hamliet · 7 years
Would you happen to have any good book recommendations? I'd really like to get back into reading something again. It'd be much appreciated!
Oooh, so what genres do you like? 
Russian lit: Crime and Punishment, Father and Children, Demons, The Brothers Karamazov, The Idiot, The Death of Ivan Ilych, The Master and Margarita
Other classics: Middlemarch, Les Miserables, To Kill a Mockingbird, Heart of Darkness, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Northanger Abbey, Howard’s End, Cry the Beloved Country
Modern: The Orphan Master’s Son, The Kite Runner, A Little Life, The Alchemist 
Sci-fi/fantasy: Mistborn
YA: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Harry Potter
Nonfiction: If This Is a Man
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hidewari · 7 years
As Darth Vader would say: "I find your lack of Persona games disturbing!" But on a more serious note, how come? I personally think you would enjoy them (with all the over the top shipping involved in the fandom and their enjoyable characters)! Additionally, in terms of rhythm games, I'd recommend the Persona dancing games, lol. They are extremely ridiculous, but very entertaining nonetheless. (My antisocial self finally managed to send someone an ask! I'm so proud.~)
I have actually tried to get into Persona games, but I feel like I tainted my own experience unintentionally.
You see, a few years ago I saw Persona 4 somewhere online and decided that I wanted to try it out. I walked into a game store and saw a pretty PS3 box sitting on the shelf with “Persona 4″ written across it so I picked it up and bought it. I took it home and started playing it and God, was it boring. The amount of text was absolutely insane and I had skip over half of the text because it was totally irrelevant and convoluted and the gameplay was so, so lacking. But here’s the thing; I later discovered that I wasn’t playing Persona 4, I’d actually picked up Persona 4 Arena instead, and I’m told that game is significantly lower in quality OTL
So I guess Persona 4 is actually on PS2 which means I’m unable to play it since I don’t own that console (’: (Though I do actually own a Rise Kujikawa figurine simply because she looks amazing 👀)
I do have the original Persona game installed on my PSP emulator and I tried to play it but it was virtually unplayable (though I’ve also heard through the grapevine that that game is generally not considered very good.)
I have played Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers on 3DS but I didn’t get very far into the game because I was playing a few other games at the time and I guess I just forgot about it.
I have been recommended Persona 5 a few times now, and I was going to try it but it’s so expensive and I’m just not affluent enough to spend that much money on a series I’m not super eager to get into, so I’ll probably try it out once I can find it somewhere cheaper.
Also, as a side note, it probably doesn’t come across that way on my blog (since I stan a bunch of ships on here) but I’m perhaps surprisingly really not that big on shipping. I find it pretty difficult to get into ships unless I’m SUPER into the series (probably the reason my only ships are from TG and Fire Emblem rip)
But anyway yeah, I might try out Persona 5 if I can find it anywhere cheap (I’ll probably have to go for the PS3 version instead of the PS4 version because of the price). As for Dancing All Night, I actually watched a few clips from P4DAN quite a while ago because I heard they featured a really beautiful Miku model in that game and I loved the song she appeared in and was interested in playing it but I don’t have access to a PS Vita so that’s off the table too )’:
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jaemas · 7 years
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Trying to catch up Inktober hehe And @yagashiro your OC is perfect for inks :’)
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king-kaneki · 7 years
yagashiro replied to your post: I finished Doki Doki Literature Club just now. It...
Alright, now I’m intrigued. I’m gonna download it now!
Have fun! (If you can call it that) :’D
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bloodybroadchurch · 7 years
79 & 93 please, as they reflect themselves in a way!
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?  
uhm I guess that I started riding horses? not sure tho hahah it’s a very difficult question
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?  
I don’t think I‘d want to erase any of them? I haven’t experienced things that were so horrible that I would want to forget them. Doesn’t mean there haven’t been dark moments in the past but because of them the direction of my life changed and so far it seems to have lead to good instead of bad experiences :)
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brotheryanny · 8 years
PASS THE HAPPY ALONG! when you get this, reply with five things that make you happy and pass along to ten nice people. ❤️
ahh thank youuu
1. amatsuki 2. breakfast 3. disneyland 4. cooking videos 5. cats
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mermaidenmystic · 4 years
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Mermaid Shower by Japanese artist Manami Yagashiro Lingerfelt ~ http://www.manamiart.com
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yagashiro · 7 years
Regarding Tokyo Ghoul:re on this blog: (Please read!)
I’m not going to keep it spoiler free anymore. I no longer want to hold back and start reblogging & sharing my thoughts on the new chapters, since this is truly the ONE series I’ll never lose interest in.
I won’t start posting stuff until next monday, when the new chapter arrives. So until then, please figure out if you still wanna follow me and risk spoilers!
Thanks to @bloodybroadchurch for suggesting this to me: If you still want to keep following me and want to avoid spoilers, then please use the Tumblr extension New XKit (the new is important!) and use the Blacklist extension to block one of those tags “tokyo ghoul”, “tokyo ghoul:re” and “tgre”! It’s fairly easy to set up and I’ll make sure to use these tags accordingly from now on!
Sorry for the inconvenience, but since Tumblr still doesn’t offer a sensible option to tag spoilers, this is the only way! (-。-;
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everythingstarstuff · 6 years
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Manami Yagashiro ( "Mushroom and incyweency unicorn" )
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kyogre-blue · 6 years
Summer 2018, season start
Took a while to get around to this because I was playing video games instead.
Angels of Death, ep1 - Dropped. Confusing, kinda gory, and really confusing. I’m not really a big fan of these super convoluted small-scale setups (I like broad fantasy worlds instead), so I don’t see any point continuing.
Calamity of a Zombie Girl , ep1?? - Dropped. The first “episode” is 80 minutes long. Is it a movie...? Anyway, it’s a horror movie, but the human characters are dull and the monster girls undermine any sense of horror. Also, hey, it’s the Tower of Druaga character designs. It was annoying, so I dropped it after about 20 minutes.
Planet With, ep1 - Dropped. I’m not a fan of this kind of wackiness. It’s just not my genre. (I mean, the parody of Eva and RahXephon was spot on, but like... I don’t enjoy it.)
Lord of Vermilion: The Crimson King, ep1 - Dropped. That in media res beginnging was horrible and killed my interest with how confusing it was. (The designs remind me a little of Caligula, but in red.) Then we follow it up with a second confusing scene of Shakespeare, which is already a poor idea. Props to them for showing the big disaster and the aftermath tho, instead of just having it as the distant backstory that explains the magic powers.
The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar, ep1 - Dropped. Starting with a naked chick is an immediate negative. Another negative for the weird “big brother, father” fetish. The pseudo Ancient Greece setting is a bit interesting, I’ll admit, but it makes the... German? terms for magic even weirder.
How Not to Summon a Demon Lord, ep1 - Ongoing. This show is amazingly stupid. And there’s so much ridiculous fanservice. And yet somehow I found it at least mildly amusing. The demon lord design is very cute (if generic), which I guess helped. Also, the lack of social skills and substituting villain dialogue joke is a classic.
Overlord S3, ep1 - Ongoing... I guess. The first seasons were moderately engaging, but definitely not to my taste. It continues in the same trend of the main cast being both OP and casually evil, plus with a side of sex that doesn’t interest me (bonus: the girls really want to fuck!! but they’re virgins!! that’s hot right).
Holmes of Kyoto, ep1 - Queued. It’s nice and peaceful, and I like Yagashiro. But I don’t think I’ll watch it weekly, at least for now. I’m doing other stuff, hahah.
Phantom in the Twilight, ep1 - Queued. I actually like the style of it and the lead is quite proactive so far. I’m just not in the mood for it right now, so I’ll marathon it later.
Angolmois: Record of the Mongol Invasion, ep1 - Queued. I didn’t read any summaries, so I thought this would be about Mongol characters. It’s actually about Japanese characters defending a border island from a Mongol invasion. Looks kind of interesting, just not quite the right setting for what I’m into right now.
We Rent Tsukumogami, ep1 - Queued. Kinda slow and not too interesting, but I do like this kind of setting and the ayakashi stuff.
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coolman229 · 7 years
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@yagashiro No that’s not what happened. The guy says he doesn’t want the Airbending and Korra says to his face “I can’t help you with that”. Either she forgot she could Energybend or she’s purposefully lying to his face and manipulating him to make him stay an Airbender, which is skeevy. Korra was trying to talk to him and didn’t tell him that she has the ability to simply take it away from him so he can be normal again. And Korra restored everyone’s bending about 6 months earlier and Aang was known to debend people like Ozai and Yakone (the latter he did publicly) before that so you’d think they’d bring that up so Korra would take the bending away. Either way something is wrong. 
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jaemas · 7 years
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Request by @yagashiro, his OC Shiro Yagashi!
I had a lot of fun doing this! And I already really like this character xD
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brotheryanny · 7 years
10 facts
tagged by the wonderful @yagashiro​ (´-ω-`)❤︎
im not very interesting so lets see if we can even get to ten ww
1) i play lotsa instruments, piano violin guitar melodica the cucurbit flute and otamatone (i guess) but people only tend to know about my piano playing (*´-`) also started the trumpet at one point but i have weak lungs
2) leading from 1), i really like arranging and composing music! i hope ill be able to collab with lots of talented people one day (hmu yall)
3) i used to want to be an author lmao but i hate writing anything long
4) my favourite food to make is katsudon or cheesecake
5) ah but now i want to go into ai and robotics
6) i go through earphones like noones business they just keep breaking maybe its because i put them through the wash every other day
7) i love playing them but i very rarely finish games;; the last one was rakuen a few weeks ago, but the game before that must’ve been cod ghosts.. and before that……… pokemon platinum?!!??
8) i really fuckin lov gintama (⁎⁍̴ڡ⁍̴⁎)
9) my favourite non-utaite artists are Ling Tosite Sigure, Galileo Galilei and Our Last Night
10) when i was younger i was notoriously known for putting sticky notes and sellotape on people (?)
bonus: im a fuckin love live weeb and kotori-chan is best girl (it started ironically but one day as i was collecting the daily bonus it suddenly hit me
thank you for the taggg ┌༼ ˵ ° ᗜ ° ˵ ༽┐ ♡
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mermaidenmystic · 4 years
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Love Below by Japanese artist Manami Yagashiro Lingerfelt ~ http://www.manamiart.com
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Tag Game
I was tagged by @bloodybroadchurch a while a go, thank you! :) 
Rules: Answer questions, ask some of your own, then tag ten people!
1) Do you have fear of heights? Nope, I actually love heights! 2) Have you ever been sleepwalking? I was told that I once fell out of a loft bed and had actual conversations with people at night, but I don’t remember those at all, so that might have been a type of sleepwalking? I don’t know though.  3) What was YOUR TV show you really hyped when you were a kid? I’m not entirely sure... but I definitely grew up loving Star Trek (various series) and Charmed. 
4) Is there a weird/interesting fact about you? I don’t think there’s anything interesting about me to be honest. But a random fact is that my wrists will almost always 'click’ when I rotate them.  5) Do you have an idol? Who is it? hmm probably several, depending on the field - if I’m gonna say a general idol, I’d currently pick Lin Manuel Miranda 6) Do you want to learn a specific language? yeah, I’m currently learning Norwegian on Duolingo, but I’d love to continue learning it after I finish all the Duolingo units 7) Is there a fact about you which makes you proud that you have it? my self-loathing does not allow that 8) And last: Do you wanna draw a fluffy bee? Yes? Do it! noooo, my drawing skills are nonexistent, I’m sorry :(
Yagashiro’s questions:
9) Is there a new hobby you would like to take up if you could?
I don’t think there would be time. But if I had time and lettering skills, I would love to get into bullet journaling 
10) What is your favorite video game?
maybe Sid Meier’s Pirates :D
bloodybroadchurch’s questions: 
9) Would you rather be excellent at drawing or singing?
10) Are you looking forward to autumn/winter or are you longing for  more hot summer days? 
I’m not particularly fond of the heat, so I’m definitely looking forward to fall :) 
My questions: 
11) What was the last thing you read? (could be anything - an article online, a discussion on Tumblr, a fanfic, a book?)
12) Did you have any irrational fears as a kid?
I’m tagging @lloydoholic, @lovedeven, and @mothafookingmermaids :)
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Yay I got tagged again by @yagashiro! :D
Since I only know those two guys on tumblr, I’m not gonna tag anyone else heh
Relationship status:
In a relationship with a fellow crazy and laid-back archaeology student 
Favorite color:
Way too many, changes all the time. some are smokey dark blue, light grey or deep burgundy
Lipstick or chapstick:
Chapstick, cause I hate the feeling of dry lips
Last song I listened to:
Sing Sing Sing by Benny Goodman, makes the way home from uni way faster and less boring (was in the mood for that since i wore a dress that kinda reminds me of the 60s, so i had to go for some old school music)
Last movie I watched:
Watched Twilight (NOT the vampire thing, the movie about a trial starring Richard Gere and Edward Norton) for the third time, still so cool even though i obviously knew what was gonna happen
Top 3 characters:
So hard to choose! I'm gonna say Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice, Sherlock Holmes and Aragorn (simply cause i had a huge crush on Viggo Mortensen as a child)
Top 3 ships:
Well i recently watched an anime with my brother (working!! web-ban) and was really happy when two of the characters (Muranushi and Adachi) got together; back when i used to watch Supernatural i was kinda rooting for Destiel and as third ship i'm gonna go for Robin and Barney from how i met your mother
Currently I'm reading No longer human by Osamu Dazai, Vom Guten des Schlechten by Paul Watzlawick and The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling
(i'm terrible at reading only one thing at once)
Top 5 Musicals:
Musicals are kind of my guilty pleasure, so iIm gonna go with Legally Blonde (as a fellow blonde... plus it weirdly gets me motivated to study) Elisabeth (cause i'm a sucker for costumes and dramatic music) Grease (i know i know) Hair (cause the topic is actually quite interesting) and oh my god I almost forgot my favorite: Sweeney Todd (blood, rough voices, again costumes, do i need to say more)
Oh hey I even made it to 5, I'm actually surprised
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