#xenic gender
pplatonic · 5 months
Hey, for everyone saying xenogenders are chronically online: Today in psych class we talked about gender dysphoria and I got to illustrate my view of gender graphically. It looked like a venn diagram with four heavily overlapping circles - one of them was xenogender.
My class was ENTIRELY receptive to it. This receptiveness included a straight, cis, white, christian male who had never heard of it before. And he was totally cool with it! We even took two minutes going on about what our gender would be if we described it in xenic terms. My teacher said he'd be the point of a mountain that intersects with clouds in the sky. Another said a ball of lint. I said the ocean. Not one of us said it was "impossible" or "cringe" or any of that xenogender-phobic shit.
If you're xenogender you're valid. The world, the real, offline world thinks so too. What's "chronically online" and "cringe" is being full of hate.
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Predatorpreygender/preydatorgender: a xenogender that feels like both a prey and predator animal, it might feel in between the two or feel or like the two intertwined. It might also be a gender effected by having multiple kintypes that are predator and prey.
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[PT: Autixenic]
Autixenic, an autigender folk who experiences xenogender(s), an autistic gendered person who is xeninely gendered, an intertwined combination of autigender and xenogender, xingender + autigender. It could also be autixin, based on autimain and autifein. Xenic autigender-aligned, genderautistic xeno-presenting. When autism affects how you view your genders and you also use xenogenders to describe your experience. Also, when you're xenic because you're autistic, Etc. (Description from Anon)
Term exclusive to those with Autism!
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[ID: None yet]
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @liom-archive, and @accessmogai
[Autigender Symbol Credit] @themogaidragon (link)
[Flag Colors Inspo] This Flag(link) and This Flag(link)
[Requested by] Anon (one and two)
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moonlit-dreamers · 3 months
ok so i see a lot of posts about xenogenders and how "you shouldnt restrict yourself to microlabels" and i just wanna say something about that
i myself am simply ftm. but i used to be a xenogender collector. up to the hundreds. and i was never satisfied. i kept collecting and collecting and collecting. but i was happy with my hoard. i never felt restricted. i didnt even view my genders as boxes to put myself into. instead, they were like small trinkets id pick up along the way and put them into the boxes. sometimes id take them out and put them on shelves for ppl to see and excitedly explain wut each one meant. often times other collectors would ask if they could use one of the genders id have and id lend them the flag and meaning.
it was never isolating. i was in discord servers where ppl would make genders and flags based on ppls requests. you could request a gender and wut a flag might look like and theyd make it. and, often times, other ppl would see those genders and take it as well. you could also scroll on pinterest or tumblr and you could find thousands of genders there too.
one time i showed some of them to my friends and they said the recognized one of the genders as one they have.
its not isolating. we r not putting ourselves into boxes. we may never be satisfied but we know that. we know we'll never find the gender/label that will truly encapsulate our entire identity.
ppl should be more worried about the ppl who turn themselves into pretzels just to fit into the boxes of lesbian or trans rather than the ppl who r xenogender and dont even go into the boxes.
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a gender related to the hagfish. it may feel wet, slimy, slippery, primitive, hated by most for no reason and/or gross !!
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bombshaft · 6 months
I feel like xenogender sometimes falls under a certain category of “aesthetic” and not a gender identity or community
I’m xenic and I’m not saying it isn’t a gender, I just wish we talked more about the dysphoria of being xenogender or how expressing your xenogender identity by dressing a type of way may be “weird” to some people and how frustrating that is. I feel like that’s left in the dark.
I just need something to relate to when I’m feeling down about being xenogender because I feel like none of us talk about xenogenders outside of “look at this pretty new flag”
We need a sense of community that’s formed by honest words and not just the happy aesthetics the term was painted to be :/
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kitkore · 11 months
A Xenogender related to stars reflecting off of the ocean/the ocean and stars/Oceangender(s) and Stargender(s).
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[/ID: The Oceanastaric flag. The flag has eight stripes. The order of the stripes is golden yellow a wavy design of orange, a small strip of golden yellow following the next stripe, a slightly bigger strip of semi-blue following the next stripe, a small strip of golden yellow following the next stripe, a wavy design of semi- muted blue, a wavy design of a slightly darker semi-muted blue, and a dark wavy design of the semi-muted blue. there are multiple semi-translucent golden yellow stars with a semi-translucent light bright blue outline. /End ID]
Coined by ;; Venus & Sid (Horror sys) !!
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kiruliom · 1 year
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a gender related to the lisa frank art style and cats, both a catgender and a lifrankame gender
no ID Im making this in a little bit of a rush, so sorry!!
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calicocollections · 1 year
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a gender under the genderdream umbrella where one’s dream is connected to liminal dreams, dreaming of liminality, liminality and dreams, etc. also intended to be LiMiN (liminal in nature).
coined by @calicocollections, genderdream coined by @decayedgender! @meadow-of-mogai-melodies‘s 1000 follower coining event. this is for april 6th prompts “dream”!
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isobug · 5 months
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High-quality Webcoric flag ( with the symbol centered and in solid colors )
Webcoric - a -coric xenogender related to webcore and cybergothcore.
Flag and symbol originally by FANDOM user Pride-flags on the LGBTA wiki! Webcoric was coined by anonymous and originally posted here ( bright neon colors cw for link. )
I don't claim to have made / coined either, I just cleaned this up for an emoji rq!
Taglist - @radiomogai, @revenant-coining
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the-silent-fellowship · 5 months
[PT: Xenicplex]
Xenicplex, a plurplex term that means that a Xenic identity/being Xenic effects the entire system (or subsystem, layer, etc). It doesn’t have to be in the same way, it just has to affect everyone.
Xenic Definition(link)
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @plurplex-archive-dot-net, @pluralitywords, and @pluralterms
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corvuscanidae · 5 months
🗝️ otherqueer
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— 🗝️ otherqueer is a label to describe the unique experience of queer nonhumans, and how both labels often overlap or are one in the same depending of one's experience. the label focus to represent specifically nonhumans who's nonhumanity affects their queerness or vice-versa.
however, obviously, it can be used by anyone! — as long as they're both nonhuman (in one way or another) and queer
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— alternative w/o the symbols
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— the otherqueer label brought up by my great friend lysander + the flag was a collaboration between us. twitter post/version
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Fishtelevisic: a xenogender related to aquarium televisions -(hear me out)- the gender feels odd and out of place -possibly connected to weirdcore- as well as calming and peaceful as the fish swimming within it.
plain flag
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(this was a bit self-indulgent)
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neospronouns · 5 months
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Breakfastgender (coined by me)
A gender related to breakfast foods of all kinds, may that be their taste, making them, and/or simply their aesthetics. This can include, but is not limited to, eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, waffles, toast, muffins, cereal, fruit, and more. This gender may also be related to warm colors, morning time, and coziness.
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fandompridehcs · 10 days
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Elsa from Frozen is an autistic trans genderqueer femqueer agenderfae genderfree gendergelid wintercoric silinterow oriented aroace lesbian!
Her girlfriend, Honeymaren, is a lesbian!
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a gender related to everything and everyone (or almost) in the universe of tf2 and team fortress classic
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