#yago santiago
spurstwt · 4 months
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lookingforhappy · 6 months
here's an absolutely ancient draft with explainations of each of the brellies' names and origins that i compiled millenia ago lmao
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Luther -
As a German surname, Luther is derived from a Germanic personal name compounded from the words liut, "people", and heri, "army". As a rare English surname, it means "lute player". Luther is also derived from the Greek name Eleutherius. Eleutherius is a cognate of the Greek word eleutheros (έλεύθερος) which means "free".
Luther is a given name of various origins, it is derived from the same surname and became a first name mainly in tribute of Martin Luther.
Luther was ordained to the priesthood in 1507. He came to reject several teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church; in particular, he disputed the view on indulgences. His refusal to renounce all of his writings at the demand of Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521 resulted in his excommunication by the pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the Holy Roman Emperor.
Lutheran theology differs from Reformed theology in Christology, divine grace, the purpose of God's Law, the concept of perseverance of the saints, and predestination.
Predestination, in Christian theology, is the doctrine that all events have been willed by God, usually with reference to the eventual fate of the individual soul.
Diego -
The name has long been interpreted as reanalysis of Santiago, from older Sant Yago "Saint Jacob," in English known as Saint James, as San-Tiago.
One of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus according to the New Testament. Saint James is the patron saint of Spain and, according to tradition, his remains are held in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia.
James is described as one of the first disciples to join Jesus. The Synoptic Gospels state that James and John were with their father by the seashore when Jesus called them to follow him. James was one of only three apostles whom Jesus selected to bear witness to his Transfiguration. James and John (or, in another tradition, their mother) asked Jesus to grant them seats on his right and left in his glory. Jesus rebuked them, asking if they were ready to drink from the cup he was going to drink from and saying the honor was not even for him to grant. The other apostles were annoyed with them. James and his brother wanted to call down fire on a Samaritan town, but were rebuked by Jesus.
The Acts of the Apostles records that "Herod the king" (usually identified with Herod Agrippa I) had James executed by the sword. Nixon suggests that this may have been caused by James's fiery temper, in which he and his brother earned the nickname Boanerges or "Sons of Thunder". F. F. Bruce contrasts this story to that of the Liberation of Saint Peter, and notes that "James should die while Peter should escape" is a "mystery of divine providence".
Didacus is recorded in the forms Diaco, Diago in the 10th century. The form Diego is first recorded in the late 11th century. Its original derivation from Didacus is uncertain, among other things because the shift from -ía- to -ié- is unexplained.
The name Diego is of Spanish origin and means "supplanter." It is believed to be derived from the name Santiago, and in medieval times, Diego was Latinized as Didacus. It is believed Didacus derives from the Greek word didache, meaning "teaching."
Supplanter: noun. someone or something taking the place of another, as through force, scheming, strategy, or the like.
Allison -
Alison is primarily a female given name in English-speaking countries. It was originally a medieval French nickname for Alis, an old form of Alice derived with the suffix -on or -son sometimes used in the former French nicknames such as Jeanson ("little Jean") or Pierson ("little Pierre").
The name is first recorded in Scotland in the 12th century. It was popular until the early 19th century and, spelled Allison, was the 45th most common name given to baby girls in the United States in 2005
Allison also has separate, disputed roots as a family name.
Allison is a surname of English and Scottish origin. It was a patronym, in most cases probably indicating son of Allen, but in other cases possibly from Ellis, Alexander, or the female given name Alice/Alise.
The surname was first recorded in England in 1248, when a "William Alisun" is recorded in the Documents of the Abbey of Bee in Buckinghamshire. In Scotland, the earliest record dates from 1296, when "Patrick Alissone, Count of Berwick" paid homage to the ruling council of Scotland in the absence of a proclaimed king.
Allison: From the middle of the 20th century this has primarily been used as a variant of the feminine name Alison.
Alison: Norman French diminutive of Aalis (see Alice). It was common in England, Scotland and France in the Middle Ages, and was later revived in England in the 20th century via Scotland.
Alice: From the Old French name Aalis, a short form of Adelais, itself a short form of the Germanic name Adalheidis (see Adelaide). This name became popular in France and England in the 12th century. It was among the most common names in England until the 16th century, when it began to decline. It was revived in the 19th century.
Adelaide: Means "noble type", from the French form of the Germanic name Adalheidis, which was composed of the elements adal "noble" and heid "kind, sort, type". It was borne in the 10th century by Saint Adelaide, the wife of the Holy Roman emperor Otto the Great.
Klaus -
Klaus is a German, Dutch and Scandinavian given name and surname. It originated as a short form of Nikolaus, a German form of the Greek given name Nicholas.
The name is derived from the Greek name Νικόλαος (Nikolaos), understood to mean 'victory of the people', being a compound of νίκη nikē 'victory' and λαός laos 'people'. An ancient paretymology of the latter is that originates from λᾶς las (contracted form of λᾶας laas) meaning 'stone' or 'rock', as in Greek mythology, Deucalion and Pyrrha recreated the people after they had vanished in a catastrophic deluge, by throwing stones behind their shoulders while they kept marching on.
The name became popular through Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra in Lycia, the inspiration for Santa Claus.
In one of the earliest attested and most famous incidents from his life, he is said to have rescued three girls from being forced into prostitution by dropping a sack of gold coins through the window of their house each night for three nights so their father could pay a dowry for each of them. Other early stories tell of him calming a storm at sea, saving three innocent soldiers from wrongful execution, and chopping down a tree possessed by a demon.
Another famous late legend tells how he resurrected three children, who had been murdered and pickled in brine by a butcher planning to sell them as pork during a famine.
Five -
5 (five) is a number, numeral and digit. It is the natural number following 4 and preceding 6, and is a prime number. It has attained significance throughout history in part because typical humans have five digits on each hand.
Gerard Way's insta @/gerardway:
Maybe they'll learn the numbers don't matter, as Five did, which is why I feel he embraced his number as a name instead of a rank, and rejected an actual name (which I hope we see one day!).
Steve Blackman on Reddit Q&A:
Grace helped the kids choose names that were popular from their birth places. However, Five couldn't decide on one before getting lost in the apocalypse. Now, he just likes the name "Five".
Ben -
Ben is frequently used as a shortened version of the given names Benjamin, Benedict, or Benson, and is also a given name in its own right.
Ben (in Hebrew: בֶּן‎, Son of) forms part of surnames, e.g. Abraham ben Abraham (Hebrew: אברהם בן אברהם‎). Bar-, "son of" in Aramaic, is also seen, e.g. Simon bar Kokhba (Hebrew: שמעון בר כוכבא‎).
The Arabic "Bin" (بن) or "Ibn" (ابن) or "Ben" (dialectal Arabic) means "son of".
Benjamin is a popular given name for males, derived from Hebrew בִּנְיָמִין‎, Binyāmīn, translating as "son of the right [hand]", though in the Samaritan Pentateuch, the name appears as "Binyaamem": "son of my days".
Benjamin is often shortened to Ben, sometimes to Benny, Benj, or Benji. It is also a patronymic surname. Like many biblical names, it is popular in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths alike, having many variant forms in other languages.
The "Benjamin of the family" is a phrase used in several languages to refer to the youngest son—especially when he is much younger than his brothers. Sometimes the name is chosen for a son born to mature parents unlikely to have more children, especially if he has several older siblings. Both of these usages derive from the biblical son of Jacob of that name, who occupied that position in his family. In some languages, by extension, it is also applied to the runt of a litter of animals.
Vanya -
Ваня (Vanya), a male or female diminutive of the Russian, Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian and other Slavic given names Ivan or Ivana. It is the Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian and other Slavic form of John or Jane, itself derived from a Hebrew name, meaning "God is gracious" or "Gracious gift of God". An alternative spelling of the name is Vanja. In the Scandinavian countries and in Bulgaria, it is a female given name, in Bosnia and Herzegovina mainly a male given name, in Russia it is male given name, and in Serbia and Croatia it is a unisex name.
The play portrays the visit of an elderly professor and his glamorous, much younger second wife, Yelena, to the rural estate that supports their urban lifestyle. Two friends—Vanya, brother of the professor's late first wife, who has long managed the estate, and Astrov, the local doctor—both fall under Yelena's spell, while bemoaning the ennui of their provincial existence. Sonya, the professor's daughter by his first wife, who has worked with Vanya to keep the estate going, suffers from her unrequited feelings for Astrov. Matters are brought to a crisis when the professor announces his intention to sell the estate, Vanya and Sonya's home, with a view to investing the proceeds to achieve a higher income for himself and his wife.
Alone, Vanya wonders why he did not fall in love with Yelena when he first met her ten years before, when it would have been possible for the two to have married and had a happy life together. At that time, Vanya believed in Serebryakov's greatness and was happy that his efforts supported Serebryakov's work; now he has become disillusioned with the professor and his life feels empty.
Angrily, Vanya asks where he, Sonya, and his mother would live, protests that the estate rightly belongs to Sonya, and that Serebryakov has never appreciated his self-sacrifice in managing the property. As Vanya's anger mounts, he begins to rage against the professor, blaming him for the failure of his life, wildly claiming that, without Serebryakov to hold him back, he could have been a second Schopenhauer or Dostoevsky. In despair, he cries out to his mother, but instead of comforting her son, Maria insists that Vanya listen to the professor. Serebryakov insults Vanya, who storms out of the room. Yelena begs to be taken away from the country and Sonya pleads with her father on Vanya's behalf. Serebryakov exits to confront Vanya further. A shot is heard from offstage and Serebryakov returns, being chased by Vanya, wielding a loaded pistol. He fires the pistol again at the professor but misses. He throws the gun down in disgust and sinks into a chair.
The Tsar Bomba (Russian: Царь-бо́мба), (code name: Ivan or Vanya), also known by the alphanumerical designation AN602, was a hydrogen aerial bomb, and the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created and tested. Tsar Bomba was developed in the Soviet Union (USSR) by a group of nuclear physicists under the leadership of Igor Kurchatov, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union.
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missannetropic · 3 months
Breve prefacio de un largo camino
Hace algunos meses el hastío del desierto donde me fue dado nacer, un cierto sentimiento de vacío propio de quien atraviesa la vida sin un proyecto del todo claro, y la tenacidad de mi amigo indio Harshil, que por encontrarse en Europa encontró apropiado el escenario para un reencuentro tras seis años sin vernos, me empujaron a embarcarme en una nueva aventura.
La intención inicial era clara: moverme, cambiar de contexto, salir a que la lluvia me moje, a que la vida me pase. La forma, por el contrario, fue revelándose de a poco.
Para abril ya era un hecho que iba a emprender el Camino de Santiago con la Euge, la madre de mi hermano del alma. Para mayo se sumó mi madre, lo que aportó una no pequeña dosis de incertidumbre y cierta ansiedad, pues mi abuela -su madre- parecía estar cerca de un final que se ocupó de vaticinar durante más de quince años. Para junio, la profecía se cumplió: "nena, este año me voy sin falta", le había dicho a mi madre a principios de enero. Si bien su partida nos dio paz, porque ya estaba viejita y cansada, al mismo tiempo abrió un espacio simbólico complejo: era la última de mis abuelos, el bastión de la resistencia de una generación, la línea de fuego contra la muerte. Perderla fue perder terreno, retroceder un paso en la inicua batalla, quedar cada vez más expuestos.
Así fue como después de despedirla partí hacia la tierra de sus ancestros -con un largo duelo a medias y la confusión propia de la pérdida- en busca de algo de sentido y, por qué no, de mi propio camino. Me lancé como de costumbre, sin dar muchas vueltas ni pensarlo del todo. "Vos primero entras y después te fijas si hay un escalón" siempre me dice mi madre, y esta vez no fue la excepción.
Como mi faz espiritual no estaba en su mejor momento -secuelas de una vida forzadamente ecuménica- decidí jugar a la segura y utilizar el camino más directo a mí corazón: mi cabeza. Me autoseduje con un libro de Garrido sobre el camino, que devoré en el vuelo de ida. Así aprendí que Santiago no se llamaba así sino probablemente Yago o Iaco (también escrito Jaco). Luego, con el agregado del título de santidad pasó a llamarse Sant Yago o Sant Jaco (en francés Sant Jaques, en inglés Sant James) y de ahí a Santiago o San Jacobo. También aprendí que era hermano del discipulo preferido, Juan el evangelista, y que era tremendo impulsivo, por eso tras la muerte de Cristo se subió a un barco en el puerto de Jaffa, cruzó el Mar Mediterráneo y se fue a predicar al último confín del mundo conocido, mas precisamente a la ciudad de Irina Flavia, cerca de la actual Compostela. Estuvo allí unos años hasta que volvió a Jerusalén, donde siguió predicando hasta que le cortaron la cabeza. Luego, dos de sus discípulos lo llevaron de vuelta a Irina Flavia para enterrarlo allí, movimiento que se conoce como "translatio". En el siglo IX, bajo el reinado de Alfonso II se descubrió su tumba y se mandó a construir la catedral en Compostela. A partir de entonces, fieles de toda Europa comenzaron a peregrinar para rendir culto a las exequias del apóstol. Para ese entonces, España se encontraba dividida en dos: el norte católico en poder del rey y el sur musulmán en poder de los moros. En ese contexto, se proclamó a Santiago patrón de España y se erigió su figura como defensor del rey en la guerra contra los moros. Al lograr la expulsión y consolidarse el reino, el culto a Santiago se robusteció aún más. Asimismo, al tratarse de los restos de un apóstol, atrajo peregrinos de todas partes, principalmente de Francia, Italia, Inglaterra y Flandes. Tras siglos de peregrinaciones, el camino comienzó a perder atractivo, hasta que en los años 70' las asociaciones de amigos del camino, las cofradías dedicadas al santo y un grupo de entusiastas voluntarios comenzó a rehabilitar la traza del denominado camino francés. El principal referente del movimiento fue el padre Elías Viñuela, quien comenzó a pintar flechas indicativas de la ruta, para que los peregrinos no se perdieran. Las pintó con pintura amarilla, sobrante de aquella que usaba vialidad para pintar la calzada. Así fue como el camino comenzó a renacer. Luego, de la muerte de Franco, con la creación de las Comunidades Autónomas, se sumó la nueva Xunta de Galicia, quien comenzó a impulsar la rehabilitación del camino desde la gestión civil. Así se restauró el camino portugues, el primitivo, el andaluz o mozarabe, el inglés, y se siguió mejorando el ya restaurado camino francés. Los mayores progresos se dieron en los llamados años santos o Xacobeos (aquellos en los cuales el día 25 de julio cae domingo), pues como consecuencia del otorgamiento de indulgencias plenarias a los peregrinos que hicieran más de 100km caminando (es decir, aquellos que obtuvieran la compostela o certificado de peregrinación), eran los años en los que se recibía mas fieles.
Todos estos datos me flashearon y me ayudaron a prepararme para lo que iba a venir. Sin embargo, todavía no termino de entender qué vine a buscar, ni qué espero encontrar. Sí sé, por el contrario, que nunca me había sentido más abierta a recibir de la vida lo que me quiera dar.
Veremos qué nos depara el camino.
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themeixhuang · 29 days
closed: @santiagodeleons
where: can either be at four leaf or one of their places u pick xo
"Uncle Yago!" filled the air the moment Luna saw the man, making Mei smile warmly as she watched the way her daughter rushed over to him, Santiago being the closest thing to a father figure she'd ever had in her young life. Mei followed suit then too, going to him and hugging him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Little Miss starts kindergarten next week so she wanted to make sure and have one last summer dinner together before she goes off to big kid school." It was something Mei was still coming to terms with as well: that come next week, Luna would be going to school and they'd be apart for the first time since she'd been born. Pile that on top of Mateo coming back into her life....Mei was admittedly going through it a bit. "How are things? Other than potentially having to console me when I inevitably burst into tears in a few days at having to watch her walk off and away from me."
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whitehartlane · 1 year
Been a fan for ages but don't watch the academy much, mind telling me a bit about it?
of course! i love our academy to death (mostly watch the u18s and the u21s as a disclaimer whenever i’ve got the time) and think we’ve got some great talent at the moment.
a quick rundown of some of our recent history: our academy definitely has not been the best in the country and especially the past 4 years, under mourinho and conte, has honestly been kind of a dead end for many youth players. we’ve obviously had some academy talent who have made a great impact on the first team (in recent years: kane, skipp, winks, etc. mason and tanganga to a lesser extent) but you can argue that their development happened mostly on their loans.
either way the glaring problem has mostly been that we’ve had managers who recruit big name players from outside the club rather than focusing on youth talent and development inside the club. this kind of peaked under conte where the u18s were thriving because of their complete independence from the first team (won trophies!) meanwhile the u21s got relegated (which was overturn because of some new ruling) because their players were pulled out of training sessions to essentially be stationary cones in first team training.
this could not have changed more in the first few weeks of the pl2 season! i’ve been following the u21s mostly and so far the kids have won every match, scored 15 and conceded 1 and are top of the league. they’ve just won 0-5 against colchester in the efl trophy as well. the abundance of talent we’ve got that was apparent last season also has been able to be set free because shock horror they don’t have to stand around in training sessions anymore. i think another large factor in this turnaround is the fact that ange’s style of play has been clearly implemented in this team. they build out from the back and press insistently. simply a joy to watch and refreshing to see because implementing the same play style in the first team and the academy allows an easier pathway into the senior team à la barcelona and all that. also ange generally looks towards youth talent within the academy to recruit to the first team and reports have been saying that he’s already watched over some practices and told the lads that he selects based on performance and merit so if they want a chance and work hard for it they will get a chance.
so far currently i think our standouts at academy level (not including players on loan like alfie devine and dane scarlett) are jamie donley, jude soonsup-bell, will lankshear, yago santiago, josh keeley, alfie dorrington, mikey moore, ashley phillips etc. moore especially has got a lot of hype and is regarded as one of the best youngsters in england for his age group (he’s 15 iirc). all of these kids have a lot of potential for different reasons, we’ve got an abundance of attacking talent in donley, santiago, and soonsup-bell. also keeley for example is a really talented young keeper who’s very composed for his age and communicates with his back line well.
apart from the obvious shouts the player who has impressed me time in and time out is jamie donley. super versatile along that attack line and can play as a 9 but but i think he’s best employed as a 10. he’s got good instinctive finishing and a killer passing range. this is a kid who grew up watching kane. he’s definitely one of the players who’s head and shoulders above the pl2 and i think a loan would benefit him greatly come january, really hope the club are considering that. here’s a thread on him if you’d like to read more! also recommend following this handle on twt if you’ve got it, they’re the main hub for all academy news 🤍
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nightsidewrestling · 2 years
D.U.D.E Bios: Florencia Marino / Flo Marino
The Mother of Lust Flo Marino (2020)
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The mother of Billie, Florencia Marino, is the proud mother of eight children. Florencia is a wrestler and a trainer, being part of the eldest generation of female wrestlers in the Marino family.
"Rule two of wrestling, always be prepared for a real fight."
Full Legal Name: Florencia Encarnación Marino (Née Palomo)
First Name: Florencia
Meaning: Spanish feminine form of 'Florentius' which is derived from 'Florens' 'prosperous, florishing'
Pronunciation: flo-REHN-sya
Origin: Spanish
Middle Name: Encarnación
Meaning: Means 'incarnation' in Spanish
Pronunciation: eng-kar-na-SYON
Origin: Spanish
Surname: Marino (Palomo)
Meaning: Derived from the given name 'Marino' which itself is the Italian and Spanish form of 'Marinus'. 'Marinus' comes from the Latin word 'Marinus' meaning 'of the sea' (Palomo: Means 'Pigeon, dove', from Latin 'Palumbes')
Pronunciation: ma-REE-no (pa-LO-mo)
Origin: Spanish (Spanish)
Alias: Flo Marino
Reason: Ring name
Nicknames: Flo, Flor, Florence, Encarna, Encarnita
Titles: Mrs, Ma'am
Age: 58
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Cuban
Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino
Birth Date: April 9th 1962
Symbols: Doves, Coral
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Catholic
Native Language: Spanish
Spoken Language: Spanish, English, Portuguese
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Aries
Theme Song: 'Oh ¿Qué Será?' - Willie Colón (1982-)
Voice Actor: Sandra Santiago
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Bayamo, Granma Province, Cuba
Current Location: On the road / Bayamo, Granma Province, Cuba
Hometown: Bayamo, Granma Province, Cuba
Height: 5'7" / 170 cm
Weight: 150 lbs / 68 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 3
Piercings: Ear Lobe (both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Linda May
Colleagues: Too many to list
Rivals: N/A
Closest Confidant: Yago Marino
Mentor: Fátima Palomo
Significant Other: Yago Marino (57, Husband)
Previous Partners: None of note
Parents: Ildefonso Palomo (88, Father), Fátima Palomo (89, Mother, Née Abarca)
Parents-In-Law: Jacinto Marino (80, Father-In-Law), Gloria Marino (81, Mother-In-Law, Née Verona)
Siblings: Hipólita Varano (55, Sister, Née Palomo), India Ungaro (52, Sister, Née Palomo), Jennifer Turchi (49, Sister, Née Palomo)
Siblings-In-Law: Kilian Varano (56, Hipólita's Husband), Ladislao Ungaro (53, India's Husband), Moreno Turchi (50, Jennifer's Husband), Sabas Marino (60, Yago's Brother), Karina Marino (61, Sabas' Wife, Née Turati), Tercero Marino (54, Yago's Brother), Leocadia Marino (55, Tercero's Wife, Née Trucco), Ramiro Marino (51, Yago's Brother), Mar Marino (52, Ramiro's Wife, Née Tivoli), Pastor Marino (48, Yago's Brother), Nieves Marino (49, Pastor's Wife, Née Tafani), Olegario Marino (45, Yago's Brother), Obdulia Marino (46, Olegario's Wife, Née Scarsi), Nicanor Marino (42, Yago's Brother), Perpetua Marino (43, Nicanor's Wife, Née Scarpa), Jair Marino (39, Yago's Brother), Quiteria Marino (40, Jair's Wife, Née Savona), Heliodoro Marino (36, Yago's Brother), Regla Marino (37, Heliodoro's Wife, Née Rotolo), Gonzalo Marino (33, Yago's Brother), Sagrario Marino (34, Gonzalo's Wife, Née Ronchi), Facundo Marino (30, Yago's Brother), Trinidad Marino (31, Facundo's Wife, Née Poggio)
Nieces & Nephews: Nicanor Varano (35, Nephew), Urbana Varano (36, Nicanor's Wife, Née Necchi), Vega Pisani (32, Niece, Née Varano), Agapito Pisani (33, Vega's Husband), Omar Varano (29, Nephew), Ximena Varano (26, Niece), Porfirio Varano (23, Nephew), Adoración Varano (20, Niece), Quintín Varano (17, Nephew), Begoña Varano (14, Niece), Reyes Ungaro (32, Nephew), Candelaria Ungaro (33, Reyes' Wife, Née Pierno), Delia Ungaro (29, Niece), Salvador Ungaro (26, Nephew), Elvira Ungaro (23, Niece), Toribio Ungaro (20, Nephew), Yaiza Ungaro (17, Niece), Ulises Ungaro (14, Nephew), Zoraida Ungaro (11, Niece), Vincio Turchi (29, Nephew), Fe Turchi (26, Niece), Wenceslao Turchi (23, Nephew), Griselda Turchi (20, Niece), Xavier Turchi (17, Nephew), Haydée Turchi (14, Niece), Yair Turchi (11, Nephew), Inmaculada Turchi (8, Niece), Zoilo Marino (40, Nephew), Jessica Marino (41, Zoilo's Wife, Née Piazza), Leyre Pesaro (37, Niece, Née Marino), Narciso Pesaro (38, Leyre's Husband), Baldomero Marino (34, Nephew), Mara Marino (35, Baldomero's Wife, Née Pecora), Nydia Pavone (31, Niece, Née Marino), Octavio Pavone (32, Nydia's Husband), Che Marino (28, Nephew), Olivia Marino (25, Niece), Duilio Marino (22, Nephew), Piedad Marino (19, Niece), Evangelista Marino (34, Nephew), Reina Marino (35, Evangelista's Wife, Née Parodi), Sarai Orsini (31, Niece, Née Marino), Valeriano Orsini (32, Sarai's Husband), Fidel Marino (28, Nephew), Teodora Marino (25, Niece), Gael Marino (22, Nephew) Vera Marino (19, Niece), Hermenegildo Marino (16, Nephew), Xiomara Marino (13, Niece), Israel Marino (31, Nephew), Aitana Marino (32, Israel's Wife, Née Notaro), Belén Marino (28, Niece), Jaime Marino (25, Nephew), Caridad Marino (22, Niece), Kevin Marino (19, Nephew), Desamparados Marino (16, Niece), Laurentino Marino (13, Nephew), Esmeralda Marino (10, Niece), Maikel Marino (28, Nephew), Felicitas Marino (25, Niece), Pablo Marino (22, Nephew), Gregoria Marino (19, Niece), Quique Marino (16, Nephew), Herminia Marino (13, Niece), Rosendo Marino (10, Nephew), Irene Marino (7, Niece), Samuel Marino (25, Nephew), Javiera Marino (22, Niece), Telesforo Marino (19, Nephew), Lourdes Marino (16, Niece), Vidal Marino (13, Nephew), Maristela Marino (10, Niece), Wilfredo Marino (7, Nephew), Natalia Marino (4, Niece), Yeray Marino (22, Nephew), Olvido Marino (19, Niece), Aitor, Marino (16, Nephew), Pilar Marino (13, Niece), Baudilio Marino (10, Nephew), Remedios Marino (7, Niece), Clímaco Marino (4, Nephew), Socorro Marino (1, Niece), Dagoberto Marino (19, Nephew), Thais Marino (16, Niece), Emigdio Marino (13, Nephew), Virginia Marino (10, Niece), Fortunato Marino (7, Nephew), Yesenia Marino (4, Niece), Gonzalo Marino (1, Nephew), Zaida Marino (16, Niece), Hermes Marino (13, Nephew), Almudena Marino (10, Niece), Inocencio Marino (&, Nephew), Beatriz Marino (4, Niece), Jerónimo Marino (1, Nephew), Carina Marino (13, Niece), Leandro Marino (10, Nephew), Divina Marino (7, Niece), Manolo Marino (4, Nephew), Esperanza Marino (1, Niece), Natanael Marino (10, Nephew), Flora Marino (7, Niece), Olegario Marino (4, Nephew), Gabriela Marino (1, Niece)
Children: Bienvenida Marino (37, Daughter), Urbano Marino (34, Son), Judith Ibarra (31, Daughter, Née Marino), Quirino Marino (28, Son), Natividad Marino (25, Daughter), Macario Marino (22, Son), Rosaura Marino (19, Daughter), Isaac Marino (16, Son)
Children-In-Law: Hortensia Marino (35, Urbano's Wife, Née Lozano), Xavier Ibarra (32, Judith's Husband)
Grandkids: Emperatriz Romero-Marino (17, Granddaughter), Antonio Huerta-Marino (14, Grandson), Triana Santos-Marino (11, Granddaughter), Lorenzo Marino (14, Grandson), Paz Marino (11, Granddaughter), Casilda Ibarra (11, Granddaughter)
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Bayamo, Cuba
Trainer: Jacinto Marino, Gloria Marino
Manager: Yago Marino
Wrestlers Managed: Yago Marino, Quirino Marino, Urbano Marino, Judith Marino, Natividad Marino, Macario Marino, Rosaura Marino, Isaac Marino
Debut: 1982
Debut Match: Flo VS Gloria. Flo won via pinfall
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Grappler
Stables: Los Marinos (1983-)
Teams: Los Marinos (Flo & any other family member)
Regular Moves: Suicide Dive, Springboard Moonsault, Snap Suplex, Frog Splash, Somersault Senton, Running Shooting Star Press, Corkscrew 450 Splash, Pendulum Backbreaker, Falling DDT, Belly to Back Suplex, Flying Neckbreaker, Reverse Frankensteiner
Finishers: Double Underhook DDT, Fall Forward Single-Underhook DDT
Refers To Fans As: My Children, Mi Hijos
Backstory: Florencia Marino (Née Palomo) of the 'Los Marinos' wrestling family. Florencia married into the family, marrying Yago 'Yeray' Marino and becoming 'Flo' Marino. She is not one of Damien's Hounds, but willingly let her children become Hounds.
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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deportefree · 7 months
Gimnasio Evofit Ourense ( Parque Tecnologico de Galicia – San Cibrao das Viñas). Data: 30 de Marzo 2024. HORARIOS: -  MASTER CLASS: 9:30h a 11:30h -  SENIOR: 9:30h a 11:30h -  JUNIOR: 9:30h a 11:30h -  CADETES MAIORES: 11:30h a 13:30h -  CADETES MENORES: 11:30h a 13:30h -  INFANTIS: 11:30h a 13:30h OBSERVACIONS: -  Os deportistas que non tiveron rival na categoría na que foron apuntados inicialmente ao Campionato Galego, tamén deberan de acudir. -  Os convocados deberán de ir provistos do equipamento deportivo individual. -  A concentración soamente poderán asistir os deportistas convocados e o corpo técnico dafederación. Recordamos a nuestros deportistas de competición que las convocatorias de la selección gallegas, son específicas para poder ser seleccionado para el equipo nacional que representará a Galicia en el próximo campeonato de España. La participación en la convocatorias de la selección gallega no dan acceso directo a dicha selección que depende única y exclusivamente al cuerpo técnico de la federación gallega de Kickboxing y sus seleccionadores. Listado de deportistas preseleccionados DAVID DIAZ MARIA PEREZ ALBA UXIA YAGO GONZALEZ GAEL LISTE SANTIAGO SATURNO THIAGO CRUZ ALICIA NOVAS ALEJANDRO FRA MARIO CASCUDO RAUL CASCUDO MAITANE SERRANO VEGA MATEO JORDAN COAGUILA CARLOS CASTRO YANIRA NOVAS
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anticlluis · 7 months
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PESO: 536 grs
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laopiniononline · 8 months
Hoy, destacados músicos chilenos de Jazz de la ciudad de Nueva York se presentan en el Trotamundos de Quilpué.
Nueva publicación en https://ct2.cl/dI
Hoy, destacados músicos chilenos de Jazz de la ciudad de Nueva York se presentan en el Trotamundos de Quilpué.
El trío de jazz compuesto por los músicos chilenos residentes en Nueva York, Rodrigo Recabarren (batería), Pablo Menares (contrabajo) y Yago Vásquez (piano) realizará una atractiva gira veraniega de tres fechas, en distintos puntos de nuestro país.
Establecidos hace 15 años en la Ciudad Manzana, los músicos de este proyecto cultivan una propuesta de latín jazz, que recoge influencias del folklore chileno, evoca sonidos y referencias vitales para nuestra cultura como Violeta Parra, Víctor Jara o La Cumbia. Lo suyo es un jazz latino, chileno, cono sureño, que rescata raíces locales y que regresa desde Nueva York a Chile al encuentro con un público y una raiz cultural propia, que los hace sentirse en “Familia”.
El colectivo musical formado por artistas cuyas carreras se desarrollan en la cuna mundial del jazz, se presentará en febrero en tres fechas que ya fueron confirmadas. El miércoles 31 estarán en el bar Trotamundos de Quilpué, el jueves 1 viajarán a Santiago para actuar en el espacio cultural Citylab del GAM y terminar el viernes 2 como uno de los números principales, en el emblemático Festival de Jazz de Las Condes.
El sonido del piano, la batería y el contrabajo del disco Familia creado por este interesante ensamble, aterrizará con toda su poética y elegancia sonora en los tres espacios dispuestos para recibir a los amantes del jazz y de la buena música.
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gazeta24br · 10 months
A elite do xadrez brasileiro tem um encontro marcado com o Recife de amanhã (quarta-feira, 13) até o próximo dia 21. Nesse período será realizado na capital pernambucana o Campeonato Brasileiro de Xadrez, com a participação de enxadristas de todas as regiões do país e também de Mestres Nacionais, Mestres Internacionais e 8 Grandes Mestres - entre eles, os 3 mais bem colocados no ranking nacional: Luiz Paulo Supi (SP), Krikor Mekhitarian (SP) e Alexandre Fier (SC), que é o atual campeão. Participará também o primeiro pernambucano a tornar-se Grande Mestre, Yago Santiago (atual vice-campeão brasileiro). A competição ocorrerá no Hotel Jangadeiro, em Boa Viagem, com 11 rodadas, e distribuirá R$ 40 mil em prêmios. O evento é promovido pela CBX (Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez), com organização e direção do presidente da FPEX (Federação Pernambucana de Xadrez), Yoshio Hiramine. Este ano, o Brasileirão de Xadrez tem um atrativo extra para os jogadores: os 3 melhores colocados integrarão a Equipe Olímpica do Brasil, que disputará a Olimpíada de Xadrez no próximo ano. Para Yoshio Hiramine, o fato de a maior competição do xadrez brasileiro ser realizada no Recife mostra que a capital pernambucana está preparada para grandes eventos na modalidade. “Importante destacar que este é o 2º ano consecutivo que o Campeonato Brasileiro acontece no Recife. Para isso, contamos com a confiança da CBX (Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez) e de patrocinadores. Nossa meta é em um futuro próximo promover aqui um grande torneio internacional”, disse ele. Estas grandes competições propiciam o intercâmbio com jogadores de outros lugares e favorece o desenvolvimento do xadrez. A primeira rodada do Brasileirão de Xadrez começa às 19h de amanhã (dia 13). Até esta terça-feira (dia 12) já havia 176 jogadores inscritos. O ritmo de jogo, para cada jogador, será de 1h30, com acréscimo de 30 segundos por lance, o que significa que a partida pode ter até 4h de duração. Para quem desejar mais informações; Yoshio Hiramine, presidente da FPEX: (81) 99903.0469
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spurstwt · 2 months
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wiseprincesssong · 1 year
Consigue la mejor compraventa de Abogados en Santiago de Vigo
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¿Buscas el mejor Abogado compraventa en Santiago de Vigo? Entonces visite López y Casal Abogados. Su experiencia abarca varios campos, incluidos el divorcio, el empleo, los deportes, la propiedad y el derecho administrativo. El despacho López y Casal Abogados se encuentra bajo la hábil dirección del profesional del derecho Yago Casal Mera.
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
He estado buscando la foto del 8_mayo_2014 [día q murió el saltador YAGO "LAMELA"=CHUPALA] de los tipos q estaban entrenando la CUERDA FLOJA a orillas del GUADALQUIVIR junto al Puente de CRISTO DE LA EXPIRACION [la tengo q buscar entre unas 80.000 imágenes o fotos q twetee entre 2009 y 2018..xq esas fotos de Sevilla estaban en el móvil q me robaron en un cementerio sin muros en TANGER una madrugada que fui con unos tipos que conocí junto a una chica la cual se supone q iba a llamar a sus amigas para que nos dieran de cenar y follarnos a la q quisiéramos x lo que nosotros nos fuimos en un taxi a donde luego nos encontraríamos y tras bajar del taxi cruzamos el cementerio y me sacaron navajas..y se llevaron también la Cartera de ABBEY ROAD firmada x AL REVES x nacho VEGAS cuando presentó cd EL MANIFIESTO DESASTRE y el VERANO FATAL junto a su ex CHRISTINA ROSENVINGE en cuya portada salen juntando sus Cigarrillos con GAFAS DE SOL y cuyos hijos los tuvo con Ray LORIGA q rodó TERESA EL CUERPO DE CRISTO y no dejó de fumar tras su Tumor cerebral q le dejó tuerto=SEXO ES MORTAL O LETAL en este MUNDO DE LA FALSA MORAL O DINERO Y SUS VICIOS O EXCESOS=MANZANA PODRIDA]..y aparte de encontrar otra también de ese día y lugar con pintad en un muro de SAMPDORIA [equipo de GENOVA nacido de la fusión de 2 equipos..q nunca ha jugado en SEVILLA aunque si compartió un grupo de COPA DE LA UEFA 08/09 o ultima en ese formato que no había partido de ida y vuelta en la fase de grupo..y luego en agosto 2014 o después de twittear esa foto jugaron el trofeo CARRANZA DE CADIZ ganando SAMPDORIA al SEVILLA] asi como otra de algun dia anterior [x menos barba] ahi de un banco con pintada [R]EVOLUCION..he encontrado una imagen de ALFONSO PEREZ MUÑOZ [q me animo en mi 1era maratón en SEVILLA al estar fuera del hotel AL_ANDALUS=Península ibérica bajo dominio ARABE..en el barrio de HELIOPOLIS=CIUDAD DEL SOL xq iba a jugar un DERBY con el BETIS vs SEVILLA empatando a uno y encaminandose los 2 a segunda división x 1era vez JUNTOS]..de cuando se marchaba al VESTUARIO en SANTA CRUZ de TENER_i_FE tras perder la 1era de las 2 ligas CONSECUTIVAS q perdió ahí el REAL MADRID en último partido siendo el entrenador del TENER_i_FE el argentino VALDANO [Nacido en las PAREJAS, SANTA FE] q sustituyó a final de temporada a Jorge SOLARI [=tio de Santiago SOLARI actual director de la ciudad deportiva de REAL MADRID al q vi la semana pasada y de LIZ SOLARI q mato a uno follando] al contactar con él en TORINO [tragico equipo q se estrelló contra el MURO DE LA BASILICA DE SUPERGA] donde estaba de comentarista x un partido de vuelta entre TORINO VS REAL MADRID [q se metió un gol en propia meta con el brasileño ROCHA]
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themeixhuang · 3 months
☎️ + santiago!
What My Muse Has For Your Muse’s Contact Info:
Yago @santiagodeleons
What Their Ringtone Is:
You've Got A Friend In Me
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse:
Mei: You free this weekend to come over? Got a lot of life updates to share and 1) should be in person and 2) needs a few drinks
Mei: Luna will send you a voice note pleading and everything
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone:
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codigonayar · 2 years
Chocó con su camioneta y cayó hasta sumergirse Redacción CN Santiago Ixcuintla. -La tarde de este jueves por la carretera que conduce del poblado de El Capomal a Estación Yago, altura del puente conocido como El Caimanero se reportó un accidente cuando momentos antes el conductor de una camioneta de la marca Chevrolet tipo Tracker en color blanco, circulaba por dicho tramo perdió el control e…
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the-a-j-universe · 2 years
Today I found out that some biblical names in English and Spanish are the same root name like: Jesus and Joshua; Santiago, James, and Jacob.
I know that pronouncition localization and influnce from other cultures play a large role. Joseph in Italian is Guiseppe and with nick names like Beppe, Peppe. It never made sense why the Spanish nickname for Jose is Pepe. Looking at the Italian version makes sense.
Jose, Joseph, Guiseppe coming from the same name makes sense, they are not awefully dissimilar. Jaime (Spanish) and James being the same name makes sense in writing (Jaime is pronounced differently in Spanish and English). Jacobo (Spaniah) and Jacob you know are the same name.
Santiago and James coming from Jacob dont make much sense, they were really transformed over time. Santiago is basically a combination of Santo (Saint)+Iago. Looking at names from other languages I can see how Iago/Yago came from the root of Jacob.
James and Jacob looks like two different animals, they just come from two different latinized names, James fron Iacomus and Jacob from Iacobus versions. The only name I could find similar to Iacomus is Italian Giacomo.
And apperently in Middle ages England Jacob was a Jewish name and James was a Christian name. Which is big yikes antisemitism.
Most other European language versions of Jacob seem to stem from Iacobus. That is except for UK names like Jaime and James (English), Seamus + varients (Irish) and names from Spain launguages like Jaime (Spanish), Jaumet (Catalan), and Xaime (Galacian), and of course Giacomo (Italian) which stem from Iacomus.
Thank you for reading my rant.
You're welcome. It was a good rant.
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