#yall ever see V from dmc5
monstermayi · 5 years
Your Shadow - Hellhound Boyfriend
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Pairing(s): NB Reader, M Hellhound Content: NSFW, Slight Femdom, Gentle Domination Wordcount: 5,203
This is a long one guys, and it took longer to write because I’ve been busy with work and the holidays, and trying out a new posting aesthetic (some of my favorite writers do this so I’m trying it out). Hopefully you guys like it!
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At first, you thought you were seeing things.
The big, black dog you saw on your walk home from a friends house late at night had scared the bejesus out of you when it first appeared, standing on the other side of the street snarling like it was about to bolt across the road after you. The only thing you could really make out about it at the time were the huge, glistening teeth it had bared at you, along with bright glowing yellow eyes. You didn’t think dogs could have eyes like that, but there was that giant beast proving you wrong.
Sure, any normal person would have moped right out of there and never took that road again, but you? No, you were a special case. The kind who did the opposite of what their fight or flight response demanded. The kind who kneeled down on the dirty sidewalk and started cooing at the big scary dog that wanted to chew on your face.
You knew it was stupid, you felt stupid doing it, and you were pretty sure the dog thought you were stupid too, but you couldn’t stop. Compliments and praises came tumbling out of your mouth in a high baby voice directed at the canine, who had ceased the growling and was now staring at you with an admittedly adorable head tilt. Which you also mentioned. Along with how big and beautiful the dog was and how cute it’s widdle nose was (you couldn’t even see it’s nose it was so dark). You even called it the prettiest puppy you had ever seen.
Eventually you ran out of things to say, swallowing the spit that had built up from speaking. The dog hadn’t moved, it just watched you from across the road. Figuring you had convinced it you were crazy and not worth the effort to mangle, you had taken a step back. The dog snapped back to attention, then had gone so far as to step one paw onto the road when a car drove by and it disappeared. You should have run back to your friends and just stayed with them for the night, but instead you hightailed it back to your apartment on your own, too freaked out to really think about anything else. You resolved to put the experience behind you, especially after you didn’t see it again the next day.
The second time you thought you were crazy.
You hadn’t seen the dog again for weeks, and figured you had just been tired and seeing things that night. There couldn’t have actually been a dog that disappeared like that. And if there was, someone would have had to have seen it too. It was too big to miss.
You had been heading home from work when you turned a corner and the dog appeared on the road. You didn’t know what it was at first, maybe a black bear judging by the size, and you had screamed and slammed on your breaks, afraid you might hit it. When your brain registered what it was that you were looking at, terror seized your muscles. It was still plenty light out, so you could see clearly what you couldn’t that night. The dog was still huge and impossibly black, but now it was clear it looked more like a Great Dane. Huge paws with large claws tipped on the ends, high pointed ears, and a snout that was in no way widdle. It had the same glowing yellow eyes, only this time it wasn’t snarling at you. It was pretty calm, actually, just sitting on the road looking at you, like it was expecting you.
While you had a mini panic attack in your car, the dog had gotten up off its rear and started walking steadily towards you, its big pink tongue lolling out. You could only watch as it came up to your driver side window, so big it had no trouble looking at you with its height, and stared at you. You got the feeling it wanted you to open the door. And like a snowball's chance in hell were you going to do that.
The dog whined, actually whined, at you and gave the deepest, softest boof you had ever heard. All of a sudden you wanted to love on the dog like nothing else, fear pushed to the back of your mind to make room for the swell of adorableness you felt flooded with.
God fucking damn it, it was even giving you puppy eyes!
You remember asking yourself if hell hounds charmed people into hell instead of dragging them there as your hands started to unbuckle your seatbelt. You were still plenty scared of the beast, but like previously stated, you liked dogs. Maybe it wouldn’t rip your throat out?
You unlocked the car door, but you kept your hand on the door handle, debating on what you should do. The dog gave another whine and pawed at the door. You gripped your phone in your other hand, deciding if it came down to it, maybe you could use it as a weapon, and opened the door. It had barely opened an inch before the dog had given a keening sound and wedged its massive nose in and pried the door open till it got at you.
You weren’t sure what to expect, but the face full of drooling dog tongue wasn’t it. The dog licked at your face almost frantically, tail wagging so hard its body wiggled. You had to scrunch up you face and turn away otherwise you would have had a mouth full of dog spit. It was kind of sweet, like you were his long lost owner though you’d never had a dog like it before. Eventually you managed to push it back some, baby talking like you did the first night, though without the fear behind it. The dog lapped up the attention, leaning heavily into you for pets.
“Aw, what a big baby.” You cooed, looking into its bright eyes. “You’re not so scary, are you. No, you’re just a sweetie.”
Now you had another dilemma. What to do with him? He was too nice to just be a stray, so he had to have an owner. Someone was probably looking for him. But he didn’t have any tags and you hadn’t seen any posters of the dog up around town. Was he lost? Did he even have a home? Maybe... you could keep him? The dog was big, probably too big for your dinky apartment, but you had been planning on finding a better place anyway. Feeding him might get expensive, but you had just gotten a raise at work, so you could probably manage. Speaking of which, despite the dogs size, it was extremely skinny. You could feel its ribs when you passed your hands over its sides. The poor thing had probably been on its own for a while. That cemented the idea for you. If there was no one around to take care of it, then you would be that someone.
Pushing the dog back, you unlocked the backseat and opened the door for it. “Go on, get in.” You said with a nod of your head. The black Great Dane didn’t need to be told twice and hopped in, laying down and crossing its front paws together and looking at you with a head tilt. It certainly had quite a personality.
After that first day, you and your new roommate were pretty inseparable. You had tried putting up photos of the dog around town to see if anyone recognized him, but after weeks of silence you decided to keep him . Everywhere you went he followed and you had taken to naming him Shadow because of it, also because he looked like a big shadow. When he couldn’t go with you, like to work or to the store, he whined for a good half hour and sulked till you left. But he never destroyed any of your furniture, never retaliated by tearing apart your things. You always found him lying on the rug in front of your door when you got home, like he had been there the whole day waiting for you. Except for a few strange things.
He never seemed to gain weight. Neither did he lose it. Shadow seemed to maintain the same physical state he had upon you first finding him despite how much he ate. Seriously, this dog could put it away. And it didn’t seem to matter what it was he ate either. You kept a regular healthy diet for him, but occasionally let him have some of your take out or spoiled him with a treat, and still the dog never seemed full. You caught him eating some kind of dead animal he had dragged in from outside without your knowledge once and were convinced he had to have been some kind of farm dog before he got to you.
Another thing was his odd sleeping habits. Shadow was calm, almost drowsy during the day, but at night he was nothing but activity. He seemed to make as much noise as he could pacing around the place, then one night, you managed to stay up long enough to notice he went completely quiet for two or three hours then the noise would start up again, but when you went to check on him you could never find him. You would go outside to look for him, only to come back inside after your car keys and find him sitting on that rug, like he never left. It was the strangest thing, and never made any sense. There was no way he could just leave the apartment, since the door was always locked and you lived on the third floor, with locked windows. He was simply too huge to just be hiding in the apartment. It was too strange to ignore.
Hence your decision to find him out. You went out and bought one of those secret nanny cams you had heard about, yours looked like a picture frame, and came back and set it up with a picture of you and Shadow posing in the park. You placed it in the living room and went about your day like normal, knowing the recorded footage would be downloaded to your laptop to watch later. After a day, you went to check, opening the laptop on your break at work to finally see what that strange dog did all night.
It started out somewhat normal, showing you going to bed and Shadow following in after you. He would sleep next to you in bed for a few hours before he got up and trotted out into the living room. That was when you knew things were going to get interesting. You leaned forward to watch.
Shadow paced up and down the length of your living room for a good amount of time, stopping occasionally to check into your room and then return to his pacing. Then, he seemed to perk up, body going tense and still as he seemed to be listening for something. You had no idea what he could be hearing, but what happened next almost made you faint. Black, inky shadows started pouring off of the dog, who had begun shifting and growing into a new shape. The shadows took up almost the entire screen and then dissipated into thin air, leaving a pale, naked, black haired man crouched on the floor in place of where your dog used to be.
You couldn’t breath. You could barely think. It seemed like every muscle in your body had frozen solid as you watched with horror as the man stretched his arms and legs, then his back, then got up and walked over to your couch to take a seat.
Then he looked right into the hidden camera of your picture frame. And winked.
The screen cut out into black and you proceeded to have a fucking silent meltdown in the break room of your office. You felt sick. No, you felt scared. You felt sick and scared. What the fuck did you just watch? What the fuck was that?
What the fuck was wrong with Shadow?!
You feigned sick and left work early, not too hard a feat considering how your boss had remarked on your sudden paleness and kept a good distance between you two. You weren’t really sure what you were going to do when you got there. Shadow had never done anything to harm you, and he didn’t seem like he was planning on eating you when you left for work in the morning. He had even seemed giddy, giving you extra little dog kisses and constantly shoving his big body into your legs. You just couldn’t wrap your mind around what you saw. Was he some kind of demon dog? Was this some kind of joke and some internet troll had hacked into your laptop to plant that video? You were kind of hoping for the latter.
When you arrived home, you went up to your apartment both terrified and feeling an odd sense of... something. Like no matter what, things were going to change for you. Opening the door of your apartment, you saw that Shadow was for the first time since you brought him home, not waiting on the rug for you. You weren’t certain whether that was a good thing.
Walking into the apartment, you listened for a minute or two, but didn’t hear him around either. Then, you heard a soft snore come from your room. You carefully walked towards your bedroom, keys in your hand just in case things went south. You knew your dog Shadow would never harm you. Shadow the human, dog, creature, or whatever he was, you didn’t know. He could have been tricking you this whole time.
As quiet as possible you opened the door of your room, which had been left ajar, and peaked in. Laying on your bed in a mess of sheets (you remember specifically making your bed in the morning) was that same pale naked man from the video, sound asleep from the sound of it. You thought for a moment, trying to calm yourself down and figure out a plan of action. You could just storm in and demand to know who he was and what he was doing, but that sounded a little too reckless for your tastes. Then again you had let a scary dog-man (though in your defense you were pretty certain he was just a dog then) into your home and practically shoved your face into his fur every night since so maybe you were a little more reckless than you thought.
“I can hear you thinking over there.” A surprisingly deep voice stated, shocking you still and halting whatever thoughts you had.
The man was leaning up on his forearms, staring at you. Seeing him in the light, you could see his face much better now, noting high cheekbones and an aquiline nose. His hair was as black as Shadow’s fur, looking silky and shiny from the sunlight coming through your window blinds. It was shaggy, too, reaching a little past his chin. Eyes the same burning yellow as Shadows, and pale skin that was bordering sickly. He was thin as a rail too, his rib cage and hip bones sticking out from his skin. He was also, as previously stated, completely naked. And not exactly un-excited, if the semi hard length between his legs was anything to by. You gaped and looked away, drawing a chuckle from the man.
“You know, technically, you’ve seen me naked before. You just didn’t know ‘cause of the fur. But I know nudity is a thing with humans so I understand your shyness.” The man said, sitting up fully and not doing anything to cover up. “Still, you don’t need to be nervous with me. I’m still your Shadow.”
You looked at him curiously then, tentatively asking, “...Shadow? You’re... actually him?” The man nodded.
“Surpriiise.” He sang, a wry grin stretching across his face. “And technically, my name is Zelek. But if you want to call me Shadow still I’m completely okay with it. It’s actually very fitting.”
“Wait, wait, wait a minute. You were a dog before. How are you... not a dog anymore?” You were surprisingly calm about this. It was either the drive home somehow helping to prepare you for this or you had a panic attack looming on the horizon.
“Technically, I was never a dog to begin with. I’m a kind of spirit, or demon I guess. Both? It’s kinda hard to explain, but the best I can come up with that you’ll understand is that I’m what’s called a Hell Hound. I take damned souls to the underworld. Only the nastiest ones though, so don’t worry, I’m not here to drag you to hell or anything.” He tried making a joke at the end but the look on your rapidly paling face must have made him reconsider, because his shoulders hunched up like he was preparing for a scolding. “I promise, I’m really not here to hurt you.”
“How can I trust you? You’ve been lying to me this whole time!” He flinched and grabbed one of the blankets off your bed with him as he got up, then sank to the floor in front of you. Looking up at you with those big puppy eyes you recognized from his dog form, he let out a whine and reached a hand out to caress your ankle, and you imagined him bumping it with his snout as a dog. You didn’t pull away though you thought about it. You still weren’t sure what to make of him, but he was still... your Shadow, somehow... You took a deep breath. “If that’s not why you’re here, then what do you want? Why trick me? Why even approach me like when we first met?”
“I didn’t mean to trick you, I swear.” He stared at your feet, playing with the hem of your pants leg while he tried to explain. “When we met, I was out hunting a soul. I caught your scent in the middle of it and I thought maybe you were someone I needed to go after too, but when I saw you the smell changed. You weren’t someone I needed to take but I wanted you anyway. Just for me, I wanted you. That kind of thing doesn’t happen a lot for my kind, but it happened with you. And you started calling me the sweetest things, and I thought you wanted me too. So I followed you, and when I had the opportunity to see you again, I took it. I didn’t think you’d take me in so quickly, but you did, so I just... stayed.” He looked up at you again and you felt your resolve melt a little. He looked so lost and scared; you wanted to wrap him up and comfort him.
“I... what? What does that even mean, wanted me? Wanted me how?” His cheeks started to blush and you caught on. “Oh.”
“That’s not just it! I mean, I’d love to... you know. But I want other stuff too! I want to protect you, and I want to make you happy.”
“...Why are you so sure it’s me you want?”
“That thing I said earlier, about this rarely ever happening to my kind. Well, we have mates. Only one, and they could be anyone. You know by smell, but sometimes it’s by touch, or maybe a look. Anything really. And when I saw you... I knew.”
“So you just saw me, or smelled me, and thought you needed to be with me? That’s... not a very satisfying explanation.” You argued.
“Well, technically-“
“Enough with the technically!”
“Okay okay! I know, but it’s what happened, honest.” He still had that kicked puppy expression. “But I’ve gotten to know you. You’re kind, and beautiful, and I know you’d never hurt me. Other humans... Doing this job you see all the worst people have to offer. It starts to poison how you see humanity, but when I’m with you, it’s like a balm on my soul. I stop believing humans are all bad because you’re here, you’re human, and you’re the best thing I’ve ever had in my life. So if humanity can make you, then maybe it’s not as bad as I thought. You don’t know how much I needed that. How much I need you...”
No one ever needed you before. Sure your friends and family loved you and you knew they’d hurt if something ever happened to you, but the way he sounded... He made it sound like he’d stop breathing if you weren’t around. You chewed your lip, thinking. There was something bothering you, and you wanted to ask, but the question you had you slightly feared the answer. “So the person you were hunting before you found me... did you go back for them?”
“Yes.” His expression turned serious, but not unkind. He wasn’t going to shy away from what he was. “He wasn’t a good man, trust me. I only go after the really bad people. Murderers, rapists, people who do awful things to their fellow man. When their time is up, I and others like me go and take them.” A tiny shiver went down your spine at the image of him in his canine form tearing into people and taking their souls. But, they were supposed to be bad people, so... that was good, right?
“Is that what you do when your not here during the night?”
“Yes... Even though I’d rather spend my time with you, I still have a job to do. So I go out when you’re sleeping and hunt then. It doesn’t take long, so I can come back before you even wake up. Or at least, I was, till you caught on.”
“You weren’t exactly subtle.”
“Yeah, sorry. I know I’m big, and kinda clumsy. I turn to mist to travel faster but my physical form has never been all that graceful.” He turned sheepish talking about his deficiencies, but you felt your head shaking as you disagreed.
“I think you’re graceful.” You hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but the wistful look on his face made you continued, “I mean you are big, but you’re also gorgeous. I wasn’t lying when I said you were the prettiest dog I had ever seen. Intimidating, but... it doesn’t really bother me anymore. Even now you’re, well, you’re... beautiful.”
He blushed, a deep pretty red, and said, “I’ve been wanting to bring this up since that first night, but you were so scared. I didn’t want to freak you out further so I pretended to be a regular dog so you’d get comfortable having me around. I know it’s a lot to take in, and I’m not expecting you to agree, or even want me with you anymore, but... I love you. I love everything about you, and I can feel it in my soul that no matter what, you’re it for me. There’s no one else and there never will be.” Shadow ended his speech looking like he already knew your answer, and it wasn’t in his favor.
“Zelek...” you said aloud, trying out the name, his name. He peeked up a bit.
“Maybe I should send you away...” you started, watching him flinch as though you physically struck him. You took his chin in you hand and cupped his face, gently making him look at you. “Maybe... but I can’t help but feel like I’d be making the biggest mistake of my life. I don’t know if I love you like you love me, but I think with time I can. I mean, I loved you as a dog anyway, I can’t imagine not loving you now. It’s new, you’re new, but I want to see where it goes. I want you, more than anyone else. Is that... enough? For now?”
The look he gave you was full of love, so deep it made your heart thump harder in your chest as he practically melted into your hold. “It’s more than you know.”
Smiling, you pulled him into a kiss that had made your limbs tingle, a sweet smoky taste filling your mouth as he scooted as close as he could, practically on top of you. He gave a loud whine.
“I really wanna make love. Can we? Do you think?” You pretended to think about it, tapping your chin and giving him a mischievous look.
“Hm, I suppose so. As long as you can be a good boy for me.”
Then you scratched that one spot below his ear that, while a dog made his leg go, but while human made him whimper and arch into your touch, voice touching on desperation, “God, yessss... I’ll be good, please don’t stop...”
The floor wasn’t exactly the spot where you wanted to get busy, so you urged him up with you and over to the bed. He was already naked, something you were quite thankful for, but you still had your own clothes to deal with. Zelek was all too happy to help you rid yourself of them of course, practically drooling as more and more of your skin was revealed.
He absolutely loved when you touched him. Running your hands over his skinny frame left him a shaking mess, little moans and whines leaving his mouth when you found sensitive spots on his body. His hips and neck were most sensitive, and he keened when you pressed kisses and bites to his pale skin. There was something deeply satisfying about seeing the bruises you left behind blume, deep purples and reds staining him. Marking him. That wasn’t nearly as satisfying as seeing his face twisted up when you wrapped your lips around his cock. He was bitter tasting, but there was that smoky edge to it that you were starting to just associate with him. He was long as well, not very thick, but he definitely had one of the prettier penises you had seen. There was a slight curve that made you wonder how he’d feel inside.
Zelek, has begun slightly thrusting his hips as you licked and teased him, his hands clenching in the sheets then switching to run through your hair. He didn’t seem to know whether he wanted to hold on or hold you, but the shake in his hips when you suckled at him made him force his hands to the bed every time.
“Fuck, I’m close!..” he whimpered, and you could feel his cock throbbing against your tongue. You pulled off him, ignoring the disappointed gasp he gave and turned to your nightstand to pull out a condom. Looking back at him, you were surprised to see how wolffish his features looked now. Eyes burning yellow, almost on fire, while his face turned much more angular and feral. His ears were elongated and pointed, furred over in black, and his teeth were sticking out of his lips slightly. His body had also changed, black fur sprouting from his arms and legs, with hands and feet that looked more pawish than normal. Long black nails had grown out too. You could feel something soft and fuzzy brushing up against your butt every now and then, and if you were to look back you were certain you would have seen a tail. Interesting...
You gave him a look, eyebrows raised in question.
“This uh,” He panted, blush stretching down into his chest. “sometimes happens when I get too excited.”
“Are you gonna change while we’re..?”
“N-no, nothing like that. I’m gonna be good...”
You smirked, “You better.”
You rolled the condom onto him and raised your hips, letting him take your hips in his hands while you lined him up. Slowly, you began to sink down onto him, getting used to the stretch of him. It had been a bit since you had last done this, but the burn felt amazing. You were already trembling just from having him inside, and when he was fully seated inside you your insides flipped at the thought of him moving. Zelek had quickly turned into a mess. Sharp nails dig into your hips but he was being careful not to hurt you, while his head was arched back into the pillows, a snarl on his face. Balancing on his chest, you slowly drug yourself up and down his shaft, enjoying the smooth drag of it against your walls.
The more you screwed yourself on top of Zelek the more he lost control of his form, now looking almost like what you thought a malnourished werewolf might look like, with patches of fur covering what was once pale skin now blackening. His mouth was more a small muzzle now, a longer than normal tongue hanging out as he moaned and growled under you. God, but the sight of him losing it was almost too much for you. You could feel your orgasm simmering just under the surface, but to cum now only meant an end to the image before you. The throbbing you felt from him signaled his end was close, and the longer you kept at it the more desperate he became.
“Oh fuck, fuck! Oh, please- ah! Please, please let me cum... I can’t- I can’t take anymore. Oh fuck, let me cum- ahh fuuuck! Let me cum let me cum let me cum!” Zelek begged in broken whines and moans, nails digging into your hips harder every time you sank back down on him. His head thrashed from side to side and his legs were pulled up and shaking, tail twitching. You decided to take pity, he had been such a good boy for you, and you couldn’t keep your own end at bay any longer.
With a shuddering sigh you gave in, saying, “Cum for me, Zel.” and letting your orgasm wash over you. Your muscles tightened and released in pleasurable waves that had Zelek howling when he felt it, his back bowing off the bed as he finally came inside you. After you came down from your high you pressed kisses to his neck and chest, as he calmed down. Once he caught his breath, he urged you up to kiss you mouth. His muzzle felt strange to kiss, but you enjoyed it still, and you continued to kiss until he had reverted back to the human form he had at the beginning. Shifting off to lay at his side, you ran your fingers through his hair as he sighed contently. 
“I really should have showed you who I was earlier. That was amazing.” Zelek hummed sleepily,gazing at your with heavy lidded eyes. 
You smiled, replying,“I can’t say I would have reacted any different, but I appreciate you being honest with me now. Now we can actually spend time getting to know each other.”
“I’d like that.” He pressed a finger under your chin and kissed you gently. “I’d really like that.”
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getaroomyouheck · 6 years
aight bet dmc5 story thoughts
for all yall that wanted to know
obvious spoilers under cut lol
the shit i was most worried about was V’s backstory, specifically that the explanation they’d give for him being vergils human half would be forced. but in actuality it turned out really cool, i think it was explained well and had cool context
actually showing us the specific actions vergil did really made it work i think. showing him shamble to his old home, and impale himself with yamato only to just have V naked pop out + vergil going sicko mode and turning into urizen was really cool to see
plus, V is less like vergils human side, more so his good aspects. his ambition, his guilt, his souls desire to prevent others from getting involved, all of that. and urizen was just like vergils power gluttony and such given full rise
and it actually gives this cool lore detail to the yamato being able to separate man and devil, which retroactively gives nice lore to rebellion too and finally makes that sword more than just “hehe big hit stick”. cause dante thinks about why sparda gave him rebellion out of everything, and eventually realizes that if yamato severs and vergil impaled himself to sever his human and demon sides, rebellion should do the inverse. and so he pulls out his hilt of rebellion and just fucking impales himself. rebellion’s hilt combines with sparda, and we get the demon sword dante + majin form
besides V being vergil there wasnt much left i was worried about. and as a whole the game had a good story with nice highlights. still wacky over the top fun action, but with a couple more loftier storytelling scenes. whether it was V explaining to trish his backstory, V speaking to nero about the story of dante and vergil as dante is impaling urizen, dante driving rebellion into himself, and all that + more. was hype as fuck to see unfold
and hell even a couple emotional moments too. nero’s DT scene being a particular highlight, as it really lets his character breathe and come to life. he namedrops credo and talks about how he felt useless and refuses to forgive himself for his death, only to scream “I WONT LET YOU DIE” to both dante and vergil and going DT
which is perfect characterization for him + calls back to when dante calls him dead weight in the prologue. nero dwelled on that so much, because its actively what he’s been trying so hard to never be again
when he saw credo die, he felt like a dead weight. a useless nothing who let his brother figure + closest friend perish without anything. and he vowed to himself there that he’d never let anything like that happen again. the buildup of legacy as nero began walking also really let the emotion soak in
one of the most fascinating things regarding dmc5 is the lore behind V’s summons and what happens to em after V and uri join and make vergil. as it turns out, griffon shadow and nightmare were essentially just vergils nightmares and night terrors he had as nelo angelo made manifest into living creatures (griffon as he’s speaking to dante literally namedrops nelo angelo it was a really cool moment). hence why all 3 are enemies found on mallet island. they really add some angst to vergil, showing that as he was being tortured and experimented with by mundus he suffered and had so many nightmares over them that they literally manifested themselves into the dmc1 creatures
also griffons last words to dante were really fucking sad lmao. “we were just vergils nightmares. and this is our last battle. godspeed dante, you’ll need it” like shit dude yall making me sad for the death of a demon birb
really the only thing that disappointed me was that neither trish nor lady really have a central role here. like they’re cool and i love their designs and there are some cool interactions between V and trish in a few moments, but as a whole they don’t really do much. what they do is just like shown off screen or through dialogue. and i understand it aint really their story to be told and nico’s more the main heroine of the game than them, but its still kinda disappointing. hoping that there’s a dlc focused on them and such, that’d be cool
besides that small gripe i really enjoyed seeing how the story unfolded. was really cool to go from knowing like fucking nothing to piecing together the pieces and little bits of story till everything became truly clear. and it was cool how many things they pulled from the other dmc stuff into this. mentioning mundus, nell, a bit of dmc2, its cool. def a satisfying story to me, i did not predict it being like this, but im ok with it regardless
very excited to see where they go from here, the ending feels less like a conclusion and more like a new page starting up. hearing nero answer his phone with “devil may cry” really cemented that feeling for me
also as a side note the end credits scene with dante and vergil duking it out in hell is like almost self aware to how fucking ridiculous it actually is lmao. like the 2 are keeping score of their battles and dante wins a clash and says “yes, im 1 above!” and vergil responds with “where’d you learn to count, we’re even.” like the game is 100% acknowledging how ridiculous and like nearly childish their sibling rivalry is lol. even as like 41 year old men they’re still like this
dante even comments on it like “y’know, is this ever even going to end?” or something like that
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