#y'shtola is there for moral support
snow-system-wol · 5 months
After returning from Matoya's Relic to rest at the Rising Stones for a short while, S'ria is intent on making sure G'raha understands his efforts have been appreciated. Perhaps G'raha's sleep-deprived filter is a bit lacking, though -- as he responds with approximately three words more than he meant to.
S'ria was many things. He was, however, not an idiot. Even if there weren't some clear implications to Y'shtola's teasing, it was not subtle that G'raha's feelings for him went perhaps a bit beyond just admiration. (As if the Exarch had not all but admitted it himself, on multiple occasions.)
It had scared him at first. He'd maybe prefer that all feelings towards him be platonic at best, no matter who the person was. But G'raha was …kind. Kind and gentle and easy to trust (once they got through a few specific arguments back on the First.) That was almost worse. He felt like safe enough of a person that S'ria found himself…considering what it would be like. To be in a relationship like that of his own choosing.
That was most assuredly a terrible idea, though, wasn't it? Certainly not a way he'd like to mess up one of his closest friendships. It didn't seem like G'raha intended on acknowledging it himself anytime soon, so for now the matter could simply wait.
And wait it did, as they continued to make the best of their relative peace, as Alisaie and G'raha renewed their efforts to find a cure for tempering, as they actually made progress.
It was beautiful to behold, watching G'raha shift from awkwardly desperate to help Alisaie to becoming so invested in the research that he simply forgot to be anxious. For his own part, S'ria felt like he mostly succeeded in doing a bit of busy work and providing moral support, but that was alright. The important part was that Alisaie and G'raha made it work.
S'ria expected G'raha to be riding that high for days. After all, this was truly an accomplishment for the history books – an accomplishment he made happen, rather than just earnestly recording.
However, something about returning to Mor Dhona made him reset to his prior self-consciousness, blind to his own place among the Scions.
"Full glad am I to have helped at all, with something so important."
There was something bittersweet in his voice that S'ria had come to easily recognize by now. 'I could've done more.' It'd been there many times, when he listened to G'raha, and rarely was he sure how to convince him otherwise – but he wasn't going to just let that go, not this time. If nothing else, just this once, he wanted to say his piece.
S'ria stepped closer, placing a hand on G'raha's shoulder. G'raha, startled, met S'ria's eyes – even if that required him to look upwards a good bit.
"G'raha, with all the respect I can give – you're slightly an idiot in regards to yourself." He ignored the look of confused indignation on G'raha's face and continued on undeterred. "–for somehow not recognizing that you're actually brilliant. You're 'glad to have helped at all'? I, and everyone else, all know that this would've been truly impossible without you. And I don't just mean your Allagan blood, I mean the fact that you just continuously pulled lost knowledge out of your head like it was nothing. I mean, you memorized an entirely new type of magic after it was shown on a screen for literally seconds."
"I–I don't–"
S'ria, uncharacteristically, pulled him into a hug. "...I hope you weren't about to disagree with me – it's the truth. I want you to understand how much you continue to impress me at every turn."
G'raha stood there, forehead resting on S'ria's shoulder, caught between the competing urges to start furiously blushing or to start crying. He didn't know what to say to that. For a man being told how much intelligence his mind held, it was rather blank at the moment. The recent sleep deprivation was not helping at all. Twelve help him, that must've been why the only words that managed to tumble out of his mouth were an "oh", followed immediately by a dumbfounded, "I love you".
Oh no. There was a reason he'd never said such a thing. He prepared to be pushed away, for S'ria to berate him in some manner, to be rejected. Instead, S'ria remained as he was, arms still wrapped loosely around G'raha.
"I know."
And that was almost worse, having the lack of subtlety he'd shown confirmed for him. How long ago did S'ria figure this out? He didn't seem… upset, though. And he'd spent all this time with him lately, despite knowing about those feelings. Which meant… which meant what exactly? That wasn't clear. He could easily lose sleep if he didn't stop analyzing this.
G'raha had never really had his feelings not rebuked immediately, so he really wasn't sure where to go from there. Just pretending he never blurted that out was probably not the right path though. G'raha cautiously filed 'have a probably very embarrassing and/or terrifying conversation' onto his ever growing to-do list.
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tallbluelady · 2 years
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Now, you’ll have to speak in front of the entire forum. Will that work for you?
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allycryz · 2 years
otp asks 1, 15, 39, 53, 54 💜
1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
This feels most Thancred to me out of any of them.
15. Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
Ever since Nerys almost lost Haurchefant, she has made a point of saying I love you when one of them has to go away. And this only magnified post SB patches because Nerys was trying to figure out how to (a) tell Y'shtola she loved her and (b) tell Thancred she still loved him and wanted to get back together when they were whisked away
Urianger actually has the most trouble saying it because he gets very flustered by the whole thing
39. Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?
Oh they all would but Haurchefant especially, he loves animals. He has all the know-how to so his lovers would mostly offer moral support and any healing magic required
When Ysayle is visiting, especially once they have their own house, she could be visiting for a date with Nerys...or closeted with Haurchefant in the stables
53. Would they ever go skinny dipping?
Not only would they but they have and they all will
Y'shtola isn't as fond of it so will wade in the shallows with Urianger
54. Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed?
Haurchefant "six men had to hold him back" Greystone carries everyone. Even Y'shtola, who is very particular about who is allowed to carry her or be her big spoon.
He once princess carried fellow tank Hades who refuses to admit it flustered him for hours after thank you very much
(When Hythlodaeus is around and he is constantly like "oh no :3 my knees are weak tonight :3 if only someone strong :3 could carry me to the bed" and Haurche is all "oh well >:D if you don't mind >:D I could be of assistance >:D my dear Hythlodaeus >:D")
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autumnslance · 4 years
((Free Day for FFXIV Write 2020, a WIP I’ve dithered on for awhile. Early Stormblood; follows the "Foibles" prompt’s events. Below the cut for those who prefer Tumblr to Ao3.))
Rhalgr’s Reach slowly recovered from the assault as the days passed. The bodies had been buried and all rites given, the living granted their too-brief time to mourn. Now came clearing the rubble, repairing what could be repaired, and somehow finding replacements for what could not.
Recruitment and morale were low, but Conrad and M’naago hoped to make steady progress while working with the Alliance forces, as even the token victories managed before the assault had aided their cause considerably. The Imperials, for their part, seemed content to allow the Eorzeans to have the East End and much of the lower Fringes, secure as the enemy was in Castrum Velodyna.
Krile, Arenvald, and a few other junior Scions continued to lend their aid to the efforts, even as they prepared to escort the worst injured back across the border to Gridania once they were well enough to travel. Y’shtola would continue on to Mor Dhona to recover in the comfort of the Rising Stones and take her turn as the senior Scion in the Toll; Thancred was now in the Reach, since she was injured and their comrades headed to the Far East.
Thancred’s mopey thoughtfulness since arriving in Gyr Abania had not been lost on Y’shtola, and she resolved to draw the cause out of him before she left. It would not do to have their senior representative in a surly mood at this critical juncture. The next opportunity presented itself not two days before she was scheduled to leave.
“What exactly is the problem now?” Y’shtola asked as Thancred entered her little sectioned-off “room” in the Barber to deliver her tea, then dropped onto the floor between the bed and the chair she currently inhabited, as he sighed heavily.
“So grouchy. Do you also require your medication?”
“No. And I am not ‘grouchy’. You obviously wish to discuss something.”
“It is not that I mind aiding the war efforts here in Gyr Abania,” he said with no further preamble. “I am simply missing people, with so many now off to the Far East. Having you ready to return to Mor Dhona seems to have sharpened that feeling somehow.”
“I am terribly sorry my recovery is inconvenient to your mood,” she said as she sipped her tea. He had remembered exactly the right amount of honey and cream.
“That is not what I meant and you know it,” Thancred said, settling onto his back, hands behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling.
“I am merely waiting for you to arrive at the point.”
“Remember when we were all still back in the Waking Sands, and I was rather foolishly pining after certain colleagues?”
“No,” she said, as acerbic as possible. He glanced up and caught her smile. “It only happened often enough to make keeping track difficult,” Y’shtola teased. Then she grew serious. “Except perhaps in one instance, where so far as I can tell, you never truly stopped pining.”
He winced and looked back at the ceiling. “You don’t miss much. Though I like to think I was managing my boyish infatuation and simply enjoying having so good a friend as Aeryn has turned out to be. I honestly expected nothing more, and I know there was...another interest.”
Y’shtola nodded. She had not known Lord Haurchefant well, but what she recalled was entirely favorable. She had returned from the Lifestream after the man’s sacrifice, but had heard much from Alphinaud and Tataru.
“I thought,” Thancred continued. “On my return from the wilderness, that much had changed for both of us. We practically had to learn how to be friends all over again. We sorted it out, however, and talked--about Minfilia, Lord Haurchefant, and others.”
“And you find your ‘boyish infatuation’ renewed?”
“No,” he said flatly. Her ear flicked at the seriousness of his tone. “I know those; they are often fleeting things, much as I enjoy that time and company. Or, did; I’ve not experienced such since...well, since before our Lifestream mishap, actually. Oh, I have spent a night or two sating physical desire with willing company, but it is...less satisfying, after everything.”
“Don’t tell me you have become celibate.”
He laughed. “Perish the thought! But it’s not as much of a priority anymore. For one, events do not always afford the time. But mostly because...There is only one person I am truly interested in, but she is--so far as I know--not interested in me.”
“You just said your infatuation had not returned.”
“It has not,” he replied. “I have been examining the situation, and have come to a new conclusion.”
“I believe I am...perhaps...falling for her,” Thancred said quietly, reluctantly.
Hearing him say what she had long suspected was somehow still surprising. It was not that he had never fallen in love before--Y’shtola had been present for those few affairs, as both critic and support--but it was exceedingly rare that he allowed himself such a luxury; she had seen him too often sabotage his own relationships, usually due to his own deep-rooted feelings of inadequacy hidden behind his charming smiles and sarcastic wit. The man had only recently developed the capacity--or perhaps more accurately, the willing vulnerability--for the deeper levels of communication required to maintain longer term relationships with an intimate partner. Perhaps that contributed to this realization; Y’shtola knew he and Aeryn had been speaking more.
She also knew a few things Aeryn had confided to her, when seeking a viewpoint with more maturity and experience than Lyse or Tataru could offer.
This was going to be tricky; neither of these dear, swiving idiots would say anything to the other if not nudged--or outright shoved--in the proper direction. Luckily for them, they had both chosen her as a confidante.
“Have you asked her if she is interested?” Y’shtola asked.
He frowned, his uncovered eye turning to her. “I know she does not care for intimate relations--”
“And yet, she has had some form of intimate relationships,” Y’shtola pointed out. “That she does not look at others and feel such attraction does not preclude a want for intimacy--including physical, in some cases. In any event, it does not mean one wants to be without close companionship.” She paused to take another sip from her cup while he thought. “If she is willing for something other than friendship, then she can set boundaries and communicate what she is able to give. ‘Tis a matter of respect and patience, which I know you fully capable of.” She leaned over, careful of her slowly healing injuries. “And I will not hear excuses that you are not ‘good enough’ for the Warrior of Light, Thancred.”
“Gods, I must be in a state, if you are being kind,” he smiled up at her fondly.
She smiled back and reached down her free hand; he took it and gave her a gentle squeeze. “I’m a bit surprised, however, that you have no words of warning about entertaining such notions with a colleague,” he said.
Now he was looking for a reasonable out; she wasn’t about to give it to him. “I trust that to be something you have already considered yourself, and part of the reluctance to admit to these feelings,” Y'shtola answered as she let go of his hand and sat back again. “Denying your heart will do no favors for your working relationship, either; it must be confronted and discussed like reasonable adults.”
Not that her friends were reasonable, but they could at least pretend for a time she mused as she sipped more tea.
“‘Tis a moot point at the moment, you know,” he said. “She is in the East. It shall be moons before they’re all back.”
“Then we shall have to keep you from stewing over the matter too much in the meantime,” Y’shtola replied lightly. “And if your feelings have not changed by the time our colleagues do return to us, then you shall have even less excuse to not speak with the woman.”
“Logical as ever. Thank you, Shtola.”
“You’re welcome, Thancred. Now, will you get off my floor?” She set aside her empty tea cup.
“But it’s cool and actually fairly comfortable. I think I wore myself out running Arenvald through his paces earlier. The boy’s come a long way and has far too much enthusiasm for sparring practice.”
“Thancred, please; I wish to nap.”
“I’m not stopping you,” he replied cheekily, hands behind his head again, a faint smirk on his lips as he closed his eyes.
Y’shtola sighed--exaggerating a tad, perhaps--and carefully, slowly, moved from the chair, giving him only a light kick in the ribs as a formality. He playfully grunted at her tap, otherwise not moving, as she lay down carefully in her bed.
She was not sure if he actually intended to sleep as well, or was simply using her room for the companionable silence and safety from Resistance officers and enthusiastic sparring partners it offered. No matter; she did not truly mind his presence--he knew she had fewer nightmares of Zenos (helm looming over her, cold voice taunting before the world shattered, leaving her drowning in her own blood) when another was near--and if Thancred sought his own form of comfort, she could not begrudge him that when their fellow Scions were ever so far away.
The pair slept, keeping each other company.
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jenovahh · 5 years
May a request a fluffy fic of Emet discovering Wol pregnant with his child (whos unaware that she is pregnant ) by accident when he sees not just the color of her soul but another along side hers.
Looking up, you find Y'shtola marching toward you quite determined, but with a gentle, and dare you say excited look.
"Yes, Y'shtola?"
Coming close, she leans to whisper in your ear. "Have you been with Emet-Selch lately? Spending time with him?" she asks, eyes pinning you down. You definitely have no reason to lie to her, with the Scions becoming more supportive of you and his relationship.
"Well yes...I've been seeing him lately...why?"
Her tail fluffs up, ears following the motion as she breaks out in a breathtaking smile. "My curiosity is sated for the time being." she offers cryptically, giving you a friendly pat. "Take care of your health these next moons, dear Warrior." It is very unlike Y'shtola to be so animated; or so animated for her at least.
Emet-Selch had been away, tending to matters he did not want to reveal to you. You didn't doubt that it was regarding to his plans for the Rejoining being so irrepairably thrown asunder, all by your doing. Granted he had made a show, huffing and puffing about it, but all it took was a squeeze of his hand and a kiss on the cheek to remind him you had both had lived, and the stability of the First restored.
In the time he was away, the Scions seemed especially careful with you, as if you were a fragile porcelain doll. Ryne would run all of your errands, the Exarch would deliver all manner of home cooked meals to your room in the Crystarium. Urianger would always stop by with different kinds of teas for your health, and Thancred would hover like a second shadow on the days you stubbornly insisted you do your  errands.
"Must you really tail me everywhere?" You groan, the two of you trudging through the purple marsh of Lakeland. "I'm not even going after an A rank; just a harmless little B rank this time, since all of you refuse to let me do anything else!"
Thancred merely raises his hands defensively, that same roguish grin ever present. "I'm under orders milady." he chuckles. The moment is lost however as he tackles you to the ground, the shadow of a blue paw the size of your head barely missing you.
The two of you land on the ground with a thud, Thancred angling the two of you to where he took the brunt of the fall. "Are you allright?" he asks, eyes turning to the large, bear like beast glaring at you.
"I am fine, Thancred," you huff, both of you quickly rolling out the way as the bear charges forward. Suddenly tired, you stand on shaky legs, barely able to draw your weapon as the the bear changes his route to begin charging at you. Distantly you hear Thancred curse, the sound of his gunbreaker being loaded as he runs toward the bear.
Before he can reach it, the bear disappears in an explosion of magic, a lone man standing in it's place.
"'Really. I thought you capable of taking care of yourself, dear hero."
Emet-Selch stands with his arms crossed behind his back, looking down at you. His tone is as condescending as ever, but you can see the concern hiding in those eyes. "I am taking care of myself." you huff, crossing your arms.
"Quite. And I'm sure your friend here is tagging along for moral support." He drones, looking over to the friend in question.
Thancred only shrugs, strapping his gunbreaker back in place. “Hey, like I told her. I’m on strict guard duty.” 
“Guard duty?” Emet-Selch repeats, eyes turning back to you, where you can only give him a shrug. “The Scions have been following me around as if I’m but a child.” you sigh.
Thancred chokes back a laugh at that, doing a poor job at covering at as you two focus on him. “Care to enlighten us?” Emet-Selch prompts, clearly annoyed to not hold all the cards.
“Something you don’t know, for once?” he laughs, grinning ear to ear. “I cannot fully blame you, since you have been away. That does give plenty time for things to develop after all.” Turning, he waves nonchalantly. “I trust I can leave her in your hands Ascian.” The word is still wielded like an insult, but has none of it’s former bite. He only does it to annoy Emet-Selch, who only pouts as he watches the other man walk away.
“What is he going on about...I know everything,” he stops in his tracks, finally looking at you. His eyes are wide, jaw agape as he stares at your stomach.“Emet?” you ask, lifting your shirt for inspection. There’s no stains on it...
He says nothing as he walks toward you, hands out stretched to bring you closer. You allow him to pull you close, his eyes roaming over you with such disbelief you find yourself feeling uneasy. “Hades...” you murmur, snapping him out of his shock.
“I apologize my love, it’s just...” a smile slowly creeps across his handsome face, eyes crinkling with pure joy. “Your soul shines so brightly today.” Leaning close, he releases a sigh, leaning his head atop yours. “In fact, I would say twice as bright.”
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