#y'all need to get an actual job instead of jumping on authors when they feel understandably stressed and burned out and need a break
whatlovelybones-if · 10 months
You authors are getting so entitled with your breaks. Just release the next god damn chapter or jump off a plane
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nazario-sayeed · 5 years
Interruption (Ethan X F!MC)
Author's note: It's been forever since I've posted an Ethan fic so I was searching for prompts to help me out of my writer's block and came across the following prompt: "I was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realize you weren’t alone" and this is the result. I miss Open Heart, y'all. English is not my first language. Also, I can't pick a decent title even if my life depends on it. 
PS: This has been sitting on my drafts for weeks and after that blog post that made me lose my mind, it seemed like a good timing. 
Warnings/rating: M (some implied sexual content, kissing, swearing; it's mostly a dumb pointless fic. Seriously, it's the dumbest thing I've ever written, that's the biggest warning, I don't even know why I am posting it) 
Word count: around 1800
Tag list (general): @kayden-vescovi​ @lahelalove​ @donutsgirl36​ @queenkaneko​ @msjpuddleduck​ @zadieschoi​ @brightpinkpeppercorn​ @jlpplays1​ @desiree-0816​ @embarrassingsmartphonegame​ @mfackenthal​​ 
Tag list (Ethan): @chasingrobbie​​ @a-i-n-a-a-s-h​​ @akacalliope​​ @perriewinklenerdie​​ @lastfirstcupcake​​ @sparklinglilac​​ @sofreakingdonewiththeworld​​ @furiouscloddonutpeanut​​ @paulfwesley​​ @vankittenheart​​ @heauxplesslydevoted​​ @theroseduelist​​
let me know if you want to be added/removed from my tag list please
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Ethan and Lexie tried to keep away from each other. They really did. For about two months, they actually managed to not run back to each other and both of them felt miserable because of it. If they weren't so committed to their jobs, it would have taken a week rather than a couple of months until they found their way into each other's arms again. They kept ending up intertwined in his office, a supply closet or even an on-call room and saying it'd be the last time. In one month, they had at least 5 encounters that were said to be "the last time". After a while they stopped lying to themselves and simply fully gave in to their feelings. 
He was still her boss, though, so they had to be careful with their relationship. Keeping it a secret was not ideal and not what they wanted, because honestly neither of them were ashamed or thought they had something that had to be hidden, but their coworkers might not think the same- especially now that Ethan was working as her direct supervisor. Lexie's roommates kind of knew about them, but they pretended they didn't; they didn't really say anything after that awkward moment when they ran into Ethan sneaking out of their apartament the morning after the hearing and Lexie wouldn't be the one to bring it up. All of them- Ethan, Lexie, her roommates- pretended nothing had happened. 
But then the two of them got together again and it felt painfully hard to pretend nothing was going on.  
Ethan used to despise those doctors who couldn't keep their personal life away from work; even when he dated Harper, none of their coworkers knew because they acted like professionals within the hospital walls. Even the thought of hooking up inside the hospital used to make him almost physically sick- how could these doctors not show one bit of self control at work? But with Lexie, it was pathetically easy for him to forget what self control was. They spent so much time apart that when they finally did get together again, it was like something lit up inside of him: he couldn't get enough of her once all of those feelings that had been eating him alive- need, longing, passion- were finally released. And even the smallest thing was enough to light up the fire inside of him. One stole glance during rounds, or an "accidental" touch while they were working with the diagnosis team was enough to distract him for the rest of the day- and then he wasn't able to think about anything else at all until he could get her alone. 
On the middle of a particular crazy shift, after he had spent all day thinking about the little glance she had given him during rounds followed by the smallest lip bite, he ran into her just outside an on-call room and he had no choice but to take her inside before she could say anything. He immediately locked the door and pushed her against it, kissing her in a way that made her knees weak.
"Dr. Ramsey, what was that for?" she asked him with a mischievous glint on her eyes, a little breathless with her arms still around his neck. He looked at her with so much intensity that she thought she would melt.
"I have been thinking about you all day, Lexie. I couldn't wait to get my hands on you" he said, leaning down to kiss her neck. She let out a soft gasp, tenderly threading her fingers through the soft hair on the back of his head.  
"Well, this is way more fun than running labs, so please carry on" she pulled him to her lips again, moaning quietly into his mouth as his hands explored her back underneath her scrubs, his touch setting her skin on fire.
Their kisses grew more heated and passionate as they both stumbled across the room until the back of her knees hit one of the bunk beds and she fell down with a loud thud, pulling him on top of her. Their mouths didn’t part as Lexie pushed his white coat over his shoulders to the floor.
They kept kissing urgently on the small bed as their hands explore each other's bodies, but just as Ethan reached to pull her scrub top over her head, they were interrupted by the beep of a pager.
"Ughhh" she groaned as she reached to check her device "It's not mine" 
He kissed her jaw and picked up his pager from where it was tossed on the floor, somewhere inside the pocket of his white coat.
"It's not mine either."
"Uh, actually, it's mine" they heard a voice above them. Fuck.
Ethan and Lexie just looked at each other and froze, not sure about what to do- not sure if there was anything they could do at this point. Just then, they felt someone moving on the bed above them and watched, petrified, as Bryce climbed out of the bunk bed and looked at them with a smirk on his face.
"I was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realize you weren’t alone" he said, picking up his stethoscope and hanging it around his neck.  
Lexie was the first to break out of their shocked state- she gently created some distance between her and Ethan, pointlessly trying to regain some of her dignity. She could feel her face burning and couldn't bring herself to look at Bryce's face- he didn't even have to say anything to tease her, just one look would be enough to let her know he would never ever let her forget about this.
"Bryce, I'm so sorry, we obviously thought we were alone in here and we know on-call rooms are for sleeping and not for- well, you know- but..." Lexie finally met his eyes as she desperately tried to explain herself but the surgeon cut her off, holding his hands up in mocking defense.
"Hey, relax. I don't care about what you do in here. I mean, I've definitely thought about pushing a certain hot paramedic inside an on-call room more than once, so no judgment. Let me just grab my stuff and I'll be out of here in a second and you can get back at it" he said with a bright smile, trying to ease the tension. Ethan had not said a word this whole time- he looked like he wanted to bury himself in the floor or punch Bryce but wasn't sure about which one he should do first. Instead, he cleared his throat.
"Uh, Dr. Lahela isn't it?" Ethan asked, his voice not as firm as it usually was. Bryce noded, trying as hard as he could to keep a straight face. "I would appreciate if you didn't mention what you saw here to anyone. Given our situation, I'm sure you can understand a need for some, uh, discretion"
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Next time, just make sure you're alone." he said and then smirked at the two flustered doctors, deciding to tease them just a bit more "Or, you know, you could ask me to join you, you two look hot together."
Ethan mouth hang open in shock as Bryce winked at them.
“Okay Bryce, time to leave. Don’t you have someone to cut open right now?” Lexie jumped off the bed and practically shoved a laughing Bryce out of the room, her face impossibly red.
Once he was out of the room, she shut and locked the door behind her with a heavy sigh. Ethan buried his face on his hands and groaned.
She opened her eyes and looked at Ethan- who seemed at least as flustered as she felt- and as their eyes met, they both burst out laughing. Out of breath, she closed the distance between them and sat by his side on the bed, still laughing. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer, smiling.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to look into Dr. Lahela's face again" Ethan said while he laid down and pulled her to lay with him, arms around each other. She turned on her stomach and rested her chin on his chest, looking up at him. As his blue eyes stared into hers, she decided to take a risk.
"Maybe we should tell people about us, Ethan. What happened today would be uncomfortable no matter what, but we were lucky it was only Bryce here. What if it had been someone else? Someone who might not had taken it as easily as he did? Maybe we should come clean before anyone uses it against us. If we really have nothing to hide, why are we keeping it a secret, you know?" Lexie tried to read his face but he was as stoic as ever. Her emotional side wanted to scream at the top of her lungs that she and Ethan were in a relationship, but her rational side knew it was better to keep it low for as long as they could. It was delusional to think that everyone would take it as smoothly as Bryce did- and being a female resident in a relationship with an attending, she knew they would come for her, not him. But as she looked deeply into his eyes, she realized she didn’t give a shit about what other people could say or think.
“You’re right. Are you sure that’s what you want?” he asked, gently pushing her dark bangs off her face. He knew it as well as she did that their relationship could negatively affect her career and reputation more than his, and he would never forgive himself if their relationship was the reason why she had a future and career anything less than extraordinary. She smiled and took his hand on hers, bringing it to her lips and kissing it with a soft glow on her eyes.
“Yeah, I’m sure” I’m ready to tell the world you’re mine.
He gave her a rare, true smile- one of those that could light up even her darkest moments, that made her sure they could get through this as long as they had each other’s backs. She couldn’t help but smile with him as he pulled her face to his, kissing her deeply.
It didn’t take long until the kiss grew more heated, and soon enough her hands found their way to the buttons of his shirt.
“We can tell people later, don't you think?" she said, kissing his neck. He mumbled an agreement and pulled her to straddle his lap, running his hand through the side of her body. She smirked and unbuttoned his shirt slowly. "Now, where were we before we got interrupted?"
Just like that, Bryce’s interruption was quickly forgotten and they went back to do what they originally went to on-call room for.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
don't play the fool now (multi) - chapter 3 - lily2
[ summary ] : aquaria is having a ball of a time with her new mission though sharon can’t help but be worried for her daughter and shea has definitely bitten off more than she can chew.
[ authors note ] : I’m not dead! just busy, I’m not trying to neglect this au, I hope y'all enjoy, can you tell I’m struggling to write characters that aren’t sasha / katya / adore ?
— ✧*。
Sharon nervously sat in her chair, attempting to play it off by staring at her phone though she quickly put it down and turned, sipping her drink in the seclusion of her office, the anxiety in her face must’ve clearly been showing as Alaska snickered, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder, “Jesus, I can smell your worry from about a million miles away, she will be absolutely fine.”
“You think so?”
Of course Sharon trusts Aquaria with everything in her, that was her own teammate and more importantly her daughter. Sure, there wasn’t any official paperwork truly stamped and saying in bold print that they were related or that she was adopted but never did she feel so strongly about someone in a motherly sense, Aquaria came when she was ten and when Sharon was twenty two, a hopeless and homeless child who was tossed place to place constantly until her parent’s rotted in jail and she had nowhere to be but the streets.
Sharon couldn’t get all the credit for finding and raising Aquaria, it was really Alaska who first found her, passed out and extremely cold in the dead hit of winter and took it upon herself to take the risk and bring her back to the underground, Bianca was of course furious but now she kicked herself for it: Aquaria was loyal, she was beautiful, she was intelligent and didn’t once speak of her old life, thankful for what she was and where she was brought into.
“Of course, she’s your daughter, with quotes around the word.” Alaska smiled brightly and stole a sip of her alcoholic drink, “Jesus that’s something.” She coughed out the words before clearing her throat, “Besides, she’s been asking Bianca for a mission for who even knows how long, she’s trustworthy and just as good as her mother I’m assuming.”
The flirtatious nature of her tone didn’t sit too well in the moment with Sharon who was just stressed, wanting to hear from her atleast a text but she knew she could ruin the entire mission if she did, her nerves would have to spike down for the moment and luckily the best distraction was Alaska since Bianca was also gone but more to see Katya, that wasn’t a major concern.
It had been three hours, Alaska counted for Sharon she had waited in her office, staring at the clock and occasionally laughing at some weird joke or story the blonde had beside her to tell, to get her a bit out of the mood and herself again.
Curling a piece of hair around her fingers Alaska gave a kiss to Sharon’s head, “Relax.” She whispered, she repeated it as she gently grabbed her shoulders and crouched a bit to be at eye level with her, “I know, I know, it’s an assignment and I should know she’s trustworthy and trained well, I know.”
Sharon had been with Bianca from the beginning of it all, they met at fifteen, Bianca raised well into the underground markets of hitmen, mafia, druga, violence, all that— it didn’t take long for her to absorb all of it and own it, all under her fingertips and so oddly at peace and calm with it, almost as if it was boring and the expected. When a dazed Sharon begging for something to do, definitely having a few kills under her belt even with her age, a job, Bianca quickly jumped on it and here she was: thirty two and still changed her hair color every three or four months.
And then there was Alaska who joined right after Sharon, at nineteen she had just come from escaping the cops and her own problems, hearing about the underground from Jinkx who knew her since they were kids. She was definitely Sharon’s favorite and anyone could sense it from a mile away, their relationship however was a bit complicated. Not complicated but maybe strained— Alaska didn’t want commitment or a relationship in a business where she could be killed or targeted at any moment and Sharon could only nod and let whatever happened, happen.
Multiple times of kissing, sharing a bed, sleeping together, everything possible had happened to them already. Alaska didn’t ever mind the affection or them being obvious in front of the rest of the teammates, it was really just when Sharon tried to make things permanent that Alaska had a problem, never wanted to go on a date, no cutesy romantic gestures allowed.
Alaska didn’t want commitment.
It wasn’t them playing around either, the jealously that boiled through Alaska’s veins whenever Sharon spoke about men or women flirting with her on various missions was enough of a satisfaction to her, seeing the blonde so winded and so aggravated.
Bianca, Sharon, Alaska, Jinkx and Bob were the original five who had met, become engulfed in the business and really built the team up but it was Bianca (who always had the final say regardless), Sharon, Bob and Raja who had the power and leadership tendencies with their own circles and ranks though it always all boiled back to the throne, as Alaska called it, which was Bianca unsuprisingly to everyone.
A sudden burst of the door had Sharon completely jump from her seat and dust off her dress, looking at Alaska who looked around and shrugged, unaware of who it was though Aquaria or Violet seemed like the most viable options.
Sharon heard it in a voice so clear that she ran out her office, Alaska shaking her head. “Aquaria!” She yelled out her door before the two made eye contact and quickly collapsed at the couch into eachother, “Fuck kid, you can’t just not text me.” She kissed her head and smiled, gasping once she looked at her face and noticed the dried blood from her nose and the skin open on her neck in three slashes, “I’m fine, I’m fine, really!”
The panic running through Sharon was enough for Alaska to widen her eyes looking at how deep the cuts actually ran and went to go out the door, “I’m getting some stuff, hang on.”
Aquaria sniffled and groaned as Sharon was quick to take a tissue and brush the dried blood off, “I’m fine, really!” She insisted, her rose gold sequin dress was stained with blood at the sides but she ignored that, usual part of the job, focusing more on her face and looking at her neck, “No you’re not, what happened?” She spoke as she bit her tongue, they looked awful and battered.
“Well we killed him, Violet took the shot because he punched me after I tried to hold him down, I should’ve thought through the fact he was about five inches taller than me and definitely twice my size.” She laughed though Sharon didn’t find it too amusing so she continued with a small grin, “Basically we brawled and fingernails got involved but—” she showed her hand that had perfectly sharp and studded long stiletto nails, “I think we know who won that.”
She had to grin a bit at Aquaria’s clean and primed nails, “I’m fine, I’m fine.” She muttered to Sharon who worriedly hugged her and sighed into her shoulder, pulling back and nodding, she was okay just bruised up but they got the target, Aquaria held up a wallet and smirked wildly, Sharon laughed and clapped, “So even is he, Bianca didn’t tell me too much.”
“So originally we needed to find his daughter, more for finding out who this original person was, Bianca said he was Alaska’s old laywer who betrayed her and all that jazz but instead, we found something else, his daughter was far too busy with poker to notice that his own assistant was there.”
Now I’m starting to see why Bianca didn’t want to tell me too much.
“So we flirted around, got drinks, acted normal, all of that preliminary shit.” Aquaria ran a hand through her straight hair, “Long story short we got to a private area, reserved for special members, killed him, grabbed his wallet and ran.”
“So this isn’t the father? Just his assistant?” The disappointment in Sharon’s voice quick to make Aquaria stand and pull out some of the cards in the wallet, “Yes but guess what? He has a copy of every ID and identification of the father since he was his personal assistant.”
Slowly she puzzled it together, “Because of security measures, they’d never let him carry it since he is so desired and wanted and easy to rob let’s face it, the man is beyond his years, but the assistant would be a smart choice since no one really gives a shit, no one would show up at his house thinking he had any good information or valuables of the guy but he does, all in his leather wallet.”
She threw it on the table, it was slightly perfectly clean and Sharon couldn’t help but groan, smiling and hugging her daughter, “I’m such a proud mother.” Aquaria’s eyes glimmered with nothing but pride, “I’m so glad, it was fun and sometimes a bit tense but, I’m glad.”
The door opened again and they both sat, Aquaria laying down and putting her head in Sharon’s lap, beyond tired. Alaska nodded once more, “I’m back and with the best medic!” She winked before Peppermint presented herself and carried her in her two boxes, all full of supplies.
“Sorry to intrude so late.”
Peppermint was far too soft for her own good, it was almost suprising she was still here though she was definitely the best medic they had, she had a damn bachelor’s of science in biology until she decided to drop out, school and especially nursing school far too much to handle. Her real name was Agnes but no one really used it, Peppermint was her nickname and it stuck with everyone for years. The lingering risk of hospitals and having to expose identities was why they all were so thankful for the medics they had with them.
“Oh c'mon, you’re acting like your job isn’t important.” Aquaria sweetly replied, “I know it is, I hear it everyday.” Peppermint gently moving Aquaria around and crouching so she should look around at her nose, “Okay, are you currently having any difficulty breathing?”
“I did when being driven back home but once I cleaned out all the blood that was dried I’m breathing easier, it’s just a bit more difficult.” Peppermint nodded and glanced from back before coming in close again, “Well, it’s not good if you’re not breathing easy and I can tell from a mile away your nose is crooked, you broke your nose is what I’m trying to say.”
As expected, Aquaria didn’t find it much of a surprise though Sharon almost wanted to collapse to which Alaska sat right next to her and latched onto her arms, “It’s fine, she’s fine.” She muttered close to her ear before nodding at Sharon’s uneasy glance.
“As for these around your neck, these are awful, I say we do these as soon as possible because they look open and god forbid you get an infection, do you mind doing it now or would you rather wait in the morning? You’ll sleep through it or pass out either way with the medicine.”
Aquaria looked at Sharon who only shrugged and left it up to her, “Yeah, let’s do it now.” No hesitation in her voice from the reply as Peppermint smiled and helped her up, taking her by her arm and making sure she didn’t touch anything and told Aquaria to lift her head a bit. “I’ll take her back when she’s finished, don’t worry about her, she’s in good hands!” The door closed and Sharon was left with Alaska, she completely had all faith in their medics but nothing could really make her worry less about Aquaria, it was the “motherly instincts” as Bianca would tell her when she was far too paralyzed about Aquaria being hurt or bruised up.
“She’s an adult, she knows what she’s doing, don’t worry.” Pressing a kiss to her head before shaking her hair, grabbing Sharon’s hand, “It’s late, let’s sleep please.”
For once she didn’t refuse and nodded, getting up knowing it be better to just rest and wake up with a more clear mind in the morning, Aquaria would be fine, she would be fine and getting all the stitches done meant she wouldn’t have to worry about infection or other underlying problems.
She will be okay.
“Pep, I met the most gorgeous girl yesterday during the mission.” Shea whispered, hitting her close friends shoulder, Peppermint rolling her eyes, “You’re playing with fire if you’re trying to win a girl over especially one you met while on a damn mission.”
Completely lovestruck Shea flushed, laughing and feeling all her nerves come out. “Well about that…” She begun as Peppermint crossed her arms, extremely curious to where this conversation was going as they sat and ate, the food from the small Chinese market across the block, there was absolutely nothing Peppermint loved more than Asian food and if ten dollars meant twenty five dumplings then she and Shea were sold.
She plopped one of the dumplings into the soy sauce before waving a hand, wanting Shea to continue, she covered her mouth to speak, “And?” She said on the edge of what exactly Shea wanted to say.
“You know Katya right?”
Peppermint glared, “I would hope so after being here for five fucking years!” She yelled laughing as her friend shook her head, trying not to laugh at how stupid the question was once she said it a dumpling in her mouth, she swallowed before continuing, tapping the marble table that they sat in, biting her lip, knowing she couldn’t possibly lie or get out of this.
“It’s her sister.”
The second the three words left her lips Peppermint gasped and almost dropped her entire bowl of dumplings, quickly catching herself and slamming her plate on the table before looking around, knowing no one would be up at seven anyway, they all slept in until noon unless Bianca called for it.
“Please tell me you’re joking.” She whispered as she stared at Shea square in the face, “I need to know everything and anything!” She yelped, clapping her hands before pointing, “But don’t get it twisted, I don’t support this, you’re putting yourself in real danger here messing around with her sister who Bianca said is now a detective.”
Even Shea’s face bleached white at that point, “She— she’s a what?” Her face and tone unclear and confused, Sasha hadn’t brought it up at all though in retrospect why would she? In a casino, late at night, that seems a bit too much to give away. “She’s a detective Shea, Bianca told me when I was getting Aquaria stitched up.”
Suddenly everything became more clear to Shea: why she hesitated to speak more about Katya, keeping the questions closed on her job, why she seemed so anxious someone had spoken to her, why they exchanged numbers— Sasha was a detective and of course blissfully unaware of what Shea was doing as a job, seeing her as a normal human which was refreshing to say the least but this was a bad combination already.
“But she’s so gorgeous and intelligent and she just oozes personality and wit.” She whined to Peppermint who could only sit and laugh at her misfortunate encounter gone right and also wrong.
“Well, I’m not going to snitch, that’s not my job.” She paused to laugh before clearing her throat and extending a hand to Shea who grabbed it and frowned, “But I’m going to say this, she might be Katya’s sister but that doesn’t mean we can be soft and nice to her, she’s still a detective and from what Bianca told me, Katya understands that we’d do what we have to if circumstances rise and she tries to play us out and locate what we do.”
God, you are playing with me too hard right about now.
“I understand.” She swallowed her words hard, knowing that dammit there was something there! Shea hated to sound like a romance novel and blinded by her emotions but Sasha was different and interested in her just as Shea was interested back.
“Good morning!” Yelled Vanessa who quickly stole a dumpling from Shea’s plate, as expected. “These are fucking great, I should start waking up earlier to actually go on food adventures with you guys.” Peppermint smiled sweetly, “It’s the perks of insomnia that comes with the job.”
The Pureto Rican cackled, “Okay but seriously, this is from Bianca.” She tossed the black file to Shea as Peppermint leaned back into her chair, offering her more food which she graciously accepeted, going at it immediately.
“I’m gonna go.” Shea stood up and grabbed her bag and phone, leaving the file after she skimmed through it and landed on what she needed to do, immediately getting up. “I’ll be back in a few hours.” She replied quickly to a confused Vanessa and Peppermint who glanced with furrowed brows, not even getting a word in before Shea shut the door and was running down the building.
She knew she wouldn’t but Peppermint grabbed the file anyway and opened it, beyond bewildered by Shea’s response, staring at Vanessa out of curiosity who only shrugged with innocent hands, “Hey now, I only delivered this, I didn’t take one peak.”
Putting the file down she sighed, shaking her head, completely unsurprised at what the file entailed for Shea.
“She has a lot of trouble on her hands.”
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yellowsugarwords · 7 years
Walking Dead Game FanFiction - "Meeting Jesus"
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wordsformendes · 8 years
teen choice awards
requested: “can you do one where shawn meets y/n backstage or something and shes like shy but interesting at first and occasionally he gets her to sing, she sings a whintey houston-ish song you know a big ballad and he’s blown away and wants to make her famous.”
also requested: “hi bb I love your writings!! Could you please write something where y/n is a famous singer and meets Shawn at the Teen Choice Awards and they hit it off/flirt/exchange numbers? Probably kinda weird but I would love it!!!! xoxo” authors note: i thought i would sorta combine these two and i hope y'all don’t mind. also, this imagine is rather long and it takes a bit of time to get to the point so i apologize. i was just trying to figure everything out and make sure it all made sense. idek.
“Please work.” You mumbled to yourself while messing around with the lens on you camera. For some reason it wouldn’t click right whenever you tried to put it on, and you were terrified at the fact that it could be broken. You worked as a photographer and tonight your job was to take pictures of the celebrities who performed at the Teen Choice Awards. You’ve been photographing moments for as long as you can remember but you’ve never had this big of an opportunity until now. You had already met several celebrities backstage and you were in awe at how humble some of them were, and also how rude some of them were. Everyone was different and it was interesting to see.
“Are you okay?” You heard a voice say and you quickly looked up, taking your glasses off and resting them on your head. You really only needed glasses to see things up close, but whenever you were talking to someone or doing anything else, you didn’t need them, and sometimes they’d give you a headache. Before you could respond, the voice spoke up again.
“Oh cool, what kind of camera is that?” It took you a minute to realize, but once you blinked hard a few times, you finally noticed that Shawn Mendes was talking to you. The Shawn Mendes from Vine, the kid you had a huge crush on when you first discovered him in Magcon.
“Canon 5d mark iii.” You said shyly trying hard to hide your flustered cheeks and pounding heart.
“Cool. My friend is a photographer and he’s actually here taking some pics. I assume that’s what you’re doing too? Oh sorry, I totally forgot to even introduce myself, I’m Shawn.” He smiled wide and stuck out his hand. You awkwardly put down your camera on the nearest table and stood up to shake his hand before saying, “I’m Y/N.”
“So is everything okay? I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but it sounded like you were having some trouble.” Shawn said politely. He was just as sweet as his fanbase always said he was.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine. I was just having trouble putting my lens on. But it’s okay.” You said laughing a little, trying to make things more casual. You always laughed whenever you got nervous. After a few extra minutes of small talk with Shawn, he eventually had to go on stage to perform and you had to be out there too, taking pictures. You got some good shots of several different celebrities so you were proud of yourself. As the evening went on, it got later and you got tired. Your photography instructor told you take however many pictures you wanted, and she didn’t give you any time frames, so you figured you would give yourself a small break, and sit backstage on one of the couches and listen to Ariana Grande’s performance. She sang her powerful song Dangerous Woman which you loved. Ariana’s voice was strong and beautiful and you always wished you could sing something like that. After you sang along to Ariana’s performance, you decided to sing the song again but by yourself since it seemed that no one was around to hear your mediocre singing voice.
“Makessss me feel like a dangerous wommannn.” You flipped through snapchat stories on your phone as you belted out the rest of her song. You sang the last line, and your heart jumped out of your chest when all of a sudden you heard someone clapping. You almost dropped your phone.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. But that was incredible Y/N!” It was Shawn. Shawn Mendes was talking to you again. You sat there wide eyed, with bright red cheeks feeling a bit embarrassed about the fact that he just heard you sing, but you also felt slightly confused about the fact that he said it was incredible. You never thought your voice was really any good. You sang in choirs before, and you sing in the shower and in the car, but you always looked at singing as a hobby. You wished for it to be something more, but that never seemed realistic to you.
"Uh, thank you!" You said with a small smile, and putting your phone in your back pocket.
"That voice of yours deserves to be on the radio or something, seriously. How long have you been singing?" Shawn walked over, and sat down next to you on the couch.
"I don't know, for as long as I can remember?" You laughed shyly, and looked at him, still wondering why he even thought you sounded good. Was he messing with you? Were you being pranked?
"You shouldn't be sitting on a couch backstage, you should be performing, on stage." Shawn was sitting rather close to you, and his voice was soft. He sounded genuine. You were in shock. Shawn Mendes, someone you thought had the voice of an angel, was saying that you had a good voice. And you didn't know what to say, so you just looked down and smiled, trying to remain as humble as possible.
Two years later
You played with the cord of the microphone as you tried to keep a straight face, while being interviewed backstage at the Teen Choice Awards. "You've gotten quite popular so quickly, do you ever miss when you weren't famous?" The woman said to you with a smile on her face.
"Of course, but I love this job. I'm grateful either way." You said simply. After a few more questions, you finally finished the interview. You sat backstage while people reapplied makeup, and you chatted with whoever else was getting their makeup done. Several people congratulated you on your new album that was just released, and you thanked them. Your life has drastically changed after your old friend Shawn Mendes had convinced you to post a over on YouTube. After you did, he shouted you out, causing you to gain thousands of followers and soon enough you were signed. But that was two years ago. You and Shawn talked as friends for maybe 6 months and then stopped. You don't know why but it just happened. Both of your lives were busy, so you didn't really let it bother you. Just as you were thinking of someone you haven't spoken to for so long, Shawn walked into the room backstage. You pretended not to notice by looking at yourself in the mirror, fixing any mistakes your makeup artists made. You weren't a makeup expert but sometimes your makeup artist didn't know what looked good on you.
"Y/N?" You heard him. Shawn. You saw him now too. You saw him behind you in the reflection of the mirror and you quickly turned around.
"Shawn!" You said kindly giving him an awkward hug.
"It's been so long. How are you? Congrats on your album by the way." He scratched the back of his neck as he spoke.
"Thank you! And I'm great, how are you?"
You remembered very well when you met Shawn two years ago, at this exact place. It was crazy how you went from taking pictures of celebrities, to actually becoming a celebrity and now you watched people take pictures of you. You and Shawn talked for about 20 minutes or so. The awards show was technically over and you were supposed to be attending an afterparty but instead you were here talking with Shawn. You both caught up on each other's lives and eventually you exchanged numbers. You had his number from two years ago, but apparently it was changed.
"I'm sorry for not talking to you for so long. I'm glad we caught up though, and I'd love to take this conversation further sometime, somewhere else." Shawn's cheeks were a pretty pink and it made you smile. Was he asking you on a date?
"Like.. Where?" You teased him and laughed, titling your head.
"You ever been to that coffee shop downtown?"
"I haven't actually." And so Shawn and you skipped the afterparty and went on a simple date to the coffee shop, and talked for the rest of the night.
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