#y'all heard about number plates?
Excuse Me, This Is My Room
Series: None, this is a one-shot.
Book and Settings: Dracula: A Love Story AU
Pairing: DaLS MC Mavis Burnell × Leo Nolan
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Summary: After a long tiring plane ride, Mavis just wants to go to her hotel room and get some rest. But things don't go as planned.....
A/N: This fic is an alternate meet-cute between MC and Leo, completely inspired by this wonderful edit by @robintora and the convo that ensued further with my fellow swallows in the rc server - thanks sm y'all! This also happens to be my first RC fic, so I hope y'all like it 💖✨
You can also read this fic on AO3 here.
Disclaimer: All the characters belong to Your Story Interactive. I'm just borrowing them for the story.
Mavis hauled along her luggage as she climbed the stairs. Of course, of all the times the elevator could malfunction, it had to be today, she thought to herself, annoyed. The plane ride was too long for someone like Mavis, who hated staying still for extended periods of time. She heaved a sigh of relief when she finally reached the 7th floor. She dragged her luggage behind her, searching for room 722.
"Ah, there it is!" Mavis exclaimed as she found her room but in her excitement, she dropped her room key. She picked it up, opened the door, and entered the room.
Finally! She dropped her bags near the door and was about to crash on the bed when she realised how sweaty she was. Nope, shower first, nap later. She went towards the bathroom and just as she was about to pull the doorknob, the door swung open.
Mavis jumped back in surprise. A naked guy walked out of the bathroom. Well, almost naked; he had a towel wrapped around his waist. She studied him from head to toe. Fiery red hair, bright green eyes, sharp nose, full lips. Her breath hitched as her gaze settled on his broad shoulders and toned torso, which was dusted with freckles. Damn, he really works out, huh? Just as her eyes wandered lower, she heard a "A-hem". She looked up to see the guy grinning at her with an amused smile. "My eyes are up here, you know."
Mavis reddened. Wow, did I really ogle at a guy I just met? A guy who broke into my room, nonetheless. She shook her head and levelled a glare at him, "What the hell are you doing in my room, mister?"
He looked at her incredulously. "Excuse me? That's my line. What are you doing in my room?"
"Your room? This is my room! This is room number 722, isn't it?"
He shot her a smug look. "Actually, this is room 721. You've got the wrong room."
Mavis sighed exasperatedly. "You've got to be kidding me. I saw the number plate on the door before I entered, and it cleared said 722."
"Really? Maybe you should get your eyes checked. I've been staying in this room for a few days now, and it's definitely not room 722."
Mavis was getting annoyed now. She pulled the guy along with her until they reached the door, and she pointed out to the number plate on the door. "See, this is room-" Her words trailed off as she saw the number '721' printed clearly on the plate. She dropped his hand and sighed defeatedly. You're such a humongous idiot, Mavis! She reddened. Turning to face the guy, she smiled sheepishly and said, "I'm so sorry, mr, uh,"
"Leo. Leo Nolan."
"Oh. I'm sorry, Leo. I should've been more careful. I must have mixed up the rooms when I dropped the keys."
Leo scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Speaking of which, how did your keys open my room?"
"Oh, I didn't think of that! Maybe the keys are similar."
She walked to her actual room, and inserted the key, but the door didn't budge. "What the hell?" She muttered as she tried to unlock the door.
"Let me. '' Leo took the key from her and tried his hand but the door didn't open at all.
"Oh god, I totally cannot climb down seven floors once more with all this luggage!" She said as she cursed herself internally for being such a heavy packer.
"What about the elevator?" Leo suggested.
"It doesn't work!"
"What about the one on the other side of the floor?"
"There's another one?"
"Of course there is, ugh." She sighed exasperatedly and started dragging her suitcase in the direction of the other elevator.
"Wait a minute, I'll come along too!"
Mavis spun around and looked at him suspiciously. "Why do you have to come?"
"Uhhh, because your key somehow is able to open my room? I don't want anyone breaking and entering, you know."
"Fine then. Come along."
Leo smirked. "Do you expect me to come down like this?" He gestured to his naked chest.
Mavis bit her lip and tried not to let her eyes wander. "Ugh, go change quickly. I don't have all day."
Leo disappeared back into his room and came out a few minutes later, wearing a white t-shirt, green jacket and dark pants. "Okay, let's go." He looked down at her suitcase. "That looks really heavy! Do you want any help with that?"
Mavis wasn't sure if he was planning to run off with her stuff or if he was being genuine. "Uh, no thanks, I can do it myself."
"You look very tired. Let me help. I promise I won't run away with it," He said, like he can read her mind.
Mavis looked at him sheepishly. "Okay. Thank you." She handed the suitcase to him and they walked towards the elevator and reached the reception.
Mavis caught the receptionist's attention. "Excuse me?"
"Yes ma'am, how can I help you?"
"The keys which you gave me don't open my room, but they work on the neighbouring room. I think you've given me the wrong keys."
The receptionist searched on the keys board for a while before pulling out a different set of keys and offering them to Mavis. "I'm so sorry, ma'am, I mixed up the keys. I gave you the other room's spare key by accident."
Mavis gave the receptionist a look. "That's what happens when you're too busy chatting away on the phone while you're dealing with a customer."
The receptionist looked down. "I'm sorry ma'am, it won't happen again."
Mavis' expression softened a bit. "It's okay, just be more attentive next time," she said before walking off. She turned to Leo and dangling her keys in front of him, she gave him a smirk. "Now you won't have to worry about me breaking into your room."
Leo smirked back at her. "Well, I'm glad that's sorted out." They got into the elevator and reached their rooms but neither of them were eager to go inside.
Mavis spoke up. "I know we got off on the wrong foot, but it's been nice talking to you, Leo."
Leo gave her a crooked grin. "I wish I could say the same, but I don't even know your name."
Mavis giggled. "I guess that's fair. I'm Mavis Burnell." She held out her hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Leo."
Leo smiled and shook her hand. His hand was rough and callous, but warm and comforting at the same time. "Pleasure is all mine, Mavis. You have a pretty name."
Mavis blushed. "Thank you."
Both of them kept looking at each other but then they heard a piercing "Meow!" from Leo's room.
They both snapped out of it.
"Uhhh, what was that sound?"
Leo sighed ruefully and shook his head, still smiling. "That would be Nosferatu, my cat. I guess he's hungry."
"Oh! Then I won't keep you. I guess I'll see you around?" She said hesitantly.
"I hope so. See you around."
They reluctantly entered their respective rooms, but they couldn't get the other out of their mind.
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theatrekidstatus · 1 year
Chapter 4: TW:too much rizz and s/h (fr)
Y/n pov: i wake up and I'm the first one I hide Greg and get changed into this
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Not the book,candle,phone, "cute fit" "thanks" i turn around and see
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"can-t sa-y th-e sa-me" god why did I try to be a smart mouth "can't say much can you" (a/n:bully rizz) "🙄" "no finger?" "🖕🏾" "nah I ment your ring finger" "smo-oth" "like your lips" "ok ca-lm do-wn" "shit my bad" "you're good" "aww there flirting" lin took a pic of us "what the fuck are you doing" "nothing" "can we get breakfast" "sure" "WAIT WHERE IS MY BONNET" jazzy yells "probably in Africa by now" nea says "for real" I add (bonnets are the real Ops)"oh there it is" "everyone get dressed we're getting food" "cool" everyone got dressed up and we went to Waffle House (a/n:shut up) Im getting waffle,bacon,grits, "y'all isn't that waiter kinda cute" jazzy ask
"ooooh jazzy's crushing" "🖕🏽" "hey that's mine thing" the waiter comes over "hello pretty ladies what might you be ordering" "can I get eggs and waffle" pippa asks "can I get bacon eggs and a waffle" nea asks "waffle,bacon,grits,please" jazzy looking at him like a dork "ma'am" "huh" "what would you like" "your number" she whispers "excuse me" "grits and bacon please" "ok "aww" "shut up" 25 minutes later "jazz call your boyfriend over" pip says "oh he's coming over" "ah shit" jazzy wipes food off her faces and puts lip stick back on "do I look ok" "👍🏾" "good" "are you pretty girls ready for the check" "yeah" "oh I think you need this" he puts the plate shit in the middle and gave jazzy a napkin we got to the car "jazzy there something right here" "wait do y'all that's why he gave me the napkin" "🤷🏽‍♀️" "ugh" she pulls it out and squeals "what happened" "he wrote his number on the napkin" "eee" we all squeal "omg he heard me" "damn" "shush y/n this a good thing jazz" nea said we make it back to the theatre "how was y'all food" Lin ask "good" "we all said "jazzy left with a new boyfriend" "I did that shit" "for real twin" "we got 5 hours till rehearsal so let's just chill - and no you can't go back to sleep" "ughhh" we said "wait I saw the cutest puppy on insta imma show y'all" "k" "cool" "sure" I get on my search thing and I see Lin posted it was me and ant "favorite couple" was the caption "🙄" I check the comments "she's so ugly" "he could do better" "ant I thought we were better than this" "she's so fugly" "man Ramos check my dm's you'll move on real quick" I throw my phone and run to the back I took my bag i was crying so hard "I check my bag I found my old blade I was gonna throw it away but it looked REAL helpful right about now I held it to my wrist I hear  long repetitive loud knocks" "y/n please you've been clean for so long please please please the comments aren't true your beautiful and I love you I'll delete the post and all the comments please" Lin cried through the door while trying to break the door "y/n please I love you" I hear it was ... ant he loves me I stand up and open the door Lin ran and hugged me "I love you don't ever scare me like that" I just start crying "let it out sh sh sh let it out come on" he picks me up "y/n are you ok" the girls ask "mhm" I Mutter "today has been a stressful day so everyone can leave and head to my apartment to check on y/n" at the apartment "wait did you want people over DONT LIE" "yeah I love them" "ok..." "I hear a knock at the door" "you're the only without a car yet you're here first and you brought gifts" "can I see her" "sure" "I look up it's ant" "hi do you want some chocolate?" "Hell yeah" he snickers "so you... love me" he looks down "I think so" "I think I LIKE you " "really" "yeah" "do we date now?" "Can we" "sure" he had a little smile "you smile is so cute" "thank you" "look how the table have turned I use to be the nervous one" "I'm not nervous" "what happened to the boy whit w rizz and confidence" he's right here" "wha-" im cut of by his lips on mine I just look at him "im sorry" and ran away Lin came in and I told him everything "I'll call him" "no lin please" "ok" everyone came over and I  said everything from the comments to ant "yn/n I'm sorry"  "it's ok it's been a hard day I kinda wanna eat and sleep" "oh of course" "I'm sorry" "DONT say sorry it's just boundaries" "let's go ya'll" "k" they all left "I made your favorite" "thank you chef Lin" I eat it and the food was really good I hop in bed and sleep my ass off.
Anthony Ramos pov: I wake up i notice y/n is up she's not at my side I go to the bathroom and get ready I see y/n I saw "cute fit" "thanks" "can-t sa-y th-e sa-me"  "can't say much can you" "🙄" "no finger?" "🖕🏾" "nah I ment your ring finger" "smo-oth" "like your lips" "ok ca-lm do-wn" "shit my bad" "you're good" "aww there flirting" lin took a pic of us "what the fuck are you doing" "nothing" "can we get breakfast" "sure" "WAIT WHERE IS MY BONNET" jazzy yells "probably in Africa by now" nea says "for real" y/n added "oh there it is" "everyone get dressed we're getting food" "cool" everyone got dressed up and we went to Waffle House oak was talking bout his plan too ask pippa same with davved and nea "Ramos when are you gonna ask out middle" "WHO?" "y/n" he whispered "ohhh idk why'd you say middle" he just 🖕🏿 me "ohh" "yeah" "y'all are grown men and can't talk to your crush" Chris chimed in "I can't imagine not dating your crush" groff says as he touches Lins hand "yeah baby" "get a booth"
A little later
"how was y'all food" Lin ask "good" "we all said "jazzy left with a new boyfriend" "I did that shit" "for real twin" "we got 5 hours till rehearsal so let's just chill - and no you can't go back to sleep" "ughhh" we said "im so tired I tell the guys" "same" "for real" "yeah" I see y/n running away crying "what happened we ask the girls" "we don't know" i pick up her phone and read some strange comments i was nauseous i show them and Lin said "on no" we run after Lin he dose long repetitive loud knocks" "y/n please you've been clean for so long please please please the comments aren't true your beautiful and I love you I'll delete the post and all the comments please" Lin cried through the door while trying to break the door I was so upset I just yell "y/n please I love you" everyone looked at me and tears down my face as i didn't hear anything from her she and opened the door Lin ran and hugged her "I love you don't ever scare me like that" she just started crying "let it out sh sh sh let it out come on" he picked her up "y/n are you ok" the girls ask "mhm" she muttered Mutter "today has been a stressful day so everyone can leave and head to my apartment to check on y/n at the apartment" "you're the only without a car yet you're here first and you brought gifts" "can I see her" "sure"  "hi do you want some chocolate?" "Hell yeah" he snickers "so you... love me" i look down "I think so" "I think I LIKE you " "really" "yeah" "do we date now?" "Can we" "sure" he had a little smile "you smile is so cute" "thank you" "look how the table have turned I use to be the nervous one" "I'm not nervous" "what happened to the boy whit w rizz and confidence" he's right here" "wha-" im cut of by his lips on mine I just look at her "im sorry" and ran away
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 3 months
071 of 2024
Do you say....
by joybucket
Alright so since I seem to be the only one here whose first language is not English, I will choose the English word I use the most and put the word from my native language in brackets okay?
1. pop, soda, tonic, cola, coke? 🥤 (frisdrank) 2. couch, sofa, or davenport? 🛋️ (zetel; official Dutch word is bank, but my dialect says zetel) 3. do you call the last meal of the day dinner, supper, or lunch? (avondmaal) 4. fall or autumn? 🍁 (herfst) 5. cotton candy, candy floss, or fairy floss? (suikerspin) 6. grocery cart, shopping cart, shopping trolley, buggy, or carriage? 🛒 (karretje) 7. fireflies, lightning bugs, glowworms, firebugs, or June bugs? ✨ (vuurvliegjes) 8. sucker or lollipop? 🍭 (lolly) 9. drinking fountain or bubbler? 💦 (drinkfontein/waterhappertje) 10. milkshake or frappe? 🧋(milkshake; we don't have our own word for that) 11. roundabout, traffic circle, or rotary? (rotonde) 12. sneakers, gym shoes, tennis shoes, or trainers? 👟 (sportschoenen) 13. sprinkles, jimmies, or hundreds and thousands? 🍩 (hagelslag; but in my dialect we say muizenstrontjes, which literally means mouse poop, no kidding) 14. potluck or carry-in dinner? (potluck; again, no other word for this. I've never heard anyone use it, though) 15. popsicle or ice lolly? (ijslolly) 16. stroller, baby carriage, pushchair, or pram? (wandelwagen/kinderwagen) 17. frosting or icing? 🧁 (glazuur) 18.sub or hoagie? 🥖 (belegd broodje) 19. highway, freeway, motorway, or expressway? 🛣️ (autosnelweg) 20. do you call the end of bread the heel, end, crust, or butt? 🥖 (kontje because I'm quarter Dutch; my husband says korst - literally crust) yard sale, garage sale, tag sale, or rummage sale? (garage verkoop) garbage can, trash can, wastebasket, dustbin, or rubbish bin? 🗑️ (vuilbak in my dialect; standard word is vuilnisbak) semitruck, tractor-trailer, or 18-wheeler? (trekker) bathroom, restroom, toilet, john, or loo? (toilet) ER or A&E? 🏥 (spoedgevallen) pothole, chughole, or chuckhole? (kuil) goosebumps or duck bumps? (kippevel) faucet or spigot? 🚰 (neither; in English we'd say tap, in Dutch kraan) you guys or y'all? (jullie) French fries or chips? (frietjes; no French! We strongly believe fries are a Belgian invention ) apartment or flat? (appartement) garbage, trash, waste, or rubbish? (afval) cookie or biscuit? 🍪 (koekje) parking lot or car park? (parkeerplaats) pants, britches, slacks, or trousers? (broek) windshield or windscreen? (windscherm) booger or bogey? (neuspeuter) dude or bloke? (kerel; boy is jongen) lollygag or faff about? (never heard of these terms ) theater or cinema? (bioscoop) fringe or bangs? (pony) barrette or hairslide? (haarspeldje) bulb or bauble? (gloeilamp) chips or crisps? (aardappelchips) closet or wardrobe? (kast) crib or cot? (kinderbedje) diaper or nappy? (luier) elementary school, junior school, or primary school? (lagere school) gas or petrol? ⛽️ (benzine) hood (of a car) or bonnet? 🚘 (motorkap) license plate or number plate? (nummerplaat) mailbox or postbox? 📮 (brievenbus) oven glove or oven mitt? (ovenwant) pacifier, binky, or dummy? (fopspeen) sled or sledge? 🛷 (slee) subway or underground? 🚇 (metro) soccer or football? ⚽️ (voetbal) suspenders or braces? (bretels) takeout (food) or takeaway? (afhaal) thumbtack or drawing pin? 📌 (duimspijker/punaise) tic-tac-toe or noughts and crosses? (boter-kaas-en-eieren in Dutch, but in Belgium we say oo maal oo) trunk (of a car) or boot? 🚗 (kofferbak) turn signal (on a car) or indicator? (neither, we'd say blinker; in Dutch, richtingaanwijzer) undershirt or vest? (onderhemd) vacation or holiday? (vakantie) vest or waistcoat? (gilet) zip code or postcode? (also postcode in Dutch) zucchini or courgette? (also courgette in Dutch) oatmeal or porridge? (havermout) socks or stockings? (kousen) underwear, underpants, or panties? 🩲 (ondergoed) pudding or custard? (vla; also pudding, but vla is typically Dutch dessert) hat or cap? (muts) shirt or top? (hemd for shirt, top for top) coat, jacket, or parka? (jas) college or uni? (universiteit)
0 notes
perfectionts-virgo · 5 months
"Okay that's everything" I said looking around my finish decorated apartment turning on my speaker playing my playlist.
"Okay good you got some heavy ass boxes" my little brother said jokingly shaking his head
"Boy go unbox your shit" I replied rolling my eyes walking in my room
My little brother "Romeo"is living with me... it's a long story but I found out that I got a little sibling in foster care, so I want to spend time with him, he is a tough person to be around but we got very close the time we first met til we unboxing our stuff in our apartment...
Walking in my room unboxing the box taking my bathroom essentials, finishing putting stuff up til I heard a knock on the door.
Walking to the door, opening seeing a black woman with a nice smile.
"Hi I'm sorry I interrupted what you're doing but my name is Mrs. Love and I want welcome you to the neighborhood" she said with a smile
"Hi name Carson" smiling back " you wasn't interrupted nothing"
"We'll I'm going to let you finish what you was doing but here is my homemade brownies" she said handing a burgundy plate with foil wrap around them
"Thank you so much" I replied grabbing the plate
"You're truly welcome" she said with smile
"I will give you you're plate back" I replied
"Okay my apartment number (267)" she said walking away
Smiling to myself closing the door, walking to the kitchen putting the plate on the counter.. making my way back to the bathroom to finish putting stuff up..
MOM 💕👸🏾
Hi Baby
How's everything I'm just checking in on you ?
Im doing good
my new neighbor gave some homemade brownies
That's good baby
Yeah I'm starting to like the independent I'm having
As you should but I my baby 😔
Mom you going to visit
How's everything?
Everybody is good you know you're dad is having it little hard because you're the last of the bunch
Tell him I love him I'm going to call him when everything is done
You know I will baby
Alright I will call you when I'm free
Dang you gone ?
Yeah I have to start cooking
Okay I love ma
Love you to baby 💕
Love you
Putting my phone back on the charger... hopping in the shower letting the hot water hit my skin.
New Beginnings... New Start
"Have a nice day" I said seeing the black couple leave the store...
Me and my cousin "Daizy" own a black thrift and Urban store, We promise our grandparents to keep the store and make it our own.
I hearing the door opening seeing group black boys look little older or younger looking around... making my way around the register to walk towards them.
"Welcome to The Hill" with a smile "Y'all here for anything specific?"
Looking at the group who looking around... the one I guess is the leader spoke up..
"Yeah I heard y'all got the Nike dunk high "Aluminum" ?" He asked
Before I even said anything here come my cousin saving the day because i forgot that they came out today...
"Yeah what size you looking for ?" She asked looking at him
"Size (12,8,4)" he replied looking back at her
"Okay let me check if we got the sizes" she said walking to the back
"Do y'all need anything else ?" I asked everybody shook their heads no
Some time went by the guy paid for the shoe and they left...
"Okay time to close is getting closer I'm ready to be home with Trey" she said playful smirk
"Girl you always talking about Trey crazy ass" I replied chuckling shaking my head
"Well it will be fun to talk about a relationship but I'm the only who have a man" she said jokingly
"Oh you got jokes" looked at her with a side eye "we'll In my life I don't worry about a man"
"What you trying to say ?" She asked playfully
"Oh I forgot you're little slow" I replied in our inside joke
"Bitch I know you didn't" she said looking with big eyes
"Did I'm taking it back miss tarty" I replied seeing a group of teen girls looking a clothing area
"I know you not walking away ?" She put her right hand on her chest "we not done ho"
"I am I got a business to take care" I said making my way to the girls
.........................0ne Hour Later..........................
"Okay talk to you later" she giving me a hug "Be Safe"
"I will" I replied pulling away from our hug
(Thirty Minutes Later)
I heard a bang on the door looking confused making my way to the door, I see the boy who was went the group form early.
"Y'all close ?" He asked with a unreadable look on his face
"Yes we open tomorrow at 9 Am" I replied with a smile
"Oh" he said have a disappointed look
"You don't mind if I asked" I asked looking for a explanation
"Yeah it's cool" i replied looking around
"Are you in trouble ?" I asked looking for an answer
"No it's trigger happy niggas out" he replied turned to look at me
"Come on in" I said opening the to let him in
He walked in closing the door locking making my way to turn off the lights..
"Follow me" I said we made our way to the back"Do you need a ride ?"
"Nah you don't have to do that" he said Shaking his head with his hands in his pockets
"Come on" I said with a smile
"You sure ?" He asked
"Yes" I replied with a smile getting the driver side
Seeing him walking to the passenger side, putting on my seat belt..
"You not worry I'm a serial killer or psycho ?" He asked looking at me with a side eye while putting on his seatbelt
"If you are any of those I have a gun license and I don't mind abusing them" I said driving down the road
"Anyway my name is Silas" with a genuine smile " yours?"
"Jerome" I replied with a sly smile turning to face the window
"Well the address you send me is literally three hours away and it's two in the morning" I said
"Oh I texted them where the address" looking at me "my bad"
"It's okay" I replied " do you have family out here ?"
"No I'm not from out here" he said typing on his phone
"Well I know we just met today and I don't do this but I'm really tired and I know you are" I said looking straight ahead
"Yeah ?" I said looking up from his phone
" might sleep over til the morning" I said
"Yeah because I could call my bros" he replied
......................... 30 Minutes Later.........................
Walking up stairs unlocking my front door... walking in leaving open for him to come in to close and locked it.
"Thanks for letting me stay for tonight" he said looking around
"It's no problem let me show you the spare room" I replied walking up the stairs feeling him next to me
Making our way down the hall to the room..
"Here's the room" I said look at him
"Thanks I appreciate it" he replied walking in
"No problem" backing away "good night"
"Good night" he said closing the door
Making my way to my room, grabbing my pajamas and boxers walking in the bathroom doing my night routine... hopping in the shower...
It's Been a long day.... I Need To Relax
0 notes
mctreeleth · 2 years
Please tell me about number plates
*gasp* Of course. 
The number plates that I know about particularly are the ones in South Australia, although I know a bit about some of the other Australian states as well. But I will keep this to a brief overview of the structural configuration of standard issue SA plates along with a few points I am particularly passionate about. 
Standard issue number plates in South Australia currently are black characters on a white background, and are structured with an S at the start and then three numbers and then three letters. When the state started using that structure, (I will get to the old structure in a little bit) the three letters started with an A, but we are now up to ones that start with C as the first of the three letters, and as far as I am aware (from looking at every single number plate I see) we are now up to the letter R as the middle letter. This means that there is a naturally occurring S000CKS plate out there, which I think is very cool, and I hope its owner really really likes socks. Naturally occurring plates are my passion – custom plates are fine, I guess, but the emergent possibilities of words being created by the configurations are what I really love. More on this later. 
They started using the current structure of number plate in 2008, but before that number plates had three letters and then three numbers. When they first started using this old alpha-numeric structure in 1966 the letters started with the letter R, and then once they had used up all the Rs they started using the letter S at the start. At the same time as they were issuing these plates, they were issuing plates for bikes and trailers that had the same structure, but started with the letter T. This meant that after they had run out of configurations starting with the letter S they couldn't go onto the letter T for vehicle plates, so instead they went to the letter U, followed by the letter V and the letter W and then the letter X. Somewhere along the line they ran out of T plates for trailers and bikes and so they started using the letter Y for them. I don't know why they never used the letter Z at the start, but they didn't. When they ran out of these alphanumeric configurations is when they switched to the new 7-character structure with the S at the start. 
You still see plenty of cars with the old alpha-numeric structure. My car still has one of the old structure. But they get rarer and rarer as old cars are taken off the road, and also as cars are sold and in a lot of cases unregistered by the seller, which means a new number plate is issued for their new owner. This means that if you saw a car with an old alphanumeric number plate that starts with the letter R or the letter S, it would usually be on a very old car, and you could assume that the driver of that car had owned that car for a very long time, or that they had gone to some other lengths to acquire the ability to use an old number plate for their vehicle. In South Australia once a number plate has been surrendered back to the Department of Transport, which happens when a car is unregistered unless you specifically ask to keep the plate number, it is removed from circulation. The only way to get an old number plate would be to find an old car that had that number plate, acquire the number plate (often by just buying the vehicle) and transfer it to your car. 
Or at least that was the case until recently, when the Department of Transport decided to release for purchase, on request, what they call R&S series plates, which are any unused alphanumeric plates starting with the letters R or S. To get one all you have to do is go to the ezyplates website and enter in the one that you want, and if it is available you can purchase it outright and use it for whatever vehicle you want to. This means that now you see more and more R&S series plates, especially because it is a way for people to get a semi-custom plate that doesn't look like a custom plate. 
In South Australia, custom plates are not the same color as standard issue plates. The original custom number plates were all yellow with green text, and they had to be a six character alpha-numeric combination, but you could have 2 letters and 4 numbers, or 3 letters and 3 numbers, or 4 letters and 2 numbers, or 5 letters and 1 number. Now they come in just about any configuration - you can get up to 7 mixed characters on a whole heap of different colors - but they are very obviously custom plates. With the R&S series plates you can get something that looks like a normal number plate to the average passerby, so you don’t look like a knob with a custom plate, but which can still be personalised to an extent, because you can custom request any available plate that starts with the letters R or S and has three letters and three numbers. 
For instance, a good option for me might be SAR444, given that my name is Sara, or possibly SWI222, because I drive a Suzuki Swift, who I affectionately refer to as Swizz or Swizzy. People whose first names start with R or S could get their initials and then their favourite numbers, or, if you were an absolute madlad, you could request the plate SLU755, probably fully expecting someone at the Transport Department to turn down that request, only to have it successfully issued to you. If you or someone you know owns the black VE Commodore with the 5.8L V8 engine that that plate is attached to, please get in touch. You are either my enemy or my hero, and I need to find out which. 
I both love and hate the fact that the R&S series plates are available for custom request. It means that there are more configurations out there that are almost naturally occurring - obviously somebody has had to request them, but it isn't like requesting a regular custom number plate. People have to think about these. And that's good! I love that people are thinking about number plates! But on the other hand, it has removed some of the specialness of seeing an alphanumeric plate beginning with R or S in the wild. It used to be that when I saw one I knew that I was seeing something special - a car that had been loved for a long time, or a number plate that somebody had put a lot of work into acquiring. Now it is just another kind of custom plate, albeit one that most people don't notice. 
There is one very sneaky trick to it though – newer issues (although this includes when an old plate is damaged and replaced) say South Australia in little letters at the bottom.  
A few other brief facts that I don't have time to go into in depth right now:  
The letter Q does not appear in standard issue plates – instead, all government plates (which are blue characters on a white background) feature the letter Q. This is ostensibly to honor the queen, but realistically is probably because Qs and Os look confusingly similar. No one has been able to tell me what will happen with regards to this particular convention when the queen dies.  
Back when the standard issue was three letters three numbers, all ambulances used the configuration AMB and then the number of the ambulance, but now they just use regular government plates. This means that there are boring old cars out there with plates that have the letters AMB on them, and it infuriates me every time I see one.
In contrast, I will also regularly see number plates have naturally occurred to say BUS or CAR on them, and when they are on a vehicle that is not that (such as a ute that says CAR, or a car that says BUS) I will laugh affectionately and say "no you're not!", as if the vehicle traveling opposite me at 60+kph can hear me.
The Transport Department will occasionally skip some plates, for a variety of reasons, including that they are inappropriate. Sadly, S###ASS plates were not issued.
Heavy vehicle plates used to start with the letters SB and then have two numbers and then two more letters, while heavy vehicle trailers used to start with the letters SY and then two numbers and then two letters, meaning that somewhere out there, there was probably a truck trailer with the number plate SY57EM. But now most of the states in Australia have switched to a new shared interstate registration for heavy vehicles, which is less fun, because it starts with the letter X and then the letter S, V, N or Q, depending on the state of first registration, so there is a lot less opportunity for fun naturally occurring plates. 
There are some options for premium non-standard plates that are not custom, for if you want a fancy plate but have no imagination. These include what were formerly the XX or AA plates, which featured a double letter, three numbers and then another letter, but which now have progressed to having any second letter, and what are known as “Euro style” plates, which mimic European plates and therefore supposedly look better on European cars. They start with an S, then two more letters, then 2 numbers, then another letter. A co-worker of mine has the naturally occurring SED44N on her Mercedes coupe, which I think is hilarious. 
In the last two weeks I have seen both the custom plate AAAA and AAAHHHH which, frankly, big moods. 
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
Chapter 12 : Easy Peasy 
-- I heard y'all loud and clear, Jakey needs recovery, so let this be a start
Taglist: @because-edmund @blue-aconite
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Jake still went to the support group on Wednesdays.  
He didn’t get much out of it, but it just felt good to be among people he could relate to. They knew what it felt like, what he was going through. They had the same look in their eyes, and,  Jake knew, they saw the same things when they drifted off to sleep. If they slept at all.  
The support group was held in a church basement.  
It was cold and humid and vaguely gloomy. The walls were cracked and paint was peeling and most of the men had to duck to walk about the room. If this room had been used for anything else, it would have felt claustrophobic. With who they were and what they were here for, it was perfect.  
It really set the tone. 
Jake hung around by the snack table, placing roasted peanuts he didn’t intend on eating onto a paper plate. Someone placed a coffee on his plate. He looked up at Markus, a huge man built like a wardrobe with a beard to to be reckoned with.  
Despite his objectively intimidating look, Jake had found him to be gentle and caring. He didn’t speak much to anyone and certainly never really spoke up during the group, but he’d taken a liking to Jake almost immediately after he introduced himself. Markus had been a pilot too, callsign Duke. He’d been flying his aircraft over an enemy territory when they were attacked and he had had to shoot two planes down. The rest was a familiar story with only some of the details swapped out.  
Markus had been the one to tell him about the list, and about the shower ritual.  
Jake looked at him. He looked awful : bloodshot eyes, hollowed out cheeks, tired features. Markus looked like Jake felt. Or maybe he looked like that too ? It certainly felt like looking into a mirror.  
« My wife left me » Markus mumbled, Jake stayed quiet. They both moved in unison to lean their lower backs against the snack table, watching people slowly leave. That was the funny thing about support group : after a while it became an addiction. 
You came in apprehensive for your first session and after being blasted with the echoes of your feelings for enough time, you never wanted to leave. You stalled by the snack table, pretended to forget something on your chair a few times, or suddenly really needing to talk to someone about something super important. You knew you’d eventually have to climb the stairs and walk out into the world, where the sun shone and the people felt so foreign.  
Jake swore they all felt withdrawal symptoms.  
« When ? » Was all he managed to ask 
« Last night. Came home after work and the house was empty. She took her half of everything, she was very thorough »  
Jake imagined what it would feel like to walk into Rooster’s house to find it emptied of all his stuff. He imagined opening cupboards and finding only half the snacks, half the groceries.  
Rooster. Rooster who was still mad at him for the stunt he pulled the previous week. Still mad at him for going out camping and turning his phone off. Rooster, who had spent a day calling anyone he could think of until Bob finally answered at three in the morning to tell him he was safe. Who had waited for him on his drive for Jake to pull in. Jake had thought he would scream and shout but when he had walked out of the car, Rooster had just pulled him into a silent hug.  
Rooster, his best friend. 
He shook the thought out of his head.  
« Did she say why ? » 
« I don’t need her to. I know. » He said.  
Jake put down his plate and picked up the coffee pot. He didn’t ask Markus if he wanted a refill but gave it to him anyway. They drank their cups and sighed. So many words hung in the air, waiting to be plucked out and said. 
« Are you okay ? » 
« It was inevitable » 
« Are you okay ? » he repeated.
Markus looked him in the eyes, then looked at the floor. 
« I guess »  
Jake said nothing. Instead he grabbed a napkin and wrote his phone number in shaky pen. His injured hand had been his writing hand, he was basically useless with the other one but during his many sleepless nights he had tried to teach himself to write again.  
Markus took it and nodded.  
His phone alarm buzzed with a notification to remind him that he needed to get going if he wanted to be on time for dinner. He bid Markus goodbye. 
John’s house was a large townhouse he had bought when he was made Vice-Admiral. Jake had gone to visit it when it was brand new and still full of the old owner’s furniture, they had changed a lot since then.  
He got out of the car with his contributions to the weekly dinner : a bottle of wine and some flowers for Sarah. He didn’t even have a chance to ring the doorbell before it flew open and Cyclone’s daughter almost ran into him.  
« Please talk to my dad, he won’t let my girlfriend sleep over. »  
Jake came in, a confused smile plastered on his face. John marched out of the living room to Jake’s left. 
« No, Emily, you are fifteen» 
« So ? You were fine with her sleeping over before you knew she was my girlfriend ! »  
He left them to their shouting and joined Sarah in the kitchen. She accepted the flowers and immediately put him to work chopping vegetables for a salad. Jake heard her stop what she was doing to look at him.  
« What’s going on ? » She asked, Jake didn’t reply. He had never really gotten along with her. As a teen she had been a very strict babysitter and he had never quite gotten over it. 
« I’m not an idiot, Jake. I know something is going on. John gets called in the middle of the workday to come and help you with something after years of you rejecting him, and suddenly I’m supposed to accommodate you for dinner on a weekly basis ? I think I deserve to know. » 
« It’s nothing. I’m just having a hard time » He replied, pretending he hadn’t heard them whispering in the corridor that Jake was unreliable. Jake knew John wouldn’t have said anything about his suicide attempt, so he could only guess she was trying to fish for information.  
In a move that was so unlike Sarah that it surprised him, she didn’t press further. 
John had started the grill in the garden while Emily sulked in her bedroom. He knocked on her door and when he heard a groan in return, he pushed the handle and went in. The last time he had been in his niece’s bedroom it had been pink and pony themed. Now, she had taped band posters over every single inch of the walls.  
« I think we’re going to be eating soon » He sat himself down on the side of her bed. Emily groaned again. 
« Are you cranky you can’t visit your girlfriend ? » 
« Do you have a girlfriend ? » 
« Almost. How long have you and your girlfriend been together ? » 
« About a year. » She replied, Jake sighed. He remembered being her age, he did not remember ever having a girlfriend for more than a month. Granted, he only had three over his entire high school career, but he’d never been good at long-term relationships. 
« Are you going to marry her ? » he had meant it as a teasing jab but she replied seriously
« Yeah. We want to get married as soon as we turn 18. We’re going to run away to Vegas and do it »  
Jake laughed, he could see it. Newly adult Emily and her girlfriend sitting at the back of her terrible egg-yolk yellow convertible in their wedding dresses, waving off attendants in front of the church.  
« I’m serious »  
« I don’t doubt it »  
«  I mean it, I even started saving for it » She smiled « Don’t tell mum or dad » 
« Secret is safe with me. » 
« I don’t know that, I need leverage » 
« Leverage ? Jesus.” He brushed through his hair with his fingers “What do you want to know?”
« Why are you here ? You never come. » 
« I… am not doing well, mentally. » He looked at her « Your dad wants to keep an eye on me » 
« How bad ? » 
« Em, there are things I am not going to tell you. I trust you, I love you but I am not going to answer that. »  
« That’s pretty bad… » She breathed out, Jake chuckled « Just… be there for the wedding yeah ? » 
« Send an invite and I’ll be there » He held his pinky up « Pinky promise »  
She linked hers around his and they shook it.  
They sat on her bed for a few minutes, just quietly contemplating things. Sarah shouted for them from downstairs. Jake clapped his hands on his knees in a bid to give him the courage to join his brother by the grill to talk about football, because he knew John would talk about football. He always talked about it when he felt awkward. And lately, that had been most of the time. 
Jake had been right, there had been a lot of sports talk during dinner and even after. Emily had been his saving grace. She changed the subject with subtlety that surprised him, it never lasted very long but Jake appreciated the pause. They spoke like that till the stars came out and Jake had to admit to himself that he had had a good evening. He had had fun. 
He drove back to Rooster’s the long way, stopping by a gas station on the way for some snacks. The cashier gave him the total, he put his hand in his pocket and felt the sharp, hot pain of a papercut. He winced. Jake fished out the offending item and found it was a hastily made Save The Date. 
“Do you sell calendars?” He asked the man behind the counter, who proceeded to point directly behind him. Jake picked a cat calendar. 
He had a pen somewhere in his car. He was sure of it. He’d seen it not long ago. 
Jake looked in the glove box, under the passenger seats and behind the driver’s seat but there was nothing. It was only when he looked through the boot that he found it. He picked the Save The Date up again and found the matching date on his calendar. 
“Emily wedding date” he wrote in a shaky sharpie. 
He sat down in the boot of his truck for a minute, in the dark parking lot lit up by one flickering light. 
Was this recovery? 
Jake was suddenly struck with the thought that, yeah, maybe it was. He had promised Emily he would be at the wedding, it was written in the damn calendar. He owned a damn calendar. 
The voice in his head that seemed so eager to walk away into the darkness told him that he was just moving the goalpost and prolonging the pain he was in. But a new voice cut in and told it that sure, it seemed like he was just stalling but that’s the point of recovery. You move the goalposts until you’ve walked off the field and you no longer need them. The more that new voice spoke, the more Jake recognised it as an old friend. He had heard it when he was younger, and whenever he spent time with you. It was good to listen to hope again
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babyharleezy · 2 years
Hometown Love pt 5
(jack harlow x reader)
bloo's notes: sorry this took so long! hope y'all enjoy!!! something short until the next part!
tag list: @creme-delacreme @harlowcomehome @sealpuptrash @moody4world @thinkingaboutjharlow @harlowsbby @charli123456789 @lcandothisallday @watercolorskyy @severewobblerlightdragon
previously on Hometown Love...
"you up"
after all these years you were shocked that he still had your number and that he didn't change his own number. you also had forgotten that you still had his number.
"yeah, you wanna come over"
you mentally cussed at yourself. no way you were giving into him.
not even a minute later, you heard knocking on your door.
you quickly touched up your appearance just before opening the door. you welcomed him in and the two of you made your way to your couch. "i couldn't sleep, i had to see you y/n" jack said, breaking the silence. "truth is, i've missed you like crazy and seeing you for the first time in years made me realize that i never fell out of love with you y/n." jack continued. you were caught off guard to say the least. "you know it broke me to pieces living in that apartment all alone, without you? but i couldn't let go of that place because of all the memories we shared in it. so i kept signing the lease. jack, i didn't plan on ever seeing you again, but now that you're here, i never want you to leave ever again" you said trying to hold back tears. you gave into him. you missed him. you never stopped missing him. he was the love of your life. jack pulled you into his lap, placing a kiss on your forehead, wiping away your tears that managed to slip out.
the two of you stayed in each other's embrace for a few more minutes before jack's stomach began growling. his cheeks became rosy, "i better get going, find something to eat" he mumbled, as he got up. "stay, i'll make you some shrimp scampi linguini" you offered. "it's late y/n, you have work. i don't wanna keep you up" jack said. "i'm actually off for the next few days, let me cook for you jack. i know you haven't had a home cooked meal in a minute" you insisted. "okay, fine. i'll let you cook for me. i do miss your cooking" jack said with a grin on his face.
jack loved watching you cook. he always had. "you need any help ma?" you smiled at the all too familiar nickname before responding. "uhh can you pass me two plates from the shelf over there" you directed him to where the plates were and he happily grabbed them. you plated the food and handed him his plate before taking a seat next to him. he took his first bite, "hmmm y/n this is so good. i missed your cooking" jack hummed in pleasure. (a/n: that sounds weird, oh well). "i'm glad you like it love" you were happy to be sitting here with jack.
the two of you ate your meal together and then made your way back to the couch, putting on a movie. the two of you began drifting away into a deep slumber, tangled in each other's arms.
~ next morning ~
you began to feel jack move around and that's when you began waking up. you looked down to find jack laying on your chest, he was on top of you with his arms wrapped around your waist. his favorite pillow. you rolled your eyes at the sight.
"morning y/n" god that morning voice.
"morning jack"
"wanna go to our spot?"
this had became a routine for about a month now. sleeping over at each other's places, getting breakfast at the spot, cooking with each other, and just spending time. it wasn't until one night, when jack asked you to accompany him to a small get together at urban's place, where you began questioning things.
you knew most of the people at this party, you grew up with them so it was nice to catch up. jack never left your side the entire night. a few of you decided to take a seat on urban's couch. you, jack, urban, sunni, coplean, and a few other people all talked on the couch. "so are you guys officially back together?" sunni asked, a question everybody had wanted to ask but didn't have the balls to. you and jack looked at each other for a moment before he spoke up, "she's always been my girl" jack answered. it wasn't a yes or a no. but the group decided to move onto another subject. you, however were also curious as to what the two of you were.
you and jack decided to call it a night, you jumped into his car and made your way home. in the car you decided to ask him something that had been on your mind ever since sunni mentioned it. "jack?" you asked quietly. "yeah y/n?"
"what are we?"
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I'm Only A Crack In This Castle Of Glass (Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be) PT. 3
Batfamily x Batsis Story!
Word Count: 2.1K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst! Tags!: @itsnottilly @cloudyskylines
Author's Note: DUN DUN DUN!!!! Y'all enjoy this now, because it's only gonna get so much more angstier soon. -Thorne
Set Three Months After PT. 2:
She didn’t have to look up to know who entered the shop, because his voice carried over the air. “Melisandre!”
Humming, she immediately plated a pastry and a hot coffee, sliding it on the counter just as he sat down. “Good morning, Wally,” she greeted, watching him take a bite. “Right on time, as always.”
He smiled, cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk. “Morming Merisamdmur,” he replied, and she rolled her eyes with a snort.
“Jeez Wally, didn’t your mom teach you to not talk with your mouth full?”
Shrugging, he swallowed and said, “I was trying to be polite.”
“I think it’s more polite to chew with your mouth closed and speak after you swallow.”
They glared at each other before one of them cracked a smile and they fell into laughter. She tossed a napkin his way. “How’s your day going so far?”
Wally groaned and laid his head on the cool marble countertop. “I’ve got so much to do today, it’s not even funny.”
“Well, well, Wally the procrastinator is finally feeling his toes at the fire, huh?” She ignored his glare. “What do you have to do?”
“Barry needs my help with my cousins and my friends are coming over today to hangout and I haven’t bought any food or drinks for that and I have yet to even start cleaning my house.”
She giggled and reached over, patting his head sympathetically. “There, there, Wally. Everything will be alright. Why don’t you just bring your cousins over to your house and watch them while you hang out with your friends?”
“Because my cousins are annoying and I’m not subjecting my friends to that,” he countered and propped his chin on his palm. “Unless…”
She cocked a brow and waited for him to continue and he offered, “You come over with my cousins and help me watch them?”
“What! Why?”
“Well for starters, I don’t know your friends and it would be weird for me to just show up.” She countered.
“They’ll like you though!” he cried, and his hand shot out, wrapping around hers. “Please, Melisandre!”
“Wally, I’ll just watch your cousins at my apartment and Iris can just come get them later, that’ll be easier and won’t force me to sit in a group of people who don’t know me.” He tried to speak but she tossed another napkin, hitting him in the face. “I’m watching Dawn and Don so you and your friends can hang out without being bothered, and that’s final.”
His face pinched. “You sure you can keep up with them?”
Something passed between them and she quirked a brow. “I can keep up with you, can’t I, Wally?”
Wally chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, that’s a fair point.” He glanced at her. “They would like you though.”
She ignored the comment in favor of, “Tell me about them. What are they like?”
He inhaled sharply and took a moment to think. “Donna’s strong willed, Roy’s loud, Lilith likes to get in your head, Garth is easy to annoy, and Dick’s kinda the glue that keeps us together.”
“Dick? He get that from Richard by asking nicely?”
Wally barked a laugh. “Oh, I’m definitely gonna tell him you said that.” He nodded. “But yeah, his name is Richard Grayson, but he goes by Dick.”
Her eyes almost bulged out of her head and she was lucky that Wally was looking at his watch then.
Don’t ask. Don’t do it. Leave it alone.
But she couldn’t stop herself.
“Richard Grayson?” she feigned. “Why does that name sound familiar?”
Wally met her eyes. “Bruce Wayne.”
She snapped her fingers. “Right! The ward.” Wiping the counter, she added, “I heard they added a new addition to that family too. A daughter, right? Cassie? Cassidy?”
“Cassandra,” Wally corrected. “Yeah, that’s Dick’s new sister.” He put his elbows on the counter. “She’s nice, doesn’t talk a lot though.”
“The quiet one, then?”
He laughed. “Of them all.”
Don’t dig any deeper, (Y/N). Keep your fucking mouth shut and let it go.
“I always wondered what happened to that other daughter he had,” she murmured, and Wally’s face blanched like he’d witnessed a murder.
She met his gaze. “He had another daughter. I think her name was (Y/N).”
He swallowed thickly. “He does.”
“Does? She’s still around?”
“Yeah, she’s in some Italian villa.”
“Wait really? I thought she died or something?”
“What? No! She left—” Wally snapped his mouth shut like he was about to reveal a secret, but she knew anyways. “She left and went to Europe for a mental retreat.” He finalized and she wondered if that was the story Dick told him to say if anyone asked. Or maybe it was Bruce.
“It’s been like three years now, right? You’d think she’d post something on social media.”
“The whole point of a mental retreat, Melisandre, is to get away from social media.”
Oh please, I know plenty of elite who do that shit and still post crap on their socials.
“There’s no way that girl hasn’t.”
“Why do you say that?”
She scoffed. “Oh please, she’s the daughter of a multi-billionaire. There’s no way a girl that wears Gucci belts and carries Prada purses keeps herself off social media.”
Wally’s eyes narrowed like he was thinking hard about something and she internally cursed.
Oh, smooth move you dumbass.
She coughed and waved a hand. “Well, it’s all theory anyway.”
After a moment, he nodded. “Yeah…theory.” Wally got to his feet and handed her the empty plate. “I should go ahead and get back to my place and clean up before they get here.”
“Have fun,” she smiled, and he grabbed her arm.
“Take a pic with me.”
“What? Why?”
“So, I can tell my friends about you and prove I’m not lying.” He pouted. “Pretty please, Melisandre?”
Don’t do it. Dick will know. You know he’ll know.
She smiled despite her internal thoughts. “Sure.”
Wally grinned and raised the camera where she was in the background. She threw up a peace sign and gave a cheesy grin, momentarily blinded by the flash of the camera.
She spun and filled a bag with pastries then handed it to him. “Here, so you can give even more proof.”
Wally took the bag and hopped onto the counter, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek. “Thanks Melisandre!” And he was dashing out the door.
You’ve ruined it all. This is going to come back to bite you in the ass. And it’s going to come quicker than you think.
She frowned and wiped down the counter again, trying to ignore her thoughts. Maybe. Just maybe, it wouldn’t.
Waving Barry and Iris off, she smiled as the twins climbed into the backseat of their car and the taillights signaled their departure. She closed the door behind her and glanced at the mess the two tornadoes had left. Even for the little she had in her apartment, they sure did know how to make a mess.
She sighed as she bent over to pick up one of the cushions when her doorbell rang and she stood up, confusion coming over her as she made her way to the door.
“Hello?” she asked, and a muffled voice echoed from the other side.
“Melisandre, it’s me, Wally. Can I come in?”
She opened the door, surprised to see him. “Wally? What are you doing here? I thought you were with your friends?”
“Yeah, I told them I had to do something really quickly,” he said as entered her apartment. He took a moment to examine her living room. “Man, Dawn and Don did a number here, didn’t they?”
She chuckled. “We had fun building forts.” Nudging him in the side, she added, “I don’t mind the mess.” She looked at him. “Do your friends know? About you being…you know?”
He nodded. “We’re all special in some way.”
Understatement there, Wally.
“So, why tell them you need to do something then come to me? Is everything alright?”
Busying herself with the couch cushions, she waited for him to explain, but nothing could’ve prepared her for his words.
“It will be once I get to the bottom of it…(Y/N).” She froze for a split second, but it was all he needed. “It really is you, isn’t it?”
(Y/N) stood upright and gazed at him. “When did you know?” Her voice was a lot colder than she meant for it to be.
“I had suspicion for a while, but when I showed the picture to everyone, Dick said it looked like you.”
“Really?” she laughed. “I thought I did a good job changing my appearance from three years ago.”
Wally didn’t laugh, he merely gaped at her. “Why?”
“Why what?” (Y/N) knew what he was referring to.
“Why’d you just leave?” He took a step towards her. “Do you have any idea what your family has gone through since you disappeared on them? The grief? The shame?”
She shrugged. “I explained everything in the letter I wrote my dad, Wally. There’s no reason why they should still be concerned with me.”
“They love you!” he shouted, taking her by surprise. “They love and miss you so much!”
“My family ignored me for eighteen years straight, Wally!” She yelled right back. “What was I supposed to do? Sit and pretend being forgotten was all normal?!” (Y/N) couldn’t help but shove at his chest. “I chose to leave because my next choice was taking a swan dive off Wayne Enterprises!”
His eyes went wide, and she shook her head. “I left because the only person who cared about me, was me.” She turned and fixed the final couch cushion while he watched her do so.
“They’re still looking for you, you know. Dick is always staring at his phone hoping there’s a text from Jason or Tim that they’ve found a sign of you.”
(Y/N) sighed. “If you’re trying to guilt trip me, Wally, it’s not going to work.” She shot him a glare. “I got over the fucking guilt the second the flight to Central took off. I got over the fucking guilt the night I laid in a hotel room bed curled into a ball where I cried myself to sleep. I got over the fucking guilt the moment I realized I’ve done so much better on my own than when I was there.”
She marched up to him and got in his face. “I got over the fucking guilt when I realized Barry and Iris Allen were more of a family than four brothers and dad ever were.”
They glared at each other and finally, she let out a sigh. “It doesn’t matter. I’ve already started a new life here and I have no plans of ever going back.”
“At a college that doesn’t have a real name. You know that’s illegal, right?”
(Y/N) scoffed. “What’re you gonna do, Wally? March into four-C and tell them Bruce Wayne’s daughter is going to school under a false name? We both know you wouldn’t.”
“I’ll tell Dick,” he suddenly shot back, and she went rigid.
“You wouldn’t dare,” (Y/N) threatened and he took a step towards her, getting nose to nose with her.
“Try me.”
They stared one another down and she said, “I think you need to leave, Wally West.”
His eyes narrowed. “Yeah, I guess I should.” He spun on his heel and marched to the door, but stopped when she questioned,
“Are you really going to tell him?”
Wally gazed at the ground for a moment then he murmured, “…No…it’s not my place to.”
(Y/N) swallowed and nodded. “Thank yo—”
“Don’t thank me, (Y/N). I’m lying to my best friend about knowing the real location of his baby sister he misses dearly.”
She looked away. “Cassandra is his baby sister now. He should focus on her.”
“You really have no idea about what they feel for you, do you, (Y/N)?” He asked, and she grunted.
“Get out, Wally.”
“Don’t worry, I’m gone,” he spat, slamming the door behind him, hard enough that it shook the walls that held the doorframe.
(Y/N) stared at the door for a few moments then cursed sharply and collapsed onto her couch, eyes directed to the ceiling. Three years down the drain in one conversation.
Way to go, (Y/N). You did a spectacular job of keeping it all under wraps.
She groaned and picked herself off the couch, not caring about the mess as she headed to bed. She’d deal with it all in the morning.
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1234-angelika · 3 years
Sparking Joy
an: Hey y'all! So this was actually supposed to be up last night but, this piece gave me a bit of trouble-writers block hit me hard. Nevertheless, it is finished. This is the seventh installment in the Happily Ever After series for David. As always, hope y'all enjoy!
words: 1.2k
warnings: mentions of food, age-gap couple,
summary:"We meet the people we're supposed to when the time is just right." -Alyson Noel
masterpost|taglist|have an idea
As hard as the two of you tried to keep your relationship out of the public eye, you knew eventually it would get out. However, what you weren’t prepared for, was the media storm resulting from your relationship getting out.
A couple months into your relationship, David met your family. What was left of it anyway; your mom died when you were young so, your dad raised you with help from his siblings—your aunts and uncles. That dinner, to put it mildly, was a disaster. Your relationship was not as well-received as you hoped it would be, but, over the year, your family had warmed up to him. He told you about his past at the beginning of your relationship—including his dead son and the daughter he had only recently met and began to get to know. You weren’t naive about what he did for work outside of writing. You knew what happened with Aaron Hotchner and his family, so you understood David wanting to wait a little longer before introducing you to his family.
After a year together, though, you thought it was time for you to meet his family. It had been spoken about briefly between the two of you, but you kept putting off out of nerves—your age gap with David being the most significant stressor. What neither of you had taken into consideration was the fact that she was a journalist. Which meant that as soon as your relationship hit the tabloids, she would know. And after a few frantic calls, that was how you ended up planning a dinner at the last minute for the following evening.
Tonight was going to be the night! David invited his daughter and her family over for dinner on behalf of the two of you. Initially, it was only going to be his daughter, but you insisted on inviting her husband and son over as well.
You woke up, only to be met with darkness. Assuming you had awoken in the middle of the night, you rolled over to check your phone for the time. Unfortunately, the brilliant white glow of the numbers temporarily blinded you before you made out the time, five am. With a huff, you rolled back over and tried your darnedest to fall back asleep. Finally, after about twenty minutes of trying to fall back asleep, you just got up. You started your day with a run on the trails behind your home. The 2.7-mile run gave you space to think and try and relax for the day ahead.
You took a shower as soon as you got back and then changed into comfy clothes and packed a bag for the evening before heading down to the kitchen. By this time, David had woken up and went downstairs to make coffee. He had spent the night at your place, and the plan was to go over to his place, tidy up a little, get ready and make dinner in time for you to meet the family. So, after sharing your morning coffee, you and David climbed into the car and off you went.
The thirty-minute drive went smoothly. It was calm and quiet, except for the soft music spilling from the speakers. As soon as you got to his place, you made a bee-line to the kitchen to start preparing for dinner. You loved being in the kitchen; your chosen profession reflected that. Your love of cooking and the kitchen stemmed from being in the kitchen constantly with your dad as a child. David gave you directions to help with the prep, and it got done very quickly with the two of you.
After that was finished, you and David split the tasks and went off your separate ways to tidy the house. Dining room, living room, sitting room, kitchen; each room cleaned as much as possible. Blankets folded and pillows fluffed. The tidying actually took up the most time so, by the time you were done, you only had a couple hours before Joy, and her family were set to arrive. You put the dessert in the oven to bake and then headed upstairs to get ready.
You got so sweaty from the cleaning that you needed another shower. You were in and out in less than twenty minutes—which for you was fast. Next on the agenda was getting dressed. After that was doing your hair and makeup. A spritz of your favourite perfume and you were ready to go. You went back downstairs and found David in the kitchen, working on the dinner. The dessert resting on a cooling rack positioned on the counter.
“Dave, what can I do?”
Pointing to the stack of plates and napkins, he said, “you could set the table and get the wine out and apple juice for Kai.”
Grabbing the stack, you walked out the kitchen, and just before you were out of earshot, you heard David say, “you look great Bella!”
You just finished arranging the plates and napkins on the table when the doorbell rang. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw David rushing to the door. When he caught your eye, he gestured to the kitchen. Getting the hint, you moved in there and finished up dinner—basically just plating it. You could hear David greeting his family, and you just smiled. You were glad he had people outside of the team, separate from all the bad things he sees every day. After setting the dinner on the table, you heard footsteps coming closer to the dining room. Self-consciously, you softly touched your hair—checking for anything out of place and then smoothed out the non-existent wrinkles in your dress.
You smiled as they walked into the room. David moved to stand beside you and placed his arm around your waist.
“Joy, Shawn, Kai, I would like you to meet Y/N Y/L/N.”
You didn’t exactly get a warm reception from Joy, which you could understand. It was hard bringing a new person into your life, and from what you understood about the situation, David and Hayden had been getting closer before your relationship started. Shawn, on the other hand, greeted you with a smile rivalling the one of his son.
“Hi, Shawn Struthers, big fan of your work.” He said, shaking your hand enthusiastically.
“Hello. It’s nice to meet the both of you, I look forward to getting to know you.” You said as politely as possible, trying not to let Joy’s reaction sway your confidence too much. Next, you introduced yourself to Kai, and the adorable little boy greeted you with a shy wave before going back behind his dad. Finally, you all sat down in your seats. Once everyone had food and drinks, David said, “mangia!”
Once the dinner had started, and the drinks were flowing, the conversation came much easier. By the end of the night, Joy had warmed up to you a little bit, and you had even made plans to grab a coffee, just the two of you, so she could get to know you a little better.
taglist: @multixfandomwriter @gspenc @ssa-morgan @myescapefromthislife @Kleff03 @daddy-issues24-7 @j-cat
58 notes · View notes
kerie-prince · 4 years
daisy cafe
Harry Potter x Muggle!reader
not a request
warnings: mentions of death, ptsd?? (in the form of nightmares)
summary: Harry starts his healing journey after the Battle, and a rainy night after a counseling session brought him into your café
a/n: hope y'all like this random imagine i wrote <3 i was meant to post it last night but i got into a heated debate about ww84 and i don't queue posts so here's this. no lie, i had a hard time writing this lol it's a whole 4k long imagine (whoops) also, when i say 'football' in this fic, i mean soccer lol
(gif cred)
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The Battle of Hogwarts.
There was a lot to say about that day. So many perspectives and interpretations from different people. And today, Harry would talk to his counselor about his. At first, he opposed the idea of having a counselor but Hermione insisted that he talks to a professional. Well, insisted probably isn't the word. If anything, Hermione probably forced him into it and made the appointment herself.
So here he sat in the waiting room, sitting awkwardly in an uncomfortable chair. Even the chairs in the Hogwarts classrooms were more comfortable than these. The room was small and had tacky sunflower wallpaper. Harry sat by himself and internally cursed his best friends for just leaving him there and drove off. ‘Call me when it's over!’ Hermione had yelled out through the window.
“Mr. Harry Potter?” a young man called out for him. Harry followed him into the counselors office, noticing that the room was much nicer than the waiting room and the chairs looked more comfortable. And if he was going to be stuck here for over an hour, he better not walk out with back pain.
Harry sat patiently as he waited for the counselor to come. He noticed the golden name plate on the desk with a name written in black letters. Jon Osborne. Harry’s leg was unconsciously bouncing in rhythm with the ticking of the clock on the wall. He didn't think he'd be nervous about it as he was now. He immediately stood up as he heard Dr. Osborne come in. “Mr. Potter, it’s an honor to meet you,” he stretched his hand out to greet Harry.
“Pleasure’s all mine, sir,” Harry said with a shy smile. Once they sat down, Dr. Osborne went straight into it, “So tell me, Mr. Potter, how have you been?”
“Great. I've been busy planning a wedding,” Harry stated like it was a normal conversation. “Congratulations. Yours, I'm assuming?”
“No, it's for my two best mates,” Harry corrected. “They're getting married pretty soon and I offered to help pay for it. Not really doing much of decoration planning, Hermione thinks Ron and I would pick something stupid,” Harry wasn't looking at Dr. Osborne directly, but he had a faint smile as he explained the details. “And are you with anyone?” Dr. Osborne asked.
It made the young wizard think. Ron and Hermione were getting married, Neville and Luna were having fun on small dates, and Ginny was still going back and forth with Dean. “No, I'm not with anyone at the moment.”
His counselor wrote something down quickly before going forward with the next question. “Do you think about it often?” Harry knew what he was insinuating. His breath hitched a bit. Harry certainly didn’t expect to be asked this question so early on. From Hermione’s explanation, he wasn’t expecting to talk about the Battle for maybe another couple sessions. And that was if Harry even wanted to do other sessions.
“You don’t think you need to be here,” it was like he read Harry’s mind. And it was true. “Well, I do have a pretty solid support group. We all went through it together.” Harry rubbed the palms of his unusually sweaty hands against his pants.
“So because you and your friends went through it together, you're okay? Nothing about it bothers you?” had Dr. Osborne’s tone altered just a bit, he would've sounded condescending. He sounded a bit empathetic. It made Harry actually want to talk. “Do you and your friends actually talk about it?”
The answer was clear to Harry. No. If he was being honest, he didn't think there's even a reason to talk about it. The worst had been over, and now that him and his friends and family – and by family, he meant the Weasleys – were finally in peace, Harry figured that he wouldn't have to think about it again.
But the nightmares were relentless. It wasn't like the ones he had when Voldemort was in his mind and showing him things he wanted to show Harry. These nightmares were worse. They consisted of the worst that could have happened that day. Watching his friends die, his professors, his peers. The worst of the worst. And there's one that he hated the most. Being in Voldemort's point of view and killing Harry successfully and for good this time.
Hermione tried to get Harry to talk, but he's too stubborn. So she figured the only way to get him to talk was to schedule this appointment. He was promised confidentiality and listening ears with no judgement. Harry accepted because he knew that even though Hermione would always be there, she would probably say something like ‘You're not alone in this, we're all here for you and with you.’ Ron would listen to the whole thing and suggest getting a drink and food. Harry loves his friends, but it's hard to talk about such things when they've gone through it too. He wondered if they felt the same.
Harry was leaving his fourth session with Dr. Osborne. Unexpectedly, he enjoyed these meetings. It felt good to talk to someone outside of his friends. Hermione noticed how he was returning to his old self, joking around and enjoying playing quidditch at the Burrow.
Harry decided on taking a small walk around the Muggle London street before calling Hermione and Ron to pick him up. After ten minutes, though, sprinkles of rain were falling down. And sprinkles turned into hard falls. Harry covered his head with his hands and looked around for someplace to run in. Next to him was a dental office, but to his luck the door was locked. He kept looking and looking for some place to stay inside until finally, he saw a building across the street with a lit up ‘Open’ sign.
Harry looked both sides of the street before running across. He was getting soaked by the second and when he ran inside, his jacket was dripping onto the mat. The place was warm and smelled lovely. Harry took his glasses off and wiped it with the driest part of his shirt. The cafe looked as warm as it felt. There weren’t any guests inside and he didn't find anyone working there. Harry saw the bell on the bread display and pressed on it a few times. After a couple of minutes, a girl came to the front. “Sorry for taking so long, how can I help– oh are you alright?” You saw the puddles of water that were splattered all around the floor. But your worry was with the stranger that was most likely freezing. “D-do you happen to have a phone around?” Harry asked you. He was shaking where he stood and all he wanted was to go home and get into some warm clothes. You nodded your head and went in the back to get the phone. Harry wanted to sit down, but he didn't want to make more of a mess than he’s already done. You came back quickly with a phone and a few rags so he could dry himself.
Harry dialed Hermione’s number and waited for her to answer. She didn't answer the first or second time which made Harry frustrated. They better not be in the middle of it right now. Finally, she answered on his third call. “Hello?”
“Hermione, what the bloody hell have you been doing?” Harry sassed. When he looked up, he saw how you stood awkwardly to the side, surprised that in contrast to his sweet demeanor, he sounded like the opposite. But that was just your assumption.
“Harry? Is that you? Why are you calling from this number?” In the background, he could hear Teddy joyful coos. “I was just giving Teddy a bath, I couldn't hear the phone.”
“Oh. Well, it’s raining really hard, can you come pick me up?” Harry felt your eyes on him still and he smiled awkwardly.
“Of course, are you still in the office?”
“No, I’m– hold on” he stopped mid-sentence and lowered the phone down, “where am I?” It took you a couple seconds to process that he was talking to you now, “Oh, uh, Daisy Cafe.”
“Daisy Cafe,” Harry repeated back to Hermione. “Alright, I’ll be right there.” And she hung up. Harry handed the phone back to you, “Thanks.”
Your hand was warm against his, a warmth he wished he had instead of the cold that enveloped his body. Harry’s legs were getting tired from standing so long and you noticed the shift in his position. “Please, take a seat,” you had gestured to a table. Harry insisted that he didn't want to ruin the chairs, but you didn't mind.
You checked the time on your wristwatch and ran to the back leaving Harry alone. He wondered what you were doing until he saw you come back slowly dragging a large heating machine. Harry stood from his seat and rushed to help you, “Where did you want this?”
“I was going to put this in front of the table so you can warm up. Don’t want you to get sick,” you spoke softly. You felt yourself warm up on your cheeks, somehow shy in this moment. On a daily basis, you talk to loads of strangers and some of them were quite attractive. But something about this stranger felt different.
Harry blinked with an indescribable look in his eyes as he stuttered a ‘thank you’. You turned on the large heater after Harry sat back down and slightly shifted his chair so he could be in range of the heaters’ direction.
You grabbed your keys from your back pants pocket to lock the door and turned the ‘Open’ sign off. “Would you like some coffee?” you offered him. Harry nodded and searched his pockets for his wallet before you stopped him, “Don't worry! It's on the house.”
There was a pot of coffee that was still hot on the warmer and you grabbed a tray, filling it with a mug, creamer, sugar, and a small plate of assorted biscuits in case he was hungry as well. You walked to his table and sat them down. He was in awe of all the things you brought out for him and felt grateful that you would do this for a stranger. “Thank you,” he nodded his head at you with a genuine smile.
“It’s no trouble,” you smiled back. You sat across from him with a mug of your own and sipped on the hot beverage you made. Harry took a sip of the coffee he finished preparing and nearly sighed at the feeling of it warming him up inside. Mixed with the heat that was coming from the heater, he felt brilliant as he usually says.
“Do you live around here?” You started small chat to get out of the awkward silence.
“No, I live just outside Ottery St. Catchpole.” Harry stated. He noticed the confused look on your face, you had probably had no idea where that was. “It’s kind of in the middle of nowhere.”
You nodded in response. Harry then asked if you lived around. After a while, you had gotten to know each other pretty well. He learned about your two cats that are always fighting, you learned about his friends always pulling pranks on each other in the house. As Harry waited for Hermione to pick him up, he was enjoying talking and laughing with you. You two were having such a good time getting to know each other in what felt like thirty minutes, but was actually an hour.
Once Hermione was in front of the cafe and beeped the horn of the car, Harry felt a bit disappointed to leave. This was probably the first conversation he had with someone who he didn't already live with or paid to listen. And it was a bonus that he found you quite attractive. “That’s for me. Thank you… for letting me stay.”
“Oh it’s no trouble. Safe travels on your way home! I hope you don’t get sick,” you waved off as you opened the door for him. Harry ran through the hard rain to get into his friend's car, but once he opened the door to the front seat, he turned back to you. “I never got your name!” Harry yelled out.
“Y/N! What’s yours?” You voiced with the same energy.
“Harry!” You smiled and waved one last time before closing the door and got yourself ready to go home. Harry fastened his seatbelt and held a small smile nearly the entire ride home. Hermione cleared her throat to get her friends’ attention. “How was the session today?”
Harry nodded ‘yes’ in an attempt to not have to talk. Not because he was gloomy, but distracted. He then processed what she said and replied back to the bushy haired woman, “Oh, i-it went fine. Good, great.” Harry was stuttering over his words. It was something that Hermione instantly noticed what was going on. The last time he was like this was when he first met Cho in fourth year. It was nice, she thought, that Harry was not only getting back to normal, but was also focused on something - or rather someone - other than his nightmares.
Harry goes to your cafe now after every session with Dr. Osborne. He finally went for his drivers license so he didn't have to depend on Hermione anymore. Ron and Hermione apparate to work anyway, so it granted him more access to the car.
Every Monday and Thursday, you would wait for him to walk through your doors. You would set aside a small box of warm biscuits for him that he seemed to enjoy and remembered how he took his coffee. After a couple of weeks, the people you worked with would give you a smirk and tease you with ‘He’s here~’. One of them, Jo, would constantly ask you if Harry has asked you out yet. And every time, you'd say ‘No.’ only for him to reply back ‘Well, why don’t you ask him out?’
You’ve definitely thought about it, but you didn't know how to ask him. There would be times that you thought Harry would do it before he left, but he’d just be a stuttering mess and leave. So, tonight before he leaves, you planned to just be straight with him and ask him to dinner.
Harry came later than usual today. After he stepped out of the counselors’ office, he checked his hair in the mirror he saw in the hallways. Tonight, he was also planning on asking you out. He likes you and he was pretty sure you liked him too. Once he stepped outside, he saw a flower cart in front of a local bank. Harry debated whether or not to buy you some, but opted out. What if she says no? What do I do with them at that point?
After an hour of having a mental pep talk, he entered Daisy Cafe. He didn't see you behind the bread display like he always had. Jo had recognized him immediately and watched as Harry looked around the small cafe for you. “She’s in the back, would you like for me to get her?”
“I-I can wait. She’s probably busy,” Harry stuttered. He didn't know whether it was a good thing or bad thing that your co-worker instantly knew what he was there for. Is it really obvious? Harry thought. He saw as Jo walked to the back anyway, probably announcing his presence to you. As it turned out, you were in the back checking yourself out in the small mirror that was hung on the inside of your locker. You ran out as soon as Jo said "He’s here" and dusted the flour off onto your apron.
“Hi, Harry,” you greeted.
“Hi,” Harry greeted back. “How are you?”
“I’m doing good, just cleaning up. Did you have a good day?” you asked. Harry nodded his head. He was about to order before you stopped him, “Your usual today?” He gave a sheepish smile and scratched the back of his head, “I come in that often, don't I?” You chuckled and began making his coffee. “It’s alright, I enjoy your company.” The both of you blushed, more so you after the sudden confession.
You couldn't see him, but Jo was listening to your conversation and wanted to laugh. You looked at Harry for any signs of possible rejection and just as quickly looked away to finish his order. Jo came out from the back with his bag and keys in his hand, “I’ve counted the safe for you. Have a good night, I’ll head out.” You nodded your head and thanked god for the interruption, “Thanks hun, see you tomorrow.” He winked at Harry once you looked away as to say ‘Good luck’ and walked out.
Harry became nervous and thought about just grabbing his coffee and going home. He hadn't dated anyone in a long time and didn't know where to even start. Merlin, he didn't even know what to do in a relationship. And especially with a muggle. Harry nearly forgot what it was like to be around muggles after the Dursley's left their home on Privet Drive and Harry moved in the Weasley’s in the Burrow. He certainly couldn't bring you there anytime soon. Especially when Arthur would ask you loads of questions. Wait, I’m getting ahead of myself.
Neither of you knew how to get a conversation going. You took your time stirring his coffee and grabbing the small box of biscuits before turning back to him. You made yourself tea instead, having drank too much coffee throughout the day to calm your nerves. He took the styrofoam cup and box from your hands and purposely brushed his fingers against yours but made it seem like an accident. Your neck stiffened at the sudden physical contact and pulled your hands back. He felt electric and if he let you, you'd grab his hands and keep them intertwined with yours.
It’s now or never you thought. “Do you want to go to dinner sometime–”
“Would you like to go out with me–” you and Harry spoke at the same time. You hadn't processed what he said so you questioned, “Huh? What was that?” Harry thought he heard you correctly, but he asked you again, “Would you like to go out with me? For dinner, maybe?”
YES, YES, YES you chanted in your head. Your heart was warm and you felt a butterfly flutter about inside you. On the outside, you were cool and collected. But your smile could have spoken for you. “Yes, I’d love that.”
Hermione helped Harry with looking for nice places in muggle London. George offered his best suit to the raven-haired boy, but Harry declined because he was significantly smaller in stature than the tall ginger, and also because he feared that George would have hexed the suit to either squirt out water, or have random objects falling out the sleeves.
George, Ginny and Ron would tease Harry about finally having a girlfriend, only to get scolded by both Hermione and Molly to stop. “Harry is a perfectly handsome young boy, he should be dating as much as he can,” Molly would defend.
“Ah, but mum, Harry isn't a boy anymore,” George joked. Molly hit her sons’ head with a cleaning rag and returned to what she was doing. Harry had picked a small restaurant that Hermione recommended that was inexpensive but not shabby. He never really liked expensive places or things even though he can absolutely afford them. She suggested that she helped him pick out something to wear, but he stopped her right there. “I can dress myself, thanks,” Harry sassed.
“The one you should be helping is my hopeless brother,” Ginny joked about Ron. He didn't find it all funny as Ron had a sour look on his face and whispered under his breath, “Bloody menace.”
“What did you say?” Ginny stood straight up from the couch and chased Ron throughout the house. She may be the youngest in the house, but it didn't make her any less scary when mad. George laughed at the sight of his siblings fighting while Molly yelled at them to be careful.
Harry finally put everything together – but if he was honest, he was putting together whatever Hermione said – and went to his room. There was still a couple days until the date, but he was nervous. He’s never really gone on a date. There was the night with Patil at the Yule Ball, but that didn't end well. There were a couple hang outs with Cho in the library, but never an actual date. So he hoped that this would turn out well.
Harry's breath was taken away when he saw you. You looked absolutely beautiful in the sundress you wore. Looking ethereal, you hadn't noticed Harry across the street parking the car. For a split second, he almost rear ended the car in front of him.
He walked towards slowly after taking a deep breath and held a single daisy in one hand. Hermione said roses were ideal, but he figured he should come up with at least one thing on his own. Your e/c eyes met his green ones and your heart did somersaults in your chest. Once he stood in front of you, you both said ‘Hi’ at the same time. Harry handed you the daisy and you were flattered by the gesture. It was a beautiful flower and you couldn't wait to put it in a small vase and display it at the cafe.
“Shall we go inside?” Harry had one of his hands pointed towards the door of the restaurant. You nodded and walked into the place with Harry holding the door open for you and another elderly couple behind him. He’s so sweet you thought.
The night was perfect; Harry had felt comfortable in your presence. Much like the first night you had met and the times after, you both spent the dinner talking and laughing. This was the most normal, but also best Harry had felt in a long time. He hadn't realized how he never really got to be a young person due to all the insane things he’d gone through his six years at Hogwarts and then before with his aunt and uncle. But here he was with you, doing the most normal thing. Harry’s troubles were lifted off of his shoulders. There was no threat of Death Eaters terrorizing the streets, there was no Dark Lord out to get him; it was just him sitting down and having dinner with a woman that he really liked.
He learned more about you tonight. For one, you were also an only child. Other than your cats, you also liked dogs. And you occasionally played football with some of your cousins. Harry had never played football, but if it was anything like quidditch, he was sure that he'd love it as well.
At the end of the date, he took you to your underground tube station. You walked side by side, hands slightly brushing against another. You walked a bit faster to stop in your tracks right in front of him. “I had a lot of fun,” you confessed.
“Me too,” Harry expressed. You looked down at your fiddling hands while Harry couldn't take his eyes off of you. He was about to say ‘good night’ before you built up the courage and kissed him on the cheek. “Night, Harry,” you beamed at him. Harry was turned into a blubbering, love-struck fool as he saw you walk further and further away. Finally, he yelled out, “I’ll see you on Monday!”
Before turning away into the tube, you waved and repeated his words back at him, “See you Monday!”
“Well you're certainly in a bright mood today, Mr. Potter,” Dr. Osborne observed Harry from his seat. Since the date, he’s been talking a bit brighter and his smile is more genuine than when he first came in. “Could it be because you’re seeing someone after you leave?” All Harry could do was smile. “Well I’m very happy that you now have a companion aside from your friends.”
Harry nodded before he replied back, “Thank you, sir.”
“No need to thank me, Mr. Potter. You did this on your own,” Dr. Osborne stated. “Will you bring her to the wedding?”
“No, I don't think we’re ready for that,” Harry informed. This wedding would definitely include magic and you hadn't been close to any exposure of it. “Of course.” Dr, Osborne added. There was a bit of silence after that, which gave the counselor an opportune moment to ask about some of the things that were the reason for his weekly visits. “Do you still have the nightmares?”
Harry’s smile lowered. “Yeah, I do. But not as frequent as I used to have them.” It was true, it went down from him having them about nearly everyday to only get them once every couple weeks. He thanked Merlin you were kept out of his nightmares. He didn't need to see something traumatizing.
Dr. Osborne took notes and set his notepad down. “Well, Mr. Potter. I have seen excellent progress since day one. I think we can move down to just one session per week and work our way down to once every few weeks. I'll see you next Monday.” He opened the door for Harry and shook his hand as Harry left. Harry went to your cafe right after. The daisy he gifted you was on display above the glass bread display in a small, white vase. He hoped that you regularly watered and fed it so you wouldn't notice that Harry actually hexed the flower to never die. You were currently helping someone out when Harry stood in line. Once the customer you were with left, you noticed your boyfriend – at least you assumed he was, now – standing behind a couple of people. He waved at you, and you pointed to the usual table he sat at. It was almost like you reserved the table only for him. He nodded and sat down, patiently waiting for you to finish the line of customers.
Harry was mesmerized watching you work, the beautiful, kind smile you had when talking to customers. Some of them were obviously regulars as you asked one elderly man how his grandchildren were. Once she finished helping everyone, she started working on the usual coffees and tray on biscuits for the two of you.
Harry loved hearing about your day and he wished he could tell you more beyond what happens at home that didn't include magic. He didn't know when he'd tell you about him being a wizard. Ron and Hermione told him that if he were to tell you, you're more than welcome to attend their wedding which was still a few months away now that they have all the time in the world to plan it. He didn't know what to say, but there was one thing he was sure about. He really liked, maybe even loved, how comfortable he felt around you. He liked the way your hands felt in his, your eyes shying away when you looked at him for too long. And he loved the feeling of your warm, soft lips against his at the end of the night when you had just locked the doors and he just went for it. Because in that moment, he wasn't the famous Harry Potter who saved the wizarding world, he wasn't Harry Potter who was recovering from the aftermath of the Battle. He was just Harry, and he really liked being your boyfriend.
At least he assumed he was.
requests open!
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lorna-d-m · 3 years
Lights Out: Chapter Three
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Summary: Roxanne, recently graduated and unemployed, gets a call from her childhood friend and hero: her cousin James Hunt. In need of a social media manager after one too many scandals, he can think of no one better that Roxanne for the position. Excited about a fun job and getting to know more about her cousin, she jumps at the chance. However, amongst all the bright lights of both the circuit and the media, Roxanne falls in love with his rival: Niki Lauda.
Pairing: Niki Lauda (Rush 2013) x fem!OC Roxanne Hunt
Word count: 2181
T/W: language, and it's starting to get a little mature, language
A/N: Got back from vacation so here y'all go. the next one should be coming soon as well, but I've got college move in stuff soon (thinking of it makes me panic and then I avoid everything so this will be fun). Anyways, any mistakes are my own, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list, and if anyone is interested in being a beta reader or something let me know.
Tag list: @apparrio @scuttle-buttle
Previous chapter
Brazil, Interlagos Circuit
April 14th, 2020
Another race weekend passed without a podium for Niki. He thought he’d chew a hole through his bottom lip, even swearing when he tasted blood at one point. After qualifying fourth on the grid, he hoped a good start and a solid race would see him finish on the podium, but instead, he finished behind the podium placers and Clay. That was not where he wanted to be. He thought the car had more potential, and he thought he had more potential.
Niki was working late, unsurprisingly, with the data analysts. Their coffee cups were drained and their dinner plates picked over as they read through the hundreds of system reports. Niki heard the highlights on Sunday and Monday, but on Tuesdays, he preferred to dive deeper with the team. He believed there was always something more to learn about the performance and apply to the next race, and he was determined to find it.
“And then at turn seven, you braked early into the corner, which lost about three-tenths of a second as you came out just out.”
He nodded at that, remembering exactly what Gio was talking about. Niki had been shoulder to shoulder with Clay, but he backed out of the late brake when he realized his teammate was not backing out either. He obviously didn’t want them to make contact, but he didn’t like losing time or the position either. Niki had already spoken with Clay about the incident, exchanging tense words as soon as they hopped out of the cockpit on Sunday, and he was ready to move past it.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and kept buzzing. Niki quickly raised his eyebrows in amusement. Anyone who knew Niki knew to text him first. Curious, he checked the caller ID. Roxanne. He smiled and excused himself to the hallway with a muttered “pardon me” and a finger held up to indicate he’d be back soon. The team, surprised to see Niki taking a call, waved him away to answer it.
“Yes?” They texted a few times since Argentina, after exchanging numbers on the golf cart, but he didn’t expect a call.
“Niki! Thank God.” She sounded so relieved Niki couldn’t help but smile again. He licked his bottom lip and listened as she spoke at a rapid pace. “Are you still at the circuit? I got caught up working on something, James and almost everyone here already left, and my phone is about to die. Is there any way you can give me a ride to the hotel?”
There was no hesitation in his answer. “Yeah, give me ten minutes to wrap up here, and I’ll meet you at the Hesketh motorhome.”
Roxanne hung up the phone before it could die and studied the mess of her workstation. Her laptop sat in front of her with a million tabs open and flashing the low power notification, her notebook and pen sat haphazardly to the side, and the tablet in her lap threatened to fall to the floor. She packed everything into her black backpack, humming a tune as she did, and jumped at the sharp rap on the door. “Come in!” she called to him, putting away her multi-colored pen collection.
Niki walked in, and she sighed in relief. He clearly tried to fix his hair, but there was still one curl out of place that fell across his forehead. Absent-mindedly, he pushed it back and looked around the place. There were pictures of James and the car up on the wall, and a British flag pinned up on the wall. She must have been working in James’s room, he realized. “I’m surprised you’re still here.”
“What, I should be off at whatever party with James?” She grimaced at the thought which made him chuckle. “Not my scene. I can make sure he doesn’t post anything stupid from here. No,” she stood up and slung the backpack on, “I’ve been assigned a new side project and decided to dive in headfirst after stupidly forgetting my phone charger.”
He opened the door for her, definitely not to check out her ass as she walked past him. “What project?”
She started laughing before explaining, and he knew he was in for a good story on the way to the car. “Lord Hesketh thinks it would be beneficial for the team to be active on TikTok to ‘reach out to a younger, newer audience’.” Roxanne imitated his tone before returning to her normal voice. “I’ve been neck-deep in research all night to make it feel natural and not like a business preying on a new audience, which it definitely is.”
She rolled her eyes and Niki barked a laugh.
“I know it’s ridiculous! I think as a person it’s so cringy that they want the team on there, but I get it.” She sighed. The paddock was quiet at night with most people clearing out before the curfew. A few people walked back to their cars as well, their heavy bags loaded up with equipment. It was well lit and relatively safe, but she was glad he offered to meet here at the motorhome rather than the parking lot. “I mean, as a team, you’re always reaching out and staying active on social media, and there’s untapped potential there. But seriously? I went to college for this?”
“So what have you been researching?” Niki walked close to her with their arms brushing every now and then. “How not to sound like a corporate persona trying too hard to relate?”
“Of course,” Roxanne giggled and playfully hit his arm. “But more seriously, trending sounds and challenges, hashtags to increase visibility, and video formatting. Trends move surprisingly fast, and I’m not sure I can stay on top of it.”
“That’s stupid. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t do well with this.”
Was that a compliment? His words sounded harsh, but their meaning was soft. Roxanne froze mid-step and stared at him. “Thank you, Niki. For that and for taking me back to the hotel.”
He squirmed under her appreciative eye and muttered “of course” before walking again.
Roxanne bounced ideas off of him as they walked through the paddock. Niki didn’t mind being a sounding board. Truthfully, he enjoyed listening to her and watching the way her face lit up when she had an idea, or how it scrunched up when she rejected a thought. For instance, she quickly realized it would be difficult to stay up on trends without exhausting herself, so she tossed that idea to the side. He suggested she could show parts of the weekend that people normally don’t see or explanation videos about tyre blankets or race suits.
“Woah, nice car!” It was hard to miss the bright red Ferrari in the parking lot.
Niki opened the passenger door for her. “It’s alright, not my favorite, but they want me to drive it to the track and such.”
“What is your favorite then?” she reached for the buckle. “If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”
Niki walked around to the driver’s seat and sat down, the gear shift in the middle separating them. “It’s alright. I like old cars, and I’ve got a few motorcycles,” he admitted with a sheepish smile.
“Really?” She gaped at him incredulously. “I thought you’d be all about modern, cutting edge cars, the height of safety and technology. Not death traps.”
“Death traps?” He teased while sliding the gear shift into reverse, “I drive a race car for a living, and you’re worried about my choice of car in my free time?” Niki rested his hand on the back of her seat as he turned to look behind him. He was inches away from her, and the smell of his cologne made her heart skip a beat, but then he returned to normal.
“So what’s your favorite to drive then? The vintage, the motorcycle, or the race car?”
He pointed at her in mock accusation, “Now that’s not a fair question.”
“So tell me about it,” she coaxed, “or tell me about your favorites.”
Niki licked his lips again and glanced at her in the periphery. Roxanne wasn’t politely asking him knowing she wasn’t going to listen to the answer. She gazed at him curiously and expectantly. He started to explain the differences, why he loved old cars versus today’s, what it was like to be on a motorcycle, and the sense of control he felt when he sat down in the race car. When she didn’t understand something, or when she had a question, she didn’t shrug it off or brush it aside, she asked him, and she anticipated an answer.
The car idled in a parking spot by the front as he continued talking, persuaded by her happy smile and prodding questions. It was well past the time Roxanne expected to be back, but nothing could have made her leave the car. She found him so adorable when he talked: the excited gleam in his eyes as he spoke about cars, the careful and thorough way he answered her questions, and the cute way he couldn’t keep his hands from moving and gesturing even as he drove.
Roxanne put her right hand on his cheek and drew him in for a chaste kiss. It was quick, but oh so soft as he froze mid-sentence. She pulled away from him, admiring the dumbstruck look on his face. His cheeks flushed a pretty pink, and his eyes widened in shock.
“Shut up and kiss me, Niki.”
He needed no further encouragement. Niki leaned over the gear shift separating them and carded one hand through her hair. His lips met hers, and she opened her mouth in surprise which allowed him to slip his tongue in, exploring her mouth. The hand in her hair moved down to her neck, and she let out a small gasp at that. Smirking, his lips trailed across her jaw and down to her neck, nibbling and biting every so often to tease her and listen to her reaction.
Roxanne’s hands moved into his hair, lightly tugging on his curls, and the moan that he elicited made her grin. His hands wandered down her chest and found their way under her shirt. The expensive smell of his cologne that she found so delicious earlier overwhelmed her now as he sucked a hickey on her neck. He practically pressed her back into the seat, and he was as far over the center console as he could be without climbing over it. Niki thought about it, to be sure, but he also thought about how soft her breast was as he cupped it in his hand.
“Niki.” He playfully nipped harder at the sound of his name. “Niki,” she repeated, more brusquely.
He pulled away for a moment, his lips still brushing the tender spot on her neck. “Yes, Schatz?”
“There’s no tint on this car, is there?” As much as she wanted, needed, this to continue, she was suddenly conscious of their public position.
“No, there isn’t.” He understood her point and reluctantly drew away. “If I’d known you’d do this tonight, I would have bought you dinner rather than my team,” he joked lightly, his blood still racing.
“Niki,” she chastised, shoving him lightheartedly. Roxanne fixed her hair and her shirt as much as she could in the car. She would have invited him up to her room, but it was right next to James’s and she didn’t trust herself to keep quiet. Not when he made her feel that warm and fuzzy from just a kiss. “I don’t want to leave, but I think I have to.”
“Can I take you to dinner sometime?” He would have asked her to his room, but he shared a wall with Clay and didn’t enjoy the idea of him hearing anything. Not when she could make him moan like that from grabbing his hair.
“Of course,” she placed another kiss on his cheek, her lipstick leaving a mark before she got out of the car.
Niki sat there for a few minutes, first to let her get into the hotel without him right behind her and raising suspicions, and second to let the bulge in his pants go down a bit before he walked through the lobby. Licking his thumb, he tried to rub away the lipstick kiss, but the color was persistent. The dark pink splotch would stay until he could wash it off properly, and he realized with a snort it was her payback for him leaving a visible hickey on her neck.
Roxanne quickly moved her hair to cover the mark on her neck. Niki. The last thing she needed was someone asking her about it. She sighed with relief when she entered her room and smiled giddily. She just kissed Niki Lauda. When she closed her eyes, she could still feel his lips on her jaw, his left hand on her breast, and his right hand creeping towards her jeans. If only his car had tinted windows…
Next chapter
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imagines4thefandoms · 4 years
Suddenly in love Pt 1(Zuko x Reader)
Requested: no
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word count: 14K
warnings: none
It's been a couple of weeks since You realized that You were in love with your best friend. When You told Katara and Sokka your roommates they told me two things: that they knew since we met and that You should go tell him. You were hesitant at first because You have been best friends with Zuko since y'all were four. You don't want things to get awkward between us. So You checked his location and saw that he was in the park. The drive was about five minutes but time stopped when You saw him. Seeing Zuko now; it was completely obvious that You were in love with him and that You realized that You should have known that You loved him a lot sooner. As You stepped out of your car time stopped again but the time in a bad way. You noticed that Zuko wasn't alone he was kissing some girl.
You quickly turned around and got back into your car. On your way home You got a text from Zuko about how he wanted to tell you something. You knew what he wanted to tell you. But something in you was broken. The stoplight before your turn to go home You just sat there ready to go straight but something in you took over. Instead of going straight, You made a U-turn and put your apartment in your rearview mirror.
I'm not home right now. Later? -Me
Sure. U good? -Zuko
Yea, running errands- Me
The entire drive was like an out of body experience. You knew You were driving but You don't remember driving. When You put the car in park You were at a diner in a different state. After sitting in your car for ten minutes, You walked into the diner and got a table. You were halfway done with your burger when You got a text from katara in the roommate group chat.
Why did Zuko tell me that you were running errands?- Katara
Can you pick up some milk and ice cream? I want milkshakes.- Sokka
Make it chocolate ice cream please!!!!- Aang
I'm not running errands. I lied to Zuko.- Me
Wait! Did you tell Zuko how you feel about him? -Katara
You finally realize you're in love with Zuko.- Suki
No I didn't tell him because I saw him kissing some girl in the park.- Me
The waitress came to your table and refilled your coffee. Your phone went off two more times and You just ignored it. You picked at you fries and just stared out the window til your phone went off again.
Wait so no milkshakes?- Sokka
I'm so sorry (y/n). If you're not running errands, what are you doing?- Katara
We can cancel tonight if you want to.-Aang
The waitress came to take your plate away and she handed you the check. Your hands warmed around the coffee mug and everything around you seemed to disappear. You were about to leave when you took your phone and texted back.
No its movie night. We are not cancelling.- Me
You went to the group chat with everyone not just the people who lives in your apartment and sent a text.
I'm getting milkshakes. What flavor does everyone want?- Me
CHOCOLATE!!!!!- Sokka
Vanilla- Katara
Strawberry- Suki
Peanut Butter Banana- Toph
Ok got it. I'll be home in half an hour.- Me
Zuko???? (y/n) the greatest person in the world is getting milkshakes if you don't tell her what kind you want i'm going to take yours.- Sokka
Sokka calm down I already know what flavor Zuko wants. So no extra milkshake for you.- Me
You paid for your meal and left the little diner. You didn't know exactly where You were so You put the address for the milkshake place in your phone and just enjoyed the peaceful ride. Once again You didn't remember driving to the milkshake place. You just walked in and ordered 2 Chocolate, 1 vanilla, 1 strawberry, 1 PB & Banana, and 2 M&M milkshakes. The lady at the shop took about ten minutes to make seven milkshakes. After You secured the milkshakes in your car You got behind the wheel and just sat there.
"Come on (y/n) start the car and go home to enjoy these milkshakes with your friends and Zuko," you said out loud.
When did Zuko become 'and Zuko'. 'God i'm so stupid. Why didn't I notice how I felt about him earlier. He wouldn't be with that girl. He would be with me. Instead of 'and Zuko' You would say 'and my boyfriend'' you thought. Your phone went off and You saw a text from Zuko 'everything ok? Its been longer than thirty minutes. I'm starting to get worried."
"Hey Siri. Reply to Zuko," you called to your phone.
"What do you want to say to Zuko?" Siri replied.
"Stop being overprotective. It took longer than I expected. I will be home in 5 minutes."
"you text says, "stop being overprotective. It took longer than I expected. I will be home in 5 minutes. Would you like to send the text?" Siri asked.
"yes," you replied.
"Message sent."
The drive home felt like it took hours. Red light seemed to take ten minutes and you seemed to catch every red light. You didn't know if it was because you had to actually be somewhere or if the thought of seeing Zuko was causing the time confusion. When you pulled to your apartment building Zuko was waiting outside for you. He walked to the passengers side and helped carry the milkshakes up to your apartment.
"Where you waiting to help me or waiting to make sure I was actually here in 5 minutes?" You asked him unlocking the gate in front of your building that only people who lived here could open.
"Both. What took you so long? You are never late." Zuko replied with a worried look.
You looked in his golden eyes and realized why you loved this man. He cared about you, sure he was over protective but it was sweet. Zuko has always been there for you since you two met. You gave him a smile as he held the door to the building open for you.
"Relax i'm fine. I just didn't realize how far away I was."
Y'all took the elevator up to the third floor. Zuko as usual was hovering over you. A month ago you would have yelled at him about being overbearing but now its like he isn't close enough. The quiet that surrounded y'all was, for the first time ever, awkward. You kept glancing over at him to drink in every inch of him like it was your first time seeing him.
"Oh I wanted to tell you something. I met this girl. She's funny, smart, and beautiful," Zuko said turning to face you.
"That's awesome ZUZU. Im happy for you," you replied and you could of swore that you heard your heart break into a million pieces.
"Thanks her name is Mai. I think I really like her."
The elevator doors opened and the stale awkward air was replaced with the gross air of your apartment floor. The two of you walked down the hallway to your door with the number 312. Zuko took the milkshakes out of you hands so your could grab your keys from your purse. Just as you unlocked the door Sokka quickly opened it and grabbed the milkshakes out of Zuko's hands.
"(y/n) you are the best person in the entire world. I love you so much," Sokka said bringing the milkshakes to the kitchen.
"Don't let Suki hear you confess your love for me Sokka," you replied as you entered the apartment and locking the door behind you.
"You got him to shut up about milkshakes. You are the best and I love you too," Suki said getting off the couch.
Everyone grabbed their milkshake and went back to their seats. You head to your room and throw your purse on your bed before grabbing your milkshake. Zuko handed it to you and thanks you for the milkshake. Aang picked the movie tonight, which was "Kung Fu Panda". You and Zuko sat on the couch next to each other and enjoyed the milkshakes while Aang started the movie.
The movie was almost over but you where getting kinds sleepy from all the driving you did today. The two love sick couples went to bed which left Toph, Zuko, and you in the living room watching/ listening to the movie. Your eyes started to get heavy so you rested your head on Zuko's shoulders. In that moment, everything felt right with the world. Zuko had his arm wrapped around you as you fell asleep. Toph said something about Zuko being stupid but you were too tired to listen. The last thing you remembered before going to sleep was Zuko playing with your hair while your head rested in his lap.
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estellaelysian · 4 years
Light Under Water (OPH AU)
Prologue - The Athens of America 
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She would never know how her life spun so out of control that night. It wasn’t anything she had said or done. It wasn’t even her, if you considered all things. All she remembered was driving down, free and alone at eighty miles per hour as the city hummed around her, throbbing with life. The car flew down the Devonshire street, blowing through red lights as the poles flicked past in a rush. The air was alive on her skin. She didn’t give a damn about the honking horns that were lost in the lonely race she had with herself. She did not even slow once, even though her eyes watered and left streaks of mascara down her cheeks, blurring her vision.
Maybe that was the mistake. But who would’ve known at that time?
The patrol officer had been adamant about knowing where she had spent her time before the accident. By the look on his face, she could tell he knew what she had been doing: getting wasted with filthy people. If that’s what you called partying with a few friends at the Tunnel, why yes, she was getting waste. She had spent an hour avoiding an aging creep who kept following her around as the bass throbbed through her body and neon lights pulsed around her. The dance floor was thronged, and she marveled at how people still managed to jump and sway in the crowd as she stayed behind with her friends (A-list young multitude – real estate agents, models who flew down from New York and L.A., growing musicians – people she had no problem naming for the suspicious cop) as they posed with rainbow colored, glittering cocktails.
This obviously raised the question of whether she’d been drinking. She hadn’t been, and the copper scoffed when she said it so, but the breathalyzer confirmed her version of the story.
She liked to be one of those people who stayed true to their new year’s resolutions.
Then she had been alone again. All the rest hours of the night.
Leaving the club, she got back on the freeway, flying down the long endless road as her hair whipped and lashed. The scents of rosemary shifted along with the sounds of crickets and windmills that were lost in the busy streets. Five blocks later, she stopped in the middle of the road, enjoying the cashmere breeze which came from a deep groove of trees, cool and balmy, rustling the leaves in a soulful melody. The stillness of the city at this hour was breathtaking.
Then she was back on the road, driving away to god knew where. Her route changed almost every night. She would ride out no matter how late it was, because the rush made her feel more alive than she had felt all day. It was her element. It was her thing, because there was nothing which would make more sense to her.
The tires screeched as she avoided hitting the car right in front of her, which she had somehow missed in the prism of her tears. Slowing inevitably, her fingers tightened around the wheel as she laughed before speeding down again, who said what about her.
The city itself whispered, with expectation and anticipation. You are not the first. Go on, set yourself free.
She smiled at the thought and slowed more as streets narrowed and cars appeared.
Wasn’t that absolutely fascinating?
Probably not. Who cared anyway?
Her name was Alishka Roy. She was twenty eight years old. She lived in a loft downtown in an area which featured the grey part of Boston. But it didn’t matter; she had a great sea view. Her family owned the building.
Her speed had only increased when she had to slow again as she flew over the tangle of one way downtown streets. She tried to weave through, but had to slow nonetheless  to make the right turn. She was in no mood to go all the way back and turn right around.
As everything rippled and blurred, she turned onto her street, telling herself it was only the dry night wind and her lashing hair. But it was always the same, no matter the wind, no matter how she did her hair. It was always this way when her lonely race finished. But in those few moments, she could escape the real world in earnest to be with herself. That mattered more than anything.
She, after all, wanted nothing more than to light the fire for herself.
Her loft was only blocks away when she drove into a red Mercedes car. The air bag exploded as her car spun sideways to a stop. White haze hung in the air, shards of glass sprayed over her shoulders and arms. The other car had been an illusion only, no more real than a shadow of a bird flying overhead, a gleaming stroke of movement no one would’ve seen coming.
She took a few deep breaths before opening the door and stumbling out of the car. The Mercedes was on the sidewalk, and she walked to it and slapped the passenger’s side window. Two men were in the car, in their late fifties. The drivers face was bleeding, and the passenger stared at her, dumfounded, before breaking from his haze.
‘Are you alright? Do you need help?’
The passenger said nothing, looking at her blankly before truly seeing her. His looked down at his wrist immediately.
‘Oh god, I am sorry, I am really sorry. I’ll get an ambulance. Just give me a sec,’ she said, trying to keep her cool.
The passenger opened his door and spilled out the car. He was dressed impeccably and had a natural tan. She saw his eyes clearly in the fractured light from her car. There was a certain chillness about their pale blue color.
‘We’re okay,’ he croaked out. ‘It’s nothing.’
‘Hold on, I’ll get help. I’ll call an ambulance,’ Alishka said, realizing her phone was still in her car. He took a step toward her before stumbling back down.
She helped him up before rushing back to her car. The phone was under the dash.
She had only dialed 911 when she heard the car pull away, its rear fender dragging down the street. The passenger was running behind the car towards the narrow alleyway.
She had to remember the license plate number.
She couldn't not remember it.
The city was no more shining, shimmering or splendid. Everything seemed to close on in her. Those people drove away. She was in the middle of the street and she no more knew what was going on.
A deep voice cut through her confusion. ‘Emergency operator, hello?’
‘I had a wreck, an auto accident–’
‘Was anyone injured?’
‘They drove away, these two men, I don’t know–’
She recited the license plate number, scared she would forget it, so she pulled out her notepad and wrote it down.
‘Ma’am, do you need an ambulance dispatched? Do you need help?’
She felt wobbly and sick, so she sat own, her back pressed against the car’s cold metal.
‘Ma’am, where are you? Ma’am–’
She lay back on the cool street, closing her eyes as everything collapsed around her.
‘Tell me where are you, ma’am? Ma’am?’
She tried to answer, but nothing came out, dark buildings huddling over her.
That was the beginning of it all. The beginning of hr nightmare.
She would be questioned over and over about the accident. She would learn that the accident was nothing ordinary, nothing that didn’t always happen.
In seven days, the first attempt would be made on her life.
In eleven days, she would meet a man named Ethan Ramsey.
Everything was about to change about her life, and it started then.
Thank you for reading if you made it this far
So yeah, this is an AU where Ethan is a detective and not a doctor.
But he will be introduced in the next chapter 🙈
This is unplanned, impulsive, but it wont leave my head so I had to write it.
This is basically inspired/based/ a revamp of my favorite crime fiction novel - The Watchman by Robert Crais, but the plot will be varied (I will definitely make a variation.)
So uh ... @tenaciouslandvoidgiant @choicesaddict5 @schnitzelbutterfingers @starrystarrytrouble @jooous @dakotasteach @lilypills @vishhhi @sophxwithers @genevievemd @mercury84choices @caseyvalentineramsey @ethansramsey @stygianflood - are y'all with me on this ship that may or may not sink? 
Any one else want to get aboard?
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txemrn · 4 years
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Hey, sweet friends!
I inadvertently took a smidge of a step back from writing thanks to real life (you all can relate!). Between Covid relief (9 months later *wink*wink* 🤰🏼🤰🏼🤰🏼) and a crazy ❄⛄SNOW⛄❄ storm here in Texas, writing took that metaphorical backseat.
But I'm here, and I've got some WIPs I'd love to share with y'all...  who's ready for WIP Wednesday?  Click "Keep Reading" to enjoy five bits of fics I've been writing (the fourth and fifth are bonuses that I have NO idea when they will be released; they are for your amusement, to tease you a bit *shrugs* or something like that).
Before I continue... @lucy-268 @anjanettexcordonia @ao719 @bbrandy2002 @shannonsaid @khoicesbyk @shewillreadyou @irisofpurple @lem-20 what are y'all working on?
The Missionary’s Daughter (Chapter 1--Name TBD; TRR) 🍋
Halos of blurred auras bleach his vision as Drake cautiously opens one blood-shot eye. His tongue sticks to the roof of his roughly parched mouth as he massages his pained forehead. Clueless of what day it is--much less what he did last night--he is greeted with a sudden glorious sensation: a supple wet mouth on his hardened morning length.
His body relaxes back onto the dampened, disheveled sheets of his bed; he releases a pleasurable exhale as he blindly reaches for the head behind the lips. He strains to focus his view, but can only make out a foggy shape of a nude woman with long, tousled brunette waves.
Of course, it’s her.
Drake smiles; delicately tangling his grip in her strands, he admires how even the afternoon sun catches her beauty perfectly. He quietly smacks his lips. He can still smell her on his stubble; he can still taste her on his tongue.
Did she come clean to Liam? Were they celebrating that they could finally be together?
As she takes in the head of his girth, he arches his back, relaxing his body into her hungry touch. Closing his eyes, he offers a guttural groan deep in his chest as she swirls her tongue around his firm thickness.
“God, you’re incredible, Riley--”
------------------------------- Caroline (Chapter 3--Name TBD; TNA/OH crossover)
"Hello? Anyone here?" Her voice echoes throughout the Dalton penthouse as she pushes the stroller further into the living room.
A stirring Mason catches her attention as she cautiously bends over to settle him down.
"It's okay, um--" she looks at his monogrammed onesie for his name, "--’Mason’. Come here, sweet boy," she snuggles him into her neck, soothing him with gentle rubs and taps on his back. "There, there."
The platinum blonde instantly twirls around to face the deep voice as she grips tightly around Mason.
"Oh, Sam--" she sighs with a forced laugh. "You scared me--"
"Is Caroline with you?" he stutters as he finishes his whiskey neat.
"No, um--" she bounces Mason on her hip, averting her eyes to a yawning Mickey. "She--she should be back sometime this evening though. I--I don't know--"
"Is--" he interjects, his voice growing husky, "--is Robin here?" Sofia feels the prickling of a thousand goosebumps ignite across her body as Sam's hand glides across her lower back. She clears her throat, stepping away from him.
"C'mon, my little munchkins," she joyfully chimes to the twins as she gathers Mickey into her arms. She sits them softly into their play pin, tossing each of them a musical toy.
As she stands back up, Sam grips tightly to the curve of her hips
"Sam--!" she gasps as he intimately runs his hands across her abdomen to rest on her voluptuous breasts. Her eyes flutter shut; she nibbles on her lips as he nuzzles his nose into her neck. She feels him grow against her backside.
"Sam, please--"
"'Please' what, kitten?"
"Ugh--" she scoffs as she throws his hands off of her body. "We said that the last time would be our last--"
"Please, Sofia, " he stops her in her tracks, "I need--" his lip trembles; liquor dances on his tongue as he leans closer to her dangerous curves. "I need--"
"--your wife."
"Fuck!" He abruptly throws himself onto the couch, raking his hands through his thick, tousled hair.
"I'm losing her, Sof." He leans back on the couch as Sofia cautiously sits next to him. Heated tears streak down his chiseled face as he plays with his wedding band. He lowers his voice as he chokes on his sobs.
"I think I've lost her. "
-------------------------- Boughs & Mockingbirds (Part 5; TRR/TRH)
After modeling three dresses, Hana twirls out in a dreamy white ball gown with a flattering fitted-bodice. The ornate gold filigree bead-work brought out her natural ethereal tones, instantly brightening and highlighting her gorgeous, exotic features.
“Hana--!” Riley spits out her sparkling water. “Oh-- oh my God!”  With a stunned-look plastered on her face, she jumps from her bed, skipping quickly to her floor-length mirror. “Look at you!”
“I’m guessing this is a keeper?” Hana giggles as she walks on her tip-toes, envisioning the dress with her new shoes.
“Uh, yeah!” Riley squeals, twirling Hana’s silky hair into a make-shift up-do to show off her bare skin. Biting her lower lip, she lowers her voice to whisper into her friend’s ear: “Not to mention, a certain ‘Maxwell the Glorious’ won’t be able to keep his hands off of you.”
“Riley! You’re wicked! We’re just--” she blushes while shrugging her shoulders, “--um, friends.”
“I’m pregnant, not stupid,” she jokingly chides. “These past few weeks with the book tour, I’ve noticed you two becoming quite the dynamic duo.”
Hana falls silent; she mindlessly admires the beading of her white gown with her fingers as a joyous smile crawls across her face. Her bright, brown eyes pierce into Riley’s as she slowly nods.
“He’s pretty great--”
“I knew it!” Riley grabs Hana’s hands as they dance recklessly in a circle, laughter filling the room.
“Oh, you’re gonna dance with somebody--” Riley sings, purposely changing the lyrics to jest with her best friend.
“I’m gonna feel the heat with somebody--” Hana cups her mouth, laughing at herself with what she just sang.
“’Heat’?” Riley howls. “Ow! Ow! Now who’s being wicked?” They both grab their bellies as their sides ache from their silliness and excitement.
“Oh gosh,” Riley strains to breathe, “Thank you, Hana. I haven’t laughed like this in--”
“Oh my God! Riley?” Hana’s voice suddenly drips with panic. “Your nose--” ------------------------ Fractals (Bonus wannabe series; crossover of Platinum/TRR; I have fantasized about this series for probably 8 MONTHS, and I finally took off writing a chapter; this is a smidge of that chapter, and this series will come, at the earliest, after B&MB)
“Here’s to living in the headlines,” she mutters to herself, offering her glass as a toast in the air.  She tosses the rest of her drink back. The bartender quickly replenishes the alcohol as she digs frantically in her oversized Dior bag.  Pulling out a lone cigarette, she sets it neatly between her teeth as she searches for a lighter.
“Miss?” a soft, baritone voice calls to her, but floats away as she continues to sift through her purse.  The gentleman clears his throat in hopes of catching her attention. “Pardon me, miss?” His thick, European-influenced accent is more apparent this time, but still she doesn’t notice.
“Excuse me, miss--?”
“What?” She interrupts angrily as she hastily swivels in her barstool, knocking her bag and its contents on the floor. “Shit--!”  she clumsily fumbles to the floor to gather her belongings.
“Here; let me help--”
“You’ve done enough, sir--” she cuts off the young man as she madly shoves tubes of makeup, magazines, loose coins and scrunchies back into her satchel. She looks around the floor for any wayward items when she notices something black being offered to her.
Looking up, she finally takes notice of the man behind the voice. And freezes. The electricity of his presence overwhelms her fragile senses. He offers her a bright, charming smile, creating dimples that soften his chiseled bone structure. A sensual aura of citrus, guaiac wood and leather dance across his coastal skin as sun rays illuminate brightly from his wavy blond hair. 
She gradually stands along with him, her brilliant jade eyes locked into his striking baby-blues. His strong physique impressively towers over her petite frame. She admires his handsomely neat demeanor of pressed dark-wash denim with a light heather-gray sports coat.
“Hi,” she manages to squeeze out as her mouth confuses between dropping and smiling.
“Hello,” he chuckles with a smile. “Pardon me, but I do believe you, um--well, you, uh--,” he pauses as he glances towards his outstretched arm, “you dropped these.”
Regretfully breaking her trance from his hypnotic gaze, the color quickly drains from her face as the feeling of horror crawls across her porcelain skin. Her crotchless, black-lace g-string tangled effortlessly between his fingers.
“Oh-- oh my God!” she shrieks as she reaches to grab and hide them; but unfortunately, the missing gusset between the leg bands, snags on his gold signet ring, leaving his first two fingers hung on the crotchless portion of the thong.
“I must say,” his eyes twinkle as he laughs harder at her incessant efforts to detangle the fabric from his hands, “I didn’t realize getting into a woman’s undergarments would be quite this easy--” ------------------------- Title TBD (TNA Valentine’s Day: First vs. Last... this is in the Once...Always... Universe, and I just couldn’t get it finished before Valentine’s day. So! It will be coming out on another random holiday lol)
Reaching for the doorbell, she catches her reflection in the apartment number brass plate. And panics.
Oh, God! I--he can’t see me like this!
It has been nine months since Brynn caught her husband cheating on her with their daughter Olivia’s nanny. With the story hitting every gossip column and news channel, multiple women came forward with their private trysts with Sam over the years; however, most of their stories will never be heard thanks to the family’s heavy payouts for their silence.
Sam and Brynn’s divorce was finalized five months ago, two days before baby Charlotte was born.  Despite the scandal, his lies and his betrayal, Brynn wars with her feelings towards Sam.  He was the love of her life; even though he broke his vows, she never dreamed of going back on her own. He made his choice; he didn’t want to be with her the moment he chose to have his extramarital affairs. But, everyday life without him by her side is awful, like living a horrible nightmare. Her heart flutters around him, missing him terribly, but her brain begs her to stop.
Brynn pinches her cheeks to life as she swipes on a rosy color of gloss on her pout. She finger combs her almond tresses into a low ponytail, ensuring the wayward wisps are hidden.
The door suddenly opens, catching Brynn by surprise.
“Mommy!” A curly-chestnut hair Olivia dashes to Brynn with open arms.
“My baby girl!” Instantaneously, she welcomes her oldest daughter into her arms, pulling her up onto her hip for a sweet hug and tender kiss. “Did you have fun with Daddy?”
“Uh-huh,” she beams, “Look what I made you!”  As she pulls out a bright pink homemade Valentine, Sam steps around the door with baby Charlotte in his arms.
“Princess--” he whispers in a deep, syrupy voice, “what do you say?”
“Oh, yeah!” her chocolate brown eyes brighten to her mom, “Happy ‘Valentime’s’ day, Mommy!”
“Happy Valentine’s day, baby girl!” Brynn squeezes Olivia into a tight embrace while she presses her lips into her cheeks. “C’mon, let’s get your things.”  
As Brynn glances back at Sam, the wind is abruptly knocked out of her chest as she sees him dressed handsomely in her favorite Armani slate gray suit with soft petal-pink accents. Her eyes stay glued to him as he fastens a sleepy Charlotte into her carrier.  As he stands back up, she notices his tie is crooked.
“May I?” Brynn steps forward, motioning towards his tie.
“Please,” he chuckles, “I miss your meticulous eye--”
They both awkwardly flinch at his words, Brynn focusing on the knot around his neck as Sam clears his throat.
“So--” he attempts to change subjects, “any special plans tonight?”
“Mason and Mickey are out with friends, so it’s just the girls, me, and--”
“Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown,” he interrupts as he flashes an alluring dark look at his ex-wife. He begins to run the back of his fingers sensually down her arms. “Some things don’t change--”
“But--” she glowers at him, tightening his tie close to his neck, “a lot of things have.”
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linorangge · 4 years
Codes | Bangchan College! AU
Chan takes an interest in the generous computer science major and makes it his mission to befriend her. (Content Warning: Mild swearing, suggestive language). Word Count: 1188 | Part 1 | Part 3
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After class, you went home, ate dinner, studied, watched a few movies and went to bed. Nothing very eventful. These days were always uneventful for you. You weren’t bothered by it though.
The next day, the thought of seeing Chan made your stomach turn. In a good way of course. The classes leading up to your coding class dragged on once again. Upon your arrival however, Chris wasn’t there at his usual space.
After class ended, you found him in the courtyard on a bench eating a bagel.
“I thought skipping class was more for high schoolers.” You said as you sat beside him.
“I think I might drop the class actually.” Chris replied as he looked up at you.
You furrowed your eyebrows, worried, “Why?”
Chan noticed the way your voice softened, and felt himself get a little weak, “It’s not really a part of my major, that and I kinda suck at it.”
“Chris you know I could always help you out if you needed.”
He smiled at you, “You don’t always have to help everyone.”
You shrugged, “I like to. It’s kind of my thing.”
“Your thing?”
“Helping people is kind of fulfilling in my opinion.”
He hummed in response and looked down at his lap, “So about that date?”
“I’ll be free.” You said as you smiled.
Friday came entirely too fast, you had seen Chan in class but nothing much came out of the small conversation you had. Apart from exchanging numbers, there weren’t many advances made with him.
You wore a dress despite the cold weather and soon it was 8PM.
Chan was surprisingly on time, considering you didn’t really take him as the type of person to be punctual. When you opened the door to the entrance of your apartment, Chan was in a white button up shirt, layered under a leather jacket and a skinny black tie. His hair was pushed to the side and you could tell he’d worn a bit of concealer around his eyes and some spots on his face. It made you a bit proud that he’d put this much effort into his appearance for you.
“You look beautiful.” He said softly, his eyes crinkling a little as his perfect pink lips stretched into a smile.
You grinned and pressed a soft kiss to his dimpled cheek, “You’re the prettiest guy I’ve ever seen.” You saw his ears get red as he laughed shyly.
He hesitantly took your hand and led you outside. He let you lock your door before you both made your way to his car.
“So what’s in Gwangju?” You said as he walked to the passenger’s side with you and opened the car door for you.
“Lots of things are in Gwangju.” He replied as he let you climb into his car.
You playfully frowned at him as he closed the door. He laughed lightly as he crossed to the other side of the car and got inside.
He handed you a cord before turning on the car.
“What’s this for?”
“Aux cord, choose some music.” He replied, putting his seatbelt on.
You smirked to yourself before putting on Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron and Wine.
“This sounds familiar.” He said as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“It’s from Twilight.”
“The movie?” He said briefly glancing at you.
“Yeah, it plays in the final scene when the main characters dance.”
He nodded and stayed silent, listening intently to the lyrics.
“What is this song about?” He asked as he squinted a little in confusion.
“I have no idea.” You said as you laughed.
“It sounds beautiful, but the lyrics are just…” Chris trailed off.
“Completely.” He said in agreement.
You played the rest of the Twilight soundtrack, the majority of the time talking about how beautiful it was. When you played Roslyn, Chan teared up a bit. The soundtrack truly struck a chord with him, despite the lack of depth some of the songs had.
By the time you got to the restaurant in Gwangju, you’d laughed, cried, and sang with him. It felt like meeting another half of yourself you had never realized was missing.
He walked around the car again to open the door for you, offering his hand to help you get it out. You took his large hand in yours and got out of the car, immediately feeling the cold weather hit you like a truck.
You shivered a little as you walked hand in hand towards the restaurant’s entrance.
He opened the door for you and immediately the hostess recognized him.
“Chris! Reservation upstairs right?” She greeted the both of you politely before taking you upstairs to a small stairway.
You climbed the stairs close behind the hostess and when you got to the top you stood behind her in shock.
There were warm toned fairy lights lining the balcony, and a single table was in the middle of the balcony. The table had two plates, silverware, and a pitcher with lemonade.
A soft breeze blew around you and you felt your heart soften. The knots in your stomach became undone as you thanked the waitress and turned to Chan, who had a big grin on his face, his dimples were on full display.
“Do you like it?” He said as he watched your expression carefully.
“I love it.” You said a smile spreading across your lips.
He guided you over to the chair and pulled it out for you.
“Actually can we try something else?” You said prompting him to push the chair back in.
You pulled out your phone and put on Flightless Bird, American Mouth again.
“Oh?” Chan said as he took your hands in his.
You chuckled and waltzed a little with him before he turned you and kept your back to his chest, enveloping you in his arms.
“I like this song despite the nonsense it says.” He whispered softly in your ear.
“I like you despite some nonsense you say.” You whispered back.
He laughed, still swaying softly to the music with you, “You haven’t heard the half of it.”
“You can tell me more nonsense over dinner.” You said.
He dipped you and stared into your eyes for a moment, “You are quite literally, the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He whispered.
Before you could reply he stood you upright again and took your face in his hands.
You gave him a reassuring look before he leaned in and pressed his soft lips against your mouth. You kissed him back passionately, before pulling away.
You grabbed the pitcher of lemonade and poured the both of you a glass.
You gave him one of the glasses, “To you and I, and everything that comes after that.”
“Everything after?”
“There’s always an after.” You said before you clinked your glasses together and drank.
You closed the distance between each other and cupped his cheek, before kissing him again, this time the kiss lasting much longer.
The night continued on, the memory of first love reigning within your mind for perhaps the remainder of your life.
Hey guys! gg here, i just wanted to quickly thank y'all for supporting codes again! I didn't expect the amount of feedback I’d get on this au, especially for it being my first one,,,, I have a lot of content coming in the future. If you’ve sent a request, I’ve most likely already saw it, however because of the high demand in au’s, I'll be answering requests after I've finished an au, such as this one. Thanks again for supporting! Drink water !
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oscars-wifeyyy · 4 years
The Innocent 16
It was the day of the baby shower and the Martinez family along with Elizabeth were helping with the decorations and party. However, once Ruby and his mom started arguing about the decorations Elizabeth got a call from Cesar so she picked it up and walked outside.
"Wassup, mano?" Elizabeth asked,
"Why am I on house arrest?" Cesar groaned.
"Because the Prophets are outside and you still have a target on your back and no protection from the Santos," Elizabeth sighed, "look, just hang tight for a little longer, alright?" Cesar reluctantly agreed and hung up the phone.
An hour passed until Cesar, Monse, and Jamal arrived at the Martinez household so they could talk about the RollerWorld money, but since Elizabeth wanted nothing to do with it, she decided to let them do their thing as she went over to Oscar's place. She walked up the steps and walked straight inside to see Oscar, Sad Eyes, Rico, and Lorca there with the money stacked, but she paid no mind as she laid across the laps of the four boys, her head on Oscar's lap.
"Puta, get the fuck off of me," Lorca pushed her legs off of his lap, "you don't even hang out with us no more,"
"Hey, stupid. I got school, homework, and work so you can bring your dumbass to either one of my jobs or text me since you got my number," Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "Rico and Sad Eyes text me and I hang out with them because they text and ask,"
Lorca scoffed, "really, manos. Y'all don't invite me to y'alls hangouts?"
Sad Eyes laughed, "because your stupid ass always says some type of fucking excuse so we stopped. Don't come over here crying over that shit,"
Oscar groaned, "why did I introduce you pendejos to her? What the fuck is this friendship you got goin' on with my girl?"
"Oye!" Rico raised his voice, "it ain't our faults that she loves us more than you,"
"Awww!" Elizabeth saw Oscar glare at his boys, "don't say that to my little Spooky," she jutted out her lip and sat on his lap, putting his head on her chest, "mi precioso es mi número uno por vida,"
Oscar grinned at her before flicking off the three laughing boys that sat next to them on the couch, "alright, I'mma spend time with my girl so take all this shit somewhere else, yeah?"
Lorca nodded and grabbed the bag filled with money, but Rico rolled his eyes before grabbing the bag from Lorca's grasp, "fool, we ain't lettin you hold the damn money with your stupid ass," the three boys started arguing as they left the household to go somewhere else.
Oscar made Elizabeth straddle him, "wassup, mamita. Thought you were helping out Mario and little man with the baby shower?"
"I was," Elizabeth paused, "but they didn't need my help so I left and came here to hang with you. Oh! I got us something, but it's back at my place so let's go on an adventure to my place!" Elizabeth got up from his lap and pulled him off the couch.
Oscar chuckled, but grabbed his flannel and walked out behind Elizabeth to his car. The two drove to her house with the music on blast until they got to her place to see her mother's car in the driveway. The two got out and went inside to see Leticia laid down across the couch fast asleep so Oscar went to the hardworking mom and carried her to her room so she could sleep in her bed. When he left her room a minute later Elizabeth was holding up a bottle of peel-off charcoal face mask and a couple face masks.
"We, my handsome lover, are gonna do some self-care and if my mom is not up maybe we can give each other some attention," Elizabeth winked at the older man.
"Oh, you know me so well, hermosa," Oscar chuckled, "you got some snacks and movies ready then?"
Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "when have I ever been around with no snacks in my hand? Of course I got snacks and the movies ready. We can even order some Postmates or take out too. Babe, we are going to have a blast,"
"ok, self care day then and since it is your birthday, anything you want to do I will do," Oscar laughed then winked at his girl who was blushing.
"Damn, you remembered? I didn't think you would to be honest. Alright, my love, it's 17th birthday vibes so sit down and let me put this on for you," Oscar sat down in front of Elizabeth, holding onto her legs, "alright the peel off mask is gonna be done in 10-15 minutes then we're gonna do the moisturizing mask after. Thank you, baby, for doing this with me,"
The two put on the peel off mask and watched Shameless on Netflix, letting the mask dry to peel it off. While they were waiting, there were a lot of laughs that caused Leticia to wake up and walk into Elizabeth's room only to see the two with animal themed face masks on their face looking at her like two deers in headlights. Leticia laughed, pulling out her phone and taking a picture of the couple shaking her head as she left, happy that her daughter had found happiness and let go of some of her responsibilities.
It was time for the baby shower so Leticia and Elizabeth were able to go over to Ruby's house as Oscar went back to his own to try and get the Santos to not trash his place. The mother and daughter duo walked into chaos around the house as bleeding kids were ushered into a room and Geny was way too drunk. Elizabeth walked up to Ruby, "yo, what is going on? There are bleeding kids, a drunk Geny, and Jamal and Cesar are in what looks like an argument," Ruby was about to speak, but Elizabeth stopped him, "never mind. I'm gonna go over to Cesar and Jamal then I am going to Monse,"
Elizabeth walked up to the two boys when she heard Cesar say, "I smashed Paula and I think Monse and I are back together," Jamal had a big outburst on health violations, but Elizabeth walked up to them, "it isn't your problem because, one, she ghosted, two, you gave her that ultimatum, and three, you were broken up or on a break, either way, you guys weren't talking to each other. Alright, now I'm going to Monse and see what she's doing," Elizabeth walked inside Mario's room to see the white girl and Monse talking on the bed, "oh, sorry, I will let you guys talk,"
Elizabeth walked around with a plate of food, but felt down because no one really remembered her birthday except for Oscar. She would have thought they would remember, but she let it go as she plastered a big smile on her face and took care of Geny who was at this point word vomiting.
"Oh, Eli! You know, I always thought you and Mario would be a great couple, you're smart, he's smart, great match," Geny giggled, "sure you were a freshman and he was a senior, but still. He was also in love with this skank, Angelica. Oh well, do you have any boyfriend?"
"Yeah, I do, Geny," Elizabeth chuckled, "You're not going to know who it is either,"
Geny groaned, "why not? I want to know to see if you and Mario can still have a shot to be together," Geny's eyes widened, "Oh! Maybe you can be with Ruby,"
Elizabeth gagged at the thought, "thanks, Geny, but my boyfriend is pretty great right now,"
Geny ran away to go into the bouncy house and Elizabeth saw Jamal there so she stayed inside since it was cold out and went to her mother, "hey, ma. This party is about to go into a disaster," Leticia laughed along her daughter.
It wasn't until Jamal and Geny came back inside that Elizabeth saw Jamal with a bleeding face and Geny apologizing after him. She stood up to help them out, but Ruby started yelling, "Ok! Party's over, everybody out!"
"Wait, wait, wait, what's happening?" Mario asked.
Monse ran out of the room, "Amber's having the baby!" Mario threw Jamal into Cesar's arms and into the room that Amber was in while Leticia ran inside with Geny.
"Who's Amber?" an Asian lady came up to Ruby.
"Do we get paid the whole night if we leave early?" Another white guy asked.
"Who are these people?" Monse looked at Ruby dumbfounded.
"Extras," Ruby muttered, making Elizabeth and Monse look at the people wide eyed, "What? She didn't gave any friends or family so I had to improvise. Fifty bucks plus some food isn't a bad gig," Ruby handed out the money.
"Where did you get that kind of money," Cesar asked.
"I know those bills," Jamal said, "What the hell are you doing?"
"Using against my twenty five percent. It's permitted in the bylaws," Ruby said.
"There are no bylaws!" Jamal whisper-yelled, flailing his arms.
"There are bylaws!"
"Give me this!" Jamal took a hold of the money as the whole gang did as well and Geny went back out to the living room, "The ambulance is on its way! The baby is coming now! Everyone needs to pray!"
When Geny went in the room again, Jamal started talking, "Guys, guys, it's the curse. Don't you see? This is all building to something. I found the money then Olivia died, and now we're back at the scene of the crime, money in hand which means-"
"Someone else is going to die," Monse said.
"The baby," Ruby zoned out, looking at the money.
"We have to get rid of it," Cesar stared down at the money in his hand.
"Technically, we just gave a bunch of cursed money to all of those extras," Jamal looked at the front door.
"They're actors. No one is going to miss them. Let's go!" Ruby said.
"Wait, we don't know how to get rid of a curse!" Elizabeth said, "curses have rules. We can't just throw it away," Abuelita walked past.
"Abuelita!" Jamal called, "The money is cursed! How do we destroy it?"
"Burn it! Burn the money," Abuelita went inside the room.
The crew went out to the backyard and grabbed the trashcan and the bag of money, "You've torn our neighborhood apart," money was thrown in, "you've ruined relationships," another group of money was thrown in, "and stolen our youth," the last bit of money was thrown in, "but it's over. Curse be gone!" Jamal lit the money on fire, but Abueltia came running out.
"Stop! Stop! Jamal! Don't burn the money!" Abuelita threw the money on the ground, "the money isn't the thing that doesn't belong in this house! The money is not cursed!"
Now everybody was back inside, eating the gender reveal cake and laughing, "oh, I'm gonna lie," Ruby said, "this cake is good,"
"It just should've been chocolate," Jamal shrugged while everyone laughed, Mario scoffed, "too soon, man!"
"Mario, I want you to now that if that beautiful baby was yours, I would've loved it, but woo! Thank God, you're not gonna be a daddy just yet,"
"You dodged a bullet," Elizabeth looked at Mario.
"We all did," Ruby said.
"That girl really didn't know. And that was a big ass bun, fully risen. Ok!" Jasmine said.
"The truth always comes out," Abuelita said.
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