#yandere dc characters x reader
thefiery-phoenix · 9 months
Thank you so much @mariidepp for saving so many of my works, and all of you wonderful folk out there, I really appreciate your help and support during these times. It's time I revive my blog back and be back in business 😎
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It's not easy to hide something from Tim in the first place, he's pretty good at uncovering information from any source. You had a passion for music ever since you were a child, you loved singing and playing the keyboard as well. You'd practice relentlessly day in and day out, fine tuning your voice and setting your skills to perfection till you were actually ready to become a professional singer. You finally got your first contract for a movie when you'd auditioned for the singing part. From singing for movies to releasing private albums, your fame was starting to increase. However you weren't doing this for the fame, you genuinely loved doing this. Sure, the schedule could be stressful at times and hectic even, barely even giving you a moment to breathe at times, but you found your comfort and solace in singing and the world of music as your reputation soared in the music industry and had quite the massive following
You were getting ready for a concert today and you were mentally preparing yourself in your dressing room as you took a deep breath and softly hummed to yourself, a warm up exercise for your throat. You made sure to hydrate yourself as well as you heard the door open and your manager entered the room. "You ready to shine out there?" he asked you and you smiled and nodded. You could already feel the excitement and adrenaline rushing through your body, you felt nervous and excited at the same time but you composed yourself and followed your manager backstage. Your manager gave you a supportive thumbs up sign and you smiled at him gratefully, you felt grateful for all his help for making all the arrangements for a concert in Gotham as you went to greet the crowd. "WHAT'S UP GOTHAM, ARE YOU GUYS READY TO HAVE A BLAST TODAY?!" you greeted your fans and you were met with hollers and screeches of excitement from the crowd and you began to sing your songs
Meanwhile Tim was on patrol duty, he had nothing better to do and he was frankly bored, Gotham was usually known for having a history of crime occurring at least twice or thrice in a day bur surprisingly there weren't any reports of attacks today. His nerves couldn't relax though, he felt like something was up and decided to stay vigilant. He was currently on the rooftop of a building when he heard an amplified voice singing through a microphone and Tim stopped looking at his phone to listen carefully to the music. He was listening to you singing and he was mesmerized and immersed in your voice, you sounded like an angel who descended from the heavens above. He simply had to get a closer look at you. He headed towards the stadium quickly and peered from above to see you on the stage, singing and the audience cheering and clapping for you. He could see your face through the screens next to the stage and needless to say, it was literally love at first sight for him
He loved the way your expressions kept altering whenever you sang and changed your pitch from high to low, it just showed that how much you were immersed in the song you were singing. He also loved the way that you were dressed in something comfortable and classy at the same time, your beautiful eyes shining like gemstones. You barely had any makeup on you and yet you looked like an elegant and graceful angel who radiated beauty with your clothes hugging those beautiful curves of your body. Tim completely forgot about patrol duty and didn't even answer when Dick called him, asking him for the usual hourly update because he was so engrossed in your songs. He felt like you were singing solely for him and was regretful that your concert was done so soon. No matter though, he just had to find out more about you and research was something he excelled at
He couldn't forget your music or your face for weeks, he kept humming the tune you'd sang to himself and was often lost in thought about you. After he went back to the manor he immediately began his research about you, you used to be a regular high school student who had a passion for music and you were a Latino too, Argentinean to be specific. Which also led to him researching about the Latino and Argentinean culture because he wanted to impress you the next time he saw you. Somehow or the other, he needed to get your attention. His mind couldn't forget you. For weeks he stalked your social media accounts on various platforms, yes, even the Tumblr blogs as well and even went so far as to reading fanfiction about you online on Wattpad and Tumblr. He had a mixed reaction of the fanfiction about you, part of him was happy and glad that it was there because he could dream about his fantasies with you and he may or may not have written some of his own, imagining how life would be with you. And yet, another part of him was a bit upset and angry that people were thinking such lewd and dirty thoughts about someone so innocent and pure like you, he despised the way people treated you like some sort of object to analyze, you were so much more than that
His obsession for you spiraled out of control. Whenever you'd host a concert, he'd make sure to be at every single one of them without fail, with front row tickets. You'd often seen him at your concerts, he'd be standing at the edge of the stage and you felt familiar with his presence after a few concerts of yours. You really appreciated his dedication. He was also the president of your online fan club and went so far as to purchasing all your merchandise, always keeping up with the latest tabloids and gossip and news featuring you. However he didn't like it whenever you did a collaboration with someone else, what right did they even have to steal the spotlight away from you? They weren't even worthy of looking at you much less even BE in your presence in his opinion. He also despised the rumors about your love life with some random person, it should be HIM who should be your partner. He's followed you so diligently, you were his goddess and he was your loyal worshipper, no one could separate the two of you and he'd make sure that no one would dare to separate the two of you
There were rumors about you dating another singer and when Tim saw the headlines, he almost lost it and started seething. Even though he knew they were just silly and baseless rumors, he couldn't help but feel bad that someone else had dared to steal you away from him. He couldn't just sit by and let that no good scumbag take advantage of your kind and helpful nature. He did what he thought was right and tracked the person down and let's just say, he's in the hospital due to some lowlife criminals attacking him. Gotham was a pretty dangerous place after all, full of crime and deceit. When Bruce managed to secure backstage passes to meet you he almost lost his mind in a frenzy of excitement. He couldn't believe his fortune. He felt like it was the fates gift for him waiting for you so diligently and patiently
However during your next concert when he was lurking around to make sure that nothing happened to you, he noticed that one of the overhead spotlights was lose and it would fall directly on you. Tim couldn't allow that to happen, he would rather burst an artery than let you be in danger. Before you even realized that the light was about to fall on you, Tim managed to save you by pulling you out of harms way with his arm wrapped securely around your waist as you fell on his chest surprised. He felt like he was in one of those over dramatic teenage romance blockbuster films when the male lead saves the female lead. You looked at him with a rather frightened expression on your face, you couldn't see who he was because of his Red Robin mask but you hugged him and thanked him. He felt like he'd just died and gone to heaven, where he was being hugged by you. He had to blink a few times if this was a dream or not
After your concert was done, you invited him to your dressing room and he thanked his lucky stars as he followed you. He revealed his identity to you and when you thanked him again, he felt pride course through his veins. From then on, he not only saw himself as a protector and a guardian for you, he was also there whenever there was an 'attack in progress' involving you. He may or may not have bribed a few people to just look threatening so he could play the good guy and be your knight in shining armor and save you from those goons. What a sweet naive innocent little thing you were, you always fell for his act
What really drove him over the edge was you making the mistake of mentioning that you were in a relationship with someone. You wouldn't disclose the name but he just lost it completely. Of course he doesn't blame you for this, he blames the no good pest who dared to steal you away from him. He knew you wouldn't be safe in a place like Gotham without his protection, can't you see? You NEED him as much as he needs you like a dying man and air. Acting in your best interest, he ended up kidnapping you and all your social media accounts were removed. You were of course angry at him for kidnapping you and but no matter how much you screamed and cried to be set free, he simply wouldn't budge with his decision. Now you can sing your songs only for him and not for anyone else
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yandereunsolved · 7 days
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ღ Yandere Richard 'Dick' Grayson ღ
"We gotta stop meeting like this, y'know? You and me, the fighting vigilante versus the mysterious villain."
The villain that has unfortunately captured my heart.
"Take a fight with me serious for once!"
"I can't. You just look so cute when you're angry at me."
I bet you look even more adorable under that mask of yours.
"When I get my hands on you—"
"You'll do sinful things that would make a nun blush?"
From what I have gathered from stalking you, you are more than capable of that.
"Incorrect. I'm going to murder you."
"You can't even seem to land a hit on me, sweeheart."
It's funny that after all of these fights, you still think you could outdo me in combat.
"Fuck you."
"I enthusiastically consent to that."
We'd have a good time as well. I wonder how experienced you are. It'd be a lot easier to tell if I could just tell who you are beneath the suit and mask.
"Ugh, Nightwing!"
"I love how my name spills from those pretty lips of yours."
If only it was my real name.
"Argh— Stop flirting with me."
"Only if you finally give in and become Mx. Nightwing."
Please, say yes.
"You will one day." I'll make you if I have to.
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helpfandom · 8 months
Analysis on YANDERE PLATONIC TAS Batman Villains. Pt 1.
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What I am using as the archtypes: https://www.tumblr.com/helpfandom/724022554446135296/types-of-yandere?source=share YANDERE_AUXILLARY made it!!!!
I find it so curious that people neglect Platonic as a yandere version, {not to say that I am a pioneer, no no no, but rather that people don't write about it as much as romantic.} And so, here is my analysis on various TAS Batman Villains. Of course, this is part one, as there are many TAS villains. I just need to get to them.
Also, side note. Thank you TAS writers for already making Mad Hatter a yandere so now I have less work to do.
Mr Freeze: Now, he is the yandere type of Obsessive, Overprotective, Clingy. He found something else to focus on, and it happened to be you. Reader would be more of the friendly type, more outgoing for Mr. Freeze to have such an obsession with them. He wouldn't stalk you as much, more so just an immediate kidnap the next time he sees you. Most likely catalyst for his yandere swap would be dealing with the loss of his wife. He lost his wife. He won't lose his kid too. Maybe Reader was there to help, or maybe he saw his wife in you. No matter what it was, as soon as there is an obsession, he wants to keep you. You're screwed as soon as it began. He's overprotective, constantly hovering over you. "I've lost too much. I won't lose the last thing of my wife, too!"
Riddler: Hmm... His yandere archetypes for platonic is... Possessive, Delusional, Sadistic, and Self-Indulgent. His egotistical personality, tied with an obsession with a kid who is unafraid to throw hostility back? Not a good pair for Gotham. In his mind, to not be afraid of him, or to throw hostility back at him, must mean that you like him. And with his intelligence, how could you not? His catalyst, well, there isn't really a catalyst per say, more so he was already obsessed with beating Batman and being intelligent, so why wouldn't he be obsessed with someone who can challenge him? He's more of a stalker type, only kidnapping when Batman and Robin get a little too close to you for his comfort. You're just like a little him, well you have to be taught by the best, most intelligent, and that's him. "Well well, my dear child. You seem to have escaped, but I'm sure you know that you won't be out for long..."
Clayface: He is... Clingy, Manipulative, Impulsive, and slightly Sadistic. He would be obsessed likely with a theatre kid, or someone who enjoys the fine arts {So an Art Kid, Band Kid, Choir Kid, etc.} He would see that and miss the days when he could do that, when he could act or enjoy the arts. Because he can transform his shape into anybody, he transforms himself into people close to you, of course he stalks them ahead of time so that he can properly assume their character, but he quickly kills them off so he can assume that role in your life. If it was a friend who had a crush on you, he enjoys watching the life leave their eyes. How dare they try to ruin your potential with their desires? He uses someone in a position of power, too. Likely a teacher, or if you have a director? Boom, suddenly you have the main role, or a solo, or you won the first place in an art competition. Who knows what kind of a catalyst would be there, all I can tell you is that BOOM! You're being kidnapped by someone you trusted deeply. You watch your former mentor's skin droop off of this, this person, who's kidnapping you, revealing a rocky, clay texture. Clayface. "Heya kid, you already slipped up and called your teacher Dad, so I know you can for me too. Here, would looking like them help?"
Poison Ivy: Her yandere archetypes are Overprotective, Clingy, and attempts to be Manipulative. Delusional, but yet Lucid; She has delusions about Reader, but not in the 'ah, yes. Reader loves me too.' She would be a little apprehensive at an uncaring Reader, after all, if you're not for plants, you must be against plants. For an uncaring Reader to work, Reader must be a plant lover. Poison Ivy would see this, and suddenly everything makes sense. She assumes that Reader puts up a fake persona so that Reader can care for plants in their free time, so that no one knows that Reader loves plants. She loves that about Reader, and that's why she gets obsessed. She wants to keep the only other plant lover in Gotham and protect them against the cold, cruel world. She would originally try a sporeling, but she misses the real you so that plan fails and that's why she would kidnap you. "Come here my Rosebud, the world is cruel. Let me be your mother, like Mother Earth."
Mad Hatter: His characteristics are Delusional, Self-Indulgent, Overprotective, and Clingy. Who truly knows why he started to care for you? Perhaps you reminded him of someone a little too much... Nevertheless, not what we are here to focus on. He would not be a stalkerish type, but he would delude himself into believing you love him like a father. He would not be afraid to use his mind control on you. As soon as he manages to get you under his control, you're screwed. You're gone from Gotham forever. He has been shown to be willing to do it before, with Alice. I think he would be willing to do it until he gets you to the safe house which looks a lot like one of the sets for Alice in Wonderland... He would be overprotective, scared that Batman would take away his kid, take away the few things in life he loves. "NO NO NO! Batman simply cannot take away my child too!"
Catwoman: She is Clingy, Manipulative, Impulsive. She has been shown to be someone with a ton of money, {Paying $10,000 dollars for a charity that she loves, a lot of money, period, but also for 1992} So I feel that she would be willing to use that against her kiddo, saying that it's okay for Reader to use her money, and then guilt tripping Reader {who, realistically, wouldn't give a shit, but I digress.} Into staying with her to pay off the debt. Her clingy and Impulsiveness is because of when she was involuntarily transformed into an animal, some things stayed the same, and now that she found her cub? Even Batman can't fight a wild animal for her kid. "Lioncub, why are you worried? Mommy's got enough money for the both of us."
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Little Blurb of Civilian Bruce x Villian Reader
You announced on top of the tallest tower of Gotham City. A sly smile on your face as a reporter and camera man watched you from a helicopter. Broadcasting you across all the televisions of Gotham City.
"As you may not already know... This is my last performance, a real show stopper if you will. For I! Have turned a new leaf!"
You yell with a cheerful smile as your minions behind you cheer you on! You smirk at the vigilantes across from you from the Wayne Enterprise Building. A fond smile crossed your face as you regain your composure.
"I haven't gone soft if that's what you think, instead. I tend to... Retire. For I have seen the highs, and lows of villainy. And as a civilian. Even a hero... For at least a moment!" The breeze flows through your hair as you say your goodbye.
Letting yourself back away into the shadows before the teen vigilante group had decided they had enough of your speech.
"Bruce, you need to be careful! With all those villains on the news and stress, it's not good for you." You mumble, exasperated at your lovers bruised hands. Kissing the blotchy purple skin, as he laughs lightly at your silliness.
You don't bother with the harden stares of his sons. Only focused on making this gem of a man happy and content.
"I'll get you some ice, you boys don't mind watching him? I don't want him to hurt himself even more." You say playfully, winking at the prince of Gotham as you sway to the kitchen. Bruce chuckles to himself, wincing at the sudden flashes of pain on his hands.
Jason signed, "so, we aren't gonna tell him. Right?"
Dick, Tim and Damion nod in sync.
"Father is a fool."
"A love-sick one, that's for sure!" You cackle as you quietly enter the room. Ice pack in hand as Alfred follows close behind with bandageds and steroids to calm the swelling.
(It's late where I live this just appeared to me and I had to write it. This Au is so cute! Recommend checking out!!)
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solar-wing · 5 months
*has anywhere between 3-6 different half-finished drafts sitting in Google Drive*
me: I should really finish these and post them.
*proceeds to open a new Google Docs file and starts a brand new fic off an idea I got while deciding which fic I'm going to finish*
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
scenarios from king henry x reader batsis who now pregnant and found out that reader from the future So he trap reader in a room/ Palace. Platonic yandere batfamily goes to the past to help reader (hope that Made sense)
Hello. It actually makes sense. Such a scenario is possible.
Henry became obsessed with her during his time with the reader. It demands to live together with the reader. Even if the reader tells him the truth, he will not stop. He can also see what the reader says as an excuse. It doesn't matter to him even if he believes it. As a result of Henry sleeping with the reader frequently, the reader gets pregnant. Henry imprisons him in the Palace so that he does not escape. Batfam is worried about the reader returning from work late. They are shocked when they read information about the reader in historical books. Batfam just goes back in time. They sneak into the palace. When they find their reader, the sight they encounter amazes them. The reader is in front of them with a newly defined belly and different clothes. The reader is very happy to see them. But whether she returns to his own time or not is her decision. I think she will want to have the baby. Whatever decision Batfam makes, they will be there.
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yanderefantasies · 1 year
*>TITANS Masterlist<*
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(Dick Grayson [Nightwing]):
(Jason Todd [RedHood]):
(Tim Drake [Robin]):
(Garfield Logan [BeastBoy]):
(Hank Hall [Hawk]):
(Conner Kent [Superboy]):
(Slade Wilson [Deathstroke]):
(Johnathan Crane [Scarecrow]):
[Other/Harem Hcs]:
•Titans group with a healer Reader
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dreamsfullofwoe · 10 months
Who should I make in character ai?
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2kiran · 6 months
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MULTI YANDERE 香菸 ── `` amab reader. suggestive.
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sparring with SLASHER!YANDERE . . . he's personally training you in case you need to defend yourself when he somehow can't be there. his foot sweeps your ankles, ending with you on your back and with him in your lap.
his hand secures your wrists, panting through his mask. "fuck..." you grunt from the impact of the fall, but he's more 'worried' about something else. "(name)..." he laughs, "are you hard?" he subtly rocks his hips. "wha– no. it's just–" he grounds himself down on you. "just what? don't tell me fighting's got you all excited."
you shake your head, face warming. "t'awww, it's okay, baby. you can tell me. you like this, don't you?" he grinds against you again, grinning. his tone was teasing, almost like he was scolding you for it. "'s okay. 'm not mad, sweet thing. let me help you, yeah?"
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yandereunsolved · 21 days
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— ✧ Yandere Bruce Wayne 'Batman' ✧ —
"Thank you for saving me. I can't—I can't say there is anyway that I am able to thank you properly."
You look even cuter up close. Your naivety is absolutely adorable. I thought you would have been smarter for a cunning little reporter. You spent all those hours researching me, getting to know Batman, and wanting the scoop on your life. Somewhere along the line, I just fell for your persistent antics. It's not wrong. After all, you seem just as obsessed with figuring out my identity as I am with you.
"It's not a problem. I'm just doing my job."
"Well—thank you again, Batman."
I wish it was the name Bruce Wayne falling from those pretty lips of yours. All in due time.
"Oh. I know this may sound rude, but could I get something for my next story?"
"Yes, I can give you your next big hit—up close and personal."
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klemen-tine · 4 months
White Whale
Platonic!Yandere Batfam x Male!Deaf Reader
First Batfam post... this obsession for DC and specifically the Batfam has come out of nowhere and has me by the throat.
But here you guys go.
Sign/Morse Code
TW: Hints at past attempted rape, disability discrimination
Things have been quiet, but at the same time hectic, in the Wayne manor as of lately. Almost everyone was there, sharing the same space and eating the same meals. Almost. The third oldest brother, Y/N, was missing. It stung to say, but the truth of the matter was that he had run away. Leaving behind the external processor of his cochlear implants, and only taking a backpack of clothes. He had left behind the credit card Bruce gave to everyone, only taking out a large sum of cash the day before and booking it. 
Only one note, ‘I’ll be fine.’ All the trackers left in a straight line on his bedside table, some still covered in blood from when he must have dug them out of his body. It made some of the family members wonder if Y/N had always been aware or if he had found them by chance. 
It’s been three months, and everyone was about to go crazy. How could they not? Y/N, for how independent he was and capable, was deaf and has only known the Manor. Jason, the closest to Y/N, has been more vicious on the patrols and was constantly pacing back and forth in the library. Reading and rereading all of Y/N’s favorites (even though he hated them), and sometimes even just sitting in Y/N’s room. Taking in what he had left behind, barely taking any clothes, none of his electronics (his phone was still here), and one of his favorite books that he always kept in his room. 
Jason’s going to put a tracker in that book once they get Y/N back. 
Nevertheless, sometimes he just sits there. On Y/N’s bed, and takes in the room, sometimes he’s alone and sometimes he’s with a sibling. Every now and then he’ll see Bruce in here, thumbing through Y/N’s journals. 
When Jason closes his eyes, could feel the ghost of Y/N’s touches, the feeling of Y/N’s smaller and thinner body resting against his as he read. Thin fingers gently pressed against Jason’s throat to feel the vibrations, picking up when Jason spoke in a higher or lower tone, laughing when he made an obnoxious voice for a character he absolutely loathed. Cold hands gently cupping his face under the sweaty red helmet, grounding Jason to the present. 
Dick, as the eldest child, prided himself in being in-tune with his siblings. He would bend and twist himself to keep himself available and aware of his siblings' emotions. He was the guy everyone went to when things were wrong or they needed advice. So, he wonders what he did wrong for Y/N to leave without saying anything. Their third older brother never hinted at anything being wrong, or even any sign of him wanting to leave. There was no change in his moods, no change in interests, no major cash withdrawals besides the night he left. 
His older brother instincts were stressed and have been stressed since his little brother had disappeared. In his hands, he fingered a silver stud that Y/N had left behind. Smart of him, because a small tracker was placed underneath the tourmaline gem. The blue hiding it wonderfully while also looking beautiful on Y/N’s skin. Decorating his ears that he had pierced himself (he can still hear Alfred’s outrage whenever he is reminded of that), and being the only piece of jewelry that they wanted him to wear. 
Still, Dick had wished he had taken them. He wonders if Y/N knew about the trackers in these earrings, or the trackers in the pairs of shoes he left. If he did, the other did a great job in not letting anyone know. However, if he didn’t, then it made this all the more frustrating. How could their deaf, non-combatant, and to be frank average intelligence, brother get out of this heavily monitored manor? Tim had spent years upgrading the systems, making it stronger and stronger each time. 
So, how? More importantly, why?
Dick couldn’t wrap his head around the reason why Y/N would want to leave. He’s fed great food, he has a nice bed, he can read great books, and he’s always surrounded by family. It’s not like they limited his time outside, he can basically come and go when he wants. 
As long as he was back in the manor by nightfall, Y/N could go anywhere. 
What sucked even more was that none of them had the slightest clue where he could be. Y/N could be dead for all they know. 
Dick subdued that thought, having faith that the self-defense they had drilled into Y/N would keep him safe until they found him. However they all intimately know how unfair and unkind the world can be. Y/N, sweet and defenseless Y/N, was all alone somewhere in the world. The worst outcomes kept reappearing in his mind and playing on Y/N’s past traumas. 
Why couldn’t his brother see that he was safest here? Everyone praised the Lord that Y/N expressed no interest in being a vigilante, and that his career of choice was instead choosing to be an editor. He took a gap year this year, which everyone rejoiced over. Y/N was a hard worker, and was someone who fully dived into things without taking a break. Like Tim. 
Still, Dick wished Y/N would see what they saw. Y/N needs them, just like how they need Y/N. Dick flopped into the couch, thumbing through his photos and finding one of him and Y/N. When they do find him, they’re going to have to remind him where he belongs. 
Y/N took in the sun rays with a content smile. His once pale skin now has a slight tint to it, and his hair now lighter due to the sea water and sun. The white beaches reflect the warm rays and the blue waters look like familiar eyes. It took him a while to get used to being on his own, which was proof that he needed to do this. Never in his life has he felt so free. 
The wind tossing his hair and the view of waves crashing on the shore had him smiling. The Moby Dick in his hands as he reread the pages, noting the post-it notes he had in it, jotting down his thoughts and musings. The Dominican Republic beaches were already something to die for, but here on the hidden beaches, where only a handful of people knew of its location, were worth killing for. Y/N looked back at the small bungalow he was renting, paying in cash to keep his name off the lease and only staying until March before he will leave for Europe, and smiled. A cute little thing that looked like it could topple at the slightest storm. The electricity was powered by a generator and there was no hot water. Maybe warm, but never hot. Which Y/N was shockingly fine with. It wasn’t like it was cold here like how it was in Gotham. 
His biggest stressor was cooking. Which furthermore proved how he needed to do this. Out of all his brothers, he is the only one who doesn’t know how to cook. He can make the basics, like mac-n-cheese, ramen, rice, and basic pasta dishes. However, when his landlord had given him a fish to eat, Y/N stared at it with great embarrassment. 
It’s not like he had a phone, or even the internet, to google it. 
He had almost set the kitchen on fire but that’s something he’s not going to tell his landlord about. 
Thankfully, despite how well-hidden this bungalow was, the community around was strong and well-receptive to him. When he first told them that he was deaf, which was completely by accident, he started getting free food and notepads to write on. However, no one treated him differently. He wasn’t coddled, besides once again the free meal every now and then but he’s positive that also has to deal with how frightened he looked when he was asked to help out with cooking one time, nor was he pestered. 
As much as he loves his family, the Wayne family could be… a lot. Always around him, constantly monitoring him, coddling him like he was going to break at the slightest hint of him facing a struggle. Some of them unknowingly, or unintentionally, use his deafness against him as a reason why he couldn’t do certain things. He is grateful to Bruce for giving him his hearing somewhat back, the cochlear implants truly made life easier, but Y/N was curious about the part of him. 
He lost his hearing at the age of 10, a gradual process that started when he was 8. The nerves in his ears deteriorated to the point not even the sound of a building explosion could be heard by him. Being deaf in East Gotham as a 10-year-old was basically a death sentence. It didn’t help that Y/N was naturally curious, meaning there were a lot of things he stuck his nose in that he shouldn’t have. It is only because of Jason that he is alive, which the other will always deny but Y/N stands by. 
Jason and him had met when they were both 6, being neighbors with similar living conditions had made them close. Jason was with him when his hearing started to disappear, and he was with Jason when Catherine had died from an overdose. The two of them took to the streets and set up a small base in an abandoned building. 
He was with him when they decided to steal the Batmobile's wheels, clinging onto Jason’s red hoodie when the local vigilante had lifted him up by the collar of said hoodie. Those eyes that peaked through the mask drifted from defiant blue eyes to terrified E/C eyes. 
They had become twins, brothers with different last names and different birthdays, but twins nevertheless. Inseparable and always joined at the hips, only leaving each other when Jason went on patrol as Robin and Y/N chose to stay behind with Alfred. While Jason learned how to kick someone’s ass, Y/N learned how to treat them when their own asses got kicked. 
He cried when Jason died. Sobbed and deteriorated as he slept in Jason’s room, and sobbed some more when he tried to read some of Jason’s books. He let Dick comfort him, taking him on daily excursions to the beach and riding on the back of his motorcycle. Bruce had read to him, just how Jason used to, and while it wasn’t the same he appreciated the man trying. Alfred continued to be the emotional support they all relied on him to be, and constantly patted his shoulders and baked him his favorite treats. 
Y/N screamed at Bruce when he brought Tim back, stating that he was the new Robin. He made it clear he wasn’t mad at Tim, but Bruce. He gave the man the cold shoulder for weeks while making sure Tim was accommodated for. He cried again when Jason came back, hugging the other and cupping Jason’s older face between his hands. He rested a hand on Bruce’s shoulder when Damian showed up, feeling for him and showing emotions that Bruce could not. 
Y/N loves his family with everything in him, and he knows that he is loved back. However, the love from one person was different from the love of multiple people. Y/N knows, is intimately aware, that their love is the type disguised as golden necklaces and stained glass windows. When in reality, they are chains and the gold bars of a cage. He knows they kept him dependent on them for life necessities, such as food, money, and a place to sleep. 
He was never allowed to get a job. When he tried he was rejected or never called back. He was allowed to cook, but only the basics, as Alfred didn’t want him hurting himself. His curfew was before nightfall, meaning in winter 4:30 was when he had to be back inside the manor. 
They gave him his hearing so the silence would continue to be deafening. It is why he left the external processors. Whether Y/N liked it or not, he was deaf. He is a part of that community, and it is about time he got used to that part of himself. 
The young adult knows his family loves him, and wants to care for him, but as an adult he knows that he needs to learn some things about life on his own. 
Bruce taught them all well. Alfred taught them all well. His older brothers and younger brothers taught him well. Y/N is ready for this. He has been for a while. 
Closing his book, marking the page with the bookmark, he watched a sperm whale breach for only a moment before disappearing under the waves. Unable to hear the sound it made, but the sight of it was enough. He set the book down on the towel and made his way to the waters. 
It was an accident. It truly was. However, it was a happy accident that had everyone packing and getting ready for the trip. 
One of Tim’s classmates had just returned from vacation, and she was showing photos of the sperm whales that gathered. Tim looked because it was shoved in his face, and he nearly snatched her phone out of her hand. In the back, dressed like a local, he was there. His eyes focused on the breach sperm whales, but Tim would recognize him from any angle in any get up. 
He asked what beach she was at, and she said Playa Rincon, Dominican Republic. Y/N was in the Dominican Republic. But for what? Y/N has never shown any interest in the tropics or even the ocean in general. Sure he loves the beach, but that was it. Never has he expressed his desire to go to another country to experience it. 
So, what could have been there that would draw Y/N in? With the amount of money he withdrew, he could have bought a plane ticket anywhere in the world, and he chose the Dominican Republic. Without a doubt using a fake idea, a fake name, and he was probably using a different name to either rent a place or buy a house. 
Sure, they can all just go over, but if they do they would have to tear apart the country to find him. They work fast, but words can travel faster. 
There has to be a reason why Y/N went. Something there that would at least narrow the search. 
Tim looked around Y/N’s room, searching for anything that would give him a hint. Anything. 
He glanced at the bookshelf where the only book missing was the Moby Dick. A book about how a group of whalers get bested by a giant sperm whale that is believed to be a god. It is a book about a Captain that has a self-destructive obsession with the white whale called the Moby Dick. Based on a true story of a crew on a ship called the Essex. 
“I’ve always felt bad for the whale.” Tim raised an eyebrow, staring at his brother who was stroking their youngest brother’s head as Damian slept on. The book In the Heart of the Sea in between his thin fingers as he met Tim’s inquiring gaze. 
“There is no proof as to why the whale rammed into the Essex, but many believe it was due to a mistake. The hammering in the hull of the ship sounded like another whale.” Tim signed, ‘But why do you feel bad?’ Y/N smiled, “Because, not only were they being hunted but now a book written about how this one whale is the reason a reputable Captain goes mad really does paint them in a bad light.” 
‘Whaling has been outlawed.’ 
“Still, I bet this book only increased it for a while.” Tim watched Y/N bookmark his page, closing the book before returning his hands to Damian’s head. 
‘Do you like sperm whales?’ Y/N beamed, “I do. They really are such an amazing animal, I hope I get to see one in person.” 
Tim stood straighter, pulling out his phone and doing a quick Google search. The Dominican Republic is the only place where sperm whales stay all year. 
“There’s no way.” 
“What.” Tim brushed past Damian, rushing down to the Batcave and ignoring the glare the youngest sent him. It didn’t take long to find whale sighting information. It took even less time to find the pattern. Series of reds, blue, yellows, and green decorating the waters around Dominican Republic. The red dots were where the most recent sights were, and he stared at the location his classmate was at when they saw the whale. Where Y/N’s photo was accidentally taken. 
There is only one spot that the red dots haven’t reached yet, and if the pattern stayed true, they had about two to three days. 
Tim fished out his phone, calling Bruce, “I know where Y/N is.” 
Bruce loves his sons. He would risk himself for them and would do everything in his power to ensure they are safe. Yes, they had been Robins, yes Jason had died, yes his and Dick’s relationship was still rocky, but damn did he love them. 
He stared at a photo of when Y/N and Jason were 13, 6 months freshly moved into the manor, and it was him and Dick standing on opposite sides of them. Jason grinning brightly, holding a more timid Y/N’s hand who was holding onto Bruce’s jacket. Dick was crouching next to Jason, laughing at something the other had said before the picture was taken. Y/N, when they first moved in, had been terribly shy. He always hid behind or stayed next to Jason, and watched Bruce and Alfred with hesitant eyes. Jason on the other hand was outspoken with his mistrust, but willing to comply with their rules for some things. 
Bruce remembers when Y/N first helped Alfred dress their bruises and scratches. Alfred taking on a more unruly Jason, while Y/N helped with the minor stuff on Bruce. He had rubbed Y/N’s head with his ungloved hand afterwards, and he watched as those E/Cochromic eyes widened before a large smile took over his young face. Bright and happy with little care in the world. 
He had wanted to keep that on Y/N’s face forever. 
Bruce will be the first to admit that he didn’t do a great job in that. All his failures hung in front of him, and Y/N and Alfred were reminders that those failures didn’t affect just him. Yet, Bruce watched Y/N power on. Continuing to keep his chin up and shoulders back, taking on the new day with more determination. 
Y/N had learned to be strong on his own, and while yes, Bruce is extremely and undeniably proud of him, he is also worried. Terrified. Something he shared with everyone else. The world is unkind to people who are different. It’s unkind to people in general, but to add in something about yourself that you cannot control and that is different from everyone else, it is terrible. Y/N, for how normal he pretends to be, is far from it. 
It stresses Bruce out. He is constantly worried for him, constantly double-checking and ensuring that Y/N is okay. Bruce doesn’t want to admit that he is softer to Y/N because he is deaf, because that is not the complete truth. If anything, Bruce knows he is more controlling of Y/N because of that. Always having to know where he is, who he’s with, what he’s doing and whether it is safe enough for him or not. 
A helicopter parent that the child cannot hear. 
So when Tim had told him of how Y/N had somehow managed to get to the Dominican Republic, and was most likely living there, Bruce wanted to flip a table. All for some whales. He was more stressed than impressed over the fact that his son, who had no experience with Robin or anything illegal, managed to not only get a fake passport, a fake ID, and then live in another country for three months. 
“Oh that kid?” One of the locals recognized who Bruce was asking about, a smile on their face as they recalled what an excellent free diver he was. The man grinned, pulling out a camera that had Bruce raising an eyebrow, “I’m an underwater photographer. That kid is a natural in the ocean.” Bruce stared at the photos, and even he could admire just how in place Y/N looked amongst the coral reefs and deep blue. Long legs looked fluid, and his body lithe like the fish he swam amongst. 
Y/N looked free. 
“Pleasant to talk to as well. It's a shame he’s deaf, he’d be a great teacher for other free-divers.” Bruce wanted to deck this man across the face for stating that Y/N couldn’t do something because of his lack of hearing, but that would be hypocritical. How many times has he used Y/N’s disability against him? 
According to Tim, this area is the next stop for whale sightings, meaning Y/N has to be somewhere around here. The family has split up, asking the locals and looking around the tourist areas. 
“Did he say where he was staying?” The local shook his head, “No, didn’t ask either.” Bruce wants to break the man's fingers just to make sure the other doesn’t know. The local, as if sensing the dangers he was in, gulped, “But if I had to guess, he most likely lives near coral reefs.
“Somewhere he could free dive constantly without having to go out on a boat. Afterall, for how short of a time he’s been doing it, he’s extremely impressive. A lot of this sport takes practice.” 
Bruce nodded in thanks. It is the  Brucie Wayne smile now on his face, “Thanks, and how much for the photo?” 
Y/N stumbled back to his place, his cheeks flushed and a giggle on his lips. In his hands was a bottle of homemade tequila from one of the locals he had just gotten done partying with, and the taste was thick on his tongue but he couldn’t deny that the heat in his belly was addicting. Stumbling into the tiny bungalow, he set the bottle down on the kitchen table and resisted the urge to take another sip. 
Doing a quick stretch, he watched the waves crash against the beach, the full moon illuminating the waters and the white sand. 
Only one more day and the sperm whales should be at this side of the island. Maybe they’ll be here tonight. Scratching the nape of his neck, Y/N released a pleased sound before making his way to his room to grab stuff for the shower. He moved in the dark, knowing where everything was and not needing to add to the electricity bill. 
The room itself was nice, probably the most grand room in the entire space. Above the bed was a large window that allowed for natural light, constantly illuminating the room. In the soft light of the moon, Y/N navigated his room with practiced movements. The fire in his gut making him stumble sometimes, but nothing serious or even alarming. When he lifted his gaze, his eyes landed on the book on his bedside tables and something else. 
Furrowing his brows, Y/N walked to that part of his room, and his eyes turned hazy momentarily as his fingers brushed over the external processor of the cochlear implants, thumbing them and feeling the cool metal under the pad of his thumb. Fond memories of when he first got his hearing back, if only somewhat, and the way the world burst into noise. 
He chuckled when a memory popped up of him and Jason arguing, and Y/N had taken off the processors and closed his eyes so he couldn’t see or hear Jason’s argument. The fight dissolved into laughter, Jason hugging Y/N and the both of them landing on the carpeted floor. 
They were the external processors he left behind when he left the Wayne manor. Decorated in small stickers that Tim and Dick jokingly put on them, and the small scratches from when Damian had accidentally dropped them. 
The processors he left behind to start this new life figuring out how to cope with silence. 
The processors… he left… behind… 
His E/C eyes widened and he made a quick sprint for the door, dropping his clothes on the floor. He has to go outside where there is open space and where he can hopefully be seen by a local. His family of vigilants excelled in close-combat and combat the needed tight spaces. It wasn't like Gotham had a lot of room to begin with. 
He had to get out of here. Y/N has to leave, or at least give himself a chance. 
When he threw open the door, he almost collided into the broad chest of one of his brothers. His eyes glanced up and he met the crazed and desperate eyes of his twin. The red helmet off of his head and exposing the bags under his eyes. Guilt crushed Y/N’s chest, and he wanted to cup Jason’s cheeks within his hands. He wanted to assure others he was safe, that he was fine, and that he was ready to do this. 
But they would never get it. 
He took a step back instead. Jason followed, and Y/N nearly screamed when he felt the floor creak beneath his feet. 4 other pairs of feet moved, making the wood creak and vibrate under his feet and alerting him that they were all in his home. 
‘Ready to come home?’ Jason signed, and Y/N felt the wood creak. Y/N shook his head, never taking his eyes off of the man in front of him. Jason's facial expression changed.
‘Too bad.’ Y/N dodged a pair of hands that were behind him and barely side-stepped another pair. Jason stood in front of the door, ensuring that Y/N could not leave through it. He remembers just how slippery the other could be, and he was not risking it. 
Y/N raced to the kitchen, grabbing the handle of the tequila bottle, and holding it like a bat. In front of him was his family, Damian, Tim, Dick, Jason, and Bruce. None of them were dressed in their vigilante outfits, and that is because Y/N is not a criminal that needs a suit to fear. He is their brother who needs guidance from his family.
“C’mon Y/N, vacation is over.” Dick said, and Y/N had difficulty reading his lips but he understood it. 
“No.” Dick’s jaw clenched and he could see Tim grab something from his pocket. 
“Y/N. If you wanted to see the whales you could have asked.” Y/N scrunched his nose, and tightened his grip on the bottle, “Put that down, and let's go.” Y/N shook his head, “No. I want to stay here.” Dick’s lips pursed and Damian scowled, “Why? You have no hot water, you can’t cook, there is literally nothing here other than those whales.” Y/N’s face must have made a terribly pained expression because Damian looked like he had been the one to be chastised. 
“I want to learn how to do things on my own.”
“That's so stupid Y/N. Come on.” Y/N shook his head, “No! No, I-I want to stay. I am the only one who get tre-treated like glass. Not even Babs gets treated like me!” Jason glared, “That is different Y/N, and you know it.” 
“How?! She is in a wheelchair, and I am deaf. We are both handicapped, but when she wants to do something you have little complaint but when I want to do something you have an entire novel!” It's not fair. Y/N shouldn’t be mad at Barbara, because it is not her fault. But even he couldn’t stop the feeling of resentment building in his chest when he sees how free Barbara is compared to him. 
Y/N doesn’t hate Barbara. He couldn’t hate her, because she’s his sister just like everyone else were his siblings. But he is frustrated. So undeniably frustrated. He spent an ungodly amount of nights laying awake and staring at his ceiling as he thought about it. Trying to find the reason why he is treated like the slightest gust would send him stumbling. He wanted a valid reason. 
“I am deaf. I am not stupid or-or incapable of taking care of myself!” 
“That is not why we are doing this!” There’s no point in yelling because he couldn’t hear it, but Y/N could see the way their throats flexed and mouths opened wider. Y/N shook his head, “I am not glass! I want to learn how to be inde-independent.” He had to slowly say that last word, but he got it.
“I. Am. Staying.” 
This is exactly why Y/N left. This is why he left the way he did. Why he had too. They don’t get it. They’ll never get it. How could they understand? They have always been able to make their own decisions. They have always been able to do things that Y/N only wishes he could do. They had such a stangle-hold on his life that the slightest hint of wiggle-room, they only tightened their hold even more. It was suffocating and painful.
It was even more painful because Y/N still loves them, and he knows they love him. That this was just a version of their love that was unfortunately, or fortunately for everyone else, reserved for only him. A chain and leash meant for only him. A cage for him. With intricate gold bars that looked beautiful, but still kept him trapped.
He missed Bruce’s signal, but he watched how Damian was the first to move. Y/N isn’t too sure how he dodged Damian, the little gremlin he was, but he also knows that they weren’t going hard on him. He knows they are not treating him like a criminal, but as a brother. Which means, Y/N was somewhat at an advantage. Bruce and Jason had made sure Y/N knew the fundamentals to self-defense and how to use his surroundings. 
His biggest downfall however, was him focusing on Dick and Damian, and forgetting that one of them technically could still intervene. Tim, with whatever he was holding didn’t join the fray and Jason was too busy guarding the door as a just in case. Which is why when a large hand gripped the wrist that was holding the still intact tequila bottle, twisting the joint in a way that had Y/N dropping it, had him crying out in shock. His short fingernails digging into the callused skin of his adopted father, Bruce Wayne. 
The man stared at him with a heated glare and Y/N fought off the urge to shrink under the heavy gaze. However, he threw his weight back, trying to dislodge the grip around his wrist. Bruce used his other arm to immobilize Y/N’s upper body, stopping him from throwing an elbow or scratching his hand. Trapping Y/N’s body and making his already racing heart nearly burst in panic. 
“No! Let go!” Y/N wanted to stay. He has to stay. His foot stomped and he released a cry, and when he looked down he wanted to cry. The tequila bottle had shattered, and Y/N was the only one who was barefoot. He could feel the glass cutting into the skin and the sting of alcohol entering the wound. 
‘Shit!’ He grit his teeth, trying to push aside the pain and get Bruce’s grip off of him. Only, someone was touching his feet now and he didn’t mean to panic but he kicked up. Memories from Crime Alley filled his mind as large hands gripped his ankles, and Bruce’s grip changed to better accommodate someone who was no longer standing. 
His throat closed up and he began gasping as he tried desperately to ground himself. His eyes blown wide and tears now streamed down his face as those hands were replaced with others. The darkness of the bungalow now shifted to the darkness of Crime Alley, and the way the counter and island now looked like the buildings of the Alley way had Y/N screeching. Thrown back into the past with painful shove and memories that clouded his vision. 
“Jason! Jason! Help, help they’re touching me.” Another pair of arms replaced the ones around his arms, and the hands around his ankles let go, but it did nothing. Y/N was effectively back to the past where it was only him and Jason. Those strong arms encircled around him, keeping his own arms pinned and secured, and they began to rock. 
Tapping on his skin and Y/N’s mind began translating it. There was no ASL or Morse Code in Crime Alley, but when Jason and him realized he was going deaf they made their own. One that is unique to them. 
One Y/N still remembers, and so does Jason. 
‘It’s okay. It’s okay, no one is doing anything. It’s just me and the family.’ Y/N shook, and he struggled to catch a breath. There is a hand on his chest, trying to ground him, and he wonders if that hand is the one that is gripping his lungs and making it so hard to breathe. 
‘It’s okay, it’s okay. You are here. You are safe. We’re safe, and we’re going home.’ Before Y/N could process that, there was a sharp prick in his neck, and before he could shout once more a hand covered his mouth, and his body tried to escape the grip. His thrashing only got weaker and weaker as whatever drug was given to him. 
His eyes grew blurry and the last thing he saw was Jason’s face. 
Waking up was hard. His head felt heavy and his limbs couldn’t move. Opening his eyelids seemed impossible, but when he did he groaned. The light was too bright and his limbs too heavy to do anything other than to continue groaning. 
A hand rested on his forehead, and Y/N was too exhausted to try and shake it off. He could hear some shuffling and he furrowed his brows. He took off his external processors a few months ago… 
That night returned to his memory full force and Y/N groaned from the headache. The hand on his forehead moving to massage his temples. 
“Shh, I know. You had a crazy time.” It's been a long time since he heard Bruce’s voice, but it was still deep and gravelly just how he remembers. Y/N turned his head with difficulty, and met those blue eyes that have been staring at him intently. 
Y/N opened his mouth, but closed it. The argument he had with everyone was still fresh in his mind, and he couldn’t help but to continue feeling bitter. Bruce, sensing his son’s thoughts sighed exasperatedly, “Y/N, I admire your drive for wanting to be independent, I really do. But pulling a stunt like that is exactly why we worry.” Y/N scrunched his nose, “You don’t trust me.” 
“That’s not-” 
“It is. If you did trust me you would let me stay out later than nightfall and would be okay with me traveling without a babysitter.” Bruce removed his hand, and stared down at Y/N. His expression is painfully neutral, “Y/N.” 
“You, and no one else in this household, trust me. Then you sit here, listing out everything I do that makes you lose your trust in me, but it’s hard to lose what I never had,” He was voicing his opinion, an opinion that he has had for a while but has never said anything about because he didn’t want to interrupt the balance. 
More importantly, he didn’t want to admit it to himself. They always called him trustworthy, but they never did trust him. He trusted them though. He trusted them with his life, with his secrets, and his insecurities. Then they throw all of that back in his face and expect him to continue making the same mistakes. 
Bruce sighed, as if he was talking to a child that has needed to be told multiple times why they can’t put a fork in a toaster. He met Y/N’s E/C eyes, staring into the irises and seeing the truth behind his words. One of his fingers gently touched one of the external processors, “It’s not that I don’t trust you, I don’t trust other people. This world is awful to people who are different.” Y/N scrunched his nose, and Bruce continued, “You still panic when your ankles are touched.” 
“That’s not fair! That was a stressful situation and you all just made it worse and then-” 
“I know. I know. Dick knows and he is sorry about that, but you stepped on glass.” 
“You made me drop the bottle.” 
“You shouldn’t have been dri-” 
“I’m 23. I’m legal to drink in every country.” 
“I was fine.” Y/N wanted to cry. He had a taste of freedom and then it was taken from him. Forcefully so. 
Bruce stood up, almost knocking the chair back as he did so, and Y/N flinched. He was unable to move still, because whatever drug Tim had given me must have been a muscle relaxant as well. He watched as Bruce schooled his emotions, quickly swallowing them down and then sighed. 
The man leaned down and pressed a kiss into Y/N’s H/C locks. His hand now cupping Y/N’s ear and external processor, “You are grounded until I say otherwise, Y/N. You will stay within these Manor walls until I believe you have learned your lesson.” He ignored Y/N’s face of exhaustion and disappointment. Not at himself, but at Bruce. The man made his way to leave, but before he closed the door, he looked back at his son. His son who had turned away from him and was taking note of the bars over the windows. 
Bruce closed his eyes, feeling his disappointment in the situation and shut the door behind him, making sure to lock it.
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cheegu3 · 10 months
Hi, I loved your glory based enha fic so much! Please do a part 2 or sequel of it? I want to see why they bully and kiss the mc at same time. Maybe you can make it yandere since you mentioned that it was not?
Honestly I'm new to your blog but love your work so much!
I've gotten many requests like this, so I decided to make a mini series out of it, technically it's my first series to finish so lower ur expectations everyone lol. Thank you so much for reading and supporting my work, welcome & love u !! <3
dc list (all the ppl that requested a pt.2) - @ceeesxy-blog, @roses-and-blue-perennial-salvia, @/anons special thanks to @muminpopz, for giving me the idea to introduce a second character !!
to clarify - my last part was still yandere, that's why they wanted to kiss her, I think I wrote that in my last fic bc it wasn't really mentioned much.
note; I haven't planned the plot 100% so voting will probably be a big part of deciding what happens next, only the first ones to read (24hrs) get to vote but u can still leave your opinions in the comments <3
this is a bit long, I apologize in advance, I am determined to give this an ending now lol
wc; 4.4k
pairing; enha x f.m reader
featuring; yeonjun & soobin (txt)
tw / trigger warning; yandere themes, severe bullying, the glory inspired, scars, mentions of forced kissing, mentions of drinking and smoking, trauma, swearing
Enhypen - the glory (PT.2)
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The irritating fluorescent lights flickering above made you scrunch your nose and turn on your side. Those damn hospital lights reminded you of those moments you'd spent there a couple of years ago, when your mom needed treatment for her illness. They felt eerie, almost like a weakening heartbeat flickering back at you while you stared at them.
Now here you were, back at the hospital again. Your dad had accidentally spotted the burns, poking out from under your shirt as you raised your arms above your head to put something on a shelf. Wishing you'd been more careful was useless now as you looked at the sleeping form of your dad slumped over the dreary hospital bed.
Your bullies had no idea you were in the hospital, but surely they'd be notified soon enough. There was no way your dad would let this thing go after seeing how badly they left you. He had dried tears on his hollow cheeks that made your heart twist painfully in guilt.
Although it wasn't your fault at all, you didn't want to be a burden to him. He already worked more than his body could handle, constantly stressed with the increasing workload his company gave him.
'' Miss, y/n? ''
You sat up straight at the sound of a nurse. She approached your bed with a sympathetic smile on her face, and you felt bad for her too. She looked young, too young - had you scarred her as well with your injuries? They weren't very nice to look at after all.
'' Yes? '' you whispered, eyes fleeting briefly to your dad sleeping to let the nurse know not to wake him up.
'' We've administered some soothing cream and medicine in case the pain gets too unbearable. If you wish, you may go home now. ''
You nodded. '' Thank you. ''
You reached out your hand and gently pat your dad. He grunted and slowly got up, stretching his sore neck as he slowly started waking up. He looked at you questioningly instead of asking what was wrong.
'' They said I could go home. ''
He sighed, maybe a bit louder than he had intended to because a look of regret flashed across his face, hurriedly he assured you, '' I wasn't worried about the bills, honey. ''
You knew he was but you didn't say anything. The promise of your warm, comfortable bed waiting at home was enough for you to stay quiet, even during the whole ride home.
Hearing the additional quiet sighs of your exhausted dad behind you when you hurried to your bedroom, made another pang of guilt hit you. But this time you ignored it too - another more important thought was filling up your mind now.
What would happen at school tomorrow?
You slipped under the heated covers and as a result of the long day, you fell asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow.
You were one of the earliest students to arrive this time. Taking your designated spot at the back of the class, your head naturally fell into your arms as you yawned off the morning grogginess.
Before you left that morning, your dad had given you a smile and told you that, ' If those punks give you trouble again, call me '. But he had said so while balancing both his files and a cup of nearly spilled coffee, along with a laptop tucked under his arm. You'd seen him for maybe a few minutes before he disappeared off to work again.
You smiled a bit melancholically, knowing that if trouble did arise you wouldn't call him. Hopefully you wouldn't have a reason to do so anyway; maybe they'd be more gentle with you since they gave you such a harsh punishment last time.
The bell rang, startling you and making you raise your head. The class was pretty much full now. By instinct your eyes dart to where they always sat. Surprisingly, they were all in their seats but didn't seem to be paying you too much attention.
A few of them looked sleepy, slumped over their desks like you had been just a minute ago. The others had dark circles under their eyes and stared blankly towards the blackboard.
Rough night? They almost looked like they'd been out partying. You scoffed. It wouldn't shock you if they had; they sometimes smelled of smoke as they'd kiss you in the gym, so you wouldn't put it past them to drink during a school night too.
'' Good morning, class! '' the teacher's cheerful voice cut through the room.
The tired students responded back but in a much less bright tone.
'' We have a new student today. A transfer from Ansan. ''
The murmur from the usual chatty students stopped, and it became dead quiet. Just then the classroom door slid open and a tall, very good-looking guy crouched to get in.
'' This is Soobin, please introduce yourself. '' the teacher smiled.
'' Hi everyone, I'm Soobin. Nice to meet you. '' he said solemnly.
He sounded a bit shy and he didn't keep eye-contact with the students for long, eyes dashing anxiously from person to person while he clasped his hands together.
When his eyes landed on you, you smiled politely. Based on first impressions alone, it was clear as day to anyone that this guy didn't seem like a bully, so you wanted to be nice to him.
It's not easy being new, you knew that very well when you had to transfer during the second part of the first year. Back then, there weren't any people like you that would want to take care of the newcomer, like you wanted to take care of Soobin - and that's how you became their target. You couldn't let that happen to this guy.
'' You can take the seat next to y/n, that one in the back. '' you heard the teacher say.
You smiled again, that would certainly make things a bit easier as he would be sitting closer to you than your bullies. The part where you actually had to try to become friends was harder. You couldn't remember the last time you had a friend.
Soobin cautiously walked over to his seat, keeping his eyes down the whole time. He looked even taller up close, and he barely fit in his seat which made you snort quietly to yourself.
The teacher turned her back and started writing on the board as the murmur returned again. You fiddled nervously with your fingers before finally turning your head to him, determination shining in your eyes.
He must've seen you do so in his peripheral vision because he looked at you too, his bunny-like eyes growing twice its size.
'' Hi, I'm y/n. ''
'' Yeah, she...uh said so. '' he gestured to the teacher and then seemed to cringe at himself.
You let out a light laugh, maybe you were both equally awkward.
'' I guess she did. '' you gave him a genuine smile, one that reached your eyes. It had been a long time since you'd smiled in that way.
'' I'm Soobin. '' he seemed to relax when he saw your smile, a small one played on his own lips as he observed you timidly.
'' I know, she said that. '' you teased back.
He chuckled and you thought you saw him blush before he turned to pick up his notebooks from his backpack. You did the same, starting to copy the material from the board.
'' Hey, is it- okay if I eat lunch with you later? I know it's a weird thing to ask, but I don't really have anyone. '' he quickly rambled after you had been taking notes for some time.
'' I mean, you don't have to say yes if you already have someone you're eating with I just thought I'd ask. ''
A shy pout formed on his lips, seemingly indicating that he felt that he had embarrassed himself again. But you found it cute.
'' No, that sounds perfect. I don't really have any friends either. '' you admitted.
'' Oh. ''
'' It's okay. '' you laughed.
And then the two of you continued studying, while the sweet promise of having someone to finally eat lunch with was circling inside your mind.
When the bell rang, you quickly packed up your things and waited for Soobin outside. You were slightly scared that if you were one of the last ones to leave, then your bullies would catch you red-handed and see your newfound friendship, prompting them to do something to the new student.
Soobin looked happy walking by your side, completely oblivious to all the stares and whispers that followed the two of you. He was even humming something, moving his head slightly all the way through the queue in the cafeteria to the walk to your table.
You chose one that was out of sight from the entrance, just in case they'd eat today. They often didn't - being from snobby rich families and all, they were grossed out by the cafeteria food and would usually drive home during lunch or go out to a restaurant together.
Someone must've told them about you and Soobin however, because you suddenly heard the table next to you gasp and gossip.
'' Why are they eating here today? ''
One of the girls glanced towards you, and when the others noticed, they all looked at you. Soobin looked confused, he stopped midway with his mouth open and his chopsticks carrying the food dropped it clumsily.
They giggled at him. But you couldn't even find humour in something like that when you had a bad feeling in your stomach. They were probably right when they looked at you as the answer to their question.
But why? Why would this make them angry? What would they do to Soobin now?
'' Hey, y/n. ''
You raised your head cautiously, dreading to see them. The fact that they seemed so out of it during the lesson shouldn't have made you feel so confident that it meant they'd avoid you all day.
Jake was the one who stood slightly in front of the group, the others gave threatening glares to students that looked like they wanted to intervene, making them hurriedly scurry away.
'' Yes? '' you couldn't hide the irritation in your voice.
'' What do you think you're doing? '' Jake cocked an eyebrow and then his attention was caught Soobin who was peacefully eating.
Your bullies seemed to assess him from head to toe which made the poor new student look very uncomfortable, causing him to squirm in his seat and clear his throat.
'' Eating lunch? '' you snarkily respond and then attempt to go back to eating while ignoring them.
You heard a scoff.
'' Did we say you could do that? '' Jay sneered, looking down at you.
Your cheeks started heating up and you turned your head as it started to show. The whole thing being done in front of Soobin made it feel ten times worse. Had you now lost a potential friend because they wanted to embarrass you like this on his first day?
You were about to respond but were interrupted by them all abruptly moving to squeeze in next to you and Soobin. The two of you exchanged confused looks.
'' We just wanted to join, can we not do that? '' Sunghoon winks to the flustered new student, who nods hesitantly.
But your lack of answer didn't satisfy them. Heeseung who sat closest to you, rested his hand on your exposed thigh as his eyes held a non-spoken warning in them.
'' Of course. '' you respond flatly, earning a satisfied grin from him.
It felt like you were holding your breath all throughout that excruciatingly long lunch. They'd never eaten with you before and it became clear quite quickly that the reason they did so today wasn't because of you - but, because of Soobin.
All throughout, their focus was on him and not you. It made you feel uneasy, like they had something up their sleeves. The new student was asked questions enthusiastically, which he answered happily as he slowly got out of his shell more and more. But you noticed the looks and the smirks they shared when he wasn't looking. Problem was that any time you'd try to warn Soobin, that hand would return back to your thigh. Heeseung didn't need to say anything, you knew not to test it. Still you hoped you'd have the chance to warn him later.
The reason why was because the way they treated Soobin on his first day made you get a horrible sense of deja-vu. In an instant you were transported back in time to your very own first day.
You overheard girls talking in the halls while waiting for the teacher outside the classroom; about some guy they had hooked up with.
'' Are you fucking stupid? '' one of the girls sudden aggressive outburst made you perk your ears up without meaning to.
You didn't exactly have anything else to occupy your bored mind with while waiting anyway, so you eavesdropped a little.
'' Lee Heeseung? You hooked up with the Lee Heeseung? ''
Shifting your weight and turning over while pressed against the wall, you tried to get a good look at the poor girl who seemed to have gotten taken advantage of.
'' He's a known fuckboy and player. '' the angry one continued.
The girl you assumed was the topic of conversation shrugged, but she had a slight sad frown on her face.
'' I thought that...maybe I could change him. ''
The two others girls erupted into shrill laughter. You couldn't help but feel some sympathy for her despite her bad decisions. The teacher interrupted just as you were about to ask them about the guy, so you could avoid him.
'' Y/n? Are you ready? ''
You grimaced and nodded, giving one last look at the girl before following the teacher into the classroom.
Immediately a small pang of panic hit you. It wasn't empty like you'd expected, in fact - pretty much every single chair was filled with a student.
'' Good morning, class! '' the teacher's cheerful voice brought you back to reality.
You just had to introduce yourself and then the danger was over. You could spend the rest of the day glued to your desk, not talking to anyone and when lunchtime would hit, the convenience store across the school was your best bet.
'' We have a new student today. A transfer from Seongnam. ''
'' This is y/n, please introduce yourself. ''
You looked at the teacher, slight panic evident in your eyes. Clearing your throat you stepped forward a few steps.
'' Hi everyone, I'm y/n. Nice to meet you. ''
Your anxiety slowly started dissapating when a few students answered back politely and you released a breath you didn't know you'd been holding in.
'' You can take the seat next to Heeseung, that one in the back. '' you heard the teacher say, she was gesturing towards the back right of the classroom where a bunch of guys were huddled over one table, too busy talking to register what the teacher had said.
You obediently walked over there and tried not to make a scene when you put your things on the chair that was closest to the table they were all gathered around.
To your dismay, the owner of the popular table had noticed you in the corner of his eye. He quickly waved everyone away and then focused his attention on you.
It was very hard to ignore.
'' Hey, sweetheart. ''
No matter how hard you fought back to not show any reaction, your face scowled at the sound of his nickname, earning an abrupt laugh from one of the boys.
You were sure this meant bad news for you, a guy like that wouldn't want to be humiliated in front of his whole friend-group, so you quickly gave him a sheepish smile.
'' Yes? ''
Your innocent tone made his eyes narrow as more of the boys laughed. The longer you kept eye-contact, the more you felt him openly glare with something you couldn't quite explain glinting in his brown gaze.
Before he could embarrass himself in front of his friends further, he stood up so suddenly that the chair underneath made a loud screeching noise. To you surprise, everyone minded their business which was very different from your last school where everyone was nosy and the sound would've immediately made people whip their heads around in curiosity.
He dragged the chair as close as he could to next to yours, so close that the material was slightly pushing into your bare thigh.
Your eyebrows knit together as you watched him sit down. It was way too close for your comfort; you could even smell his cologne and the fact that it was so obvious it was an expensive one made you immediately annoyed.
He leaned in now, being just a few inches above your ear and most likely shielding you from his friends.
'' Do you know who I am? ''
Your loud scoff for answer seemed to enrage him even more. His much larger hand found your wrist and easily trapped it in a painful grip.
'' No, sorry. '' you hurriedly answer, feeling a lot less brave now, your wrist was already starting to hurt.
'' I'm Heeseung, remember that. ''
In your scared state, your head seemed to move on its own, rapidly nodding obediently. A victorious smirk appeared on his face before he finally retreated, dragging the chair behind him back to the group.
You dreaded the sound of the bell ringing. Predicting that he'd be standing right outside the classroom waiting for you with his friends. It was a long shot, but you tried taking the other door.
'' Hee? ''
You gasped, bumping into a taller male's chest. When you backed away and looked up, you cursed under your breath - it was one of his friends.
It seemed that they had thought of the possibility of you attempting to flee. The thought made your cheeks turn red.
Heeseung joined his friends who'd been guarding the door you tried to escape out of. Looking down at you very arrogantly, as if he could read your face and your thoughts, knowing you were flustered.
'' Did you try to run away? '' he snickered, putting his hands in his pockets and tilting his head at you.
It had the effect you were sure he wanted, you felt mocked and avoided his eyes.
'' Sorry. ''
He hummed before you felt his fingers wrap around your wrist again.
'' Let's go. ''
You went with them without protesting. Although you feared where they were taking you, you feared speaking and potentially getting on their nerves because of it, way more.
They were quiet the whole way, which seemed to never end. You passed by many classrooms, the cafeteria and walked down the loneliest and darkest corridor; yet they only spoke when the ones in front of the group seemed to come to a halt in front of a double door.
'' Open it. '' you heard one of the ones behind you say.
The tallest of the group, who was in front, unlocked it instantly and the lock fell to the floor in a loud thump. He pushed it open all the way, revealing a very large gymnast hall.
'' Why did you take me here? ''
It had become quite clear very fast that these people weren't someone you should mess with, and they were pretty high up on the school's hierarchy judging by the way no one interfered; instead pretending like they didn't see you pass by.
You made a quick guess that whenever they needed something, like the perfect place to do something bad to someone without others hearing - they were given it in one way or another. Maybe some poor student had been forced to get the keys from the teacher just to satisfy them.
'' Go sit over there. ''
Your head follow the voice. It was a pretty tall guy who was undeniably very handsome, from his silver hair and defined eyebrows to his deep voice, everything about him was pretty attractive.
It made you wonder what he wanted with you.
You didn't ponder on that thought long however, moving in a haste again to make sure they didn't get angry. Jumping up on the plinth he had pointed at, you watched nervously as they all approached the stairs leading up to a stage that your back was facing.
Without them needing to tell you to, you automatically turned around just in time for them to form a half-mood around you. Trying to read their faces was very difficult as they all looked at Heeseung who was sitting straight across from you, staring right back.
'' Why did you take me here? '' you try to ask again.
'' Well...I- we like you '' he answered simply, shrugging like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
'' What? '' you say dumbfoundedly.
'' I was trying to hit on you earlier, I don't know if you noticed. '' Heeseung bit down hard on his lip to stop himself from smiling.
'' But being nice didn't really work on you, did it? ''
'' We realised that with you, we need to use more extreme methods. '' a new voice said, one of the ones that hadn't said a word to you yet, who had strawberry blond hair and a soft voice.
'' Wh-What do you mean by that? '' your eyebrows knit together as your eyes darted anxiously between the two closest to you, being prepared to run if you had to.
'' I'm Sunghoon. '' the silver haired-boy said, ignoring your question.
'' I'm Jake. '' said the guy next to him.
Your gaze naturally averted to him. He looked like an innocent puppy, you wondered why he was friends with people like Heeseung. But when your eyes locked, he winked at you and you got your answer, face quickly turning into a grimace of disgust.
'' I'm Ni-ki. '' the tallest one said.
'' I'm Sunoo. '' the gentle one said, catching you off-guard when he flashed a big friendly grin.
'' Jungwon. '' the one closest to you on the other side said grumpily, not even bothering to look at you while saying it.
His red hair that seemed to be fading, was a perfect match to his personality, the whole time he looked like he was in a sour mood.
'' I'm Jay. '' the one furthest from you said.
He looked like a pretty scary guy, dark hair that was cut in a way that framed his sharp features.
'' That's everyone. Don't forget their names, okay? '' Heeseung spoke up last, tilting his head while smiling slightly at you.
Your voice didn't seem to work, you felt frozen in your spot, like you were glued to the plinth underneath you.
'' Can you not speak? ''
You saw anger flash across his face which only made your panic worse, but you couldn't get a single word out despite it, only a string of stutters and incomprehensible words left your mouth.
'' Do you want me to help you? ''
Not even registering that he had gotten up from his seat, you were taken by surprise when his rough hands grabbed either side of your face as his lips devoured you.
You tried to scream or turn your head so he couldn't have access to your mouth, but it was to no avail. Eventually your hands fell limp. All you could do was pray that it would end quickly, while your whines of protest were muffled by his hungry lips.
When he pulled away, he had a cocky smile on his face.
'' Get used to this. '' were his last words you heard before they left, forever engrained in your mind.
And that was how it started. No matter how much it happened, which was pretty much every other day after school at this point - it still didn't get easier, your clothes always got stained with tears. Their voices didn't help calm you down when you'd see the obvious desire in their eyes. They were like a hungry pack of wolves, just waiting for their turn with the prey
The school bell rang after about half an hour, instantly snapping you out of your daydream. Your bullies said their goodbyes and then left, with one last look at you. But you shrugged it off and immediately leaned over the table to talk to Soobin.
'' Don't trust them, please! They might be all nice and sound like they actually want to be your friend but they're horrible bullies and- '' you hesitated before pulling up your sleeve to reveal the marks they'd left on you. '' They did this to me! Trust me...they're not good people. ''
Soobin's eyed widened in horror and his hand slightly twitched, as if he was either holding back the urge to clench his fist in anger, or resisting the urge to reach out and gently touch your wounds.
'' I'm sorry. '' was all he said after some time of silence.
You smiled a bit apologetically, pulling down the sleeve again. He seemed sweet and you didn't want to cause him distress for no reason, it just felt a lot more impactful if you showed him to make him believe you.
'' It's okay, I'm sure you didn't know. They're quite charming at first, that's how they get you. ''
'' I'm a bit offended that you thought I fell for it though. '' Soobin snickered.
'' What? ''
'' You think I believed all that bullshit, right after they spoke to you very passive-aggressively and basically shot daggers my way? ''
'' Uh...well, yeah? ''
He laughed heartily and stood up, you following as he threw the trash off his tray away.
'' That actually makes me feel a bit better. '' you mumblingly confess.
The pair of you walked together to class and spent the next few lessons and breaks together as well, surprisingly unbothered by your bullies this time since you were with someone for the first time in a long time.
At the end of the day when the bell rang, Soobin asked to hang out. He said he wanted to introduce you to his older brother and said he had something to talk about. You reluctantly agreed, but were on guard the whole taxi ride to his house since he was still a stranger.
His house was pretty big, located close to where the richest families in the country lived. He however claimed he wasn't rich; that it was his step-father that was pretty well off, but they didn't have a good relationship so he didn't spoil him.
'' Who are you? ''
You stared at the older male leaning against his desk. His eyes narrowed as they bore into you. Then they shifted to his younger brother who immediately straightened up.
'' It's my new friend, y/n. ''
'' Okay? ''
'' Yeonjun, please be a bit nicer. She needs our help. '' Soobin begged.
A puzzled expression overtook your face as you tugged on his sleeve.
'' What do you mean? ''
'' I will help you take them down. '' he said, a smirk slowly creeping up on his lips. '' Every, single one of them. ''
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innerwomen · 2 months
When the sun rises, the love falls.
Paring: Bruce Wayne x one-night stand!Reader
Synopsis: After yet another night with Bruce, you wish for him to show that he has feelings for you; but your hope is met with Bruce’s coldness and the harsh reality that he doesn’t love you, only lusts for you.
TYPE: angst without comfort.
WARNINGS: swearing. Yandere undertones. Implied sexual intimacy. No actual nsfw.
Note: I swear I am making my way through requests, in the meantime, here: some pain. lol. If you have any character that’s aren’t in the DC universe, I would love to do requests for them!
The warmth from the bed that was keeping you in your sleep was quickly taken away by the lifting of the blanket and left your skin sprawled with goosebumps.
You knew he was leaving, but still, you called out to him, “Bruce?”
“Go back to sleep Y/n.” He said as he grabbed his boxers from the floor and went to his closet to dress, as he he did the sun shone on his back, highlight his newly acquired scratches.
You roll over, your back facing the side of the room he was occupying, not out of privacy (having seen it all) but for your own sanity. Knowing that the bed of the man you found yourself in all too often was not a man that could, or would, ever actually be yours. Nothing more than a one-or many- night stands.
“I’ll have Alfred bring you up breakfast; I have to go.” The Mr.Wayne says as he puts on his watch, and secures his tie. You would have never guessed that the same man just the night before had been promising to love you and stay by you for the rest of his life. He really meant: the rest of the night, because as soon as the sun had risen; those promises had died. That love withered, because it wasn’t really love, but it’s cruel twin, lust.
“You always have to.” You say as you begin to pity yourself for how quickly you were to fall for Bruce’s advances again. You felt ashamed as you felt your nakedness in these familiar silk sheets once again. You always told yourself, ‘this was the last time’ or ‘I will never see his face again’, you had said that last month; look were you were now.
Bruce let’s out a tired sigh, “Don’t start, Y/n.” He turns and with a pointed stare looks at you, you on the side of his bed that was basically yours at this point.
He wasn’t guiltless about having to leave you alone after last night, after any night. He could see the hope in your eyes and he could hear it in your cries when you layed under him, the hope that the next morning he would stay, both of you have breakfast, or spend the day together. And he would see every morning the way he would break your heart by leaving. He knew what he did to you; but selfishly he still sought you out. Looked for you at parties, galas, charities; and god forbid you would move on and find someone else, because the next day, they would suspiciously disappear. He needed you. He craved for you. But he couldn’t have you.
“I can’t believe I keep hoping you’ll be different.” You say scoffing as you sit up, holding the sheets up to your chest as you do.
He doesn’t answer, just walks to the connected bathroom and shaves, leaving the door open to listen to your rambling.
“Your a heartless son of a bitch, I hope you know that.” You wanted a reaction, something, anything that gave you a sign that you meant more to him than just a warm body in his bed. A sign that you mattered to him just as much as he did to you.
Bruce cleans the blade and looks at you through the mirror, “I don’t make you do anything. You have free will.” He then turns and stares you down, “Fucking use it.”
You were a fool. One who, despite free will, would find themselves in the same position in less then a month. Because while you had love; Bruce held it’s cruel twin, lust.
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angelltheninth · 2 years
NSFW Masterlist Part 3
Tony Stark x Fem!Reader - Only a Touch
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader - Interrogation and Reward
Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader - Silver Tongued Devil
Pietro Maximoff x Fem!Reader - Empty on the Inside
Namor Eating You Out
Namor with a Breeding Kink
MCU Characters + Boobs or Ass
Peter Maximoff with a Flexible Reader
Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader - Restraining Vengeance
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader - Shopping Has Many Benefits
Catching Bruce Masturbating
Dick Grayson x Fem!Reader - Warm Showers Always Help
Bruce Wayne with a Virgin Reader
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader - Remind Me to Hate You
Finn x Fem!Reader x Sevika - Sharing is Caring or Something Like It
Sevika x Fem!Reader - Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder
Marcus x Fem!Reader - Tell Me Under the Table
Vander Getting Cockblocked
Giving Arcane Characters Oral While They Work
Dominant Vander Headcanons
Arcane Women + Mutual Masturbation
Friends with Benefits with Vi
Silco x Fem!Reader - Quaking with Lust
Resolved Sexual Tension with Vi
Arcane Men + Morning Wood
Vander Being Too Big For You
Arcane Men + How Long Do They Last
Genshin Impact Men + Sex Pollen
Scaramouche x Fem!Reader - Unpleasant Yet Greedy
Zhongli x Fem!Reader - Instincts of a Calm Mind
Cyno + Sir Kink
Dainsleif x Fem!Reader - More Than You Can Take
Dottore x Fem!Reader - Knife Treatment
Tighnari Spends Your Heat with You
Zhongli x Fem!Bunny!Reader
Childe With A Pregnant Reader
Genshin Men with a Succubus Girlfriend
Genshin Men + Boobs, Ass or Thighs
Incubus Kaveh and Al-Haitham
Yandere Itto Headcanons
Genshin Men Having a Baby Fever
Itto and Gorou when You Ask Them to Breed You
Ayato, Cyno, Al-Haitham and Kaveh Take Your Virginity
Enemies to Lovers with Itto
Abyss Lumine Dominates You
Friends with Benefits with Genshin Men
Wedding Night with Gentle!Dom!Pantalone
Teasing Genshin Men Under the Table
Pantalone, Ayato and Zhongli During a Striptease
Giving Childe a Blowjob After a Shower
Genshin Men Reacting to Cock Worship
Professor Zhongli Headcanons
Genshin Men with a S/O Who's Shy During Sex
Scaramouche with A Wolf!Hybrid!Reader in Heat
Kaeya x Fem!Reader - Helping Hand
Letting Ryosuke Use You for Stress Relief
Making Out with Bachira
Cockwarming Sae
Being Baro's Reward
Bachira Fucks You in His Sleep
Bachira Eating You Out
Kunigami Rensuke + Dry Humping
Jamil Viper x Fem!Reader - Poison Just as Sweet
Rook Hunt x Fem!Reader - Ride You Don't Want to End
Virginity Loss with Jamil Viper
Trey Clover x Fem!Reader - Man of Many Talents
Azul Ashengrotto x Fem!Reader - I Was Meant to Be Yours
Rivals to Lovers with Yoru
Harbor x Fem!Reader - Absence Makes the Horny Grow Stronger
Viper x Fem!Reader - Snake Eyes
Reyna x Fem!Reader - A Little Death Before the Gala
Fade x Fem!Reader - Who Will You Be When You're Afraid
Chamber x Fem!Reader - Buying What You're Selling Them
Sukuna x Fem!Reader - The Hating Game
Haruta Being Overstimulated
Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader - Way of the Househusband Nanami Kento
Sukuna x Fem!Reader - One Hell of a Time
Pussydrunk Geto Suguru Headcanons
Albert James Moriarty x Fem!Reader - Mind Over Lust
Sherlock Holmes Gets Needy in Your Office
William James Moriarty x Fem!Reader - Know Your Place
Aki Hayakawa x Fem!Reader - Win Your Prize
Makima x Fem!Reader - Pretty Little Pet
Aki Hayakawa x Fem!Reader - Pass Me Your Last Cigarette
Car Sex with Aki Hayakawa
First Time with Aki Hayakawa, Kishibe and Angel Devil
Portia x Fem!Reader - Little Slice of Heaven
Asra x Fem!Reader - Sell Me a Dream
Bondage and Brat Taming with Julian Devorak
Pregnant Sex with Daemon
Daemon x Fem!Reader - Piece Offering to the Cruel Prince
Aemond + Dirty Talk
Gossip and Dumbification with Dom!Daddy Larys Strong
Post Injury Recovery Sex with Daemon
The Bad Batch + Stamina
Cassian Andor x Fem!Reader - It's Called a Cockpit for a Reason
Darth Maul x Fem!Reader - Cold, Hard Touch
Star Wars Men Threesomes
Cassian Andor Thanks You in A Special Way
The Bad Batch NSFW Headcanons
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pinguwrites · 7 months
Drabble: yandere!jonathan kidnaps you
Pairing -> dark!jonathan crane x reader
Warnings -> DARK!!, kidnapping, don’t read if you’re not comfortable
Disclaimer: The Dark Knight trilogy/DC characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
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“Don’t worry about a thing, my dear,” Jonathan cooed, sneaking his arms around your waist. He gripped your body tightly and leaned in, his nose brushing against your neck as he delicately inhaled your scent. “You’ll be safe here with me. You’ll be protected.”
You tried not to cry, but you couldn’t help it. Tears streamed down your face and your breathing hitched, and in a desperate attempt to feel some comfort you clutched your captor's shoulders, letting him place soft kisses down your neck.
It was all so surreal. It felt like a dream, a disturbing nightmare, the kind that plagues your mind even after you wake up. You weren’t even sure how you got here. Jonathan had always been a sweet man, albeit a smart-ass, but never in a thousand years did you imagine that he would ever kidnap you, cuffing you to his bed with the intention of slipping a pretty ring on your finger.
You were almost flattered, like the foolish girl you were. It was difficult not to like his touch and proclamations of love when he had already attracted you from the start. That was the worst part about it. If Jonathan hadn’t kidnapped you, you would have fallen for him regardless. You would have fallen for him not knowing he was a monster.
He noticed your tears and wiped them away with his thumb. “I know, I know. It’ll take a while to get used to it, but you’re doing so well so far.”
You looked down, not responding. Jonathan lightly gripped your chin and attempted to guide your face up. When it didn’t work, he dug his fingers in and forced you to look at him.
“C’mon, don’t be like that. I know you wanted this — I could see it in the way you looked at me.”
You didn’t deny it, nor did you agree. “Jonathan,” you whimpered, your voice wobbly. “I miss my family. I want them to know I’m okay.”
He frowned a little. “I’ll let you see them, maybe,” he said, and while your eyes brightened, you weren’t sure if he was lying or not. “If you continue being a good girl.”
He kissed you, a little rough, enough so that it elicited a sound of surprise out of you, to which he smiled against your lips.
He pulled away. “I’ll get you some books, alright? I’ll even help you finish your education,” he added, resting his forehead against yours. He cupped your cheeks in his hands. “You’ll love it here, my darling wife. I promise.”
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