#xsympathy theory
xladymalice · 8 years
Challenge accepted: your silent Edgelord comic appears to, at least so far, be an instance where SF Sans has been coerced (or at least pressured) to sleep with UF Papyrus. Possibly a threat or blackmail utilizing SF Papyrus. This is aggravating currently for SF Sans, who isn't exactly enjoying it, but he's getting some of his own marks in. Unfortunately, it appears as though UF Papyrus is enjoying the challenge - he likely has an ulterior motive to make this not one-time: SF Sans is unaware.
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Black: “It was…. not… forced. It was my decision…”
Good try Cookie But yes, Black seems to have troubles with it after. Who knows what’s going on in his head ~ Maybe something didn’t went Black’s way in the end~?
It was a challenge tho. Both are dominant types. The question remains the same. Why and why does Black seem unhappy?
Hmm… Edge might see the opportunity for more ~
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xladymalice · 8 years
Time to answer SOME Asks! xD - Part 2
Let’s put this sweetie at the top of the ask-replies. I kind of don’t want to hide him x’D <3
Anon 18: Working on sin currently too. But it takes freaking time. So much time. Just take this random doodle that I haven’t uploaded so far:
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That’s how you get Pup horny btw. That’s a critical hit for him.
Welp.. there’s a ton more asks.. let’s go on then... hahaha....
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@blackroses113sin18 Don’t be jelly D: it’s never good to be jelly! (Except for food, then I’ll take you and eat you up) Oh dear.. then you’re a veteran cookie or the like. It’s always great to read that some of you started to follow me just right when I started to join the Undertale fandom. I’m filled with determination and delight to see that I actually managed to hold your interest so far. I guess I’m doing a good job then. Thanks alot sweetie! I’m always trying to improve on my art and the more I draw these skellies the better I get. Like.. my very first attemps were so much harder and they didn’t seem right to me. I had to find my own style and in the end I’m kind of okay with it now. I don’t draw super cute and fluffy stuff.. my style has never been one of these cutie ones. I always do worry that I don’t do good or that I draw skellies super weird in comparison to others (as I said: my Sanses are bigger than “the mainstream” ones... ha) Lemme smooch and love you. When I read this ask you really brighten up my day. Sometimes I feel down and this one really did good on cheering me up. Thanks alot!
@soraya-chan Hm, I need to be in the mood of drawing something else tbh. I think the most cookies and random dudes should know by now that I’m super obsessed with Swapfell and Underswap. You maybe did notice it: I did draw some Underfell too and even Fellcest in some way. I do like the Fellbros, but my love is rather focused on Fellpaps than Red here. I will have to disappoint you again, dear ^^ I’m not interested in many other characters of Undertale other than the skeles. And in general no GrillbyxSans. I do watch stuff like that and accept it, but I won’t draw it myself. (I really need a good reason for that.)
I’m trying to consider other characters but... I would waste my time and strength on things I don’t like? That doesn’t make any sense for me and four you either. Pic’s look always trashy if I don’t want to draw it. Of course I could force myself, but where’s the point? If people want to see explicit couples they can commission me to do it. Commissions have a complete other motivation for me since I want to make this crazy supporter happy who likes my stuff this much. Sure, I do look at suggestions, but I’d rather take suggesteions into consideration that aim at my favorite skellies, which are Swapfell right now. (Underswap and even Underfell will be still part of) Thanks for your understanding :)
@vixenredfox HECK YEAH. I love him too D: like wtf, I’m so thirsty for him.. I need more yandere sfpap with me. Especially my possessive, crazy asshole... fckkk Glad my art does make you happy!
Anon 14: Makes absolutely sense anon. It’s almost losing the fun how many people want to hug my Swapfell Bro’s, are too scared or act like they’re not dangerous at all. Welp, try to hug them. You’ve seen how angry both can get. So uh.. I think it’s not good to piss of any of them. If you do something they don’t like automatically both will be mad. They are deeply connected to each other and they don’t like seeing the other angry. So both woul attack the one who annoys them, y’know? No fun game there :D
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Anon 15: Working on it D: please be patieeeeent
Anon 16: Hah, you should see him if Pup does make him laugh for real. Then you’ll die a thousands of happy deaths. I mean.. ok ok.. at the x-mas special we got close to his genuine smile.
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He loves his brother truly after all <3
Anon 17: No shit. A pile of bones that manage to get me horny. That’s just sick. I’m thirsty for fucking skeletons. Possessive ones. Who are basically freaks and psychos. I need some therapyst... but I’m sure nothing will help me to get out of this mess... (It’s still a pain to draw them ‘naked’ ...)
@flamefiends I hope you sweet, sweet cookie did see my newest comic “Dangerous Move”. Then you can fangirl some more over that freak. Gosh, I’m a sucker for psycho Pup.
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@lulumoonprincess Heh, you will see some. But it also take times... like.. it’s a nsfw comic I’m working on and sometimes I’ve got troubles with drawing stuff like that. I don’t want to present tons of shit D:
Anon 19: You wanna fite me, cookie? We can do this right in front of all. Welp, we’ll see if you get what you want or go crying in a corner ;p
Anon 20: Hmm... maybe if I’m in the freaking mood for it :D good smut doesn’t happen forced! It’s rather sudden and boom!
Anon 21: You sure, Anon?
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I think he could have anyone if he’d be interested~~~
Anon 22: Uh..uh.. don’t compliment me so much.. I’m really not this good with compliments... uhh... Q///Q Thank you sooooo much, Anon! I don’t know why you’re so shy to write me, but let me smooch you and overwhelm you with lots of love. My heart was all warm and fuzzy. I am always happy to read stuff like this... There are honestly times I feel that followers don’t really look at my art and postings in general. I know that not everyone is that interested in the artist himself but the comic and shit. Hearing that you went through my galery means alot to me! I hope I can make your day a bit better with each post by me!
@babypizzawonderland Roger that! I’m alwas on duty to create some random, but complex art! Mwehehe! Thanks dear <3
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@luckydazephantom Hehe~ I’m listening to a lot of stuff. But usually it’s rock. I am terribly in love with Skillet, Three Days grace, Linking park. There are so many great bands. I even like some german rock bands, altough I usually prefer the english ones. So... uh... (some of the music I listen to is from AMVs. So uh.. deal with it. xD)
This. This. This This. Maybe This. This. Uhhh.. sometimes I’m super into nightcore. Maybe this.
@marookooart The question is what kind of ghost and why does it want to smooch me? How can I even smooch a ghost? I would fall through him right? xD
Anon 23: It’s always weird to read that I am suddenly the fav tumblr of someone... gosh, stop making me blush here. You’re welcome dear! That author is freaking amazing, you should try to read her other fics too! They’re reaaaally good!
Anon 24: Interesting question you’ve got there. I was confused a little since there’s still room to mix shit up... and sometimes I’m too stupid to read the things right. So.. if Pup would see Blue crying he would probably not care at first. However... looking into that teary face would remind him of something he really cares about. So he still would go there and check on him and MAYBE even comfort him like he did in xSympathy. He might be an asshole but he has a soft, weak spot for this one skele. And Blueberry does remind him alot of that special one. After all... SWAPfell has similiar traits with the Swaps~
Anon 25: Ohh I see. But.. but... it is really that interesting to see me freak out and hype stuff? xD Aren’t you bothered by my own fangirling or something???? Hahaha. I could talk about the fic too, if people want to discuss it. Usually I’m pampering my sweet muse on her AO3 account with comments or PM her. That’s where I really freak out and flood her with thoughts and feelings. Gosh, sometimes I do worry that I annoy her...... x’D I do tend to talk lots of trash and weird things, if I’m into something hahaha. But well, I kind of feel honored that someone is this interested in my opinion. I rather thought it would be boring for others to know or stuff... since talk is not as interesting as some picture for the most? Idk...  You’ll see my excitement soon enough again XD
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