#xiaoqing headcanon
finalyaksha · 7 months
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A bit late to talk about this but Happy Xiaoqing Festival, IE Lantern Rite! Despite the fact that we were, once again, robbed of a new interaction, Lantern Rite did not disappoint in dropping more crumbs for me to obsess over.
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Starting with Keqing's scene, this one was particularly interesting, as many Xiaoqing shippers point to Keqing's voice line about Xiao stating that she believes he should be free from his duty. So it's extremely interesting that out of all the kite motifs she could have brought up, she chose the example of a butterfly symbolizing a desire to "break free" or freedom.
It's also interesting that the kite making tradition is specifically mentioned as a Liyue folk tradition that she wants the younger generation to learn more about. She herself is also well versed on information about kites that she learned from her grandfather. Which is also interesting as we know her grandfather, a historian, also knows a lot about the Adepti, which she previously mentioned in the Stove God quest.
Another small detail from this year was the fact that Keqing delivers gifts to the Adepti every year, meaning she continues to see Xiao at least once every year during Lantern Rite.
I have a strong suspicion that, if we take all of this into account, Keqing probably believes, with Xiao being an Adeptus, the kite making traditions of Liyue would probably be an appealing theme to him for Lantern Rite. She's certainly aware that he does not attend them in person and continuously chooses themes that he will be able to see from a distance. Xiao even verbalizes to the traveler that he always picks a spot where he can see everything from.
So we can now brainrot yearly Xiaoqing meetings where she pokes his brain, trying to gain knowledge about his interests and they possibly even play a part in the theme she helps craft year after year.
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Now Xiao's part is equally as interesting. First of all, sly Zhongli, trying to nudge Xiao in the direction of finding someone to fly kites with. He's almost certainly aware that Keqing was behind the theme for the festival, so I can easily inhale enough copium and see her being who he's referring to.
Add on top of that to the fact that Xiao himself seems pretty open to the idea, as anything he doesn't outright dislike is enough to say that he's willing to do it. Especially since his first reaction is to ask who would want to fly kites with him rather than an outright "no".
His view on kites is also pretty interesting, saying that they give him "peace of mind". Pretty much echoing Keqing talking about the butterfly kit symbolizing "happiness" and a desire for freedom. Plenty of details across Xiao's Story and Namecard make it apparent that he does want to eventually be free from his Yaksha duties, even if he doesn't outright say it.
Soooo it just all really comes full circle that Keqing and Xiao meet up, she finds something out about him that she thinks would intrigue him, and themes Lantern Rite Celebrations around that. Based on her own idea that Xiao should be free, she hopes to help push him in the direction of seeking his own freedom, by hosting a Kite Flying Lantern Rite theme that Xiao would be sure to see. And Zhongli, probably also aware of this, hint hint nudge nudges Xiao in her direction for the Xiaoqing Kite Flying Date of The Century.
And because I forgot to take a picture of Keqing releasing a Xiao Lantern with Xiao, have this picture from last year's dinner that Keqing totally deserved to be at. Not that it matters since we now have confirmed yearly meetings, maybe yearly dinners, they're in love, obviously.
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an-indecisive-nerd · 16 days
OC Headcannon Tag
I know I literally just did one of these, but I didn't notice that @leahnardo-da-veggie tagged me in one (here) so I'm doing it again for a different wip, Nearly Parallel Lives. There are a lot of these bitches so I'm only doing one per.
Rules: Use this character headcanon generator to get some head cannons about your characters.
Flyta gets into Twitter discourse.
Doesn't exist where she lives, but she probably would.
Lance is the gay cousin.
This is cannon actually. He is the gay cousin.
Winters watched the sonic movie.
I'd believe it. He seems like the type.
Gillian is constantly singing for no reason.
Not only is this something she would do, but it would be like Disney princess style singing, birds would flock to her.
Sylviane can't make the voices go away.
Her entire country is basically haunted canonically, so yeah makes sense.
Mack almost drank the lethal dosage of caffine once.
He's really more of a whiskey guy, but I wouldn’t put it past him.
Amanda is afraid to close their eyes in the shower.
This is true. Her and Mack live in a rough neighbourhood (and are criminals) so it's not exactly an unreasonable fear.
Xiaoqing has been canceled on Twitter.
I can't really think of a reason why she would be.
Valencia doesn't own a single pair of matching socks.
All of her socks are the exact same colour. She's very organized.
Andrew is great with kids.
He is amazing with kids. He's the favourite babysitter.
Bren could easily survive The Hunger Games.
Bren lives in a dystopian country, so yes. Yes they could.
Maddox has been to prison.
He has. Many times in fact.
Aedan has an embarrassing old deviant art account.
He probably would have one. He's great at art.
Tagging the tag list again, no pressure (join here)
@thelovelymachinery @unforgettable-sensations @littleladymab @megamijadeheart @my-bright-legacy
@ominous-feychild @thecomfywriter @wyked-ao3 @anamelessfacelessnerd @differentnighttale
@mysticstarlightduck @the-letterbox-archives @leahnardo-da-veggie @paeliae-occasionally @tr4sh-p4nd4-404
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twinklecupcake · 2 years
I hope this isn't too many BUT! 6, 7, 9 for Pigsy and Tang. 2 and 18 for Xiaoqing. And 2 and 14 for Syntax (because I can and will throw him in).
Pigsy + Tang (putting both answers together for coherency)
Favourite thing this character has said?
Pigsy: Just about any line that shows he does love and care about the rest of the cast. Like the worried/furious "You're supposed to be his mentor!" rant or the "You're pretty great to me."
Tang: The speech to Macaque in the lantern, yes, hello?
What do you like most about this character?
Pigsy: I mean this guy just appeals to me because he checks off my "acts like a jerk but never goes too far + actually does love everyone and they KNOW it" box. I remember first starting the show (to the joy of one of my friends, who'd been on it since the premiere) and thinking "Oh, great, he's a Jerk Boss, this is gonna be not fun." Aaand then I got to the part in the premiere when they all thought MK had been killed and was like "Oh. He's Boss Dad actually. Oh no, this is hitting one of my Character Appeal Buttons." and that was it.
Tang: He's. Multidimensional. He's so petty and passive-aggressive sometimes, but he loves his family. He casually insults people but he knows not to cross lines. He's got a bit of a superiority complex but ALSO is secretly insecure as hell about his place on the team? He gave no fucks about pretty demon ladies trying to flirt, like sorry ladies he's too gay for this. He got between Mei and a scary-as-hell Macaque and tried to protect her, even though he's squishy and knew he would have stood no chance, but he did it anyway without even thinking because she's basically his kid too.
He's the Blorbo I wasn't expecting to have.
What’s your favourite headcanon(s) for this character?
Pigsy: I've seen the headcanon that, whether he's a reincarnation of Zhu Baijie or the actual guy, he was under the "100 doomed romances" curse and that Tang was number 101 and so they're not doomed. idk why but I really like that headcanon?
Tang: I honestly love the headcanon that he's a college teacher. Actually I saw this headcanon so frequently that for a little bit I thought I must have missed something in the show and had to quickly double-check to see if it was canon.
What song(s) remind you of this character?
What’s something you associate this character with? E.g. a certain colour, object or scenery?
The color green (natch), bicycles, lilies.
What song(s) remind you of this character?
What outfit would you really like to see this character wear? Or what’s your favourite outfit of theirs?
I'm gonna answer the first question: I wanna see this man in lazy wear. Let him wear sweatpants and a baggy college tee shirt and slippers. I mean I'm just pretty sure he doesn't sleep much anyway, surely sometimes he just isn't in the mood to do a lot of grooming or to look presentable. Sometimes he should be allowed to dress like a tired college programming student who just stopped caring this week.
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clvhq · 2 years
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se ha visto a xiaoqing holden desfilando por las calles y boulevares de parís, pero no hemos llegado a ver si es de pronto buena o mala fortuna la que le persigue. ¿tu sí? ¡anímate a descubrir cuál es!
dumpling, ¡bienvenide a cestlaviehq! nos encanta que seas parte de nuestro proyecto y esperamos que el buen juicio sea parte de tu camino dentro del mismo y si no… bueno, ¡así es la vida! recuerda que tienes 24 hs para hacernos saber cuál será la cuenta de tu personaje y que, en caso de necesitarlo, puedes pedir más tiempo.
out of character.
nombre / pseudónimo: Dumpling
pronombres: el/suyo
edad: 27
país / zona horaria: Mx
triggers: -
user de discord: -
en caso de unfollow, ¿dejarías que se continúe utilizando tu personaje como no jugable? si
¿algo que agregar?
in character.
nombre completo: Xiaoqing Holden
pronombres: ella/suya
faceclaim: Ju Jing Yi
fecha de cumpleaños:  18 de junio
edad: 27
ocupación: Hostess en Doux Baiser de la Mort
descripción psicológica:
( + ) Energética, Romántica, Soñadora
( - ) Ingenua, Celosa, Sobreprotectora
headcanons sobre el personaje:
1.- Sus primeros años de vida parecen ser simplemente sueños de lo que hubiera querido que fuera o es su misma consciencia recordándole que alguna vez fue querida y amada. El estar en la casa hogar tampoco beneficiaba en absoluto y menos cuando comprendió la verdad acerca del sistema, lo único bueno de aquel lugar fueron dos personas más.
2.- Conforme los años fueron pasando, la ilusión de ser adoptada iba desapareciendo a grandes pasos, sabía que nadie quería a chicos grandes, siempre buscaban a los menores y por eso fue que a sus 14 decidió ya no presentarse frente a las familias, prefería mantenerse alejada para no terminar con esperanzas rotas.
3.- A sus 16 encontró la excusa perfecta para no estar tanto en la casa hogar y fue el conseguir cualquier trabajo que le dejara dinero, todo era necesario si en algún momento se tuviera que marchar. Quién hubiera dicho que a sus 23 años y con los que ahora eran su familia se encontraba de camino a París, Francia, quizás la ciudad del amor le brindaría el nuevo comienzo que tanto necesitaba.
4.- El idioma y la falta de experiencia válida, le comenzó a dificultar encontrar un trabajo estable, dedicándose principalmente a los que pedían gente de medio tiempo o que fueran por contratos cortos.
5.- A sus casi 24 conoció a un chico al cual creyó que era el indicado, grave fue su error un año después, puesto que al darse cuenta que estaba embarazada y contarle, fue la última vez que supo de él. Nueve meses después nace la pequeña Zhēn Zhēn
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finalyaksha · 1 year
Xiaoqing Analysis - Genius Invokaction TCG
There are a million swirling emotions within me and I need a place to express them so sorry if this analysis is mostly unhinged ramblings. 
I was already on board with how their card imagery looks so similar. Almost like Xiao is guarding Keqing’s front while she’s watching from the rear.
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But then the update drops and this is actually canon.
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Xiao has Keqing’s card in his deck. 
Not only that, but this is his CANON playstyle description.
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“Xiao’s deck is centered around switching characters and Normal Attacks...”
“Lightning Stiletto Combat Action: Switch your Keqing in to be the active character and immediately use Stellar Restoration once. This instance of Stellar Restoration will grant Keqing Electro Infusion without creating another Lightning Stiletto. 
Electro Infusion When the character to which it is attached to deals Physical Damage, it will be turned into Electro DMG. ”
Can we talk about the implications of this being insane??? 
I mean we’re already past the fact that their cards are L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y meant to be played together with Keqing’s switching enhancing Xiao’s plunging.
But there is already the BARE minimum being that they play TCG together. Canonically, the way to get another character’s card is to beat them in a match. So the fact that Keqing’s card is in Xiao’s active deck means that either:
A: Xiao, having beat Keqing in a TCG match, decided to formulate his deck’s playstyle entirely around the way her card is played, since it functions well with his own card.
B. Xiao, having already decided on how he is best able to play the game (switching), specifically sought Keqing out to add her card to his deck, knowing that they’d have good synergy together.
C. Keqing, having pity on this 2,000-year-old boomer, gave her card to him and helped him build a deck that would best satisfy his gameplay.
They always have the smallest crumbs but the implications from them go SO CRAZY
I love this, I love Xiaoqing, I would very much like more of this, thank you Hoyoverse, please give me Xiaoqing playing TCG together on screen
Xiaoqing Analysis Series
Xiao’s “Obsession” with Keqing
Why Xiaoqing
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finalyaksha · 1 year
Modern Verse Drabble #4 – Fangirls (Final)
The car door was swung wide mere nanoseconds after Xiao pushed it open. And not a moment later was he dragged out of the vehicle and onto the ground.
“Ugh.” He groaned after hitting the parking lot concrete. He could barely hear himself think with the dozens of high-pitched squeals and shrieks filling his ears.
Xiao immediately felt his body being pushed and pulled and dragged repeatedly, by what seemed to be five, ten, twenty people. He felt hands on his arms, tugging his hair, some attempting to hold him down to the point that he was struggling to so much as turn his head.
“Hggh…d-don’t…” he choked out. He was trying to plead with the girls not to further damage Keqing’s car. But at that point, he wasn’t even able to see if they were still pummeling it or not.
The situation quickly went from being flung around like a rag doll to having his clothes ripped from his body. His jacket, his shoes, even his necklaces were torn from him without a second thought.
“I GOT HIS SOCKS!” He heard one person yell.
“GIVE IT TO ME!” Another shouted.
“GET HIS SHIRT!” Someone else hollered.
It felt like hours had passed as he was helplessly stripped right in the middle of the parking lot. He could hear the sounds of his clothes being torn between the frenzied crowd. Felt a knee being pressed in his back and his arms pulled awkwardly away from his head to get off whatever they could. And there was nothing he could do to stop it.
Frankly, this was nothing new to Xiao. Well, in theory, at least. Ever since middle school, girls would follow him around and wait for an opportunity to strike. It almost always resulted in them stealing his clothes from him. Swiping his jacket from around his waist. Causing him to trip and stealing a shoe while he was down. Maybe even his socks if they were fast enough.
The fact of the matter was, Xiao was used to this. And he had long given up fighting back. It was pointless. They were pests, never giving up even if he managed to shake them one day. They would just be back to try again until they got what they wanted. Resistance was futile.
He would probably never have an answer as to why girls who seemingly hated him as much as they did, wanted his clothes so badly. Nor why it persisted into his college years. He overwhelmingly preferred it when other students ignored him over the embarrassment that he was experiencing now. Yet it seemed this was one form of torment he could never escape from.
As he felt his body become less and less clothed, he also heard the sounds of footsteps speeding away, no doubt satisfied with what they’d grabbed. He felt a few attempts to grab his undergarments, but clutched them with one of his hands, refusing to be found completely nude in the parking lot. 
Just when it seemed his grip was beginning to wane, as he was fighting against tenfold the amount of hands he had available to him, he vaguely made out a voice he wasn’t familiar with shouting over the cries of the girls. In all of his concentration trying to keep himself clothed, he couldn’t figure out what was being said.
What he did notice was that most of the hands started to release him and he took the opportunity to crawl under Keqing’s car. Wincing, as he felt part of the machinery scratch against his back, all he could do was remain as still as possible, not knowing whether the voice was friend or foe.
Xiao was mortified. Not only because of what had just happened, but also because Keqing would inevitably discover what had happened to her car. Not to mention that Xiao would have to explain all of this to her once she found out.
He blew it. This wasn’t supposed to happen. This is the exact opposite of what was supposed to happen. What use was it having someone like Mona at his disposal to warn him of future misfortunes if his actions would only end up resulting in his humiliation anyway? Was he really doomed to suffer a life of perpetual despair at the hands of his peers? Was there nothing he could do to change his fate?
Distraught and humiliated, Xiao could only mutter to himself, over and over, completely unaware that Keqing and their other friends were hurriedly making their way to him at that very moment.
“I’m sorry...”
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finalyaksha · 2 years
Miscellaneous Xiao Headcanon - His Relationships with Others (Keqing: His Lover Across Universes)
Keqing – Keqing is Xiao’s beloved, the one who was able to get him to open his heart to others and to experience love for the first time. Regardless of canon or modern verse, he is infatuated with her to the point that almost every decision he makes revolves around her or her happiness, much to her frustration.
Canon Verse – Xiao primarily becomes acquainted with Keqing through Ganyu. The Qixing Emissary suggests that Xiao take on tasks from the Qixing whenever he isn’t busy. Most of his orders end up coming from Keqing, leading the two to form a cordial relationship. Despite Xiao’s insistence that he doesn’t need any repayment, Keqing often insists on cooking for the Yaksha, leading them to spend a considerable amount of time together. Over time, Xiao becomes somewhat infatuated with Keqing, impressed by both her lack of fear of being around him, and her refusal to back away from conversing with him.
Ganyu is made aware of his crush on Keqing and suggests the two go on a date. The two end up going on two pivotal dates: one of Yaoguang Shoal and the other in the Guyun Stone Forest, the latter of which results in the two confessing their feeling to each other and making love to each other for the first time.
From then on, Xiao moves in with Keqing, and the two are almost inseparable. Day-by-day, the two fall more and more in love with each other, as it is the first time either feels truly loved for who they are, not for what they present to the world. Xiao is in disbelief that a mortal would accept him despite all of the heavy baggage he carries and is willing to both love him and teach him how to love in return. While their relationship is never perfect, the two can never stay mad at each other for long, and the pair become notorious for their constant and shameless public sexcapades around Liyue.
There are frequent concerns in their relationship, with Xiao constantly worried that he presents a danger to both Keqing, and her reputation, should anyone find out she is dating him. The Yaksha is always afraid that he will one day lose control of himself and end up taking her life as a result, a fear that consumes him continuously. Otherwise, he fears she will will tire or bore of him and want to leave him for a rich, mortal man, leaving him heartbroken, but willing to let her go to someone he feels would be better for her. On her part, Keqing worries that Xiao is simply too in love with her and that he will be unable to live for himself once she eventually passes away. She spends much of their relationship trying to get Xiao into hobbies that will entertain him long after her life ends, such a landscape drawing, a pastime which he picks up quickly. Still, she is often worried about how busy she is, how much more time she wishes they could spend together, and how to deal with the knowledge that she’s acutely aware that Xiao’s life would likely come to a standstill when she eventually dies, as she is the first person he has ever truly loved. While Keqing insists that he will be able to love again, Xiao expresses certainty that no one will ever be able to have his heart the same way that Keqing does.
In spite of it all, Keqing remains the love of Xiao’s life and he is willing to give everything he has for her at a moment’s notice. Through her, he has found purpose, a reason to live, a reason to want to break free of his contract, and…that which he has always wanted…someone to love.
Modern Verse – Keqing is introduced to Xiao via a mutual friend: Kazuha. While Xiao is initially uninterested in forming a friendship with Keqing, she makes it her mission to befriend him. He eventually warms up to her due to the kindness she shows him, something he isn’t used to receiving.
The two become friends after a few months, but it doesn’t go much further than that due to Keqing already being in a relationship with one of Teyvat University's more prestigious fraternity presidents, Ajax. Xiao has no strong feelings on their relationship, and initially denies his feelings for Keqing altogether. However, his friends are certain he has a crush on Keqing and encourage him to confess to her, as they are all very aware that Keqing’s patience with Ajax is wearing thin.
Xiao never ends up confessing, and the two remain friends. Eventually, Keqing and Ajax break up leaving Keqing single and the object of many affections on campus. She convinces Xiao to be her fake boyfriend, so she won’t be approached by other guys on campus, and he agrees, not seeing any loss in doing so.
Their fake dating only leads the two to grow much closer than they anticipated to the point that Xiao’s friends wonder if they’re actually a couple. Xiao denies, insisting that Keqing isn’t romantically interested in him. However, after a year of “fake dating”, the two eventually end up confessing to each other and being a real relationship.
The two are, expectedly, inseparable. But their relationship isn’t free from conflict.  
Ajax does not take his breakup with Keqing well and it is a constant source of strife between himself and Xiao. Meanwhile, Xiao doesn’t even consider himself to be a good boyfriend, as he soon finds out that Keqing is from a very rich family, leading him to always feel that he will never be able to give her what she deserves. Being an introverted hermit, he fears that Keqing’s reputation as a sorority vice president will be ruined because of him. He also worries that, because this is his first relationship, he’s incapable of satisfying Keqing sexually due to his inexperience and general repulsion of his own body. This, paired with Xiao’s immense amount of self-depreciation, often leads him to unintentionally push her away, fearful that he’s holding her back or causing her unhappiness.  
While Xiao has his insecurities, he adores Keqing with his entire being and will always want the best for her, regardless of his own discomfort or uncertainty. Keqing is determined to teach Xiao to love himself and to accept the love she and his friends have for him, in the hopes that it will be the key to relieving Xiao of his worries, allowing him to simply love and be loved by her.
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finalyaksha · 2 years
Canon Verse Drabble #4 – Protect
This year’s Lantern Rite was almost at its end. With it would be the end of the incessant bustle and chatter of mortals, noisy celebrations, and litter amassing the city streets, seas, and mountains alike.
It would also be the end of the relentless attempts by demonkind to cause havoc and ruin said celebrations.
That, Xiao thought, as he was making his way back to Wangshu Inn, was all he was really concerned with.
Protecting morals during the rest of the year was nothing Xiao could not handle, even on a daily basis. But the additional weight of karmic debt he was set to endure during Lantern Rite was always cumbersome. Still, the Yaksha would not allow it to hinder his responsibilities.
Xiao had quite a long way to go before he would reach Dihua Marsh, and he was in no real rush to return home, if he were being honest. The forest outskirts were dark and lonely, but they were at least peaceful. Which was why Xiao was lamenting the fact that he was now beginning to enter territory close enough that he’d certainly begin encountering humans.
Humans were noisy enough on a normal day. But they were exponentially livelier and more irritating during Lantern Rite.
Xiao was unmistakably an Adeptus and never went out of his way to disguise himself, as most tended to avoid him in general. That all changed during Lantern Rite, where mortals were constantly hounding him to listen to their pleas and cries for fortune and success. They would go on and on, begging, imploring…and wasting what felt like ages of Xiao’s time on matters he couldn’t deal with in the first place.
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty encounters that would leave him absolutely drained by the time he eventually reached Wangshu Inn. More drained than he felt from his battle alone.
Were he not so weary, he would have donned his mask and traveled in great bounds back to Wangshu the second he noticed the figure currently a short distance from him. That is, before he took a closer look. The Yaksha almost thought he was seeing things, delirious from hours on the battlefield. But those long, flowing twin tails of the person before him being carried by the nighttime breeze were too unmistakable to be anyone else.
“You’re here.” Xiao managed to say. Hearing him, she turned around to face him, not remotely startled by the suddenness of his voice.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” was the response.
Should he have expected any other answer from Keqing, Yuheng of the Qixing whom he’d become unusually close to over the past year since she’d presented him with gifts at the previous festival? It was strange for a multitude of reasons; her status as a governmental figure with a reputation for skepticism and a sharp tongue, and his status as a Yaksha who kept to himself and stayed largely away from those in high society. Any average citizen of Liyue would have surely assumed that the two had little to no knowledge of the other outside of their mere existence.
“It will be difficult to see the fireworks from out here.” Xiao said as Keqing approached him, not bothering to question what she was doing so far away from the Harbor. It wasn’t as if presence her was surprising.
“It won’t be difficult to see you.” She replied.
His heart ached at the slight look of disappointment and uncertainty on her face as the words left her mouth. Not because she didn’t mean them, he knew. But because she could tell he would have preferred she not come all this way to see him. It hurt her that he would doubt her willingness to do such a thing. And it hurt him whenever his self-depreciation caused her pain.
“You are…rather alluring tonight.” Xiao said, staring at the lanterns being released from the Harbor faintly visible in the sky. It did nothing to lessen the heat rising on his cheeks.
He was both embarrassed and relieved at the giggle he heard in response.
“Right…you didn’t get to see me in outfit this last year, did you?” Keqing said, moving to stand in front of him.
Xiao gave her a look of intrigue. Keqing dressed up rarely and it seemed it was even more rare that they crossed paths on a day in which she had. He was nothing short of stunned whenever he saw her in anything outside of her usual attire. The one that she was wearing now; a short dress in a dazzling shade of blue that appeared feather-like in much of its appearance, accented with shining gold details, and finished with elegant ribbons adorning her hair buns, plus a large bow of a similar hue around her neck was…breathtaking to say the least.
“Perhaps you will be able to see me in it…or something else…at the festival next year?” she asked, sounding hopeful.
Xiao didn’t look at her. He couldn’t. Not when he knew very well that it wouldn’t be possible. He couldn’t stand to see the look of disappointment on her face. Yet, he knew Keqing was a realist above all. She understood as well as he did that he wouldn’t promise something he’d be unable to keep. Her statement was wishful thinking out loud more than anything.
“Were there a lot of demons out tonight?” Keqing asked, filling the brief pause between them.
“Many. Far more than usual for some reason.” Xiao replied, quick to avoid another awkward silence. “They must have intended to disrupt the end of the festival for some reason. But it matters not. They have been dealt with.”
“You must be tired.” Keqing said, resting a hand on his cheek.
Xiao shook his head. “This is just what I do.”
“You know, it’s okay to rest.” Keqing’s voice was nearly a whisper, looking him in the eyes and taking in their fatigue. “I understand that there is an urgency that comes with confronting demonkind. But…you don’t have to put aside your own wellbeing. You can ask for help. You don’t have to do it alone.”
Xiao’s eyes darted away from hers as he lightly took her wrist but refrained from moving it from his face. “Keqing…it’s dangerous enough for you to even be next to me. For you to be touching me like this…it’s-”
The Yaksha couldn’t help but meet her eyes again. How was it that a mortal had such power over him in this manner?
“I didn’t come all this way because I’m afraid of being near you.” Keqing said, her voice remaining gentle but now firmer. “…I want to be by your side.”
Xiao could say nothing. It was not the first time she’d touched him. It was not the first time he’d cautioned her against it. It was not the first time she’d chosen not to heed his warnings. Risking her life to offer him comfort. It rendered him too dumbfounded to say a word.
“Please…be honest with me.” Keqing said, cupping his face with both hands. “I had to learn this myself last year, so…you’re not alone.”
After a moment of silence, Xiao sighed. “Were I able to spend a day like this in a manner that was more…peaceful…I wouldn’t turn it down.”
It was all Keqing needed to pull the Adeptus into her embrace, cradling his head and wrapping her other arm around his waist. Xiao didn’t know why he felt so…heavy…in her arms. The weight of all his karma could pull her to the ground at any minute, he thought. And yet, her hold on him didn’t lessen. Was she really this strong?
And yet he also felt…so light. As if his suffering and burdens were dissipating from his flesh under the pressure of Keqing clinging to him. He wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and to stay there, with her, for hours.
But the Yaksha remained ever attentive, and the sound of nearby footsteps did not go unnoticed by him.
“…There are others here…” Xiao said, becoming tense.
Even if he couldn’t hear them, he could clearly sense the presence of humans in the area. The ones he expected to run into eventually on his way back.
“Shh…it’s hard to miss when you’re fighting in the area.” Keqing whispered, trying to soothe him into relaxing. “They could likely tell you were here from miles away.”
The Yuheng knew what he was alluding to. They’ll see us, he was refraining from saying. She didn’t care. None of those approaching them were concerned about the intimate gesture between the Yuheng and the Conqueror of Demons. There was an incredibly high likelihood that none of them recognized her as Yuheng as it was; her reputation wasn’t in any danger because of this.
Besides, it was clear none of them cared about the embrace beyond the fact that it was occupying Xiao’s attention. Keeping him from being approached by them in that moment. That was the only thing any of them wanted; the only reason anyone would seek out the Yaksha at this specific time during Lantern Rite.
These people only wanted to use him for what little time they could get a hold of him.
To them, Xiao was a wish granter. A genie.
Keqing opened her eyes and caught glimpses of the people who began to occupy the area in greater numbers. She found her blood heating up with each additional person she saw. Holding what were likely small “offerings” that they planned to give to Xiao in exchange for whatever he could provide for them. It was a joke; small trinkets they probably got from a prize stall at the festival were their offerings to the Vigilant Yaksha’s presumed divinity.
They all wandered around, pretending to not be watching and waiting their turns.
It made Keqing’s blood boil.
Did any of them have an inkling of everything he’d been through? How much pain he suffered keeping them safe? His restless devotion to defending them while they frivolously laughed the night away? For not so much as a thank you outside of a single day throughout the entire year? And in exchange for that protection, all they could do was beg for more?
Keqing’s grip around him tightened, a sharp glare she didn’t realize she was mustering covered her features at the onlookers in the area.
They weren’t concerned about him. They were just waiting until Keqing finished. Waiting for their turn to beg him for blessings.
Every impatient glance thrown their way was only met by Keqing’s glare, and their eyes would quickly turn away. Some seemed to get the picture and distanced themselves from the pair. Others simply seemed annoyed with waiting, shooting Keqing a nasty look back before walking off in obvious disgust at having their opportunity to meet the Yaksha wasted.
Keqing’s stare never faltered. Once one person left, her eyes immediately locked on to the next one. And the next…and the next.
Until the Yuheng effectively drove everyone off without moving an inch. And there was no one left in the field aside from herself and Xiao.
Once her expression softened, she could better assess the Yaksha’s disposition. The tenseness from when they first embraced had dissipated. He had fully embraced her back at this point, and Keqing could feel the trust he had in her in that moment. It was a rare moment that he allowed himself to let his guard down. And allowed Keqing herself to be his guard.
“…Keqing, I…” Xiao said, silently. Keqing could recognize the ever-present guilt in his voice whenever his vulnerability showed itself before her.
“Shh…I’m not going anywhere.” Keqing soothed him, holding him tighter than she ever had before, with no intention of letting go any time soon.
“Even a protector…needs to be protected at times”
AO3 Version
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twinklecupcake · 2 years
Of the spiders, which one likes Xiaoqing most?
Goliath/Strong Spider, by like. Probably a fraction.
She’s his small, little buddy! (Thanks to @skellebonez for that) I mean I honestly like to headcanon he has a soft spot for ladies* anyway, so he’d take to her fast. He calls her “Tiny Snake” and gives spine-popping hugs.
* and animals. Don’t tell anyone.
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finalyaksha · 2 years
Modern Verse Drabble #4 – Fangirls (Part 1)
Xiao sighed as he replaced his pencil. He really needed to start carrying around a sharpener with how much he sketched. He was seated in the back seat of Keqing’s otherwise empty car, parked in one of the lots on campus, with only a couple other cars and bikes nearby to serve as company.
Others might think it strange that Xiao chose to wait for his girlfriend in her car rather than accompanying her to her sorority events. After all, the council was made up of his closest friends’ girlfriends, along with Keqing herself as the vice president. It would have seemed natural for him to show his face there. Two of his friends, Kazuha and Heizou, were currently accompanying Ayaka and Shinobu, with Heizou being the newest addition to his friend group and Shinobu to the sorority. Also present were several other mutual friends (Keqing’s friends, mainly) that Xiao honestly didn’t talk to that often and was sure weren’t missing him. That said, it was probably odd to most that Xiao was the only one who never attended their events.
That is, if it wasn’t for that fact that Xiao could go almost nowhere on campus without legions of female students on his tail, desperately trying to get his attention.
It was no secret to most students that he was taken, but far be it from any of his “fangirls” to care enough to not approach him. As far as most were concerned, Keqing was, at best, only deluding herself into thinking Xiao was truly dating her. And at worst, a fling. One of many, they were certain.
The general perception at Teyvat University was that Xiao was little more than a playboy who likely slept with a new girl every day. As such, while there were obviously some who were genuinely interested in pursuing a relationship with him, the majority stalked him only to see if he’d be willing to have a one-night stand with them.
Little did almost any of them know that this couldn’t have been further from the truth. Not only did Xiao have no sexual or romantic experience outside of Keqing, the last thing on earth he’d consider himself to be was a playboy. He’d always believed he was ugly and didn’t even consider the fact that these girls were interested in him sexually. Because of how often they followed him around, usually giggling because of how attractive they found him, he assumed they disliked him and did his best to avoid encountering or speaking with them whenever possible. With how little anyone really engaged with him, his mysterious aura only made him that much more popular.
Needless to say, Xiao wasn’t interested in all of the attention he’d likely bring, whether he knew the true reason for it or not. He hated crowded places in general, and even though Keqing’s presence usually comforted him, she was usually too busy as the vice president to stay by his side the whole time.
So, he sat quietly in Keqing’s car, only opening the door at fifteen-minute intervals to get some fresh air. It had perhaps been almost an hour into the event when he suddenly received a text message.
Odd. Who could be texting him when all his friends (all two of them) were currently either a part of or a participant at Keqing’s sorority gathering? His sister should have been at work and his dad was likely giving a tutoring session at this hour.
“It’s…from Mona?” he said, raising an eyebrow at his phone.
It wasn’t often that Mona texted him. She wasn’t much more than an acquaintance who, occasionally, offered him relationship advice, given that she seemed capable of seeing into the future somehow. Xiao was certainly not one to turn down any sort of advice in that respect. But the two otherwise didn’t maintain much casual conversation.
Meaning that something was wrong.
Mona: Xiao! I sense much jealousy and anger! A horrible incident is about to occur!
Xiao paused, reading the message a few times to make sure he wasn’t mistaken. It wouldn’t be the first time he had no idea what Mona was trying to say to him.
Xiao: What do you mean? Something’s going to happen?
Mona: Keqing! Shinobu! I see an altercation befalling them if something isn’t done!
“To Keqing? And…her new friend?” Xiao muttered to himself.
Unbeknownst to Xiao, he was far from the only one in his friend group with an obsessive following. While Kazuha’s following was more stagnant, Heizou had more than his own fair share of fans, and that number was only growing now that he was known as a new friend of Xiao’s. It didn’t help that many students on campus thought the latter two were related.
Xiao: An altercation? You mean they’re going to get into a fight?
Mona: Yes! Negative energies are in large amounts in the same location as them. They’re growing…and will soon combust!
Xiao was growing frustrated. Keqing may be strong and capable of defending herself, but if what Mona was saying is true, she’d be up against an entire group of people. Xiao didn’t know how well that would go over and he wasn’t particularly interested in finding out while he was hiding out in the back seat of a car.
Xiao: Why is this happening? What should I do?
While Xiao appreciated Mona’s warnings, all they did at times like this was make him feel helpless. It didn’t help that she was always so vague in detailing what would specifically happen.
Xiao looked out the window of the car. Even from where he sat, he could see several groups of girls going in and out of the building. Usually, he wouldn’t think much of something like that. But after Mona’s warnings, he couldn’t help but think this had something to do with her messages.
Mona: It’s because of you, Xiao! Can’t you see that they’re there for you?!
Xiao’s stomach sank as he read the text. Of course, it was his fault, Xiao thought. There was nothing he hated more than the fact that his unfavorable reputation was constantly causing trouble for Keqing. She was possibly going to get hurt, her event was going to be ruined, and it was going to be all because of him.
He felt his stomach get tighter by the second. He had to do something, and quickly. He hated the thought that was currently floating around in his head, but it was seeming more and more as though it was going to be his only option. He couldn’t stand being laughed at or mocked, but the thought of it happening to Keqing or her friends was ten times worse. Especially if it was because of him. He couldn’t allow them to suffer because of him.
“If…they’re after me…maybe…”
Xiao’s body was acting on autopilot now, not even consulting his brain as to a plan of sorts.
“Maybe…they’ll leave her alone if…”
Xiao gripped the handle and opened the car door.
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finalyaksha · 2 years
Modern Verse Drabble #4 – Fangirls (PART 2)
Xiao clutched his backpack and started making his way to the building. He had no idea what he was really doing or where he was going but he didn’t have time to come up with a plan. He had to make sure Keqing and her friends were okay.
As he navigated through the hallways, he started to feel his stomach churn as he noticed more and more people in the area. The giggling of girls as he passed by, regardless of if he made eye-contact or not, became almost deafening. He was starting to feel delirious with every passing step.
After what felt like ages, but was likely no more than three minutes, he heard the calming sound of Keqing’s voice. Stopping in his tracks, he peeked through the door’s glass window and noticed her, as well as her sorority members, giving a presentation.
She’s safe, he thought, feeling relieved.
Not even seconds later did he just barely register a hand trying to swipe at the top of his head. By instinct, he managed to move out of the way of a female student wearing a face mask.
“Damn…” He heard her mutter. “Hold still!”
Taking a step back, Xiao realized he was surrounded by at least ten girls, all wearing similar masks.
Were these the ones who were after Keqing?
The fact that they were all outside of the room she was in seemed to suggest it would be stupid for him to conclude otherwise.
Trusting his gut, Xiao took off running. And to his partial surprise, the girls took off after him. Not that he was complaining; the further they were from Keqing, the better.
Unfortunately, these ten girls were far from his only concern.
As he ran through the hallways, more students would leap out of seemingly nowhere, trying to grab his jacket, his shirt, his backpack, and his pants. Luckily, Xiao was fast enough that he could shake them off fairly easily. But the surprise attacks were only making it more likely that he’d trip and get dogpiled. He had to pick up the pace.
He finally dashed through the front doors, eyeing Keqing’s car. He reached into his back pocket for his key, pressing the button to unlock the door. Xiao glanced back for a second as he neared the car, hoping the girls would have scattered once he was outside.
He couldn’t have been more mistaken.
More students than Xiao could count were chasing him down like a mob. He grabbed the handle once it was within reach and slammed the door shut, immediately locking it after him.
He exhaled a sigh of relief, feeling safe for once. There was no chance the girls were going to be able to get to him anymore, and after a while, they’d likely get bored and go back to-
The sound of the car being pummeled made Xiao shoot up in his seat. The girls weren’t finished. Far from it.
“What?!” Xiao exclaimed aloud, as he quickly realized the students were kicking and punching the car. Some of them were beating the windows and one climbed on the hood, trying to pull off the windshield wipers. Beside her, another was climbing on top of the car and began jumping on it.
They were going to destroy Keqing’s car.
“Stop! This isn’t my car!” Xiao yelled. If any of the girls heard him over their own shrieks, they gave no indication of it. Little could be heard other than their assault against the car’s exterior and screams for him to come outside.
I should have just stayed in here, Xiao mentally cursed himself, unable to believe how much worse he’d made the situation. He knew he should never have doubted how far other students were willing to go to remind him of just how much they despised him.
How foolish he’d been to forget. No amount of his therapist, his family, his friends, or even Keqing telling him otherwise would ever change reality: regardless of his lack of understanding as to what he’d done to cause it, these girls hated him to his core.
“Please…just leave me alone.” Xiao begged, shoving his backpack under the seat as he was already mentally preparing himself for what he knew he was going to have to do. The pounding on the car was relentless and Xiao was starting to feel like he was suffocating.
“OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW OR WE’RE COMING IN!” one girl yelled, on the verge of breaking the door handle.
“YOU HAVE…FIVE MINUTES! OR THE CAR’S GETTINGE KEYED!” another added, searching her purse. Presumably, for a tool to help achieve that goal.
There was no bargaining with them. Nothing he offered would get them to go away. No amount of apologizing for whatever he did wrong was going to make them leave. There was nothing else he could do.
For the second time that day, but without flinching this time, he opened the car door.
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finalyaksha · 2 years
Canon Verse Angst “Drabble” - Safely Under Your Wings
Xiao had rescued her.
Actually, that wasn’t really accurate.
It was Alatus.
Yes, this time it was not Xiao, but the Golden Winged King, Alatus.
Two pairs of wings; large, golden, and powerful, flapped through the air as if controlling nature itself. He was navigating through the sky diligently, but on high alert.
Keqing, wrapping her arms tightly around the Yaksha’s neck, was being carried firmly in his arms.
The two were in the middle of Cuijue Slope, avoiding a Ruin Hunter in high pursuit. The Millelith had been dispatched to dispose of it, but the automaton was much more aggressive than usual. Thus, the Conqueror of Demons and Yuheng, who’d been patrolling the area, took matters into their own hands.
Their relationship was still a secret in Liyue, but the matter was too urgent for any of the officers to question why the Vigilant Yaksha was conveniently tagging along with Lady Keqing. As soon as they caught wind of the situation, they began to close in, attempting to lead the Ruin Hunter further into the valleys where it could be defeated.
Unfortunately, whatever Abyss magic was at play here was stronger than what either Keqing, or even Xiao, were used to. The pair found themselves losing the upper hand quickly. The Ruin Hunter began to launch attacks toward them, far too quickly for them to anticipate. While Xiao was able to adapt, Keqing could only move so nimbly in such an uneven space.
When she could dodge attacks no longer, Xiao immediately came to her rescue. Summoning his golden wings, those which he had rarely used, he scooped Keqing into his arms, while the Ruin Hunter gave chase.
Now, as Keqing was calculating their next plan of action, she caught a glimpse of the Yaksha’s face. His eyes were focused ahead of them. Narrow and determined. To complete their mission, yes. That much was certain. But also, she knew he was more worried about her safety. And despite the urgency of the situation and the fact that her heart was admittedly racing at how quickly things had turned on them, she steeled herself to remain calm.
And despite his own lack of confidence in dealing with such a powerful foe, Xiao’s grip never loosened.
If anything, it grew tighter, pulling Keqing closer to him.
She knew she was safe.
She always felt safe with him.
Nevertheless, Keqing knew that Xiao couldn’t continue like this. He was just barely avoiding the slashes of the machine when he summoned as much additional power as he could muster, teleporting the pair a considerable distance away, setting Keqing on part of the cliff that extended outward and formed a small crevice.
“You’re unhurt?” He asked.
“I’m fine.” She replied.
Keqing could see the doubt in Xiao’s eyes. She had sustained a few cuts and bruises from a missile that had been fired at them when they initially approached the rouge Ruin Hunter. While she was able to avoid it, she’d still been caught by some of the debris.
“I’ll be fine.” Keqing assured him. Xiao could tell by her tone that the “as long as you’re here” did not need to be voiced.
“It’s becoming too dangerous.” Xiao said, rising to his feet. His shirt was falling off him, barely hanging on after his wings had torn through it. “I’ll have to lead the automaton away from here before trying to challenge it. It has too much of an advantage now. You’ll have to stay here.”
“But Xiao-”
“You’ll be hurt if I continue like this. It knows that. That’s why its targeting you.” Xiao said, firmly, before his tone became softer. “Wait here, okay? Just hide. Don’t let it see you and don’t move from this area until I come back.”
The concern for her in his voice was evident. As much as she hated it, Keqing knew this was no time to be stubborn. She refused to be a burden, even if it meant having to take to the sidelines.
“Okay. Just hurry back.”
The Yaksha nodded, pressing a kiss onto her forehead before suddenly darting off, as the Ruin Hunter whizzed after him. Had he remained a second longer, the creature would have potentially slammed itself into the cliffside, eliminating all three of them.
Keqing’s heart raced as she realized how close she’d come to death. Despite having selfishly wished she could have had Xiao’s lips remain on her forehead for another moment, she inwardly praised his ability to sense that he was in no position to do so.
The Ruin Hunter gave chase, but Xiao wasn’t making it an easy feat. While it was not particularly the time to be admiring him, Keqing couldn’t help herself. It was magnificent, seeing him fly. It was only recently that Xiao confessed to her that he hadn’t used his wings in centuries. Ever since his return from the Chasm, he’d felt compelled to show them to her; to reveal a part of himself to her that he’d previously kept hidden away. Only his former comrades and Rex Lapis had seen them.
Immediately, Keqing had fallen in love with them. And it only deepened her love for the one who controlled them. His wings were beautiful, and Keqing had been honored that she had been the first one to see them in hundreds of years.
He’d been getting accustomed to using them again, and Keqing was always eager to see them summoned. Whether the Adeptus was training, doing surveillance, or simply…taking her on a ride to see Liyue…it was a breathtaking sight, seeing the Demon Conqueror control the skies. Thinking about those moments allowed her to push aside any feelings of helplessness that were threatening to overtake her.
It had taken Xiao a lot to put aside his pride and allow her to take care of them for him after a hard day’s work. She would wash them, comb through them, and then finish with a relaxing brushing. It was a soothing pastime the two were growing to enjoy. As Keqing’s eyes remained on the Yaksha, she kept her mind focused on how many hours it was going to take her to get them back in shape once they finished the mission.
Not that she minded. She could stay cozied up beneath his wings for hours. There was something intimate about it that made her feel safe.
Xiao’s flight wasn’t as good as it usually was. Keqing could tell. He’d taken a few hits while he’d been carrying her, putting him at a disadvantage. Still, Xiao tried to keep the Ruin Hunter’s attention enough to lead it out of Cuijue Slope, but at a distance to avoid taking any more serious damage.
He had almost made his way out of the valley when the automaton suddenly seemed to be moving faster. As if it had been capable of doing so the entire time and had been holding back. Its body glowed; something in the area was making it stronger. Keqing looked around for some sort of Leyline disorder, her eyes darting along the ground, but unable to notice anything unusual. As her eyes were zipping, something caught her attention, bringing them back forward.
The Ruin Hunter, assuming a tremendous amount of speed, pulled its drill-like arm backwards, before piercing it into Xiao’s left wing.
Keqing flinched, squeezing her eyes shut and willing herself not to call out to Xiao, lest she attract the beast’s attention. It was a serious injury, she knew. And painful. But as painful of an injury as she could tell it was, she knew it was something the Conqueror of Demons could quickly free himself from.
At least, that was what she thought.
Until she heard the strained scream echoing through the ravine.
Immediately, her eyes shot open, and it was only then that Keqing noticed that Xiao had not only had one wing pieced, but both wings on his left-hand side. The nerves had been torn apart and neither could be controlled.
“XIAO!” Keqing screamed. “Get out of there!”
The Ruin Hunter ripped the drill from Xiao’s wings, sending the Yaksha hurtling downwards as he desperately tried to keep himself air bound. He was trying to hide it, but it was clear Xiao wasn’t going to be able to carry his own weight with only his right wings to work with. The Ruin Hunter began to close in on Xiao’s weakened state.
Instinctively, Keqing lunged forward, a move that would have certainly sent her flying off the edge of the cliffside to her death. She had no idea why she moved or no inkling of what she intended to achieve by doing so, as she and the Conqueror of Demons were hundreds of feet apart. She just felt the urge to do something. In an instant, she was surrounded by a field of Anemo energy, encasing her where she sat. Despite how weak he was, Keqing was unable to break through the field Xiao had just cast.
Keqing continued to scream helplessly as she watched Xiao continue downward. He was facing the Ruin Hunter now, his Jade Spear in hand. He eyed the machine for what felt like minutes before it lunged at him once again. This time, Xiao managed to twist his body to avoid the attack and land on top of the creature’s body.
It flew around recklessly, waving its mechanical arm in the air and puncturing through one of Xiao’s remaining good wings. He gritted his teeth, fighting against the pain as he drove his spear through the eye of the machine.
It flailed wildly, trying to regain control. But Xiao, concentrating all his energy into the Jade Spear, pulled it from the eye and, with one final strike, blew the Ruin Hunter into pieces that went hurtling toward the ground.
With no more strength and his wings barely usable, the Yaksha, too, plummeted toward the ground below.
The "NO" Keqing screamed echoed through the canyon until Xiao’s body was no longer in sight.
A second later, the Anemo field disappeared. And with it, Keqing’s heart sank.
She was immediately on her feet, scaling her way to the bottom of the canyon. Her heart was racing; it felt as though her entire body was shaking with every move she made. She was hardly stable on her feet and relied mostly on her Vision to blink to the spot where a cloud of dust was starting to clear.
She heard sounds of footsteps, quickly looking up with a rush of relief, but was disappointed to see it was only a few Geovishap Hatchlings and Hilichurls feeling from the area.
Slightly behind them, she caught sight of what looked like a large lump of golden feathers.
Keqing swallowed as she made her way closer to it, carefully avoiding any feathers on the ground, lest stepping on them somehow hurt the Adeptus a few feet away from her.
She approached Xiao slowly. Carefully. Forcing herself to remain calm.
He’s fine. He’s always fine.
“Hey…Xiao…” she said, quietly.
He promised me he’d always be fine.
“That was…a really hard fall, wasn’t it?”
Keqing moved closer, expecting he’d have gotten up by now. Her heart pounded in her ears as she steeled herself with each additional step that the Adeptus lay motionless in front of her.
“Mm…b-but…you’ve survived far harsher falls than this one. I’ve…I’ve seen it.”
Keqing kneeled beside Xiao, his body unmoving. He’d landed on his side, the impact evident by a deep indent around him. His wings seemed to have broken much of the fall, but a red pool under his body was threatening to coat Keqing’s heels.
“Xiao…come on. You’re…losing a lot of blood.” Keqing said, finally bringing herself to touch the Yaksha. She gently shook him, blinking dust out of her eyes.
He didn’t move or flinch when she touched him.
“Xiao…Xiao…get up.” Her voice was shaky, growing louder as she continued rustling him.
“Xiao…we have to hurry. I can’t carry you that far by myself.” Keqing said, grabbing one of his arms and attempting to pull him up.
His body was heavy. Far heavier than it had ever felt before.
The grim reality began to sink in as Keqing forced herself to examine the Adeptus. His expression never changed. He didn’t show any signs of pain. His fingers failed to curl around hers. Blood continued to spill from his body and wings.
And he wasn’t breathing.
Keqing looked around, fighting a desire to scream. She wanted to call for help but knew it would be useless, even if the Millelith happened to hear her. She wanted to release her anguish and curse every Abyssal name she could think of to blame for this. She wanted to cry.
She wanted to punch Xiao and tell him he was an idiot. She wanted to tell him how stupid he was and that he could have been killed being so reckless. She wanted him to say, “I know”, and pull her into his embrace, and tell her, “But I’m still here, aren’t I?” like he always did.
But she could do nothing at this point but weep.
Silently, softly, her tears kept flowing.
She crawled beside him, under one of his tattered wings. Still beautiful and warm, despite their mangled state. She took his arm and draped it over her body, as she curled up as close to him as possible.
There she lay.
Under his wings.
Where she felt safe. ~~~
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finalyaksha · 2 years
Canon Verse Drabble - A Hidden Message By the Sea
A cool breeze along the waves. A soft crunch, crunch, crunch of sand. The occasional passing shadow of a bird. The day was coming to its end. And despite the evening approaching, the Guardian Yaksha’s footprints were still leaving a trail on the sandy beach.
Why was he at the beach? Xiao honestly didn’t really know, himself. He had been resting at Wangshu Inn when he’d received a sudden visit from the Qixing’s emissary, Ganyu. And after speaking with her for less than fifteen minutes, he found himself following a vague set of instructions, traveling to a quiet beach near Guyun Stone Forest.
“On behalf of the Qixing, we want to commemorate the day of your birth with a special gift. Liyue would not be where it is today without the watchful eye of the Guardian Yaksha protecting us. Please, go to the Guyun Stone Forest. There, you will find an offering from the Qixing.”
That was what Ganyu had told him.
Her answer did nothing to quash Xiao’s confusion. What concern was it to the Qixing how he spent his birthday? Furthermore, how did the Qixing even know it was his birthday in the first place? Surely, the mortals haven’t gotten into the habit of commemorating birth anniversaries of the divine in the hopes of some sort of blessing in return, were they?
Frankly speaking, Xiao figured Ganyu was behind all of this and was simply pretending to be the messenger, as it would have been far too obvious if she’d sent someone in her place. Speaking to her directly would make her less of a suspect, she must have thought.
In truth, it wasn’t as if Xiao didn’t appreciate the gesture. Ganyu was something of an older sister to him. Even though they didn’t get to see each other very often, she would generally make sure to acknowledge him on his birthday or Liyuen holidays, even if he hardly went out of his way to do the same for her. Given that this wasn’t entirely new for her, Xiao was confused as to why she didn’t just come out and say it.
Needless to say, Xiao was far from over the moon about his current situation. No, there were no demons to quell. No, there was no one calling his name for help. It was a rare, relatively peaceful day for him. And while he wasn’t one for lazing about, he wouldn’t have minded being back at Wangshu Inn right about now.
After all, where and what were these gifts? Xiao had been walking along the beach for almost an hour with only Ganyu’s vague, “you won’t be able to miss it” as his guide.
Xiao was fortunate there were few mortals out currently. It would have been far more frustrating had he been forced to overhear their incessant babble while he was searching for this “gift”.
Finding himself tired (more mentally than physically), Xiao sat down on the cool sand for a break, resting his chin on his fist. This was…such a bore. Why do mortals and half-mortals have to be so keen on their surprises? Was reaching a destination and achieving a specific goal in a timely fashion not exciting enough for them?
Xiao sighed before something to his left caught his eye. It was a bright blue seashell of sorts, slightly sticking out of the sand. Upon closer inspection, there were two others buried nearby.
Curiosity overtaking him, he reached over and picked one up. He stared at it, the cool blue color conveying a peaceful sense of serenity as the cool evening wind blew through his hair.
Xiao’s eyes widened as he dropped the seashell, looking around for whoever might have called his name. Seeing no one, but continuing to hear a voice, he looked back at the seashell.
“Xiao? It’s me, Ganyu.”
This seashell…was Ganyu?
“If you’ve found this, then you’ve done it, congratulations! Don’t misunderstand, this is only a recording that I’ve left for you. I’m unsure if you’re aware but, Starconches like these are used to carry messages. It’s no coincidence that you’ve found this Starconch or any others nearby. I encourage you to listen to what they all have to say.”
So, it appeared that this must have been the gift Ganyu had been referring to. Xiao had admittedly not been suspecting something so subdued, yet peculiar, as a gift. In any case, at least this meant he no longer had to keep walking aimlessly.
Looking closer, Xiao noticed at least five more Starconches near the one he currently held. The first one he picked up was, again, from Ganyu.
“Happy Birthday, Xiao! Do your best to relax today. And please, leave no Starconch unturned!”
As soon as Ganyu’s voice stopped, another followed.
“Hello, young Adeptus. It’s Mr. Zhongli. Miss Ganyu allowed me to share a message with her. Please take care of yourself. Don’t go beyond what you can handle. And…if you’re able to…try not to keep to yourself too much.”
Zhongli was in on this, too? Xiao was somewhat touched that the funeral parlor consultant had made time to record a message for him. There was something…familial about it hearing from the two of them.
The next Starconch contained a voice Xiao wasn’t all that familiar with.
“Good evening, Adeptus Xiao. As the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, I wish to extend my gratitude for your continued service to Liyue. The Qixing owes you and the other Adepti a great deal of thanks. May you have the happiest of birthdays, and please, don’t be a stranger to the office of the Qixing.”
Xiao began to piece together that these messages must have been recorded at the same time, justifying Zhongli’s formality in his recording. He’d always been mindful about concealing his identity. Still, it seems that this was genuinely put together by the Qixing. There was little reason to otherwise believe that the Tianquan would go out of her way to acknowledge him.
And if that was true, Xiao now had a hunch as to who the following voice would be from. Picking up the next buried Starconch, he placed it beside his ear.
“Hello Xiao, this is Keqing. As the Yuheng, I must commend you as always for the continued protection of our civilians whenever needed. Even today, I know that, were we to call you, you would be here. And for that reason, I made sure that nothing and no one would interrupt you from getting a day of peace on your birthday. You need not worry about any danger befalling humankind today. We, the Qixing, will handle it. Liyue is under mankind’s rule, we cannot always rely on you for protection.”
At this point, Keqing’s voice gets quieter.
“If it were up to me…you would be released from duty. Free to do what your heart desires. Free to live the life you’ve always deserved to live, if not for the tragedies you’ve had to endure up until now. You have given your life for Liyue, and if I’m ever able to do anything for you, it is to give you your life back. This will be my gift to you, whenever you’re ready to accept it.”
Her words didn’t completely surprise the Yaksha. Xiao and the Yuheng had formed something of a cordial friendship after becoming more aquatinted with her a few months prior. He could hardly forget his several failed attempts at trying to complement her skill in battle, only for her to agree to an outing with him that went surprisingly well.
Since that day, the two would not meet much, but whenever Keqing had the time, she would visit him at the Inn. Sometimes, they would chat. Sometimes, they would eat. Sometimes, they would simply enjoy each other’s company and watch the stars set before Xiao offered to walk her home. To which, she’d always agreed.
Despite that, he hadn’t quite expected such a…touching message.
“For now, I will simply wish you a happy birthday. Until we can meet again…”
Xiao felt oddly warm as her voice ended. The heartfelt message aside, it had been a while since he’d heard her voice, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss it. Miss her.
The Conqueror of Demons shook his head at that last thought. He didn’t even know what possessed his brain to think it. The Yuheng was…not unpleasant to be around. But…it was nothing more than that.
After setting the seashell with the Yuheng’s message in his lap, he noticed that there were still two Starconches left. Who could they be from?
Picking the closer one up, he was surprised to, once again, hear the voice of the Yuheng.
“You know, I still haven’t gotten over seeing your smile that time we went on a date in your room.”
Immediately, Xiao’s face flushed, and he was glad there was no one around him. He quickly noted that Keqing, while still speaking is a low voice, didn’t sound as if she was in the same location as she had been in the previous recording. She sounded…somewhat girlish and her tone was less professional. More personal. The way she spoke to him when they were alone. This had likely been recorded independently of the Qixing’s messages.
“Even now, I still think about it sometimes. It probably sounds pretty childish, doesn’t it? Imagine me, feeling…giddy…about being the one to see you smile. Part of me selfishly hopes that…I’m one a select few you feel comfortable showing that side of yourself to. And that…maybe…I’ll be able to see it again. Is that…silly? Wanting to make you smile? Maybe…but…I don’t mind. I like being able to let my guard down if it’s with you…”
…Where was all of this coming from? Xiao was starting to feel a bit flustered. He’d never considered the possibility that Keqing had been carrying these feelings for quite some time. What was she…getting at?
Xiao shook himself out of his thoughts as he remembered the final Starconch in the sand. Would the answers be hidden inside of it? He slowly brought the seashell to his ear as the message began playing. His face felt warmer still as he was internally both relieved and pleased to hear that it was Keqing’s voice again.
“…I…really wouldn’t mind spending more time with you. At Wangshu. At the Harbor. In the mountains. Wherever. Whenever. I’d…really enjoy that. Maybe we could…do something like that. There’s no rush, I just wanted to…put that out there. I…really do like spending time with you, Xiao. I…also…really like…”
There was a pause. Both in the recording and where Xiao figured his heartbeat should be. His breathing could probably also be included right about now. It was only a few seconds, but it felt like minutes before the Yuheng continued.
“Eh-hem, I should…probably not say too much. The others will get suspicious if I record any more of these. Just know that I meant everything I said. I’m…happy you sought me out after Lantern Rite. And I’m really happy we’ve become friends.”
The final message ended, leaving Xiao at a loss for words. Had the Qixing presented this in person, he’d probably have flown off in sheer embarrassment. It was clearly intentional for him to find these on his own. He certainly was not complaining about that decision.
The Yaksha was battling about 100 different emotions at once and wasn’t sure how he was supposed to feel. Why Keqing decided to do this now. How he was supposed to interact with her once they next met. At present, he had no answer.
As Xiao was collecting the Starconches to take back home, he found himself unintentionally picking up a sixth Starconch. This one had no message recorded in it. Staring at it in deep thought, he decided to take it back with him.
That night, Xiao returned to his room at Wangshu Inn, repeatedly playing Keqing’s messages - all three of them - over and over. He really did miss the sound of her voice. And the more he listened, the more he thought that…perhaps, it was no accident that he felt compelled to take an additional Starconch with him.
For the next few hours, he listened to Keqing’s messages until he’d had them partially memorized. His heart warmed, picturing how she might have looked when she recorded them. The warmth in his heart spread through him and remained until the moon shone brightly in the sky. Before settling down to rest for the night, he decided to pick up the empty Starconch.
“…Keqing…it’s me…Xiao.”
“I would…also be happy…to spend more time with you.”
“What we do…it doesn’t matter. Where we go…I don’t care.”
“The sound of your voice…that is all I need.”
A more Xiao-centric version of something I posted to AO3 for Xiao’s birthday.
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finalyaksha · 3 years
Miscellaneous Xiao Headcanon - Being Romantic + “Touchiness” (Xiaoqing Centric)
I view Xiao as being a super closeted romantic. The type to say something uber cheesy but you’d still fall for whatever he says. He’s so overly genuine that you can’t help but believe what he’s saying despite how cringe it comes out as.
It’s ironic because Xiao’s only able to achieve this level of smooth talk when he isn’t trying. When he is trying, he tends to overthink things and make a fool of himself, doing or saying something more awkwardly than he intended.
Xiao’s the type to give handmade gifts, freshly picked flowers, use cringy pet names (but not be on the receiving end of cringy pet names), give forehead kisses, headpats, hair ruffles, and disgustingly romantic/poetic compliments.
He’s also incredibly touchy, being heavily touch starved over the course of the 2000 years he’s spent never holding anyone or being held. He always wants to have Keqing in his arms or be touching her in some way, even if she’s busy. She could sit in his lap or hold his hand and not look at him for 5 straight hours, yet he’d still be satisfied just to feel her warmth. He’s also reluctant to admit it, but he likes it when she cradles him (it helps that her chest is very comfortable).
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finalyaksha · 3 years
Miscellaneous Xiao Headcanon - “His Princess”
To most, Keqing is strong. Confident. Sure of herself. Authoritative. Assertive. Intimidating. She demands and receives respect. She is not one to be condescended or patronized. She is the ultimate girlboss.
So, one can’t help but wonder how it is Xiao views her as so…delicate. So soft. Something he could break if he wasn’t careful. It’s even more questionable considering what he found so appealing about her in the first place was how persistent and brave she was in challenging him to open up to her when no mortal ever did so.
Xiao sees Keqing as if she were a doll, almost literally. He wants to hug her close to him like a life-sized Barbie and would dress her up like one if not for Keqing’s assertive level of independence preventing him from acting upon these desires. While he’s certainly not opposed to seeing her wear something more form-fitting and sexy, his preference for her are clothes that are as fluffy, frilly, and pink as possible. One of his favorite foods is Golden Shrimp Balls, not because he cares for their taste, but because he likes to watch how Keqing’s eyes light up when she eats them.
It’s not that he’s unaware of how the public views her, it’s just that the side of her that she’s shown to him and only him is paramount in his perception of her. Regardless of how your average citizen might describe her, she is the only person Xiao has reserved his use of the word “cute” for.
He wants to wait on her, hand and foot. Serve her so that she doesn’t have to lift a finger or move an inch. If she needs to go to another room, he’ll carry her so her feet never touch the floor. Feed her by hand, brush her hair, do her nails, bring her flowers…if it can be done, he wants to do it for her. He knows she’ll go mad being waited on to such an extent but part of him can’t help himself.
He doesn’t, by any means, consider her weak or helpless. And it’s not necessarily about her lineage or wealth that makes him want to treat her this way (he’s largely oblivious to just how rich she really is). But his desire to protect her. To keep her safe. To be the one to keep her safe.
For so long he has wanted something to hug and hold and care for. Something that would not run away from him when he approached or crumble when he wanted to touch it. Something that could reassure him that he isn’t a monster, that he’s capable of loving someone with his entire heart and would trade his life for if it meant seeing her smile. He has needed something that he could treasure, and he found it in her.
She is his princess.
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finalyaksha · 3 years
Miscellaneous Xiao Headcanon - His Favorite Parts of Keqing’s Body (Xiaoqing Centric)
Make no mistake, he likes all of her. If he can get his hands or his mouth on it, he will. That said, he may not even realize himself how much he enjoys her breasts. Preferably in his mouth (he very much enjoys that he can fill his entire mouth with one), but if he can grab them, he’ll take it. He likes being able to stimulate a part of her that allows him to be so close to her face, so he can watch the effect he has on her, how much her demeanor changes, how eager she is to respond to his touch.
Honorable Mentions: Her eyes (he finds them comforting), her hands (he likes holding them)
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