#y/n x shinsou
pyro-u-x · 10 months
Before you read this- this is a cancer au Hitoshi has cancer- 😭😭 idk but I asked my friend for inspo and they said cancer sooooo
*beep* the card reader opened the door to Hitoshi’s room in the hospital you look at him and he look sick and pale
“Hitoshi, I got some snacks for us” you place a bag on his table and look at him, he is sleeping so you decide to write a note
When you’re done you go to walk out but he wakes up
“Wait, don’t go” he says and you turn around “I’m sorry did I wake you?” “No and if you did I’d be happy to talk to you”
Sorry I just made a short n sweet post today- lol hope you looked it tho 🫰
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uwtloml · 5 months
- mha boys accidentally send you their nudes
ft. izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugou, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, and hitoshi shinso
part one, part two
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taglist: @star-the-rabid-dog
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katsuki bakugou x reader
the times bakugou broke your heart
heavily inspired by mbobhft
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1) the denial
“are we breaking up?”
his reasons made sense. he had a job, a goal, a burning drive to prove himself as the best. he was burnt out, his fingers worked to the bones. he couldn’t give you not just what you wanted, but what you needed. and that killed him more than it did you.
it made sense. the gears turned. the writing was on paper. like almost everything he did, it worked out. of course it worked out for katsuki bakugou- he’s the best.
it wasn’t all that set in stone for you, however.
he could have given you a million more reasons before the tears spilled. “i’m an asshole.” true. “i don’t treat you right.” fair. “you deserve so much fuckin’ better, [y/n.]” yeah, he was right.
but you always liked to challenge the acceptable.
at first, it didn’t hit you as hard as you thought it would. you walked through your room, too numb to pay mind to the tears that rolled down your cheeks, and silently packed up his sweaters into a box. the necklace he gave you, the ‘k’ pendant, came off your neck like a butterfly lands on a branch, knowing that its death is inevitable and doing nothing to stop it.
at night, you cried, and cried, and cried. you called him about 27 times. he never answered. he texted you to make sure you were okay, but your tear-blurred eyes kept you from seeing the keyboard clearly. you left him on seen and prayed that he was worried, prayed that his heart would explode at your lack of an answer, prayed to god that he would come over just to check on. suffice to say your prayers were left unanswered.
you thought he’d call. but he didn’t. but your soul remained devoted, eyes glued to your phone screen and hands shaking. he has to call. he has to tell you goodnight. he has to tell you that you’re an idiot. he has to tell you he loves you. he’s going too, idiot.
2) the anger
if he wanted you dead, why didn’t he just say?
your heart burned for anger. for salvation. for revenge. you knew katsuki bakugou knew anger well, but he had no idea the way your soul flared like a whole new depth of hell.
you laid in bed, awake, eyes excruciatingly drive from crying your tear ducts may as well have been burnt off. memories of him haunted your brain while your fists tightened.
you regretted giving him your heart. your love. your late nights and early mornings. your fights, your passions, your 2ams and your smiles. you hated the way you let him draw the laughter out of you, how he showed parts of himself to you he had never shown anyone.
and those little things that made up your love, he was going to use on someone else. you knew it.
he was going to cook them his special fried rice his mom taught him how to do. he was going to teach them how to punch because he doesn’t want them to get hurt- something he did for you. he was going kiss them how he kissed you, love them in a way that should have only been you.
but he shouldn’t. in fact, he should look back at what you had, and regret every. single. thing. he did to let is end. he should regret everything he didn’t do to keep you. he should burn alive from guilt. scream. cry. fight for his life while his body is doused in gasoline. attempt miserably to tear the fire off his skin while it burned him to a crisp. he should die screaming.
he should deserved it, after all. because he heard your screams, and put his headphones on.
3) the bargaining
please. you wailed. who do i have to talk to? what do i have to do to get him back!?
you suddenly thought of so many scenarios in your head, scenarios fuelled by false hope. things you’d do to kiss him one last time, to hold him, to love him and be loved by him. you’d dry the ocean water. you’d turn stones into gold. you’d bring him to heaven and back. you’d get out of bed. you’d compromise more. you wouldn’t forget to kiss him. you’d love him. you’d love him so much harder. please.
suddenly everything seemed possible. if someone answered your calls, if someone made a deal with you, you’d offer up everything. you were sure you’d place everything on the line for him. you want it all back- his yelling, his snark, his nicknames, his attitude, his everything- no, your everything. you’d pluck out your own eyes for his red ones, or your heart for his heroic soul that loved you brighter than anyone else. being loved by katsuki bakugou was something you wouldn’t trade for anything- turns out you couldn’t trade it either.
4) the depression
everything smelled like him. your sheets blossomed into his sweet, burnt scent, the one that he’d leave behind whenever he slept over simply because he left you. all your jackets felt like his chiseled arms, wrapped around you as if you’d be gone in a moments notice. his voice was everywhere. the songs on the radio, the words you read on your phone, and the memories that played like your favourite movie soundtrack.
you wondered if he knew you couldn’t get out of bed. sometimes you imagined him calling your ass lazy, and then dragging you out of bed with a kiss to your forehead and a breakfast he cooked for you. maybe then you’d rip off the sheets and face the day. but right now, your bed was the only place you could mourn.
it was cruel, in a sense. letting you fall in love with him only to leave. letting you fall in love with his stupid smug smirk, his laugh, his teasing, his anger, his unreasonable handsomeness, his millions of pet peeves and trigger words, his clinginess, his distance, his days and nights, ups and downs, his hate and love all tied into one. he made you love him, knowing you would never get to love another katsuki bakugou.
5) the acceptance
acceptance was bakugou realizing how badly he fucked up.
part 2 soon!
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skymar13 · 2 months
“Just the tip?” He says after you’ve rejected his advances all day. You’d pull back from his wanting kisses because you knew what he wanted.
When you finally let him put “just the tip” he couldn’t help but plunge deeply into your spongy walls making your eyes roll back.
“I know what’s good for us, we both needed this.” He’d say balls deep before pulling out and pounding into you once again.
Trust me it’s never just the tip, that’s something you came to realize. He’s a liar.
Denki kaminari, monoma neito, keigo takami, Hitoshi Shinsou, Izuku midoriya, Hizashi Yamada
Aged up!
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emmyrosee · 3 months
don’t even try to look at me, I’m not sorry.
“I like that thing you do with your tongue.”
The casual way Hitoshi’s words fall from his lips make you tense up, and when your gaze flicks up to meet his gaze, you’re met with a playful glimmer. The lights in your dorm are low lit, only for the street lights outside to brighten up the campus, illuminating college night life.
You and Hitoshi always preferred to stay in, however.
You chuckle and turn your attention back to the hand that’s being held in yours, holding it steady while you paint the nails an elegant purple. “One of the creepiest things you’ve ever said to me, baby.”
“I mean it,” he hums, blinking lazily. He reaches over to nudge your lip with the thumb on his free hand, “when you’re all focused, the tip pokes out of the corner. You’ve done it since UA. ‘S cute.”
“Shush and hold still,” you tease, leaning over to bite the tip of his finger in punishment.
“Hey!” He scoffs. “Don’t mess up my nail polish, freak.”
“I would never,” you assure. The rest of the nail painting is mostly silent, save for passing cars and frat parties, but you and Hitoshi always manage to tune them out, stuck in your own little world where all that thrives is your relationship.
“You’re such a disappointment,” you giggle, swinging a thigh to straddle over his waist. Immediately, massive paws shift up to rest on your hips, thumbs stroking over the meat.
“Yeah?” Hitoshi chuckles, cheshire smirk splayed proud over his face. “And what would your poor daddy say about you spending time with a guy like me? When his kid is supposed to be studying to be the next big thing?”
You snort, leaning down to be nose to nose. Your elbows rest on either side of his head, and he slips his hands past the waistband of your sweats to rest on the dimples of your lower back.
“Daddy doesn’t need to know anything.”
Hitoshi hums in agreement, “might think I’m corrupting you or something.”
“You are corrupting me.”
“Sneaking in your room at night to snuggle isn’t corrupting you,” he sneers, leaning up to peck your lips. “If anything, I think you corrupted me.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mm.” He leans up once again to nip at your lips, watching with fond eyes as you yelp in surprise. “Makin’ me weak for your affection. Domesticated me. You weren’t supposed to do that.”
He loves the way your smile beams back at him, and he gives you a kiss on your nose.
“Well then,” you chirp. You lay your head on his chest and take selfish, deep inhales of his scent. He smells like cedarwood and citrus, a fragrance you’d bought him for his birthday,
the first one you’d shared together. He snickered and asked ‘what? You don’t love my dollar store cologne?’ but it fills you with a sense of pride to know he wears it so frequently.
Truly domesticated.
“Guess I did my job right.”
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hitoshiyoshi · 3 months
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synopsis ↬ the mha boys reactions when learning you have a secret admirer
pairing ↬ gender neutral!reader x mha
characters ↬ izuku, bakugou, shouto, kirishima, shinsou, sero
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+ MIDORIYA IZUKU will become a nervous little broccoli. He'll probably realize that you have a secret admirer way before you even notice; his detective skills are strong. He's not afraid to confront this person if they're making you uncomfortable because if it is a problem for you, it is also a problem for him as well. Terrified that you would actually leave him for this person and can't help but feel insecure. He'll compare all of his attributes with them and will probably easily feel inferior. Of course, you reassure him that you would never leave him and give him a huge confidence boost please reassure him. If you don't, imagine him being extremely anxious and shaky every time he sees that person around. Will politely tell that person to leave you alone if they are bothering you too much since he doesn't want to be rude.
+ TODOROKI SHOUTO pretends to be unbothered but is actually really bothered and insecure as well. He won't tell you too much about how he feels about it, he's mostly concerned whether you are uncomfortable with it. Like Izuku, he would find the identity of this person pretty quickly. Neglects his own personal thoughts on this person which probably causes him to spiral into a battle with his self-image and confidence. Although he's very pissed off about this, he silently tells this person that you're taken by being close to you all the time. Does a few death glares in their direction if he notices that person staring at you. He probably isn't too big on PDA and you quickly take notice of his changes. Unhappy and very sulky every time he sees this person around you. He'll eventually spill his feelings to you and apologize like he always does for keeping his emotions inside.
+ BAKUGOU KATSUKI would be the most bothered out of all of them. He probably isn't too obvious that you two are dating, people naturally put two and two together. When he finds out that you have a secret admirer, he's highkey offended. Wasn't it obvious that you two were dating? Well, no... Now, he goes out of his way to make sure everyone knows that you're in a relationship. Sticking to your hip, his arm around your shoulder, holding hands, eyeing up anyone that steps too close, and other things until people know. It would get annoying to others after some time, but he doesn't care. Somehow manages to track down your admirer and curses them out until they leave you alone. Destroys all the gifts and useless stuff that they've given you.
+ KIRISHIMA EIJIROU also acts unbothered but seriously hates it deep down. Instead of acting nonchalant, he would convince himself that it isn't a big deal and you won't leave him. Unfortunately, doing this is harder than he imagined. He also has an unwavering feeling that you would leave him for this person because he wasn't good enough or couldn't take care of you. Competes with this person for your affection and will do the most chivalrous manly acts to prove his love for you. Gets so uncomfortable when he sees the gifts or other presents this person gives. He probably won't go out of his way to confront them, but if he catches them leaving notes or gifts for you he'll just announce himself as your boyfriend and proceed to ask them to leave you alone.
+ SHINSOU HITOSHI observes and watches your interactions with this person very carefully. He's so wary that this person has other motives with you, more concerned about your wellbeing than anything else. He doesn't seem like the type that would be jealous but rather looks at things rationally. Randomly stumbles across them leaving love notes and gifts for you and gets so uncomfortable just from watching. He is not afraid to brainwash this person if they bother you too much; doesn't care if that sounds bad. If brainwashing doesn't work, he would just intimidate them into stopping. And if that doesn't work, he would bluntly tell them to leave you alone in the harshest way possible.
+ HANTA SERO is the king of being unbothered and actually IS unbothered. It's not that he doesn't care, but he trusts you enough to know that you won't leave him for someone else. He has no reason to be worried about this person unless he's given one. Communicates his feelings very well, doesn't hide anything. In fact, he's pretty blunt about how he feels about it even if it sounds harsh. He also doesn't actively try and figure out who you're admirer is because he could care less about that person. Only values your opinion and offers to help once he realizes it's going too far. Proudly displays himself as your partner until this person finally understands that you're taken and stops.
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frickingnerd · 5 months
dating hitoshi shinsou
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pairing: hitoshi shinsou x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, established relationship, overly jealous!shinsou, touchstarved & awkward shinsou, protective!shinsou
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at first, shinso didn't even want to be dating anyone. he despised the idea of dating and letting himself get distracted by it. but then he meet you and his whole world changed!
since shinsou was uninterested in dating before he met you, he has zero dating experience! he never even watched a romance movie or anything of that sort!
shinsou is quite overwhelmed with new feelings and experiences when he starts dating you! this is all so new to him and he struggles with it quite a bit
he especially finds himself getting jealous way too quickly over the smallest things! just seeing someone else make you laugh twists his heart and he hates himself for being so jealous about such trivial things!
the worst part is, the thought of using his quirk to tell some suitors of yours to leave crossed his mind as well. though only for a short moment and he would've never acted upon it!
shinsou struggles a lot with getting his feelings and thoughts across to you, as he doesn't even understand himself at times. you often have to help him untangle his complicated and strong feelings
shinsou is very protective of you, occasionally even taking things too far! he tends to overreact when you're hurt or in danger, pampering you over something as small as a papercut!
he's also quite touch starved and longs to have you near him at all times! he loves it when you play with his hair or just gently cup his cheeks and look at him with those kind eyes of yours…
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tired-teacher-blog · 6 months
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You once begged Shinsou to use his quirk on you during sex, and guide you through something that you were dying to try, but clueless as to how you should.
He flatly refused at first, as the odd request of controlling your actions did not sit right with him, but your continuous and annoying pleas broke his resolve until he finally agreed..
A few hours after, you plopped down on the comfy sofa centering your living room, laptop placed on the coffee table, and your poor boyfriend facepalming in embarrassment as he sat awkwardly by your side, while you carefully analysed the foutage you insisted on recording in order to document the experience.
_ "Aha! I see, so this is how it's supposed to go right? I think I'm confident enough to do it by myself next time."
_ "Please stop talking." and he was dying in shame for agreeing to take part in your brazen plan.
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Shouto has always been greedy to use his quirk on you whenever in bed together.
He takes full advantage of his dual power and sometimes uses both sides of it at the same time.
He carefully warms up the fingers on his left hand to a pleasant temperature, before slowly stretching you out, and effectively increasing your pleasure.
Not only that, but he also uses his right hand in order to spread a delicious coolness on your breasts while taking his time to fondle and tease your nipples.
He is fascinated by the uncontrollable goosebumps spreading throughout your body, and the perk of your teats as they harden under his tremble inducing touch.
It's something that has proven -time and time again- to make you lose control and drive you over the edge in mere minutes.
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Poor Kirishima is always betrayed by his own quirk whenever with you, a sign of excitement that he cannot hide or control.
It's something that you've noticed a while back when you casually placed a hand on his thigh as you sat comfortably to watch a movie one evening.
He flinched in surprise at first, but instantly relaxed afterwards. However, when you decided to run your hand up his leg and dangerously close to his crotch, the whole patch underneath your palm suddenly hardened, leaving you shocked and impressed at the same time.
You knew immediately that it was your effect, and from then onward, decided to take advantage of the discovery to your own enjoyment, brushing your fingers along his chest, or down the protruding pulse of his neck, just to feel that rock hard transformation appear.
Best part of it though, is when it happens while you're touching his cock, because then you'll just sit back with an amused smirk on your face as he hides his blush behind his hands and apologizes repeatedly while striving to control his quirk and have your hands back on him once more.
Dividers by @/saradika
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takumifujiwaraswfe · 3 months
Hitoshi shinsou make out sessions!!!
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Like in slow motion
Shinsou Hitoshi x reader
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"- Shhh.. Shut upp - The voice could be heard in the room. Hitoshi whispered with a huge grin on his face and kissed you again and again, trying to shush you up. Your parents are downstairs after all."
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This boy ain't for weak okay.
He looooveeess kissing you.
Will literally sneak through your window at night just to lay in your bed and make out with you (or just to annoy you)
"You heard a bang on your window and already knew what this meant. You quickly opened the window and let him in. He walked into the pitch dark room and kissed you, smirking while doing so. Then he just went straight to your bed and laid down on it, throwing your plushies on the floor. -What you lookin' at? Come on- he said, patting his lap."
Guys divide into three sections. Butt lovers, boob lovers, and thighs lovers. Hitoshi is a boob lover and will show it while kissing you.
"You sat on his lap, and you started making out and talking as Hitoshi just stopped and put his hand under your shirt. -What? I need to say hi- He smirked and said" fucking horny teenager
Will tease you and laugh while making out with you
Put your hands in his hair. DON'T ASK, JUST DO IT.
He's working magic with his lips.
Like literally kisses you like he'd be casting a spell on you
So slow and sensual. He may be young and inexperienced, but he knows what he's doing.
If you try to press on him to go faster or to make him take over the kiss, he will back up, giving you only small pecks on the lips.
It's his way or no one's way. Secretly dominant asshole.
But it's your asshole
That will kiss you nonstop for maybe even an hour or two.
Until your dad walks into the room and he has to run for his life through the window.
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thehouseofurmotha · 2 months
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Shinsou dating Aizawa's daughter head cannons :)
Pairing: Shinsou x Aizawa!Reader
I'm also working on a soulmate au with Shinsou 🤭 I fear he may be my favorite
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• You and him meet when Aizawa asks you to spar with him, as you both have quirks that are less equipped for close range combat. You're in class 1-A too which is the class Shinsou would most likely join when he ends up in the hero course so it just made sense.
• You whoop his ass, he's immediately in love. He thinks you're extremely skilled and talented and pretty much begs you to help train him with your dad.
• Maybe it's because he wants to see you more often, but you don't need to know that.
• You ultimately agree and you and Shinsou pretty muuuuch become besties.
• But this is not enough for this man because he is absolutely enamored with you.
• One day while the two of you are sparing, your father leaves to go get another cup of coffee. And at this point he finally manages to pin you to the ground.
• For whatever reason he decides this is the best time to shoot his shot and is like, "Go on a date with me?" While he's just casually got you pinned to the ground.
• You don't manage to give him an answer before your dad gets back, but after you get up and brush yourself off you look at him and mouth a simple 'yes'.
• He smiles like a madman at this and your father looks at him and asks him what he's smiling about. He quickly goes back to his normal tired resting face with a quick nothing.
• Aizawa def thinks this is weird but he decides not to press any father. He feels bad pressing kids to tell him something they don't really have to.
• You guys go on a few dates before you officially start dating. Your father definitely notices that something about the two of you has changed but he doesn't realize that it has to do with the two of you being together.
• He finds out when he walks into your room while you and Shinsou were supposed to be just hanging out and watching a movie. Which he didn't find odd because the two of you had become fast friends with the friendly competition of sparring. But as he walks into your room to ask the two of you want for dinner he finds the two of you making out.
• He IMMEDIATELY kicks Shinsou out of your guys apartment. He isn't really mad that you guys are together he's just mad that you hid it from him and he had to find out like this.
• You guys have a very long conversation about being safe, and he definitely calls Midnight to handle most of it because he thinks he might just simply pass out from embarrassment. (You as well)
• He tells you he doesn't really care as long as you're happy. But this man does not let Shinsou live it down.
• Bro is fighting for his life during training the next day being worked so hard.
• Shinsou eventually gets back on your dad's good side and he comes over for weekly dinners.
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I fear I may have an obsession with dadzawa.. and Shinsou.. I'm simply js a girl though. Anyways I hope you enjoyed :) <3 happy reading!
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pyro-u-x · 1 year
I’m kinda being lazy so let’s just say I have been working on it🫠🫠
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asunflowerana · 1 month
cramp challenge
summary: based on a internet challenge, the boys decided to face the most unstoppable enemy in life.
with: kaminari, shinsou, kirishima and bakugou.
a/n: i just wanted to watch their faces 😂
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⊛ kirishima eijirou
“Are you sure you want this?” You ask him one last time, adjusting the device’s belt around his waist so that it stays pressed right to his belly.
“I’ll be okay, babe. Don’t worry about your man, he got this.” He winks and sends you one of his cheerful smiles. It’s really impressive how much he can endure in a fight, but this pain is a whole new level of deepness. It would be pointless to keep warning Eijirou, though: once he settles on something, it’s hard to change his mind.
You lay down next to him to give him support, the same device wrapped around your tummy, and you give him a good luck gaze before setting up and starting.
level of vibrations = increasing
30 seconds: he only presses his lips together, but you can notice he’s holding himself.
2 minutes: his nails start scratching the mattress as he holds onto it, but he keeps still, looking at the ceiling and trying to breathe evenly.
5 minutes: his face is reddening and he lets out a small whimper before he searches for your hand. He gives you a firm squeeze, not only to endure the pain but somehow comfort you since you’re also going through this.
10 minutes: his eyes start watering, but he keeps still, biting his bottom lip so hard that it bruises.
You turn off the device, and his arms move around you immediately, holding your body tight. You can feel your shoulder get a little damp, probably from the tears he was holding back.
“I don’t want you to go through this again, babe.” He presses his face onto your neck, still keeping you in his tight, comforting embrace. Your heart melts with how caring Eijirou is, even now that he understands a bit of your own pain. “M'gonna kick all these cramps so they don’t bother you ever again.”
⊛ shinsou hitoshi 
“Do I really need to do this?” He questions, watching you move from side to side preparing the whole set for your little experiment. “I think I have an idea of how much this hurts.” He tries to convince you, memories of witnessing women’s cramps (mostly yours) coming vividly to his mind — he can still remember how chaotic things got back then.
After assuring him you would stop after five minutes, he gave in. This could help him get a notion of how is your monthly torture, and give him new ideas to comfort you during it, so it won’t be a waste. And besides, the ache is probably lower than some blows he took from past enemies in the field. 
level of vibrations = intense
How utterly wrong he was.
30 seconds: “Wow, what the heck?” He squirms a bit, bothered by the pitiless way the pain comes. It feels like he was punched in the stomach by Midoriya.
2 minutes: “How is it not five minutes already?!” He groans, his legs kicking and throwing the layers of blankets away from bed. “Freaking evil thing!”
5 minutes: “Okay, that's enough!” He practically barks, ripping the belt apart by force and throwing the device away from his body. He takes deep breaths, feeling like he might actually pass out, cradling his own body and looking at you with widened eyes. “Baby, how the heck do you bear this every month? It’s insane!”
⊛ kaminari denki
“C’mon, bring it on, gorgeous!” Excited, your boyfriend grins as you prepare his torture session. It really amazes you the way he positively accepted this idea, which is not very common for Denki to appreciate pain. He was the one who bought that device in the first place, curious to see how cramps worked in practice — and to see if he’s strong enough to bear it. 
He can be a looney sometimes. But you appreciate his willingness the same way.
level of vibrations: increasing.
30 seconds: “Wow, it tickles!” He says chuckling, feeling the vibrations building up against his skin. It’s not a foreign sensation for him, but it’s still new to his brain. 
2 minutes: “Uhm, they can get pretty tough, huh?” He lets out a small grunt, but there’s still a small smile on his face, his toes curling from the ache. “Don’t stop, I want to see how much I can handle it.”
5 minutes: He’s rolling side to side in bed, wrapping himself with the blankets like a burrito. “Oh man, this is so freaking painful!”.
10 minutes: Tears are running freely on his face now, and you’re taking the remote to stop. “No!” He protests, chuckling through the pain. “I can handle it…. Ten more minutes.”
20 minutes: His eyes are fixed on the ceiling, his body motionless. “I can’t feel anything.”
Your boyfriend got numb for a whole hour before falling asleep.
⊛ bakugou katsuki
Last words: “Turn this on already!” He demands impatient, seeing you hesitant to start. Ever since he found out his friends did it with their girlfriends, Katsuki has been nagging you to do it as well, and you can’t sort out the reason behind it. Little did you know, your boyfriend was challenged by his own mates, who claimed he wouldn’t last one minute with cramps. Bakugou was fuming that day, but gave you a brief explanation about it, just proposing out of nowhere this idea. 
Since you had no other choice but to comply with your grumpy's request, you arranged the device, and prepared everything he might need during the process. 
You can only hope he doesn't blast your whole bedroom away.
level of vibrations: intense (his request)
30 seconds: He squirms a bit but tries to hang on, his expression concentrated. The ache from it is making him go to the moon, so hurtful, that tears start forming on his globes unintentionally. 
2 minutes: The pain is unbearable, it’s too intense and it doesn't stop. Yes, he has been through a lot of hard times in fights, but this is really a different kind of struggle. He can’t stand anymore, so he bowls, practically ripping the device with his bare hands and throwing it on the wall. He’s fuming, so mad, and not only for his own pain or the fact that he lost a stupid challenge: it’s the fact that you have to endure this every freaking month, and he can’t do nothing to stop that. 
“C’mere, you.” He grumbles after calming down, pulling you into his arm with an unexpected gentleness, resting his chin on the top of your head while caressing your skin. He gives your scalp a soft peck, breathing your smell. “Should’ve told me it hurted like that, idiot. Next period, you better not move around and let me take care of you, you hear me?”
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© asunflowerana 2024 — all rights reserved.
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elssero · 1 month
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having thoughts about general studies student shinso sneaking into hero student readers dorm at night.
talking about “hm your dorms are a little bigger that ours- i guess that’s what being in the hero course gets you.” he’s sighing dramatically and your shoving his arm- giggling while you tell him to shut up.
his list of excuses for finding himself in your dorm consists of him being unable to sleep- him insisting that he has to get used to place he’s eventually moving too!- it’s not like you’ve got anything better to do- and he’s right- because it’s nearly midnight and your too groggy to disagree with him.
“cmon we’re watching another movie-” you stop him before he climbs onto your bed- reminding him of your little ‘no outside clothes on the bed’ rule as you force him into the bathroom to change into the spare pair of pyjamas he left there. it’s definitely not a way of claiming his territory. it just means he doesn’t have to bring them everytime he comes over. he swears.
you force your skincare onto him- it’s not like he puts up much of a fight, taking the opportunity to have your hands brush over his face.
you watch movies- you share snacks- you talk incoherently about topics that definitely won’t matter in the morning. but his favorite is when you share long slow kisses- when you move yourself on top of him to straddle him- when you leave marks down his chest.
it’s unspoken, neither of you bringing it up when you stop after a while- sometimes he falls asleep with you. escaping in the early hours of the morning. you find yourself not enjoying waking up without him.
you share soft smiles in school as you walk by each other in the corridors- your friends asking who the cute purpled haired boy who keeps looking at you is.
he wonders how long he can keep it up, how long you will be able to keep sharing these hour long make-out sessions and not uttering a word about it.
shinso will inevitably join the hero course- the movements already in place- your giving it a month before he’s moving into his own dorm in your building.
he’s in your room again tonight, your sat comfortably in his lap as your mouth laps at his neck- he’s breathing heavy- you love it. forcing yourself to stop so you can look at him. he lets out a little whine at the loss of your contact before looking down at you- shocked to find you already looking up at him.
“what’s wrong?” he tries to conceal the worry in his voice- he knew this was coming, the fast approaching end of whatever arrangement you had with him. he’s joining your class soon- and that just complicates his stupid late night trips he takes to your room almost every night.
“is it wrong to want to stay like this forever?” your eyes haven’t faltered from his- your stare just as intense, your pleading with him. that’s when he realises your not ending this- if anything your doing this opposite, he knew it was never going to come easy with you- but he’s willing to wait- he’ll always wait.
“no. it’s not wrong.” he moves his lips down to yours, planting a short- soft kiss on your lips before continuing “i think it’s just right.”
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t0yac1d · 3 months
One More (H.Shinsou x Fem!Reader)
Request: Shinsou x Fem! reader (smut, p in v, stress sex, overstimulation - reader) oh and degradation towards the reader PLZ
Warnings: Smut, p in v, stress sex, overstimulation, degrading, after care
Word Count: 573
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You threw your hair back, hair sticking to your forehead and sweat trickling down your body. The room was hot and muggy, the sound of skin slapping, and your whines bounced off of the walls in Shinou's dorm room.
You tried pushing him away and getting off of him, but he held you down on his lap. His nails dug into the skin of your hips, crescent shapes forming from his grip.
"One more, just give me one more. This is what you wanted remember?"
He wasn't wrong. He was studying and very evidently stressed, but he wouldn't take breaks or even take care of himself. You could see it on his face, he needed a break, even if it was ten minutes, an hour, or more. You ended up "bothering" him about it all week.
"I- I gave you 'one m-more' a while ago.." you moaned, "You were practically throwing yourself on me all week, like a whore. I deserve more than one."
You bounced on his dick, and he thrusted up into you. His thrusts were pretty rough as were his words. You felt yourself close to another orgasm, you were so sensitive that even the slightest touch on your skin would make you whimper.
You rested your forehead on Shinsou's, the both of you panted and took a breather. Shinsou picked you up and gently placed you on his bed.
Your hands came up to your forehead and you wiped some sweat away. Shinsou rubbed light circles on your hips and you felt his dick grow inside you.
"Not again," you whined, putting your hand on his chest. "Yes again," he said, his tone was mocking and mean. "One more. Help me get rid of this stress."
He grabbed your hand and held it above your head. His strokes were slow and deep, you could feel him, like really feel him.
"Just let me use you. You'll let me, right?"
You nodded your head and let out a choked moan.
"Yeah, just let me use this slutty pussy of yours."
He looked down at where you guys met, all he could see was the way you squeezed his cock and your cum on his base from the many times he made you cum in one sitting.
Shinsou moaned in your ear, he sounded so pretty and he knew the affect it had on you.
He played with your very sensitive clit and honestly, he didn't need to do anything, you came almost immediately. Shinsou slowly pulled out and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing his purple locks out his face.
He put a pair of pants on and walked out of his room to get a warm wet rag, bottle of water, and a couple of snacks for you. He came back and cleaned you up, he was extra careful and gentle, he knew how sensitive you were because of him.
Shinsou sat down next to you and rubbed your back. "Thanks for your help. I feel better now," he said, giving you a soft smile. "You need to take care of yourself more." you muttered, ridiculing him. "I mean if I get to use you every time I'm stressed, I won't listen to you from now on."
The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before Shinsou leaned closer to you and whispered in your ear, "How about giving me just one more?"
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katsukistofu · 2 months
hihi !! thinking about a hurt/comfort fic with shinsou where reader feels like she’s boring/annoying to him
good parts
contents ౨ৎ ⋆ h. shinsou x fem reader. 1.5k words — hurt/comfort. fluff. slightly suggestive. ⭑ no matter how dark your brain gets, hitoshi is determined to help you see yourself in the same light that he does.
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Hitoshi visibly softens the moment he opens his door at the sight of you standing there in the dimly lit hallway.
Dark violet pools swimming with worry drift from the way you’re chewing the inside of your cheek, like how he’s noticed you usually do when you’re anxious, to the hem of your pajamas balled up in your fists.
“What's up, love?” Hitoshi says in his softest voice, faltering when you finally meet his eyes with your reddened ones. His heart drops. Have you been crying?
At your uncharacteristically hesitant mumble of “Can I come in?” is when he feels said heart nearly split into two.
“Of course.” A concerned frown tugs at his lips. Something’s definitely wrong. You usually never bothered to ask twice, not that he minded of course, before barreling into his arms the second he turned the knob so many times before. “You can always come into my dorm.”
“I know, I just…” Your sweet voice that he’s missed all day trails off guiltily, and you take a deep breath as you fiddle with the edge of your pajamas.
“Actually, sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you. I think I’ll just go back to my room.”
“What, who said that? You never bother me.” Hitoshi’s gentle yet firm grasp on your sleeve stops you from turning to leave, and you huff at his stubborn attempt to make you stay.
“Toshi, let go.”
“I’m afraid you’re gonna have to amputate my arm first, and not that you couldn’t but I don’t think you don’t have the tools for that at the moment, pretty girl.” The edge of his lips tilt upward in a wry smile as he playfully tugs you towards him. “You’re not escaping me that easily.”
You huff and turn away, looking anywhere but into his warm, patient eyes. It’s a trap, you know it, once you do you’ll be spilling your guts out in no time, and the sickening aftertaste of burning shame is just something you can’t stomach right now.
Plus he’s wearing that gray hoodie he knows is your favorite, which just makes everything worse because he looks ten times more handsome than usual.
“Come on, sweetheart.” Hitoshi coaxes. “Talk to me. You know you can tell me anything, right?”
A beat of silence. 
Your lips press into a firm, thin line, and you finally surrender. 
“Yeah. I know.” You sigh, and he rubs your shoulder encouragingly.
“Go ahead then, I’m listening.”
“Okay, uh…” You mumble slowly, suddenly feeling very silly. “Do you think I’m annoying or that you’ll ever get bored of me, Toshi?” 
“Never.” He answers without skipping a beat. “To both. You never annoy me, and you’re anything but boring.”
“Really?” Your voice breaks a little and his heart clenches in his chest at the way you sound so doubtful of his words. Hitoshi reaches out to tenderly brush his knuckles against your cheek.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Well when I wake up everyday, my first thought is that I look forward to seeing you.”
Your eyes widen, when it really shouldn’t be a surprise at all. “You do?”
“Mhm, I do.” Hitoshi moves to sit down on the edge of his bed. You gasp as he smoothly pulls you into his lap, quite literally sweeping you off your feet.  “And you know how else I know I’ll never, ever get bored of you?”
"What?" You shyly adjust your legs to straddle him more comfortably. He guides your arms to wrap around his neck in response, unwavering, intense eyes staring into yours. He’s so close that his lashes brush against your cheek when he blinks, and his warm breath fans across your lips teasingly.
“Toshi,” you whine. “You’re making me feel flustered.”
“I know it makes you feel flustered.” Hitoshi grins slyly. “That's why I love doing it.”
You gently bat his bicep. “Stop distracting me and answer my question!” 
“Yes ma’am.” Hitoshi chuckles as you retort by cutely puffing your cheeks and laying your head down on his shoulder. His arms are snug against your waist and he squeezes you in his lap. You always feel so nice, sitting so prettily on him. 
“I know I’ll never get bored of you because when someone asks what the best part of my day was, I always mention you in some way. Could be a cute doodle you made on a note you left me, you spending five solid minutes trying to push a door that says pull at a restaurant, or seeing you get excited over a new season of your favorite show coming out, anything as long as it's you.”
His expression is warm as he watches your head perk up at that, which quickly turns into a scowl when you realize exactly what he’s referring to. “The sign on that pull door was really faded, you couldn’t see it either!”
“That’s why I made you my guinea pig so I could come in and heroically save the day for you.”
“Heroic my ass,” you mutter into his hoodie and he laughs, then presses a soft kiss to your neck in response and you shiver. 
“And you have no idea just how much I love listening to you talk about your day.”
“...Even on the days I don’t do anything special?”
“Especially on those days.” He nuzzles his face into your neck and you giggle. “Love hearing you talk about mundane shit. Love when you send me a picture of what you’re having for breakfast, or when you tell me about some weirdly shaped cloud you saw outside during training.”
He pauses thoughtfully, and continues, “Hell, you could probably read me your grocery list and I'd still be hooked on every word. I love your little quirks, even the ones you think are weird. Your whole personality. Your cute voice.”
Hitoshi squeezes your hip. “So keep telling me all about it, okay? I wanna hear it.”
You let out a sweet little contented noise of agreement and your boyfriend grins. 
“So I think it’s safe to say that the chances of me finding you boring or annoying are real slim.” Hitoshi smirks, tickling your thighs that are still wrapped around his waist, and you squirm out of his hold and escape further into his bed while giggling. 
“Real slim meaning zero times infinity.”
“Isn’t that just zero, though?” You let out a soft sigh, completely out of breath as you flop onto his pillow.
“Shh, let me have my moment. Everything times infinity makes it more special.” Hitoshi’s arms come up from behind to hug you against him. “Like my love for you.”
“Ew.” You wrinkle your nose. “You’re so corny.”
“I know. Took you long enough to realize I’m obsessed with you.” He rolls his eyes, bending his head down to brush his lips against the nape of your neck. “Everyone in class already calls me a simp, you don’t need to rub it in.”
You flip around to face him, snuggling the side of your face into his pillow that has the faint, comforting scent of the laundry detergent he likes to use. “Good thing I’m also a simp.”
Hitoshi softly gasps in mock surprise. “Really? Oh my god,” his eyes flicker around the room as if he’s looking for the mysterious person who won your affections. “Who’s the lucky person?”
You laugh and the side of lips quirk up in that fond way that only happens when he’s with you. “You, you silly goose!”
“Me?” He sweetly brushes his nose against yours. “Wow. Feels like I’ve won the lottery.”
A warm feeling spreads across your chest, like honey being stirred into a hot cup of tea and Hitoshi’s eyes are half-lidded as he whispers in a low tone that makes the butterflies in your stomach flutter to life.
“Come here, love. Give me a goodnight kiss.”
You lean in to kiss his deliciously soft lips, and you can feel him grin against your mouth at your eagerness. He kisses you back twice as gently, agonizingly so, while his hand trails to cup the dip of your waist and you feel dizzy at his adoring touch. Your heart is pounding way, way too fast for this late at night.
He sneaks another tender kiss onto your neck, then on your collarbone, and Hitoshi laughs as you shyly smush your flustered face into his pillow.
“One more thing.”
You peek over to glance at him, and the way he’s looking at you makes you feel warm and tingly all over and your burning face is begging for you to return it to the cool depths of his pillow.
“Promise you’ll always tell me when you feel like this. No more keeping it in.”
Your eyes soften at his stern expression. “Okay, I promise.”
“Pinkie promise.” He says sagely, lifting his finger, and a laugh bubbles up in your throat at his serious tone when you raise your own, his larger pinkie overlapping yours. 
“I pinkie promise.”
“Good girl.” Hitoshi smirks, which is short-lived when his eyes widen in panic and it’s too late by the time he reaches to catch you as you proceed to tumble off the bed.
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captainshindo · 1 month
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Oh me? Nothing just thinking bout BK stage actor I’m crushing on him
I found these on Pinterest and saw a lot of funny selfies from them lol
+ I didn’t know Shindou’s stage actor fine like that😳
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