#y'all asking about who the would kids date and...here we fucking are...
fratboykate · 1 year
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The FBAU visuals are hereeeeee.
I've mentioned in the story/in our conversations quite a few times that Derek basically spit out clones of himself when it came to Kate and her siblings and thanks to AI...I could just...do it??? It's a whole thing that they all look alike. Now you can see what I see in my head :)
The three kids are AI combinations of Kate & Yelena. Well, except for Maks. Maks kept the Bishop Gene Juice™️ cloning power alive and well.
Will I do this for all eleven (so far 😮‍💨) of the AUs we've got going on right now? I can't promise that I will. But I at least started a tag for visuals so it's not out of the realm of possibility that it could happen at some point. We'll see.
[NOTE: Click on the images to see the full res versions. Tumblr makes them look shitty and small if you don't.]
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howlingday · 3 months
Close For Discomfort
A Knightfall Parody
Jaune: (In bed, Stretches) Morning, babe~.
Cinder: (Yawns) Morning, blue eyes~.
Salem: (Nude) Speaking of blue eyes, I'm making blueberry pancakes! Y'all want any?
Jaune: AGH! Grandma! For Brother's sakes, put on some clothes! Please!
Salem: Clothes ruin my morning flow! You know that! Now, you want blueberry or chocolate chip? (Walking away) Because spoiler alert, the chocolate chips are HELLA PACKED with THC!
Jaune: ...
Cinder: We need to move out.
Jaune: What?!
Cinder: NOW!
Jaune: Wh- I- B- Cindy, we've got free room and board, a literal castle with protection from Grimm attacks and... all the pancakes we could ever want~!
Cinder: Wonderful, but do you have any idea how obnoxious your grandmother has gotten since we started dating? THREE YEARS AGO?
Cinder: (Doing laundry, Rolls eyes at Salem's "Death To All Faunus" shirt)
Cinder: (Turns over, Sees "And Humans, Too") Oh... That's... better?
Cinder: And then there was my birthday last month.
Ruby: Happy birthday, Cinder~!
Cinder: Thank you, Re- Er, Ruby.
Salem: Time for presents~! (Hands over gift) Here you go, Cindy~!
Cinder: (Flatly) Oh, good, I wonder what this is- Oh, look, it's a crotchless panties and a nippleless bra. Who would've guessed?
Jaune: Hey, I remember those! I wonder if mine still fit...
Cinder: ...
Ruby: ...
Cinder: And that's NOTHING compared to the bullshit she pulled last week!
Cinder: (On Jaune, Drags fingers down chest)
Jaune: (Saucily chuckles, Rubs arm)
Cinder: (Leans down, Stops) Is that a fucking camera?!
Jaune: (Holding "Grimm Pictures Presents: Fallen Knights of Passion " CD) In her defense, the production value on this was... incredible~!
Cinder: (Takes CD, Melts it)
Jaune: AW~! I was really good in that one...
Cinder: Yes, you were. Not the point!
Jaune: Mm... I'm not sure how we'd move in the first place. Can't exactly just buy a house as "enemies of humanity".
Cinder: Well, who's to say we have to buy or rent anything? I'm sure we could easily steal a house on the shore.
Jaune: Cinder! You promised!
Cinder: I'm kidding! I'm kidding! ...Mostly.
Jaune: What about Ruby? I'm sure she could vouch for us now that Salem's gone straight.
Cinder: We could... but I don't think she'd be interested in anything I have to say...
Ruby: Cinder, what the fuck?!
Cinder: (Via scroll) You asked, I delivered.
Ruby: I asked for Sonic merch for my birthday, not for you to kidnap another Sonic character!
Big: I'm Big~!
Ruby: He's Big! ...Wait, is that your name?
Big: Yuh-huh~!
Cinder: Well, I'm glad you're enjoying him~.
Jaune: Hm... Well, we could always ask for a trial by combat. I'm already good friends with most huntsmen, so all I'd have to do is ask for the next availability. Not to mention they also pay huge, and we're probably going to win anyways because the only people who could beat either of us that aren't our friends are dead! Oh, I made myself feel bad.
Cinder: And this "next availability" would be when?
Jaune: Let's see, according to the schedule, it is... SIX YEARS?!
Cinder: Fuck that! You need a job!
Jaune: Also gonna be hard since I'm blacklisted as a huntsman and my resume aside from that is just... kid who's related to the woman who tried to wipe out humanity.
Cinder: I don't have a formal education, either. The only thing I learned growing up was the best ways to kill a woman and how to scrub week-old cum off decades-old wood.
Salem: (Pops in) Oh, now that takes me back~...
Cinder: (Hurls fireball) EAT SHIT, YOU OLD HAG!
Salem: (Walks downstairs) Oh, you know I was talking about dick...
Jaune: Okay, okay! Uh... We could do manual labor! I've been training to fight the Grimm since I was a teenager, so I can still do other work that requires muscle! We could probably build our own house and a whole neighborhood in, like, a week!
Cinder: I... I don't think I could be doing any physical labor.
Jaune: Why not? You pick ME up and toss me into bed real easy when you're feeling frisky. (Come hithers)
Cinder: (Sighs) That's not what I mean.
Jaune: I know, but I mean... I think you'd be great at it! You're smart, you're driven, you're WAY stronger than me without your maiden powers, and you're-
Cinder: PREGNANT~!
Jaune: ...Wha?
Cinder: And, yeah, I know I can still work, but I think it's really awkward to tell your boss, "Hey, I know I just started, but I'm going to need maternity leave really soon!" It just seems like a clusterfu-
Jaune: (Grabs her) You're pregnant?!
Cinder: Yeah... It's why I didn't ask for any chocolate chips.
Jaune: How... How long?
Cinder: Pregnant? About a month, but I only found out a few days ago! I didn't know how to tell you. We have something good already and everything just sort of happened and I have no idea what happens next or even if you want to-
Jaune: Cinder! (Takes her hands) You... You have made me the happiest man in the entire world. No one has ever made me feel this happy before, except you, and you somehow just keep making me happier.
Cinder: (Eyes watering)
Jaune: I... I love you. And I love our baby.
Cinder: (Hugs him) I love you, too~!
Salem: (Leaning against the wall) So, how much longer until your belly gets bigger? It's been a few centuries since my time, so I'm not sure what the standard is now. And I'd like to know before the next video.
Cinder: If our baby is a girl and we're not out of this house by the time she hits puberty, I WILL murder Salem!
Salem: Tch! Good luck! (Slurps pancake)
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 12 The Black Parade Episode
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here. Y'all done told be EVERYTHING, so I know the entire plot now.
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I thought it wasn't just sweat last week but knowing he is actually crying as he thinks about their past did immediate damage to me, and now they are ALL standing there in the dark with Way and Pete highlighted by the blue, and, and, and . . . Kentana are you gonna die? You and Waymond are stressing me the fuck out!
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Now that I know they are both enigmas, I can't see them the same. Are they using their superpowers on each other right now? Are they reading each other's minds? Are they trying to figure out how to get Kentana back, so they can make this poly?
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Kentana, how many times are you going to have this man spit in your face before you realize that he ain't shit? Go to your room, turn on Billie Eilish's "Happier Than Ever" and really hear it. "Never told anyone anything bad cause that shit's embarrassing. You were my everything, and all that you did was make me fucking sad."
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The blue keys in front of the red product placement is all I need to be reminded that this show refuses to allow me peace.
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Shocking absolutely fucking nobody, Kentana did not listen to "Happier Than Ever"
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And now someone is gonna die because there are only so many ways for you and Waymundo to redeem yourselves, and if you have Jeffrey in all black, I'm worried it's gonna be your funeral we will be planning next, Kentana.
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There is one episode left and I am death gripping the one time Vegas' Hedgehog wore blue because I will never get it again. I hate them.
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Real question: Is Barbie pregnant? I know he is sad Charles is "dead" *eye roll* but he is taking pills, getting fruit thrown at him, and staring out into space. I would love to believe he is going through his Edward-left-Bella-so-she-was-super-duper-sad era, but now that I know pregnancy is on the table, that's all I can see.
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Oh, thank goodness! Someone actually has a tracker on his phone! But Kimberly has been kidnapped, caught up in human trafficking, and is now beating up children. Bro, what was your life before it all went to shit? Do you ever call your mom and tell her these are your friends now? Are you even still racing? Nevermind. Go catch those kids.
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The problem with black is the shades. Waymond's jacket looks green. Peter's pants look blue. And yet it still feels like we are preparing for a funeral. A real one this time. Not fake like someone else's *cough* Charles *cough*
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Kentana, are you betraying Jeffrey as Big Red watches? Or are you asking him how Peter's been? Has he been well, without you? Is he dating anyone? What is his status with Way? Well, Jeffrey wouldn't know, but Peter x Waymond could be poly if you get out of that fucking house and stop kidnapping people!
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Going from Kentana in that House of Horrors to Pete looking like this makes me understand why Kentana is out there kidnapping people. I'd feel some type of way too if my childhood crush looked like this and was getting chummy with a dude who looked like Way Way. Damn.
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What the hell is this?! The cover of a boy band album? A meeting to discuss poly? The Thai version of Barbie where Ken(tana) explains why he won't leave the Mojo Dojo Casa House? AND WHY ARE ALL OF YOU WEARING BLACK?! Someone is gonna die.
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Did Big Red know Kentana went to see Barbie and the other Kens?! Was he sent there by Big Red?! Kentana is really breaking my heart on his knees hugging this man like this. I want to slap Kentana all the time, but I also want to hug him and tuck him into bed with a moon nightlight calmly lighting up the room.
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Let's stick him in a video game, so he can learn to love himself.
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Push him down the stairs, Kentana! Do it. PLEASE! Shoulder check his ass at least.
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Oh Lord, NO! Waymond, do not take a fucking bullet for anyone. You canNOT die by Whiny Winifred's bullet. I refuse to let you go out like that. You finally used your powers for good, but this is not the time to die.
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This is Mission Kim Possible all over again! How do you not grab the damn bag?! Waymundo looks so damn good in his suit, so thank God he is still alive, but what the fuck guys?! One job! SECURE. THE. BAG.
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I hate how good everyone looks in black because I keep swinging through emotions. I'm terrified for everyone yet very attracted to everyone. All the guys connected to Big Red have been in black this episode regardless if it was their color or not, so I'm hoping that means the funeral will be Big Red's.
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A cult meeting, in this economy? Villains make the dumbest decisions.
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Waymond has some white on . . . over black. Please Mary, mother of God, do not let him do something stupid.
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Alan, did you just say "eff them kids"? No. Not my Alan. He'll be back for them. Right. Right?
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Peter is gonna Regina George his way into this Halloween party that he was not invited to just to cause some havoc. Mad respect.
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How the hell did Charles get there?! Did Barbie's dad tell him to go to the cult meeting? Dressed like that though? Did his spidey sense go off? So many questions, but all I know is Kentana better let them go, so he doesn't have to die.
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Whiny Winifred better not get better at aiming in the final episode because I still need both of these two to wear blue TOGETHER.
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WAYMOND, NO!!!!!!!!!!
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Good to know it only took being kidnapped twice and (possibly) someone dying for Jeffrey to finally commit to the blue.
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My nerves are wrecked. There was too much black this episode. Someone is going to die, and as much as I want it to be Big Red, I just don't feel good that Kentana is still on his bullshit, and Waymond keeps jumping in front of guns. Peter needs both of his boyfriends to live.
Also, Barbara, I already know you are immediately going to hug Charles next week, instead of having a moment to be pissed all the way off at him like you should be, so I'm going to start meditating on that right now. I've been mad at Charles the entire season, so I'll hold this grudge for both of us in the finale.
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lowkeychenle · 7 months
Is It Over Now? [ZCL] fic teaser
Description: Your relationship with Chenle is nothing but fight after fight. Amidst the toxicity, infidelity comes into play--except you're determined to one up him...but is it ever truly over?
A/N: this is inspired by Taylor Swift's Is It Over Now? and I highly recommend listening to it because omg...but also...y'all voted for Jisung and this is what it was for so...................he is for real a willing accomplice that's so crazy chenji who
Genre: Smut/Angst (there is no smut in the teaser, the teaser contains an argument that can be triggering for some readers. PLEASE!!! Read with caution)
Content Warnings: This is very dirty idk y'all i'msosorry...but basically content warnings are infidelity (both reader & chenle, explicit on reader's part), some very crazy arguments (there are no physical fights but these can be triggering), explicit, unprotected sex, overall just a big, big crazy cluster fuck where these two are just trying to hurt each otherimsosorry
Expected Word Count: 10k
Release Date: 5pm EST 2023.3.2
Taglist: Open!! Please let me know if you want to be tagged when this comes out <3
Pairing: Zhong Chenle x fem!Reader | Park Jisung x fem!Reader
Juliet's Masterlist | Tell me what you think? :)
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Chenle downs the rest of whatever’s in his cup—it’s safe to assume what the bronze liquid is as he swallows and cringes. He doesn’t look at either of you.
“You should go.” Glancing at Jisung, you catch the worried gleam in his gaze.
“Will you be okay?” he asks.
“The fuck does that mean?” Chenle snaps. “Get the fuck out, Jisung.”
“Call me if you need me.” Jisung hesitantly leaves your side, and once the door closes behind him, you slide your hands in the back pockets of your jeans.
“Really?” Chenle finally breaks the silence. “You could’ve picked anyone, and you fuck Jisung?”
“That’s what you’re mad about?” You snort and walk over to the fridge to grab a water bottle. Untwisting the cap, you turn back to Chenle, unaccustomed to his glare being directed at you. “What? It’s okay for you to fuck anyone you want, but when I do it, it’s wrong?”
“What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t fuck anyone but you.”
“You really think I didn’t see that?” You shake your head, anger bubbling in the pit of your stomach. “There were pictures, you dumbass. And now I can’t even act like I’m ignorant. I can’t act like you love me anymore, Chenle. Be serious right now.”
“Oh, right, because being seen with a girl has to mean I’m fucking her, yeah?” He runs his fingers through his hair. “You’re just insecure, (Y/N), and I can’t fucking help you with that. Did you think fucking Jisung would make me want you more? May as well add crazy to the list, too.”
Under different circumstances, you know those words would kill you. They’d be like bullets fragmenting in your heart, but today? For some reason, everything shut off. You don’t want him anymore, and your irritation sparks at the base of your spine.
“You putting this on me is fucking hilarious.” Your voice is sharp, and you hope you return his bullets as knives.
“We’re fucked.” He pours more liquor into his glass, a scowl on his face as he downs it. “Are you kidding me? I make a mistake one time, and you go out of your way to screw my friend? Did you think you could hurt me or something?”
“Don’t know.” You shrug.
“The sooner you admit we were over long before I ever slept with anyone else, the easier it’ll be for both of us. You’re being a child by inviting Jisung over here.” His grip on the counter tightens.
And just like that, something inside you snaps.
“You did this, Chenle. You fucked up, you ruined everything, you are a piece of shit.” You jab your finger in his direction. “At least I had the decency not to get caught in public. You don’t even care at all. Not even a little bit. And it’s so fucking frustrating because I do everything for you.”
“Bullshit,” he says.
“Was it over when you brought that girl here? Was it? Because you cried and begged for me to stay. You said it was a mistake, and you’d never be able to love anyone the same way you love me. You really think it was over, Chenle? Then what the fuck are you still doing here?”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You fucking did it again!” you yell, hands tugging at your hair. “You want me to be the bad guy so bad, but all of this is on you. The blame is on you. You’re the one that can’t keep it in your pants. What are you searching all these beds for, huh? You want something better than me?”
“Fuck,” he shouts, hand swiping across the counter.
Time slows as his palm comes in contact with his glass, as he sends it flying into the cabinet, as it shatters beneath his force. How fucking ironic you relate to it.
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Good Neighbors Part 8 (Steddie X Reader)
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A/N: Alright! Lol I warned y'all and I was told to bring it so prepare for the feels. My note to single moms out there... ya'll are amazing and deserve so much love <3 This did take me a hot minute to write mostly because it tapped into something for me but it felt good. I feel good getting this out there.
Warning: Steddie relationship here and all that that implies (I regret nothing!) The major trigger here is the custody issue between Charlie and her. They do hash it out and there is a resolution when it comes to that. Dylan does open up to our boys. That may be triggering for some but its nothing drastic.
Word count: 5412
Your eyes glanced through the glass partition at Eddie who was sitting in the hallway, bouncing his leg anxiously as he waited for you to finish mediation with your ex and the lawyers. Both he and Steve insisted after what happened last month that one of them be with you or Dylan if Charlie was around. 
You son didn’t seem bothered by the fact that he hadn’t gone over to his father’s house. Eddie and Steve did what they could to keep him preoccupied. One night he had asked if he could call Charlie but when you dialed his number he didn’t answer. 
“Baby, I’m sorry.”, you reached out and stroked his hair as the boy shrugged his shoulders. 
“It’s ok, mommy.”
“Dylan…how would you feel if you didn’t have to see your dad as much? It doesn’t have to be permanent. Just until daddy isn’t so busy?” 
“But I don’t see him now. What would be different?”
Sometimes this kid said things that just flabbergasted you. He was aware of much more than you gave him credit for. 
“Nothing, I guess.” Dylan turned to smile at you before turning his eyes back to the tv. 
“This is fucking ridiculous. He’s my son!”, Charlie’s hand slammed down on the table.
Your lawyer gestured towards him. “See, this is the kind of behavior we are worried about. Besides the father’s absence, he seems to have anger issues that need to be put in check.”
His lawyer leaned over to whisper things in his ear as Charlie glared at you. The gentleman straightened up as he spoke. “Look, there has to be some leeway here so we don’t have to hash this out in a courtroom. He isDylan’s father.”
Your lawyer scoffs. “Biologically. Honestly, if we need to take this to court, we are more than willing to go down that route. We have pictures, texts, and proof of missed weekends. It would be much simpler on everyone, including the child, if he just signs this document now.”
His lawyer sighs, leaning back in his chair. “The father here has an actual home for the child in a safe environment—”
“And my client’s apartment doesn’t count as a safe home? Come on, Bryan.”
“Lidia, we have proof that the people across from your client are extremely violent—”
“They are not violent.”, you seethe.
“Oh, please. One of them broke my nose!”, Charlie shouts at you.
“AFTER you grabbed me and threatened me!”
“Okay!”, your lawyer reaches for your arm, leaning you back in your chair. 
“The point is,” Bryan continues, “We have a case here to.”
“I guess we’ll see you in court than. As it stands a judge approved our filing and Dylan doesn’t have to go to his father’s unless his mother allows it until after we get this resolved.” Lidia sighs, pressing her fingers to the bridge of her nose. “Now as for finalizing the divorce itself—”
“I’m not signing anything until this shit with my son is in order.”
Your lawyer’s eyes shift to his own. “I would advise him against that.”
“Oh, why? Is she getting married sometime soon?”
“Well gee, Charles. I guess I’m not like you. You started dating again before we even broke up!”
Your lawyer starts to gather her paperwork, motioning for you to stand. “I guess we’re done here then. Bryan, call me if he changes his mind which again, I highly recommend he does when it comes to finalizing and Dylan.” She pulls you as you both head out the door. Eddie immediately rises, following behind you both into the lobby and out in the parking lot. 
“I’m sorry, honey.” She smiles as she leans in for a hug. “I was hoping we could at least get the divorce resolved today but…”, Lidia shakes her head. “I’ll call you later and we can talk about where we go from here and court dates, ok?”
“Thank you, Lid.” She rubs your arm reassuringly as she grins at Eddie and turns to head for her car. 
“Okay, so the boot transports them anywhere they want to go?”, Steve looks at Dylan as the boy nods. “But why? They have brooms, that fireplace thing, and a flying car.”
“The car doesn’t work, Steve.” 
The sound of your son giggling immediately calms you down as you and Eddie walk through your apartment door. “Oh my god. How did you get Steve to sit down and watch Harry Potter?”
“Hey mom! Hi Eddie. I asked him nicely.”
“Never works for me.” Eddie playfully rolls his eyes.
“When have you ever asked me nicely for anything?” 
“That’s fair.” The metalhead chuckles as his eyes watch you walk towards your fridge, grab a beer, and plop your body down on a chair in the living room. He and Steve have a silent conversation with their faces. “Sooo… who else is hungry because I am starving.”
“I could eat.” 
Eddie jumps overdramatically.  “Sorry, Princess. You got too excited there. Startled me out of my skin.”
Dylan laughs as you scrunch your nose and smile. “Can we go to the pizza place that has the indoor playground?” When you nod your head, he jumps up, and runs in his room to get his shoes. 
“You okay?”, Steve’s concerned eyes scan over you. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m going to go change into something more comfortable.” Your words didn’t match your tone and they knew it. What were you going to do though? You felt like you couldn’t afford to not be ok right now. 
“Can I go play?”
“Nope, you have to sit with the adults and talk about… I don’t know…taxes.”
Dylan narrows his eyes at you as he makes a funny pouty face with his lips. 
“Yup because that’s all adults do is talk about taxes.” Eddie makes a ridiculous face at you as well, laughing at your comment. 
“Yes, my angel. Go play.” You watch him as he shuffles out of the booth and makes his way towards the outside playground. 
“I heard the douchebag was in full asshole mode today.” Your eyes shift towards Steve before landing on Eddie. 
“I thought those rooms were soundproof.”
“To a point, Sweetheart. Even if he wasn’t shouting at you, his body language didn’t really radiate calm.”
You fold your arms across your chest feeling that mask you put up for your son start to disappear. “I just want this to be over.”, you whisper.
Steve slides out from his side of the table and comes to sit beside you, wrapping his arm around your grumbling frame. 
“What was his excuse this time?”
“He won’t sign anything until ‘this matter with Dylan is taken care of.”
Eddie scoffs, folding his own arms as he leaned back in the booth. “What the fuck? It’s not like he cares. He never shows up for his weekends. He doesn’t pay child support. I don’t get it!”
“Munson…” Steve reaches his other arm out to try and calm his friend down. 
“It just pisses me off, Harrington. The least he could do is let her go. Couldn’t even do that when they were married. That’s why he cowardly went behind her back with what’s her name.”
“Eddie!” Steve’s stern voice startled you both. “Come on, dude. Not right now.”, his tone came out much softer as he eyes gestured towards you. 
Eddie reached across the table for your hand and when you placed it in his he tenderly kissed the back of it. “I’m sorry. It just makes me angry. You both don’t deserve the hell he puts you through.”
“What I don’t understand is what case does he even have to think he can win in court?”, Steve asked.
You pulled out of his embrace so you could look at them both. “He’s, uh, arguing that my home environment isn’t safe for Dylan.” They genuinely laugh. 
“That’s the most insane thing I’ve ever heard.”
“For real. Good luck proving that.” Eddie takes a swig of the beer in front of him. 
“He does have pictures… of a broken nose and busted lip after leaving my apartment.
It feels as if all the air has exited the room. Your gaze shifts between them as they come to the realization of what you were saying. 
“He was hurting you.” Steve looks down at the table. “I don’t regret it but—”
“We would regret if that was the reason you lost your son.”, Eddie finished for him.
You let out a small laugh trying to lighten the conversation. “Hey, uh, he also said he didn’t need to sign the divorce papers anytime soon because I’m not getting married.” Eddie smiles as Steve chuckles under his breath. “What would that even look like? Would my name be hyphened? Y/N Harrington-Munson?”
“Pfft. Munson- Harrington flows better.”
You look down at your hands nervously. “I know there’s a lot going on so we don’t have to talk about this now but I was thinking, maybe, we could look into getting you guys some kind of legal rights for him. I mean I know we can’t technically get married or I don’t even know but I know you love Dylan and he loves you. If anything ever happened to me I would want him to be with you two.”
When you finally look up, you notice they are both beaming at you with wide smiles.  “I think that was both the cutest and sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.” Eddie giggles as he looks at Steve. 
“Definitely.” Steve pulls you to him, kissing your temple. 
“Yeah, yeah. We would also have to talk to the kid but—”
“Talk about what?”, Dylan skids into view as he reaches for his glass and chugs back the water inside. 
“I said ‘the kid’. I didn’t say it was you. Ugh.” You make a face as you wipe the sweat from his forehead. You act like you’re going to wipe on Steve’s shoulder. He lightly grabs your wrist, bending out of the way. You son laughs as he climbs up next to Eddie. 
“Are you done talking about Texas?”
“Taxes, dork. Yes, the adults are done talking about taxes.”
Almost as if detecting the mood, a pretty bad storm hit Hawkins. The four of you made it home just as the first heavy drops started hit.
Eddie gripped Dylan’s shoulder, pulling him to his side. “Don’t be scared, dude.”
“I’m not scared. I’m not a baby!”
“Oh, well excuse me. Hold me then because I’m scared.” Your son laughed as he ran after you, following you into your room. You could hear Eddie giggling with Steve in the living room. ���Did you see that? Kid just abandoned me.”
You hand Dylan some candles as you both come back out and set them around the room lighting them. There’s a loud crack of thunder before the lights flicker and shut off. 
“Well, shit.” You smack Steve’s chest as you and Dylan settle down on the floor with his head opposite yours. “Um, what’s going on here?”
“This is something we do when the power is out.” You hand you son your phone and he turns on the flashlight, pointing it towards the ceiling. Steve and Eddie look up to see Dylan making shadow puppets with his hands.
“Pfft, amateurs.” Eddie lays down beside you while Steve plants himself next to Dylan, placing his feet up on the couch. 
You guys laid like that for about an hour before your phone vibrated and Dylan was suddenly silent. He hands the phone to you and you saw Charlie’s name on the display. You head for your bedroom and close the door.
“Yes, Charlie?”
“I left a message with your lawyer. We’re going to meet again next week so I can sign the divorce papers.” 
“Oh? What made you change your mind?”
“I asked Vivian to marry me.”
Your whole body froze and suddenly it felt like you couldn’t breathe. “Are…are you fucking kidding me right now? What ever happened to ‘Not signing shit until everything with Dylan is in order’?!”
“Look, I know this may come as a shock and I know you’re a little jealous—”
“You selfish asshole. This isn’t about me or you. This is about our son. This is the shit I’m talking about! You put on this act like you fucking care but if it came down between you and him, you always choose yourself!”
He hung up on you and you threw your phone angrily into the bathroom against the wall. There was nothing you could do to stop them. The tears flooded out of your eyes as you fell to your knees. 
You suddenly felt strong arms wrap around you and lift you on to a lap. “It’s ok. Everything’s ok, Princess.” Eddie rocked you back and forth in his arms as he held you to him.
After a while, you wipe your cheeks and rise to your feet. “We’ll talk about it later, okay? You think you can go back out there?” You nod as he pulls you in for a quick kiss. When you both head into the living room, both Steve and Dylan are giggling as they arm wrestle on the floor. 
“Little Man, you can’t beat me.” You lean over and gently poke Steve side, tickling him, giving Dylan enough time to push his arm down. “Foul! Not fair.”
Your son scrunches his little noise at him. “But for real, mom. I would have won.”
That night Dylan asked if the boys could put him to bed which you were absolutely fine with. They did their normal routine of him reading to them and occasionally he would ask them questions. You leaned against the outside wall listening in on their cute banter.
“Can I ask you guys something?”
“No. We only accept questions and comments in writing after 8pm.”, Eddie chuckles as Dylan smiles. “What’s up, Kid?”
“Can you two be my daddy?”
You became more alert, debating for a moment if you should go in there and save them. 
“Wow, dude. That’s a big honor. Can we ask why you would pick us?”, Steve’s voice was soft and comforting. 
“You guys play with me and hang out. You don’t yell at me. You don’t make my mom cry. That’s important. I’m tired of my dad making mommy sad.”
“Same here, Bud.”, Eddie’s voice slightly cracks as he clears his throat. “I think you’d have to talk to your mom but…”
“We do care about you.” Steve helps by finishing his sentence. “We love you and your mom.” Eddie nods affirming his answer. 
Dylan smiles as he pushes himself down further into his covers. “I love you guys to.”
You smile to yourself, heading back into the living room to grab Eddie’s cigarettes from his jacket and heading out to sit on the patio. 
The rain had calmed down and was now falling at a soothing rhythm. You lit a cigarette as you starred out beyond the complex in front of you. 
“I’m going to start charging you, ma’am.” Eddie smiles as he sits in the chair next to you, taking a cigarette out for himself. Steve followed outside behind him, taking the remaining chair. Eddie offers him a cigarette as well but he declines. 
“So, what happened today?” 
“Charlie proposed to Vivian.” You continue to stare straight ahead, unable to meet their eyes. Steve sighs as Eddie sarcastically laughs. 
“Let me guess. Now he’s ready to sign the divorce papers.”, Steve shakes his head in disgust. 
“So much for his ‘not until we get this thing with Dylan resolved’ proclamation.”, Eddie huffs as smoke leaves his lips. 
Their heads turn towards you when they hear you sniffle. Steve gets up to kneel in front of you as Eddie scoots his chair closer. “Honey—”
“How do I explain that to my son? Not the part about him changing his mind on the papers but how do I tell him his father can’t make time for him but can for this bitch enough to get fucking married.”
“Well, I would probably remove the words ‘bitch’ and ‘fucking’.”
You giggle at Eddie as you run your sleeve under your eyes. “No you wouldn’t.”  Steve’s hands rub your legs trying to comfort you. “I heard what Dylan asked you. I’m glad he feels that way. Even though I wish his actual father wasn’t a jackass.”
Steve rises and lifts you out of the chair, throwing you over his shoulder as he brings you back into the apartment. 
“Steve!”, you laugh at him, trying to keep your voice low so you don’t wake up Dylan. Eddie smiles as he follows behind his friend through your home and into their own.
“You, baby, have had an extremely stressful fucking day and as your boyfriends it is our duty to alleviate some of that stress.” He playfully tosses you onto his bed. “And we want you to make as much noise as possible with no restrictions.”
Eddie hurls his body beside yours but Steve quickly grabs his arms and whispers something in his ear. The metalheads grin grows as he shifts closer to the bottom of the mattress by your legs while his roommate lifts you up slightly to get behind you, pulling your back to his chest as he leans against his headboard.
“Guys!” You chuckle at their earnestness as they work together to remove your clothes until your completely naked before them. 
“Look, sweetheart. Steve is right. As your men this is what we have to do. We don’t make the rules.” 
You suck your bottom lip through your teeth, trying to control your grin. Steve’s arms suddenly appear in front of you; one rests across your chest while the other glides between your legs. His fingers gently open your pussy lips, displaying your sex to the boy in front of you. 
Eddie’s tongue runs along his lips as his eyes take you in. He hastily removes his shirt before settling himself closer to you between your legs. You whimper at the feeling of his warm breath against you. 
His mouth absorbs your clit, sucking the nub between his lips as the echoes of the sound filled the room. Steve’s own mouth descended to suck and nibble on your neck causing you to reach up and run your fingers through his soft hair. 
You began bucking your hips forward, desperate to reach that high. As the coil began to wind, your eyes rolled back as you felt Steve massive palm cover one of your breasts, kneading it in his hand. Your legs began to shake and Eddie’s hands flew to your thighs, holding them open as the tether broke within your belly. 
You expected Eddie to stop after he helped you through your climax but he continued his assault in your cunt. He flicked his tongue quickly in and out of your entrance as Steve’s fingers reach to move circles rapidly against your swollen nub. His other hand slides up to your throat, turning your head to face him. 
“Come on, honey. You and I both know Eddie could live between your legs if he could. Tasting you repeatedly as you cum. Can you cum again for him?” Steve kisses your upper lip as your mouth falls open in moan. Your hands cling to his arm as you feel your body running towards that ledge. “There you go, baby. Come on. Don’t hold back.”
His fingers on your neck gently tip your head back on to his shoulder. Your thighs try to close themselves but Eddie’s grip on them tightens as he pushes his mouth deeper into you. 
“Fuuck. Oh my god.” Your body shutters against them as your second climax hits you. Neither of them lets up their relentless pace. “Please. I can’t…”
Steve teeth graze your ear lobe. “Yes, you can, Y/N. I know you can. Give us one more. Be a good girl, baby, and give us one more.”
Eddie replaces his mouth with his fingers as he pushes two of them inside of dripping entrance. He crawls up to you as Steve lifts your head to face his. Your forehead lazily connects with the boy in front of you. “One more, Princess. Cum on more time and we’ll let your pussy rest. God, you are so fucking tight right now.”
You let out an exasperated giggle when you feel the other boy’s cock twitch in his pants against you. “I think…Steve can’t wait to find out.” Eddie’s eyes flick up to Steve’s as he grins.
“Yeah, well, Stevie boy has to wait. It’s about you right now.” He thrusts his fingers into you faster as he continues to urge you to cum. 
“Eddie, please. Don’t stop.” You tilt your head to kiss his lips, tasting your sweetness on his tongue. 
“I may need your help, Harrington.” 
Without needing more information, both of Steve’s hands grip your thighs to hold them open. Eddie’s thumb replaces the boy’s fingers on your clit as he pumps into you with purpose. 
You bury your face in Steve’s neck as you shout Eddie’s name repeatedly feeling that wave crash against you as you cum. They kiss any part of your body they can reach as you slowly come down. “Please…I need…”
“No, baby you did good.” Steve scoots out from behind you as you fall back against the headboard. His hand quickly shoots out to grab your head before it makes contact with the wood. “Whoa. Careful.” He chuckles, smiling over at you as you throw a drunken grin back. 
You watch them with hooded eyes as they grin at each other, removing the others clothes. Eddie climbed on Steve, leaning down to place passionate kisses on his lips. Steve’s fingers tangled in his hair as he held his mouth to his own before flipping Eddie over on to his back. 
You slid your body down to press yourself against his side as his arm came around to pull your lips gently to his own. Steve’s mouth trailed down Eddie’s stomach before hovering just above the tip of his length, allowing a long line of spit to descend from his lips. 
Eddie mewled into your kisses as Steve pumped his hand over his cock before taking him fully into his mouth. The boy’s lips chased yours when you moved your head to watch the display in front of you. You grinned watching Steve continue to utilize the advice you gave him before as he swirled his tongue around Eddie as his mouth moved. 
“Fuuuck. He’s so fucking good at that.” Eddie panted into your shoulder as he left random kisses against your skin. 
You crawl down towards Steve, delicately lifting his head to bring his lips to your own. “Can I?”
He nods, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “If you’re ready.” He moves out of your way as you straddle Eddie, reaching your hand down to guide him into your entrance. 
His face contorts in pleasure as his mouth falls open. “Fucking… damn it!”
“What?”, Steve is on his knees next to you both. You bite your bottom lip as your head leans to the side on his shoulder, your hips slowly grinding forward. 
Eddie tries to look over at Steve but it’s hard for him to keep his eyes open. “We thought…she was…fuck…Jesus Harrington. We thought she was tight before?” He aggressively shakes his head as he moans.
Steve chuckles as he runs his fingers through your hair. “Do you think you can take me to?”
Eddie arches his neck to the side as he feels your pussy flutter at the other boy’s question. 
He grins, kissing your lips before taking his place behind you. With his hand on your back, he gently pushes you forward. You support yourself up on your hands as you look lovingly down at the man under you. Steve’s palm remains on your lower back as he uses his other to guide himself into your ass. Your hips stop moving as Eddie takes over thrusting himself up into you. 
You feel the hand on your spine slide down, coming between your legs to circle your clit and you can’t help but shout Steve’s name as his cock bottoms out inside you. 
The feeling of them both inside of you was always overwhelming at first but a welcome sensation. As they both hit a steady rhythm you can feel everything wipe from your brain except for the intense pleasure of them stretching you out.
Eddie clung to your hips as he pushed into you faster until you suddenly felt him sputter beneath you and with a few more sloppy thrusts he came underneath you.
Steve laid himself flat onto your back, pushing him deeper inside of you making you whimper. 
“Are you ok? It doesn’t hurt, does it?” He moved your hair to the side as he murmured into your ear. 
Your forehead was leaning on Eddie’s sweaty chest as his hand reached up to pet your head. “No…it doesn’t hurt. Oh my god. Can you…?”
“Can I wait, baby?”
“Can you go harder?”
Steve’s hand wrapped around your throat, pulling you up so you were against his chest. You and Eddie groaned as his cock slid out from between your legs. Steve’s arms held you tightly as he smacked his hips against yours. His lips came down to suck on your neck as your nails dug into his arms. Your arm flew behind him and tangled in his soft hair as your body trembled against his. Steve grunted into your ear as he rode you through your high while chasing his own. 
When his arms released you to hold your waist, you fell forward, collapsing on Eddie’s tummy. Steve toppled on to your back as he came inside of you. You felt his humid breath panting against your skin. 
“I love you both but you’re kind of crushing me.”, Eddie whines causing Steve to chuckle as he rolls to the side. You crawled further up him, resting your head under his chin as one of your other hands found a home on the other man’s hairy chest. 
“Do you want to shower real quick before we go back over to your place?”
You shake your head. “Too tired.”
The bed shifts as Steve rises to pull on some shorts and a white undershirt. You listen to him move around as he heads for the bathroom. You roll off of Eddie on to your back prepared for the routine that’s about to follow. Eddie huffs as a pile of clothes smack his face. 
A small hiss leaves your mouth as Steve reaches between your legs to clean you. You laugh as fabric lands on your face and you feel the bed beside you dip as Eddie sits up to pull on his sweatpants. 
You open your eyes as he tugs the shorts and shirt off your head, smiling over at him. Steve playfully rolls you around like a ragdoll, helping you get dressed. 
Your smile disappeared as a thought popped into your head. 
“I have an idea.”
You glance through the glass partition at the boys waiting anxiously in their chairs. Steve’s eyes were darting everywhere, prepared for anything. Eddie’s legs were crossed but his foot was bouncing continuously. Their eyes met yours and you flashed them a small smile that they returned. 
“Why are they here? Am I supposed to be scared or something?”, Charlie scoffed. 
You pushed down the urge to respond sarcastically. After talking with your lawyer, she thought it best that she does all the talking which you were fine with. 
“So, Bryan, I understand your client has decided to finalize the divorce?”
“He has.”
“Wouldn’t have anything to do with him suddenly being engaged, would it?”
“I don’t see that how that matters, Lidia.” Your lawyer responded with a sassy hm as she started pulling papers out of her briefcase. 
“Well, Y/N and I are happy he’s finally changed his mind. We do however have one stipulation.”
Charlie laughed as his lawyer smiled at yours. “And that would be?”
“My client will sign the divorce papers if yours will sign the documents giving sole custody of the child to her.”
When your eyes met your exes, they were full of fury. “You bitch.” He rose to his feet and so did Eddie and Steve behind him. 
His lawyer grabs his arm. “Can we have a minute, ladies? Please.”
“Take all the time you need.” 
As you both walk out of the room, you hear Charlie’s heated voice. “Who the fuck does she think she is?”
“We can still fight this, Charlie. You don’t have to sign. We can keep our orig—” The doors cut them off as it closes. 
“What’s happening?”, Steve’s look shifts between you and Lidia. 
“Well, he took it about as good as to be expected.” Her hand rubbed your back. “You’re doing the right thing. Honestly, the fact that he didn’t completely shut down the offer outright is extremely telling.” She chuckles to herself as she glances at Eddie, dancing on the balls of his feet. 
“You okay over there? You’re not on the run, are you?”
He grins in her direction. “Not a fan of this.” Eddie gestures around the building. “Reminds me of my dad.” You lean forward and wrap your arms around him. 
“You don’t have to keep coming with me, you know?”, your voice is muffled in his chest.
“I know I don’t have to. I want to. Whatever keeps you and Kid safe and comfortable.”
Steve patted his back as Lidia exhaled a happy sigh. “Aw I love these guys. Edward are you single?”
“Ah, no ma’am but if I ever am…”, Eddie smiles playfully. 
She raises her eyebrows coyly at Steve. 
“Sorry, Lidia. I’m taken to.”
She jokingly snaps her fingers. “Oh, oh! Ok, here we go. Put your game face on.” Lidia pushes your back towards the door as you both come back in and take a seat. 
Charlie’s lawyer looks completely worn out. “We…Charlie has decided to accept the offer.”
Neither of you can look at each other as you start signing papers. You watch his hands sign line after line numbly. 
“Good. Um, Lidia, I will call you and we can discuss meetings for the new schedule as well as get a set time to reconvene about the visitation further down the line.”
Lidia nods as she starts gathering the paperwork in front of her. 
“Not like she cares.”, Charlie snaps in your direction. 
“I do care. I don’t want this to be permanent.” He scoffs as he starts to get up from his chair. “I really don’t! Everything I’m doing here is for our son.”
“Yeah, sure.” Charlie stomps out of the room and to your lawyers dismay you follow after him. Steve tries to grab your arm but you pull it away. 
“Fight me then! Take me to court and fight for him.” You run in front of him, blocking him with your body. “Fight for him. Fight to keep the joint custody. Think about it. If you won, he could go to your wedding. He could be there for the holidays. Dylan has a talent show next month that you could come see. All you would have to do is be there.” Charlie’s eyes scanned yours as you spoke. 
There was a split second where you thought for a moment you had gotten through to him. He side steps around you and out the front door. Bryan follows him, stopping to give you a sullen look. 
“Are you ok, honey?” Lidia comes up to your side and grabs your hand. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. We got what we wanted, right?” You don’t wait for answer as you walk out the door and head for Steve’s car. 
You hear shoes crunching quickly against the gravel behind you as a strong hand reaches for your arm. Steve pulls you to him, holding your head to his chest. You try and push him away, hitting your small hands against him but it doesn’t work. His cheek rests in your hair as your arms loop around him, clinging to him. Suddenly, you feel another set of arms wrap around your waist as Eddie leans against your back. They hold you to them as the tears begin to flow. 
@adequate-superstar @strangerthings1983fan
@decadentwombatmiracle @local-stoner-bitch
@steamystrangerfics @lunatictardis
@actuallyspencerreid @moviefreak1205
@kik51199 @strngrlytn @idkidknemore
@damon-loves-pie @k-k0129 @micheledawn1975
@eddie86baby @justmeandmymeanderingthoughts
@3rriberri @sashaphantomhive
I tried to grab all the tags. If I missed you guys please let me know!
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7x09 ficlet
Just wrote something down after seeing the stills for the upcoming episode. It kind of sucks, but I hope y'all see the vision I have.
Sort of spoilers so you will find the whole fic under the thingy.
‘’Hey’’ Tommy spoke softly as he walked up to Buck.
‘’Hey’’ Buck replied with a soft smile on his face.
‘’So I was thinking we are both off tomorrow, maybe we could hang out or something.’’
‘’Yeah, I’d love that.’’ Buck replied looking a bit conflicted.
Noticing Buck’s demeanor, Tommy raised an eyebrow. ‘’But?’’
Buck sighed. Twiddling with his hands. ‘’I sort of already told Eddie I would watch Chris.’’
‘’Again?’’ Tommy asked, with no heat behind his words.
‘’Yeah, sorry.’’ Buck scratched the back of his neck. Giving Tommy and apologetic look.
Tommy placed his hands on Buck’s shoulders, rubbing up at down. ‘’No, you don’t need to apologize, I get it.’’
Buck gave him a grateful look.
‘’Things between him and Marisol are going great then, I guess?’’
Not even two weeks earlier Eddie was considering breaking things off with Marisol after finding out she was a nun. Buck had told Tommy all about it.
‘’I guess.’’ Buck replied shrugging his shoulders. ‘’He was being very secretive about it though. ‘’ He added looking a little confused. ‘’Eddie asked me when we were away from Chris and Marisol and asked if I wouldn’t mention it to them yet.’’
‘’Hmm.’’ Tommy nodded. ‘’Should we be worried?’’
‘’No.’’ Buck, replied quickly.  ‘’I mean, I know Eddie. He’s a good guy, probably has some fancy date planned.’’
‘’Must be nice.’’
Buck knows Tommy didn’t mean anything by it, but he still felt bad about having to decline Tommy’s offer. Buck bit his lip. ‘’I mean, you can join us tomorrow?’’
‘’You think that’s a good idea?’’ Tommy raised his eyebrows, adding softly. ‘’ I wouldn’t wanna impose.’’
‘’Yeah ofc. Chris likes you, he’d love to have you around’’
‘’Yeah?’’ Tommy smiled softly.  ‘’Alright then.’’
‘’It’s a date. Sort off.’’ Buck grinned. ‘’Though we’d probably need to keep the PDA low.
‘’We?’’ Tommy asked amused.
‘’I’m sorry who was the one with almost his hands down my pants just now?’’
‘’Shhh.’’ Buck looked around nervously, his cheeks turning red.
Tommy grinned at Buck’s reaction.
A few minutes earlier Buck was basically draped over Tommy. Holding his hand, and kissing his palm. Hugging him from behind, giving a sloppy cheek kiss. Buck couldn’t help himself. Tommy looked fucking amazing in his suit. No one could blame him for being a little hands on. And if it annoyed a certain someone from Tommy’s past that made Tommy act like he was back in middle school, being bullied by a bigger kid. Then how could he not?
Tommy nudged Buck, murmering closely to his ear.
‘’Not that I’d  complain of course.’’
When Eddie dropped Chris of at Buck’s. Tommy was already there. He was a bit nervous. Did Chris even want him there? When Chris walked through the door he had excitedly yelled Buck’s name. When he saw Tommy he looked a bit confused.
Tommy was in the kitchen making a snack as Chris watched Buck set up their game.  ‘’When dad said you wanted to hang out I wasn’t expecting tommy to be here.’’ Chris said just above a whisper to Buck.
Buck was confused. Eddie had told Chris that he wanted to spend time with him, and not that he had another date with Marisol. What was going on? Noticing Buck’s demeanor Chris added. ‘’It’s okay though, I like Tommy.’’
Hearing those words made Buck snap out of his thoughts. His heart skipped a beat, a wide smile appeared on his face.
‘’Yeah? I do too.’’
After what felt like hours of gaming, Tommy had suggested to go somewhere outside. The weather was nice and it would be a shame to spent it all day inside. Buck and Chris agreed. So they ended up at the park. Tommy had just bought the three of them Ice creams.
‘’So you and tommy are dating? Is he your boyfriend then?’’ Chris asked taking a lick from his ice cream.
Buck didn’t know what to answer. Him and Tommy never talked about what they were before. They had been on a total of three dates, one which was a failure, the coffee date was nice and their last date was the wedding, sort of. Scheduling didn’t work in their favor unfortunately.
Noticing Buck wasn’t sure how to respond, Tommy answered for him. ‘’You’re putting me in a difficult spot here kid.’’ Tommy said with a serious look. ‘’I haven’t had the chance to ask him to be my boyfriend yet.’’ He added smiling, winking at Buck.
Buck blushed at his words. He was going to say something when he caught something in the corner of his eye.
Eddie was at the park. He was in a boat on the lake. A very romantic date, if it would have been Eddie and Marisol, but with him wasn’t Marisol. It was another woman. And they were laughing and smiling and she just pulled Eddie in for a kiss.
Eddie was cheating on Marisol? Eddie the nester Diaz? Buck couldn’t believe his eyes. Tommy Followed Buck’s gaze for a split second, realized what he was looking at and shared a look, before Chris could follow what was going on, Buck stood up pulling the attention to him.
‘’How about we go to the Zoo? We haven’t been in a while and I am sure Tommy would want to visit?’’ Buck gave a look at Tommy, silently begging him to help him out.
‘’Yeah, I’d like to go to the zoo.’’ Tommy said, standing up next to Buck, making sure Chris wouldn’t look the other way.
Chris looked confused, but didn’t protest.
‘’We should talk to him right?’’ Buck asked Tommy that night. Eddie had picked up Chris a few minutes earlier. Buck had asked him how his date with Marisol went and Eddie had replied that it was good. That he owed Buck for watching Chris. Buck couldn’t look Eddie in the eyes.
‘’I don’t know..’’ Tommy said unsure as he was leaning against Buck’s kitchen counter. ‘’Whatever is going on, Eddie probably didn’t want to involve you.’’ He added, folding his arms over each other as he shrugged.
‘’He’s my best friend. I just didn’t think he’d ever lie to me, we tell each other everything.’’ Buck said, pacing around in the room.
‘’Everything?’’ Tommy raised an eyebrow.
‘’Well yeah, he has my back and I have his and all that. I just don’t understand why he would keep this from me.’’ Buck sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. What was going on with Eddie?
‘’Hey, come here.’’ Tommy said as he watched Buck. He pulled him into a hug. ‘’Why don’t you talk to him about it tomorrow?’’ Tommy kissed the birthmark on Buck’s face. Buck sighed holding onto him. Tommy, as short as he had been in Buck’s life, always had a way to make Buck feel better.
‘’Yeah, I will.’’
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cinamun · 3 months
There is a pop-psychology concept called the relationship escalator that represents how we are socialised to view how intimate relationships should go, dating to engagement to marriage to kids etc. And while it is fine and even comfortable for some (the majority, even?) to follow the script, it is very much not one size fits all.
But social pressure exists to follow the script, and anyone who deviates is harshly scrutinised and will be covertly (and frankly overtly - sometimes violently) pressured to conform. Often the strictest enforcers are people who on an individual level would have chosen another option had they known one was available, or those who deluded themselves into believing conforming would lead to an easier life even if it isn't what they really wanted aka misery loves company.
I’ll get to my point - though this story is fictional, there is an established path to happiness that reminiscent of the Relationship Escalator. Characters date, fall in love, fuck, get married and then have kids who will continue the cycle. Sometimes they even do it in the order they're supposed to😅
Even the arguably most subversive character in the story, my beloved Jerri, has hopped on the escalator and ultimately found happiness on it. But that doesn’t and shouldn’t mean that following that path is the only way to live a happy life (in fiction or in reality).
One thing about the way that Dira comes across is that she has always been herself, and she does things her way when she wants to, and not a moment sooner. So who’s to say she even wants to ‘settle down’ - ever? Does she need a reason for not wanting a long term relationship beyond the fact that she just doesn’t want one?
Now is it possible that Dira is a Lesbian or on the Aromantic spectrum? Of course anything is possible and I for one would love to see it as there is no reason to assume everyone is straight by default. But I can also appreciate the depiction of a (presumed) straight young woman living life on her own terms, and not allowing herself to be pressured into a committed monogamous (🤫) relationship just because it’s what she “should” do.
And maybe her desire to be non-committal is rooted in trauma. Maybe she does have some unpacking and healing to do before she is ‘ready’ to settle down with that firecracker from next door. I’m stirring, I do like Charlie, he seems like a good egg. Mostly. But to return to my point, trauma doesn't mean her autonomy should be dismissed.
Speaking of Chuck, there is a whole other conversation to be had about the line between being lead on and personal accountability but this ask is already an essay 😜
I’ll wrap this up by thanking you as always for giving me and everyone else something to think about with this story.
Thank you for leading with what you led with AND acknowledging that Dira and what she wants can be absolutely normal without being rooted in anything other than her desires. I think anyone who asserts Dira _MUST_ be lying to herself or that somehow how I've written her in a _FICTIONAL_ story is somehow wrong and immoral.
Because that's super frustrating but I mean, I get it. Anytime I write women in roles other than happy homemakers this happens.
And you're welcome! Its important dialogue to have and a reminder that if anyone is looking for the happy love story here you're not ever going to get it. You didn't get it with Indya, you didn't get it with Hope and you're not getting it with Dira (you in the general sense like how I say y'all lmfao just so we're clear!)
ANYWAY *gulps coffee* this is a refreshing take an old idea about how women should behave. I hope you get an unexpected settlement check from a class action you never knew you were apart of today.
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bloogers-boogers · 2 days
Oooo ask blogs are fun)) Cain and Abel how's parenting going and what do you think about your Dad and Lucifer's situation
Cain: OHOHOHO—! where to fucking start?
Abel: just start by answering the question
Cain: bitch let me speak. Wait, what was the question again?
Charlie: I think they were asking about your thoughts on our dads being together...
Angel Dust: And how y'all do it
Vaggie: they did NOT ask about their sex life
Angel Dust: it was implied
Vaggie: it was not
Husker: just answer the fucking question, kid
Cain: WHO YOU CALLING A KID!?? I'm literally older than all of you hoes!
Abel: we're doing great! Raising Macey has been wonderful so far
Cain: for YOU. Raising Macey is wonderful for you. Do you know how difficult is to tame a kid from wrath?? VERY difficult. It's to be expected by demons who's strengths is rooted through anger. You can imagine all the punches I had to take just to feed her. For a wrath demon it's like the ocean breeze of the beach but for us outsiders that don't belong to the wrath ring is like teaching a rabid hyena how to not bite your arm off. It's a battlefield everyday and this ain't nothing to what we'll expect when she hits puberty.
Angel Dust: if you knew it was gonna be difficult to raise her, why pick a baby from wrath?
Cain: because! ... Abel's from wrath, so.. well he loves challenges. I do too. It just— it fits right?? Okay. Simple as that.
Abel: *smiles*
Cain: *blushes deeply while rolling his eyes* fine. Seeing her reminds me of Abel, and I don't know she's fucking adorable, have you seen her? Also I love getting my arm yanked off every time it's bath time.
*Everyone looks at him in concern*
Cain: it's fucking worth it. It's like when you raise a cat.
Abel: when it comes to our opinions in our dad dating Lucifer it's kinda divided because at first we kinda thought this was genuinely just a professional agreement.
Cain: fuck nah, I knew from the very start that plan would crumble in failure the moment papa called us explaining the situation he was stuck in, our dad's an emotional mess. We know him well enough to call him insane. But I didn't think he'd be wanting the devil's ass. More like, a gay awakening to say the least but not 'wanting the guy that took my wives' awakening y'know
Abel: I mean.. the guy is okay, he's just as mentally fucked up like our dad
Cain: or even worse
Abel: they're very sad old men
Cain: stupid too
Abel: I feel bad for him. But I personally do think our dad's a little confused and shouldn't rush himself into a relationship with the literal devil
Cain: your jealousy is beyond comprehension. He's a daddy's boy. A very overprotective son, picky too
Abel: I'm not jealous. I'm concerned. Neither is stable enough to maintain a relationship
Cain: neither were we
Abel: so you're approving this?
Cain: hell nah. That'll just add more fuel to the theories that I'm Lucifer's spawn. I just think if those two do go official it wouldn't be that bad. Though our papa can score better but then again if you think of it, down here. 'Better' is the open can of beans laying inside sewer water
Abel: we are very grateful that Lucifer did offer himself to far extents as marriage just to keep our dad from being abused and tortured. We haven't yet thank him, with everything that's been happening we haven't had time and he's very awkward around us. Though we still do plan on thanking him when we're given the chance
Cain: most likely when we leave
Abel: point is, we can't say we like him for our dad's actual partner. As an individual he has good intentions, very bad at expressing them, but a genuine okay guy. But if our dad's crazy enough to give the devil a chance, we won't interfere. We just would have a hard time understanding it.
Cain: theres a part of me that thinks our dad's still freaky for our momma *hopeful smile*
Abel: ...
Abel: sure, honey. Whatever makes you sleep at night
Angel Dust: after rereading the ask over ten times I don't think they were referring to the relationship on itself, you guys, I think they were referring to-
Cain: times up! Next question!
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Club Lights And Sex On The Beach - Part 4
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A/N: I'm Alive!!!!!! So incredibly sorry for the delay I was so unmotivated and suffering from a serious case of writer's block. Oh, and I got into a car crash but that's whatever. (everyone's fine dw). Hope you all enjoy it!
masterlist & ao3
Pairings: Josh Kiszka x Reader
Summary: You learn who Josh even is, quickly falling in love with his new persona. The two of you keep in touch and go on a date, what could happen afterward...
word count: 3.3k
Contains: fluff, fluffy aftercare, and smut. (consensual sex (consent is sexy kids), vaginal penetration, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it y'all), couch sex)
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You look back at them as their faces express shock and confusion. “Wait, you don’t know who we are?” Josh asks you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Nope…” Josh and Jake look at each other, smirks smearing across their faces. You can only imagine if twin telepathy was real they would be saying “Oh fuck yeah!”
Josh gives you a smug ass laugh and smirk. “Well, me and Jake are in a band along with Sam and Danny, if you remember them from last night. I’m the singer, Jake is on guitar, Sam’s on bass, and Danny is on drums. We’re called Greta Van Fleet, sweetheart.” you feel both your heart on jaw drop. You’ve heard the name before but you didn’t recognize their faces. You have heard of them in passing and were they good, you just hadn’t bothered to get into them yet. “Are you shitting me right now?” you ask, causing both of them to laugh. “Oh my god, this is embarrassing,” you say, putting your head in your hands with a laugh at your predicament. Josh pats you on the back. “Don’t worry we’re not offended, sweetheart,” he says. “Yeah, honestly even better, it’s always good to have someone who didn’t know you were famous when you met them.” Jake buds in. 
You laugh at yourself as you continue to eat your breakfast, “Well there’s always that I guess.” Josh and Jake turn to each other with their knowing-ass look. They look at each other like they are the same person just different hairstyles - well they’re twins so you guess technically they are - you can’t help but wonder what they’re thinking about - completely neglecting the fact you said you’re in between job right now just a few moments prior. The twins just look at each other and don’t say anything for a moment or two, finally turning back to you and changing the subject to how good of an amazing cook Jake is. 
After a bit Jake finally leaves saying he will return in a bit to Josh, finally giving you and him alone time. “Well thank you so much for breakfast I appreciate it,” you say, walking back into his bedroom to collect the fallen soldiers of last night's affairs. “Of course, it’s my pleasure- here take these.” he hands you a pair of plaid pajama pants, “I would hate for you to have to put back on your dress.” he beams kindly. God he was sweet, you could only feel the butterflies and warmth in your cheeks grow at his gesture. No previous hookup has ever treated you with such kindness before, hell even boyfriends. You really can’t neglect the fact of how kind this man is anymore. “Oh, thank you so much. I will get these back to you when I can,” you smile at him putting on his pj’s. “Don’t worry about it, they look better on you anyways,” Oh my god, does this man want you to marry him because it sure as hell feels like it, my god. “Josh, don’t do this to me,” 
“Well, why not? Can’t a man give away his clothes to pretty ladies in his own house if he wants to?” 
You sigh, looking back up at him, “I mean yes he can but I’m still gonna be nice and give them back.”
“If you give them back I hope you know I’m making you wear them home again.” 
Oh, he did not just say that. 
“Ok then.” you give up, smiling brightly at him as you pick up your lost purse and dress from the ground. “But I’m at least getting out of your hair for today. I’m sure you don’t want to deal with me with all of your assistant bullshit going on.” He laughs as he walks you to his door, his hand on the small of your back guiding you. “Thank you for having me.” your hand is on the door handle as you go to leave, you turn back to him, smiling brightly because you just can’t help it. “It was my pleasure, thank you for taking a chance on me sweetheart.” You smile so big you think your mouth just might give out. He pulls you ever so slightly closer to him. Your lips meet for the final time of this rendezvous, feeling like fire and ice all at once. He breaks your lips apart, “Oh, and I called you an Uber, they’re the white Tesla outside, you just tell them where to go, ok?” 
For a moment you think you just got close enough to god to feel true bliss for a moment as the words leave his lips. “Josh-” “Don’t argue just go. And have a nice day.” He is truly the epitome of compassion, you think to yourself. “Thank you.” is all you say before giving him another kiss. “My pleasure, darling.” is all he says before you wave goodbye, walking down the hall to the elevator. 
This man is gonna be the death of you. 
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
As the days pass you can’t stop thinking about him. His hair - curly and delicately cut into a unique mullet that suits him well. His eyes - so sweet, only filled with compassion and love, no matter what form it is. 
But at the same time, fear took over you when you thought about googling him. What if he is a piece of shit, What if he got canceled, What if anything bad shows up? Questions swirl in your head for the next few days, hesitation ruling your actions. You guys were still talking though, a bunch actually, good morning and goodnight texts, phone calls whenever the both of you were free, which usually was at 10 at night after he was done working on songs. Every single mention of studios and songs threw you for another lovestruck loop. 
Thursday night you caved. You just got off call with him - he was talking about how he and Jake were fighting in the studio and Sam called them a bunch of asshats and almost walked out and how Danny had to mediate everything. The thought was hilarious to you, laughing both with and at Josh on call. He was somehow a perfect human being with all of the perfect flaws one needs to be perfect. He was just Josh. And Josh is who you found yourself more fond of after every text and call and mention of the name Josh. 
So after you hung up, you googled “Greta Van Fleet”. You looked at their Wikipedia, then discography (which you put on in the background), then their Instagrams (to which you followed all of them hoping they won’t notice you), and finally googled him. He was just, Josh. The man you just met was just how anyone who looked at a picture on Pinterest would think he was. And although you’re biased, you can’t help but wonder if all the pictures, videos, and edits of him were made by people like you - people who simply are trying to make ends meet in Nashville or any other place. 
Then you remembered. 
You still need to find a fucking job. 
You spent all night looking at celebrity assistant jobs on Indeed, LinkedIn, and every other place where you could find anything. Then came up nothing, either it was for people you can’t stand or they were paying minimum wage - typical for celebrities. Hell, the most you’d been paid before in this industry was 23 an hour, and the celebrity you worked for always made sure you knew he was being generous, just like the jackass he is. 
You decide to stop your pitiful search after an hour of hopeless scrolling. Calling it quits, you choose to text Josh asking what you were doing for your date tomorrow. He responds almost immediately - shocker - saying that he’s taking you to a nice restaurant at 7 and will pick you up at 6:45. Fair first date you think, after all, this is probably going to be the best first date you’ve been on. He texts you again, “Oh and wear something nice, it’s a fancy one ;)” Classic Josh, always trying to impress. And it’s truly a shame that you already know that after hooking up with this man last Saturday. 
You’re already trying to wrap your head around what you’re gonna wear. Giving him a simple “Ok! See u soon <3” as a reply before going to bed. Do you even have anything that fancy still? Who knows, maybe you still have that dress from when you went to an awards show with your old boss. You fall asleep, thinking about him, what could happen that will ruin this man for you? - nothing. 
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
You spent your whole day getting ready. Although to your credit the day was only about 4 hours for you since you woke up at 2 pm. You took an everything shower, did your hair, makeup, everything. And by 6:30 you were finally ready - physically at least. Mentally you were a fucking mess. 
Not for one second could you truly believe that you were going on a date with Josh from Greta Van Fleet. To you, Josh was just Josh from the bar who gave you the best sex of your life. You find yourself struggling to comprehend that he’s a literal rockstar. And that you’re not only going out with Josh from the bar but Josh from Greta Van Fleet. 
And then you got the call from Josh, shocked at how it was already 6:45 you picked up, making your way over to your door. “Hello?” you call into the phone, already reaching for the door handle. Opening the door, you’re greeted with Josh already at your door. Shocked, you jump back, “Oh my god!” you gasp, making Josh laugh at your surprise. “Hello!” he says, placing a calming arm on your hand to calm the shock he caused. However, you sigh a quick relief, embarrassment striking up in your gut. “Hi, sorry about that.” you laugh. “You’re fine. You ready?” he asks, gently wrapping his arm around your waist. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” 
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Your date went incredibly well. He took you to a nicer, more high-end restaurant. The dress you picked made you fit right in. Josh stole the stoplight in your eyes although, from his nice stature to his charming laughter and jokes he was just…
Talks of music and touring turned into talks of your night together at the bar and tales of drunken tour mishaps. He charmed with every story he told, conjuring laughs from the both of you and what you can assume will be pleasant memories. 
Josh was just him, he was like no other man you ever laid eyes on. So when the check came, which he paid without hesitation, you couldn’t help but feel disappointed that it was ending all too soon. 
But when he took you back to your apartment that night, you couldn’t help yourself.
Your back is forcefully pushed up against your door as he presses his lips on your neck, burning sensations fueling both you and him. Passion was an understatement, it was just him and you, pure in what you were doing, undefinable. Your leg is caught between his hand and against his thigh. Thoughts of filth race through your mind as you feel electricity rush through you. “Please,” is all you manage to whisper out. Josh gave no response, instead picking you up by your waist, your legs wrapping around his hips. The way he picks you up is exhilarating, the grasp he has on your hands, the force of them holding you up against him and the door makes you feel soaked, more than you already were. His breath on your neck feels sterling every way he made you feel glorious and sexy was that way. He made you feel like you. The date went so well that on the way home you couldn’t help but ask yourself  “What happens if this is my last first date?” 
He snaps you out of your short fantasy by moving you from the door and carrying you back to your couch a couple of feet away. He gently drops you down onto the sofa, giving you a glimpse of him in the moonlight shining in through the window. “God it’s dark in here.” He reaches for the lamp beside the couch above your head and turns it on, welcoming its warm, soft glow into the room. You see him now, him looking down at you, hovering. It feels…dominant, the last time this happened the dominance felt mutual but this was different. He was in control in the best way possible. 
He continues his gaze as he puts his knees right next to your hips. His gaze is infuriating for you, in desperate need of him yet he still lingers for another moment. His hand comes up to your face, cupping it in his hand dwarfing you with its size compared to your cheek. He leans down and kisses you once more, this time slower. So slower in fact that it's all-consuming, making you feel every touch, every connection, every single time tongue passes over your teeth. You moan into the kiss and he responds just the same. His hands wander to your waist, pulling you closer, as he explores your mouth more delicately. You deepen the kiss, hungry for more. He quickly pulls at your shirt, suggesting the disregard of the cloth. You pull your shirt off as you sit up, Josh sits on his knees pulling off his own as he locks eyes with you. 
He lunges at you, your lips meeting suddenly. He takes your bra off, grasping at it as you both begin to fill the rooms with sweet little moans. “Fuck mama-” he lets out between breaths. 
The nickname makes you want to pass out, the butterflies in your stomach almost take over as he pushes you back down on the leather surface. He begins to get more desperate, clawing his way down your body, hands wandering, kisses traveling back down to your chest and tits. Your skin lights as he slips his hands down your belly, tugging at the fabric of your skirt. He pauses to look back up at you, begging for permission. “Please-” you’re interrupted by him kissing you harshly. His hands slip under your skirt, pulling it down and throwing it somewhere in your living room. Josh’s hand slips underneath your underwear, teasing you when you are already so wet it is pointless. 
You reach up and undo his pants, pushing them down and rubbing his hard on. You feel him moan into your kiss, soft but filled with lust and passion. He suddenly rips your panties off as he pulls down his boxers to his knees in a desperate attempt for friction. 
His hands grip your thighs tighter than ever before. He makes desperate whimpers in between kisses. “Fast or slow baby?” he breathes out in only a hushed sigh. “Fast- please” you feel so desperate to cure the ache, with Josh acting all hot and bothered you can’t help it. 
He wastes no time lining himself up with you, teasing just a bit before he looks back up at you with those eyes. 
Those sweet, gorgeous eyes. 
“Can I?” 
He slowly pushes himself into you, the feeling of intoxicating pleasure fills your stomach as he bottoms out and begins to pick up pace. You two quickly set a good pace, making both of you feel like your hearts are exploding in the best way. 
Moans, whimpers, and whines uncompas the both of you, the pleasure increasing by the second. Josh suddenly grabs under your thighs, pinning them up to your chest, making every new thrust better than the last, angles you never achieved with any other before. 
Your skin sets ablaze as Josh breaths heavily right on your neck, making precious sounds against it. The two of you are connected. 
But somehow, in some way you’re connected… 
Mentally, aswell. 
Josh reaches down and makes quick circles on your clit, sending you spiraling. “Mama- Fuck. I’m close sweetheart” he says into your ear. “Where do you want me?” obviously referring to where he should finish. “It’s ok, I’m on birth control- just- please” you only manage to breathe that out before you feel the beginning of your orgasm wash over you. 
You curse as you feel yourself go into the depths of pleasure. Josh comes quickly behind you, filling you up even more than you ever have. His hips sputter and come to a halt, him slowly laying down a bit on top of you, making sure not to crush you. 
“Fuck.” he breathes out as he slowly pulls out of you. You watch as he steps to the side of the couch, “Can I carry you sweetheart?” he says it with the warmest, yet tired smile you’ve ever seen. Caring in such a way that no one has ever treated you before. 
“Of course.” you smile. 
He carefully picks you up bridal style and carries you back to your room and into your bathroom, setting you down in front of your toilet. You smile up at him, “Why thank you.” 
“My pleasure,” he smiles back at you as you take care of yourself as he washes himself off in the sink. You walk over to him with slightly shaking legs. Josh takes your hand in his and places a kiss on your knuckles. “Thank you for letting me take you out.” you laugh at his thank you, only because you should be the one thanking him. He is a busy man after all. A rockstar taking the rock scene by storm, selling out arenas almost every year.  
“I should be the one thanking you. You made time for me after all.” you say, placing a more chaste kiss on his lips. You watch as his eyes look at you in surprise. He pauses for a moment staring at you, a smile slowly appearing on his beautiful face. 
“How are you so kind?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You’re the first person who has ever been this kind to me. People usually try to just get me to pay for dinner, sleep with them, and then try using me for my money and fame in the end.” 
You pause at his statement. 
How could anyone in the world even think about doing that to anyone. Especially Josh. 
Josh is the kindness in the world. He is the only man you’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting that treats people so kindly. He’s respectful, generous, and most of all just so radiant. He’s radiant in the ways of kindness. Radiant in every way of love. Josh is love. 
And you think you’re in love with him. 
“You should’ve never been treated that way, you know. I’m sorry that people are shitty. Out of all the people I’ve met in my lifetime, you have got to be the most radiant, kind, respectful, and loving person I’ve ever come across.” 
Josh looks at you with the best sincerity. You can see the way that statement made him feel. The gentle happiness coming off of him. 
“Thank you. I don’t think you know how much that means.” 
“Of course I do, I can feel it from miles away.” 
Your lips meet gently as he runs gentle fingers through your hair and on your waist. It’s sweet. It’s nice. It’s…love, at the very least on your end. 
“You wanna go to bed?” you chuckle to him. “I’d really like that,” he whispers against your gentle lips. The two of you walk back to your bed, cuddling as the two of you end a good evening out. You end it with one more important person on your hands, along with a new connection.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
Shipping ask: Tim/Bernard?
Hoo boy. Don't ship it, alas.
Why don't you ship it?
Listen. I WOULD LOVE TO. I am thrilled that Tim has finally been allowed to come out after being really really queer for...oh, 33 years? But DC has just completely dropped the ball. @irolltwenties said a lot of what I'm feeling here, but I'm opinionated so I'm gonna say it myself, too.
The short version: DC refuses to let Bernard have a personality or let Tim have any relationship with him beyond the most superficial, empty window dressing possible.
The long version: I remember Bernard, y'all. I'm an old lady who was actually reading his original appearances when they came out! He was a weird, annoying kid who thought that being aggressively "quirky" made him cool when it actually just made him obnoxious...which allowed him to circle back around to being endearing. He liked to hear himself talk. He enjoyed being a tour guide, gossiping, and conspiracy theories - he's the guy who likes to know things, or at least seem like he does. Whether you liked him or not (I liked him), he was specific.
Now? The only thing recent comics will tell you about Bernard is that he's blond. Tim might as well be dating a cardboard cutout, or a post-it that says "Boyfriend" on it. Is he gay or bi, or does he prefer a different label, or none at all? Did he always have a crush on Tim, or is this new? Was his vocal interest in Darla and Tim's stepmother Dana just performative, or was he actually into them? What does he do when he's not smiling blandly under a narration box full of exposition? Does he have hobbies? Does he have a personality?
I do have to disagree with my beloved @irolltwenties on one thing: I don't think Tim is getting all the development in this relationship. I don't think Tim's gotten any, either. He told Bernard that he wanted to date him in August of 2021, but have we progressed in any significant way with his character since then? He spent three issues of Urban Legends agonizing over his sexuality in a way that was so repressed he wouldn't even admit that was what he was doing, but how does he feel about it now? He hasn't said in a comic whether he's gay or bi or pan or even queer - and look, I'm not saying he needs to know what label he prefers, or whether he needs to use one at all. But that should be a character choice too! We don't know if he has an identity he's comfortable with, or isn't sure yet, or is rejecting all of them, or is refusing to think about it. We literally don't know anything about Tim's sexuality except that it includes Bernard, including how Tim feels about it.
We also haven't gotten to see him come out to a single person. Again, I don't want to reduce queer narratives to cliches, but like...it's very weird that it's happened off-panel repeatedly? With Bruce, with Steph, with Young Justice. I'm assuming the rest of his family knows, based on...exposition about Damian that doesn't even make sense. We don't get to see this fucking conversation with Dick? Are you KIDDING me? Some of us have been waiting literal decades for Tim to come out and we get absolutely zero of the emotional catharsis of that? It feels like we're being cheated, honestly it does.
And speaking of being cheated...we never did get to see that Tim and Bernard date. Or a conversation about their history, or liking boys, or literally anything ever. When was their first kiss? I WOULD HAVE LIKED TO SEE THE FIRST TIME TIM KISSED A BOY. I THINK A LOT OF PEOPLE WOULD HAVE LIKED THAT. We don't even know how long they've been dating - Tim's current mini said it's been "months" and "a month" in the same issue. Go, DC, give us nothing!
I don't know why Tim's sexuality and his relationship with Bernard are being handled like this. Is it because they're afraid that if they allow it to be three dimensional it won't be sealed in its "unproblematic queer rep" mylar bag and board anymore? Is it because they're trying to get credit for Bi Tim while leaving it as vague as possible to not offend homophobes? Is it because they're just doing a crappy job? It's so strange to me because that first Urban Legends story was so good, and I really was rooting for Meghan Fitzmartin because it is so, so hard to be a woman in comics. But so far, it's just been a disappointment.
2. What would have made you like it?
If we had actually gotten weird, annoying OG Bernard, I feel like that would have been very entertaining - Tim is such a reserved character that I always enjoy seeing him play off against someone chaotic (Steph, Kon and Bart, even Jason to an extent). Also just like...seeing the actual relationship on the page??? I'm begging here, DC.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I am strongly in favor of the concept! Tim dating a boy is long overdue. I just need DC to give me specific characters in a specific relationship, ON THE PAGE.
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the0nlyallison · 4 months
Just a vent
Oh shit okay there's a lot my bad lol
You know what? Fuck you, Benji. Fuck you. I told you so much. I felt so much. And that shit hurts like hell. I let my fucking guard down for one goddamn second. Y'all always plan it out. You let a girl fall in love, and the second you absolutely 100% know she's in love, you destroy her. It's what every guy does, isn't it? I've tried and tried with guys. All they wanted was my body, didn't care about my personality or who I was at all.
But you did. You didn't give a shit about my body. You talked about how much you loved my eyes, my smile, my laugh, the way I blush whenever you just look at me or talk to me, my stubbornness, how much i fought for you. You called me beautiful and sweet and kind. Nothing regarding sex or sexual desires.
You listened to me complain about family issues, ramble on about school and my future, listened to the little kids that talked to you while I was volunteering at the school. You then said you wanted to get married and was looking for houses and rings. Not gonna lie I was also looking for houses and had already started ordering house essentials. You had me pick the wedding date... May 14. I created a Pinterest board for you, with love quotes, date ideas, and things that just reminded me of you. I created a Pinterest board for our wedding too. And Karson was so fucking excited and instantly started to plan it. He said he 100% had to be there to see it. He said he was our son.
The day before you ended it, hell, the night before, you called me your cosmic brownie, asked to see my ring finger, gave me finger hearts, blew me kisses, said you loved me, called me beautiful, laughed at me blushing at you calling me beautiful, and begged me to stay with you on the phone all night. I had no idea. How was i supposed to know?
Then you tell me I deserve better and need better... You don't know what the fuck I need or deserve. I'm not gonna find no one better because you were literally perfect. I felt like I could be me. I felt comfortable with myself and in my own skin. I knew I no longer had to hide myself to please others, which is what I have been doing for seventeen years.
Your overthinking got to you, Benji. It did. No, I wasn't gonna find someone better. No, I wasn't gonna cheat on you like all your exes did. I was with you and only you. I didn't look at any other person, I didn't want any other person, except for you. You were who I wanted. No, I wasn't gonna lose feelings. My feelings grew stronger each day. No, I wasn't overthinking or upset at you. I got a little lonely on your busiest days, but I knew those days you were having fun and you were happy and I was really happy about that.
We weren't gonna be two hours away forever and you weren't gonna be that busy forever. We could have worked. You just lost faith and hope and let your thoughts take over instead of trusting in what you and I had.
But blocking me on fucking everything, saying you wanted to forget it all, that shit hurt like hell. I know damn well I wasn't bad to you. I did my best. I responded as soon as you sent me a message, I supported you with everything, I tried to reassure you, I tried to make you happy. The only thing I can think of, if I had to do something wrong would be not verbally talking on the phone, but you seemed to understand and said seeing me smile at you and your words was enough.
I really love you Benji. I'm that kinda person. I fell hella hard for you. And I'm not falling again. That was my last shot. I'm not gonna get hurt again. The pain is unbearable. I can't breathe. Everyday I'm fighting for my life. I'm crying over everything. I get so so numb and anxious. I don't smile anymore. I'm just here existing.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 2 years
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Part 11
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Series masterlist
Part 10 🍂 Part 12
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Pairing: Syverson x ofc
Series summary: Life with Sy, what more can you wish for? The most amazing husband and father to a whole litter of cute little kids... Sometimes you wonder "how did you get here?"
Chapter warnings: Here. We. Fucking. Go. SMUT. 18+. NSFW. MINORS DNI. Ah, yes, the song of my people. Fingering + oral (f receiving), p-in-v sex, loss of virginity, safe sex, some angst, some fluff... y'know. The good stuff.
Word count: 5.7k
A/N: SO. When I told miss ma'am @keanureevesisbae that this chapter was going to be a long one, and that I had 1k and I'd barely started, she guessed it was smut immediately. (She literally used the words 'Ch11 is smut. There is no other option.') She was right. You bet your ass I'm not writing 1k smut for a first time (or in general?... I like lengthy smut?) I hope y'all are happy now. I know I am! Now girl, get your butt home and read this 😘😘😘
IMPORTANT PSA: It's a first time - without any blood and without any pain. I'm not about that stuff. So if you're someone still waiting for that moment (even if you're a minor who hasn't turned away yet), read it and don't weep: First times don't have to hurt if you take your damn time and make sure everybody's comfortable with everything that's going on. Anyone who can't do that for you? Kick them TF out of your damn bed or wherever the hell you are. And if it still won't happen despite having tried all the smart stuff (smart stuf is NOT putting stuff like vaseline in your vagina, by the way): GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR. And use condoms. Just... Can't stress that enough.
@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @omgkatinka @summersong69 @diegos-butt
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Sy was going to pick you up at 7. By the time it was 6.30, you were ready to go, but definitely not ready in any other capacity. Julie’s advice had been simple: ‘Let him take the lead, you just shave.’ And that last bit was pretty much optional. She’d overheard some drunk conversations between Patrick, Sy and the rest of the boys… He didn’t exactly seem fussy when it came to grooming choices. Nice to know. Maybe a tad too much info.
You checked your outfit another twelve times, your hair another twenty at least, and you did four more laps of the house before it was finally… 6.35? Really?
It took four solid eternities until that knock on the door at 7 on the dot. Your hands trembled when you opened the door, and when you opened your mouth to say something, you couldn’t make a sound.
“Hi beautiful,” he said with a big smile, “ready?” You just nodded, as you were still unable to speak, and followed him to his car. He looked good tonight, as always, and you decided it should be illegal for anyone to look this handsome in jeans and a t-shirt. The denim of his jeans was stretched tight around his thighs, and his shirt almost looked to be at risk of giving out. Alright, maybe you were taking some creative liberties there, but it definitely looked tight and it bothered you that he had it on in the first place. Quite frankly, it bothered you that he had anything on to begin with. During dinner, you had the worst time trying to keep your eyes off him.
“I’m sorry it wasn’t a very creative date,” Sy said at the end of the night, as you walked back to his truck. You laughed at that.
“I didn’t need a creative date, Sy. It just needed to be good.” You snuggled into his side when he threw an arm around your shoulders.
“Was it?” He almost looked shy when he asked, as if he was afraid you were going to tell him it hadn’t been a good date. As if you were going to reject him… But how could you? How could anyone? You put your hand over his and brushed your thumb over the back of his hand.
“Very,” you said, smiling up at him. The way he smiled back at you made you bite your lip. Everything had changed. And anything that accidentally hadn’t changed by now, would change tonight. A voice in your head told you that it wasn’t too late to turn back, that you could go back to being friends…
“Are you alright, Sugar,” Sy asked, his voice all kindness and compassion, “you seem nervous?” Of course he could tell you were nervous. You were a virgin with a terrible poker face, out on a dinner date with the guy you hoped would later tonight become your first. If your face din’t give it away, common sense would.
“I am,” you whispered softly. In the spur of the moment, you made a decision that – in hindsight – was very brave; to trust him. “There’s a part of me that’s telling me it’s not too late to go back to being friends.”
“Neither of us want that, darlin’,” he said as he shook his head. You knew he was right.
“It’s just the nerves, isn’t it?” He nodded.
Both of you were quiet on the drive back to your house. Your thoughts were running away with you, thinking up every doomscenario imaginable, no matter how ridiculous it was. No, the bed wasn’t going to break. No, Sy wasn’t going to hurt you. No, your mother wouldn’t all of a sudden barge into your house announcing loudly that she’d be staying until Christmas. It was just going to be you and Sy, and it was going to be at least as good as last time. One thing you were definitely excited about was being able to wake up next to him again. You had been missing those strong arms around you every morning for the past week. And the feeling of his hairy chest against your back… Somehow you convinced yourself to stick with the thoughts about what you were looking forward to until you pulled up in the driveway, where Sy – as always - walked over to your side to help you out of the truck. He firmly held onto your hand as you walked up to the front door, and while you were fumbling for your keys in your bag, he pulled you into him and gently placed a finger underneath your chin, lifting your face up to his slowly and carefully.
“Hey Sugar, mind if I kiss ya?” This time, no one needed any saving from broken porches and whatnot. It was just you and him, nothing more, nothing less. His lips left yours far too soon, and you continued your search for the keys even more frantically than you had started it. Needless to say, it didn’t work: these damn keys were nowhere to be found.
“Sy, help,” you laughed as you handed him your bag. He found them within seconds and opened the door.
Sy leaned against the door, causing it to fall shut. He didn’t do anything, didn’t try anything, he just stood there, quiet and still, waiting for you to take any kind of initiative.
“I’m scared,” you whispered as you took one step closer to him.
“Scared or nervous?” he asked. You could tell from the look in his eyes that it made an immense difference to him to keep these two apart in this type of scenario.
“Nervous,” you stammered. It wasn’t a lie, despite them being the worst nerves you had ever dealt with.
“So am I,” he replied. The smile on his face was genuine and sweet. You could see he was telling the truth, although there was no doubt a big difference between the amount of nerves he felt compared to what you were going through. He reached for your hand, and you let him guide you to the living room. He disappeared into the kitchen, leaving you there, waiting for him to come back. Your couch had never been this uncomfortable. Sy returned from the kitching holding a beer in one hand and an iced tea – or ‘sweet tea’, if you wanted to avoid another half hour lecture from Jules – in the other. You almost dropped the glass when he handed it to you and cursed your butter fingers and dumb nerves. He just sat down and turned the TV on, looking far more at ease on your couch than you did right now, which put you on edge even more. There wasn’t a single part of your body that wasn’t trembling, your was brain going back and forth between your desire to kiss him and the desire to send him home, and on top of that you wondered why he didn’t do anything. Did you even want him to? You sure weren’t going to… Maybe he didn’t want to push you? He was going to wait a long time if he expected you to take the first step… Eventually, you lifted your glass to your lips to take another sip of your drink, only to find out you had finished it. You were still shaking as you set your glass back down on the coffee table.
“Darlin’, c’mere.” He put an arm on the back of the couch, inviting you to sit closer to him. Somehow, being close to him made you feel less nervous. Sy made you feel safe. Nothing was going to happen to you as long as you were close to him. You let out a sigh and nestled into his side, humming contently as his arm moved from the couch to your shoulder. This was good. This felt right. His fingers drew patterns on the skin of your arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. The movements weren’t pressing, it wasn’t an attempt at anything other than being there with you and stroking your arm. You were sure you would never be able to put into words how much you appreciated that, even if you spent the rest of your life trying.
It was almost ten when you felt Sy move. For a moment you were afraid he was going to get up and leave, and you panicked a bit. It was a much stronger reaction than you felt was necessary, but you really didn’t want him to leave.
“Sy,” you said softly, looking up at him. He was looking back at you, his eyes asking you to continue. “Why are you nervous?” You felt stupid for asking as soon as the words were out, but there was no taking them back now.
“All that talk about makin’ this special…” he chuckled softly, “now I gotta make good on that promise. Don’t want ya to think I’m all talk…” Despite what he was saying, there was no hint of any insecurities in his eyes. Sy looked completely calm. You told him as much.
“I mostly am,” he replied, “got some experience to help shut these nerves up.” You’d expected to hate any reference to his experience, but you didn’t. None of that mattered right now, he was here. He was with you. He was yours.
“Sy,” you said slowly, “I need you to take the lead.” It wasn’t a lie, even though you still hated to admit to needing anyone. You let out a small, soft, nervous little laugh, and you couldn’t keep it from trembling a little, but it was enough. He pulled you into his lap the same way he’d done the week before, straddling his thighs, although he was a little quicker to put a hand on your ass this time around. When he tried to wink, you couldn’t contain another laugh. This one was louder and more comfortable. Sy smiled at you, you smiled back. From the outside, this probably looked really stupid, but as a part of it, it was a lovely and intimate moment. If only it ended and changed into something more… But it didn’t. Neither of you moved.
“One of us is going to have to do it,” you heard yourself say.
“Don’t gotta tell me, Sugar, but I…” You knew exactly what he was trying to say. You couldn’t. He couldn’t. But why – the fuck – not? You knew what you were hung up on, but what was his problem? Was he more nervous than he led on? Did he think you didn’t want this? Did he not want this? Fuck!
“Fuck,” you cried out in frustration, anger, maybe sadness, “why is this happening? This is bullshit! I want you, Sy, literally so bad. I want to kiss you. I want you to kiss me. Why can’t we…” Sy’s mouth crashed into yours, swallowing up the last of your sentence. Whatever you were going to say didn’t matter, it was obsolete, forgotten. Lips parted, tongues met, danced, retreated. He sucked your bottom lip into his mouth, making you moan, turning the sound into a whimper when he bit into it softly. You wrapped an arm around his neck, your hand at the back of his head, pulling him closer to you, the other wrapped around his chest, stroking his back. He moaned softly into your mouth when your nails softly scraped his scalp, down to the nape of his neck. He explored every part of your body he could get his hands on in this position, kneading the flesh of your ass, your hips, your sides, your thighs, leaving every bit of you he touched burning, longing, waiting…
Your thoughts were racing and your heart seemed to try to catch up to them. Weirdly enough, you weren’t worried or nervous anymore, just hopelessly in love and very, very turned on. Your only complaint at this time was that there wasn’t more of Sy touching more of you. Every inch of you was screaming for him, begging for him, pleading with every ounce of your being that he would never leave… And then he was gone.
Heavy hands pressed firmly down onto your shoulders and held you at a distance. It was a while before you dared to open your eyes, afraid you wouldn’t find him in front of you when you did, but when you finally looked, he was there. Half-smiling his way through a pained look and frown, trying to catch his breath. The pressure on your shoulders disappeared as his hands moved up to capture your face in between them. Sy gently pulled you towards him, until you were close enough for him to press a sweet kiss on your forehead before leaning his brow against yours. A warm chuckle escaped his throat.
“Y’alright, baby?” he asked in between heavy breaths. A hum and a nod were all you could manage. Sy spent another minute catching his breath while his hands softly traveled up and down your thighs, before picking you up in the same way he had the week before and carrying you off to the same destination.
You frowned when Sy pulled away after he put you down on the bed, but you were pleased to see he din’t go far. He was sitting right there, on his knees in between your legs, with your thighs draped over his. More importantly; he was taking his shirt off, which made you feel all kinds of ways, but the only way you could articulate it was: ‘yay’. Since there was no way you were supposed to say that out loud, you fought the urge to blurt it out and ended up moaning instead. Close enough. You were barely aware of your own fingers reaching for the hem of your own top until your necklace got stuck when you tried to pull it over your head. Sy was quick to help you untangle everything, even though it was hard for him. Those fingers were definitely made for far less refined work. When his hands moved towards the clasp of your bra, you stopped him. Sy looked at you questioningly – and sad, pouting even, which was adorable – but you shook your head. It wasn’t every day that you put on matching underwear – especially for a man – and he was at least going to see it, dammit, even if he didn’t give a damn about these things. It had been one of Julie’s little confidence boosting tips – she had even helped you justify the strategic acquisition of a new, possibly slightly outrageously expensive set. Sy was suspiciously quick to put two and two together when you refused his attempt to take your bra off, and his fingers tentatively moved toward the waistband of your jeans, a question burning in his eyes: ‘May I?’. You couldn’t look into his eyes as you answered. Instead, you turned your head away and whispered your answer very softly. You glanced in his direction from the corner of your eyes as he took your pants off.
You were going to have to ask Julie if that lovely tip of hers had been solely for the purpose of boosting your confidence, or if she’d secretly known what his reaction was going to be like, but either way you’d need to thank her. Sy’s eyes went wide when he looked at the pale blue lace contraption that kept you from being completely exposed. You shivered when his hands reached for your hips, pinching softly before trailing down your thighs. His hands felt good on your skin; a little rough, but you could tell he was trying to be gentle, and they were warm, which was more than you could say of the air in the room. Your next shiver came from the realization that it was, in fact, quite cold, which was more than apparent from the the way your nipples poked through the material of your underwear.
It caused you to feel an overwhelming urge to hide, but Sy didn’t let you.
“Don’t…” he said, his voice breaking up. He cleared his throat before continuing. “Sugar, don’t hide. You’re beautiful.”
The heat of his body fixed the problem you were having with the cold when he leaned over you to press his lips to yours again. The kiss started off slow, almost casual, before he deepened it and the intensity from before returned instantly. You ran the fingers of one hand through his beard while the other rested on his back, making subtle attempts to pull him closer to you. Eventually, he gave in and closed the remaining space between your bodies, only to move away near immediately. You whined when his lips left yours, wondering why he had to stop kissing you all of a sudden. It had been nice. Stopping wasn’t a good idea – it was a terrible one, in fact. Then why was he doing it? Your questions were answered when you heard the metal of his belt buckle and you gasped. It turned into a chuckle when you watched Sy take off his own jeans in such a hurry that it only slowed him down.
“Laughing at me, are ya, Sugar?” He laughed as he fell back on top of you, catching himself in time to keep from crushing you underneath his body. His lips found yours fleetingly before traveling to your ear, and from there down your neck to your cleavage. Sy couldn’t hide his enthusiasm as he turned his attention to your boobs, kneading them, grazing his fingers over your nipples, making you writhe and moan as his mouth explored the exposed skin of your chest. One hand made its way around your back, unhooking your bra with impressive ease.
“It’s really goddamn pretty, baby, but I want to see you,” he murmured softly against your skin as he unwrapped your breasts – ‘unwrapped’ being an apt descriptor, because Sy looked like a kid on Christmas while he did it… That man was absolutely crazy about your boobs.
“Dammit, Sugar, you look so fucking good,” Sy growled before flicking his tongue over your nipple as he ground his hips into yours. He was hard, and you were suddenly painfully aware of how little fabric currently separated him from you. You couldn’t stop moving as Sy continued his eager attack on your chest, the need to relieve the scalding desire between your legs was too big, too pressing.
“Fuck,” you gasped when teeth fleetingly grazed the pebbled flesh of your nipple, “Sy, please.” Where you found the courage; no idea. Somehow you managed to push Sy’s hand down to your stomach, where he suddenly held still, drawing patterns on your skin. His mouth left your breast alone and worked its way back up to yours, kissing you gently before moving towards your ear. His waiting made you even more restless, and your writhing became more and more desperate with every passing second. Sy chuckled, the sound was warm and sweet in your ear and sent little jolts of electricity straigt down to your burning core. You pushed at his hand again, begging Sy to finally provide you with the friction you craved.
“You’re an eager li’l thing, ain’t ya?” he whispered. The sound of his voice in your ear was magical – which only made things worse for you – but what he said made you a bit nervous. Eager… Was that a good thing? Did he mean too eager? And why were you overthinking this instead of enjoying what was going on? The feeling of his hand sliding further down your stomach until his hand cupped your mound was enough to stop your negative thoughts in their tracks and send them all the way to hell.
“Want me to go on?” You couldn’t even focus on answering while two of his fingers teased you by very lightly drumming a lazy rhythm on your swollen clit.
“Please,” you blurted out, “stop teasing, just…” You were practically sobbing at this point, begging to be touched.
“You best take those off, Sugar,” he laughed in reply to your plea, “I don’t think I can do it without fuckin’ ‘em up.” Your panties were off and on the floor before he’d even finished that sentence. For the love of God, could he just fucking touch you already? You fell back into his arms with an aggravated sigh, the end of which was drowned out by Sy’s grunt when he dragged a finger through your wet folds.
“Fuck, Sugar,” he growled in your ear, “such a wet goddamn pussy.” His voice was that of a man entirely drunk on lust – and somehow you found that empowering? You were startled when Sy gently pushed his finger into your core. He was being careful, keeping a close eye on your reaction to see if he wasn’t hurting you or anything of the sort. It didn’t hurt; it felt good. Not the kind of good that would make you cum, but it was definitely nice. A second finger slipped into you with just as much ease, making you feel even better, but at the same time more desperate for the release you still weren’t getting. You couldn’t hold back the gasps, sighs or moans as Sy pumped his thick fingers slowly in and out of your pussy, searching your walls for a spot you knew existed in theory, but had never found. When he pulled his fingers out, you whined, wondering why the fuck he stopped, and you looked at him, frowning deeply. Of course he was looking back at you, chuckling at your anger.
“Sweetheart, I meant it when I said I wanted to take good care of ya,” Sy said softly in between kisses as he made his way down your neck, in between your breasts, down your stomach. His kisses left a wet trail in their wake, which made you shiver as it came into contact with the chilly air. “Will you let me?"
Fuck, he was cute when he licked his lips. And when he bit it. That didn’t make you less nervous, but it drove you wild enough to nod without giving it any thought. The real nerves hit you again when you saw his face in between your legs and it dawned on you what he was about to do… Whether he saw the hesitation in your eyes or the way you shaped up to stop him, you had no idea, but before you could say anything, his low growl stopped you dead in your tracks.
“Fuck, baby, you look fucking amazing,” he rasped, “such a pretty pussy.” Two of his fingers teased at your entrance, making you whine in a plea for more. Sy chuckled when he slipped them into you with ease.
“So fucking wet for me, can’t wait to taste ya.” He said the words so eagerly that you couldn’t doubt that he was speaking the truth, which settled the majority of your nerves. The rest vanished when his tongue hit your clit. The feeling consumed you completely; there was absolutely nothing else in this moment than Sy’s tongue working the sensitive little pearl between your legs. Fuck this was good. He was good – not that you had anything to compare him to, but still. All of your attention was forced into focusing on what he was doing. His fingers sliding in and out of your throbbing heat, his tongue flicking and occasionally sucking on your clit, his free hand reaching up to your chest… All of it caused the pressure inside you to build, higher and higher until you finally snapped. You felt your walls clench around Sy’s fingers as your hips twitched uncontrollably while you rode out your high on his tongue before collapsing. When you heard him laugh, you looked down. Something in those eyes was cooking up the devious plan to put you through that again, but there was no way you could handle that. First of all because ow, sensitive? And second of all because you needed something else from him. Something your entire body begged for. You reached for his face to pull him back up to you, crushing your mouth against his in a frantic – and very wet – kiss. To your surprise, it didn’t bother you to taste yourself on his lips; if anything it added to your arousal. Most of the restraint he had shown you before was gone – his kiss was the epitome of unbridled desire that matched yours so effortlessly it was almost scary. There was no doubt in your mind that you needed this man as close to you as humanly possible, sooner rather than later.
“Sy,” you gasped into his mouth whenever you saw the chance to speak, “I need you.” He growled in reply. “Now.” You’d never had your body scream so hard for something it had never experienced before, it was remarkable if you thought about it – which you would… later… But definitely not now, no, now was the time for unhinged lust and unfamiliar urges, and angrily mourning Sy’s withdrawal only to find he was taking care of the last bit of clothing he was wearing. Now was the time to take a look at him naked, only to come to the conclusion that your dreams hadn’t been doing him any kind of justice… The reality was far more impressive than anything your mind had managed to come up with so far. Now was the time to stare at Sy, your eyes wide with fear and your mouth open in suprise, and for him to kiss you softly on the tip of your nose before reassuring you that everything would be fine.
He looked around for something, impatiently and frantically and with increasing frustration very apparent in his behavior. You looked at him questioningly.
“Condoms are in my bag,” and that bag was still by your front door…
“I think I still have some,” you said. It would be hard to find any time in your life you’d looked through your nightstand so eagerly before. After some time, you found what you were looking for.
“Of course,” you sighed. They were fucking expired. Good going… You were astounded by your own lack of preparation. The time it took Sy to get to the hall and back was just enough to build up your nerves all over again. This was happening. It was really happening… Some of the excitement was pushed back by nerves. You had seen what you were dealing with, but your brain could in no way make sense of the logistics. There was just no way that was ever going to fit. You were so caught up in freaking out that you hadn’t heard Sy return and you first noticed his presence when he put a hand on your hip.
“Baby, you okay?” There was genuine concern in his eyes. You smiled and nodded, unable to speak. You were so ready for this, but so scared it was going to hurt.
“Talk to me, Sugar,” he said as he put a hand to the side of your face and gently brushed your cheekbone with his thumb. The longer he looked at you, the harder it became to keep your bottom lip from trembling.
“I don’t want it to hurt,” you whispered. You put your hand over his and squeezed it.
“It won’t,” Sy reassured you. “Trust me, breathe, talk to me, ‘kay?” Your nod was careful and quick. The lump in your throat didn’t disappear when you swallowed and your muscles tensed up when you felt the tip of Sy’s cock against your core. Sy chuckled when he noticed and he kissed you softly.
“That’s what’s gonna make it uncomfortable, Sweetheart, ya gotta relax.” It was easier said than done, but his kiss and the soft kindness he showed you in everything he did helped a lot. Everything went well for a bit, until it didn’t. Sy saw the discomfort on your face and stopped moving. His mouth found yours, and he pulled you into a tender kiss, moving his lips against yours softly, calmly and at a gentle pace. He carefully took advantage of the moment he no longer felt your walls clench hard around him, inching himself further into you as you moaned into his mouth. The feeling of your walls stretched tight around his cock to accommodate all of it was surreal. It felt good - so fucking good, if you didn’t know any better you’d say it was magic.
For a moment you were busy with all the things you were feeling, and not concerned with Sy at all, until you heard him moan into your mouth.
“Can I move?” His voice was hoarse. “God, I wanna fuck your tight li’l pussy.” You moaned when he said it. It was strange to hear him talk like that, but it was so incredibly hot to hear how much he wanted you – and it made a part of you feel bad for not being as vocal as he was. The rhythm Sy settled on was slow and his thrusts were gentle. A bit too slow and gentle, maybe? The thought surprised you, but not more than the unconscious movements of your hips did. Without realizing it, you’d settled into the same rhythm, mirroring his movements so your hips met his with each thrust. Sy let his head hang next to yours and his moans and grunts and the feeling of his hot breath on your ear and in your neck drove you wild, which surprised you a little. Soon, you found yourself mirroring those noises as well, unable to keep quiet as Sy drove himself into your tight core time after time. It was as if he slowed down with every thrust – he didn’t – and your exasperation grew with every second as he stuck with the same agonizingly slow rhythm.
“Faster, please,” you moaned into his ear, and he was more than happy to oblige.
“Look at you, baby,” he growled in your ear as he picked up the pace,  “takin’ me so goddamn well.” His words made your head spin and you felt your walls clench around him as he said it. It was sweet, it was nice, but it was also something else entirely you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Your own moans and squeals mingled with his low grunts and growls as he sank into you with harsh, short thrusts that made you feel so good you could just about cry. Your senses were overwhelmed by all the different sensations; the feeling of Sy’s cock, vigorously pumping into you, filling you completely with every thrust of his hips; your skin, damp with sweat, exposed to the cool air; the sounds of skin against skin and Sy growling in your ear, mixed with the sounds of your own pleasure; the strangely arousing smell of sweat and… sex; the look on Sy’s face as every move he made pulled him closer and closer to the finish; and finally the salty taste of Sy’s skin that hit your tongue as you sank your teeth into his shoulder when his final thrusts were almost painfully erratic.
“Sorry ‘bout that, Sugar,” he laughed apologetically as he held you close for a moment. You winced at the feeling of emptiness when he pulled out of you and left your walls clenching around nothing. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple before moving away, disappearing from the room to handle the necessary clean-up. Maybe the cold came a little too abruptly, maybe it would have happened all the same if he’d stayed close to you for a little longer, in any case, a slight fit of panic set in. Sy couldn’t have been gone for more than two minutes, and when he returned he found you curled up on the covers, shivering and staring into space.
“Sugar, are you okay?” His hands were warm on your skin. It was nice.
“Tired,” you answered with a slight chuckle as the panic disappeared with every stroke of his hands. Everything was better now that he was here. “A bit overwhelmed…” That was probably not a weird thing, right? Sy sat next to you on the bed and gathered you up into his arms. It drew your attention to the sweat and… other fluids… you were covered with.
“And sticky,” you blurted out before you realized it. You somehow managed to laugh at that. In fact, you both laughed at that.
“You can go take a shower if you want?” Sy suggested. It was a great idea, but there was no way you were going to let go of him, and you told him that.
“Are you tellin’ me to come with ya?” Sy grinned and instead of rolling your eyes at him, you grinned back. Apparently, he took that as a yes, because he threw you over his shoulder while he muttered ‘don’t gotta tell me twice’ and carried you off to the bathroom.
“Wait!” you yelled when Sy wanted to drag you into the shower. He looked at you, one eyebrow raised inquisitively. You pointed at your hair before finding a scruncie and tying it up. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that that wasn’t much of an explanation for a man with more hair on his chest than on top of his head. “I can’t go to sleep with wet hair, it’s really bad for your hair.”
“Never knew,” Sy said. Something was clearly amusing to him, but you were too tired to question it. “Now, c’mere, Sugar, I wanna get to bed.” Sy’s strong arms combined with warm water were exactly what you needed right now to wind down and process everything that had happened tonight.
It was a good thing you had Sy with you, because it gave you something to lean against when your legs didn’t feel like it anymore, and someone to carry you back to bed when the time came.
“So, this is taking proper care of your woman, Sy?” you chuckled as you snuggled as close to him as possible. “Sugar, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”
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paisholotus · 5 months
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗. 5
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Play: Tumblr Girls~ G-eazy
Izuku yawned and leaned back in his chair, slowly blinking his hooded eyes. He should have gone to bed earlier rather than working on tattoo designs. He had just finished his last customer for the day and wanted to go home. "Midoriya, you want to go to the skate park with us?" Denki asked, nudging Izuku. 
Denki and Sero were the piercers; Kirishima worked the front desk; and Izuku, Bakugo, and Shoto were the tattoo artists. Shoto started his tattoo business right out of college. 
Izuku rolled his eyes, bent forward, rested his elbows, and considered if he should go. Because what is there to do at home? But smoke the fucking day away. "Ight, I'll go. I ain't got shit else to do." He said, grabbing his cup.
They could hear the irritability in his voice, but to be honest, they agreed because they didn't have shit else to do either. 
"Speaking of skating." Sero said, stepping into the waiting area and sitting down on the couch, "How do y'all know those girls? You remember those girls we were at the hotel with?" He asked, smiling at the three boys. Denki and Kirishima stared at the three and wanted to know the answer too. 
Bakugo glared at Sero, but Shoto smiled softly, and Izuku remained expressionless. Personally, Izuku had mixed thoughts about seeing Nadia again. He was pissed that, after all these years, she had decided to return now.
But another part of him was scared because he's not the same Izuku he was when they were kids—definitely not the same person he was when he was in high school. He's been through a lot of shit. And he doesn't have time to open back up to a person who's just going to do him dirty anyway. 
"We grew up together. We were best friends. More than that, if I'm being honest." Shoto told them, smiling and crossing his arms. Denki smiled widely as Bakugo huffed and frowned at his phone. Katsuki was not gon front; seeing Nisha for the first time again was a shock. But she looked really good. Katsuki had no confused feelings; he wanted her, and he was going to get her.
Shoto felt the same way. That night, Deja and Shoto talked all night, simply catching up. When he thinks about how stunning she is, heat rises in his cheeks. All of his old feelings returned, and he really needed her. He craved her. 
"Damn, that's wild; all y'all childhood lady friends just turn up like that, and I can't even find a loyal girl?" Denki frowned. They wrinkled their faces up and sighed, "Here he goes again." 
"Mf you would get a girlfriend if you'd stop dating hoes." Bakugo muttered, rolling his eyes as he looked back at his phone. 
Denki smacked his teeth. "Fuck you, Kacchan." Denki glared at him. Bakugo grinned and laughed, flipping him off. 
"Anyway, guess what I heard?" Kirishima said, standing up excitedly. "What you hear?" Denki asked, opening a bag of candies while sitting on the couch next to Sero. 
"There's a competition for skaters to compete, and the prize money is $100,000." Everyone gazed at him, surprised at the news.
They carefully considered the advantages and disadvantages of competing before deciding to go ahead with it. 
"We can invite the girls too. They also skate, so they'll definitely want to go." Sero replied, grinning.
The three remained silent as Sero and Denki laughed loudly.
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kittievampire · 2 years
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A friend of mine told me that the shit I write alone is too little, too boring, so I decided to fuck his dad. I also decided to open up a little request box. Shoot me an inbox to see what diamonds I have in my bag!
Obey Me
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I will literally write almost anything for my bois.
Mephistopheles, Thirteen, and Raphael
Though I believe STRONGLY that Raphael should be dominated and reduced to nothing but tears and whimpers, I just don't think I know enough about him to capture his character somewhat properly
Same goes for the other two
I'm a kinky bitch, so you won't be judged for submitting literally anything
I'll only be able to write female or GN reader, sorry boys
I wanna stick to what I know, and looking at my double x chromosomes, I think I only know a girl's bod
I'm also really fucked up in the head, so if you wanna be choked half to death by Belphie SAME
I won't do scat, piss, gore, or vore tho, sorry to the freakishly freaky freaks out there
If there's anything I'm uncomfortable with writing, I'll most likely lyk
That and if the concept is nice but it's just that one thing, I'll ask for an alteration
Don't be shy to request some rough shit though, I think we all wanna have rough hate-sex with Satan, it's fine, I get it
Absolutely will not write any smut about Luke, that's just a no-no altogether. Even when he's a grown-up and good-looking, he'll still be our lil chihuahua
Seriously, if you request Luke, I will respond with this
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There's a limit to how angsty you can get?
I guess cheating's the only thing that's a bit iffy for me (that Satan and Lucifer fic was a one-time thing, I can't put myself through that again)
Other than that, I'll lyk if there's anything I'm uncomfortable with writing. Same as smut rule applies here.
Lol ain't no restrictions here bub
I kill for sappy moments with my bois
I will literally do anything, I don't think you can go wrong with this area (watch y'all's asses prove me wrong omg)
I'll take any hc you think of. For spicy head canons, same rules as smut apply here
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I've started fiddling with the idea of writing some stuff about our dearest floor guardians, so I think I wouldn't mind too much writing some stuff about them
Just know that I haven't read the manga, but am planning to, so anyone who isn't present in the anime isn't going to be around
Once again, I feel it should be mentioned, I'm a kinky bitch
I'll do just about anything short of scat, piss, gore, vore, etc.
For these, I'll mainly do a female reader, sorry fellas, just wanna stick to what I know til I think I know what I don't
Will NOT write anything about Aura, Mare, or any other under-age characters in the smut category. They're still kids. No.
Will NOT write anything about non-humanoid (enough) characters
Aka, hamsuke is a no, lizardmen are a no, anything/anyone related is a no
Nothing to say here, I have no limits until someone suggests something truly traumatizing
No limits, don't think you can go wrong with these
Same rules apply as smut for the spicy hcs
Persona 5
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This was an impulsive add because I was so pissed that they wouldn't let me date Yusuke in the game, so I wanna imagine that I can.
I've only played Persona 5 Royal and watched the anime, so anyone not present in either will not be written about
I will NOT write about Futaba, Jose, or Shinya for this section, that is a NO
Other than that, request whatever you want for this section. Once more, I'm a kinky bitch. And I'm in love with Yusuke 🥰🥰🥰
Gore, vore, piss, scat, etc. will not be written about, sorry freakishly freaky freaks
Once more, for these, it will be only female or GN reader. Sorry, fellas
Anything short of cheating here would be nice
No real limitations here
Can't go wrong here, everyone's welcome
Anything's welcome
Same rules apply as smut for the spicy hcs
Twisted Wonderland
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I think I'm ready to start writing for this fandom, but I'm still relatively new so bear with me please
Che'nya and Silver are the only characters I don't feel I know enough about
These are VERY temporary restrictions, though! I promise I'll educate myself soon to remove these restrictions!
For this section, I will NOT write anything about Ortho. Yeah, no. he's too precious ;w;
Once more, feel free to request anything short of scat, piss, gore, and vore
I also strongly believe that some of these characters deserve to be topped to tears or should top the reader to tears, so you'll probably see some favoritism with some of the Housewardens (my beloveds)
Female or GN reader for this section! Sorry, guys.
No real limitations here. No cheating would be nice tho
No limits here
Same rules for smut apply for the spicy hcs
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Additional Notes
If I don't reply immediately, I'm most likely being fucked sideways by life and don't have the time
Doesn't mean I don't love you guys tho 💙
I will also be prioritizing Kin of the Demon Prince, or whatever other fic I may write in the future if I'm finished with that one, just be aware
If you tell me to surprise you, I'm gonna make whatever I pull outta my ass a complete self-indulgence, and you'll be the one to blame for it, sorry kiddo
If ya wanna just ask a question regarding my thoughts on certain things, my story Kin of the Demon Prince/other fics I may write, or myself (no personal stuff, just shit having to do with fandoms), I'll gladly answer them, just shoot me a question
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Still trippin over the fucking my friend's dad bit?
Don't worry, jeez, I didn't fuck his dad, relax 🙄
I fucked his mom.
I'll be your dealer, come down to my alleyway (inbox) and see what kind of diamonds I have in my bag, I'll be waiting~
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Saying Sorry (Steve X You)
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A/N: My valentines gift to you. I've been thinking it's been awhile since I've created a series with just Steve and for some reason I'm crushing on season one King Steve so alas...I bare you this. I definitely have an idea of where I want this to go and I hope y'all like it so we can go through it together :)
The title and the idea came from a song I was listening to. Like I said I've been listening to my emo music more so lol
Warnings: Smut for sure. The reader does get assaulted but its very brief ( she is smacked) and Steve swoops in to save the day. These two are childhood friends who grow apart. The reader has rumors being spread about her (calling her a slut and cheap) .
Word Count: 4710
You and Steve had known each other since you were kids growing up in Hawkins. The first time you met him was in kindergarten on the playground. He was extremely shy, sitting by himself in a nook within the jungle gym.
“Why are you hiding?” He jumps at the sound of your voice. 
“I’m not hiding! I just… I don’t know anyone yet.”
“Okaaaay. How are you going to meet anyone though if you don’t talk to people?”
“Well, I’m meeting you.”
When you smile at him, he returns it with a little one of his own as you sit down beside him. 
“I’m Y/N.”
He was incredibly sweet and kind. On valentine’s day he brought you a card that he had made with your favorite candy tapped inside. During nap time, he would lay beside you and the teacher would always end up separating you two because you couldn’t stop giggling. On your birthday, you invited him to your house for a sleep over. Your mom was surprised when he showed up alone without his parents. 
“Steve, honey, where’s your mom or dad? I was hoping to meet them and introduce myself.”
“Um, my dad is at a meeting and…I don’t know where my mom is. She left before I did.”
Your mom looks at him with concern before she sighs.
That night you two created a little fort out of blankets in your room and curled up underneath it in sperate sleeping bags. 
“Is it normal for you to be alone at home?”, you ask turning to lay on your side to face him. 
“Yeah. Usually there’s a nanny or housekeeper that looks after me but after they leave sometimes my mom and dad leave to.”
“Is it lonely?” Steve doesn’t respond instead turning his eyes to the floor. “Well…you can come over here anytime you want!”
He grins at you and you can’t help but giggle.
“Kids, go to bed! It’s after midnight!” You both laugh as your dad shouts from down the hall.
As you two grew up, you started growing closer with him becoming your best friend and you his. In middle school, your bodies started changing and Steve seemed a bit more focused on his appearance.
“How’s my hair? Does it look good?”
“Steve! Calm down.”, you laugh at him. “Your hair looks perfect as always. Don’t be so nervous!”
“How can you be so relaxed? Aren’t you nervous?”
You and Steve were going on a double date with some of the other kids from school. He had a huge crush on a girl from his English class but was so scared of messing things up. You offered to go with him with one of the guys who had been flirting with you to ease his mind.
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I don’t really like Travis all that much. I mean I like him but not like…you know?”
He softly smiles as he continues to run his fingers through his hair. “Not one bit.”
You gently reach for his hand and smooth the mess he made on top of his head. “Steve, you have no reason to be nervous. You are a great guy and if Jennifer doesn’t realize that well then fuck her.”
He cackles at your curse as he pulls you into a hug. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
After the date that night, you noticed a change in him. It was very small but noticeable to you especially when he called you up after your mom dropped him off back at his house. 
“See? I told you there was nothing to worry about!”
“Yeah, it was weird though. I’ve never actually kissed a girl before.”
“Did you like it?”
“I did.” You heard his smile through the phone. “She said something before that didn’t make sense. She said that you and I shouldn’t be friends.”
“What?! Why?”
“She said you’re a bit of a…a dork.” He panicked at your silence. “Which is stupid because, obviously, you aren’t and even if you were you know I don’t care about that kind of thing. I love you and you’re my best friend.”
“What did you say when she said that?”
“I didn’t get a chance to say anything because she kissed me.”
“I should kick her ass.”
He laughs, breathing a sigh of relief at your sarcastic tone. “No! No ass beating. Like you said…fuck her, right?”
As soon as you became freshman, that’s when the drastic changes happened. He stopped coming over to your house and hanging out with you at school. You used to sit together at lunch but you found yourself eating alone while he sat on the opposite end of the cafeteria with the popular kids. 
You called his house and either no one picked up or his mom said he wasn’t home.
“I’m sorry, Leslie. He isn’t here.”, his dad’s gruff tone hits your ears. 
“It’s Y/N and do you know where he is?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. No, I don’t. I think he went out with some girl from the cheerleading squad. Look, I really have to go. Can I take a message?”
You hung up the phone in frustration. 
Your final straw was when he didn’t show up for your birthday. You and Steve had spent every year together on that day. Your parents would get a cake, order food, and you guys would stay up watching movies till you fell asleep. It had been weeks since you heard from him but you thought at least he would be here for this.
You pound on his door with your fist for what feels like forever until he finally answers. His hair is disheveled and his lips are stained with a nice shade of red lipstick. 
“Y/N. Hey. I’m a bit preoccupied at the moment—”
“Where were you?!”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Steve, do you know what today is?”
He steps forward, quietly closing the front door behind him. “Y/N, I really can’t do this right now. Can we talk about this later—”
“WHEN?! When can we talk about it? You’re never home and you don’t answer my calls. I never see you at school and we don’t hang out anymore. When should we talk?!”
“I’m not going to apologize for being busy with school and living my life. I’m sorry we don’t spend as much time together but I made some new friends. It’s not just me and you anymore.”
“You’re such a fucking asshole. You really think these ‘friends’ give a damn about you? All they care about is your money and good looks!”
“You’re just jealous because I’m hanging out with the popular group and you’re not! You’re just a fucking poor, pathetic dork who has no friends other than me!”
Steve watched through your eyes as your heart broke. “Wow. Thank you for showing me who Steve Harrington really is. Happy Birthday to me, I guess.”
His eyes closed as he came to the realization of what today was. “Y/N, shit, I’m so fucking sorry. I didn’t mean…I—”
“No. Don’t worry about it, Harrington. It’s all good.”
It had been two years since then and you were both juniors now. Steve had steadily rose to the king of Hawkins high, becoming a jock and making all the ladies swoon. You flew under the radar as best you could with a 4.0 GPA and a style that everyone compared to Joan Jett. You both had basically become night and day. 
He heard rumors about you but did nothing to dispel them. 
“Does she think she’s cool wearing those ratty, torn up clothes and boots? Please. Probably hiding the fact that her family can barely afford to keep their house let alone some new clothes.”
“I heard she fucks boys under the bleachers if they give her $20 bucks. She’s cheap!”
“Oh my god. That’s most likely why she has all those As!”
The rumors you heard about him were a bit more factual and kept you up to date on what was going on in his life. 
“Steve is taking out Tammie tonight. Five bucks he takes her to lover’s lake!”
“I heard he’s failing physics but the teacher passes him anyway so he can play basketball. Lucky bastard.”
“Steve Harrington is throwing a party at his house. His dad just made a killer deal so he’s flying his mom to Hawaii to celebrate. Empty house with a ton of booze!”
You did everything you could to avoid interactions with him and with your different social circles that wasn’t hard but some days you were thrown a curve ball. This morning happened to be one of those days. As you walked to your locker, you heard a loud crash next to you as Tommy leaned against them. 
“Hey Y/N. How are you this beautiful morning?”
“I was having a great morning until you opened you mouth.”, you threw him a fake smile as you slammed your locker closed. 
“Well, that’s not very nice.” His girlfriend Carol blocked your path to keep you from leaving. “Someone not have their morning coffee? Probably time to find some new clients to fuck so you can afford that.”
“Oh, they’ve escalated to clients now. The rumor mill continues to be amusing. Now, get out of my way.”
“Ah ah. We just wanted to talk to you and see how you were. This is no way to treat your friends.”
“You are not and will never be my friends.”, you glare at them.
“What’s going on?” Steve sauntered slowly up to his friends, his face contorting slightly when he sees you. “Tommy. Carol. Come on. We’re going to be late for class.”
“Better run along and do what your king says.”, you sneer at them.
He stops, slowly turning around as he snickers. “You know what? Maybe we should stay. I heard you guys when I came up. She definitely needs to be nice to you. It’s not like she has any other friends.”
“Kind of like a kid I used to know back in elementary school.” They all laugh, making faces like you said the stupidest thing they had ever heard…but not Steve. His breathing staggered at the memory of you befriending him when he had no one. “Leave me alone.”
He sighed, gripping Tommy’s arm and pushing him down the hallway. 
“Hey. You okay? I heard Steve Harrington tried to put you in your place today.”
You did actually have friends; they were just invisible to the popular kids. Carrie had become one of your closest but you could never bring yourself to tell her about your past with the boy in question. Honestly, it just hurt too much. 
“I swear to God I hate this school.”, you mumble. “Yes, I’m okay and no he didn’t. Like he even could.”
She chuckles as she throws herself in the chair next to yours at your lunch table. “He’s having a party tonight. We should crash it.”
“That…is the worst idea you have ever had.”, you smile at her.
“Oh, come on! We’ve never gone to one and it’s not like we’ll see him. He’ll be too busy grinding on some cheerleader.”
“See, I don’t understand how that’s common knowledge but I’m the whore!”
She grins as she pulls you to her shoulder and rests her head on yours. “You are not a whore. You are beautiful, perfect, and one of my closest friends. Also, I heard that Andrew will be there.”
You both giggle, sitting like that together until you give in and finally agree. 
It had been so long since you had been in Steve’s house. Not a whole lot had changed except for a few more expensive items you didn’t remember being there before. The bass was beating through the entire home as everyone danced and drank. 
“Carrie, I think we made a mistake!”
“It’s party, Y/N! Have a drink and dance! I’ll be right back!” With that, she was gone. A heavy exhale escaped your lips as you went outside to find some peace and quiet. You grinned when you noticed the pool in the backyard, remembering the summers you and Steve spent in there. 
“Steve! I can’t swim. I’m scared.” Your little voice shook as you stood on the steps in the water. 
He effortlessly glides towards you before standing up and taking both your hands in his. “You have no reason to be afraid, Y/N. I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.” He chuckles as you wrap your arms around his waist.
“Hey! It’s ok. Do you trust me?”
You look up into his big brown eyes as his smile shines confidently down at you.
“Of course.”
“Hey, Y/N! Carrie said you were around here somewhere.” Andrew grins as he comes up beside you. 
“Did she? Because I have completely lost her.” 
He laughs at your sass. “She said you were funny.”
“Hey Andrew.” Steve’s voice comes up from behind you. 
“Sup, Harrington. Pretty good party you got going on here.” The boy grins as he takes a sip from the cup in his hand.
“Thanks, hey, do you mind if I talk with Y/N really quick?”
You were startled by his question. Wasn’t he just an asshole to you this morning? Is he going to be snarky again because you showed up to his house unannounced? Andrew nodded and backed away so you two could talk.
“Look, I know you fucking hate me but—”
“I don’t hate you. I would have to care to do that.”
Steve rolls his eyes as he sighs. “Yeah, okay, whatever. You’re a badass. Good for you. Now, listen to me. You need to stay away from him.”
“From Andrew? Why?”
“He has a reputation for being…rough.”
“Oh, good. Well, I have a reputation for being a slut so we’ll get along nicely.”
His eyes narrow down at your snarky tone. “Whether you are or not, doesn’t fucking matter to me. I don’t know you anymore but I know him. Trust me.”
“You’re right. You don’t know me anymore and I definitely don’t fucking trust you. You have no right to pretend like you care about me or my well-being, your highness!”
“Fine! Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You scoff at him as you turn and grab Andrew’s arm, leading him inside the house.
You and Andrew found a corner in the living room that was quiet enough for you two to talk. Honestly, after a few minutes, you found yourself bored and zoning out. All he wanted to talk about was the baseball team and their stats. 
“Wow, Andrew, as fascinating as this is, I have to go find Carrie now and head home.”
“What? No.”, he whines and you cringe at the sight.
“Yes, unfortunately, it is late so…”
Abruptly, his hand wraps around your bicep as you start to stand and he pulls you back down towards the sofa you had been sitting on. 
“Come on, Y/N. Let’s not play games here. You don’t have to go home yet. I think you just don’t care about this kind of foreplay.”
“I’m sorry?”
“You know, the whole get to know you thing. I can respect that.” His body starts to press against you, leaning you back against the cushions.
“Andrew, no.” You try to push him with your palm but he swats it away. 
“You don’t have to pretend with me. I know what you’re into. I can even pay you double whatever you normally charge.” Andrew’s lips find their way to your neck and with all the strength you can muster, you lift your leg and kick him in the groin.
He howls in pain as you push him off of you. “You’re disgusting!”
As you start to run away from him, he chases after you, grabbing your arm again to turn you around and slap you hard across the face.
Suddenly forceful hands are pulling his off of you and pushing Andrew backwards. 
“Get out of my house.” Steve’s voice bellows well over the music causing some heads to turn towards him. 
“That bitch started it!”
“And I’m finishing it. Now if I have to say it again it won’t be nicely. Get. Out.”
Andrew grumbles something under his breath as he stomps out the front door. Steve grabs your hand, pulling you up the stairs, and into his closed off bedroom. As soon as the door shuts, his hands cup your cheeks as he looks over your face. 
“Are you okay?” You were still in a state of shock as your eyes scanned around his room. “Focus, Y/N! Look at me. Are you okay?”
You broke as your head fell into his chest and you cried. He stumbled back at first, completely thrown off guard before his arms slowly wrapped around you, holding you to him. Steve closed his eyes and sighed when he felt your hands shaking against his back. 
“Everything’s okay. He’s gone. You’re safe here.”, he whispers.
“Am I?” Something ignites inside of you as you push him away from you. “You don’t give a damn about me, Harrington and don’t pretend like you do just because you played hero!”
“Hey, I warned you he was an asshole! But no, still as fucking stubborn as ever. You’re lucky I was in the house!”
“Fuck you! I could have handled it!”
“I can’t believe this. You’re actually upset with me right now for helping you!”
“No, I’m upset because I���m in this fucking house talking to you!” 
As he prepares to fire back, your chin falls to your chest. Your shoulders shake as you cry again.
Steve hates seeing you like this and it makes him feel even more protective. 
“Do you…do you want me to find your friend so she can take you home?”
You wipe your eyes before meeting his. “No, I’ll just, um, walk. It’s not a big deal.”
“Y/N, please, at least let me drive you.”
“No, it’s okay. I don’t want you to leave your guests.” You fly past him to open the door. “Thank you for what you did. I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
“Steve! Oh my god!” Your mom excitedly wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. “It’s been so long. How have you been?”
“I’ve been good. Thank you for asking.”, he grins. “Is Y/N here?”
“Yes, she is. Maybe you can help make her feel better. She been upstairs in her room all day. I’m about to go meet her dad at that little get together thing they are doing downtown. We invited her but”, she shrugs. 
Steve holds the front door open for her as she leaves before heading up to your room. It’s only been two years but it still amazes him how your house looks the same. When he knocks on the door, your voice echoes through from the other side. 
“Mom, I said I’m fine! Oh…” You pause when you see him in your doorway. 
“Your mom let me in. I, um, came over to check on you after what happened.”
“Well, Harrington, thank you but like I said, I’m fine.”
“Please, Y/N. Don’t be so difficult. I’m trying here.”
You smile sarcastically as you turn towards him. “I’m sorry, sire. What’s difficult for you? The fact that you haven’t spoken to me in over two years or pretending like you care how I’m feeling?”
“First of all, YOU stopped speaking to ME.”
“Oh please! I lost you even before freshman year. Your only concern was that everyone liked you and thought you were cool!”
“Apparently so was yours! Don’t give me that look. I hear what people say. About how you open your legs for any man at the right price!”
“You’re still such a fucking asshole!”
“If I’m such an asshole than why did I pull Andrew off of you? Why did I follow you around that fucking party making sure you were okay because your stubborn ass didn’t want to heed my warning!? Why am I here right now?!”
“You followed me around?”
“Yes.”, he sighed as he placed his hands on his hips. “I know we don’t talk anymore but that doesn’t mean I want anything bad to happen to you.”
“Unless it’s your doing?” He looks at you completely confused. “Steve… you were the worst thing to ever happen to me. No one has ever hurt me the way you did. Even before that you were slowly slipping away and there was nothing I could do. I miss the kid I grew up with. I don’t know who the fuck you are now.”
“Y/N…I”, he pauses as he tries to gather his thoughts. “I’m not the same shy, weird kid you met in the jungle gym in kindergarten. I have a life and more friends, things like that. I changed. It happens.”
“Welp, thank you for that rousing speech.”
“I swear to fucking God!”, he growls as he walks over to you till his face is close to yours. “You’re so—”
“Fucking stubborn. I know! Now get out of my house and leave me alone!”
“Make me.” Steve’s tone was low, revibrating through his chest. 
It had been so long since you had seen him especially this close to you. You took note of the light stubble that dusted along his jawline and above his lip. His lips themselves had plumped out a bit more since middle school and his eyes had aged in the way a mans would when they leave adolescence. Growing up, you two had been relatively the same height but right now he towered significantly above you. He was right; he definitely wasn’t the same kid you had met. 
While you were studying him, he was also scanning over you. Your eyes were angry but he could still see the kindness within them that befriend him. You smelled like you had just recently took a shower as the strong floral scent filled his nostrils. Your lips were fuller even now as they pouted out. He would give anything to see you smile again. 
Steve’s hand shot out, gripping the back of your neck to bring your mouth to his. It was light at first, both your lips just pressed together but as he started to pull away you quickly grabbed his face with your hands tugging him back to you. 
Passion took over reason as he walked you towards your bed. As soon as the back of your knees hit the mattress, you pause to lift up his shirt before tugging away at your own. Steve’s lips trail down your cheek to your neck as he fumbles with his belt. 
You rapidly remove your pants as his own fall to the floor with a loud clank. He picks you up, holding you by your thighs as he carefully places you down on the mattress. 
After removing his boxers, he reaches for your panties, violently pulling them down your legs and tossing them to the floor. 
“Steve, Steve. Hang on.”, you pant. He doesn’t acknowledge you, grinding his hips with yours. You moan when you feel his cock rub against your pussy lips. 
“Steve. I just want…need you to know. Those rumors aren’t true. I’ve only been with one other person.”
His eyes lock with yours as he spits in his hand and rubs it into your cunt making you moan. He grips his length and watches your face as he guides it into your entrance. Steve doesn’t give you much time to adjust to him as he pushes deeper into you before pulling out and pressing into you again. 
“Fuck. Oh my god.”, you whimpered at the feeling.
“Jesus fucking Christ”, he whispers as his head falls back into the nook of your neck. “You’re so fucking tight.”
He thrusts into you at a steady pace as you pressed him closer to you. You knew you missed him but feeling him against you like this fully reminded you how much. All the memories you two had shared came flooding back and it broke your heart all over again. You needed to push those memories as far away as you could. They hurt too much. 
“Harder, Steve. Please.”
Again, there was no acknowledgement from him besides him doing as you asked. You fingers clung to his hair as he sucked on your neck. The sound of skin slapping together filled the room and you craned your neck to the side to find his lips.
Steve obliged and you mewled at the taste of him. When your hands reached up to hold his shoulders, he pulled away, staring down at you as he felt your pussy tighten around him. He thought to himself how beautiful you were underneath him like this. He really did miss you but… what would the other kids say? When his dad was being a dick he used to run to you but now with his status he had more friends and vices he can utilize to numb that pain. 
In his house he was nothing but in school he was a king. People practically worshipped him. So what, he had to pretend to like things he didn’t or act like an asshole at times to get what he needed. They were his family now. 
“Why are you hiding?”
“I’m not hiding!”
“I don’t know what I would do without you.”
Steve pushed back memories of his own as his rhythm picked up, thrusting into you till you came moaning his name repeatedly. His cheek pressed against yours as he chased his own release. The sound of him grunting filled your ears until he hastily pulled out, pumping his cock over your stomach until ropes of his seed landed on your skin.
His forehead fell on yours as his arm came back up on his side to steady himself. You both panted into each other’s face, trying to catch your breath. 
“Steve. Look at me.”, you whispered. His brown eyes found your own and he let out a pleasurable sigh when your hand caressed his cheek. “Don’t go. Not yet.”
He silently nodded, reaching towards your bedside table to grab a tissue before cleaning your tummy and tossing it into the wastebin. Steve rolled onto his back, staring up at your ceiling. 
“Y/N?”, his small hands knock on your door as he pushes it open. “You weren’t in class today and Mrs. Link said you were sick. I wanted to make sure you were ok.”
Your back was to him as you lay quietly in your bed. He shuffles around to the opposite side as you bury your face in your pillow. 
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Steve kicks off his sneakers and lays down beside you. As he pushes your shoulder back, he notices the tears that were streaming down your face.
“Tommy told all the sixth graders that I’m ugly trash.”
His nostrils flared in anger. “I’m going to kick his ass next time I see him!” He suddenly panics as you start to cry again. “Y/N, you aren’t trash and you’re not ugly. I think you’re…you’re one of the prettiest girls I have ever met.”
Steve breathes a sigh of relief when he sees you laugh. “Thank you. I appreciate you saying that.”
“I mean it! You’re pretty like the girl in that space movie we saw at the theater. With the…” He makes twisting motions on the side of his head near his hair.”
“Leia?”, you giggle.
“Yeah! Princess Leia.” He smiles as you start to brighten up. 
“Thank you for coming over to check on me.”
“Of course. You’re my best friend.”
Steve turned his head to look at you and noticed your back was facing him. Your breathing was steady so he figured you had fallen asleep. As he picked up the covers to get out of bed and grab his clothes, something possessed him to change his mind. Instead of pulling them off, he tugged the sheets further over his waist as he slid his body closer to you. His arm wrapped around yours as he tenderly kissed your shoulder, falling asleep beside you.
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lebanesetoaster · 4 months
so a couple things
I was out gardening by iphone flashlight till 9:30 at my tiny little neighborhood* community garden, and it was fully dark, we're talking, stars out, I saw the big dipper while I was walking home
so 1, I maybe should invest in one of those dorky headlamps because holding my phone is... inconvenient. also, idk but I feel like iphones were maybe not DESIGNED to hold multiple tiny dill seedlings with a bare root ball full of dirt? like a tiny little plant platter? idk idk I just feel like maybe that's not what apple had in mind. but I've only got two hands, y'know?
and 2? we have black bears in the neighborhood. and raccoons. and bunnies and bats oh my. but let me just say that I feel WAY more chill with the idea of seeing a bear coming down the road than a guy on his phone who has an argumentative tough guy tone in his voice. speaking from tonight's experience. I vote bear 100%
ANYWAY, garden is full swing, garlic is damn near up to my shoulder, I've transplanted a bunch of strawberry plants from the temporary second plot I had last year into our regular plot (we are officially FULL up for the season, thank fuck) and the strawberry plants are THRIVING, they're covered in little green strawberries. we've transplanted the sunchokes OUT of the garden... because they were never meant to stay there... I STORED them in the soil over the winter and meant to go back and get them to EAT but y'all winter fucking came at me, and I forgot. anyway, those have all been relocated. and I've got a little dill patch now that I moved them from the back corner of another plot (belonging to a neighbor who is about to rake the whole thing out)
oh, and I came out to another gardener, a sweet woman my mom's age who was super chill about it. she asked if I had a boyfriend, and I was like, "no, I'm not really dating. and I prefer women, but everyone around here is married with kids, so it's hard to find someone." and she was like "oh" and I couldn't just leave her hanging, because it would have gotten awkward so quickly, so I was like "I don't want to just be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship, I want it to be the right person" and she was like "that's really smart, I was divorced... that's REALLY smart." y'all, the boomers are alright.
anyway, I'll come back and tell y'all about my new garden another time if you're interested. I'm also super curious to hear what you all are growing??
*I specify because I also joined a larger town garden this year—YAY EXTRA SPACE
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