wonderingxhearts-a · 5 years
Feeling the pull, yon couldn’t help but smirk leaning down to brush his lips against her soft skin. A hand moving to trail along her side, as the other rested against her waist. Pulling his face away just enough for his yellow eyes to meet her own lovely eyes “Needing something?” He teased
“Whatever would give you that idea Yon? Was it the hip pull and the little..”She trails off so that she can grind into him and then smiles “The slow grinding motions that I am now making with my hips?” Natasha then leans in and lays her head on his shoulder and buries her face in it and sucks at the skin under her mouth
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wonderingxhearts-a · 5 years
“Oh? and what might those things be then” The kree had to admit, for a human she proved to be a more than capable, and strong fighter worth respect from the views of a fellow warrior. She reminded her, in fighting, of Minn-erva- both were sharp, smart, made to be the best above others, and noble warriors
“From what you’ve shown me, I think you will be able to handle it- are you still willing to take being pushed possibly harder than you would be back home?” Kree training was not taken lightly, and In truth similar to what she went through as a child. Something the two had in common, being trained since they could remember, to be weapons
“I imagine that the Kree are much different to humans in their inner body structures so that what to me might be a hard punch is to you, who gave it, one that took little energy. I need to star learning Kree anatomy, is that a part of your training or do I need to see to that myself?” Natasha then looks at him and chuckles with a cocked eyebrow “It might seem to have no value but I like to learn how to take someone down with the least amount of fighting if need be.”
She walks over to him and tilts her head to the side, nodding it at the same time “If I can be trained by the Red Room to be a weapon then I think that I can handle anything that you can throw at me but I just wanted to make sure so you wouldn’t be wasting time on me.”
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wonderingxhearts-a · 5 years
“Seems then we’re both cursed with such a thing” Yon replied glancing outside the window of his apartment, arms crossed as he leaned against the edge. For a moment he was silent and then, he looked towards her as the kree spoke “but, is any of that knowledge true….or are some of it lies?”
I don’t know since the people who trained us up since childhood taught it to us. They might have bended the truth to fit their needs but I would like to think that some of the knowledge in my head was real.” Natasha then looks up at him and chuckles as if she had nothing to lose “Of course we do, the training might have been a bit different but it was also much more alike than I thought it would be..of course I never thought that I would meet a alien before either.”
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