#ya know i think i only ate meals twice this entire game
crackinwise · 6 years
Can i rant and ask questions about the entire KH3 finale?
--Okay, sorry, seriously: Kairi spent all this time training with a keyblade, right? And i remember her being really gung-ho and up for holding her own in KH2. So in this one... she just has to be rescued again over and over? Um. Yay, her?
--And Riku--right--Riku was just as much a friend to her as Sora and obsessed over helping her in KH1. Sora meanwhile spent every game going “RIKU!” in various outbursts of emotion. (Sora being happy to see Kairi yet falling to his knees the moment he sees Riku again will forever be a hilarious meme to me.) Yet Kairi shares a papou fruit with Sora and neither one is like “maybe i should share with Riku who’s like 20ft down the beach rn.” 
--I mean, at the end Sora wants to find Kairi (who i thought was turned to glass and shattered but apparently not?) and Riku just shrugs. Wut wut?
--This has nothing to do with anything but talking about Riku reminds me of Mickey, whose VA for this was somehow fine in Epic Mickey but horribly off pitch here i cringed so much. I miss you, Wayne Allwine.
--Alright, new topic: Lea is really weak. No, sorry, actual topic: Why does he suddenly care so much about Saix? Axel did not give two shits. The whole Org could burn in a fire for all he cared. Lea apparently was friends with him enough to cry over him?? News to us!
--Time Out to say i really just Do Not Care about everyone getting keyblades. Lea sucks at it anyway and his is a godawful design. Everything from the coat to the fire and chakram say “Axel” as if everything before hasn’t told us the Person and the Nobody are different entities. But the only thing different is how lame this person is. I get it, Square, you’re banking on a fan fave and trying to have things both ways. But...
--Wasn’t it also told to us Nobodies can grow their own hearts? That’s how Roxas could get his own body there. Didn’t Axel grow a heart? So... He has to be stuck inside a dollar store version of himself? Ouch.
--Lea was also friends with Ventus? Enough that Saix implied Axel got tattoos so he wouldn’t have to cry over a lost friend (unless that was something else i misunderstood). And it’s implied his “got it memorized” catchphrase (which i am so sick of by now omg he never even said it this much in KH2 and Lea isn’t even HIM) came from thinking his good friends just would leave and forget about him. But Ventus doesn’t get tears? Or a hug? Okay.
--Roxas all of a sudden cares (yay, but also weird, and just as suddenly doesn’t gaf about Namine) and we get a reunion but it’s very....awkward. First of all the add-on convoluted clone-thing Xion is thrown in, but also everyone is crying like the voice actors AND animators know it’s forced and can’t bring themselves to take it seriously, then there’s a poorly animated 3-way-hug that’s more new-football-player-teammates-in-their-first-huddle than anything.
--No one pronounces Vanitas correctly and i want to scream every time. They say “vuhNEEtus” or something and nooooooo stoppppp
--Is it me or are “Empty Vessels” creepy as shit? Stop showing me beige manikins on the floor like a dead body.
--Okay, so wtf was it Larxene, Marluxia and Demyx were supposed to be doing different than the others? That cutscene with the meeting on natural rock structures in a desert? Did they just pad to talk about nothing??
--Off of that: WHY was Vexen talking to Demyx about sabotaging or backstabbing, then the only thing they did was bring a Vessel to Ienzo?! Who tf cared? No one cared! Every single one of Xehanort’s extra pubic hairs could have seen this in front of them and said whatevs.
--(Was i supposed to know who that plushie was in Final World? Ventus did?)
--Did they forget to explain why 1)Sora got a mental cutscene of the words “Do you seek our liege?” when he talked about Roxas in Twilight Town, and 2)Haynor has X’s all over him and a Nobody protected him? Anyone?
--There’s so many KH chars Square either refuses to let go of or makes up for no reason that FF chars will never be seen again. After almost 20yrs of vague hope, that makes me one sad Turk whore. 
--Quick sidetrack to ask why Hiro would make both Baymax’s fighters when he could have made the returned first robot body a healthcare companion for some person in need like Tadashi intended? They’re not Big Hero 7, ya know?
--The Caribbean world for PotC3 was too long, too boring, and every ship handles worse than my dad’s old gigantic 80′s Oldsmobile. (potc only had one movie i can’t hear you lalalala)
--But Ansem already tried to open Kingdom Hearts in 1 and it just revealed a bunch of light (and an actual door). When did that change? Why is it now an actual giant heart emoji that will reset the world like we’re Wolf’s Rain?
--You’re telling me after all these years and all this work, Mark Hamill just shows up to tell Xehanort he’s acting like a dick and he stops? ...Fair.
--Did Yen Sid die in the sea of heartless or...? Cuz if he was the one training Kairi and Lea, that doesn’t surprise me.
--They’re gonna end it like that, huh? Xigbar was really some big bad, backseat time traveler, original mentor to the Keyblade Furries this whole time? Maleficent and Pete’s mission could have been introduced and ended in that one end cutscene instead of wasteful moments throughout the game? This black box contains “hope” but it’s NOT Pandora’s Box? istg if they continue this in another side portable or mobile game with more retcons and redundant additions...
--Secret Ending: GDI game within a game Inception 20 dreams deep full blown art school student wetdream bs
--TIL there will be both free and paid DLC. Because of course there will.
--”When i get hit i want to be stuck in a 5 second animation or have no option to escape/block the entire time i’m repeatedly pelted,” said no one ever.
--I appreciate the extra content and fight moves/attractions, but omg if i’m not in a fight why do the fighting options not go away? Do you know how many times i went to open a chest or finish a time sensitive mini-game only for the triangle button to make a fuckin carousel or gd Buzz Lightyear arcade ride pop up uselessly instead???? WHY. YOU HAD 14 YEARS TO CODE.
--So many useless cutscenes! Why! Especially right at the end fights when they lure me in, i swing a couple times (yay, gameplay) then immediately into another cutscene! Each fight! FINISH YOUR CUTSCENE IN ONE SHOT THEN LET ME BUTTONMASH YOUR GAME, SQUARE! YOU ALREADY MAKE MOVIES TOO!
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True Beauty | Little by Little | Han Seojun x Kang Soojin fanfic series/one shot? Idk
Part 2 , Part 3
This is the first time, I'm posting something on Tumblr, so bear with me haha, I don't know why but I kinda would've loved to see Soojin with Han Seojun after the time leap and her redemption. It's my opinion and I'll feel absolutely grateful if y'all respect it, thank you, I hope y'all will like it.
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Warnings: Slight panic attack trigger mention (not edited)
It was late in the evening and it had been an hour since Seojun left the studio for the day, he now sat on one of the stools staring at the empty glass in front of him. He didn't know why he was here but there he was, he remembered coming to this place for the first time, the night he let Jugyeong go back to Suho and after that night, he found himself coming back to this place often, whenever he needed a break or to get away from everything for a while.
He rubbed his face a little too harshly to check if he was sober enough to move and to his luck, he was just tipsy. He paid for his order and bought himself a simple soda before leaving the place. He put his mask and beanie on and kept walking as the cool wind hit him. He kept looking around to see if anyone recognised him but much to his pleasure no one did. His eyes stopped and soon did his feet when his eyes fell on a familiar figure. He blinked twice to make sure if he wasn't hallucinating.
What was she doing here?
He felt bold and decided to walk up to her. He kept walking till he stood a feet away from her. She had pamphlets in her hands and struggled as she tried to hold them steady and approached people to help people in need. She took out another pamphlet out as she felt a figure walk near her and looked up only to freeze in her place. Her words stopped in her mouth as she looked at those eyes. She was not blind to not recognize who was standing in front of her.
He expected his face to lift in a scowl as usual but it didn't. He was surprised, indeed and definitely had no words to speak. He knew that she met Jugyeong and reconciled with her but he never really bothered to know about her whereabouts. But after what he saw in front of him, he definitely didn't want to be that person who would laugh on her face and blame karma and he obviously didn't want to ack like a jerk and rub salt on her open wounds. So he didn't speak a word and just observed her as she stared right back at him.
She changed so much, he observed. Something about her was different, it wasn't like she was not the Kang Soojin he knew in his teen days, she was still her, but she looked so much better, somewhat relaxed and for some reason it felt like whatever that ate her then was not there around her now and it was very visible on her face. He shook his head wordlessly and turned around.
"Ya, Han Seojun." She called out as he stopped in his place. There was silence for a while as she took a deep breath and walked closer to him.
"I owe you an apology." She said as he blinked while his back faced her.
"Can we go somewhere where we can talk alone?" She continued hesitantly expecting him to walk away as soon as those words left her mouth but to her surprise he turned around and looked at her.
"Okay." He said and followed her.
"Thank you." Soojin said and bowed a little to the helper and sat in her chair as Seojun studied her.
He leaned forward and took a bite of the food in front of him and she gulped as she faced him finally.
"What I did back then was very foolish of me. I despise myself for stepping down to that level." She said as he listened to her.
"And I don't expect you to forgive me because I am asking you to. I know I'll always carry the guilt of hurting people who trusted me. I owe you an apology, even if what I did wasn't directed towards you." She said as she looked down and placed her palm on the table.
"I'm sorry." She finally said as he slurped his drink.
"It's alright." He said and she looked up with slightly wide eyes.
"What?" He asked as she opened her mouth to say something but closed it again.
"I didn't expect you to forgive me so easily." She said as he placed his drink on the table.
"Like you said, what you did wasn't directed towards me. If Jugyeong gave you another chance, I can do it too. Anyways, We weren't really friends in the first place, so yeah." He said as she nodded and then there was a wave of silence that surrounded them.
She felt grateful that he forgave her.
"You didn't come to Heegyeong unni's wedding?" She asked.
"Yeah, I was busy with my debut and all of that." He replied with a shrug.
"Oh." She replied as he nodded.
"So, you are an idol, now." She said as he looked and rolled his eyes slightly.
"Yes, that I am." He said.
"How does it feel to be one?" She asked.
"Stressful. But, I feel happy that I get to live my dream." He said with a small smile on his face. She smiled back and nodded.
"I thought you didn't come because of well...nevermind." She said as he looked at her and she ignored his gaze and went back to eating her food.
"Honestly, I didn't come because Jugyeong told me that she invited you." He said as she looked up.
"Well, of course, you hate me." She mumbled and to her surprise he heard it.
"I did. But, I don't think quite the same now." He said.
"Does it mean you hate me less now?" She asked as he chuckled to her surprise.
"Weren't you the one who despised me?" He asked as he raised one of his eyebrows and she rolled her eyes.
"Maybe, I was and it was because of obvious reasons." She said in a light humourous tone.
"Is that so? Can I know the obvious reasons please?" He asked as she cleared her throat and lifted her fingers to start counting and he could not help but notice how her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as she revisited those years.
"Soojin-ah" Soo ah called out as she held her friend's hand and pulled her along and made her sit on the table where all her friends were seated on. She looked around and found Cho rong eating as Hye min tried her best to control her laughter while looking at her partner and eating her food in silence, Tae hoon was asking Soo ah to eat first and take selfies later because the food might cool down and not taste the same, Jugyeong was explaining something on her phone to Suho as he fed her and then there was Seojun who looked appalled at the sight of the couples that surrounded him. He was seated right in front of her at the corner of the table and sulked as he leaned his head on the pillar next to him and waited for his food. His eyes were closed and disgust was clear on his face. It had been two months since she first ran into him on the road while distributing pamphlets for a charity event and now they were friends and dare she say best friends because it haunted her how comfortable she felt around him and how she actually liked spending time with a guy who once so full of himself. She pushed her leg forward and tapped his shoe. He got startled and opened his eyes to look around and then looked at Soojin who smiled innocently at him. He lips lifted in a scowl as he murmured something and went back to sleep as Soojin chuckled, ofcourse sleep was important.
He jolted up again and looked at her as she was looking at the menu.
"Ya Kang Soojin. When did you come?" He asked.
"A few minutes back." She replied as her eyes checked the menu out and he looked at her and couldn't help but smile as she observed the prices of the food items.
He missed her, it had been a week since they last saw each other because he was busy with recording his new album and couldn't find time to catch up with her as she was busy arranging and hosting charity events.
He cleared his throat as he saw Suho look at him and then at Soojin and went back to feeding Jugyeong as she opened her mouth wide. Seojun rolled his eyes at Suho and scrunched his nose up, he sighed as he relaxed his face and then looked at his phone and scrolled through his social media to find something interesting, his order appeared in front of him when he sat his phone aside. He thanked the waiter and dug in. Soojin just stared at with disgust as he finished the entire plate by the time her food arrived and he shrugged as he looked at her.
A smile appeared on her face before she could stop herself, she shook her head and looked at her plate, neither of them knew what was happening but the entire table looked at them start a new chapter in their own books.
Soojin sighed as she sat on her table and removed the hand that covered her forehead as she completed her work. Today was a very stressful day for her with so many events to plan but she was happy that she got to relax later as Seojun promised her a meal at her favourite restaurant and then a game night.
She switched the lights off, picked her belongings, locked the room and walked out. She smiled as she remembered how many times Seojun apologised to her for not attending the event which was arranged by her and promised to make it up to her. She didn't know how both of them got there but they did. Her younger self would've laughed on her face if she said that she would be one of Seojun's close friends one day.
To be honest, they were nothing alike, she was smart and he was well kinda dumb, she came from a very different household where she yearned for love from family and he came from a family who absolutely loved him and provided him with as much comfort as possible, she was terrible at singing and his voice was absolutely beautiful, but maybe the difference was something that made them different than the others out there, it made them unique.
She bumped into someone and her smile faltered as she looked at the person. Her heart raced in her chest and she felt terrible memories flood her head and she froze in her place. Tears blurred her vision as she looked at the person in front of her.
"Soojin?" The figure, her father asked and she heard footsteps approach them but she didn't turn around to look at who it was as her eyes were fixed on the person in front of her.
"Ya, Kang Soojin. See, I'm early..." Seojun trailed off as he noticed the presence of another figure around her.
"Get out." She said with anger in her voice as it broke in the end.
"Soojin..." Her father asked again.
"GET OUT." She screamed as both the figures around her remained still in their place, while one was in shock and the other was worried. She waited for a while for her father to leave and when she noticed that her father wasn't leaving anytime soon, she turned the other way and walked past him as Seojun looked at her and followed her outside.
"Soojin?" He called out as she kept walking.
"Soojin?" He called louder but she still didn't stop, her vision was blurry with the tears that kept running down her cheek and she kept wiping them off aggressively. He ran towards her and held her hand to stop her and she turned around to snap at the person who did that but she couldn't when she looked at who it was.
"Come with me." He said softly as he took her to his car and both of them sat inside in silence, he started the car and drove to her apartment. When they reached, she got out without saying a word to him and walked towards the elevator. He locked his car and ran behind to stop her. He was surprised how she managed to get into the elevator in the time he locked his car.
"Soo jin?" He called as he finally caught up with her in front of her apartment and she stopped in her tracks.
She didn't turn around and sniffled quietly.
"Are you alright?" He asked hesitantly. He heard no response, tears didn't stop flowing down her cheeks. His heart dropped at the sight in front of him, he didn't like watching her cry, it hurt him and he didn't understand why it did, but it did. He hesitantly walked closer to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Say something." He said and at that moment she turned around, wrapped her arms around him and broke down in his arms. He was taken aback but he caressed her back slowly to calm her down. She hicupped as he stayed still and let her let it all out.
After a very long time, she finally stopped and let her hiccupping self dettach from him feeling a little embarrassed but he didn't care about it. He held her face and brushed the remaining tears off from her face and gave her a small smile.
"I don't know who that was and what happened. But, all I'll tell is, our past never defines us, it's behind us, it's like a closed book, you are not what you were years ago and I know that after getting to know you in the time we spent together in past few months. Don't let it bother you too much. Okay? Take care." He said as she looked into his warm brown eyes wordlessly and nodded, while she did that, a warm feeling spread all over her body at the closeness of his face and the softness of the tone of his voice and her heart fluttered in her chest.
"Call me if you need anything, but for now, go rest, when you feel better give me a call and no, I didn't forget that meal, we will go grab it when you feel better. Alright?" He asked as she nodded in his palms.
"Good night." He said and smiled at her before letting her go.
"Good night." She managed to croak out as she walked towards her apartment.
She walked in and waved at him and he waved back at her and walked away. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as she closed the door and leaned her back against it.
It was ironic how someone who once called her a piece of trash and despised her so much comforted her and said that what she did in the past doesn't define who she is now.
A sudden realization hit her like a truck. How was she so oblivious to it? She wondered.
She never felt comfortable around anyone in her life but in Seojun's arms, it felt as if she belonged there. The way he caressed her calmed her wrecking nerves, it just made her feel safe there and as much as she didn't want to accept it and as much she was afraid of being heartbroken again, she knew at the moment that much to her dismay she developed feelings for someone who will look at her the way a friend does, again.
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Best Part of Me -Chapter 59
Warnings: Profanity
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @alievans007​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @ocfairygodmother​
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A hot shower and a three hour nap -aided by a mixture of antidepressants, anxiety meds, and pain killers washed down by three shots of tequila- has done Tyler a world of good.  Waking up feeling energized; still riding the high of the morning’s adrenaline rush and relatively pain free. Nothing more than a dull throb in the deepest part of the shoulder; some discomfort and audible cracking and popping when he stretches and manipulates it. But it’s bearable, unlike the agony that’s been a near constant fixture in his life for the past couple of years. While the initial replacement surgery and rehab had both been complete successes, a full recovery had eluded him. It had been his own fault, of course; the surgeon’s orders  had been to alter his lifestyle and to avoid the very ‘activity’ that had caused so much damage in the first place. That ‘advice’ had lasted all of four months, until Nik had called, desperately needing his help and he’d been unable to resist both the lure of the game and the promise of damn good money.
He’d attempted to walk away several times in as many years, fully intending to commit himself to being a family man with his own little side business. Content with the motions of being the one to stay home with the kids while his wife either went back to school or found a new career she’d be happy with. But sometimes the best laid plans don’t work out. Not long after an early term miscarriage when the twins were two and a half, she’d  gotten pregnant with Declan DESPITE being on birth control and coming to a mutual decision to wait until both Millie and the twins were in school full time before once again trying to add to their family. It had been completely unexpected, and off of their previous plans regarding their home life quickly went by the wayside. The job was easy money; he was confident in his skills and his abilities and Nik had promised to offer only the easiest of gigs.
That changed quickly. What should have been an ‘in and out’ assassination of a key political figure in El Salvador turning  into a four day shit show that had him falling into dangerous enemy territory and almost needing to be extracted himself. After that, he’d said ‘fuck it’ and began taking whatever Nik brought to the table. And his physical health began to pay the price.
He orders a meal from room service and cracks open the bottle of whisky in the mini bar. He’s stuck to his word; staying sober while actually ON the job and not ever indulging during his downtime. Unlike the old days, he’s able to both pace himself AND stop after just a couple. A far cry from the guy who’d polish off an entire bottle and would be either too hung over to get up with his kids in the morning, or already passed out in the early evening; missing school events and extra curricular activities that he’d promised he’d attend. He refuses to be that guy again; the one who’d almost single handedly ruined his marriage because he put the bottle and the pain meds at the top of his priority list; allowing his addictions to take precedence over his family. The one who’d rightfully had his ass kicked out and then spent the next six months in a drunken stupor.
Never again. Never again will he be ‘that guy’. The absolute failure as a husband and a father. He can control it now; no longer needing to silence the inner demons or lessen the emotional suffering by getting. The want not nearly as powerful. Before it had been a way of life; no day complete without at least the smallest buzz. Now it’s a matter of convenience. Even enjoyment. A feeling of satisfaction and relief when the whisky finally hits the tongue and he experiences the initial burn in the back of his throat. After that, one drink doesn’t make him crave more. Instead satisfying his palate with bottle water and Gatorade and terrible coffee made in the hotel provided maker.
He’s lounging in the middle of the bed in a pair of boxer briefs when Koen finally returns. Back resting against the headboard and his legs stretched out; laptop resting on his thighs and a plate of food in his hands. And he only gives a brief glance towards the door when Koen stomps in and allows it to slam shut behind him.  Offering no greeting, calmly and casually eating from the enormous serving of goat curry and naan bread,  eyes never leaving the video playing on the computer; his three oldest on the plane, reading HIM a story and every so often having mispronounced words gently and lovingly corrected by their mother. And the grin that plays on his lips is double fold; pride and love for those beautiful and intelligent little human beings he’d had a hand in creating, and amusement at Koen’s mutters and complaints and strings of profanity.
“Look at you,” his friend grumbles. “All fucking relaxed and shit. Cocky, shit eating  grin on your face.”
Tyler’s attention  never leaves  the laptop. A different video this time; Addie giving a real, genuine smile when she has her chin tickled. That one brings the prick of tears to his eyes. She’s still so tiny and so fragile, but she is...in fact...growing up.
“Why do you swear all the time?” He finally asks. “Makes you sound stupid. Find another fucking adjective.”
Koen smirks. “Well aren’t you just the clever one. Leave it to your brain damaged ass to remember THAT.”
“It’s my short term memory that’s fucked. Although I do remember threatening to throw your ass off the balcony. Keep calling me stupid or brain damaged, and it’ll happen.”
“Don’t be so goddamn sensitive. What’cha watching?”
“Just some videos Esme sent me. Of the kids. I’ve got two five year olds and a six year old that can read better than I can. How’d the fuck that ever happen?”
“Well their momma’s pretty damn smart. Maybe just be thankful their brains at least took after her.”
Tyler frowns, then flips Koen the middle finger.  “I meant that they’re practically babies still and they can read like they’re a lot older. They’re so smart. So fucking smart.”
“Definitely gonna be trouble makers when they’re older. Imagine them as teenagers? Especially Millie? With that mouth of hers?”
“That mouth of hers is going to keep trouble AWAY from her. She says what she wants; fuck anyone’s feelings. Someone gets mouthy with her when she’s older, she’ll put them in their place. And if her own mouth doesn’t do it, her right hook will. She's a savage that kid.”
“Best of both mom and dad if you ask me. And look at you just kicking back. Acting like  you didn’t just butcher two people this morning.”
Tyler shrugs. “Am I supposed to feel sorry for them?”
“Just thought maybe you’d be a little more...I don’t know...grumpy.”
“Why would I? They got what was coming to them. And they deserved a lot worse. You think that was brutal? Wait until I have more time and more space.”
“You’re starting to scare me a bit, mate. You’re enjoying this a little too much, I reckon.”
“Well if it was  your family being threatened, you’d enjoy it too. You know what kind of things they would have done to my wife and kids? What I did is tame compared to what they had planned. I’ve heard the threats; you haven’t. It’s nightmare inducing shit. Let’s leave it at that.”
“That why you been freaking out in your sleep? Waking up barely able to breathe and shit? Scared the crap out of me the first couple of times.”
“It’s fucking with my head a bit,”  Tyler admits. “Kind of hard not to let it mess with you. Trust me when I say that what I read? What was said about Esme? About the kids? I don’t wish any of it on my worst enemy.”   It makes bile rise in his throat just thinking about it and he places the laptop on the bed and reaches for the bottle of Gatorade sitting on the nightstand. Downing half in order to rid himself of the bitterness and the burn.   “Heard you guys had a bit of trouble.”
Koen scowls, pausing in the middle of taking off his gear. “Don’t get all cocky again, young man.”
“Not getting cocky. Just repeating what I heard. Didn’t you guys leave the same time I did?”
“Your point?”
“No point.” A slow, sly grin spreads across his face. “Just making an observation. I mean, I was alone and had to take out two people. By myself. Took me twenty minutes. And that includes me getting there AND back. You know all the shit I’ve done since then?”
“Nope. But I bet you’re gonna tell me, aren’t ya.”
“Took a shower, ate, slept for three hours. Now I’m eating again. And you’re getting back. Just now. It’s almost six. In the evening.”
“You’ve kept yourself busy. You jerk off sometime in there too?”
“Twice, actually.”
“Your lazy ass could have handled some more work. Instead you’ve been here slacking.”
“I’d done my bit for the day. Next time be faster.”
“Easy for you to say,” Koen scoffs. “Mister ‘I have all the experience’.  You now, we could have used your help out there.”
“Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t hear that. Can you repeat it?”
“Don’t be a little prick."
“I swear you just said that you could have used MY help. I swear you just said that.”
“You’re asking for an ass kicking, you know that?”
“Funny how you wanted my help when this morning you were acting I like I didn’t know what the fuck In was doing. It’s almost like...I don’t know...like you’re actually admitting you were wrong.”
“I ain’t admitting shit. Just saying we could have used your help.”
“Why? Apparently I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“I am five seconds away from punching you in the face,” Koen growls. “And your wife won’t be too happy if I mess that face up. So…”
“Just swallow your pride and admit you’re wrong, mate. That you shouldn’t have underestimated me. Get it off your chest. It’ll make you feel better.”
“Make you feel better, you mean. I’d rather stroke your cock than your ego.”
“Well you’re definitely never getting anywhere near my cock so it’s my ego or nothing.”
“Fine,” Koen sighs heavily. “I underestimated you. I will never again second guess your skills or your abilities. But I still think you’re a brain damaged fuck.”
“I’ll take it,” Tyler says, then sits the now empty plate and Gatorade bottle on the nightstand and swings his legs over the edge of the bed. “How did it go in the end?” he asks, groaning and grimacing as he stands. Forty starting to feel like it’s closer to death, never mind middle age.
“They’re dead. So it ended on a good note. Put up a hell of a fight. Rata took an elbow to the face and went crazy. Beat the guy to death. You would have been impressed. I think he’s a natural.”
“And you?”
“I prefer the simple things in life. Pull a trigger and it’s done. I’ll leave the more hands on, gruesome shit for you two. Gotta date or something?”
“Going to the airport.” He slips into a pair of jeans and a simple black t-shirt. “Going to see my wife and kids.”
“Think that’s a good idea?”
Tyler sighs in exasperation. “Don’t fucking start this shit again.”
“Just if anyone is following you and you lead them right to your family…”
“Anil gave me the okay. Said he’s got tons of guys keeping their eyes on things. Yaz is sending a couple of people with me. So fuck off with this overprotective bullshit.”
“Now you know how your wife feels.”
“I have a reason to worry about her. A LOT of reasons. Damn good ones too. If you’re going to ride my ass so hard, at least pull my fucking hair.”
Koen smirks. “You’re into that kinda shit, aren’t ya. I knew it. Always knew you were a freak.”
“As much as I’d like to stay here and discuss my sex life with you, I’ve got better things to do.”  He attaches his holster to his right hip, gathers up his wallet and hotel key card and both phones.
“You better not come back here with that ‘’just got fucked’ grin on your face,” Koen warns. “Because I will beat your ass.”
“You’ll be too busy beating something else.” Tyler retorts, right hand mimicking jerking off. Chuckling when Koen throws a shoe at him when he steps out the door.
It’s only a fifteen minute drive to the airport and he already knows everything there is to know about the young tech that Yaz has recruited to ‘escort’ him. It’s annoying enough not to be able to something as simple as driving, but to have to stuck with someone that is overly chatty and friendly is nothing short of torture.  He’s never been a social creature; unlike his wife who makes friends easily and never shies away from making conversation with just about anyone, including strangers in the grocery store or out on the street. She’d been the first...and only...chatty person that hasn’t gotten on his nerves.
Her name is Riya and she’s twenty one; last of eight kids, her mother and father both extremely successful and wealthy business people in Dubai. The so-called ‘black sheep’ of the family; all but disowned when she’d decided to attend an American university  -Georgetown- and  make her home there. Even if he HAD have been talker, he wouldn’t have had the chance to offer up much commentary; her mouth running a mile a minute as she nervously and awkwardly spills even the smallest details of her life.
He doesn’t have the heart to tell her to stop her. The old Tyler...the one that existed only six short years ago...would have already snapped and told her to shut the fuck up. But who he is now...the man he is...is different in so many ways. Far more patient. Considerate. Empathetic, even. And the father of a little girl that is the very definition of a chatterbox. Who’s bright eyed and bubbly and talkative from the time she opens her eyes in the morning until the moment she closes them at night. And he wouldn’t want some asshole speaking to his own daughter like that, so why would he?
“How long HAVE you been married for?” Riya asks, and he can hear Esme’s voice in his head; reminding him that not everyone is out to get him. That their curiosity is often just that. They’re genuinely interested in him and want to be his friend.
“Six and a half years.” Sometimes it doesn’t feel nearly that long. Other times, considering all of the bad shit they’ve been through and the time they didn’t think they’d make it. It seems a hell of a lot longer.
“And five kids, right? In only six and a half years?”
“We’ve really been together for seven. Well, almost seven. But yeah. Five kids.”
“They must be really close together.”
“First three are. My daughter is six, the boys are five.”
“Twins? Identical or…?”
“Fraternal. Millie...my daughter...was only two months when we found out they were on their way. They were kind of a surprise, needless to say. We have another boy after them; he’ll be two in a few months. And we have a baby girl. Almost eight weeks.”
“Just a little one.”
Tyler nods. “Very little. Very tiny. My wife is, too, Small. But feisty as hell. And tough. Toughest and strongest person I know.”
“Yaz said you met on the job.”
“Yeah, we got sent out on the same gig, To Bangladesh. Actually had to pretend we were married.”
Riya laughs. “Really?”
“First time I ever got mixed up in something like THAT. It’s a long story, but in the end, my fake wife ended up becoming my real wife.”  He doesn’t feel the need to fill in the gaps between beginning and end; Dhaka and what happened there has never been kept off the radar. Word travels fast in the dame, and every single details has been made available; everything from Mahajan fucking him over to Gaspar’s betrayal to  his near death experience.
“Probably the best ending to a job you’ve ever had,” Riya comments.
“Took me nearly dying and her sticking her fingers in my neck to keep me alive, but yeah, in the end things turned out pretty damn good. What about you? You got a family? Other than the ones that don’t speak to you?”
“Nope. It’s just me. It’s hard finding someone that understands this kind of life. Who won’t judge you for it. And the people you meet through this life aren’t exactly the settling down types. As much as I want to believe I’ll meet someone, I probably should just prepare myself to be alone for the long haul.”
“There’s gotta be someone out there. Either in the game or someone who won’t be bothered by it.”
Fuck. He’s starting to sound like his wife. Years spent listening to her reason with her little sister over the phone that there has to be a guy -or girl- out there that would be into her; a full time student with five cats and a host of mental health issues and an extremely toxic family. Or hearing her talk Ovi through his personal issues; always chasing the wrong girl and left brokenhearted in the end. Normally he just stays out if; offering shrugs of the shoulders or a simple nod or a head shake when Esme attempts to get him involved.
“Maybe there is,” Riya sighs. “Do you have any single friends?”
“My single friends are single for a reason. And I’m a lot older than you and they would be too. So…”
“What about Ovi? He’s your friend. He’s young. Is he single?”
“He’s actually more my son than my friend”
“Son?” Her brow furrows in confusion. “How…?”
“Another long story. We ended up taking in him, giving him a proper home, a family. But yeah. He’s single.”
“Do you think  maybe you could…?”
Tyler laughs. “Yeah...no.  Just no. I’m not trying to be a dick about it, but I don’t get involved with this kind of thing. That, and I’ve got some pretty serious shit I’m dealing with and it’s definitely NOT the time even if  I WAS  the kind that would help. I mean, my wife likes to stick her nose where it doesn’t belong. You could always ask her to talk to him or whatever. I’m not who you want. Trust me.”
“Do you think she would? Put in a good word for me?”
“I guess,” he shrugs. “I don’t know. Look, I’m not the sociable type. So I don’t mean to come across as an asshole, but…”
“You’re honest,” she says. “I heard that about you. That you don’t say much, but you mean what you say and don’t pull any punches.”
“I can be a little harsh,” Tyler admits. “So I’ve been told, anyway.  I’ve bet you heard a lot of things about me.”
She nods.
“Probably not a lot of good things.”
“More good than bad. But the bad is pretty...well...bad.  I don’t know; you don’t seem that awful to me. I mean, how awful can someone be when they have a wife and five kids? No woman would stick around long enough to have one kid, never mind that many.”
“Never thought of it that way. I’m not an easy person to live with. I’ve put her through a lot. But maybe I’m not as terrible as I think I am.”
“I don’t think she’d still be around if you were. If she’s as tough and strong as you say she is, she would have hauled ass a long time ago.”
He’s still thinking of those words when they arrive at the airport; pulling right onto the tarmac behind the smaller hangar he’d flowed into only two days before. It feels like a lifetime has passed since then. Since he’s stood in front of his home, kissing and hugging his wife and kids goodbye and wondering if he’d ever see them again. With how successful the morning had been, he wants to be more confident in regards to the eventual outcome. But he knows how things work; each kill will get harder and messier and more complicated. Mahajan will clue into his involvement and up the stakes even more. One good day doesn’t mean you can let your guard down. Not in the slightest.
Riya waits in the car, but both drivers and passengers of the three vehicles that had followed them climb out. Staggering themselves along the tarmac, eyes surveying the surroundings; bullet proof vests under their clothing, weapons at the ready.  The jet’s already arrived and the stairs being placed in front of the open door when he crosses the distances between it and the car; less than ten feet away when the first little body appears. Millie with her ever present messy hair and those Spiderman sandals; an Incredible Hulk t-shirt paired with a frilly -and glittery- pink and purple tutu over a pair of camo leggings.  Her head down at first and a slight frown on her face; shrugging a unicorn and sloth themed backpack onto her shoulders and one foot tentatively checking the strength and support of the stairs in front of her. And when she finally does glance up, the look is one of shock at first.  Her brow furrowed and those huge blue eyes wide and disbelieving. Then quickly widening and sparkling when realization sets in; a brilliant smile spreading across her face.
“Daddy!” She shrieks, and immediately forgets about her discomfort on the stairs, rushing down them and leaping from the second last one; not even stumbling or missing a single stride. “Daddy!”
Tyler catches her as she throws herself at him, effortlessly scooping her up into his arms. Feeling those little arms immediately circle his neck, squeezing as tight as they can and how soft her cheeks and her forehead are against his lips and how impossibly light she seems.
“You said we wouldn’t see you  for a few days!” Her tone has a slight scolding quality to it.
“I thought I’d surprise you guys. I got things finished nice and early so I could come and say hi. I missed you,” he lays a hand on the back of her head and presses a kiss to her temple and then her brow. “I missed you so much.”
“I miss you too. This is the best surprise EVER.”
“Even better than getting Saju as a late birthday gift?”
"I love Saju, but I love you more. You’re my daddy. And I was worried about you. About the bad guys getting a hold of you.”
“The bad guys don’t stand against me. You know that.”
“Daddy!” TJ hollers, and soon both he and his brother -and two dogs- are racing towards him. And with Millie still on his hip, he drops down to one knee, laughing when the force of those of those small bodies - and all of the power and excitement and love inside of them- knock him off balance and he finds himself on his ass on the damp, cold tarmac. Gathering all three kids into his arms and pulling them tightly into him.
“I knew you could do it,” Tanner’s face is buried in the side of his neck, tears hot against his skin. “I knew you could beat up the bad guys and still come and see us! I missed you. I missed you so much.”
“I’ve only been gone two days, mate.”
“Doesn’t matter if it’s only two hours. I still missed you.”
“I missed you too. I missed ALL of you.”  
He presses his lips to each forehead, returns each tight, fierce hug. Still sitting on the ground as he listens to all three speak at once’ excited tales about what they’d done on the plane and the movies they’d watched and the naps they’d taken and the food they’d eaten, Millie showing off her matching bracelet.  And she moves out of the way when Delcan arrives; a beaming smile on his face and a ‘miss daddy’ in his tiny voice before throwing his arms around Tyler’s neck. And he runs his fingers through his son’s silky red hair and showers his cheeks with kisses and holds him as tight as Declan will let him. And even now he’s not sure he deserves all of this. The adoration and the unconditional love and their blind faith and trust in him.
“Good to see ya,” Kyle says in greeting, placing Addie -in her car seat carrier- on the ground beside him, then offering a hand to help Tyler to his feet and giving him a one armed hug. “Especially in one piece. Heard today was the day. Must have went okay. You’re standing here.”
“Went better than I thought it would. I’ll take a good start over a bad one any day.”   He drops to a knee once more, smiling at his baby girl as he unfastens the straps of the carrier.  “Hey sweet pea...hey little peanut…” he scoops that tiny body into his arms, settling her against his chest; a forearm under her bum, hand on the back of her head. “Daddy missed you. He missed you so much.”
“What are you even doing here?” Esme inquires as she joins them, a playful scolding tone to her voice and a look of pure relief on her face.
He grins down at her. “I guess crossing your fingers worked.”
“I guess it did,” she says, and he’s able to keep Addie pressed securely against him with one arm as he wraps the other around his wife; pulling her tightly into him, lips meeting her temple. “I know it’s only been two days,” her voice is muffled against his chest, both arms around his waist. “But I have missed you so much.”
“I missed you too. It’s felt longer than two days.”
She nods, pulling away slightly to look up at him, tears sparking in her eyes. “I was so worried about you. Everything went okay?”
“Better than I thought it would. I’ll call you later and tell you all about it. Fill you in on all the gory details.”
“Yes, because I just love your stories of mutilation and homicide. You’re okay?” Her hands rub at his sides. “You look okay.”
“I’m fine. Not a scratch on me.”
“Guess you haven’t lost your touch after all. And to think you were worried about that.”  Her face turns serious, the amount of tears in her eyes increasing. “I was so fucking worried about you, Tyler.”
“I know you were.” He presses a kiss to her forehead. “It’s okay, baby. Don’t cry. Everything’s fine.”
“I’m just relieved. That I didn’t just have to take your for it and I got to see it...you...with my own eyes. I’m proud of you. I’m so proud of you.”
“Now you’re going to make ME cry.”
“Did you get the videos? Did you watch them?”
“I did. And I’m slightly concerned that my six year and five year olds are already smarter than I am.”
“I don’t think they’re anywhere near being that smart yet, but they are crazy intelligent. Almost scary HOW intelligent. We are going to have our work cut out for us, I think. Having three brainiacs in the house?”
“Four if you count their mom. Where do you think they get it from? My looks, your brain. We’ve been through this.”
“Is that some sneaky, backhanded way of calling me ugly?” she teases.
“Baby, you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, you know that. And I love you,” he places a soft kiss to her lips. “So much.”
“I love you too. And did you see Addie? Her smile? Her REAL smile? She smiles exactly like you.  Her eyes crinkle and everything. So there. She DID get something from you, after all. Are you okay?” She reaches up and lays a hand on the side of her face, running her thumb over his lips. “With what happened? You’re alright?”
“I’m okay. I just missed you guys. It’s been harder than I thought it would.”
“It’s been six months. You had a whole different life for half a year. I’d be worried if going back to this WASN’T hard.”
“It’s not just that. It’s...I don’t know….” Tyler shrugs. “I can’t talk about it right now. Not with the kids around.”
“Is it about what you did?”
He nods. “About what I did. How I felt about it. How I DIDN’T feel. We’ll talk later. I can’t stay long; just in case someone is keeping an eye on me. You guys will be safer at the house than you will be standing out here talking to me.”
“Thank you. For making the effort to get here.  The kids needed that; to see you. I needed that. I really needed to see you. I needed to make sure you were okay.”
“I needed to see you, too. I was worried I’d never get the chance again. And I wish I could stay longer. Or go to the house with you guys. I’d give anything to be able to do that. Anything.”
She gives a small, understanding smile. “I know you would.”
“I gotta go.” He holds Addie out in front of him, kissing her forehead. “I love you, little peanut. Stop growing up so fast. You might be the last one.”
“We’ll talk about that later too,” Esme says, and he leans down to press a kiss to her temple before placing Addie in her arms. “I love you. We’ll see you in a few days, right?”
“Yep.” He attempts a reassuring smile, then kisses her; long and soft and sweet. “I love you. Call me when the kids are asleep. We’ll talk about stuff.”
“Okay,” she agrees, squeezing him tightly and burying her face in her chest once more when he gives her one last hug. Holding onto him longer and tighter than before.  Unable to control the tears that trickle down her face.
“You should see this place,” Esme says four hours later, after all the kids have finally settled in their rooms  and have managed to fall asleep. “Remember when we stayed at Mahajan’s? What that place was like? Well this Mahajan’s on steroids. I am serious. Ten bedrooms. TEN! And eleven bathrooms! Who cleans all those bathrooms? We have three and we can’t keep up half the time. And the master ensuite is bigger than our entire bedroom. And our room at home is what I consider huge.”
He can’t hold but smile at the youthful exuberance in her voice. He knows she’s exhausted; physically and emotionally. Not just from a twelve hour flight with five kids, but with everything that’s gone down within the past month and a half.  But he can hear the difference; being in Mumbai and closer to him has lifted some of the stress and worry, replacing it with relief and at least some peace of mind.
“And you should the shit this guy has,” she continues. “I’ve never seen anything like it. An underground garage full of insanely expensive exotic cars. A home theatre, indoor and outdoor pools and jacuzzis, his own tennis and basketball courts. Who needs all this stuff? I thought we had a lot of stuff. This? This is our stuff times a thousand.”
“We have a lot of stuff...normal stuff...because we have five kids. He has a lot of stuff because he doesn't have anyone or anything else to spend his money on.”
“”I mean, we have money too. We’re not exactly poor. Not anymore, anyway.”
“We don’t have  his kind of money, babe. What we have in the bank is like a month’s salary to him.”
“We also don’t buy stuff just to buy and have stuff. This is just insane to me. And the animals. It’s not one or two, Tyler. It’s its own goddamn zoo. He’s got tigers and monkeys and peacocks and a sloth. And snakes. So many snakes. Don’t even get me started in the snakes. All I have to say is thank god they’re far enough away from the house and securely contained. Because you know my fear of snakes.”
“I don’t know where this fear comes from. We’ve only had one snake in the house so far”
“In  my shoe!” She reminds him. “Which I tried to stick my foot into, thank you very much.”
“What was one of the first things I told you when we first moved back to Australia? Especially where we moved TO. Check your shoes before you put them on. If you listened to me more often…”
“What if it bit me?”
“You would have lived because it wasn’t poisonous. And it was a baby. The way you fucking screamed, you would have though it was an anaconda trying to eat one or two of the kids.”
“I don’t like snakes. I told this when we first lived there. That I’m scared of them but I loved you enough to live somewhere where there’s tons of them. And you promised you’d be the one to handle them.  And the spiders.”
“Which I have. And the dingoes. Have I let a dingo get you?”
“You’re probably waiting for the opportunity to feed me to one.”
“Baby, if I wanted to get rid of you, there’s about a hundred different ways I could do it. And feeding you to a dingo is NOT one of them. And I don’t want to get rid of you, so…”  He stretches his legs out in front of him, resting his bare feet on the top railing of the balcony. “...you’re safe.”
“What I don’t understand is our children’s fascination and love of snakes and spiders. If you didn’t encourage them to pick the damn things up and let them crawl all over them…”
“They’re not dangerous. They can’t hurt the kids. Let’s not raise pussies, okay? They have to learn about stuff, yeah? Let them learn. As long as they’re not in danger, what’s the worst that could happen? What are they going to do? Want a Huntsman as a pet?”
“I will refuse to step foot in the house again,” she declares. “I will move out. I will live with Ovi in the guest house. If you EVER let the kids do anything like that, I swear…”
“I’d miss you too much. I know what lines I can’t cross.”
“Speaking of lines you shouldn’t cross. Who’s the girl you were with tonight?”
“Are you serious right now?”
“What? You thought I wouldn’t notice you left with her?”
Tyler grins. “Esme, are you jealous?”
“Do I have a reason to be?”
“I kind of like this. You getting all jealous. You getting all worked up. It’s kinda hot, actually. And no, you don’t have a reason to be jealous. She’s young enough to be my kid.”
“Maybe she likes older men.”
“Good for her. But I like you, so…”
“So who is she?”
“Riya. She works for Nik. She’s from Dubai. Apparently her folks are loaded and basically disowned her for going to school in the States and picking the job she did. Sound familiar?”
“That DOES seem a little too close to home for my liking.”
“She actually wants to talk to you.”
“Oh how cute,” Esme scoffs. “She wants my permission before she bangs my husband. Well at least this is asking before she tries.”
“Only person I want to bang is you. And she wants to talk to you about Ovi.”
“Ovi? What about him?”
“You’re the one who can’t stay out of other peoples’ business, right? You like meddling in relationships.”
“Pardon me? It’s advising. Not meddling. Advising.”
“She wants you to hook her up.”
“With Ovi?”
“Are you following along at all or have I been talking to myself?”
“I mean, it’s Ovi. He’s like my kid. No. Scratch that. He IS my kid. I can’t set him up./”
“Why not?”
“Do you want me setting Millie up? Or TJ? Or Tanner?”
“First off, Millie is six. The boys are five. It’s not the same thing. Just do it. Put in a good word for her.”
“So now you’re encouraging me to meddle? That’s a first for you.”
“I’m encouraging you to help a poor, desperate girl out. And Ovi too. He’s been acting like a little bitch since Chloe took off and I can’t can’t take much more. So do me a solid and save what’s left of my sanity and help Ovi get laid.”
“Okay, wow. THAT’S a little disturbing. Isn’t that supposed to be your thing? Anything sex related? You’re a guy. You find him a piece of ass. Call one of your hoes from your old  little black book.”
“Actually, I didn’t have anyone in India,” Tyler admits.
“You poor baby,” she scoffs. “My heart bleeds for you. And find. I will put in a good word for this girl. But if you want him to get laid, you figure out how to make it happen. And don’t sample the goods, either.”
“Only goods I want to sample are yours. So why don’t you come over here and let me.”
“You’re hurting, aren’t you,” Esme laughs.
“A little. It’s been forever.”
“It’s been two days, Tyler.”
“Feels like it’s been forever. What are you wearing?”
“Are you serious right now? You want to have phone sex?”
“You can’t come here and I can’t go there, so…”
“I’m wearing a lovely combination of premenstrual syndrome, baby puke, and dog hair.”
“Now THAT’S sexy. PMS, huh? So things are going back to normal that way.”
“It was going to happen eventually,” Esme sighs. “After the next one, they can take everything out. I’m done. I won’t need any of it  anymore. They can have it. If I never have a period again, that’s fine by me, I’d say it’s good for you too because you won’t have to put up with my extreme bitchiness once a month, but you have two daughter who will go through this one day.”
He frowns “Can Addie at least get to her first birthday before we talk about this shit?”
“It’s going to happen, Tyler. I mean it could happen to Millie in a few years. I was ten.”
“Esme, for fuck sakes. I don’t…”
“Sorry, honey. I hate to break your heart like this. But one day it’s going to happen. And one day she’s even going to want to have sex and need to go on birth control and…”
“Do you want a divorce? Because bringing this shit up is how you get a divorce.”
“I love you,  Tyler James. You’re my favorite human And I love how you can impale someone with a garden rake but you can’t handle the thought of your daughter maturing. You’re so fucking cute. You’re so cute, I’d have phone sex with you right now if my cramps weren’t so bad. I am telling you, after the next one? My body is done. That’s it. Take it all out. It’s not needed anymore.”
“Next one? I thought we weren’t going to talk about that until I got home.”
“I made the decision. Without you.”
He smirks. “Oh, so you mean like you usually do about everything.”
“Pretty much. If you really want another one…”
“You gotta want it too. Not just me. I don’t want you doing it just because I want it.”
“I do want to. One more. An even number.  And if something happens like it did with the one that should have been between the twins and Declan…”
Tyler sighs. “I don’t want to talk about this.”
“We stop if something goes wrong. Because once was bad enough. Well twice, if I count the one with Mark.  I can’t keep having my heart broken like that. And if we can’t successfully carry another one, we just stop. Okay?”
“Okay,” he agrees. “And it wasn’t fun for me, either. Going through that. It was my baby too.”
“I know. But you were amazing and so good with me and it made me love you even more. I’m worried about you, Tyler. There was something in your eyes tonight. When you talked about what you did today. I can’t put my finger on it. I just know what I saw and that I’ve never seen it before. It wasn’t old Tyler OR new Tyler. I don’t know who it was.”
“Before I tell you what’s going on, I need to tell you what  I did. And I know you hate hearing the gory details. But I need to tell you.”
“Okay…” There’s a slight rustle of the phone as she shifts positions in bed. “...I’m not going to sleep for a couple days after this, am I.” While she accepts and supports what he does, she draws the line at hearing the details. She’d seen enough in Dhaka, and once that was over, so was her desire to ever see -or think about- another drop of blood again. “Did you shoot them?”
“No. I didn’t shoot them. I was more...hands on.”
“Like your bare hands, or…?”
“Sort of. I kinda slit a guy’s throat and gutted another one. Literally.”
“And I liked it. I liked doing it. And I’ve never liked doing it before. I killed because I had to. Because I had to keep myself alive. Now I’m doing it because I WANT to. Because I enjoy it. That’s fucked, yeah? Tell me that’s fucked. That I’M fucked.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s fucked. And I definitely won’t say you’re fucked. And I can’t say I’m totally shocked. Or shocked at all, to be honest.”
“Maybe we’re both fucked,” he says. “And not in the good, fun way either.”
“Well before you question our levels of depravity and insanity, let’s look at this for what it is. This isn’t a normal job. This isn’t what you’re used to. You’re used to not having any emotional ties to what you do. You go in, you do what you have to do, you get out. That’s it. You don’t know these people, you don’t know the people they’re hurting, none of that. You’re not connected to any of them, right?”
“Well this time you DO have a connection. A very personal one. These people threatened your family. And I don’t know exactly what the threats are, but they must be pretty bad if you won’t tell me.  I mean, people are saying horrible, twisted things about people you love. About me and your kids. It doesn’t get more fucked up than that; threatening children. Addie’s one of them and she’s just a baby. What kind of fucked person says shit like that about a baby?”
“Evil people,” Tyler concludes. “Really fucking evil.”
“And you’re pissed. To your very core. I see if in your eyes, Tyler. I hear it in your voice. How angry you actually are. How disgusted you are. And you have every right to feel those things. This is as personal as it gets. And you wonder why you enjoyed it? I’d enjoy it too if someone threatened you and I got to kill them. I’d enjoy every fucking second.”
“It just makes me feel like such a dick,” he admits. “Like I’m a horrible fucking person. I made the one guy look at me. Made him watch me while I slit his throat. And he recognized me. He knew who I was. And I liked that he did. That my face was the last thing he saw.”
“And that doesn’t make you a bad person,” Esme says. “A bad person wouldn’t  be worried that it makes him a bad person. You’re a good person, Tyler. I know you struggle to see that. But I see it. And I know it. I know who you are away from all of this. I know how loving you are. How gentle you are. What you did today...what you felt or didn’t feel...that doesn’t erase who you are or what you’re like away from all of this.”
He blinks back tears “This is fucked. This all so fucked.”
“You’re doing what you have to do. You’re stopping them before they can do the same thing to us. Or worse.”
“Definitely worse. Much, much worse.”
“Do you want to tell me what the threats were or…”
“No. You don’t need to hear that. You don’t need that shit in your head. It’s bad enough it’s in mine. That it’s  probably never going to leave.”
“We’ll work on that,” Esme promises. “Your brain. When we get home. We’ll work on it TOGETHER. Okay?”
“I love you, Tyler. So much. And I wish I could be right there with you. I know this isn’t easy for you. That you’re struggling with so many things. But I love you and I’m so proud of you.”
He swallows around the lump of emotion sitting in this throat and using a forearm to wipe the tears from his face. “I love you. And this sucks. Being away from you. You’re so close but it’s like you’re so fucking far.”
“If you need me there, I can find a way. And I will. You know me. I’m pretty sneaky and tenacious on a good day.”
He gives a small chuckle. “Yeah, you are.”
“And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. So if you need me there….”
“I’m okay. For now anyway. Stay with the kids. They need you.”
“So do you. Even if you won’t admit it.”
“I do. Need you. But they need you more.”
“Promise me you’ll call if it gets worse. If you change your mind. Because I’ll figure it out. How to get to you and stay with you. Promise me.”
“I promise. I’ll call you if I need you.”
“Get some sleep, okay? It’s been a long day. Call  me in the morning. Just so I know how you’re doing.”
“I will.”
“And thank you. For showing up tonight. Seeing you did a world of good for the kids. Especially Tanner. He’s finally smiling again. And he has such a beautiful smile. YOUR smile. And it did me a world of good too. To see you. I miss you, And your arms. It was really nice to be in those arms again,”
“It felt good to have you in them. Hopefully in a few days…”
“It’ll happen. I know it will. You’re doing fine. Just keep doing what you have to do. That’s it. We’ll talk in the morning, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Get some sleep,” she gently orders, and then disconnects the call.
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hyunlixsung · 5 years
Drabble Me This
Hey guys I’ve decided to do a Drabble game! My best friend helped me make this list! @himekute Love you bestie!
-One person = one number
-70 numbers available!
-Mainly stray kids but can do side characters from other groups in the Drabble
-You may request a time stamp along with your number 
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1-“All it took was one look into those eyes and I knew that was the last time I'd be at home for a while." - girl of protective parents runs away/breaks rules for rebel bf
2-“Why is there a duckling floating in the bathtub?" - girl rescues a duckling from side of the road and brings in home. Bf discovers it and they become duck parents.
3-“I remember this feeling. It feels like home." cuddly bf attached to gf hip. Touching her one way or another - backhugs, holds hand, hand in back pocket, arm around hip.
4-“We didn't know when we'd see each other again." Spontaneous kissing. Passionate. Hands through hair. Picks up and pushes against the wall. Sits on counter tops. Nuzzling. Lip biting and bruising.
5-“Do you trust me?"
6-“You don't have to do this. I can change. I'll be better."
7-“When I hear forever, I see their face smiling back at me."
“8-“I didn’t mean to kill her.”
“Stop talking about me like I’m dead!”
“Her voice is still so energetic”
9-“Are we lost?”
“That sounded reassuring”
10-“I don’t really think before I act. It’s part of my charm”
11-“Excuse me? Are you telling me what to do?....thank goodness I have NO idea what I’m doing.”
12-“I'm dying."
"No you're just hungry." (Not looking at them. Looking at tv)
(Lays body across their legs) "I'm not gonna make it."
13-“You have three seconds before I start screaming."
"Listen I-"
"You don't understand-"
"You see the thing is-"
14-“Don’t worry nobody is expecting much. Just be you...actually be you but like less...you.”
“Was that supposed to be a pep talk?”
15-“You couldn’t handle me if I came with instructions”
16-“Oh bite me” I rolled my eyes. I failed to notice his smirk. “With pleasure darling”
17-“When I’m done with you, you’re back is gonna be four different shades of red”
“Not if you can’t catch me”
18-“Take your things and go!...what are you DOING?! Put me down!”
“You said take my things and go!”
19-“Talk dirty to me."
"It's your turn to do the dishes tonight."
"That's not what I meant."
"You broke our dishwasher trying to clean your crocs."
20-“When I say who's cute, you say me!"
"Who's cute?" "Me"
"Who's cute?" "You"
"Who's cute?" "Us"
"This is why I love you"
21-“Iwon’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me”
“You’re the reason im injured!”
“How was I supposed to know you would be dancing around the house mopping and that you would be very jumpy???”
22-“We gotta go NOW!”
“Why WHERES the fire?”
“Listen idk if you wanna deal with them but I’m not in the mood to have purple marks all over my neck!”
23-“Yeah you think you’re tough! Come AT me!”
“This I was a TERRIBLE IDEA!”
24-“This has got to be one of your dumbest ideas you've ever thought of."
"Relax babe." [Wears goggles while chopping onions] "see no tears."
"Did you just cut yourself?"
"I think we need to go to the ER"
25-“What’s the plan?”
“You had a plan?”
“YOU were supposed to have the plan!”
“well I didn’t!”
26-“Hey so I was wondering..."
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you just found your next meal."
"Because I just did." Smirks
27-“You’re in trouble now baby.”
“Is is it too late to kiss it better?”
28-“I’m gonna show everyone who you belong to. You’re mine!”
29-“This is a terrible idea.”
“Do you wnat to go home?”
“Hell no! This is the most fun I’ve had in years!”
30-“I know this isn’t the way you wanted your life to turn out, but is that really such a bad thing?”
31-“You know when you said 'let's make tonight fun' being hunted like deer in the back alleys wasnt exactly what I had in mind."
32-“You were about to spend the night reorganizing your spice cabinet."
"I don't need to be attacked like this right now."
33-“I’m cold, I’m
Tired, and I’m going to lose it if I don’t have cuddles and coffee in the next three minutes”
34-“How fast are you?”
“I compete with tiger”
“You mean A tiger?”
“No I mean tiger....my cousin’s rabbit”
35-“If they catch us were dead!”
36 “If I get one more jump scare I’m pulling this car over!”
37-“ Remind me again why I'm doing this."
"Because you love me."
38-“ Out of my way my baby is hurt!”
“39-“I’m not gonna ask again. You stay away from MY girl or I’ll rip You to shreds!”
40-“Your lips look cold can I warm them up?”
....”is that your way of asking for a kiss?”
“Listen linda I’ve been wanting to do this for MONTHS now just let me be smooth for once-“
“Well what?”
“Make yourself useful and kiss me.”
42-“So tell me whatcha want, whatcha really want."
"I'll tell ya what i want, what i really really want.
I want to kiss you (or i want to marry you or i want you to be mine)."
43-“Hey babe."
"We're out of sugar."
"I'll add it to the grocery list lat-"
Kisses her lips
"Don't worry about it. I got some."
44-“Why do we have 50,000 pillows on the bed. We only need two."
"Listen, when the dust bunny soliders bust into our home we won't be sitting ducks. You'll thank me later."
45-“How many lives need to be ruined before you admit here’s a problem?”
46-“Just because you can see a use doesn’t make something useless!”
47-“I never asked you to save me. And I definitely didn’t ask for the rest of this.”
48-“Stop shutting me out and talk to me for once. PLEASE."
49-“Everybody makes mistakes.”
“Not everyone makes the same mistake three times!”
50-“Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you. Fool me three times shame on you again for taking advantage of my good nature!”
51-“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the wya they look at you, whisper and chatter when you appear. They think you’re going to rescue them.”
52-“Run away if you want, but know who you are leaving behind and the risk you are taking. They may not be so patient.”
53-“I told you this all those months ago when we first met. I'll say it again. I'm not who you think I am."
54-“Don’t act like you know me. You don’t KNOW me”
“Yes I do!”
“What’s my favorite color then??”
“Easy blue!”
“...that doesn’t prove anything.”
"No that's not it."
"What is is then?!?!"
"I love you."
56-“I love you on the outside.”
“Wow that makes me feel SOOOO much better”
“Now let me love you on the inside.”
57-“I already said 'I love you'."
"I know."
"Then what do you want?"
"I want you to say it to me again and mean it this time."
58-“I love you”
“...what did you say?”
“Umm I said you cute?” 
“Say it again.” 
“You cute.” Gets close to her face “say it again”
59-“Can you do something for me?" 
“Anything for you baby." 
“I want you to kiss me. And not just the sweet little short kisses we give each other. I need those long, hot, passionate deep kisses that'll leave me breathless. I need you to hold me close to your chest and make it feel like you'll never let me go. I need you to-”
60-“When I saw his face, I could see our entire future together. But when I looked into her eyes, all I could see were galaxies and possibilities."
61-“Are you new here? I don't think I've ever seen you before." 
"Yeah, we've only met in your dreams. You're even more beautiful in person."
62-“DONT cover your marks. I want people to know you’re not for sale.” 
“...so I’m an object?” 
“No! Never! Sorry that came out wrong. But you are mine and I’d like people to keep their hands off.”
63-“(member full name)” “Yes (member last name) (y/f/n)?”” We aren’t married?” “Not yet babe”
64-“nope no kids!” “Why not :(((?” “I have to look after YOU!”
65. "Hey baaabe..." 
“You never said we were expecting company." 
"I never said what-" pauses and stands protectively in front of them. In a deep voice and darkened eyes "What are you doing here?"
66-“okay this is going to seem absolutely crazy but I need you to run!” 
“You want me to RUN?? I’m sorry running is a SIN!” 
“It’s either that or be eaten take your pick.”
 “If I choose eaten does that make me a snack or a meal?”
67-“oh please I bet you can’t even kiss a girl sweetly . All you know how to do is be rough.” 
Slams hands on desk. “But you like it rough don’t you? I can see it. But that’ll have to wait for another time.”
 Scoff. “Another time? Like you’re gonna get a first time-“
68. "Why did I ever trust you!?!?" 
"Baby, don't say things like that! You can trust me!!" 
"I'm sorry 😭😭"
 "No this marriage is over." 
"We aren't married.”
 "You're right we aren't now."
69. "Don't touch me. Don't look at me. Don't think about me. Don't *shaky breath* just *voice breaks* don't."
 "Love, let me explain. That wasn't me." 
"It wasn't you?? If it wasn't you, then who was it???? Hmm!" 
"My twin."
70. "Hey! Do me a favor will ya?"
“Yeah sure what do you - is that, why is there blood on your shirt?
“Kiss me.”
“W h a t?”
Kisses and pulls back after people pass them.
“Yeah sure whatever...blushes
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[HM] The Weekend Writing Retreat Story
I feel like I spend so much time alone these days, and I hate it. I‘m officially taking over my tiny publishing company in about four months, and I’m so worried that I’m gonna fuck everything up. Things with my family have just been all messy ever since my mom’s accident, and I miss when we were happy and got along better. I haven’t had a girlfriend in years, and these days I’ll get depressed for like two weeks if a chick I’m into doesn’t watch my fucking instagram story. And lastly, but probably most importantly, for some reason I’m just constantly convinced that nobody likes me. And that everyone makes fun of me behind my back. And that the entire world looks at me and just sees a giant creepy old ugly loser.
Soooo...yeah. Good times.
I didn’t know how to face my problems, you guys. But I thought maybe I could just run away and forget about them for a little while.
My best friend Mark owns this little cabin in the middle of the woods somewhere like three and a half hours away. I’d been up there twice already this summer, and I really wanted to go back. Mostly because I’d found that spending a weekend in the forest with nothing to do just seemed to leave me feeling super relaxed. Whereas spending a weekend in my apartment with nothing to do just seemed to leave me feeling super shitty.
So, about two weeks ago, I started texting Mark and some of our other friends to see if anyone wanted to go camping again for a few days. Unfortunately, Mark was gonna be too busy for a while so he wouldn’t be able to go, but he said any of us could use the cabin whenever. However, the other jerks in our group text also either couldn’t go, or they, ya know, just didn’t want to. So I tried inviting a few other people, but, after a couple of days, I still sadly just couldn’t find anyone to go with me.
So I figured I could either spend another weekend alone at home worrying about my problems, or I could just spend a weekend alone at this cabin worrying about not getting eaten by wolves. And one of those sounded slightly more fun than the other.
I felt pretty pathetic going camping all by myself, but I just figured I’d call it a ‘weekend writing retreat’. Ya know, just to make it sound more like being alone was my choice.
So, this past Friday, I got out of work, loaded up my car, and simply took off with the goal of just leaving all of my stress behind for the weekend.
Soon, I was heading down the open road with the sun shining above me. I had my windows all rolled down, my music cranked as loud as possible, a cup of coffee at my side, and a bag of sour patch kids in my lap.
And, just like that, it felt like this veil of darkness was being lifted off of me. It felt like every single one of my problems were just fading away.
Then, suddenly...
I turned to see my best friend, Diramio, who was now sitting in the passenger seat next to me.
“Dude, chill D, we’ll be there soon. Just like another hour or so,” I replied.
“Dude, no,” I responded. “Just wait until we get there, I’m not trying to get pulled over and thrown in jail tonight.”
“Yeah, well, I mean, that is a solid point,” I said smiling. “But still, fuck you, dude. My car, my rules.”
I finished hitting my bowl and slowly exhaled. Then I just looked over at him.
He was just like, “SHUT THE FUCK UP!!” and grabbed it from me.
We both laughed as we continued heading down the road. I was so happy to have Diramio with me. I just liked that dude so much, ya know. Everyone’s always liked Diramio. He’s fucking hilarious and just fun as shit to be around.
The rest of the ride was just a nonstop back and forth of the two of us making each other laugh. And soon, before we even knew it, we were turning down the stone path to the cabin. We pulled up, hopped out of the car, and just took a deep breath of that fresh forest air. Diramio quickly began unloading our stuff, but I just chilled for a few moments to take it all in.
We were surrounded by trees on all sides that danced and swayed in the breeze. There were birds tweeting and butterflies fluttering around. The sun was just starting to set in the sky above us. It was all just so god damn beautiful, man. And, for just a second, it made me think of Jane. Because, well, I guess I just kinda associated her with beauty in my head. The way she smiled the last time we hung out momentarily flashed in my mind. And the thought of us one day being together just spun in my brain.
Then, suddenly...
“Beep beep beep.”
I turned to face the stone path leading to the cabin only to be greeted by a truck pulling up next to my car. The truck parked and out hopped my best friend Mark and his fiancée Erin.
“What’s up, jerks?” Mark said as he walked over towards me and D.
“Aww hey guys!!” I replied, immediately giving him and Erin each a giant hug. “I’m so stoked you’re here.”
“Yeah, well someone needs to make sure you don’t burn the place down this weekend,” Mark responded.
We all laughed and just continued unloading our cars and heading inside. I really was beyond happy Erin and Mark had arrived. I just loved them both so fucking much. And, even more than that, I loved how fucking much they loved each other. Like, they really were just perfect for one another. And the fact that they’d each found their perfect match; well, I don’t know, I guess it just gave me hope. Like, maybe one day I’d be just as lucky, ya know.
Soon, the four of us were unpacked and getting ready to have some dinner. As we sat down around the table together; I couldn’t help feeling like we were just this happy little family.
Then, suddenly...
The cabin door burst open. And in walked my best friend, Gabe, and his happy little family.
“Yoooooo!!!” Gabe shouted as him and his two sons, Gabe Jr and Dominic, came bustling inside. “What’s up with my boys?!”
We were all quickly on our feet, greeting Gabe and the kids with hugs and high fives. I was so stoked they’d gotten there. I loved Gabe and his kids so much. I was like genuinely good friends with both of his sons. The three of us would stay up countless nights playing Fortnite together or talking about Spider-Man and stuff. They’d always refer to me as their Uncle Ian, and I don’t know why but that just made me feel so cool.
The three of them got situated and then joined us at the table, and we all enjoyed a nice meal. By the time we finished and cleaned up, it had gotten pretty damn dark outside, so we decided to head out and start a fire. Mark put me in charge of tracking down some sticks for roasting marshmallows. And I was pretty excited, because I figured that, for once, I had a job that I could easily excel at. So, with the notion of easily excelling at a job in my head, I began looking around for some sticks.
Then, suddenly...
A pair of headlights came rolling down the stone path in front of us. And out hopped my best friend Jim.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late. Got stuck finishing up this big project for work,” Jim said as he grabbed his backpack from his trunk and came walking up. “Good news though. I brought us a bunch of really expensive fancy liquor to get all fucked up on.”
“FUCK YEAH, JIMMY!!” Diramio shouted, clearly excited about our late-comer and his contributions.
I too was super excited to see Jim. He was the best, man. And of course he brought a bunch of expensive fancy liquor. He had an awesome job where he made a shitload of money, and yeah I mean the dude was just incredibly successful, ya know.
But, even better, he wasn’t alone!
Because Jim got out of the car.
Then, suddenly...
My best friend Rob hopped out too!
“Ayoooo!” he immediately yelled.
“Holy shit, Rob, is that really you?!” I shouted.
“You know it, buddy!”
I couldn’t believe Rob had actually come. Like, he never did anything. And I don’t mean that in a bad way, it’s just, Rob usually just liked hanging out at home, playing video games alone and stuff. He wasn’t big on going out to bars or parties or shit like that. But I was so fucking stoked that we’d somehow gotten him to join us for the weekend.
So, soon, there we were, the whole crew, just sitting around the campfire together. We drank, and smoked, and ate marshmallows, and remembered old times, and told stories, and laughed, and just talked for hours. It was such an absolute blast.
I remember feeling like I just didn’t have a single care in the entire world.
Diramio was the first to call it a night. I don’t think he really planned on it, but he was crushing beers, went inside to pee, and just never came back out. We ended up finding him passed out on the couch.
Mark and Erin were next to turn in, and they aptly took the master bedroom. Gabe and his kids followed, and they took the guest room. Jim was next, and he took the air mattress in the family room. And that just left me and Rob out at the fire, and two empty cots up in the loft.
The fire was dying out as I finished my drink and turned to Rob.
“So what do you say, man? Ready to head inside and get some sleep,” I asked, as I struggled just slightly to get to my feet.
“No, you know what, you go ahead,” Rob replied. “I’m just gonna hang out here by the fire for a little longer.”
“What, dude, really? You’re just gonna sit out here alone?” I asked.
“Yeah. Why not? I like being alone,” Rob responded.
“Umm....alright, fuck it, whatever,” I said. “I’m taking the nicer cot. Night, bro.”
“Night, Ian.”
I went inside the cabin leaving Rob alone by the fire. Everyone else inside seemed to already be asleep, so I kept all the lights off and just did my best not to make any noise as I crept to the bathroom. I brushed me teeth, peed, and then made my way up the little wooden ladder to the loft. Then, I lied down on the nicer cot.
There was complete silence throughout the cabin, but I could still hear the trees blowing outside, as well as the faint crackling of the fire. I glanced over at the empty cot across from me. I couldn’t believe Rob had chosen to just sit outside alone like that. How could he like being alone?
For the first time since I’d left my apartment that afternoon, I started to remember my problems. And being alone was the very first one.
I felt like I spent all my time alone these days, and I hated it.
A sadness fell over me.
And a veil of darkness fell over the entire cabin.
Rob just sat outside, alone, staring at the fire. But then he heard a noise.
He turned around to face the forest behind him. There were just trees and darkness.
But then, again, he heard a noise.
“Hello?” he said sheepishly, “Is somebody there?”
He continued looking out into the woods, but he couldn’t see anything.
Then, suddenly...
He spotted a pair of blood red eyes staring back at him.
Then another.
And another.
Before Rob even had a chance to react; he was being attacked.
He tried to defend himself, but they just came at him from every direction.
He fought the best he could, but there was only so much he could do...against teeth and claws.
And so, only a few moments later, Rob’s lifeless, bloody body was just being dragged off into the darkness.
I woke up the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee coming from the kitchen. I slowly crawled to my feet and slid on my slippers. Then I stood up and went to head down the little wooden ladder from the loft. However, first, something caught my eye.
I glanced over at the cot across from mine. And Rob wasn’t in it. In fact, it looked very clearly like he hadn’t been in it at all the previous night.
Either way, I made my way down the little wooden ladder from the loft and couldn’t help but smile as I walked into the kitchen full of my loud dumb friends. Gabe and his kids were working on cooking eggs for everyone. Mark and Erin were doing the coffee and toasting up some bagels. Jim was sitting at the kitchen table typing away on his laptop. And Diramio was just, somehow, still passed out on the nearby couch.
“Yo IK, got coffee for you,” Mark said, handing me a cup.
“Dude, you fucking rule,” I responded.
I grabbed some milk from the fridge and walked over to the table.
“What are you working on, Jimmy?” I asked as I took a seat.
“Oh just catching up on some emails from clients,” he replied.
“You fucking nerd,” I responded.
“Hey Ian, what’s the deal with Rob?” Gabe asked. “Was he still asleep when you came down? He’s gonna miss breakfast.”
“Wait, what? He’s not down here?” I responded.
“No, didn’t he sleep in the loft with you?” Mark asked.
“Uhhh...I don’t think so. Like, he was still out at the fire when I went to bed, and the cot across from me didn’t really look slept on this morning.”
“Well, where the fuck is he?” Jim asked.
We all just looked at each other.
“Dude, don’t tell me he fucking slept outside,” I said.
Mark, Erin, Jim, and myself all went outside and walked over towards the fire pit. But there were no signs of Rob.
“Ummm, holy shit, you guys,” Erin said, starting to freak out a little. “Like, seriously, where the fuck is he?”
We all quickly began to grow quite frantic.
We started shouting his name. We went back through every room in the cabin. We checked our cars. There was just simply no trace of him anywhere. He was just gone.
By now, Gabe and his kids had abandoned making breakfast, and all of us just stood outside the cabin panicking. Diramio finally woke up and stumbled outside wondering why we were all being so fucking loud.
“Dude, Rob’s missing!!” I shouted.
“Oh man, is that all you guys are worried about?” Diramio replied groggily. “I thought you guys were saying we GOT robbed. I was praying they didn’t take the rest of that fancy expensive liquor.”
“Diramio, that’s not funny,” Erin replied.
“Guys, relax,” Diramio responded. “Rob probably just went to take a shit in the woods or something and got turned around. I’m sure he’s fine.”
“Bro, you get turned around in these woods, and you’re fucked. Like, he could be lost for days out there,” Mark replied.
“Well then,” Jim said, stepping up in front of us, “...we better go find him.”
“Dude, fuck that shit,” Diramio answered.
“Shut up, D,” Jim replied, “You’re coming with me, and we’re going north. Mark, you and Erin go south. Gabe, you and Gabe Jr. go east. And Ian, you take Dominic and go west. We’ll search for an hour and then meet back here. Everyone be careful. Don’t get lost. And, most importantly, find Rob.”
Jim taking charge worked and soon we were all heading out into the woods to find our missing friend.
Dominic and I followed along an old ATV path deep into the forest. We continued shouting Rob’s name as we hiked, but of course our calls went unanswered. We’d been walking for about a half hour or so when suddenly a bird flew out right in front of me, causing me to scream like a little girl. Dominic started dying laughing.
“Shut up, little dude, this is why I didn’t become a professional forest ranger,” I said.
“Yeah, you’re not a professional anything,” Dom responded still giggling.
“Hey, ya jerk, that’s not true. I run my own company. That’s gotta be worth something,” I replied defensively.
“No, you don’t,” Dom responded.
“Well...okay, no I don’t. But I’m second in command. And my boss is retiring at the end of the year, then I’m taking over. So, soon, I really will be in charge.”
“Uncle Ian, I can’t picture you in charge of anything,” Dom replied.
“Dude, shut up,” I answered. “Right now, I’m charge of you so stop being a little dick and let’s get back to trying to find our friend.”
“Fine,” Dominic said. “But I’m telling my dad you called me a dick.”
The two of us continued making our way through the woods searching for any trace of Rob. However, as we walked, stupid little Dominic’s words kept echoing in my head. He was right. Like, I shouldn’t even be in charge of my own life. How was I gonna be in charge of a company?
Once again, I was suddenly reminded of another problem I’d gone on this trip to escape. I’d be taking over this company soon, and I just legitimately had absolutely no idea what I was fucking doing. I was so nervous that I was gonna just end up completely out of business in less than a year. I’d always been a pretty shitty employee at every job I’d ever had. So I couldn’t help but imagine I’d be an even shittier boss. I wished I was a hard-working, ambitious, go-getter like Jim. But I knew I wasn’t. And I knew I never would be.
For the second time since I’d arrived at the cabin; an immense sadness washed over me.
And a veil of darkness fell over the entire forest.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the forest, Jim and Diramio had just found a clue.
“Diramio, does this look like blood to you?” Jim asked, as he pointed out a small spot of red on the trunk of a tree.
“I don’t fucking know, bro,” Diramio responded. “Can we just go back to the cabin? I need a drink.”
“Dude, Rob’s fucking lost in the woods and could be dead for all we know,” Jim replied. “How are you not taking this seriously?”
“I mean, I am, but I also just seriously need a drink.”
Suddenly, just then, the two friends heard a noise. Nothing big, but just a little rustling from a bush a few feet in front of them.
But then, there was another rustling. From a bush a few feet behind them.
Then one from their left.
Then one from their right.
Then, without warning...these huge fucking wolves emerged and began to surround them.
That’s right. Giant, hungry, scary-looking wolves.
They had bright red eyes, sharp claws, and massive teeth.
“Holy shit,” Jim whispered. “Diramio, don’t move. If they attack, our only shot at fighting them off is working together. You with me?”
There was silence.
“Diramio?” he said again.
Still, no answer.
Jim finally turned just in time to see the back of Diramio’s shirt as he was sprinting away.
“Diramio, you motherfu....”
Jim never even got that last word out before the terrifying beasts surrounding him pounced.
And, moments later, his lifeless, bloody body was just being dragged away into the forest.
Dominic and I returned to the cabin almost the same exact time as Gabe and Gabe Jr. Neither of our groups having found any hints at all as to an explanation for Rob’s disappearance. Mark and Erin got back soon afterwards, and they too had failed to find anything. The six of us just stood around fearing the worst. We decided if Diramio and Jim also returned empty-handed, then we’d just go to the police and hopefully they’d be able to help.
Time ticked by as we waited for Diramio and Jim to get back. We were just starting to get worried about them when suddenly we heard Diramio screaming off in the distance.
He finally came bursting through the trees near the cabin, and, as soon as we saw him, we could all instantly tell something was seriously wrong.
Diramio ran right past all of us and straight inside.
We all looked at each other. And then we followed him.
As we walked in, Diramio was already over by the kitchen table, straight up pounding the bottle of fancy expensive liquor Jim had brought.
“Hey, uhhhh, D,” Mark said softly, “Where’s Jim?”
Diramio kept chugging from the bottle until it was completely empty. Then, he slammed it down on the table in front of us, took a deep breath, and simply said...
“Jim just got eaten by wolves, you guys.”
“No, seriously, where is he, Diramio?” Erin asked.
“Dude, Diramio, stop fucking around, man. Enough is enough,” Mark said, beginning to sorta lose his cool.
“Guys, for real, I’m not fucking around. Jim just got eaten by wolves. I’d be willing to bet Rob did too. We gotta get the fuck out of these woods, right now,” Diramio said, with a stark sternness to his voice none of us had ever heard him use before.
As crazy as it sounded, we figured maybe Diramio was actually telling the truth. But, either way, now TWO of our friends were apparently missing. So it was definitely time to leave the woods and go to the cops. We all began packing up our stuff and getting ready to head into the closest town.
However, Erin walked outside to load up Mark’s truck, and a split second later, we all heard a terrifying scream. We rushed out front and quickly saw that Erin had a made a gruesome discovery. The tires on all of our cars had been slashed. Well, more than slashed really. They were all completely shredded. It almost looked as though they’d been...clawed.
“Yo, you motherfuckers believe me now?” Diramio yelled. “The fucking wolves did this!”
Now, none of us knew what to think. We all just ran back into the cabin to regroup.
“Listen, guys,” Gabe said, “wolves or no wolves, something fucked up is clearly going on right now. And I gotta get my kids out of here safely. I’m their dad. They’re my family. I have to protect them.”
“Wait,” Mark shouted. “I have my four-wheeler outback. You and the kids can take that to get to the nearest town and then send help.”
We all ran outback and were relieved to find the ATV’s tires were still in good shape.
Gabe, Gabe Jr., and Dominic all climbed on board.
“Stay on the trails, and you should be fine,” Mark said. “You’ll hit a pretty major road in about fifteen miles. And if you follow that, you should eventually reach the town.”
“Don’t worry, I got this,” Gabe said. “You guys just stay safe. We’ll send help as soon as we can.”
With that, Gabe and the kids took off on the ATV, leaving behind just Mark, Erin, Diramio, and myself.
“Yo, I don’t understand why they get to leave, but we’re stuck here,” Diramio said, as the four of us began walking back into the cabin. “I mean, I like Gabe’s kids, but I also kinda like not getting eaten by fucking wolves.”
We all kinda nervously chuckled as we headed inside. However, I was a few steps behind the others, and I just kinda stopped in the doorway for a moment. I turned and looked back at the dust trail Gabe had left behind. I prayed that him and his kids would be alright. I thought it was so impressive that he’d stepped up to protect his family like that. I thought about my family. I already knew we’d never do anything like that for each other.
And just like that, another problem returned to my mind. Things with my family were just so messy. My mom had been the glue that held us all together, ya know. So, ever since her accident, it just seemed like we’d all been coming apart. I felt like my brother hated me. I felt like every conversation I had with my dad would eventually just turn into an argument. I felt like I wasn’t helping my sister enough as she struggled to take care of everyone. I just missed when we used to be a happy little family. Like Gabe and his kids.
Once again, sadness filled my heart.
And, once again, darkness filled the woods.
Gabe and his kids were flying down the narrow trail. He figured they’d probably already gone at least a dozen miles and should be hitting the main road soon. Gabe Jr and Dominic clung on tightly to their dad’s back as they sped along.
Suddenly, Dominic spotted a dark blur moving quickly through the wilderness on their right side. Then, Gabe Jr. noticed the same thing on their left. They quickly began trying to get their father’s attention over the loudness of the four-wheeler.
It soon worked, and Gabe turned around, only to immediately see multiple giant fucking wolves chasing right behind them on the trail, as well as along both sides of them. He cranked down on the gas in an attempt to get away, but it was no use. They stayed right there with him. Finally, one came running up from the side, causing Gabe to swerve in the other direction. He lost control and the four-wheeler careened off the trail and right into a tree. Gabe and his kids were all sent flying. Then, dozens upon dozens of hungry terrifying wolves just quickly descended upon all three of them.
And, sure enough, soon, their lifeless, bloody bodies were just being dragged away into the woods.
The sun was just beginning to set in the sky outside the cabin. Inside, the four of us were just doing our best to keep our shit together. By now, it had been at least a few hours since Gabe had left, and we still hadn’t heard anything from him or the help he was supposed to send. The shitty tv in the family room only got a handful of channels, but we’d managed to find one playing a marathon of old Home Improvement episodes. So, we all just sat there quietly, watching Tim the Toolman Taylor.
But, eventually, Diramio broke the silence.
“Dude, this is so fucked up. Gabe and his kids should’ve reached that town hours ago and sent help. I bet they got eaten by wolves.”
“Diramio, shut up, don’t say that,” I replied. “Even just joking around about Gabe’s kids dying seems super messed up....”
“Fuck that, I’m not even joking,” he replied. “I bet they got eaten by wolves, and I bet soon we will be too.”
“D, relax,” Mark said. “We’re not gonna be eaten by wolves. Help will come.”
“Yeah, but what are we gonna do if it doesn’t,” Diramio responded.
Mark tried to reply, but he didn’t really have an answer.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Diramio said. “You don’t know what we’re gonna do. But I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do...I’m gonna get super fucked up.”
And with that Diramio stood up and walked out of the family room.
After he left, Erin turned to Mark and said, “Babe, for real, what are we gonna do if help doesn’t come?”
“Hey, don’t worry,” Mark said, putting his arm around his fiancée. “Help will come. And until it gets here, I’m not gonna let anything happen to us.”
“Promise?” Erin asked.
“I promise,” Mark said. “Plus, babe, this cabin’s made out of bricks. So even if there are big bad wolves out there; going by three little pig logic we should be safe.”
Erin laughed.
“I love you, Mark.”
“I love you too.”
As I witnessed this conversation between my soon to be married friends, I couldn’t help but to feel a tiny bit of jealousy. Well, actually, I felt a shitload of jealousy. I wished I had someone who loved me.
I wished Jane loved me.
Once again, a problem I’d managed to momentarily forget rushed back into my head. I don’t know why I fucking liked Jane so much, you guys. Like, seriously. I know she’s never going to want to fucking be with me. But I just can’t help it. No other girl makes me feel the way she does. Bro, this shit isn’t fucking fair. I just wish for once a girl I was into was actually into me back, man. How come that never fucking happens for me?!? Like, what the fuck is so wrong with me, you guys?!?!?
The sadness hit me this time like a punch to the face.
The darkness surrounded the cabin like a flash flood.
Then, suddenly...
Wolves violently burst in through every single window of the cabin.
“Holy Fucking Shit!” Mark screamed. “The pig story never mentioned windows!!”
The wolves lunged for Erin, but Mark dove in front to protect her. There were just too many wolves though. They quickly tore right through Mark.
“Ian, help!!” Erin screamed.
But there was nothing I could do. Wolves just continued flooding in through the windows, and I had no way of getting to her before they did.
“Erinnnn!!!!” I shouted as I watched them viciously bite into her.
Before I knew what was happening, Diramio was yanking me out of the family room, which was now completely overrun by wolves. We quickly ran through the cabin as more and more of the monstrous beasts came bursting through every window and doorway.
“QUICK, GET UP THE LITTLE WOODEN LADDER TO THE LOFT!” Diramio shouted as the two of us dashed past more of the ferocious killers.
We reached the little wooden ladder and quickly climbed up just before they got to us.
Diramio and I looked down from the loft at what appeared to be at least a hundred terrifying wolves staring back up at us with their big red eyes and giant teeth.
Unfortunately, hearing Diramio say that he didn’t want to die...once again caused immense sadness to wash over my body.
And a veil of darkness to cover my entire world.
Because, just like that, my last and largest problem suddenly popped back into my head.
“Well, of course YOU don’t want to die, Diramio,” I quietly said. “Why would you? People actually like you.”
“Wait? What?” Diramio responded. “The fuck’s that supposed to mean.”
“Nothing, man. It doesn’t matter anyway.”
“Bro, I’m here, you might as well talk to me.”
“Dude,” I responded, “that’s the problem...you’re not actually here. You’ve never actually been here. Nobody ever was. I literally couldn’t find a single fucking person to go camping with me this weekend. So I just had to go alone. Because nobody fucking likes me, man. Everyone says their my friend. Everyone says they care about me. But nobody ever wants to spend time with me. Nobody ever wants to hang out. Nobody ever wants to do anything.”
As I spoke, the wolves below began growing more restless and aggressive. They soon started figuring out how to inch their way up the little wooden ladder to the loft. And the sadder I got, the higher they climbed.
“Ian, dude, you need to stop,” Diramio said, noticing the beasts getting closer and closer. “Like, I know I’m not really here, but I still don’t wanna get eaten by a fucking wolf, bro.”
“Diramio, I don’t want to hate being alone. I don’t want to worry about work or miss how my family used to be. I don’t wanna get depressed over girls. And I don’t wanna feel like nobody likes me. But I can’t help it, man. I thought by coming up here for the weekend I could escape my problems, but it didn’t work. They followed me. And now they’re gonna get us.”
“Bro, you just need to face your problems head on instead of trying to run away from them,” Diramio shouted, as the wolves were now only inches away from reaching us.
“Dude, I don’t know how to face my problems!!” I yelled back.
“YES YOU DO, IAN,” Diramio screamed. “YOU ALWAYS HAVE.”
The wolves finally made it to the top of the little wooden ladder and went to pounce.
“Howwww, Diramio, just tell me!” I screamed at the last moment.
“Well you called this a weekend writing retreat, right bro?” Diramio said, as the wolves closed in around him.
“Maybe you should try fucking writing...”
And with that, the wolves attacked Diramio.
“NOOOOO!!!” I screamed.
But it was too late.
They quickly began dragging him back down the little wooden ladder.
However, what he had just said struck me.
Like, I HAD called this a weekend writing retreat.
And, well, maybe that was the secret here, man.
Maybe, instead of using this weekend to try to escape my problems, I could literally do the exact opposite, and use it to face them.
I could deal with my problems the same way I just dealt with everything: by writing a fucking weird ass story about them.
And I knew writing about my problems wouldn’t actually solve them, you guys.
But it wouldn’t be running away from them either.
And I was never going to be able to run away from my problems.
They were always gonna be there.
Hunting me down.
Chasing me.
Just biting and scratching at me.
Like fucking wolves.
I looked down at the hundreds of beasts mauling Diramio below me.
I still wasn’t convinced writing a story about my problems would actually help. But there was one thing I was absolutely certain of.
And that’s that, if I did write a story about my problems...
I wasn’t gonna let it fucking end like this.
Because, as much I was convinced that nobody liked me, deep down, I knew that there was at least one person who did.
And I wasn’t about to let him get eaten by fucking wolves.
I stood up, took a deep breath, and just shouted, “Hold on, Diramio! I’m coming!”
And with that, I dove over the edge of the loft and into giant mess of murderous creatures below.
As soon as I landed, I just started punching and kicking and head-butting every fucking wolf around me. Somehow I managed to knock away the ones dragging Diramio, and I was fucking delighted to discover he wasn’t quite dead yet.
“HOLY FUCK, BRO!! I THOUGHT I WAS DONEZO!!” he shouted, as he climbed to his feet and joined me in fighting the onslaught of wolves coming at us.
“Nah, fuck that shit, D,” I replied. “It’s time to face this shit head-on.”
The two of us went back to back as the wolves continued attacking us.
After Diramio shouted that, somehow, someway, a giant sword appeared in his hands. And so he just quickly began using it fight off the wolves.
Then, suddenly...
Mark and Erin came bursting through the back door of the cabin.
“Ian, trust us,” Mark said. “One day you will find love, dude. I know it’s hard sometimes, but if it was easy, it wouldn’t be worth it.”
“You just have to keep being yourself, Ian,” Erin added. “You’re an awesome guy. And maybe this Jane doesn’t realize that. But the next one will. I promise.”
As soon as Mark and Erin finished talking, they both whipped out machine guns and started blasting the shit out of wolves.
Then, suddenly...
The front door burst open and in ran Gabe and his kids.
“Bro, nobody’s family is perfect,” Gabe shouted. “But the fact that you care so much shows how much you love them. And that’s what really matters, man.”
“Plus, I know you think we’re a happy little family,” Gabe Jr. added. “But we wouldn’t be without you.”
“Yeah,” Dominic said. “You’re our Uncle Ian.”
Once again, as soon as my friends stopped talking, they pulled out weapons and joined the battle against the wolves. Gabe had a little tiny slingshot and his sons both had giant grenade launchers.
“Wait, dude, hold on,” Gabe said, “How come I only get...”
Then, suddenly...
Jim came bursting through the ceiling and landed right in the middle of the fight.
“Ian, dude, don’t worry about work, bro,” Jim quickly shouted. “Like, for real, in the last ten years, you went from dreaming about being a writer to now running your own publishing company. You’re gonna be fine. I just can’t wait to see how much higher you rise, man.”
Jim finished his quick speech, pulled out a chainsaw, and then just started massacring wolves with the rest of us.
Then, finally...
The floor of the cabin broke open and out crawled Rob.
“Ian, you’re not alone,” he said. “You never have been. You never will be. Almost everyone in the cabin has had your back for literally over thirty years now. We’re not fucking going anywhere, dude. We’re always gonna be here for you. Even if it’s just to help you fight imaginary wolves in an incredibly weird fucking story.”
And with that, Rob whipped out the golden gun from Goldeneye 64 and joined the brawl.
So, there we were, the whole crew, just fighting wolves together.
And, eventually, after a long and bloody battle; we won.
We didn’t actually kill all of the wolves. Most of them just ran away. So I knew they’d be back in time.
But, I also knew, when they did return, I wasn’t going to try to escape or run away from them.
I was just going to deal with them.
The only way I knew how.
I hope you liked this weird ass story, you guys.
It will not be my last.
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