#ya don’t realise i’m obsessed
just-a-fluffy-knight · 2 months
Little Sass Factory
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Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: canon typical language, Logan being ruthless and Wade being a teasy asshole
A/N: LETS GOOO DEADPOOL AND WOLVIE FIC‼️‼️ I’ve been wanting to write for these guys ever since I saw the movie y’all have no idea I am so obsessed with them right now 😞 AND A PLUS BEING THIS DOESNT NECESSARILY SPOIL THE MOVIE SOOOO YALL CAN READ IT 🙌🏻🙌🏻
I really hope y’all like this bc I cannot stop thinking about them and yapping about them to my buddies 😭🙏🏻 Like as much as I’d love to wreck these two, I cannot stop thinking about them as a ler duo so have this :]
Tag List: @prairleedog (THANKS FOR THE TITLE INSPO POOKALOOKS 🙏🏻❤️) @kittenwhiskers @cherry-bomb-blush
“Y’know what? I’m actually real excited for this! Moony has been wanting to write a thing with us for a while now! Good on her for pushing through the writers block, that shit sucks ass.”
“…What the hell are you talking about?! We’re looking for the kid, remember!?”
And that they were. They’d been scouring the apartment for like… six minutes now trying to find you. But somehow, you’d been able to consistently switch hiding spots without them noticing.
How? They had no clue. The pair wouldn’t have been surprised discovering you were also some kind of mutant but with advanced sneakiness, if that was even a thing.
Wade was actually having a bit of fun with this, whereas Logan… he was getting pretty pissed. More so than usual.
“Kid, I swear to god, if you don’t show yourself in ten goddamn seconds, I WILL start tearing this fucking place down!”
Logan crouched, his claws instantly coming out, making Wade panic.
“Woaaah, woah, woah, woah! Easy, Peanut, we’re trying to find ‘em! Not kill them, which may sound a little rich coming from me-“
“I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to be angry. The kid decided to pull that shit on us and then split. And now we can’t find ‘em.” The older man growled, his claws retracting back into his hands.
“And this is the moment we start working together!” Wade announced, an arm slung around Logan’s shoulder that most likely would’ve been sliced if he hadn’t allowed the latter to shrug it off in annoyance.
However, Logan swiftly turned at the sound of a noise nearby, his eyebrow raising as he went to check it out, leaving Wade to keep rambling about nonsense he didn’t understand.
“God, where’s Peter Parker when you need him?? Actually, I don’t think I’d mind a lil bit of Miguel O’hara…” Wade let out a long whistle.
“…Ah wait, he doesn’t have that Spidey-Tingle , fUCK-!”
The merc suddenly yelped as he was grabbed by his collar, being yanked towards where Logan was moving.
Meanwhile, you were curled up, both hands over your mouth as you tried to shut yourself up, anxious titters threatening to give yourself away.
You mentally berated that stupid floorboard that just had to creak at the slightest bit of goddamn pressure.
“Ohhh, Y/NNNNN! Come on out now, we’re not gonna hurt ya!”
The sound of the merc’s goofy teasing made you snicker even more, but when you heard how close Logan’s voice was to the closet, you froze.
“Why the hell do you have to talk like that?”
“Whaaat? It turns up the fun knob a little bit! And I know they can hear meeeee!” Wade crooned in that same sing-song tone, followed by an unamused huff from Logan.
“We’re gonna getcha, we’re gonna getchaaaa!”
God, could they just get out the room?? You had to throw them off again and fast. During your panicked inner monologue, you were soon met with… silence.
You relaxed, knowing you must’ve had an opportunity.
…At least you did until you realised something. When the hell is it ever quiet when those two are together?
Then, you heard a hushed voice coming from outside the closet door.
“Ladies and gents, this is the moment you’ve waited for…”
…Oh, fuck.
Without warning, the closet doors were swung open by Wade, and the merc jokingly vocalised (very off-key too) while throwing his arms up with a flourish.
As you yelped in fear and dashed out the closet, Wade laughed and made a glance towards… well, air.
“If ya know, ya know!”
You quickly slipped past Wade, also laughing as you ran out the door to the room you’d been hiding in.
“Yohou’ll never take me al- ACK-!”
You yelped again as two strong arms wrapped around your torso, hoisting you up and off the floor.
“And just where do you think you’re goin, bub?”
“Wait, wahahait! Logan, hohold on-“
“No no no no no, I’m not waiting for anything.” Logan interrupted, carrying you back into the bedroom. “Not after you pulled that shit.”
“Oh, whahat? A little bit of water?”
“I wouldn’t say the rubber band on the sink trick counts as a little bit of water, Y/N.” Wade snickered, crossing his arms and smiling proudly at the fact you’d been caught.
“Come ohon, it wasn’t that bahAD-!” You yelped again as you were tossed onto the bed, still giggling. “Whahat’s the matter? Couldn’t shake the water off, kitty cat?”
The older hero scowled threateningly at you, ignoring Wade who sniggered at the joking insult.
“You heheard me!”
Just as Logan was about to full on lunge towards you, Wade grabbed him.
“Hey, hey! Easy now, boy.” The merc spoke like he was talking to a feral dog, making Logan glare at him and growl.
“God, what now?”
“We gotta approach slowly! It builds up anticipation…” As Wade spoke, he began slowly approaching, carefully clambering onto the bed. “And proves to this little prankster how royally fucked they are!”
And it was working. Your giggles soon turned nervous, and you curled up, attempting to shy away from Wade (but not actually putting a lot of effort into getting away, much to Logan’s surprise and Wade’s amusement).
“And theeeen I’m juuust gonnaaaaaa…”
Suddenly, the merc’s arms swiftly looped under your own, lifting and leaving your, well, everything pretty much exposed and unable to be protected.
“Go on, boy! Gettem! Gettem, boy!”
Logan’s fury was way too fuelled by Wade’s stupid comments to even allow you to get a word in edgeways, instantly lunging forwards before digging and vibrating his claw-shaped hands right into your ribs.
“OhoH SHIHIHIT-! L-Logan, gehet OHOHOFF-!” A squeal left your mouth as you burst into frantic giggles and tried to kick, only for the older man to firmly shove right back at your legs, rendering you unable to fight back.
“God, will you just- quit the kicking?” Logan growled, a surprising air of playfulness behind it as he shot his hands right down to your thighs, firmly kneading there.
Despite already squealing your ass off, you couldn’t help but make a quip.
“Mahahaking biscuits reheally isn’t gonna hehehelp you beat the kitty allegahations, buhud-!”
Another low grumble filled the room, before Logan turned his head to Wade.
“Shut the kid up.”
“Roger that!”
Wade did a dumb salute before unhooking his arms from under yours to wiggle his fingers right into your armpits.
“AAAAHHHHHAHA DAMMIHIHIT-!” You practically shrieked, your giggles instantly shifting into full blown laughter as you pinned your elbows to your ribs, trying to squirm away but failing thanks to that iron grip Logan had on your legs.
“Ooh! I think I got a killer spot here, Logan!”
“Hmph, that’s nothin. Watch this.”
Logan earned another screech by mercilessly drilling his thumbs into your hips, making you buck instinctively and cackle uncontrollably.
“Nuh-uh! Armpits are the killer!” Wade protested, the merc speeding up his tickles on your underarms.
“Fat chance! They’re like a banshee when you get ‘em here!”
You wanted to protest, but all you could focus on were those hands attacking your weak spots.
Eventually, you felt them thankfully let up.
…For now, anyway.
“Now, Y/N. There is a way we can squash this beef, y’know.”
Logan sighed at Wade’s words, never understanding this ridiculous slang he dropped into conversation like it was nothing.
“Maybe a simple phrase such as… ‘I’m sorry?’”
“I can do one better.” Logan interrupted. “How about ‘I’m sorry I was a jabbering little sass factory who had the audacity to pull a dumb fuckin prank on people who didn’t do jack?’”
While catching your breath, you sealed what was basically your death wish.
“Oh, yeheah, Captain Caveman? Wheheres your helicopter cluhub, you gonna hit mehe with it?”
Logan fell silent again… while Wade couldn’t help but let out a wheeze at the quip.
“Ohoh, my god! Baby’s first character comparison joke, I’ve taught you so well..!” Wade sniffed dramatically, wiping a fake tear of proudness from the corner of his eye.
However, he froze once he heard you mutter something else.
“Thahat’s right, Mr Clehean-“
A strong gasp of offence left the merc as he placed a hand on his chest, while Logan gave him a smug look at not being the only one who was insulted.
“I beg your finest fucking pardon?! You think that’s any way to talk to Marvel Jesus and his very hairy disciple here!?”
Logan gave Wade another unamused glare.
“Y’know what?”
Wade then swiftly grabbed you again.
“Give ‘em the whiskers, Peanut!”
“They’re not whiskers, they’re muttonchops, you dumb fuck.”
“Same thing! Or shall I pull the move and do a much better job as always?”
The older man snarled, lowering his head down.
“I’ll show you who does it better, asshole…”
“Okay, wait, wahait-! W-What mohove is thiHIHIS-?!”
You cut yourself off with yet another shriek as Logan suddenly blew a giant raspberry right against your stomach, the added sensations that his facial hair provided making you near silent laughter.
It was clear that Logan was basically taking out all his pent up annoyance at Wade on you, and good god it tickled super bad.
And Wade? He was being no help either, as usual.
“Awww, wook at the giggwy wittle baby! Are the Badger Berries making their tummy all tickly? And are they having the time of their life? Yes, they are! Yes, they aaare!”
…Asshole. (Even if he was right.)
You did pride yourself on lasting about five raspberries (Wade could only ever really handle two), but you eventually had to tap your hand against one of Wade’s arms that were still hooked under yours.
“Okahay, Logan. Give em a rest.”
Despite his annoyed hesitance, Logan leant back up, allowing you to get your breath back in shaky pants.
“Geheez… you twoho are juhuhust..!”
“We’re waiting, kid.”
The older man interrupted, giving you a playful but threatening look.
“Fihine… I-I’m sohorry..!” You sighed, your face red as anything as you blinked away little tears that had pricked in the corners of your eyes.
“There we go! That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Wade teased, resting his chin on your shoulder, in which you just rolled your eyes.
“Anyway, we better get ready for round two, huh?”
…Uh oh.
“WHAT?! B-Buhut I apologised!”
Wade did a pretend ‘apologetic asshole’ wince.
“Yeah… but this attack was more only to get you to apologise. This one is to actually teach you a lesson!”
“But thahat’s bullshit-!”
“Well, it’s a good thing we don’t give a fuck.”
Logan shared a look of pure mischief with Wade.
“Let’s gettem.”
And just like that, you were screaming and laughing the apartment down once more, as Logan nuzzled his furry face right into your belly again, pretending to eat it and growling playfully while Wade wrapped his arms around you and blew a raspberry right into the crook of your neck.
Yeah… you were gonna be here for a while.
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messylustt · 1 year
I just finished the Miguel fic and its not bested YET my standers are HIGH. With that being said i have a hobie blurb/fic idea
goody reader! who hobie swear he cant stand (he's obssessed)
you angelllll and this scenario for hobie—ugh it lives rent free now THANK YOU my sweet anon
GOODY-TWO-SHOES AND BRITISH PUNK — hobie brown + reader: just hobie pushing away the fact that he’s obsessed with you, by finding your goody nature “annoying”.
marks no warnings. just a bit of banter. wc 1.6k.
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When you joined the spider society, everyone thought of you as ‘sweet’ and an all in all ‘do gooder’. Many found it endearing, while Hobie claimed to think the complete opposite.
Even though his mouth was saying things like “ya could ‘ave aimed that web better.” And “maybe try catchin’ the evil guy next time…ay?” His body had always stayed close to you.
He said things regarding your ‘sweetness’, pinning it as ‘no good’, it won’t help being overly sweet while fighting bad guys. And god did you being a little ‘do gooder’ and following the rules piss him off the most.
But even after all those confirmations in his head he found himself looking for you, standing next to you in de-briefs or when a few of you would just hang out. It was always when you were in a group—Hobie was near.
And right now as you listened to Jess speak on the new ‘villain of the week’, you felt a presence beside you. As you glanced to the left you saw Hobie, standing, hands in pockets, as he acted oblivious to his own body’s movements.
He had moved closer to you. In his head he brushed it off as him just making sure you were listening and paying attention to Jess’s words so that you wouldn’t fuck anything up this time. (Not that Hobie ever does pay that much attention himself).
Hobie had never been a nitpicker, but when it came to you he noticed all the details. He could almost tell you your own body’s habits before you even realised them yourself. Like the little nose scrunch you’d do when you were bored. Or the tilt of your head, signalling that you were really trying to listen. Or even the press of your lips, showing that you were just…thinking.
He didn’t pay much attention to his reasons for taking such close notice though. No. Because he's sure that the sole reason (only one) is because you've always annoyed him.
“So please….” Jess is saying. “Please don’t touch any of the guy’s gadgets.”
Then the debrief is over, and you’re getting to your feet, having jumped up onto a ledge. Hobie can’t help but watch as you began to walk towards a portal. “Careful there luv…woul’n’t want you to get ahead of yourself. Maybe ya should stay back this round?” Hobie walks backwards, leaning his head slightly to the side as he moves to the portal.
You press your lips together, eyeing him. What is she thinking about?—Hobie thought to himself, eyeing you back, as he continues to speak. “To be good at ya job, ya gotta loosen up on those rules, ya do know that…right?”
“You say that like you think I’m wound tight.” You say, slowly walking with him—his feet still walking backwards as you walked forward.
He raises a brow. “Aren’t you, luv?” He tongue began to absentmindedly play with his lip ring, dragging it slightly between his teeth as he neared the portal. Then he’s leaning back, and falling through it, you not far behind.
The portal had opened up over a high sky, resulting in you both falling. Hobie tilted his head, watching as you faced each other, skyrocketing down. You spare him a tilt of your head, before your web is attaching to a building as you slip away from his line of sight. And Hobie doesn’t know why but his lips had began to twitch up.
Shooting his own web out, he swung to a stop on the building, where everyone else resided. And of course, he yet again moved closer to you.
Directions were given by Jess as the spider variants all went their separate ways. "Nah, you're comin' with me." Hobie says, grabbing your arm as he pulls you towards the edge of the building. "I thought I bothered you too much..." you mutter more to yourself.
"What was that?" Hobie asks, but you just spare him a "Hm?" before you're web slinging to the next building. Hobie scoffs, copying the action.
Soon you're both swinging past buildings, and when Hobie attaches his web to where yours was gonna go, your face actually displays a slight scowl. Hobie raises his brows—effortlessly swinging backwards. "See...I knew ya were fakin' ya sweetness." Hobie comments through the wind.
"And when were you paying so much attention to me for you to know that?" You call back, slipping past him as your hand slightly brushes his guitar strap. He doesn't like the feeling that crawled up his neck when you brushed so close. He was the one who initiated the closeness, and you having barely touched him made him quickly follow you.
Then you're both swinging almost together, Hobie's gaze stuck on your relaxed posture. "Ya did learn from last time right, luv?" Hobie asks, to which you lazily glance at him.
"That wasn't my fault." You say, slipping through a narrow gap. Hobie went over so as not to scratch his guitar. "Ya can't be that blind...can ya?"
"You know, I've never understood why you act like this." You say, coming to a stop on a lower building and gazing down, spotting the gadget wearing anomaly. Hobie fluidly stops beside you as you both crouched down. But as you stared at the anomaly, Hobie stared at you.
"Act like what?" He asks, feeling a strange urge to pull your mask off. Why did he want to see your expressions when he was talking to you?
You glance at him. "Act like you hate me. Maybe you do...but I just can't pinpoint an exact reason why."
"Aw..." Hobie coos. "Scared not everyone is fallin' for ya goody-two-shoes act?"
"It's not an act. And I am not a goody-two-shoes." You slightly huff out.
"Yeah ya are..." Hobie hums out, almost sounding amused. "You always follow the rules, being a dottin' little helper to Miguel."
You look back to the anomaly. Jess had said to wait, as backup, so you do, trying your best to ignore a now closer hobie. "And you always do that...can't find a reason for it either." You mutter.
"Do what?" Hobie shifts closer. You turn your head, eyeing him. "That. Coming close."
"Maybe I'm scared you might do something overly heroic, just to get into Miguel's good books."
"Hobie being scared? Now that's a first." Hobie's surprised to hear the clear sarcasm in your voice. "And what makes you think I'm trying so hard to get into Miguel's 'good books'?" You ask.
"Ya are always the first to accept missions." Hobie says, and he hopes you don't notice his slight jealous tone. "And Miguel seems rather pleased with that."
"Maybe because I'm doing my job?" You ask, finally glancing at him again. And Hobie can't help but swiftly grab your mask. He wanted to know if you were bored, thinking, or actually listening to him.
"Hobie..." You say, reaching for your mask again. "I need that."
But Hobie just pockets it in his jacket. "Nah, Jess won't need us. She's too prideful and...usually completes missions..." He eyes you like he's hinting at something.
"I'm sorry—but when have I ever not completed a mission?" You have a slight frown on your face. And Hobie grins under his mask, liking seeing your expressions. Especially because he's been able to get new ones, like a frown and a scowl.
"Last week." He answers, fiddling with your mask material in his pocket.
You groan. "I told you, that wasn't my fault."
"Hm..." Hobie's eyes had begun to grow distracted in your moving mouth, noticing the details...yet again. The way they would slightly part when you were confused. You were confused now, so Hobie got a chance to see a fraction of your teeth. Why was he focusing so hard? And maybe if his mask was off, you would see exactly where his gaze was trapped.
"Hobie." You say, noticing he had stayed silent for a little too long. "Hobie." You shuffle closer to knock his shoulder. "Can I have my mask back?"
But he just began to shake his head. "Nah...I think I'll keep it." He then stands, looking down at you. You quickly get to your feet also, eyes narrowed. "Why? I do actually need it."
Hobie just shrugs, feeling thoroughly amused with the whole situation. You go to reach for his pocket, but he easily dodges. "This is really not the time." You mutter, trying again. But Hobie just moves around you.
You then swiftly shoot a web, aiming for the inside of his pocket, but hobie snatches the end, yanking you towards him, making tumble to a stop against his chest. And you can feel the slight rumble of a chuckle, making you quickly stand straight, only for your breath to hitch.
Because now his mask is off, and he's extremely close. Now you can see his eyes dart, fully absorbing your details, and you actually grow to feel a tad nervous. "Can I please have it back?"
"Back to the fake sweetness, are we?" He asks, his gaze now stopping on your lips.
"It's not fake." You mutter out, moving to step back, but Hobie tightens his hold on your web, keeping you still. "What are you doing?" You ask, a slight groan of annoyance edging your tone.
Hobie tilts his head, acting as if he isn't doing anything, as his finger comes out to just brush your collarbone through your suit. You don't know what to do, as you stare at him. He'd never been this close, facing you, at least. He's always been behind you or beside you. And now as his tongue comes out to lick his full lips, you find your gaze getting caught up in the action.
"I'm not a goody-two-shoes..." You choose to say, still slightly hung up on the nickname.
"Yeah...ya are." Hobie repeats, this time quieter. "...but it's..." You narrow your eyes on him. 'It's' what? "It's kinda cute, luv."
Your eyes widen. "W-what?"
"Hm?" He quickly hums, before he's webbing away, making you spin to gaze after him. "Hobie!" You call, as you quickly web after him.
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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yureichi · 7 months
I was scrolling through Pinterest when I came across a post about QON chapter 21 and some comments were crazy with purity obsession. There’s people out there who really think that having sex ruins a character. The series is YA, so, not explicit, but the sexually liberated, partying naked, several lovers, staring-at-your-crush-while-kissing-other-people culture of the Folk is often brought up. So I don’t see why people trouble themselves reading the books if the subject bothers them so much.
Someone really said that Jude and Cardan’s first time was degrading and out of character for Jude - I’m sorry, what?? How is a young married couple having sex degrading? Jude had the hots for Cardan from the get go, even in TCP (even though back then she was too busy hating his attitude and his bullshit to realise and that ended up severally repressing and undermining her physical attraction to him), the moment she kissed him and enjoyed it a little too much she was DOOMED. She was raging and furious while simultaneously imagining his mouth on her in the Queen of Mirth scene. She gave in into him in the very first (actual, physical) move he made on her, dude kissed her and their clothes were gone, consequences be damned. They spent months apart, were missing each other badly and were horny. So, yeah, them sleeping together was, in fact, very in character and expected. Jude provoking him with his fantasies and losing her virginity on top was on point with the girl she is and I wouldn’t expect anything less from her lol.
People really need to stop purifying fictional characters so they can fit into their niche needs and they really really need to stop demonizing sex. It’s how you ended up in the world in the first place. It’s normal. Most people do it. If you don’t feel up to it, there’s no need to do it or consume media where it’s portrayed in a nice and positive way. Go find a shape in the clouds before shaming people (both real and fictional) for normal human (and faerie, of course) behaviour.
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fan-goddess · 1 year
Support for the Queen
Taglist: @sylas-the-grim, @valeskafics, @lovelykhaleesiii, @arcielee, @barbiedragon, @cyeco13, @lunaoieoie,
warnings: Viserys as a kind of shitty dad is mentioned, Brat taming, p in v sex, teasing, praise kink, for the first time ever there is spitting people, breeding kink at the end, also exhibitionism if ya squint,
This is based on this request here
Authors Note: there may be errors, I don’t really know. I tried as much as I could even though I did quite enjoy writing this :)
Series masterlist here
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Aemond never actually realised how male dominated the chess world actually was before you’d came into both his life, and the life of the chess world.
Soon, he’d become an undefeated champion for years. None were willing to take a chance of an embarrassing defeat, and instead thought it was better for themselves to surrender their kings early like cowards. It was the same routine, utterly boring and pointless, until he finally met you.
His elder sisters had no interest in chess at all, even though his father had tried hard for years to change their minds. The effort his father went though was shocking to all his kids to say the least. The many varieties of chess sets that were purchased was extortionate, and so was the cost of all the grand chess masters that Viserys had hired to play matches in front of them to try and spark some type of interest. In the end, both attempts failed disastrously.
The most they interacted with one of these attempts was when Rhaenyra his eldest sister got a Barbie themed chess set for her birthday, with Barbie on the side of the whites and Ken on the side of the blacks. She took one look at it and couldn’t stop laughing at how ridiculous it was, much to his fathers annoyance. As according to Rhaenyra, he’d gotten the game custom made and supposedly cost him an absolute fortune.
His father had tried hard with his elder brother too, but like with his sisters, he also soon lost interest in the game. He become a burnout before he could even begin to be forced to compete in any competitions. The lucky bastard...
Viserys though hadn’t really tried with Aemond. Deeming his wish for a prodigy child already gone and hopeless. Though after Aemond had the accident, he’d found himself easily becoming bored just sitting in his hospital room. The crap tv was only showing the same six episodes of some lame kids show, and the lone window only displayed the reflective wall of a tall skyscraper.
Aemond doesn’t remember too much of the hospital, as he was constantly being pumped with some green pills that now he’s older, is surprised how the hospital found it fine to give to a ten year old.
But what he does remember, is that in the corner collecting dust was an old an old chess. It was practically gathering dust. The wood finish looked old and faded, and there were a couple pieces missing. Still, it was a better way to waste time than any else there.
A couple hours later, when Viserys had walked in on Aemond playing against himself, Aemonds “normal childhood” was over. As I’m Viserys eyes, he’d finally found that prodigy kid he so dreamed of to latch onto. From that moment, all Viserys had made him do was tournament after tournament.
It grew tiresome after a while though. As soon after he’d begun to properly compete, Aemond found himself becoming an undefeated champion in his league. None were willing to take a chance of an embarrassing defeat, and instead thought it was better for themselves to surrender their kings early like cowards. It was the same routine, utterly boring and pointless. That was until however, he’d finally met you.
You’d fascinated him since he first met you. The miniature jab you gave him when not even three seconds after looking at the board, and already you were predicting a move just like he could do. It wasn’t much, but it certainly made him begin that road of obsession.
Obsession over you. Obsession over your talent. He even found himself obsessing over the interviews that usually he’d tend to ignore. But after he met you, suddenly he’d find himself having the urge to check the chess monthly magazine, and any other type of news that studied chess, in every store just to see where you would pop up next and who’d you next defeat.
Plus, that little battle of the boards that he’d had with you those months after he’d beaten you. Those were fucking precious to him.
The obsession though didn’t even stop after the two or you had agreed to date.
At the current moment, he’s watching you once again be the only woman competing in this tournament. And once again, he’s watching you completely dominate the pathetic fucks who think just cause they have cocks, they can defeat you without much effort.
To be completely honest with himself, the way you were staring at your opponents with this look of just utter satisfaction and smugness, reminded him of himself. And he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t turning him on a lot.
The little smirk you give the current guy you’ve just put in check, some fucker who looks like you’ve just insulted his mother to his face as you move a previously positioned knight, makes him so hard he feels like he needs to nip to the men’s bathroom to sort himself out.
But he knows that you look for him for support, as much you’ll refuse to say otherwise. And if he was to move and walk away from your match, it’d completely throw you off and make you believe you need those pills the two of you tried so hard to fight with for most of your lives.
His erection only worsens when you finish the match that’ll get you into the quarterfinals, and as you finish your handshake in a sportsmanship manner, you turn to him and wink before walking to your next match.
Aemond can’t help but chuckle in amusement as he looks at your swaying hips. You definitely had to be riling him up on purpose by now. There had to be no way that you hadn’t realised the reason behind why he was positioned awkwardly on his chair as he sat himself down on another seat, to watch you once again dominate the competition.
The next few times though that he’s forced to move to watch your next match, his hands are awkwardly positioned in front of his throbbing dick in a poor attempt at keeping it hidden. Though by the way you turn to him before you start the finals and look down with a bemused smile, it official confirms to him that you now know just how much you were effecting him by your cockiness.
By the end, after you’ve shaken hands with some Belgian fucker looking like sour milk, Aemond feels his instincts working before his head. You’ve barely held the small champion trophy and cheque that they’ve given you, before he’s handing them to a bemused Baela whose been watching the match with him, and dragging you into some abandoned store cupboard and forcing you to sit on a desk that looks as if it’d fall any second.
“What the fuck is your problem?” You snap while Aemond himself chuckles in amusement. You’re cocky act has seemingly fallen into brattiness, yet even while you do it he can see the way your eyes drift down to his crotch where his jeans don’t do well to hide the prominent bulge straining against the denim fabric.
“You princess. You’re my problem.” Is all he says before he’s connecting his lips to yours, and the wet sound of your kissing surrounds the room as it seemingly grows hotter.
At first, Aemond focuses solely on taste of your lips. The lips that currently taste a mixture of the small vodka shot you downed befofe the match and the strawberry lip balm that drives him fucking crazy. But while he’s thinking about how perfect and good you are for him, the feeling of your hand trying to undo his zipper, and you sticking your hand down the front of his jeans to fondle at his erection, breaks him out of his love spell.
The deep groan that rumbles from him is muffled by your lips, and when he pulls away, he smirks at the small you you let out.
“Oh I see! The little brat wants her winning prize…” He smiles as he pulls up at your dress to reveal your soaked underwear. When he pulls that down slowly and teasingly, Aemond nearly groans out loud at the sight of your dripping core all layer for him. All pretty, waiting and desperate for him to fill it.
The sight makes him want to get on his knees and see if you’ll taste as sweet as your lip balm. But as much as Aemond wants to feel your arousal on his tongue, already practically salivating at the thought of tasting you, his erection aches painfully straining at the fabric, reminding him of what you were doing to him minutes previous.
So instead, Aemond only teases you with the pad of his thumb, before moving away before you could finish on his digit. He relishes cockily in the harsh glare you give him, and stands to his full height and brings his jeans and underwear low enough to free himself from his denim restraint.
Aemond can’t help himself from chuckling at the sight of you staring lustfully at him, and so he wastes no time in pushing himself inside of you, and relishing in the high pitched whine you let out before he’s forced to cover you mouth with his hand to quieten you down.
As he thrusts desperately inside of you, he can feel the air of your breaths hurry into pants through his hand as he speeds up to purposefully bully that rough spot inside of you that he knows you love. He can hear you whisper something into the skin within the base of his palm, and releases you mouth from his grasp to hear it.
“Please Aemond! Please let me cum!” You whine as you dig your nails into the skin of his back that you’re able to reach from under his shirt.
“Awe… does my pretty prodigy want to cum?” It’s cruel for him to tease you, he knows it for a fact, and yet it’s so strangely satisfying to do so. His movements dramatically decrease to a snail like pace, and he has to burrow his head into the curve of your shoulder to hide his smile when he hears you whine in annoyance. Like a child when she hears her mum won’t buy her a lollipop…
“You’re such a dick Aemond!” You growl. His head immediately takes itself away from your skin, and his grip on you tightens. When he looks into your eyes, his eyebrows furrows in annoyance, and he can already see the hint of regret on your face as his own turns stony.
“What did you just say?” He murmurs. He can see the way your eyes widen slightly at his calm demeanour, but both he and you know he’s nothing but calm at the moment.
“Come on princess use your words for me now. What did you just say to me?” One of his hands moves to grab ahold and tighten on your jaw, forcing you to make eye contact with him as he moves forward and effectively leans forward to tower over you. If Aemond had any idea on how you were feeling at the sudden atmosphere shift of the room, by the look on your eyes alone, he’d say you were aroused. Very aroused, if the sudden increased wetness he felt meant anything to go by.
An idea comes to mind, and a satisfied smirk appears on Aemonds face as a single thumb of his wedges it’s way into your mouth, and to his amusement, you don’t even need instructions before you begin to suck diligently at the digit with hooded glazed eyes.
“Good girl…” He purrs. “Open your mouth wide now.” And when you do as he says, he wastes no time before collecting some spit on his tongue, and letting it drip from his onto yours. “Now swallow.”
When you do, much to his sadistic amusement, Aemond proceeds to roughly thrust back into you to bully that spot of yours once more. The grip on your body tightening again as he moves and his hips begin to dig slightly into your own.
Soon, once more, the sounds of his and your fucking filled the space of the room. Aemond doesn’t even bother to cover your mouth this time. Let them hear… he thought. Let them hear you being fucked good and proper by him, just as it should be…
You cum around his cock suddenly while he’s thinking, and the sounds of your pleasure go high pitched as your grip on him with your nails leaves small indents into the skin on his back.
Aemond knows that you’re currently on birth control. Both he and you had agreed when you’d agreed to date each other that kids weren’t what two highly successful chess players needed at this time, especially when you were that early in your own career.
Yet as Aemond cums inside of you with a low and deep groan, he can’t help but think about what would happen if his seed actually took. What would happen if a couple months later, he’d be able to lazily stroke a hand over your swollen stomach and think to himself, he did this to you.
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slytherinqueen123 · 1 year
the riddle family tree
someone’s trying to get my attention. i can barely hear them though, and honestly, i can’t be bothered to check who it is.
“y/n. y/n.” the person comes into my range of sight and i pull out my earphones frantically.
“oh, hey mattheo.” i say coolly. he doesn’t need to know he scared me. theo smirks. “yeah, hey.”
i pause the song - SOS, rihanna - and unplug the jack. “whadda ya need?” i ask.
“oh nothing. i just wanted to say i can hear your music. that’s a really good song.” he winks.
i laugh. “i know right. rihanna is literally my obsessi- wait, how do you know her?”
mattheo rubs his face. “oh, just heard her when my dads moved us for missions. yknow… involving muggles.”
i nod. “oh, that makes more sense. what kind of missions does he do? ministry?”
theo gives me a look. “y/n, quit playing.”
“playing what? i’m confused. what missions is your dad on? like, misuse of muggle artefacts or ministers jobs-”
“y/n, do you know who my father is?”
i bite my lip. “noooo, should i?”
his eyes widen. “are you kidding? your kidding right?” his face is flushed as he leans closer.
“merlin, mattheo, your scaring me. why would i know who your father is? stop it.”
theo stands up and shakes his head. “so your telling me you have never noticed my last name? never heard any rumours? never thought about who i’m related to?”
“well no, i have more important things to do than form a whole damn family tree for mr. mattheo riddle.”
he whips around and i think he’s about to grab me. he looks like he’s choking the air. “y/n! my last name! you just freaking said it!”
“if your so obsessed with your father than just tell me who he is!” i shriek, walking towards him.
something changes in his face. he swallows. “tom riddle.”
i take a moment to realise. “oh. well, you should’ve just said.”
mattheo gets the look again. “so your not scared. or angry. or terrorised?”
“what, should i be?”
“you don’t think i’m a horrible person?” he says quietly. it’s clear he is actually shocked that i wouldn’t believe he is the spawn of the devil.
“what? no! mattheo, i don’t think any differently of you than i did before. it doesn’t change you in my mind at all. your just… theo. my theo. and unless you go on a killing spree, that’s not changing. ok?” i offfer him a smile. he looks zoned out.
“yeah, ok.” he says absentmindedly. i lean over and shake him. “you good?”
“yeah. can i have an earphone?”
i laugh. “of course.”
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ddlcbrainrot · 4 months
ok so i was feeling nostalgic today and started thinking about how my first time going through ddlc was so i’m making a post about it lol
buckle up this is going to be a long one
so i first heard of the game when it first came out in 2017, which means i was like… 12 years old?? so definitely should not have been watching it but what can ya do. anyway i’ve seen the title in a bunch of yt videos which described it as a horror game, and i was intrigued bc… 4 cute anime girls? how is that a horror game. i was too much of a scaredy cat to actually download it on our family computer so i watched some ddlc playthrough in yt. and i was so bored throughout the first half of act one lmao. i think i mentioned it before but when i first encountered the game i wanted to go the monika route, and i was so disappointed it wasn’t an option (until later on when i realised why it wasn’t an option). also the yt video i watched went down the yuri route and look, i didnt necessarily have a problem with the shy girl character type, what i did have a problem with (and still do to some extent) was how the shy girl is always portrayed in anime. i was definitely a shy person growing up, so seeing the traits that had caused me so many problems be considered adorable and desirable kinda irked me the wrong way. so yeah, first half of the game i was pretty unimpressed. i didn’t dislike it, i just thought “i’ve seen these character archetypes before, i know how this is going to play out, i’ll just wait until the other shoe drops”. and oh boy it did.
i remember that scene in sayori’s bedroom to this day dude. this is probably embarrassing to admit, but i honestly believe that scene changed the trajectory of my life. i live in a very uneducated country on the subject of mental health, so i had no idea on anything surrounding it. i’ve heard the term “depression” before, but it was only brought up either in a joking way or in a way of saying someone is too far gone. which is obviously not the case, but that’s how it was usually used back then in my environment. so to see a character that (even if i wasn’t as emotionally invested in bc of how tropey they were at that point) i liked talk about how they struggle with it was a very eye opening experience to say the least. it’s kind of funny thinking back, but i really was like “huh. depression is actually a real thing people can go through. and it could also be something people i care about have to go through. and something i could go through.”. it sounds dumb when i write it down but that was srsly how it was.
then act 2 happened, i don’t really have much to say about act 2 bc throughout the whole thing i was just uncomfortable and unsettled, which is definitely what act 2 is supposed to make you feel. natsuki was now somehow the most normal one, i didn’t like yuri even more now bc she was now also weirdly obsessive, i knew monika was up to something i just couldn’t wrap my head around what. a moment that stuck with me a lot during act 2 was the whole “can you hear me?” thing in monika’s second writing tip, bc wow this girl knows something and is also very clearly trapped by something and WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?? i literally had no idea where the story was going so the reveal hit me like a truck.
act 3… what to say about act 3… i was so mind blown you don’t even know. remember that i was like 12 at the time, this was my first ever experience with the media breaking the fourth wall. and from what i remember i had an… interesting viewpoint on it. i think there are two ways to interpret monika’s self awareness. first up is taking it under the context of the story, basically knowing that she isn’t actually self aware but for the sake of the story following along with the idea that she is. second one is taking it under the context of the behind the scenes, so you understand that she isn’t actually self aware but you can’t ignore it and just immerse yourself back in the story. it’s a risk the creator takes with breaking the fourth wall, bc the second interpretation usually ruins the idea behind the media. i had the second reaction to the awareness reveal. and i think it gives the game an entire new meaning, one that probably wasn’t the original one but i’d like to talk about it. the only thing i was able to think throughout monika’s monologues was : “oh crap. she thinks she’s self aware but in actuality she is programmed to kill her friends. she isn’t free from the script, she’s still following it. the creator just made her think she is aware but actually, she is just as much of a puppet as the other girls and she doesn’t even realise. she’s trapped in an even worse way than the other girls. bc she thinks she is free”. which, is definitely not what dan was going for, but i gotta say it is ten times scarier.
and then sayori goes through the epiphany too and then monika deletes the game and the credits roll but i was so flabbergasted by everything before that i couldn’t even form thoughts through act 4.
so yeah 12yo me was not only struck with the realisation that feelings are real things (thanks to sayori) but now also the thought that just because you experience something that could be 100% real to you doesn’t mean it actually is (thanks to monika). needless to say this game changed me as a person.
damn this was a long one, i apologise if you read through all of this lmao
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fanfictiongreenirises · 6 months
What are some themes in Jiang Cheng fan works that you especially enjoy?
I’m super sorry for how long it’s taken me to reply to you but you caught me during Eid week which was insanely chaotic 🤣 this got kinda long so i'm popping it under the cut :D
Violent and self sacrificial love: you cannot have JC without his all encompassing love, and it’s one of the things that makes him such an interesting character. There are few things that make JC act irrationally, and his loved ones are a very major one!! It’s such a fun thing to play with - I love characters that love with their whole self and stories that focus on the consequences of that!!!
Responsibility, duty, tradition: okay this is like many different things rolled into one rather niche dot point so bear with me. I LOVE that JC is a character who takes his responsibilities seriously!! He is dutiful and he does his best to put the sect before all else, and you have no idea how hard it is to find that in fantasy that I’m used to (Western YA and NA fantasy lmao). I really love fics that have that theme of sacrificing for duty and eventually reaping the benefits of that (the sect being so loyal to JC in return, the sect flourishing, the love that JL has for JC), but also fics that look at JC upholding YMJ traditions when he’s one of the few who remember them, or having to adjust traditions/make new ones because of that reason. And as I’m typing this out I’m realising there’s… probably a reason… for me enjoying seeing cultural traditions needing to be adjusted because you don’t have much family or the same resources around and things are very different from how your parents would’ve celebrated those same traditions, and needing to make those who are around your family now… Anyway, it’s just insanely cathartic to see certain cultural values and themes across so many fanworks. I've thought about this particular element to the point where I realised the other month that there’s a whole world outside of Western fantasy novels that likely do have these themes that are so fucking hard to find in Western novels, so I’m trying out other Chinese novels, i dipped into Japanese books, and I got my cousin to recommend me Bangla fantasy novels because I realised I’ve never considered how fantasy themes would be in my own culture 😔✊ (it's funny timing bc my dad arrived literally a couple hrs ago with the books, and my reading ability is decent for someone who's never needed to read Bangla but I'm gonna have to sit down with either google translate or a dictionary bc I'm so used to my parents translating harder words or getting us to read books for younger kids,, i'm like which words here are made-up fantasy words and which are real 💀😭)
Grief: grief has quite literally shaped this guy, and it’s so cool to see different fics have different takes on how it’s affected him as a person. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a fandom where grief has been such a huge theme and it’s very fun to see the fandom leaning into it. (I also need to given honorary shoutouts to disillusionment, guilt, loneliness, and repression!! I think a lot of these are especially interesting in combo with how much JC values responsibility and duty, and fics that study them are so chefs kiss.)
Turning Into His Mother: I’m so obsessed with this theme. I think it’s mostly because YZY is so mum coded for me and there are aspects of my own mother that I see in her so strongly that any time fic gives her and JC’s relationship the depth it deserves, I’m standing there chomping on wood. I especially love it when JC’s journey has elements of “I can’t be like my mother bc everyone says that’s bad” -> “I should act like my father, because he’s the only example I have of a sect leader” -> “am I difficult to love like my mother was?” -> “the best way to protect those I love is through the things my mother taught me” -> “the only parent whose love I genuinely felt was my mother’s so when I’m displaying love to a child, I should use the most successful method I know” -> “I am like my mother; maybe that’s a good thing”. It’s rare that I get to sink my teeth into a character who had such a complex relationship with his mother, so any fics with this theme automatically make me go insane. (Something here as well about JC written in fics as a woman scorned, JC with ruined woman vibes who’d been promised by WWX that he’d always be by his side and now isn’t and without any good reason that JC is aware of, something about fics that project feminine rage onto him in a way that feels freeing and safe because he’s a male character so it’s like you can almost examine it without having to examine sexism and gender roles…)
Aroace and queer themes: aro!JC!! ace!JC!! Never before have I been into a character I can project onto so fully, but also see other people projecting onto?? This fandom has so many gorgeous aroace!JC fanworks, and we get so much variety from ppls experiences!! there’s something extremely fulfilling about fics with a main character who doesn’t feel conventional romantic/sexual love, and is still very successful and has a full life with loved ones and is satisfied with life. There's also this tiny niche of fics involving JC in queerplatonic relationships, and any time I read those I would literally have to lie there for an hour contemplating my life. I think the other fun thing about this is that there's a pretty big chunk of the fandom that characterises JC as the kind of acesexual who thinks all his allo friends are absolute weirdos for how they're behaving, and it's such a funny and refreshing (and extremely relatable) take.
Whump: last but definitely not least, JC being whumped within an inch of his life 😌 I love this fandom deciding that the most efficient way to get JC to show emotions is to shove some knives in him and get him all bloodied up. The one gore/torture fic that genuinely icked me out to the point where I had to stop reading for a moment was a delightful post canon JC fic that I revisit every few months because it just scratches that whump itch so well 👏
I’m sure the moment I post this I’ll be hit by like fifty other things I forgot to put in here, but for now I’m blanking. thank youu for giving me an excuse to think about JC 🫶🫶🫶
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resident-mercie · 1 year
Carlos Oliveira Fic - Halcyon Days (NSFW) Chapter 2.
notes: nsfw allusions, obsessive carlos allusions, canon violence, allusions to death, slow burn romance
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➵ You may have made it to the sanctum of the subway, but your peace with Carlos is threatened by both apocalyptic and human forces beyond your control.
“Being eaten by a cutie would be a good way to go, I suppose.” Carlos grinned, arms outstretched, beckoning me towards the hug I so desperately craved. “Just get over here already, before you turn and bite my arm off, will ya?”
With a little hesitance, I shuffled over to Carlos’s seat, finding myself enveloped in his presence, his muscular arm pulling me closer towards his chest. His scent was comforting in a bizarre way, being a mixture of cheap cologne, sweat, and mortality. While reminiscing about it right now made my nose twitch, it was a mixture of smells that were, for the most part, refreshingly human. His chest rising and falling filled me with an unusual sense of relief - that I wasn’t the only human trapped in such a horrific situation. We had each other, and although we had only met around twenty minutes prior, every cell in me screamed that this wasn’t just any chance encounter.
I could feel myself melting into his touch, as I felt him rest his chin on my head, which was now buried into the nook of his collarbone, leading to his chest. In the sanctum of his arms, maybe there was no apocalypse - maybe this was all just a terrible nightmare that I’d wake up from, and then head into my monotonous office job, not giving it any more thought. Yet, a selfish nagging in me pleaded for this to be real, because if this was a nightmare, then the sanctuary of Carlos Oliveira wouldn’t exist beyond the figments of incoherent thoughts in my dreams.
“Is that any better?” Carlos smiled, tracing patterns against my back in a reassuring manner with his thumb, his breathing in tandem with my own.
“I don’t want to let go.”
The carriage door opened as I whispered those words into his chest, and immediately the intimacy developing in the atmosphere dissipated, replaced by an uneasy tension.
“Our first aid service isn’t a secret sex workshop, Oliveira.” A voice bellowed into the room, from a figure seemingly fired by bitter vehemence. This new arrival was just as tall as Carlos, but unlike Oliveira’s stature, there was something menacing in his appearance, threatening almost. His face was paralysed with animosity, glaring at Carlos and I in a way that was unnerving and hostile. “If you want to try and get yourself laid before we run out of supplies, then be my guest. But don’t come crying to me when you’re infected.”
With one last spiteful glare in my direction, the figure skulked away, yet his uneasy presence was still very much influential on the atmosphere.
“Who was that?”
“That’s fucking Nikolai. Guy thinks he’s the top dog now he’s got his greasy hands on an authority position in our platoon.”
“Call me crazy if you want, Carlos, but I don’t trust the guy.”
Carlos’s response wasn’t a verbal one, but the look he gave me was one of mutual agreement. We were on the same wavelength.
After a clear of his throat, the usual reassuring smile of Carlos had returned, as he rested a large calloused hand atop my shoulder.
“Now I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve gotta start clearing some debris off the tracks so we can get the hell out of here. I, uh, left you a fresh change of clothes over on that stool over there. Figured they might be more practical than pyjamas.” He blushed a little, and suddenly realisation dawned on me. I was stood in front of this guy in a vest and some shorts - yeah, not the most scandalous thing in the world, but certainly not my go-to outfit for the most part.
“Oh, shit! I didn’t realise, I’m sorry—“
Carlos held a finger to my lip, and I could immediately feel myself melting into his touch once more. The closeness was unbearable, every cell in me screaming just to kiss the damn man already.
“Shh, minha querida. It suits you very well, just not the most appropriate clothing for the apocalypse. I don’t want you getting bitten, because I can’t let that hug of ours be the last, eh?”
I could only watch in a mix of lust and admiration as he proceeded to leave the carriage, my heart in my chest, his words echoing over and over in my head, my cheeks flushing as fantasy after fantasy uncontrollably sprung into my mind.
“I’ll be on the tracks if you need me. Hopefully won’t be long till we can get out of this shitheap.”
I could only sit aboard one of the derelict subway carriages, watching Carlos clear the tracks through the misted window. I felt much more comfortable in my change of clothes, being cargo trousers and a turtleneck, as they helped to warm me against the cold September air. All I could do was sit and wait, minutes turning into hours, and the hours crawling by.
“I see you’ve taken a liking to Mr Oliveira, hm?” A joyful voice echoed throughout the carriage, grounding me in reality once more. “The name’s Mikhail, UCBS platoon leader. I’ll be accompanying you survivors to the safe zone. Maintenance is nearly done. Why don’t you go find Carlos, and tell him the good news?”
I nodded, smiling at Mikhail. He was older than the likes of Carlos and Nikolai, with both his experience and his exhaustion plainly evident on his face. I stepped out of the carriage, running down the platform, until I found Carlos, a slightly disappointed look dampening his usual reassuring smile.
“Carlos, hurry up!” I waved with a smile, so relieved we’d finally be getting out of here. “Maintenance is done, and you guys managed to clear the tracks! We can finally get out of here!”
“That’s great, but there’s a slight complication.” Carlos forced a weak smile, unable to properly meet my gaze. “I’m not gonna be on your train outta here. I’ve been saddled with more duties.”
Crestfallen, I asked whether this was the last train home.
“No, no, not at all. Once I’ve finished up here, the subway carts will come back for me and some more of the crew. We might not be making it out at the exact same time, but I promise we’ll both make it out together, one way or another.”
I nodded, trying not to let the tears that were forming in my eyes escape.
"It ain’t goodbye, it’s just see you later, minha querida. I have a parting gift for you though.”
Carlos hoisted himself up from the tracks, back up onto the platform, walking over to me, and enveloping me in another hug I so desperately craved. I was yearning for his scent, his presence, his touch, as one hand ran through my hair, while the other slipped something into the deep pocket of my cargo trousers.
“I don’t fucking trust Nikolai. He’ll be on your train home with Mikhail. If he does anything that makes you feel unsafe, promise me you’ll defend yourself. Maybe I do sound delusional right now, but I don’t care. All of his platoon mates who he’s taken along with him while trying to get the subway running haven’t returned. You know what that means, right?’ Carlos’s voice was a low, husky whisper, a voice so tantalising as he held me so close. “I’ve slipped you a handgun and some extra bullets. The safety is on. Promise we’ll be together on the other side, right? Don’t let anyone hurt you.”
Together. A simple word, yet one that made me shiver inexplicably. His unwavering loyalty, bordering on obsession, made me ever so more infatuated with him.
“I promise, Carlos. Promise me you’ll stay safe here, too.”
“Of course, minha querida. The first thing I want to do when I see you, is hug you again. You better get going. I won’t be far behind, I promise.”
I waved goodbye to Carlos, saddened by the fact we weren’t getting out of here, together, right now. While I was upset, I knew deep down that he could hold his own, and that it wouldn’t be long until we were together again. The carriage I was in, for the most part, was relatively silent - the only other occupants being Mikhail, and Nikolai. Oh, how I desperately wished Carlos was in Nikolai’s place instead. They were mumbling about a “Nathaniel Bard”, a name that was totally unfamiliar to me, even after all my years of living in Raccoon.
“Are you sure he’s not dead? I mea, the whole city is full of tho—“
Nikolai’s tirade was abruptly cut off, as the subway carriages tilted and screeched, immediate panic coursing through my veins. Even if a bit of debris had been missed on the tracks, the subway carriages shouldn’t have acted so abnormally.
“What the hell?”
I ran to look at the carriage tailing behind us, desperate to see if this was just some kind of bizarre accident. But, it wasn’t there. All that was left was a few seats, some bodies and—
“What the fuck is that thing?” I panicked, yet counting my blessings that Carlos had offered me the handgun moments before. Stood before me was this hunkering tower of flesh, staring me down with its clouded, soulless eyes.
“Go, get to the back carriage!” Mikhail ordered, still determined to risk his neck for the sake of one sole survivor. Nodding, I ran to the next carriage, yet the lock had just turned, and as I looked up, my stomach sank.
“Nikolai, what are you doing? Let me in!”
Nikolai’s sly smile crept up his face in an almost comically evil way, waving at me from beyond the glass.
“Now why should I do that? After all, he’s probably not after me.”
“Fuck you, you fucking shithead.” Words tumbled out of my mouth, unable to entirely comprehend that he’d throw a civilian and his boss out if it meant he was the one to get out alive.
Mikhail’s shots at the creature were futile, as it grabbed him by a tendril of bloodied muscle, like some kind of sadistic predator torturing its prey. Yet, as I watched the events unfold in front of me, it seemed that the shots were more of a diversion for my sake.
“Get off my train, shitbird.” Mikhail growled, and with a click of a detonator, my eyes were met with a blinding light. Whatever happened after that is impossible to describe, as while the train derailed, I was slammed into the side of the carriage.
As everything faded to black, I hoped and prayed with every cell in me that I could still fulfil my promise to Carlos. We will get out of here. Together.
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papacopia-crucified · 2 years
I knew it would fit my Dracopia fic so. All credits to the creator of this beautiful art piece I just found on Pinterest
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After Dark pt6
I had a brainfart for a whole week so, I did not manage to continue write After Dark but I just kept listening to Depeche Mode Enjoy the Scilence, idk it’s HIS song too in my opinion. I’m obsessed. #ilovePapa
As you were preparing for the night’s shift, you started to become more and more anxious. Party with the ghouls and the beautiful ghoulettes, you’d had to slap yourself, cause it ain’t a dream as you assumed.
“What if Papa shows up Pen? I’ll probably faint and say sorry after waking up.” She was just looking at you just as your pet bat did. You knew that they felt your excitement and even your nervousness. You hear your phone making a beep sound and as you unlocked it you slapped your forehead in realisation.
‘I know it’s you day off, but could you maybe get here? There’s another letter waiting for you. And I think it’s written with blood.’ - Michael
‘SHIT… uhmm yeah I’ll meet u there. And I totally forgot that I’m off today. I have new friends that I’ll meet up there.’
‘Friends? Since when you have friends other than me?’ - Michael
‘I’ll tell you when we meet, I’ll try to be as fast as possible.’
‘Alright see u then bestie.’ - Michael
‘See ya.’
You dropped your phone to the bed and laid backwards until your back touched the bed.
“Why is this keep happening? Why me?”
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As you approached the back door of the club, Michael was already there waiting for you. He was kind of not scared but disturbed.
“Finally you’re here.”
“I’m here, so where’s the letter?” He said nothing, but handed you the letter, your name was there written with blood. It was smeared but it was there.
“Maybe it’d be better if you read this inside. You want to people to stare.” He ushered you inside gently and you thanked him. You two did not stop until you reached the door the the dressing room. “Don’t worry (Y/n). Everything will be fine.” He tried to calm you down, but it did not work much since you were jumping out of your skin from fear.
“I don’t think so. Thank you Mich.”
“Anytime.” He kissed your forehead and you opened the door and closed it fast. Your heart was beating faster and you felt that it wanted to burst through your chest. As you opened the letter, you found your way to a chair and dropped down on it. What you did find in that letter made you sick to your stomach.
I’ll find you wherever you are,
Daughter of a murderer
I’ll take my revenge,
As I walk over your and your lover’s cold corpses.
There’ll be no happy ending for you.
Just watch and see
Yours truly, X
It’s crazy you thought, who wants you dead so badly?
“Lover?…. I did not even have a….. on ho Copia.” Realisation just hit you. The dream wasn’t even a dream. He IS yours and you are HIS. It was a lot to take in. You did not even know how long did you rest in that chair, thinking through the whole situation, but you heard the dj announcing the start of the party. And even your phone made a notification sound. As you opened it, you saw that the phone number was not in your contacts.
‘We’re here. And don’t worry I know your phone number, I looked it out from your phone.’ - Cirrus
“Oh shit…. There we go.”
‘I’ll be out ASAP.’
‘Okay honey.’ - Cirrus.
“Did she just called me Honey?” You giggled, already forgot the letter, which before you go you placed it into your locker. Your way to the dance floor was short, as you were practically running to meet the ghouls. You quickly checked on Marge to make sure she’s fine with everything.
“Look who decided to show up.”
“Hey. Is everything alright?”
“If you wanna ask that if I’m fine with taking care of your job too. Yes. What are you doing here anyway?” Marge asked as she was drying one of the glasses.
“I’ll meet up with some friends.” You sat down on one of the bar chairs and Marge poured you some liquid courage. It made you quite surprised, but accepted the drink. “Thanks Marge. Do you wanna drink one too? It’s on me.”
“Alright.” She poured the alcoholic beverage into a glass again and grabbed it with her fingers moving it up.
“Bottoms up!” As it went down your throat you felt the burning sensation, which meant that it’ll have the effects soon that you’re hoping for. as time flew by it was maybe the fourth or fifth beverage that you consumed and was already in a drunken state, but not too drunk. Music was blearing, heat radiated off of the dancing group of people. But it was not the only thing you felt. It was like someone was watching you from afar. Eyeing you from your head to your toe, like he wants to devour you with his mismatched eyes.
“(Y/n). It’s good to see you honey.” You heard Cirrus’ voice and when you turned your head around smiled at her and was aware of the other ghouls behind Cirrus’ back.
“Heyya. Don’t mind me. I’m a little drunk. It’s so good to see all of you.”
“The pleasure is ours Pri…. (Y/n).” Aether took your hand and kissed it affectionately. Papa was a little jealous as he saw his precious ghoul kiss your hand, but he remained in the shadows. He was curious what you’re gonna do and what the ghouls will do. He was rather hungry too, so he hoped to get a little bite from you.
“Oh… it’s you Aether, and Dew, Mountain, Swiss, Rain. Oh… Sunshine, Cumulus. Wow. I can’t believe it that that’s really you.”
“Oh she knows. I like her.” Cooed Cumulus and it made you blush.
“Anyway, you all wants some liquid courage? I already had five… I was a little nervous.” You admitted
“Because you’re Ghost! My favourite band, well the only person is missing is Papa.” As you mentioned his name you heard you name and a rather delicious Italian accent.
“Talking about me Mia Dolce?” He popped up next to you and when he looked at you, legs started to wobble and you almost fell onto him. His eyes bored into yours, never leaving them.
“I think we need to talk Cop…. I mean Papa.” You quickly corrected yourself and he just chuckled.
“Oh Sorella, you can call me Copia.”
“I know. You told me before.” He was suspicious now, what you know about all of the moments you shared before.
“Yeah he would not mind if you were screaming it.” Sunshine whispered into your ear and you slapped her forearm. You were as red as a beetroot. And you imagined it, you beneath him, pleasuring you, kissing you, making you cum. Just the though of it made you wet, for him. Your Papa. He knew….
“Mio Amore, I think you wanted to talk.”
“Please Papa it can wait. We’re here to party, (Y/n) wanted to have a drink too.” Said Dew and Aether finishing each others sentence.
“Alright fine. But not too much alcohol. It’s applies to you too (Y/n).” Papa was touching your lover back now moving you a little closer to him. You were a little intoxicated so you put your hand up to his chest and felt that there was no heartbeat, but he was rather warm. He leaned in little by little until there was a little space between the two of you.
“Co…Copia….. I…”
“Do I make you speechless mia Cara? Papa got your tongue?” His hand grabbed a mop of your hair and moved it behind you ear.
“You can…. I mean…” his lips were inches away from yours.
“Yo, everybody. Listen up, cause I have something to tell ya. I heard that there’s one special woman in here. A lovely lady requested a song just for this special someone.”
“Oh wow… where’s Cirrus?” Dew looked around searching for her but your eyes were only on Papa. Your Papa.
“Our lovely Ghoulette wants to thank this special lady for her kindness and requested a song. Dear (Y/n) I’ll play you Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode.” You were now looking at the dj and Cirrus when she arrived. The song started to play and you immediately grabbed Copia’s hand and started dragging him.
“What are you up to mio topolino?”
“Dance with me Copia.”
As you swayed your hips to the music Copia nuzzled close to you. Hands on your hips your hands around his neck. Eye contact was on point, like it was never enough of his gaze. You but your bottom lip Copia responded with a little growl and nudged you closer, like a paper could not go through your bodies. Song already forgotten, there was just the two of you. Moving as one to the music.
"Mia Cara. You're taking my breath away. I just want to devour you. Mi scusi Mio Topolino. I don't know what came over me. I want to kiss you so bad." Papa was slightly embarrassed but you found it cute. You grabbed his face with both hands.
"Kiss me." You did not have him time to respond, your lips collided with his in a bruising kiss. It soon became heated as Copia buried his hand in your hair and tugged it to show your neck to him.
"Already begging Darling?" Papa nuzzled his nose up and down your neck, his hand snaked around your hip and pressed his noticable erection to your stomach. You moaned out his name, your whole body was burning up like you were in hell.
"You go down just like Holy Mary. Mary on a, Mary on a cross." He sang into your ear and he continued with the song. And when he stopped he looked at you and you just nodded at him cause you already knew what he was up to. He smiled at you and saw his long, sharp fangs ready to bite into your neck.
"Papa please.... Copia."
"Say it Mia Cara."
"Please bite me. Drink from me." You bared your neck even more to him, he sighed in approval and peppered your neck with kisses, and you felt it. You don't even know if you screamed or moaned in pain. The only think that you felt is your Papa, drinking from you.
Here it is Ghesties! 🖤 I really enjoyed to write this part and of course at the end I listened to Mary on a cross so that's the inspiration from.
Take care ♥️🖤
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(This might be kinda specific 💀) can you do headcanons of like the gang with an s/o or friend (your preference) who's a playwright that just debuted their first ever play. Like, headcanons of them at opening night, watching her play, knowing it's a really big day for 😭 omg i'm so sorry this is really dumb, feel free to ignore it!
A/N: don’t worry anon!! i saw this and got so exited! you’re talking to someone here who’s obsessed with musical theatre!! (i didn’t specify if you were their S/O or their friend so you can interpret it either way. 😊)
The boys x playwright!reader
During the process of writing the play he was very supportive. Long nights of staying up working on the script meant that Dar was staying up with you giving you a steady supply of coffee and pointing out any grammar mistakes.
He helped to build the set and get everything into place. you had enough to worry about writing and directing, it was the least he could do in his opinion.
On opening night he was backstage helping out and making sure you didn’t get too stressed. he congratulated you over and over.
When the curtain closed at the end of the show he gave you the biggest hug ever. You head back to the curtis’ and have a quiet night, Dar makes hot chocolate and popcorn and the two of you watch a movie together
While you’re writing the show he proofreads it and tells you whether he’d enjoy it or not. he’s brutally honest too so don’t be too sensitive!
During the lead up to the show he helped pick out costumes and helped with anything you asked him too really.
I honestly think he would ask you for a small part in the play, and you’d write in a character just for him! he’d be over the moon!! He would come to you everyday asking about your opinion on his interpretation of the character and if you thought he should do anything particular in any scene if it wasn’t scripted.
On opening night he’d be right there holding your hand until he had to go on. He’d be as nervous as you!! But at the end of the show he would congratulate you and the two of you would go to the lot and watch the stars
He’d be very supportive, but he wouldn’t have any interest in the writing process. He’d make sure you didn’t overwork yourself though and basically drag you to hang out after you did some work.
Once rehearsals start though? He is all in for helping. He’d help with casting and then offer to help out every actor with there scenes if they needed to practice but their scene partner(s) wasn’t there
He helps a certain amount with set building, and anything he couldn’t help with he’d ask Darry to do. He’d move boxes, paint walls, when you realised you needed something done he was already halfway finished it!!
After opening night he would brag to everyone like “yea my bsf | S/O did that, they’re pretty amazing” and he’d probably plan a surprise party for you after it!
Honestly i think he couldn’t care less about theatre. Unless it’s musical theatre. i’m tellin ya, if he was here now he would LOVE heathers. So if you’re writing a musical? he will demand that you write in some cool, bad boy type character for him to play. Preferably with a solo song.
I HC that in general he just loves music, so he’d help you write the score (thats what it’s called right?)
after the show expect him to be all arrogant and congratulating himself for how well he performed but once you two get alone he’ll congratulate you.
After everyone goes home after the big party you 100% had, Dal would get Buck to let you two stay down in the bar even after closing just for quiet drinks yk?
Steve tries to be interested he really does, but he just can’t be bothered to read the entire script over and over after every draft you make. but he will stay up with you on late nights and make sure you don’t overwork yourself
He helps to build anything that needs any kind of mechanics on set and is happy to help with the tech side of it.
He plans a party on opening night but doesn’t tell you. you think that you’re just going back to the Curtis’ for a few drinks.
If you two are just friends? lots of high fives and maybe a few hugs as a congrats. but if you’re his S/O, he cannot keep his hands off of you for more than 5 minutes. he’s just so proud of you!
Ah Two-Bit. my poor (kinda dumb) boy. He will be asking you questions 24/7 about the plot and you’ll have to explain it like 5 times (if you’re anything like me it’ll be a very complicated storyline)
He will try to stay up with you, really he will! but he will also fall asleep wayyy before you
come time for the show he’ll probably ask you if he can stay backstage with you and whether you let him or not he will. anytime you tell someone to do something two will just follow with a “YEAH!”
I honestly think he knows that you’re tired and don’t really want a big party so he’d probably just buy some beer and the two of you can go back to one of your houses and have a quiet drink.
He will help you as much as he can, especially with the personalities/names of characters. Hey, he names every stray cat and dog in Tulsa! he knows what names suit people!
He might ask for just a small part in the show, nothing too big, he just wants to be part of it.
He’ll make sure that you’re ok and not too stressed while the show is going on, he’ll hold your hand tightly for reassurance.
After the show he knows that you probably want to go spend time with people and go out partying but he will offer that the two of you could hang out in the lot for a bit. (And as much as i don’t like johnny you better say yes >:( he will never tell you but if you say no he’ll be really upset)
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Me when I get possessed to write about cars human au
I wish I could write this much about my ocs
This is not a ship!!! Unless u want to interpret it like that :3
Cruz and Jackson (and Danny)
“Great job out there, costume girl. Third place bronze looks great on you.” Jackson Storm grimaced as he passed Cruz Ramirez after the latest race.
“Hey, what is your deal, Storm? Why do you gotta be such a dickhead all the time?” Cruz challenged him. What right does he think he has to speak to her like that?
He didn’t even turn to face her. “I don’t know what you mean.” He almost singsonged. Everything about Jackson from how he spoke to how he held his stature, even how he wore his hair and the faces he pulled, made Cruz’s skin crawl. She thought it was impossible for him not to enrage her.
“You do too know what I mean.”
“Do not.”
“Do too.” Cruz really didn’t want this to turn into a never-ending back and fourth. “Whatever.”
She trudged behind him unwillingly, in his shadow both figuratively and literally, then stopped before Storm had caught up to Danny Swervez, the guy who came in second place. He dapped him up and brought him into a celebratory hug.
“Awesome job, dude.” Danny complemented.
“Yeah, yeah same to you.” Jackson half-heartedly responded.
Cruz watched this exchange through slanted eyes. He was so fake, and Danny didn’t even realise it. She felt sorry for the number 19 racer.
Swervez always came off quite closed-off at first, even unpleasant at times. This was why he still hadn’t made any real friends among the racers. Only Cruz bothered to see past his cold front, hence why she was the only one he seemed to talk to. Of course this then meant that he was going to be buzzed with any sort of positive recognition from any of the others; the perfect chance for Jackson to make a mug of him in his weird, twisted ways.
Storm had another thing to say. “Your technique was incredible. Opening up the inside lane for me to sneak right past ya,” he grinned, “I appreciate it man.”
There it was.
Cruz felt her stomach drop as she watched Danny’s eyes switch into a look of embarrassment, he kept his smile but it was clearly weakened by the snide comment.
“Y-yeah. It was…” he struggled to find his words, but that didn’t matter because he wasn’t given the chance to say anything else.
“I’ll see you around, Swervez.” Jackson gave the shorter racer a pat on the back and let his attention be taken by the press waiting to speak with him.
Cruz didn’t want to look at him any longer. He took way too much of her attention, but it wasn’t her fault he was so infuriating it was too hard to ignore him!
She headed towards Danny and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t let him get to you. He doesn’t deserve any of your time.”
The boy smiled to her but it was clear he was a little disheartened. Jackson really needed a good telling-off. Surely there was at least some small chance of him being capable of acting like a decent human being? Cruz doubted it. He was about as ill-mannered as it gets.
Ouuu I might do more of this later idk
If not continuing this scene then definitely something else related to these characters cuz I’m a little bit slightly obsessed
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kidflashimpulse · 6 months
(Hi, it's me, the overexcited rambler dambler)
Because listen, just like you wrote, him appearing to not have scars sells the story of future tourist so well, BUT LITTLE DO THEY KNOW THAT THERE IS ONE HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT
I do kinda wish that Jay told someone, or managed to come through to Bart and have a real heart to heart with him instead of being roasted for being concerned (Bart "livestock get branded, it's literally common knowledge, I was about as important as a pig" Allen I'm looking at you, maybe you haven't acknowledged/realised it but there is SOMETHING hiding behind that titanium wall of yours)
It doesn't even need to be Jay, but maybe some day Bart will feel comfortable sharing this scar with Ed or Jaime (though Jaime would probably, like, want to fling himself to the sun if Bart ever told him) and just get some form of comfort out of it
(A funky addition would be that Ed found out by exploring if ya know what I mean🤭)
But that also leaves me wondering, like, since that brand is pretty unique in his time, how would Bart have passed in the camps after/if he escaped the Scientists? Did he draw a fake brand on his neck? Did the Scientists send him there after being satisfied with their tests and just knowing where he was/being able to pull him back whenever they desired?
Also his connections with the prostitutes was really clever, they're the ones who can coax information out of important people after all, allowing Bart to gather some necessary tech for his time machine. Genius genius genius. I'm just imagining a 12-year-old Bart casually vibing/downing booze with these people and nobody suspecting a thing when in reality he's plotting to break their reality down
omg it’s the return of an icon ❤️
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honestly (hes unaware of it though) Jay seems to be respecting Barts very much unsaid wishes (bart doesn’t think he cares about who knows, but he seems to prefer the fewer the better approach in this case) by not telling anyone. I don’t think it’s intentional on his part, but u knw sometimes u do (or don’t) do things without realising
genuinely, it’s the funniest thing ever to me how everyone read that scene as bart roasting jay like 😭 he was just keeping it real but with his unshakeable attitude 😂 which honestly yeah that is basically sass, love it when characters and scenes take on a life of their own sometimes truly it’s so entertaining and such typical bart behaviour lol
idk if Jaime knows 👀 if he does i feel like itd be cause of Bart for some reason thinking it would be funny to show it to him and then Jaimes just like
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yeah Ed 100% knows and for the exact reasons u mentioned 😂 i mean besides being at the dentists that’s pretty much the only other socially acceptable reason for someone to look into barts mouth at this point
i won’t go too much into the timeline of bart’s captivity as a lab rat vs him being in the camps as a slave, but they’re two very different stages of his life (he’s much younger as a lab rat whereas being a slave was closer to him leaving his timeline, a lot of stuff went down in between). I should’ve probably elaborated a bit more on it in the chapter, but whilst it was unique it wasn’t completely unheard of to not be branded on the neck, especially since a lot of their subjects were meta humans, there’s bound to be some variety of people that have it elsewhere. all that mattered was that u had the brand
“when in reality he’s plotting to break their reality down” that line goes incredibly hard, i’m obsessed ! love how that’s genuinely what he did though, like he’s crazy for real
thank u for sharing ur thoughts with us and for reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i appreciate it so much 😘
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Yo you had a Joong dream? Tell me why I had a San dream. Specifically(here comes the delulu) I woke up several times bc I’ve had a migraine for two days and it’s been miserable 🙃, but when I fell back asleep this morning and woke up from this dream was at midnight(on his birthday) in Seoul.
The dream was a cute date, I can’t remember much but there was cuddling I think. I distinctly remember we were walking side by side outside, and he put his arm around my shoulders and I leaned in and put my arm around his waist. I leaned in further and wrapped my other arm around his waist from the front so I was like side hugging him while we were walking. I remember him being so warm and cozy(literally physically felt how warm he was) and very solid(?) if that makes sense. I just felt so safe and warm and cared for kinda. Like he was being very sweet, duh it’s San 🙄. And it started raining and he grabbed my hand and we started running to get to cover. And we did and ya ya blah blah we were soaking wet and laughing super hard and he was being cuddly while we waited for a ride so I didn’t get too cold. (That’s when I woke up) He was just so fucking warm and like solid and strong? Like big arms around me and like hugging him like just solid is the only word I can think of.
Annnyyywwaaayyysss now I want that gross cute shit and cuddles but I’m ALONE
But imagine you get under the cover after running through the rain and his tshirt is wet and stuck to him and yours is too and you’re freezing and he’s cuddling you but you can’t help but notice how fucking hot he looks because he’s being so so affectionate and caring and at the same time I can see his “rippling pectorals” through his shirt and his hair is wet and he just pushed it back with a couple pieces hanging in his face. So you get in a taxi and go back to his place and dry off. He changes into dry clothes and gives you a dry hoodie and sweats of his. He starts making you some tea and some soup, but you can’t shake the way your skin lights up every time he touches you. You decide sneak a cheeky little kiss on his kind of neck/shoulder and then he kisses you back on the forehead and tells you how beautiful you are in his clothes. He then strokes your cheek and asks if you’re still cold. You say yes so he pulls you into his arms. When you look up at him, the tension in the room could be cut with a knife. He leans in to kiss you and you accidentally let out a lil whimper. He pulls back to look at you quizzically and read your face but your pupils are blown out. You don’t even notice but you have a death grip on his shirt sleeves so he turns off the stove and says he’ll worry about the soup later and picks you up by the backs of your thighs and carries you to his room and proceeds to really warm you up and kisses every inch of your skin and then devours you like the good service top he is.
*sigh* yeahhhh….
Happy Sannie Day(and Sunday or whatever day it is for you) thank you for continuing to feed us romance and filth and I’m obsessed with your page. Keep being amazing and wonderful and stay thirsty 😉.
Babygirl, thank you so much for the DETAIL!!!
You left an entire bakery here for me and I ate ALLLLL THE CRUMBS AND PASTRIES!
I have nothing but appreciation to contribute to how beautiful your mind works and how romantic and sensual this moment feels.
San with dark, wet hair hanging in his eyes just does SOMETHING! ALOT OF THINGS TO ME!
The man could wear a potato sack and still look sexy and he's so talented and has such a soft soul and sparkling personality!!!
San honestly shows more care and nurture into Atiny's than I see some men do in their REAL-LIFE RELATIONSHIPS with their REAL PARTNERS!
I think that's why parasocial relationships with the members of Ateez are so severe because their paid fanservice is more fulfilling than most situationships and casual partners now.
They also need us as much as we need them which I didn't realise until I saw so many of fancalls with San where his face genuinely lights up at atiny's remarks and compliments.
So, I feel like the parasocial relationship on their end is more than what I was anticipating.
Anyway, I got my attention diverted but thank you for this beautiful piece of work, I will dream well tonight.
PLease keep commenting, sharing your thoughts, supporting and just being you :)
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lcnelyghost · 2 years
My fav Evan’s being sick lil babies:
A/N: I don’t even know why i’m so obsessed with the idea of taking care of these fuckers, but hell here ya go!
Tate Langdon -
• Sleeps a little longer than usual for a ghost.
• When you finally manage to get him out of bed, he’s already running to the bathroom to go spew.
• He finds it comforting if you gently rub circles on his back whilst he’s throwing up.
• You’ll slowly walk him back to bed and put something stupid on the TV for him like Family Guy or South Park. Eh, he’s entertained.
• Good luck giving him medicine because this mf will NOT take it >:/
• Tate won’t eat much because he’s scared of throwing up again.
• The only medicine he’ll accept is the sweet feeling of having you wrapping you’re arms around him <3
Kit Walker -
• Listen, trying to get Kit to rest is going to definitely be an absolute battle.
• Kit loves taking care of you. He hates having other people fuss over him. He desperately wants to be the one to look out for other people. Poor soul :(
• Runs around with a packet of kleenex in his pocket or tries to look for some napkins if there is any.
• Sniffly little baby, telling you that right now.
• He’s very well mannered if he has to cough or sneeze. He’ll always make sure to cover and excuse himself.
• The two of you end up snuggling with one another on the couch watching romantic comedies.
James Patrick March -
• Wishes he could die all over again if he’s ill.
• You get tired of his protests and trying to tell you he isn’t sick even when he’s running around the place smothering multiple sneezes into his handkerchief.
• The poor love has overworked himself with trying to please you and make sure you have everything you desire.
• “My dear, they call it the common cold because it’s completely normal. It’s not severe like cancer! I’ll be more than fine.”
• “James if you don’t get you’re ass in bed I swear…”
• Let’s just say.. he realises you’re not playing around anymore.
Malcolm Gallant -
• When you heard you’re best friend Gallant was sick, you felt sorry for not only him, but yourself. He was EXTREMELY fussy and quite a handful whenever he was unwell. And with you two being so close, you were the one he decided to make his slave for the remaining time.
• He forces himself to cough that hard that when you walk back into the room he’s on the fucking floor.
• The two of you ended up having an unexpected pillow fight because you both wanted each other to shut the fuck up.
• He’ll have a full on argument if you suggest he drink plain water rather than coffee and diet coke.
• “It’s literal ass water,”
• “Okay? It helps you.”
• “No.”
• Gallant is actually thankful that you came over to take care of him. The two of you may have the stupidest arguments but you’ll never stop being best friends.
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33max · 1 year
sad word vom
fandom is so hard sometimes, like obviously you have to find your people and what not
but I just feel so sad because I feel like I've gotten to know so many people and just recently nobody seems to want to talk to me anymore 🥺 and obvs that’s fine like the hyper obsession can dull, and life can get in the way or you can realise the friendship isn’t compatible, but it feels like once people get to know me they don’t want to talk to me anymore or smth
like I’m just not worth it/boring/annoying
and like sometimes running a server is really hard, and just recently I don’t get anything right there either because there’s no way you can please 102 people is there?
idk sometimes fandom just feels very lonely and like you’re permanently on trial or having to apologise for something
I think I’ve realised how much I value friendships in fandom spaces because everything is just a bit lonely rn ya know? especially when I’m trying to work out how to make over 100 people not hate me for every choice I make
Idk if this is even understandable but I always feel better when I vent into the void so oh well
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jgracie · 3 months
hello cynthia 👹
i was wondering if i could get a iv. to all the boys i've loved before ?
it’s fine if you cannot ☺️
personally i’m not actually sure of my sexuality so i don’t care male or female
um what do i say
i make plans, and procrastinate so i don’t do it
peolple say i’m stubborn
i love reading (ignore the fact i have actually read a book in like two weeks 😭)
i have a small obsession with jason (it’s not small at ALL)
i love to eat but im picky as hell AND I CANT COOK
burnt fucking noodles of all things 😖
anyway i love tea and coffee so much
i could practically open up a coffee shop
omg with pastries 😩
im very determined (hence stubborn)
ok i can’t think of anything else
love ya 💝
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i know u said u love jason but you have to hear me out on this one fr 😫
you probably find him rly annoying cz he likes to tease you for your inability to cook but at the same time also being picky (would def tell you to "pick a struggle" LOL)
you'd be reading under a tree, enjoying the nice weather then luke mf castellan shows up all "what scene in that book's making you all flustered 🤓" (they held hands after 500 pages of pining)
he brings you pastries sometimes and acc tries to make normal convo n you take them kinda confused because ??? why are you being nice yk
you're still stubborn in your hating him tho because he's annoying and he always embarrasses you in front of people (likes seeing you all worked up)
one day you're complaining to one of ur siblings ab him and theyre just like "babe are you hearing yourself i think you might have a tiny crush on this guy 😐" and thats when you realise the reason why he bothers you sm is because he likes you
so you go to the tree n he's already there n he confesses that the reason why he teases you is to get ur attention LOL and you confess that u like him too and you live happily ever after
basically you guys r wes and liz from better than the movies reincarnated
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