know, but it's been so long since I last played.
If you had to go an entire week without using any technology, what do you think you would spend most of your time doing instead? I'd probably spend a lot more time at the animal shelter. I'm pathetically lost without technology (especially my phone for YT videos), but full days at the shelter consume basically all of my time from waking until sleeping. I just get up, shower, eat breakfast, chat with my dad for a bit, then head out. And when I come home, I shower, eat, chat with my dad again, and go to bed.
Would you rather travel to Asia or France? Asia (particularly Japan).
Did you have a New Year’s kiss? No.
Are there any words that you cannot pronounce or that you pronounce incorrectly? No.
How much older than you was the oldest person you have dated/had a relationship with? A couple of years.
Have you recently accomplished anything that you are proud of yourself for? Going full time at the shelter.
Are you still friends with any of your exes? Do you still communicate with any of them at all? No.
What is your opinion on people who shop at Sephora for makeup as opposed to buying makeup from the drugstore? It's not something I even think about.
Is marijuana legal for “recreational use” where you live? Also what is your opinion on the recent legalization of marijuana in certain states? It is legal here. Again, I don't really have an opinion. I don't smoke it anymore and probably never will again.
Do you live on your own or with your parents/a roommate? Do you think you’d like to live alone? I live with my dad. I am on a voucher waiting list to get my own apartment, but I have no idea when that will come through. I'm actually pretty excited about it. It's fun to daydream about creating my own little life.
How often would you say you use Microsoft Word? Never. If I need a quick word document type of thing, then I just use Rapid Tables (it's what I'm taking this survey with right now).
After doing your laundry do you leave it in your basket for a couple days, then put it away? Lmao, I never put it away.
When you do a puzzle do you find all the edges first? Usually.
When you’re in the car and you eat something with a wrapper, do you throw the wrapper out of the window? No.
List 5 things that have happened in the last 7 days. (They can be anything at all, anything that’s happened involving you, or your family, friends, partner.)
Volunteered. Alex and Cassie are leaving cattery. Libby and Lara are leaving the dog side. And Darrel is allegedly retiring in February, but he said that last February, so we'll see. Aside from Diane and the new hire Kristen, come September, there's basically going to be a whole new vibe in cattery. I'm kind of excited and kind of nervous.
Went to the Mountain Park on Thursday, then spent the rest of the day with a horrible migraine.
Went grocery shopping on Wednesday morning.
Touched the tip of the iceberg regarding all the current Amberlynn Reid drama (reaction channels + their comment sections are my guilty pleasure trash YouTube).
Made art.
If you found out your ex had a new partner, would you be upset? No.
Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom? Yeah.
Have you ever had sex on your bedroom floor? How about your living room floor? Possibly on my bedroom floor. Never on the living room floor.
When you kiss someone, do you like to play with their hair? Yeah.
Why did you hug the last person you hugged? I forget exactly who that would have been. I hugged a few people at that recent fundraising event for the shelter.
Do you regret sleeping with anyone? No.
Did anyone comfort you the last time you cried? What was your reason for crying? Yeah.
What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? What if I didn't.
Is there anyone that likes you, other than the person you love/like/are with? No.
Who is the 9th contact in your phone? Have you ever hugged/kissed that person? N/a.
How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about? Tired. Slight headache. Stiff neck. But that's about average for me, so I guess I was feeling okay. I felt even better after I showered and ate. I don't recall the first thing I thought about. Possibly the remnants of a fading dream.
Do you still tell your parents that you love them? I sure do.
Random fact about the person you love/like? There is no such person.
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maximuswolf · 2 months
Quit Xbox Live / GP after 19 years
Quit Xbox Live / GP after 19 years Been on Xbox Live / Game Pass since I got a launch 360. Had an Xbox One, One X and Series X. Finally bit the bullet and unsubscribed today after doing the mental math. First, I’m not even close to playing enough games on there to justify the prices, much less the increases. At this point it would be cheaper to straight up buy a game if they release something that catches my fancy. There are definitely less than the 4-per-year equivalent at $20/mo.Plus over the last few years my PS5 has become my go to console by like 100:1 in hours played.Finally, after looking at the list of free Plus games I’ll lose access to, there was …one… that I felt I might play again, and it turns out I already have it on PlayStation. Submitted July 20, 2024 at 12:27PM by miglrah https://ift.tt/BSPQtxT via /r/gaming
0 notes
ookamij64 · 2 months
If you're like me, you're probably asking about if it would effect the Xbox backwards compatable games. Regardless, still stinks as yet another console is finally sunsetted that has free online multiplayer for the most part... I can be wrong because Xbox Live.
0 notes
shehulksworld · 4 months
We're almost at The 1,000 subscriber goal and more (Quick Reminder Video)
Hello Broly army This is your favorite female Content creator Yolanda Kikou
and I just want to let you'll know that we are almost at The 1,000 subscriber goal
for My First Youtube channel Yolanda Kikou and when we do reached it I will be doing Street fighter 6 battle hub onlines, Dragon ball The Breakers, or whatever comes to mind
for The 1,000 subscriber special since Subscriber specials will be returning to my first youtube channel Yolanda kikou.
and Guys once my First Youtube channel Yolanda Kikou reached 1,000 subscribers than The Goal will be to reached 100,000 subscribers okay so stay tuned.
and I added new Roles to my Discord server Yolanda Kikou and her Broly army's chaos tower💪🥦 Ko-fi Supporters and Members for those who support my Ko-fi Shop page and Co-Streamers for those who live stream events here
and if you haven't already than please join My Discord server here is the link and remember only Adults joining the Discord server https://discord.gg/J7QPPmFmqg
also if You haven't already than please go check out my Ko-fi Shop Page Yolanda Kikou where I add old and New art from my Deviantart art page supergirl3rd to my shop
Also The Discount code for my Shop where you get 30% off everything in the shop is no longer Sailor moon it is now YolandaKikou
So if you purchase anything in my shop use that discount code if you want, and as always if you buy My art from my shop and share it on your social medias remember to Credit me please and thank you.
Here is The link to My Ko-fi Shop page https://ko-fi.com/yolandakikou16672
and I'm returning to Making content for my Second Youtube channel Video game Music 0.2 so stay tuned.
Here is The Link to My Second Youtube channel Video game Music 0.2 https://www.Youtube.com/channel/UCgxG_Z2wLDURFTB8XhaxEEA
And Here is The Link to My First Youtube channel Yolanda Kikou https://youtube.com/@yolandakikou?si=ywLXZTxVwAONoOu0
Thank you guys for following and supporting me on Zepeto much appreciated and if your new to my Zepeto page than please follow me on Zepeto and check out my items on there as well save your zems to buy My items I made please and thank you.
And i'm Back to Making Twitch clips of my Twitch live streams something I haven't done in a very long time so hopefully I do more of them going forward and if you guys want those of you who follow me on Twitch
So feel free to make clips of my Twitch live streams if you want.
And My Twitch channel yolandakikouqueenofbrolys is now connected to my xbox one and Xbox Gameplays are returning to My First Youtube channel Yolanda Kikou
Which means not only will you guys will be more Xbox one Gameplays of video games I own on Xbox one but two other video games I have as well like
D4 dark dreams don't die an amazing video game that was already shown on my Twitch channel yolandakikouqueenofbrolys for my D4 dark dreams don't die demo Twitch stream
Which was to Showcase I was Returning to doing uploading Xbox Gameplays again
And The Other Video game being Lighting Returns a game i completely forgot played a demo of on Xbox 360 A Very long time ago which is why it was on My Xbox one when I started using it
Alongside Rumble roses XX and many other Video games I have so look forward to that.
And I made More BandLab music tracks on BandLab and I have a SoundCloud Page now so please check those out bye bye have an Awesomeness day Broly army ❤️💚 Thanks for Watching bye bye :)👋.
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