papabearsinger · 2 years
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independent & semi-selective supernatural's bobby singer, narrated by melli (she/her, 30) since 2013. crossovers with many fandoms can happen. IMs open to all. mature content tagged #nsfw at all times. a/b/o will be tagged #omegaverse. i am slow, but i love u all so come to me & let me love u.
very useful links:
rules. / bio. / headcanons. / verses. / wishlist. / memes. / starter call. / open starter.
NOTE: this is a sideblog off my rp hub @xjitenshax.
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heavensacrificed · 2 years
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independent & semi-selective supernatural's gadreel, cherished by melli (she/her, 30) since 2015. crossovers with many fandoms can happen. IMs open to all. mature content tagged #nsfw at all times. a/b/o will be tagged #omegaverse. i am slow, but i love u all so come to me & let me love u.
rules. / bio. / headcanons. / verses. / wishlist. / memes. / starter call. 
NOTE: this is a sideblog off my rp hub @xjitenshax.
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firefurred · 2 years
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independent & semi-selective fandomless kitsune oc, pet gently by melli (she/her, 30) since 2013. crossovers with many fandoms can happen. IMs open to all. mature content tagged #nsfw at all times. a/b/o will be tagged #omegaverse. i am slow, but i love u all so come to me & let me love u.
very useful links:
rules. / bio. / / kitsune lore. / verses. / headcanons. / wishlist. / memes. / starter call.
note: this is a sideblog off my rp-hub @xjitenshax.
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triviakinged · 2 years
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independent & semi-selective Tale of the City's Michael Tolliver, loved by melli (she/her, 30) since 2020. crossovers with many fandoms can happen. IMs open to all. mature content tagged #nsfw at all times. a/b/o will be tagged #omegaverse. i am slow, but i love u all so come to me & let me love u.
rules. / bio. / headcanons. / verses. / wishlist. / memes. / starter call. 
NOTE: this is a sideblog off my rp hub @xjitenshax.
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hellofalothale · 2 years
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independent & semi-selective teen wolf's derek hale, narrated by melli (she/her, 30) since 2014. crossovers with many fandoms can happen. IMs open to all. mature content tagged #nsfw at all times. a/b/o will be tagged #omegaverse. i am slow, but i love u all so come to me & let me love u.
very useful links:
rules. / bio. / headcanons. / wishlist. / memes. / starter call.
NOTE: this is a sideblog off my rp hub @xjitenshax.
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sheriffmomvoice · 2 years
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independent & semi-selective supernatural's jody mills, narrated by melli (she/her, 30) since 2017. crossovers with many fandoms can happen. IMs open to all. mature content tagged #nsfw at all times. a/b/o will be tagged #omegaverse. i am slow, but i love u all so come to me & let me love u.
very useful links:
rules. / bio. / headcanons. / verses. / wishlist. / memes. / starter call.
NOTE: this is a sideblog off my rp hub @xjitenshax.
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solaxlamia · 2 years
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independent & semi-selective supernatural's benny lafitte, fed by melli (she/her, 30) since idk when. crossovers with many fandoms can happen. IMs open to all. mature content tagged #nsfw at all times. a/b/o will be tagged #omegaverse. i am slow, but i love u all so come to me & let me love u.
rules. / bio. / headcanons. / wishlist. / memes. / starter call. / open starter.
NOTE: this is a sideblog off my rp hub @xjitenshax.
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brotherenvied · 2 years
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independent & semi-selective lucifer’s michael, loved by melli (she/her, 30) since 2021. crossovers with many fandoms can happen. IMs open to all. mature content tagged #nsfw at all times. a/b/o will be tagged #omegaverse. i am slow, but i love u all so come to me & let me love u.
very useful links:
rules. / bio. / verses. /headcanons. / wishlist. / memes. / starter call. / open starter.
note: this is a sideblog off my rp hub @xjitenshax
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themcrningstar · 2 years
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xjitenshax   asked   ⤑   "y-you've been ... gone." (firefurred hi hello we missed you beautiful)
"Yes, I... I got myself lost and couldn't find my way home, baby boy." the archangel admitted, swallowing back his pride. "That's my fault, not yours."
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drxgonkissed · 3 years
@xjitenshax​ gets a random starter
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Usually Bloom frequented the forests to have some time by herself, whether it was good to be beyond the barriers or not. When she found her alone time interrupted, she took a breath and spoke up. “You know...sneaking up on people is a little shady at best...” She didn’t know if that was what they were doing, but she rarely thought before she spoke.
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thekingsparty · 3 years
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so like, i just got done picking courses for this semester. if i pass them all and not chicken out, i think i can be done in 1-2 years after this semester. i’m so mad at myself that i let so much time slide when i was younger, i mean i was experimenting with bachelors and like.. it happens but i never thought i’d be 30 by the time i got my bachelor. then again.. there’s a saying in german, "gut ding will weile haben” and it means like, slow and steady wins the race / haste makes waste and i’m trying to believe in that. *nod* 
i picked like 6 courses, that’s about 14h lectures / week, 12h class, 4h group practice + homework however long. it’s a lot but i’m trying to make the most of the online semesters before uni makes me go talk in front of others again. xD
anyway my brain is fried soooo imma be over on @xjitenshax​ to finish the muse specifics page etc. :3 i’m debating moving chuck and my kitsune james there too, given they’re mains currently but with v little interaction. chuck has a few k followed bc it’s my 2nd oldest muse but v little interest from those followers, so I might as well start fresh.. right? ahhh, decisions. 
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ofmythsandfables-a · 3 years
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@xjitenshax​ asked: SPOTS TO KISS + [15] -  a kiss on the jawline. @firefurred​ @ vlad <3
❈ --- A soft hum rumbled in the vampire’s throat as lips pressed to the cool flesh of his jaw. Arms that held the kitsune tightened, bringing him closer against him as they both lie in bed with the moonlight filtering through the drapes and casting a glow in the room.
“A final goodnight kiss?” He inquired, an eye fluttering open to glance at James. A soft, sleepy smile grew on his face and now he gazed upon the other male with adoration. “Keep that up and I’ll want more...”
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//i’m moving derek to my hub @xjitenshax <3 i can’t deal with as many mains blog as i currently have, sooooo i’ll see ya there. :3
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noditchablepromdate · 3 years
⛓tied/chained up ( from sheriffmomvoice :3 )
Send an Icon to Find my Muse: ⛓tied/chained up
Whoever had tied him up had done a damn good job of also making sure he wasn’t gonna be able to reach anything he might’ve used to get himself loose. He’d already been scraped raw from the effort of trying.
“Stupid,” he grumbled, making another effort anyway, and then looked up warily at the sound of footsteps nearby. “Don’t think I won’t hurt you if you come close enough,” he snarled, not sure who was there but ready to put up a fight anyway.
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hellofalothale · 3 years
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hello! my name is melli & welcome to my lil blog. this blog is a sideblog to my rp blog hub, xjitenshax, so my follow will come from that blog. 
i’ve been writing derek for a long, long time. with teen wolf no longer airing, muse is not constant, but it never quite goes away. i have ups & downs, i’m rewatching teen wolf every now & then to get muse going again, but i also have a lot of blogs, so i will always be all over the place. those who know me from my other blogs already know that. :3
my rules etc. are the same as on my other blogs, if you’re new here, i have them in links on the blog but i will also put up mobile-friendly versions & link them here. :3 thanks for being here, i love all my muses tbh & i will do my best not to abandon derek for too long at a time.
very useful links:
starter call
if there’s anything else you want to know, don’t hesitate to message me. i’m usually lurking in IMs, but sometimes i hard-focus on drafts & don’t see things or i’m thinking about how to respond. i never go silent on anybody to avoid.
thank so much for reading this. <3
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eclavayne · 10 years
•Always post the rules •Answer the questions from the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones. •tag 11 people and link them to the post •actually tell them you tagged them
1. Colour that makes you feel the calmest?
Ummm probably black or grey. Dark tones are my favourites.
2. If you could own any animal (extinct or still around) as a pet, what would it be?
Hell if 5 yr old me was answering this it would be Snow Leopard or Brontosaurus but I think now that I'm older & wiser it would be the same things (assuming they don't just kill me)
3. Stage or screen?
BOTH. I simply can't choose. I love to watch movies from the comfort of my blanket fort but I also love going out to see music or a play because of the atmosphere & all encompassing awesome that occurs.
3. Do you play any online/console games?
Yes, I play Assassin's Creed & Batman games mainly but I also play Left 4 Dead & Dead Island. I used to play more online games but I just kind of stopped.
4. Favourite fandom moment?
Depends. If we go with TV fandom then all of AHBL last year - from the guests to the lovely people I met (and will see again next weekend!) If we go with music fandom then its W13 geeking out over my Hail Ming costume for Halloween last yr. That was the best.
5. One food you cannot live without?
6. You can take one album onto a desert island to live out the rest of your days. Just one. What is it?
If we are being real I wouldn't last too long on a desert island soooooooooooo (fuck this is a hard choice) probably any Korn album or any Wednesday 13 album or Crash by Dave Matthews Band.
I can't narrow it down further than that.
7. White, dark or milk chocolate?
none - allergic :(
8. Preference for your favourite series: spoilers or surprises?
9. How many languages do you speak?
Only English fluently but I also speak some French, Italian, German, Japanese & Latin.
10. Pornstar name! (First pet’s name & first street you lived on.)
Fishy Second. < I don't think it would be high class porn with that name.
11. Favourite movie quote that sums you up?
Off the top of my head I have 2.
From Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: Anyway, by now you may wonder how I wound up here. Or, maybe not. Maybe you wonder how silly putty picks shit up from comic books. The point is, I don't see another Goddamn narrator, so pipe down.
From The Faculty: I don't think that a person should run unless he's being chased.
Questions for those I've tagged:
1.  What song do you currently have on repeat?
2.  What is the best thing you've seen live?
3.  What food/drink do you hate?
4.  Where would you most want to travel? (can include fantasy worlds or just be in the real world)
5.  Favourite villain?
6.  What is a movie that you've seen that is just so bad that its good?
7.  Winter/Autumn/Summer or Spring?
8.  Books or Movies?
9.  Strangest thing you've done/seen this year.
10. What is the most fun you've had this year?
11. A move/tv/book quote that sums up your sense of humour.
I am tagging:
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